Journals starting with josa

JOSA-A( Vol No. ) * *Journal of the Optical Society of America

JOSA-A(10) * Color Constancy. I. Basic Theory of Two Stage Linear Recovery of Spectral Descriptions for Lights and Surfaces
* Color Constancy. II. Results for Two-Stage Linear Recovery of Spectral Descriptions for Lights and Surfaces
* Illuminance critical points on generic smooth surfaces
* Image Recovery from Data Acquired with a Charge-Coupled Device Camera
* Maximum A Posteriori Classification of Multifrequency, Multilook Synthetic Aperture Radar Intensity Data
* Pairwise Comparison Technique: A Simple Solution for Depth Reconstruction
* Recognition Polynomials
* Surface Reconstruction from Photometric Stereo Images
* Uniqueness of Results for Multiple Correlations of Periodic Functions
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JOSA-A(11) * 3-Dimensional Stereo by Photometric Ratios
* Color Constancy. III. General Linear Recovery of Spectral Descriptions for Lights and Surfaces
* Color Constancy: Generalized Diagonal Transforms Suffice
* Determination of Surface-Roughness from Reflected Step Edges
* Diffuse-Reflectance Model for Smooth Dielectric Surfaces
* Global Color Constancy: Recognition of Objects by Use of Illumination-Invariant Properties of Color Distributions
* Gradient and Curvature from the Photometric-Stereo Method, Including Local Confidence Estimation
* Method For Estimating Scene Parameters From Color Histograms
* Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments for invariant pattern recognition
* Photometric Stereo under a Light-Source with Arbitrary Motion
* Physics-Based Machine Vision: Introduction
* Polarization Camera For Computer Vision With A Beam Splitter
* Robust Physics-Based Analysis of Thermal and Visual Imagery
* Segmentation of Surface Curvature with a Photometric Invariant
* Shape from Shading on a Cloudy Day
* Simple Range Cameras Based on Focal Error
* Spectral Sharpening: Sensor Transformations for Improved Color Constancy
* Temporal-Color Space Analysis of Reflection
* Use of Invariants for Recognition of Three-Dimensional Color Textures
* What is the Center of the Image?
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JOSA-A(12) * Extracting Object Motion During Observer Motion: Combining Constraints from Optic Flow and Binocular Disparity
* Illumination-Invariant Recognition of Texture in Color Images
* Implementation of a Modified Richardson-Lucy Method for Image Restoration on a Massively Parallel Computer to Compensate for Space-Variant Point Spread of a Charge-Coupled-Device Camera
* Pictorial Depth Cues: A New Slant
* Stratification of 3-Dimensional Vision: Projective, Affine, and Metric Representations

JOSA-A(13) * Contrast Gain-Control in First-Order and 2nd-Order Motion Perception
* Control of Texture in Image Half-Toning
* Detection and Motion Detection in Chromatic and Luminance Beats
* Illuminance Texture Due to Surface Mesostructure
* Image-Reconstruction from Fourier-Transform Magnitude with Applications to Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Limitations of Surface-Color and Apparent-Color Constancy
* Multichannel Vision System for Estimating Surface and Illumination Functions
* Occlusion Edge Blur: A Cue to Relative Visual Depth
* Projection-Based, Frequency-Domain Estimation of Superimposed Translational Motions
* Scanning Singular-Value-Decomposition Method for Restoration of Images with Space-Variant Blur
* Structure and Motion from Two Orthographic Views
* Structure-from-Motion: Determining the Range and Orientation of Surfaces by Image Interpolation
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JOSA-A(14) * Adaptive Quadrature Filters and the Recovery of Phase from Fringe Pattern Images
* Analytical Method to Calculate Optical Transfer-Functions for Image Motion and Vibrations Using Moments
* Bayesian Color Constancy
* Color Component Transformations for Optical Pattern Recognition
* Color Constancy in the Nearly Natural Image: I: Asymmetric Matches
* Detection of Second-Order Structure in Optical-Flow Fields
* Determining the Egomotion of an Uncalibrated Camera from Instantaneous Optical Flow
* Discriminant Analysis for Recognition of Human Face Images
* Effects of Spatial-Frequency, Duration, and Contrast on Discriminating Motion Directions
* Equivalent Background Speed in Recovery from Motion Adaptation
* How Big Is a Gabor Patch, and Why Should We Care
* Influence of Boundary Information on the Perception of Color
* Mathematical-Analysis of Motion-Opponent Mechanisms Used in the Determination of Heading and Depth
* Motion and Structure from Two Perspective Views: From Essential Parameters to Euclidean Motion Through the Fundamental Matrix
* Optimum Filter for Detecting a Target in Multiplicative Noise and Additive Noise
* Range Estimation with a Panoramic Visual Sensor
* Restoration of Images of Partially Obscured Objects
* Role of Second-Order and Third-Order Statistics in the Discriminability of Natural Images
* Second-Order Motion Perception in the Peripheral Visual-Field
* Separation of Texture and Shape in Images of Faces for Image-Coding and Synthesis
* Shape Recovery from a Color Image for Non-Lambertian Surfaces
* Spatially Dependent Texture Analysis and Control in Digital Half-Toning
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JOSA-A(15) * Anisotropies in Visual Motion Perception: A Fresh Look
* Color and Luminance Information in Natural Scenes
* Color and Luminance Information in Natural Scenes
* Color Constancy in the Nearly Natural Image: II: Achromatic Loci
* Developments in Generalized Ranked-Order Filters
* Direct Method for Restoration of Motion Blurred Images
* Effect of Light Scatter on Half Tone Color
* Fourier Based Analysis and Synthesis of Moires in the Superposition of Geometrically Transformed Periodic Structures
* Fusion of Images on Affine Sampling Grids
* How Big Is a Gabor Patch, and Why Should We Care
* Identification of Illuminant and Object Colors: Heuristic Based Algorithms
* Illuminant Direction and Shape of a Bump
* Image reconstruction using symmetric convolution and discrete trigonometric transforms
* Image-Restoration Based on Goods Roughness Penalty with Application to Fluorescence Microscopy
* Insights Into Motion Perception By Observer Modeling
* Intrinsic Two Dimensional Features as Textons
* Iterative multiframe superresolution algorithms for atmospheric-turbulence-degraded imagery
* Matching photometric-stereo images
* Maximum-likelihood estimation of an astronomical image from a sequence at low photon levels
* Modeling the Sensitivity of Moment Invariants in a Recognition System
* Multiresolution Probability Analysis of Gray-Scaled Images
* No Role for Motion Blur in Either Motion Detection or Motion-Based Image Segmentation
* Object Recognition Based on Impulse Restoration with Use of the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Object Recovery from the Bispectral Phase in Astronomical Imaging
* Objective Assessment of Image Quality: III, ROC Metrics, Ideal Observers, And Likelihood-Generating Functions
* Optimal algorithms for target location in nonhomogeneous binary images
* Optimal Image-Restoration with the Fractional Fourier-Transform
* Range Estimation by Optical Differentiation
* Superresolution and Convergence Properties of the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Maximum-Likelihood Deconvolution of Incoherent Images
* Superresolved Image-Reconstruction of Images Taken Through the Turbulent Atmosphere
* Synthetic-Aperture-Radar Motion Compensation and Feature Extraction by Means of a Relaxation Based Algorithm
* Total Least-Squares Reconstruction with Wavelets for Optical Tomography
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JOSA-A(16) * Algebraic derivation of the Kruppa equations and a new algorithm for self-calibration of cameras
* Application of Gabor transformation to the two-dimensional projection extraction in interferometric tomography
* Atmospheric turbulence visualization with wide-area motion-blur restoration
* Biologically inspired local motion detector architecture
* Color constancy: the role of image surfaces in illuminant adjustment
* Computational theory of color transparency: Recovery of spectral properties for overlapping surfaces
* Convex Projections Algorithm for Restoration of Limited-Angle Chromotomographic Images
* Cramer-Rao analysis of phase-diverse wave-front sensing
* Data-Driven Multichannel Superresolution with Application to Video Sequences
* Digital halftoning by means of green-noise masks
* Effective color CRT calibration techniques for perception research
* Frequency domain analysis of general planar rigid motion with finite duration
* Higher-order structure in natural scenes
* Hilbert-space Karhunen-Loeve transform with application to image analysis
* Image enhancement through turbid media under a microscope by use of polarization gating methods
* Image fusion with additive multiresolution wavelet decomposition. Applications to SPOT and Landsat images
* Imputation of direction of motion in one dimension
* Independent-component analysis of skin color image
* LP-Norm optimum filters for image recognition. Part I. Algorithms
* LP-Norm optimum filters for image recognition. Part II: performance evaluation
* Maximum a posteriori estimation of fixed aberrations, dynamic aberrations, and the object from phase-diverse speckle data
* Measurement of surface orientations of transparent objects by use of polarization in highlight
* Model Bias in Bayesian Image Reconstruction from X-Ray Fiber Diffracton Data
* Multidimensional fast Fourier transform algorithm for signals with arbitrary symmetries
* Multiresolution probability analysis of random fields
* Noise-resilient estimation of optical flow by use of overlapped basis functions
* Objective quality measures for halftoned images
* Optical diffusion tomography by iterative-coordinate-descent optimization in a Bayesian framework
* Parallel image processing based on an evolution equation with anisotropic gain: integrated optoelectronic architectures
* Parametric blind deconvolution: a robust method for the simultaneous estimation of image and blur
* Phase unwrapping for interferometric synthetic aperture radar by use of Helmholtz equation eigenfunctions and the first Green's identity
* Phase-shifted interferometry without phase unwrapping: Reconstruction of a decentered wave front
* Polarization-resolved imaging with a reflection near-field optical microscope
* Projection-space methods to take into account finite beam-width effects in two-dimensional tomography algorithms
* Ratio model for suprathreshold hue-increment detection
* Scene reconstruction from partially overlapping images with use of composite filters
* Separating reflections from images by use of independent component analysis
* Shape from shading for multiple light sources
* Signal processing under uncertain conditions by parallel projections onto fuzzy sets
* Spectral vision system for measuring color images
* Stability and sensitivity of topographic features for synthetic aperture radar target characterization
* Technique for combining incoherent interferometric images
* Texture classification based on comparison of second-order statistics. I. Two-point probability density function estimation and distance measure
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JOSA-A(17) * Active constrained truncated Newton method for simple-bound optical tomography
* Background estimation in nonlinear image restoration
* Binocular Three-Dimensional Motion Detection: Contributions of Lateral Motion and Stereo-Motion
* Characterization of natural illuminants in forests and the use of digital video data to reconstruct illuminant spectra
* Classifying the illumination condition from two light sources by color histogram assessment
* Color from Shape from Color: A Simple Formalism with Known Light Sources
* Computationally efficient and statistically robust image reconstruction in three-dimensional diffraction tomography
* Cone-beam reconstruction by backprojection and filtering
* Filtering and processing of panoramic images obtained using a camera and a wide-angle-imaging reflective surface
* Image restoration with the Viterbi algorithm
* Interferometric data analysis based on Markov nonlinear filtering methodology
* Inverse source problem and minimum-energy sources
* Iterative linear minimum mean-square-error image restoration from partially known blur
* Iterative statistical approach to blind image deconvolution
* Large-scale failures of f- scaling in natural image spectra
* Method for recovery of heading from motion
* Multiresolution spot detection by means of entropy thresholding
* Network Approaches to Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: Intractability and Two New Algorithms
* Noise-residue filtering of interferometric phase images
* Nonlinear diffusion filtering of images obtained by planar laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
* Optical tomography in the presence of void regions
* Optimal multichannel estimation of the location of a target with nonoverlapping noise
* Optimal processors for images with an arbitrary number of gray levels
* Phase reconstruction from undersampled intensity patterns
* Polarization and statistical analysis of scenes containing a semireflector
* Probabilistic regularization in inverse optical imaging
* Quantitative analysis of error bounds in the recovery of depth from defocused images
* Recovery of Global Nonrigid Motion: A Model-Based Approach without Point Correspondences
* Relational color constancy in achromatic and isoluminant images
* Rotational-diversity phase estimation from differential-interference-contrast microscopy images
* Second-order iterative approach to inverse scattering: Numerical Results
* Separating the chaff from the wheat: Possible Origins of the Oblique Effect
* Shadow-invariant classification for scenes illuminated by daylight
* Spatiotemporal filters in the detection of background modulation targets
* Spectral model of a fluorescent ink halftone
* Spectral sharpening with positivity
* Theory of spatiochromatic image encoding and feature extraction
* Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of an absorptive perturbation with diffuse photon density waves
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JOSA-A(18) * Accuracy of velocity estimation by Reichardt correlators
* Analytical model of a three-dimensional integral image recording system that uses circular- and hexagonal-based spherical surface microlenses
* Blind removal of lens distortion
* Chromatic structure of natural scenes
* Coherent use of opposing lenses for axial resolution increase. II. Power and limitation of nonlinear image restoration
* Color constancy at a pixel
* Diffraction tomography reconstruction algorithms for quantitative imaging of phase objects
* Effect of inherent location uncertainty on detection of stationary targets in noisy image sequences
* Face verification through tracking facial features
* Fast maximum-likelihood image-restoration algorithms for three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy
* Fusion and merging of multispectral images with use of multiscale fundamental forms
* Generalized circular autoregressive models for isotropic and anisotropic Gaussian textures
* Higher-Order-Statistics-Based Detection of Vehicles in Still Images
* Hyperefficient detection of targets in noisy images
* Image recognition in the presence of non-Gaussian noise with unknown statistics
* Integer ambiguity resolution in phase closure imaging
* Interferometric spectral imaging for three-dimensional objects illuminated by a natural light source
* Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography: I. Fourier Laplace inversion formulas
* Iterative algorithm with a constraint condition for numerical reconstruction of a three-dimensional object from its hologram
* Multicriterion cross-entropy minimization approach to positron emission tomographic imaging
* Noise robustness of nonlinear filters for image recognition
* Physics-based approach to color image enhancement in poor visibility conditions
* Recovery of limited-extent images aliased because of spectral undersampling
* Robust structure from motion estimation using inertial data
* Scene illuminant classification: brighter is better
* Sensor sharpening for computational color constancy
* Statistical algorithms for target detection in coherent active polarimetric images
* Superresolution optical system using three fixed generalized gratings: experimental results
* Three-systems theory of human visual motion perception: Review and Update
* Using color histogram normalization for recovering chromatic illumination-changed images
* What shadows reveal about object structure
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JOSA-A(19) * algebraic algorithm for nonuniformity correction in focal-plane arrays, An
* Bounds on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for the ideal observer
* Comparison of the spatial-frequency selectivity of local and global motion detectors
* Description and simulation of an active imaging technique utilizing two speckle fields: iterative reconstructors
* Description and simulation of an active imaging technique utilizing two speckle fields: root reconstructors
* Detection of objects composed of several regions by a region-configuration-estimation method
* Determining surface orientations of transparent objects based on polarization degrees in visible and infrared wavelengths
* Development of the local maximum variety of ranked-order filters
* Discrete Greens methods and their application to two-dimensional phase unwrapping
* Effects of negative afterimages in visual illusions
* Estimating the scene illumination chromaticity by using a neural network
* Focusing Analysis of the Pinhole Photon Sieve: Individual Far-Field Model
* High-resolution imaging of the human retina with a Fourier deconvolution technique
* Hybrid diffraction tomography without phase information
* Image description with Chebyshev-Fourier moments
* Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography: II. Role of boundary conditions
* Minimizing stochastic moire in frequency-modulated halftones by means of green-noise masks
* Multilevel screen design using direct binary search
* Nonnegative color spectrum analysis filters from principal component analysis characteristic spectra
* Object recognition using three-dimensional optical quasi-correlation
* Passive navigation from image sequences by use of a volumetric approach
* Psychophysical model of chromatic perceptual transparency based on substractive color mixture
* Quantitative assessment of image quality enhancement due to unsharp-mask processing in x-ray fluoroscopy
* Ratio model serves suprathreshold color luminance discrimination
* Source-Detector calibration in three-dimensional Bayesian optical diffusion tomography
* Spatial frequency, phase, and the contrast of natural images
* Statistical-information-based performance criteria for Richardson-Lucy image deblurring
* Statistics of spatial cone-excitation ratios in natural scenes
* Superresolution in far-field imaging
* Theories for the design of diffractive superresolution elements and limits of optical superresolution
* Theory of quantitative phase-contrast computed tomography
* Three-systems theory of human visual motion perception: Review and Update
* Tip/tilt estimation from defocused images
* Two theorems in catoptrics
* Using reflectance models for color scanner calibration
* Wavelet networks for face processing
* Wigner distribution moments in fractional Fourier transform systems
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JOSA-A(2) * Fingerprint Theorems for Zero-Crossings
* Model for the Extraction of Image Flow
* Model of Human Visual-Motion Sensing
* Processing Differential Image Motion
* Spatiotemporal Energy Models for the Perception of Motion
* Uncertainty Relation for Resolution in Space, Spatial Frequency, and Orientation Optimized by 2D Visual Cortical Filters

JOSA-A(20) * Analytical Solution for Irradiance Due to Inhomogeneous Lambertian Polygonal Emitters
* Bayesian and Statistical Approaches to Vision
* Bubbles: A Unifying Framework for Low-Level Statistical Properties of Natural Image Sequences
* Catchment areas of panoramic snapshots in outdoor scenes
* Color Appearance in the Entire Visual Field: Color Zone Map Based on the Unique Hue Component
* Color-signal filtering in the Fourier-frequency domain
* Cramer-Rao Analysis of Orientation Estimation: Influence of Target Model Uncertainties
* Cramer-Rao Analysis of Orientation Estimation: Viewing Geometry Influences on the Information Conveyed by Target Features
* Detection and discrimination of texture modulations defined by orientation, spatial frequency, and contrast
* Experimental determination of object statistics from noisy images
* Fast two-frame multiscale dense optical flow estimation using discrete wavelet filters
* General n -dimensional quadrature transform and its application to interferogram demodulation
* Generalized diffusion model in optical tomography with clear layers
* Illumination direction from texture shading
* Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography: III. Inversion formulas and singular-value decomposition
* Inverse Problem in Optical Diffusion Tomography: IV. Nonlinear Inversion Formulas
* Inverse scattering for a three-dimensional object in the time domain
* Irradiation direction from texture
* KGBR viewpointlighting ambiguity, The
* Local correlations, information redundancy, and sufficient pixel depth in natural images
* Motion-free superresolution and the role of relative blur
* Phase retrieval by iterated projections
* Statisticalphysical model for foliage clutter in ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar images
* Theories for the design of a hybrid refractive-diffractive superresolution lens with high numerical aperture
* Theory of total-internal-reflection tomography
* Three-dimensional spatial grouping affects estimates of the illuminant
* Transverse or axial superresolution in a 4Pi-confocal microscope by phase-only filters
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JOSA-A(21) * Aberration reduction by multiple relays of an incoherent image
* Accurate color synthesis of three-dimensional objects in an image
* Chromatic compensation of broadband light diffraction: ABCD-matrix approach
* Color Constancy through Inverse-Intensity Chromaticity Space
* Comparison of real and computer-simulated outcomes of LASIK refractive surgery
* Differences in the optical properties of vertebrate photoreceptor classes leading to axial polarization sensitivity
* Estimating visible through near-infrared spectral reflectance from a sensor radiance spectrum
* Estimation of saturated pixel values in digital color imaging
* Estimation of the degree of polarization in active coherent imagery by using the natural representation
* Factor graph methods for three-dimensional shape reconstruction as applied to LIDAR imaging
* First- and second-order information in natural images: A Filter-Based Approach to Image Statistics
* Geometrical effects of positional errors in integral photography
* Image formation by use of the geometrical theory of diffraction
* Imaging of voids by means of a physical-optics-based shape-reconstruction algorithm
* Improved fast fractional-Fourier-transform algorithm
* Interferometric imaging polarimeter
* limited-memory, quasi-Newton preconditioner for nonnegatively constrained image reconstruction, A
* MISTRAL: a myopic edge-preserving image restoration method, with application to astronomical adaptive-optics-corrected long-exposure images
* Problem of image superresolution with a negative-refractive-index slab
* Relative significance of the terms in the CIEDE2000 and CIE94 color-difference formulas
* Scheimpflug and high-resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the anterior segment: a comparative study
* Sharpness limitations in the projection of thin lines by use of the Talbot experiment
* Speckle removal using a maximum-likelihood technique with isoline gray-level regularization
* Spectral-daylight recovery by use of only a few sensors
* Transverse or axial superresolution with radial birefringent filter
* Two-dimensional Fourier transform of scaled Dirac delta curves
* Wideband enhancement of television images for people with visual impairments
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JOSA-A(22) * Adaptive autofocusing: a closed-loop perspective
* Amplitude-based height-reconstruction techniques for synthetic aperture ladar systems
* Characterization of trichromatic color cameras by using a new multispectral imaging technique
* Comparison of reconstruction algorithms for optical diffraction tomography
* Depth resolution and displayable depth of a scene in three-dimensional images
* Designing a mirror to realize a given projection
* Fuzzy-rule-based image reconstruction for positron emission tomography
* Generalized algebraic scene-based nonuniformity correction algorithm
* Image reconstruction in spherical-wave intensity diffraction tomography
* Image recovery under nonlinear and non-Gaussian degradations
* Image-based face recognition under illumination and pose variations
* Imaging with tilted surfaces: an efficient matrix method for the generalized Scheimpflug condition and its application to rotationally symmetric triangulation
* Integration, segregation, and binocular combination
* Investigating the enhancement of three-dimensional diffraction tomography by using multiple illumination planes
* Joint blind restoration and surface recovery in photometric stereo
* Mathematical definition and analysis of the Retinex algorithm
* Optimized stereo reconstruction of free-form space curves based on a nonuniform rational B-spline model
* Polarimetric calibration of large-aperture telescopes. I. Beam-expansion method
* Polarimetric calibration of large-aperture telescopes. II. Subaperture method
* Radiometric framework for image mosaicking
* Senescence of spatial chromatic contrast sensitivity. I. Detection under conditions controlling for optical factors
* Senescence of spatial chromatic contrast sensitivity. II. Matching under natural viewing conditions
* Spatial processing in color reproduction
* Spatiochromatic statistics of natural scenes: first- and second-order information and their correlational structure
* Speckle reduction by I-divergence regularization in optical coherence tomography
* Spectrum analysis of motion parallax in a 3D cluttered scene and application to egomotion
* Spherical-wave intensity diffraction tomography
* Superresolution imaging from limited-aperture optical diffracted field data
* Superresolution in total internal reflection tomography
* Texture and haptic cues in slant discrimination: reliability-based cue weighting without statistically optimal cue combination
* Three-dimensional superresolution by three-zone complex pupil filters
* Vector near-field calculation of scanning near-field optical microscopy probes using Borgnis potentials as auxiliary functions
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JOSA-A(23) * Automated defect detection system using wavelet packet frame and Gaussian mixture model
* Automated determination of the center of rotation in tomography data
* Biased Cramér-Rao lower bound calculations for inequality-constrained estimators
* Compact laser radar and three-dimensional camera
* Facilitation of shape-from-shading perception by random textures
* Factorial coding of natural images: how effective are linear models in removing higher-order dependencies?
* Fast algorithm of phase masks for image encryption in the Fresnel domain
* Fast half-quadratic regularized phase tracking for nonnormalized fringe patterns
* High-fidelity lenticular screening by means of iterative tone correction
* Image denoising using the ridgelet bi-frame
* Image reconstruction from limited Fourier data
* Image reconstruction: a unifying model for resolution enhancement and data extrapolation. Tutorial
* Image Statistics of American Sign Language: Comparison with Faces and Natural Scenes
* Influence of random-dot textures on perception of suprathreshold color differences
* Information content of data types in time-domain optical tomography
* Interferometric imaging of the full thickness of the precorneal tear film
* Inverse scattering for rotationally scanned optical coherence tomography
* Iterative image reconstruction using prior knowledge
* Metamer-set-based approach to estimating surface reflectance from camera RGB
* Object-of-interest image segmentation based on human attention and semantic region clustering
* Optical superresolution of focused partially spatially coherent laser beams
* Optimal sampling of color spectra
* Performance of a color-difference formula based on OSA-UCS space using small-medium color differences
* Phase unwrapping using an extrapolation-projection algorithm
* Processing halftone color images by vector space methods
* Radiometric order preserving method to display wide-dynamic images for imagery photointerpretation
* Reconstruction method with data from a multiple-site continuous-wave source for three-dimensional optical tomography
* Reevaluation of color constancy algorithm performance
* Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints
* Rendering complex scenes for psychophysics using RADIANCE: How accurate can you get?
* Scene estimation from speckled synthetic aperture radar imagery: Markov-random-field approach
* Self-Fourier functions and self-Fourier operators
* Single-viewpoint, catadioptric cone mirror omnidirectional imaging theory and analysis
* Singular-value decomposition for through-focus imaging systems
* Statistics of specular points at a randomly rough surface
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JOSA-A(24) * 3D phase diversity: a myopic deconvolution method for short-exposure images: application to retinal imaging
* Aberration-free superresolution imaging via binary speckle pattern encoding and processing
* Adaptive optics retinal imaging reveals S-cone dystrophy in tritan color-vision deficiency
* Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy for in vivo imaging of lamina cribrosa
* Adaptive optics-optical coherence tomography: optimizing visualization of microscopic retinal structures in three dimensions
* Advances in Retinal Imaging: introduction
* AIDA: an adaptive image deconvolution algorithm with application to multi-frame and three-dimensional data
* Analysis of observer performance in unknown-location tasks for tomographic image reconstruction
* Analysis of photometric factors based on photometric linearization
* Analytic solution for separating spectra into illumination and surface reflectance components
* Analytical-form model observers for decompressed images
* Application of the Hotelling and ideal observers to detection and localization of exoplanets
* Aproach to blind image deconvolution by multiscale subband decomposition and independent component analysis
* Automated identification of cone photoreceptors in adaptive optics retinal images
* Automated segmentation of retinal blood vessels and identification of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
* Blind image quality assessment through anisotropy
* Blind phase shift estimation in phase-shifting interferometry
* Border-ownership-dependent tilt after-effect in incomplete figures
* Calibrating color cameras using metameric blacks
* Channelized-ideal observer using Laguerre-Gauss channels in detection tasks involving non-Gaussian distributed lumpy backgrounds and a Gaussian signal
* Characterizing image quality in a scanning laser ophthalmoscope with differing pinholes and induced scattered light
* Classification images for simple detection and discrimination tasks in correlated noise
* Color constancy from blackbody illumination
* Compact multimodal adaptive-optics spectral-domain optical coherence tomography instrument for retinal imaging
* Computed tomography with linear shift-invariant optical systems
* Computing light statistics in heterogeneous media based on a mass weighted probability density function method
* Design of correlation filters for recognition of linearly distorted objects in linearly degraded scenes
* Designing a holographic modal wavefront sensor for the detection of static ocular aberrations
* Digital superresolution and the generalized sampling theorem
* Effect of aberrations and scatter on image resolution assessed by adaptive optics retinal section imaging
* Enhanced three-dimensional deconvolution microscopy using a measured depth-varying point-spread function
* Estimates of the information content and dimensionality of natural scenes from proximity distributions
* Estimation of contour motion and deformation for nonrigid object tracking
* Estimation receiver operating characteristic curve and ideal observers for combined detection/estimation tasks
* Extension of the shape from focus method for reconstruction of high-resolution images
* Fundamental diffraction limitations in a paraxial 4-f imaging system with coherent and incoherent illumination
* Gaze-contingent display for retinal function testing by scanning laser ophthalmoscope
* Generalized higher-order nonlinear energy operators
* High-resolution adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope with dual deformable mirrors Multimedia
* Human linear template with mammographic backgrounds estimated with a genetic algorithm
* Image description with generalized pseudo-Zernike moments
* Image Quality
* Image, eye, and retina
* Image-based prediction of imaging and vision performance
* Imaging polarimetry and retinal blood vessel quantification at the epiretinal membrane
* Imaging polarimetry in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration
* Improved scanning laser fundus imaging using polarimetry
* Intensity-only signal-subspace-based imaging
* Inverse problem approach in particle digital holography: Out-of-Field particle detection made possible
* Irradiance formations of on-axis Lambertian pointlike sources in polygonal total-internal-reflection straight light pipes
* Large-field-of-view, modular, stabilized, adaptive-optics-based scanning laser ophthalmoscope
* Linear models in color constancy theory
* Local cone-beam tomography image reconstruction on chords
* Maximum likelihood difference scaling of image quality in compression-degraded images
* Maximum permissible exposures for ocular safety (ANSI 2000), with emphasis on ophthalmic devices
* Measuring perceived video quality of MPEG enhancement by people with impaired vision
* Metamer sets without spectral calibration
* Model of retinal local adaptation for the tone mapping of color filter array images
* Multiframe phase-diversity algorithm for active imaging
* Multireader multicase variance analysis for binary data
* Multiscale complex moments of the local power spectrum
* Noise histogram regularization for iterative image reconstruction algorithms
* Nonparaxial vector-field modeling of optical coherence tomography and interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy
* Performance of focus measures in the presence of nondefocus aberrations
* Phase retrieval and saddle-point optimization
* Phase retrieval from intensity-only data by relative entropy minimization
* Phase retrieval from noisy data based on minimization of penalized I-divergence
* Phase retrieval from speckle images
* Phase unwrapping in three dimensions with application to InSAR time series
* Photon signal detection and evaluation in the adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope
* Photoreceptor counting and montaging of en-face retinal images from an adaptive optics fundus camera
* Precision passive range measurement
* Probe transit effect in interferometry of fast moving samples
* Recombinant adeno-associated virus targets passenger gene expression to cones in primate retina
* Recovery of spectral reflectances of objects being imaged by multispectral cameras Virtual Journal
* Reduced-illuminance autofluorescence imaging in ABCA4-associated retinal degenerations
* Reduction of speckle in digital holography by discrete Fourier filtering
* Reflectance recovery for airborne sensor images of 3D scenes
* Regularized learning framework in the estimation of reflectance spectra from camera responses
* Relating retinal nerve fiber thickness to behavioral sensitivity in patients with glaucoma: application of a linear model
* Robust and computationally efficient superresolution algorithm
* Role of optics in the accuracy of depth-from-defocus systems
* Rotation- and scale-invariant texture features based on spectral moment invariants
* Salience measure for assessing scale-based features in mammograms
* Selecting algorithms, sensors, and linear bases for optimum spectral recovery of skylight
* Selection of image fusion quality measures: Objective, subjective, and metric assessment
* Signal and noise transfer in spatiotemporal quantum-based imaging systems
* Signal detection in power-law noise: effect of spectrum exponents
* Simultaneous structural and functional imaging of the macula using combined optical coherence tomography ophthalmoscope and multifocal electroretinogram
* Speckle reduction in optical coherence tomography images using digital filtering
* Spectral contrasts for landmark navigation
* Stability of phase-contrast tomography
* Statistically principled use of in-line measurements in intensity diffraction tomography
* Stereoscopic image distortion in radial camera and projector configurations
* Stevens's brightness law, contrast gain control, and edge integration in achromatic color perception: a unified model
* Stevens's brightness law, contrast gain control, and edge integration in achromatic color perception: a unified model
* Task-specific information for imaging system analysis
* Texton-based segmentation of retinal vessels
* Transport-theory-based stochastic image reconstruction of bioluminescent sources
* Transversal superresolution with noncontact axial movement of periodic structures
* Video quality assessment using a statistical model of human visual speed perception
* Zernike-Bessel representation and its application to Hankel transforms
102 for JOSA-A(24)

JOSA-A(25) * Accurate image reconstruction from few-view and limited-angle data in diffraction tomography Virtual Journal
* Automated analysis of differential interference contrast microscopy images of the foveal cone mosaic
* Blind image deconvolution by means of asymmetric multiplicative iterative algorithm
* Curvature-based perceptual singularities and texture saliency with early vision mechanisms
* Cyclopean geometry of binocular vision
* Differences in temporal frequency tuning between the two binocular mechanisms for seeing motion in depth Virtual Journal
* Discrimination of isotrigon textures using the Rényi entropy of Allan variances
* Efficiency of capturing a phase image using cone-beam x-ray Talbot interferometry
* Efficient computation of joint fractional Fourier domain signal representation
* Evaluation and unification of some methods for estimating reflectance spectra from RGB images
* Factors affecting the psychophysical image quality evaluation of mobile phone displays: the case of transmissive liquid-crystal displays
* Gestalt and phenomenal transparency
* Group refractive index reconstruction with broadband interferometric confocal microscopy
* Illustration of the role of multiple scattering in subwavelength imaging from far-field measurements
* Image rectification for stereoscopic visualization
* Improving the performance of computer color matching procedures
* Introducing secure modes of operation for optical encryption
* Is color patchy?
* Kernel-based spectral color image segmentation
* Lensless coherent imaging by a deterministic phase retrieval method with an aperture-array filter
* Localization and characterization of simple defects in finite-sized photonic crystals
* Maximum entropy method for diffractive imaging
* Measurement of the point-spread function of a noisy imaging system
* Multichannel blind deconvolution of polarimetric imagery
* number of discernible colors in natural scenes, The
* Parametric fuzzy sets for automatic color naming
* Phase retrieval by propagation for localized images
* Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction pattern with a large Fresnel number
* Phase retrieval with Fourier-weighted projections
* Photometric reconstruction of a dynamic textured surface from just one color image acquisition
* Predicting range performance of sampled imagers by treating aliased signal as target-dependent noise Open Access open access
* Ranked dither for high-quality robust printing
* Reconstruction of compact binary images from limited Fourier amplitude data
* Scene-based nonuniformity correction and enhancement: Pixel statistics and subpixel motion
* Scene-based nonuniformity correction using local constant statistics
* Simulations of astronomical imaging phased arrays
* Sparsity constrained regularization for multiframe image restoration
* Tensor methods for hyperspectral data analysis: A space object material identification study
* Three-dimensional imaging of optically opaque materials using nonionizing terahertz radiation
* Transverse resolution improvement using rotating-grating time-multiplexing approach
* Weighted compression of spectral color information
41 for JOSA-A(25)

JOSA-A(26) * Amplitude metrics for field retrieval with hard-edged and uniformly illuminated apertures
* Approximation errors and model reduction in three-dimensional diffuse optical tomography
* Best linear unbiased axial localization in three-dimensional fluorescent bead tracking with subnanometer resolution using off-focus images
* Camera calibration for natural image studies and vision research
* CAPE: combinatorial absolute phase estimation
* Color rendering of art paintings under CIE illuminants for normal and color deficient observers
* Computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments in two coordinate systems
* Contrast, constancy, and measurements of perceived lightness under parametric manipulation of surface slant and surface reflectance
* Cost-effective implementation of order-statistics-based vector filters using minimax approximations
* Deconvolution methods for image deblurring in optical coherence tomography
* Electromagnetic probing for target detection: Rejection of surface clutter based on the Wigner distribution
* Euclidean color-difference formula for small-medium color differences in log-compressed OSA-UCS space
* Fast color quantization using weighted sort-means clustering
* Fourier-wavelet regularization of phase retrieval in x-ray in-line phase tomography
* Geometrical superresolved imaging using nonperiodic spatial masking
* Globally accelerated reconstruction algorithm for diffusion tomography with continuous-wave source in an arbitrary convex shape domain
* Highly accurate reconstruction algorithm for bandwidth-limited signals and application to fringe signal recovery
* Hue and saturation shifts from spatially induced blackness
* Illuminance flow over anisotropic surfaces with arbitrary viewpoint
* Information theoretic regularization in diffuse optical tomography
* Inverse optical imaging viewed as a backward channel communication problem
* Joint reconstruction of Stokes images from polarimetric measurements
* Masked fake face detection using radiance measurements
* Mass detection on mammograms: Influence of signal shape uncertainty on human and model observers
* Modal-based tomographic imaging from far-zone observations
* Moving object detection based on shape prediction
* neurophysiology-inspired steady-state color appearance model, A
* Nonuniform sampling, image recovery from sparse data and the discrete sampling theorem
* Partially coherent illumination in full-field interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy
* Perceptual analysis of distance measures for color constancy algorithms
* Phase front retrieval by means of an iterative shadowgraphic method
* Phase retrieval from a high-numerical-aperture intensity distribution by use of an aperture-array filter
* Phase retrieval with signal bias
* Phase-shift estimation in sinusoidally illuminated images for lateral superresolution
* Physically constrained Fourier transform deconvolution method
* Quantification of dichromatism: A characteristic of color in transparent materials
* Reconstruction of reflectance data using an interpolation technique
* Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints: spectral predictions with multi-ink halftones
* Regularizing method for the determination of the backscatter cross section in lidar data
* Selection of regularization parameter in total variation image restoration
* Shape recovery of anisotropic metal surfaces
* Spectral image reconstruction using an edge preserving spatio-spectral Wiener estimation
* spectral theory of color perception, A
* Spiral phase filtering and orientation-selective edge detection/enhancement
* Statistical performance modeling for superresolution: A discrete data-continuous reconstruction framework
* Subpixel edge refinement using deformable models
* Terahertz wave focal-plane multiwavelength phase imaging
* Three-dimensional object-distortion-tolerant recognition for integral imaging using independent component analysis
* Unsupervised novelty detection using Gabor filters for defect segmentation in textures
49 for JOSA-A(26)

JOSA-A(27) * Adaptive enhancement of sea-surface targets in infrared images based on local frequency cues
* Analyzing halftone dot blurring by extended spectral prediction models
* Bayesian estimation of regularization and point spread function parameters for Wiener-Hunt deconvolution
* Color constancy based on texture pyramid matching and regularized local regression
* Comparative study of autodyne and heterodyne laser interferometry for imaging
* Comparison of depth-of-focus-enhancing pupil masks based on a signal-to-noise-ratio criterion after deconvolution
* Detecting wet surfaces using near infrared lighting
* Distortion-tolerant 3D recognition of underwater objects using neural networks
* Edgelist phase unwrapping algorithm for time series InSAR analysis
* Fisher information and surrogate figures of merit for the task-based assessment of image quality
* Fourier analysis of two-stage phase-shifting algorithms
* Gamma model and its analysis for phase measuring profilometry
* Ideal observer analysis for task normalization of pattern classifier performance applied to EEG and fMRI data
* Illumination artifacts in hyper-NA vector imaging
* Image matching with higher-order geometric features
* Joint estimation of Stokes images and aberrations from phase-diverse polarimetric measurements
* Joint image and depth completion in shape-from-focus: Taking a cue from parallax
* Lateral superresolution using a posteriori phase shift estimation for a moving object: experimental results
* Maximum SNR pattern strategy for phase shifting methods in structured light illumination
* method for single image restoration based on the principal ergodic, A
* Minimum variance unbiased subpixel centroid estimation of point image limited by photon shot noise
* Moving-object segmentation using a foreground history map
* Noise-bound method for detecting shadow-free scene changes in image sequences
* Non-interferometric, non-iterative phase retrieval by Green's functions
* Optical implementation of micro-zoom arrays for parallel focusing in integral imaging
* Optimum sensors for color constancy in scenes illuminated by daylight
* Phase retrieval for superposed signals from multiple binary objects
* Photometric stereo with gradated extended sources for recovery of specular surfaces
* prior statistics of object colors, The
* Programmable unitary spatial mode manipulation
* Real-time terahertz scanning imaging by use of a pyroelectric array camera and image denoising
* Recovery of spectral reflectances of imaged objects by the use of features of spectral reflectances
* Recursive framework for joint inpainting and de-noising of photographic films
* Reflectance spectra recovery from tristimulus values by adaptive estimation with metameric shape correction
* Resolution enhancement of imaging small-scale portions in a compactly supported function
* Saliency of color image derivatives: A comparison between computational models and human perception
* Satellite image fusion based on principal component analysis and high-pass filtering
* Satellite image restoration in the context of a spatially varying point spread function
* Separation of CARS image contributions with a Gaussian mixture model
* Signal processing for sidelobe suppression in optical coherence tomography images
* Speckle suppression in projection displays by using a motionless changing diffuser
* Spherical shell structure of distribution of images reconstructed by diffractive imaging
* Study of the photodetector characteristics of a camera for color constancy in natural scenes
* Terahertz polarization real-time imaging based on balanced electro-optic detection
* Topography retrieval using different solutions of the transport intensity equation
* Upgrading color-difference formulas
* Upscaling image resolution of compact imaging systems using wavefront coding and a property of the point-spread function
* Wavelet ridge techniques in optical fringe pattern analysis
48 for JOSA-A(27)

JOSA-A(28) * Accurate estimation of the boundaries of a structured light pattern
* Analyzing small suprathreshold differences of LCD-generated colors
* Approximate Fourier phase information in the phase retrieval problem: what it gives and how to use it
* Biologically inspired framework for spatial and spectral velocity estimations
* Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of volumetric imaging data sets
* Class-based spectral reconstruction based on unmixing of low-resolution spectral information
* Clustering-driven residue filter for profile measurement system
* Comparison of polarimetric techniques for the identification of biological and chemical materials using Mueller matrices, lateral waves, and surface waves
* Compressive imaging: hybrid measurement basis design
* Constrained pseudo-Brownian motion and its application to image enhancement
* Decoding of depth and motion in ambiguous binocular perception
* Depth rendition of three-dimensional displays
* Deterministic regularization of three-dimensional optical diffraction tomography
* Dimensionality of color space in natural images
* Enhanced geometrical superresolved imaging with moving binary random mask
* Extending color constancy outside the visible region
* Fault detection in metallic grid scattering
* Fluorescence microscopy three-dimensional depth variant point spread function interpolation using Zernike moments
* Generalization of color-difference formulas for any illuminant and any observer by assuming perfect color constancy in a color-vision model based on the OSA-UCS system
* Generic camera model and its calibration for computational integral imaging and 3D reconstruction
* Highlight detection and removal from spectral image
* Illuminant spectrum estimation at a pixel
* Illumination estimation via thin-plate spline interpolation
* Image reconstruction in photoacoustic tomography involving layered acoustic media
* Improving retinal image resolution with iterative weighted shift-and-add
* Indirect decoding edges for one-shot shape acquisition
* Is the Kanizsa illusion triggered by the simultaneous contrast mechanism?
* Lensless optical data embedding system using concealogram and cascaded digital Fresnel hologram
* Maintaining accuracy of cellular Yule-Nielsen spectral Neugebauer models for different ink cartridges using principal component analysis
* Methods for computing weighting tables based on local power expansion for tristimulus values computations
* Morphological rational operator for contrast enhancement
* Multiframe image super-resolution adapted with local spatial information
* Multiresolution subspace-based optimization method for inverse scattering problems
* Noninterferometric topography measurements of fast moving surfaces
* Nonlinear two-stage model for color discrimination
* Probabilistic 3D object recognition and pose estimation using multiple interpretations generation
* Projection-Slice Theorem: A Compact Notation
* Recognition and classification of red blood cells using digital holographic microscopy and data clustering with discriminant analysis
* Recovery of polarimetric Stokes images by spatial mixture models
* Robust ellipse detection based on hierarchical image pyramid and Hough transform
* Scene-based nonuniformity correction algorithm based on interframe registration
* Spectral color constancy using a maximum entropy approach
* Superresolution imaging via ptychography
* Variational estimation of inhomogeneous specular reflectance and illumination from a single view
44 for JOSA-A(28)

JOSA-A(29) * 1/f noise in human color vision: the role of S-cone signals
* Analytical model of a laser range profile from rough convex quadric bodies of revolution
* Are Gaussian spectra a viable perceptual assumption in color appearance?
* Blue-green color categorization in Mandarin-English speakers
* Calibration method for a central catadioptric-perspective camera system
* Cardinal axes are not independent in color discrimination
* Changes in color vision with decreasing light level: Separating the effects of normal aging from disease
* Chromatic discrimination: differential contributions from two adapting fields
* chromatic diversity index based on complex scenes, A
* Chromatic visual evoked potential responses in preschool children
* Color appearance at +/-10° along the vertical and horizontal meridians
* Color constancy by chromaticity neutralization
* Color discrimination across four life decades assessed by the Cambridge Colour Test
* Color space transformations for digital photography exploiting information about the illuminant estimation process
* Color Vision: Introduction
* Compressive sensing computational ghost imaging
* Computational ghost imaging for remote sensing
* Context-dependent judgments of color that might allow color constancy in scenes with multiple regions of illumination
* Contrast adaptation reveals increased organizational complexity of chromatic processing in the visual evoked potential
* Contrast edge colors under different natural illuminations
* Defocus blur parameters identification by histogram matching
* Direction in the color plane as a factor in chromatic flicker and chromatic motion
* Do color appearance judgments interfere with detection of small threshold stimuli?
* Domain of metamers exciting intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) and rods
* Dynamic coding of temporal luminance variation
* Effect of luminosity on color discrimination of dichromatic marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
* Effect of spatial structure on colorfulness adaptation for natural images
* Efficient object detection and tracking in video sequences
* Electromagnetic imaging within the contrast-source formulation by means of the multiscaling inexact Newton method
* Electroretinographic responses to photoreceptor specific sine wave modulation
* Entropy, color, and color rendering
* Estimating illuminant color based on luminance balance of surfaces
* Evaluation of threshold color differences using printed samples
* Face verification using local binary pattern-unconstrained minimum average correlation energy correlation filters
* Farnsworth Flashlight is not equivalent to the Farnsworth Lantern, The
* Feature binding of a continuously changing object
* Focal-plane detection and object reconstruction in the noninterferometric phase imaging
* High-accuracy wave field reconstruction: decoupled inverse imaging with sparse modeling of phase and amplitude
* High-precision camera distortion measurements with a calibration harp
* Hue discrimination, unique hues and naming
* Hypoxia, color vision deficiencies, and blood oxygen saturation
* Imaging through an aberrating medium with classical ghost diffraction
* Improved implementation algorithms of the two-dimensional nonseparable linear canonical transform
* Individual differences in simultaneous color constancy are related to working memory
* Influence of the correlated color temperature of a light source on the color discrimination capacity of the observer
* Information loss and reconstruction in diffuse fluorescence tomography
* interim connection space based on human color vision for spectral color reproduction, The
* Interval estimate with probabilistic background constraints in deconvolution
* Joint filtering estimation of Stokes vector images based on a nonlocal means approach
* Lateral suppression of mesopic rod and cone flicker detection
* Local demodulation of holograms using the Riesz transform with application to microscopy
* Local image statistics: Maximum-entropy constructions and perceptual salience
* Local-feature-based similarity measure for stochastic resonance in visual perception of spatially structured images
* Mesopic rod and S-cone interactions revealed by modulation thresholds
* Method for estimating the relative contribution of phase and power spectra to the total information in natural-scene patches
* Multiple-input ghost imaging via sparsity constraints
* Nature-inspired color-filter array for enhancing the quality of images
* Number of colors generated by smooth nonfluorescent reflectance spectra
* Optical advantages and function of multifocal spherical fish lenses
* Overall gloss evaluation in the presence of multiple cues to surface glossiness
* Perceiving color across scale: great and small, discrete and continuous
* perceptual balance of color, The
* Phase retrieval on annular and annular sector pupils by using the eigenfunction method to solve the transport of intensity equation
* Phase retrieval via spatial light modulator phase modulation in 4f optical setup: numerical inverse imaging with sparse regularization for phase and amplitude
* Phase retrieval with random phase illumination
* Photometric stereo applied to diffuse surfaces that violate Lambert's law
* Photon-counting three-dimensional integral imaging with compression of elemental images
* Predicting frequency of metamerism in natural scenes by entropy of colors
* Propagation of Bessel-Gaussian beams through a double-apertured fractional Fourier transform optical system
* Psychophysical and physiological responses to gratings with luminance and chromatic components of different spatial frequencies
* Psychophysical optimization of lighting spectra for naturalness, preference, and chromatic diversity
* Ptychographic transmission microscopy in three dimensions using a multi-slice approach
* Quantal and non-quantal color matches: Failure of Grassmann's laws at short wavelengths
* Real-time defect detection of steel wire rods using wavelet filters optimized by univariate dynamic encoding algorithm for searches
* Real-world stimuli show perceived hue shifts in the peripheral visual field
* relationship between peripherally matched invariant hues and unique hues: a cone-contrast approach, The
* Resolution loss without imaging blur
* Rod hue biases produced on CRT displays
* Role of eye movements in chromatic induction
* Spatial distributions of cone inputs to cells of the parvocellular pathway investigated with cone-isolating gratings
* Spectral imaging by synchronizing capture and illumination
* Spectral recovery of outdoor illumination by an extension of the Bayesian inverse approach to the Gaussian mixture model
* Spectral reflectance and transmittance of stacks of nonscattering films printed with halftone colors
* Spectral reflectance and transmittance prediction model for stacked transparency and paper both printed with halftone colors
* Spectral reflectivity recovery from the tristimulus values using a hybrid method
* Spectral sharpening by spherical sampling
* Specularity and shadow detection for the multisource photometric reconstruction of a textured surface
* Super-resolved spatial light interference microscopy
* Synthetic aperture laser optical feedback imaging using a translational scanning with galvanometric mirrors
* Systematic violations of von Kries rule reveal its limitations for explaining color and lightness constancy
* Tests of a functional account of the Abney effect
* Theoretical analysis for moiré effect of circular gratings for volume optical computerized tomography
* three-dimensional color space from the 13th century, A
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of the statistics of heterogeneous objects from a collection of one projection image of each object
* Three-dimensional resolvability in an integral imaging system
* Toward stereovisual monitoring of three-dimensional translations with submicrometer resolution
* tritan Waldo would be easier to detect in the periphery than a red/green one: evidence from visual search, A
* Understanding the twin-image problem in phase retrieval
* Uniform color spaces and natural image statistics
* Verriest Lecture: Color lessons from space, time and motion, The
* Visibility in three-dimensional cluttered scenes
* Visual search in natural scenes explained by local color properties
102 for JOSA-A(29)

JOSA-A(3) * Ambient Illumination and the Determination of Material Changes
* Analysis of the Retinex Theory of Color Vision
* Color Constancy: A Method for Recovering Surface Spectral Reflectance
* Evaluation of Linear Models of Surface Spectral Reflectance with Small Numbers of Parameters
* Experiments on Pattern Recognition Using Invariant Fourier-Mellin Descriptors
* Mechanisms of Color Constancy
* Method for Computing the Scene-Illuminant Chromaticity from Specular Highlights
* Origins of linear and nonlinear recursive restoration algorithms
* Simultaneous Colour Constancy
* Two-View Motion Analysis: A Unified Algorithm
10 for JOSA-A(3)

JOSA-A(30) * Acquisition and visualization techniques for narrow spectral color imaging
* Color-difference evaluation for digital images using a categorical judgment method
* Depth inpainting by tensor voting
* Depth resolution in three-dimensional images
* Design of an image restoration algorithm for the TOMBO imaging system
* Discretization of continuous convolution operators for accurate modeling of wave propagation in digital holography
* Effects of chromatic image statistics on illumination induced color differences
* Efficient camera self-calibration method based on the absolute dual quadric
* Efficient method for the determination of image correspondence in airborne applications using inertial sensors
* Eigenvectors of optimal color spectra
* Elastomeric 2D grating and hemispherical optofluidic chamber for multifunctional fluidic sensing
* Exploiting spatial sparsity for multiwavelength imaging in optical interferometry
* Fast and accurate 3D object recognition directly from digital holograms
* Fast and automatic algorithm for optic disc extraction in retinal images using principle-component-analysis-based preprocessing and curvelet transform
* Fourier-Bessel rotational invariant eigenimages
* Full speckle suppression in laser projectors using two Barker code-type diffractive optical elements
* Ghost imaging with nonuniform thermal light fields
* Hierarchy of nonlocal means for preferred automatic sharpness enhancement and tone mapping
* High-order total variation-based multiplicative noise removal with spatially adapted parameter selection
* High-resolution tomographic diffractive microscopy in reflection configuration
* Improving wavefront reconstruction accuracy by using integration equations with higher-order truncation errors in the Southwell geometry
* In vivo measurement of skin microrelief using photometric stereo in the presence of interreflections
* K speckle: space-time correlation function of doubly scattered light in an imaging system
* Kalman filtering techniques for focal plane electric field estimation
* Laser optical feedback imaging controlled by an electronic feedback loop
* Link functions and Matérn kernel in the estimation of reflectance spectra from RGB responses
* Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery using spatiotemporal information
* Online tracking of deformable objects under occlusion using dominant points
* Optical schemes for speckle suppression by Barker code diffractive optical elements
* Optimization of an autodyne laser interferometer for high-speed confocal imaging
* Performance of visual search tasks from various types of contour information
* Pixelated source and mask optimization for immersion lithography
* Polarization effects in 3D vectorial-induced current reconstructions
* Postprocessing method for reducing phase effects in reconstructed microcomputed-tomography data
* Properties of high-order ghost imaging with natural light
* Quantization error and dynamic range considerations for compressive imaging systems design
* Rational-operator-based depth-from-defocus approach to scene reconstruction
* Role of diversity on the singular values of linear scattering operators: the case of strip objects
* Signal restoration combining Tikhonov regularization and multilevel method with thresholding strategy
* Sparse ptychographical coherent diffractive imaging from noisy measurements
* Sparse representation of astronomical images
* Speckle-constrained variational methods for image restoration in optical coherence tomography
* Statistical quantification of the effects of viewing distance on texture perception
* Structured-light-based highly dense and robust 3D reconstruction
* Study of image reconstruction for terahertz indirect holography with quasi-optics receiver
* Texture classification using discrete Tchebichef moments
* Unified multiframe super-resolution of matte, foreground, and background
47 for JOSA-A(30)

JOSA-A(31) * Accuracy of sun localization in the second step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation for north determination: a planetarium experiment
* Accurate and automated image segmentation of 3D optical coherence tomography data suffering from low signal-to-noise levels
* Adaptive deformation correction of depth from defocus for object reconstruction
* Applications of algorithmic differentiation to phase retrieval algorithms
* Asymmetric information hiding and noise-free recovery based on rotating analyzer ellipsometry and quick-response code
* Best lighting for visual appreciation of artistic paintings: Experiments with real paintings and real illumination
* Blurred and noisy image pairs in parallel optics
* Changes in spatial extent and peak double optical density of human macular pigment with age
* Chromatic visual evoked potentials in young patients with demyelinating disease
* Clothed in triple blues: sorting out the Italian blues
* Color categories only affect post-perceptual processes when same- and different-category colors are equally discriminable
* Color coding in the primate visual pathway: a historical view
* Color constancy in a scene with bright colors that do not have a fully natural surface appearance
* Color constancy influenced by unnatural spatial structure
* Color discrimination in individuals with light and dark irides: an evaluation of the effects of intraocular straylight and retinal illumination
* Color vision: Introduction by the feature editors
* Color-coordinate system from a 13th-century account of rainbows
* Combining local binary patterns and local color contrast for texture classification under varying illumination
* Comparison of the Richmond HRR 4th edition and Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test for quantitative assessment of tritan color deficiencies
* Compensation of Modeling Errors Due to Unknown Domain Boundary in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Compressed sampling strategies for tomography
* Cone-isolating ON-OFF electroretinogram for studying chromatic pathways in the retina
* Contrast-contrast asynchronies
* Contributions of rhodopsin, cone opsins, and melanopsin to postreceptoral pathways inferred from natural image statistics
* Corresponding color datasets and a chromatic adaptation model based on the OSA-UCS system
* Counterphase modulation flicker photometry: Phenotypic and genotypic associations
* Counterphase modulation photometry: comparison of two instruments
* Cramer-Rao bounds in functional form: Theory and application to passive optical ranging
* Custom-modified three-dimensional periodic microstructures by pattern-integrated interference lithography
* Cutoff due to pointwise degradations in color images
* Dark versus bright equilibrium hues: rod and cone biases
* Defect detection for corner cracks in steel billets using a wavelet reconstruction method
* Defect detection of castings in radiography images using a robust statistical feature
* Dictionaries for image and video-based face recognition
* Diffraction tomography from intensity measurements: An evolutionary stochastic search to invert experimental data
* Discovering intrinsic properties of human observers' visual search and mathematical observers' scanning
* Do focal colors look particularly colorful?
* Do S cones contribute to color-motion feature binding?
* Dynamics of color contrast adaptation
* Effect of rod-cone interactions on mesopic visual performance mediated by chromatic and luminance pathways
* Effects of visual attention on chromatic and achromatic detection sensitivities
* Empirical evidence for unique hues?
* Entropy-based clustering of embryonic stem cells using digital holographic microscopy
* Estimating wide-angle, spatially varying reflectance using time-resolved inversion of backscattered light
* Evaluating logarithmic kernel for spectral reflectance estimation: Effects on model parametrization, training set size, and number of sensor spectral channels
* Evaluation of a model to predict anomalous-observer performance with the 100-hue test
* Extended capture range for focus-diverse phase retrieval in segmented aperture systems using geometrical optics
* Factors governing the speed of color adaptation in foveal versus peripheral vision
* Fast and accurate metrology of multi-layered ceramic materials by an automated boundary detection algorithm developed for optical coherence tomography data
* Fast multiscale directional filter bank-based speckle mitigation in gallstone ultrasound images
* Fast reconstruction of fluorescence molecular tomography via a permissible region extraction strategy
* Few-view image reconstruction with fractional-order total variation
* Filling in, filling out, or filtering out: Processes stabilizing color appearance near the center of gaze
* Full-phase photon-counting double-random-phase encryption
* Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion for speckle noise reduction in medical ultrasonography
* Getting the gist of multiple hues: Metric and categorical effects on ensemble perception of hue
* Graph theory approach for match reduction in image mosaicing
* High-precision and fast computation of Jacobi-Fourier moments for image description
* High-precision rotation angle measurement method based on monocular vision
* Human Gesture Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging
* Illuminant estimation for color constancy: Why spatial-domain methods work and the role of the color distribution
* Image formation of thick three-dimensional objects in differential-interference-contrast microscopy
* Improving night sky star image processing algorithm for star sensors
* Incremental and decremental L- and M-cone driven ERG responses: II. Sawtooth stimulation
* Incremental and decremental L- and M-cone-driven ERG responses: I. Square-wave pulse stimulation
* Independence and interaction of luminance and chromatic contributions to spatial hyperacuity performance
* Individual differences provide psychophysical evidence for separate on- and off-pathways deriving from short-wave cones
* Influence of local scene color on fixation position in visual search
* Introducing the concept of anisotropy at different scales for modeling optical turbulence
* Inverse source in the presence of a reflecting plane for the strip case
* K-means clustering for support construction in diffractive imaging
* Lightness constancy and its link with cone contrast
* Metamaterial microwave holographic imaging system
* Modulation transfer function of a triangular pixel array detector
* Multifrequency Bayesian compressive sensing methods for microwave imaging
* Multimode illumination for speckle reduction and angle neutrality in millimeter wave active imaging: range and time-resolved mode averaging
* Neurobiological hypothesis of color appearance and hue perception
* No difference in variability of unique hue selections and binary hue selections
* Non-cardinal color mechanism strength differs across color planes but not across subjects
* Non-cardinal color perception across the retina: Easy for orange, hard for burgundy and sky blue
* Nonparametric noise estimation method for raw images
* Object-color-signal prediction using wraparound Gaussian metamers
* Occupational color vision standards: new prospects
* On calculating metamer sets for spectrally tunable LED illuminators
* One-dimensional voting scheme for circle and arc detection
* Open problems in color constancy: discussion
* Optimization for calibration of large-scale optical measurement positioning system by using spherical constraint
* Optimization of the correlated color temperature of a light source for a better color discrimination
* Outlier modeling for spectral data reduction
* PAINTER: A spatiospectral image reconstruction algorithm for optical interferometry
* Paradoxical effect of spatially homogenous transparent fields on simultaneous contrast illusions
* Perceiving the average hue of color arrays
* Performance of normal females and carriers of color-vision deficiencies on standard color-vision tests
* Performance of select color-difference formulas in the blue region
* Phase retrieval with unknown sampling factors via the two-dimensional chirp z-transform
* Physiological correlates of watercolor effect
* QBRIX: a quantile-based approach to retinex
* Real-time and accurate rail wear measurement method and experimental analysis
* Real-time dispersion-compensated image reconstruction for compressive sensing spectral domain optical coherence tomography
* Realization of hybrid compressive imaging strategies
* Recognition of simulated cyanosis by color-vision-normal and color-vision-deficient subjects
* Recovering Euclidean structure from principal-axes paralleled conics: applications to camera calibration
* Reduction or annihilation of aberrations of an optical system by balancing ghost-imaging technique and optimal imaging of a pure weak phase object
* Relating wavefront error, apodization, and the optical transfer function: on-axis case
* Robust block sparse discriminative classification framework
* Robust metric for the evaluation of visual saliency algorithms
* Rod hue biases for foveal stimuli on CRT displays
* S-cone discrimination in the presence of two adapting fields: data and model
* Self-training-based face recognition using semi-supervised linear discriminant analysis and affinity propagation
* Signal-to-noise ratio limitations for intensity correlation imaging
* Silhouette estimation
* Spatial selectivity of the watercolor effect
* Specialized synaptic pathway for chromatic signals beneath S-cone photoreceptors is common to human, Old and New World primates
* Speckle reduction in laser imaging applications using rotating magneto-optical disk
* Supersaturation in the peripheral retina
* Symmetries and asymmetries in chromatic discrimination
* Temporal characteristics of L- and M-cone isolating steady-state electroretinograms
* Testing the performance of CIECAM02 model using two distinct glossinesses of color printing atlas
* Theoretical performance model for single image depth from defocus
* Tight focusing of quasi-cylindrically polarized beams
* Two-flux transfer matrix model for predicting the reflectance and transmittance of duplex halftone prints
* Unitary rotations in two-, three-, and D-dimensional Cartesian data arrays
* Use of commercial off-the-shelf digital cameras for scientific data acquisition and scene-specific color calibration
* Use of spectroscopy for assessment of color discrimination in animal vision
* Variation of color discrimination across the life span
* Verriest Lecture: Visual properties of metameric blacks beyond cone vision, The
* Vertical mode expansion method for transmission of light through a single circular hole in a slab
* Visible ghost imaging with nonvisible light
* Visualization of retinal vascular structure and perfusion with a nonconfocal adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope
* Wavefront reconstruction in phase-shifting interferometry via sparse coding of amplitude and absolute phase
* Why do rough surfaces appear glossy?
* Wide-baseline stereo matching based on the line intersection context for real-time workspace modeling
132 for JOSA-A(31)

JOSA-A(32) * Action recognition through discovering distinctive action parts
* Blob parameter selection for image representation
* Cancelable face verification using optical encryption and authentication
* color cone, The
* Color filter array patterns for small-pixel image sensors with substantial cross talk
* Compact multi-aperture imaging with high angular resolution
* Compressive spectral polarization imaging by a pixelized polarizer and colored patterned detector
* Computational photography with plenoptic camera and light field capture: tutorial
* Concentric circular trajectory sampling for super-resolution and image mosaicing
* Contrast enhancement for images in turbid water
* Cramér-Rao lower bound calculations for image registration using simulated phenomenology
* Derivation of various transfer functions of ideal or aberrated imaging systems from the three-dimensional transfer function
* Edge-moment-based color constancy using illumination-coherent regularized regression
* Effective and efficient subjective testing of texture similarity metrics
* Ellipse fitting for interferometry. Part 3: dynamic method
* Estimation of bispectral Donaldson matrices of fluorescent objects by using two illuminant projections
* Evaluation criterion of thermal light ghost imaging based on the receiver operating characteristic analysis
* Fourier phase in Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography
* Generalized propagation of light through optical systems. I. Mathematical basics
* Group multiple-image encoding and watermarking using coupled logistic maps and gyrator wavelet transform
* Hemispherical reflectance model for passive images in an outdoor environment
* High quality computational ghost imaging using multi-fluorescent screen
* High-resolution 3D phase imaging using a partitioned detection aperture: a wave-optic analysis
* How color difference formulas depend on reference pairs in the underlying constant stimuli experiment
* How psychophysical methods influence optimizations of color difference formulas
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using the Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Influence of imaging resolution on color fidelity in digital archiving
* Infrared and visible image fusion with spectral graph wavelet transform
* Intelligent speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion algorithm for automated 3-D ultrasound images
* Intrinsic parameter determination of a paracatadioptric camera by the intersection of two sphere projections
* Isotropic inverse-problem approach for two-dimensional phase unwrapping
* Iterative color constancy with temporal filtering for an image sequence with no relative motion between the camera and the scene
* Long-wave infrared polarimetric cluster-based vehicle detection
* Low-quality fingerprint recognition using a limited ellipse-band-based matching method
* Lycurgus Cup: Inverse problem using photographs for characterization of matter
* Manifold regularized semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model
* Method for optimizing channelized quadratic observers for binary classification of large-dimensional image datasets
* Method for pan-tilt camera calibration using single control point
* Metrics and statistics of frequency of occurrence of metamerism in consumer cameras for natural scenes
* Mirage is an image in a flat ground surface
* Modal-based phase retrieval for adaptive optics
* Non-dyadic fisheye lens correction model for image enhancement
* Optimization of LED light spectrum to enhance colorfulness of illuminated objects with white light constraints
* Parameter error analysis of single-lens prism-based stereovision system
* Performance analysis of cone detection algorithms
* Phase retrieval for multiple objects from their averaged diffraction
* Portable monocular light pen vision measurement system
* Prediction of the spectral reflectance of laser-generated color prints by combination of an optical model and learning methods
* Quantitative assessment of the impact of blood pulsation on images of the pupil in infrared light
* Range resolved mode mixing in a large volume for the mitigation of speckle and strategic target orientation requirements in active millimeter-wave imaging
* Reconstruction algorithm for fluorescence molecular tomography using sorted L-one penalized estimation
* Recovering Euclidean structure by conics and spheres: application to camera calibration
* Reference data set for camera spectral sensitivity estimation
* Region-based active contours with cosine fitting energy for image segmentation
* Single image super-resolution using locally adaptive multiple linear regression
* Sparsity-assisted solution to the twin image problem in phase retrieval
* Spatial-frequency-based metric for image superresolution
* Spectral edge: gradient-preserving spectral mapping for image fusion
* Thermal-to-visible face recognition using partial least squares
* Three-dimensional simulation method of fish-eye lens distortion for a vehicle backup rear-view camera
* Tuning the locality of filtering with a spatially weighted implementation of random spray Retinex
* Ultrasound-modulated optical tomography: direct recovery of elasticity distribution from experimentally measured intensity autocorrelation
* Variant of the region-scalable fitting energy for image segmentation
63 for JOSA-A(32)

JOSA-A(33) * Accurate rapid averaging of multihue ensembles is due to a limited capacity subsampling mechanism
* Adaptive multifocus image fusion using block compressed sensing with smoothed projected Landweber integration in the wavelet domain
* Adjusting to a sudden 'aging' of the lens
* Analytical expression for pixel-averaged point sources as observed by a focal plane array
* analytical model of the influence of cone sensitivity and numerosity on the Rayleigh match, An
* Assessing the effects of dynamic luminance contrast noise masking on a color discrimination task
* Automatic detection of microaneurysms in diabetic retinopathy fundus images using the L*a*b color space
* Cauchy graph embedding based diffusion model for salient object detection
* Change detection in underwater imagery
* Changes in unique hues induced by chromatic surrounds
* Characteristic functionals in imaging and image-quality assessment: tutorial
* Co-design of an in-line holographic microscope with enhanced axial resolution: Selective filtering digital holography
* Collaborative multicue fusion using the cross-diffusion process for salient object detection
* Color constancy of color-deficient observers under illuminations defined by individual color discrimination ellipsoids
* Color vision: introduction by the feature editors 2016
* Color-motion feature-binding errors are mediated by a higher-order chromatic representation
* Colorimetric analysis of outdoor illumination across varieties of atmospheric conditions
* Consistency of color representation in smart phones
* Contextual phase estimation from two-plane intensity measurements
* Contrast adaptation to luminance and brightness modulations
* Correlated and uncorrelated invisible temporal white noise alters mesopic rod signaling
* Deconvolution methods for structured illumination microscopy
* Dependence of chromatic responses in V1 on visual field eccentricity and spatial frequency: an fMRI study
* Depth perception in autostereograms: 1/f noise is best
* Design of an autofocus capsule endoscope system and the corresponding 3D reconstruction algorithm
* Detection and removal of fence occlusions in an image using a video of the static/dynamic scene
* Development of an ideal observer that incorporates nuisance parameters and processes list-mode data
* Dichoptic perception of brown
* dim view of M-cone onsets, A
* Discrimination thresholds of normal and anomalous trichromats: Model of senescent changes in ocular media density on the Cambridge Colour Test
* Discussion on comparative analysis and a new attack on optical asymmetric cryptosystem
* Dissociation of equilibrium points for color-discrimination and color-appearance mechanisms in incomplete chromatic adaptation
* Do normal pupil diameter differences in the population underlie the color selection of #thedress?
* Does correlated color temperature affect the ability of humans to identify veins?
* Double-random-phase encryption with photon counting for image authentication using only the amplitude of the encrypted image
* Dynamic video encryption algorithm for H.264/AVC based on a spatiotemporal chaos system
* Effects of surrounding stimulus properties on color constancy based on luminance balance
* Enhanced manifold regularization for semi-supervised classification
* Evaluating color texture descriptors under large variations of controlled lighting conditions
* Eye center localization and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction
* Fast image enhancement method for display images in ambient light
* Feasibility study for super-resolution 3D integral imaging using time-multiplexed compressive coding
* Feature-based active contour model and occluding object detection
* Fisher information theory for parameter estimation in single molecule microscopy: tutorial
* Frontally placed eyes versus laterally placed eyes: Computational comparison of their functions for ego-motion estimation
* Gender recognition from facial images: two or three dimensions?
* Hessian-LoG filtering for enhancement and detection of photoreceptor cells in adaptive optics retinal images
* High-numerical-aperture microscopy with a rotating point spread function
* How to efficiently characterize special effect coatings
* Hue-preserving and saturation-improved color histogram equalization algorithm
* Impact of nonstationary optical illumination on image reconstruction in optoacoustic tomography
* Implementation of multidirectional moire computerized tomography: multidirectional affine calibration
* Improved estimation of reflectance spectra by utilizing prior knowledge
* Improving the axial and lateral resolution of three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy using random speckle illuminations
* Increasing color saturation by optimizing light spectra constrained on color rendering properties
* Influence of surround proximity on induction of brown and darkness
* Intensity non-uniformity correction of aerothermal images via L_p-regularized minimization
* Interactive removal and ground truth for difficult shadow scenes
* Interferometric imaging with three objectives
* Investigation of signal-to-noise ratio in frequency-domain multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
* Is discrimination enhanced at a category boundary? The case of unique red
* Large color gamut displays with diffraction gratings
* Low levels of specularity support operational color constancy, particularly when surface and illumination geometry can be inferred
* Luminance-dependent long-term chromatic adaptation
* Maximum likelihood conjoint measurement of lightness and chroma
* Metamer mismatching in practice versus theory
* Method for hue plane preserving color correction
* Monocular catadioptric panoramic depth estimation via caustics-based virtual scene transition
* Multifluorophore localization as a percolation problem: limits to density and precision
* MuSCoWERT: multi-scale consistence of weighted edge Radon transform for horizon detection in maritime images
* No effects of surround complexity on brown induction
* Noise robustness of a combined phase retrieval and reconstruction method for phase-contrast tomography
* Nonrigid Registration of Remote Sensing Images via Sparse and Dense Feature Matching
* Nonuniformity correction for an infrared focal plane array based on diamond search block matching
* Note on the classification of super-resolution in far-field microscopy and information theory
* Optimal channels for channelized quadratic estimators
* Optimal configuration of static polarization imagers for target detection
* Optimal configuration of static polarization imagers for target detection
* Particle-filter-based phase estimation in digital holographic interferometry
* Perception of saturation in natural scenes
* Perceptual color spacing derived from maximum likelihood multidimensional scaling
* Performance comparison of fully adaptive and static passive polarimetric imagers in the presence of intensity and polarization contrast
* Phase estimation using phase gradients obtained through Hilbert transform
* Polarization characteristics of objects in long-wave infrared range
* Properties of lateral interaction in color and brightness induction
* Quantitative phase imaging method based on an analytical nonparaxial partially coherent phase optical transfer function
* Rank-based camera spectral sensitivity estimation
* Recognizing blurred, nonfrontal, illumination, and expression variant partially occluded faces
* Rectification of curved document images based on single view three-dimensional reconstruction
* Registration of eye reflection and scene images using an aspherical eye model
* Response for light scattered in the ocular fundus from double-pass and Hartmann-Shack estimations
* Retinal Image Registration Via Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model
* Salient object detection fusing global and local information based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Security authentication with a three-dimensional optical phase code using random forest classifier
* Segregating animals in naturalistic surroundings: Interaction of color distributions and mechanisms
* Self-calibration method for rotating laser positioning system using interscanning technology and ultrasonic ranging
* Shannon information for joint estimation/detection tasks and complex imaging systems
* simple principled approach for modeling and understanding uniform color metrics, A
* Single molecule image formation, reconstruction and processing: introduction
* Spatial properties of L- and M-cone driven incremental (On-) and decremental (Off-) electroretinograms: evidence for the involvement of multiple post-receptoral mechanisms
* Spectral image analysis of mutual illumination between florescent objects
* Spectral imaging using consumer-level devices and kernel-based regression
* Statistics of colors in paintings and natural scenes
* Stimulus size dependence of hue changes induced by chromatic surrounds
* Stochastic model for quantum noise analysis in flat-panel detectors for medical imaging applications
* Test illuminant location with respect to the Planckian locus affects chromaticity shifts of real Munsell chips
* Theoretical performance assessment and empirical analysis of super-resolution under unknown affine sensor motion
* Transmission tomography of forward-scattering structures
* Unique hue correction applied to the color rendering of LED light sources
* Unwrapped wavefront evaluation in phase-shifting interferometry based on 3D dynamic fringe processing in state space
* Updated version of an interim connection space LabPQR for spectral color reproduction: LabLab
* Verriest Lecture: Short-wave-sensitive cone pathways across the life span, The
* Wideband image demodulation via bi-dimensional multirate frequency transformations
113 for JOSA-A(33)

JOSA-A(34) * Adaptive fusion of human visual sensitive features for surveillance video summarization
* Airplane wing deformation and flight flutter detection method by using three-dimensional speckle image correlation technology
* Analyzing visual-search observers using eye-tracking data for digital breast tomosynthesis images
* Automated angular and translational tomographic alignment and application to phase-contrast imaging
* Automatic detection of trichomonads based on an improved Kalman background reconstruction algorithm
* Automatic identification of fungi in microscopic leucorrhea images
* Binary classification of Mueller matrix images from an optimization of Poincare coordinates
* Camera calibration based on the principal rays model of imaging optical systems
* Camera self-calibration from projection silhouettes of an object in double planar mirrors
* Color opponency: tutorial
* Compressed sampling and dictionary learning framework for wavelength-division-multiplexing-based distributed fiber sensing
* Conjugate gradient method for phase retrieval based on the Wirtinger derivative
* Continuous digital zooming using local self-similarity-based super-resolution for an asymmetric dual camera system
* Contrast-dependent saturation adjustment for outdoor image enhancement
* Correction of geometrically distorted underwater images using shift map analysis
* CP tensor-based compression of hyperspectral images
* Critical object recognition in millimeter-wave images with robustness to rotation and scale
* Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoothness constraint with weighted least squares in stereo matching
* Cytopathological image analysis using deep-learning networks in microfluidic microscopy
* Data-driven background representation method to video surveillance
* Description of deep saturated excitation multiphoton microscopy for super-resolution imaging
* Digital phase correction of a partially coherent sparse aperture system
* Double distortion correction method in a catadioptric vision system with a conic mirror
* Electromagnetic induction holography imaging for stroke detection
* Fast and accurate three-dimensional point spread function computation for fluorescence microscopy
* Fast computer hologram generation by flexible-ratio adaptive point-spread spherical wave synthesis
* Fixed-pattern noise correction method based on improved moment matching for a TDI CMOS image sensor
* Generalization of the Minkwitz theorem to nonumbilical lines of symmetrical surfaces
* GREAT: a gradient-based color-sampling scheme for Retinex
* Holographic aperture ladar with range compression
* Human detection in occluded scenes through optically inspired multi-camera image fusion
* Hyperspectral image compression approaches: opportunities, challenges, and future directions: discussion
* Hyperspectral photometric stereo for a single capture
* Illuminant estimation in multispectral imaging
* Image formation in image scanning microscopy, including the case of two-photon excitation
* Implicit kernel sparse shape representation: a sparse-neighbors-based objection segmentation framework
* Improvement of contrast sensitivity with practice is not compatible with a sensory threshold account
* Improving color constancy by discounting the variation of camera spectral sensitivity
* Improving the performance of interferometric imaging through the use of disturbance feedforward
* Infrared and visible image fusion based on total variation and augmented Lagrangian
* Infrared and visible image fusion via saliency analysis and local edge-preserving multi-scale decomposition
* Integral imaging techniques for flexible sensing through image-based reprojection
* Local receptive field constrained stacked sparse autoencoder for classification of hyperspectral images
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Dictionary Learning with Rolling Guidance Filter
* Nonrigid synthetic aperture radar and optical image coregistration by combining local rigid transformations using a Kohonen network
* On the van Cittert-Zernike theorem for intensity correlations and its applications
* Online multi-object tracking with efficient track drift and fragmentation handling
* Optimal configuration of static Mueller imagers for target detection
* Perceptually optimized image rendering
* Phase-error estimation and image reconstruction from digital-holography data using a Bayesian framework
* Principles of image reconstruction in optical interferometry: tutorial
* Quantitative approach for defining basic color terms and color category best exemplars
* Quantitative phase imaging method based on an analytical nonparaxial partially coherent phase optical transfer function: erratum
* Remote classification from an airborne camera using image super-resolution
* Robust object tracking based on local discriminative sparse representation
* Salient object detection using coarse-to-fine processing
* Simple, flexible, and accurate phase retrieval method for generalized phase-shifting interferometry
* Simulating real-world scenes viewed through ophthalmic lenses
* Single-shot interferogram analysis for accurate reconstruction of step phase objects
* SPICA, Stellar Parameters and Images with a Cophased Array: A 6T visible combiner for the CHARA array
* Standardized target-specific detectivity metric for computational imaging systems
* Stochastic calculus analysis of optical time-of-flight range imaging and estimation of radial motion
* Synthetic aperture imaging in astronomy and aerospace: introduction
* Synthetic aperture radar with dynamic metasurface antennas: A conceptual development
* Tensor decomposition-based sparsity divergence index for hyperspectral anomaly detection
* Three-dimensional electromagnetic imaging of dielectric targets by means of the multiscaling inexact-Newton method
* Transformation of a high-dimensional color space for material classification
* Transparency in stereopsis: parallel encoding of overlapping depth planes
* Vision-based technique for circle detection and measurement using lookup table and bitwise center accumulator
* Wave optics simulations of synthetic aperture ladar performance through turbulence
* Wide bandwidth, millimeter-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging
* Wide-field spatiospectral interferometry: theory and imaging properties
72 for JOSA-A(34)

JOSA-A(35) * Adaptive threshold method for recovered images of FMT
* All-optical DNA variant discovery utilizing extended DV-curve-based wavelength modulation
* Amplitude and phase retrieval with simultaneous diversity estimation using expectation maximization
* Analysis of the Yule-Nielsen effect with the multiple-path point spread function in a frequency-modulated halftone
* Approach for sequential image interpretation using a priori binary perceptual topological and photometric knowledge and k-means-based segmentation
* Averaging colors of multicolor mosaics
* Bi-tangent line based approach for multi-camera calibration using spheres
* Binocular holographic three-dimensional display using a single spatial light modulator and a grating
* Built-up index methods and their applications for urban extraction from Sentinel 2A satellite data: discussion
* Chips in the sunshine: color constancy with real versus simulated Munsell chips under illuminants adjacent to the daylight locus
* CIE 2017 color fidelity index Rf: A better index to predict perceived color difference?
* Color constancy of color reproductions in art paintings
* Color metamerism and the structure of illuminant space
* Computational color prediction versus least-dissimilar matching
* Computational multispectral video imaging
* Computerized simulation of color appearance for anomalous trichromats using the multispectral image
* Correlation between perception of color, shadows, and surface textures and the realism of a scene in virtual reality
* Demonstration of single-shot digital holography using a Bayesian framework
* Denoising imaging polarimetry by adapted BM3D method
* Determination of the optimum double-pass image through focus operators
* Digital Holography and 3D Imaging: introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2018
* Discrimination of spectral reflectance under environmental illumination
* Disparity-selective stereo matching using correlation confidence measure
* Estimation of the camera spectral sensitivity function using neural learning and architecture
* Experimental comparison of single-pixel imaging algorithms
* Far-field super-oscillation imaging based on the super-oscillation elements and PSF feature extraction algorithm
* Fast iterative tomographic wavefront estimation with recursive Toeplitz reconstructor structure for large-scale systems
* Frequency subspace amplitude flow for phase retrieval
* Generalized quantification of three-dimensional resolution in optical diffraction tomography using the projection of maximal spatial bandwidths
* High-resolution coherent x-ray diffraction imaging of metal-coated polymer microspheres
* How accurately do different computer-based texture characterization methods predict material surface coarseness? A guideline for effective online inspection
* Hybrid camera array based calibration for computer-generated integral photography display
* Image authentication using a vector beam with sparse phase information
* Is QR code an optimal data container in optical encryption systems from an error-correction coding perspective?
* Isotropic wavevector domain image filters by a photonic crystal slab device
* Iterative optimization in tomographic deconvolution phase microscopy
* Jacobi circle and annular polynomials: modal wavefront reconstruction from wavefront gradient
* Joint camera blur and pose estimation from aliased data
* Kalman filter approach for uncertainty quantification in time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
* Learning Siamese networks for laser vision seam tracking
* Leukocyte recognition in human fecal samples using texture features
* Linear iterative near-field phase retrieval (LIPR) for dual-energy x-ray imaging and material discrimination
* mathematical approach to best luminance maps, A
* Modal-based phase retrieval using Gaussian radial basis functions
* Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on Laplacian pyramids
* Multiresolution-based weighted regularization for denoised image interpolation from scattered samples with application to confocal microscopy
* Optical image processing with metasurface dark modes
* Optimization model for multiplicative noise and blur removal based on Gaussian curvature regularization
* Partially coherent microscope imaging system in phase space: Effect of defocus and phase reconstruction
* Partially coherent microscope in phase space
* Perceptual resolution of color for multiple chromatically ambiguous objects
* Photon efficiency of computational ghost imaging with single-photon detection
* Pixel-level alignment of facial images for high accuracy recognition using ensemble of patches
* Possible influences on color constancy by motion of color targets and by attention-controlled gaze
* Predictive dynamic digital holography and image sharpening
* Quantitative study of color category boundaries
* Quantization noise as a determinant for color thresholds in machine vision
* Recording and erasure of photorefractive holograms in undoped BTO crystal at moderate to high intensities of 639.7nm laser under action of 532nm laser pre-illumination
* Reference-free metric for quantitative noise appraisal in holographic phase measurements
* RGB-to-RGBG conversion algorithm with adaptive weighting factors based on edge detection and minimal square error
* Solving large-scale general phase retrieval problems via a sequence of convex relaxations
* Spatio-spectral binary patterns based on multispectral filter arrays for texture classification
* Special ciphertext-only attack to double random phase encryption by plaintext shifting with speckle correlation
* Structure from motion with efficient homography-based line matching
* Subsurface metrology using scanning white light interferometry: absolute z coordinates deep inside displays
* Three-dimensional single-pixel imaging of incoherent light with spatiotemporally modulated illumination
* Three-way decision based reconstruction frame for fluorescence molecular tomography
* Topological charge measurement of concentric OAM states using the phase-shift method
* Traffic sign recognition method for intelligent vehicles
* Two-photon speckle illumination for super-resolution microscopy
* Unified and accurate diffraction calculation between two concentric cylindrical surfaces
* Unified description of three-dimensional optical diffraction microscopy: from transmission microscopy to optical coherence tomography: tutorial
* Verriest Lecture: Color vision in an uncertain world, The
* Wavelet-based iterative perfect reconstruction in computational integral imaging
* Which tone-mapping operator is the best? A comparative study of perceptual quality
* X-ray tomography of extended objects: a comparison of data acquisition approaches
76 for JOSA-A(35)

JOSA-A(36) * Aberration balancing using an image-sharpness metric
* Aero-optic thermal radiation effects correction with a low-frequency prior and a sparse constraint in the gradient domain
* As-projective-as-possible bias correction for illumination estimation algorithms
* Background subtraction via time continuity and texture consistency constraints
* Characterization of the ocular surface temperature dynamics in glaucoma subjects using long-wave infrared thermal imaging
* Characterization of the ocular surface temperature dynamics in glaucoma subjects using long-wave infrared thermal imaging
* Characterizing the information capacity of volume holograms with the Holevo bound
* Color brightness model and its imaging applications
* Color-difference formula for evaluating color pairs with no separation: DeltaENS
* Comparative study of multi-look processing for phase map de-noising in digital Fresnel holographic interferometry
* Crafting a 1.5mu-m pixel pitch spatial light modulator using Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material
* Deep spectral reflectance and illuminant estimation from self-interreflections
* Depth-resolved and auto-focus imaging through scattering layer with wavelength compensation
* Determining ellipses from low-resolution images with a comprehensive image formation model
* Diffraction-limited superresolution ptychography in the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld regime
* Digital holography and 3D imaging: Introduction to the Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A joint feature issue 2018
* Digital Holography and 3D Imaging: Introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2019
* Discrete Bargmann transform
* Effect of luminosity on color discrimination of dichromatic marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
* Encoder-decoder with densely convolutional networks for monocular depth estimation
* From Fienup's phase retrieval techniques to regularized inversion for in-line holography: tutorial
* Full-spectrum denoising of high-SNR hyperspectral images
* Generation of Airy vortex beam arrays using computer-generated holography
* Hermite-Gaussian mode detection via convolution neural networks
* High-resolution augmented reality 3D display with use of a lenticular lens array holographic optical element
* How anisotropy of CIELAB color space affects the separation effect: an experimental study
* Hybrid method for speckle noise reduction in digital holography
* Hybrid phase-amplitude superoscillation element for nonscanning optical superresolution imaging
* Hyperspectral imaging in color vision research: tutorial
* Illuminant-invariant stereo matching using cost volume and confidence-based disparity refinement
* Imaging through distributed-volume aberrations using single-shot digital holography
* Improving holographic search algorithms using sorted pixel selection
* Improving the uniformity of holographic recording using multi-layer photopolymer: Part II. Experimental results
* Improving the uniformity of holographic recording using multilayer photopolymer. Part I. Theoretical analysis
* Influence of the description of the scattering matrix on permittivity reconstruction with a quantitative imaging procedure: polarization effects
* Is multiplexed off-axis holography for quantitative phase imaging more spatial bandwidth-efficient than on-axis holography?
* Iterative phase retrieval for digital holography: tutorial
* Local model-based hyperspectral pansharpening algorithm via optimization constraint equation and sliding window
* Mean gradient descent: an optimization approach for single-shot interferogram analysis
* Measurement of the diffusion of light within paper
* Modeling and optimization of a geometrical calibration procedure for stereoscopic video endoscopes
* Modeling and optimization of closed-loop retinal motion tracking in scanning light ophthalmoscopy
* Modeling the occlusion problem in thermal imaging to allow seeing through mist and foliage
* Multilevel weighted enhancement for underwater image dehazing
* Perceived speed of changing color in chroma and hue directions in CIELAB
* Perception of human skin conditions and image statistics
* Phase curvature compensation in digital holographic microscopy based on phase gradient fitting and optimization
* Phase-error correction in digital holography using single-shot data
* Predictive search algorithm for phase holography
* Prelocation image stitching method based on flexible and precise boresight adjustment using Risley prisms
* Pseudo-differential representation of the metaplectic transform and its application to fast algorithms
* Reciprocal 360-deg 3D light-field image acquisition and display system
* Relation between Bayesian Fisher information and Shannon information for detecting a change in a parameter
* Relationship between the source size at the diffuser plane and the longitudinal spatial coherence function of the optical coherence microscopy system
* Research on a hole filling algorithm of a point cloud based on structure from motion
* Sampling approach for singular system computation of a radiation operator
* Sampling below the Nyquist density using spectral subtiles
* Self-calibrated and SNR-enhanced particle holography
* Self-reference hyperspectral holographic microscopy
* Spatio-angular fluorescence microscopy I. Basic theory
* Spatio-angular fluorescence microscopy II. Paraxial 4f imaging
* Spectral reconstruction of fluorescent objects with mutual illumination effects
* Stereo matching based on multi-scale fusion and multi-type support regions
* Super-resolution algorithm based on Richardson-Lucy deconvolution for three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy
* SuPeR: Milano Retinex implementation exploiting a regular image grid
* Transmission point spread function of a turbid slab
* Versatile inversion tool for phaseless optical diffraction tomography
* Versatile inversion tool for phaseless optical diffraction tomography
* Volume holographic spatial-spectral imaging systems
* Wide-field and full-focus optical microscopic imaging system
70 for JOSA-A(36)

JOSA-A(4) * Closed Form Solutions of Absolute Orientation Using Unit Quaternions
* Low Dimensional Procedure for the Characterization of Human Faces
* Noisy-Image Normalization Using Low-Order Radial Moments of Circular Harmonic Functions

JOSA-A(5) * Closed Form Solutions of Absolute Orientation Using Orthonormal Matrices
* Integration of Depth Modules: Stereo and Shading

JOSA-A(6) * Detection and Segmentation of Man-Made Objects in Outdoor Scenes: Concrete Bridges
* Learning Early-Vision Computations
* Performance Bounds for Estimating Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters from a Sequence of Noisy Images
* Structure from Two Orthographic Views of Rigid Motion
* Using Color for Geometry-Insensitive Segmentation

JOSA-A(7) * Differential Techniques for Optical Flow
* Preattentive Texture Discrimination with Early Vision Mechanism
* Progress in Low-Light-Lefel Charge-Coupled Device Imageing in Astronomy

JOSA-A(8) * Affine Structure from Motion
* Relative Orientation Revisited
* Segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Complex Data

JOSA-A(9) * Image Recovery from Correlations
* Linear Models of Surface and Illuminant Spectra
* Variational Approach to Interreflection in Color Images

JOSA( Vol No. ) * *Journal of the Optical Society of America

JOSA(24) * Some Factors and Implications of Color Constancy

JOSA(30) * Hue, Saturation and Lightness of Surface Colors with Chromatic Illumination

JOSA(32) * Visual Sensitivities to Small Color Differences in Daylight

JOSA(38) * New Contribution to the Optics of Intensely Light-Scattering Materials: Part I

JOSA(44) * Specification of Image Properties by Response to a Sine Wave Input, The

JOSA(46) * Subjective Sharpness of Simulated Color Television Pictures

JOSA(49) * Effects of Sharp Edges in a Flickering Field

JOSA(51) * Image Processing Experiments

JOSA(52) * Roles of Sharpness and Graininess in Photographic Quality and Definition
* Spatial Filtering

JOSA(54) * Detection, Recognition, and Resolution in Photographic Systems
* Spectral Distribution of Typical Daylight as a Function of Correlated Color Temperature

JOSA(56) * Image Comparison by Interference
* Image Evaluation and Restoration
* Object Restoration in a Diffraction Limited Imaging System
* Optical Systems with Resolving Powers Exceeding the Classical Limit I
* Polarization, Direction Distribution, and Off-Specular Peak Phenomena in Light Reflected from Roughened Surfaces

JOSA(57) * Image Restoration by Removal of Random-Media Degradations
* Image Restoration by the Method of Least Squares
* Linear Least-Squares Filtering of Distorted Images
* Optical Systems with Resolving Powers Exceeding the Classical Limit III
* Restoration of Turbulence Degraded Images
* Theory for Off-Specular Reflection from Roughened Surfacesw

JOSA(58) * Restoration, Resolution, and Noise

JOSA(59) * Bandlimited Image Restoration by Linear Mean-Square-Error Filter

JOSA(60) * Digital Image Restoration by Constrained Deconvolution

JOSA(61) * Lightness and Retinex Theory
* Model for Color Conversion

JOSA(62) * Bayesian-Based Iterative Method of Image Restoration
* Color Distance and Geodesics in Color Three Space
* Color Matching and Color Difference Matching
* Restoring with Maximum Entropy II: Superresolution of Photographs of Diffractions Blurred Impulses
* Restoring with Maximum Likelihood and Maximum Entropy
* Three-Color Visual Response

JOSA(63) * Determination of optical transfer function by inspection of frequency-domain plot

JOSA(64) * Space-Variant Image Restoration by Coordinate Transformations

JOSA(66) * Exterospecific Component of the Motion Parallax Field
* Local Structure of Movement Parallax of the Plane
* Some Fundamental Properties of Speckle

JOSA(69) * Bandpass Channels, Zero-Crossings, and Early Visual Information Processing

JOSA(70) * Image Analysis via the General Theory of Moments

JOSA(71) * Discrete Speckle Modeling and Restoration

JOSA(72) * Finding the Illuminant Direction
* Invariant Features of Contrast Detection: An Explanation in Terms of Self-Similar Detector Arrays

JOSA(73) * Geometrical Modes as a General Method to Treat Diffuse Interreflections in Radiometry
* Influence of intraocular scattered light on lightness-scaling experiments

Index for "j"

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