Index for ning

Ning bo, C.[Cao] Co Author Listing * Destination and route choice models for bidirectional pedestrian flow based on the social force model
Includes: Ning bo, C.[Cao] Ning-bo, C.[Cao]

Ning Jie Co Author Listing * study on diagram design and analysis of iPhones' user interfaces, A
Includes: Ning Jie Ning-Jie

Ning, A.[An] Co Author Listing * Test of Determining Geopotential Difference between Two Sites at Wuhan Based on Optical Clocks' Frequency Comparisons

Ning, B. Co Author Listing * Approximation-Based Robust Adaptive Automatic Train Control: An Approach for Actuator Saturation
* Big Data Analytics in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Cognitive Control Approach to Communication-Based Train Control Systems, A
* Collective Behaviors of Mobile Robots Beyond the Nearest Neighbor Rules With Switching Topology
* Computationally Inexpensive Tracking Control of High-Speed Trains With Traction/Braking Saturation
* Cooperative Control Synthesis and Stability Analysis of Multiple Trains Under Moving Signaling Systems
* Cooperative Prescribed Performance Tracking Control for Multiple High-Speed Trains in Moving Block Signaling System
* Cross-Layer Defense Methods for Jamming-Resistant CBTC Systems
* Design and Performance Enhancements in Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Coordinated Multipoint Transmission and Reception
* Distributed Cooperative Cruise Control of Multiple High-Speed Trains Under a State-Dependent Information Transmission Topology
* Effect of Space Objects on Ionospheric Observations: Perspective of SYISR, The
* Efficient Bilevel Approach for Urban Rail Transit Operation With Stop-Skipping
* Efficient Real-Time Train Scheduling for Urban Rail Transit Systems Using Iterative Convex Programming
* Emergency Management of Urban Rail Transportation Based on Parallel Systems
* Equal Proportion Reproduction Method of Grotto Based On Point Cloud
* FAFEnet: A fast and accurate model for automatic license plate detection and recognition
* Fast Ionogram Observations of Ascending Thin Layers Locally Transported from the E to F Region at Equatorial and Low Latitudes
* Finite-State Markov Modeling for Wireless Channels in Tunnel Communication-Based Train Control Systems
* Fixed-Time Leader-Following Consensus for Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Handoff Performance Improvements in an Integrated Train-Ground Communication System Based on Wireless Network Virtualization
* Handoff Performance Improvements in MIMO-Enabled Communication-Based Train Control Systems
* Integrated Control Model for Headway Regulation and Energy Saving in Urban Rail Transit, An
* Introduction to Parallel Control and Management for High-Speed Railway Systems, An
* Measuring Route Diversity for Urban Rail Transit Networks: A Case Study of the Beijing Metro Network
* Moving Horizon Optimization of Dynamic Trajectory Planning for High-Speed Train Operation
* MT-e&R: NMEA Protocol-Assisted High-Accuracy Navigation Algorithm Based on GNSS Error Estimation Using Multitask Learning
* Multi-Instrument Observations of the Atmospheric and Ionospheric Response to the 2013 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Over Eastern Asia Region
* Multi-level feature enhancement network for object detection in sonar images
* On the Ion Line Calibration by Plasma Line in ISR Measurements
* Parallel Intelligent Systems for Integrated High-Speed Railway Operation Control and Dynamic Scheduling
* Parallel Urban Rail Transit Stations for Passenger Emergency Management
* Pedestrian intention estimation and trajectory prediction based on data and knowledge-driven method
* Recovery of Blood Flow From Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Data Using Sparse Modeling
* RL-AKF: An Adaptive Kalman Filter Navigation Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning for Ground Vehicles
* Safety monitor for train-centric CBTC system
* SID-TGAN: A Transformer-Based Generative Adversarial Network for Sonar Image Despeckling
* Simulation of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar Tristatic System
* Survey on Energy-Efficient Train Operation for Urban Rail Transit, A
* Timetable Optimization for Regenerative Energy Utilization in Subway Systems
* To Achieve Real Immersion: the 3D Virtual and Physical Reconstruction of Cave 3 and Cave 12 of Yungang Grottoes
* Two-Objective Timetable Optimization Model in Subway Systems, A
* Two-Time-Scale Hybrid Traffic Models for Pedestrian Crowds
* Using Approximate Dynamic Programming to Maximize Regenerative Energy Utilization for Metro
Includes: Ning, B. Ning, B.[Bin] Ning, B.[Baiqi] Ning, B.[Bo] Ning, B.[Bokun] Ning, B.[Benyu]
43 for Ning, B.

Ning, B.J.[Bao Jiao] Co Author Listing * Analysis and Mitigation of Crosstalk Effect on Coastal GNSS-R Code-Level Altimetry Using L5 Signals from QZSS GEO
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of BDS-3 Code Ranging Accuracy Based on Raw IF Data from a Zero-Baseline Experiment
* Coastal Experiment for GNSS-R Code-Level Altimetry Using BDS-3 New Civil Signals, A
Includes: Ning, B.J.[Bao Jiao] Ning, B.J.[Bao-Jiao]

Ning, B.Q.[Bai Qi] Co Author Listing * Focused Lunar Imaging Experiment Using the Back Projection Algorithm Based on Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar
* Initial Tropospheric Wind Observations by Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar
* Preliminary Results of the Three-Dimensional Plasma Drift Velocity at East Asian Low-Latitudes Observed by the Sanya Incoherent Scattering Radar (SYISR)
* Study on the Method of Extracting Plasma Lines Based on Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar
Includes: Ning, B.Q.[Bai Qi] Ning, B.Q.[Bai-Qi]

Ning, C. Co Author Listing * CAD: Scale Invariant Framework for Real-Time Object Detection
* Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network With Deep Semantic Embedding for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Facies-Constrained Kriging Interpolation Method for Parameter Modeling
* Hybrid Framework for Tumor Saliency Estimation, A
* improved superpixel-based saliency detection method, An
* Intelligent train stopping control for railways: A deep learning approach
* Learning Foresightful Dense Visual Affordance for Deformable Object Manipulation
* Medical Knowledge Constrained Semantic Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Robust object tracking based on local discriminative sparse representation
* TransCS: A Transformer-Based Hybrid Architecture for Image Compressed Sensing
* Trap Attention: Monocular Depth Estimation with Manual Traps
Includes: Ning, C. Ning, C.[Chen] Ning, C.[Chao] Ning, C.[Chenhe] Ning, C.[Chuanruo]
11 for Ning, C.

Ning, C.D.[Cheng Da] Co Author Listing * Three Dimensional Deformation Measurements with Digital Holography
Includes: Ning, C.D.[Cheng Da] Ning, C.D.[Cheng-Da]

Ning, C.J.[Chen Jing] Co Author Listing * Learning spatial self-attention information for visual tracking
Includes: Ning, C.J.[Chen Jing] Ning, C.J.[Chen-Jing]

Ning, C.L.[Chun Lin] Co Author Listing * Convolution and Attention Neural Network with MDTW Loss for Cross-Variable Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Image Series, A
Includes: Ning, C.L.[Chun Lin] Ning, C.L.[Chun-Lin]

Ning, C.P.[Chun Ping] Co Author Listing * Breast Anatomy Enriched Tumor Saliency Estimation
Includes: Ning, C.P.[Chun Ping] Ning, C.P.[Chun-Ping]

Ning, C.Y.[Chun Yu] Co Author Listing * Glioma classification framework based on SE-ResNeXt network and its optimization
* Uniformly asymptotical stability of nonlinear time delay systems
Includes: Ning, C.Y.[Chun Yu] Ning, C.Y.[Chun-Yu] Ning, C.Y.[Chong-Yang]

Ning, D.[Daryl] Co Author Listing * Speaker Identification Using Higher Order Spectral Phase Features and their Effectiveness vis-a-vis Mel-Cepstral Features

Ning, D.H.[Dong Hong] Co Author Listing * Stability Analysis for H_inf-Controlled Active Quarter-Vehicle Suspension Systems With a Resilient Event-Triggered Scheme Under Periodic DoS Attacks
Includes: Ning, D.H.[Dong Hong] Ning, D.H.[Dong-Hong]

Ning, F. Co Author Listing * Peak-Hour Vehicle Routing for First-Mile Transportation: Problem Formulation and Algorithms
* Toward Automatic Phenotyping of Developing Embryos From Videos

Ning, F.X.[Fang Xin] Co Author Listing * Exploring Public Transport Transfer Opportunities for Pareto Search of Multicriteria Journeys
Includes: Ning, F.X.[Fang Xin] Ning, F.X.[Fang-Xin]

Ning, G.[Guicai] Co Author Listing * Association between the Biophysical Environment in Coastal South China Sea and Large-Scale Synoptic Circulation Patterns: The Role of the Northwest Pacific Subtropical High and Typhoons
* Knowledge-Guided Deep Fractal Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation
* LightTrack: A Generic Framework for Online Top-Down Human Pose Tracking
* Potential Associations between Low-Level Jets and Intraseasonal and Semi-Diurnal Variations in Coastal Chlorophyll: A over the Beibuwan Gulf, South China Sea
Includes: Ning, G.[Guicai] Ning, G.

Ning, G.C.[Gui Cai] Co Author Listing * High-Spatial-Resolution Population Exposure to PM2.5 Pollution Based on Multi-Satellite Retrievals: A Case Study of Seasonal Variation in the Yangtze River Delta, China in 2013
* Impact of Rapid Urban Sprawl on the Local Meteorological Observational Environment Based on Remote Sensing Images and GIS Technology
Includes: Ning, G.C.[Gui Cai] Ning, G.C.[Gui-Cai]

Ning, G.H.[Guang Han] Co Author Listing * Automated work efficiency analysis for smart manufacturing using human pose tracking and temporal action localization
* Scene text detection based on component-level fusion and region-level verification
* Top-Down Approach to Articulated Human Pose Estimation and Tracking, A
Includes: Ning, G.H.[Guang Han] Ning, G.H.[Guang-Han]

Ning, G.J.[Gang Jun] Co Author Listing * Fine-grained classification of intracranial haemorrhage subtypes in head CT scans
* RGAM: A refined global attention mechanism for medical image segmentation
Includes: Ning, G.J.[Gang Jun] Ning, G.J.[Gang-Jun]

Ning, G.M.[Gang Min] Co Author Listing * Adjusted weight voting algorithm for random forests in handling missing values
Includes: Ning, G.M.[Gang Min] Ning, G.M.[Gang-Min]

Ning, H. Co Author Listing * Advances in Position Based Routing Towards ITS Enabled FoG-Oriented VANET: A Survey
* General Framework to Detect Unsafe System States From Multisensor Data Stream, A
* Hierarchical Space-Time Model Enabling Efficient Search for Human Actions
* Online portfolio selection with predictive instantaneous risk assessment
* Physical and Biochemical Responses to Sequential Tropical Cyclones in the Arabian Sea
* Prototyping a Social Media Flooding Photo Screening System Based on Deep Learning
* Remote Sensing and Argo Float Observations Reveal Physical Processes Initiating a Winter-Spring Phytoplankton Bloom South of the Kuroshio Current Near Shikoku
Includes: Ning, H. Ning, H.[Hanwen] Ning, H.[Hao] Ning, H.[Huan]
7 for Ning, H.

Ning, H.J.[Hai Jing] Co Author Listing * Design of Safety Petri Net Controllers for Deadlock Prevention at a Class of Road Intersections
* Nonlinear curvelet diffusion for noisy image enhancement
Includes: Ning, H.J.[Hai Jing] Ning, H.J.[Hai-Jing] Ning, H.J.[Hui-Jun]

Ning, H.L.[Hai Long] Co Author Listing * Bio-Inspired Representation Learning for Visual Attention Prediction
* Disentangled Representation Learning for Cross-Modal Biometric Matching
* Hierarchical Semantic-Guided Contextual Structure-Aware Network for Spectral Satellite Image Dehazing
* Semantics-Consistent Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image-Voice Retrieval
Includes: Ning, H.L.[Hai Long] Ning, H.L.[Hai-Long]

Ning, H.S.[Huan Sheng] Co Author Listing * Adapting Image Classification Adversarial Detection Methods for Traffic Sign Classification in Autonomous Vehicles: A Comparative Study
* Detecting and tracking of small moving target in avian radar images
* Detecting Mental Distresses Using Social Behavior Analysis in the Context of COVID-19: A Survey
* efficient foreign objects detection network for power substation, An
* Emotion Arousal Assessment Based on Multimodal Physiological Signals for Game Users
* Guest Editorial Special Section on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia Computing
* Human-Attention Inspired Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Sensors in the Web of Things
* Metaverse for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): A Comprehensive Review of Technologies, Applications, Implications, Challenges and Future Directions
* Survey on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving, A
* Systematic Survey of Driving Fatigue Monitoring, A
* VeSoNet: Traffic-Aware Content Caching for Vehicular Social Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Ning, H.S.[Huan Sheng] Ning, H.S.[Huan-Sheng]
11 for Ning, H.S.

Ning, H.W.[Han Wen] Co Author Listing * Online kernel classification with adjustable bandwidth using control-based learning approach
Includes: Ning, H.W.[Han Wen] Ning, H.W.[Han-Wen]

Ning, H.Y.[Hu Yan] Co Author Listing * AFD-Net: Aggregated Feature Difference Learning for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Background and Potential Anomaly Dictionaries Construction
* Multi-Relation Attention Network for Image Patch Matching
* Spectral-Difference Low-Rank Representation Learning for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
Includes: Ning, H.Y.[Hu Yan] Ning, H.Y.[Hu-Yan]

Ning, H.Z.[Hua Zhong] Co Author Listing * Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis
* Discriminative estimation of 3D human pose using Gaussian processes
* Discriminative learning of visual words for 3D human pose estimation
* Efficient initialization of Mixtures of Experts for human pose estimation
* Efficient Nonparametric Belief Propagation with Application to Articulated Body Tracking
* Fusion by optimal dynamic mixtures of proposal distributions
* Fusion of Static and Dynamic Body Biometrics for Gait Recognition
* Gait recognition based on procrustes shape analysis
* Human Pose Regression Through Multiview Visual Fusion
* Incremental spectral clustering by efficiently updating the eigen-system
* Kinematics-based tracking of human walking in monocular video sequences
* Latent Pose Estimator for Continuous Action Recognition
* People tracking based on motion model and motion constraints with automatic initialization
* Realtime Shrug Detector, A
* Searching Human Behaviors using Spatial-Temporal Words
* Silhouette analysis-based gait recognition for human identification
* Temporal difference learning to detect unsafe system states
Includes: Ning, H.Z.[Hua Zhong] Ning, H.Z.[Hua-Zhong]
17 for Ning, H.Z.

Ning, J. Co Author Listing * 3D reconstruction from two orthogonal views using simulated annealing approach
* Adaptive Piecewise Harmonic Analysis Method for Reconstructing Multi-Year Sea Surface Chlorophyll-A Time Series, An
* All in Tokens: Unifying Output Space of Visual Tasks via Soft Token
* Change Trend and Restoration Potential of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in China over the Past 20 Years
* Effects of Exterior Lighting System of Parked Vehicles on the Behaviors of Cyclists
* Evolution of Different Types of Eddies Originating from Different Baroclinic Instability Types
* Extending Ordinary-Label Learning Losses to Complementary-Label Learning
* Fuzzy Trajectory Tracking Control of Under-Actuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Ocean Current and Input Quantization
* Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimation from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Data
* Hybrid Index for Monitoring Burned Vegetation by Combining Image Texture Features with Vegetation Indices, A
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration via Global L1-2 Spatial-Spectral Total Variation Regularized Local Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Impact of Cyclonic Ocean Eddies on Upper Ocean Thermodynamic Response to Typhoon Soudelor
* Joint Registration and Active Contour Segmentation for Object Tracking
* MePark: Using Meters as Sensors for Citywide On-Street Parking Availability Prediction
* Parameter k search strategy in outlier detection
* Remote-Sensing-Based Assessment of the Ecological Restoration Degree and Restoration Potential of Ecosystems in the Upper Yellow River over the Past 20 Years
* Robust mean-shift tracking with corrected background-weighted histogram
* Satellite-Based PT-SinRH Evapotranspiration Model: Development and Validation from AmeriFlux Data
* Scale and orientation adaptive mean shift tracking
* Single Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Using Robust Light-Dark Prior
* Soil Moisture-Derived SWDI at 30 m Based on Multiple Satellite Datasets for Agricultural Drought Monitoring
* Spatio-Temporal Changes of Arable Land and Their Impacts on Grain Output in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 1980 to 2020
* Spatio-Temporal Changes, Trade-Offs and Synergies of Major Ecosystem Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region from 2000 to 2019
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ecosystem Status in China's National Key Ecological Function Zones
* Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution
* Towards better semantic consistency of 2D medical image segmentation
* Upper Ocean Response to Two Sequential Tropical Cyclones over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
* Video Swin Transformer
Includes: Ning, J. Ning, J.[Jicai] Ning, J.[Jia] Ning, J.[Jieqing] Ning, J.[Jue] Ning, J.[Jin] Ning, J.[Jun] Ning, J.[Jing]
28 for Ning, J.

Ning, J.F.[Ji Feng] Co Author Listing * active contour tracking method by matching foreground and background simultaneously, An
* Bidirectional Interaction of CNN and Transformer Feature for Visual Tracking
* Edge-Reserved Knowledge Distillation for Image Matting
* Exploring the Feature Extraction and Relation Modeling For Light-weight Transformer Tracking
* Feature Dimension Reduction Using Stacked Sparse Auto-Encoders for Crop Classification with Multi-Temporal, Quad-Pol SAR Data
* Geometric Structure Preserving Warp for Natural Image Stitching
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Group Sparsity Regularized Hybrid Spatio-Spectral Total Variation
* Hyperspectral image restoration via CNN denoiser prior regularized low-rank tensor recovery
* Improved appearance updating method in multiple instance learning tracking
* Improved kernelized correlation filter tracking by using spatial regularization
* Interactive image segmentation by maximal similarity based region merging
* IoUNet++: Spatial cross-layer interaction-based bounding box regression for visual tracking
* Local-Global Self-Attention for Transformer-Based Object Tracking
* LoTE-Animal: A Long Time-span Dataset for Endangered Animal Behavior Understanding
* Mapping Plastic Mulched Farmland for High Resolution Images of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Deep Semantic Segmentation
* Maximum margin object tracking with weighted circulant feature maps
* Modeling and animation of fracture of heterogeneous materials based on CUDA
* Modeling of Multiple Spatial-Temporal Relations for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Multi-criteria Selection of Rehearsal Samples for Continual Learning
* NCSiam: Reliable Matching via Neighborhood Consensus for Siamese-Based Object Tracking
* New Active Contour Model: Curvature Gradient Vector Flow, A
* NGVF: An improved external force field for active contour model
* Object Tracking via Dual Linear Structured SVM and Explicit Feature Map
* Robust correlation filter tracking via context fusion and subspace constraint
* Robust Struck tracker via color Haar-like feature and selective updating
* Transformer-based visual object tracking via fine-coarse concatenated attention and cross concatenated MLP
* Visual tracking based on Distribution Fields and online weighted multiple instance learning
Includes: Ning, J.F.[Ji Feng] Ning, J.F.[Ji-Feng] Ning, J.F.[Jiang-Fan]
27 for Ning, J.F.

Ning, J.Q.[Jia Qi] Co Author Listing * Temporal Extension Topology Learning for Video-based Person Re-identification
* Unsupervised Domain-Adaptive Person Re-Identification with Multi-Camera Constraints
Includes: Ning, J.Q.[Jia Qi] Ning, J.Q.[Jia-Qi]

Ning, J.T.[Jian Ting] Co Author Listing * Trustworthy Announcement Dissemination Scheme With Blockchain-Assisted Vehicular Cloud
Includes: Ning, J.T.[Jian Ting] Ning, J.T.[Jian-Ting]

Ning, J.W.[Jia Wei] Co Author Listing * Gated Content-Oriented Residual Dense Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution under the Guidance of Deep Gradient Information
Includes: Ning, J.W.[Jia Wei] Ning, J.W.[Jia-Wei]

Ning, K.[Ke] Co Author Listing * Attentive Sequence to Sequence Translator for Localizing Video Clips by Natural Language, An
* Detecting hubs and quasi cliques in scale-free networks
* Interaction-Integrated Network for Natural Language Moment Localization
* Quantizing Oriented Object Detection Network via Outlier-Aware Quantization and IoU Approximation
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Ecological Condition in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Remotely Sensed Ecological Index
Includes: Ning, K.[Ke] Ning, K.[Kang] Ning, K.

Ning, K.L.[Kang Lin] Co Author Listing * Point-Voxel and Bird-Eye-View Representation Aggregation Network for Single Stage 3D Object Detection
Includes: Ning, K.L.[Kang Lin] Ning, K.L.[Kang-Lin]

Ning, K.P.[Kun Peng] Co Author Listing * Active Learning for Open-set Annotation
* Bidirectional Uncertainty-Based Active Learning for Open-Set Annotation
Includes: Ning, K.P.[Kun Peng] Ning, K.P.[Kun-Peng]

Ning, L.[Like] Co Author Listing * Applying Satellite Data Assimilation to Wind Simulation of Coastal Wind Farms in Guangdong, China
* Dynamic Regression Approach for Frequency-Domain Partial Coherence and Causality Analysis of Functional Brain Networks, A
* Exploring Park Visit Variability Using Cell Phone Data in Shenzhen, China
* Interactive Image Segmentation Method Based on Dynamic Programming and its Application in Medical Image Analysis, An
* Joint RElaxation-Diffusion Imaging Moments to Probe Neurite Microstructure
* MRANet: Multi-atrous residual attention Network for stereo image super-resolution
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Representation on a K-NN Dictionary
Includes: Ning, L.[Like] Ning, L. Ning, L.[Li] Ning, L.[Liu] Ning, L.[Luyao]
7 for Ning, L.

Ning, L.B.[Ling Bin] Co Author Listing * Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for High-Speed Train Trajectory Optimization
Includes: Ning, L.B.[Ling Bin] Ning, L.B.[Ling-Bin]

Ning, L.P.[Li Ping] Co Author Listing * DDParcel: Deep Learning Anatomical Brain Parcellation From Diffusion MRI
* Estimating Diffusion Propagator and Its Moments Using Directional Radial Basis Functions
* On the Geometry of Covariance Matrices
Includes: Ning, L.P.[Li Ping] Ning, L.P.[Li-Ping] Ning, L.P.[Li-Peng]

Ning, L.X.[Li Xin] Co Author Listing * Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method for Combining Satellite Images with Different Resolutions, A
* Multi-Facet Weighted Asymmetric Multi-Modal Hashing Based on Latent Semantic Distribution
* Multifractal Characteristics of Seismogenic Systems and b Values in the Taiwan Seismic Region
* Novel Deep Learning-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method for Combining Satellite Images with Different Resolutions Using a Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Network, A
* RDCRMG: A Raster Dataset Clean & Reconstitution Multi-Grid Architecture for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dryness
* Using a Complex Network to Analyze the Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on Water Level Fluctuation in Poyang Lake
Includes: Ning, L.X.[Li Xin] Ning, L.X.[Li-Xin]

Ning, M.[Munan] Co Author Listing * Dense Cross-Query-and-Support Attention Weighted Mask Aggregation for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Deviation based clustering for unsupervised person re-identification
* Energy clustering for unsupervised person re-identification
* Hierarchical Clustering With Hard-Batch Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification
* joint multi-scale convolutional network for fully automatic segmentation of the left ventricle, A
* MADAv2: Advanced Multi-Anchor Based Active Domain Adaptation Segmentation
* MIL-ViT: A multiple instance vision transformer for fundus image classification
* Multi-Anchor Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Organ-Aware Diagnosis Framework for Radiology Report Generation, An
* Repaint123: Fast and High-quality One Image to 3d Generation with Progressive Controllable Repainting
* SeeFar: Vehicle Speed Estimation and Flow Analysis from a Moving UAV
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation by Disentanglement Learning and Self-Training
Includes: Ning, M.[Munan] Ning, M. Ning, M.[Mang]
12 for Ning, M.

Ning, M.D.[Meng Dan] Co Author Listing * deep learning framework for remote sensing image registration, A
Includes: Ning, M.D.[Meng Dan] Ning, M.D.[Meng-Dan]

Ning, M.H.[Ming Hao] Co Author Listing * Game-Theory in Practice: Application to Motion Planning and Decision Making in an Autonomous Shuttle Bus
Includes: Ning, M.H.[Ming Hao] Ning, M.H.[Ming-Hao]

Ning, M.Q.[Ming Qiang] Co Author Listing * Novel Chirp-Z Transform Algorithm for Multi-Receiver Synthetic Aperture Sonar Based on Range Frequency Division, A
Includes: Ning, M.Q.[Ming Qiang] Ning, M.Q.[Ming-Qiang]

Ning, N.[Ning] Co Author Listing * A&B BNN: Add&Bit-Operation-Only Hardware-Friendly Binary Neural Network
* Framework for Tracking Moving Target in a Heterogeneous Camera Suite, A
* I2T: From Intention Decoupling to Vehicular Trajectory Prediction Based on Prioriformer Networks
Includes: Ning, N.[Ning] Ning, N.[Nan] Ning, N.[Nianwen]

Ning, P.[Po] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Analysis of a Long Run-Out Rockslide Considering Dynamic Fragmentation Behavior in Jichang Town: Insights from the Three-Dimensional Coupled Finite-Discrete Element Method
* LLIC: Large Receptive Field Transform Coding With Adaptive Weights for Learned Image Compression
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Siberian Crane Habitats and the Response to Water Level in Poyang Lake Wetland, China
* Zero-determinant Strategies for Multi-player Multi-action Iterated Games
Includes: Ning, P.[Po] Ning, P.[Peirong] Ning, P.[Pan] Ning, P.

Ning, Q.[Qianhao] Co Author Listing * Fast and Robust Range Alignment Method for ISAR Imaging Based on a Deep Learning Network and Regional Multi-Scale Minimum Entropy Method, A
* Image Super-Resolution Via Analysis Sparse Prior
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Scalable Image Retrieval by Sparse Product Quantization
* Searching Efficient Model-Guided Deep Network for Image Denoising
* Space-Based THz Radar Fly-Around Imaging Simulation for Space Targets Based on Improved Path Tracing
* Synchronization of Switched Neural Networks via Attacked Mode-Dependent Event-Triggered Control and Its Application in Image Encryption
* TFRGAN: Leveraging Text Information for Blind Face Restoration with Extreme Degradation
* Uncertainty Modeling of the Transmission Map for Single Image Dehazing
Includes: Ning, Q.[Qianhao] Ning, Q. Ning, Q.[Qian]
9 for Ning, Q.

Ning, Q.H.[Qian Hao] Co Author Listing * Physics-Based TOF Imaging Simulation for Space Targets Based on Improved Path Tracing
Includes: Ning, Q.H.[Qian Hao] Ning, Q.H.[Qian-Hao]

Ning, R.[Rui] Co Author Listing * CLEAR: Clean-up Sample-Targeted Backdoor in Neural Networks
* cone-beam reconstruction algorithm for circle-plus-arc data-acquisition geometry, A
* Flat panel detector-based cone-beam volume CT angiography imaging: system evaluation
* Image Denoising Based on Multiscale Singularity Detection for Cone Beam CT Breast Imaging
* Image denoising based on wavelets and multifractals for singularity detection
* Most and Least Retrievable Images in Visual-Language Query Systems
Includes: Ning, R.[Rui] Ning, R.[Ruola]

Ning, R.R.[Rui Rui] Co Author Listing * Cell Edge User Capacity-Coverage Reliability Tradeoff for 5G-R Systems With Overlapped Linear Coverage
Includes: Ning, R.R.[Rui Rui] Ning, R.R.[Rui-Rui]

Ning, R.X.[Rui Xin] Co Author Listing * 3D Room Layout Estimation From a Single RGB Image
Includes: Ning, R.X.[Rui Xin] Ning, R.X.[Rui-Xin]

Ning, S.[Shiduo] Co Author Listing * computation offloading method with distributed double deep Q-network for connected vehicle platooning with vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, A
* Gan Based Multi-Exposure Inverse Tone Mapping
* HOICLIP: Efficient Knowledge Transfer for HOI Detection with Vision-Language Models
* I-D Threshold Analysis of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides Based on TRMM Precipitation Data in Wudu, China
* MVHumanNet: A Large-Scale Dataset of Multi-View Daily Dressing Human Captures
* PICTURE: PhotorealistIC Virtual Try-on from UnconstRained dEsigns
Includes: Ning, S.[Shiduo] Ning, S. Ning, S.[Shan] Ning, S.[Shuliang]

Ning, S.H.[Shao Hui] Co Author Listing * Simple and Fast Region of Interest Extraction Approach Based on Computer Vision for Sport Scene Images, A
Includes: Ning, S.H.[Shao Hui] Ning, S.H.[Shao-Hui]

Ning, S.W.[Shao Wei] Co Author Listing * Cloud Transform Algorithm Based Model for Hydrological Variable Frequency Analysis
* Quantitative Assessment and Impact Analysis of Land Surface Deformation in Wuxi Based on PS-InSAR and GARCH Model
Includes: Ning, S.W.[Shao Wei] Ning, S.W.[Shao-Wei]

Ning, T.[Tong] Co Author Listing * Multi-GNSS Meteorology: Real-Time Retrieving of Atmospheric Water Vapor from BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS Observations

Ning, T.Y.[Tian Yu] Co Author Listing * Robust Tracking via Bidirectional Transduction With Mask Information
Includes: Ning, T.Y.[Tian Yu] Ning, T.Y.[Tian-Yu]

Ning, W.[Wei] Co Author Listing * Real-Time View-Dependent Shape Optimization for High Quality Free-Viewpoint Rendering of 3D Video, A

Ning, W.X.[Wen Xin] Co Author Listing * Anomaly detection in surveillance video using motion direction statistics
* Drastic Anomaly Detection in Video Using Motion Direction Statistics
* Hierarchical Prompting for Diffusion Classifiers
Includes: Ning, W.X.[Wen Xin] Ning, W.X.[Wen-Xin]

Ning, X.[Xin] Co Author Listing * 3D Person Re-Identification Based on Global Semantic Guidance and Local Feature Aggregation
* ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous continuity generative adversarial network model
* Adaptive Clustering-Based Algorithm for Automatic Path Planning of Heterogeneous UAVs, An
* Automatic Video Annotation System for Archival Sports Video
* Beyond Triplet Loss: Person Re-Identification With Fine-Grained Difference-Aware Pairwise Loss
* BULDP: Biomimetic Uncorrelated Locality Discriminant Projection for Feature Extraction in Face Recognition
* Continuous Learning of Face Attribute Synthesis
* DNGaussian: Optimizing Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Radiance Fields with Global-Local Depth Normalization
* Fast Single Image Haze Removal Method Based on Human Retina Property, A
* Feature Refinement and Filter Network for Person Re-Identification
* Gpsformer: A Global Perception and Local Structure Fitting-based Transformer for Point Cloud Understanding
* HCFNN: High-order coverage function neural network for image classification
* Hyper-sausage coverage function neuron model and learning algorithm for image classification
* Joint discriminative representation learning for end-to-end person search
* Learning adversarial semantic embeddings for zero-shot recognition in open worlds
* LGCN: Learnable Gabor Convolution Network for Human Gender Recognition in the Wild
* Lightweight Pyramid Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction, A
* Local Descriptor with Physiological Characteristic for Finger Vein Recognition, A
* Online Cost Efficient Customer Recognition System for Retail Analytics
* Parallel and Adaptive Uniform-distributed Registration Method For Chang'e-1 Lunar Remote Sensed Imagery
* Pedestrian 3D Shape Understanding for Person Re-Identification via Multi-View Learning
* PointGT: A Method for Point-Cloud Classification and Segmentation Based on Local Geometric Transformation
* Prioritizing Amyloid Imaging Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease via Learning to Rank
* Real-Time 3D Face Alignment Using an Encoder-Decoder Network With an Efficient Deconvolution Layer
* Recent Advances in Recommender Systems and Future Directions
* SAR-CDSS: A Semi-Supervised Cross-Domain Object Detection from Optical to SAR Domain
* Spacecraft Parabolic Antenna Payload Orientation Estimation Method Based on the Step Effect of Measured Radar Cross Section Sequences, The
* Talkinggaussian: Structure-persistent 3d Talking Head Synthesis via Gaussian Splatting
* Towards effective person search with deep learning: A survey from systematic perspective
* Uncertainty Estimation for Stereo Matching Based on Evidential Deep Learning
Includes: Ning, X.[Xin] Ning, X. Ning, X.[Xia]
30 for Ning, X.

Ning, X.C.[Xue Cheng] Co Author Listing * Multi-Hop Interactive Cross-modal Retrieval
Includes: Ning, X.C.[Xue Cheng] Ning, X.C.[Xue-Cheng]

Ning, X.D.[Xiao Dong] Co Author Listing * Opinion fraud detection via neural autoencoder decision forest
* Rating prediction via generative convolutional neural networks based regression
Includes: Ning, X.D.[Xiao Dong] Ning, X.D.[Xiao-Dong]

Ning, X.F.[Xue Fei] Co Author Listing * Ada3D: Exploiting the Spatial Redundancy with Adaptive Inference for Efficient 3D Object Detection
* CLOSE: Curriculum Learning on the Sharing Extent Towards Better One-Shot NAS
* CodedVTR: Codebook-based Sparse Voxel Transformer with Geometric Guidance
* DSA: More Efficient Budgeted Pruning via Differentiable Sparsity Allocation
* FedCor: Correlation-Based Active Client Selection Strategy for Heterogeneous Federated Learning
* FlashEval: Towards Fast and Accurate Evaluation of Text-to-Image Diffusion Generative Models
* Generic Graph-based Neural Architecture Encoding Scheme for Predictor-based NAS, A
* Generic Graph-Based Neural Architecture Encoding Scheme With Multifaceted Information, A
* Mixdq: Memory-efficient Few-step Text-to-image Diffusion Models with Metric-decoupled Mixed Precision Quantization
* Searching for Energy-Efficient Hybrid Adder-Convolution Neural Networks
* TCP: Triplet Contrastive-relationship Preserving for Class-Incremental Learning
* THInImg: Cross-modal Steganography for Presenting Talking Heads in Images
* Toward High-Accuracy and Real-Time Two-Stage Small Object Detection on FPGA
Includes: Ning, X.F.[Xue Fei] Ning, X.F.[Xue-Fei]
13 for Ning, X.F.

Ning, X.G.[Xiao Gang] Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Evaluation Of Urban Sprawl On Ecological Environment Using Multi-source Data: A Case Study Of Beijing
* Detection Method of New Buildings Based on High Resolution Remote Images, A
* Edge Detection and Feature Line Tracing in 3D-Point Clouds by Analyzing Geometric Properties of Neighborhoods
* Global-aware siamese network for change detection on remote sensing images
* Identification of Metropolitan Area Boundaries Based on Comprehensive Spatial Linkages of Cities: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
* Index Based on Joint Density of Corners and Line Segments for Built-Up Area Detection from High Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* Method for Assessing Urban Ecological Resilience and Identifying Its Critical Distance Belt Based on the Source-Sink Theory: A Case Study of Beijing, A
* Multi-Stage Progressive Change Detection on High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Quarterly Monitoring of Suspected Illegal Human Activities In National Nature Reserves of China with Sentinel-2 and High-resolution Images On the Cloud Platform
* Rapid and Automated Urban Boundary Extraction Method Based on Nighttime Light Data in China, A
* Spatial-Temporal Semantic Perception Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Change Detection
* Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of China's Cities Based on High-Resolution Imagery from 2000 to 2015
* Sustainability Evaluation of Chinese Capital Cities Based on Urban Geographic Environment Index
* SVM-Based Classification of Segmented Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds in Urban Areas
* Urban Ecological Space Changes of 338 Prefecture-level Cities In China From 2016 to 2017 with High-precision Urban Boundary and Land Cover Data
Includes: Ning, X.G.[Xiao Gang] Ning, X.G.[Xiao-Gang]
15 for Ning, X.G.

Ning, X.J.[Xiao Jun] Co Author Listing * Multi-View Consistency Contrastive Learning With Hard Positives for Sleep Signals
* Novel Object-Based Filter for Improving Land-Cover Classification of Aerial Imagery with Very High Spatial Resolution
* Semantic Segmentation Guided Coarse-to-Fine Detection of Individual Trees from MLS Point Clouds Based on Treetop Points Extraction and Radius Expansion
* Trunk-Constrained and Tree Structure Analysis Method for Individual Tree Extraction from Scanned Outdoor Scenes
Includes: Ning, X.J.[Xiao Jun] Ning, X.J.[Xiao-Jun] Ning, X.J.[Xiao-Juan]

Ning, X.L.[Xiao Ling] Co Author Listing * New super-exponential iteration blind equalization algorithm for underwater acoustic communications
* Optical Co-Registration Method of Triaxial OPM-MEG and MRI
Includes: Ning, X.L.[Xiao Ling] Ning, X.L.[Xiao-Ling] Ning, X.L.[Xiao-Lin]

Ning, X.W.[Xin Wen] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Simulation Method of High-Speed Railway Engineering Construction Processes Based on Virtual Geographic Environment
Includes: Ning, X.W.[Xin Wen] Ning, X.W.[Xin-Wen]

Ning, X.Y.[Xiang Yu] Co Author Listing * Characterizing Changes in Paddy Rice Flooding Time over the Sanjiang Plain Using Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Time Series
Includes: Ning, X.Y.[Xiang Yu] Ning, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu]

Ning, Y.[Ying] Co Author Listing * Co-Evolution of Emerging Multi-Cities: Rates, Patterns and Driving Policies Revealed by Continuous Change Detection and Classification of Landsat Data
* Deep Learning in Image Classification: An Overview
* Deep RAW Image Super-Resolution. A NTIRE 2024 Challenge Survey
* Deep RAW Image Super-Resolution. A NTIRE 2024 Challenge Survey
* DRAN: Deep recurrent adversarial network for automated pancreas segmentation
* Effects of Aerosols on Gross Primary Production from Ecosystems to the Globe
* Flat panel detector-based cone-beam volume CT angiography imaging: system evaluation
* Interactive Portrait Art
* Multialgorithm Fusion Image Processing for High Speed Railway Dropper Failure-Defect Detection
* Non-Synchronous Measurements of a Microphone Array at Coprime Positions
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces
* Optimal Trajectory Planning Method for the Navigation of WIP Vehicles in Unknown Environments: Theory and Experiment
* Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Construction Using Remote Sensing Approach
* Smile, you're on identity camera
* Towards accurate coronary artery calcium segmentation with multi-scale attention mechanism
* Towards general motion-based face recognition
* Weakly-supervised Metric Learning with Cross-Module Communications for the Classification of Anterior Chamber Angle Images
Includes: Ning, Y.[Ying] Ning, Y.[Yi] Ning, Y.[Yimo] Ning, Y.[Yang] Ning, Y.[Ye] Ning, Y.[Yong] Ning, Y.[Yue] Ning, Y.[Yigao]
17 for Ning, Y.

Ning, Y.B.[Yan Bin] Co Author Listing * hybrid fusion method of fingerprint identification for high security applications, A
Includes: Ning, Y.B.[Yan Bin] Ning, Y.B.[Yan-Bin]

Ning, Y.F.[Ya Fei] Co Author Listing * Initial Results of the Precise Orbit Determination for the New-Generation BeiDou Satellites (BeiDou-3) Based on the iGMAS Network
* Long Baseline Three Carrier Ambiguity Resolution with a New Ionospheric Constraint, A
Includes: Ning, Y.F.[Ya Fei] Ning, Y.F.[Ya-Fei]

Ning, Y.P.[Yi Peng] Co Author Listing * Research on a Matching Method for Vehicle-Borne Laser Point Cloud and Panoramic Images Based on Occlusion Removal
* Robust Algorithm for Multi-GNSS Precise Positioning and Performance Analysis in Urban Environments, A
Includes: Ning, Y.P.[Yi Peng] Ning, Y.P.[Yi-Peng]

Ning, Y.Q.[Ya Qian] Co Author Listing * DVST: Deformable Voxel Set Transformer for 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds
Includes: Ning, Y.Q.[Ya Qian] Ning, Y.Q.[Ya-Qian]

Ning, Y.X.[Yi Xiong] Co Author Listing * Instance-Dependent Label-Noise Learning with Manifold-Regularized Transition Matrix Estimation
Includes: Ning, Y.X.[Yi Xiong] Ning, Y.X.[Yi-Xiong]

Ning, Z.[Zhenhu] Co Author Listing * Certificateless Peer-to-Peer Key Agreement Protocol for the Perception Layer of Internet of Things
* Federated Learning Enabled Credit Priority Task Processing for Transportation Big Data
* Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint Computation Offloading and Caching Solution
* Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Control System
* Long term activity prediction in first person viewpoint
* Monitory Consensus Mechanism of Blockchain for Internet of Things
* Research On The Key Technology Of Large Scale Mapping From Low Altitude Photogrammetry
* Tensor Coupled Learning of Incomplete Longitudinal Features and Labels for Clinical Score Regression
Includes: Ning, Z.[Zhenhu] Ning, Z.[Zhaolong] Ning, Z. Ning, Z.[Zhuang] Ning, Z.[Zhang] Ning, Z.[Zhenyuan]
8 for Ning, Z.

Ning, Z.H.[Zhong Hua] Co Author Listing * How Does Spartina alterniflora Invade in Salt Marsh in Relation to Tidal Channel Networks? Patterns and Processes
* Trusted Connection Architecture for Edge Computing, A
Includes: Ning, Z.H.[Zhong Hua] Ning, Z.H.[Zhong-Hua] Ning, Z.H.[Zhen-Hu]

Ning, Z.L.[Zhao Long] Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Based Autonomous Vehicle Super Resolution DOA Estimation for Safety Driving
* Mobile Edge Computing and Machine Learning in the Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Survey
* Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Urban Traffic Networks
* Survey on Security of UAV Swarm Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures, A
Includes: Ning, Z.L.[Zhao Long] Ning, Z.L.[Zhao-Long]

Ning, Z.N.[Zhao Ning] Co Author Listing * Research on fuzzy enhancement algorithms for infrared image recognition quality of power internet of things equipment based on membership function
* Robust 3D Reconstruction with Outliers Using RANSAC Based Singular Value Decomposition
* Robust Multi-Body Motion Segmentation Based on Fuzzy k-Subspace Clustering
Includes: Ning, Z.N.[Zhao Ning] Ning, Z.N.[Zheng-Nan]

Ning, Z.P.[Zhi Peng] Co Author Listing * YOLOv7-RDD: A Lightweight Efficient Pavement Distress Detection Model
Includes: Ning, Z.P.[Zhi Peng] Ning, Z.P.[Zhi-Peng]

Ning, Z.Y.[Zhen Yuan] Co Author Listing * Mutual-Assistance Learning for Standalone Mono-Modality Survival Analysis of Human Cancers
* Relation-Aware Shared Representation Learning for Cancer Prognosis Analysis with Auxiliary Clinical Variables and Incomplete Multi-Modality Data
* Relation-Induced Multi-Modal Shared Representation Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Satellite and Machine Learning Monitoring of Optically Inactive Water Quality Variability in a Tropical River
* SMU-Net: Saliency-Guided Morphology-Aware U-Net for Breast Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Image
Includes: Ning, Z.Y.[Zhen Yuan] Ning, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yuan] Ning, Z.Y.[Zi-Yu]

Ningombam, S.S.[Shantikumar S.] Co Author Listing * Impact of Aerosol and Cloud on the Solar Energy Potential over the Central Gangetic Himalayan Region

Ningsheng, C.[Chen] Co Author Listing * Geohazards Susceptibility Assessment along the Upper Indus Basin Using Four Machine Learning and Statistical Models

Ningsih, A.P.[Ayu Putri] Co Author Listing * Evaluation of GPM IMERG Performance Using Gauge Data over Indonesian Maritime Continent at Different Time Scales

Ningthoujam, R.K.[Ramesh K.] Co Author Listing * Airborne S-Band SAR for Forest Biophysical Retrieval in Temperate Mixed Forests of the UK
* Mapping Forest Cover and Forest Cover Change with Airborne S-Band Radar
* Relationships of S-Band Radar Backscatter and Forest Aboveground Biomass in Different Forest Types

Index for "n"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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