Update Dates 1212

1212 * *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *True Vision: Capture, Transmission And Display of 3D Video, The
* *True Vision: Capture, Transmission And Display of 3D Video, The
* 3-D Adaptive Nonlinear Complex-Diffusion Despeckling Filter
* 3D City Modeling from Street-Level Data for Augmented Reality Applications
* 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition
* 3D facial merging for virtual human reconstruction
* 3D Facial Surface and Texture Synthesis Using 2D Landmarks from a Single Face Sketch
* 3D Human Motion Analysis to Detect Abnormal Events on Stairs
* 3D mesh video retrieval: A survey
* 3D Object Detection and Localization Using Multimodal Point Pair Features
* 3D player for evaluation of new 3D techniques
* 3D Reconstruction with Globally-Optimized Point Selection
* Access Point-Based FEC Mechanism for Video Transmission Over Wireless LANs, An
* Accurate and Automatic Alignment of Range Surfaces
* Accurate Full Body Scanning from a Single Fixed 3D Camera
* Accurate Global Localization Using Visual Odometry and Digital Maps on Urban Environments
* Adaptive arithmetic coding for point cloud compression
* Adaptive Attenuation Correction Techniques for C-Band Polarimetric Weather Radars
* Adaptive Census Transform: A novel hardware-oriented stereovision algorithm
* Adaptive CFAR for Space-Based Multichannel SAR-GMTI
* Adaptive Hierarchical Approach to the Extraction of High Resolution Medial Surfaces, An
* Adaptive occlusion state estimation for human pose tracking under self-occlusions
* Adaptive Score Normalization for Output Integration in Multiclassifier Systems
* adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence of unified orthogonal polynomials, An
* Adjustable Model-Based Fusion Method for Multispectral and Panchromatic Images
* Advanced interpolation filters for depth image based rendering
* Advanced IPTV Services Personalization Through Context-Aware Content Recommendation
* Advances in Electroencephalography Signal Processing
* Advances in Shader Lamps Avatars for telepresence
* Affinity Learning with Diffusion on Tensor Product Graph
* Afriat's Test for Detecting Malicious Agents
* Analysis of pixel-mapping rounding on geometric distortion as a prediction for view synthesis distortion
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Texture Reconstruction
* Analytical Framework for Improving the Quality of Streaming Over TCP
* Analytical Prediction of Self-Organized Traffic Jams as a Function of Increasing ACC Penetration
* Analyzing the Optimality of Predictive Transform Coding Using Graph-Based Models
* Approximate Nearest Neighbor Based Feature Quantization Algorithm for Robust Hashing
* Array P Systems and t-Communication
* Array-rewriting P systems
* Assessment of hyperspectral MIVIS sensor capability for heterogeneous landscape classification
* Asymptotic Analysis of Switched Uniform Polar Quantization for Memoryless Gaussian Source
* Auroral Sequence Representation and Classification Using Hidden Markov Models
* Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a single click ensemble segmentation approach
* Automated extraction of tree and plot-based parameters in citrus orchards from aerial images
* Automated Localization of a Camera Network
* Automated planimetric quality control in high accuracy airborne laser scanning surveys
* Automatic Aorta Segmentation and Valve Landmark Detection in C-Arm CT for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
* Automatic Calibration of a Range Sensor and Camera System
* Automatic Color Enhancement (ACE) and its Fast Implementation
* Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Low-Dose Chest Computed Tomography
* Automatic processing of handwritten bank cheque images: a survey
* Automatic Renal Cortex Segmentation Using Implicit Shape Registration and Novel Multiple Surfaces Graph Search
* Automatic segmentation of dermoscopy images using self-generating neural networks seeded by genetic algorithm
* Automatic stereoscopic 3D video reframing
* Automatically optimizing stereo camera system based on 3D cinematography principles
* Bag of spatio-visual words for context inference in scene classification
* Bayesian Estimation With Distance Bounds
* Beyond the Fourier Transform: Signal Symmetry Breaking in the Complex Plane
* Biologically Inspired CMOS Image Sensor, A
* Biologically inspired task oriented gist model for scene classification
* Biometric Authentication: System Security and User Privacy
* Bit Error-Rate Minimizing Detector for Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems Using Generalized Gaussian Kernel
* Bit-rate allocation between texture and depth: Influence of data sequence characteristics
* Blind Separation of Complex Sources Using Generalized Generating Function
* Boosting the Computational Performance of Feature-Based Multiple 3D Scan Alignment by iat-k-means Clustering
* Cage-Based Motion Recovery Using Manifold Learning
* Calibrating an Optical See-Through Rig with Two Non-overlapping Cameras: The Virtual Camera Framework
* Capacity Management of Seed Servers in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems With Scalable Video Streams
* Car Makers See Opportunities in Infotainment, Driver-Assistance Systems
* Casual Stereoscopic Photo Authoring
* categorization system for handwritten documents, A
* Chinese Restaurant Game
* Classification and Pose Estimation of Vehicles in Videos by 3D Modeling within Discrete-Continuous Optimization
* Classification of Prostate Histopathology Images Based on Multifractal Analysis
* Coffee-Can Radar
* Collaborative Blind Source Separation Using Location Informed Spatial Microphones
* Collaborative neighbor representation based classification using L_2-minimization approach
* Color plus depth 3-D video transmission with hierarchical 16-QAM
* Combined rigorous-generic direct orthorectification procedure for IRS-p6 sensors
* comparison of index-based Lempel-Ziv LZ77 factorization algorithms, A
* Complex Terrain Mapping with Multi-camera Visual Odometry and Realtime Drift Correction
* Compound-Gaussian Clutter Modeling With an Inverse Gaussian Texture Distribution
* Compressed Sensing Based Real-Time Dynamic MRI Reconstruction
* Compression of residual layers of layered depth video using hierarchical block truncation coding
* Compressive Light Field Sensing
* Connectivity-Enforcing Hough Transform for the Robust Extraction of Line Segments
* Consistent Stereo Matching Under Varying Radiometric Conditions
* Constructing satellite-derived hyperspectral indices sensitive to canopy structure variables of a Cordilleran Cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis) forest
* Continuous rotation invariant local descriptors for texton dictionary-based texture classification
* Contrasting the Effects of Different Frequency Bands on Speaker and Accent Identification
* Conventional and fuzzy comparisons of large scale land cover products: Application to CORINE, GLC2000, MODIS and GlobCover in Europe
* Cooperative Secure Beamforming for AF Relay Networks With Multiple Eavesdroppers
* Coordinate Live Streaming and Storage Sharing for Social Media Content Distribution
* Cross-asymmetric mixed-resolution 3D video compression
* Day/Night Polarimetric Anomaly Detection Using SPICE Imagery
* Denoising infrared structured light DIBR signals using 3D morphological operators
* Denoising of volumetric depth confidence for view rendering
* Dense Non-rigid Structure from Motion
* Depth image based compositing for stereo 3D
* Depth map coding based on a optimal hierarchical region representation
* design for a mobile robotic avatar: Modular framework, A
* Detecting Motion through Dynamic Refraction
* Development of a Small-Scale Research Platform for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Development of Vehicle Position Estimation Algorithms Based on the Use of AMR Sensors, The
* Difference of Normals as a Multi-scale Operator in Unorganized Point Clouds
* Difficulty Guided Image Retrieval Using Linear Multiple Feature Embedding
* Digital Functions and Data Reconstruction: Digital-Discrete Methods
* Direct 3D-collaboration with Face2Face: Implementation details and application concepts
* Direct 4-D PET List Mode Parametric Reconstruction With a Novel EM Algorithm
* Direct Discriminant Locality Preserving Projection With Hammerstein Polynomial Expansion
* Directional Total Variation
* Discovering Video Shot Categories by Unsupervised Stochastic Graph Partition
* Discriminating Joint Feature Analysis for Multimedia Data Understanding
* Discriminative Multimanifold Analysis for Face Recognition from a Single Training Sample per Person
* Discriminative Segmentation-Based Evaluation Through Shape Dissimilarity
* Dolphin Whistle Frequency Estimation using Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter
* Double-pupil location of face images
* Dynamic Mosaics
* Dynamical Simulation Priors for Human Motion Tracking
* Eco-Routing Navigation System Based on Multisource Historical and Real-Time Traffic Information
* EDCircles: A Real-Time Circle Detector with a False Detection Control
* Edge preserving image denoising with a closed form solution
* effective retinal blood vessel segmentation method using multi-scale line detection, An
* Effects of Channel Estimation on Spatial Modulation
* Efficient Algorithm for Level Set Method Preserving Distance Function
* Efficient and accurate face detection using heterogeneous feature descriptors and feature selection
* Efficient Classification for Additive Kernel SVMs
* Efficient Multi-scale Stereo of High-Resolution Planar and Spherical Images
* Efficient stereo video encoding for mobile applications using the 3D+F codec
* efficient two-stage framework for image annotation, An
* Encoding local image patterns using Riesz transforms: With applications to palmprint and finger-knuckle-print recognition
* Energy Management for Fuel-Cell Hybrid Vehicles Based on Specific Fuel Consumption Due to Load Shifting
* Enhance light efficiency for slim light-strip array backlight on autostereoscopic display
* Enhanced Matrix-Based Secret Image Sharing Scheme
* Enhancing 3D face recognition using soft biometrics
* Enhancing Spatial Resolution of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Sensor's Intrinsic Keystone Distortion
* Error Correcting 3D Scanning Technique Using Dual Pseudorandom Arrays, An
* Estimating Information from Image Colors: An Application to Digital Cameras and Natural Scenes
* Estimating Relevance for the Emergency Electronic Brake Light Application
* Estimating the fundamental matrix under pure translation and radial distortion
* Estimation of biomass and volume of shrub vegetation using LiDAR and spectral data in a Mediterranean environment
* Estimation of vertical plant area density profiles in a rice canopy at different growth stages by high-resolution portable scanning lidar with a lightweight mirror
* Evaluating multi-view plus depth coding solutions for 3D video scenarios
* Evaluation Method for Multiview Surface Reconstruction Algorithms, An
* Exploiting disparity information in visual object tracking
* Exploiting Physical Inconsistencies for 3D Scene Understanding
* Exponential and Power Law Distribution of Contact Duration in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Extension of Tamura Texture Features for 3D Fluorescence Microscopy
* Face Hallucination via Similarity Constraints
* Face Representation and Recognition with Local Curvelet Patterns
* Face verification of age separated images under the influence of internal and external factors
* Facial age estimation based on label-sensitive learning and age-oriented regression
* Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Reality
* Fast Converging Algorithm for Weighted Sum Rate Maximization in Multicell MISO Downlink
* Fast Conversion Algorithm for the Dolby Digital (Plus) AC-3 Audio Coding Standards
* Fast Frequency-Domain Algorithm for Equalizing Acoustic Impulse Responses, A
* Fast gradient vector flow computation based on augmented Lagrangian method
* Fast multi-label core vector machine
* FAST Rate Allocation for JPEG2000 Video Transmission Over Time-Varying Channels
* Feature detection and matching towards augmented reality applications on mobile devices
* Fixed Sensor-Based Intersection Collision Warning System in Vulnerable Line-of-Sight and/or Traffic-Violation-Prone Environment, A
* Flutter Shutter Camera Simulator, The
* Forest variable estimation using a high-resolution digital surface model
* Frame loss concealment for 3D video decoders based on disparity-compensated motion field
* Fully Automatic and Frame-Accurate Video Synchronization Using Bitrate Sequences
* Gait Recognition Across Various Walking Speeds Using Higher Order Shape Configuration Based on a Differential Composition Model
* Gammatone Cepstral Coefficients: Biologically Inspired Features for Non-Speech Audio Classification
* general approach for multi-oriented text line extraction of handwritten documents, A
* general framework for the statistical analysis of the sources of variance for classification error estimators, A
* Generalised relaxed Radon transform (GR2T) for robust inference
* Generalized canonical correlation analysis for disparate data fusion
* Generating Dense Point Correspondence Ground-Truth across Multiple Views
* Generation of multi-view video plus depth content using mixed narrow and wide baseline setup
* Genetic algorithm-based reconstruction of old films corrupted by scratches and blotches
* Geometric Flow Approach for Region-Based Image Segmentation
* Global Motion Estimation from Point Matches
* Global Versus Local MPC Algorithms in Freeway Traffic Control With Ramp Metering and Variable Speed Limits
* Global-background based view synthesis approach for multi-view video
* GPU-Accelerated Real-Time Tracking of Full-Body Motion With Multi-Layer Search
* Graph Embedding for Pattern Analysis
* Grid-Based Active Stereo with Single-Colored Wave Pattern for Dense One-shot 3D Scan
* Handling Occlusions for Accurate 3D Urban Cartography: A New Approach Based on Characterization and Multiple Passages
* Handwritten Digit Recognition by Fourier-Packet Descriptors
* heuristic hierarchical clustering based on multiple similarity measurements, A
* Hierarchical Least Squares Estimation Algorithm for Hammerstein-Wiener Systems
* High Capacity Data Hiding for Error-Diffused Block Truncation Coding
* High Efficiency Video Coding: The Next Frontier in Video Compression
* High Resolution Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Aerial Imagery
* High-Detail 3D Capture and Non-sequential Alignment of Facial Performance
* High-Level Bottom-Up Cues for Top-Down Parsing of Facade Images
* High-Resolution Performance Capture by Zoom-in Pan-Tilt Cameras
* Highly Automated Driving on Freeways in Real Traffic Using a Probabilistic Framework
* How do users select stereoscopic 3D content?
* Human-Arm-and-Hand-Dynamic Model With Variability Analyses for a Stylus-Based Haptic Interface
* Hybrid Multiview Stereo Algorithm for Modeling Urban Scenes, A
* hybrid representation for multi-view images, A
* Hybrid Saliency Detection for Images
* Hybrid view- synthesizing approach for multiview applications
* HyperSfM
* Hyperspectral shape-based unmixing to improve intra- and interclass variability for forest and agro-ecosystem monitoring
* Hyperspheres of weighted distances in arbitrary dimension
* Image collection summarization via dictionary learning for sparse representation
* Image segmentation with one shape prior: A template-based formulation
* Implementation and optimization of software depth estimation for ARM
* Improving Dictionary Learning: Multiple Dictionary Updates and Coefficient Reuse
* Incorporating Contextual Information into Bag-of-Visual-Words Framework for Effective Object Categorization
* Increasing the Efficiency of Local Stereo by Leveraging Smoothness Constraints
* Incremental behavior modeling and suspicious activity detection
* Incremental depth upscaling using an edge weighted optimization concept
* Incremental Large Scale 3D Reconstruction
* Incremental Non-Gaussian Analysis on Multivariate EEG Signal Data
* Incremental Reconstruction of Manifold Surface from Sparse Visual Mapping
* Instantaneous Lane-Level Positioning Using DSRC Carrier Frequency Offset, An
* Integrated 802.11p WAVE DSRC and Vehicle Traffic Simulator With Experimentally Validated Urban (LOS and NLOS) Propagation Models, An
* Integrating Graph Partitioning and Matching for Trajectory Analysis in Video Surveillance
* Interactive Disparity Map Post-processing
* Interactive video segmentation supported by multiple modalities, with an application to depth maps
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Learning for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the Chinese FengYun-3 Satellite Instrument Calibration and Applications
* Introduction to the Special Section on Smart, Social, and Converged TV
* Joint Clock Synchronization and Ranging: Asymmetrical Time-Stamping and Passive Listening
* Joint Cooperative Beamforming and Jamming to Secure AF Relay Systems With Individual Power Constraint and No Eavesdropper's CSI
* Joint Voltage and Phase Unbalance Detector for Three Phase Power Systems
* Kernel-based representation for 2D/3D motion trajectory retrieval and classification
* Laplacian Sparse Coding, Hypergraph Laplacian Sparse Coding, and Applications
* Learner excellence biased by data set selection: A case for data characterisation and artificial data sets
* Learning Dictionaries With Bounded Self-Coherence
* Learning the Dynamics of Arterial Traffic From Probe Data Using a Dynamic Bayesian Network
* Learning to Distribute Vocabulary Indexing for Scalable Visual Search
* Learning-based encoding with soft assignment for age estimation under unconstrained imaging conditions
* Least Commitment, Viewpoint-Based, Multi-view Stereo
* Leveraging Topographic Maps for Image to Terrain Alignment
* LiDAR-Landsat data fusion for large-area assessment of urban land cover: Balancing spatial resolution, data volume and mapping accuracy
* Linear Discriminant Regression Classification for Face Recognition
* Linearly-Constrained Recursive Total Least-Squares Algorithm
* link-analysis-based discriminant analysis for exploring partially labeled graphs, A
* Live capture, rectification, and streaming of stereoscopic internet video for casual users
* Local Path Planning for Off-Road Autonomous Driving With Avoidance of Static Obstacles
* Local Polar DCT Features for Image Description
* Localized algorithms for multiple kernel learning
* Localizing a mobile robot with intrinsic noise
* Lucas-Kanade based entropy congealing for joint face alignment
* L_2 Restoration of L_inf -Decoded Images Via Soft-Decision Estimation
* Managing Digital Rights for P2P Live Broadcast and Recording on the Internet
* Mapping evergreen forests in the Brazilian Amazon using MODIS and PALSAR 500-m mosaic imagery
* Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations in complex landscapes by integrating PALSAR and MODIS imagery
* Markerless Motion Capture of Human Body Using PSO with Single Depth Camera
* Matching of straight line segments from aerial stereo images of urban areas
* Max-Min Fairness Linear Transceiver Design Problem for a Multi-User SIMO Interference Channel is Polynomial Time Solvable
* measure of tortuosity based on chain coding, A
* Measuring Driving Behaviors from Live Video
* Method for Broadband Full-Duplex MIMO Radio, A
* Minimum Norm Least Squares Extrapolation Estimate for Discrete (a,b,c,d)-Bandlimited Signals
* Mixture of Factor Analyzers Using Priors From Non-Parallel Speech for Voice Conversion
* Model-based intra coding for depth maps in 3D video using a depth lookup table
* Modeling dynamic swarms
* Modeling Functional Roles Dynamics in Small Group Interactions
* Modeling Kinect Sensor Noise for Improved 3D Reconstruction and Tracking
* Multi-Camera Approach to Image-Based Rendering and 3-D/Multiview Display of Ancient Chinese Artifacts, A
* Multi-focus image fusion based on the neighbor distance
* Multi-Modal Image Registration Based on Gradient Orientations of Minimal Uncertainty
* Multi-view Photometric Stereo Using Semi-isometric Mappings
* Multibiometric human recognition using 3D ear and face features
* Multilayer Adaptive Linear Predictors for Real-Time Tracking
* Multimedia Fusion With Mean-Covariance Analysis
* Multimodality Image Fusion by Using Both Phase and Magnitude Information
* Multiple Human Tracking in High-Density Crowds
* Multiple View Stereo by Reflectance Modeling
* Multiple-instance learning as a classifier combining problem
* Multitask multiclass support vector machines: Model and experiments
* Multiview extension of HEVC using reduced resolution disparity information for inter-view prediction tools
* new belief-based K-nearest neighbor classification method, A
* Nighttime Brake-Light Detection by Nakagami Imaging
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment in the Spatial Domain
* Non Local Point Set Surfaces
* Non-Lipschitz L_p-Regularization and Box Constrained Model for Image Restoration
* Non-Parametric Super-Resolution Using a Bi-Sensor Camera
* Nonconvex sparse regularizer based speckle noise removal
* Nonlinear Depth Map Resampling for Depth-Enhanced 3-D Video Coding
* Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm Based on Variable-Step-Size Recursion With Innovative Input Data, A
* Novel Expression Deformation Model for 3D Face Recognition, A
* novel interpolation method for 3D view synthesis, A
* novel method for splitting clumps of convex objects incorporating image intensity and using rectangular window-based concavity point-pair search, A
* Novel Sparse Method for Despeckling SAR Images, A
* Number of Lane Changes Determined by Splashover Effects in Loop Detector Counts
* Occlusion cues for image scene layering
* Off-line handwritten signature detection by analysis of evidence accumulation
* On LARS/Homotopy Equivalence Conditions for Over-Determined LASSO
* On Perceptually Consistent Image Binarization
* On Preserving Original Variables in Bayesian PCA With Application to Image Analysis
* On the Affinity between 3D Detectors and Descriptors
* On the dynamic time warping of cyclic sequences for shape retrieval
* On the fast computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments with improved numerical stability
* On the Step-Size Bounds of Frequency-Domain Block LMS Adaptive Filters
* On the Use of Equality Constraints in the Identification of Volterra-Laguerre Models
* Online Algorithms for Classification of Urban Objects in 3D Point Clouds
* Online Gaze Disparity via Bioncular Eye Tracking on Stereoscopic Displays
* Online Learning of Correspondences between Images
* Optimising Light Source Positions to Minimise Illumination Variation for 3D Vision
* Optimizing frame structure with real-time computation for interactive multiview video streaming
* Optimizing Multiscale SSIM for Compression via MLDS
* P2P-Based IPTV Services: Design, Deployment, and QoE Measurement
* Parallel Computing Framework for Large-Scale Air Traffic Flow Optimization, A
* Parameterized variety for multi-view multi-exposure image synthesis and high dynamic range stereo reconstruction
* Parsimonious Mahalanobis kernel for the classification of high dimensional data
* Patch Prior for Dense 3D Reconstruction in Man-Made Environments, A
* PatchMatch-Based Content Completion of Stereo Image Pairs
* Pectoral muscle segmentation in mammograms based on homogenous texture and intensity deviation
* Pedestrian Safety Analysis in Mixed Traffic Conditions Using Video Data
* Penalized Likelihood PET Image Reconstruction Using Patch-Based Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Performance Optimization of Digital Spectrum Analyzer With Gaussian Input Signal
* Peripapillary Atrophy Detection by Sparse Biologically Inspired Feature Manifold
* Persistent Brain Network Homology From the Perspective of Dendrogram
* Phase Diagram Analysis Based on a Temporal-Spatial Queueing Model
* Photo Stream Alignment and Summarization for Collaborative Photo Collection and Sharing
* Photo Tours
* Pinhole-to-Projection Pyramid Subtraction for Reconstructing Non-rigid Objects from Range Images
* Polarization-Based Surface Normal Estimation of Black Specular Objects from Multiple Viewpoints
* Position regularized Support Vector Domain Description
* Possibilistic nonlinear dynamical analysis for pattern recognition
* Power Allocation for Statistical QoS Provisioning in Opportunistic Multi-Relay DF Cognitive Networks
* Prediction mode modulated data-hiding algorithm for H.264/AVC
* Prediction of visual fatigue from spatiotemporal characteristics in stereoscopic video
* Preserving gaze direction in teleconferencing using a camera array and a spherical display
* Pricing and Investment for Online TV Content Platforms
* Probabilistic Approach to Spectral Graph Matching, A
* Probabilistic Subspace Clustering Via Sparse Representations
* Probabilistic Tracking of Affine-Invariant Anisotropic Regions
* Progressive edge-preserving depth maps coding based on sparse representation
* Promeds: An adaptive robust fundamental matrix estimation approach
* QoS routing in wireless sensor networks: A survey
* Quality assessment of a stereo pair formed from decoded and synthesized views using objective metrics
* Quantification of crown changes and change uncertainty of trees in an urban environment
* Quantitative Measure for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Quantitative Model and Analysis of Information Confusion in Social Networks, A
* Quasi-Linear Optimal Path Controller Applied to Post Impact Vehicle Dynamics
* Quaternion Widely Linear Series Expansion and Its Applications, A
* Querying Moving Objects Detected by Sensor Networks
* Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Lateral Control With or Without a Cognitive Distraction Task
* R-D optimized auxiliary information for inpainting-based view synthesis
* Radiometric Calibration by Rank Minimization
* Random direction divisive clustering
* Range camera self-calibration with scattering compensation
* Rapid Skin: Estimating the 3D Human Pose and Shape in Real-Time
* Real-time computation of disparity for hand-pair gesture recognition using a stereo webcam
* Real-Time Detection and Recognition of Road Traffic Signs
* Real-time GPU color-based segmentation of football players
* Real-time H.264/AVC baseline decoder implementation on TMS320C6416
* Real-Time Reshaping of Humans
* Real-time robust background subtraction under rapidly changing illumination conditions
* Real-Time Traffic-Sign Recognition Using Tree Classifiers
* Real-Time Vehicle Identification Performance Using FPGA Correlator Hardware
* Real-Time Vehicle Navigation Algorithm in Sensor Network Environments, A
* Real-Time Video-Based Traffic Measurement and Visualization System for Energy/Emissions
* Real-time volumetric 3D capture of room-sized scenes for telepresence
* Receiver-Driven Adaptive Enhancement Layer Switching Algorithm for Scalable Video Transmission Over Link-adaptive Networks
* Recognition and retrieval of mathematical expressions
* Recommender System for Sport Videos Based on User Audiovisual Consumption
* Recursive Algorithms for Bias and Gain Nonuniformity Correction in Infrared Videos
* Reference-Based Scheme Combined With K-SVD for Scene Image Categorization
* Registration of Spherical Panoramic Images with Cadastral 3D Models
* Regularized Auto-Associative Neural Networks for Speaker Verification
* Relaxation in X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Relevance Voxel Machine (RVoxM): A Self-Tuning Bayesian Model for Informative Image-Based Prediction, The
* Reliability of 2D quality assessment methods for synthesized views evaluation in stereoscopic viewing conditions
* reliability of estimated confidence intervals for classification error rates when only a single sample is available, The
* Remote Diagnosis Service Platform for Wearable ECG Monitors, A
* Removing Atmospheric Turbulence via Space-Invariant Deconvolution
* Repeatable and Efficient Canonical Reference for Surface Matching, A
* Researchers Push Speech Recognition Toward the Mainstream
* Retracted Paper: A robust kernelized intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm in segmentation of noisy medical images
* Robust Adaptive Array Beamforming With Subspace Steering Vector Uncertainties
* Robust Multi-camera 3D Ellipse Fitting for Contactless Measurements, A
* Robust Probabilistic Occupancy Grid Estimation from Positive and Negative Distance Fields
* Robust Recovery of Subspace Structures by Low-Rank Representation
* Robust Segmentation of Moving Vehicles Under Complex Outdoor Conditions
* Robust Simultaneous 3D Registration via Rank Minimization
* Robust Technique for Motion-Based Video Sequences Temporal Alignment, A
* Rotated Orthogonal Transform (ROT) for Motion-Compensation Residual Coding
* Safety Benefits of Forward Collision Warning, Brake Assist, and Autonomous Braking Systems in Rear-End Collisions
* Saliency Detection Model Using Low-Level Features Based on Wavelet Transform, A
* Sampling Optimization for Printer Characterization by Direct Search
* Sampling-Based Multiview Reconstruction without Correspondences for 3D Edges
* scalable coding approach for high quality depth image compression, A
* Scale selection for supervised image segmentation
* Scene geometric recognition from monocular image
* Scene text detection using graph model built upon maximally stable extremal regions
* Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can Generate and Use Professional Imaging Data
* Secure and Efficient Authentication Scheme for Access Control in Mobile Pay-TV Systems, A
* Self-Coaching System Based on Recorded Driving Data: Learning From One's Experiences
* Self-Normalization Reconstruction Technique for PET Scans Using the Positron Emission Data, A
* Self-Organizing-Queue Based Clustering
* Semi-dense Piecewise Planar Stereo Reconstruction Using SymStereo and PEARL
* Sensor Fusion for Depth Estimation, including TOF and Thermal Sensors
* Shape Deformation in Two-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shape-Based Regularization of Electron Tomographic Reconstruction
* Shifted-Delta MLP Features for Spoken Language Recognition
* Short-Term Traffic Speed Forecasting Based on Data Recorded at Irregular Intervals
* Side Information and Noise Learning for Distributed Video Coding Using Optical Flow and Clustering
* Simple Continuous Pitch Estimation Algorithm, A
* Simple, Accurate, and Robust Projector-Camera Calibration
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation in Time-of-Flight PET
* Sliding-Mode-Observer-Based Adaptive Slip Ratio Control for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
* Smart 3D video coding
* Solving the PnP Problem with Anisotropic Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis
* Space-Time Joint Multi-layer Segmentation and Depth Estimation
* Sparse and Redundant Representation Modeling: What Next?
* Sparse Modeling of Shape from Structured Light
* Sparse-plus-dense-RANSAC for estimation of multiple complex curvilinear models in 2D and 3D
* Sparse-Representation-Based Graph Embedding for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Sparsity-Promoting Extended Kalman Filtering for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Spatial and spectral morphological template matching
* Special Values of the Bivariate Gaussian Distribution
* Spectral Hashing With Semantically Consistent Graph for Image Indexing
* Sports: 3-D TV's toughest challenge
* State-of-the-Art in Visual Attention Modeling
* Steerable, Multiscale Singularity Index, A
* Stochastic Modeling of Traffic Flow Breakdown Phenomenon: Application to Predicting Travel Time Reliability
* Stratified sampling for feature subspace selection in random forests for high dimensional data
* Structure from Motion Using Augmented Lagrangian Robust Factorization
* study on font-family and font-size recognition applied to Arabic word images at ultra-low resolution, A
* subspace approach to error correcting output codes, A
* Support value based stent-graft marker detection
* survey of graph theoretical approaches to image segmentation, A
* symbol spotting approach in graphical documents by hashing serialized graphs, A
* Systematic Error Analysis for the Enhancement of Biometric Systems Using Soft Biometrics
* T-HOG: An effective gradient-based descriptor for single line text regions
* Temporal characteristics of thermal satellite images for urban heat stress and heat island mapping
* Temporal Psychovisual Modulation: A New Paradigm of Information Display
* Tennis Real Play
* Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Values in Visual Data
* Texture Generation from a Large Set of Registered Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Through-the-Lens Multi-camera Synchronisation and Frame-Drop Detection for 3D Reconstruction
* Tour of Modern Image Filtering: New Insights and Methods, Both Practical and Theoretical, A
* Toward Compressed 3D Descriptors
* Towards Bundle Adjustment with GIS Constraints for Online Geo-Localization of a Vehicle in Urban Center
* Towards next generation 3D teleconferencing systems
* Track-to-Track Fusion With Asynchronous Sensors Using Information Matrix Fusion for Surround Environment Perception
* Tracking Complete Deformable Objects with Finite Elements
* Transform domain similarity measures in stereo matching
* Tree ensembles for predicting structured outputs
* treeKL: A distance between high dimension empirical distributions
* Two-dimensional bar code out-of-focus deblurring via the Increment Constrained Least Squares filter
* Ultra-fast tracking based on zero-shift points
* Uncalibrated View Synthesis with Homography Interpolation
* Understanding the External Links of Video Sharing Sites: Measurement and Analysis
* use of Audio-Visual Description Profile in 3D video content description, The
* User assisted stereo image segmentation
* Using semivariogram indices to analyse heterogeneity in spatial patterns in remotely sensed images
* Variable Length Compression of Codeword Indices for Lossy Compression
* Variable Step Size for Normalized Subband Adaptive Filters, A
* Vehicle Velocity Observer Design Using 6-D IMU and Multiple-Observer Approach
* Video Completion Using Bandlet Transform
* Viewpoint-aware object detection and continuous pose estimation
* Vision-Based Approach for Rail Extraction and its Application in a Camera Pan-Tilt Control System, A
* Vision-Based Traffic Sign Detection and Analysis for Intelligent Driver Assistance Systems: Perspectives and Survey
* Visual comfort measurement for 2D/3D converted stereo video sequence
* Visual Enhancement Using Constrained L0 Gradient Image Decomposition for Low Backlight Displays
* Visual Landmark-Based Localization for MAVs Using Incremental Feature Updates
* Visual Sentences for Pose Retrieval Over Low-Resolution Cross-Media Dance Collections
* Visually Summarizing Web Pages Through Internal and External Images
* Watertight As-Built Architectural Floor Plans Generated from Laser Range Data
* Waveform Interpolation-Based Speech Analysis/Synthesis for HMM-Based TTS Systems
* What Shape Are Dolphins? Building 3D Morphable Models from 2D Images
* Wireless transmission of HD video using H.264 compression over UWB channel
* YouTube Lens: Crowdsourced Personality Impressions and Audiovisual Analysis of Vlogs, The
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.