* *Vision Interface
* 15 years of image processing and the fine arts
* 2D Lossless Discrete Cosine Transform
* 2D to Pseudo-3D Conversion of Head and Shoulder Images Using Feature Based Parametric Disparity Maps
* 3-D Human Body Tracking from Depth Images Using Analysis by Synthesis
* 3-D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw Using Space Carving
* 3-D Translational Motion Estimation from 2-D Displacements
* 3-FRP: Direct Fourier reconstruction with Fourier reprojection for fully 3-D PET
* 3D Echographic Data Segmentation and Carotid Artery Turbulences Mapping by Doppler Velocimetry by a Common Approach Based on Calculus of Variations
* 3D Edge Detection to Define Landmarks for Point-based Warping in Brain Imaging
* 3d Face Pose Discrimination Using Wavelets
* 3d Hand Pose Retrieval from a Single 2d Image
* 3d Reconstruction from Log-compressed Rayleigh Images
* 3d Regularized Velocity from 3d Doppler Radial Velocity
* 3d Shape Coding with Superquadrics
* 3D Tracking of Multi-objects Using Color and Stereo for HCI
* Accurate Building Structure Recovery from High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Accurate Detection of Edge Orientation for Color and Multi-spectral Imagery
* Accurate Image Reconstruction with the Source Space Tree Algorithm (SSTA) for Compton CT
* Acquisition Method of 3-dimensional Video Components for Image-based Virtual Studio, An
* Active Contour Segmentation Guided by AM-FM Dominant Component Analysis
* Active Contours Network to Straighten Distorted Text Lines
* Active Mesh for Video Segmentation and Objects Tracking
* Active Object Recognition: Looking for Differences
* Active Shape-from-Shadows with Controlled Illuminant Trajectories
* Adaptive Algorithms for Variable Complexity Video Coding
* Adaptive Basis Selection for Multi Texture Segmentation by M-Band Wavelet Packet Frames
* Adaptive Edge Enhancement in SAR Images: Training on the Data Vs. Training on Simulated Data
* Adaptive Entropy-constrained Matching Pursuit Quantization
* Adaptive graphical pattern recognition for the classification of company logos
* Adaptive Image Partitioning for Fractal Coding Achieving Designated Rates Under a Complexity Constraint
* Adaptive Model-based Digital Halftoning Incorporating Image Enhancement
* Adaptive Morphology Shortest Path Planning Based on Rotating Object and Critical Transition Point
* Adaptive Motion Search with Elastic Diamond for MPEG-4 Video Coding
* Adaptive Object-based Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images, An
* Adaptive Playout for Low Latency Video Streaming
* Adaptive Segmentation Algorithm Using Iterative Local Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Adaptive Suppression of Rfi and Its Effect on Radio-astronomical Image Formation
* Adaptive tracking control of a wheeled mobile robot via an uncalibrated camera system
* Adaptive Update Lifting Scheme with Perfect Reconstruction, An
* Adaptive Vector LUM Smoother
* Adaptive Video Background Modeling Using Color and Depth
* Adaptive Wavelets Based Multiresolution Modeling of Irregular Meshes Via Harmonic Maps
* Adaptive Wiener Denoising Using a Gaussian Scale Mixture Model in the Wavelet Domain
* Advanced Man-machine Interface for Cultural Heritage
* Affine Invariant Texture Signatures
* Algorithmic Modifications to SPIHT
* All-focused Image Generation and 3d Modeling of Microscopic Images of Insects
* All-integer Hough Transform: Performance Evaluation
* All-phase Motion Compensated Prediction in the Wavelet Domain for High Performance Video Coding
* Allocation Strategies for Distributed Video Surveillance Networks
* Alternative Complexity Model for the MPEG-4 Video Verifier Mechanism, An
* Analysis of Cache Memory Strategies for Some Image Processing Applications
* Analysis of Cloudy Structures Evolution on Meteorological Satellite Acquisitions
* Analysis of LSB Based Image Steganography Techniques
* Analysis of Overlapped Block Motion Compensation Based on a Statistical Motion Distribution Model
* Analysis of Subjective Quality in Low Bit Rate Video, An
* Analysis of Two Frameworks for Transmission of Layered Video Over IP Networks
* Analysis of Watermarking Systems in the Frequency Domain and Its Application to Design of Robust Watermarking Systems
* analytic nonlinear approach to sidelobe reduction, An
* Analytic Solutions for Multiple Motions
* Analytical Models for Reduced Spectral Representations of Images
* Another Move Toward the Minimum Consistent Subset: A Tabu Search Approach to the Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule
* Anti-geometric Diffusion for Adaptive Thresholding and Segmentation
* Antifaces: A Novel, Fast Method for Image Detection
* Application of the Motion Vector Constraint to the Regularized Enhancement of Compressed Video
* Approach for Automated Inspection of Wood Boards, An
* approach to the design of reinforcement functions in real world, agent-based applications, An
* approximate median search algorithm in non-metric spaces, An
* Approximating the CIECAM97s color appearance model by means of neural networks
* Approximation-Theoretic Analysis of Translation Invariant Wavelet Expansions
* Artery Skeleton Extraction Using Topographic and Connected Component Labeling
* Artifact Reduction in Sinc Interpolation Using Adaptive Filtering
* Artificial Neural Networks for Image Analysis and Computer Vision
* Atherosclerotic Plaque Segmentation at Human Carotid Artery Based on Multiple Contrast Weighting MR Images
* Automated Extraction of Microcalcifications BI-Rads Numbers in Mammograms
* Automated Optic Recognition of Alphanumeric Content in Car License Plates in a Semi-structured Environment
* Automated Spatiotemporal Scaling for Video Generalization
* Automatic Antibiograms Inhibition Halo Determination Through Texture and Directional Filtering Analysis
* Automatic Bayesian Knot Placement for Spline Fitting
* Automatic Classification System of Urine Bladder Tumors Employing Morphological and Textural Nuclear Features, An
* Automatic Detection of Abnormal Tissue in Mammography
* Automatic Detection of Three Radio-opaque Markers for Prostate Targeting Using Epid During External Radiation Therapy
* Automatic Extraction of Low-level Object Motion Descriptors
* Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidetector-row CT Images
* Automatic Extraction of Topographic Features Using Adaptive Triangular Meshes
* Automatic Location of Optic Disk in Retinal Images
* Automatic Method of Location for Number-plate Using Color Features, An
* Automatic Monitoring of Waste-water in Industrial Plants Basins
* Automatic Multi-modal Dialogue Scene Indexing
* Automatic relative orientation of large scale imagery over urban areas using Modified Iterated Hough Transform
* Automatic Segmentation of Internal Structures of the Brain in MR Images Using a Tandem of Affine and Non Rigid Registration of an Anatomical Brain Atlas
* Automatic Similarity Learning Using SOTM for CBIR of the WT/VQ Coded Images
* Automatic) Target Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Via Terrain Recognition
* B-spline Active Contours for Fast Video Segmentation
* Back-propagation Algorithm for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Bandelet Representations for Image Compression
* Basis Pursuit for Tracking
* Bayesian High-resolution Reconstruction of Low-resolution Compressed Video
* Bayesian Illumination-invariant Motion Detection
* Bayesian Image Deconvolution and Denoising Using Complex Wavelets
* Bayesian Resolution-enhancement Framework for Transform-coded Video
* Bayesian tree-structured image modeling using wavelet-domain hidden markov models
* Benchmarking Protocol for Watermarking Methods, A
* Best-bases feature extraction algorithms for classification of hyperspectral data
* Best-Match Retrieval for Structured Images
* Blind Image Estimation Through Fuzzy Matching Pursuits
* Blind Restoration of Space-invariant Image Degradations in the Singular Value Decomposition Domain
* Blind Source Separation Using Multinode Sparse Representation
* Block-based Segmentation and Adaptive Coding for Visually Lossless Compression of Scanned Documents
* Blocking Artifact Reduction in Frequency Domain
* Bone tumor segmentation from MR perfusion images with neural networks using multi-scale pharmacokinetic features
* Boundary location from range data using Hough transform
* Breadth-first search and its application image processing problems
* Building Detection by Markov Object Processes
* Building Detection from Multiple Aerial Images in Dense Urban Areas
* Camera Working Parameter Extraction for Constructing Video Considering Camera Shake
* Capacity estimates for data hiding in compressed images
* Capturing Image Semantics with Low-level Descriptors
* Cardiac Motion Tracking Using a Deformable 2d-mesh Modeling
* Catadioptric Stereo Using Planar Mirrors
* Category-based Image Retrieval
* cellular model for multi-objects multi-dimensional homotopic deformations, A
* Cellular Neural Network Based Weighted Median Filter for Real Time Image Processing
* Challenges for a Human-centered Information Society
* Challenging the Mobile Multimedia Frontier Over IMT-2000 Network
* Channel and Complexity Scalable Image Transmission
* Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation and Planar Curvature: A New Approach to Discrete Curvature
* Class of Lifting Based Integer Wavelet Transform, A
* Classification of Compound Images Based on Transform Coefficient Likelihood
* Classification of Homologous Human Chromosomes Using Mutual Information Maximization
* Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using Support Vector Machine
* Classification of Microorganisms Using Image Processing Techniques
* Classification of Pulmonary Blood Vessel Using Multidetector-row CT Images
* Classification of Satellite Cloud Imagery Based on Multi-feature Texture Analysis and Neural Networks
* Classifying Human Body Motions Using Gabor Features
* Closed Surface Reconstruction in X-ray Tomography
* Closed-form Solution for Optical Flow by Imposing Temporal Constraints, A
* Cluster analysis by adaptive rank-order filters
* Clustering to improve matched filter detection of weak gas plumes in hyperspectral thermal imagery
* Coding for the Storage and Communication of Visualisations of 3D Medical Data
* Coding Theoretic Approach to Image Segmentation
* Color and texture descriptors
* Color Conversion Using Maximum Entropy Estimation
* Color Error Diffusion with Generalized Optimum Noise Shaping
* Color Halftone Document Segmentation and Descreening
* Color Image Coding, Indexing and Retrieval Using Binary Space Partitioning Tree
* Color Image Edge Detection Based on Nonparametric Density Estimation
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Automatic Morphological Clustering
* Color Image-based Angular Map-driven Snakes
* Color Mode Filtering
* Color Pattern Recognition by Quaternion Correlation
* Color Segmentation Through Independent Anisotropic Diffusion of Complex Chromaticity and Lightness
* Colour Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Mean Shift Filters
* Colour Normalisation Based on Background Information
* Colour segmentation based on separate anisotropic diffusion of chromatic and achromatic channels
* Combined edge crispiness and statistical differencing for deblocking jpeg compressed images
* Combining Support Vector Machines for Accurate Face Detection
* Compact Probability Model for Natural Clutter, A
* Compact Representation of Images by Edge Adapted Multiscale Transforms
* Comparative Evaluation of Algorithms for Fast Computation of Level Set PDEs with Applications to Motion Segmentation, A
* Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Output Modeling Techniques for a Pseudo-2d Hidden Markov Model Face Recognition System, A
* Complex Event Classification in Degraded Image Sequences
* Complexity-adaptive Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation
* Compression and Transmission of Depth Maps for Image-based Rendering
* Compression Color Space Estimation of JPEG Images Using Lattice Basis Reduction
* Compression of Digital Elevation Maps Using Nonlinear Wavelets
* Compression of M-fish Images Using 3-d Escot
* Compression of SAR raw data through range focusing and variable-rate trellis-coded quantization
* Computation of Shape and Reflectance of 3-d Object Using Moire Phase and Reflection Model
* Computational Imaging
* Computerized Analysis of 3-d Pulmonary Nodule Images in Surrounding and Internal Structure Feature Spaces
* Computerized Characterization of Contrast Enhancement Patterns for Classifying Pulmonary Nodules
* Concealment of Damaged Blocks by Neighborhood Regions Partitioned Matching
* Confocal Volume Rendering of the Thorax
* considerable improvement in non-iterative homography estimation using TLS and equilibration, A
* Constant Pace Skimming and Temporal Sub-sampling of Video Using Motion Activity
* Constellation Matching and Its Application, The
* Constrained bit-rate control for very low bit-rate streaming-video applications
* Constrained Optimization of Building Contours from High-resolution Ortho-images
* Constrained Quantization Algorithm for Color Images
* Constructing a Uniform Color Space for Visually Lossless Color Representation and Image Coding
* Content-based Objects Detection for the Recognition of Building Images
* Content-based Retrieval from Image Databases: Current Solutions and Future Directions
* Content-based Robust Video Coding for Videoconferencing
* Content-based Selective Enhancement for Streaming Video
* Content-dependent Spatially Localized Video Watermark for Resistance to Collusion and Interpolation Attacks, A
* Contextual performance prediction for low-level image analysis algorithms
* Continuity properties of the appearance manifold for mobile robot position estimation
* Continuous and Discretized Pursuit Learning Schemes: Various Algorithms and Their Comparison
* Contour and Texture Analysis for Image Segmentation
* Contour-based Motion Estimation and Object Tracking for Real-time Applications
* Convex half-quadratic criteria and interacting auxiliary variables for image restoration
* Convex Set Theoretic Image Recovery with Inexact Projection Algorithms
* Convexity-Based Visual Camouflage Breaking
* Cooperative object recognition
* Correspondence between Different View Breast X Rays Using Curved Epipolar Lines
* Counting the Number of Blobs in an Image
* Crater detection for autonomous landing on asteroids
* Creating a three-dimensional model from two-dimensional images
* Cubical Homology and the Topological Classification of 2d and 3d Imagery
* Curve evolution implementation of the Mumford-Shah functional for image segmentation, denoising, interpolation, and magnification
* Curvelet Transform for Image Denoising, The
* Curves vs Skeletons in Object Recognition
* DCT Quantization Noise in Compressed Images
* DCT-based Scalable Video Coding with Drift
* Deformable Avatars
* Deformable Model for Image Segmentation in Noisy Medical Images, A
* Deformable Shape Recovery by Factorization Based on a Spatiotemporal Measurement Matrix
* Description and Retrieval of 3d Cellular Structures
* Design and Modeling of the Generally Adopted Progressive Image Transmission Regulator and Its Application
* Design of effective neural network ensembles for image classification purposes
* Despeckling SAR Images Using Wavelets and a New Class of Adaptive Shrinkage Estimators
* Detecting and Tracking Body Parts of Multiple People
* Detecting Building Changes Using Epipolar Constraint from Aerial Images Taken at Different Positions
* Detection of interannual vegetation responses to climatic variability using AVIRIS data in a coastal savanna in California
* Detection of Lesions in Endoscopic Video Using Textural Descriptors on Wavelet Domain Supported by Artificial Neural Network Architectures
* Detection of Matchings in a Sequence of Underwater Images Through Texture Analysis
* Detection of Phases in Sugar Crystallization Using Wavelets
* Detection of Radioactive Seeds in Ultrasound Images of the Prostate
* Detection of the Presence of Aliasing in Digital Image Sequences
* Determination of Structure Component in Image Texture Using Wavelet Analysis
* Digital image georeferencing from a multiple camera system by GPS/ISS
* Digital Image Processing in Painting Restoration and Archiving
* Digital Straightness
* Direct Estimate of Motion Parameters by Means of Markov Random Fields
* direct LDA algorithm for high-dimensional data with application to face recognition, A
* Directed Acyclic Graph Based Mode Optimization for H.263 video encoding
* Directional, Shift-insensitive, Low-redundancy, Wavelet Transform, A
* Discrete Rotation for Directional Orthogonal Wavelet Packets
* Discrete Wavelet Face Graph Matching
* Discrimination of arid vegetation with airborne multispectral scanner hyperspectral imagery
* Disparity Map Restoration by Integration of Confidence in Markov Random Fields Models
* Distributed Compression for Sensor Networks
* Document Capture Using a Digital Camera
* DWT-based Non-parametric Texture Modeling
* Dynamic Active Search for Quick Object Detection with Pan-tilt-zoom Camera
* Dynamic classifier selection based on multiple classifier behaviour
* Dynamic Frame Skipping for High-performance Transcoding
* Dynamic Rate Control for MPEG-2 Bit Stream Transcoding
* Easy Java Programming for Teaching Image Processing
* Edge Preserving Pre-post Filtering for Low Bitrate Video Coding
* Edge-based Image Segmentation Using Curvature Sign Maps from Reflectance and Range Images
* Edge-enhancing Super-resolution Using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Edge-preserving Prefiltering for Document Image Binarization
* Effect of lossy vector quantization hyperspectral data compression on retrieval of red-edge indices
* Effective Line Detection with Error Propagation
* Effective Preprocessing Method for Fast Hierarchical Maximum Intensity Projection, An
* efficient algorithm for human face detection and facial feature extraction under different conditions, An
* Efficient and Robust Vehicle Localization
* Efficient Architecture for the 2-d Biorthogonal Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* Efficient Computation of Face Shape Similarity Using Distance Transform Eigen Decomposition and Valleys
* Efficient Feature Extraction for 2d/3d Objects in Mesh Representation
* Efficient Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding
* Efficient generalized cross-validation with applications to parametric image restoration and resolution enhancement
* Efficient image segmentation using partial differential equations and morphology
* Efficient Intra Refreshment and Synchronization Algorithms for Robust Transmission of Video Over Wireless Networks
* efficient method for scene cut detection, An
* Efficient Method to Map a Regular Mesh Into a 3d Neural Network, An
* Efficient morphological shape representation with overlapping disk components
* Efficient Motion Estimation Using Edge-based Binary Block-matching and Refinement Based on Motion Vector Correlation
* efficient region of interest acquisition method for dynamic magnetic resonance imaging, An
* efficient search strategy for block motion estimation using image features, An
* Efficient Transcoding from MPEG-2 to MPEG-1, An
* elastic contour matching model for tropical cyclone pattern recognition, An
* EM Algorithms of Gaussian Mixture Model and Hidden Markov Model
* Embedded Multiple Description Coding for Progressive Image Transmission Over Unreliable Channels
* Embedded Zerotree Runlength Wavelet Image Coding
* Emotional Representation and Animation of 3d Facial Models: The Interface Approach
* Empirical Evaluation of Layered Video Coding Schemes
* Enhanced JPEG Compression of Documents
* Enhanced Thinning Algorithm Using Parallel Processing, An
* Enhancement of Image Resolution in Digital Photogrammetry
* Enhancing Image Watermarking Methods by Second Order Statistics
* Enhancing Selected Facial Features in Very Low Bit-rate Video Sequences
* Entropy-based gaze planning
* Error analysis and performance optimization of fast hierarchical backprojection algorithms
* Error Characterization of the Factorization Method
* Error Resilience and Concealment in Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Codecs
* Error Surface for Structure from Motion, The
* Error-resilient coding of 3-d graphic models via adaptive mesh segmentation
* Error-resilient mobile video by edge adapted multiscale transforms
* Error-tolerant SPIHT image compression
* Estimating Affine Transformations in the Frequency Domain
* Estimating Fluid Flow Velocities: an Image Analysis Approach
* Estimating the Fundamental Matrix by Transforming Image Points in Projective Space
* Estimation of illumination characteristics
* Estimation of the joint probability of multisensory signals
* Estimation of the Predictors Implemented by Shift Operation, Addition, and/or Subtraction, An
* Evaluation Criterion for Edge Detection Techniques in Noisy Images, An
* Evaluation of Textural Feature Extraction Schemes for Neural Network-based Interpretation of Regions in Medical Images
* Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
* Evolutionary Programming in Image Restoration Via Reduced Order Model Kalman Filtering
* Evolving Localised Learning Model for On-line Image Colour Quantisation, An
* Experimental evaluation of an on-line scribble recognizer
* Experiments in colour texture analysis
* Explicit formulae for polyhedra moments
* Exploiting image indexing techniques in DCT domain
* Exploiting Input Space Symmetries in Video Deinterlacing Using Radial Basis Function Networks
* Extended Fuzzy Rules for Image Segmentation
* Extensive partition operators, gray-level connected operators, and region merging/classification segmentation algorithms: theoretical links
* Extracting Illumination from Images by Using the Wavelet Transform
* Extraction of line segments from fuzzy images
* Extraction of Local Mirror-symmetric Feature by Odd-even Decomposition
* Extraction of Rotation Invariant Signature Based on Fractal Geometry
* Eye detection by using fuzzy template matching and feature-parameter-based judgement
* Eye State Tracking for Face Cloning
* Eyes 'n Ears Face Detection
* Face and Gesture Recognition System Based on an Active Stereo Sensor, A
* Face Detection Based on Template Matching and Support Vector Machines
* Face Detection from Cluttered Images Using a Polynomial Neural Network
* Face Detection in Color Images
* Face Detection in Colour Images
* Face Detection Using Large Margin Classifiers
* Face Modeling for Recognition
* Face Recognition Using Fisherface Algorithm and Elastic Graph Matching
* Face Recognition Using Fractal Codes
* Face Recognition Using the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Face verification from 3D and grey level clues
* Facial Feature Extraction and Image Warping Using PCA Based Statistic Model
* Facial Parameter Extraction System Based on Active Contours
* Fast Affine Projection Algorithm for 2-d Filtering and Linear Prediction, A
* Fast Algorithm for Accurate Content-Adaptive Mesh Generation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Binary Field Wavelet Transform for Image Processing
* Fast algorithms for computing -skeletons and their relatives
* Fast Algorithms for DCT-domain Video Transcoding
* Fast and Accurate Binary Halftone Image Resolution Increasing by Decision-tree Learning
* Fast block matching algorithm based on the winner-update strategy
* Fast computation of 2-D image moments using biaxial transform
* Fast Computation of Morphological Area Pattern Spectra
* Fast Content-based Search of VRML Models Based on Shape Descriptors
* Fast Cooperative Modular Neural Nets for Human Face Detection
* Fast fractal image encoding based on adaptive search
* Fast Full-search Equivalent Algorithm Using Energy Compacting Transforms, A
* Fast Image Reconstruction Algorithms Combining Half-quadratic Regularization and Preconditioning
* Fast Method for Identifying Graphical Objects in Large Engineering Drawings, A
* Fast MLE-Based Method for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix, A
* Fast Motion Vector Refinement for MPEG-1 to MPEG-4 Transcoding with Spatial Down-sampling in DCT Domain
* Fast Range Imaging by CMOS Sensor Array Through Multiple Double Short Time Integration (MDSI)
* Fast Subpixel Digital Image Correlation Using Artificial Neural Networks
* fast super-resolution reconstruction algorithm for pure translational motion and common space-invariant blur, A
* Fast Texture Synthesis by Feature Matching
* Fast Two-stage Algorithm for Realizing Matching Pursuit, A
* Faster Template Matching Without FFT
* Feature Based Global and Local Motion Estimation for Videoconference Sequences
* Feature Coincidence Trees for Registration of Ultrasound Breast Images
* Feature Guide: a Statistically Based Feature Selection Scheme
* Feature Selection Method Using Neural Network
* Features Invariant to Affine Distortions from the Trace Transform
* Field data extraction for form document processing using a gravitation-based algorithm
* Filling-in by joint interpolation of vector fields and gray levels
* Finding Objects in a 3d Environment by Combining Distance Measurement and Color Indexing
* Fingerprint Classification Using Kohonen Topologic Map
* Fingerprint feature reduction by principal Gabor basis function
* Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae and Texture Features
* Fingerprint ridge allocation in direct gray-scale domain
* Fisher Information Game for Optimal Design of Synchronization Patterns in Blind Watermarking, The
* Flexible Polygon Representation of Multiple Overlapping Regions of Interest for Wavelet-based Image Coding, A
* Flexible Storage of Images with Application to Digital Cameras
* Floating Gate CMOS Euclidean Distance Calculator and Its Application to Hand-written Digit Recognition, A
* FM Halftoning Via Block Error Diffusion
* Footprints and Edgeprints for Image Denoising and Compression
* Formulae for Polytope Volume and Surface Moments
* Foundations of Image Understanding
* Foveated Texture Mapping with JPEG2000 Compression
* Foveated video compression with optimal rate control
* FPGA-Based Wavelet Transforms Coprocessor, An
* Frame Based Representation and Compression of Still Images
* Frame Interpolation Using Transmitted Block-based Motion Vectors
* Frontal Face Detection Using Support Vector Machines and Back-Propagation Neural Networks
* FROS: a fuzzy logic-based recogniser of olfactory signals
* Fully Scalable 3d Subband Video Codec, A
* Fusion of 2D grayscale images using multiscale morphology
* Fusion of Intensity and Range Data for Improved 3d Models
* fuzzy adaptive variable structure controller with applications to robot manipulators, A
* Fuzzy Logic Based Handwritten Character Recognition
* Fuzzy Medical Image Processing for Segmenting the Lateral Ventricles from MR Images
* fuzzy theoretic approach for video segmentation using syntactic features, A
* Fuzzy-stochastic functor machine for general humanoid-robot dynamics
* Gabor Transform Domain Watermarking
* Gabor Vs. GMRF Features for SAR Imagery Classification
* Game-theoretic Analysis of Watermark Detection
* Generalised Interpolation of Segmented Images Using Shape-Independent Orthogonal Transforms
* generalized architecture for the one-dimensional discrete cosine and sine transforms, A
* Generalized Circular Autoregressive Models for Modeling Isotropic and Anisotropic Textures
* Generalized Multiscale Connected Operators with Applications
* Generalized Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Block-matching Motion Estimation
* Generation of Semantic Cues for Sports Video Annotation
* Genetic Algorithm for Noisy Channel Color Quantization Design, A
* Genetic Stereo Matching Using Complex Conjugate Wavelet Pyramids
* Geometric Hashing Techniques for Watermarking
* Georegistration of airborne hyperspectral image data
* Gesture Recognition Technique for Realistic Images, A
* Gradient based progressive probabilistic Hough transform
* Handwritten Text Localization in Skewed Documents
* Head Gestures Recognition
* Helical CT of Von Hippel-Lindau: Semi-automated Segmentation of Renal Lesions
* Hidden in Greek Manuscripts
* Hidden Markov models for online classification of single trial EEG data
* Hierarchical Approach for Low-access Latency Image Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Hierarchical Image Authentication Watermark with Improved Localization and Security, A
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Based on Contour Dynamics
* Hierarchical Iterative Bayesian Approach to Automatic Recognition of Biological Viruses in Electron Microscope Images
* Hierarchical Iterative Eigen Decomposition for Motion Segmentation
* Hierarchical Motion Compensation with Spatial and Luminance Transformations
* Hierarchical MRF Model for Model-based Multi-object Tracking
* Hierarchical Representation and Coding of Surfaces Using 3-D Polygon Meshes
* Hierarchical Watermarking Depending on Local Constraints
* High Capacity Data Embedding in the Wavelet Domain
* High Quality Color Correction Method Combining Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithms
* High-quality Isosurface Rendering with Exact Gradient
* High-resolution Image Acquisition Method with Defect-pixel Recovery for Solid-state Image Sensors, A
* High-resolution Video Mosaicing
* High-throughput Hyperspectral Imaging with Tomographic Reconstruction for Weak Signal Sources
* Higher Order Autocorrelations for Pattern Classification
* Higher-order spectra (HOS) invariants for shape recognition
* Hiscore Camera: A Real Time Three Dimensional and Color Camera, The
* Human Detection in Compressed Domain
* Human Vision and the Expanding Field of Electronic Imaging
* Hybrid Approach of Video Indexing and Machine Learning for Rapid Indexing and Highly Precise Object Recognition
* Hybrid Embedded Video Codec Using Base Layer Information for Enhancement Layer Coding, A
* Hybrid Frequency-space Domain Algorithm for Estimating Projective Transformations of Color Images, A
* Hybrid Lossless Compression Scheme Using Region-based Predictive Coding and Integer Wavelet Transform, A
* Hypercomplex Fourier Transforms of Color Images
* Hypermask: Talking Head Projected Onto Moving Surface
* Hyperspectral Image Coding Using 3d Transforms
* Hyperspectral subpixel target detection using the linear mixing model
* I/P Frame Selection Using Classification Based Mode Decision
* ICA-based Probabilistic Local Appearance Models
* Identification of Causal Non-minimum Phase Blurs Using Output Cumulants
* Image analysis by Tchebichef moments
* Image Analysis for High Throughput Genomics
* Image and Graphic Reader
* Image approximation and modeling via least statistically dependent bases
* Image Coding for Transmission Over Multiple Noisy Channels Using Punctured Convolutional Codes and Trellis-coded Quantization
* Image compression using principal component neural networks
* Image Compression with Adaptive Local Cosines: A Comparative Study
* Image Data Mining from Financial Documents Based on Wavelet Features
* Image Data Watermarking Technique Using the Average of a Fresnel-transformed Pattern, An
* Image Deconvolution Using Hidden Markov Tree Modeling of Complex Wavelet Packets
* Image Denoising Using Adaptive Subband Decomposition
* Image Enhancement Segmentation and Denoising by Time Dependent Nonlinear Diffusion Processes
* Image Enhancement Using Multiscale Oriented Wavelets
* Image Identification Using the Segmented Fourier Transform and Competitive Training in the Havnet Neural Network
* Image Labeling Mechanism Using Digital Radon Projections, An
* image moment method for the limited range CT image reconstruction and pattern recognition, The
* Image Motion Estimation: Convergence and Error Analysis
* Image prediction using face detection and triangulation
* Image Processing and the Problem of Quantifying Image Quality
* Image Query System Using Object Probes
* Image Reconstruction from Localized Fourier Magnitude
* Image Recovery from Irregularly Located Spectral Samples
* Image Registration Using the Hausdorff Fraction and Virtual Circles
* Image Restoration Using an Hybrid Approach Based on DWT and SMKF
* Image Retrieval by Partial Queries
* Image Retrieval Using Multi-scale Color Clustering
* Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback: From Heuristic Weight Adjustment to Optimal Learning Methods
* Image Segmentation and Region Filling for Virtual Restoration of Artworks
* Image Segmentation and Tracking Method by Segment Scanning Wave Propagation Network, An
* Image Segmentation Based on Statistically Principled Clustering
* Image Segmentation Using Local Spectral Histograms
* Image Segmentation Using Probabilistic Fuzzy C-means Clustering
* Image Segmentation Using Situational DCT Descriptors
* Image Segmentation Using the Double Markov Random Field, with Application to Land Use Estimation
* Image Sensor with Fast Extraction of Objects' Positions: Rough Vision Processor, An
* Image Spatial Transformation in DCT Domain
* Image Stabilization Algorithms for Video-surveillance Applications
* Image-adaptive Watermark Based on a Redundant Wavelet Transform, An
* Image-based Object Modeling: A Multiresolution Level-set Approach
* Image-based Rendering for Mixed Reality
* Image-Based Rendering of Diffuse, Specular and Glossy Surfaces from a Single Image
* Image-guided Endoscopy for Lung-cancer Assessment
* Images on the Path to the Digital Museum
* Imaging Applications of Stochastic Minimal Graphs
* Imaging of Elastic Modulus of Incompressible Biological Soft Tissue from a Knowledge of Displacement Measurements
* Imaging of Fast Moving Targets Using Undersampled SAR Raw-Data
* IMAP-CE: A 51.2 Gops Video Rate Image Processor with 128 VLIW Processing Elements
* impact of viewing geometry on material discriminability in hyperspectral images, The
* Implementation of 2D-DCT on XC4000 Series FPGA Using DFT-based DSFG and DA Architectures
* Implementing a Multi-Model Estimation Method
* Importance Coding of Still Imagery Based on Importance Maps of Visually Interpretable Regions
* improved automatic isotropic color edge detection technique, An
* Improved Curvature Estimation for Accurate Localisation of Active Contours
* Improved Document Skew Detection Based on Text Line Connected-component Clustering
* Improved Image Thresholding for Object Extraction in IR Images
* improved model for automatic feature-based registration of SAR and SPOT images, An
* Improved Person Tracking Using a Combined Pseudo-2D-HMM and Kalman Filter Approach with Automatic Background State Adaptation
* Improved ROI and Within Frame Discriminant Features for Lipreading
* Improved Shape-from-shading Using Darboux Smoothing
* Improving a Genetic Algorithm Segmentation by Means of a Fast Edge Detection Technique
* Improving area-based matching by using surface gradients in the pixel co-ordinate transformation
* Improving Motion and Orientation Estimation Using an Equilibrated Total Least Squares Approach
* Improving MPEG-4 coding performance by jointly optimising compression and blocking effect elimination
* incremental data mining algorithm for compact realization of prototypes, An
* Incremental Hierarchical Discriminating Regression for Indoor Visual Navigation
* Indoor vs Outdoor Classification of Consumer Photographs Using Low-level and Semantic Features
* Inference of Directional Spatial Relationship Between Points: A Probabilistic Approach
* Information Appliance Capable of Seamless Screen-display Atop Printed Matter: Towards Paper-anchored Hypertext and Multimedia, An
* Information Extraction Method Without Original Image Using Turbo Code
* Information Update on Neural Tree Networks
* Information-theoretic assessment of sampled hyperspectral imagers
* Integer Lapped Biorthogonal Transform
* Integrated Color and Texture Tools for Colposcopic Image Segmentation
* Integrated feature analysis and fuzzy rule-based system identification in a neuro-fuzzy paradigm
* Integrated Multimedia Processing for Topic Segmentation and Classification
* Integrated System for the Assessment of Ultrasonic Imaging Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaques, An
* Integrating Color and Spatial Features for Content-based Video Retrieval
* Integrating Wavelet-based Mammographic Image Visualisation on a Web Browser
* Interactive View Synthesis from Compressed Light Fields
* Interchangeable pairs of pixels in two-valued digital images
* Interpolated Mth Band Filters for Image Size Conversion
* Interpretation of Line Drawings with Contrast Failure and Shadows, The
* Interpreting translation-invariant wavelet shrinkage as a new image smoothing scale space
* Introduction to the special issue on analysis of hyperspectral image data
* Introduction to the special issue on MPEG-7
* Introduction: Selected Papers from Statistical Methods for Image Processing
* Introduction: Selected Papers from the 11th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Invariant and Perceptually Consistent Texture Mapping for Content-based Image Retrieval
* Invariant Noisy Texture Classification with Bispectrum-based Features from Projections
* Invariant Representations in Image Processing
* Iterative Annealing: a New Efficient Optimization Method for Cellular Neural Networks
* Joint Audio-video Object Tracking
* Joint Compression and Discrimination Algorithm for Clutter Rejection
* Joint Mesh and Texture Compression Using Marginal Analysis
* Joint Singular Value Decomposition: A New Tool for Separable Representation of Images
* Joint Source-channel Coding for Scalable Video Over DS-CDMA Multipath Fading Channels
* Joint Tracking of Polygonal and Triangulated Meshes of Objects in Moving Sequences with Time Varying Content
* Jointly Optimal Coding of Texture and Shape
* Jointly optimized trellis-coded residual vector quantization
* JPEG Decoding Via Two-dimensional Optimal Separable Filters
* JPEG-matched MRC Compression of Compound Documents
* JPEG2000: The upcoming still image compression standard
* Lagrange Multiplier Selection in Hybrid Video Coder Control
* Layering-based Color Filter Array Interpolation
* Learning Dictionaries for Matching Pursuits Based Video Coders
* Learning Shape Categories by Clustering Shock Trees
* Learning the Kernel Through Examples: An Application to Shape Classification
* Learning Visual Landmarks for Pose Estimation
* Least-squares image resizing using finite differences
* Level Set Segmentation in Graphics Hardware
* Line Matching: Solutions and Unsolved Problems
* Line Orientation Operator
* Linear band detection based on the Euclidean distance transform and a new line segment extraction method
* Local Adaptive Transform Based Image Denoising with Varying Window Size
* Local Frequency Estimation Based on the Wigner Distribution
* Local Wavelet Transform Implementation Versus an Optimal Row-column Algorithm for the 2-D Multilevel Decomposition, A
* Localized 2-D filter-based linear coherent noise attenuation
* Locating Text in Color Documents
* Locating the Human Eye Using Fractal Dimensions
* Location Systems for Ubiquitous Computing
* Long-correlation Image Models for Textures with Circular and Elliptical Correlation Structures
* Long-correlation image models for textures with circular and elliptical correlation structures
* Long-term Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking Using Spatio-temporal Consistency
* Look-up-table Based DCT Domain Inverse Motion Compensation
* Lossless Acceleration of Fractal Compression Using Domain and Range Block Local Variance Analysis
* Lossless and Near-lossless Image Compression with Color Transformations
* Lossless Compression of Bi-level Images Based on Context Selection and Hierarchical Enumerative Coding
* Lossy and Lossless Compression for Color-quantized Images
* Low Complexity Wavelet Transform with Point-symmetric Extension at Tile Boundaries, A
* Macroblock-based Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable (PFGS) Video Coding with Flexible Temporal-SNR Scalablilities
* Maintaining the relative positions and orientations of multiple robots using vision
* Manufacturing feature recognition toward integration with process planning
* MapScript: A Map Algebra Programming Language Incorporating Neighborhood Analysis
* Matching Pursuits Multiple Description Coding for Wireless Video
* MCGE: Multi-candidate Based Group Evolution in Stereo Matching
* medial-surface oriented 3-d two-subfield thinning algorithm, A
* Mediated Morphological Filters
* Medical Image Segmentation and Retrieval Via Deformable Models
* Medical image segmentation using a contextual-constraint-based Hopfield neural cube
* Memory Hierarchy Exploration for Low Power Architectures in Embedded Multimedia Applications
* Memory-efficient Fingerprint Verification
* Message-based Cocktail Watermarking System, A
* Meta-data Framework for Constructing Individualized Video Digest
* Method and apparatus for separating/generating background and motion object planes
* Method for Robust and Quick Video Searching Using Probabilistic Dither-voting, A
* Method of Color Filter Array Interpolation with Alias Cancellation Properties, A
* Method of Vessel Tracking for Vessel Diameter Measurement on Retinal Images, A
* Method to Contrast Enhancement of Digital Dense Breast Images Aimed to Detect Clustered Microcalcifications, A
* Metrics for Performance Evaluation of Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Without Ground-truth
* Middle View Stereo Representation: An Efficient Architecture for Teleconference with Handling Occlusions
* Min-max Approach to the Multidimensional Nonuniform FFT: Application to Tomographic Image Reconstruction, A
* Minimax Disappointment Criterion for Video Broadcasting
* Minimizing Transmission Energy in Wireless Video Communications
* Minimum Cost Approach for Segmenting Networks of Lines, A
* Minimum Discrimination Information Clustering: Modeling and Quantization with Gauss Mixtures
* Minimum Entropy Segmentation Applied to Multi-spectral Chromosome Images
* Minutiae Data Synthesis for Fingerprint Identification Applications
* Minutiae Extraction Scheme for Fingerprint Recognition Systems
* Missile Tracking Using Knowledge-based Adaptive Thresholding
* ML Optimality of PDE-based Segmentation Algorithms
* MMSE Estimate for Demosaicking, A
* Mobile Agent Perception
* Mode-adaptive Fine Granularity Scalability
* Model-based Digital Halftoning with Adaptive Eye Filters
* Modeling and Reduction of PSNR Fluctuations in 3d Wavelet Coding
* Modeling the Shape of the Scene: A Holistic Representation of the Spatial Envelope
* Modified MPEG-2 Video Coders with Efficient Multi-layer Scalability
* MOMS: maximal-order interpolation of minimal support
* Morphological Degradation Models and Their Use in Document Image Restoration
* Morphological Scale-space Analysis and Feature Extraction
* Mosaics of Video Sequences with Moving Objects
* Motion estimation
* Motion estimation based tracking of active contours
* Motion Estimation for Low Power Video Devices
* Motion Image Segmentation Using 3-d Watershed Algorithm
* Motion Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Random Walks in Sequence of 2D Motion-related Measurements
* Motion Sensitive Pre-processing for Video
* Motion-compensated Highly Scalable Video Compression Using an Adaptive 3d Wavelet Transform Based on Lifting
* Moving Object Tracking in the Sequence of Images Acquired from Non-stationary Camera
* Moving picture processing method and apparatus, and computer program product having processing procedure recorded therefore
* Moving Target Tracking Algorithm Based on the Confidence Measure of Motion Vectors
* Moving-object Segmentation with Adaptive Sprite for DCT-based Video Coder
* MPEG-2 One-pass Variable Bit Rate Control Algorithm and Its LSI Implementation
* MPEG-7 Camera
* MPEG-7 Color Layout Descriptor: a Compact Image Feature Description for High-speed Image/video Segment Retrieval, The
* MPEG-7 Colour Structure Descriptor: Image Description Using Colour and Local Spatial Information, The
* MPEG-7 multimedia description schemes
* MPEG-7 systems: overview
* MPEG-7 visual motion descriptors
* MPEG-7 visual shape descriptors
* MPEG-7 visual standard for content description-an overview, The
* MRF-based Moving Object Detection from MPEG Coded Video
* MRF-motion Segmentation Based on Dominant Motion Estimation and the Detection of Uncovered Regions
* MRI Ventilation Analysis by Merging Parametric Active Contours
* Multi-class Relevance Feedback Approach to Image Retrieval, A
* Multi-dimensional Histogram Comparison Via Scale Trees
* Multi-hypothesis Prediction for Disparity-compensated Light Field Compression
* Multi-image matching for a general motion stereo camera model
* Multi-layered Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels Using an Adaptive Modulation and Coding Scheme
* Multi-level Watermarking with Independent Decoding
* Multi-object Multi-feature Content-based Search Using MPEG-7
* Multi-resolution Matching of Uncalibrated Images Utilizing Epipolar Geometry and Its Uncertainty
* Multi-sensor Image Fusion Using Multirate Filter Banks
* Multi-spectral Sensor Dedicated to 3d Spherical Reconstruction, A
* Multi-view Spatial Integration and Tracking with Bayesian Networks
* Multibit Digital Watermarking Robust Against Local Nonlinear Geometrical Distortions
* Multiclass Linear Dimension Reduction by Weighted Pairwise Fisher Criteria
* Multidimensional pattern recognition problems and combining classifiers
* Multihypothesis Pictures for H.261
* Multiple Description Video Coding with Un-quantized Prediction Loop
* Multiple Description Video Using Rate-distortion Splitting
* Multiple feature clustering for image sequence segmentation
* Multiple Parametric Motion Model Estimation and Segmentation
* Multiresolution discontinuity-preserving surface reconstruction
* Multiresolution Gaussian Mixture Models for Visual Motion Estimation
* Multiresolution Level-set Approach to Surface Fusion, A
* Multiscale Anisotropic Filtering of Color Images
* Multiscale Color and Texture Invariants for Image Recognition
* Multiscale Edge Grammars for Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Multiscale image processing using normal triangulated meshes
* Multiscale image segmentation using wavelet-domain hidden Markov models
* Multispectral Image Fusion and Merging Using Multiscale Fundamental Forms
* Multispectral Image Retrieval Using Vector Quantization
* Multistage Adaptive Prediction Using Local Area Based Predictor Evaluation
* Multistatic Passive Radar Imaging Using the Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-ville Distribution
* Multiview extensive partition operators for semantic video object extraction
* N-Dimensional Tensor Voting and Application to Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* N-dimensional Zonal Algorithms. the Future of Block Based Motion Estimation?
* Navigation in birds and other animals
* Near-lossless Compression of Coherent Image Data
* Neighborhood Relations between Fields with Applications to Cellular Networks
* Network-adaptive Scalable Video Streaming Over 3g Wireless Network
* Neural network approaches to dynamic collision-free trajectory generation
* Neural Network Based Face Recognition with Moment Invariants
* Neural networks for the recognition and pose estimation of 3D objects from a single 2D perspective view
* New Active Contour Algorithm for Tracking Vibrating Vocal Folds
* New Algorithm Based on Saturation and Desaturation in the xy Chromaticity Diagram for Enhancement and Re-rendition of Color Images, A
* New Algorithm for Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* New Algorithm for High Quality Video Format Conversion, A
* New Algorithm to Correct Fish-eye- and Strong Wide-angle-lens-distortion from Single Images, A
* New Algorithms for Computing Directional Discrete Fourier Transforms
* New Approach to Depth Range Detection by Producing Depth-dependent Blurring Effect, A
* New Basis Selection Paradigm for Wavelet Packet Image Coding, A
* New CDMA Technique for Digital Image Watermarking, Enhancing Capacity of Insertion and Robustness, A
* New Content-based Hybrid Video Transcoding Method, A
* New DCT Computation Algorithm for Video Quality Scaling
* New Edge-directed Image Expansion Scheme, A
* New Efficient Algorithm for Fitting of Rectangles and Squares, A
* New Fast Lower-tree Wavelet Image Encoder, A
* New Filtering Method for Ultrasound Images Incorporating Prior Statistics Concerning Medical Features, A
* New Interactive Services for Digital TV
* New Method for Boundary Artifact Reduction in JPEG 2000, A
* New Method for Color Image Equalization, A
* New Method for Removal of Edge Artifacts Using a 2d Extrapolated Discrete Wavelet Transform with Biorthogonal Wavelets, A
* New methods for dynamic mosaicking
* new one-pass algorithm to detect region boundaries, A
* New Operators for Optimized Orientation Estimation
* New Partitioned Approach to Image-Based Visual Servo Control, A
* New Perceived Motion Based Shot Content Representation, A
* New Robust 3d Motion Estimation Under Perspective Projection, A
* New Robust Hausdorff Distance-based Face Detection
* new scheme for rectifying recognition results of printed Chinese characters, A
* new search algorithm for feature selection in hyperspectral remote sensing images, A
* New Video-object Watermarking Scheme Robust to Object Manipulation, A
* News Story Segmentation in the Fischlar Video Indexing System
* Noise Estimation in Digital Images Using Fuzzy Processing
* Non-linear Filtering for Broadcast Television: a Real-time FPGA Implementation
* Non-metric Calibration of Camera Lens Distortion
* Non-sequential Video Structuring Based on Video Object Linking: An Efficient Tool for Video Browsing and Indexing
* Nonlinear Enhancement and Segmentation Algorithm for the Detection of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in Human Eye's Retina
* Nonlinear Image Filtering: Trade-off Between Optimality and Practicality
* Nonlinear regression analysis of the hemodynamic response in functional MRI
* Normal vector and winding number in 2D digital images with application for hole detection
* Novel Algorithm of Adaptive Background Estimation, A
* novel approach for human face detection from color images under complex background, A
* Novel Approach of Image Compression in Digital Cameras with a Bayer Color Filter Array, A
* Novel Compression Algorithm for Cell Animation Images, A
* Novel Hybrid Face Profile Recognition System Using the Feret and Mugshot Databases, A
* novel invariant mapping applied to hand-written Arabic character recognition, A
* novel low-power full-search block-matching motion-estimation design for H.263+, A
* Novel Method to Cope with Appearing and Disappearing Points for the Projective Registration of Free-form Surfaces, A
* Novel Search Algorithm Based on L2-norm Pyramid of Codewords for Fast Vector Quantization Encoding, A
* Novel Technique for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation, A
* novel triangulation procedure for thinning hand-written text, A
* novel visual landmark matching for a biologically inspired homing, A
* Object Extraction and Tracking Using Genetic Algorithms
* Object Segmentation in Stereo Image Using Cooperative Line Field in Stochastic Diffusion
* Object Tracking Via the Dynamic Velocity Hough Transform
* Object-based Motion Method for Video Coding, An
* Object-based Video Abstraction Using Cluster Analysis
* Observer Motion Estimation and Control from Optical Flow
* Occlusion Resistant Object Tracking
* Offline Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using Orthogonal Gaussian Mixture Model
* On a Lip Print Recognition by the Pattern Kernels with Multi-resolution Architecture
* On combining classifiers using sum and product rules
* On Computing Structural Changes in Evolving Surfaces and their Appearance
* On fuzzy correlations
* On Hierarchical Multimedia Information Retrieval
* On Modeling Location Uncertainty in Images
* On Preserving Spectral Balance in Image Fusion and Its Advantages for Geological Image Interpretation
* On Sparse Signal Representations
* On the Application of Morphological Heteroassociative Neural Networks
* On the Arithmetic and Bandwidth Complexity of the Lifting Scheme
* On the Compression of Two-dimensional Piecewise Smooth Functions
* On the Data Compression and Transmission Aspects of Panoramic Video
* On the Design and Implementation of a Class of Multiplier-less Two-channel 1-D and 2-D Nonseparable PR Fir Filterbank
* On the Efficiency of Random Walk Approach to Noise Reduction in Color Images
* On the Estimation of Spectral Data: a Genetic Algorithm Approach
* On the Evaluation of Performance of Digital Watermarking in the Frequency Domain
* On the Impact of Histogram Sparseness on Some Lossless Image Compression Techniques
* On the security of the SARI image authentication system
* On the Sequential Accumulation of Evidence
* On the Size and Shape of Multi-level Context Templates for Compression of Map Images
* On the Study of Lossless Compression of Computer Generated Compound Images
* On-chip Computation of Euler Number of a Binary Image for Efficient Database Search
* On-line segmentation of freehand sketches by knowledge-based nonlinear thresholding operations
* One-class SVM for Learning in Image Retrieval
* Optical Flow Estimation Using High Frame Rate Sequences
* Optimal Bandsplitting Algorithm Using Rearranged Spatial Tree for Adaptive Subband Image Coding
* Optimal Image Scaling Using Pixel Classification
* Optimal Locally Adjustable Filtering of PET Images by a Genetic Algorithm
* Optimal Radial Contour Tracking by Dynamic Programming
* Optimal Recovery Approach to Image Interpolation
* Optimisation of Multiple Classifier Systems Using Genetic Algorithms
* Optimization Methodology for Document Structure Extraction on Latin Character Documents, An
* Optimization of the Joint Coding/decoding Structure
* Optimized Lifting Scheme for Two-dimensional Quincunx Sampling Images
* Optimized Singular Point Detection Algorithm for Fingerprint Images
* Optimizing a Random System of Cascaded Video Processing Modules by Parallel Evolution Modeling
* Optimum Color Spaces for Skin Detection
* Optimum detection of robust perceptual-model-based image-adaptive watermarks
* Optimum Image Thresholding via Class Uncertainty and Region Homogeneity
* Optimum Intra/Inter Partitioning for Video Compression in the Wavelet Domain
* Orientation Adaptive Lapped Biorthogonal Transform for Efficient Image Coding, The
* Orientation Matching Approach to Circular Object Detection, The
* Orthogonal Quincunx Wavelets with Fractional Orders
* Out-lier Removal Algorithm for Model-based Coded Video
* Overview of MPEG-7 audio
* overview of the MPEG-7 description definition language (DDL), An
* Overview of the MPEG-7 standard
* P-domain Bit Allocation and Rate Control for Real Time Video Coding
* Palmprint Recognition Using Crease
* Panoramic Camera Using a Mirror Rotation Mechanisim and a Fast Image Mosaicing
* Parameter-estimation in the auto-binomial model using the coding- and pseudo-likelihood method approached with simulated annealing and numerical optimization
* Pattern classification using multiple hierarchical overlapped self-organising maps
* PCA Based Representation of Color Distributions for Color Based Image Retrieval
* Perceiving Three-dimensional Objects During Egomotion
* Perception-based Image Transcoding for Universal Multimedia Access
* Perceptual Motion Tracking from Image Sequences
* Performance Comparison of MPEG-4 Scalable and Non-scalable Video Streaming
* Performance Evaluation of JPEG2000-like Data Decomposition Schemes in Wavelet Codec
* Performance modeling of video-on-demand systems in broadband networks
* Performance of Reference Block Updating Techniques When Tracking with the Block Matching Algorithm
* Performance prediction for vocabulary-supported image retrieval
* Person Identification Using Facial Motion
* Picture-wise Resource Allocation in MPEG-2 Decoding
* Pixel and Sub-pixel Accuracy in Satellite Image Georeferencing Using an Automatic Contour Matching Approach
* Pixel Independent Random Access Image Sensor for Real Time Image-based Rendering System
* Pixon-Based Image Denoising with Markov Random Fields
* Polynomial Fiber Description of Motion for Video Mosaicing
* Portable Traveling Support System Using Image Processing for the Visually Impaired
* Positive tensor factorization
* Postprocessing for vector-quantized images based on projection onto hypercubes
* Power, Performance and Area Exploration of Block Matching Algorithms Mapped on Programmable Processors
* Preconditioned edge-preserving image deblurring and denoising
* Predicting the Complexity of Signal Processing Algorithms
* Prescient Mode Selection for Robust Video Coding
* Priority Search Technique for MPEG-4 Motion Estimation of Arbitrarily Shaped Video Object
* Probabilistic Methods for Finding People
* Processing Concept Queries with Object Motions in Video Databases
* Progressive Fractal Coding
* Progressive Trellis-Coded Space-Frequency Quantization for Wavelet Image Coding
* Projected Light Beams Tracking for Efficient 3d Reconstruction
* Projective Evolution of Plane Curves
* Proposal for a Face Plane, A
* Proposal of Objective Measure Considering Subjective Observation Areas, A
* Pyramidal Directional Filter Banks and Curvelets
* Pyramidal Perceptual Filtering Using Moon and Spencer Contrast
* QoS Based Video Delivery with Foveation
* Quality-aware Deformable Models for Change Detection
* Quantification of Trabecular Bone Structure from Three-dimensional MR Images
* Quantifying Visual Distortion in Low-rate Wavelet-coded Images
* Radio Astronomy Image Enhancement in the Presence of Phase Errors Using Genetic Algorithms
* Radiometric Corrections for Multispectral Airborne Video Imagery
* Rail Corrugation Detection by Gabor Filtering
* Rain Clouds Tracking with Radar Image Processing Based on Morphological Skeleton Matching
* Rate Allocation Criteria in Source-channel Coding of Images
* Rate Control Method with Pre-analysis for Real-time MPEG-2 Video Coding, A
* Rate Distortion Optimized Adaptive Multiscale Vector Quantization
* Rate Distortion Optimized Document Coding Using Resolution Enhanced Rendering
* Rate-distortion Optimal Skeleton-based Shape Coding
* Rate-distortion Optimal Video Pre-processing Algorithm, A
* Rate-distortion Optimized Video Coding Considering Frameskip
* Rate-distortion Unequal Error Protection for Fractal Image Codes
* Real Time Skin Region Detection with a Single-chip Digital Camera
* Real Time Tracking of 3d Objects with Occultations
* Real Time Trinocular Stereo for Tele-immersion
* Real-time Active Shape Models for Face Segmentation
* Real-time Hyperspectral Imaging with Volume Holographic Optical Elements
* Real-time object recognition on image sequences with the adaptable time delay neural network algorithm applications for autonomous vehicles
* Real-time recognition of self-similar landmarks
* Real-valued Block Filter Bank with Perfect-Reconstruction Property, A
* Recognising Human and Animal Movement by Symmetry
* Recognition of Anatomically Relevant Objects with Binary Partition Trees
* Recognition of Musical Symbols in Ancient Manuscripts
* Recognition, Resolution, and Complexity of Objects Subject to Affine Transformations
* Recognizing High-level Audio-visual Concepts Using Context
* Reconstructing Terrain Maps from Dense Range Data
* Reconstruction Method for Compensation of Surface Effects in Transillumination Laser CT
* Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from Single Images with a Camera of Unknown Focal Length
* Reconstruction of Sculpture from Uncalibrated Image Profiles
* Recording the Region of Interest from Flycam Panoramic Video
* Recursive Optimal Relevance Feedback Scheme for Content Based Image Retrieval, A
* Reduction of the Search Space Region in the Edge Based Stereo Correspondence
* Reflective surfaces as computational sensors
* REFLICS: Real-time Flow Imaging and Classification System
* Region Extraction Method Based on Clustering Along an Object Contour
* Region Growing Based on Extended Gradient Vector Flow Field Model for Multiple Objects Segmentation
* Region-based Active Contours for Video Object Segmentation with Camera Compensation
* Region-based Approach for Discriminant Snakes
* Region-based Color Image Indexing and Retrieval
* Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
* Region-oriented Compression of Color Images Using Fuzzy Inference and Shape Adaptive DCT
* Relational Skeletons for Retrieval in Patent Drawings
* Relative Anatomical Location for Statistical Non-parametric Brain Tissue Classification in MR Images
* Relevance Feedback for Semantics Based Image Retrieval
* Remote Sensing and Cast Shadows in Mountainous Terrain
* Representation and Coding of Volumetric Images Using the 3-d Derivative of Gaussian Transform, The
* representation of digitized patterns and an edge tracking thinning method, A
* Representing and Recognizing the Visual Appearance of Materials using Three-dimensional Textons
* Resolution Improving Method from Multi-focal Omnidirectional Images
* Restoration of Images Scanned from Thick Bound Documents
* Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cancer Using Helical CT Images, The
* Retrieval of Overlapping and Touching Objects Using Hidden Markov Models
* RLGS Profile Segmentation Via a SVM
* Robust and direct estimation of 3-D motion and scene depth from stereo image sequences
* Robust and Efficient Algorithm for Bilevel Document Block Classification, A
* Robust and Efficient Fourier-Mellin Transform Approximations for Gray-Level Image Reconstruction and Complete Invariant Description
* Robust and efficient map-to-image registration with line segments
* Robust and Scalable Video Compression Using Matching Pursuits and Absolute Value Coding
* Robust Bayesian Multisensor Fusion Algorithm for Joint Lane and Pavement Boundary Detection, A
* Robust Estimation of Depth and Motion Using Stochastic Approximation
* Robust Fast Extraction of Video Objects Combining Frame Differences and Adaptive Reference Image
* Robust Hausdorff distance matching algorithms using pyramidal structures
* Robust image modeling on image processing
* Robust Image Transmission Based on Wavelet Tree Coding and EREC
* Robust Matching by Dynamic Space Warping for Accurate Face Recognition
* Robust model-based signal analysis and identification
* Robust Motion Detection and Estimation Filter for Video Signals, A
* Robust Parametric Motion Estimation for Image Mosaicing in the Mpeg-7 Standard
* Robust Topology-adaptive Snakes for Image Segmentation
* Rotationally Invariant Texture Based Features
* SADWT for Efficient Mesh Based Video Coding
* SAR Image Construction from Gapped Phase-history Data
* SASI: a New Texture Descriptor for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Saturation-based adaptive inverse gradient interpolation for Bayer pattern images
* SAVI: an actively controlled teleconferencing system
* Scalable Algorithms for Media Processing
* Scalable Coding and Progressive Transmission of Concentric Mosaic Using Nonlinear Filter Banks
* Scalable Cryptographic Scheme for Networked Multimedia Applications
* Scalable Integrated Region-based Image Retrieval System, A
* Scalable, error-resilient, and high-performance video communications in mobile wireless environments
* Scale Dependency of Image Derivatives for Feature Measurement in Curvilinear Structures
* Scale Space Segmentation of Color Images Using Watersheds and Fuzzy Region Merging
* Scene Boundary Detection Via Video Self-similarity Analysis
* Scene Break Detection and Classification Using a Block-wise Difference Method
* Scratch Detection and Removal from Static Images Using Simple Statistics and Genetic Algorithms
* Screening of Wide Area Search Reconnaissance Imagery
* Seamline detection in colour orthoimage mosaicking by use of twin snakes
* Secure and Robust Digital Watermarking Technique by the Block Cipher Rc6 and Secure Hash Algorithm, A
* Secure Blind Image Steganographic Technique Using Discrete Fourier Transformation
* Secure Fragile Digital Watermarking Technique for Image Authentication
* Secure Scalable Streaming Enabling Transcoding Without Decryption
* Secure Watermarking for JPEG-2000, A
* Seed-invariant Region Growing: Its Properties and Applications to 3-d Medical CT Images
* Segmentation based on fusion of range and intensity images using robust trimmed methods
* Segmentation of 3D Head MR Images Using Morphological Reconstruction Under Constraints and Automatic Selection of Markers
* Segmentation of bright targets using wavelets and adaptive thresholding
* Segmentation of Kidney by Using a Deformable Model
* Segmentation of Lip Pixels for Lip Tracker Initialisation
* Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images Using Fuzzy Markov Random Fields
* Segmentation of Soil Section Images Using Connected Operators
* Segmentation of textured images based on fractals and image filtering
* Segmentation of Vector Images by N-level-set-fitting
* Segmentation of vessel-like patterns using mathematical morphology and curvature evaluation
* Segmentation-based Spatially Adaptive Motion Blur Removal and Its Application to Surveillance Systems
* Segmenting image data into blocks and deleting some prior to compression
* Segmenting multisensor aerial images in class-scale space
* Selection of relevant features in a fuzzy genetic learning algorithm
* Selection of Thresholding Methods for Non-desctructive Testing Applications
* Self-calibration with varying focal length from two images obtained by a camera with small rotation and general translation
* Self-Referencing Level-Set Method for Image Reconstruction from Sparse Fourier Samples, A
* Self-supervised texture segmentation using complementary types of features
* Semi-) Automatic Recognition of Microorganisms in Water
* Semi-automatic Segmentation of Vessels By Mathematical Morphology: Application in MRI
* Semi-automatic Video Segmentation for Object Tracking
* Sensitivity of Image-based and Texture-based Multi-view Coding to Model Accuracy
* Sensor-assisted Video Mosaicing for Seafloor Mapping
* Separating Geometry from Texture to Improve Face Analysis
* Sequential Logic Compression of Images
* Shadows and Highlights Detection in 4-source Colour Photometric Stereo
* Shape Description of Three-dimensional Images Based on Medial Axis
* Shape from Texture Method Based on Local Scales Extraction: Precision and Results, A
* Shape Measures for Image Retrieval
* Shape Recovery of Non-rigid Objects Employing Factorization-based Stereo Cameras
* Shape Refinement for Reconstructing 3d-objects Using an Analysis-synthesis Approach
* Shape skeletonization by identifying discrete local symmetries
* Shape- and Appearance-based Segmentation of Volumetric Medical Images
* Shape-Based Interpolation Using Morphological Morphing
* Shape-Preserving Progressive Coding of 3-D Models
* Sharpness Enhancement for MPEG-2 Encoded/transcoded Video Sources
* Sharpness preserving image enlargement based on a ramp edge model
* Shot Boundary Detection with Mutual Information
* Silhouette Based Technique for the Reconstruction of Human Movement, A
* Similarity Matching of Arbitrarily Shaped Video by Still Shape Features and Shape Deformations
* Similarity Measure for CCITT Group 4 Compressed Document Images
* Simple 9/7-tap Wavelet Filter Based on Lifting Scheme, A
* Simple Determination System for Optimal Angiographic Viewing Angles and QCA Parameters, A
* Simple, High Performance Lossless Image Compression
* Simplified Grid Message-passing Algorithm with Application to Digital Image Halftoning
* Simultaneous Feature Tracking and Three-dimensional Object Reconstruction from an Image Sequence
* Single-Photo Resection Using the Modified Hough Transform
* Skeletonization of ribbon-like shapes based on regularity and singularity analyses
* Skin Probability Map and Its Use in Face Detection, A
* Smoothing and Edge Detection by Time-Varying Coupled Nonlinear Diffusion Equations
* Smoothing of Outliers in Image Restoration by Minimizing Regularized Objective Functions with Nonsmooth Data-fidelity Terms
* Solarspire: Querying Temporal Solar Imagery by Content
* Solving for Colour Constancy using a Constrained Dichromatic Reflection Model
* Some Improvements to HVS Models for Fingerprinting in Perceptual Decompressors
* Some Theoretical Bounds on the Capacity of Watermarking Channels with Geometrical Distortions
* Source Adaptive TCP-compatible Rate Control for Video Over the Internet
* Space-color Quantization of Multispectral Images in Hierarchy of Scales
* Space-time processing for the detection of airborne targets in IR image sequences
* Sparse image coding with clustering property and its application to face recognition
* Spatial Noise Shaping Based on Human Visual Sensitivity and Its Application to Image Coding
* Spatiospectral Cluster Analysis of Elongated Regions in Aerial Imagery
* Spatiotemporal segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Spectral Method for Solving Elliptic Equations for Surface Reconstruction and 3d Active Contours, A
* Spectral mixture analysis of simulated thermal infrared spectrometry data: an initial temperature estimate bounded TESSMA search approach
* spectral mixture process conditioned by Gibbs-based partitioning, A
* Speech recognition using fractals
* Sprite Generation for Frame-based Video Coding
* Standard-compliant Multiple Description Video Coding
* Statistical active grid for segmentation refinement
* Statistical Analyses of Disparity Maps and Disparity Compensated Residuals in the Presence of Occlusions
* Statistical image analysis for pose estimation without point correspondences
* Statistical Image Restoration Based on Adaptive Wavelet Models
* Statistical Method for Source Localization in MEG/EEG Tomographic Reconstruction Problem
* Statistical Modelling for Image Retrieval Using a Biological Model of the Perceptive Colour Space
* Statistical Technique for Phase Unwrapping: Application to Insar Data, A
* Statistical Upper Body Model for 3d Static and Dynamic Gesture Recognition from Stereo Sequences, A
* Statistical Wavelet Subband Modelling for Texture Classification
* Stereo matching using genetic algorithm with adaptive chromosomes
* Stochastic Rate-control of Video Coders for Wireless Channels
* Straight lines have to be straight
* Stroke-model-based character extraction from gray-level document images
* Structure-adaptive B-snake for Segmenting Complex Objects
* Study of Embedded Font Context and Kernel Space Methods for Improved Videotext Recognition
* Study of Fingerprint Image Filtering, A
* Study on a Radiation Management System Visualizing Health Risks from Ionizing Particles by CG Technology, A
* Subject Region Segmentation in Disparity Maps for Image Retrieval
* Suitability Metric for Mouth Tracking Through Chromatic Segmentation, A
* Summarizing Wearable Video
* Supervised Segmentation and Tracking of Nonrigid Objects Using a Mixture of Histograms Model
* Support Vector Machine Learning for Image Retrieval
* Support vector machines for face recognition
* Support Vector Machines with Different Norms: Motivation, Formulations and Results
* Surface Fitting Approach for Reducing Blocking Artifacts in Low Bitrate DCT Decoded Images
* Surface Texture and Microstructure Extraction from Multiple Aerial Images
* Survey Addressing the Fundamental Matrix Estimation Problem, A
* Survey on Watermarking Application Scenarios and Related Attacks, A
* Symmetry-based Representations of 3D Data
* Synthesis and Applications of Lattice Image Operators Based on Fuzzy Norms
* Synthesis of Directional Texture Based on Multiresolution Block Sampling and Constrained Block Movement
* Synthesizing realistic facial animations using energy minimization for model-based coding
* System for Reliable Dissolve Detection in Videos, A
* Systematic Design Procedure for Scalable Near-circular Gaussian Operators, A
* Systematic Rate Controller for MPEG-4 FGS Video Streaming, A
* Talking Face: Using Facial Feature Detection and Image Transformations for Visual Speech
* TAPCA: Time Adaptive Self-organizing Maps for Adaptive Principal Components Analysis
* Target Detection and Segmentation in Coherent Active Polarimetric Images
* Technique for Registering 3d Virtual CT Images to Endoscopic Video
* Temporal Error Concealment Method for MPEG Coded Video Using a Multi-frame Boundary Matching Algorithm, A
* Temporal Interpolation of Video Sequences Using Zonal Based Algorithms
* Temporal-SNR Rate-control for Fine-granular Scalability
* Tensor-driven Active Contour Model for Moving Object Segmentation, A
* Text-based Geometric Normalization for Robust Watermarking of Digital Maps
* Texture Classification by Means of HMM Modeling of AM-FM Features
* Texture Feature Based on Local Fourier Transform
* Texture segmentation by frequency-sensitive elliptical competitive learning
* Texture-based Image Retrieval in Wavelets Compressed Domain
* Textured Polygonal Model Assisted Facial Model Estimation from Image Sequence
* theorem on the uncorrelated optimal discriminant vectors, A
* Theory and practice on the self-calibration of a rotating and zooming camera from two views
* Thermal Image Analysis for Anxiety Detection
* Three Dimensional Spot Detection by Multiscale Analysis
* Three New Algorithms for 2-Image and >= 2-Image Structure from Motion
* Three-dimensional E-CSAR Imaging of a T-72 Tank and Synthesis of Its Spotlight, Stripmap and Interferometric SAR Reconstructions
* Three-dimensional interferometric ISAR imaging for target scattering diagnosis and modeling
* Three-dimensional Scanner Based on Stereovision Techniques
* Three-dimensional Video Segmentation Using a Variational Method
* Time Split Linear Quadtree for Indexing Image Databases
* Tomographic Image Reconstruction Using Content-Adaptive Mesh Modeling
* Topology Preserving Deformable Image Matching Using Constrained Hierarchical Parametric Models
* Total variation as a multiplicative constraint for solving inverse problems
* Total Variation for the Removal of Blocking Effects in DCT Based Encoding
* Toward a Secure Public-key Blockwise Fragile Authentication Watermarking
* Toward optimality in scalable predictive coding
* Towards a Unified View of Estimation: Variational vs Statistical
* Towards Automatic Modelling of 3d Cultural Heritage
* Tracking Leukocytes from in Vivo Video Microscopy Using Morphological Anisotropic Diffusion
* Tracking Multiple Individuals for Video Communication
* Tracking of Human Activities Using Shape-encoded Particle Propagation
* Transcoding Architectures for DCT-domain Heterogeneous Video Transcoding
* Transfer Function Estimation for Spaceborne Telescopes
* Transport of Scalable Video Over CDMA Wireless Networks: A Joint Source Coding and Power Control Approach
* Tridimensional Digitizing of Donatello's Maddalena
* Tube-embodied Gradient Vector Flow Fields for Unsupervised Video Object Plane (VOP) Segmentation
* Turbo Coding for Sample-level Watermarking in the DCT Domain
* Two-dimensional Discriminative Filters for Image Template Detection
* Two-dimensional FIR compaction filter design
* Two-dimensional separable filters for optimal reconstruction of jpeg-coded images
* Unbalanced Multiple Description Video Communication Using Path Diversity
* Understanding Image Quality
* Undoing Page Curl Distortion Using Applicable Surfaces
* Unified Framework for Wavelet Transforms Based on the Lifting Scheme, A
* Unified Memory-based Approach to Cut, Dissolve, Key Frame and Scene Analysis, A
* Uniform distribution of points on a hyper-sphere with applications to vector bit-plane encoding
* Unimodal Thresholding
* Unsupervised Algorithm for the Segmentation of Three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
* Unsupervised Classification Using Spatial Region Growing Segmentation and Fuzzy Training
* Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation Algorithm for Face Detection Applications, An
* Unsupervised Face Recognition from Image Sequences
* Unsupervised Multi-resolution Object Extraction Algorithm Using Video-cube, An
* Unsupervised Statistical Detection of Changing Objects in Camera-in-motion Video
* Unsupervised target detection in hyperspectral images using projection pursuit
* Unsupervised texture segmentation with one-step mean shift and boundary Markov random fields
* Use of a Probabilistic Shape Model for Non-linear Registration of 3d Scattered Data
* Use of Neural Networks for Behaviour Understanding in Railway Transport Monitoring Applications
* Use of Pre-interleaving for Video Streaming Over Wireless Access Networks
* Use of Topographic Information to Improve a Land Cover Classification Image: Preliminary Results
* Using Affine Correspondence to Estimate 3-d Facial Pose
* Using an Exact Performance of Hough Transform for Image Text Segmentation
* Using Face Detection for Browsing Personal Slow Video in a Small Terminal and Worn Camera Context
* Using Hidden Markov Model for Chinese Business Card Recognition
* Using Support Vector Machines to Enhance the Performance of Elastic Graph Matching for Frontal Face Authentication
* Using the Draft H.26l Video Coding Standard for Mobile Applications
* Using View Interpolation for Low Bit-rate Video
* Variable-conductance, Level-set Curvature for Image Denoising
* Variational Calculus Approach to Multiresolution Image Mosaic, A
* Vector Quantization for Image Compression Using Circular Structured Self-organization Feature Map
* Vector-City Vector Distance Transform
* Video Compression Using Context-based Adaptive Arithmetic Coding
* Video Error Correction Using Steganography
* Video Object Segmentation Based on Edge Tracking
* Video Object Tracking Using Region Split and Merge and a Kalman Filter Tracking Algorithm
* Video Object-based Watermarking: A Rotation and Flipping Resilient Scheme
* Video Similarity Detection with Video Signature Clustering
* Video Summarization with Minimal Visual Content Redundancies
* View-based object representations using RBF networks
* View-based route-learning with self-organizing neural networks
* VIP3D: An Application of Image Processing Technology for Quality Control in the Food Industry
* Virtual Art Galleries: a New Kind of Cultural Objects?
* Virtual Light: Digitally-generated Lighting for Video Conferencing Applications
* Virtual Liver Biopsy: Image Processing and 3d Visualization
* Visibility concepts in orthogonal polygon recognition
* Vision: The Approach of Biophysics and Neurosciences
* Vismap: An Interactive Image/video Retrieval System Using Visualization and Concept Maps
* Visual Adaptation and the Relative Nature of Perception
* Visual Perception in Familiar, Complex Tasks
* Visual Tracking of Jellyfish in Situ
* Visualization and Navigation in Image Database Applications Based on MPEG-7 Descriptors
* Watermark Security Via Wavelet Filter Parametrization
* Watermarking Environment and a Metadata Digital Image Repository for the Protection and Management of Digital Images of the Hellenic Cultural Heritage, A
* Watermarking Scheme for Digital Cinema, A
* Watermarking with Dirty-paper Codes
* Wavelet Approach to Double-sided Document Image Pair Processing, A
* Wavelet Coding of Polygonal Mesh Data Based on Triangular Lattice Structure with Expanded Nodes
* Wavelet Compression and the Automatic Classification of Urban Environments Using High Resolution Multispectral Imagery and Laser Scanning Data
* Wavelet Domain Image Interpolation Via Statistical Estimation
* Wavelet Methods for Characterising Mono- and Poly-fractal Noise Structures in Shortish Time Series: an Application to Functional MRI
* Wavelet Representation and Total Variation Regularization in Emission Tomography
* Wavelet Shrinkage with Correlated Wavelet Coefficients
* Wavelet-based Active Contour Model for Object Tracking
* Wavelet-based facial motion capture for avatar animation
* Wavelet-based Foveated Image Quality Measurement for Region of Interest Image Coding
* Wavelet-Based Image Estimation: An Empirical Bayes Approach Using Jeffreys' Noninformative Prior
* Wavelet-based Statistical Model for Image Restoration, A
* Wavelet-based Ultrasound Image Denoising Using an Alpha-stable Prior Probability Model
* Wavelet-based video coder via bit allocation
* Window-based Gray-scale Inverse Hough Transform Algorithm and Its Applications on Gray-scale Line Filtering, A
* Wireless Video: Do Standards Matter?
* Word Shape Recognition for Image-based Document Retrieval
* Xilinx FPGA Implementation of an Image Classifier for Object Detection Applications
* Zero-error Information Hiding Capacity of Digital Images
* Zoom tracking and its applications
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