* 2D and 3D Multimodal Hybrid Face Recognition
* 3-Band Motion-Compensated Temporal Structures for Scalable Video Coding
* 3D Motion from Image Derivatives Using the Least Trimmed Square Regression
* 3D shape-based face representation and feature extraction for face recognition
* 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Graph Cuts with Surface Constraints
* 4-Source Photometric Stereo Under General Unknown Lighting, The
* Accelerated Convergence Using Dynamic Mean Shift
* Adapted Vocabularies for Generic Visual Categorization
* Adaptive Classifier Selection Based on Two Level Hypothesis Tests for Incremental Learning
* Adaptive Doppler-Kalman filter for radar systems
* Adaptive Downsampling to Improve Image Compression at Low Bit Rates
* Adaptive Geometry Compression Based on 4-Point Interpolatory Subdivision Schemes
* Adaptive Sparse Vector Tracking Via Online Bayesian Learning
* Affine Invariant of Parallelograms and Its Application to Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction, An
* Affine-Invariant Multi-reference Shape Priors for Active Contours
* Algebraic Methods for Direct and Feature Based Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images
* Algorithm for Global Leaf Area Index Retrieval Using Satellite Imagery
* Alias-Free Interpolation
* Aligning Concave and Convex Shapes
* Analysing animal behaviour in wildlife videos using face detection and tracking
* Analysis and Selection of Features for the Fingerprint Vitality Detection
* Analysis of Visual Search Patterns With EMD Metric in Normalized Anatomical Space
* Anatomy and Flow in Normal and Ischemic Microvasculature Based on a Novel Temporal Fractal Dimension Analysis Algorithm Using Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* Apparatus and method for stereo matching and method of calculating an infinite distance corresponding point
* Application of a Two-Level Self Organizing Map for Korean Online Game Market Segmentation
* Applying Preattentive Visual Guidance in Document Image Analysis
* Approximate Bayesian Multibody Tracking
* Approximate Vehicle Waiting Time Estimation Using Adaptive Video-Based Vehicle Tracking
* AUC-Based Linear Combination of Dichotomizers
* Audio Copyright Protection Schemes Based on SMM in Cepstrum Domain, An
* Augmented Embedding of Dissimilarity Data into (Pseudo-)Euclidean Spaces
* automated pattern recognition system for the quantification of inflammatory cells in hepatitis-C-infected liver biopsies, An
* Automatic 3D Face Model Reconstruction Using One Image
* Automatic Color-Texture Image Segmentation by Using Active Contours
* Automatic decomposition of time series into step, ramp, and impulse primitives
* Automatic Euclidean reconstruction for turn-table sequences by indirect epipolar search between pairs of views
* Automatic illumination correction for scene enhancement and object tracking
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Positioning a Seed
* Automatic parameter regulation of perceptual systems
* Automatic registration of overlapping 3D point clouds using closest points
* Automatic Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac MR and CT Images
* Automatic texture feature selection for image pixel classification
* Background Cut
* Balanced Exploration and Exploitation Model Search for Efficient Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Bayesian Approach for Stochastic White Matter Tractography, A
* Bayesian Class-Matched Multinet Classifier
* Bayesian Estimation Approach to Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Face Images, A
* Bayesian Network Structure Learning by Recursive Autonomy Identification
* Bilateral Filtering-Based Optical Flow Estimation with Occlusion Detection
* Bistatic Scattering From Three-Dimensional Layered Rough Surfaces
* Blind Vision
* Boundary-Fragment-Model for Object Detection, A
* BTF Modelling Using BRDF Texels
* Camera Calibration from Video of a Walking Human
* Camera Calibration with Two Arbitrary Coaxial Circles
* Canonical Representation and Multi-View Geometry of Cylinders
* Carved Visual Hulls for Image-Based Modeling
* CCD Noise Removal in Digital Images
* Characterizing the performance of automatic road detection using error propagation
* Class of Generalized Median Contour Problem with Exact Solution, A
* Classification Approach for the Heart Sound Signals Using Hidden Markov Models, A
* Closed-form pose estimation from metric rectification of coplanar points
* Clustering Based on Compressed Data for Categorical and Mixed Attributes
* Cognitive Approach to Visual Data Interpretation in Medical Information and Recognition Systems
* Coloring Local Feature Extraction
* colorization algorithm based on local MAP estimation, A
* Combined Classifiers for Action Recognition
* Combining Accuracy and Prior Sensitivity for Classifier Design Under Prior Uncertainty
* Combining Features to Improve Oil Spill Classification in SAR Images
* Combining SVM and Graph Matching in a Bayesian Multiple Classifier System for Image Content Recognition
* comparative study of combining multiple enrolled samples for fingerprint verification, A
* Comparative Study of Energy Minimization Methods for Markov Random Fields, A
* Comparative Study of People Detection in Surveillance Scenes
* Comparison of Classifier Fusion Methods for Classification in Pattern Recognition Tasks
* Comparison of Computational Intelligence Based Classification Techniques for Remotely Sensed Optical Image Classification
* Comparison of Energy Minimization Algorithms for Highly Connected Graphs
* Comparison of NASA Team2 and AES-York Ice Concentration Algorithms Against Operational Ice Charts From the Canadian Ice Service
* Comprehensive Cardiovascular Image Analysis Using MR and CT at Siemens Corporate Research
* Compression of pre-scan-converted echocardiographic video using wavelet packet and integer wavelet transforms
* Computational Cameras: Redefining the Image
* Computer-implemented digital video object compositing
* Conditional Infomax Learning: An Integrated Framework for Feature Extraction and Fusion
* Confidence Based Gating of Multiple Face Authentication Experts
* Confidence Score Based Unsupervised Incremental Adaptation for OOV Words Detection
* Confocal Stereo
* Considerations Regarding the Minimum Spanning Tree Pyramid Segmentation Method (Why Does it Always Find the Lady?)
* Content browsing and semantic context viewing through JPEG 2000-based scalable video summary
* Context Driven Chinese String Segmentation and Recognition
* Context-Aided Human Recognition: Clustering
* Context-based object detection in still images
* Controlling Sparseness in Non-negative Tensor Factorization
* Cost-Effective Line-Based Light-Balancing Technique Using Adaptive Processing, A
* Coupled Statistical Model for Face Shape Recovery, A
* Covariant Derivatives and Vision
* Curvature-Preserving Regularization of Multi-valued Images Using PDE's
* Cyclostationary Processes on Shape Spaces for Gait-Based Recognition
* Data Adaptive Median Filters for Signal and Image Denoising Using a Generalized SURE Criterion
* Database-Guided Simultaneous Multi-slice 3D Segmentation for Volumetric Data
* De-Blocking Artifacts in DCT Domain Using Projection onto Convex Sets Algorithm
* Defocus Inpainting
* Deformable Shape Finding With Models Based on Kernel Methods
* Degen Generalized Cylinders and Their Properties
* Dense Photometric Stereo by Expectation Maximization
* Density Estimation Using Mixtures of Mixtures of Gaussians
* Describing and Matching 2D Shapes by Their Points of Mutual Symmetry
* Design and Evaluation of a Generic Method for Generating Mosaicked Multispectral Filter Arrays, The
* Detecting and Measuring Fine Roots in Minirhizotron Images Using Matched Filtering and Local Entropy Thresholding
* Detecting Doctored JPEG Images Via DCT Coefficient Analysis
* Detecting Instances of Shape Classes That Exhibit Variable Structure
* Detecting Scene Changes Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Detecting Symmetry and Symmetric Constellations of Features
* Determination of the Method of Construction of 1650 B.C. Wall Paintings
* Development of a Block-Based Real-Time People Counting System
* Diagnosis of heart disease using artificial immune recognition system and fuzzy weighted pre-processing
* Differential Geometric Consistency Extends Stereo to Curved Surfaces
* Differentiation of sCJD and vCJD Forms by Automated Analysis of Basal Ganglia Intensity Distribution in Multisequence MRI of the Brain: Definition and Evaluation of New MRI-Based Ratios
* Diffusion Maps and Coarse-Graining: A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, Graph Partitioning, and Data Set Parameterization
* Diffusion of Geometric Affinity for Surface Integration
* Direct Curvature Scale Space in Corner Detection
* Direct Energy Minimization for Super-Resolution on Nonlinear Manifolds
* Direct Solutions for Computing Cylinders from Minimal Sets of 3D Points
* Discovering Texture Regularity as a Higher-Order Correspondence Problem
* Discriminant neighborhood embedding for classification
* Discriminant Transform Based on Scatter Difference Criterion in Hidden Space
* Diversity Analysis for Ensembles of Word Sequence Recognisers
* Dynamic image search information recording apparatus and dynamic image searching device
* Dynamic registration selection for fingerprint verification
* Edge Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging: Multivariate Statistical Approaches
* Edge-Preserving Image Denoising via Optimal Color Space Projection
* Edit Distance for Ordered Vector Sets: A Case of Study
* Editorial: Knowledge-based digital media processing
* Effective Handwritten Hangul Recognition Method Based on the Hierarchical Stroke Model Matching
* Effective Palette Indexing for Image Compression Using Self-Organization of Kohonen Feature Map
* Effectiveness of Spectral Band Selection/Extraction Techniques for Spectral Data
* Efficient and Robust Segmentations Based on Eikonal and Diffusion PDEs
* efficient architecture of deblocking filter with high frame rate for H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Belief Propagation with Learned Higher-Order Markov Random Fields
* Efficient Binary Motion Estimation Algorithm and its Architecture for MPEG-4 Shape Encoding, An
* Efficient computation of radial moment functions using symmetrical property
* Efficient Distance Between Multi-dimensional Histograms for Comparing Images, An
* Efficient edge-based object tracking
* Efficient Forward Solver in Electrical Impedance Tomography by Spectral Element Method, An
* Efficient image selection for concept learning
* Efficient Method for Tensor Voting Using Steerable Filters, An
* Efficient nearly-optimal motion and structure from images via analysis of dimensional reduction: application to safety checking system
* Ellipse Fitting with Hyperaccuracy
* EM Cluster Analysis for Categorical Data
* EM-in-M: Analyze and Synthesize Emotion in Motion
* EMD-L1: An Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Comparing Histogram-Based Descriptors
* Enhancing the Point Feature Tracker by Adaptive Modelling of the Feature Support
* Error Analysis of Robust Optical Flow Estimation by Least Median of Squares Methods for the Varying Illumination Model
* Estimating Gaze Direction from Low-Resolution Faces in Video
* Estimating Just-Noticeable Distortion for Video
* Estimation of Multiple Periodic Motions from Video
* Euclidean reconstruction of a circular truncated cone only from its uncalibrated contours
* Euclidean Structure from N^2 Parallel Circles: Theory and Algorithms
* Evaluation for uncertain image classification and segmentation
* Evaluation of Statistical Methods to Estimate Forest Volume in a Mediterranean Region
* Evaluation of Three Popular Computer Vision Approaches for 3-D Face Synthesis, An
* Example Based Non-rigid Shape Detection
* Experiments on Robust Image Registration Using a Markov-Gibbs Appearance Model
* Exploiting Model Similarity for Indexing and Matching to a Large Model Database
* Extending Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis with the Weighted Pairwise Chernoff Criterion
* Eye tracking: Pupil orientation geometrical modeling
* Face Authentication Using Adapted Local Binary Pattern Histograms
* Face authentication using speed fractal technique
* Face recognition by fusing thermal infrared and visible imagery
* Face Recognition from Video Using the Generic Shape-Illumination Manifold
* Face recognition using common faces method
* Facial pose from 3D data
* Facial Shadow Removal
* Far-Field Radiated From a Vertical Magnetic Dipole in the Sea With a Rough Upper Surface
* Fast and Exact Modulo-Distance Between Histograms, A
* Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter Using a Signal Processing Approach, A
* Fast Computation of Chebyshev Moments
* Fast Line Segment Based Dense Stereo Algorithm Using Tree Dynamic Programming, A
* Fast Memory-Efficient Generalized Belief Propagation
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Inter-Frame Coding in Fully Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Motion Estimation Robust to Random Motions Based on a Distance Prediction
* Fast Suboptimal Algorithms for the Computation of Graph Edit Distance
* Fast, Quality, Segmentation of Large Volumes: Isoperimetric Distance Trees
* Feature Extraction Using Information-Theoretic Learning
* Feature Over-Selection
* Feature Points Tracking: Robustness to Specular Highlights and Lighting Changes
* Feature-Based Synchronization of Video and Background Music
* Figure/Ground Assignment in Natural Images
* Filament Enhancement by Non-linear Volumetric Filtering Using Clustering-Based Connectivity
* Finding Captions in PDF-Documents for Semantic Annotations of Images
* Fingerprint matching using ridges
* Fisher's Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Fitting 3D face models for tracking and active appearance model training
* Flexible-Hybrid Sequential Floating Search in Statistical Feature Selection
* Fluid Motion Estimator for Schlieren Image Velocimetry, A
* Formulating LLE using alignment technique
* Fourier-Based Object Description in Defect Image Retrieval
* Fractal-Wavelet Image Denoising Revisited
* From Indefinite to Positive Semi-Definite Matrices
* From Tensor-Driven Diffusion to Anisotropic Wavelet Shrinkage
* Fully Automatic Segmentation of Coronary Vessel Structures in Poor Quality X-Ray Angiogram Images
* Fuzzy clustering with pairwise constraints for knowledge-driven image categorisation
* Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for stereovision matching
* Fuzzy discriminant analysis with kernel methods
* fuzzy logic approach for detection of video shot boundaries, A
* Gabor-Based Kernel PCA With Doubly Nonlinear Mapping for Face Recognition With a Single Face Image
* Gait Recognition Using a View Transformation Model in the Frequency Domain
* General Framework for Motion Segmentation: Independent, Articulated, Rigid, Non-rigid, Degenerate and Non-degenerate, A
* Generalization Error of Multinomial Classifier
* Generalization of the Two-Dimensional Prolate Spheroidal Wave Function Method for Nonrectilinear MRI Data Acquisition Methods, A
* Generalized Multi-sensor Planning
* Generic Blind Source Separation Using Second-Order Local Statistics
* Generic content-based audio indexing and retrieval framework
* Generic object registration using multiple hypotheses testing in partition trees
* Geodesics Between 3D Closed Curves Using Path-Straightening
* Geometry and Kinematics with Uncertain Data
* Global Approach for Solving Evolutive Heat Transfer for Image Denoising and Inpainting, A
* Globally Optimal Active Contours, Sequential Monte Carlo and On-Line Learning for Vessel Segmentation
* Graph Based Multi-class Semi-supervised Learning Using Gaussian Process
* Graph Cuts and Efficient N-D Image Segmentation
* Graph Embedding Using Commute Time
* Graph image language techniques supporting radiological, hand image interpretations
* Graph-Based Fast Image Segmentation
* Graph-Based Method for Detecting and Classifying Clusters in Mammographic Images, A
* Graph-based Method to Remove Interferential Curve From Text Image, A
* Guest Editor's Introduction: Computational Photography-The Next Big Step
* Hierarchical Markovian Models for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical ownership and deterministic watermarking of digital images via polynomial interpolation
* Hierarchical Video Summarization Based on Video Structure and Highlight
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Serves 3-D Pose Tracking: Exploiting Contour and Flow Based Constraints
* High Dynamic Range Image Rendering With a Retinex-Based Adaptive Filter
* High-Performance Sum of Absolute Difference Implementation for Motion Estimation, A
* Higher Order Image Pyramids
* Hill-manipulation: An effective algorithm for color image segmentation
* HMM-Based Gait Recognition with Human Profiles
* Human Detection Using Oriented Histograms of Flow and Appearance
* Human Gait Recognition With Matrix Representation
* Human Pose Estimation from Polluted Silhouettes Using Sub-manifold Voting Strategy
* Human Pose Tracking Using Multi-level Structured Models
* Hybrid SEM Algorithm for High-Dimensional Unsupervised Learning Using a Finite Generalized Dirichlet Mixture, A
* Hybrid Stereo Configurations Through a Cylindrical Sensor Calibration
* Hyperfeatures: Multilevel Local Coding for Visual Recognition
* Hyperspectral Data Selection from Mutual Information Between Image Bands
* Hypotheses for Image Features, Icons and Textons
* Identifiability and Estimation of Probabilities from Multiple Databases with Incomplete Data and Sampling Selection
* Identification of Highly Similar 3D Objects Using Model Saliency
* Identifying Single Good Clusters in Data Sets
* Illumination-Invariant Color Image Correction
* Image coding based on wavelet transform and uniform scalar dead zone quantizer
* Image Deblurring in the Presence of Impulsive Noise
* Image Denoising Using Total Least Squares
* Image encryption using chaotic logistic map
* Image inpainting with structural bootstrap priors
* Image languages in intelligent radiological palm diagnostics
* Image retrieval systems and methods with semantic and feature based relevance feedback
* Image Specific Feature Similarities
* Image-Based Absolute Positioning System for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Impact of Point Spread Function on Infrared Radiances From Geostationary Satellites
* Improved Lossless Intra Coding for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Improved Possibilistic C-Means Algorithm Based on Kernel Methods, An
* Improved quality of reconstructed images using floating point arithmetic for moment calculation
* Incorporating Non-motion Cues into 3D Motion Segmentation
* Influence of high-resolution processing on background noise distribution in ship-borne radar
* Integral Invariants for Computed Tomography
* Integral Solution to Surface Evolution PDEs Via Geo-cuts, An
* Integrated Model for Accurate Shape Alignment, An
* Integrating region and boundary information for spatially coherent object tracking
* Integrating Surface Normal Vectors Using Fast Marching Method
* Integration Concept for Vision-Based Object Handling: Shape-Capture, Detection and Tracking, An
* Intensity Similarity Measure in Low-Light Conditions, An
* Inter-modality Face Recognition
* Interpolating Orientation Fields: An Axiomatic Approach
* Iterative Division and Correlograms for Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects
* Iterative Extensions of the Sturm/Triggs Algorithm: Convergence and Nonconvergence
* Joint Key-Frame Extraction and Object Segmentation for Content-Based Video Analysis
* Joint optical flow estimation, segmentation, and 3D interpretation with level sets
* Kernel Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function for Facial Expression Recognition
* Kernel-Predictability: A New Information Measure and Its Application to Image Registration
* Keypoint Recognition Using Randomized Trees
* Knowledge representation and semantic annotation of multimedia content
* Learning 2D Hand Shapes Using the Topology Preservation Model GNG
* Learning and Incorporating Top-Down Cues in Image Segmentation
* Learning and Predicting Moving Object Trajectory: A piecewise trajectory segment approach
* Learning Based Approach for 3D Segmentation and Colon Detagging, A
* Learning Compositional Categorization Models
* Learning Discriminative Canonical Correlations for Object Recognition with Image Sets
* Learning Effective Intrinsic Features to Boost 3D-Based Face Recognition
* Learning Nonlinear Manifolds from Time Series
* Learning Semantic Scene Models by Trajectory Analysis
* Learning to Combine Bottom-Up and Top-Down Segmentation
* Learning to Detect Objects of Many Classes Using Binary Classifiers
* Level Set-Based Bimodal Segmentation With Stationary Global Minimum
* Light Fields and Computational Imaging
* Lighting design for machine vision application
* Linear Image Reconstruction Framework Based on Sobolev Type Inner Products, A
* Local approach for face verification in polar frequency domain
* Local linear LUT method for spatial colour-correction algorithm speed-up
* Local Orientation Estimation in Corrupted Images
* Locally Adjusted Cubic-Spline Capping for Reconstructing Seasonal Trajectories of a Satellite-Derived Surface Parameter
* Located Hidden Random Fields: Learning Discriminative Parts for Object Detection
* Looking for Prototypes by Genetic Programming
* Lossless Compression of VLSI Layout Image Data
* Low-Grazing-Angle Scattering From 3-D Breaking Water Wave Crests
* M-Face: An Appearance-Based Photorealistic Model for Multiple Facial Attributes Rendering
* Machine Learning for High-Speed Corner Detection
* Magnetic Models of Unexploded Ordnance
* Markov Random Field Modeling for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac Angiography
* Maximally Stable Local Description for Scale Selection
* Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Object Detection Using Multiple Detectors
* Maxwell Normal Distribution in a Manifold and Mahalanobis Metric
* Measuring the performance of face localization systems
* Measuring Uncertainty in Graph Cut Solutions: Efficiently Computing Min-marginal Energies Using Dynamic Graph Cuts
* Merging and Arbitration Strategy Applied Bayesian Classification for Eye Location
* Method and apparatus for generating, distributing and reconstructing deconstructed video
* Method and system for detecting fire in a predetermined area
* Model Selection Using a Class of Kernels with an Invariant Metric
* Model-Based Hand Tracking Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Filter
* Modeling 3D Objects from Stereo Views and Recognizing Them in Photographs
* Modeling of Remote Sensing Image Content Using Attributed Relational Graphs
* Modelling the Human Visual Process by Evolving Images from Noise
* Molding Face Shapes by Example
* Moment Camera, The
* Monitoring Abnormal Patterns with Complex Semantics over ICU Data Streams
* Mono-font Cursive Arabic Text Recognition Using Speech Recognition System
* Monocular Tracking of 3D Human Motion with a Coordinated Mixture of Factor Analyzers
* Motion and Gray Based Automatic Road Segment Method MGARS in Urban Traffic Surveillance
* Motion Blur Identification in Noisy Images Using Feed-Forward Back Propagation Neural Network
* Motion estimation and compensation in the redundant-wavelet domain using triangle meshes
* Motion segmentation system with multi-frame hypothesis tracking
* Motion vector searching method using plural search areas
* Mouth Region Localization Method Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Moving Window-Based Double Haar Wavelet Transform for Image Processing
* MRF Based Spatial Complexity for Hyperspectral Imagery Unmixing
* MST-Based Stepwise Connection Strategies for Multipass Radar Data, With Application to Coregistration and Equalization
* Multi-camera Tracking and Segmentation of Occluded People on Ground Plane Using Search-Guided Particle Filtering
* Multi-sector algorithm for hardware acceleration of the general Hough transform
* Multi-stage Approach for Anchor Shot Detection, A
* Multi-way Clustering Using Super-Symmetric Non-negative Tensor Factorization
* Multiclass Image Labeling with Semidefinite Programming
* Multicue HMM-UKF for Real-Time Contour Tracking
* Multifractal Analysis of Human Retinal Vessels
* Multigrid Platform for Real-Time Motion Computation with Discontinuity-Preserving Variational Methods, A
* Multigrid Tomographic Inversion With Variable Resolution Data and Image Spaces
* Multiphase Level Set Evolution Scheme for Aerial Image Segmentation Using Multi-scale Image Geometric Analysis, A
* Multiscale Active Contours
* Multispectral Bathymetry Using a Simple Physically Based Algorithm
* Multivalued Default Logic for Identity Maintenance in Visual Surveillance
* Multivariate Relevance Vector Machines for Tracking
* Multiview Approach to Tracking People in Crowded Scenes Using a Planar Homography Constraint, A
* Neural classifier for micro work piece recognition
* New 3-D Model Retrieval System Based on Aspect-Transition Descriptor, A
* New Convexity Measure Based on a Probabilistic Interpretation of Images, A
* new method for the characterization of telecine effect in video sequences, A
* New Multicomponent Filters for Geophysical Data Processing
* New Region of Interest Medical Image Coding for JPEG2000: Compensation-Based Partial Bitplane Alternating Shift
* New Simplified Gravitational Clustering Method for Multi-prototype Learning Based on Minimum Classification Error Training, A
* new technique for generalized learning vector quantization algorithm, A
* New Wavelet Lifting Scheme for Image Compression Applications, A
* Non Linear Temporal Textures Synthesis: A Monte Carlo Approach
* Non-Euclidean or Non-metric Measures Can Be Informative
* Nonparametric Statistical Snake Based on the Minimum Stochastic Complexity
* Nonrigid Shape and Motion from Multiple Perspective Views
* novel and quick SVM-based multi-class classifier, A
* novel approach to fuzzy clustering based on a dissimilarity relation extracted from data using a TS system, A
* novel approach to the fast computation of Zernike moments, A
* novel gray-based reduced NN classification method, A
* Novel Recovery Algorithm of Incomplete Observation Matrix for Converting 2-D Video to 3-D Content, A
* Novel Temporal Calibration Method for 3-D Ultrasound, A
* novel weighted Hausdorff distance for face localization, A
* Null Foley-Sammon transform
* Numerical error analysis in Zernike moments computation
* Object Detection by Contour Segment Networks
* Object Recognition Using Multiresolution Trees
* On Optimizing Kernel-Based Fisher Discriminant Analysis Using Prototype Reduction Schemes
* On relational possibilistic clustering
* On the Blending of the Landsat and MODIS Surface Reflectance: Predicting Daily Landsat Surface Reflectance
* On the Estimation of the Coefficient of Variation for Anisotropic Diffusion Speckle Filtering
* On the impact of fusion strategies on classification errors for large ensembles of classifiers
* On the Theory and Applications of Sequence Based Estimation of Independent Binomial Random Variables
* On the Use of Different Classification Rules in an Editing Task
* Optical Flow Computation with Fourth Order Partial Differential Equations
* Optimal Multi-frame Correspondence with Assignment Tensors
* Optimisation of Gaussian mixture model for satellite image classification
* Oriented Visibility for Multiview Reconstruction
* Orthonormal Hilbert-Pair of Wavelets With (Almost) Maximum Vanishing Moments
* Outlier Detection Using Ball Descriptions with Adjustable Metric
* Overconstrained Linear Estimation of Radial Distortion and Multi-view Geometry
* Panoramas from Partially Blurred Video
* Parametrization Construction of Integer Wavelet Transforms for Embedded Image Coding
* partition approach for the restoration of camera images of planar and curled document, A
* Patch-Based Texture Edges and Segmentation
* Penalized-Likelihood Sinogram Restoration for Computed Tomography
* Perceptual Image Retrieval Using Eye Movements
* perceptually optimised video coding system for sign language communication at low bit rates, A
* Performance Analysis of Motion-Compensated De-Interlacing Systems
* Perspective n-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion Through Model Selection
* Photo2Video: A System for Automatically Converting Photographic Series Into Video
* Physically-Motivated Deformable Model Based on Fluid Dynamics, A
* Planning with Uncertainty in Position Using High-Resolution Maps
* Point Pattern Matching Via Spectral Geometry
* Polarimetric Image Segmentation via Maximum-Likelihood Approximation and Efficient Multiphase Level-Sets
* Polyharmonic Smoothing Splines and the Multidimensional Wiener Filtering of Fractal-Like Signals
* Polynomial Network Classifier with Discriminative Feature Extraction
* Pose and Motion Recovery from Feature Correspondences and a Digital Terrain Map
* PoseCut: Simultaneous Segmentation and 3D Pose Estimation of Humans Using Dynamic Graph-Cuts
* Practical Global Optimization for Multiview Geometry
* Principle Phase Decomposition: A New Concept in Blind Seismic Deconvolution
* Probabilistic Fusion of Stereo with Color and Contrast for Bi-Layer Segmentation
* Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Pseudo-hilbert Scan Algorithm for Arbitrarily-Sized Rectangle Region, A
* Random Walk Kernel Derived from Graph Edit Distance, A
* Random Walks, Constrained Multiple Hypothesis Testing and Image Enhancement
* Real-Time Non-rigid Shape Recovery Via Active Appearance Models for Augmented Reality
* Real-Time Upper Body Detection and 3D Pose Estimation in Monoscopic Images
* Reality Augmentation for Medical Procedures: System Architecture, Single Camera Marker Tracking, and System Evaluation
* Realizing Low-Cost High-Throughput General-Purpose Block Encoder for JPEG2000
* Recognition and Segmentation of 3-D Human Action Using HMM and Multi-class AdaBoost
* Recognition of human periodic movements from unstructured information using a motion-based frequency domain approach
* Recognizing Face or Object from a Single Image: Linear vs. Kernel Methods on 2D Patterns
* Recognizing Facial Expressions with PCA and ICA onto Dimension of the Emotion
* Reconfigurable omnidirectional camera array calibration with a linear moving object
* Reconstruction of Canal Surfaces from Single Images Under Exact Perspective
* Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Detection and Classification
* Region-Based Shock-Diffusion Equation for Adaptive Image Enhancement
* Reinforcement Learning with Raw Image Pixels as Input State
* representation and matching of categorical shape, The
* Research on Iterative Closest Contour Point for Underwater Terrain-Aided Navigation
* Resolution-Aware Fitting of Active Appearance Models to Low Resolution Images
* Resolution-Enhanced Photometric Stereo
* Retexturing Single Views Using Texture and Shading
* Revisiting the Brightness Constraint: Probabilistic Formulation and Algorithms
* Riemannian Manifold Learning for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Road Sign Detection and Recognition Using A Fuzzy ARTMAP: A Case Study Swedish Speed-Limit Signs
* Robust and Efficient Photo-Consistency Estimation for Volumetric 3D Reconstruction
* Robust and Hierarchical Approach for Camera Motion Classification, A
* Robust Attentive Behavior Detection by Non-linear Head Pose Embedding and Estimation
* Robust Expression-Invariant Face Recognition from Partially Missing Data
* Robust Homography Estimation from Planar Contours Based on Convexity
* Robust Multi-body Motion Tracking Using Commute Time Clustering
* Robust Multi-view Face Detection Using Error Correcting Output Codes
* Robust Player Gesture Spotting and Recognition in Low-Resolution Sports Video
* Robust Realtime Surveillance System, A
* Robust target detection and tracking through integration of motion, color, and geometry
* Robust Tracking with and Beyond Visible Spectrum: A Four-Layer Data Fusion Framework
* Robust Visual Tracking for Multiple Targets
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Retrieval With Gaussianized Steerable Pyramids
* Salience-Preserving Image Composition with Luminance Consistency
* Sampling Representative Examples for Dimensionality Reduction and Recognition: Bumping LDA
* Sampling Strategies for Bag-of-Features Image Classification
* SAR Image Filtering Based on the Heavy-Tailed Rayleigh Model
* Scalable audio coding for compression and loss resilient streaming
* Scale Space Based Grammar for Hand Detection
* Scene Classification Via pLSA
* Segmentation Methodology for Automated Classification and Differentiation of Soft Tissues in Multiband Images of High-Resolution Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography
* Segmentation of High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI Modeled as a Field of von Mises-Fisher Mixtures
* Segmenting Highly Articulated Video Objects with Weak-Prior Random Forests
* Self-calibration of a General Radially Symmetric Distortion Model
* Semi-Regular Representation and Progressive Compression of 3-D Dynamic Mesh Sequences
* Semi-supervised Classification with Active Query Selection
* Semi-supervised PCA-Based Face Recognition Using Self-training
* Semidefinite spectral clustering
* Sequential Monte Carlo Method for Bayesian Face Recognition, A
* Shape Analysis and Fuzzy Control for 3D Competitive Segmentation of Brain Structures with Level Sets
* Shape Categorization Using String Kernels
* Shape Retrieval Using Normalized Fourier Descriptors Based Signatures and Cyclic Dynamic Time Warping
* Shape-from-Silhouette with Two Mirrors and an Uncalibrated Camera
* Shift-Invariant Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Signal Waveform's Optimal-under-Restriction Design for Active Sensing
* simple and fast multi-class piecewise linear pattern classifier, A
* Simple Solution to the Six-Point Two-View Focal-Length Problem, A
* Simultaneous Object Pose and Velocity Computation Using a Single View from a Rolling Shutter Camera
* Smooth Image Segmentation by Nonparametric Bayesian Inference
* Smoothing Tensor-Valued Images Using Anisotropic Geodesic Diffusion
* solutions of equation-based noise detector for an adaptive median filter, The
* Space-Time-Scale Registration of Dynamic Scene Reconstructions
* Sparse Covariance Estimates for High Dimensional Classification Using the Cholesky Decomposition
* Sparse Flexible Models of Local Features
* Spatial and Temporal Error Concealment Techniques for Video Transmission Over Noisy Channels
* Spatial-temporal Analysis Method of Plane Circuits Based on Two-Layer Cellular Neural Networks
* SpatialBoost: Adding Spatial Reasoning to AdaBoost
* Spatio-temporal Embedding for Statistical Face Recognition from Video
* Speaker Identification and Verification Using Support Vector Machines and Sparse Kernel Logistic Regression
* Special issue for the 5th International Conference on Scale-Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision
* Special Issue on Vision and Medical Imaging Activities at Siemens Corporate Research
* Spectral Generative Model for Graph Structure, A
* Spectral Rounding and Image Segmentation
* Specularity Removal in Images and Videos: A PDE Approach
* Speedup Method for SVM Decision, A
* Spherical mapping for processing of 3D closed surfaces
* Splines in Higher Order TV Regularization
* Standardization of Edge Magnitude in Color Images
* Statistical Analysis of Dynamic Actions
* Statistical Level Set Framework for Segmentation of Left Ventricle, A
* Statistical Priors for Efficient Combinatorial Optimization Via Graph Cuts
* Statistically Selected Part-Based Probabilistic Model for Object Recognition, A
* Still-Image Watermarking Robust to Local Geometric Distortions
* Structural and Syntactic Techniques for Recognition of Ethiopic Characters
* Structural Inference of Sensor-Based Measurements
* Structure Analysis Based Parking Slot Marking Recognition for Semi-automatic Parking System
* Structured Output Prediction with Support Vector Machines
* Study of Identical Twins' Palmprints for Personal Authentication, A
* Study of Touchless Fingerprint Recognition System, A
* Study on the Geolocation Algorithm of Space-Borne SAR Image
* Studying Aesthetics in Photographic Images Using a Computational Approach
* Studying endocytosis in space and time by means of temporal Boolean models
* Subspace Estimation Using Projection Based M-Estimators over Grassmann Manifolds
* Subspace independent component analysis using vector kurtosis
* Subspace Matching Color Filter Design Methodology for a Multispectral Imaging System, A
* Super-Resolution of 3D Face
* Super-resolution overlay in multi-projector displays
* Supervised locality pursuit embedding for pattern classification
* Support Vector Analysis of Color-Doppler Images: A New Approach for Estimating Indices of Left Ventricular Function
* Support Vector Machines for Mathematical Symbol Recognition
* Support Vector Method for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features
* symmetric convexity measure, A
* Symmetries from Uniform Space Covering in Stochastic Discrimination
* System for Learning Statistical Motion Patterns, A
* Template matching method and image processing device
* Terra MODIS On-Orbit Spectral Characterization and Performance
* Text detection in continuous tone image segments
* TextonBoost: Joint Appearance, Shape and Context Modeling for Multi-class Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Texture Classification Via Stationary-Wavelet Based Contourlet Transform
* Theory of Multiple Orientation Estimation, A
* Theory of Spherical Harmonic Identities for BRDF/Lighting Transfer and Image Consistency, A
* Three-Class ROC Analysis: The Equal Error Utility Assumption and the Optimality of Three-Class ROC Surface Using the Ideal Observer
* Time Series Analysis of Grey Forecasting Based on Wavelet Transform and Its Prediction Applications
* Top-Points as Interest Points for Image Matching
* Total Variation Models for Variable Lighting Face Recognition
* Towards Optimal Training of Cascaded Detectors
* Towards Safer, Faster Prenatal Genetic Tests: Novel Unsupervised, Automatic and Robust Methods of Segmentation of Nuclei and Probes
* Trace Formula Analysis of Graphs
* Trace Quotient Problems Revisited
* Tracking Dynamic Near-Regular Texture Under Occlusion and Rapid Movements
* Tracking Magnetic Footpoints with the Magnetic Induction Equation
* Tracking Objects Across Cameras by Incrementally Learning Inter-camera Colour Calibration and Patterns of Activity
* Traffic Video Segmentation Using Adaptive-K Gaussian Mixture Model
* Transforming Strings to Vector Spaces Using Prototype Selection
* Tri-Focal Tensor-Based Multiple Video Synchronization With Subframe Optimization
* Triangulation for Points on Lines
* Tuned Eigenspace Technique for Articulated Motion Recognition, A
* Two Entropy-Based Methods for Learning Unsupervised Gaussian Mixture Models
* Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing System for a Smart Home
* Ultrasound Image Segmentation: A Survey
* Uncalibrated Factorization Using a Variable Symmetric Affine Camera
* Unifying Framework for Mutual Information Methods for Use in Non-linear Optimisation, A
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using a Hierarchical Clustering Selection Process
* Unsupervised Multiscale Color Image Segmentation Based on MDL Principle
* Unsupervised Patch-Based Image Regularization and Representation
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation with Nonparametric Neighborhood Statistics
* Unsupervised watershed-driven region-based image retrieval
* Using Co-training and Self-training in Semi-supervised Multiple Classifier Systems
* Using Hidden Scale for Salient Object Detection
* Using Learned Conditional Distributions as Edit Distance
* Using range data in automatic modeling of buildings
* Using Shear Invariant for Image Denoising in the Contourlet Domain
* Variational Motion Segmentation with Level Sets
* Variational Shape and Reflectance Estimation Under Changing Light and Viewpoints
* Video and Image Bayesian Demosaicing with a Two Color Image Prior
* Video cataloger system with synchronized encoders
* Video Mensuration Using a Stationary Camera
* Video surveillance system that detects predefined behaviors based on predetermined patterns of movement through zones
* Viewpoint Induced Deformation Statistics and the Design of Viewpoint Invariant Features: Singularities and Occlusions
* Virtual Cinematography: Relighting through Computation
* Visual Entropy Gain for Wavelet Image Coding
* Visual Information Encryption in Frequency Domain: Risk and Enhancement
* Visual surveillance by dynamic visual attention method
* Volumetric Model Reconstruction from Unrestricted Camera Views Based on the Photo-consistency of 3D Voxel Mask
* Watermarking for 3D CAD Drawings Based on Three Components
* Wavelet-Based Scalable L-Infinity-Oriented Compression
* Wavelet-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction: Theory and Algorithm
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Part-Based Spatial Models for Visual Object Recognition
* What Is the Range of Surface Reconstructions from a Gradient Field?
* What is wrong with mesh PCA in coordinate direction normalization
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