Journals starting with avsb

* 3-D face modeling using two views and a generic face model with application to 3-D face recognition
* Adaptive live video streaming by priority drop
* Adaptive object identification and recognition using neural networks and surface signatures
* Application of adaptive block matching in the extraction of temporal motor activity signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures
* Automatic camera selection and fusion for outdoor surveillance under changing weather conditions
* Automatic face region tracking for highly accurate face recognition in unconstrained environments
* Automatic learning of an activity-based semantic scene model
* Battlefields that see
* Boosting object detection using feature selection
* change-detection algorithm based on structure and colour, A
* Color-based video stabilization for real-time on-board object detection on high-speed trains
* Combined wavelet domain and temporal video denoising
* Detecting abandoned packages in a multi-camera video surveillance system
* Detecting, recognizing and understanding video events in surveillance video
* Detection of changes in surveillance videos
* Discovering Bayesian causality among visual events in a complex outdoor scene
* Discrete event modeling of misrecognition in PTZ tracking
* distributed visual surveillance system, A
* Efficient design of advanced correlation filters for robust distortion-tolerant face recognition
* Experimental results from using a rank and fuse approach for multi-target tracking in CCTV surveillance
* Face cataloger: multi-scale imaging for relating identity to location
* Face tracking system based on color, stereovision and elliptical shape features
* Fast good features selection for wide area monitoring
* Fingerprint identification: classification vs. indexing
* frame-level FSBM motion estimation architecture with large search range, A
* Human body pose estimation using silhouette shape analysis
* Human detection using depth and gray images
* IEEE 1394 (firewire) based embedded video system for surveillance applications, An
* Improving the extraction of temporal motion strength signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures
* Invariant feature extraction and biased statistical inference for video surveillance
* Moving cast shadow elimination for robust vehicle extraction based on 2D joint vehicle/shadow models
* Moving object detection between multiple and color images
* Mugshot database acquisition in video surveillance networks using incremental auto-clustering quality measures
* multi-camera conical imaging system for robust 3D motion estimation, positioning and mapping from UAVs, A
* novel approach to detect and correct highlighted face region in color image, A
* On registration of regions of interest (ROI) in video sequences
* Photometric Aspects: A New Approach For 3D Free Form Object Recognition Using a Single Luminance Image
* PMHT based multiple point targets tracking using multiple models in infrared image sequence
* Posture estimation in visual surveillance of archaeological sites
* Progress in human ID
* real time vehicle's license plate recognition system, A
* Real-time detection of threat
* Recognition and detection of occluded faces by a neural network classifier with recursive data reconstruction
* Recognizing human activities
* reliable-inference framework for recognition of human actions, A
* robust motion-estimation algorithm for multiple-target tracking at close proximity based on hexagonal partitioning, A
* S.O.M. based algorithm for video surveillance system parameter optimal selection, A
* scalable image-based multi-camera visual surveillance system, A
* Self-occlusion immune video tracking of objects in cluttered environments
* Site calibration for large indoor scenes
* Supervised-PCA and SVM classifiers for object detection in infrared images
* survey of camera self-calibration, A
* Towards a view invariant gait recognition algorithm
* Video extraction in compressed domain
* Video surveillance and human activity recognition for anti-terrorism and force protection
* Vision-based positioning and terrain mapping by global alignment for UAVs
57 for AVSBS03

* Automatic detection of dangerous events for underground surveillance
* belief theory-based static posture recognition system for real-time video surveillance applications, A
* Bit-rate control algorithm based on local image complexity for video coding with ROI
* Boosting particle filter-based eye tracker performance through adapted likelihood function to reflexions and light changes
* Classification of smart video surveillance systems for commercial applications
* Clustering of human actions using invariant body shape descriptor and dynamic time warping
* Coarse-to-fine strategy for robust and efficient change detectors
* Collective calibration of active camera groups
* Colored visual tags: a robust approach for augmented reality
* Computer Vision for Homeland Security: A Perspective on its Promise and Pitfalls
* Data Association in Multi-Target Tracking Using Belief Theory: Handling Target Emergence and Disappearance Issue
* Denoising image sequences does not require motion estimation
* Detecting and counting people in surveillance applications
* Detecting and quantifying unusual interactions by correlating salient motion
* Detecting retail events using moving edges
* Dual LDA: An effective feature space reduction method for face recognition
* Dual-sensor camera for acquiring image sequences with different spatio-temporal resolution
* effective multi-stage background generation algorithm, An
* effective real-time mosaicing algorithm apt to detect motion through background subtraction using a PTZ camera, An
* efficient motion-adaption de-interlacing technique on VLIW DSP architecture, An
* Enhanced cross-diamond-hexagonal search algorithms for fast block motion estimation
* Enhancing face recognition from video sequences using robust statistics
* Entry edge of field of view for multi-camera tracking in distributed video surveillance
* Evaluating the performance of systems for tracking football players and ball
* Face super-resolution using multiple occluded images of different resolutions
* Facial feature extraction by kernel independent component analysis
* Facial feature extraction using a cascade of model-based algorithms
* Fast access control technology solutions (FACTS)
* fast and memory efficient approach for fingerprint authentication system, A
* Faster learning via optimised adaboost
* Features extraction and selection for emotional speech classification
* Frame-level temporal calibration of video sequences from unsynchronized cameras by using projective invariants
* Gradient based multifocus video image fusion
* gradient-based foreground detection technique for object tracking in a traffic monitoring system, A
* Group stochastic search for object detection and tracking
* Heuristic approach for license plate detection
* highly efficient block-based dynamic background model, A
* Human height prediction and roads estimation for advanced video surveillance systems
* Human motion recognition based on statistical shape analysis
* Human posture recognition using active contours and radial basis function neural network
* Human tracking in real-time video for varying illumination
* hybrid technique for face detection in color images, A
* Hypovigilence analysis: open or closed eye or mouth? Blinking or yawning frequency?
* IBM Smart Surveillance System (S3): A Open and Extensible Framework for Event Based Surveillance
* Implementation of the watershed method in the HSI color space for the face extraction
* improved wavelet-based image watermarking technique, An
* integrated surveillance system for outdoor security, An
* Integrating multi-camera tracking into a dynamic task allocation system for smart cameras
* Joint audio-video people tracking using belief theory
* Least squares motion estimation algorithm in the compressed DCT domain for H.26x / MPEG-X video sequences
* Look there! predicting where to look for motion in an active camera network
* Meaningful automatic video demultiplexing with unknown number of cameras, contrast changes, and motion
* Metro railway security algorithms with realworld experience adapted to the RATP dataset
* model-free approach for posture classification, A
* modular multi-camera framework for team sports tracking, A
* Motion compensated refinement for low complexity pixel based distributed video coding
* Motion-based flexible camera registration
* Multi-camera positioning to optimize task observability
* multi-feature object association framework for overlapped field of view multi-camera video surveillance systems, A
* Multi-Modal Face Image Super-Resolutions in Tensor Space
* Multiple object tracking using elastic matching
* Normalized radial basis function networks and bilinear discriminant analysis for face recognition
* novel method for graffiti detection using change detection algorithm, A
* novel scheme of face verification using active appearance models, A
* Object tracking and matting for a class of dynamic image-based representations
* Object tracking using color interest points
* On the feasibility of using a cognitive model to filter surveillance data
* Online appearance learning by template prediction
* parallel hardware design for parametric active contour models, A
* Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: The CREDS Experience
* Physiology-based face recognition
* Rank-based multisensory fusion in multitarget video tracking
* real time surveillance system for metropolitan railways, A
* Real time tracking of multiple persons using elementary tracks
* Real-time change detection for surveillance in public transportation
* Real-time illumination compensation for face processing in video surveillance
* Real-time video segmentation
* Real-Time Vision at Siemens Corporate Research
* Recognizing facial expressions at low resolution
* Relevance learning for spectral clustering with applications on image segmentation and video behaviour profiling
* Resolution enhancement for video clips: tight frame approach
* robust appearance model for tracking human motions, A
* robust facial feature tracking system, A
* Robust vehicle detection approach
* Scene modelling using an adaptive mixture of Gaussians in colour and space
* Shape recognition based on a video and multi-sensor system
* Shape reconstruction from two color images using photometric stereo combined with segmentation and stereopsis
* software architecture for real-time embedded monitoring systems, A
* Stereo person tracking with short and long term plan-view appearance models of shape and color
* Stereo vision based human body detection from a localized mobile robot
* Studying skin ageing throughwavelet-based analysis of capacitive images
* Surveillance video for mobile devices
* system to automatically monitor forbidden areas, A
* Target segmentation and event detection at video-rate: The EAGLE project
* Target-color learning and its detection for non-stationary scenes by nearest neighbor classification in the spatio-color space
* template-guided approach to vehicle surveillance and access control, A
* texture-based approach for shadow detection, A
* Track matching over disjoint camera views based on an incremental major color spectrum histogram
* track-based human movement analysis and privacy protection system adaptive to environmental contexts, A
* Tracking by cluster analysis of feature points using a mixture particle filter
* Tracking motion objects in infrared videos
* Tracking soccer players using broadcast TV images
* Trajectory clustering and its applications for video surveillance
* Two-pass hexagonal algorithm with improved hashtable structure for motion estimation
* Understanding of human motion, actions and interactions
* Using local and global object's information to track vehicles in urban scenes
* Video combiner for multi-channel video surveillance based on finite state methods
* Video surveillance for aircraft activity monitoring
* VidMAP: video monitoring of activity with Prolog
* View registration using interesting segments of planar trajectories
* Viseme recognition: A comparative study
* Wavelet packets and co-occurrence matrices for texture-based image segmentation
113 for AVSBS05

* 3-D Virtual Environments on Mobile Devices for Remote Surveillance
* 3D Human Motion Analysis in Monocular Video Techniques and Challenges
* Abandoned/Removed Objects Detection Algorithm and Its Evaluation on PETS Datasets, An
* Active Appearance Models for Automatic Fitting of 3D Morphable Models
* Active Head Tracking System for Distance Education and Videoconferencing Applications, An
* Activity Topology Estimation for Large Networks of Cameras
* Analysis of LIDAR Data Fused with Co-Registered Bands
* Analyzing Human Movements from Silhouettes Using Manifold Learning
* Application of RFID Technology in Production Control in the Discrete Manufacturing Industry, The
* Articulated Object Recognition: A General Framework and a Case Study
* Audio Surveillance Eye, The
* Behavior Recognition in Human Object Interactions with a Task Model
* Bicoherence Used to Predict Lucky Regions in Turbulence Affected Surveillance
* Car Plate Detection Using Cascaded Tree-Style Learner Based on Hybrid Object Features
* CBIR Approach to Building Image Retrieval Based on Linear Edge Distribution
* Classification of Unattended and Stolen Objects in Video-Surveillance System
* Classification-Based Likelihood Functions for Bayesian Tracking
* Color-Based Signal Light Tracking in Real-Time Video
* Combined 2D/3D Face Recognition Using Log-Gabor Templates
* Combining Shape-from-Motion Output with Partial Metadata
* Compact Architecture for Wireless Video Surveillance over CDMA Network, A
* Comparison of Histogram Based Image Matching Methods, A
* Data Fusion and Confidence Measure in Image Feature Detection
* Data Fusion in Sensor Networks
* Detecting Changes in Grey Level Sequences by ML Isotonic Regression
* Discovering the Local Co-occurring Patterns in Visual Categorization
* Dissecting the Image of the Absolute Conic
* DNA Microarray Image Enhancement Using Conditional Sub-Block Bi-Histogram Equalization
* Dynamic Control of Adaptive Mixture-of-Gaussians Background Model
* Dynamic Scene Reconstruction for Efficient Remote Surveillance
* Effect of Finite Sample Size in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Efficient Video Enhancement Method Using LA*B* Analysis, An
* Enhanced Kernel-Based Tracking for Monochromatic and Thermographic Video
* Estimation of Internal and External Parameters for Camera Calibration Using 1D Pattern
* Face Detection with High Precision Based on Radial-Symmetry Transform and Eye-Pair Checking
* Feature Modelling of PCA Difference Vectors for 2D and 3D Face Recognition
* Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Accurate Cooperative Tracking
* Generic Object Recognition Using a Combination of ICA and Shape Cues
* Geometry of a Non-Overlapping Multi-Camera Network
* Global-to-Local Histogram Match Culling for Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Group Detection at Camera Handoff for Collecting People Appearance in Multi-camera Systems
* Grouped-People Splitting Based on Face Detection and Body Proportion Constraints
* High-Quality Real Time Motion Detection Using PTZ Cameras
* Holonic Multi-agent Systems to Integrate Independent Multi-sensor Platforms in Complex Surveillance
* Human Body Part Labeling and Tracking Using Graph Matching Theory
* Human Face Reconstruction Using Bayesian Deformable Models
* Hybrid Cone-Cylinder Codebook Model for Foreground Detection with Shadow and Highlight Suppression
* Improved Vehicle Classification in Long Traffic Video by Cooperating Tracker and Classifier Modules
* Improving the Speed of Kernel PCA on Large Scale Datasets
* Independent Moving Object Detection Using a Colour Background Model
* Kernel Hetero-associative Memory for Robust Face Recognition
* Knowledge-Based Approach for Detecting Unattended Packages in Surveillance Video, A
* Large System Decision Fusion Performance in Inhomogeneous Sensor Networks
* Learning a New Statistical Shape Prior Model for Object Detection by Geodesic Active Contours
* Learning Feature Extraction and Classification for Tracking Multiple Objects: A Unified Framework
* Learning Foveal Sensing Strategies in Unconstrained Surveillance Environments
* LMI Approach for Reliable PTZ Camera Self-Calibration, An
* Lossless Video Coding Using Lattice Based Distributed Source Coding Techniques
* Measuring Skin Topographic Structures through Capacitance Image Analysis
* Mitigating the Effects of Variable Illumination for Tracking across Disjoint Camera Views
* Motion Trajectory Classification for Visual Surveillance and Tracking
* Multi-Class Tracker Using a Scalable Condensation Filter, A
* Multi-view Intelligent Vehicle Surveillance System
* Multimedia Surveillance and Monitoring
* Near- and Far- Infrared Imaging for Vein Pattern Biometrics
* Nonparametric Background Modeling Using the CONDENSATION Algorithm
* Novel Metric on Partitions for Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Statistical Model for Speech Recognition and POS Tagging, A
* Number Plate Recognition Based on Support Vector Machines
* Object Contour Tracking in Videos by Matching Finite Mixture Models
* Omni-Directional Camera Networks and Data Fusion for Vehicle Tracking in an Indoor Parking Lot
* On Optimisation of Smart Card Face Verification Systems
* On Person Authentication by Fusing Visual and Thermal Face Biometrics
* On the Performance and Use of Speaker Recognition Systems for Surveillance
* Online Discriminative Approach to Background Subtraction, An
* Open Source Vision Library (OpenVL) Based Local Positioning System
* Optical System for Guidance of Terrain Following in UAVs, An
* Optimal Power Scheduling for Data Fusion in Inhomogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
* Panoramic Appearance Map (PAM) for Multi-camera Based Person Re-identification
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Counting Applications in Crowded Situations
* People Tracking Using a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor
* Principal Component Analysis of Multi-view Images for Viewpoint-Independent Face Recognition
* Prototype of Autonomous Intelligent Surveillance Cameras, A
* Random Field Model for Improved Feature Extraction and Tracking, A
* Real-Time Detection of Camera Tampering
* Real-Time Video Segmentation with VGA Resolution and Memory Bandwidth Reduction
* Recognizing Facial Expressions in Videos Using a Facial Action Analysis-Synthesis Scheme
* Recovery of Circular Motion Geometry in Spite of Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Registration of Multimodal Stereo Images Using Disparity Voting from Correspondence Windows
* Robust Auto-Calibration from Pedestrians
* Robust License Plate Detection Using Covariance Descriptor in a Neural Network Framework
* Role of Motion Models in Super-Resolving Surveillance Video for Face Recognition, The
* Scalable Surveillance Software Architecture
* Secure Digital Watermarking Scheme for MPEG-2 Video Copyright Protection, A
* Sensor Bandwidth Assignment through Video Annotation
* Shape Retrieval Using Matching Pursuit Decomposition
* Signal Based Node Activation in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Skin Colour-Based Face Detection in Colour Images
* Smith-Waterman Local Alignment Approach for Spatial Activity Recognition, A
* Steganographic Scheme for VQ Compressed Images Using Progressive Exponential Clustering
* Study on Image Enhancement Techniques for Fingerprint Identification, A
* Supplementing Markov Chains with Additional Features for Behavioural Analysis
* Support Vector Machine with Weighted Summation Kernel Obtained by Adaboost
* Template Matching Based on the L_p Norm Using Sufficient Conditions with Incremental Approximations
* Validated Method for Dense Non-rigid 3D Face Registration, A
* VHDL-Based Simulation of a Parallel Implementation of a Phase-Based Algorithm for Optical Flow
* Video Surveillance at the Beginning of the Third Millennium: The Viewpoint of Research, Industry, Government Bodies, Research Funding Agencies and the Community
* View Independent Gait Identification Using a Particle Filter
* Visual Recognition of Manual Tasks Using Object Motion Trajectories
* Visual Speech Recognition Method Using Translation, Scale and Rotation Invariant Features
111 for AVSBS06

* *i-LIDS: Bag and vehicle detection challenge
* 2D and 3D face localization for complex scenes
* 2D face pose normalisation using a 3D morphable model
* 2D+3D face identification system for surveillance applications, A
* 3-D model-based people detection and tracking
* Accurate self-calibration of two cameras by observations of a moving person on a ground plane
* Acoustic Doppler sonar for gait recogination
* Adaptive summarisation of surveillance video sequences
* Anomalous trajectory detection using support vector machines
* audio-visual sensor fusion approach for feature based vehicle identification, An
* Automated 3D Face authentication and recognition
* Automatic people detection and counting for athletic videos classification
* Bottom-up/top-down coordination in a multiagent visual sensor network
* Camera auto-calibration from articulated motion
* Camera Mote with a High-Performance Parallel Processor for Real-Time Frame-Based Video Processing
* Camera selection in visual sensor networks
* Camera Tamper Detection Using Wavelet Analysis for Video Surveillance
* CASSANDRA: audio-video sensor fusion for aggression detection
* Classification of gait types based on the duty-factor
* Classifying and tracking multiple persons for proactive surveillance of mass transport systems
* Combination of self-organization map and kernel mutual subspace method for video surveillance
* Compact representation and probabilistic classification of human actions in videos
* Compression for 3D face recognition applications
* Computer-aided facial reconstruction using skulls
* Data fusion with a multisensor system for damage control and situational awareness
* Dense disparity estimation from omnidirectional images
* Detecting hidden objects: Security imaging using millimetre-waves and terahertz
* Detecting shopper groups in video sequences
* Detection of abandoned objects in crowded environments
* Detection of abnormal behaviors using a mixture of Von Mises distributions
* Detection of temporarily static regions by processing video at different frame rates
* Directions in automatic video analysis evaluations at NIST
* Distributed video surveillance using hardware-friendly sparse large margin classifiers
* DSP-based system for the detection of vehicles parked in prohibited areas, A
* efficient method for detecting ghost and left objects in surveillance video, An
* efficient particle filter for color-based tracking in complex scenes, An
* Efficient side information encoding for text hardcopy documents
* Enhancing the spatial resolution of presence detection in a PIR based wireless surveillance network
* ETISEO, performance evaluation for video surveillance systems
* Experiments with patch-based object classification
* Face localization by neural networks trained with Zernike moments and Eigenfaces feature vectors. A comparison
* Face recognition using non-linear image reconstruction
* Facial biometry by stimulating salient singularity masks
* fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction using parzen density estimation, A
* Foreground object localization using a flooding algorithm based on inter-frame change and colour
* framework for track matching across disjoint cameras using robust shape and appearance features, A
* Fusion of background estimation approaches for motion detection in non-static backgrounds
* High performance 3D sound localization for surveillance applications
* Human activity recognition with action primitives
* Human body gesture recognition using adapted auxiliary particle filtering
* Image enhancement in multi-resolution multi-sensor fusion
* Image-based shape model for view-invariant human motion recognition
* Improved one-class SVM classifier for sounds classification
* Improving the robustness of particle filter-based visual trackers using online parameter adaptation
* Infrared image processing and its application to forest fire surveillance
* Intelligent vision sensor: Turning video into information, The
* Issues in video analytics and surveillance systems: Research/prototyping vs. applications/user requirements
* journey from signal processing to surveillance, A
* Learning gender from human gaits and faces
* Looking at people
* LQR spatiotemporal fusion technique for face profile collection in smart camera surveillance, A
* MCMC based multi-body tracking using full 3D model of both target and environment
* Midground object detection in real world video scenes
* Model-based human posture estimation for gesture analysis in an opportunistic fusion smart camera network
* Multiple appearance models for face tracking in surveillance videos
* Multitarget association and tracking in 3-D space based on particle filter with joint multitarget probability density
* On the development of an autonomous and self-adaptable moving object detector
* On the effect of motion segmentation techniques in description based adaptive video transmission
* Optimal deployment of cameras for video surveillance systems
* particle filter based fusion framework for video-radio tracking in smart spaces, A
* Passive sensor based dynamic object association with particle filtering
* People tracking across two distant self-calibrated cameras
* profile of MPEG-7 for visual surveillance, A
* Real time detection of stopped vehicles in traffic scenes
* Real time face recognition using decision fusion of neural classifiers in the visible and thermal infrared spectrum
* Real-time detection of illegally parked vehicles using 1-D transformation
* Real-time tracking and identification on an intelligent IR-based surveillance system
* Recognition through constructing the Eigenface classifiers using conjugation indices
* Recovering the linguistic components of the manual signs in American Sign Language
* Representing and recognizing complex events in surveillance applications
* Resolution limits of closely spaced random signals given the desired success rate
* Scream and gunshot detection and localization for audio-surveillance systems
* Searching surveillance video
* Sign language detection using 3D visual cues
* Single camera calibration for trajectory-based behavior analysis
* Sphere detection and tracking for a space capturing operation
* Stationary objects in multiple object tracking
* Stationary target detection using the ObjectVideo surveillance system
* Stereo vision and segmentation
* system for face detection and tracking in unconstrained environments, A
* Technology, applications and innovations in physical security: A home office perspective
* Towards fast 3D ear recognition for real-life biometric applications
* Towards robust face recognition for Intelligent-CCTV based surveillance using one gallery image
* Tracking by using dynamic shape model learning in the presence of occlusion
* Tracking of two acoustic sources in reverberant environments using a particle swarm optimizer
* Using behavior analysis algorithms to anticipate security threats before they impact mission critical operations
* Using social effects to guide tracking in complex scenes
* Vehicular traffic density estimation via statistical methods with automated state learning
* Verbal aggression detection in complex social environments
* Video analytics for retail
* Video verification of point of sale transactions
* View adaptive detection and distributed site wide tracking
* View-invariant human feature extraction for video-surveillance applications
* Vision based anti-collision system for rail track maintenance vehicles
* Watershed algorithm for moving object extraction considering energy minimization by snakes
* What are customers looking at?
107 for AVSBS07

* Action Signature: A Novel Holistic Representation for Action Recognition
* Annotation Collection and Online Performance Evaluation for Video Surveillance: The ViSOR Project
* Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Camera Handoff with Adaptive Resource Management for Multi-camera Multi-target Surveillance
* Color Retrieval for Video Surveillance
* Commentary on Experimental Analysis of Face Recognition on from Still Image to Video Image
* Commentary Paper 1 on A Localized Approach to Abandoned Luggage Detection with Foreground-Mask Sampling
* Commentary Paper 1 on A Probabilistic Bayesian Framework for Model-Based Object Tracking Using Undecimated Wavelet Packet Descriptors
* Commentary Paper 1 on Action Signature: A Novel Holistic Representation for Action Recognition
* Commentary Paper 1 on Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Commentary Paper 1 on Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Interlocks
* Commentary Paper 1 on On Stable Dynamic Background Generation Technique Using Gaussian Mixture Models for Robust Object Detection
* Commentary Paper 1 on Robust Unattended and Stolen Object Detection by Fusing Simple Algorithms
* Commentary Paper 1 on Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* Commentary Paper 2 on A Localized Approach to Abandoned Luggage Detection with Foreground-Mask Sampling
* Commentary Paper 2 on A Probabilistic Bayesian Framework for Model-Based Object Tracking Using Undecimated Wavelet Packet Descriptors
* Commentary Paper 2 on Action Signature: A Novel Holistic Representation for Action Recognition
* Commentary Paper 2 on Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Commentary Paper 2 on Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Interlocks
* Commentary Paper 2 on On Stable Dynamic Background Generation Technique Using Gaussian Mixture Models for Robust Object Detection
* Commentary Paper 2 on Robust Unattended and Stolen Object Detection by Fusing Simple Algorithms
* Commentary Paper 2 on Tracking People in Crowds by a Part Matching Approach
* Commentary Paper 2 on Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* Commentary Paper 3 on Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* Commentary Paper for: Tracking People in Crowds by a Part Matching Approach
* Commentary Paper on A Probabilistic Template Update Method
* Commentary Paper on An Object- and Task-Oriented Architecture for Automated Video Surveillance in Distributed Sensor Networks
* Commentary Paper on Camera Handoff with Adaptive Resource Management for Multi-camera Multi-target Surveillance
* Commentary Paper on Dynamic Models for People Detection and Tracking
* Commentary Paper on Foreground Object Detection Using Two Successive Images
* Commentary Paper on Learning and Classification of Trajectories in Dynamic Scenes: A General Framework for Live Video Analysis
* Commentary Paper on Person Tracking With Audio-Visual Cues Using the Iterative Decoding Framework
* Commentary Paper on Recognizing Shapes in Video Sequences Using Multi-class Boosting
* Commentary Paper on Shadow Removal in Indoor Scenes
* Commentary Paper on Textural Segmentation of Sidescan Sonar Images Based on Gabor Filters Bank and Active Contours without Edges
* Commentary Paper on Uncalibrated Framework for On-line Camera Cooperation to Acquire Human Head Imagery in Wide Areas
* Commentary Paper on Video Surveillance for Biometrics: Long-Range Multi-biometric System
* Continuous Background Update and Object Detection with Non-static Cameras
* Dynamic Models for People Detection and Tracking
* Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms with Post-Processing
* Experimental Analysis of Face Recognition on Still and CCTV Images
* Fast Linear Registration Framework for Multi-camera GIS Coordination, A
* Fault Detection Framework for Video Surveillance Systems
* Foreground Object Detection Using Two Successive Images
* Integrated System for Moving Object Classification in Surveillance Videos, An
* Learning and Classification of Trajectories in Dynamic Scenes: A General Framework for Live Video Analysis
* Local Initiation Method for Multiple Object Association in Surveillance Environment with Multiple Cameras
* Localized Approach to Abandoned Luggage Detection with Foreground-Mask Sampling, A
* MPEG-7 Motion Descriptor Extraction for Panning Camera Using Sprite Generated
* Multi-camera Control through Constraint Satisfaction for Persistent Surveillance
* Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Interlocks
* Object and Scene-Centric Activity Detection Using State Occupancy Duration Modeling
* Object- and Task-Oriented Architecture for Automated Video Surveillance in Distributed Sensor Networks, An
* On Stable Dynamic Background Generation Technique Using Gaussian Mixture Models for Robust Object Detection
* People Detection and Tracking with TOF Sensor
* Person Tracking with Audio-Visual Cues Using the Iterative Decoding Framework
* Probabilistic Bayesian Framework for Model-Based Object Tracking Using Undecimated Wavelet Packet Descriptors, A
* Probabilistic Template Update Method for Tracking Facial Tissue in Thermal Infrared, A
* Recognizing Shapes in Video Sequences Using Multi-class Boosting
* Robust Unattended and Stolen Object Detection by Fusing Simple Algorithms
* Segmentation of the Supraorbital Vessels in Thermal Imagery, The
* Shadow Removal in Indoor Scenes
* Spatial Scalable Region of Interest Transcoding of JPEG2000 for Video Surveillance
* Super-Resolution of Facial Images in Video with Expression Changes
* Textural Segmentation of Sidescan Sonar Images Based on Gabor Filters Bank and Active Contours without Edges
* Tracking People in Crowds by a Part Matching Approach
* Uncalibrated Framework for On-line Camera Cooperation to Acquire Human Head Imagery in Wide Areas
* Vehicle Detection Using Multi-level Probability Fusion Maps Generated by a Multi-camera System
* Video Surveillance for Biometrics: Long-Range Multi-biometric System
* Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
71 for AVSBS08

* 3D Face Model for Pose and Illumination Invariant Face Recognition, A
* 3D Face Recognition Using Multiview Keypoint Matching
* Abandoned Object Detection System Based on Dual Background Segmentation, An
* Acoustic Based Surveillance System for Intrusion Detection
* Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living, An
* Affine Adaptation of Local Image Features Using the Hessian Matrix
* Algorithm for Detection of Partially Camouflaged People, An
* Analysis of Time-multiplexed Security Videos
* Architectural Considerations for Video Content Analysis in Urban Surveillance
* Association and Identification in Heterogeneous Sensors Environment with Coverage Uncertainty
* Automatic Components of Integrated CCTV Surveillance Systems: Functionality, Accuracy and Confidence
* Automatic Gait Recognition Using Weighted Binary Pattern on Video
* Automatic Initiation of the Periorbital Signal Extraction in Thermal Imagery
* AVSS Multiple Camera Person Tracking Challenge Evaluation Overview
* Bayesian Bio-inspired Model for Learning Interactive Trajectories
* Bayesian Order-Consistency Testing with Class Priors Derivation for Robust Change Detection
* Classification Architecture Based on Connected Components for Text Detection in Unconstrained Environments, A
* Clustered Synopsis of Surveillance Video
* Combination of Roadside and In-vehicle Sensors for Extensive Visibility Range Monitoring
* Combined Motion and Appearance Models for Robust Object Tracking in Real-Time
* Compact Signatures for 3D Face Recognition under Varying Expressions
* Comparative Evaluation of Stationary Foreground Object Detection Algorithms Based on Background Subtraction Techniques
* Context-Based Multimedia Sensor Selection Method
* Context-Based Reasoning Using Ontologies to Adapt Visual Tracking in Surveillance
* Contradiction and Correlation for Camera Overlap Estimation
* Cooperative Object Tracking and Event Detection with Wireless Smart Cameras
* Cost-Effective Solution to Synchronized Audio-Visual Capture Using Multiple Sensors
* Counting People in Groups
* Creating Human Activity Recognition Systems Using Pareto-based Multiobjective Optimization
* Critical Assessment of 2D and 3D Face Recognition Algorithms, A
* Digital Video Event Detector Framework for Surveillance Applications
* Distributed Audio Network for Speech Enhancement in Challenging Noise Backgrounds
* Distributed Cognitive Sensor Network Approach for Surveillance Applications
* Dynamic Performance Measures for Object Tracking Systems
* Emerging Trends in Persistent Surveillance Information Fusion
* Event Composition with Imperfect Information for Bus Surveillance
* Explicit 3D Modeling for Vehicle Monitoring in Non-overlapping Cameras
* Fast Compressed Domain Motion Detection in H.264 Video Streams for Video Surveillance Applications
* Fast Converging Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Time-Varying Channels, A
* Flexible Surveillance System Architecture, A
* Global Illumination Compensation for Background Subtraction Using Gaussian-Based Background Difference Modeling
* Hierarchical Matching of 3D Pedestrian Trajectories for Surveillance Applications
* Human Body Articulation for Action Recognition in Video Sequences
* Hybrid Background Model Using Spatial-Temporal LBP
* Incremental EM for Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis on Human Action Recognition
* Information Value Driven Architecture for Urban Video Surveillance in Data and Attention Bandwidth Constrained Environments, An
* Intelligent Video for Protecting Crowded Sports Venues
* Landmark Localisation in 3D Face Data
* Learning People Trajectories Using Semi-directional Statistics
* Local and Global Collaboration for Object Detection Enhancement with Information Redundancy
* model change detection approach to dynamic scene modeling, A
* Modelling and Managing Domain Context for Automatic Surveillance Systems
* MotionSearch: Context-Based Video Retrieval and Activity Recognition in Video Surveillance
* Multi-cue Based Visual Tracking in Clutter Scenes with Occlusions
* Multi-scale Piecewise-Linear Feature Detector for Spectrogram Tracks, A
* Multi-sensor Multi-cue Fusion for Object Detection in Video Surveillance
* Multi-view Object Localization in H.264/AVC Compressed Domain
* Multimodal Abandoned/Removed Object Detection for Low Power Video Surveillance Systems
* Multisensor Fusion for Monitoring Elderly Activities at Home
* New Optical Distortion Model for Multi-camera Calibration, A
* Night-Time Traffic Surveillance: A Robust Framework for Multi-vehicle Detection, Classification and Tracking
* Noisy MPEG Motion Vector Reduction for Motion Analysis
* Object Tracking from Unstabilized Platforms by Particle Filtering with Embedded Camera Ego Motion
* Object Tracking via Multi-region Covariance and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Object-Video Streams for Preserving Privacy in Video Surveillance
* Object-Wise Multilayer Background Ordering for Public Area Surveillance
* Omni-directional Polarization Image Sensor Based on an Omni-directional Camera and a Polarization Filter
* Ontology for Event Detection and its Application in Surveillance Video, An
* People Counting System Based on Face Detection and Tracking in a Video, A
* Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems Using Scalable Video Coding
* Privacy-Enabled Object Tracking in Video Sequences Using Compressive Sensing
* Pruning Approach Improving Face Identification Systems, A
* Real Time Foreground-Background Segmentation Using a Modified Codebook Model
* Real-Time Adaptive Camera Tamper Detection for Video Surveillance
* Real-Time Moving Object Detection for Video Surveillance
* Recognizing Human Actions Using Silhouette-based HMM
* Regressed Importance Sampling on Manifolds for Efficient Object Tracking
* Relating Pace to Activity Changes in Mono- and Multi-camera Surveillance Videos
* Robust and Efficient Approach for Human Tracking in Multi-camera Systems, A
* Robust Car License Plate Localization Using a Novel Texture Descriptor
* Robust Motion Detection via the Fuzzy Fusion of 6D Feature Space Decompositions
* Robust Surveillance on Compressed Video: Uniform Performance from High to Low Bitrates
* Robust Vehicle Detection for Tracking in Highway Surveillance Videos Using Unsupervised Learning
* Sampling Algorithm for Occlusion Robust Multi Target Detection, A
* Scalable Video Stabilization Algorithm for Multi-camera Systems, A
* Segment Model Based Vehicle Motion Analysis
* Segmentation of Motion Objects from Surveillance Video Sequences Using Temporal Differencing Combined with Multiple Correlation
* Self-Calibration and Control of a PTZ Camera Based on a Spherical Mirror
* Semi-automatic System for Ground Truth Generation of Soccer Video Sequences, A
* Speech Based Approach to Surveillance Video Retrieval, A
* Stereo Localization Based on Network's Uncalibrated Camera Pairs
* Super-Resolution of Moving Vehicles Using an Affine Motion Model
* Towards Generic Detection of Unusual Events in Video Surveillance
* Tracking HoG Descriptors for Gesture Recognition
* Traffic Density Estimation with On-line SVM Classifier
* Trajectory Association and Fusion across Partially Overlapping Cameras
* Turning Surveillance Video into Structured Information and Actionable Events
* Vehicle Tracking Using Projective Particle Filter
* Video Analytics in Urban Environments
* Video and Signal Based Surveillance for Airport Applications
* Video Surveillance and Biometric Technology Applications
* Virtual Boundary Crossing Detection without Explicit Object Tracking
* Virtual Vision: Simulating Camera Networks in Virtual Reality for Surveillance System Design and Evaluation
* What Would You Pay for Automated Video Analysis?
105 for AVSBS09


* 3D ellipsoid fitting for multi-view gait recognition
* Abnormal events detection using unsupervised One-Class SVM: Application to audio surveillance and evaluation
* Abstract of PRIMA-S for AVSS-Demo 2011
* Action recognition using tri-view constraints
* Active video analytics one leap ahead applicability and entering new dimensions
* Appearance tracking by transduction in surveillance scenarios
* Automatic detection of dangerous motion behavior in human crowds
* Automatic make and model recognition from frontal images of cars
* AVSS 2011 demo session
* Background subtraction by non-parametric probabilistic clustering
* Combined estimation of location and body pose in surveillance video
* comparison of a chaos-theoretic method for pre-attentive vision with traditional grayscale-based methods, A
* Complementary background models for the detection of static and moving objects in crowded environments
* Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV images
* Continuous recovery for real time pan tilt zoom localization and mapping
* Crowd flow estimation using multiple visual features for scenes with changing crowd densities
* Data driven frequency mapping for computationally scalable object detection
* Detection of abnormal behaviour in a surveillance environment using control charts
* Discrimination of abandoned and stolen object based on active contours
* efficient pattern-less background modeling based on scale invariant local states, An
* Efficiently secure image transmission against tampering in wireless visual sensor networks
* Evaluation of local features for person re-identification in image sequences
* Extended feature-based object tracking in presence of data association uncertainty
* Fast face detection and species classification of African great apes
* Formulation, detection and application of occlusion states (Oc-7) in the context of multiple object tracking
* Frontal-to-side face re-identification based on hair, skin and clothes patches
* Gaze and body pose estimation from a distance
* GPU enabled Smart Video Node
* Hierarchical approach for abnormal acoustic event classification in an elevator
* high-way operator's view on automated video surveillance, A
* Image-based vehicle indexing for a seaport transportation surveillance system
* improved Mean Shift tracker with fast failure recovery strategy after complete occlusion, An
* Improving the efficiency and accuracy of visual attention
* Intelligent crossing sensor and vehicle detector
* Interactive person-retrieval in a distributed camera network
* large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video, A
* Learning neighborhood cooccurrence statistics of sparse features for human activity recognition
* Learning to recognize faces from videos and weakly related information cues
* Learning to recognize people in a smart environment
* Level of service classification for smart cameras
* Modeling of moving object trajectory by spatio-temporal learning for abnormal behavior detection
* Modeling of temporarily static objects for robust abandoned object detection in urban surveillance
* Mono versus Multi-view tracking-based model for automatic scene activity modeling and anomaly detection
* Multi-camera open space human activity discovery for anomaly detection
* multi-stage pedestrian detection using monolithic classifiers, A
* Multi-tasking smart cameras for intelligent video surveillance systems
* Multi-View Appearance Model for people re-identification, A
* Multiple acoustic sources localization using incident Signal Power comparison
* Multiple view, multiple target tracking with principal axis-based data association
* Multiple-shot human re-identification by Mean Riemannian Covariance Grid
* Naturalistic data sets for image and behavior analysis: normal versus anomalous events
* New concepts in Airborne and Ground Surveillance Systems
* new multi-lateral filter for real-time depth enhancement, A
* Next-generation 3D visualization for visual surveillance
* Novel communication architectures for wireless multimedia sensor networks
* Novel communication architectures for wireless multimedia sensor networks
* Object detection through edge behavior modeling
* Online failure detection and correction for Bayesian sparse feature-based object tracking
* OUTLIER: Online learning and visualization of unusual events
* Pairwise Shape configuration-based PSA for gait recognition under small viewing angle change
* Part-based clothing segmentation for person retrieval
* Pedestrian sensing for increased traffic safety and efficiency at signalized intersections
* People detection based on appearance and motion models
* People flow analysis
* People re-identification across multiple non-overlapping cameras system by appearance classification and silhouette part segmentation
* Photo Forensics: There Is More to a Picture than Meets the Eye
* Real time color based particle filtering for object tracking with dual cache architecture
* Real-time human detection using fast contour template matching for visual surveillance
* real-time image-to-panorama registration approach for background subtraction using pan-tilt-cameras, A
* Real-time person counting by propagating networks flows
* Regularized online Mixture of Gaussians for background subtraction
* Resolution enhancement of ROI from surveillance video using Bernstein interpolation
* Robust adapted object detection under complex environment
* Robust background subtraction using data fusion for real elevator scene
* Robust people counting in video surveillance: Dataset and system
* Smart Resource-Aware Multi-Sensor Network
* Speeded up Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm for background subtraction
* Stereoscopic viewing facilitates the perception of crowds
* systems level approach to perimeter protection, A
* testing framework for background subtraction algorithms comparison in intrusion detection context, A
* Textures of optical flow for real-time anomaly detection in crowds
* Tracking sound sources by means of HMM
* Traffic video detection: A manufacturers' point of view
* unified rectification method for single viewpoint multi-camera system, A
* Unsupervised learning of micro-action exemplars using a Product Manifold
* View-invariant person re-identification with an Implicit Shape Model
* VTrack: Video analytics for automatic video-surveillance
88 for AVSBS11

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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