Barr, A.[Alan]
Co Author Listing * Performance and User Preference of Various Functions for Mapping Hand Position to Movement Velocity in a Virtual Environment
* Using Airborne Lidar for the Assessment of Canopy Structure Influences on CO2 Fluxes
Includes: Barr, A.[Alan] Barr, A.
Barr, A.H.
Co Author Listing * Elastically Deformable Models
* Energy constraints on parameterized models
* Global and Local Deformations of Solid Primitives
* Partial Volume Bayesian Classification of Material Mixtures in MR Volume Data Using Voxel Histograms
* Superquadrics and Angle-Preserving Transformations
* Teleological computer graphics modeling
Barr, I.[Iestyn]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Use of Optical Satellite Images to Detect Volcanic Impacts on Glacier Surface Morphology
* Compressed Vision for Efficient Video Understanding
Includes: Barr, I.[Iestyn] Barr, I.[Iain]
Barr, J.R.[Jeremiah R.]
Co Author Listing * Active Clustering with Ensembles for Social structure extraction
* Detecting questionable observers using face track clustering
* effectiveness of face detection algorithms in unconstrained crowd scenes, The
* Real Estate Image Classification
Includes: Barr, J.R.[Jeremiah R.] Barr, J.R.[Joseph R.]
Barr, M.
Co Author Listing * Matching SAR Imagery with Terrain Feature Models
* Wavelet transform modulus maxima-based robust logo watermarking
Includes: Barr, M. Barr, M.[Mohammad]
Barr, R.G.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Quantification and Longitudinal Analysis of Pulmonary Emphysema With a Hidden Markov Measure Field Model
* Explaining Radiological Emphysema Subtypes with Unsupervised Texture Prototypes: MESA COPD Study
* Novel Subtypes of Pulmonary Emphysema Based on Spatially-Informed Lung Texture Learning: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) COPD Study
Includes: Barr, R.G. Barr, R.G.[R. Graham]
Barr, S.
Co Author Listing * Commercial Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Multitemporal Monitoring of Vegetation Reflectance and NDVI
* Development of Geospatial Techniques for Natural Hazard Risk Assessment In Thailand
* Software Systems Approach to Multi-Scale GIS-BIM Utility Infrastructure Network Integration and Resource Flow Simulation
Includes: Barr, S. Barr, S.[Stuart]
Barr, S.L.
Co Author Listing * Geospatial Data Integration For Assessing Landslide Hazard On Engineered Slopes
* Integrated Approach to Level-of-Detail Building Extraction and Modelling Using Airborne LIDAR an Optical Imagery, An
* Intelligent Integration of Multi-sensor Data for Risk Assessment in Transport Corridor Environments
* Remote Sensing Approach for Landslide Hazard Assessment on Engineered Slopes, A
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Assessing the Risk of Slope Instability along Transport Corridors
* Transport Accessibility Analysis Using GIS: Assessing Sustainable Transport in London
* UAV-Borne Thermal Imaging for Forest Health Monitoring: Detection of Disease-Induced Canopy Temperature Increase
* Use of Miniature Thermal Cameras for Detection of Physiological Stress in Conifers
Includes: Barr, S.L. Barr, S.L.[Stuart L.]
8 for Barr, S.L.
Barra, A.
Co Author Listing * Active Reflectors for Interferometric SAR Deformation Measurement
* ADAtools: Automatic Detection and Classification of Active Deformation Areas from PSI Displacement Maps
* Assessment of Urban Subsidence in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Central-West of Portugal) Applying Sentinel-1 SAR Dataset and Active Deformation Areas Procedure
* Combining Satellite InSAR, Slope Units and Finite Element Modeling for Stability Analysis in Mining Waste Disposal Areas
* Deformation Monitoring Using SAR Interferometry and Active and Passive Reflectors
* Detection of buildings with potential damage using differential deformation maps
* Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using InSAR Deformation Maps: Method and Application to Land Subsidence in the Alto Guadalentín Aquifer (SE Spain)
* Methodology to Detect and Update Active Deformation Areas Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Images, A
* Multi-Temporal Satellite Interferometry for Fast-Motion Detection: An Application to Salt Solution Mining
* Multi-Temporal Small Baseline Interferometry Procedure Applied to Mining-Induced Deformation Monitoring, A
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Procedure Based on Stable Areas to Filter the Atmospheric Component, A
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Procedure to Monitor Urban Subsidence, A
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Prediction of Minimally Conscious State Responder Patients to Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Review of Satellite Interferometry for Landslide Detection in Italy
* Safety Project: Sentinel-1 Based Tools for Geohazards Monitoring And Management
* Satellite Data to Improve the Knowledge of Geohazards in World Heritage Sites
* Semi-Automatic Identification and Pre-Screening of Geological-Geotechnical Deformational Processes Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Datasets
* Sentinel-1 A-DInSAR Approaches to Map and Monitor Ground Displacements
* Sentinel-1 Data Processing for Detecting and Monitoring of Ground Instabilities in the Rocky Coast of Central Asturias (N Spain)
* Sentinel-1 DInSAR for Monitoring Active Landslides in Critical Infrastructures: The Case of the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain)
* Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Ground Motion Time Series Classification from InSAR Data
* Using Tailored Graphical Tools to Improve the Quality of Displacement Maps AT CTTC: The Vetools
Includes: Barra, A. Barra, A.[Anna] Barra, A.[Alice]
23 for Barra, A.
Barra, M.[Marco]
Co Author Listing * Pattern Classification from Multi-beam Acoustic Data Acquired in Kongsfjorden
* Unsupervised Classification of Acoustic Echoes from Two Krill Species in the Southern Ocean (Ross Sea)
Barra, P.[Paola]
Co Author Listing * attention recurrent model for human cooperation detection, An
* End-to-End Curriculum Learning Approach for Autonomous Driving Scenarios, An
* From Fully Supervised to Blind Digital Anastylosis on Dafne Dataset
* Gradient boosting regression for faster Partitioned Iterated Function Systems-based head pose estimation
* Head pose estimation by regression algorithm
* LOTS: Litter On The Sand dataset for litter segmentation
* SAFFO: A SIFT based approach for digital anastylosis for fresco reconstruction
* Web-Shaped Model for Head Pose Estimation: An Approach for Best Exemplar Selection
* Zero-shot ear cross-dataset transfer for person recognition on mobile devices
Includes: Barra, P.[Paola] Barra, P.
9 for Barra, P.
Barra, S.[Silvio]
Co Author Listing * Augmented Reality Mobile App for Museums: Virtual Restoration of a Plate of Glass, An
* Calibration Algorithm for Multi-camera Visual Surveillance Systems Based on Single-View Metrology, A
* Deep learning for source camera identification on mobile devices
* EEG/ECG Signal Fusion Aimed at Biometric Recognition
* End-to-End Curriculum Learning Approach for Autonomous Driving Scenarios, An
* From Fully Supervised to Blind Digital Anastylosis on Dafne Dataset
* Introduction to the special issue on Biometrics in Smart Cities: Techniques and Applications (BI_SCI)
* Joint Head Pose/Soft Label Estimation for Human Recognition In-The-Wild
* Kurtosis and skewness at pixel level as input for SOM networks to iris recognition on mobile devices
* Lightweight Mamdani Fuzzy Controller for Noise Removal on Iris Images, A
* PhysioUnicaDB: a dataset of EEG and ECG simultaneously acquired
* Quis-Campi: Extending in the Wild Biometric Recognition to Surveillance Environments
* Reinforced Curriculum Learning for Autonomous Driving in Carla
* SAFFO: A SIFT based approach for digital anastylosis for fresco reconstruction
* SKIPSOM: Skewness kurtosis of iris pixels in Self Organizing Maps for iris recognition on mobile devices
* Ubiquitous iris recognition by means of mobile devices
* Visual question answering: Which investigated applications?
* Web-Shaped Model for Head Pose Estimation: An Approach for Best Exemplar Selection
* What are you doing while answering your smartphone?
Includes: Barra, S.[Silvio] Barra, S.
19 for Barra, S.
Barra, V.[Vincent]
Co Author Listing * 3D shape retrieval and classification using multiple kernel learning on extended Reeb graphs
* 3D shape retrieval using Kernels on Extended Reeb Graphs
* Analysis of Thermal Video for Coarse to Fine Particle Tracking in Volcanic Explosion Plumes
* Automatic segmentation of subcortical brain structures in MR images using information fusion
* DITAN: A deep-learning domain agnostic framework for detection and interpretation of temporally-based multivariate ANomalies
* Fused 3-D spectral-spatial deep neural networks and spectral clustering for hyperspectral image classification
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Modular Ensemble Tracking
* Modular Ensemble Tracking
* Segmentation, Tracking and Characterization of Solar Features from EIT Solar Corona Images
* Tool for Topographic Analysis of Electrode Contacts in Human Cortical Stimulation, A
Includes: Barra, V.[Vincent] Barra, V.
10 for Barra, V.
Barracane, G.[Giovanni]
Co Author Listing * Application of Direct and Indirect Methodologies for Beach Litter Detection in Coastal Environments
Barrachina, J.[Javier]
Co Author Listing * Squeezefaceposenet: Lightweight Face Verification Across Different Poses for Mobile Platforms
Barrachina, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Real- and Complex-Valued Neural Networks for SAR Image Segmentation Through Different Polarimetric Representations
Barrachina, S.
Co Author Listing * Speeding up the Computation of the Edit Distance for Cyclic Strings
Barraclough, S.[Simon]
Co Author Listing * Methane Isotopologues by Solar Occultation (MISO) Nanosatellite Mission: Spectral Channel Optimization and Early Performance Analysis, The
* Mitigating Challenges of the Space Environment for Onboard Artificial Intelligence: Design Overview of the Imaging Payload on SpIRIT
Barraco, M.[Manuele]
Co Author Listing * CaMEL: Mean Teacher Learning for Image Captioning
* Positive-Augmented Contrastive Learning for Image and Video Captioning Evaluation
* Synthcap: Augmenting Transformers with Synthetic Data for Image Captioning
* Unreasonable Effectiveness of CLIP Features for Image Captioning: An Experimental Analysis, The
* With a Little Help from your own Past: Prototypical Memory Networks for Image Captioning
Barradas, I.[Ignacio]
Co Author Listing * Leaks Detection in a Pipeline Using Artificial Neural Networks
Barrado, C.
Co Author Listing * New Technique Based on Mini-UAS for Estimating Water and Bottom Radiance Contributions in Optically Shallow Waters, A
* On-the-Fly Olive Tree Counting Using a UAS and Cloud Services
* UAV Flight Experiments Applied to the Remote Sensing of Vegetated Areas
* Unmanned Aircraft System to Detect a Radiological Point Source Using RIMA Software Architecture, An
Includes: Barrado, C. Barrado, C.[Cristina]
Barrado, J.M.D.[Jose M. Delgado]
Co Author Listing * DIGITALESCAPE Project: Aerial Remote Sensing, HBIM, and Archaeology for the Preservation and Dissemination of the Cultural Heritage at Risk in the Sierra Sur and Sierra Morena Regions
Includes: Barrado, J.M.D.[Jose M. Delgado] Barrado, J.M.D.[José M. Delgado]
Barrado, M.[Mikel]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Full-Reference Assessment of Image and Video Quality
Barrado, P.M.[Pablo Morata]
Co Author Listing * Vector Magnetometry Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems: An Example of Application for Planetary Exploration
Barragan, A.S.[Alberto Santamaria]
Co Author Listing * Evolution of Powell Basin (Antarctica), The
Includes: Barragan, A.S.[Alberto Santamaria] Barragán, A.S.[Alberto Santamaría]
Barragan, D.[Daniel]
Co Author Listing * EA-Based Method for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix, An
Barragan, L.A.
Co Author Listing * Choice of Word Length in the Design of a Specialized Hardware for Lossless Wavelet Compression of Medical Images
* VLSI Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform for Lossless Compression of Medical Images
Barragan, R.
Co Author Listing * Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Measurements Using Zenithal Measurements of Diffuse Sunlight and a Radiative Transfer Model
* Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study Comparison With S-Band Radar and Disdrometer Retrievals in the Context of VORTEX-SE
* Feasibility of Ceilometers Data to Estimate Radiative Forcing Values: Application to Different Conditions around the COVID-19 Lockdown Period
* Study of the Effect of Different Atmospheric Conditions on the Temporal Evolution of the Mixing Layer over Madrid during the Year 2020 by Means of Two Different Methods: Ceilometer Signals and the ECMWF-IFS Meteorological Model
* Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature for Relative Humidity Profiling: Assessment and Uncertainty Analysis
* Vertically Resolved Precipitation Intensity Retrieved through a Synergy between the Ground-Based NASA MPLNET Lidar Network Measurements, Surface Disdrometer Datasets and an Analytical Model Solution
Includes: Barragan, R. Barragán, R. Barragan, R.[Ruben] Barragán, R.[Ruben] Barragán, R.[Rubén]
Barragan, W.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Generation Of Building Mapping Using Digital, Vertical And Aerial High Resolution Photographs And Lidar Point Clouds
Includes: Barragan, W. Barragán, W.
Barral, A.[Arnaud]
Co Author Listing * Fixed Pattern Noise Removal for Multi-View Single-Sensor Infrared Camera
* Self-supervision versus synthetic datasets: Which is the lesser evil in the context of video denoising?
Barral, A.E.[Adrien E.]
Co Author Listing * MDL region-based image registration
Barral, C.[Claude]
Co Author Listing * Externalized Fingerprint Matching
Barranco Gutierrez, A.I.[Alejandro Israel]
Co Author Listing * Approach for Utility Pole Recognition in Real Conditions, An
Includes: Barranco Gutierrez, A.I.[Alejandro Israel] Barranco-Gutiérrez, A.I.[Alejandro Israel]
Barranco, F.[Francisco]
Co Author Listing * Contour Detection and Characterization for Asynchronous Event Sensors
* Contour Motion Estimation for Asynchronous Event-Driven Cameras
* Hierarchical architecture for motion and depth estimations based on color cues
* High-Performance Optical-Flow Architecture Based on a Multi-Scale, Multi-Orientation Phase-Based Model
* Joint direct estimation of 3D geometry and 3D motion using spatio temporal gradients
* Massive Parallel-Hardware Architecture for Multiscale Stereo, Optical Flow and Image-Structure Computation
* multi-resolution approach for massively-parallel hardware-friendly optical flow estimation, A
* Neuromorphic Perception and Navigation for Mobile Robots: A Review
* On-chip semidense representation map for dense visual features driven by attention processes
* Prediction of Manipulation Actions
* Reconfigurable cyber-physical system for critical infrastructure protection in smart cities via smart video-surveillance
* Visual Event-Based Egocentric Human Action Recognition
* Visual System Based on Artificial Retina for Motion Detection
Includes: Barranco, F.[Francisco] Barranco, F.
13 for Barranco, F.
Barrancos, J.[Jose]
Co Author Listing * Satellite and Ground Remote Sensing Techniques to Trace the Hidden Growth of a Lava Flow Field: The 2014-2015 Effusive Eruption at Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde)
Includes: Barrancos, J.[Jose] Barrancos, J.[José]
Barrand, N.E.[Nicholas E.]
Co Author Listing * Temporal Variability of Surface Reflectance Supersedes Spatial Resolution in Defining Greenland's Bare-Ice Albedo
Barranquero, J.[Jose]
Co Author Listing * Dependent binary relevance models for multi-label classification
* On the study of nearest neighbor algorithms for prevalence estimation in binary problems
* Quantification-oriented learning based on reliable classifiers
Barraquand, J.
Co Author Listing * Numerical Potential Field Techniques for Robot Path Planning
Barras, C.[Claude]
Co Author Listing * Acoustic Speaker Identification: The LIMSI CLEAR'07 System
* Combination of Cepstral and Phonetically Discriminative Features for Speaker Verification
* Fusion of Speech, Faces and Text for Person Identification in TV Broadcast
* LIMSI RT07 Lecture Transcription System, The
* Multi-stage Speaker Diarization for Conference and Lecture Meetings
* Person instance graphs for mono-, cross- and multi-modal person recognition in multimedia data: application to speaker identification in TV broadcast
Includes: Barras, C.[Claude] Barras, C.
Barras, J.A.[John A.]
Co Author Listing * Levee crest elevation profiles derived from airborne lidar-based high resolution digital elevation models in south Louisiana
Barrass, S.
Co Author Listing * survey of MPEG-1 audio, video and semantic analysis techniques, A
Barrat, M.
Co Author Listing * Recursive Wavelet Transform for 2D Signals
Barrat, S.[Sabine]
Co Author Listing * Accurate junction detection and characterization in line-drawing images
* Accurate junction detection and reconstruction in line-drawing images
* Automatic annotation extension and classification of documents using a probabilistic graphical model
* Automatic Images Annotation Extension Using a Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Bayesian network for combining descriptors: Application to symbol recognition, A
* Classification and Automatic Annotation Extension of Images Using Bayesian Network
* Contour-Based Method for Logo Detection, A
* Efficient Indexing Scheme Based on Linked-Node m-Ary Tree Structure, An
* efficient tree structure for indexing feature vectors, An
* Histogram of radon transform. A useful descriptor for shape retrieval
* Modeling, Classifying and Annotating Weakly Annotated Images Using Bayesian Network
* Robust Symbol Localization Based on Junction Features and Efficient Geometry Consistency Checking
* Visual features with semantic combination using Bayesian network for a more effective image retrieval
Includes: Barrat, S.[Sabine] Barrat, S.
13 for Barrat, S.
Barratt, B.[Benjamin]
Co Author Listing * Predicting Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Greater London Area: An Ensemble Approach using Machine Learning Methods
* What You See Is What You Breathe? Estimating Air Pollution Spatial Variation Using Street-Level Imagery
Barratt, D.
Co Author Listing * Nonlinear Biomechanical Model Based Registration Method for Aligning Prone and Supine MR Breast Images, A
Barratt, D.C.[Dean C.]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Electromagnetic Tracking Accuracy for Endoscopic Ultrasound
* Automatic Multi-Organ Segmentation on Abdominal CT With Dense V-Networks
* Competing for Pixels: A Self-Play Algorithm for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-Modality Image Registration Using a Training-Time Privileged Third Modality
* Freehand Ultrasound Image Simulation with Spatially-Conditioned Generative Adversarial Networks
* Meta-Learning Initializations for Interactive Medical Image Registration
* Modelling Prostate Motion for Data Fusion During Image-Guided Interventions
* Operator Dependence of 3-D Ultrasound-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Carotid Bifurcation
* Reconstruction and quantification of the carotid artery bifurcation from 3-D ultrasound images
* Self-calibrating 3D-ultrasound-based bone registration for minimally invasive orthopedic surgery
* Voice-Assisted Image Labeling for Endoscopic Ultrasound Classification Using Neural Networks
Includes: Barratt, D.C.[Dean C.] Barratt, D.C.
11 for Barratt, D.C.
Barratt, S.T.
Co Author Listing * GeoCDX: An Automated Change Detection and Exploitation System for High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Learning Probabilistic Trajectory Models of Aircraft in Terminal Airspace From Position Data
Barrau, E.
Co Author Listing * MPEG video transcoding to a fine-granular scalable format
Barraza Moraga, F.[Francisca]
Co Author Listing * Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Lanalhue Lake Using Sentinel-2 MSI Satellite Images
Includes: Barraza Moraga, F.[Francisca] Barraza-Moraga, F.[Francisca]
Barraza, V.
Co Author Listing * EVI Time-Series Breakpoint Detection Using Convolutional Networks for Online Deforestation Monitoring in Chaco Forest
Barrdez, D.
Co Author Listing * Modular neural networks for seismic tomography
Barre, J.B.
Co Author Listing * Fusion of Lidar and Hyperspectral Data for Semantic Segmentation Of Forest Tree Species
Includes: Barre, J.B. Barré, J.B.
Barreau, G.
Co Author Listing * Belief Network for the Recognition of 3D Geometric Primitives, A
Barreau, J.B.[Jean Baptiste]
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction and Geostatic Analysis of an Early Medieval Cemetery (Olonne-sur-Mer, France)
* Combination of 3D Scanning, Modeling and Analyzing Methods around the Castle of Coatfrec Reconstitution
* Digital and Handcrafting Processes Applied to Sound-Studies of Archaeological Bone Flutes
* Making Virtual Archeology Great Again (without Scientific Compromise)
* Study of a Wreck in Foreshore Context
Includes: Barreau, J.B.[Jean Baptiste] Barreau, J.B.[Jean-Baptiste] Barreau, J.B.
Barreca, G.[Giovanni]
Co Author Listing * New Agent-Based Methodology for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Urban Areas, A
* Sentinel-1 Interferometry and UAV Aerial Survey for Mapping Coseismic Ruptures: Mts. Sibillini vs. Mt. Etna Volcano
Barreda Angeles, M.[Miguel]
Co Author Listing * Contactless approach for heart rate estimation for QoE assessment
* Exploring the effects of 3D visual discomfort on viewers' emotions
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Emotion Recognition from Electrodermal Activity
* How visual discomfort affects 3DTV viewers' emotional arousal
* Interest as a Proxy of Engagement in News Reading: Spectral and Entropy Analyses of EEG Activity Patterns
* Towards QOE estimation of 3D contents through non-invasive methods
Includes: Barreda Angeles, M.[Miguel] Barreda-Ángeles, M.[Miguel] Barreda-Angeles, M.[Miguel] Barreda-Ángeles, M. Barreda-Angeles, M.
Barreda Argueso, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Application of Fast Fourier Transform Filtering to High Spatial Resolution Digital Terrain Models Derived from LiDAR Sensors for the Objective Mapping of Surface Features and Digital Terrain Model Evaluations, The
Includes: Barreda Argueso, A.[Antonio] Barreda-Argüeso, A.[Antonio] (Maybe also Barreda-Argueeso, A.)
Barreda, S.[Santiago]
Co Author Listing * Bayes covariant multi-class classification
Barreira, N.[Noelia]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Topological Active Net Division in a Genetic-Greedy Hybrid Approach
* Break-Up Analysis of the Tear Film Based on Time, Location, Size and Shape of the Rupture Area
* Conversion into Three-Dimensional Implicit Surface Representation from Topological Active Volumes Based Segmentation
* Directional Gaze Analysis in Webcam Video Sequences
* Genetic approaches for topological active nets optimization
* Handling Topological Changes in the Topological Active Volumes Model
* Improving retinal artery and vein classification by means of a minimal path approach
* On the Automatic Computation of the Arterio-Venous Ratio in Retinal Images: Using Minimal Paths for the Artery/Vein Classification
* On the use of a minimal path approach for target trajectory analysis
* Significance of the Vessel Registration for a Reliable Computation of Arteriovenous Ratio, The
* Topological Active Nets Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms
* Topological Active Volumes
* Topological Active Volumes for Segmentation and Shape Reconstruction of Medical Images
* Topological active volumes: A topology-adaptive deformable model for volume segmentation
* Using Retinex Image Enhancement to Improve the Artery/Vein Classification in Retinal Images
Includes: Barreira, N.[Noelia] Barreira, N.
15 for Barreira, N.
Barreiro Megino, F.
Co Author Listing * Visual Tools for ROI Montage in an Image2Video Application
Includes: Barreiro Megino, F. Barreiro-Megino, F.
Barreiro, A.C.[Aleixo Cambeiro]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Reconstruction of Semantic 3D Models from 2D Floor Plans
Barreiro, J.[Joaquin]
Co Author Listing * Computer Vision and Classification Techniques on the Surface Finish Control in Machining Processes
* Surface Finish Control in Machining Processes Using Haralick Descriptors and Neuronal Networks
Includes: Barreiro, J.[Joaquin] Barreiro, J.[Joaquín]
Barreiro, J.C.
Co Author Listing * Recent Advances in the Capture and Display of Macroscopic and Microscopic 3-D Scenes by Integral Imaging
Barreiro, R.B.
Co Author Listing * Detection of Point Sources on Two-Dimensional Images Based on Peaks
Barrena Arroyo, V.
Co Author Listing * Forest Cover Changes in Tropical South and Central America from 1990 to 2005 and Related Carbon Emissions and Removals
Barrena, M.[Manuel]
Co Author Listing * New Method for Positional Accuracy Analysis in Georeferenced Satellite Images without Independent Ground Control Points, A
* Qatris iManager: a general purpose CBIR system
* vManager, Developing a Complete CBVR System
Includes: Barrena, M.[Manuel] Barrena, M.
Barrena, N.[Nagore]
Co Author Listing * Proving the efficiency of template matching-based markerless tracking methods which consider the camera perspective deformations
* Superpixel Mixing: A Data Augmentation Technique for Robust Deep Visual Recognition Models
Includes: Barrena, N.[Nagore] Barrena, N.
Barrenechea, E.[Edurne]
Co Author Listing * Aggregation of Deep Features for Image Retrieval Based on Object Detection
* Co-occurrence of deep convolutional features for image search
* Comment on: Image thresholding using type II fuzzy sets. Importance of this method
* DRCW-OVO: Distance-based relative competence weighting combination for One-vs-One strategy in multi-class problems
* Dynamic classifier selection for One-vs-One strategy: Avoiding non-competent classifiers
* EUSBoost: Enhancing ensembles for highly imbalanced data-sets by evolutionary undersampling
* overview of ensemble methods for binary classifiers in multi-class problems: Experimental study on one-vs-one and one-vs-all schemes, An
* Relationship between restricted dissimilarity functions, restricted equivalence functions and normal EN-functions: Image thresholding invariant
* Study on the Cardinality of Ordered Average Pooling in Visual Recognition, A
Includes: Barrenechea, E.[Edurne] Barrenechea, E.
9 for Barrenechea, E.
Barrenetxea, G.
Co Author Listing * Distributed Successive Refinement of Multiview Images Using Broadcast Advantage
* Event-driven video coding for outdoor wireless monitoring cameras
* How is the weather: Automatic inference from images
Includes: Barrenetxea, G. Barrenetxea, G.[Guillermo]
Barrera, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Five-Year Evaluation of Sentinel-2 Cloud-Free Mosaic Generation Under Varied Cloud Cover Conditions in Hawai'i
Barrera, E.[Ernesto]
Co Author Listing * Extreme Wave Height Events in NW Spain: A Combined Multi-Sensor and Model Approach
Barrera, F.[Fernando]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Similarity Functions in Multimodal Stereo
* Multimodal Stereo from Thermal Infrared and Visible Spectrum
* Multimodal template matching based on gradient and mutual information using scale-space
* Multispectral piecewise planar stereo using Manhattan-world assumption
* Piecewise Planar Decomposition of 3D Point Clouds Obtained from Multiple Static RGB-D Cameras
Barrera, J.[Junior]
Co Author Listing * Analytical Solutions for the Minkowski Addition Equation
* Automatic Programming of Binary Morphological Machines by Design of Statistically Optimal Operators in the Context of Computational Learning Theory
* Combinatorial Optimization Technique for the Sequential Decomposition of Erosions and Dilations, A
* Design of optimal binary filters under joint multiresolution-envelope constraint
* Discrete Morphological Neural Networks
* Exact Algorithm for Optimal MAE Stack Filter Design, An
* fast Branch-and-Bound algorithm for U-curve feature selection, A
* Feature selection algorithms to find strong genes
* From the Sup-Decomposition to Sequential Decompositions
* Greedy Algorithm for Decomposing Convex Structuring Elements, A
* MMACH: A Mathematical Morphology Toolbox for the Khoros System
* Multiresolution Analysis for Optimal Binary Filters
* Multiresolution Design of Aperture Operators
* Nonlinear Filter Design Using Envelopes
* Note on Park and Chin's Algorithm, A
* Pattern Recognition Theory in Nonlinear Signal Processing
* Segmentation of Microarray Images by Mathematical Morphology
* Set Operations on Closed Intervals and Their Applications to the Automatic Programming of Morphological Machines
* Solving Problems in Mathematical Morphology through Reductions to the U-Curve Problem
* Special Section on Nonlinear Image-Processing: Guest Editorial
* switching algorithm for design of optimal increasing binary filters over large windows, A
* U-curve: A branch-and-bound optimization algorithm for U-shaped cost functions on Boolean lattices applied to the feature selection problem
* unifying view for stack filter design based on graph search methods, A
Includes: Barrera, J.[Junior] Barrera, J.
23 for Barrera, J.
Barrera, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Geometrical Similarity Pattern As An Experimental Model for Shapes In Architectural Heritage: A Case Study of the Base of the Pillars in The Cathedral of Seville And the Church of Santiago in Jerez, Spain, A
* Monitoring Approach for Tropical Coniferous Forest Degradation Using Remote Sensing and Field Data
Includes: Barrera, J.A. Barrera, J.A.[Juan A.]
Barrere, K.[Killian]
Co Author Listing * Line Segmentation Free Probabilistic Keyword Spotting and Indexing
Barrero Ortega, P.[Pedro]
Co Author Listing * Digital Graphic Documentation and Architectural Heritage: Deformations in a 16th-Century Ceiling of the Pinelo Palace in Seville (Spain)
Includes: Barrero Ortega, P.[Pedro] Barrero-Ortega, P.[Pedro]
Barrero, A.[Alejandro]
Co Author Listing * Inference of tree grammars using negative samples
* Measure of Scene Content, A
* Unranked tree languages
Includes: Barrero, A.[Alejandro] Barrero, A.
Barrero, F.
Co Author Listing * Environmental wireless sensor network for road traffic applications
* License Plate Extraction Algorithm Based on Edge Statistics and Region Growing, A
Includes: Barrero, F. Barrero, F.[Federico]
Barrero, F.J.
Co Author Listing * Dual-rate background subtraction approach for estimating traffic queue parameters in urban scenes
Barres, O.[Odile]
Co Author Listing * Interpretation of the Reflectance Spectra of Lithium (Li) Minerals and Pegmatites: A Case Study for Mineralogical and Lithological Identification in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
* Near Real-Time Ground-to-Ground Infrared Remote-Sensing Combination and Inexpensive Visible Camera Observations Applied to Tomographic Stack Emission Measurements
Includes: Barres, O.[Odile] Barrès, O.[Odile]
Barret, M.
Co Author Listing * Simultaneous Seismic Sources Separation Based on Matrioshka Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Application in Oil and Gas Exploration
Barreto Alexandre, E.[Eduardo]
Co Author Listing * Color Skin Segmentation Based on Non-linear Distance Metrics
Includes: Barreto Alexandre, E.[Eduardo] Barreto-Alexandre, E.[Eduardo]
Barreto Flores, A.[Aldrin]
Co Author Listing * Simple View-Based Software Architecture for an Autonomous Robot Navigation System, A
* Towards a Supervised Incremental Learning System for Automatic Recognition of the Skeletal Age
Includes: Barreto Flores, A.[Aldrin] Barreto-Flores, A.[Aldrin]
Barreto Munoz, A.[Armando]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Actual Evapotranspiration over Croplands Using Vegetation Index Methods and Dynamic Harvested Area
* Estimating Productivity Measures in Guayule Using UAS Imagery and Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
* Greenness and Actual Evapotranspiration in the Unrestored Riparian Corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Response to In-Channel Water Deliveries in 2021 and 2022
* Mapping Vegetation Index-Derived Actual Evapotranspiration across Croplands Using the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Riparian Area Changes in Greenness and Water Use on the Lower Colorado River in the USA from 2000 to 2020
* Riparian Plant Evapotranspiration and Consumptive Use for Selected Areas of the Little Colorado River Watershed on the Navajo Nation
Includes: Barreto Munoz, A.[Armando] Barreto-Muñoz, A.[Armando]
Barreto Silva, J.S.
Co Author Listing * Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Colombia's Forest Aboveground Biomass Using SAR and Optical Data
Includes: Barreto Silva, J.S. Barreto-Silva, J.S.
Barreto, A.[Armando]
Co Author Listing * Affective Assessment by Digital Processing of the Pupil Diameter
* Column Integrated Water Vapor and Aerosol Load Characterization with the New ZEN-R52 Radiometer
* computational efficient iris extraction approach in unconstrained environments, A
* Denoising of ultrasound images affected by combined speckle and Gaussian noise
* Dynamics of Blink and Non-Blink Cyclicity for Affective Assessment: A Case Study for Stress Identification
* Estimation of the Mass Concentration of Volcanic Ash Using Ceilometers: Study of Fresh and Transported Plumes from La Palma Volcano
* highly accurate and computationally efficient approach for unconstrained iris segmentation, A
* Non-intrusive Physiological Monitoring for Automated Stress Detection in Human-Computer Interaction
* Real-time gesture detection for multi-touch devices
* Remote Sensing of Aerosols at Night with the CoSQM Sky Brightness Data
* Retrieval of Solar Shortwave Irradiance from All-Sky Camera Images
* Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals by Ground-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry
* Spectral Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Efficiency of the La Palma Volcanic Plume over the Izana Observatory
* Survey on mixed impulse and Gaussian denoising filters
* Volcanic Eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Spain: A First Insight to the Particulate Matter Injected in the Troposphere
* Water Vapor Retrievals from Spectral Direct Irradiance Measured with an EKO MS-711 Spectroradiometer: Intercomparison with Other Techniques
Includes: Barreto, A.[Armando] Barreto, Á.[África] Barreto, A.[Africa] Barreto, A.
16 for Barreto, A.
Barreto, C.S.
Co Author Listing * Enhanced Zerotree Wavelet Transform Image Coding Exploiting Similarities Inside Subbands
Barreto, D.
Co Author Listing * Decision Boundaries Using Bayes Factors: The Case of Cloud Masks
Barreto, J.
Co Author Listing * 3D Registration of Curves and Surfaces Using Local Differential Information
* Camera Models and Fundamental Concepts Used in Geometric Computer Vision
* Parallel refinement of slanted 3D reconstruction using dense stereo induced from symmetry
* Time-Offset Conversations on a Life-Sized Automultiscopic Projector Array
Includes: Barreto, J. Barreto, J.[João] Barreto, J.[Joao] Barreto, J.[Joseph]
Barreto, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Iterative reweighted least squares and the design of two-dimensional FIR digital filters
Barreto, J.P.[Joao P.]
Co Author Listing * email: Barreto, J.P.[Joao P.]: jpbar AT isr uc pt
* Accurate Reconstruction of Oriented 3d Points Using Affine Correspondences
* Active stereo tracking of multiple free-moving targets
* Automatic Camera Calibration Applied to Medical Endoscopy
* Automatic Camera Calibration Using Multiple Sets of Pairwise Correspondences
* Calibration of Central Catadioptric Cameras Using a DLT-Like Approach
* Camera Pose Estimation Using Images of Planar Mirror Reflections
* Dense Lightfield Disparity Estimation Using Total Variation Regularization
* Depth range accuracy for plenoptic cameras
* Description and Classification of Confocal Endomicroscopic Images for the Automatic Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
* DLT-Like Calibration for Central Catadioptric Cameras
* Efficient Stereo Matching Using Histogram Aggregation with Multiple Slant Hypotheses
* Epipolar Geometry of Central Projection Systems Using Veronese Maps
* Extrinsic calibration of multi-modal sensor arrangements with non-overlapping field-of-view
* Fast and Accurate Calibration of a Kinect Sensor
* Fitting conics to paracatadioptric projections of lines
* Fundamental Matrix for Cameras with Radial Distortion
* General Framework for the Selection of World Coordinate Systems in Perspective and Catadioptric Imaging Applications, A
* General Imaging Geometry for Central Catadioptric Cameras
* Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images
* Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images and Their Application in Calibration
* Global Approach for the Detection of Vanishing Points and Mutually Orthogonal Vanishing Directions, A
* Improving 3D Active Visual Tracking
* Issues on the Geometry of Central Catadioptric Image Formation
* Minimal Solution for Camera Calibration Using Independent Pairwise Correspondences, A
* Minimal Solution for Computing Pairs of Lines in Non-central Cameras
* Minimal Solution for the Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera and a Laser-Rangefinder, A
* Model Predictive Control to Improve Visual Control of Motion: Applications in Active Tracking of Moving Targets
* Non Parametric Distortion Correction in Endoscopic Medical Images
* Paracatadioptric camera calibration using lines
* Perspective Shape from Shading for Wide-FOV Near-Lighting Endoscopes
* Photometric camera characterization from a single image with invariance to light intensity and vignetting
* pi-Match: Monocular vSLAM and Piecewise Planar Reconstruction Using Fast Plane Correspondences
* Piecewise-planar reconstruction using two views
* Piecewise-Planar StereoScan: Sequential Structure and Motion Using Plane Primitives
* Piecewise-Planar StereoScan: Structure and Motion from Plane Primitives
* Plane Surface Detection and Reconstruction using Induced Stereo Symmetry
* Plane-based calibration of central catadioptric cameras
* Ray-based Calibration of Rigid Medical Endoscopes
* Real-time HD image distortion correction in heterogeneous parallel computing systems using efficient memory access patterns
* Semi-dense Piecewise Planar Stereo Reconstruction Using SymStereo and PEARL
* Single-image estimation of the camera response function in near-lighting
* Special issue on omnidirectional vision, camera networks and non-conventional cameras
* Standard Plenoptic Cameras Mapping to Camera Arrays and Calibration Based on DLT
* Stereo estimation of depth along virtual cut planes
* SymStereo: Stereo Matching using Induced Symmetry
* Theory and Practice of Structure-From-Motion Using Affine Correspondences
* Tracking Feature Points in Uncalibrated Images with Radial Distortion
* unifying geometric representation for central projection systems, A
* Unsupervised Intrinsic Calibration from a Single Frame Using a Plumb-Line Approach
* Unsupervised Vanishing Point Detection and Camera Calibration from a Single Manhattan Image with Radial Distortion
Includes: Barreto, J.P.[Joao P.] Barreto, J.P.[João P.] Barreto, J.P.[João Pedro] Barreto, J.P.[Joao Pedro] Barreto, J.P.
51 for Barreto, J.P.
Barreto, J.S.[Joan Sebastian]
Co Author Listing * Open Data and Machine Learning to Model the Occurrence of Fire in the Ecoregion of Llanos Colombo-Venezolanos
Barreto, M.[Miguel]
Co Author Listing * Plume Segmentation from UV Camera Images for SO2 Emission Rate Quantification on Cloud Days
Barreto, P.
Co Author Listing * Fast Binary Image Resolution Increasing by K-nearest Neighbor Learning
Barreto, P.S.L.M.
Co Author Listing * Toward a Secure Public-key Blockwise Fragile Authentication Watermarking
* Toward secure public-key blockwise fragile authentication watermarking
Barreto, R.[Raimundo]
Co Author Listing * Filtering Empty Camera Trap Images in Embedded Systems
* Using group behaviors to detect Hofstede cultural dimensions
Includes: Barreto, R.[Raimundo] Barreto, R.
Barreto, R.M.[Rafael M.]
Co Author Listing * L2-Norm metric learning applied to unconstrained face pair-matching
Barreto, T.L.M.[Thiago Luiz Morais]
Co Author Listing * Estimating accurate water levels for rivers and reservoirs by using SAR products: A multitemporal analysis
Barrett Lennard, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Image analysis for meat
Includes: Barrett Lennard, D.[David] Barrett-Lennard, D.[David]
Barrett, A.
Co Author Listing * Active-Constraint Robotics for Surgery
Barrett, B.[Brian]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of a Global Soil Moisture Product from Finer Spatial Resolution SAR Data and Ground Measurements at Irish Sites
* Quality Assessment of the CCI ECV Soil Moisture Product Using ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath Data over Spain, Ireland and Finland
Barrett, B.J.[Benjamin J.]
Co Author Listing * Survey of 8 UAV Set-Covering Algorithms for Terrain Photogrammetry
Barrett, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Team MIT Urban Challenge Technical Report
* Toward Vicarious Calibration of Microwave Remote-Sensing Satellites in Arid Environments
Includes: Barrett, D.[David] Barrett, D.
Barrett, D.J.
Co Author Listing * Detection and Imaging of Moving Targets With LiMIT SAR Data
Barrett, D.P.[Daniel Paul]
Co Author Listing * Action Recognition by Time Series of Retinotopic Appearance and Motion Features
* Collecting and annotating the large continuous action dataset
* Recognize Human Activities from Partially Observed Videos
* Saying What You're Looking For: Linguistics Meets Video Search
* Seeing is Worse than Believing: Reading People's Minds Better than Computer-Vision Methods Recognize Actions
* Seeing What You're Told: Sentence-Guided Activity Recognition in Video
Includes: Barrett, D.P.[Daniel Paul] Barrett, D.P.[Daniel P.]
Barrett, E.[Edward]
Co Author Listing * Contextual Media: Multimedia and Interpretation
* Hyperspectral aural cueing
* Multiple-aperture imaging spectrometer: Computer simulation and experimental validation
Includes: Barrett, E.[Edward] Barrett, E.
Barrett, E.B.[Eamon B.]
Co Author Listing * email: Barrett, E.B.[Eamon B.]: EBarrett AT svl ems lmco com
* 3-D Model Alignment without Computing Pose
* Algorithms for Invariant Model Transfer and Object Reconstruction
* Closed-Form Extension of the Anharmonic Ratio to N-Space
* Extension of Three-Dimensional Invariant Methods to Noncentral-Projection Imaging Systems
* FOCUS: A Shared Vision Project Report on Progress in 1997-1998
* FOCUS: A Shared Vision Technology Transfer Project
* General Methods for Determining Projective Invariants in Imagery
* Geometric Interpretations of Algebraic Invariants in Images of 3D Scenes
* Image Understanding and the Man-Machine Interface
* Image Understanding and the Man-Machine Interface III
* Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene Analysis and Machine Vision
* Invariant Linear Methods in Photogrammetry and Model-Matching
* Invariant Methods for Model Transfer and Object Reconstruction Based on Multiple Reference Images
* Invariant Relationships in Side-Looking Synthetic Aperture Imagery
* Invariants Under Image Perspective Transformations: Theory and Examples
* Linear Resection, Intersection, and Perspective-Independent Model-Matching in Photogrammetry: Theory
* Lockheed Martin Report: Progress in Image Invariants Research--1995
* Machine-Vision Applications of Image Invariants: Real-Time Processing Experiments
* Objective performance evaluation of a moving object super-resolution system
* Projective Invariants for Curves in Two and Three Dimensions
* Projectively Invariant Structures in Multi-Sensor Imagery
* Recognizing 3-D Curves from a Stereo Pair of Images: A Semi-differential Approach
* Representation of Three-Dimensional Object Structure as Cross-Ratios of Determinants of Stereo Image Points
* Robust Algebraic Invariant Methods with Applications in Geometry and Imaging
* Semi-Differential Invariants for Nonplanar Curves
* Some Invariant Linear Methods in Photogrammetry and Model-Matching
* Synthesizing Maps of 3D Scenes From Multiple Reference Views Without Constructing the DEM
* Synthesizing Perspective Views of 3D Scenes From Multiple Reference Images Using a Synergy of Point and Line Invariant Transfer Algorithms
Includes: Barrett, E.B.[Eamon B.] Barrett, E.B. Barrett, E.B.[Eamon B]
29 for Barrett, E.B.
Barrett, F.[Fred]
Co Author Listing * Quantifying Facial Expression Abnormality in Schizophrenia by Combining 2D and 3D Features
Barrett, H.A.[Hays A.]
Co Author Listing * Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aerial Photos Using a Custom-Built Online Georeferencing Tool
Barrett, H.H.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive SPECT
* Application of the Hotelling and ideal observers to detection and localization of exoplanets
* Channelized-ideal observer using Laguerre-Gauss channels in detection tasks involving non-Gaussian distributed lumpy backgrounds and a Gaussian signal
* Characteristic functionals in imaging and image-quality assessment: tutorial
* Chemical-shift imaging utilizing the positional shifts along the readout gradient direction
* Experimental determination of object statistics from noisy images
* Information content of a photon and how to extract it
* Information content of data types in time-domain optical tomography
* Linear Discriminants and Image Quality
* List-Mode Likelihood: EM Algorithm and Image Quality Estimation Demonstrated on 2-D PET
* Multiple-Hit Parameter Estimation in Monolithic Detectors
* Objective Assessment of Image Quality: III, ROC Metrics, Ideal Observers, And Likelihood-Generating Functions
* Objective comparison of quantitative imaging modalities without the use of a gold standard
* Reconstruction of MR images from data acquired on a general nonregular grid by pseudoinverse calculation
* Reconstruction of two- and three-dimensional images from synthetic-collimator data
* Singular-value decomposition for through-focus imaging systems
* Special Issue: Information Processing in Medical Imaging
* Surgical probe design for a coincidence imaging system without a collimator
* Task-Based Approach to Adaptive and Multimodality Imaging, A
Includes: Barrett, H.H. Barrett, H.H.[Harrison H.]
19 for Barrett, H.H.
Barrett, J.[Janet]
Co Author Listing * HRSC on Mars Express: Photogrammetric and Cartographic Research
Barrett, J.E.[John E.]
Co Author Listing * Distribution of Surface Soil Moisture over Space and Time in Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica, The
Barrett, J.M.
Co Author Listing * Semi-rigorous Sensor Model For Precision Geometric Processing Of Mini-rf Bistatic Radar Images Of The Moon, A
Barrett, K.[Kirsten]
Co Author Listing * Climate Variability May Delay Post-Fire Recovery of Boreal Forest in Southern Siberia, Russia
* Individual Tree Crown Delineation from Airborne Laser Scanning for Diseased Larch Forest Stands
* Sub-Pixel Classification of MODIS EVI for Annual Mappings of Impervious Surface Areas
* Woody Aboveground Biomass Mapping of the Brazilian Savanna with a Multi-Sensor and Machine Learning Approach
Barrett, L.F.
Co Author Listing * Emotional expressions reconsidered: Challenges to inferring emotion from human facial movements
Barrett, M.[Matthew]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Volumetric Reconstruction Methods of Archaeological Deposits Using Point-Cloud Data from Ahuahu, Aotearoa New Zealand, A
Barrett, M.A.[Mark A.]
Co Author Listing * Modeling Artificial Light Exposure after Vegetation Trimming at a Marine Turtle Nesting Beach
Barrett, P.
Co Author Listing * Iconic Transform for Sketch Completion and Shape Abstraction, An
* Use of Range and Reflectance Data to Find Planar Surface Regions
Barrett, R.C.
Co Author Listing * Cell Organized Raster Display for Line Drawings, A
* Scan Conversion Algorithms for a Cell Organized Raster Display
Barrett, S.F.
Co Author Listing * Automated lesion data base building for the treatment of retinal disorders
Barrett, T.[Tom]
Co Author Listing * email: Barrett, T.[Tom]: barrett AT toons mds lmco com
* Image Understanding at Lockheed Martin Valley Forge
* Voxel-Based Spatial Filtering Method for Canopy Height Retrieval from Airborne Single-Photon Lidar
Includes: Barrett, T.[Tom] Barrett, T.[Terence]
Barrett, W.[William]
Co Author Listing * recursive Otsu thresholding method for scanned document binarization, A
* Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting Recognition
Barrett, W.A.[William A.]
Co Author Listing * Confidence Measure for Boundary Detection and Object Selection, A
* Connected Component Level Discrimination of Handwritten and Machine-Printed Text Using Eigenfaces
* Consensus-based table form recognition
* Consensus-based table form recognition of low-quality historical documents
* DIAL 2004 Working Group Report on Acquisition Quality Control
* Digital mountain: from granite archive to global access
* Fast Focal Length Solution in Partial Panoramic Image Stitching
* Fast registration of tabular document images using the Fourier-Mellin transform
* Fourier-Mellin registration of line-delineated tabular document images
* Houghing the Hough: Peak Collection for Detection of Corners, Junctions and Line Intersections
* Intelligent selection tools
* Interactive Segmentation with Intelligent Scissors
* Just-in-time browsing for digitized microfilm and other similar image collections
* Offline signature verification and forgery detection using a 2-D geometric warping approach
* Separating Lines of Text in Free-Form Handwritten Historical Documents
* Toboggan-Based Intelligent Scissors with a Four Parameter Edge Model
* Word Warping for Offline Handwriting Recognition
Includes: Barrett, W.A.[William A.] Barrett, W.A.
17 for Barrett, W.A.
Barrho, J.
Co Author Listing * Finger Localization and Classification in Images based on Generalized Hough Transform and Probabilistic Models
Barri, A.
Co Author Listing * From Sparse Coding Significance to Perceptual Quality: A New Approach for Image Quality Assessment
* Interactive demonstrations of the locally adaptive fusion for combining objective quality measures
* Locally Adaptive System for the Fusion of Objective Quality Measures, A
Includes: Barri, A. Barri, A.[Adriaan]
Barria, E.A.
Co Author Listing * Wavelet Functions To Estimate Velocity In Spatiotemporal Signals
Barria, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Detection and Classification of Traffic Anomalies Using Microscopic Traffic Variables
* Distributed Classification of Traffic Anomalies Using Microscopic Traffic Variables
* Spatial Inference of Traffic Transition Using Micro-Macro Traffic Variables
* Structural Generative Descriptions for Time Series Classification
Barriac, V.
Co Author Listing * Laboratory and Crowdsourcing Studies of Lip Sync Effect on the Audio-Video Quality Assessment for Videoconferencing Application
Barricelli, B.R.[Barbara Rita]
Co Author Listing * Cockpit of Measures for Image Quality Assessment in Digital Film Restoration, A
* cockpit of multiple measures for assessing film restoration quality, A
* Visual glare limits of HDR displays in medical imaging
Barrick, D.[Donald]
Co Author Listing * Brahan Project High Frequency Radar Ocean Measurements: Currents, Winds, Waves and Their Interactions
* Evaluating HF Coastal Radar Site Performance for Tsunami Warning
* High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 Indonesian Tsunamis
* Tsunami Arrival Detection with High Frequency (HF) Radar
Includes: Barrick, D.[Donald] Barrick, D.
Barrie, J.[Joel]
Co Author Listing * Absolute Calibration or Validation of the Altimeters on the Sentinel-3A and the Jason-3 over Lake Issykkul (Kyrgyzstan)
Barrie, P.
Co Author Listing * Convolutional Neural Network for Pavement Surface Crack Segmentation Using Residual Connections and Attention Gating, A
* Extended fast compressive tracking with weighted multi-frame template matching for fast motion tracking
* Selective Sampling Importance Resampling Particle Filter Tracking With Multibag Subspace Restoration
* Weakly-Supervised Surface Crack Segmentation by Generating Pseudo-Labels Using Localization With a Classifier and Thresholding
Includes: Barrie, P. Barrie, P.[Peter]
Barrielle, V.
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Adaptation of a Person-Specific Manifold of Facial Expressions
Barriello, G.[Gaetano]
Co Author Listing * Location Systems for Ubiquitous Computing
Barrientos Lozano, L.[Ludivina]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Land Use-Cover Changes and Successional Stages of Vegetation in the Natural Protected Area Altas Cumbres, Northeastern Mexico, Using Landsat Satellite Imagery
Includes: Barrientos Lozano, L.[Ludivina] Barrientos-Lozano, L.[Ludivina]
Barrientos Martinez, R.E.[Rocio Erandi]
Co Author Listing * Diagnosis of Chronic Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Bayesian Networks
Includes: Barrientos Martinez, R.E.[Rocio Erandi] Barrientos-Martínez, R.E.[Rocío-Erandi]
Barrientos, A.
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Method to Detect and Track Moving Objects (DATMO) from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Using a Single Camera, A
Barrientos, C.[Carolina]
Co Author Listing * Radiometric Cross-Calibration of the Chilean Satellite FASat-C Using RapidEye and EO-1 Hyperion Data and a Simultaneous Nadir Overpass Approach
Barrier, C.R.[Casey R.]
Co Author Listing * Beyond Never-Never Land: Integrating LiDAR and Geophysical Surveys at the Johnston Site, Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park, Tennessee, USA
Barriere, C.
Co Author Listing * Handwritten sentence recognition: from signal to syntax
* Human Identification of Letters in Mixed-Script Handwriting: An Upper Bound on Recognition Rates
* Methodologies for Evaluating Thinning Algorithms for Character Recognition
Barriere, O.[Olivier]
Co Author Listing * Terrain Modeling with Multifractional Brownian Motion and Self-regulating Processes
Includes: Barriere, O.[Olivier] Barrière, O.[Olivier]
Barriga, E.
Co Author Listing * Clinical utilization of automated image analysis software for improving retinal reader's performance
* Multiscale AM-FM Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Lesion Detection
Barriga, E.S.[Eduardo S.]
Co Author Listing * Multiscale AM-FM analysis of pneumoconiosis x-ray images
* Multiscale AM-FM decompositions with GPU acceleration for diabetic retinopathy screening
* Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis for the Detection of Functional Responses in Cat Retinal Images
Includes: Barriga, E.S.[Eduardo S.] Barriga, E.S.[E. Simon] Barriga, E.S.
Barriga, S.[Simon]
Co Author Listing * Automated image quality evaluation of retinal fundus photographs in diabetic retinopathy screening
* Detection of hard exudates and red lesions in the macula using a multiscale approach
* Real-time diabetic retinopathy patient screening using multiscale AM-FM methods
* thermoregulation model to detect diabetic peripheral neuropathy, A
Includes: Barriga, S.[Simon] Barriga, S.
Barrigon, F.A.[Felipe A.]
Co Author Listing * Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smart city application on FPGAs
Barrile, V.
Co Author Listing * Combined Study of Art Works Preserved in The Archaeological Museums: 3d Survey, Spectroscopic Approach and Augmented Reality, A
* Experimental HBIM Processing: Innovative Tool for 3D Model Reconstruction of Morpho-Typological Phases for the Cultural Heritage, An
* Integrated GIS System for Post-fire Hazard Assessments With Remote Sensing
* Integration of 3D Model from UAV Survey in BIM Environment
* Photogrammetric Techniques for the Reconstruction of Underwater 3d Models of Seabed and Artifacts
* Point Cloud Segmentation Using Image Processing Techniques For Structural Analysis
* Remote detection of cerebral pathologies in magnetic resonance imagery: an unsupervised heuristic approach
* Submerged Heritage: A Virtual Journey in Our Seabed, The
Includes: Barrile, V. Barrile, V.[Vincenzo]
8 for Barrile, V.
Barrington, C.[Charlotte]
Co Author Listing * Using Wavelet Coherence to Aid the Retrieval of Volcanic SO2 from UV Spectra
Barrio Anta, M.[Marcos]
Co Author Listing * Integration of National Forest Inventory and Nationwide Airborne Laser Scanning Data to Improve Forest Yield Predictions in North-Western Spain
Includes: Barrio Anta, M.[Marcos] Barrio-Anta, M.[Marcos]
Barrio, F.[Fernando]
Co Author Listing * Study and Evolution of the Dune Field of La Banya Spit in Ebro Delta (Spain) Using LiDAR Data and GPR
Barrio, I.[Ignacio]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring and Mapping Vineyard Water Status Using Non-Invasive Technologies by a Ground Robot
Barrio, R.[Roberto]
Co Author Listing * Incremental manifold learning by spectral embedding methods
* Inertial Nonconvex Alternating Minimizations for the Image Deblurring
Barrionuevo, J.F.S.[Juan Francisco Sortino]
Co Author Listing * Methodological Proposal for the Analysis of Lighting the House Building Façades, A
Barrionuevo, P.A.[Pablo A.]
Co Author Listing * Contributions of rhodopsin, cone opsins, and melanopsin to postreceptoral pathways inferred from natural image statistics
Barrios Aranibar, D.[Dennis]
Co Author Listing * Survey of Ontologies for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Mobile Robots, A
Includes: Barrios Aranibar, D.[Dennis] Barrios-Aranibar, D.[Dennis]
Barrios Perez, I.[Ilse]
Co Author Listing * Prediction of Aboveground Biomass of Three Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Genotypes Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Thresholding Analysis and Feature Extraction from 3D Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Noninvasive Assessment of Peanut Yield
Includes: Barrios Perez, I.[Ilse] Barrios-Perez, I.[Ilse]
Barrios, J.M.[Jose Miguel]
Co Author Listing * Continuous Daily Evapotranspiration with Optical Spaceborne Observations at Sub-Kilometre Spatial Resolution
* Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Phenology of a Short-Rotation Plantation Using Remotely Sensed Indices Derived from Sentinel-2 Images
* Evaluating an energy balance setting and random forest-based downscaling for the estimation of daily ET at sub-kilometer spatial resolution
* New Retrieval Algorithm for Soil Moisture Index from Thermal Infrared Sensor On-Board Geostationary Satellites over Europe and Africa and Its Validation, A
* Retrieving daily evapotranspiration from the combination of geostationary and polar-orbit satellite data
* Sketch based Image Retrieval using Learned KeyShapes (LKS)
Includes: Barrios, J.M.[Jose Miguel] Barrios, J.M.[José Miguel] Barrios, J.M. Barrios, J.M.[Jose-Miguel] Barrios, J.M.[Juan Manuel]
Barrios, R.
Co Author Listing * influence of the in situ camera calibration for direct georeferencing of aerial imagery, The
Barrios, W.[Wayner]
Co Author Listing * Localizing Moments in Long Video Via Multimodal Guidance
* Minding the Gaps in a Video Action Analysis Pipeline
* SCC: Semantic Context Cascade for Efficient Action Detection
Includes: Barrios, W.[Wayner] Barrios, W.
Barrios, Y.[Yubal]
Co Author Listing * Hardware Implementation of the CCSDS 123.0-B-2 Near-Lossless Compression Standard Following an HLS Design Methodology
* New Algorithm for the On-Board Compression of Hyperspectral Images, A
Barriot, J.P.[Jean Pierre]
Co Author Listing * Anomalous Zenith Total Delays for an Insular Tropical Location: The Tahiti Island Case
* Assessment of the Accuracy of the Saastamoinen Model and VMF1/VMF3 Mapping Functions with Respect to Ray-Tracing from Radiosonde Data in the Framework of GNSS Meteorology
* Deep Learning-Based Local Feature Extraction Method for Improved Image Matching and Surface Reconstruction from Yutu-2 PCAM Images on the Moon, A
* Evaluation of Synoptic Snowfall on the Antarctic Ice Sheet Based on CloudSat, In-Situ Observations and Atmospheric Reanalysis Datasets
* Improved Digital Elevation Model of the Lunar Mons Rümker Region Based on Multisource Altimeter Data, An
* Metrology Assessment of the Accuracy of Precipitable Water Vapor Estimates from GPS Data Acquisition in Tropical Areas: The Tahiti Case
* Modeling the Slant Wet Delays From One GPS Receiver as a Series Expansion With Respect to Time and Space: Theory and an Example of Application for the Tahiti Island
* Preface: Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges
* Rosetta CONSERT Data as a Testbed for In Situ Navigation of Space Probes and Radiosciences in Orbit/Escort Phases for Small Bodies of the Solar System
Includes: Barriot, J.P.[Jean Pierre] Barriot, J.P.[Jean-Pierre] Barriot, J.P.
9 for Barriot, J.P.
Barriuso, A.[Adela]
Co Author Listing * DatasetGAN: Efficient Labeled Data Factory with Minimal Human Effort
* Scene Parsing through ADE20K Dataset
* Semantic Understanding of Scenes Through the ADE20K Dataset
Barro, M.[Mario]
Co Author Listing * Development of Standards for Production of Immersive 360 Motion Graphics, Based on 360 Monoscopic Videos: Layers of Information and Development of Content
Barro, S.[Senen]
Co Author Listing * Fast Support Vector Classification for Large-Scale Problems
* Fuzzy constraint networks for signal pattern recognition
Includes: Barro, S.[Senen] Barro, S.[Senén] Barro, S.
Barrodale, I.
Co Author Listing * Control Point Matching Algorithm, A
* Warping Digital Images Using Thin Plate Splines
Barroga, M.I.[Mabel I.]
Co Author Listing * Towards an Operational SAR-Based Rice Monitoring System in Asia: Examples from 13 Demonstration Sites across Asia in the RIICE Project
Barrois Muller, R.[Remi]
Co Author Listing * Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial Measurements Units, A
Includes: Barrois Muller, R.[Remi] Barrois-Müller, R.[Rémi] (Maybe also Barrois-Mueller, R.)
Barrois, B.[Bjorn]
Co Author Listing * 3D Pose Estimation Based on Multiple Monocular Cues
* Resolving stereo matching errors due to repetitive structures using model information
Barron Cano, O.
Co Author Listing * Addressing the illumination challenge in two-dimensional face recognition: a survey
Includes: Barron Cano, O. Barron-Cano, O.
Barron Coronel, F.[Frida]
Co Author Listing * Coral Reef Benthos Classification Using Data from a Short-Range Multispectral Sensor
Includes: Barron Coronel, F.[Frida] Barrón-Coronel, F.[Frida]
Barron Torres, S.[Sarah]
Co Author Listing * Development and Application of Predictive Models to Distinguish Seepage Slicks from Oil Spills on Sea Surfaces Employing SAR Sensors and Artificial Intelligence: Geometric Patterns Recognition under a Transfer Learning Approach
Includes: Barron Torres, S.[Sarah] Barrón-Torres, S.[Sarah]
Barron, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Anthropometry and Pose from a Single Image
* Estimating Anthropometry and Pose from a Single Uncalibrated Image
* Improvement of Anthropomery and Pose Estimation from a Single Uncalibrated Image, The
* On the Improvement of Anthropometry and Pose Estimation from a Single Uncalibrated Image
Includes: Barron, C.[Carlos] Barrón, C.[Carlos]
Barron, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Longitudinal Assessment of Cerebral Blood Volume Variation in Human Neonates Using Ultrafast Power Doppler and Diverging Waves
Barron, I.
Co Author Listing * Dual Modulated QR Codes for Proximal Privacy and Security
Barron, I.R.[Irving R.]
Co Author Listing * Optimized Modulation and Coding for Dual Modulated QR Codes
Barron, J.[Jonathan]
Co Author Listing * DreamBooth3D: Subject-Driven Text-to-3D Generation
* Learning Single Camera Depth Estimation Using Dual-Pixels
* Urban Radiance Fields
Includes: Barron, J.[Jonathan] Barron, J.
Barron, J.L.[John L.]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Barron, J.L.[John L.]: barron AT csd uwo ca
* 3d Regularized Velocity from 3d Doppler Radial Velocity
* 3D velocity from 3D Doppler radial velocity
* Binocular estimation of motion and structure from long sequences using optical flow without correspondence
* Computation of Optical-Flow, The
* Computer Vision Based Autonomous Robotic System for 3D Plant Growth Measurement
* Computing Motion and Structure from Noisy, Time-Varying Image Velocity Information
* Dense Range Flow from Depth and Intensity Data
* Determination of Egomotion and Environmental Layout from Noisy Time-Varying Velocity in Binocular Image Sequences
* Determination of Egomotion and Environmental Layout from Noisy Time-Varying Velocity in Monocular Image Sequences
* Estimating Expansion Rates from Range Data Sequences
* Evaluating certainties in image intensity differentation for optical flow
* Evaluating the range flow motion constraint
* Experience with 3D optical flow on gated MRI cardiac datasets
* Feasibility Of Motion And Structure Computations, The
* Feasibility of Motion and Structure from Noisy Time-Varying Image Velocity Information, The
* Frequency Structure of 1D Occluding Image Signals, The
* Fusion of Image and Range Flow, The
* Fuzzy points: algebra and application
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Method Based on a Theory for Warping: 3D Extension
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Method Based on a Theory for Warping: Implementation and Qualitative/Quantitative Evaluation
* Method for Global Non-rigid Registration of Multiple Thin Structures, A
* Motion and Structure in rigid Multi-Surfaced Stationary Environments Using Time-Varying Image Velocity: Linear Solutions
* Occluded Leaf Matching with Full Leaf Databases Using Explicit Occlusion Modelling
* On the Fourier Properties of Discontinuous Motion
* Optical Flow at Occlusion
* Performance characterization in computer vision: A guide to best practices
* Performance of Optical Flow Techniques
* Petri Net-Based Cooperation In Multi-Agent Systems
* Quantitative color optical flow
* Quantitative Comparison of 4 Algorithms for Recovering Dense Accurate Depth, A
* Quantitative Depth Recovery from Time-Varying Optical Flow in a Kalman Filter Framework
* Range Flow Estimation
* Recursive Estimation of Time-Varying Motion and Structure Parameters
* Regularised Range Flow
* Sensitivity of Motion and Structure Computations, The
* Skeleton-Based Tornado Hook Echo Detection
* Sound from Gramophone Record Groove Surface Orientation
* Spatio-Temporal Edge Focusing
* Storm tracking in Doppler radar images
* Survey of Approaches for Determining Optic Flow, Environmental Layout and Egomotion, A
* Tracking fuzzy storm centers in Doppler radar images
* Tracking Severe Storms Using a Pseudo Storm Concept
* Tracking Severe Weather Storms in Doppler Radar Images
* Tracking Weather Storms Using 3D Doppler Radial Velocity Information
* Using 3D Spline Differentiation to Compute Quantitative Optical Flow
Includes: Barron, J.L.[John L.] Barron, J.L.
47 for Barron, J.L.
Barron, J.T.[Jonathan T.]
Co Author Listing * AligNeRF: High-Fidelity Neural Radiance Fields via Alignment-Aware Training
* Aperture Supervision for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Baking Neural Radiance Fields for Real-Time View Synthesis
* Block-NeRF: Scalable Large Scene Neural View Synthesis
* Boundary Cues for 3D Object Shape Recovery
* Burst Denoising with Kernel Prediction Networks
* Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras
* category-level 3-D object dataset: Putting the Kinect to work, A
* Color Constancy, Intrinsic Images, and Shape Estimation
* Convolutional Color Constancy
* Cross-Camera Convolutional Color Constancy
* Defocus Map Estimation and Deblurring from a Single Dual-Pixel Image
* Dense Depth Priors for Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse Input Views
* Eclipse: Disambiguating Illumination and Materials Using Unintended Shadows
* Fast and High Quality Image Denoising via Malleable Convolution
* Fast Bilateral Solver, The
* Fast bilateral-space stereo for synthetic defocus
* Fast Fourier Color Constancy
* Flash Cache: Reducing Bias in Radiance Cache Based Inverse Rendering
* General and Adaptive Robust Loss Function, A
* Generalization of Otsu's Method and Minimum Error Thresholding, A
* Geometric calibration for mobile, stereo, autofocus cameras
* High-frequency shape and albedo from shading using natural image statistics
* How to Train Neural Networks for Flare Removal
* HumanNeRF: Free-viewpoint Rendering of Moving People from Monocular Video
* IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering
* Intrinsic Scene Properties from a Single RGB-D Image
* Learned Dual-View Reflection Removal
* Learned Initializations for Optimizing Coordinate-Based Neural Representations
* Learning to Autofocus
* Learning to Synthesize Motion Blur
* Lighthouse: Predicting Lighting Volumes for Spatially-Coherent Illumination
* Mip-NeRF 360: Unbounded Anti-Aliased Neural Radiance Fields
* Mip-NeRF: A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
* Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping
* Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping for Image Segmentation and Object Proposal Generation
* NeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition from Image Collections
* NeRF in the Dark: High Dynamic Range View Synthesis from Noisy Raw Images
* NeRF in the Wild: Neural Radiance Fields for Unconstrained Photo Collections
* NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
* Nerfies: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields
* NeRV: Neural Reflectance and Visibility Fields for Relighting and View Synthesis
* NUVO: Neural UV Mapping for Unruly 3d Representations
* Pushing the Boundaries of View Extrapolation With Multiplane Images
* ReconFusion: 3D Reconstruction with Diffusion Priors
* Ref-NeRF: Structured View-Dependent Appearance for Neural Radiance Fields
* RegNeRF: Regularizing Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis from Sparse Inputs
* Scene Intrinsics and Depth from a Single Image
* Semantic Image Segmentation with Task-Specific Edge Detection Using CNNs and a Discriminatively Trained Domain Transform
* Shape, albedo, and illumination from a single image of an unknown object
* Shape, Illumination, and Reflectance from Shading
* SHINOBI: Shape and Illumination using Neural Object Decomposition via BRDF Optimization In-the-wild
* Sky Optimization: Semantically aware image processing of skies in low-light photography
* Unprocessing Images for Learned Raw Denoising
* Volumetric Semantic Segmentation Using Pyramid Context Features
* What Matters in Unsupervised Optical Flow
* Zero-Shot Text-Guided Object Generation with Dream Fields
* Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields
Includes: Barron, J.T.[Jonathan T.] Barron, J.T. Barron, J.T.[Jon T.]
58 for Barron, J.T.
Barron, R.[Ricardo]
Co Author Listing * New Algorithm for Training Multi-layered Morphological Networks, A
* New Unsupervised Learning for Clustering Using Geometric Associative Memories, A
* Scene Retrieval of Natural Images
Includes: Barron, R.[Ricardo] Barrón, R.[Ricardo] Barrón, R.
Barros Cardoso da Silva, A.[Andre]
Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System DBFSAR, The
* In-Flight Multichannel Calibration for Along-Track Interferometric Airborne Radar
Includes: Barros Cardoso da Silva, A.[Andre] Barros Cardoso da Silva, A.[André] Barros Cardoso da Silva, A.
Barros de Mello, C.A.[Carlos Alexandre]
Co Author Listing * Edge Detection in Natural Scenes Inspired by the Speed Drawing Challenge
* Restoring images of ancient color postcards
Includes: Barros de Mello, C.A.[Carlos Alexandre] Barros-de Mello, C.A.[Carlos Alexandre]
Barros Filho, M.N.
Co Author Listing * Accuracy of Lacunarity Algorithms in Texture Classification of High Spatial Resolution Images from Urban Areas
Barros Gomes, H.[Heliofabio]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the First Optical Detection of a Meteoroidal Impact on the Lunar Surface Recorded from Brazil
Includes: Barros Gomes, H.[Heliofabio] Barros Gomes, H.[Heliofábio]
Barros Sousa, D.O.[Davy Oliveira]
Co Author Listing * Fast 2D and 3D image processing with OpenCL
* Fast multidimensional image processing with OpenCL
Barros, A.[Ana]
Co Author Listing * Parsing Synthetic Aperture Radar Measurements of Snow in Complex Terrain: Scaling Behaviour and Sensitivity to Snow Wetness and Landcover
* Reducing Consumer Uncertainty: Towards an Ontology for Geospatial User-Centric Metadata
Includes: Barros, A.[Ana] Barros, A.[Alistair]
Barros, A.K.
Co Author Listing * Nonquadratic Algorithm Based on the Extended Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm, A
* Segmentation of Depth-of-Field Images Based on the Response of ICA Filters
Includes: Barros, A.K. Barros, A.K.[Allan Kardec]
Barros, A.P.
Co Author Listing * Evaluating Multispectral Snowpack Reflectivity With Changing Snow Correlation Lengths
* Evaluating Passive Microwave Radiometry for the Dynamical Transition From Dry to Wet Snowpacks
* Prospects for Long-Term Agriculture in Southern Africa: Emergent Dynamics of Savannah Ecosystems from Remote Sensing Observations
* Rainfall Variability, Wetland Persistence, and Water-Carbon Cycle Coupling in the Upper Zambezi River Basin in Southern Africa
* Understanding How Low-Level Clouds and Fog Modify the Diurnal Cycle of Orographic Precipitation Using In Situ and Satellite Observations
* Weather-Dependent Nonlinear Microwave Behavior of Seasonal High-Elevation Snowpacks
Includes: Barros, A.P. Barros, A.P.[Ana P.]
Barros, F.[Fabio]
Co Author Listing * Contributions to a Quantitative Unsupervised Processing and Analysis of Tongue in Ultrasound Images
* Understanding Public Speakers' Performance: First Contributions to Support a Computational Approach
Includes: Barros, F.[Fabio] Barros, F.[Fábio]
Barros, H.S.[Heather Stoddart]
Co Author Listing * Where Do People Draw Lines?
Barros, J.
Co Author Listing * Mobile Sensing Approach to Stress Detection and Memory Activation for Public Bus Drivers, A
* Neighbor-Aided Localization in Vehicular Networks
Barros, J.M.D.[Jilliam Maria Diaz]
Co Author Listing * Computer vision-based approach for rite decryption in old societies
* Confidence-Aware Clustered Landmark Filtering For Hybrid 3D Face Tracking
* Fusion of Keypoint Tracking and Facial Landmark Detection for Real-Time Head Pose Estimation
* In-Domain Inversion for Improved 3D Face Alignment on Asymmetrical Expressions
* SynthSL: Expressive Humans for Sign Language Image Synthesis
Includes: Barros, J.M.D.[Jilliam Maria Diaz] Barros, J.M.D.[Jilliam María Díaz] Barros, J.M.D. Barros, J.M.D.[Jilliam M. Díaz]
Barros, L.[Luana]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Generalizability of Deep Neural Networks-based Models for Black Skin Lesions
* Framework to Investigate Behavioural Models, A
Includes: Barros, L.[Luana] Barros, L.
Barros, M.C.M.[Marina C. M.]
Co Author Listing * Neonatal Pain Scales and Human Visual Perception: An Exploratory Analysis Based on Facial Expression Recognition and Eye-tracking
* Visual Perception Framework to Analyse Neonatal Pain in Face Images, A
Barros, M.T.[Michael Taynnan]
Co Author Listing * CogITS: cognition-enabled network management for 5G V2X communication
* Security in Brain-Computer Interfaces: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities, and Future Challenges
Barros, O.[Oton]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of the Horizontal Resolution of SRTM Elevation Data
Barros, P.[Pablo]
Co Author Listing * Adapting the Interplay Between Personalized and Generalized Affect Recognition Based on an Unsupervised Neural Framework
* dynamic gesture recognition and prediction system using the convexity approach, A
* FaceChannel: A Light-weight Deep Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition., The
* I Only Have Eyes for You: The Impact of Masks On Convolutional-Based Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning from Learners: Adapting Reinforcement Learning Agents to be Competitive in a Card Game
* Special Issue on Automated Perception of Human Affect from Longitudinal Behavioral Data
Includes: Barros, P.[Pablo] Barros, P.
Barros, P.H.[Pedro H.]
Co Author Listing * Analyzing Social Network Images with Deep Learning Models to Fight Zika Virus
Barros, R.
Co Author Listing * Language-Agnostic Visual-Semantic Embeddings
Barros, R.C.[Rodrigo C.]
Co Author Listing * Bidirectional Retrieval Made Simple
* CrowdEst: a method for estimating (and not simulating) crowd evacuation parameters in generic environments
* Efficient Counterfactual Debiasing for Visual Question Answering
* Fast Self-Attentive Multimodal Retrieval
* How Does Computer Animation Affect Our Perception of Emotions in Video Summarization?
* Order embeddings and character-level convolutions for multimodal alignment
Includes: Barros, R.C.[Rodrigo C.] Barros, R.C.
Barros, R.M.L.[Ricardo M.L.]
Co Author Listing * Background recovering in outdoor image sequences: An example of soccer players segmentation
* multiple camera methodology for automatic localization and tracking of futsal players, A
* Tracking soccer players aiming their kinematical motion analysis
* Tracking soccer players using the graph representation
Includes: Barros, R.M.L.[Ricardo M.L.] Barros, R.M.L.
Barros, R.S.
Co Author Listing * Planialtimetric Accuracy Evaluation Of Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Obtained from Aerial Survey with Lidar
* Planialtimetric Evaluation of a CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Pair: Case Study: São Sebastião, Sp, Brazil
Barros, R.S.M.
Co Author Listing * Perceptual video quality assessment for adaptive streaming encoding
Barros, T.[Tiago]
Co Author Listing * deep learning-based global and segmentation-based semantic feature fusion approach for indoor scene classification, A
Barros, W.[Wagner]
Co Author Listing * Single-shot underwater image restoration: A visual quality-aware method based on light propagation model
Barroso Laguna, A.[Axel]
Co Author Listing * D2D: Keypoint Extraction with Describe to Detect Approach
* HDD-Net: Hybrid Detector Descriptor with Mutual Interactive Learning
* Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters
* Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters Revisited
* Matching 2D Images in 3D: Metric Relative Pose from Metric Correspondences
* ScaleNet: A Shallow Architecture for Scale Estimation
* Two-View Geometry Scoring Without Correspondences
Includes: Barroso Laguna, A.[Axel] Barroso-Laguna, A.[Axel]
7 for Barroso Laguna, A.
Barroso, B.
Co Author Listing * Retrieving ClipArt Images by Content
Barroso, C.M.[Carla M.]
Co Author Listing * Modelling of Wine Production Using Land Surface Temperature and FAPAR: The Case of the Douro Wine Region
Barroso, E.
Co Author Listing * Parallel processing and scheduling techniques applied to the quality control of bill sheets
Barroso, G.[Gisela]
Co Author Listing * Machine Learning for Mineral Identification and Ore Estimation from Hyperspectral Imagery in Tin-Tungsten Deposits: Simulation under Indoor Conditions
Barroso, G.A.[Guillermo Andrade]
Co Author Listing * Real time ultrasound image denoising
Barroso, M.[Mario]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Three Decades of Changes in the Brazilian Savanna Native Vegetation Using Landsat Data Processed in the Google Earth Engine Platform
Barroso, R.F.[Rodrigo F.]
Co Author Listing * Using Boundary Conditions for Combining Multiple Descriptors in Similarity Based Queries
Barroso, T.M.[Tony Marrero]
Co Author Listing * Evaluating the performance and correlation of colour invariant local image feature detectors
Barrouil, C.
Co Author Listing * Use of a priori descriptions in a high-level language and management of the uncertainty in a scene recognition system
Barrow, H.G.
Co Author Listing * Computational Vision
* Experiments in Interpretation Guided Segmentation
* Experments in Map-Guided Photo Interpretation
* IGS: A Paradigm for Integrating Image Segmentation and Interpretation
* Interactive Aids for Cartography and Photo-Interpretation
* Interactive Aids for Cartography and Photo-Interpretation: Progress Report
* Interpreting Line Drawings as Three-Dimensional Surfaces
* Map-Guided Interpretation of Remotely-Sensed Data
* Map-Guided Interpretation of Remotely-Sensed Imagery
* MSYS: A System for Reasoning about Scenes
* Parametric Correspondence and Chamfer Matching: Two New Techniques for Image Matching
* Reconstructing Smooth Surfaces from Partial, Noisy Information
* Recovering Intrinsic Scene Characteristics from Images
* Relational Descriptions in Picture Processing
* Research in Interactive Scene Analysis
* Retrospective on Interpreting Line Drawings as Three-Dimensional Surfaces
* Scene Modeling: A Structural Basis for Image Description
* Some Techniques for Recognizing Structures in Pictures
* SRI Road Expert: An Overview, The
* Subgraph Isomorphism, Matching Relational Structures and Maximal Cliques
Includes: Barrow, H.G. Barrow, H.G.[Harry G.]
20 for Barrow, H.G.
Barrowclough, O.
Co Author Listing * Locally Refined Splines Representation for Geospatial Big Data
Barrowes, B.[Benjamin]
Co Author Listing * High-Frequency Electromagnetic Induction (HFEMI) Sensor Results from IED Constituent Parts
Barrowes, B.E.[Benjamin E.]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Feasibility of UAS-Based EMI Sensing for Underground Utilities Detection and Mapping
* Camp Butner Live-Site UXO Classification Using Hierarchical Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* High-Frequency Electromagnetic Induction Sensing of Nonmetallic Materials
* Orthonormalized Volume Magnetic Source Model for Discrimination of Unexploded Ordnance, The
* Real-Time Processing of Electromagnetic Induction Dynamic Data Using Kalman Filters for Unexploded Ordnance Detection
* Simultaneous Identification of Multiple Unexploded Ordnance Using Electromagnetic Induction Sensors
Includes: Barrowes, B.E.[Benjamin E.] Barrowes, B.E.
Barrows, C.[Colin]
Co Author Listing * Rapid omnidirectional vision acquisition using an intelligent linear scanning technique
Barrows, G.L.[Geoffrey L.]
Co Author Listing * Toward Wide-Angle Microvision Sensors
* Wide-angle micro sensors for vision on a tight budget
Barruffo, L.[Lorenzo]
Co Author Listing * GoA4 Control Architecture for the Autonomous Driving of High-Speed Trains Over ETCS: Design and Experimental Validation, A
Barry, A.
Co Author Listing * Augmented Reality in a Public Space: The Natural History Museum, London
Barry, C.[Caswell]
Co Author Listing * Probing Neural Representations of Scene Perception in a Hippocampally Dependent Task Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Quantifying the Intra-Habitat Variation of Seagrass Beds with Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
* Texture Analysis of Retinal Images to Determine Nerve Fibre Loss
* Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Map Seagrass Cover from Sentinel-2 Imagery
Includes: Barry, C.[Caswell] Barry, C.[Chris] Barry, C. Barry, C.[Christopher]
Barry, D.
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Framework for Video Time and Pitch Scale Modification, A
* xYOLO: A Model For Real-Time Object Detection In Humanoid Soccer On Low-End Hardware
Barry, D.A.[David Andrew]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring Mesoscale to Submesoscale Processes in Large Lakes with Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery: The Case of Lake Geneva
Barry, D.N.[Daniel N.]
Co Author Listing * too-good-to-be-true prior to reduce shortcut reliance, A
Barry, D.T.[Daniel T.]
Co Author Listing * Computer Vision-based Assistance System for the Visually Impaired Using Mobile Edge Artificial Intelligence
Barry, J.[Jessie]
Co Author Listing * Building a bird recognition app and large scale dataset with citizen scientists: The fine print in fine-grained dataset collection
* Feasibility of Endocardial Propagation Mapping Using Magnetic Resonance Guidance in a Swine Model, and Comparison With Standard Electroanatomic Mapping, The
* Pipeline to Build and Test Robust 3D T1 Mapping-Based Heart Models for EP Interventions: Preliminary Results
Includes: Barry, J.[Jessie] Barry, J. Barry, J.[Jen]
Barry, K.[Karen]
Co Author Listing * Poppy Crop Height and Capsule Volume Estimation from a Single UAS Flight
Barry, M.
Co Author Listing * Characterisation of Network Objects in Natural and Anthropic Environments
* Comparison of ARTMAP Neural Networks for Classification for Face Recognition from Video
* Comparison Of Multi-scale Digital Elevation Models For Defining Waterways And Catchments Over Large Areas
* Direct Extraction of Normal Mapped Meshes from Volume Data
* multi-level geometric reasoning system for vision, A
Includes: Barry, M. Barry, M.[Mark] Barry, M.[Michele]
Barry, M.J.[Michael J.]
Co Author Listing * Automated High-Resolution Time Series Mapping of Mangrove Forests Damaged by Hurricane Irma in Southwest Florida
Barry, O.
Co Author Listing * Robust Motion-Compensated Orthogonal Video Coding Using EBCOT
Barry, P.
Co Author Listing * Field Accuracy Test of RPAS Photogrammetry
Barry, P.S.
Co Author Listing * Hyperion, a space-based imaging spectrometer