Journals starting with cvs0

CVS01 * *CVS
* Adapting Object Recognition Across Domains: A Demonstration
* CardEye: a Trinocular Active Vision System, The
* Combining EMS-Vision and Horopter Stereo for Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicle
* Compiling SA-C Programs to FPGAs: Performance Results
* Fault-Tolerant Distributed Vision System Architecture for Object Tracking in a Smart Room, A
* Framework for Generic State Estimation in Computer Vision Applications, A
* Handwriting Recognition System Based on Visual Input, A
* Identification of Shapes Using A Nonlinear Dynamic System
* Integration of Wireless Gesture Tracking, Object Tracking, and 2D Reconstruction in the Perceptive Workbench
* MOBSY: Integration of Vision and Dialogue in Service Robots
* Modular Software Architecture for Real-Time Video Processing, A
* Radar and Vision Data Fusion for Hybrid Cruise Control on Highways
* Real Time Visual Cues Extraction for Monitoring Driver Vigilance
* Real-Time Vision Module for Interactive Perceptual Agents, A
* Reconstructing Textured CAD Model or Urban Environment using Vehicle-borne Laser Range Scanners and Line Cameras
* RPV-II: A stream-based real-time parallel vision system and its application to real-time volume reconstruction
* stereo-vision system for support of planetary surface exploration, A
* System to Navigate a Robot into a Ship Structure, A
* Towards Robust Multi-Cue Integration for Visual Tracking
* Vision System for Autonomous Ground Vehicles With a Wide Range of Maneuvering Capabilities, A
21 for CVS01

CVS03 * *CVS
* Alignment of Sewerage Inspection Videos for Their Easier Indexing
* Architecture for Image Labelling in Real Conditions
* Attentive, Multi-modal Laser Eye, An
* Automatic Bridge Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic Mapping of Settlement Areas Using a Knowledge-Based Image Interpretation System
* Automatic Video Interpretation: A Recognition Algorithm for Temporal Scenarios Based on Pre-compiled Scenario Models
* Brand Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms
* Computer Platform for Transformation of Visual Information into Sound Sensations for Vision Impaired Persons
* Context Based Object Detection from Video
* CSU Face Identification Evaluation System: Its purpose, features, and structure, The
* Discriminant Isometric Mapping for Face Recognition
* Dynamically Reconfigurable Vision-Based User Interfaces
* Efficient Fingertip Tracking and Mouse Pointer Control for a Human Mouse
* Efficient Pose Estimation Using View-Based Object Representations
* Extracting Salient Image Features for Reliable Matching Using Outlier Detection Techniques
* Framework for Robust and Incremental Self-Localization of a Mobile Robot, A
* Framework for Visual Servoing, A
* From a CORBA-Based Software Framework to a Component-Based System Architecture for Controlling a Mobile Robot
* Hierarchical Bayesian Network for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Imalab Method for Vision Systems, The
* Implementation of Traffic Flow Measuring Algorithm Using Real-Time Dynamic Image Processing
* Implementing the Expert Object Recognition Pathway
* Information Selection and Probabilistic 2D: 3D Integration in Mobile Mapping
* Integrating Context-Free and Context-Dependent Attentional Mechanisms for Gestural Object Reference
* Learning Optimal Parameters for Self-Diagnosis in a System for Automatic Exterior Orientation
* Measuring Scene Complexity to Adapt Feature Selection of Model-Based Object Tracking
* Miniature Stereo Vision Machine for Real-Time Dense Depth Mapping, A
* Monkeys: A Software Architecture for ViRoom - Low-Cost Multicamera System
* Multi-Agent Activity Recognition Using Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Model
* Multi-object Tracking Based on a Modular Knowledge Hierarchy
* Multimedia System Architecture for Automatic Annotation of Sports Videos, A
* Multiple Classifier System Approach to Affine Invariant Object Recognition, A
* Navigating through Logic-Based Scene Models for High-Level Scene Interpretations
* On the Application of the Concept of Dependability for Design and Analysis of Vision Systems
* Performance Evaluation Metrics and Statistics for Positional Tracker Evaluation
* Real-Time Camera Pose in a Room
* Real-Time Extraction of Colored Segments for Robot Visual Navigation
* Real-Time Multisensory Image Segmentation Algorithm with an Application to Visual and X-Ray Inspection, A
* Real-World Vision System: Mechanism, Control, and Vision Processing, A
* Recognition of Obstacles on Structured 3D Background
* Recurrent Bayesian Network for the Recognition of Human Behaviors from Video
* Reflections on Cognitive Vision Systems
* Self-Referential Perceptual Inference Framework for Video Interpretation, A
* Sigmoidal Weighted Vector Directional Filter
* Software Architecture for Distributed Visual Tracking in a Global Vision Localization System, A
* Spectral Approach to Learning Structural Variations in Graphs, A
* Towards Ontology Based Cognitive Vision
* Trajectory Based Assessment of Coordinated Human Activity
* Tree Supported Road Extraction from Arial Images Using Global and Local Context Knowledge
* VICs: A Modular Vision-Based HCI Framework
* Virtual Post-its: Visual Label Extraction, Attachment, and Tracking for Teleconferencing
52 for CVS03

CVS06 * *CVS
* 3D Vision-Guided Bore Inspection System
* Activity Awareness: from Predefined Events to New Pattern Discovery
* APRIORI-based Method for Frequent Composite Event Discovery in Videos, An
* Automatic Aerial Image Registration Without Correspondence
* Automatic Face Modeling and Synthesis Based on Image Pairs
* Automatic robust image registration system: Initialization, estimation, and decision
* BC&GC-Based Dense Stereo By Belief Propagation
* Building Modular Vision Systems with a Graphical Plugin Environment
* Contextual Coordination in a Cognitive Vision System for Symbolic Activity Interpretation
* Desktop 3D Scanner Exploiting Rotation and Visual Rectification of Laser Profiles, A
* Digital Imaging with Extreme Zoom: System Design and Image Restoration
* Efficient and Robust Real-Time Contour Tracking System, An
* Efficient Vision-Based Calibration for Visual Surveillance Systems with Multiple PTZ Cameras
* Evaluation and Knowledge Representation Formalisms to Improve Video Understanding
* Evaluation of Visual Attention Models for Robots
* Exploiting Rolling Shutter Distortions for Simultaneous Object Pose and Velocity Computation Using a Single View
* Face detection for automatic exposure control in handheld camera
* Face Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Face Detector Based on Rectangle Features
* Feedback Control for Improvement of Image Processing: An Application of Recognition of Characters on Metallic Surfaces
* Flexible Technique for Accurate Omnidirectional Camera Calibration and Structure from Motion, A
* GeoBot: A High Level Visual Perception Architecture for Autonomous Robots
* GrImage Platform: A Mixed Reality Environment for Interactions, The
* Hand-Gesture Based Text Input for Wearable Computers
* Integrated Motion Detection and Tracking for Visual Surveillance
* Integration and Coordination in a Cognitive Vision System
* Large Motion Object Tracking using Active Contour Combined Active Appearance Model
* Learning Approach for Adaptive Image Segmentation, A
* Learning Physical Activities in Immersive Virtual Environments
* Lexical Gesture Interface
* Lights and Camera: Intelligently Controlled Multi-channel Pose Estimation System
* Mobile Vision System for Urban Detection with Informative Local Descriptors, A
* Motion Trajectory Learning in the DFT-Coefficient Feature Space
* Moving Object Verification from Airborne Video
* Multi-camera Video Resolution Enhancement by Fusion of Spatial Disparity and Temporal Motion fields
* Multi-class object recognition using boosted linear discriminant analysis combined with masking covariance matrix method
* Multi-Modal Human Verification Using Face and Speech
* Multi-point Stereo Camera System for Controlling Safety at Railroad Crossings
* Multimodal Voxelization and Kinematically Constrained Gaussian Mixture Models for Full Hand Pose Estimation: An Integrated Systems Approach
* Multiple Active Camera Assignment for High Fidelity 3D Video
* Parallel Pipeline Volume Intersection for Real-Time 3D Shape Reconstruction on a PC Cluster
* Parametric Hand Tracking for Recognition of Virtual Drawings
* Real-Time Human Detection, Tracking, and Verification in Uncontrolled Camera Motion Environments
* Real-Time Large Disparity Range Stereo-System Using FPGAs, A
* Real-Time Median Filtering for Embedded Smart Cameras
* Real-Time Scene Understanding System for Airport Apron Monitoring, A
* Results on Range Image Segmentation for Service Robots
* Road Observation and Information Providing System for Supporting Mobility of Pedestrian
* Simple, Effective System for Automated Capture of High Dynamic Range Images, A
* Stereo-Based Ego-Motion Estimation Using Pixel Tracking and Iterative Closest Point
* Strategies for Object Manipulation using Foveal and Peripheral Vision
* System for Computer-Aided Multiresolution Microscopic Pathology Diagnostics
* Systems View of Scale Space, A
* Tracking Shopping Carts Using Mobile Cameras Viewing Ceiling-Mounted Retro-Reflective Bar Codes
* User-Centric Design of a Vision System for Interactive Applications
* Vision System for Interactive Object Learning, A
56 for CVS06

CVS08 * *CVS
* 3D Action Recognition and Long-Term Prediction of Human Motion
* Adaptive Motion-Based Gesture Recognition Interface for Mobile Phones
* Approach for Tracking the 3D Object Pose Using Two Object Points, An
* Attention Modulation Using Short- and Long-Term Knowledge
* Automatic Initialization for Facial Analysis in Interactive Robotics
* Automatic Object Detection on Aerial Images Using Local Descriptors and Image Synthesis
* Bottom-Up and Top-Down Object Matching Using Asynchronous Agents and a Contrario Principles
* CEDD: Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor: A Compact Descriptor for Image Indexing and Retrieval
* Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture
* Covert Attention with a Spiking Neural Network
* Detecting and Recognizing Abandoned Objects in Crowded Environments
* Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions Using Video Capsule Endoscopy
* Enhancing Robustness of a Saliency-Based Attention System for Driver Assistance
* Evaluating Multiview Reconstruction
* Eyes and Cameras Calibration for 3D World Gaze Detection
* Face Recognition Across Pose Using View Based Active Appearance Models (VBAAMs) on CMU Multi-PIE Dataset
* Face Recognition Using a Color PCA Framework
* Feature Extraction and Classification by Genetic Programming
* Functional Object Class Detection Based on Learned Affordance Cues
* Geo-located Image Grouping Using Latent Descriptions
* GPU-Based Multigrid: Real-Time Performance in High Resolution Nonlinear Image Processing
* Increasing Classification Robustness with Adaptive Features
* Integration of Visual and Shape Attributes for Object Action Complexes
* Learning Contextual Variations for Video Segmentation
* Learning to Detect Aircraft at Low Resolutions
* Learning Visual Quality Inspection from Multiple Humans Using Ensembles of Classifiers
* Monocular Omnidirectional Visual Odometry for Outdoor Ground Vehicles
* Multimodal Interaction Abilities for a Robot Companion
* Multiscale Laplacian Operators for Feature Extraction on Irregularly Distributed 3-D Range Data
* Novel Feature Selection Based Semi-supervised Method for Image Classification, A
* Object Category Detection Using Audio-Visual Cues
* On-Line Interactive Self-adaptive Image Classification Framework, An
* Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recognition and Localization in a Biologically Motivated Architecture
* PCA Based 3D Shape Reconstruction of Human Foot Using Multiple Viewpoint Cameras
* Ranking Corner Points by the Angular Difference between Dominant Edges
* Real-Time Face Tracking for Attention Aware Adaptive Games
* Region of Interest Generation in Dynamic Environments Using Local Entropy Fields
* Rek-Means: A k-Means Based Clustering Algorithm
* SAFEE On-Board Threat Detection System, The
* Scene Classification Based on Multi-resolution Orientation Histogram of Gabor Features
* Segmentation Approach in Novel Real Time 3D Plant Recognition System, A
* Skeletonization Based on Metrical Neighborhood Sequences
* Smoke Detection in Video Surveillance: A MoG Model in the Wavelet Domain
* Sub-class Error-Correcting Output Codes
* System for Geometrically Constrained Single View Reconstruction, A
* System That Learns to Tag Videos by Watching Youtube, A
* Tale of Two Object Recognition Methods for Mobile Robots, A
* Tracking of Human Hands and Faces through Probabilistic Fusion of Multiple Visual Cues
* Vein Segmentation in Infrared Images Using Compound Enhancing and Crisp Clustering
* Visual Search in Static and Dynamic Scenes Using Fine-Grain Top-Down Visual Attention
* Weighted Dissociated Dipoles: An Extended Visual Feature Set
52 for CVS08

CVS09 * *CVS
* Automatic Assessment of Eye Blinking Patterns through Statistical Shape Models
* Automatic Classification of Image Registration Problems
* Bio-inspired Stereo Vision System with Silicon Retina Imagers
* Boosting with a Joint Feature Pool from Different Sensors
* Cascade Classifier Using Divided CoHOG Features for Rapid Pedestrian Detection
* Combining Color, Depth, and Motion for Video Segmentation
* Computer Vision System for Visual Grape Grading in Wine Cellars, A
* Consistent Interpretation of Image Sequences to Improve Object Models on the Fly
* Demand-Driven Visual Information Acquisition
* Development and Long-Term Verification of Stereo Vision Sensor System for Controlling Safety at Railroad Crossing
* Evaluating the Suitability of Feature Detectors for Automatic Image Orientation Systems
* FaceL: Facile Face Labeling
* Fast Joint Bioinspired Algorithm for Optic Flow and Two-Dimensional Disparity Estimation, A
* Fast Vision-Based Object Recognition Using Combined Integral Map
* Feature-Based Stereo Vision Using Smart Cameras for Traffic Surveillance
* Generation of 3D City Models Using Domain-Specific Information Fusion
* GPU-Accelerated Nearest Neighbor Search for 3D Registration
* Hierarchical System Integration Approach with Application to Visual Scene Exploration for Driver Assistance, A
* Increasing the Robustness of 2D Active Appearance Models for Real-World Applications
* Incremental Video Event Learning
* Individual Identification Using Gait Sequences under Different Covariate Factors
* Inspection of Stamped Sheet Metal Car Parts Using a Multiresolution Image Fusion Technique
* Integration of Visual Cues for Robotic Grasping
* Interest Point Stability Prediction
* Learning Objects and Grasp Affordances through Autonomous Exploration
* Learning Query-Dependent Distance Metrics for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Multi-modal Attention System for Smart Environments, A
* Multimodal Speaker Recognition in a Conversation Scenario
* Multiple Hypothesis Approach for a Ball Tracking System, A
* Nonideal Iris Recognition Using Level Set Approach and Coalitional Game Theory
* Open-Set Face Recognition-Based Visitor Interface System
* Performance Evaluation of Stereo Algorithms for Automotive Applications
* Practical Pan-Tilt-Zoom-Focus Camera Calibration for Augmented Reality
* Real-Time Low-Power Stereo Vision Engine Using Semi-Global Matching, A
* Real-Time Traversable Surface Detection by Colour Space Fusion and Temporal Analysis
* Recognizing Gestures for Virtual and Real World Interaction
* Relevance of Interest Points for Eye Position Prediction on Videos
* Robust Tracking by Means of Template Adaptation with Drift Correction
* Saliency-Based Obstacle Detection and Ground-Plane Estimation for Off-Road Vehicles
* Stable Structural Deformations
* System for Probabilistic Joint 3D Head Tracking and Pose Estimation in Low-Resolution, Multi-view Environments, A
* Using Local Symmetry for Landmark Selection
* Visual Registration Method for a Low Cost Robot
* White-Box Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms through Explicit Decision-Making
* Who's Counting? Real-Time Blackjack Monitoring for Card Counting Detection
46 for CVS09

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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