Journals starting with dagm

* Algebraic Projective Geometry and Direct Optimal Estimation of Geometric Entities
* Appearance-Based Statistical Object Recognition by Heterogenous Background and Occlusions
* Nonlinear Shape Statistics via Kernel Spaces
* On Fusion of Multiple Views for Active Object Recognition
* Points, Lines and Planes and their Optimal Estimation
* Relaxations for Binary Image Partitioning and Perceptual Grouping
* Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Using Generic Features, Grouping, and Context
8 for DAGM01

* Adaptive Pose Estimation for Different Corresponding Entities
* Analysis of Amperometric Biosensor Curves Using Hidden-Markov-Models
* Analysis of Object Interactions in Dynamic Scenes
* Analytic Reduction of the Kruppa Equations
* Appearance Based Generic Object Modeling and Recognition Using Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis
* Appearance-Based 3-D Face Recognition from Video
* Application of Genetic Algorithms in Structural Seismic Image Interpretation, The
* Application of the Tensor Voting Technique for Perceptual Grouping to Grey-Level Images
* Approach to Object Recognition by Learning Mobile Robots
* Automatic Annotation of Tennis Video Sequences
* Automatic Monocular 3D-Reconstruction of Indoor Environments Using Mobile Vehicles
* Bayesian Kernel Tracking
* Combined Forward and Backward Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering of Color Images
* Combining the Advantages of Local and Global Optic Flow Methods
* Data Resampling for Path Based Clustering
* Dense Parameter Fields from Total Least Squares
* Designing 3-D Nonlinear Diffusion Filters for High Performance Cluster Computing
* Direct Method for Motion Estimation: An Alternative to Decomposition of Planar Transformation Matrices
* Disparity from Monogenic Phase
* Efficient Modification of the Central Weighted Vector Median Filter
* Efficient, Active 3D Acquisition, Based on a Pattern-Specific Snake
* Empirically Convergent Adaptive Estimation of Grayvalue Structure Tensors
* Evaluation of Confidence Measures for On-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Extending Active Shape Models to Incorporate a-priori Knowledge about Structural Variability
* Factorization-Based Method for Projective Reconstruction with Minimization of 2-D Reprojection Errors, A
* Fast ICP Algorithms for Shape Registration
* Fast Implicit Active Contour Models
* Fast Recovery of Piled Deformable Objects Using Superquadrics
* Feature-Driven Attention Module for an Active Vision System, A
* Fisher Light-Fields for Face Recognition across Pose and Illumination
* Fitting of Parametric Space Curves and Surfaces by Using the Geometric Error Measure
* Hands Tracking from Frontal View for Vision-Based Gesture Recognition
* Head Detection and Localization from Sparse 3D Data
* Hierarchical Primitives Based Contour Matching
* Human Body Reconstruction from Image Sequences
* Knowledge-Based System for Context Dependent Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data, A
* Logarithmic Tapering Graph Pyramid
* Maximum Entropy and Gaussian Models for Image Object Recognition
* Mixed OLS-TLS for the Estimation of Dynamic Processes with a Linear Source Term
* Motion Competition: Variational Integration of Motion Segmentation and Shape Regularization
* Multimodal Shape Tracking with Point Distribution Models
* Multimodal System for Object Learning, A
* Multiscale Image Processing on the Sphere
* Multispectral Texture Analysis Using Interplane Sum- and Difference-Histograms
* New and Efficient Algorithm for Detecting the Corners in Digital Images, A
* New Approach for Defect Detection in X-ray CT Images, A
* Nonlinear Matrix Diffusion for Optic Flow Estimation
* Object Tracking with an Adaptive Color-Based Particle Filter
* On Optimal Camera Parameter Selection in Kalman Filter Based Object Tracking
* Polydioptric Cameras: New Eyes for Structure from Motion
* Polygon Partition into Stable Regions
* Probabilistic Approach to Building Roof Reconstruction Using Semantic Labelling, A
* Properties of a Three-Dimensional Island Hierarchy for Segmentation of 3D Images with the Color Structure Code
* Quality Enhancement of Reconstructed 3D Models Using Coplanarity and Constraints
* Query-Dependent Performance Optimization for Vocabulary-Supported Image Retrieval
* Real Time Fusion of Motion and Stereo Using Flow/Depth Constraint for Fast Obstacle Detection
* Real Time Implementation of the Saliency-Based Model of Visual Attention on a SIMD Architecture, A
* Real-Time Tracking of Complex Objects Using Dynamic Interpretation Tree
* Real-Time Tracking Using Wavelet Representation
* Reinforcement Learning to Drive a Car by Pattern Matching
* Relations between Soft Wavelet Shrinkage and Total Variation Denoising
* Robust Point Correspondence for Image Registration Using Optimization with Extremal Dynamics
* Segmentation of the Date in Entries of Historical Church Registers
* Segmenting Microorganisms in Multi-modal Volumetric Datasets Using a Modified Watershed Transform
* Shape from Single Stripe Pattern Illumination
* Single-View Metrology: Algorithms and Applications
* Skin Patch Detection in Real-World Images
* Statistical Image Sequence Processing for Temporal Change Detection
* Ultrasonic Image Formation Using Wide Angle Sensor Arrays and Cross-echo Evaluation
* Unifying Registration and Segmentation for Multi-sensor Images
* Unsupervised Image Clustering Using the Information Bottleneck Method
* Unsupervised Image Partitioning with Semidefinite Programming
* Video-Based Handsign Recognition for Intuitive Human-Computer-Interaction
* ViRoom: Low Cost Synchronized Multicamera System and Its Self-calibration
75 for DAGM02

* 3D Parametric Intensity Models for the Localization of Different Types of 3D Anatomical Point Landmarks in Tomographic Images
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Skeleton from Single Images or Monocular Video Sequences
* Automatic Pixel Selection for Optimizing Facial Expression Recognition Using Eigenfaces
* Block Matching Integrating Intensity, Hue, and Range
* Classification with Controlled Robustness in High-Resolution SAR Data
* Coherence-Enhancing Shock Filters
* Color-Based Object Tracking in Multi-camera Environments
* Colour Image Analysis in 3D-Polar Coordinates
* Combining White-Patch Retinex and the Gray World Assumption to Achieve Color Constancy for Multiple Illuminants
* Comparing Clustering Methods for Database Categorization in Image Retrieval
* Component Fusion for Face Detection in the Presence of Heteroscedastic Noise
* Computational Model of Early Auditory-Visual Integration, A
* Determining Position and Fine Shape Detail in Radiological Anatomy
* Distribution Distance Measures Applied to 3-D Object Recognition: A Case Study
* Domain Decomposition for Parallel Variational Optical Flow Computation
* Edge and Junction Detection with an Improved Structure Tensor
* Empirical Analysis of Detection Cascades of Boosted Classifiers for Rapid Object Detection
* Estimation of Skill Levels in Sports Based on Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Correspondences
* Evaluation of Uniform and Non-uniform Optical Flow Techniques Using Finite Element Methods
* Extraction of Orientation from Floor Structure for Odometry Correction in Mobile Robotics
* Fast Feature Selection in an HMM-Based Multiple Classifier System for Handwriting Recognition
* FFT-Based Disparity Estimation for Stereo Image Coding
* Fuzzy Modeling Based Recognition of Multi-font Numerals
* Gaze Detection System by Wide and Auto Pan/Tilt Narrow View Camera
* Generating Rotation-Invariant Texture Features by Randomization of Operator Orientation
* Generative Model Based Approach to Motion Segmentation, A
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Video Segmentation with Adaptive Population Size
* Geometric Segmentation and Object Recognition in Unordered and Incomplete Point Cloud
* Gibbs Probability Distributions for Stereo Reconstruction
* Hierarchical Method for Stereophotogrammetric Multi-object-position Measurement
* Hierarchy of Partitions with Dual Graph Contraction
* Hybrid Distance Map Based and Morphologic Thinning Algorithm, A
* Illumination Insensitive Template Matching with Hyperplanes
* Image Retrieval Using Local Compact DCT-Based Representation
* Image Sequence Analysis in Environmental and Live Sciences
* Improving Children's Speech Recognition by HMM Interpolation with an Adults' Speech Recognizer
* IR Pedestrian Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Learning Human-Like Opponent Behavior for Interactive Computer Games
* Local Representations for Multi-object Recognition
* Localization of Piled Boxes by Means of the Hough Transform
* Locally Optimized RANSAC
* Median Filtering of Tensor-Valued Images
* Method of Creating of Functional Invariants under One-Parameter Geometric Image Transformations
* Multiple Classifier Systems for the Recognition of Orthoptera Songs
* New Distance Measure for Probabilistic Shape Modeling, A
* New View at Differential and Tensor-Based Motion Estimation Schemes, A
* On Consistent Discrimination between Directed and Diffuse Outdoor Illumination
* On Robust Regression in Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* On the Relevance of Global Knowledge for Correlation-Based Seismic Image Interpretation
* One-Class Classification with Subgaussians
* Optimal Scale Selection for Circular Edge Extraction
* Partial Optimal Labeling Search for a NP-Hard Subclass of (max,+) Problems
* Pixel Classification by Divergence-Based Integration of Multiple Texture Methods and Its Application to Fabric Defect Detection
* Pose Estimation of Cylindrical Fragments for Semi-automatic Bone Fracture Reduction
* Pose Estimation of Free-Form Surface Models
* Probabilistic Definition of Intrinsic Dimensionality for Images, A
* Projective Reconstruction of Surfaces of Revolution
* Real-Time Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards
* Real-Time Recognition of 3D-Pointing Gestures for Human-Machine-Interaction
* Real-Time System for Counting the Number of Passing People Using a Single Camera
* Real-Time Texture-Based 3-D Tracking
* Region Based Seed Detection for Root Detection in Minirhizotron Images, A
* Robust Camera Calibration from Images and Rotation Data
* Robust Hand-Eye Calibration of an Endoscopic Surgery Robot Using Dual Quaternions
* Robust Image Sequence Mosaicing
* Robust Orientation, Calibration, and Disparity Estimation of Image Triplets
* Rotationally Invariant Wavelet Shrinkage
* Shape Preservation during Digitization: Tight Bounds Based on the Morphing Distance
* Solutions for Model-Based Analysis of Human Gait
* Spherical Decision Surfaces Using Conformal Modelling
* Splines and Wavelets: New Perspectives for Pattern Recognition
* System Concept for Image Sequence Classification in Laser Welding
* Training and Recognition of Complex Scenes Using a Holistic Statistical Model
* Using an Active Shape Structural Model for Biometric Sketch Recognition
* Variance Component Estimation in Performance Characteristics Applied to Feature Extraction Procedures
* Visual Quality Inspection System Based on a Hierarchical 3D Pose Estimation Algorithm, A
* Who's Who? Challenges in Biometric Authentication
78 for DAGM03

* 3D Head Pose Estimation with Symmetry Based Illumination Model in Low Resolution Video
* 3D Segmentation and Quantification of Human Vessels Based on a New 3D Parametric Intensity Model
* Accurate and Efficient Approximation of the Continuous Gaussian Scale-Space
* Adaptive Computer Vision: Online Learning for Object Recognition
* Adaptive Feature Selection in Image Segmentation
* Algorithm for Fast Pattern Recognition with Random Spikes, An
* Automating Microscope Colour Image Analysis Using the Expectation Maximisation Algorithm
* Building a Motion Resolution Pyramid by Combining Velocity Distributions
* Camera Orientation of Mars Express Using DTM Information
* Cooperative Optimization for Energy Minimization in Computer Vision: A Case Study of Stereo Matching
* CVPIC Colour/Shape Histograms for Compressed Domain Image Retrieval
* Detection and Classification of Gateways for the Acquisition of Structured Robot Maps
* Differential Analysis of Two Model-Based Vehicle Tracking Approaches
* Efficient Approximations for Support Vector Machines in Object Detection
* Efficient Computation of Optical Flow Using the Census Transform
* Efficient Face Detection by a Cascaded Support Vector Machine Using Haar-Like Features
* Efficient Feature Tracking for Long Video Sequences
* Estimation of Multiple Orientations at Corners and Junctions
* Fast Monocular Bayesian Detection of Independently Moving Objects by a Moving Observer
* Fast Random Sample Matching of 3d Fragments
* Fast Statistically Geometric Reasoning About Uncertain Line Segments in 2D- and 3D-Space
* Feature and Viewpoint Selection for Industrial Car Assembly
* Features for Image Retrieval: A Quantitative Comparison
* Globally Consistent 3-D Reconstruction by Utilizing Loops in Camera Movement
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Based on Semidefinite Programming
* Higher Order MRF-Model for Stereo-Reconstruction, A
* Hilbertian Metrics on Probability Measures and Their Application in SVMs
* Hybrid Model-Based Estimation of Multiple Non-dominant Motions
* Invariants for Discrete Structures: An Extension of Haar Integrals over Transformation Groups to Dirac Delta Functions
* Kernel Density Estimation and Intrinsic Alignment for Knowledge-Driven Segmentation: Teaching Level Sets to Walk
* Large Vocabulary Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using the Janus Speech Recognition Toolkit
* Learning Depth from Stereo
* Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data Using Random Walks
* Learning to Find Graph Pre-images
* Learning with Distance Substitution Kernels
* Lesion Preserving Image Registration with Applications to Human Brains
* Level Set Based Image Segmentation with Multiple Regions
* MinOver Revisited for Incremental Support-Vector-Classification
* Model of Motion, Stereo, and Monocular Depth Perception, A
* Modelling Spikes with Mixtures of Factor Analysers
* Mosaics from Arbitrary Stereo Video Sequences
* Multi-step Entropy Based Sensor Control for Visual Object Tracking
* Multivariate Regression via Stiefel Manifold Constraints
* Perceptual Influence of Spatiotemporal Noise on the Reconstruction of Shape from Dynamic Occlusion, The
* Phase Based Image Reconstruction in the Monogenic Scale Space
* Pixel-to-Pixel Matching for Image Recognition Using Hungarian Graph Matching
* POI Detection Using Channel Clustering and the 2D Energy Tensor
* Pose Estimation for Multi-camera Systems
* Practical Gaze Point Detecting System
* Predictive Discretization During Model Selection
* Probabilistic Framework for Robust and Accurate Matching of Point Clouds, A
* Real Time High Speed Measurement of Photogrammetric Targets
* Recognition of Deictic Gestures with Context
* Redundancy Pyramid and Its Application to Segmentation on an Image Sequence, The
* Robust Pose Estimation for Arbitrary Objects in Complex Scenes
* Scale-Invariant Object Categorization Using a Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift Search
* Semantic Typicality Measure for Natural Scene Categorization, A
* Semi-supervised Kernel Regression Using Whitened Function Classes
* Shape from Shading Under Coplanar Light Sources
* Silhouette Based Human Motion Estimation
* Simple New Method for Precise Lens Distortion Correction of Low Cost Camera Systems, A
* Snake-Aided Automatic Organ Delineation
* Spatio-temporal Segmentation Using Laser-scanner and Video Sequences
* Statistical Measure for Evaluating Regions-of-Interest Based Attention Algorithms, A
* Stratified Self-Calibration Method for a Stereo Rig in Planar Motion with Varying Intrinsic Parameters, A
* SVM-Based Feature Selection by Direct Objective Minimisation
* Synthesizing Movements for Computer Game Characters
* Tunable Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Using Pattern Recognition for Self-Localization in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
* Vectorization-Free Reconstruction of 3D CAD Models from Paper Drawings
71 for DAGM04

* 3D Surface Reconstruction by Combination of Photopolarimetry and Depth from Defocus
* 6D-Vision: Fusion of Stereo and Motion for Robust Environment Perception
* Agglomerative Grouping of Observations by Bounding Entropy Variation
* Automatic Foreground Propagation in Image Sequences for 3D Reconstruction
* Bayesian Method for Motion Segmentation and Tracking in Compressed Videos
* Blind Background Subtraction in Dental Panoramic X-Ray Images: An Application Approach
* Calibration-Free Hand-Eye Calibration: A Structure-from-Motion Approach
* Cluster-Based Point Cloud Analysis for Rapid Scene Interpretation
* Color Image Compression: Early Vision and the Multiresolution Representations
* Combination of Tangent Distance and an Image Distortion Model for Appearance-Based Sign Language Recognition
* Comparative Evaluation of Template and Histogram Based 2D Tracking Algorithms, A
* Comparison of Multiclass SVM Decomposition Schemes for Visual Object Recognition
* Conservative Visual Learning for Object Detection with Minimal Hand Labeling Effort
* Digital Subtraction CT Lung Perfusion Image Based on 3D Affine Registration
* Direct Method for Real-Time Tracking in 3-D Under Variable Illumination, A
* Efficient Combination of Histograms for Real-Time Tracking Using Mean-Shift and Trust-Region Optimization
* Energy Tensors: Quadratic, Phase Invariant Image Operators
* Estimation of Geometric Entities and Operators from Uncertain Data
* Fast Algorithm for Statistically Optimized Orientation Estimation, A
* Goal-Directed Search with a Top-Down Modulated Computational Attention System
* Illumination Invariant Color Texture Analysis Based on Sum- and Difference-Histograms
* Improving a Discriminative Approach to Object Recognition Using Image Patches
* Lens Model Selection for Visual Tracking
* License Plate Character Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Chains
* Method for Determining Geometrical Distortion of off-the-Shelf Wide-Angle Cameras, A
* Method for Fast Search of Variable Regions on Dynamic 3D Point Clouds, A
* Multi-lingual and Multi-modal Speech Processing and Applications
* Network Snakes-Supported Extraction of Field Boundaries from Imagery
* New Methodology for Determination and Correction of Lens Distortion in 3D Measuring Systems Using Fringe Projection, A
* Nonlinear Body Pose Estimation from Depth Images
* Novel Parameter Decomposition Approach to Faithful Fitting of Quadric Surfaces, A
* Object Categorization and the Need for Many-to-Many Matching
* Omnidirectional Vision with Frontal Stereo
* On Determining the Color of the Illuminant Using the Dichromatic Reflection Model
* Optic Flow Goes Stereo: A Variational Method for Estimating Discontinuity-Preserving Dense Disparity Maps
* Over-Complete Wavelet Approximation of a Support Vector Machine for Efficient Classification
* Probabilistic Color Optical Flow
* Projective Model for Central Catadioptric Cameras Using Clifford Algebra
* Pronunciation Feature Extraction
* Rapid Online Learning of Objects in a Biologically Motivated Recognition Architecture
* Recognition of 3D Objects by Learning from Correspondences in a Sequence of Unlabeled Training Images
* Regularization on Discrete Spaces
* Robust Head Detection and Tracking in Cluttered Workshop Environments Using GMM
* Robust Parallel Speech Recognition in Multiple Energy Bands
* Self-learning Segmentation and Classification of Cell-Nuclei in 3D Volumetric Data Using Voxel-Wise Gray Scale Invariants
* Semidefinite Clustering for Image Segmentation with A-priori Knowledge
* Separable Linear Discriminant Classification
* Shape Priors and Online Appearance Learning for Variational Segmentation and Object Recognition in Static Scenes
* Signal and Noise Adapted Filters for Differential Motion Estimation
* Simple Solvers for Large Quadratic Programming Tasks
* Spiders as Robust Point Descriptors
* Stability and Local Feature Enhancement of Higher Order Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Stereo Vision Based Reconstruction of Huge Urban Areas from an Airborne Pushbroom Camera (HRSC)
* Structure Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* System for Marker-Less Human Motion Estimation, A
* Telephone-Based Speech Dialog Systems
* Three-Dimensional Shape Knowledge for Joint Image Segmentation and Pose Estimation
* Variational Deblurring of Images with Uncertain and Spatially Variant Blurs
* Vision-Based 3D Object Localization Using Probabilistic Models of Appearance
* Volumetric Analysis of a Sinter Process in Time
* Voxel-Wise Gray Scale Invariants for Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification
* Wiener Channel Smoothing: Robust Wiener Filtering of Images
63 for DAGM05

* 3D Human Motion Sequences Synchronization Using Dense Matching Algorithm
* Analysis on a Local Approach to 3D Object Recognition
* Classifying Event-Related Desynchronization in EEG, ECoG and MEG Signals
* Cloth X-Ray: MoCap of People Wearing Textiles
* Cross-Articulation Learning for Robust Detection of Pedestrians
* Dense Stereo by Triangular Meshing and Cross Validation
* Detecting Intrinsically Two-Dimensional Image Structures Using Local Phase
* Determining an Initial Image Pair for Fixing the Scale of a 3D Reconstruction from an Image Sequence
* Diffusion-Like Reconstruction Schemes from Linear Data Models
* Direct Estimation of the Wall Shear Rate Using Parametric Motion Models in 3D
* Edge Preserving Wiener Filter for Scalar and Tensor Valued Images, The
* Effective Stereo Matching Algorithm with Optimal Path Cost Aggregation, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Similarity Measures over Sequential Data: A Look Beyond Kernels
* Efficient Combination of Probabilistic Sampling Approximations for Robust Image Segmentation
* Exploiting Low-Level Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
* Extraction of Haar Integral Features on Omnidirectional Images: Application to Local and Global Localization
* Facial Expression Modelling from Still Images Using a Single Generic 3D Head Model
* Fast Scalar and Vectorial Grayscale Based Invariant Features for 3D Cell Nuclei Localization and Classification
* Feature Selection for Automatic Image Annotation
* From Adaptive Averaging to Accelerated Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Generation and Initialization of Stable 3D Mass-Spring Models for the Segmentation of the Thyroid Cartilage
* Handling Camera Movement Constraints in Reinforcement Learning Based Active Object Recognition
* Image Database Navigation on a Hierarchical MDS Grid
* Importance-Weighted Cross-Validation for Covariate Shift
* Integrating Recognition and Reconstruction for Cognitive Traffic Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle
* Introducing Dynamic Prior Knowledge to Partially-Blurred Image Restoration
* Inversion Camera Model, The
* Kernel Particle Filter for Visual Quality Inspection from Monocular Intensity Images
* Learning of Graphical Models and Efficient Inference for Object Class Recognition
* Learning to Mimic Motion of Human Arm and Hand Grabbing for Constraint Adaptation
* Linear vs. Nonlinear Feature Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision
* Low-Cost Laser Range Scanner and Fast Surface Registration Approach
* Model Selection in Kernel Methods Based on a Spectral Analysis of Label Information
* Modification of the Level Set Speed Function to Bridge Gaps in Data, A
* Monocular 3D Scene Reconstruction at Absolute Scales by Combination of Geometric and Real-Aperture Methods
* Monocular Body Pose Estimation by Color Histograms and Point Tracking
* Multi-camera Radiometric Surface Modelling for Image-Based Re-lighting
* Multi-scale Bayesian Based Horizon Matchings Across Faults in 3d Seismic Data
* Multi-step Multi-camera View Planning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking
* Multiple Graph Cut Based Approach for Stereo Analysis, A
* Near Real-Time Motion Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
* Nonparametric Density Estimation for Human Pose Tracking
* Object-Oriented Approach Using a Top-Down and Bottom-Up Process for Manipulative Action Recognition, An
* On-Line Variational Estimation of Dynamical Fluid Flows with Physics-Based Spatio-temporal Regularization
* On-Line, Incremental Learning of a Robust Active Shape Model
* Online Calibration of Two Zoom-Pan-Tilt Units for Planar Dynamic Events
* Optimizing Spectral Filters for Single Trial EEG Classification
* Parameterless Isomap with Adaptive Neighborhood Selection
* Phase Based 3D Texture Features
* Point-Based Approach to PDE-Based Surface Reconstruction, A
* Pose Estimation from Uncertain Omnidirectional Image Data Using Line-Plane Correspondences
* Preserving Topological Information in the Windowed Hough Transform for Rectangle Extraction
* Probabilistic De Novo Peptide Sequencing with Doubly Charged Ions
* Probabilistic Multi-phase Model for Variational Image Segmentation, A
* Properties of Patch Based Approaches for the Recognition of Visual Object Classes
* Provably Correct Edgel Linking and Subpixel Boundary Reconstruction
* Realtime Depth Estimation and Obstacle Detection from Monocular Video
* Reconstruction of Façade Structures Using a Formal Grammar and RjMCMC
* Reduction of Ring Artifacts in High Resolution X-Ray Microtomography Images
* Robust Feature Representation for Efficient Camera Registration
* Robust MEG Source Localization of Event Related Potentials: Identifying Relevant Sources by Non-Gaussianity
* Robust Non-rigid Object Tracking Using Point Distribution Manifolds
* Robust Variational Segmentation of 3D Objects from Multiple Views
* Segmentation-Based Motion with Occlusions Using Graph-Cut Optimization
* Shape Matching by Variational Computation of Geodesics on a Manifold
* Sparse Patch-Histograms for Object Classification in Cluttered Images
* Stable Wave Detector of Blobs in Images
* Template Based Gibbs Probability Distributions for Texture Modeling and Segmentation
* Towards Unsupervised Discovery of Visual Categories
* Tracking Camera Parameters of an Active Stereo Rig
* Ultrasound Image Denoising by Spatially Varying Frequency Compounding
* Unconstrained Multiple-People Tracking
* Using Irreducible Group Representations for Invariant 3D Shape Description
* Variational Approach to Joint Denoising, Edge Detection and Motion Estimation, A
* Visual Hand Posture Recognition in Monocular Image Sequences
* Wavelet Based Noise Reduction by Identification of Correlations
77 for DAGM06

* 3D Invariants with High Robustness to Local Deformations for Automated Pollen Recognition
* Adaptive Confidence Measure for Optical Flows Based on Linear Subspace Projections, An
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Camera Tracking Approach Based on Free-Form Surfaces, An
* Analyzing the Variability of the 3D Structure of Chromatin Fiber Using Statistical Shape Theory
* Attentional Approach for Perceptual Grouping of Spatially Distributed Patterns, An
* Bayesian Model Selection for Optical Flow Estimation
* Calibration of a Multi-camera Rig from Non-overlapping Views
* Classifying Glaucoma with Image-Based Features from Fundus Photographs
* Clustered Stochastic Optimization for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
* Combined Approach for Estimating Patchlets from PMD Depth Images and Stereo Intensity Images, A
* Comparison of Adaptive Spatial Filters with Heuristic and Optimized Region of Interest for EEG Based Brain-Computer-Interfaces
* Curvature Guided Level Set Registration Using Adaptive Finite Elements
* Detectability of Moving Objects Using Correspondences over Two and Three Frames
* Duality Based Approach for Realtime TV-L1 Optical Flow, A
* Efficient Image Segmentation Using Pairwise Pixel Similarities
* Efficient Learning of Neural Networks with Evolutionary Algorithms
* Extraction of 3D Unfoliaged Trees from Image Sequences Via a Generative Statistical Approach
* Fast and Reliable Coin Recognition System, A
* Fluid Flow Estimation Through Integration of Physical Flow Configurations
* Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast Classification
* High Accuracy Feature Detection for Camera Calibration: A Multi-steerable Approach
* Holomorphic Filters for Object Detection
* How to Find Interesting Locations in Video: A Spatiotemporal Interest Point Detector Learned from Human Eye Movements
* Illumination-Robust Variational Optical Flow with Photometric Invariants
* Image Statistics and Local Spatial Conditions for Nonstationary Blurred Image Reconstruction
* Image-Matching for Revision Detection in Printed Historical Documents
* Intrinsic Mean for Semi-metrical Shape Retrieval Via Graph Cuts
* kernelHMM: Learning Kernel Combinations in Structured Output Domains, The
* Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model Fitting
* Learning to Recognize Faces Incrementally
* Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Metric, The
* Multi-view Camera System for the Generation of Real-Time Occlusion-Free Scene Video, A
* Occlusion Modeling by Tracking Multiple Objects
* Online Smoothing for Markerless Motion Capture
* Optimal Dominant Motion Estimation Using Adaptive Search of Transformation Space
* Pedestrian Recognition from a Moving Catadioptric Camera
* Peer Group Vector Median Filter
* Perception-Based Image Segmentation Using the Bounded Irregular Pyramid
* Point Matching Constraints in Two and Three Views
* Recursive Estimation with Implicit Constraints
* Regularized Data Fusion Improves Image Segmentation
* Rigid Motion Constraints for Tracking Planar Objects
* Robust High-Speed Melt Pool Measurements for Laser Welding with Sputter Detection Capability
* Selection of Local Optical Flow Models by Means of Residual Analysis
* Self-calibration with Partially Known Rotations
* Semi-supervised Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Images Using Discriminative Random Fields
* Short-Term Tide Prediction
* Simultaneous Estimation of Surface Motion, Depth and Slopes Under Changing Illumination
* Spline-Based Elastic Image Registration with Matrix-Valued Basis Functions Using Landmark and Intensity Information
* Stochastic Optimization of Multiple Texture Registration Using Mutual Information
* Subiteration-Based Surface-Thinning Algorithm with a Period of Three, A
* Unambiguous Dynamic Diffraction Patterns for 3D Depth Profile Measurement
* Unifying Energy Minimization and Mutual Information Maximization for Robust 2D/3D Registration of X-Ray and CT Images
* View-Based Robot Localization Using Spherical Harmonics: Concept and First Experimental Results
* WarpCut: Fast Obstacle Segmentation in Monocular Video
56 for DAGM07

* 3D Body Scanning in a Mirror Cabinet
* Approximate Parameter Learning in Conditional Random Fields: An Empirical Investigation
* Automatic Detection of Learnability under Unreliable and Sparse User Feedback
* Boosting for Model-Based Data Clustering
* Combination of Multiple Segmentations by a Random Walker Approach
* Combining Densely Sampled Form and Motion for Human Action Recognition
* Comparing Local Feature Descriptors in pLSA-Based Image Models
* Comparison of Region Detectors for Tracking, A
* Conformal Monogenic Signal, The
* Convex Hodge Decomposition of Image Flows
* Decomposition of Quadratic Variational Problems
* Deterministic Defuzzification Based on Spectral Projected Gradient Optimization
* Efficient Tracking as Linear Program on Weak Binary Classifiers
* Evolutionary Approach for Learning Motion Class Patterns, An
* Example-Based Learning for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Fast Generalized Belief Propagation for MAP Estimation on 2D and 3D Grid-Like Markov Random Fields
* Image Tagging Using PageRank over Bipartite Graphs
* Implicit Feedback between Reconstruction and Tracking in a Combined Optimization Approach
* Improving the Run-Time Performance of Multi-class Support Vector Machines
* Learning Visual Compound Models from Parallel Image-Text Datasets
* Local Discriminative Model for Background Subtraction, A
* MAP-Inference for Highly-Connected Graphs with DC-Programming
* Measuring Plant Root Growth
* Model-Based Motion Capture for Crash Test Video Analysis
* Multiple Kernel Learning Approach to Joint Multi-class Object Detection, A
* Natural Language Understanding by Combining Statistical Methods and Extended Context-Free Grammars
* Novel Approach for Detection of Tubular Objects and Its Application to Medical Image Analysis, A
* Novel VQ Designs for Discrete HMM On-Line Handwritten Whiteboard Note Recognition
* On Sparsity Maximization in Tomographic Particle Image Reconstruction
* On the Relation between Anisotropic Diffusion and Iterated Adaptive Filtering
* Optical Rails: View-Based Point-to-Point Navigation Using Spherical Harmonics
* Performance Evaluation of Single and Multi-feature People Detection, A
* Perspective Shape from Shading with Non-Lambertian Reflectance
* Photoconsistent Relative Pose Estimation between a PMD 2D3D-Camera and Multiple Intensity Cameras
* Physically Consistent Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates
* Postprocessing of Optical Flows Via Surface Measures and Motion Inpainting
* Probabilistic Segmentation Scheme, A
* Real-Time Neighborhood Based Disparity Estimation Incorporating Temporal Evidence
* Recognition and Tracking of 3D Objects
* Relative Pose Estimation from Two Circles
* Resolution Enhancement of PMD Range Maps
* Segmentation of SBFSEM Volume Data of Neural Tissue by Hierarchical Classification
* Simple Incremental One-Class Support Vector Classification
* Sliding-Windows for Rapid Object Class Localization: A Parallel Technique
* Space-Time Multi-Resolution Banded Graph-Cut for Fast Segmentation
* Statistically Optimal Averaging for Image Restoration and Optical Flow Estimation
* Staying Well Grounded in Markerless Motion Capture
* Switching Linear Dynamic Models for Noise Robust In-Car Speech Recognition
* Unbiased Second-Order Prior for High-Accuracy Motion Estimation, An
* Using Eigenvalue Derivatives for Edge Detection in DT-MRI Data
* Variational Approach to Adaptive Correlation for Motion Estimation in Particle Image Velocimetry, A
* Variational Model for the Joint Recovery of the Fundamental Matrix and the Optical Flow, A
* Weakly Supervised Cell Nuclei Detection and Segmentation on Tissue Microarrays of Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma
54 for DAGM08

* 3-Component Inverse Depth Parameterization for Particle Filter SLAM, A
* Active Structured Learning for High-Speed Object Detection
* Adaptive Foreground/Background Segmentation Using Multiview Silhouette Fusion
* Applying Recursive EM to Scene Segmentation
* Beating the Quality of JPEG 2000 with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Boosting Shift-Invariant Features
* Closed-Form Solution for Image Sequence Segmentation with Dynamical Shape Priors, A
* Combined GKLT Feature Tracking and Reconstruction for Next Best View Planning
* Decoding Color Structured Light Patterns with a Region Adjacency Graph
* Deformation-Aware Log-Linear Models
* Dense Stereo-Based ROI Generation for Pedestrian Detection
* Detecting Hubs in Music Audio Based on Network Analysis
* Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-Beam ODF Regularization
* Discontinuity-Adaptive Shape from Focus Using a Non-convex Prior
* Efficient Linear Method for the Estimation of Ego-Motion from Optical Flow, An
* Evaluation of Structure Recognition Using Labelled Facade Images
* Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attributes
* Fast and Accurate 3D Edge Detection for Surface Reconstruction
* Fast Multiscale Operator Development for Hexagonal Images
* Feature Extraction Algorithm for Banknote Textures Based on Incomplete Shift Invariant Wavelet Packet Transform
* Global Localization of Vehicles Using Local Pole Patterns
* Globally Optimal Finsler Active Contours
* Gradient Descent Approximation for Graph Cuts, A
* Harmonic Filters for Generic Feature Detection in 3D
* High-Level Fusion of Depth and Intensity for Pedestrian Classification
* HMM-Based Defect Localization in Wire Ropes: A New Approach to Unusual Subsequence Recognition
* Image-Based Lunar Surface Reconstruction
* Increasing the Dimension of Creativity in Rotation Invariant Feature Design Using 3D Tensorial Harmonics
* Learning with Few Examples by Transferring Feature Relevance
* Localised Mixture Models in Region-Based Tracking
* Making Archetypal Analysis Practical
* Making Shape from Shading Work for Real-World Images
* Markerless 3D Face Tracking
* Multi-view Object Detection Based on Spatial Consistency in a Low Dimensional Space
* Non-parametric Single View Reconstruction of Curved Objects Using Convex Optimization
* Optimal Parameter Estimation with Homogeneous Entities and Arbitrary Constraints
* Pedestrian Detection by Probabilistic Component Assembly
* Quantitative Assessment of Image Segmentation Quality by Random Walk Relaxation Times
* Reading from Scratch: A Vision-System for Reading Data on Micro-structured Surfaces
* Real Aperture Axial Stereo: Solving for Correspondences in Blur
* Real-Time GPU-Based Voxel Carving with Systematic Occlusion Handling
* Reconstruction of Sewer Shaft Profiles from Fisheye-Lens Camera Images
* Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts!
* Simultaneous Estimation of Pose and Motion at Highly Dynamic Turn Maneuvers
* Single-Frame 3D Human Pose Recovery from Multiple Views
* Sparse Bayesian Regression for Grouped Variables in Generalized Linear Models
* Spatial Statistics for Tumor Cell Counting and Classification
* Stereo Depth Recovery Method Using Layered Representation of the Scene, A
* Stixel World: A Compact Medium Level Representation of the 3D-World, The
* Super-Resolution Framework for High-Accuracy Multiview Reconstruction, A
* Superresolution and Denoising of 3D Fluid Flow Estimates
* Training for Task Specific Keypoint Detection
* Use of Coloured Tracers in Gas Flow Experiments for a Lagrangian Flow Analysis with Increased Tracer Density
* Using Lateral Coupled Snakes for Modeling the Contours of Worms
* Video Super Resolution Using Duality Based TV-L1 Optical Flow
* View Planning for 3D Reconstruction Using Time-of-Flight Camera Data
57 for DAGM09

* 3D Object Detection Using a Fast Voxel-Wise Local Spherical Fourier Tensor Transformation
* 3D Reconstruction Using an n-Layer Heightmap
* Active Self-calibration of Multi-camera Systems
* Analysis of Length and Orientation of Microtubules in Wide-Field Fluorescence Microscopy
* Belief Propagation for Improved Color Assessment in Structured Light
* Benchmarking Stereo Data (Not the Matching Algorithms)
* Catheter Tracking: Filter-Based vs. Learning-Based
* Classification of Microorganisms via Raman Spectroscopy Using Gaussian Processes
* Classification of Swimming Microorganisms Motion Patterns in 4D Digital In-Line Holography Data
* Complex Motion Models for Simple Optical Flow Estimation
* Computational TMA Analysis and Cell Nucleus Classification of Renal Cell Carcinoma
* Contour Matching Algorithm to Reconstruct Ruptured Documents, A
* Convex Approach for Variational Super-Resolution, A
* Efficient Object Detection Using Orthogonal NMF Descriptor Hierarchies
* Empirical Comparison of Inference Algorithms for Graphical Models with Higher Order Factors Using OpenGM, An
* Estimating Force Fields of Living Cells: Comparison of Several Regularization Schemes Combined with Automatic Parameter Choice
* Exploiting Redundancy for Aerial Image Fusion Using Convex Optimization
* From Box Filtering to Fast Explicit Diffusion
* From Single Cameras to the Camera Network: An Auto-Calibration Framework for Surveillance
* Gaussian Mixture Modeling with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* Geometrically Constrained Level Set Tracking for Automotive Applications
* Group-Lasso: L1,inf Regularization versus L1,2 Regularization, The
* High-Resolution Object Deformation Reconstruction with Active Range Camera
* Image Segmentation with a Statistical Appearance Model and a Generic Mumford-Shah Inspired Outside Model
* Improved Histogram of Edge Local Orientations for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval, An
* Incremental Computation of Feature Hierarchies
* Incremental Learning in the Energy Minimisation Framework for Interactive Segmentation
* Inpainting in Multi-image Stereo
* Interactive Motion Segmentation
* Learning Non-stationary System Dynamics Online Using Gaussian Processes
* Learning of Optimal Illumination for Material Classification
* Local Regression Based Statistical Model Fitting
* Local Structure Analysis by Isotropic Hilbert Transforms
* Matte Super-Resolution for Compositing
* Model-Based Approach to the Segmentation of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Boundaries, A
* Model-Based Recognition of Domino Tiles Using TGraphs
* N-View Human Silhouette Segmentation in Cluttered, Partially Changing Environments
* Novel Curvature Estimator for Digital Curves and Images, A
* Nugget-Cut: A Segmentation Scheme for Spherically- and Elliptically-Shaped 3D Objects
* On-Line Multi-view Forests for Tracking
* One-Shot Learning of Object Categories Using Dependent Gaussian Processes
* Optimization on Shape Curves with Application to Specular Stereo
* Probabilistic Multi-class Scene Flow Segmentation for Traffic Scenes
* Random Fourier Approximations for Skewed Multiplicative Histogram Kernels
* Real-Time Dense Geometry from a Handheld Camera
* Robust Identification of Locally Planar Objects Represented by 2D Point Clouds under Affine Distortions
* Robust Open-Set Face Recognition for Small-Scale Convenience Applications
* Selection of an Optimal Polyhedral Surface Model Using the Minimum Description Length Principle
* Semi-supervised Learning of Edge Filters for Volumetric Image Segmentation
* Slicing the View: Occlusion-Aware View-Based Robot Navigation
* Stochastic Evaluation of the Contour Strength, A
* Template-Based Approach for Real-Time Speed-Limit-Sign Recognition on an Embedded System Using GPU Computing, A
* Tracking People in Broadcast Sports
* Uncertainty Driven Multi-scale Optimization
* Unsupervised Facade Segmentation Using Repetitive Patterns
* VF-SIFT: Very Fast SIFT Feature Matching
* Wavelet-Based Inpainting for Object Removal from Image Series
58 for DAGM10

* Agnostic Domain Adaptation
* Application of Multi-modal Features for Terrain Classification on a Mobile System
* Assessment of Visibility Quality in Adverse Weather and Illumination Conditions
* Bayesian Approach for Scene Interpretation with Integrated Hierarchical Structure, A
* Channel Coding for Joint Colour and Depth Segmentation
* Color Image Segmentation Based on an Iterative Graph Cut Algorithm Using Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Combined Head Localization and Head Pose Estimation for Video-Based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Dense 3D Reconstruction of Symmetric Scenes from a Single Image
* Efficient and Robust Alignment of Unsynchronized Video Sequences
* Efficient and Robust Shape Matching for Model Based Human Motion Capture
* Efficient Stereo and Optical Flow with Robust Similarity Measures
* Estimation Theoretical Approach to Ambrosio-Tortorelli Image Segmentation, An
* Fingerprints for Machines: Characterization and Optical Identification of Grinding Imprints
* Fully Implicit Framework for Sobolev Active Contours and Surfaces, A
* Fusion of Audio- and Visual Cues for Real-Life Emotional Human Robot Interaction
* Illumination-Robust Dense Optical Flow Using Census Signatures
* Image Comparison on the Base of a Combinatorial Matching Algorithm
* Implicit Scene Context for Object Segmentation and Classification
* Improving Denoising Algorithms via a Multi-scale Meta-procedure
* Indoor Calibration Using Segment Chains
* Large Displacement Optical Flow for Volumetric Image Sequences
* Minimizing Calibration Time for Brain Reading
* Multi-person Localization and Track Assignment in Overlapping Camera Views
* Multi-target Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* Multi-view Active Appearance Models for the X-Ray Based Analysis of Avian Bipedal Locomotion
* Multilinear Model Estimation with L2-Regularization
* Multiple Instance Boosting for Face Recognition in Videos
* Object Recognition System Guided by Gaze of the User with a Wearable Eye Tracker
* Optimization of Quadrature Filters Based on the Numerical Integration of Improper Integrals
* People Tracking Algorithm for Human Height Mounted Cameras
* Pick Your Neighborhood: Improving Labels and Neighborhood Structure for Label Propagation
* Pose-Consistent 3D Shape Segmentation Based on a Quantum Mechanical Feature Descriptor
* Probabilistic Object Models for Pose Estimation in 2D Images
* Putting MAP Back on the Map
* Real Time Head Pose Estimation from Consumer Depth Cameras
* Relaxed Exponential Kernels for Unsupervised Learning
* Robust Classification and Semi-supervised Object Localization with Gaussian Processes
* Robust Point Matching in HDRI through Estimation of Illumination Distribution
* Shape- and Pose-Invariant Correspondences Using Probabilistic Geodesic Surface Embedding
* SHOG: Spherical HOG Descriptors for Rotation Invariant 3D Object Detection
* Simultaneous Interpolation and Deconvolution Model for the 3-D Reconstruction of Cell Images
* Simultaneous Reconstruction and Tracking of Non-planar Templates
* Spectral Clustering of ROIs for Object Discovery
* Steerable Deconvolution Feature Detection as an Inverse Problem
* Time-Consistent Foreground Segmentation of Dynamic Content from Color and Depth Video
* Towards Cross-Modal Comparison of Human Motion Data
* Training of Sparsely Connected MLPs
* Using Landmarks as a Deformation Prior for Hybrid Image Registration
* Visual Motion Capturing for Kinematic Model Estimation of a Humanoid Robot
* Will the Pedestrian Cross? Probabilistic Path Prediction Based on Learned Motion Features
51 for DAGM11

* 3d Object Recognition and Pose Estimation for Multiple Objects Using Multi-Prioritized Ransac and Model Updating
* Accuracy-efficiency Evaluation of Adaptive Support Weight Techniques for Local Stereo Matching
* Active Learning of Ensemble Classifiers for Gesture Recognition
* Active Metric Learning for Object Recognition
* Adaptive Multi-Cue 3D Tracking of Arbitrary Objects
* Anisotropic Range Image Integration
* As Time Goes by: Anytime Semantic Segmentation with Iterative Context Forests
* Automated Image Forgery Detection through Classification of Jpeg Ghosts
* Automatic Model Selection in Archetype Analysis
* Automatic Scale Selection of Superimposed Signals
* Bottom-up Approach for Learning Visual Object Detection Models from Unreliable Sources, A
* Classification with Global, Local and Shared Features
* Combination of Sinusoidal and Single Binary Pattern Projection for Fast 3d Surface Reconstruction
* Confidence Measurements for Adaptive Bayes Decision Classifier Cascades and Their Application to Us Speed Limit Detection
* Consensus Multi-view Photometric Stereo
* Curvature Prior for MRF-based Segmentation and Shape Inpainting
* Decision Tree Ensembles in Biomedical Time-series Classification
* Dense 3d Reconstruction with a Hand-held Camera
* Discrepancy Norm as Fitness Function for Defect Detection on Regularly Textured Surfaces
* Dynamical SVM for Time Series Classification
* Eye Localization Using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform
* Feature-based Multi-video Synchronization with Subframe Accuracy
* Groupwise Shape Registration Based on Entropy Minimization
* Hierarchy of Localized Random Forests for Video Annotation
* How Well Do Filter-Based MRFs Model Natural Images?
* Image Completion Optimised for Realistic Simulations of Wound Development
* Information Theoretic Clustering Using Minimum Spanning Trees
* Interactive Labeling of Image Segmentation Hierarchies
* Line Matching Using Appearance Similarities and Geometric Constraints
* Mean Field for Continuous High-order MRFs
* Modeling of Sparsely Sampled Tubular Surfaces Using Coupled Curves
* Object Detection in Multi-view X-ray Images
* OUR-CVFH: Oriented, Unique and Repeatable Clustered Viewpoint Feature Histogram for Object Recognition and 6dof Pose Estimation
* PCA-enhanced Stochastic Optimization Methods
* Pottics: The Potts Topic Model for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Real-Time MRF Based Approach for Binary Segmentation, A
* Salient Pattern Detection Using W2 on Multivariate Normal Distributions
* Sensitivity/robustness Flexible Ellipticity Measures
* Shape (self-)similarity and Dissimilarity Rating for Segmentation and Matching
* Simple Extension of Stability Feature Selection, A
* Simultaneous Estimation of Material Properties and Pose for Deformable Objects from Depth and Color Images
* Sparse Point Estimation for Bayesian Regression via Simulated Annealing
* Spatio-Temporally Coherent Interactive Video Object Segmentation via Efficient Filtering
* Stereo Fusion from Multiple Viewpoints
* Surface Quality Inspection of Deformable Parts with Variable B-spline Surfaces
* Synergy-based Learning of Facial Identity
* Training of Classifiers for Quality Control of On-Line Laser Brazing Processes with Highly Imbalanced Datasets
* Trust-Region Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Alpha- and Beta-Divergences
* TV-L1 Optical Flow Method with Occlusion Detection, A
* Video Compression with 3-D Pose Tracking, PDE-Based Image Coding, and Electrostatic Halftoning
51 for DAGM12

* 4D-Szenenanalyse mit integralen raum-zeitlichen Modellen

Index for "d"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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