Update Dates 0703

0703 * *Optic Flow Evaluation
* 3-D Mesh Sequence Coding Using the Combination of Spatial and Temporal Wavelet Analysis, A
* 3-D Motion Estimation Using Range Data
* 3D human model and joint parameter estimation from monocular image
* 3D Model-Based Tracking of the Human Body in Monocular Gray-Level Images
* 3D Reconstruction of a Human Face from Images Using Morphological Adaptation
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Faces from Occluding Contours
* Accuracy Improvement of Lung Cancer Detection Based on Spatial Statistical Analysis of Thoracic CT Scans
* Accuracy versus speed in context-based object detection
* Accurate packet-by-packet measurement and analysis of video streams across an Internet tight link
* Active Vision System for Multitarget Surveillance in Dynamic Environments, An
* Adaptive image thresholding for real-time particle monitoring
* Adaptive Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter and Its Evaluation for Tracking in Surveillance
* Adaptive vs. non-adaptive strategies for the computation of optical flow
* Air- and spaceborne monitoring of road traffic using SAR moving target indication: Project TRAMRAD
* Alternating Minimization Algorithms for Transmission Tomography
* Analysis of ground moving objects using SRTM/X-SAR data
* Ant Colony Optimization for Image Regularization Based on a Nonstationary Markov Modeling
* Any dimension polygonal approximation based on equal errors principle
* Applicable Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval, An
* Architectural Scene Reconstruction from Single or Multiple Uncalibrated Images
* Assessing the Potential of Predictive Control for Hybrid Vehicle Powertrains Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming
* Assisting Multimodal Travelers: Design and Prototypical Implementation of a Personal Travel Companion
* Authenticating Pollock paintings using fractal geometry
* Automatic analysis and integration of architectural drawings
* Automatic Combination of Feature Descriptors for Effective 3D Shape Retrieval
* Automatic Segmentation of Natural Scene Images Based on Chromatic and Achromatic Components
* Automatic vessel monitoring with single and multidimensional SAR images in the wavelet domain
* Automatically Conflating Road Vector Data with Orthoimagery
* Band Selection in Multispectral Images by Minimization of Dependent Information
* Bayesian Approach to Deformed Pattern Matching of Iris Images, A
* Bayesian Model Selection for Markov, Hidden Markov, and Multinomial Models
* Behavior Measurement, Analysis, and Regime Classification in Car Following
* Binary Partition Tree for Semantic Object Extraction and Image Segmentation
* Biometrics from Brain Electrical Activity: A Machine Learning Approach
* Bistatic Linear Antenna Array SAR for Moving Target Detection, Location, and Imaging With Two Passive Airborne Radars
* Brain MRI/SPECT Registration System Using an Adaptive Similarity Metric: Application on the Evaluation of Parkinson's Disease, A
* Building facade interpretation from uncalibrated wide-baseline image sequences
* Capabilities of Dual-Frequency Millimeter Wave SAR With Monopulse Processing for Ground Moving Target Indication
* cDNA microarray image segmentation using root signals
* Classification of Facial Expressions Using K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Classification of leaf images
* Classifying individual tree species under leaf-off and leaf-on conditions using airborne lidar
* Cloud covering denoising through image fusion
* Clouds and Atmospheric Phenomena Simulation in Real-Time 3D Graphics
* Color image coding using regional correlation of primary colors
* Colour Code Algorithm For Signature Recognition, A
* Colour text segmentation in web images based on human perception
* Combined edge detection using wavelet transform and signal registration
* Combined image compression and denoising using wavelets
* Combining Monte Carlo and Mean-Field-Like Methods for Inference in Hidden Markov Random Fields
* Comments on Orthogonal Subspace Projection (OSP) Revisited: A Comprehensive Study and Analysis
* Complex Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Complexity accuracy tradeoffs of Lie operators in motion estimation
* Computer analysis of Van Gogh's complementary colours
* Computerized Bone Age Assessment Using DCT and LDA
* Computing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents From Infrared and Ocean Color Satellite Imagery
* Concentration distribution estimation of fluid through lectrical impedance tomography based on interacting multiple model scheme
* Context-Sensitive Technique for Unsupervised Change Detection Based on Hopfield-Type Neural Networks, A
* Continuous Verification Using Multimodal Biometrics
* Copying Behaviour of Expressive Motion
* Cortical Bone Classification by Local Context Analysis
* Data-Driven Animation of Crowds
* DCT-Based Iris Recognition
* Decision Fusion of Ground-Penetrating Radar and Metal Detector Algorithms: A Robust Approach
* Detection of Deeply Buried UXO Using CPT Magnetometers
* Detection of moving objects in airborne thermal videos
* Detection of Wilt by Analyzing Color and Stereo Vision Data of Plant
* Developing Landmark-Based Pedestrian-Navigation Systems
* Distance and nearest neighbor transforms on gray-level surfaces
* Document processing system using full image scanning
* Dynamic visual attention model in image sequences
* Edge-adaptive color interpolation for complementary color filter array
* Efficient Architectures for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform Using Lifting Scheme
* Efficient bit-plane coding scheme for fine granular scalable video coding
* efficient face verification method in a transformed domain, An
* Eigenvector-Based N-D Frequency Estimation From Sample Covariance Matrix
* Electromagnetic Scattering From Multilayer Rough Surfaces With Arbitrary Dielectric Profiles for Remote Sensing of Subsurface Soil Moisture
* Ensemblator: An ensemble of classifiers for reliable classification of biological data
* Epipolar Geometry Via Rectification of Spherical Images
* Error modelling, calibration and analysis of an AM-CW terrestrial laser scanner system
* ERS-2 SAR and IRS-1C LISS III data fusion: A PCA approach to improve remote sensing based geological interpretation
* Estimating Atmospheric Transmission and Surface Reflectance From a Glint-Contaminated Spectral Image
* Evaluation of Alzheimer's Disease by Analysis of MR Images Using Multilayer Perceptrons, Polynomial Nets and Kohonen LVQ Classifiers
* Evaluation of Features Detectors and Descriptors Based on 3D Objects
* Examination of the Public Transport Information Requirements of Users, An
* Expansion Embedding Techniques for Reversible Watermarking
* Extracting dynamic spatial data from airborne imaging sensors to support traffic flow estimation
* Extraction of Spectral Channels From Hyperspectral Images for Classification Purposes
* Face detection and facial feature localization without considering the appearance of image context
* Facial Feature Point Extraction Using the Adaptive Mean Shape in Active Shape Model
* Fast 3D-Vision System to Classify Metallic Coins by their Embossed Topography
* Fast adaptive LDA using quasi-Newton algorithm
* Fast and Accurate Automatic Registration for MR-Guided Procedures Using Active Microcoils
* Fast Cluster Polygonization and its Applications in Data-Rich Environments
* Fast Distortion Measurement Using Chord-Length Parameterization Within the Vertex-Based Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Framework
* fast marching formulation of perspective shape from shading under frontal illumination, A
* Fast Predictions of Variance Images for Fan-Beam Transmission Tomography With Quadratic Regularization
* Fast Ray-Triangle Intersection Computation Using Reconfigurable Hardware
* Fast Virtual Cloth Energy Minimization
* Fast Zernike wavelet moments for Farsi character recognition
* Feature Extractions for Small Sample Size Classification Problem
* Feature Points Detection Using Combined Character Along Principal Orientation
* Feature selection algorithm for mixed data with both nominal and continuous features
* Features extracted by eigenvector methods for detecting variability of EEG signals
* FFT-Based Computation of Shift Invariant Analytic Wavelet Transform
* FFT-enhanced IHS transform method for fusing high-resolution satellite images
* Field Inhomogeneity Correction Based on Gridding Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Filtering Soil Surface and Antenna Effects From GPR Data to Enhance Landmine Detection
* Fingerprint Orientation Model Based on 2D Fourier Expansion (FOMFE) and Its Application to Singular-Point Detection and Fingerprint Indexing, A
* Finite-Difference Methods and Validity of a Thermal Model for Landmine Detection With Soil Property Estimation
* Fitting Subdivision Surface Models to Noisy and Incomplete 3-D Data
* Flexible R-D-Based Multiple Description Scheme for JPEG 2000, A
* Foveated Visual Search for Corners
* Fractional Delay Filter Based on the B-Spline Transform
* Frequency Subband Processing and Feature Analysis of Forward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar Signals for Land-Mine Detection
* From Template to Image: Reconstructing Fingerprints from Minutiae Points
* Fusion Scheme for Joint Retrieval of Urban Height Map and Classification From High-Resolution Interferometric SAR Images, A
* fuzzy extension of the Rand index and other related indexes for clustering and classification assessment, A
* Gabor wavelets and General Discriminant Analysis for face identification and verification
* GABRIEL: Gis Activity-Based tRavel sImuLator. Activity Scheduling in the Presence of Real-Time Information
* Gait Recognition Using Radon Transform and Linear Discriminant Analysis
* general framework for the evaluation of symbol recognition methods, A
* Generalized Gradients: Priors on Minimization Flows
* Generating Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Generation of Expression Space for Realtime Facial Expression Control of 3D Avatar
* Global Regularizing Flows With Topology Preservation for Active Contours and Polygons
* Globally Maximizing, Locally Minimizing: Unsupervised Discriminant Projection with Applications to Face and Palm Biometrics
* Ground target tracking and road map extraction
* Hand Gesture Recognition with a Novel IR Time-of-Flight Range Camera: A Pilot Study
* Hand Shape Recognition by Hand Shape Scaling, Weight Magnifying and Finger Geometry Comparison
* Hierarchical building recognition
* High-Performance Object Tracking and Fixation With an Online Neural Estimator
* High-Performance Rotation Invariant Multiview Face Detection
* High-precision stereo disparity estimation using HMMF models
* High-Quality DCT-Based Image Compression Using Partition Schemes
* Human Ear Recognition in 3D
* Human Pose Estimation Using Partial Configurations and Probabilistic Regions
* Human Silhouette Extraction Method Using Region Based Background Subtraction
* Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach for Thickness, Correspondence, and Gridding of Annular Tissues, A
* Identification of drawing tools by classification of textural and boundary features of strokes
* Illumination Compensation Algorithm Using Eigenspaces Transformation for Facial Images
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Near-Infrared Images
* Improved Color Mood Blending Between Images Via Fuzzy Relationship, An
* Improved SFS 3D measurement based on BP neural network
* Improving Efficiency of Density-Based Shape Descriptors for 3D Object Retrieval
* Improving the accuracy of isotropic granulometries
* Improving the recognition by integrating the combination of descriptors
* Indexing Fast Moving Objects for kNN Queries Based on Nearest Landmarks
* integrated approach for modelling and global registration of point clouds, An
* Integrating Discriminant and Descriptive Information for Dimension Reduction and Classification
* interactive example-driven approach to graphics recognition in engineering drawings, An
* Interactive Hierarchical Level of Detail Level Selection Algorithm for Point Based Rendering
* Interactive Road Situation Analysis for Driver Assistance and Safety Warning Systems: Framework and Algorithms
* Interactive System for Efficient Video Cartooning
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Biometrics: Progress and Directions
* Iterative Image Reconstruction Using Inverse Fourier Rebinning for Fully 3-D PET
* Iterative Voting for Inference of Structural Saliency and Characterization of Subcellular Events
* Joint Bayesian PET Reconstruction Algorithm Using a Quadratic Hybrid Multi-order Prior
* Joint Image Coregistration, Phase Noise Suppression, and Phase Unwrapping Method Based on Subspace Projection for Multibaseline InSAR Systems, A
* Kernel-based distance metric learning for content-based image retrieval
* Land cover classification and economic assessment of citrus groves using remote sensing
* Laser measurement system
* Learning Midlevel Image Features for Natural Scene and Texture Classification
* Line Segment Based Watershed Segmentation
* Locality preserving CCA with applications to data visualization and pose estimation
* Looking-In and Looking-Out of a Vehicle: Computer-Vision-Based Enhanced Vehicle Safety
* MADE: A Composite Visual-Based 3D Shape Descriptor
* Mapping East African tropical forests and woodlands: A comparison of classifiers
* Mask Design for Optical Microlithography: An Inverse Imaging Problem
* Measurement of the Position of the Overhead Electric-Railway Line Using the Stereo Images
* Method and system for searching for images based on color and shape of a selected image
* Method for verifying users and updating database, and face verification system using the same
* Method of calculating sub-pixel movement and position tracking sensor using the same
* Mining Co-Location Patterns with Rare Events from Spatial Data Sets
* minute lossy method for 2D-gel images compression, A
* Model-Based Feature Extraction for Gait Analysis and Recognition
* Model-Based Plane-Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Dominant Plane
* Model-based shape from shading for microelectronics applications
* Modeling and Predicting Face Recognition System Performance Based on Analysis of Similarity Scores
* Motion estimation and compensation from noisy image sequences: A new filtering scheme
* Multi-Agent Model and Tabu Search Optimization to Manage Agricultural Territories, A
* multi-level thresholding approach using a hybrid optimal estimation algorithm, A
* Multi-modal image registration using local frequency representation and computer-aided design (CAD) models
* Multi-scale curvature product for robust image corner detection in curvature scale space
* Multi-VMap: A Multi-Scale Model for Vector Maps
* Multimedia Search Without Visual Analysis: The Value of Linguistic and Contextual Information
* Multiple color texture map fusion for 3D models
* Multiple Description Image Coding Based on Lagrangian Rate Allocation
* Multiple support vector machines for land cover change detection: An application for mapping urban extensions
* Multiple Visual Models Based Perceptive Analysis Framework for Multilevel Video Summarization, A
* Multiplication-Free One-Bit Transform for Low-Complexity Block-Based Motion Estimation
* Multiresolution Analysis of Triangle Surface Meshes with Lifting Scheme, The
* Natural Image Matting Based on Neighbor Embedding
* Neural Agent Car-Following Models
* New Content-Based Image Retrieval Approach Based on Pattern Orientation Histogram, A
* New Directional Weighted Median Filter for Removal of Random-Valued Impulse Noise, A
* new edge detector based on Fresnel diffraction, A
* New Fast and Efficient Decision-Based Algorithm for Removal of High-Density Impulse Noises, A
* New Method for Feature Mining in Remotely Sensed Images, A
* New Perspective to Block Motion Estimation for Video Compression: High-Frequency Component Matching, A
* new progressive coding scheme for halftone dithered images using bit-interleaving, A
* New Sidelobe Correction Algorithm for Microwave Radiometers: Application to the Envisat Instrument, A
* New SURE Approach to Image Denoising: Interscale Orthonormal Wavelet Thresholding, A
* Noise reduction on mammographic phantom images
* Nonparametric Extraction of Transient Changes in Neurotransmitter Concentration From Dynamic PET Data
* Note on the Discrete Binary Mumford-Shah Model, A
* Novel Approach of Reordering Color Palette for Indexed Image Compression, A
* novel approach to sparse histogram image lossless compression using JPEG2000, A
* Novel Evolutionary Approach for Optimizing Content-Based Image Indexing Algorithms, A
* Object finder for two-dimensional images, and system for determining a set of sub-classifiers composing an object finder
* Object segmentation using ant colony optimization algorithm and fuzzy entropy
* Object Tracking with Particle Filter Using Color Information
* Object- and User-Driven System for Semantic-Based Image Annotation and Retrieval, An
* On color transforms and bit allocation for optimal subband image compression
* On Shape of Plane Elastic Curves
* On the Correlation of Automatic Audio and Visual Segmentations of Music Videos
* On the Extension of Multidimensional Speckle Noise Model From Single-Look to Multilook SAR Imagery
* On the Reduction of the Reconstruction Bias in Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometry
* On-line recognition of handwritten Renqun shorthand for fast mobile Chinese text entry
* online handwritten music symbol recognition system, An
* Ontological Investigation of a Multiscale Ecosystem Classification Using the National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units as an Example
* Optical flow based vehicle tracking strengthened by statistical decisions
* Optimal packetization scheme for embedded multimedia bitstreams using genetic algorithms
* Optimizing the Area Under a Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve With Application to Landmine Detection
* Optimum Rate-Distortion Dictionary Selection for Compression of Atomic Decompositions of Electric Disturbance Signals
* Paintings and writings in the hands of scientists
* Pairwise classifier combination using belief functions
* Parallel Implementation of Elastic Grid Matching Using Cellular Neural Networks
* Parallel univariate decision trees
* Parrots: A Range Measuring Sensor Network
* Performance analysis of the TerraSAR-X Traffic monitoring concept
* Performance of Biometric Quality Measures
* Performance-Based Interpreter Identification in Saxophone Audio Recordings
* Person Authentication Using Brainwaves (EEG) and Maximum A Posteriori Model Adaptation
* Personalized Content Retrieval in Context Using Ontological Knowledge
* Phase Unwrapping via Graph Cuts
* Physiology-Based Face Recognition in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum
* Pinhole SPECT With Different Data Acquisition Geometries: Usefulness of Unified Projection Operators in Homogeneous Coordinates
* Precision and Accuracy of Satellite Radar and Laser Altimeter Data Over the Continental Ice Sheets
* Precision landmark-aided navigation
* Principal Component Analysis of Remote Sensing of Aerosols Over Oceans
* Privacy in video surveillance
* Queuing Models for Analysis of Traffic Adaptive Signal Control
* Radial Topology Algorithm: A New Approach for Deriving 2.5D GIS Data Models, The
* Radiometric correction of hemispherical images
* Radix-3 Algorithm for the Fast Computation of Forward and Inverse MDCT
* Random projection and orthonormality for lossy image compression
* Range determination with waveform recording laser systems using a Wiener Filter
* Rate control based on linear regression for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Re-mapping Animation Parameters Between Multiple Types of Facial Model
* Real-Time Gaze Position Estimation Method Based on a 3-D Eye Model, A
* Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Orthogonal Reliability-Based Dynamic Programming
* Realtime stereo and motion analysis on passive video images using an efficient image-to-image comparison algorithm requiring minimal buffering
* Recent advances in rate control for video coding
* Reconstruction From Antenna-Transformed Radar Data Using a Time-Domain Reconstruction Method
* Recovery of visual structure in illustrated Japanese gardens
* recursive camera resectioning technique for off-line video-based augmented reality, A
* Regularization Preserving Localization of Close Edges
* Reliable Link-Layer Protocol for Robust and Scalable Intervehicle Communications, A
* Reliable Pretrip Multipath Planning and Dynamic Adaptation for a Centralized Road Navigation System
* Research of 3D Chinese Calligraphic Handwriting Recur System and Its Key Algorithm
* Retaining Local Image Information in Gamut Mapping Algorithms
* Reverse Engineering Garments
* Review of Methods for Correction of Intensity Inhomogeneity in MRI, A
* review of recent range image registration methods with accuracy evaluation, A
* Rigorous approach to bore-sight self-calibration in airborne laser scanning
* Road tracking in aerial images based on human-computer interaction and Bayesian filtering
* Robust and Accurate Registration of 2-D Electrophoresis Gels Using Point-Matching
* Robust Automatic Data Decomposition Using a Modified Sparse NMF
* Robust Eye Detection Method in Facial Region, A
* Robust Rate-Control for Wavelet-Based Image Coding via Conditional Probability Models
* Rule based system for archaeological pottery classification
* ScudWare: A Semantic and Adaptive Middleware Platform for Smart Vehicle Space
* Searching for object images with reduced computation
* Security Analysis of Multimedia Encryption Schemes Based on Multiple Huffman Table
* Segmentation and description of natural outdoor scenes
* Segmentation of Soft Shadows Based on a Daylight- and Penumbra Model
* Self-Organized Coordinated Motion in Groups of Physically Connected Robots
* Semantic Home Photo Categorization
* Semantic Image Segmentation and Object Labeling
* semi-automatic framework for highway extraction and vehicle detection based on a geometric deformable model, A
* Sensor Resource Allocation for Tracking Using Outer Approximation
* Shear-Based Fast Hierarchical Backprojection for Parallel-Beam Tomography
* Shift-Scale Complex Correlation for Wide-Angle Coherent Cross-Track SAR Stereo Processing
* Simple Way of Increasing Estimation Accuracy of Generalized Adaptive Notch Filters, A
* Skew detection using wavelet decomposition and projection profile analysis
* snake-based approach to automated segmentation of tongue image using polar edge detector, A
* Sobolev Active Contours
* Source-Aware Nonuniform Information Transmission for Minimum Distortion
* Spatial PSF Nonuniformity Effects in Airborne Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometry Data
* Spatial Query Estimation without the Local Uniformity Assumption
* Spatio-temporal Reflectance Sharing for Relightable 3D Video
* Special issue on graphics recognition
* Specifying and Implementing Constraints in GIS: With Examples from a Geo-Virtual Reality System
* Spheroidal Mode Approach for the Characterization of Metallic Objects Using Electromagnetic Induction
* Splitting up panoramic range images into compact 2-1/2 D representations
* Stability and convergence of the level set method in computer vision
* Statistical Analysis of High-Resolution SAR Ground Clutter Data
* statistical framework based on a family of full range autoregressive models for edge extraction, A
* Statistical Performance Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems Using Random Effects Models
* Steganalytic Features for JPEG Compression-Based Perturbed Quantization
* Stochastic Framework for Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Coding Over Error-Prone Networks, A
* Stochastic View Registration of Overlapping Cameras Based on Arbitrary Motion
* Structure unanimity multiple description coding
* Study of Quality Issues for Image Auto-Annotation With the Corel Dataset, A
* Study on Eye Gaze Estimation Method Based on Cornea Model of Human Eye, A
* Sub-pixel Edge Fitting Using B-Spline
* Suboptimal Transmission of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes Over Correlated Distributed Antennas
* Subsurface Sensing Under Sensor Positional Uncertainty
* Syntactic recognition of distorted patterns by means of random graph parsing
* System for Real-Time Measurement of the Brachial Artery Diameter in B-Mode Ultrasound Images, A
* Text segmentation in color images using tensor voting
* Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification Using Textural and Allographic Features
* Theme issue: Airborne and spaceborne traffic monitoring
* Three-Dimensional Face Recognition in the Presence of Facial Expressions: An Annotated Deformable Model Approach
* Three-Dimensional Shape Knowledge for Joint Image Segmentation and Pose Tracking
* Toward Autonomous Collision Avoidance by Steering
* Toward Noncooperative Iris Recognition: A Classification Approach Using Multiple Signatures
* Towards Theoretical Performance Limits of Video Parsing
* Traffic monitoring with serial images from airborne cameras
* Training-Based Descreening
* Transductive local exploration particle filter for object tracking
* Transform coding of monochrome images with a statistical design of experiments approach to separate noise
* Transform Coefficient Histogram-Based Image Enhancement Algorithms Using Contrast Entropy
* Unifying multi-class AdaBoost algorithms with binary base learners under the margin framework
* Unsupervised Linear Feature-Extraction Methods and Their Effects in the Classification of High-Dimensional Data
* Use of Multiple Contexts for Real Time Face Identification
* Using codebooks of fragmented connected-component contours in forensic and historic writer identification
* Using Uncorrupted Neighborhoods of the Pixels for Impulsive Noise Suppression With ANFIS
* Vehicle and Guard Rail Detection Using Radar and Vision Data Fusion
* Vehicle Detection Using Normalized Color and Edge Map
* Vessel Axis Tracking Using Topology Constrained Surface Evolution
* Video camera registration using accumulated co-motion maps
* Video-on demand video server disk/memory streaming selection methodology
* Virtual Reality Technology Used to Develop Didactic Models
* Volumetric Bias Correction
* Volumetric Quantification of Atherosclerotic Plaque in CT Considering Partial Volume Effect
* Watermarking Scheme Capable of Resisting Sensitivity Attack
339 for 0703

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.