Journals starting with crv1

CRV10 * *CRV
* Accurate Image Processing Algorithm for Detecting FISH Probe Locations Relative to Chromosome Landmarks on DAPI Stained Metaphase Chromosome Images, An
* Automated Classification of Operational SAR Sea Ice Images
* Automated Filter Parameter Selection Using Measures of Noiseness
* Automated Place Classification Using Object Detection
* Automatic Position Registration of Street-level Fisheye Images into Aerial Image Using Line Structures and Mutual Information
* Bayesian Identity Clustering
* Bayesian Information Flow Approach to Image Segmentation, A
* Binocular Camera Calibration Using Rectification Error
* Comparison of the EKF, SPKF, and the Bayes Filter for Landmark-Based Localization, A
* Computer Vision System for Analyzing and Interpreting the Cephalo-ocular Behavior of Drivers in a Simulated Driving Context, A
* Construction of a 3D Model of Real-world Object Using Range Intensity Images
* Curious George: An Integrated Visual Search Platform
* Decoupled Active Surface for Volumetric Image Segmentation
* Deformable Object Segmentation and Contour Tracking in Image Sequences Using Unsupervised Networks
* Effect of Colour Space on Image Sharpening Algorithms, The
* Efficient Augmentation of the EKF Structure from Motion with Frame-to-Frame Features
* Extracting Outlined Planar Clusters of Street Facades from 3D Point Clouds
* Fall in! Sorting a Group of Robots with a Continuous Controller
* Fast FEM-Based Non-Rigid Registration
* Flame Region Detection Based on Histogram Backprojection
* Global Context Descriptors for SURF and MSER Feature Descriptors
* Human Action Recognition Using Salient Opponent-Based Motion Features
* Human Tracking Using Spatialized Multi-level Histogram and Mean Shift
* Human Upper Body Pose Recognition Using Adaboost Template for Natural Human Robot Interaction
* Mammogram Image Superresolution Based on Statistical Moment Analysis
* Matching Images Using Invariant Level-line Primitives under Projective Transformation
* Matching Maximally Stable Extremal Regions Using Edge Information and the Chamfer Distance Function
* Max-Margin Offline Pedestrian Tracking with Multiple Cues
* Multi-Layer Atlas System for Map Management
* Multispectral Face Recognition in Texture Space
* Object Inter-camera Tracking with Non-overlapping Views: A New Dynamic Approach
* Organ Recognition Using Gabor Filters
* PCA-Based Binning Approach for Matching to Large SIFT Database, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Feature-Point Matching
* Probabilistic Tracking of Pedestrian Movements via In-Floor Force Sensing
* Quasi-Random Scale Space Approach to Robust Keypoint Extraction in High-Noise Environments
* Real-Time Virtual Viewpoint Generation on the GPU for Scene Navigation
* Retina Vessel Detection Using Fuzzy Ant Colony Algorithm
* Robot Localization in Rough Terrains: Performance Evaluation
* Rough Terrain Reconstruction for Rover Motion Planning
* Selecting and Commanding Individual Robots in a Multi-Robot System
* Semi-Automatic Prediction of Landmarks on Human Models in Varying Poses
* Sentinel Problem for a Multi-hop Sensor Network, The
* Simple but Effective Approach to Video Copy Detection, A
* Telepresence across the Ocean
* Texture CLassification Using Compressed Sensing
* Thermal Imaging as a Way to Classify Cognitive Workload
* Unsupervised Feature Selection and Learning for Image Segmentation
* Water Flow Detection in a Handwashing Task
* Window-Based Range Flow with an Isometry Constraint
51 for CRV10

CRV11 * *CRV
* Adaptive Lighting for Machine Vision Applications
* Autocalibration: Finding Infinity in a Projective Reconstruction
* Combining Multi-robot Exploration and Rendezvous
* Conceptual Structure for Computer Vision, A
* Conformative Filter: A Probabilistic Framework for Localization in Reduced Space
* Elastic Shape Registration Using an Incremental Free Form Deformation Approach with the ICP Algorithm
* Extended Histogram of Gradients with Asymmetric Principal Component and Discriminant Analyses for Human Detection
* Extending Filter-based Structure from Motion to Large Baselines
* Feature Tracking Evaluation for Pose Estimation in Underwater Environments
* Fourier Tag: A Smoothly Degradable Fiducial Marker System with Configurable Payload Capacity
* FPGA Implementation of Blob Recognition
* Fuzzy C-Means Based Spatial Pixel and Membership Relationships for Image Segmentation, A
* Gesture Analysis Using 3D Camera, Shape Features and Particle Filters
* Global Registration Method Based on the Vector Field Representation, A
* GPU-Accelerated Foveation for Video Frame Rate Tracking
* Human Visual System Based Framework for Concealed Weapon Detection
* Illumination-invariant Statistical Shape Recovery with Contiguous Occlusion
* Improved Pressure Sensitive Paint Measurement Using Natural Feature Tracking and Piecewise Linear Resection
* Improved Quadratic Mapping Algorithm for Restoring Colour in Faded Photographs and Slides
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Local Shape Context Based Real-time Endpoint Body Part Detection and Identification from Depth Images
* Mapping the Problem Space of Image Registration
* Modeling Lambertian Surfaces Under Unknown Distant Illumination Using Hemispherical Harmonics
* Monitoring Underwater Sensors with an Amphibious Robot
* Motion Segmentation by Learning Homography Matrices from Motor Signals
* Multiscale Conditional Random Fields for Semi-supervised Labeling and Classification
* Object Detection Using Principal Contour Fragments
* Online Visual Vocabularies
* Optimal Alignment of 3D Data for Spatial Discretization
* Performance of Stereo Methods in Cluttered Scenes
* Person Reidentification by Kernel PCA Based Appearance Learning
* Place Classification Using Visual Object Categorization and Global Information
* Practicality-Based Probabilistic Roadmaps Method
* Precise High Speed Multi-Target Multi-Sensor Local Positioning System
* PSO Accelerated Immune Particle Filter for Dynamic State Estimation, A
* Range-based Navigation System for a Mobile Robot
* Refractive Epipolar Geometry for Underwater Stereo Matching
* Restricted Coulomb Energy (RCE) Neural Network System for Hand Image Segmentation, A
* Robotic Tracking and Marking of Surface Shape Defects on Moving Automotive Panels
* Shape from Silhouette Under Varying Lighting and Multi-viewpoints
* Simple Deformable Model for Shark Recognition, A
* Spatial-and-Temporal-Weighted Structure from Motion
* Spatio-temporal Facial Features for HRI Scenarios
* To Watch or Not to Watch: Video Summarization with Explicit Duplicate Elimination
* Using Line and Ellipse Features for Rectification of Broadcast Hockey Video
* Utilizing Geographic Information System Data for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Position Estimation
* Visual Odometry Using 3-Dimensional Video Input
* Visual Representation in the Determination of Saliency
* Wavelet Model-based Stereo for Fast, Robust Face Reconstruction
* Worn-out Images in Testing Image Processing Algorithms
51 for CRV11

CRV12 * *CRV
* 3D Registration for Verification of Humanoid Justin's Upper Body Kinematics
* 3D Town: The Automatic Urban Awareness Project
* Accelerated Patch Sorting by a Robotic Swarm
* Accelerometer Localization in the View of a Stationary Camera
* Adaptive RGB-D Localization
* BRaVO: Biased Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles Break Symmetry in Dense Robot Populations
* Coarse Head Pose Estimation using Image Abstraction
* Combination of Color and Binary Pattern Codification for an Error Correcting M-array Technique
* Contact-Free Heart Rate Measurement Using a Camera
* Design and Evaluation of a Flexible Interface for Spatial Navigation
* Difference of Circles Feature Detector
* Dynamic Weighting of Facial Features for Automatic Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Enhancing Exploration in Topological Worlds with Multiple Immovable Markers
* Evaluation of Local Spatio-temporal Salient Feature Detectors for Human Action Recognition
* Exploiting Reusable Paths in Mobile Robotics: Benefits and Challenges for Long-term Autonomy
* Extracting Edge Voxels from 3D Volumetric Maps to Reduce Map Size and Accelerate Mapping Alignment
* Extracting High-Level Intuitive Features (HLIF) for Classifying Skin Lesions Using Standard Camera Images
* Fast Matching of Binary Features
* Fast Surface Denoising Using Finite Volumes of the Dual Mesh
* Framework for Natural Landmark-based Robot Localization
* Gaussian Process Gauss-Newton: Non-Parametric State Estimation
* Heat Kernels for Non-Rigid Shape Retrieval: Sparse Representation and Efficient Classification
* Image De-blurring Using Shearlets
* Improved Edge Representation via Early Recurrent Inhibition
* In Situ Motion Capture of Speed Skating: Escaping the Treadmill
* Information Fusion in Visual-Task Inference
* Large-Scale Tattoo Image Retrieval
* Learning Categorical Shape from Captioned Images
* Learning Probabilistic Approach for Object Segmentation, A
* Metaheuristic Bat-Inspired Algorithm for Full Body Human Pose Estimation, A
* Motion Adjustment for Extrinsic Calibration of Cameras with Non-overlapping Views
* Multi-Robot Repeated Area Coverage: Performance Optimization Under Various Visual Ranges
* Multi-Scale Hierarchical Codebook Method for Human Action Recognition in Videos Using a Single Example, A
* Multi-Scale Saliency-Guided Compressive Sensing Approach to Efficient Robotic Laser Range Measurements
* New Approach for Classification of Autistic vs. Typically Developing Brain Using White Matter Volumes
* Non-Lambertian Model-based Facial Shape Recovery from Single Image Under Unknown General Illumination
* On the Repeatability of 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Based on Interest Points
* Optical Flow at Occlusion
* Parallelizing a Face Detection and Tracking System for Multi-Core Processors
* PEGUS: An Image-Based Robust Pose Estimation Method
* Perceptual Structure Distortion Ratio: An Image Quality Metric Based on Robust Measures of Complex Phase Order
* Planar Segmentation of RGBD Images Using Fast Linear Fitting and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Probabilistic Obstacle Detection Using 2 1/2 D Terrain Maps
* Real Time Augmented Reality System Using GPU Acceleration, A
* Real-Time Semantics-Based Detection of Suspicious Activities in Public Spaces
* Recurrent Refinement for Visual Saliency Estimation in Surveillance Scenarios
* Regularized Gradient Kernel Anisotropic Diffusion for Better Image Filtering
* Robust Background Subtraction Using Geodesic Active Contours in ICA Subspace for Video Surveillance Applications
* Robust Body-Height Estimation for Applications in Automotive Industry
* Robust Horizon Detection Using Segmentation for UAV Applications
* Segmentation and Pose Estimation of Planar Metallic Objects
* Shape from Suggestive Contours Using 3D Priors
* Shape-Based Registration of Kidneys Across Differently Contrasted CT Scans
* Simple Calibration Approach to Single View Height Estimation, A
* Single Robot Exploration: Simultaneous Localization and Uncertainty Reduction on Maps (SLURM)
* Socially-Driven Collective Path Planning for Robot Missions
* Specular-Reduced Imaging for Inspection of Machined Surfaces
* Towards AUV Route Following Using Qualitative Navigation
* Variational Approach to Mapping and Localization, A
* Virtual Vision Simulator for Camera Networks Research, A
* Visual Place Categorization in Indoor Environments
* Wavelet Reduced Support Vector Regression for Efficient and Robust Head Pose Estimation
* What Can an Image of a Smooth Lambertian Surface Tell About Camera Nonlinearity?
64 for CRV12

CRV13 * *CRV
* 3D Disaster Scene Reconstruction Using a Canine-Mounted RGB-D Sensor
* 3D Object Detection Based on Geometrical Segmentation
* Application of Support Vector Machine to Detect Microbial Spoilage of Mushrooms
* Blinded by the Light: Exploiting the Deficiencies of a Laser Rangefinder for Rover Attitude Estimation
* Building Detection in Aerial Images Based on Watershed and Visual Attention Feature Descriptors
* Change Detection in Feature Space Using Local Binary Similarity Patterns
* Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigation and Manipulation towards Multi-floor Robot Locomotion
* Continuous Pose Estimation in 2D Images at Instance and Category Levels
* Dynamic Bayesian Framework for Motion Segmentation, A
* Edge-Based and Efficient Chromaticity Spatio-spectral Models for Color Constancy
* Efficient Action Recognition with MoFREAK
* Efficient, General Point Cloud Registration with Kernel Feature Maps
* Eigenbackground Bootstrapping
* Enabling User Interactions with Video Contents
* Enhancing Exploration in Topological Worlds with a Directional Immovable Marker
* Existence Detection of Objects in Images for Robot Vision Using Saliency Histogram Features
* Exploiting Color Constancy for Compensating Projected Images on Non-white Light Projection Screen
* Fast Floor Segmentation Algorithm for Visual-Based Robot Navigation, A
* GIS-Centric Optical Tracking System and Lap Simulator for Short Track Speed Skating, A
* Hierarchical Ray Tracing for Fast Volumetric Next-Best-View Planning
* I Remember Seeing This Video: Image Driven Search in Video Collections
* Markerless Augmented Reality System for Mobile Devices, A
* Measure of Perceptual Aliasing in Image Descriptors, A
* Method for Dynamic Selection of Optimal Depth Measurements Acquisition with Random Access Range Sensors, A
* Multi-sensor Appearance-Based Place Recognition
* On Structuring Multiple Grouping Hypotheses in Generic Object Detection
* Online Facial Expression Recognition Based on Finite Beta-Liouville Mixture Models
* OpenVL: Abstracting Vision Tasks Using a Segment-Based Language Model
* Parallel Planes Identification Using Uncalibrated Zooming Cameras
* Proof-of-Concept, Rover-Based System for Autonomously Locating Methane Gas Sources on Mars, A
* Quasi-dense Correspondence in Stereo Images Using Multiple Coupled Snakes
* Real-Time Simulation of Camera Errors and Their Effect on Some Basic Robotic Vision Algorithms
* Real-Time Specularity Detection Using Unnormalized Wiener Entropy
* Reconstructing 3D Buildings from LIDAR Using Level Set Methods
* Recovering Dense Stereo Depth Maps Using a Single Gaussian Blurred Structured Light Pattern
* Robust Outlier Detection and Saliency Features Estimation in Point Cloud Data
* Robust PCA-Based Visual Tracking by Adaptively Maximizing the Matching Residual Likelihood
* Robust Solvers for Square Jigsaw Puzzles
* Robust Structure from Motion of Nonrigid Objects in the Presence of Outlying and Missing Data
* ros4mat: A Matlab Programming Interface for Remote Operations of ROS-Based Robotic Devices in an Educational Context
* Sequential Pose Estimation Using Linearized Rotation Matrices
* Topic Models for Image Localization
* Towards Practical Visual Servoing in Robotics
* Tracking Severe Storms Using a Pseudo Storm Concept
* Using Gait Change for Terrain Sensing by Robots
* Visual Face Tracking: A Coarse-to-Fine Target State Estimation
* Wide-Speed Autopilot System for a Swimming Hexapod Robot
* Worst-Case Local Boundary Precision in Global Measures of Segmentation Reproducibility
49 for CRV13

CRV14 * *CRV
* 3D Reconstruction by Fusioning Shadow and Silhouette Information
* 3D Scan Registration Using Curvelet Features
* Adaptive Robotic Contour Following from Low Accuracy RGB-D Surface Profiling and Visual Servoing
* Asymmetric Rendezvous Search at Sea
* Automated Door Detection with a 3D-Sensor
* Autonomous Lecture Recording with a PTZ Camera While Complying with Cinematographic Rules
* Autonomous Maritime Landings for Low-Cost VTOL Aerial Vehicles
* Building Better Formlet Codes for Planar Shape
* Camera Matrix Calibration Using Circular Control Points and Separate Correction of the Geometric Distortion Field
* Computer Vision-Based Identification of Individual Turtles Using Characteristic Patterns of Their Plastrons
* Construction of a Mean Surface for the Variability Study of the Cornea
* Decentralized Cooperative Localization for Heterogeneous Multi-robot System Using Split Covariance Intersection Filter
* Direct Matrix Factorization and Alignment Refinement: Application to Defect Detection
* Drums: A Middleware-Aware Distributed Robot Monitoring System
* Exploring Underwater Environments with Curiosity
* Generalized Exposure Fusion Weights Estimation
* Grid Seams: A Fast Superpixel Algorithm for Real-Time Applications
* Identification of Morphologically Similar Seeds Using Multi-kernel Learning
* Image Retrieval Using Landmark Indexing for Indoor Navigation
* Indoor Scene Recognition with a Visual Attention-Driven Spatial Pooling Strategy
* Integrated Bud Detection and Localization System for Application in Greenhouse Automation, An
* Interactive Teleoperation Interface for Semi-autonomous Control of Robot Arms
* MDS-based Multi-axial Dimensionality Reduction Model for Human Action Recognition
* Meta-Technique for Increasing Density of Local Stereo Methods through Iterative Interpolation and Warping, A
* Metadata-Weighted Score Fusion for Multimedia Event Detection
* More Robust Feature Correspondence for more Accurate Image Recognition, A
* Multi-task Learning of Facial Landmarks and Expression
* Multiple Feature Fusion in the Dempster-Shafer Framework for Multi-Object Tracking
* N-Gram Based Image Representation and Classification Using Perceptual Shape Features
* New Fitness Based Adaptive Parameter Particle Swarm Optimizer, A
* Optimizing Camera Perspective for Stereo Visual Odometry
* Outdoor Ice Accretion Estimation of Wind Turbine Blades Using Computer Vision
* Photon Detection and Color Perception at Low Light Levels
* Projected Barzilai-Borwein Method with Infeasible Iterates for Nonnegative Least-Squares Image Deblurring
* Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of Visual Teach and Repeat on a Quadrocopter Using an Altitude Sensor and a Monocular Camera, A
* Range Beacon Placement Problem for Robot Navigation, The
* Robust Detection of Paint Defects in Moulded Plastic Parts
* Scale-Space Decomposition and Nearest Linear Combination Based Approach for Face Recognition
* Segmenting Objects in Weakly Labeled Videos
* Self-Localization at Street Intersections
* Sign Language Fingerspelling Classification from Depth and Color Images Using a Deep Belief Network
* Speed Daemon: Experience-Based Mobile Robot Speed Scheduling
* Stix-Fusion: A Probabilistic Stixel Integration Technique
* Toward a Unified Framework for EMG Signals Processing and Controlling an Exoskeleton
* Towards Estimating Bias in Stereo Visual Odometry
* Towards Full Omnidirectional Depth Sensing Using Active Vision for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Trajectory Estimation Using Relative Distances Extracted from Inter-image Homographies
* Trajectory Inference Using a Motion Sensing Network
* Trinocular Spherical Stereo Vision for Indoor Surveillance
* Using Gradient Orientation to Improve Least Squares Line Fitting
* Vision-Based Qualitative Path-Following Control of Quadrotor Aerial Vehicle with Speeded-Up Robust Features
* Visual Saliency Improves Autonomous Visual Search
53 for CRV14

CRV15 * *CRV
* 3D vs. 2D: On the Importance of Registration for Hallucinating Faces Under Unconstrained Poses
* At all Costs: A Comparison of Robust Cost Functions for Camera Correspondence Outliers
* Automated Localization of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Potential-K-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Battle for Filter Supremacy: A Comparative Study of the Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter and the Sliding Window Filter, The
* Being in Two Places at Once: Smooth Visual Path Following on Globally Inconsistent Pose Graphs
* Computer Vision Based Autonomous Robotic System for 3D Plant Growth Measurement
* CPS: 3D Compositional Part Segmentation through Grasping
* Deep Learning Architectures for Soil Property Prediction
* Dense Depth Map Reconstruction from Sparse Measurements Using a Multilayer Conditional Random Field Model
* Detection and Segmentation of Quasi-Planar Surfaces Through Expectation Maximization Under a Planar Homography Constraint
* Development of a Low Cost Gamma-Ray Imaging System Using Handheld Scintillation Detectors for Visual Surveying of Radiation Fields with Robots
* Drifter Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring
* Evolution of Programs for Segmentation of Microscopic Images
* Eyes in the Back of Your Head: Robust Visual Teach and Repeat Using Multiple Stereo Cameras
* Face Retrieval on Large-Scale Video Data
* Feature Ranking in Dynamic Texture Clustering
* Fingerprint Indexing Approach Using Multiple Similarity Measures and Spectral Clustering, A
* Fire Detection in Videos of Violent Crowds Acquired with Handheld Devices
* Hidden Markov Model for Vehicle Detection and Counting, A
* Image Sensor Modeling: Noise and Linear Transformation Impacts on the Color Gamut
* Improved Threshold Selection by Using Calibrated Probabilities for Random Forest Classifiers
* Improving Segmentation Boundaries with Nonparametric Image Parsing
* Integrated System for Mapping Red Clover Ground Cover Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Case Study in Precision Agriculture, An
* Latent SVM for Object Localization in Weakly Labeled Videos
* Lung Nodule Classification Using Deep Features in CT Images
* Method for Global Non-rigid Registration of Multiple Thin Structures, A
* Mobile 3D Gaze Tracking Calibration
* On Visual Servoing to Improve Performance of Robotic Grasping
* Online Unsupervised Feature Selection and its Application for Background Suppression, An
* Orbital SLAM
* Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction from Large Point Sets for Infrastructure Inspection
* Perceptual Depth Shape-based CRF Model for Deformable Surface Labeling, A
* Preprocessing Realistic Video for Contactless Heart Rate Monitoring Using Video Magnification
* Reconstruction of 3-D Density Functions from Few Projections: Structural Assumptions for Graceful Degradation
* Registration of Noisy Point Clouds Using Virtual Interest Points
* RKLT: 8 DOF Real-Time Robust Video Tracking Combing Coarse Ransac Features and Accurate Fast Template Registration
* Safe Close-Proximity and Physical Human-Robot Interaction Using Industrial Robots
* Shrink Wrapping Small Objects
* Simultaneous Scene Reconstruction and Auto-Calibration Using Constrained Iterative Closest Point for 3D Depth Sensor Array
* Situational Awareness for Manufacturing Applications
* Solution to Face-to-Face Contact in Tele-presence Systems, A
* Uncertainty Reduction via Heuristic Search Planning on Hybrid Metric/Topological Map
* Vision-Based Collision Avoidance for Personal Aerial Vehicles Using Dynamic Potential Fields
* Zero-Shot Object Recognition Using Semantic Label Vectors
45 for CRV15

CRV16 * *CRV
* Aligning 3D Local Data of Leapfrog Locations along Elongated Structures
* Anisotropic Interpolation of Sparse Images
* Automating Node Pruning for LiDAR-Based Topometric Maps in the Context of Teach-and-Repeat
* Blur Calibration for Depth from Defocus
* Change Point Estimation of the Hippocampal Volumes in Alzheimer's Disease
* Comparative Study of Sparseness Measures for Segmenting Textures, A
* Computer Vision-Based Detection of Violent Individual Actions Witnessed by Crowds
* Crack Detection in As-Cast Steel Using Laser Triangulation and Machine Learning
* Data-Driven Probabilistic Occlusion Mask to Promote Visual Tracking
* Dense and Occlusion-Robust Multi-view Stereo for Unstructured Videos
* Dense Image Labeling Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depth Texture Synthesis for Realistic Architectural Modeling
* Descriptor and Voting Scheme for Fast 3D Self-Localization in Man-Made Environments, A
* Design of a Saccading and Accommodating Robot Vision System
* Development of a New Dactylology and Writing Support System Especially for Blinds
* Efficient Terrain Driven Coral Coverage Using Gaussian Processes for Mosaic Synthesis
* Evaluation of Shape Description Metrics Applied to Human Silhouette Tracking
* Fusing Iris, Palmprint and Fingerprint in a Multi-biometric Recognition System
* Generalizing Generative Models: Application to Image Super-Resolution
* Generation of Spatial-Temporal Panoramas with a Single Moving Camera
* Growing Depth Image Superpixels for Foliage Modeling
* Hand-Object Interaction and Precise Localization in Transitive Action Recognition
* Hierarchical Grouping Approach for Fast Approximate RGB-D Scene Flow
* Human Action Recognition by Fusing the Outputs of Individual Classifiers
* Image Restoration via Deep-Structured Stochastically Fully-Connected Conditional Random Fields (DSFCRFs) for Very Low-Light Conditions
* Improving Random Forests by Correlation-Enhancing Projections and Sample-Based Sparse Discriminant Selection
* Indoor Place Recognition System for Localization of Mobile Robots
* Integration of Uncertainty in the Analysis of Dyadic Human Activities
* Keypoint Recognition with Histograms of Normalized Colors
* KinectScenes: Robust Real-Time RGB-D Fusion for Animal Behavioural Monitoring
* Learning Neural Networks with Ranking-Based Losses for Action Retrieval
* Light at the End of the Tunnel: High-Speed LiDAR-Based Train Localization in Challenging Underground Environments
* Metric Feature Indexing for Interactive Multimedia Search
* Mobile-Target Tracking via Highly-Maneuverable VTOL UAVs with EO Vision
* Modular Decomposition and Analysis of Registration Based Trackers
* Multi-player Detection with Articulated Mixtures-of-Parts Representation Constrained by Global Appearance
* Obstacle Detection for Image-Guided Surface Water Navigation
* Performance Assessment of Predictive Lane Boundary Detection for Non-uniformly Illuminated Roadway Driving Assistance
* Performance Evaluation of Bottom-Up Saliency Models for Object Proposal Generation
* Phase-Entrained Particle Filter for Audio-Locomotion Synchronization, A
* Point Pair Feature Based Object Detection for Random Bin Picking
* Practical Considerations of Uncalibrated Visual Servoing
* Real-Time Human Motion Capture with Multiple Depth Cameras
* Recognizing People and Their Activities in Surveillance Video: Technology State of Readiness and Roadmap
* Reference Image Based Color Correction for Multi-camera Panoramic High Resolution Imaging
* Registration of Modern and Historic Imagery for Timescape Creation
* Road Segmentation in Street View Images Using Texture Information
* Robust Non-saliency Guided Watermarking
* Sensor Planning for 3D Visual Search with Task Constraints
* SmartTalk: A Learning-Based Framework for Natural Human-Robot Interaction
* Streaming Monte Carlo Pose Estimation for Autonomous Object Modeling
* Subsea Fauna Enumeration Using Vision-Based Marine Robots
* Synthetic Viewpoint Prediction
* Texture-Aware SLAM Using Stereo Imagery and Inertial Information
* TIGGER: A Texture-Illumination Guided Global Energy Response Model for Illumination Robust Object Saliency
* Time-Frequency Domain Analysis via Pulselets for Non-contact Heart Rate Estimation from Remotely Acquired Photoplethysmograms
* Tiny People Finder: Long-Range Outdoor HRI by Periodicity Detection
* Towards Real-Time Detection, Tracking and Classification of Natural Video
* Urban Safety Prediction Using Context and Object Information via Double-Column Convolutional Neural Network
* Video Object Segmentation for Content-Aware Video Compression
* Video-Rate Panorama for Free-Viewpoint TV
* What is a Good Model for Depth from Defocus?
63 for CRV16

CRV17 * *CRV
* 4-DoF Tracking for Robot Fine Manipulation Tasks
* Automatic Photo Orientation Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Autonomous Flying Cameraman with Embedded Person Detection and Tracking while Applying Cinematographic Rules
* Bifurcation Localization in 3D Images via Evolutionary Geometric Deformable Templates
* Bootstrapping Labelled Dataset Construction for Cow Tracking and Behavior Analysis
* Building Damage Assessment Using Deep Learning and Ground-Level Image Data
* Ciona17 Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Invasive Species in a Marine Aquaculture Environment, The
* Collaborative Sampling Using Heterogeneous Marine Robots Driven by Visual Cues
* Combined Strategy of Machine Vision with a Robotic Assistant for Nail Biting Prevention
* Compact Environment-Invariant Codes for Robust Visual Place Recognition
* Computer Vision System for Virtual Rehabilitation, A
* Condition and Viewpoint Invariant Omni-Directional Place Recognition Using CNN
* Convolutional Residual Network for Grasp Localization
* Depth Estimation of Semi-submerged Objects Using a Light-Field Camera
* Developing a Cubature Multi-state Constraint Kalman Filter for Visual-Inertial Navigation System
* Development of a Plug-and-Play Infrared Landing System for Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Effect of Denoising Algorithms on Video Stabilization
* Efficient Version-Space Reduction for Visual Tracking
* Enhancing Saliency of an Object Using Genetic Algorithm
* Estimating Camera Tilt from Motion without Tracking
* Fast and Accurate Tracking of Highly Deformable Heart Valves with Locally Constrained Level Sets
* Fast Estimation of Large Displacement Optical Flow Using Dominant Motion Patterns Sub-Volume PatchMatch Filtering
* Fast Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Using Discriminative Metric Learning
* Fully Automated Road Defect Detection Using Street View Images
* Fully Automatic, Real-Time Vehicle Tracking for Surveillance Video
* Index Structure for Fast Range Search in Hamming Space, An
* Learning Robust Object Recognition Using Composed Scenes from Generative Models
* Learning to Associate Words and Images Using a Large-Scale Graph
* Leveraging Tree Statistics for Extracting Anatomical Trees from 3D Medical Images
* Localizing 3-D Anatomical Landmarks Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* LOST Highway: A Multiple-Lane Ant-Trail Algorithm to Reduce Congestion in Large-Population Multi-robot Systems
* Manifold Learning of Overcomplete Feature Spaces in a Multimodal Biometric Recognition System of Iris and Palmprint
* Multi-path Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Accurate Detection of Unconstrained Hard Faces
* Multiple Object Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters in Urban Mixed Traffic
* Night Rider: Visual Odometry Using Headlights
* Person Following Robot Using Selected Online Ada-Boosting with Stereo Camera
* Pitch and Roll Camera Orientation from a Single 2D Image Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Ready-Aim-Fly! Hands-Free Face-Based HRI for 3D Trajectory Control of UAVs
* Scale-Corrected Background Modeling
* Self-Organization of a Robot Swarm into Concentric Shapes
* Structured Deep-Learning Based Approach for the Automated Segmentation of Human Leg Muscle from 3D MRI, A
* Towards a Knowledge-Based Approach for Generating Video Descriptions
* Towards an Improved Vision-Based Web Page Segmentation Algorithm
* Towards Transferring Grasping from Human to Robot with RGBD Hand Detection
* Unbiased Sparse Subspace Clustering by Selective Pursuit
* Unsupervised Online Learning for Fine-Grained Hand Segmentation in Egocentric Video
* Visual Quality Assessment for Projected Content
* Weakly Supervised Image Classification with Coarse and Fine Labels
* Window to Your Smartphone: Exploring Interaction and Communication in Immersive VR with Augmented Virtuality, A
50 for CRV17

CRV18 * *CRV
* 3D Visual Homing for Commodity UAVs
* Automotive Semi-specular Surface Defect Detection System
* Context-Aware Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos Using Bidirectional LSTM
* Convolutional Neural Networks Regularized by Correlated Noise
* Counting Static Targets Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle On-the-Fly and Autonomously
* Data-Driven Multispectral Image Registration
* De-noising of Lidar Point Clouds Corrupted by Snowfall
* Deep Autoencoders with Aggregated Residual Transformations for Urban Reconstruction from Remote Sensing Data
* Deep Learning Object Detection Methods for Ecological Camera Trap Data
* Deep Learning-Driven Depth from Defocus via Active Multispectral Quasi-Random Projections with Complex Subpatterns
* Deep Neural Networks: A Comparison on Different Computing Platforms
* Deep People Detection: A Comparative Study of SSD and LSTM-decoder
* Disparity Filtering with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Do-It-Yourself Single Camera 3D Pointer Input Device
* Evaluation of Deep CNN Baselines for Scene-Independent Person Re-identification, An
* Exploiting Symmetries of Distributions in CNNs and Folded Coding
* Eye on the Sky: An Upward-Looking Monocular Teach-and-Repeat System for Indoor Environments
* Fast Unsynchronized Unstructured Light
* Gaze Selection for Enhanced Visual Odometry During Navigation
* Generalized Hadamard-Product Fusion Operators for Visual Question Answering
* Grading Prenatal Hydronephrosis from Ultrasound Imaging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hierarchical Deep Architecture and Mini-batch Selection Method for Joint Traffic Sign and Light Detection, A
* Hierarchical Feature Map Characterization in Fashion Interpretation
* HyperStackNet: A Hyper Stacked Hourglass Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Joint Player and Stick Pose Estimation in Hockey
* In Defense of Classical Image Processing: Fast Depth Completion on the CPU
* Indoor Localization in Dynamic Human Environments Using Visual Odometry and Global Pose Refinement
* Learning a Bias Correction for Lidar-Only Motion Estimation
* Learning Filters for the 2D Wavelet Transform
* Manifold Geometry with Fast Automatic Derivatives and Coordinate Frame Semantics Checking in C++
* Multi-projector Resolution Enhancement Through Biased Interpolation
* Nature vs. Nurture: The Role of Environmental Resources in Evolutionary Deep Intelligence
* Occluded Leaf Matching with Full Leaf Databases Using Explicit Occlusion Modelling
* On the Robustness of Deep Learning Models to Universal Adversarial Attack
* Online Model Adaptation for UAV Tracking with Convolutional Neural Network
* Pyramid CNN for Dense-Leaves Segmentation, A
* Real-Time 3D Face Verification with a Consumer Depth Camera
* Real-Time Deep Hair Matting on Mobile Devices
* Real-Time End-to-End Action Detection with Two-Stream Networks
* Real-Time Large-Scale Fusion of High Resolution 3D Scans with Details Preservation
* Robust UAV Visual Teach and Repeat Using Only Sparse Semantic Object Features
* Semantic Scene Models for Visual Localization under Large Viewpoint Changes
* Simple Real-Time Multi-face Tracking Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatiotemporal KSVD Dictionary Learning for Online Multi-target Tracking
* Surface-Based GICP
* Survey of Monocular SLAM Algorithms in Natural Environments
* Systematic Street View Sampling: High Quality Annotation of Power Infrastructure in Rural Ontario
* Tiny SSD: A Tiny Single-Shot Detection Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Embedded Object Detection
* Visual Object Tracking: The Initialisation Problem
* Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-Based Markerless Motion Capture
* WAYLA - Generating Images from Eye Movements
51 for CRV18

CRV19 * *CRV
* Active Vision in the Era of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adversarially Learned Abnormal Trajectory Classifier
* Apparent Age Estimation with Relational Networks
* Automated Acquisition of Anisotropic Friction
* Automatic Temporally Coherent Video Colorization
* aUToTrack: A Lightweight Object Detection and Tracking System for the SAE AutoDrive Challenge
* Commodifying Pointing in HRI: Simple and Fast Pointing Gesture Detection from RGB-D Images
* Decoupling Spatial Pattern and its Movement Via Complex Factorization Over Orthogonal Filter Pairs
* Direct Fitting of Gaussian Mixture Models
* Generative Adversarial Networks Using Adaptive Convolution
* HandSeg: An Automatically Labeled Dataset for Hand Segmentation from Depth Images
* Hierarchically-Fused Generative Adversarial Network for Text to Realistic Image Synthesis
* Human Motion Prediction Via Pattern Completion in Latent Representation Space
* Instance Segmentation Based Semantic Matting for Compositing Applications
* Intriguing Properties of Randomly Weighted Networks: Generalizing While Learning Next to Nothing
* Investigating Trust Factors in Human-Robot Shared Control: Implicit Gender Bias Around Robot Voice
* Mapless Online Detection of Dynamic Objects in 3D Lidar
* Network Uncertainty Informed Semantic Feature Selection for Visual SLAM
* On Building Classification from Remote Sensor Imagery Using Deep Neural Networks and the Relation Between Classification and Reconstruction Accuracy Using Border Localization as Proxy
* Point Me In The Right Direction: Improving Visual Localization on UAVs with Active Gimballed Camera Pointing
* Pose-Projected Action Recognition Hourglass Network (PARHN) in Soccer
* Rectification of Camera-Captured Document Images with Mixed Contents and Varied Layouts
* Resource-Aware Optimization of DNNs for Embedded Applications
* Robust Facial Alignment with Internal Denoising Auto-Encoder
* STAR-Net: Action Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Activation Reprojection
* Towards Direct Localization for Visual Teach and Repeat
* Traffic Risk Assessment: A Two-Stream Approach Using Dynamic-Attention
* Two-Stream Action Recognition in Ice Hockey using Player Pose Sequences and Optical Flows
29 for CRV19

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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