Index for matt

Matta, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Betti, M.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Building t...
     with: Borri, C.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Building t...
     with: Conti, A.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Building t...
     with: Corongiu, M.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Buildin...
     with: Fiorini, L.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Building...
     with: Hollberg, C.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Buildin...
     with: Kovacevic, C.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Buildi...
     with: Tucci, G.: BIM for Museums: An Integrated Approach From The Building t...
8 for Matta, C.

Matta, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amadori, M.: Satellite-Based Tool for Mapping Evaporation in Inland Wa...
     with: Brando, V.E.: Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Island...
     with: Bresciani, M.: Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Islan...
     with: Bresciani, M.: Satellite-Based Tool for Mapping Evaporation in Inland ...
     with: Colombo, R.: Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Island ...
     with: Fava, F.: Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Island Mar...
     with: Free, G.: Satellite-Based Tool for Mapping Evaporation in Inland Water...
     with: Giardino, C.: Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Island...
     with: Giardino, C.: Satellite-Based Tool for Mapping Evaporation in Inland W...
9 for Matta, E.

Matta, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: Person Recognition Using Human Head Motion Information
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: Physiological and behavioural approaches for person rec...
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: Video Face Recognition: A Physiological and Behavioural...

Matta, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baid, U.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration f...
     with: Bogunovic, H.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degenerat...
     with: Cao, X.X.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration ...
     with: Chalhoub, N.G.: Development of an efficient perception system and a pa...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
     with: Dang, K.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration f...
     with: Fang, H.H.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
     with: Fu, H.Z.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration f...
     with: Hsu, C.C.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration ...
     with: Innani, S.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
     with: Kamble, R.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
     with: Kim, S.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration fr...
     with: Lee, C.Y.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration ...
     with: Lei, B.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration fr...
     with: Li, F.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration fro...
     with: Lin, F.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration fr...
     with: Lo, S.C.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration f...
     with: Orlando, J.I.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degenerat...
     with: Quellec, G.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneratio...
     with: Shah, N.A.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
     with: Shankaranarayana, S.M.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular ...
     with: Shi, W.X.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration ...
     with: Singhal, N.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneratio...
     with: Son, J.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration fr...
     with: Sun, X.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration fr...
     with: Wang, C.H.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
     with: Wang, C.W.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
     with: Xie, H.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration fr...
     with: Xu, Y.W.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration f...
     with: Zhang, X.: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration ...
30 for Matta, S.

Matta, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Braca, P.: Learning With Privacy in Consensus + Obfuscation
     with: Lazzeretti, R.: Learning With Privacy in Consensus + Obfuscation
     with: Marano, S.: Achieving Perfect Secrecy by pdf-Bandlimited Jamming
     with: Marano, S.: Learning With Privacy in Consensus + Obfuscation

Mattar, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barrientos, C.: Radiometric Cross-Calibration of the Chilean Satellite...
     with: Corradini, F.: Determining Actual Evapotranspiration Based on Machine ...
     with: Cristobal, J.: Improved Single-Channel Method to Retrieve Land Surface...
     with: de Armas Ricard, M.: Quantifying Biochemical Traits over the Patagonia...
     with: Duran Alarcon, C.: first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilean...
     with: Duran Alarcon, C.: operational method for the disaggregation of land s...
     with: Escobar Avaria, C.: Determining Actual Evapotranspiration Based on Mac...
     with: Escobar lavin, E.: first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilean...
     with: Franch, B.: Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for the monit...
     with: Fuster, R.: Determining Actual Evapotranspiration Based on Machine Lea...
     with: Fuster, R.: operational method for the disaggregation of land surface ...
     with: Gottsche, F.M.: Temperature and Emissivity Separation From MSG/SEVIRI ...
     with: Hernandez, J.: first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilean Ear...
     with: Hidalgo, V.: Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for the moni...
     with: Higueras Fredes, F.: Quantifying Biochemical Traits over the Patagonia...
     with: Hulley, G.: Temperature and Emissivity Separation From MSG/SEVIRI Data
     with: Inzunza, M.: first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilean Earth...
     with: Jimenez Munoz, J.C.: Improved Single-Channel Method to Retrieve Land S...
     with: Jimenez Munoz, J.C.: Near-Real-Time Estimation of Water Vapor Column F...
     with: Jimenez Munoz, J.C.: Temperature and Emissivity Separation From MSG/SE...
     with: Jimenez Munoz, J.C.: Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for ...
     with: Julien, Y.: Near-Real-Time Estimation of Water Vapor Column From MSG-S...
     with: Julien, Y.: Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for the monit...
     with: Merlin, O.: operational method for the disaggregation of land surface ...
     with: Moletto Lobos, I.: Determining Actual Evapotranspiration Based on Mach...
     with: Nakos, T.: Radiometric Cross-Calibration of the Chilean Satellite FASa...
     with: Olivera Guerra, L.: first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilea...
     with: Olivera Guerra, L.: operational method for the disaggregation of land ...
     with: Oltra Carrio, R.: Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for the...
     with: Perez, W.: Radiometric Cross-Calibration of the Chilean Satellite FASa...
     with: Prakash, A.: Improved Single-Channel Method to Retrieve Land Surface T...
     with: Ramirez Rodriguez, O.: Quantifying Biochemical Traits over the Patagon...
     with: Rojas, L.A.R.: Determining Actual Evapotranspiration Based on Machine ...
     with: Sanhueza, H.: Quantifying Biochemical Traits over the Patagonian Sub-A...
     with: Santamaria Artigas, A.: first in-flight absolute calibration of the Ch...
     with: Santamaria Artigas, A.: operational method for the disaggregation of l...
     with: Skokovic, D.: Improved Single-Channel Method to Retrieve Land Surface ...
     with: Sobrino, J.A.: Improved Single-Channel Method to Retrieve Land Surface...
     with: Sobrino, J.A.: Near-Real-Time Estimation of Water Vapor Column From MS...
     with: Sobrino, J.A.: Temperature and Emissivity Separation From MSG/SEVIRI D...
     with: Sobrino, J.A.: Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for the mo...
     with: Soria, G.: Using NASA'S Long Term Data Record version 3 for the monito...
     with: Tapia, D.: first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilean Earth O...
     with: Taylor Zavala, R.: Quantifying Biochemical Traits over the Patagonian ...
44 for Mattar, C.

Mattar, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balch, W.M.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Benfield, M.C.: Combining Local and Global Image Features for Object C...
     with: Blaschko, M.B.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Blaschko, M.B.: Combining Local and Global Image Features for Object C...
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Automatic Sign Detection and Recognition in Natural Scenes
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Sign Classification using Local and Meta-Features
     with: Holness, G.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Learned Miller, E.G.: Combining Local and Global Image Features for Ob...
     with: Learned Miller, E.G.: Sign Classification using Local and Meta-Features
     with: Lisin, D.A.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Lisin, D.A.: Combining Local and Global Image Features for Object Clas...
     with: Riseman, E.M.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Schultz, H.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Sieracki, M.E.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Silapachote, P.: Automatic Sign Detection and Recognition in Natural S...
     with: Tupper, B.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Utgoff, P.E.: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
     with: Weinman, J.: Automatic Sign Detection and Recognition in Natural Scenes
     with: Weiss, R.: Automatic Sign Detection and Recognition in Natural Scenes
20 for Mattar, M.A.

Mattas, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albano, G.: Introducing the Effects of Road Geometry Into Microscopic ...
     with: Ciuffo, B.: Introducing Hybrid Vehicle Dynamics in Microscopic Traffic...
     with: Ciuffo, B.: Introducing the Effects of Road Geometry Into Microscopic ...
     with: Ciuffo, B.: Response Time and Time Headway of an Adaptive Cruise Contr...
     with: Ciuffo, B.: Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on th...
     with: Ciuffo, B.: Towards Bi-Dimensional driver models for automated driving...
     with: Dona, R.: Introducing the Effects of Road Geometry Into Microscopic Tr...
     with: Dona, R.: Towards Bi-Dimensional driver models for automated driving s...
     with: Fontaras, G.: Introducing Hybrid Vehicle Dynamics in Microscopic Traff...
     with: Hallac, P.: Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on th...
     with: He, Y.L.: Introducing Hybrid Vehicle Dynamics in Microscopic Traffic S...
     with: He, Y.L.: Introducing the Effects of Road Geometry Into Microscopic Tr...
     with: Komnos, D.: Introducing Hybrid Vehicle Dynamics in Microscopic Traffic...
     with: Makridis, M.: Response Time and Time Headway of an Adaptive Cruise Con...
     with: Makridis, M.: Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on ...
     with: Makridis, M.A.: Introducing Hybrid Vehicle Dynamics in Microscopic Tra...
     with: Marin, A.L.: Introducing Hybrid Vehicle Dynamics in Microscopic Traffi...
     with: Raposo, M.A.: Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on ...
     with: Thiel, C.: Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on the...
     with: Toledo, T.: Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on th...
20 for Mattas, K.

Mattausch, H.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abedin, M.A.: parallel hardware design for parametric active contour m...
     with: Adachi, H.: Boundary-Active-Only Adaptive Power-Reduction Scheme for R...
     with: Ahmadi, A.: parallel hardware design for parametric active contour mod...
     with: An, F.W.: Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Road-Lane Detect...
     with: An, F.W.: Hardware Architecture for Cell-Based Feature-Extraction and ...
     with: Arimoto, K.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memo...
     with: Arimoto, K.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data P...
     with: Chen, L.: Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Road-Lane Detect...
     with: Chen, L.: Hardware Architecture for Cell-Based Feature-Extraction and ...
     with: Dosaka, K.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memor...
     with: Dosaka, K.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pa...
     with: Guan, J.G.: Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Road-Lane Dete...
     with: Ishizaki, M.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Mem...
     with: Ishizaki, M.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data ...
     with: Ishizaki, M.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Paral...
     with: Kiriyama, O.: Boundary-Active-Only Adaptive Power-Reduction Scheme for...
     with: Koide, T.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory...
     with: Koide, T.: Boundary-Active-Only Adaptive Power-Reduction Scheme for Re...
     with: Koide, T.: parallel hardware design for parametric active contour mode...
     with: Koide, T.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pat...
     with: Koide, T.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Parallel...
     with: Kono, Y.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Parallel ...
     with: Kumaki, T.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memor...
     with: Kumaki, T.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pa...
     with: Kumaki, T.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Paralle...
     with: Kuroda, Y.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memor...
     with: Kuroda, Y.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pa...
     with: Luo, A.W.: Hardware Architecture for Cell-Based Feature-Extraction and...
     with: Morimoto, T.: Boundary-Active-Only Adaptive Power-Reduction Scheme for...
     with: Noda, H.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory-...
     with: Noda, H.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Path...
     with: Saito, K.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory...
     with: Saito, K.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pat...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Road-Lane Det...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Hardware Architecture for Cell-Based Feature-Extraction a...
35 for Mattausch, H.J.

Mattausch, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Goksel, O.: Image-Based Reconstruction of Tissue Scatterers Using Beam...
     with: Scherzer, D.: Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence
     with: Schwarzler, M.: Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence
     with: Wimmer, M.: Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence

Mattavelli, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, J.J.: Performance benchmarking of RVC based multimedia specific...
     with: Ahmad, J.J.: Secure computing with the MPEG RVC framework
     with: Alberti, C.: Exploring MPEG HEVC decoder parallelism for the efficient...
     with: Alberti, C.: Intellectual property management and protection for MPEG ...
     with: Amaldi, E.: efficient line detection algorithm based on a new combinat...
     with: Amaldi, E.: Fast Line Detection Algorithms Based on Combinatorial Opti...
     with: Amaldi, E.: new approach for fast line detection based on combinatoria...
     with: Amer, I.: Reconfigurable Video Coding Standard, The
     with: Amer, I.: Reconfigurable video coding: Objectives and technologies
     with: Bezati, E.: High-level dataflow design of signal processing systems fo...
     with: Bezati, E.: Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec specifi...
     with: Brunetton, S.: Computational Graceful Degradation for Video Sequence D...
     with: Brunetton, S.: Implementing Real-Time Video Decoding On Multimedia Pro...
     with: Brunetton, S.: Parallel Multimedia Processor for Macroblock Based Comp...
     with: Casale Brunet, S.: Exploring MPEG HEVC decoder parallelism for the eff...
     with: Casale Brunet, S.: Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec ...
     with: Chen, Y.K.: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing ...
     with: Chen, Y.K.: Special Issue: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Vi...
     with: Chiang, T.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Integrated Multimedia...
     with: Comes, S.: Image Visual Quality Restoration by Cancellation of the Unm...
     with: Comes, S.: Postprocessing of Images by Filtering the Unmasked Coding N...
     with: de Saint Jorre, D.: Exploring MPEG HEVC decoder parallelism for the ef...
     with: Dubois, J.: Configurable Motion-Estimation Hardware Accelerator Module...
     with: Dubois, J.: Embedded Co-Processor Architecture for CMOS Based Image Ac...
     with: Elguindy, A.: Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec speci...
     with: Fernandez, G.: Overlapped motion compensation for subband coding of vi...
     with: Hernaez, M.: Introduction to MPEG-G: The First Open ISO/IEC Standard f...
     with: Jang, E.S.: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing ...
     with: Jang, E.S.: Reconfigurable media coding: An overview
     with: Jang, E.S.: Special issue on MPEG CCF
     with: Jang, E.S.: Special Issue: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Vi...
     with: Janneck, J.W.: Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec spec...
     with: Kunt, M.: Subband Image Coding Using Jointly Localized Filter Banks an...
     with: Lee, G.G.C.: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing...
     with: Lee, G.G.C.: Special Issue: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of V...
     with: Li, S.J.: Performance benchmarking of RVC based multimedia specificati...
     with: Li, S.J.: Secure computing with the MPEG RVC framework
     with: Li, W.: Image Visual Quality Restoration by Cancellation of the Unmask...
     with: Li, W.: Subband Image Coding Using Jointly Localized Filter Banks and ...
     with: Lucarz, C.: Reconfigurable video coding: Objectives and technologies
     with: Macq, B.: Image Visual Quality Restoration by Cancellation of the Unma...
     with: Macq, B.: Postprocessing of Images by Filtering the Unmasked Coding No...
     with: Miteran, J.: Configurable Motion-Estimation Hardware Accelerator Modul...
     with: Mlynek, D.: Computational Graceful Degradation for Video Sequence Deco...
     with: Mlynek, D.: Evaluation of the Parallelization Potential for Efficient ...
     with: Mlynek, D.: Parallel Multimedia Processor for Macroblock Based Compres...
     with: Nicoulin, A.: Composite Source Modeling Based on VQ and Arithmetic Cod...
     with: Nicoulin, A.: Motion Estimation Relaxing the Constant Brightness Const...
     with: Nicoulin, A.: Overlapped motion compensation for subband coding of vid...
     with: Nicoulin, A.: Subband Image Coding Using Jointly Localized Filter Bank...
     with: Noel, V.: efficient line detection algorithm based on a new combinatio...
     with: Noel, V.: Fast Line Detection Algorithms Based on Combinatorial Optimi...
     with: Noel, V.: new approach for fast line detection based on combinatorial ...
     with: Ostermann, J.: Introduction to MPEG-G: The First Open ISO/IEC Standard...
     with: Pierrefeu, L.: Configurable Motion-Estimation Hardware Accelerator Mod...
     with: Preda, M.: Reconfigurable media coding: An overview
     with: Preda, M.: Special issue on MPEG CCF
     with: Prihozhy, A.: Evaluation of the Parallelization Potential for Efficien...
     with: Prihozhy, A.: Pipeline synthesis and optimization of FPGA-based video ...
     with: Rahman, A.A.H.A.: Pipeline synthesis and optimization of FPGA-based vi...
     with: Raulet, M.: Reconfigurable media coding: An overview
     with: Raulet, M.: Reconfigurable Video Coding Standard, The
     with: Raulet, M.: Special issue on MPEG CCF
     with: Ravasi, M.: High-Abstraction Level Complexity Analysis and Memory Arch...
     with: Ravasi, M.: scalable and programmable architecture for 2-d DWT decodin...
     with: Romeo, A.: Intellectual property management and protection for MPEG mu...
     with: Roquier, G.: High-level dataflow design of signal processing systems f...
     with: Roquier, G.: Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec specif...
     with: Sun, H.F.: Reconfigurable media coding: An overview
     with: Sun, H.F.: Special issue on MPEG CCF
     with: Tenze, L.: scalable and programmable architecture for 2-d DWT decoding...
     with: Thavot, R.: High-level dataflow design of signal processing systems fo...
     with: Thavot, R.: Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec specifi...
     with: Thavot, R.: Secure computing with the MPEG RVC framework
     with: Turney, R.D.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Integrated Multimed...
     with: van Calster, O.: Image Visual Quality Restoration by Cancellation of t...
     with: van der Plancke, E.: Image Visual Quality Restoration by Cancellation ...
     with: Voges, J.: Introduction to MPEG-G: The First Open ISO/IEC Standard for...
     with: Zoia, G.: efficient motion estimation algorithm based on tracing techn...
     with: Zoia, G.: Vector-Tracing Algorithms for Motion Estimation in Large Sea...
80 for Mattavelli, M.

Mattay, V.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Frank, J.A.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavele...
     with: Hommer, D.W.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavel...
     with: Ramsey, N.F.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavel...
     with: Rawlings, R.R.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wav...
     with: Rio, D.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavelet Do...
     with: Ruttimann, U.E.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wa...
     with: Unser, M.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavelet ...
     with: Weinberger, D.R.: Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the W...
8 for Mattay, V.S.

Matteau Pelletier, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dehaes, M.: 1/f Noise in Diffuse Optical Imaging and Wavelet-Based Res...
     with: Lesage, F.: 1/f Noise in Diffuse Optical Imaging and Wavelet-Based Res...
     with: Lina, J.M.: 1/f Noise in Diffuse Optical Imaging and Wavelet-Based Res...

Mattei, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Annan, A.P.: GPR Response From Buried Pipes: Measurement on Field Site...
     with: Cartacci, M.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Dep...
     with: Cicchetti, A.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered De...
     with: Cosciotti, B.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered De...
     with: Cosciotti, B.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors D...
     with: Crocco, L.: GPR Response From Buried Pipes: Measurement on Field Site ...
     with: Dai, S.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detecte...
     with: di Matteo, A.: GPR Response From Buried Pipes: Measurement on Field Si...
     with: di Paolo, F.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Dep...
     with: di Paolo, F.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors De...
     with: Ding, C.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detect...
     with: Feng, J.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detect...
     with: Lauro, S.E.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Depo...
     with: Lauro, S.E.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Det...
     with: Li, C.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detected...
     with: Noschese, R.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Dep...
     with: Orosei, R.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Depos...
     with: Pettinelli, E.: GPR Response From Buried Pipes: Measurement on Field S...
     with: Pettinelli, E.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered D...
     with: Pettinelli, E.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors ...
     with: Redman, J.D.: GPR Response From Buried Pipes: Measurement on Field Sit...
     with: Soldovieri, F.: GPR Response From Buried Pipes: Measurement on Field S...
     with: Soldovieri, F.: Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered D...
     with: Su, Y.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detected...
     with: Xiao, Y.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detect...
     with: Xing, S.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detect...
26 for Mattei, E.

Mattei, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Scardi, M.: Machine Learning Approach to Chlorophyll a Time Series Ana...

Mattei, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aucelli, P.: Environment Object Detection for Marine Argo Drone by Dee...
     with: Ciaramella, A.: Environment Object Detection for Marine Argo Drone by ...
     with: Giordano, F.: MICROVEGA (Micro Vessel for Geodetics Application): A Ma...
     with: Pappone, G.: Environment Object Detection for Marine Argo Drone by Dee...
     with: Parente, C.: MICROVEGA (Micro Vessel for Geodetics Application): A Mar...
     with: Peluso, F.: Environment Object Detection for Marine Argo Drone by Deep...
     with: Peluso, F.: MICROVEGA (Micro Vessel for Geodetics Application): A Mari...
     with: Perrotta, F.: Environment Object Detection for Marine Argo Drone by De...
     with: Santamaria, R.: MICROVEGA (Micro Vessel for Geodetics Application): A ...
9 for Mattei, G.

Mattei, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdel Aty, M.: Enhancing In-Vehicle Driving Assistance Information Und...
     with: Park, J.: Enhancing In-Vehicle Driving Assistance Information Under Co...
     with: Wu, Y.: Enhancing In-Vehicle Driving Assistance Information Under Conn...

Mattek, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kahhale, I.: Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotion...
     with: Ong, D.C.: Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotional...
     with: Reddan, M.: Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotiona...
     with: Tan, Z.X.: Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotional...
     with: Wu, Z.X.: Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotional ...
     with: Zaki, J.: Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotional ...

Mattelliano, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baccaglini, E.: CDVSec: Privacy-preserving biometrical user authentica...
     with: Ballocca, G.: Demonstrating the new compact descriptors for visual sea...
     with: Fiandrotti, A.: CDVSec: Privacy-preserving biometrical user authentica...
     with: Fiandrotti, A.: Demonstrating the new compact descriptors for visual s...
     with: Gavelli, M.: Demonstrating the new compact descriptors for visual sear...
     with: Morello, M.: Demonstrating the new compact descriptors for visual sear...
     with: Mosca, A.: Demonstrating the new compact descriptors for visual search...
     with: Vergori, P.: CDVSec: Privacy-preserving biometrical user authenticatio...
     with: Vergori, P.: Demonstrating the new compact descriptors for visual sear...
9 for Mattelliano, M.

Matten, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bagherinia, H.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Britten, A.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: de Sisternes, L.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Drexler, W.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Leitgeb, R.A.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Niederleithner, M.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Pollreisz, A.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Schlegl, T.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Schmidt Erfurth, U.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Schmoll, T.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Sedova, A.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
     with: Stino, H.: Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
12 for Matten, P.

Mattenet, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jolion, J.M.: Analyse de Formes Deformees

Matteo, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: del Bue, A.: 6dgs: 6d Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3d Gau...
     with: James, S.: 6dgs: 6d Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3d Gauss...
     with: Poiesi, F.: 6dgs: 6d Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3d Gaus...
     with: Tsesmelis, T.: 6dgs: 6d Pose Estimation from a Single Image and a 3d G...

Matteo, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alessandro, M.: QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhanc...
     with: Chiara, F.: QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhancemen...
     with: Fabiana, R.: QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhanceme...
     with: Giuseppe, M.: QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhancem...
     with: Michela, B.: QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhanceme...
     with: Stefano, M.: QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhanceme...

Matteo, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Furuya, T.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for ...
     with: Gomi, Y.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for Re...
     with: Hironaga, S.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System fo...
     with: Homsysavath, K.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System...
     with: Hosokawa, T.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System fo...
     with: Isobe, T.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for R...
     with: Iwata, A.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for R...
     with: Kamusoko, C.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System fo...
     with: Moriike, H.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for...
     with: Nakada, R.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for ...
     with: Nasu, M.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for Re...
     with: Oono, K.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for Re...
     with: Sano, T.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for Re...
     with: Someya, T.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for ...
     with: Tomimura, S.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System fo...
     with: Wachi, A.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for R...
     with: Wada, Y.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for Re...
     with: Yamase, T.: Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for ...
18 for Matteo, G.

Matteoli, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acito, N.: Automatic Approach to Adaptive Local Background Estimation ...
     with: Acito, N.: Complexity-aware algorithm architecture for real-time enhan...
     with: Cecchi, G.: Automated Underwater Object Recognition by Means of Fluore...
     with: Corsini, G.: AFRODiTE: A FluoRescence Lidar Simulator for Underwater O...
     with: Corsini, G.: ARTEMIdE: An Automated Underwater Material Recognition Me...
     with: Corsini, G.: Automated Underwater Object Recognition by Means of Fluor...
     with: Corsini, G.: Automatic Approach to Adaptive Local Background Estimatio...
     with: Corsini, G.: Complexity-aware algorithm architecture for real-time enh...
     with: Corsini, G.: Impact of Signal Contamination on the Adaptive Detection ...
     with: Corsini, G.: Models and Methods for Automated Background Density Estim...
     with: Diani, M.: AFRODiTE: A FluoRescence Lidar Simulator for Underwater Obj...
     with: Diani, M.: ARTEMIdE: An Automated Underwater Material Recognition Meth...
     with: Diani, M.: Automated Underwater Object Recognition by Means of Fluores...
     with: Diani, M.: Automatic Approach to Adaptive Local Background Estimation ...
     with: Diani, M.: Complexity-aware algorithm architecture for real-time enhan...
     with: Diani, M.: Impact of Signal Contamination on the Adaptive Detection Pe...
     with: Diani, M.: Models and Methods for Automated Background Density Estimat...
     with: Toci, G.: Automated Underwater Object Recognition by Means of Fluoresc...
     with: Veracini, T.: Models and Methods for Automated Background Density Esti...
     with: Zotta, L.: AFRODiTE: A FluoRescence Lidar Simulator for Underwater Obj...
20 for Matteoli, S.

Matter, N.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chronik, B.: Noise Performance of a Precision Pulsed Electromagnet Pow...
     with: Conolly, S.M.: Noise Performance of a Precision Pulsed Electromagnet P...
     with: Conolly, S.M.: Rapid Polarizing Field Cycling in Magnetic Resonance Im...
     with: Grafendorfer, T.: Rapid Polarizing Field Cycling in Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Macovski, A.: Noise Performance of a Precision Pulsed Electromagnet Po...
     with: Macovski, A.: Rapid Polarizing Field Cycling in Magnetic Resonance Ima...
     with: Pauly, J.M.: Noise Performance of a Precision Pulsed Electromagnet Pow...
     with: Scott, G.C.: Noise Performance of a Precision Pulsed Electromagnet Pow...
     with: Scott, G.C.: Rapid Polarizing Field Cycling in Magnetic Resonance Imag...
9 for Matter, N.I.

Mattern, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bajramovic, F.: Comparison of Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms for G...
     with: Butko, N.J.: Comparison of Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms for Gene...
     with: Denzler, J.: Appearance Based Generic Object Modeling and Recognition ...
     with: Denzler, J.: Comparison of Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms for Gene...
     with: Drexler, C.: Appearance Based Generic Object Modeling and Recognition ...
     with: Fahrmair, M.: Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey
     with: Floerkemeier, C.: Fine-Grained Product Class Recognition for Assisted ...
     with: George, M.: Fine-Grained Product Class Recognition for Assisted Shopping
     with: Kellerer, W.: Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey
     with: Mircic, D.: Fine-Grained Product Class Recognition for Assisted Shopping
     with: Ostermaier, B.: Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey
     with: Romer, K.: Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey
     with: Soros, G.: Fine-Grained Product Class Recognition for Assisted Shopping
13 for Mattern, F.

Mattern, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dowd, M.: Introduction and Assessment of Measures for Quantitative Mod...
     with: Fennel, K.: Introduction and Assessment of Measures for Quantitative M...

Mattern, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caldrer, S.: View synthesis from uncalibrated images using parallax
     with: Ceglie, S.: View synthesis from uncalibrated images using parallax
     with: Fusiello, A.: View synthesis from uncalibrated images using parallax
     with: Murino, V.: View synthesis from uncalibrated images using parallax

Mattes, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Billen, R.: Initial User-Centered Design of a Virtual Reality Heritage...
     with: Kobbelt, L.: Initial User-Centered Design of a Virtual Reality Heritag...
     with: Kobbelt, L.: Unsupervised Segmentation of Indoor 3d Point Cloud: Appli...
     with: Poux, F.: Initial User-Centered Design of a Virtual Reality Heritage S...
     with: Poux, F.: Unsupervised Segmentation of Indoor 3d Point Cloud: Applicat...
     with: Valembois, Q.: Initial User-Centered Design of a Virtual Reality Herit...

Mattes, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eubank, W.: PET-CT image registration in the chest using free-form def...
     with: Haynor, D.R.: PET-CT image registration in the chest using free-form d...
     with: Lewellen, T.K.: PET-CT image registration in the chest using free-form...
     with: Vesselle, H.: PET-CT image registration in the chest using free-form d...

Mattes, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bezy Wendling, J.: Multiscale modeling and imaging: the challenges of ...
     with: Coatrieux, J.L.: Multiscale modeling and imaging: the challenges of bi...
     with: Demongeot, J.: Multiscale modeling and imaging: the challenges of bioc...
     with: Eils, R.: Quantification, Visualization, and Motion Correction in Dyna...
     with: Fieres, J.: Quantification, Visualization, and Motion Correction in Dy...
     with: Glade, N.: Multiscale modeling and imaging: the challenges of biocompl...
     with: Haigron, P.: Multiscale modeling and imaging: the challenges of biocom...
7 for Mattes, J.

Mattes, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Schaffert, N.: Interactive Sonification in Rowing: Acoustic Feedback f...

Matteucci, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arndt, S.K.: Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, ...
     with: Calfapietra, C.: Validation of PROBA-V GEOV1 and MODIS C5 & C6 fAP...
     with: Camacho, F.: Validation of PROBA-V GEOV1 and MODIS C5 & C6 fAPAR P...
     with: Fang, H.L.: Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, M...
     with: Govind, A.: Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, M...
     with: Hocking, D.: Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, ...
     with: Latorre, C.: Validation of PROBA-V GEOV1 and MODIS C5 & C6 fAPAR P...
     with: Longdoz, B.: Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, ...
     with: Mazzenga, F.: Validation of PROBA-V GEOV1 and MODIS C5 & C6 fAPAR ...
     with: Nestola, E.: Validation of PROBA-V GEOV1 and MODIS C5 & C6 fAPAR P...
     with: Pisek, J.: Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, MO...
     with: Sanchez Zapero, J.: Validation of PROBA-V GEOV1 and MODIS C5 & C6 ...
     with: Wardlaw, T.J.: Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER...
13 for Matteucci, G.

Matteucci, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Costantino, G.: Privacy-Preserving Solution for Intelligent Transporta...
     with: de Vincenzi, M.: Privacy-Preserving Solution for Intelligent Transport...
     with: Martinelli, F.: Privacy-Preserving Solution for Intelligent Transporta...

Matteucci, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asaro, F.: Deep Learning for SAR Image Despeckling
     with: Bengio, Y.: ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semantic...
     with: Bignoli, A.: Multi-view Stereo 3D Edge Reconstruction
     with: Bonacina, C.: approach to the design of reinforcement functions in rea...
     with: Bonarini, A.: approach to the design of reinforcement functions in rea...
     with: Bottino, A.: N-ROD: a Neuromorphic Dataset for Synthetic-to-Real Domai...
     with: Cannici, M.: 6 DoF Pose Regression via Differentiable Rendering
     with: Cannici, M.: Attention Mechanisms for Object Recognition With Event-Ba...
     with: Cannici, M.: Differentiable Recurrent Surface for Asynchronous Event-b...
     with: Cannici, M.: E2(GO)MOTION: Motion Augmented Event Stream for Egocentri...
     with: Cannici, M.: FARSE-CNN: Fully Asynchronous, Recurrent and Sparse Event...
     with: Cannici, M.: N-ROD: a Neuromorphic Dataset for Synthetic-to-Real Domai...
     with: Cannici, M.: Skeleton-based action recognition via spatial and tempora...
     with: Cannici, M.: Spatial Temporal Transformer Network for Skeleton-based A...
     with: Caputo, B.: E2(GO)MOTION: Motion Augmented Event Stream for Egocentric...
     with: Caputo, B.: N-ROD: a Neuromorphic Dataset for Synthetic-to-Real Domain...
     with: Cho, K.: ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semantic Se...
     with: Ciccone, M.: Attention Mechanisms for Object Recognition With Event-Ba...
     with: Ciccone, M.: Differentiable Recurrent Surface for Asynchronous Event-b...
     with: Ciccone, M.: Multi-view Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinement
     with: Ciccone, M.: N-ROD: a Neuromorphic Dataset for Synthetic-to-Real Domai...
     with: Ciccone, M.: ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semanti...
     with: Comai, S.: Automated Machine Learning Framework for Adaptive and Optim...
     with: Comai, S.: Bridge: Mutual Reassurance for Autonomous and Independent L...
     with: Comai, S.: Deep Learning for Land Use and Land Cover Classification ba...
     with: Courville, A.: ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Seman...
     with: Cudrano, P.: CISPC: Embedding Images and Point Clouds in a Joint Conce...
     with: Delaunoy, A.: Automatic 3D reconstruction of manifold meshes via delau...
     with: di Milano, P.: Multi-view Stereo 3D Edge Reconstruction
     with: Goletto, G.: E2(GO)MOTION: Motion Augmented Event Stream for Egocentri...
     with: Gusso, E.: E2(GO)MOTION: Motion Augmented Event Stream for Egocentric ...
     with: Kambale, A.W.: Event-Based Object Detection and Tracking: A Traffic Mo...
     with: Kastner, K.: ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semanti...
     with: Lattari, F.: Deep Learning for SAR Image Despeckling
     with: Leon, B.G.: Deep Learning for SAR Image Despeckling
     with: Lomurno, E.: Improving Multi-View Stereo via Super-Resolution
     with: Mangano, S.: Bridge: Mutual Reassurance for Autonomous and Independent...
     with: Marzorati, D.: Monocular SLAM with Inverse Scaling Parametrization
     with: Mentasti, S.: Event-Based Object Detection and Tracking: A Traffic Mon...
     with: Migliore, D.A.: Monocular SLAM with Inverse Scaling Parametrization
     with: Migliore, D.A.: revaluation of frame difference in fast and robust mot...
     with: Mussone, L.: comparison of two Monte Carlo algorithms for 3D vehicle t...
     with: Naccari, M.: revaluation of frame difference in fast and robust motion...
     with: Pinto, F.: SECI-GAN: Semantic and Edge Completion for dynamic objects ...
     with: Planamente, M.: E2(GO)MOTION: Motion Augmented Event Stream for Egocen...
     with: Planamente, M.: N-ROD: a Neuromorphic Dataset for Synthetic-to-Real Do...
     with: Plizzari, C.: E2(GO)MOTION: Motion Augmented Event Stream for Egocentr...
     with: Plizzari, C.: N-ROD: a Neuromorphic Dataset for Synthetic-to-Real Doma...
     with: Plizzari, C.: Skeleton-based action recognition via spatial and tempor...
     with: Plizzari, C.: Spatial Temporal Transformer Network for Skeleton-based ...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Automatic 3D reconstruction of manifold meshes via dela...
     with: Prati, C.: Deep Learning for SAR Image Despeckling
     with: Rizzi, D.: comparison of two Monte Carlo algorithms for 3D vehicle tra...
     with: Roggerini, M.: 6 DoF Pose Regression via Differentiable Rendering
     with: Romanoni, A.: Attention Mechanisms for Object Recognition With Event-B...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Automatic 3D reconstruction of manifold meshes via delau...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Background subtraction by combining Temporal and Spatio-...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Backward-Simulation Particle Smoother with a hybrid stat...
     with: Romanoni, A.: comparison of two Monte Carlo algorithms for 3D vehicle ...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Data-Driven Prior on Facet Orientation for Semantic Mesh...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Differentiable Recurrent Surface for Asynchronous Event-...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Efficient Moving Point Handling for Incremental 3D Manif...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Facetwise Mesh Refinement for Multi- View Stereo
     with: Romanoni, A.: Improving Multi-View Stereo via Super-Resolution
     with: Romanoni, A.: Mesh-based camera pairs selection and occlusion-aware ma...
     with: Romanoni, A.: Multi-view Stereo 3D Edge Reconstruction
     with: Romanoni, A.: Multi-view Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinem...
     with: Romanoni, A.: SECI-GAN: Semantic and Edge Completion for dynamic objec...
     with: Romanoni, A.: TAPA-MVS: Textureless-Aware PAtchMatch Multi-View Stereo
     with: Romero, A.: ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semantic...
     with: Rucci, A.: Deep Learning for SAR Image Despeckling
     with: Saidinejad, H.: Bridge: Mutual Reassurance for Autonomous and Independ...
     with: Salice, F.: Bridge: Mutual Reassurance for Autonomous and Independent ...
     with: Samele, S.: Patchwise Sparse Dictionary Learning from pre-trained Neur...
     with: Santambrogio, R.: FARSE-CNN: Fully Asynchronous, Recurrent and Sparse ...
     with: Sbrolli, C.: CISPC: Embedding Images and Point Clouds in a Joint Conce...
     with: Simpsi, A.: 6 DoF Pose Regression via Differentiable Rendering
     with: Sorrenti, D.G.: Background subtraction by combining Temporal and Spati...
     with: Sorrenti, D.G.: Backward-Simulation Particle Smoother with a hybrid st...
     with: Sorrenti, D.G.: Monocular SLAM with Inverse Scaling Parametrization
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: SECI-GAN: Semantic and Edge Completion for dynamic objec...
     with: Vali, A.: Automated Machine Learning Framework for Adaptive and Optimi...
     with: Vali, A.: Deep Learning for Land Use and Land Cover Classification bas...
     with: Veronese, F.: Bridge: Mutual Reassurance for Autonomous and Independen...
     with: Visin, F.: Multi-view Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinement
     with: Visin, F.: ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semantic ...
86 for Matteucci, M.

Matthaei, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bestmann, U.: Martian Swarm Exploration and Mapping Using Laser SLAM
     with: Bestmann, U.: Single-Layer Laser Scanner for Detection and Localizatio...
     with: Kruger, T.: Martian Swarm Exploration and Mapping Using Laser SLAM
     with: Kruger, T.: Single-Layer Laser Scanner for Detection and Localization ...
     with: Nowak, S.: Martian Swarm Exploration and Mapping Using Laser SLAM
     with: Nowak, S.: Single-Layer Laser Scanner for Detection and Localization o...

Matthe, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fettweis, G.: Message Passing Algorithms for Upper and Lower Bounding ...
     with: Mendes, L.L.: Message Passing Algorithms for Upper and Lower Bounding ...
     with: Zhang, D.: Message Passing Algorithms for Upper and Lower Bounding the...

Mattheij, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Groeneveld, K.: Depth-based detection with region comparison features
     with: Postma, E.: Depth-based detection with region comparison features
     with: van den Herik, H.J.: Depth-based detection with region comparison feat...

Mattheij, R.M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Maubach, J.M.L.: Derivative-Based Fast Autofocus Method in Electron Mi...
     with: Rudnaya, M.E.: Derivative-Based Fast Autofocus Method in Electron Micr...
     with: ter Morsche, H.G.: Derivative-Based Fast Autofocus Method in Electron ...

Matthes, C.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Froehlich, B.: Spatiotemporal LOD-Blending for Artifact Reduction in M...
     with: Thiele, S.: Spatiotemporal LOD-Blending for Artifact Reduction in Mult...

Matthes, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Groll, L.: Constrained Ellipse Fitting with Center on a Line
     with: Groll, L.: Structure from Motion Approach for the Analysis of Adhesion...
     with: Keller, H.B.: Structure from Motion Approach for the Analysis of Adhes...
     with: Waibel, P.: Constrained Ellipse Fitting with Center on a Line
     with: Waibel, P.: Structure from Motion Approach for the Analysis of Adhesio...

Mattheuwsen, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bassier, M.: BIM Reconstruction: Automated Procedural Modeling From Po...
     with: Bassier, M.: Puzzling Engine: a Digital Platform to Aid The Reassembli...
     with: Bassier, M.: Theoretical Accuracy Prediction And Validation of Low-end...
     with: Derdeale, J.: Puzzling Engine: a Digital Platform to Aid The Reassembl...
     with: Hernandez, R.D.L.: Puzzling Engine: a Digital Platform to Aid The Reas...
     with: Vergauwen, M.: BIM Reconstruction: Automated Procedural Modeling From ...
     with: Vergauwen, M.: Manhole Cover Detection on Rasterized Mobile Mapping Po...
     with: Vergauwen, M.: Puzzling Engine: a Digital Platform to Aid The Reassemb...
     with: Vergauwen, M.: Theoretical Accuracy Prediction And Validation of Low-e...
     with: Vincke, S.: Puzzling Engine: a Digital Platform to Aid The Reassemblin...
10 for Mattheuwsen, L.

Matthew, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baker, S.: Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System
     with: Nabbe, B.: Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System
     with: Shi, J.B.: Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System
     with: Takao, N.: Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System

Matthew, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baumgartner, C.F.: SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fe...
     with: Fletcher, T.P.: SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal...
     with: Gomez, A.: Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks for C...
     with: Gomez, A.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in F...
     with: Hou, B.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in Fet...
     with: Housden, J.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in...
     with: Kainz, B.: Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks for C...
     with: Kainz, B.: SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Stan...
     with: Kainz, B.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in F...
     with: Kamnitsas, K.: SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal ...
     with: Koch, L.M.: SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Sta...
     with: Lloyd, D.F.A.: Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks f...
     with: Meng, Q.: Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks for Cl...
     with: Meng, Q.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in Fe...
     with: Oktay, O.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in F...
     with: Rajchl, M.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in ...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks fo...
     with: Rueckert, D.: SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal S...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps i...
     with: Schlemper, J.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps ...
     with: Schnabel, J.A.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps...
     with: Sinclair, M.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps i...
     with: Smith, S.: SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Stan...
     with: Toussaint, N.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps ...
     with: Zimmer, V.: Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in ...
     with: Zimmer, V.A.: Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks fo...
26 for Matthew, J.

Matthew, M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharya, P.K.: Remote bathymetry of the littoral zone from AVIRIS, LAS...
     with: Adler Golden, S.M.: Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evalua...
     with: Adler Golden, S.M.: Remote bathymetry of the littoral zone from AVIRIS...
     with: Anderson, G.P.: Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation...
     with: Berk, A.: Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation of th...
     with: Berk, A.: Remote bathymetry of the littoral zone from AVIRIS, LASH, an...
     with: Felde, G.: Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation of t...
     with: Gorodetzky, D.: Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation...
     with: Gorodetzky, D.: Remote bathymetry of the littoral zone from AVIRIS, LA...
     with: Paswaters, S.: Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation ...
     with: Shippert, M.: Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation o...
11 for Matthew, M.W.

Matthew, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, J.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuosity
     with: Liu, Y.H.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuos...
     with: Mou, L.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuosity
     with: Qi, H.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuosity
     with: Su, P.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuosity
     with: Zhang, J.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuos...
     with: Zhao, Y.T.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuo...
     with: Zheng, Y.L.: DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortu...
8 for Matthew, P.

Matthew, R.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Calculating Reachable Workspace Volume for Use in Quantita...
     with: Han, J.J.: Calculating Reachable Workspace Volume for Use in Quantitat...
     with: Kurillo, G.: Calculating Reachable Workspace Volume for Use in Quantit...

Matthews, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.: Detecting Plant Invasion in Urban Parks with Aerial Image Ti...
     with: Chen, G.: Detecting Plant Invasion in Urban Parks with Aerial Image Ti...
     with: Dutta, D.: Detecting Plant Invasion in Urban Parks with Aerial Image T...
     with: Gagne, S.A.: Detecting Plant Invasion in Urban Parks with Aerial Image...
     with: Li, C.L.: Detecting Plant Invasion in Urban Parks with Aerial Image Ti...
     with: Rogers, C.: Detecting Plant Invasion in Urban Parks with Aerial Image ...

Matthews, C.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kuncheva, L.I.: Budget-Constrained Online Video Summarisation of Egoce...
     with: Kuncheva, L.I.: Classification and comparison of on-line video summari...
     with: Yousefi, P.: Budget-Constrained Online Video Summarisation of Egocentr...
     with: Yousefi, P.: Classification and comparison of on-line video summarisat...

Matthews, D.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baldwin, D.G.: Computing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents From Infrared ...
     with: Crocker, R.I.: Computing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents From Infrared ...
     with: Emery, W.J.: Computing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents From Infrared an...

Matthews, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bailey, R.: Trust in Autonomous Systems for Threat Analysis: A Simulat...
     with: Hearne, J.: Clustering without a Metric
     with: Lin, J.: Individual Differences in Trust in Autonomous Robots: Implica...
     with: Lin, J.C.: Trust in Autonomous Systems for Threat Analysis: A Simulati...
     with: Long, M.D.: Individual Differences in Trust in Autonomous Robots: Impl...
     with: Panganiban, A.R.: Individual Differences in Trust in Autonomous Robots...
     with: Panganiban, A.R.: Trust in Autonomous Systems for Threat Analysis: A S...
7 for Matthews, G.

Matthews, H.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharya, P.S.: Data-Driven Models Support a Vision for Over-the-Air Ve...
     with: Fischbeck, P.S.: Data-Driven Models Support a Vision for Over-the-Air ...

Matthews, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ambadar, Z.: AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Action...
     with: Ambadar, Z.: Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+): A complete dataset fo...
     with: Baker, S.: 2D vs. 3D Deformable Face Models: Representational Power, C...
     with: Baker, S.: Active Appearance Models Revisited
     with: Baker, S.: Active appearance models with occlusion
     with: Baker, S.: Aligning Images Incrementally Backwards
     with: Baker, S.: Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields
     with: Baker, S.: Automatic Construction of Active Appearance Models as an Im...
     with: Baker, S.: Constructing and Fitting Active Appearance Models with Occl...
     with: Baker, S.: Efficient Image Alignment with Outlier Rejection
     with: Baker, S.: Eigen light-fields and face recognition across pose
     with: Baker, S.: Equivalence and Efficiency of Image Alignment Algorithms
     with: Baker, S.: Evaluating Error Functions for Robust Active Appearance Mod...
     with: Baker, S.: Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination
     with: Baker, S.: Fisher Light-Fields for Face Recognition across Pose and Il...
     with: Baker, S.: Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to ...
     with: Baker, S.: Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models
     with: Baker, S.: Image Coding with Active Appearance Models
     with: Baker, S.: Increasing the density of Active Appearance Models
     with: Baker, S.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On
     with: Baker, S.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework
     with: Baker, S.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 1
     with: Baker, S.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 2
     with: Baker, S.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 3
     with: Baker, S.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 4
     with: Baker, S.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: Part 5
     with: Baker, S.: Multi-PIE
     with: Baker, S.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
     with: Baker, S.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
     with: Baker, S.: On the Dimensionality of Deformable Face Models
     with: Baker, S.: Passive Driver Gaze Tracking with Active Appearance Models
     with: Baker, S.: Real-time combined 2D+3D active appearance models
     with: Baker, S.: Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental ...
     with: Baker, S.: Template Update Problem, The
     with: Banerjee, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Bangham, J.A.: 2.5D Visual Speech Synthesis Using Appearance Models
     with: Bangham, J.A.: Comparison of Active Shape Model and Scale Decompositio...
     with: Bangham, J.A.: Extraction of Visual Features for Lipreading
     with: Bangham, J.A.: Lip Reading from Scale-Space Measurements
     with: Beeler, T.: Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face Tracking
     with: Bialkowski, A.: Recognising Team Activities from Noisy Data
     with: Bialkowski, A.: Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behavior...
     with: Bradley, D.: Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face Tracking
     with: Carr, P.: Estimating Audience Engagement to Predict Movie Ratings
     with: Carr, P.: Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience Re...
     with: Carr, P.: Point-less calibration: Camera parameters from gradient-base...
     with: Carr, P.: Predicting Ball Ownership in Basketball from a Monocular Vie...
     with: Carr, P.: Recognising Team Activities from Noisy Data
     with: Carr, P.: Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behaviors Usin...
     with: Cawley, G.C.: 2.5D Visual Speech Synthesis Using Appearance Models
     with: Cheung, K.M.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: Part 5
     with: Chew, S.: Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using the UNBC...
     with: Chew, S.W.: Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperplane ...
     with: Chew, S.W.: In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Relat...
     with: Chew, S.W.: Person-independent facial expression detection using Const...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Action ...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Actio...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+): A complete dataset for...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperplane ...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Relat...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Multi-PIE
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Painful data: The UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expression a...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using the UN...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Person-independent facial expression detection using Const...
     with: Cootes, T.F.: Extraction of Visual Features for Lipreading
     with: Cox, S.J.: Comparison of Active Shape Model and Scale Decomposition Ba...
     with: Cox, S.J.: Extraction of Visual Features for Lipreading
     with: Cox, S.J.: Lip Reading from Scale-Space Measurements
     with: de la Torre, F.: AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Ac...
     with: Dellaert, F.: Aligning Images Incrementally Backwards
     with: Deng, Z.W.: Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience ...
     with: Denman, S.: Recognising Team Activities from Noisy Data
     with: Essa, I.A.: Motion fields to predict play evolution in dynamic sport s...
     with: Giera, B.: Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for In-Situ V...
     with: Glauert, J.R.W.: 2.5D Visual Speech Synthesis Using Appearance Models
     with: Godisart, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Godisart, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Gotardo, P.F.U.: Photogeometric Scene Flow for High-Detail Dynamic 3D ...
     with: Gross, R.: Active appearance models with occlusion
     with: Gross, R.: Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields
     with: Gross, R.: Constructing and Fitting Active Appearance Models with Occl...
     with: Gross, R.: Eigen light-fields and face recognition across pose
     with: Gross, R.: Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination
     with: Gross, R.: Fisher Light-Fields for Face Recognition across Pose and Il...
     with: Gross, R.: Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models
     with: Gross, R.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 2
     with: Gross, R.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 3
     with: Gross, R.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 4
     with: Gross, R.: Multi-PIE
     with: Gross, R.: Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental ...
     with: Grundmann, M.: Motion fields to predict play evolution in dynamic spor...
     with: Gui, L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Inte...
     with: Gui, L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Moti...
     with: Guss, G.: Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for In-Situ Vi...
     with: Harvey, R.W.: Comparison of Active Shape Model and Scale Decomposition...
     with: Harvey, R.W.: Extraction of Visual Features for Lipreading
     with: Harvey, R.W.: Lip Reading from Scale-Space Measurements
     with: Hauptmann, A.: Speech Driven Tongue Animation
     with: Hodgins, J.K.: Motion fields to predict play evolution in dynamic spor...
     with: Howlett, J.: Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Acti...
     with: Hu, C.: Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to Mul...
     with: Hu, C.B.: AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Action Re...
     with: Hu, C.B.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
     with: Hu, C.B.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
     with: Ishikawa, T.: Efficient Image Alignment with Outlier Rejection
     with: Ishikawa, T.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 2
     with: Ishikawa, T.: Passive Driver Gaze Tracking with Active Appearance Models
     with: Ishikawa, T.: Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Ment...
     with: Ishikawa, T.: Template Update Problem, The
     with: Joo, H.: Hand Keypoint Detection in Single Images Using Multiview Boot...
     with: Joo, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Inte...
     with: Joo, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Moti...
     with: Kanade, T.: Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+): A complete dataset for...
     with: Kanade, T.: Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination
     with: Kanade, T.: Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to...
     with: Kanade, T.: Multi-PIE
     with: Kanade, T.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
     with: Kanade, T.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
     with: Kanade, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social I...
     with: Kanade, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social M...
     with: Kanade, T.: Passive Driver Gaze Tracking with Active Appearance Models
     with: Kanade, T.: Real-time combined 2D+3D active appearance models
     with: Kanade, T.: Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental...
     with: Kim, K.: Motion fields to predict play evolution in dynamic sport scenes
     with: Klaudiny, M.: Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face Tracking
     with: Koterba, S.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
     with: Koterba, S.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
     with: Lalonde, J.: Learning Physics-Guided Face Relighting Under Directional...
     with: Lalonde, J.F.: Lighting Estimation in Outdoor Image Collections
     with: Lehrmann, A.: Learning Physics-Guided Face Relighting Under Directiona...
     with: Li, X.L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Int...
     with: Li, X.L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Mot...
     with: Liu, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Inte...
     with: Liu, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Moti...
     with: Lucey, P.: Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Action...
     with: Lucey, P.: Estimating Audience Engagement to Predict Movie Ratings
     with: Lucey, P.: Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+): A complete dataset for ...
     with: Lucey, P.: Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperplane c...
     with: Lucey, P.: In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Relati...
     with: Lucey, P.: Painful data: The UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expression ar...
     with: Lucey, P.: Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using the UNB...
     with: Lucey, P.: Person-independent facial expression detection using Constr...
     with: Lucey, P.: Predicting Ball Ownership in Basketball from a Monocular Vi...
     with: Lucey, P.: Recognising Team Activities from Noisy Data
     with: Lucey, P.: Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behaviors Usi...
     with: Lucey, S.: AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Action R...
     with: Lucey, S.: Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Action...
     with: Lucey, S.: Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperplane c...
     with: Lucey, S.: In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Relati...
     with: Lucey, S.: Person-independent facial expression detection using Constr...
     with: Mandt, S.: Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience R...
     with: McDonagh, S.: Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face Tracking
     with: Mcmains, S.: Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for In-Situ...
     with: Medina, S.: Speech Driven Tongue Animation
     with: Mitchell, K.: Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face Tracking
     with: Morgan, S.: Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behaviors Us...
     with: Mori, G.: Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience Re...
     with: Munhall, K.: Speech Driven Tongue Animation
     with: Nabbe, B.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social In...
     with: Nabbe, B.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Mo...
     with: Navarathna, R.: Estimating Audience Engagement to Predict Movie Ratings
     with: Navarathna, R.: Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audie...
     with: Nestmeyer, T.: Learning Physics-Guided Face Relighting Under Direction...
     with: Nobuhara, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Nobuhara, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Patil, R.: Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: Part 5
     with: Prkachin, K.M.: Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial A...
     with: Prkachin, K.M.: Painful data: The UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expressi...
     with: Prkachin, K.M.: Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using th...
     with: Ramanan, D.: Increasing the density of Active Appearance Models
     with: Ramnath, K.: Increasing the density of Active Appearance Models
     with: Ramnath, K.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
     with: Ramnath, K.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
     with: Saragih, J.M.: Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+): A complete dataset ...
     with: Saragih, J.M.: Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperpla...
     with: Saragih, J.M.: In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Re...
     with: Saragih, J.M.: Person-independent facial expression detection using Co...
     with: Schneider, J.: Automatic Construction of Active Appearance Models as a...
     with: Schneider, J.: Image Coding with Active Appearance Models
     with: Sha, L.: Predicting Ball Ownership in Basketball from a Monocular View...
     with: Shamir, A.: Motion fields to predict play evolution in dynamic sport s...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Hand Keypoint Detection in Single Images Using Multiview B...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Kronecker-Markov Prior for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social I...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social M...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Photogeometric Scene Flow for High-Detail Dynamic 3D Recon...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Point-less calibration: Camera parameters from gradient-ba...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behaviors Us...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Separable Spatiotemporal Priors for Convex Reconstruction ...
     with: Simon, T.: Hand Keypoint Detection in Single Images Using Multiview Bo...
     with: Simon, T.: Kronecker-Markov Prior for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
     with: Simon, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social In...
     with: Simon, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Mo...
     with: Simon, T.: Photogeometric Scene Flow for High-Detail Dynamic 3D Recons...
     with: Simon, T.: Separable Spatiotemporal Priors for Convex Reconstruction o...
     with: Solomon, P.E.: Painful data: The UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expressio...
     with: Solomon, P.E.: Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using the...
     with: Sridharan, S.: Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Ac...
     with: Sridharan, S.: Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperpla...
     with: Sridharan, S.: In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Re...
     with: Sridharan, S.: Person-independent facial expression detection using Co...
     with: Sridharan, S.: Predicting Ball Ownership in Basketball from a Monocula...
     with: Sridharan, S.: Recognising Team Activities from Noisy Data
     with: Stoll, C.: Speech Driven Tongue Animation
     with: Tan, L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Inte...
     with: Tan, L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Moti...
     with: Theobald, B.J.: 2.5D Visual Speech Synthesis Using Appearance Models
     with: Theobald, B.J.: Evaluating Error Functions for Robust Active Appearanc...
     with: Tiede, M.: Speech Driven Tongue Animation
     with: Tome, D.: Speech Driven Tongue Animation
     with: Valmadre, J.: Kronecker-Markov Prior for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
     with: Valmadre, J.: Separable Spatiotemporal Priors for Convex Reconstructio...
     with: Wei, X.: Predicting Ball Ownership in Basketball from a Monocular View...
     with: Xiao, J.: 2D vs. 3D Deformable Face Models: Representational Power, Co...
     with: Xiao, J.: Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to M...
     with: Xiao, J.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
     with: Xiao, J.: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
     with: Xiao, J.: On the Dimensionality of Deformable Face Models
     with: Xiao, J.: Real-time combined 2D+3D active appearance models
     with: Xiao, J.: Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental S...
     with: Yuan, B.: Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for In-Situ Vi...
     with: Yue, Y.S.: Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience R...
237 for Matthews, I.

Matthews, I.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carr, P.: Monocular Object Detection Using 3D Geometric Primitives
     with: Carr, P.: Predicting movie ratings from audience behaviors
     with: Carter, E.: Predicting movie ratings from audience behaviors
     with: Lucey, P.: Predicting movie ratings from audience behaviors
     with: Navarathna, R.: Predicting movie ratings from audience behaviors
     with: Park, H.S.: 3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a Series of 2D Pr...
     with: Park, H.S.: 3D Trajectory Reconstruction under Perspective Projection
     with: Rosenhahn, B.: Personalized 3D Human Pose and Shape Refinement
     with: Sheikh, Y.: 3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a Series of 2D Pr...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: 3D Trajectory Reconstruction under Perspective Projection
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Monocular Object Detection Using 3D Geometric Primitives
     with: Shiratori, T.: 3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a Series of 2D...
     with: Shiratori, T.: 3D Trajectory Reconstruction under Perspective Projection
     with: Sridharan, S.: Predicting movie ratings from audience behaviors
     with: Stoll, C.: Personalized 3D Human Pose and Shape Refinement
     with: Wehrbein, T.: Personalized 3D Human Pose and Shape Refinement
16 for Matthews, I.D.

Matthews, J.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gasper, E.: Advanced tools for speech synchronized animation
     with: Wesley, R.: Advanced tools for speech synchronized animation

Matthews, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bates, J.J.: Algorithm Development of Temperature and Humidity Profile...
     with: Brown, O.: Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice Extent to Sea Ice Concentrati...
     with: Claverie, M.: 30+ Year AVHRR LAI and FAPAR Climate Data Record: Algori...
     with: Ho, S.P.: Algorithm Development of Temperature and Humidity Profile Re...
     with: Inamdar, A.K.: Extending the HIRS Data Record with IASI Measurements
     with: Jackson, D.L.: Extending the HIRS Data Record with IASI Measurements
     with: Justice, C.O.: 30+ Year AVHRR LAI and FAPAR Climate Data Record: Algor...
     with: Lee, H.T.: Extending the HIRS Data Record with IASI Measurements
     with: Meier, W.N.: Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice Extent to Sea Ice Concentra...
     with: Peng, G.: Sensitivity Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Trends and Sta...
     with: Peng, G.: Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice Extent to Sea Ice Concentratio...
     with: Shi, L.: Algorithm Development of Temperature and Humidity Profile Ret...
     with: Shi, L.: Extending the HIRS Data Record with IASI Measurements
     with: Shi, L.: Intercomparisons of Long-Term Atmospheric Temperature and Hum...
     with: Vermote, E.F.: 30+ Year AVHRR LAI and FAPAR Climate Data Record: Algor...
     with: Yang, Q.: Algorithm Development of Temperature and Humidity Profile Re...
     with: Yu, J.T.: Sensitivity Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Trends and Sta...
17 for Matthews, J.L.

Matthews, J.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beach, S.R.: Designing and Evaluating Quality of Life Technologies: An...
     with: Courtney, K.L.: Designing and Evaluating Quality of Life Technologies:...
     with: de Vito Dabbs, A.J.: Designing and Evaluating Quality of Life Technolo...
     with: Schulz, R.: Designing and Evaluating Quality of Life Technologies: An ...

Matthews, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Daly, S.: Face-based visually-optimized image sequence coding
     with: Huang, G.: Lensless imaging by compressive sensing
     with: Jiang, H.: Lensless imaging by compressive sensing
     with: Ribas Corbera, J.: Face-based visually-optimized image sequence coding
     with: Wilford, P.A.: Lensless imaging by compressive sensing

Matthews, K.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ge, J.Q.: Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social simula...
     with: Gimona, A.: Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social simu...
     with: Hare, M.P.: Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social simu...
     with: Polhill, J.G.: Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social s...
     with: Salt, D.: Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social simula...
     with: Yeluripati, J.: Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social ...

Matthews, K.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Daly, S.J.: Method for adapting quantization in video coding using fac...
     with: Namazi, N.M.: Bayes Decision Test for Detecting Uncovered Background a...
     with: Qian, R.J.: robust real-time face tracking algorithm, A
     with: Ribas Corbera, J.: Method for adapting quantization in video coding us...
     with: Sezan, M.I.: robust real-time face tracking algorithm, A

Matthews, K.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gunturk, B.: Image Retrieval using Canonical Cyclic String Representat...
     with: Soysal, O.M.: Image Retrieval using Canonical Cyclic String Representa...

Matthews, K.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duff, M.J.B.: CLIP7A Image Processor, The
     with: Fountain, T.J.: CLIP7A Image Processor, The

Matthews, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beeler, T.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with ...
     with: Blanco, R.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An o...
     with: Boato, G.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An op...
     with: Buhler, M.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with ...
     with: Chai, M.L.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with ...
     with: Comas Massague, A.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generati...
     with: Costanzo, A.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An...
     with: Demidova, E.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An...
     with: Dupplaw, D.P.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: A...
     with: Durand, F.: Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with ...
     with: Fontani, M.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An ...
     with: Freeman, B.: Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with...
     with: Gao, R.Q.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with a...
     with: Gotardo, P.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with...
     with: Griffiths, T.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: A...
     with: Hare, J.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An ope...
     with: Hashemi, M.: CUF: Continuous Upsampling Filters
     with: Jampani, V.: Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with...
     with: Jia, X.: Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with Dif...
     with: Johansson, R.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: A...
     with: Lagun, D.: Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with D...
     with: Lagun, D.: LOLNeRF: Learn from One Look
     with: Lagun, D.: MELON: NeRF with Unposed Images in SO(3)
     with: Levy, A.: MELON: NeRF with Unposed Images in SO(3)
     with: Lewis, P.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An op...
     with: Li, Y.Z.: Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with Di...
     with: Minack, E.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: An o...
     with: Moschitti, A.: Information extraction from multimedia web documents: A...
     with: Orts Escolano, S.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generatio...
     with: Oztireli, C.: CUF: Continuous Upsampling Filters
     with: Qiu, D.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with a C...
     with: Raj, A.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with a C...
     with: Rebain, D.: LOLNeRF: Learn from One Look
     with: Sela, M.: MELON: NeRF with Unposed Images in SO(3)
     with: Sharma, P.: Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with ...
     with: Swersky, K.: CUF: Continuous Upsampling Filters
     with: Tagliasacchi, A.: CUF: Continuous Upsampling Filters
     with: Tagliasacchi, A.: LOLNeRF: Learn from One Look
     with: Vasconcelos, C.N.: CUF: Continuous Upsampling Filters
     with: Wetzstein, G.: MELON: NeRF with Unposed Images in SO(3)
     with: Xu, Q.: Magicmirror: Fast and High-quality Avatar Generation with a Co...
     with: Yi, K.M.: LOLNeRF: Learn from One Look
42 for Matthews, M.

Matthews, M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bernard, S.: Characterizing the Absorption Properties for Remote Sensi...

Matthews, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chalmers, C.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using ...
     with: Fergus, P.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Ca...
     with: Longmore, S.N.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Usin...
     with: Mudde, J.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Cam...
     with: Nuseibeh, A.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using ...
     with: Stephens, P.A.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Usin...
     with: Sutherland, C.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Usin...
     with: Walsh, N.D.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using C...
     with: Wich, S.: Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Came...
9 for Matthews, N.

Matthews, P.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, W.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: Cook, S.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: de Marvao, A.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: Glocker, B.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: O'Regan, D.P.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: Oktay, O.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: Passerat Palmbach, J.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR I...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: Schuh, A.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: Suzuki, H.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
     with: Tarroni, G.: Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
11 for Matthews, P.M.

Matthews, R.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barbrook Johnson, P.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-e...
     with: Bithell, M.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological...
     with: Giupponi, C.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecologica...
     with: Gotts, N.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological s...
     with: Hallier, M.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological...
     with: Hofstede, G.J.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecologi...
     with: Le Page, C.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological...
     with: Lippe, M.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological s...
     with: Natalini, D.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecologica...
     with: Schluter, M.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecologica...
     with: Smith, P.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological s...
     with: Teglio, A.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological ...
     with: Thellmann, K.: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecologic...
13 for Matthews, R.B.

Matthews, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adams, B.: Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Eva...
     with: Hix, D.M.: Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Eva...
     with: Iverson, L.: Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An E...
     with: Peters, M.: Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Ev...
     with: Prasad, A.: Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Ev...

Matthews, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arnaud, Y.: Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case Stud...
     with: Bessin, Z.: Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case Stud...
     with: Brun, F.: Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case Study ...
     with: Dedieu, J.P.: Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case St...
     with: Esteves, M.: Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case Stu...
     with: Maurer, J.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount E...
     with: Niranjan, M.: Enriching Texture Analysis with Semantic Data
     with: Nixon, M.S.: Enriching Texture Analysis with Semantic Data
     with: Panday, P.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount E...
     with: Pelto, M.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount Ev...
     with: Perry, B.: Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case Study...
     with: Perry, L.B.: Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount ...
     with: Wagnon, P.: Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case Stud...
13 for Matthews, T.

Matthews, T.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anastasio, M.A.: Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method...
     with: Anastasio, M.A.: Forward-Adjoint Operator Pair Based on the Elastic Wa...
     with: Anastasio, M.A.: Parameterized Joint Reconstruction of the Initial Pre...
     with: Garcia Uribe, A.: Forward-Adjoint Operator Pair Based on the Elastic W...
     with: Li, L.: Parameterized Joint Reconstruction of the Initial Pressure and...
     with: Mitsuhashi, K.: Forward-Adjoint Operator Pair Based on the Elastic Wav...
     with: Poudel, J.: Forward-Adjoint Operator Pair Based on the Elastic Wave Eq...
     with: Poudel, J.: Parameterized Joint Reconstruction of the Initial Pressure...
     with: Sheng, Q.W.: Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method for...
     with: Wang, K.: Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method for Ph...
     with: Wang, L.H.V.: Forward-Adjoint Operator Pair Based on the Elastic Wave ...
     with: Wang, L.H.V.: Parameterized Joint Reconstruction of the Initial Pressu...
     with: Wang, L.V.: Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method for ...
     with: Xia, J.: Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method for Pho...
     with: Zhu, L.: Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method for Pho...
15 for Matthews, T.P.

Matthey, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hill, F.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learning
     with: Hudson, D.A.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Lea...
     with: Jaegle, A.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learn...
     with: Lampinen, A.K.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation L...
     with: Lerchner, A.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Lea...
     with: Malinowski, M.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation L...
     with: McClelland, J.L.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation...
     with: Zoran, D.: SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learning
8 for Matthey, L.

Matthiassen, J.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aanæs, H.: Using a Robotic Arm for Measuring BRDFs
     with: Dahl, A.B.: Using a Robotic Arm for Measuring BRDFs
     with: Frisvad, J.R.: Using a Robotic Arm for Measuring BRDFs
     with: Lyngby, R.A.: Using a Robotic Arm for Measuring BRDFs

Matthies, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, H.: 3D model based vehicle classification in aerial imagery
     with: Khan, S.M.: 3D model based vehicle classification in aerial imagery
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: 3D model based vehicle classification in aerial imagery

Matthies, L.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, S.: Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 2003 M...
     with: Albrektsen, S.: Inertial Optical Flow for Throw-and-Go Micro Air Vehic...
     with: Alex, M.: Head pose estimation using multilinear subspace analysis for...
     with: Anderson, C.H.: Near real-time stereo vision system
     with: Angelova, A.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Angelova, A.: Fast Terrain Classification Using Variable-Length Repres...
     with: Ansar, A.: Enhanced real-time stereo using bilateral filtering
     with: Archinal, B.A.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic ...
     with: Arvidson, R.E.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic ...
     with: Bajracharya, M.: Gamma-SLAM: Using Stereo Vision and Variance Grid Map...
     with: Bell, J.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappin...
     with: Brockers, R.: Gaussian Mixture Models for Temporal Depth Fusion
     with: Brockers, R.: Image-Based Visual Perception and Representation for Col...
     with: Brockers, R.: Inertial Optical Flow for Throw-and-Go Micro Air Vehicles
     with: Brockers, R.: Towards Autonomous Navigation of Miniature UAV
     with: Brodyagina, E.: Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 200...
     with: Castano, A.: Enhanced real-time stereo using bilateral filtering
     with: Chen, B.: Stereo Vision, Residual Image Processing and Mars Rover Loca...
     with: Chen, W.: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 20...
     with: Cheng, Y.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Cheng, Y.: Design Through Operation of an Image-Based Velocity Estimat...
     with: Cheng, Y.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappi...
     with: Cheng, Y.: MER-DIMES: A Planetary Landing Application of Computer Vision
     with: Cheng, Y.: Stereovision Bias Removal by Autocorrelation
     with: Cigla, C.: Gaussian Mixture Models for Temporal Depth Fusion
     with: Cigla, C.: Image-Based Visual Perception and Representation for Collis...
     with: Cigla, C.: Onboard Stereo Vision for Drone Pursuit or Sense and Avoid
     with: Cottrell, G.W.: Gamma-SLAM: Using Stereo Vision and Variance Grid Maps...
     with: Crumpler, L.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Ma...
     with: Di, K.: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 2003...
     with: Di, K.C.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappin...
     with: Di, K.C.: Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 2003 Mars...
     with: Di, K.C.: Visual terrain mapping for Mars exploration
     with: Ely, T.A.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappi...
     with: Fossum, E.R.: Multiresolution Image Sensor
     with: Goguen, J.: Design Through Operation of an Image-Based Velocity Estima...
     with: Goldberg, S.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Goldberg, S.B.: Stereo and IMU assisted visual odometry on an OMAP3530...
     with: Golombek, M.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Ma...
     with: Graat, E.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappi...
     with: Grandjean, P.: Perception Control for Obstacle Detection by a Cross Co...
     with: Grandjean, P.: Stochastic Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Obsta...
     with: Grant, J.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappi...
     with: Greeley, R.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Map...
     with: Guinn, J.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappi...
     with: He, S.: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 2003...
     with: Helmick, D.: Fast Terrain Classification Using Variable-Length Represe...
     with: Howard, A.: Gamma-SLAM: Using Stereo Vision and Variance Grid Maps for...
     with: Howard, A.B.: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations i...
     with: Huertas, A.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Huertas, A.: Stereo-Based Tree Traversability Analysis for Autonomous ...
     with: Hummenberger, M.: Towards Autonomous Navigation of Miniature UAV
     with: Ivanov, T.: Head pose estimation using multilinear subspace analysis f...
     with: Johnson, A.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Johnson, A.: Design Through Operation of an Image-Based Velocity Estim...
     with: Johnson, A.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Map...
     with: Johnson, A.: MER-DIMES: A Planetary Landing Application of Computer Vi...
     with: Johnson, E.: Crater detection for autonomous landing on asteroids
     with: Kanade, T.: Incremental Estimation of Dense Depth Maps from Image Sequ...
     with: Kanade, T.: Kalman Filter-based Algorithms for Estimating Depth from I...
     with: Kemeny, S.E.: Multiresolution Image Sensor
     with: Kirk, R.L.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mapp...
     with: Leger, C.: Design Through Operation of an Image-Based Velocity Estimat...
     with: Leroy, B.: Crater detection for autonomous landing on asteroids
     with: Li, R.: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 2003...
     with: Li, R.X.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappin...
     with: Li, R.X.: Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 2003 Mars...
     with: Li, R.X.: Visual terrain mapping for Mars exploration
     with: Maimone, M.W.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Maimone, M.W.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic M...
     with: Maimone, M.W.: Robust Stereo Ego-Motion for Long Distance Navigation
     with: Malin, M.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappi...
     with: Manduchi, R.: From cross-country autonomous navigation to intelligent ...
     with: Marais, D.J.D.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic ...
     with: Marks, T.K.: Gamma-SLAM: Using Stereo Vision and Variance Grid Maps fo...
     with: Medioni, G.: Crater detection for autonomous landing on asteroids
     with: Olson, C.F.: Computing Depth Maps from Descent Imagery
     with: Olson, C.F.: Maximum Likelihood Rover Localization by Matching Range M...
     with: Olson, C.F.: Robust Stereo Ego-Motion for Long Distance Navigation
     with: Olson, C.F.: Visual terrain mapping for Mars exploration
     with: Owens, K.: Passive Night Vision Sensor Comparison for Unmanned Ground ...
     with: Pain, B.: Multiresolution Image Sensor
     with: Panicacci, R.: Multiresolution Image Sensor
     with: Parker, T.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mapp...
     with: Perona, P.: Fast Terrain Classification Using Variable-Length Represen...
     with: Petrescu, J.: Stereo Vision, Residual Image Processing and Mars Rover ...
     with: Pollara, F.: From cross-country autonomous navigation to intelligent d...
     with: Rankin, A.: Stereo-Based Tree Traversability Analysis for Autonomous O...
     with: Rothrock, B.: Pooled motion features for first-person videos
     with: Ryoo, M.S.: First-Person Activity Recognition: Feature, Temporal Struc...
     with: Ryoo, M.S.: First-Person Activity Recognition: What Are They Doing to ...
     with: Ryoo, M.S.: Pooled motion features for first-person videos
     with: Sanmartin, M.: Design Through Operation of an Image-Based Velocity Est...
     with: Schoppers, M.J.: Robust Stereo Ego-Motion for Long Distance Navigation
     with: Shafer, S.A.: Error Modelling in Stereo Navigation
     with: Sims, M.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappin...
     with: Soderblom, L.A.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic...
     with: Squyres, S.W.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic M...
     with: Stein, A.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Incremental Estimation of Dense Depth Maps from Image ...
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Kalman Filter-based Algorithms for Estimating Depth fr...
     with: Thakker, R.: Onboard Stereo Vision for Drone Pursuit or Sense and Avoid
     with: Thompson, S.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Ma...
     with: Vasilescu, O.: Head pose estimation using multilinear subspace analysi...
     with: Villalpando, C.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Wang, J.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappin...
     with: Wang, J.: Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 2003 Mars...
     with: Wang, J.: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 20...
     with: Weiss, S.: Inertial Optical Flow for Throw-and-Go Micro Air Vehicles
     with: Weiss, S.: Towards Autonomous Navigation of Miniature UAV
     with: Whelley, P.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Map...
     with: Willson, R.: Computer Vision on Mars
     with: Willson, R.: Design Through Operation of an Image-Based Velocity Estim...
     with: Wright, J.R.: Visual terrain mapping for Mars exploration
     with: Wu, B.: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 2003...
     with: Xiong, Y.: Error Analysis of a Real Time Stereo System
     with: Xiong, Y.L.: Computing Depth Maps from Descent Imagery
     with: Xu, F.L.: Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mappin...
     with: Xu, F.L.: Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 2003 Mars...
125 for Matthies, L.H.

Matthies, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Meershoek, P.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept With Fre...
     with: Navab, N.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept With Freehan...
     with: Pinto, F.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept With Freehan...
     with: Simon, H.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept With Freehan...
     with: van de Velde, C.J.H.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept W...
     with: van der Poel, H.G.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept Wit...
     with: van Leeuwen, F.W.B.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept Wi...
     with: van Oosterom, M.N.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept Wit...
     with: Welling, M.M.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept With Fre...
     with: Wendler, T.: Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept With Freeh...
10 for Matthies, P.

Matthys, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gkonos, C.: Cloud-Based Architectures for Auto-Scalable Web Geoportals...
     with: Hurni, L.: Cloud-Based Architectures for Auto-Scalable Web Geoportals ...
     with: Iosifescu Enescu, C.M.: Cloud-Based Architectures for Auto-Scalable We...
     with: Iosifescu Enescu, I.: Cloud-Based Architectures for Auto-Scalable Web ...

Matthys, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Cock, L.: Animated Spatial Time Machine in Co-Creation: Reconstruct...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Animated Spatial Time Machine in Co-Creation: Reconstru...
     with: van de Weghe, N.: Animated Spatial Time Machine in Co-Creation: Recons...
     with: Vermaut, J.: Animated Spatial Time Machine in Co-Creation: Reconstruct...

Matti, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alahi, A.: Foreground silhouette extraction robust to sudden changes o...
     with: Bagnato, L.: Foreground silhouette extraction robust to sudden changes...
     with: Ekenel, H.K.: Combining LiDAR space clustering and convolutional neura...
     with: Thiran, J.P.: Combining LiDAR space clustering and convolutional neura...
     with: Vandergheynst, P.: Foreground silhouette extraction robust to sudden c...

Matti, E.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nebiker, S.: Geometry and Colour Based Classification of Urban Point C...

Mattia, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Astolfi, L.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning du...
     with: Babiloni, F.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning d...
     with: Cincotti, F.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning d...
     with: Cincotti, F.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Fr...
     with: de Vico Fallani, F.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hypersca...
     with: He, B.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning during ...
     with: Hohne, J.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Frame...
     with: Kubler, A.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Fram...
     with: Leeb, R.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Framew...
     with: Millan, J.D.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Fr...
     with: Muller Putz, G.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces:...
     with: Muller, K.R.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Fr...
     with: Rupp, R.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Framew...
     with: Salinari, S.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning d...
     with: Tangermann, M.: Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: ...
     with: Toppi, J.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning duri...
     with: Vecchiato, G.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning ...
     with: Wilke, C.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning duri...
     with: Yuan, H.: Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning durin...
19 for Mattia, D.

Mattia, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Khaldi, M.M.: Time-Series Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using CYGNSS
     with: Baghdadi, N.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare Soil ...
     with: Baghdadi, N.: Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Mode...
     with: Balenzano, A.: Land cover classification by using multi-temporal COSMO...
     with: Balenzano, A.: Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Inciden...
     with: Balenzano, A.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From V...
     with: Balenzano, A.: Time-Series Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using CYGNSS
     with: Baum, S.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR fo...
     with: Baup, F.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare Soil Surf...
     with: Baup, F.: Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Model fo...
     with: Bayat, B.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR f...
     with: Berg, A.A.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Vege...
     with: Bogena, H.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR ...
     with: Brogi, C.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR f...
     with: Caldwell, T.G.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From ...
     with: Choker, M.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare Soil Su...
     with: Coccia, A.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR ...
     with: Colliander, A.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From ...
     with: Cosh, M.H.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Vege...
     with: Dunbar, R.S.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Ve...
     with: El Hajj, M.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare Soil S...
     with: Floury, N.: Foreword to the Special Issue on Retrieval of Bio- and Geo...
     with: Fluhrer, A.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR...
     with: Guarnieri, A.V.M.: Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Inc...
     with: Impedovo, D.: Land cover classification by using multi-temporal COSMO-...
     with: Jagdhuber, T.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band S...
     with: Jakobi, J.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR ...
     with: Johnson, J.T.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From V...
     with: Johnson, J.T.: Time-Series Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using CYGNSS
     with: Jonard, F.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR ...
     with: Kim, S.B.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Veget...
     with: Koyama, C.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR ...
     with: Lievens, H.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare Soil S...
     with: Lievens, H.: Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Model...
     with: Ma, Y.L.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR fo...
     with: Masalias, G.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SA...
     with: Mengen, D.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR ...
     with: Montzka, C.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR...
     with: Moreira, A.: Foreword to the Special Issue on Retrieval of Bio- and Ge...
     with: O'Brien, A.J.: Time-Series Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using CYGNSS
     with: Ouellette, J.D.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From...
     with: Palmisano, D.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band S...
     with: Palmisano, D.: Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Inciden...
     with: Paloscia, S.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare Soil ...
     with: Paloscia, S.: Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Mode...
     with: Pierdicca, N.: Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Inciden...
     with: Rascher, U.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR...
     with: Satalino, G.: Land cover classification by using multi-temporal COSMO-...
     with: Satalino, G.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SA...
     with: Satalino, G.: Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Incidenc...
     with: Satalino, G.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Ve...
     with: Schmidt, M.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR...
     with: Schumacher, M.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band ...
     with: Schuttemeyer, D.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Ban...
     with: Trinkel, V.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band SAR...
     with: Vereecken, H.: SARSense Campaign: Air- and Space-Borne C- and L-Band S...
     with: Verhoest, N.E.C.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare S...
     with: Verhoest, N.E.C.: Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation ...
     with: Walker, J.P.: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Ve...
     with: Zribi, M.: New Empirical Model for Radar Scattering from Bare Soil Sur...
     with: Zribi, M.: Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Model f...
61 for Mattia, F.

Mattia, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aloisi, M.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidiscip...
     with: Alparone, S.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ M...
     with: Bellomo, S.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Bianco, F.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mul...
     with: Bonaccorso, A.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ...
     with: Branca, S.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano ...
     with: Bruno, V.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidiscipl...
     with: Bruno, V.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano I...
     with: Bruno, V.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mult...
     with: Caltabiano, T.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulc...
     with: Calvari, S.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mu...
     with: Camarda, M.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Capasso, G.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Caputo, T.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mul...
     with: Ciancitto, F.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidis...
     with: Cocina, O.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano ...
     with: Coltelli, M.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcan...
     with: Cristaldi, A.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ ...
     with: d'Auria, L.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mu...
     with: de Cesare, W.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ ...
     with: de Gregorio, S.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vul...
     with: de Martino, P.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidi...
     with: di Grazia, G.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulca...
     with: di Lieto, B.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidisc...
     with: di Lieto, B.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ M...
     with: di Martino, R.M.R.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at ...
     with: Diliberto, I.S.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vul...
     with: Esposito, A.M.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ...
     with: Falsaperla, S.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulc...
     with: Federico, C.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcan...
     with: Ferlito, C.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidisci...
     with: Ferrari, F.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Gambino, S.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidisci...
     with: Gambino, S.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Gambino, S.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mu...
     with: Ganci, G.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidiscipl...
     with: Gattuso, A.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Giudicepietro, F.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In S...
     with: Greco, F.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano I...
     with: Inguaggiato, S.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Sit...
     with: Italiano, F.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcan...
     with: La Pica, L.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Macedonio, G.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ ...
     with: Martini, M.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mu...
     with: Orazi, M.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mult...
     with: Paonita, A.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Paonita, A.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mu...
     with: Pecoraino, G.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulca...
     with: Peluso, R.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mul...
     with: Pisciotta, A.F.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vul...
     with: Privitera, E.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ ...
     with: Pruiti, L.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano ...
     with: Romano, P.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidiscip...
     with: Romano, P.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Mul...
     with: Salerno, G.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Scarpa, R.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidiscip...
     with: Scarpato, G.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ M...
     with: Sciotto, M.: 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidisci...
     with: Sciotto, M.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Sortino, F.: Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano...
     with: Tramelli, A.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ M...
     with: Vita, F.: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Multi...
62 for Mattia, M.

Mattie, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bax, C.: Characterizing Transitions between Successional Stages in a T...
     with: Duan, M.L.: Characterizing Transitions between Successional Stages in ...
     with: Laakso, K.: Characterizing Transitions between Successional Stages in ...
     with: Mashhadi, N.: Characterizing Transitions between Successional Stages i...
     with: Sanchez Azofeifa, A.: Characterizing Transitions between Successional ...

Mattiello, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Galli, A.: Adversarial liveness detector: Leveraging adversarial pertu...
     with: Gravina, M.: Adversarial liveness detector: Leveraging adversarial per...
     with: Marrone, S.: Adversarial liveness detector: Leveraging adversarial per...
     with: Sansone, C.: Adversarial liveness detector: Leveraging adversarial per...

Mattiello, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Battini, M.: Catmeows: A Publicly-available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations
     with: Cannas, S.: Catmeows: A Publicly-available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations
     with: Ludovico, L.A.: Catmeows: A Publicly-available Dataset of Cat Vocaliza...
     with: Ntalampiras, S.: Catmeows: A Publicly-available Dataset of Cat Vocaliz...
     with: Presti, G.: Catmeows: A Publicly-available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations

Mattig, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beilschmidt, C.: efficient aggregation and overlap removal algorithm f...
     with: Fober, T.: efficient aggregation and overlap removal algorithm for cir...
     with: Seeger, B.: efficient aggregation and overlap removal algorithm for ci...

Mattila, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antila, K.: Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set for ...
     with: Koikkalainen, J.: Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Se...
     with: Lauerma, K.: Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set for...
     with: Lilja, M.: Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set for S...
     with: Lotjonen, J.: Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set fo...
     with: Tolli, T.: Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set for S...

Mattila, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hamalainen, M.: China-Finland EduCloud Platform Towards Innovative Edu...
     with: Liu, X.: China-Finland EduCloud Platform Towards Innovative Education
     with: Riekki, J.: China-Finland EduCloud Platform Towards Innovative Education
     with: Yu, X.G.: China-Finland EduCloud Platform Towards Innovative Education
     with: Zhang, W.: China-Finland EduCloud Platform Towards Innovative Education
     with: Zhou, J.: China-Finland EduCloud Platform Towards Innovative Education

Mattila, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Krishnamurthy, V.: Asymptotically Efficient Identification of Known-Se...
     with: Rojas, C.R.: Asymptotically Efficient Identification of Known-Sensor H...
     with: Wahlberg, B.: Asymptotically Efficient Identification of Known-Sensor ...

Mattila, V.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, L.X.: 3D map augmented photo gallery application on mobile device...
     with: Fu, J.S.: 3D map augmented photo gallery application on mobile device, A
     with: Roimela, K.: 3D map augmented photo gallery application on mobile devi...
     with: You, Y.: 3D map augmented photo gallery application on mobile device, A

Mattina, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azevedo, T.: Towards Efficient Point Cloud Graph Neural Networks Throu...
     with: Benzinou, A.: efficient anchor-free method for pig detection, An
     with: Beu, J.: Ternary MobileNets via Per-Layer Hybrid Filter Banks
     with: de Jong, R.: Towards Efficient Point Cloud Graph Neural Networks Throu...
     with: Gope, D.: Ternary MobileNets via Per-Layer Hybrid Filter Banks
     with: Hansen, P.: ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Efficient D...
     with: Hanwell, D.: ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Efficient ...
     with: Imber, J.: ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Efficient De...
     with: Krustalev, Y.: ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Efficien...
     with: Liu, Z.G.: Efficient Residue Number System Based Winograd Convolution
     with: Maji, P.: Towards Efficient Point Cloud Graph Neural Networks Through ...
     with: Nasreddine, K.: efficient anchor-free method for pig detection, An
     with: Richard, F.: efficient anchor-free method for pig detection, An
     with: Tailor, S.A.: Towards Efficient Point Cloud Graph Neural Networks Thro...
     with: Talagala, D.: ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Efficient...
     with: Thakker, U.: Ternary MobileNets via Per-Layer Hybrid Filter Banks
     with: Vilkin, A.: ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Efficient D...
     with: Whatmough, P.N.: ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Effici...
18 for Mattina, M.

Mattingly, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdulaati, L.: Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Afric...
     with: Al Haddad, M.: Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Afric...
     with: Gatto, M.C.: Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Africa ...
     with: Rayne, L.: Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Africa Us...
     with: Sheldrick, N.: Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Afric...
     with: Sterry, M.: Detecting Change at Archaeological Sites in North Africa U...

Mattingly, S.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Booth, B.M.: Toward Robust Stress Prediction in the Age of Wearables: ...
     with: d'Mello, S.K.: Toward Robust Stress Prediction in the Age of Wearables...
     with: Faust, L.: Toward Robust Stress Prediction in the Age of Wearables: Mo...
     with: Martinez, G.J.: Toward Robust Stress Prediction in the Age of Wearable...
     with: Vrzakova, H.: Toward Robust Stress Prediction in the Age of Wearables:...

Mattioli, G.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Braun, J.: CARIB18: A Stable Geodetic Reference Frame for Geological H...
     with: Feaux, K.: CARIB18: A Stable Geodetic Reference Frame for Geological H...
     with: Liu, H.L.: CARIB18: A Stable Geodetic Reference Frame for Geological H...
     with: Miller, M.M.: CARIB18: A Stable Geodetic Reference Frame for Geologica...
     with: Wang, G.Q.: CARIB18: A Stable Geodetic Reference Frame for Geological ...

Mattioli, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huet, F.: textural analysis by mathematical morphology transformations...
     with: Schmitt, M.: On Information Contained in the Erosion Curve

Mattioli, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avbelj, J.: Assessing the Spaceborne 183.31-GHz Radiometric Channel Ge...
     with: Bignami, C.: Calibration of the Envisat Radar Altimeter Receiver by a ...
     with: Cadeddu, M.: Intercomparison of Integrated Water Vapor Measurements at...
     with: Ferrazzoli, P.: Calibration of the Envisat Radar Altimeter Receiver by...
     with: Fionda, E.: Intercomparison of Integrated Water Vapor Measurements at ...
     with: Greco, B.: Calibration of the Envisat Radar Altimeter Receiver by a Pa...
     with: Marzano, F.S.: Assessing the Spaceborne 183.31-GHz Radiometric Channel...
     with: Pacione, R.: Intercomparison of Integrated Water Vapor Measurements at...
     with: Papa, M.: Assessing the Spaceborne 183.31-GHz Radiometric Channel Geol...
     with: Pierdicca, N.: Calibration of the Envisat Radar Altimeter Receiver by ...
     with: Pulvirenti, L.: Calibration of the Envisat Radar Altimeter Receiver by...
11 for Mattioli, V.

Mattioli, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Innocenti, S.: Potential of ALOS2 Polarimetric Imagery to Support Mana...
     with: Laurin, G.V.: Potential of ALOS2 Polarimetric Imagery to Support Manag...
     with: Lombardo, E.: Potential of ALOS2 Polarimetric Imagery to Support Manag...
     with: Puletti, N.: Potential of ALOS2 Polarimetric Imagery to Support Manage...
     with: Valentini, R.: Potential of ALOS2 Polarimetric Imagery to Support Mana...

Mattis, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdullaev, S.F.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan D...
     with: Abril Gago, J.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Du...
     with: Ajtai, N.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Ev...
     with: Baars, H.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Ev...
     with: Balis, D.: Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Products w...
     with: Balis, D.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Ev...
     with: Bortoli, D.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust ...
     with: Bravo Aranda, J.A.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Sahara...
     with: Collaud Coen, M.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan ...
     with: d'Amico, G.: Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Products...
     with: de Rosa, B.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust ...
     with: Dionisi, D.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust ...
     with: Eleftheratos, K.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan ...
     with: Engelmann, R.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dus...
     with: Floutsi, A.A.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dus...
     with: Gidarakou, M.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dus...
     with: Giuliano, G.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust...
     with: Goloub, P.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust E...
     with: Guma Claramunt, P.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Sahara...
     with: Hofer, J.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Ev...
     with: Hu, Q.Y.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Eve...
     with: Komppula, M.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust...
     with: Marinou, E.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust ...
     with: Martucci, G.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust...
     with: Michailidis, K.: Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Prod...
     with: Michailidis, K.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan D...
     with: Munoz Porcar, C.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan ...
     with: Mylonaki, M.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust...
     with: Mytilinaios, M.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan D...
     with: Nicolae, D.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust ...
     with: Papanikolaou, C.A.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Sahara...
     with: Papayannis, A.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Du...
     with: Rodriguez Gomez, A.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Sahar...
     with: Salgueiro, V.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dus...
     with: Shang, X.X.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust ...
     with: Siomos, N.: Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Products ...
     with: Stachlewska, I.S.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan...
     with: Stefanie, H.I.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Du...
     with: Szczepanik, D.M.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan ...
     with: Trickl, T.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust E...
     with: Vogelmann, H.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dus...
     with: Voudouri, K.A.: Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Produ...
     with: Voudouri, K.A.: Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Du...
43 for Mattis, I.

Mattisson, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, H.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densificati...
     with: Harrie, L.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densific...
     with: Kanters, J.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densifi...
     with: Kong, G.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densificat...
     with: Nezval, P.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densific...
     with: Olsson, P.O.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densif...
     with: Pantazatou, K.: 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Dens...
7 for Mattisson, K.

Mattiuzzi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atzberger, C.: Estimation of Climatologies of Average Monthly Air Temp...
     with: Atzberger, C.: Phenological Metrics Derived over the European Continen...
     with: Bauer, T.: Analysing Phenological Characteristics Extracted from Lands...
     with: Bussink, C.: Analysing Phenological Characteristics Extracted from Lan...
     with: Erdenedalai, A.: Estimation of Climatologies of Average Monthly Air Te...
     with: Klisch, A.: Phenological Metrics Derived over the European Continent f...
     with: Otgonbayar, M.: Estimation of Climatologies of Average Monthly Air Tem...
     with: Vuolo, F.: Phenological Metrics Derived over the European Continent fr...
8 for Mattiuzzi, M.

Mattivi, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Marchi, M.: Can Commercial Low-Cost Drones and Open-Source GIS Tech...
     with: Mandolesi, L.: Can Commercial Low-Cost Drones and Open-Source GIS Tech...
     with: Masin, R.: Can Commercial Low-Cost Drones and Open-Source GIS Technolo...
     with: Nikolic, N.: Can Commercial Low-Cost Drones and Open-Source GIS Techno...
     with: Pappalardo, S.E.: Can Commercial Low-Cost Drones and Open-Source GIS T...
     with: Persichetti, A.: Can Commercial Low-Cost Drones and Open-Source GIS Te...

Mattivi, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babaguchi, N.: Abandoned Object's Owner Detection: A Case Study of Hyb...
     with: Dao, M.S.: Abandoned Object's Owner Detection: A Case Study of Hybrid ...
     with: de Natale, F.G.B.: Abandoned Object's Owner Detection: A Case Study of...
     with: de Natale, F.G.B.: Categorization of a collection of pictures into str...
     with: Masui, K.: Abandoned Object's Owner Detection: A Case Study of Hybrid ...
     with: Sebe, N.: Categorization of a collection of pictures into structured e...
     with: Shao, L.: Feature detector and descriptor evaluation in human action r...
     with: Shao, L.: Human Action Recognition Using LBP-TOP as Sparse Spatio-Temp...
     with: Uijlings, J.: Categorization of a collection of pictures into structur...
9 for Mattivi, R.

Mattjie, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barros, R.C.: Order embeddings and character-level convolutions for mu...
     with: Wehrmann, J.: Order embeddings and character-level convolutions for mu...

Mattmann, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pankratius, V.: Computing in Astronomy: To See the Unseen

Mattmann, C.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Allen, A.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Bogert, F.A.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Cinquini, L.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: de Jong, E.M.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Hart, A.F.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Holdener, J.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Jones, D.L.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Khudikyan, S.E.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Lazio, J.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Shamir, L.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Smith, N.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Teuben, P.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Thompson, D.R.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
     with: Wagstaff, K.L.: Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
14 for Mattmann, C.A.

Mattoccia, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: A, Y.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and Tr...
     with: Adams, W.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Adams, W.J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Addimanda, E.: Classification and evaluation of cost aggregation metho...
     with: Addimanda, E.: Near real-time stereo based on effective cost aggregation
     with: Aleotti, F.: Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understanding...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
     with: Aleotti, F.: Enabling monocular depth perception at the very edge
     with: Aleotti, F.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Monocula...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Learning Monocular Depth Estimation Infusing Traditional ...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Learning optical flow from still images
     with: Aleotti, F.: Leveraging a weakly adversarial paradigm for joint learni...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge A...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Neural Disparity Refinement
     with: Aleotti, F.: Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution Stereo
     with: Aleotti, F.: On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning E...
     with: Aleotti, F.: On the Uncertainty of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Est...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Real-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Reversing the Cycle: Self-supervised Deep Stereo Through ...
     with: Aleotti, F.: Self-adapting Confidence Estimation for Stereo
     with: Aleotti, F.: Sensor-Guided Optical Flow
     with: Andraghetti, L.: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation ...
     with: Anwar, A.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Arrigoni, F.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Traditional Computer V...
     with: Azzari, P.: Evaluation Methodology for Image Mosaicing Algorithms, An
     with: Azzari, P.: Markerless Augmented Reality Using Image Mosaics
     with: Balasso, M.: Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Inter...
     with: Bartoli, A.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Traditional Computer Vi...
     with: Bartolomei, L.: Active Stereo Without Pattern Projector
     with: Bartolomei, L.: Lidar-Event Stereo Fusion with Hallucinations
     with: Bartolomei, L.: Revisiting Depth Completion from a Stereo Matching Per...
     with: Batsos, K.: On the Synergies Between Machine Learning and Binocular St...
     with: Benincasa, A.: Beyond Local Reasoning for Stereo Confidence Estimation...
     with: Berardocco, C.: Complete Fos Approach for Indoor Crowdsourced Mapping:...
     with: Boschini, M.: Improving the reliability of 3D people tracking system b...
     with: Bowden, R.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Bowden, R.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Cabeza, R.: Linear stereo matching
     with: Cai, C.: Matching-space Stereo Networks for Cross-domain Generalization
     with: Calimera, A.: Enabling monocular depth perception at the very edge
     with: Calimera, A.: Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge ...
     with: Cambareri, V.: Depth on Demand: Streaming Dense Depth from a Low Frame...
     with: Cambareri, V.: Range-Agnostic Multi-View Depth Estimation with Keyfram...
     with: Cao, Z.G.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Casadio, M.: Compact 3D Camera Suited for Mobile and Embedded Vision A...
     with: Cham, W.K.: Performance Evaluation of Full Search Equivalent Pattern M...
     with: Chen, H.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Chen, X.Z.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Cheng, J.H.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Cheng, K.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Cipolletta, A.: Enabling monocular depth perception at the very edge
     with: Cipolletta, A.: Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edg...
     with: Cong, H.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Conti, A.: Active Stereo Without Pattern Projector
     with: Conti, A.: Depth on Demand: Streaming Dense Depth from a Low Frame Rat...
     with: Conti, A.: Lidar-Event Stereo Fusion with Hallucinations
     with: Conti, A.: Range-Agnostic Multi-View Depth Estimation with Keyframe Se...
     with: Conti, A.: Revisiting Depth Completion from a Stereo Matching Perspect...
     with: Conti, A.: Sparsity Agnostic Depth Completion
     with: Cortelazzo, G.M.: Locally Consistent ToF and Stereo Data Fusion
     with: Cortelazzo, G.M.: Scene Segmentation Assisted by Stereo Vision
     with: Costanzino, A.: Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular...
     with: Costanzino, A.: Learning Depth Estimation for Transparent and Mirror S...
     with: Costanzino, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specul...
     with: Costanzino, A.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specul...
     with: Dai, Y.C.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Dal Mutto, C.: KCNN: Extremely-Efficient Hardware Keypoint Detection w...
     with: de Maeztu, L.: Linear stereo matching
     with: Deng, P.: Depth Restoration in Under-Display Time-of-Flight Imaging
     with: Deng, P.C.: RGB Guided ToF Imaging System: A Survey of Deep Learning-B...
     with: di Febbo, P.: KCNN: Extremely-Efficient Hardware Keypoint Detection wi...
     with: di Stefano, L.: 3D reconstruction system based on improved spacetime s...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Algorithm for Efficient and Exhaustive Template Matchi...
     with: di Stefano, L.: change-detection algorithm based on structure and colo...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Change-Detection Algorithm Enabling Intelligent Backgr...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Classification and evaluation of cost aggregation meth...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Continual Adaptation for Deep Stereo
     with: di Stefano, L.: Cross-Spectral Neural Radiance Fields
     with: di Stefano, L.: Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
     with: di Stefano, L.: Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understand...
     with: di Stefano, L.: efficient algorithm for exhaustive template matching b...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Efficient and optimal block matching for motion estima...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Efficient template matching for multi-channel images
     with: di Stefano, L.: Enhanced Low-Resolution Pruning for Fast Full-Search T...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Evaluation Methodology for Image Mosaicing Algorithms,...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
     with: di Stefano, L.: Fast Full-Search Equivalent Template Matching by Enhan...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Fast template matching using bounded partial correlation
     with: di Stefano, L.: Full-Search-Equivalent Pattern Matching with Increment...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Geometry Meets Semantics for Semi-supervised Monocular...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Graffiti Detection Using a Time-Of-Flight Camera
     with: di Stefano, L.: Graffiti Detection Using Two Views
     with: di Stefano, L.: Learning Depth Estimation for Transparent and Mirror S...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Markerless Augmented Reality Using Image Mosaics
     with: di Stefano, L.: Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in In...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Near real-time stereo based on effective cost aggregat...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Neural Disparity Refinement
     with: di Stefano, L.: Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution S...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Non-linear parametric Bayesian regression for robust b...
     with: di Stefano, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specul...
     with: di Stefano, L.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specul...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Open Challenges in Deep Stereo: the Booster Dataset
     with: di Stefano, L.: Performance Evaluation of Full Search Equivalent Patte...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Real-Time Self-Adaptive Deep Stereo
     with: di Stefano, L.: Real-Time Stereo within the VIDET Project
     with: di Stefano, L.: Reliable rejection of mismatching candidates for effic...
     with: di Stefano, L.: RGB-Multispectral Matching: Dataset, Learning Methodol...
     with: di Stefano, L.: robust measure for visual correspondence, A
     with: di Stefano, L.: Segmentation-Based Adaptive Support for Accurate Stere...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Stereo for robots: Quantitative evaluation of efficien...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Stereo Vision Enabling Precise Border Localization Wit...
     with: di Stefano, L.: sufficient condition based on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequ...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Template Analysis Methodology to Improve the Efficienc...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Template Matching Based on the L_p Norm Using Sufficie...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Temporal filtering of disparity measurements
     with: di Stefano, L.: Unsupervised Adaptation for Deep Stereo
     with: di Stefano, L.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Depth Prediction fr...
     with: di Stefano, L.: ZNCC-based template matching using bounded partial cor...
     with: Dong, J.X.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular a...
     with: Dovesi, P.L.: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation wit...
     with: Elder, J.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Elder, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Fan, R.: Contrastive Learning for Depth Prediction
     with: Fusiello, A.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Traditional Computer V...
     with: Gambini, A.: Accurate and Efficient Cost Aggregation Strategy for Ster...
     with: Ge, C.Y.: Depth Restoration in Under-Display Time-of-Flight Imaging
     with: Ge, C.Y.: Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-frequ...
     with: Ge, C.Y.: RGB Guided ToF Imaging System: A Survey of Deep Learning-Bas...
     with: Geng, H.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Giardino, S.: Accurate and Efficient Cost Aggregation Strategy for Ste...
     with: Graf, E.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Graf, E.W.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Grimaldi, S.: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
     with: Grimaldi, S.: Optical Tracking Velocimetry (OTV): Leveraging Optical F...
     with: Guo, X.: CompletionFormer: Depth Completion with Convolutions and Visi...
     with: Guo, X.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a Vi...
     with: Gupta, A.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Hadfield, S.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Hadfield, S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: He, Z.D.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Hoa, H.T.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Hossain, S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Huang, A.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Huang, G.: CompletionFormer: Depth Completion with Convolutions and Vi...
     with: Huang, G.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a ...
     with: Huang, H.W.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Huang, J.M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Huang, S.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Huang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Huang, Z.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Hwang, J.N.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Jaiswal, S.I.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specula...
     with: Jakhetiya, V.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specula...
     with: Jiang, H.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Jiang, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Jin, Y.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Jin, Y.X.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Jing, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Ke, B.X.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Kim, S.: On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Era: ...
     with: Lan, L.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and ...
     with: Lanza, A.: Graffiti Detection Using Two Views
     with: Lanza, A.: Non-linear parametric Bayesian regression for robust backgr...
     with: Li, B.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Li, C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and T...
     with: Li, C.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Li, D.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Li, D.Z.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Li, J.Q.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Li, P.Z.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Liu, H.I.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Liu, T.Q.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Liu, Y.C.X.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Luque, B.: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with T...
     with: Macri', P.: 3D Glasses as Mobility Aid for Visually Impaired People
     with: Mainetti, A.: 3D reconstruction system based on improved spacetime ste...
     with: Marchio, I.: Compact 3D Camera Suited for Mobile and Embedded Vision A...
     with: Marchionni, M.: Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
     with: Marchionni, M.: Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
     with: Marin, G.: Reliable Fusion of ToF and Stereo Depth Driven by Confidenc...
     with: Mascitelli, A.: Complete Fos Approach for Indoor Crowdsourced Mapping:...
     with: Mazzoni, A.: Complete Fos Approach for Indoor Crowdsourced Mapping: Ca...
     with: Mercelis, S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Metzger, N.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Min, D.B.: On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Era...
     with: Mistry, S.K.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular...
     with: Mola, M.: change-detection algorithm based on structure and colour, A
     with: Mola, M.: Change-Detection Algorithm Enabling Intelligent Background M...
     with: Mola, M.: efficient algorithm for exhaustive template matching based o...
     with: Monti, S.: Graffiti Detection Using Two Views
     with: Mordohai, P.: Matching-space Stereo Networks for Cross-domain Generali...
     with: Mordohai, P.: On the Synergies Between Machine Learning and Binocular ...
     with: Muscoloni, A.: Real-time tracking with an embedded 3D camera with FPGA...
     with: Mutto, C.D.: Locally Consistent ToF and Stereo Data Fusion
     with: Mutto, C.D.: Scene Segmentation Assisted by Stereo Vision
     with: Myriokefalitakis, P.: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estima...
     with: Nam, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Nanni, L.: Crosswalk Recognition Through Point-Cloud Processing and De...
     with: Neri, G.: Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
     with: Neri, G.: Temporal filtering of disparity measurements
     with: Neri, O.: Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
     with: Ning, Y.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Obukhov, A.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Ouyang, W.L.: Performance Evaluation of Full Search Equivalent Pattern...
     with: Pajdla, T.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Traditional Computer Vis...
     with: Pallotti, D.: Guided Stereo Matching
     with: Peluso, V.: Enabling monocular depth perception at the very edge
     with: Peluso, V.: Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge Ap...
     with: Peng, Y.H.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular a...
     with: Piccinni, D.: Temporal filtering of disparity measurements
     with: Pieropan, A.: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation wit...
     with: Pignoloni, M.: Efficient and optimal block matching for motion estimat...
     with: Piscopia, R.: Optical Tracking Velocimetry (OTV): Leveraging Optical F...
     with: Poggi, M.: Active Stereo Without Pattern Projector
     with: Poggi, M.: Beyond Local Reasoning for Stereo Confidence Estimation wit...
     with: Poggi, M.: Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular and ...
     with: Poggi, M.: CompletionFormer: Depth Completion with Convolutions and Vi...
     with: Poggi, M.: Continual Adaptation for Deep Stereo
     with: Poggi, M.: Contrastive Learning for Depth Prediction
     with: Poggi, M.: Cross-Spectral Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Poggi, M.: Crosswalk Recognition Through Point-Cloud Processing and De...
     with: Poggi, M.: Deep Stereo Fusion: Combining Multiple Disparity Hypotheses...
     with: Poggi, M.: Depth on Demand: Streaming Dense Depth from a Low Frame Rat...
     with: Poggi, M.: Depth Restoration in Under-Display Time-of-Flight Imaging
     with: Poggi, M.: Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-freq...
     with: Poggi, M.: Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understanding f...
     with: Poggi, M.: Efficient Confidence Measures for Embedded Stereo
     with: Poggi, M.: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
     with: Poggi, M.: Enabling monocular depth perception at the very edge
     with: Poggi, M.: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with T...
     with: Poggi, M.: Evaluation of variants of the SGM algorithm aimed at implem...
     with: Poggi, M.: Even More Confident Predictions with Deep Machine-Learning
     with: Poggi, M.: GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Est...
     with: Poggi, M.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Monocular ...
     with: Poggi, M.: Geometry Meets Semantics for Semi-supervised Monocular Dept...
     with: Poggi, M.: GO-SLAM: Global Optimization for Consistent 3D Instant Reco...
     with: Poggi, M.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Traditional Computer Visi...
     with: Poggi, M.: Guided Stereo Matching
     with: Poggi, M.: Improving the reliability of 3D people tracking system by m...
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning a confidence measure in the disparity domain from ...
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning a General-Purpose Confidence Measure Based on O(1)...
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning Depth Estimation for Transparent and Mirror Surfaces
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning from scratch a confidence measure
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning Monocular Depth Estimation Infusing Traditional St...
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning Monocular Depth Estimation with Unsupervised Trino...
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning optical flow from still images
     with: Poggi, M.: Learning to Predict Stereo Reliability Enforcing Local Cons...
     with: Poggi, M.: Leveraging a weakly adversarial paradigm for joint learning...
     with: Poggi, M.: Lidar-Event Stereo Fusion with Hallucinations
     with: Poggi, M.: Matching-space Stereo Networks for Cross-domain Generalizat...
     with: Poggi, M.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Poggi, M.: Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge App...
     with: Poggi, M.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a ...
     with: Poggi, M.: Neural Disparity Refinement
     with: Poggi, M.: Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution Stereo
     with: Poggi, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Poggi, M.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Poggi, M.: On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Era...
     with: Poggi, M.: On the Synergies Between Machine Learning and Binocular Ste...
     with: Poggi, M.: On the Uncertainty of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estim...
     with: Poggi, M.: Open Challenges in Deep Stereo: the Booster Dataset
     with: Poggi, M.: Quantitative Evaluation of Confidence Measures in a Machine...
     with: Poggi, M.: Range-Agnostic Multi-View Depth Estimation with Keyframe Se...
     with: Poggi, M.: Real-Time Self-Adaptive Deep Stereo
     with: Poggi, M.: Real-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Withou...
     with: Poggi, M.: Reversing the Cycle: Self-supervised Deep Stereo Through En...
     with: Poggi, M.: Revisiting Depth Completion from a Stereo Matching Perspect...
     with: Poggi, M.: RGB Guided ToF Imaging System: A Survey of Deep Learning-Ba...
     with: Poggi, M.: RGB-Multispectral Matching: Dataset, Learning Methodology, ...
     with: Poggi, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Poggi, M.: Self-adapting Confidence Estimation for Stereo
     with: Poggi, M.: Sensor-Guided Optical Flow
     with: Poggi, M.: Sparsity Agnostic Depth Completion
     with: Poggi, M.: Unsupervised Adaptation for Deep Stereo
     with: Poggi, M.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Depth Prediction from Im...
     with: Qi, X.H.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Qian, C.S.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Qian, C.S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Qiao, X.: Depth Restoration in Under-Display Time-of-Flight Imaging
     with: Qiao, X.: Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-frequ...
     with: Qiao, X.: RGB Guided ToF Imaging System: A Survey of Deep Learning-Bas...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular ...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Cross-Spectral Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understandi...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Geometry Meets Semantics for Semi-supervised Monocular ...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Learning Depth Estimation for Transparent and Mirror Su...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Neural Disparity Refinement
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution St...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specula...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specula...
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: Open Challenges in Deep Stereo: the Booster Dataset
     with: Ramirez, P.Z.: RGB-Multispectral Matching: Dataset, Learning Methodolo...
     with: Ravanelli, M.: Complete Fos Approach for Indoor Crowdsourced Mapping: ...
     with: Regoli, F.: Template Analysis Methodology to Improve the Efficiency of...
     with: Ren, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Ries, F.: Near real-time Fast Bilateral Stereo on the GPU
     with: Rocca, M.: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
     with: Russell, C.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Russell, C.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Saini, S.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Salti, S.: Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular and ...
     with: Salti, S.: Cross-Spectral Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Salti, S.: Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understanding f...
     with: Salti, S.: Neural Disparity Refinement
     with: Salti, S.: Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution Stereo
     with: Salti, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Salti, S.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Salti, S.: Open Challenges in Deep Stereo: the Booster Dataset
     with: Salti, S.: RGB-Multispectral Matching: Dataset, Learning Methodology, ...
     with: Sattler, T.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Traditional Computer Vi...
     with: Schindler, K.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specula...
     with: Schofield, A.J.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Schofield, A.J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Shi, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and ...
     with: Shi, J.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and ...
     with: Shukla, A.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular a...
     with: Sohn, K.H.: On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Er...
     with: Spencer, J.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Spencer, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Stefano, L.D.: Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular ...
     with: Sun, Q.Y.: GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Est...
     with: Sun, T.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and ...
     with: Sun, Y.J.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Suri, Z.K.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Tang, Y.: GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Esti...
     with: Tang, Y.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Tang, Y.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a V...
     with: Tang, Y.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Tauro, F.: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
     with: Tauro, F.: Optical Tracking Velocimetry (OTV): Leveraging Optical Flow...
     with: Tieu, K.: KCNN: Extremely-Efficient Hardware Keypoint Detection with a...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Tombari, F.: 3D reconstruction system based on improved spacetime ster...
     with: Tombari, F.: Algorithm for Efficient and Exhaustive Template Matching,...
     with: Tombari, F.: Classification and evaluation of cost aggregation methods...
     with: Tombari, F.: Efficient and optimal block matching for motion estimation
     with: Tombari, F.: Efficient template matching for multi-channel images
     with: Tombari, F.: Enhanced Low-Resolution Pruning for Fast Full-Search Temp...
     with: Tombari, F.: Fast Full-Search Equivalent Template Matching by Enhanced...
     with: Tombari, F.: Full-Search-Equivalent Pattern Matching with Incremental ...
     with: Tombari, F.: Graffiti Detection Using a Time-Of-Flight Camera
     with: Tombari, F.: Graffiti Detection Using Two Views
     with: Tombari, F.: Markerless Augmented Reality Using Image Mosaics
     with: Tombari, F.: Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Inter...
     with: Tombari, F.: Near real-time stereo based on effective cost aggregation
     with: Tombari, F.: Non-linear parametric Bayesian regression for robust back...
     with: Tombari, F.: Performance Evaluation of Full Search Equivalent Pattern ...
     with: Tombari, F.: Reliable rejection of mismatching candidates for efficien...
     with: Tombari, F.: robust measure for visual correspondence, A
     with: Tombari, F.: Segmentation-Based Adaptive Support for Accurate Stereo C...
     with: Tombari, F.: Stereo for robots: Quantitative evaluation of efficient a...
     with: Tombari, F.: Stereo Vision Enabling Precise Border Localization Within...
     with: Tombari, F.: Template Analysis Methodology to Improve the Efficiency o...
     with: Tombari, F.: Template Matching Based on the L_p Norm Using Sufficient ...
     with: Tombari, F.: ZNCC-based template matching using bounded partial correl...
     with: Tonioni, A.: Continual Adaptation for Deep Stereo
     with: Tonioni, A.: Real-Time Self-Adaptive Deep Stereo
     with: Tonioni, A.: Unsupervised Adaptation for Deep Stereo
     with: Tonioni, A.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Depth Prediction from ...
     with: Tosi, F.: Active Stereo Without Pattern Projector
     with: Tosi, F.: Beyond Local Reasoning for Stereo Confidence Estimation with...
     with: Tosi, F.: Booster: A Benchmark for Depth From Images of Specular and T...
     with: Tosi, F.: Continual Adaptation for Deep Stereo
     with: Tosi, F.: Cross-Spectral Neural Radiance Fields
     with: Tosi, F.: Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-frequ...
     with: Tosi, F.: Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understanding fr...
     with: Tosi, F.: Efficient Confidence Measures for Embedded Stereo
     with: Tosi, F.: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
     with: Tosi, F.: Enabling monocular depth perception at the very edge
     with: Tosi, F.: Even More Confident Predictions with Deep Machine-Learning
     with: Tosi, F.: GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Esti...
     with: Tosi, F.: Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Monocular D...
     with: Tosi, F.: Geometry Meets Semantics for Semi-supervised Monocular Depth...
     with: Tosi, F.: GO-SLAM: Global Optimization for Consistent 3D Instant Recon...
     with: Tosi, F.: Guided Stereo Matching
     with: Tosi, F.: Learning a confidence measure in the disparity domain from O...
     with: Tosi, F.: Learning a General-Purpose Confidence Measure Based on O(1) ...
     with: Tosi, F.: Learning Depth Estimation for Transparent and Mirror Surfaces
     with: Tosi, F.: Learning Monocular Depth Estimation Infusing Traditional Ste...
     with: Tosi, F.: Learning Monocular Depth Estimation with Unsupervised Trinoc...
     with: Tosi, F.: Leveraging a weakly adversarial paradigm for joint learning ...
     with: Tosi, F.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Tosi, F.: Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge Appl...
     with: Tosi, F.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a V...
     with: Tosi, F.: Neural Disparity Refinement
     with: Tosi, F.: Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution Stereo
     with: Tosi, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Tosi, F.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Tosi, F.: On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Era:...
     with: Tosi, F.: On the Synergies Between Machine Learning and Binocular Ster...
     with: Tosi, F.: On the Uncertainty of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estima...
     with: Tosi, F.: Open Challenges in Deep Stereo: the Booster Dataset
     with: Tosi, F.: Optical Tracking Velocimetry (OTV): Leveraging Optical Flow ...
     with: Tosi, F.: Quantitative Evaluation of Confidence Measures in a Machine ...
     with: Tosi, F.: Real-Time Self-Adaptive Deep Stereo
     with: Tosi, F.: Real-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Without...
     with: Tosi, F.: Reversing the Cycle: Self-supervised Deep Stereo Through Enh...
     with: Tosi, F.: Revisiting Depth Completion from a Stereo Matching Perspecti...
     with: Tosi, F.: RGB-Multispectral Matching: Dataset, Learning Methodology, E...
     with: Tosi, F.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Tosi, F.: Self-adapting Confidence Estimation for Stereo
     with: Toth, E.: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
     with: Toth, E.: Optical Tracking Velocimetry (OTV): Leveraging Optical Flow ...
     with: Trescakova, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Trinh, L.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Uddin, S.M.N.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Umair, K.M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Villanueva, A.: Linear stereo matching
     with: Viti, M.: Near real-time Fast Bilateral Stereo on the GPU
     with: Viti, R.: Template Analysis Methodology to Improve the Efficiency of F...
     with: Wang, H.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Wang, J.L.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular a...
     with: Wang, K.X.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Wang, T.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Wang, Y.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Wang, Y.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular a...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Wei, H.: Depth Restoration in Under-Display Time-of-Flight Imaging
     with: Wei, H.: RGB Guided ToF Imaging System: A Survey of Deep Learning-Base...
     with: Wu, C.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and T...
     with: Xiang, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Xu, G.K.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Xu, K.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and T...
     with: Xu, Q.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and T...
     with: Yang, C.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular a...
     with: Yin, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and ...
     with: Yin, S.S.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Yin, W.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Yong, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and...
     with: Yu, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zaccaroni, G.: Self-adapting Confidence Estimation for Stereo
     with: Zanetti, A.: Graffiti Detection Using a Time-Of-Flight Camera
     with: Zanuttigh, P.: Locally Consistent ToF and Stereo Data Fusion
     with: Zanuttigh, P.: Reliable Fusion of ToF and Stereo Depth Driven by Confi...
     with: Zanuttigh, P.: Scene Segmentation Assisted by Stereo Vision
     with: Zhang, D.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Zhang, J.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Zhang, L.: Reversing the Cycle: Self-supervised Deep Stereo Through En...
     with: Zhang, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zhang, Y.: CompletionFormer: Depth Completion with Convolutions and Vi...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-freq...
     with: Zhang, Y.: GO-SLAM: Global Optimization for Consistent 3D Instant Reco...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zhang, Y.M.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with ...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zhang, Y.X.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Zhang, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular ...
     with: Zhao, C.Q.: GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Es...
     with: Zhao, C.Q.: Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zhao, C.Q.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a...
     with: Zhao, C.Q.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zheng, Z.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Zhou, L.: GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Esti...
     with: Zhou, Y.H.: Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-fre...
     with: Zhu, W.J.: NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular an...
     with: Zhu, Z.: CompletionFormer: Depth Completion with Convolutions and Visi...
     with: Zhu, Z.: MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a Vi...
466 for Mattoccia, S.

Mattolin, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ricci, E.: ConfMix: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detectio...
     with: Wang, Y.M.: ConfMix: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detecti...
     with: Zanella, L.: ConfMix: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detect...

Matton, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, I.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: Arias, M.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Seas...
     with: Arias, M.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: Begue, A.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: Bellemans, N.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature ...
     with: Bontemps, S.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the S...
     with: Bontemps, S.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites t...
     with: Canto, G.S.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Se...
     with: Cara, C.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to Su...
     with: Chome, G.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature Dete...
     with: d'Andrimont, R.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Featur...
     with: de Abelleyra, D.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sit...
     with: Dedieu, G.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to ...
     with: Defourny, P.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the S...
     with: Defourny, P.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites t...
     with: Defourny, P.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature D...
     with: Diarra, A.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to ...
     with: Dupuy, S.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: French, A.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to ...
     with: Guzzonato, E.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites ...
     with: Hagolle, O.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to...
     with: Inglada, J.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Se...
     with: Inglada, J.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to...
     with: Jacques, D.C.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature ...
     with: Koetz, B.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Seas...
     with: Koetz, B.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: Kussul, N.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to ...
     with: Lamarche, C.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature D...
     with: Le Page, M.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to...
     with: Lebourgeois, V.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Site...
     with: Morin, D.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Seas...
     with: Morin, D.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: Newby, T.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: Popescu, R.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to...
     with: Rabaute, T.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to...
     with: Radoux, J.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature Det...
     with: Savin, I.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to S...
     with: Savinaud, M.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites t...
     with: Sepulcre, G.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites t...
     with: ul Hassan Akhtar, I.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed...
     with: Valero, S.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Sea...
     with: Valero, S.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to ...
     with: Veron, S.R.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to...
     with: Waldner, F.: Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Se...
     with: Waldner, F.: Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature De...
     with: Wu, B.F.: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to Su...
46 for Matton, N.

Mattone, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avallone, A.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (C...
     with: Bignami, C.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (Ce...
     with: Calcaterra, S.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault ...
     with: Cheloni, D.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (Ce...
     with: d'Agostino, N.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault ...
     with: Gambino, P.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (Ce...
     with: Giuliani, R.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (C...
     with: Lo Turco, M.: Metric Survey and BIM Technologies to Record Decay Condi...
     with: Rinaudo, F.: Metric Survey and BIM Technologies to Record Decay Condit...
     with: Scognamiglio, L.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Faul...
     with: Tinti, E.: Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (Cent...
11 for Mattone, M.

Mattoo, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cureton, G.: Continuing the MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Time Series with...
     with: Gasso, S.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syst...
     with: Gupta, P.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syst...
     with: Holben, B.N.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol S...
     with: Ichoku, C.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
     with: Kim, M.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol System...
     with: Kleidman, R.G.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol...
     with: Levy, R.C.: Continuing the MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Time Series with ...
     with: Levy, R.C.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
     with: Li, R.R.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syste...
     with: Munchak, L.A.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol ...
     with: Patadia, F.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sy...
     with: Remer, L.A.: Continuing the MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Time Series with...
     with: Remer, L.A.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sy...
     with: Sawyer, V.: Continuing the MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Time Series with ...
     with: Sawyer, V.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
     with: Shi, Y.X.: Continuing the MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Time Series with V...
     with: Shi, Y.X.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syst...
     with: Tanre, D.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Syst...
     with: Zhou, Y.P.: Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol Sys...
20 for Mattoo, S.

Mattos, A.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borges Oliveira, D.A.: Towards View-Independent Viseme Recognition Bas...
     with: Civitarese, D.: Enabling Robust Horizon Picking From Small Training Sets
     with: da Silva Morais, E.: Improving Viseme Recognition Using GAN-Based Fron...
     with: da Silva Morais, E.: Towards View-Independent Viseme Recognition Based...
     with: Oliveira, D.A.B.: Enabling Robust Horizon Picking From Small Training ...
     with: Oliveira, D.A.B.: Improving Viseme Recognition Using GAN-Based Frontal...
     with: Oliveira, M.: Enabling Robust Horizon Picking From Small Training Sets
     with: Semin, D.G.: Enabling Robust Horizon Picking From Small Training Sets
     with: Szwarcman, D.: Enabling Robust Horizon Picking From Small Training Sets
     with: Zaytsev, S.: Enabling Robust Horizon Picking From Small Training Sets
10 for Mattos, A.B.

Mattos, C.L.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alencar, A.S.C.: Bayesian Multilateration
     with: Gomes, J.P.P.: Bayesian Multilateration
     with: Mesquita, D.: Bayesian Multilateration

Mattos, D.M.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Oliveira, N.R.: Sensitive Stylistic Approach to Identify Fake News ...
     with: Medeiros, D.S.V.: Sensitive Stylistic Approach to Identify Fake News o...

Mattos, E.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Assireu, A.T.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large T...
     with: Casagrande, M.S.G.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a La...
     with: Costa, R.S.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large Tro...
     with: da Silva, M.P.A.: Clouds' Microphysical Properties and Their Relations...
     with: de Abreu, L.P.: Clouds' Microphysical Properties and Their Relationshi...
     with: Goncalves, A.R.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large...
     with: Goncalves, W.A.: Clouds' Microphysical Properties and Their Relationsh...
     with: Lima, F.J.L.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large Tr...
     with: Martins, F.R.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large T...
     with: Mutti, P.R.: Clouds' Microphysical Properties and Their Relationship w...
     with: Passos, R.B.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large Tr...
     with: Pereira, E.B.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large T...
     with: Pereira, S.V.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large T...
     with: Pes, M.P.: Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large Tropi...
     with: Rodrigues, D.T.: Clouds' Microphysical Properties and Their Relationsh...
15 for Mattos, E.V.

Mattos, J.C.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agostini, L.: adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
     with: Grellert, M.: adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
     with: Henkel, J.: adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
     with: Khan, M.U.K.: adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
     with: Shafique, M.: adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An

Mattos, L.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Becattini, G.: Anisotropic Contour Completion for Cell Microinjection ...
     with: Bicelli, A.: Deep-Learning Architectures for Placenta Vessel Segmentat...
     with: Caldwell, D.G.: Anisotropic Contour Completion for Cell Microinjection...
     with: Carlini, C.: NephCNN: A deep-learning framework for vessel segmentatio...
     with: Casella, A.: Deep-Learning Architectures for Placenta Vessel Segmentat...
     with: Casella, A.: NephCNN: A deep-learning framework for vessel segmentatio...
     with: Cintorrino, I.A.: Deep-Learning Architectures for Placenta Vessel Segm...
     with: de Momi, E.: Deep-Learning Architectures for Placenta Vessel Segmentat...
     with: de Momi, E.: NephCNN: A deep-learning framework for vessel segmentatio...
     with: de Paolis, G.R.: Deep-Learning Architectures for Placenta Vessel Segme...
     with: Frontoni, E.: NephCNN: A deep-learning framework for vessel segmentati...
     with: Moccia, S.: Deep-Learning Architectures for Placenta Vessel Segmentati...
     with: Moccia, S.: NephCNN: A deep-learning framework for vessel segmentation...
     with: Paladini, D.: Deep-Learning Architectures for Placenta Vessel Segmenta...
14 for Mattos, L.S.

Mattout, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benali, H.: Statistical Method for Source Localization in MEG/EEG Tomo...
     with: Garnero, L.: Statistical Method for Source Localization in MEG/EEG Tom...
     with: Pelegrini Issac, M.: Statistical Method for Source Localization in MEG...

Mattox, J.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bernard, P.: Method and system for fast image correction
     with: Bernard, P.: System and method for providing high fidelity color images
     with: Deutch, J.E.: Method and system for fast image correction
     with: Deutch, J.E.: System and method for providing high fidelity color images
     with: Engeldrum, P.G.: Method and system for fast image correction
     with: Engeldrum, P.G.: System and method for providing high fidelity color i...
     with: Hilliard, W.J.: Method and system for fast image correction
     with: Hilliard, W.J.: System and method for providing high fidelity color im...
     with: Strother, T.L.: Method and system for fast image correction
     with: Strother, T.L.: System and method for providing high fidelity color im...
     with: van Prooijen, C.P.: Method and system for fast image correction
     with: van Prooijen, C.P.: System and method for providing high fidelity colo...
12 for Mattox, J.D.

Mattqavell, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Shaykh, O.K.: Introduction to the special issue on multimedia imple...
     with: Chen, S.: Introduction to the special issue on multimedia implementation

Mattrey, R.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barback, C.V.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound I...
     with: Blair, S.L.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Ima...
     with: Gude, N.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Imaging
     with: Kummel, A.C.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Im...
     with: Lee, H.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Imaging
     with: Ta, C.N.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Imaging
     with: Trogler, W.C.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound I...
     with: Wang, J.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Imaging
     with: Weeks, J.: Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Imaging
9 for Mattrey, R.F.

Matts, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bala, R.: Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
     with: Purwar, A.: Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
     with: Shreve, M.: Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
     with: Wu, W.: Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
     with: Xu, B.: Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs

Mattson, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Basoglu, C.: Interactive Image Morphing on a Single-Chip Multiprocesso...
     with: Kim, D.: Generalized Image Warping Using Enhanced Lookup Tables
     with: Kim, Y.: Generalized Image Warping Using Enhanced Lookup Tables
     with: Kim, Y.M.: Interactive Image Morphing on a Single-Chip Multiprocessor ...

Mattson, R.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Firschein, O.: Feature Word Construction for Use with Pattern Recognit...

Mattson, W.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alie, D.: Analysis of eye gaze pattern of infants at risk of autism sp...
     with: Anderson, D.R.: Analysis of eye gaze pattern of infants at risk of aut...
     with: Cohn, J.F.: comparison of alternative classifiers for detecting occurr...
     with: Mahoor, M.H.: Analysis of eye gaze pattern of infants at risk of autis...
     with: Mahoor, M.H.: comparison of alternative classifiers for detecting occu...
     with: Messinger, D.S.: Analysis of eye gaze pattern of infants at risk of au...
     with: Messinger, D.S.: comparison of alternative classifiers for detecting o...
     with: Zaker, N.: comparison of alternative classifiers for detecting occurre...
8 for Mattson, W.I.

Mattsson, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karlson, M.: Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Suda...
     with: Ostwald, M.: Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Suda...
     with: Reese, H.: Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Sudano...
     with: Sanou, J.: Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Sudano...
     with: Tankoano, B.: Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Sud...

Mattsson, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, E.W.: Fast and accurate metrology of multi-layered ceramic mate...
     with: Ekberg, P.: Accurate and automated image segmentation of 3D optical co...
     with: Ekberg, P.: Fast and accurate metrology of multi-layered ceramic mater...
     with: Leitner, M.: Accurate and automated image segmentation of 3D optical c...
     with: Su, R.: Accurate and automated image segmentation of 3D optical cohere...
     with: Su, R.: Fast and accurate metrology of multi-layered ceramic materials...
     with: Yun, S.H.: Fast and accurate metrology of multi-layered ceramic materi...
7 for Mattsson, L.

Mattsson, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hakala, T.: Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection from Ai...
     with: Heinaro, E.: Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection from A...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree e...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection fro...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree effec...
     with: Imangholiloo, M.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree...
     with: Junttila, S.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree eff...
     with: Kukko, A.: Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection from Air...
     with: Saarinen, N.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree eff...
     with: Savolainen, P.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree e...
     with: Tanhuanpaa, T.: Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection fro...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree e...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection fro...
     with: Yrttimaa, T.: Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree eff...
     with: Yrttimaa, T.: Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection from ...
15 for Mattsson, T.

Mattupalli, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Moffet, C.A.: Supervised Classification of RGB Aerial Imagery to Evalu...
     with: Shah, K.N.: Supervised Classification of RGB Aerial Imagery to Evaluat...
     with: Young, C.A.: Supervised Classification of RGB Aerial Imagery to Evalua...

Mattur, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Larabi, M.C.: Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging Using Differently Expose...

Matty, K.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kondi, L.P.: Balanced Multiple Description Video Coding Using Optimal ...

Mattyus, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, M.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Cerra, D.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne Opt...
     with: Cheverie, J.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Chu, H.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Fidler, S.: Enhancing Road Maps by Parsing Aerial Images Around the Wo...
     with: Fidler, S.: HD Maps: Fine-Grained Road Segmentation by Parsing Ground ...
     with: Fidler, S.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Fraundorfer, F.: Aerial image sequence geolocalization with road traff...
     with: Kurz, F.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne Opti...
     with: Kurz, F.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system on a...
     with: Liang, J.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Luo, W.: DeepRoadMapper: Extracting Road Topology from Aerial Images
     with: Luo, W.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Meynberg, O.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system ...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne...
     with: Rosenbaum, D.: Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system...
     with: Runge, H.: Long-term Tracking Of A Specific Vehicle Using Airborne Opt...
     with: Urtasun, R.: DeepRoadMapper: Extracting Road Topology from Aerial Images
     with: Urtasun, R.: Enhancing Road Maps by Parsing Aerial Images Around the W...
     with: Urtasun, R.: HD Maps: Fine-Grained Road Segmentation by Parsing Ground...
     with: Urtasun, R.: Matching Adversarial Networks
     with: Urtasun, R.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Wang, S.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
     with: Wang, S.L.: Enhancing Road Maps by Parsing Aerial Images Around the Wo...
     with: Wang, S.L.: HD Maps: Fine-Grained Road Segmentation by Parsing Ground ...
     with: Yang, B.: TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
28 for Mattyus, G.

Index for "m"

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