SIIMS( Vol No. )
* *Journal on Imaging Sciences
* Area Distances Of Convex Plane Curves And Improper Affine Spheres
* Cascadic Multiresolution Methods For Image Deblurring
* Combining Image Reconstruction And Image Analysis With An Application To Two-Dimensional Tomography
* Direct Elastic Imaging Of A Small Inclusion
* Edge Illumination And Imaging Of Extended Reflectors
* Efficient Reconstruction Of Piecewise Constant Images Using Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization
* Inpainting By Flexible Haar-Wavelet Shrinkage
* New Alternating Minimization Algorithm For Total Variation Image Reconstruction, A
* Nonlinear Inverse Scale Space Method For A Convex Multiplicative Noise Model, A
* Quantitative Object Reconstruction Using Abel Transform X-Ray Tomography And Mixed Variable Optimization
* Segmentation Under Occlusions Using Selective Shape Prior
* Sparse And Redundant Modeling Of Image Content Using An Image-Signature-Dictionary
* Topology Preserving Linear Filtering Applied To Medical Imaging
* Variational Assimilation Of Fluid Motion From Image Sequence
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* Active Mean Fields for Probabilistic Image Segmentation: Connections with Chan-Vese and Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Models
* ADMM in Krylov Subspace and Its Application to Total Variation Restoration of Spatially Variant Blur
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for a Class of Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Problems with Applications to Background/Foreground Extraction
* Analysis of Iterative Methods in Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed
* Analytic Inversion of a Conical Radon Transform Arising in Application of Compton Cameras on the Cylinder
* Bayesian Topological Framework for the Identification and Reconstruction of Subcellular Motion, A
* Block Nonlocal TV Method for Image Restoration, A
* CLEAR: Covariant LEAst-Square Refitting with Applications to Image Restoration
* Compton Scattering Tomography: Feature Reconstruction and Rotation-Free Modality
* Conservative Scale Recomposition for Multiscale Denoising (The Devil is in the High Frequency Detail)
* Contrario Detection of Faces: A Case Example, A
* Cut Pursuit: Fast Algorithms to Learn Piecewise Constant Functions on General Weighted Graphs
* Discrete Total Variation: New Definition and Minimization
* Eigenvalues of Random Matrices with Isotropic Gaussian Noise and the Design of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Experiments
* Extending the Power Watershed Framework Thanks to Gamma-Convergence
* Factorization Method for Multifrequency Inverse Source Problems with Sparse Far Field Measurements, A
* Fast Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography with Highly Undersampled Data
* Filtrated Algebraic Subspace Clustering
* Finite Differences in Forward and Inverse Imaging Problems: MaxPol Design
* Forward-Adjoint Operator Pair Based on the Elastic Wave Equation for Use in Transcranial Photoacoustic Computed Tomography, A
* Generalized Linear Sampling Method for Limited Aperture Measurements, The
* Generalized Sinkhorn Iterations for Regularizing Inverse Problems Using Optimal Mass Transport
* Geodesic Landmark Shooting Algorithm for Template Matching and Its Applications, A
* Graph Similarity through Entropic Manifold Alignment
* Guidefill: GPU Accelerated, Artist Guided Geometric Inpainting for 3D Conversion of Film
* High Resolution Inverse Scattering in Two Dimensions Using Recursive Linearization
* Image Denoising via Multiscale Nonlinear Diffusion Models
* Imaging in Random Media with Convex Optimization
* Imaging of Local Rough Surfaces by the Linear Sampling Method with Near-Field Data
* Imaging Polarizable Dipoles
* Infimal Convolution of Data Discrepancies for Mixed Noise Removal
* Interactive Video Colorization Within a Variational Framework
* Joint Multichannel Deconvolution and Blind Source Separation
* Joint Sparse Recovery Framework for Accurate Reconstruction of Inclusions in Elastic Media, A
* Kernel Density Estimation on Spaces of Gaussian Distributions and Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
* Langevin Equations for Landmark Image Registration with Uncertainty
* Large-Scale Optimization Method Using a Sparse Approximation of the Hessian for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting, A
* Lattice-Based Patterned Fabric Inspection by Using Total Variation with Sparsity and Low-Rank Representations
* Layover Analysis in Synthetic Aperture Imagery
* Little Engine That Could: Regularization by Denoising (RED), The
* Low Dimensional Manifold Model for Image Processing
* Mapping-Adaptive Convolution: A Fundamental Theory for Homography or Perspective Invariant Matching Methods, The
* Matched-Filter and Correlation-Based Imaging for Fast Moving Objects Using a Sparse Network of Receivers
* Mathematical Framework for Abdominal Electrical Impedance Tomography to Assess Fatness
* Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation with Bayesian Confidence Regions
* Most Likely Separation of Intensity and Warping Effects in Image Registration
* Motion Estimation and Correction in Photoacoustic Tomographic Reconstruction
* Multi-Domain Regularization Based Computed Tomography for High-Speed Rotation Objects
* Multifrequency Interferometric Imaging with Intensity-Only Measurements
* Multiscale Nonrigid Point Cloud Registration Using Rotation-Invariant Sliced-Wasserstein Distance via Laplace-Beltrami Eigenmap
* Multiscale Segmentation via Bregman Distances and Nonlinear Spectral Analysis
* Nonconvex-TV Based Image Restoration with Impulse Noise Removal
* Nonlocal Denoising Algorithm for Manifold-Valued Images Using Second Order Statistics, A
* Nonlocal Means and Optimal Weights for Noise Removal
* Numerical Computation of Weil-Peterson Geodesics in the Universal Teichmüller Space
* Numerical Framework for Sobolev Metrics on the Space of Curves, A
* On the Absence of Uniform Recovery in Many Real-World Applications of Compressed Sensing and the Restricted Isometry Property and Nullspace Property in Levels
* PCM-TV-TFV: A Novel Two-Stage Framework for Image Reconstruction from Fourier Data
* Point Spread Function Field Learning Based on Optimal Transport Distances
* Rapid Solution of the Cryo-EM Reconstruction Problem by Frequency Marching
* Reducing Streaking Artifacts in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
* Resistivity Tensor Imaging via Network Discretization of Faraday's Law
* Resolution Analysis of Passive Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Fast Moving Objects
* Sequential Convex Programming for Computing Information-Theoretic Minimal Partitions: Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization
* Space of Essential Matrices as a Riemannian Quotient Manifold, The
* Steerable Principal Components for Space-Frequency Localized Images
* Tale of Two Bases: Local-Nonlocal Regularization on Image Patches with Convolution Framelets, A
* Template Estimation in Computational Anatomy: Fréchet Means Top and Quotient Spaces Are Not Consistent
* Template Shape Estimation: Correcting an Asymptotic Bias
* Texture Inpainting Using Efficient Gaussian Conditional Simulation
* Theoretical Analysis of Active Contours on Graphs
* Topological Sensitivity for Solving Inverse Multiple Scattering Problems in Three-dimensional Electromagnetism. Part I: One Step Method
* Total Variation Denoising in L^1 Anisotropy
* Truncated L_1-2 Models for Sparse Recovery and Rank Minimization
* Unified Approach to the Well-Posedness of Some Non-Lambertian Models in Shape-from-Shading Theory, A
* Volume Reconstruction from Slices
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* Algorithm for Optimal Transport between a Simplex Soup and a Point Cloud, An
* Analysis and an Interior-Point Approach for TV Image Reconstruction Problems on Smooth Surfaces
* Analyzing Reconstruction Artifacts from Arbitrary Incomplete X-ray CT Data
* Anisotropic Inf-Convolution BV Type Model for Dynamic Reconstruction, An
* Averaged Kaczmarz Iteration for Solving Inverse Problems, The
* Benchmark Problems for Phase Retrieval
* BinaryRelax: A Relaxation Approach for Training Deep Neural Networks with Quantized Weights
* Blind Deconvolution by a Steepest Descent Algorithm on a Quotient Manifold
* Blind Source Separation with Outliers in Transformed Domains
* Cahn-Hilliard Inpainting with the Double Obstacle Potential
* Coherence Retrieval Using Trace Regularization
* Compensated Convexity Methods for Approximations and Interpolations of Sampled Functions in Euclidean Spaces: Applications to Contour Lines, Sparse Data, and Inpainting
* Composite Optimization by Nonconvex Majorization-Minimization
* Covering the Space of Tilts. Application to Affine Invariant Image Comparison
* Critical Contours: An Invariant Linking Image Flow with Salient Surface Organization
* Deep Convolutional Framelets: A General Deep Learning Framework for Inverse Problems
* Denoising AMP for MRI Reconstruction: BM3D-AMP-MRI
* Dense Scale Selection Over Space, Time, and Space-Time
* Density-Equalizing Maps for Simply Connected Open Surfaces
* Direct Imaging Method for Inverse Scattering by Unbounded Rough Surfaces, A
* Efficient Bayesian Computation by Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo: When Langevin Meets Moreau
* Enhancing Compressed Sensing 4D Photoacoustic Tomography by Simultaneous Motion Estimation
* Exact Camera Location Recovery by Least Unsquared Deviations
* Fast Randomized Algorithms for t-Product Based Tensor Operations and Decompositions with Applications to Imaging Data
* Finding Low-Rank Solutions via Nonconvex Matrix Factorization, Efficiently and Provably
* First- and Second-Order Methods for Online Convolutional Dictionary Learning
* Graph Framework for Manifold-Valued Data, A
* High-Dimensional Mixture Models for Unsupervised Image Denoising (HDMI)
* Image Denoising with Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model Patch Priors
* Image Extrapolation for the Time Discrete Metamorphosis Model: Existence and Applications
* Image Labeling Based on Graphical Models Using Wasserstein Messages and Geometric Assignment
* Image Reconstruction in Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography with the Simplified P_2 Approximation
* Image Reconstruction with Imperfect Forward Models and Applications in Deblurring
* Imaging Extended Reflectors in a Terminating Waveguide
* Indirect Image Registration with Large Diffeomorphic Deformations
* Inexact Half-Quadratic Optimization for Linear Inverse Problems
* Infimal Convolution of Oscillation Total Generalized Variation for the Recovery of Images with Structured Texture
* Interpolation of the MacAdam Ellipses
* Joint Segmentation/Registration Model Based on a Nonlocal Characterization of Weighted Total Variation and Nonlocal Shape Descriptors, A
* Lamé Parameter Estimation from Static Displacement Field Measurements in the Framework of Nonlinear Inverse Problems
* Learning Theory of Randomized Sparse Kaczmarz Method
* Level Set Regularization Using Geometric Flows
* Linear Reaction-Diffusion System with Interior Degeneration for Color Image Compression, A
* Local Image Structure and Procrustes Metrics
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT): Convergence and Reduced Basis Approach
* Maximum Volume Inscribed Ellipsoid: A New Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization Framework via Facet Enumeration and Convex Optimization
* Morphing of Manifold-Valued Images Inspired by Discrete Geodesics in Image Spaces
* Motion Smoothing Strategies for 2D Video Stabilization
* Multienergy Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction with a Spatial Spectral Nonlocal Means Algorithm
* Multifractal Analysis of Multivariate Images Using Gamma Markov Random Field Priors
* Multiple Measurement Vector Approach to Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, A
* New Optimization Approach to Sparse Reconstruction of Log-Conductivity in Acousto-Electric Tomography, A
* Nonlinear Method for Imaging with Acoustic Waves Via Reduced Order Model Backprojection, A
* Numerical Method to Solve a Phaseless Coefficient Inverse Problem from a Single Measurement of Experimental Data, A
* On Collaborative Compressive Sensing Systems: The Framework, Design, and Algorithm
* Optimal Compressive Imaging of Fourier Data
* Optimization Methods for In-Line Holography
* Parameterized Joint Reconstruction of the Initial Pressure and Sound Speed Distributions for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography
* PET-MRI Joint Reconstruction by Joint Sparsity Based Tight Frame Regularization
* Phase-Space Sketching for Crystal Image Analysis Based on Synchrosqueezed Transforms
* Plug-and-Play Unplugged: Optimization-Free Reconstruction Using Consensus Equilibrium
* Primal and Mixed Finite Element Methods for Deformable Image Registration Problems
* Quasi)Periodicity Quantification in Video Data, Using Topology
* Reconstructing Fine Details of Small Objects by Using Plasmonic Spectroscopic Data
* Reconstructing Fine Details of Small Objects by Using Plasmonic Spectroscopic Data. Part II: The Strong Interaction Regime
* Rendition: Reclaiming What a Black Box Takes Away
* Revisiting Deep Structured Models for Pixel-Level Labeling with Gradient-Based Inference
* Reweighted Joint Spatial-Radon Domain CT Image Reconstruction Model for Metal Artifact Reduction, A
* Self-Calibration and Bilinear Inverse Problems via Linear Least Squares
* Spectral Methods for Passive Imaging: Nonasymptotic Performance and Robustness
* Spherical Designs and Nonconvex Minimization for Recovery of Sparse Signals on the Sphere
* Steerable Graph Laplacian and its Application to Filtering Image Datasets, The
* Stochastic Image Models from SIFT-Like Descriptors
* Structural Variability from Noisy Tomographic Projections
* Sub-Riemannian Modular Framework for Diffeomorphism-Based Analysis of Shape Ensembles, A
* Texture Synthesis Model Based on Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport in Patch Space, A
* Theoretical Analysis of Flows Estimating Eigenfunctions of One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Topological Sensitivity for Solving Inverse Multiple Scattering Problems in Three-Dimensional Electromagnetism. Part II: Iterative Method
* Total Generalized Variation for Manifold-Valued Data
* Total Variation Regularization Strategies in Full-Waveform Inversion
* Total Variation-Based Phase Retrieval for Poisson Noise Removal
* Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization Based Group Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* Uniqueness Results for Scattering and Inverse Scattering by Infinite Rough Surfaces with Tapered Wave Incidence
* Variational Image Regularization with Euler's Elastica Using a Discrete Gradient Scheme
* Variational Model for Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction, A
* Variational Phase Retrieval with Globally Convergent Preconditioned Proximal Algorithm
* Wasserstein Dictionary Learning: Optimal Transport-Based Unsupervised Nonlinear Dictionary Learning
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* Analysis of Regularized Kantorovich-Rubinstein Metric and Its Application to Inverse Gravity Problems
* Analysis of the Block Coordinate Descent Method for Linear Ill-Posed Problems
* Angular Accuracy of Steerable Feature Detectors
* Bayesian 3D Reconstruction of Complex Scenes from Single-Photon Lidar Data
* Blind Ptychographic Phase Retrieval via Convergent Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Blind Source Separation Technique for Document Restoration, A
* Color Image Restoration by Saturation-Value Total Variation
* Comparative Study of Different Variants of Newton-Krylov PDE-Constrained Stokes-LDDMM Parameterized in the Space of Band-Limited Vector Fields, A
* Computing Quasi-Conformal Folds
* Continuum Limits of Nonlocal p-Laplacian Variational Problems on Graphs
* Convex Approach to Superresolution and Regularization of Lines in Images, A
* Convexification Method for an Inverse Scattering Problem and Its Performance for Experimental Backscatter Data for Buried Targets
* Corrected Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization Method for Noisy Low-Rank Tensor Completion, A
* Directional Compactly Supported Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets with Applications to Image Denoising and Inpainting
* Dynamic Spike Superresolution and Applications to Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging
* Edge, Ridge, and Blob Detection with Symmetric Molecules
* Efficient Projection onto the Ll_(inf,1) Mixed-Norm Ball Using a Newton Root Search Method
* Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-Order Potentials
* Entropy-Based Selection of Cluster Representatives for Document Image Compression
* Extended Sampling Method for Inverse Elastic Scattering Problems Using One Incident Wave
* Extraction of Digital Wavefront Sets Using Applied Harmonic Analysis and Deep Neural Networks
* Fast Multilevel Algorithms for Compressive Principal Component Pursuit
* Fast Nonoverlapping Block Jacobi Method for the Dual Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model
* Flexible Space-Variant Anisotropic Regularization for Image Restoration with Automated Parameter Selection, A
* Generalization of Wirtinger Flow for Exact Interferometric Inversion, A
* Global Optimality in Separable Dictionary Learning with Applications to the Analysis of Diffusion MRI
* Greedy Approach to Ll_(0,inf)-Based Convolutional Sparse Coding, A
* Highly Accurate Matching of Weakly Localized Features
* Hybrid Adaptive Phase Space Method for Reflection Traveltime Tomography, A
* Intrinsic Isometric Manifold Learning with Application to Localization
* Invariant phi-Minimal Sets and Total Variation Denoising on Graphs
* Inverse Acoustic Scattering with Phaseless Far Field Data: Uniqueness, Phase Retrieval, and Direct Sampling Methods
* Inverse Obstacle Scattering for Elastic Waves with Phased or Phaseless Far-Field Data
* Issues with Common Assumptions about the Camera Pipeline and Their Impact in HDR Imaging from Multiple Exposures
* Large-Scale Bayesian Spatial-Temporal Regression with Application to Cardiac MR-Perfusion Imaging
* Lattice Identification and Separation: Theory and Algorithm
* Learning-Based Method for Solving Ill-Posed Nonlinear Inverse Problems: A Simulation Study of Lung EIT, A
* Low-Rank Approach to Off-the-Grid Sparse Superresolution, A
* Multiphase Mumford-Shah Problem, The
* Multiple Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann Models for Multigrid Phase-Field Segmentation of Tumors in 3D Ultrasound Images
* Multiplicative Noise Removal for Texture Images Based on Adaptive Anisotropic Fractional Diffusion Equations
* Multivariate Myriad Filters Based on Parameter Estimation of Student-t Distributions
* New Operator Splitting Method for the Euler Elastica Model for Image Smoothing, A
* New Variational Model for Joint Image Reconstruction and Motion Estimation in Spatiotemporal Imaging, A
* Non-Lipschitz Models for Image Restoration with Impulse Noise Removal
* Nonconvex Optimization for 3-Dimensional Point Source Localization Using a Rotating Point Spread Function
* Novel Algorithm for Volume-Preserving Parameterizations of 3-Manifolds, A
* Numerical Framework for Efficient Motion Estimation on Evolving Sphere-Like Surfaces Based on Brightness and Mass Conservation Laws, A
* Numerical Inversion of Three-Dimensional Geodesic X-Ray Transform Arising from Travel Time Tomography
* Online Deconvolution for Industrial Hyperspectral Imaging Systems
* Optimal Transport Approximation of 2-Dimensional Measures
* Patch Redundancy in Images: A Statistical Testing Framework and Some Applications
* Proximal Activation of Smooth Functions in Splitting Algorithms for Convex Image Recovery
* Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Fingerprinting to Integrated Physics-Based Models
* Reconstruction of Domains with Algebraic Boundaries from Generalized Polarization Tensors
* Revisiting Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation in Log-Concave Models
* Robust Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Time-Frequency Structured Measurements
* Scalable Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Imaging Inverse Problems via Convex Optimization
* Shape Reconstruction in Inverse Scattering by an Inhomogeneous Cavity with Internal Measurements
* Sinkhorn Algorithm for Lifted Assignment Problems
* SPARCOM: Sparsity Based Super-resolution Correlation Microscopy
* Sparse Bayesian Imaging of Solar Flares
* Sparsity-Inducing Nonconvex Nonseparable Regularization for Convex Image Processing
* Structural Connectivity Analysis Using Finsler Geometry
* Target Reconstruction with a Reference Point Scatterer using Phaseless Far Field Patterns
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction Using Two-Dimensional Parallel Slices
* Two-Stage Algorithm for Joint Multimodal Image Reconstruction, A
* Uniqueness and Direct Imaging Method for Inverse Scattering by Locally Rough Surfaces with Phaseless Near-Field Data
* Variable Density Sampling Scheme for Compressive Fourier Transform Interferometry, A
* Well-Posedness for Photoacoustic Tomography with Fabry-Perot Sensors
* Whole Brain Susceptibility Mapping Using Harmonic Incompatibility Removal
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* 3D Orientation-Preserving Variational Models for Accurate Image Registration
* Accelerated Optimization in the PDE Framework Formulations for the Active Contour Case
* Accelerating Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo by Using an Explicit Stabilized Method
* Accelerating Sparse Recovery by Reducing Chatter
* Adaptive Variational Model for Contrast Enhancement of Low-Light Images
* Algorithm for Second Order Mumford-Shah Models Based on a Taylor Jet Formulation, An
* Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Application to Three-Dimensional Medical Data
* Asymptotic Expansions for Higher Order Elliptic Equations with an Application to Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* Automatically Controlled Morphing of 2D Shapes with Textures
* Bayesian Inference and Uncertainty Quantification for Medical Image Reconstruction with Poisson Data
* Cartoon-Texture Image Decomposition using Orientation Characteristics in Patch Recurrence
* Common Lines Ab Initio Reconstruction of D_2-Symmetric Molecules in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
* Compressive Computed Tomography Reconstruction through Denoising Approximate Message Passing
* Computation of Circular Area and Spherical Volume Invariants via Boundary Integrals
* Convergence of the Time Discrete Metamorphosis Model on Hadamard Manifolds
* Convexification for a Three-Dimensional Inverse Scattering Problem with the Moving Point Source
* CURE: Curvature Regularization for Missing Data Recovery
* Curvature Regularized Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Data Driven Tight Frame for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction via Off-the-Grid Regularization
* Dictionary Learning for Two-Dimensional Kendall Shapes
* Diffeomorphic Image Registration Model with Fractional-Order Regularization and Cauchy-Riemann Constraint, A
* Differential Tomography of Micromechanical Evolution in Elastic Materials of Unknown Micro/Macrostructure
* Discriminative Projection and Representation-Based Classification Framework for Face Recognition, A
* Exact Recovery of Multichannel Sparse Blind Deconvolution via Gradient Descent
* Explicit Inversion Formulas for the Two-Dimensional Wave Equation from Neumann Traces
* Extended-Sampling-Bayesian Method for Limited Aperture Inverse Scattering Problems
* Fisher Information Matrix for Single Molecules with Stochastic Trajectories
* Fixed Point Analysis of Douglas-Rachford Splitting for Ptychography and Phase Retrieval
* Generalized Correlation-Based Imaging for Satellites
* Gray Level Indicator-Based Regularized Telegraph Diffusion Model: Application to Image Despeckling, A
* Gray Level Indicator-Based Regularized Telegraph Diffusion Model: Application to Image Despeckling, A
* High-Order Scheme for Image Segmentation via a Modified Level-Set Method, A
* High-Resolution Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Imaging in Scattering Media
* Higher-Order Total Directional Variation: Analysis
* Higher-Order Total Directional Variation: Imaging Applications
* Hypergraph Clustering Using a New Laplacian Tensor with Applications in Image Processing
* Image Segmentation with Partial Convexity Shape Prior Using Discrete Conformality Structures
* Imaging with the Elliptic Radon Transform in Three Dimensions from an Analytical and Numerical Perspective
* Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Imaging Using Sensitivity Functions and Beamforming
* Mathematical Morphology on the Triangular Grid: The Strict Approach
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularization Parameters in High-Dimensional Inverse Problems: An Empirical Bayesian Approach Part I: Methodology and Experiments
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularization Parameters in High-Dimensional Inverse Problems: An Empirical Bayesian Approach. Part II: Theoretical Analysis
* Microlocal Analysis of a Compton Tomography Problem
* Multigrid Optimization for Large-Scale Ptychographic Phase Retrieval
* Multimodal 3D Shape Reconstruction under Calibration Uncertainty Using Parametric Level Set Methods
* Multiplicative Noise Removal: Nonlocal Low-Rank Model and Its Proximal Alternating Reweighted Minimization Algorithm
* Multitaper Estimation on Arbitrary Domains
* Multiview Clustering of Images with Tensor Rank Minimization via Nonconvex Approach
* N-Dimensional Tensor Completion for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry
* New Efficient Algorithm for Volume-Preserving Parameterizations of Genus-One 3-Manifolds, A
* Nonlinear Iterative Hard Thresholding for Inverse Scattering
* Nonlocal Feature-Driven Exemplar-Based Approach for Image Inpainting, A
* Nonnegative Tensor Patch Dictionary Approaches for Image Compression and Deblurring Applications
* Novel Proximal Gradient Methods for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Sparsity Constraints
* Numerical Reconstruction of Radiative Sources in an Absorbing and Nondiffusing Scattering Medium in Two Dimensions
* On Decomposition Models in Imaging Sciences and Multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi Partial Differential Equations
* Optimal Transport Driven CycleGAN for Unsupervised Learning in Inverse Problems
* Overparameterized Models for Vector Fields
* Parallelizable Global Conformal Parameterization of Simply-Connected Surfaces via Partial Welding
* Reconstruction of Smooth 3D Color Functions from Keypoints: Application to Lossy Compression and Exemplar-Based Generation of Color LUTs
* Reconstruction of the High Resolution Phase in a Closed Loop Adaptive Optics System
* Reduced Order Model Approach to Inverse Scattering
* Relaxed Gauss-Newton Methods with Applications to Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Sampling Theorem for Deconvolution in Two Dimensions, A
* Self-Assignment Flows for Unsupervised Data Labeling on Graphs
* Semisupervised Dictionary Learning with Graph Regularized and Active Points
* Simplifying Transforms for General Elastic Metrics on the Space of Plane Curves
* Solving Jigsaw Puzzles by the Graph Connection Laplacian
* Spectral Embedding Norm: Looking Deep into the Spectrum of the Graph Laplacian
* Superresolution in Recovering Embedded Electromagnetic Sources in High Contrast Media
* Synthetic Aperture Imaging and Motion Estimation Using Tensor Methods
* Three-Stage Variational Image Segmentation Framework Incorporating Intensity Inhomogeneity Information, A
* Trading Beams for Bandwidth: Imaging with Randomized Beamforming
* Variational Image Segmentation Model Based on Normalized Cut with Adaptive Similarity and Spatial Regularization, A
* Variational Model Dedicated to Joint Segmentation, Registration, and Atlas Generation for Shape Analysis, A
* Wasserstein-Type Distance in the Space of Gaussian Mixture Models, A
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* Acousto-electric Inverse Source Problem, An
* Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Deformable Image Registration: A Posteriori Error Estimates for Primal and Mixed Formulations
* Centering Noisy Images with Application to Cryo-EM
* Characteristic Function-Based Algorithm for Geodesic Active Contours, A
* Choose Your Path Wisely: Gradient Descent in a Bregman Distance Framework
* Class of Second-Order Geometric Quasilinear Hyperbolic PDEs and Their Application in Imaging, A
* Coherent Framework for Learning Spatiotemporal Piecewise-Geodesic Trajectories from Longitudinal Manifold-Valued Data, A
* Color Elastica Model for Vector-Valued Image Regularization, A
* Color Image Restoration by Saturation-Value Total Variation Regularization on Vector Bundles
* Complex-Valued Imaging with Total Variation Regularization: An Application to Full-Waveform Inversion in Visco-acoustic Media
* Compressed Sensing Photoacoustic Tomography Reduces to Compressed Sensing for Undersampled Fourier Measurements
* Compressive Sampling for Array Cameras
* Convergent Conformal Energy Minimization for the Computation of Disk Parameterizations
* Correlation Based Imaging for Rotating Satellites
* Deep Neural Networks for Inverse Problems with Pseudodifferential Operators: An Application to Limited-Angle Tomography
* Determinantal Point Processes for Image Processing
* Diffeomorphic Image Registration with an Optimal Control Relaxation and Its Implementation
* DIP-VBTV: A Color Image Restoration Model Combining a Deep Image Prior and a Vector Bundle Total Variation
* Direct Sampling Method for the Inversion of the Radon Transform, A
* Doubly Graduated Method for Inference in Markov Random Field, A
* Fast Imaging of Sources and Scatterers in a Stratified Ocean Waveguide
* Generalized Intersection Algorithms with Fixed Points for Image Decomposition Learning
* Group Sparse Optimization for Images Recovery Using Capped Folded Concave Functions
* Imaging in Random Media by Two-Point Coherent Interferometry
* Improved Recovery Guarantees and Sampling Strategies for TV Minimization in Compressive Imaging
* Inexact Semismooth Newton Method on Riemannian Manifolds with Application to Duality-Based Total Variation Denoising, An
* Learnable Descent Algorithm for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Image Reconstruction
* Learning Consistent Discretizations of the Total Variation
* Learning Maximally Monotone Operators for Image Recovery
* Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction via the L_1/L_2 Minimization
* Microlocal Analysis of Generalized Radon Transforms from Scattering Tomography
* Modes of Homogeneous Gradient Flows
* Multi-scale Classification for Electrosensing
* Multiscale Factorization of the Wave Equation with Application to Compressed Sensing Photoacoustic Tomography
* Multiscale Hierarchical Image Decomposition and Refinements: Qualitative and Quantitative Results
* New Restricted Isometry Property Analysis for L_1-L_2 Minimization Methods
* Nonlinear Power Method for Computing Eigenvectors of Proximal Operators and Neural Networks
* On Learned Operator Correction in Inverse Problems
* On the Asymptotic Equivalence Between the Radon and the Hough Transforms of Digital Images
* On the Convergence Rate of Projected Gradient Descent for a Back-Projection Based Objective
* Patch-Based Holographic Image Sensing
* Penalty Relaxation Method for Image Processing Using Euler's Elastica Model, A
* Provably Robust Blind Source Separation of Linear-Quadratic Near-Separable Mixtures
* Pseudo-monochromatic Imaging in Industrial X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Recovering Missing Data in Coherent Diffraction Imaging
* Recovery of Surfaces and Functions in High Dimensions: Sampling Theory and Links to Neural Networks
* Regularization by Denoising via Fixed-Point Projection (RED-PRO)
* Regularized Affine-Scaling Trust-Region Method for Parametric Imaging of Dynamic PET Data, A
* Regularized Kaczmarz Algorithms for Tensor Recovery
* Robust CUR Decomposition: Theory and Imaging Applications
* Shared Prior Learning of Energy-Based Models for Image Reconstruction
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Conductivity, Boundary Shape, and Contact Impedances in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Sparse Inpainting with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Stochastic Proximal Alternating Minimization for Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Optimization, A
* Stochastic Variance Reduced Primal Dual Fixed Point Method for Linearly Constrained Separable Optimization, A
* Strong Solutions for PDE-Based Tomography by Unsupervised Learning
* Sufficient Condition of Optimality for the Relative Pose Problem between Cameras, A
* Surface-Localized Transmission Eigenstates, Super-resolution Imaging, and Pseudo Surface Plasmon Modes
* Towards Statistically Provable Geometric 3D Human Pose Recovery
* Variational Approach to Additive Image Decomposition into Structure, Harmonic, and Oscillatory Components, A
* Variational Densification and Refinement of Registration Maps
* Variational Model for Spatially Weighting in Image Fusion, A
* Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation for Relaxed Mumford-Shah Color and Multiphase Image Segmentation, A
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* Accelerated Level-Set Method for Inverse Scattering Problems, An
* Accelerated Optimization in the PDE Framework: Formulations for the Manifold of Diffeomorphisms
* Adaptive and Implicit Regularization for Matrix Completion
* Algorithm to Compute Any Simple k-gon of a Maximum Area or Perimeter Inscribed in a Region of Interest, An
* Analysis for Full-Field Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed
* Bar Code Decoding in a Camera-Based Scanner: Analysis and Algorithm
* Bayesian Imaging Using Plug & Play Priors: When Langevin Meets Tweedie
* Bayesian Imaging with Data-Driven Priors Encoded by Neural Networks
* Bilevel Training Schemes in Imaging for Total Variation: Type Functionals with Convex Integrands
* Bioinspired Random Projections for Robust, Sparse Classification
* Color Image Inpainting via Robust Pure Quaternion Matrix Completion: Error Bound and Weighted Loss
* Compactification of the Rigid Motions Group in Image Processing
* Compressive Imaging Through Optical Fiber with Partial Speckle Scanning
* Compressive Learning for Patch-Based Image Denoising
* Convergence Results in Image Interpolation With the Continuous SSIM
* Deep Learning: Based Dictionary Learning and Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Diffusion Bridges for Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems and Shape Evolutions
* Direct Estimation of Appearance Models for Segmentation
* Distributed Stochastic Inertial-Accelerated Methods with Delayed Derivatives for Nonconvex Problems
* Efficient Boosted DC Algorithm for Nonconvex Image Restoration with Rician Noise
* Fast Averaged Kaczmarz Iteration with Convex Penalty for Inverse Problems in Hilbert Spaces, A
* Gaussian Patch Mixture Model Guided Low-Rank Covariance Matrix Minimization for Image Denoising
* General Non-Lipschitz Infimal Convolution Regularized Model: Lower Bound Theory and Algorithm, A
* Generalized Primal-Dual Algorithm with Improved Convergence Condition for Saddle Point Problems, A
* Harmonic Beltrami Signature: A Novel 2D Shape Representation for Object Classification
* High-Resolution, Quantitative Signal Subspace Imaging for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Hyperspectral Super-resolution Accounting for Spectral Variability: Coupled Tensor LL1-Based Recovery and Blind Unmixing of the Unknown Super-resolution Image
* Image Registration Model in Electron Backscatter Diffraction, An
* Image Segmentation with Adaptive Spatial Priors from Joint Registration
* Image Warp Preserving Content Intensity
* Imaging Anisotropic Conductivities from Current Densities
* Learnable Empirical Mode Decomposition based on Mathematical Morphology
* Lifting the Convex Conjugate in Lagrangian Relaxations: A Tractable Approach for Continuous Markov Random Fields
* Limits of Accuracy for Parameter Estimation and Localization in Single-Molecule Microscopy via Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Linear Convergence of Randomized Kaczmarz Method for Solving Complex-Valued Phaseless Equations
* Linearized Hellinger-Kantorovich Distance, The
* L_1-Norm Regularization for Short-and-Sparse Blind Deconvolution: Point Source Separability and Region Selection
* Model-Centric Data Manifold: The Data Through the Eyes of the Model
* Modulo Radon Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The
* Multiscale Approach for Three-Dimensional Conformal Image Registration
* New Variational Model for Shape Graph Registration with Partial Matching Constraints, A
* Novel Mesh Denoising Method Based on Relaxed Second-Order Total Generalized Variation, A
* Optimal Bayesian Estimator for Absorption Coefficient in Diffuse Optical Tomography, An
* Optimality Conditions for Bilevel Imaging Learning Problems with Total Variation Regularization
* Parallel Transport Convolution: Deformable Convolutional Networks on Manifold-Structured Data
* Parallelizable Global Quasi-Conformal Parameterization of Multiply Connected Surfaces via Partial Welding
* Patch-Based Image Restoration Using Expectation Propagation
* PDE-Based Method for Shape Registration, A
* Quantum Information-Based Refoundation of Color Perception Concepts, A
* Recovery of Piecewise Smooth Density and Lamé Parameters from High Frequency Exterior Cauchy Data
* Robust Tensor Completion: Equivalent Surrogates, Error Bounds, and Algorithms
* Scheduled Restart Momentum for Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Single Pixel X-ray Transform and Related Inverse Problems
* SISAL Revisited
* Solving Inverse Problems by Joint Posterior Maximization with Autoencoding Prior
* Spatial Color Compensation Model Using Saturation-Value Total Variation, A
* Spectral Estimation Framework for Phase Retrieval via Bregman Divergence Minimization, A
* Splitting Scheme for Flip-Free Distortion Energies, A
* Stable Image Reconstruction Using Transformed Total Variation Minimization
* Steerable Near-Quadrature Filter Pairs in Three Dimensions
* Total Variation-Based Reconstruction and Phase Retrieval for Diffraction Tomography
* Unifying Framework for n-Dimensional Quasi-Conformal Mappings, A
* Variational Inequality Model for the Construction of Signals from Inconsistent Nonlinear Equations, A
* Variational Rician Noise Removal via Splitting on Spheres
* WARPd: A Linearly Convergent First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Inverse Problems with Approximate Sharpness Conditions
* Whole and the Parts: The Minimum Description Length Principle and the A-Contrario Framework, The
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* Active Contour Model with Local Variance Force Term and Its Efficient Minimization Solver for Multiphase Image Segmentation, An
* Approximate Inversion of a Class of Generalized Radon Transforms
* Asymptotic Links between Signal Processing, Acoustic Metamaterials, and Biology
* Bilevel Imaging Learning Problems as Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints: Reformulation and Theory
* Class of Priors for Color Image Restoration Parameterized by Lie Groups Acting on Pixel Values, A
* Common Lines Approach for Ab Initio Modeling of Molecules with Tetrahedral and Octahedral Symmetry, A
* Convergence Analysis of the Harmonic B_(z) Algorithm with Single Injection Current in MREIT
* Convergence Analysis of Volumetric Stretch Energy Minimization and Its Associated Optimal Mass Transport
* Convergence Results for Primal-Dual Algorithms in the Presence of Adjoint Mismatch
* Convexification Numerical Method for a Coefficient Inverse Problem for the Radiative Transport Equation
* Convexification Numerical Method for a Coefficient Inverse Problem for the Riemannian Radiative Transfer Equation
* Convolutional Forward Models for X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Data-Assisted Two-Stage Method for the Inverse Random Source Problem, A
* Diffeomorphic Registration Using Sinkhorn Divergences
* Displacement and Pressure Reconstruction from Magnetic Resonance Elastography Images: Application to an In Silico Brain Model
* Efficient Bayesian Computation for Low-Photon Imaging Problems
* Elastica Models for Color Image Regularization
* Enhanced Digital Halftoning via Weighted Sigma-Delta Modulation
* Fast Data-Driven Iteratively Regularized Method with Convex Penalty for Solving Ill-Posed Problems, A
* High-Frequency Limit of the Inverse Scattering Problem: Asymptotic Convergence from Inverse Helmholtz to Inverse Liouville
* IFF: A Superresolution Algorithm for Multiple Measurements
* Image Denoising: The Deep Learning Revolution and Beyond: A Survey Paper
* Image Recovery for Blind Polychromatic Ptychography
* Imaging a Moving Point Source from Multifrequency Data Measured at One and Sparse Observation Directions (Part I): Far-Field Case
* Inverse Problem for a Planar Conductivity Inclusion
* Inversion of Band-Limited Discrete Fourier Transforms of Binary Images: Uniqueness and Algorithms
* Joint Reconstruction-Segmentation on Graphs
* Learnable Group-Tube Transform Induced Tensor Nuclear Norm and Its Application for Tensor Completion, A
* Learning Regularization Parameter-Maps for Variational Image Reconstruction Using Deep Neural Networks and Algorithm Unrolling
* Linear Sampling Method for Random Sources, The
* Low-Rank Tensor Approximations for Solving Multimarginal Optimal Transport Problems
* L_1 beta L_q Minimization for Signal and Image Recovery
* Matrix Balancing Based Interior Point Methods for Point Set Matching Problems
* Multiscale Deformation Representation, A
* Nonlocal Graph-PDE and Higher-Order Geometric Integration for Image Labeling, A
* Nonlocal Perimeters and Curvature Flows on Graphs with Applications in Image Processing and High-Dimensional Data Classification
* Numerical Reconstruction of Radiative Sources from Partial Boundary Measurements
* Off-the-Grid Curve Reconstruction through Divergence Regularization: An Extreme Point Result
* On Assignment Problems Related to Gromov-Wasserstein Distances on the Real Line
* On Learning the Invisible in Photoacoustic Tomography with Flat Directionally Sensitive Detector
* On the Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Inverse Problems in Banach Spaces
* Operator Theory for Analyzing the Resolution of Multi-illumination Imaging Modalities, An
* Orthogonal Matrix Retrieval with Spatial Consensus for 3D Unknown View Tomography
* PnP-ReG: Learned Regularizing Gradient for Plug-and-Play Gradient Descent
* Preconditioned Plug-and-Play ADMM with Locally Adjustable Denoiser for Image Restoration
* Projected Nesterov-Kaczmarz Approach to Stellar Population-Kinematic Distribution Reconstruction in Extragalactic Archaeology, A
* Provable Phase Retrieval with Mirror Descent
* Regularizing Orientation Estimation in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Three-Dimensional Map Refinement through Measure-Based Lifting over Riemannian Manifolds
* Schwarzschild Harmonic Path Planning and Tetrahedral Mesh Smoothing
* Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Image Reconstruction: A Langevin Monte Carlo Approach
* Separable Quaternion Matrix Factorization for Polarization Images
* Sequential Model Correction for Nonlinear Inverse Problems
* Short Communication: Localized Adversarial Artifacts for Compressed Sensing MRI
* Short Communication: Weak Sparse Superresolution is Well-Conditioned
* Singular Value Decomposition of the Wave Forward Operator with Radial Variable Coefficients
* Spherical Framelets from Spherical Designs
* Spherical Image Inpainting with Frame Transformation and Data-Driven Prior Deep Networks
* Split Gibbs Sampler Revisited: Improvements to Its Algorithmic Structure and Augmented Target Distribution, The
* Stability and Reconstruction of a Special Type of Anisotropic Conductivity in Magneto-Acoustic Tomography with Magnetic Induction
* Stability for Finite Element Discretization of Some Inverse Parameter Problems from Internal Data: Application to Elastography
* Subaperture-Based Digital Aberration Correction for Optical Coherence Tomography: A Novel Mathematical Approach
* Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis via Tensor Fibered Rank and l_p Minimization
* Theoretical Foundation of the Stretch Energy Minimization for Area-Preserving Simplicial Mappings
* Topological Identification of Vortical Flow Structures in the Left Ventricle of the Heart
* Total Generalized Variation for Piecewise Constant Functions on Triangular Meshes with Applications in Imaging
* Toward Single Particle Reconstruction without Particle Picking: Breaking the Detection Limit
* Transionospheric Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Turning Grain Maps into Diagrams
* Two-Stage Decolorization Based on Histogram Equalization and Local Variance Maximization
* Unrolled Implicit Regularization Network for Joint Image and Sensitivity Estimation in Parallel MR Imaging with Convergence Guarantee, An
* Using Decoupled Features for Photorealistic Style Transfer
* Utilizing Variational Autoencoders in the Bayesian Inverse Problem of Photoacoustic Tomography
* Waveform Inversion with a Data Driven Estimate of the Internal Wave
* WPPNets and WPPFlows: The Power of Wasserstein Patch Priors for Superresolution
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* Accelerated Bayesian Imaging by Relaxed Proximal-Point Langevin Sampling
* Adaptive Heavy Ball Method for Ill-Posed Inverse Problems, An
* Analysis of View Aliasing for the Generalized Radon Transform in R2
* Assembling a Learnable Mumford-Shah Type Model with Multigrid Technique for Image Segmentation
* Averaging Orientations with Molecular Symmetry in Cryo-EM
* Background Removal for Ptychography via Wigner Distribution Deconvolution
* Bijective Density-Equalizing Quasiconformal Map for Multiply Connected Open Surfaces
* Boundary Integral Equation Method for the Complete Electrode Model in Electrical Impedance Tomography with Tests on Experimental Data, A
* Conductivity Imaging from Internal Measurements with Mixed Least-Squares Deep Neural Networks
* Cortical V1 Transform as a Heterogeneous Poisson Problem, The
* Deep Learning Framework for Diffeomorphic Mapping Problems via Quasi-conformal Geometry Applied to Imaging, A
* Direct Imaging Methods for Reconstructing a Locally Rough Interface from Phaseless Total-Field Data or Phased Far-Field Data
* Direct Imaging of Moving Acoustic Point Sources
* Discrete Morphological Neural Networks
* Dual Simplex Volume Maximization for Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization
* Dynamic Image Reconstruction with Motion Priors in Application to Three Dimensional Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Early Stopping of Untrained Convolutional Neural Networks
* Evolutionary Weighted Laplace Equations with Applications in Signal Decomposition
* Exploring Structural Sparsity of Coil Images from 3-Dimensional Directional Tight Framelets for SENSE Reconstruction
* Extrapolated Plug-and-Play Three-Operator Splitting Methods for Nonconvex Optimization with Applications to Image Restoration
* Fast Certifiable Algorithm for the Absolute Pose Estimation of a Camera
* Fractional Fourier Transforms Meet Riesz Potentials and Image Processing
* Generalized Nonconvex Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Background Representation Learning with Dictionary Constraint
* Identification of Sparsely Representable Diffusion Parameters in Elliptic Problems
* Image Segmentation Using Bayesian Inference for Convex Variant Mumford-Shah Variational Model
* Imaging a Moving Point Source from Multifrequency Data Measured at One and Sparse Observation Points (Part II): Near-Field Case in 3D
* Imaging of Atmospheric Dispersion Processes with Differential Absorption Lidar
* Imaging with Thermal Noise Induced Currents
* IML FISTA: A Multilevel Framework for Inexact and Inertial Forward-Backward. Application to Image Restoration
* Inclusion and Estimates for the Jumps of Minimizers in Variational Denoising
* Inexact Majorized Proximal Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Diffusion Tensors, An
* Learnable Nonlocal Self-Similarity of Deep Features for Image Denoising
* Learning Sparsity-Promoting Regularizers Using Bilevel Optimization
* Learning Weakly Convex Regularizers for Convergent Image-Reconstruction Algorithms
* Linear Sampling Method for Data Generated by Small Random Scatterers, The
* Localization of Point Scatterers via Sparse Optimization on Measures
* Low-Rank Tensor Completion Method via Strassen-Ottaviani Flattening, A
* Majorization-Minimization Algorithm for Neuroimage Registration, A
* Marginal Likelihood Estimation in Semiblind Image Deconvolution: A Stochastic Approximation Approach
* NF-ULA: Normalizing Flow-Based Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm for Imaging Inverse Problems
* Non-Lipschitz Variational Models and their Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Algorithms for Image Denoising on Surfaces
* Numerical Implementation of Generalized V-Line Transforms on 2D Vector Fields and their Inversions
* PhaseNet: A Deep Learning Based Phase Reconstruction Method for Ground-Based Astronomy
* Polarimetric Fourier Phase Retrieval
* Polynomial Preconditioners for Regularized Linear Inverse Problems
* Posterior-Variance-Based Error Quantification for Inverse Problems in Imaging
* PottsMGNet: A Mathematical Explanation of Encoder-Decoder Based Neural Networks
* Practical Acceleration of the Condat-Vu~ Algorithm
* Provably Convergent Plug-and-Play Quasi-Newton Methods
* Proximal Langevin Sampling with Inexact Proximal Mapping
* p_0-Laplace Signature for Quasilinear Inverse Problems, The
* RDA-INR: Riemannian Diffeomorphic Autoencoding via Implicit Neural Representations
* Reduced Order Modeling Inversion of Monostatic Data in a Multi-scattering Environment
* Regularization of Linear Inverse Problems with Irregular Noise Using Embedding Operators
* Regularized CNN with Geodesic Active Contour and Edge Predictor for Image Segmentation
* Removing the Mask: Reconstructing a Real-Valued Field on the Sphere from a Masked Field by Spherical Fourier Analysis
* Restoration Guarantee of Image Inpainting via Low Rank Patch Matrix Completion
* Riesz Feature Representation: Scale Equivariant Scattering Network for Classification Tasks
* Robust Tensor CUR Decompositions: Rapid Low-Tucker-Rank Tensor Recovery with Sparse Corruptions
* ROM Inversion of Monostatic Data Lifted to Full MIMO
* Scale-Invariant Relaxation in Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with an Application to Tensor Completion, A
* Sliding at First-Order: Higher-Order Momentum Distributions for Discontinuous Image Registration
* Spherical Density-Equalizing Map for Genus-0 Closed Surfaces
* Stable Local-Smooth Principal Component Pursuit
* Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient for Affine Rank Minimization Problem
* Three-Stage Approach for 2D/3D Diffeomorphic Multimodality Image Registration with Textural Control
* Tight-Frame-Like Analysis-Sparse Recovery Using Nontight Sensing Matrices
* TILT: Topological Interface Recovery in Limited-Angle Tomography
* Total Generalized Variation on a Tree
* Training Adaptive Reconstruction Networks for Blind Inverse Problems
* Uniform Recovery Guarantees for Quantized Corrupted Sensing Using Structured or Generative Priors
* Variational Model for Nonuniform Low-Light Image Enhancement, A
* Wasserstein-Type Distance for Gaussian Mixtures on Vector Bundles with Applications to Shape Analysis, A
* Weighted Spectral Filters for Kernel Interpolation on Spheres: Estimates of Prediction Accuracy for Noisy Data
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* Adapted Windows Detection Of Moving Objects In Video Scenes
* Affine Skeletons and Monge-Ampere Equations
* Anisotropic Cheeger Sets And Applications
* ASIFT: A New Framework For Fully Affine Invariant Image Comparison
* Brain Connectivity Mapping Using Riemannian Geometry, Control Theory, and PDEs
* Cahn-Hilliard Inpainting And A Generalization For Grayvalue Images
* Characterization and Analysis of Edges Using the Continuous Shearlet Transform
* Classification Via Minimum Incremental Coding Length
* Completion Of Visible Contours
* Compressive Imaging Of Subwavelength Structures
* Compressive Imaging: An Application
* Compressive Sensing By Random Convolution
* Conditionally Gaussian Hypermodels For Cerebral Source Localization
* Curvilinear Search Method For P-Harmonic Flows On Spheres, A
* Detection Of Intensity And Motion Edges Within Optical Flow Via Multidimensional Control
* Diffusion Interpretation Of Nonlocal Neighborhood Filters For Signal Denoising
* Efficient Beltrami Image Filtering Via Vector Extrapolation Methods
* Efficient Primal-Dual Method For L_1 TV Image Restoration, An
* Estimation Of Translation, Rotation, and Scaling Between Noisy Images Using The Fourier-Mellin Transform
* Expectation-Maximization Algorithm With Local Adaptivity
* Fast Algorithm For Edge-Preserving Variational Multichannel Image Restoration, A
* Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm For Linear Inverse Problems, A
* Field Fluctuations, Imaging With Backscattered Waves, A Generalized Energy Theorem, and the Optical Theorem
* Generalized Newton-Type Methods For Energy Formulations In Image Processing
* Global Compartmental Pharmacokinetic Models For Spatiotemporal SPECT and PET Imaging
* Image Deconvolution Using A General Ridgelet And Curvelet Domain
* Imaging by Modification: Numerical Reconstruction of Local Conductivities from Corresponding Power Density Measurements
* Incompressible, Quasi-Isometric Deformations Of 2-Dimensional Domains
* Linearized Bregman Iterations For Frame-Based Image Deblurring
* Measure-Valued Images, Associated Fractal Transforms, and the Affine Self-Similarity of Images
* Nested Iterative Algorithms For Convex Constrained Image Recovery Problems
* New Total Variation Method For Multiplicative Noise Removal, A
* Nonlinear Elastic Shape Averaging Approach, A
* Nonlinear Inverse Scale Space Methods For Total Variation Blind Deconvolution
* On SAR Imaging Through The Earth'S Ionosphere
* On The Application Of The Monge-Kantorovich Problem To Image Registration
* On The Nonlinear Statistics of Range Image Patches
* On the Use of Start-Stop Approximation for Spaceborne SAR Imaging
* Passive Sensor Imaging Using Cross Correlations of Noisy Signals in a Scattering Medium
* Reconstruction Of Single-Grain Orientation Distribution Functions for Crystalline Materials
* Regularized Visibility-Based Approach to Astronomical Imaging Spectroscopy, A
* Scale-Space Analysis of Discrete Filtering Over Arbitrary Triangulated Surfaces
* Shape and Motion Estimation from Near-Field Echo-Based Sensor Data
* Smoothing Directional Vector Fields Using Dual Norms
* Split Bregman Method for L1-Regularized Problems, The
* Statistical Approach to the Matching of Local Features, A
* Statistical Hypothesis Testing For Postreconstructed And Postregistered Medical Images
* Synthetic Aperture Imaging Of Multiple Point Targets In Rician Fading Media
* Total Variation Regularization For Image Denoising, III. Examples.
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* Analysis and Generalizations of the Linearized Bregman Method
* Anisotropic alpha-Kernels and Associated Flows
* Application Of The Topological Gradient Method To Color Image Restoration
* Augmented Lagrangian Method, Dual Methods, and Split Bregman Iteration For ROF, Vectorial TV, and High Order Models
* Automatic Grid Resolution And Efficient Triangulation of Implicit Vector Field
* Bochner Subordination, Logarithmic Diffusion Equations, And Blind Deconvolution Of Hubble Space Telescope Imagery And Other Scientific Data
* Bregmanized Nonlocal Regularization for Deconvolution and Sparse Reconstruction
* Clifford Bundles: A Common Framework For Image, Vector Field, and Orthonormal Frame Field Regularization
* Compressed Remote Sensing Of Sparse Objects
* Cross Correlation And Deconvolution of Noise Signals in Randomly Layered Media
* Deblurring of One Dimensional Bar Codes Via Total Variation Energy Minimization
* Diffeomorphic Active Contours
* Fast Algorithms for Source Identification Problems with Elliptic PDE Constraints
* Formal Gamma-Convergence Approach For The Detection of Points in 2-D Images, A
* General Framework for a Class of First Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization In Imaging Science, A
* Geometric Approach To Joint 2d Region-Based Segmentation and 3D Pose Estimation Using A 3d Shape Prior, A
* Global Interactions In Random Field Models: A Potential Function Ensuring Connectedness
* Global Optimization For One-Dimensional Structure And Motion Problems
* Global Solutions Of Variational Models With Convex Regularization
* Higher Order Positive Semidefinite Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Higher-Order Feature-Preserving Geometric Regularization
* Image Sharpening Via Sobolev Gradient Flows
* Improved Total Variation-Type Regularization Using Higher Order Edge Detectors
* KDE Paring and a Faster Mean Shift Algorithm
* Learning The Morphological Diversity
* Multigrid Algorithm For High Order Denoising
* Multiphase Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Region Competition, A
* Multiplicative Noise Removal With Spatially Varying Regularization Parameters
* Multiscale Photon-Limited Spectral Image Reconstruction
* Nonparametric Regression Between General Riemannian Manifolds
* Numerical Algorithms For Polyenergetic Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Reconstruction
* Optimization By Stochastic Continuation
* Optimized Conformal Surface Registration With Shape-Based Landmark Matching
* Probabilistic Contour Observer For Online Visual Tracking, A
* Reciprocity Theorems for One-Way Wave Fields in Curvilinear Coordinate Systems
* Reconstruction Of Thin Tubular Inclusions in Three-Dimensional Domains Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Reinterpretation and Enhancement of Signal-Subspace-Based Imaging Methods For Extended Scatterers
* Semismooth Newton Method for L^1 Data Fitting with Automatic Choice of Regularization Parameters and Noise Calibration, A
* Sensitivity Analysis of Multichannel Images Intended for Instantaneous Imaging Spectrometry Applications
* Smoothing Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method For Image Restoration Using Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization
* Sparse Signal Reconstruction Via Iterative Support Detection
* Special Section On Optimization In Imaging Sciences
* Stabilization Of Flicker-Like Effects in Image Sequences Through Local Contrast Correction
* Total Generalized Variation
* Visual Multiple-Secret Sharing By Circle Random Grids
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* Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Frame-Based Image Restoration via the Balanced Approach, An
* Adaptive Time-Frequency Detection and Filtering for Imaging in Heavy Clutter
* Alternating Direction Method for Image Inpainting in Wavelet Domains
* Bias-Variance Approach for the Nonlocal Means, A
* Combinatorial Continuous Maximum Flow
* Continuous Multiclass Labeling Approaches and Algorithms
* Continuous Primal-Dual Methods For Image Processing
* Contour Stencils: Total Variation along Curves for Adaptive Image Interpolation
* Directional Multiscale Amplitude and Phase Decomposition by the Monogenic Curvelet Transform
* Dithering By Differences Of Convex Functions
* Dual Carrier Probing For Spaceborne SAR Imaging
* Efficient Deterministic Compressed Sensing for Images with Chirps and Reed-Muller Codes
* Efficient Neumann Series-Based Algorithm for Thermoacoustic and Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed, An
* Fast Algorithm for Euler's Elastica Model Using Augmented Lagrangian Method, A
* Geometrically Guided Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Gradient-Based Methods For Sparse Recovery
* Helmholtz Principle Approach To Parameter Free Change Detection And Coherent Motion Using Exchangeable Random Variables, A
* How Accurate Can Block Matches Be In Stereo Vision?
* How to Transform and Filter Images Using Iterated Function Systems
* Image Inpainting Based on Coherence Transport with Adapted Distance Functions
* Image-Driven Parameter Estimation in Absorption-Diffusion Models of Chromoscopy
* Integro-Differential Equations Based On (BV, L^1) Image Decomposition
* Inversion Formulas for a Cylindrical Radon Transform
* Large Scale Bayesian Inference And Experimental Design For Sparse Linear Models
* Level Set Based Multispectral Segmentation with Corners
* Line Search Multilevel Optimization as Computational Methods for Dense Optical Flow
* Local Image Features Resulting From 3-Dimensional Geometric Features, Illumination, And Movement: II
* Local Tomography and the Motion Estimation Problem
* Locally Parallel Texture Modeling
* Mumford-Shah-Euler Flow with Sphere Constraint and Applications to Color Image Inpainting
* Mumford-Shah-Like Method for Limited Data Tomography with an Application to Electron Tomography, A
* Nesta: A Fast And Accurate First-Order Method For Sparse Recovery
* New Geometric Metric in the Space of Curves, and Applications to Tracking Deforming Objects by Prediction and Filtering, A
* On The Illumination Invariance Of The Level Lines Under Directed Light: Application To Change Detection
* Parametric Level Set Methods for Inverse Problems
* Particle Filtering with Region-Based Matching for Tracking of Partially Occluded and Scaled Targets
* Robust Video Restoration by Joint Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Approximation
* Theory of Waveform-Diverse Moving-Target Spotlight Synthetic-Aperture Radar
* Three-Dimensional Structure Determination from Common Lines in Cryo-EM by Eigenvectors and Semidefinite Programming
* Tomographic Reconstruction of the Curl and Divergence of 2D Vector Fields Taking Refractions into Account
* Total Variation as a Local Filter
* Total Variation Model For Retinex, A
* Transient Wave Imaging with Limited-View Data
* Upwind Finite-Difference Method For Total Variation-Based Image Smoothing, An
* Viewing Angle Classification of Cryo-Electron Microscopy Images Using Eigenvectors
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* Adaptive Compressed Image Sensing Using Dictionaries
* Almost Local Metrics on Shape Space of Hypersurfaces in n-Space
* Approximating Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Tensors of Even Order
* Butterfly Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, A
* Coherence Pattern-Guided Compressive Sensing with Unresolved Grids
* Communications-Inspired Projection Design with Application to Compressive Sensing
* Convergence Analysis of Primal-Dual Algorithms for a Saddle-Point Problem: From Contraction Perspective
* Convex Approach to Minimal Partitions, A
* Convex Max-Flow Approach to Distribution-Based Figure-Ground Separation, A
* Dictionary Learning for Noisy and Incomplete Hyperspectral Images
* Edge Detection Filter based on Mumford-Shah Green Function
* Edge Guided Reconstruction for Compressive Imaging
* Fast Algorithms for Image Reconstruction with Application to Partially Parallel MR Imaging
* Fast Method for Segmenting Images with Additive Intensity Value, A
* Formal Gamma-Convergence Approach For The Detection of Points in 2-D Images, A
* Gauge Fields in Pictorial Space
* Generation of Correlated Gamma Distributed Random Fields for the Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, The
* High-Order Regularized Regression in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Image Denoising Using Mean Curvature of Image Surface
* Intrinsic Feature Extraction on Hippocampal Surfaces and Its Applications
* Multiscale Mining of fMRI Data with Hierarchical Structured Sparsity
* Multistatic Imaging of Extended Targets
* Multivalued Geodesic Ray-Tracing for Computing Brain Connections Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Natural Vectorial Total Variation Which Arises from Geometric Measure Theory, The
* Nonlocal Active Contours
* Nonnegative Sparse Blind Source Separation for NMR Spectroscopy by Data Clustering, Model Reduction, and L_1 Minimization
* On Affine Invariant Descriptors Related to SIFT
* On the Circular Area Signature for Graphs
* One Shot Inverse Scattering via Rational Approximation
* Oracle Inequalities and Minimax Rates for Nonlocal Means and Related Adaptive Kernel-Based Methods
* Passive Imaging of Moving Targets Using Sparse Distributed Apertures
* Perspective Shape from Shading: Ambiguity Analysis and Numerical Approximations
* Photographing Paintings by Image Fusion
* Random Walk on Image Patches, A
* Regions of Backprojection and Comet Tail Artifacts for pi-Line Reconstruction Formulas in Tomography
* Robust Computational Algorithm for Inverse Photomask Synthesis in Optical Projection Lithography, A
* Sectional Curvature in Terms of the Cometric, with Applications to the Riemannian Manifolds of Landmarks
* Semismooth Newton Method for Nonlinear Parameter Identification Problems with Impulsive Noise, A
* Shape Reconstruction with A Priori Knowledge Based on Integral Invariants
* ShearLab: A Rational Design of a Digital Parabolic Scaling Algorithm
* Sobolev Gradients and Image Interpolation
* Subpixel Point Spread Function Estimation from Two Photographs at Different Distances
* Variational Approach for Sharpening High Dimensional Images, A
* Viewing Direction Estimation in Cryo-EM Using Synchronization
* Wavelet Decomposition Method for L_2/TV-Image Deblurring
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* A Contrario Model for Matching Interest Points under Geometric and Photometric Constraints, An
* Analysis of Descent-Based Image Registration
* Analysis of the Wavelet Ginzburg-Landau Energy in Image Applications with Edges
* Augmented Lagrangian-Based Sparse Representation Method with Dictionary Updating for Image Deblurring
* Augmented L_1 and Nuclear-Norm Models with a Globally Linearly Convergent Algorithm
* Bilevel Optimization Approach for Parameter Learning in Variational Models, A
* Block Coordinate Descent Method for Regularized Multiconvex Optimization with Applications to Nonnegative Tensor Factorization and Completion, A
* Box Spline Wavelet Frames for Image Edge Analysis
* Clustered Sparsity and Separation of Cartoon and Texture
* Coded Hyperspectral Imaging and Blind Compressive Sensing
* Compressive Acquisition of Linear Dynamical Systems
* Conformal Mapping with as Uniform as Possible Conformal Factor
* Constrained Total Variation Deblurring Models and Fast Algorithms Based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Contrario Selection of Optimal Partitions for Image Segmentation, A
* Convex Variational Image Restoration with Histogram Priors
* Convex Variational Model for Restoring Blurred Images with Multiplicative Noise, A
* Decay Properties of Riesz Transforms and Steerable Wavelets
* Description of the Minimizers of Least Squares Regularized with L_0-norm. Uniqueness of the Global Minimizer
* Discrete Geodesic Calculus in Shape Space and Applications in the Space of Viscous Fluidic Objects
* Dual Constrained TV-based Regularization on Graphs
* Estimation Method of the Homodyned K-Distribution Based on the Mean Intensity and Two Log-Moments
* Facial Recognition Using Tensor-Tensor Decompositions
* Factorization Method for Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering from Biperiodic Structures
* Family of Shape Ellipticity Measures for Galaxy Classification, A
* Fast 3D Blind Seismic Deconvolution via Constrained Total Variation and GCV
* Fidelity-Beltrami-Sparsity Model for Inverse Problems in Multichannel Image Processing
* Flutter Shutter Paradox, The
* Frobenius Integrability Theorem and the Blind-Spot Problem for Motor Vehicles, The
* Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting, A
* Geometric PCA of Images
* High-Dimension Multilabel Problems: Convex or Nonconvex Relaxation?
* Higher-Order Momentum Distributions and Locally Affine LDDMM Registration
* Hough Transform of Special Classes of Curves
* Hybrid Reconstruction Method for Quantitative PAT, A
* Image Registration with Sparse Approximations in Parametric Dictionaries
* Image Restoration with a New Class of Forward-Backward-Forward Diffusion Equations of Perona-Malik Type with Applications to Satellite Image Enhancement
* Implicit Image Differentiation and Filtering with Applications to Image Sharpening
* Level Set Estimation from Projection Measurements: Performance Guarantees and Fast Computation
* Localization, Stability, and Resolution of Topological Derivative Based Imaging Functionals in Elasticity
* Locating Multiple Multiscale Electromagnetic Scatterers by a Single Far-Field Measurement
* Low Patch-Rank Interpretation of Texture, A
* Majorize-Minimize Subspace Approach for L_2-L_0 Image Regularization, A
* MBO Scheme on Graphs for Classification and Image Processing, An
* Method for Finding Structured Sparse Solutions to Nonnegative Least Squares Problems with Applications, A
* Modeling Active Electrolocation in Weakly Electric Fish
* Morphological Bilateral Filtering
* Motion Textures: Modeling, Classification, and Segmentation Using Mixed-State Markov Random Fields
* New Semiblind Deconvolution Approach for Fourier-Based Image Restoration: An Application in Astronomy, A
* Nonconvex TVq-Models in Image Restoration: Analysis and a Trust-Region Regularization-Based Superlinearly Convergent Solver
* Nonlocal Bayesian Image Denoising Algorithm, A
* Novel Dynamic System in the Space of SPD Matrices with Applications to Appearance Tracking, A
* Numerical Recovery of Source Singularities via the Radiative Transfer Equation with Partial Data
* On the Retrieval of the Directional Scattering Matrix from Directional Noise
* Orientation Determination of Cryo-EM Images Using Least Unsquared Deviations
* Patch-Based Approach for Removing Impulse or Mixed Gaussian-Impulse Noise, A
* Perfect Match Condition for Point-Set Matching Problems Using the Optimal Mass Transport Approach, A
* Phase Retrieval via Matrix Completion
* Positive Semidefinite Generalized Diffusion Tensor Imaging via Quadratic Semidefinite Programming
* Posterior Expectation of the Total Variation Model: Properties and Experiments
* Processing Terrain Point Cloud Data
* Quantitative Fluorescence Photoacoustic Tomography
* Reconstruction of Surface and Stochastic Dynamics from a Planar Projection of Trajectories
* Recovering Over-/Underexposed Regions in Photographs
* Regularization Properties of Mumford-Shah-Type Functionals with Perimeter and Norm Constraints for Linear Ill-Posed Problems
* Restoration of Images Corrupted by Impulse Noise and Mixed Gaussian Impulse Noise Using Blind Inpainting
* Robust Locally Linear Analysis with Applications to Image Denoising and Blind Inpainting
* Scale Invariant Geometry for Nonrigid Shapes
* Selective Imaging of Extended Reflectors in Two-Dimensional Waveguides
* Sharp Sufficient Condition for B-Spline Vector Field Invertibility. Application to Diffeomorphic Registration and Interslice Interpolation, A
* Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation in Passive Correlation-Based Imaging
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Outer Boundary Shape and Admittivity Distribution in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Sparse Representation Prior and Total Variation-Based Image Deblurring under Impulse Noise
* Sparse Shape Reconstruction
* Stable Image Reconstruction Using Total Variation Minimization
* Subspace Correction Methods for a Class of Nonsmooth and Nonadditive Convex Variational Problems with Mixed L1/L2 Data-Fidelity in Image Processing
* SURE Guided Gaussian Mixture Image Denoising
* Symbol-Based Algorithm for Decoding Bar Codes, A
* Symmetrizing Smoothing Filters
* Synchrosqueezed Wave Packet Transform for 2D Mode Decomposition
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging and Motion Estimation via Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Texture Map and Video Compression Using Beltrami Representation
* Tight Convex Relaxations for Vector-Valued Labeling
* Total Generalized Variation in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Tracking of a Mobile Target Using Generalized Polarization Tensors
* Two-Dimensional Tomography from Noisy Projections Taken at Unknown Random Directions
* Two-Level Convex Relaxed Variational Model for Multiplicative Denoising
* Two-Stage Image Segmentation Method Using a Convex Variant of the Mumford-Shah Model and Thresholding, A
* Unifying Parametric Framework for 2D Steerable Wavelet Transforms, A
* Uniqueness and Approximation of a Photometric Shape-from-Shading Model
* Variational Approach for Image Stitching I, A
* Variational Approach for Image Stitching II: Using Image Gradients, A
* Variational Histogram Equalization Method for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* Variational Image Denoising Based on Autocorrelation Whiteness
* Varifold Representation of Nonoriented Shapes for Diffeomorphic Registration, The
* Vessel Segmentation in Medical Imaging Using a Tight-Frame-Based Algorithm
* Wavelet Frame Based Multiphase Image Segmentation
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* 2D Empirical Transforms. Wavelets, Ridgelets, and Curvelets Revisited
* Adapted Basis for Nonlocal Reconstruction of Missing Spectrum
* Adjoint State Method for the Identification Problem in SPECT: Recovery of Both the Source and the Attenuation in the Attenuated X-Ray Transform
* Algorithm for Variable Density Sampling with Block-Constrained Acquisition, An
* Analysis of Image Registration with Tangent Distance
* Approximating the Weil-Petersson Metric Geodesics on the Universal Teichmüller Space by Singular Solutions
* Asymptotic Analysis of Inpainting via Universal Shearlet Systems
* Backpropagation Imaging in Nonlinear Harmonic Holography in the Presence of Measurement and Medium Noises
* Best Algorithms for HDR Image Generation. A Study of Performance Bounds
* Biclustering Framework for Consensus Problems, A
* Bijective Mappings of Meshes with Boundary and the Degree in Mesh Processing
* Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Moving Targets Using Ultra-Narrowband Continuous Waveforms
* Color Bregman TV
* Complex Composite Derivative and Its Application to Edge Detection
* Compressed Sensing Framework for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting, A
* Computation of Quasi-Conformal Surface Maps Using Discrete Beltrami Flow
* Convex Relaxation of Vectorial Problems with Coupled Regularization
* Denoising an Image by Denoising Its Curvature Image
* Direct Differential Approach to Photometric Stereo with Perspective Viewing, A
* Efficient Image Segmentation and Restoration Using Parametric Curve Evolution with Junctions and Topology Changes
* Efficient Point-to-Subspace Query in L_1 with Application to Robust Object Instance Recognition
* Fast Alternating Direction Optimization Methods
* Fast Partitioning of Vector-Valued Images
* Fast Solvers for Cahn-Hilliard Inpainting
* Generalized Alternating Projection for Weighted-L_(2,1) Minimization with Applications to Model-Based Compressive Sensing
* Geometric Registration of High-Genus Surfaces
* How Shading Constrains Surface Patches without Knowledge of Light Sources
* Hypoelliptic Diffusion and Human Vision: A Semidiscrete New Twist
* Illusory Shapes via Corner Fusion
* Image Decompositions Using Spaces of Variable Smoothness and Integrability
* Image Restoration Using One-Dimensional Sobolev Norm Profiles of Noise and Texture
* Image Zooming by Curvature Interpolation and Iterative Refinement
* Imaging of Anisotropic Conductivities from Current Densities in Two Dimensions
* Imaging Strong Localized Scatterers with Sparsity Promoting Optimization
* Imaging with Kantorovich-Rubinstein Discrepancy
* Intensity Nonuniformity Correction for Brain MR Images with Known Voxel Classes
* Inverse Elastic Scattering for Multiscale Rigid Bodies with a Single Far-Field Pattern
* Inverse Problem in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
* iPiano: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization
* Landmark- and Intensity-Based Registration with Large Deformations via Quasi-conformal Maps
* Left-Invariant Riemannian Geodesics on Spatial Transformation Groups
* Linearized Bregman Method via Split Feasibility Problems: Analysis and Generalizations, The
* Measure-Theoretic Variational Bayesian Algorithm for Large Dimensional Problems, A
* Modeling and Estimation of Shape Deformation for Topology-Preserving Object Tracking
* Multiscale Analysis for Images on Riemannian Manifolds
* Near Field Photometric Stereo with Point Light Sources
* Near-Field Imaging of Infinite Rough Surfaces in Dielectric Media
* New Convex Optimization Model for Multiplicative Noise and Blur Removal, A
* New Detail-Preserving Regularization Scheme, A
* New Spherical Mixture Model for Head Detection in Depth Images, A
* NMF with Sparse Regularizations in Transformed Domains
* Nonlocal Variational Formulation for the Improvement of Tone Mapped Images, A
* Nonlocal Variational Model for Pansharpening Image Fusion, A
* Numerical Analysis of the Topological Gradient Method for Fourth Order Models and Applications to the Detection of Fine Structures in Imaging
* Numerical Implementation of Geodesic X-Ray Transforms and Their Inversion
* Numerical Reconstruction of Electromagnetic Inclusions in Three Dimensions
* On Covariant Derivatives and Their Applications to Image Regularization
* On Infimal Convolution of TV-Type Functionals and Applications to Video and Image Reconstruction
* On Stable Reconstructions from Nonuniform Fourier Measurements
* On the Convergence of Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Algorithm
* On Time Reversal in Photoacoustic Tomography for Tissue Similar to Water
* Optimal Transport with Proximal Splitting
* Partially Blind Deblurring of Barcode from Out-of-Focus Blur
* Phase Retrieval with Polarization
* Primal-Dual Decomposition by Operator Splitting and Applications to Image Deblurring
* Processing Stationary Noise: Model and Parameter Selection in Variational Methods
* Proof of Convergence of the Horn-Schunck Optical Flow Algorithm in Arbitrary Dimension, A
* Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography with Piecewise Constant Material Parameters
* Regularized Discrete Optimal Transport
* Regularized Generalized Inverse Accelerating Linearized Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Frame-Based Poissonian Image Deblurring
* Relaxed Problem of Registration Based on the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff Material Stored Energy for the Mapping of Mouse Brain Gene Expression Data to a Neuroanatomical Mouse Atlas, A
* Resolution-Controlled Conductivity Discretization in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Reweighted and Adaptive Morphology Separation
* Robust Image Reconstruction from Multiview Measurements
* Role of Scattering in Virtual Source Array Imaging
* Screened Poisson Hyperfields for Shape Coding
* Second Order Differences of Cyclic Data and Applications in Variational Denoising
* Self-Similar Prior and Wavelet Bases for Hidden Incompressible Turbulent Motion
* Series Expansions of the Reconstruction Kernel of the Radon Transform over a Cormack-Type Family of Curves with Applications in Tomography
* Shape Identification and Classification in Echolocation
* Simultaneous High Dynamic Range and Superresolution Imaging without Regularization
* Single Image Dehazing and Denoising: A Fast Variational Approach
* Solving 2D Fredholm Integral from Incomplete Measurements Using Compressive Sensing
* Solving Quasi-Variational Inequalities for Image Restoration with Adaptive Constraint Sets
* Space Variant Blind Image Restoration
* Statistical Shape Analysis of Neuroanatomical Structures via Level-Set-based Shape Morphing
* Stein Unbiased GrAdient estimator of the Risk (SUGAR) for Multiple Parameter Selection
* Stochastic Algorithm Based on Fast Marching for Automatic Capacitance Extraction in Non-Manhattan Geometries, A
* Successive Nonnegative Projection Algorithm for Robust Nonnegative Blind Source Separation
* Synthesizing and Mixing Stationary Gaussian Texture Models
* Teichmuller Mapping (T-Map) and Its Applications to Landmark Matching Registration
* Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets with Increasing Directionality
* Total Variation Regularization for Manifold-Valued Data
* Total Variation Spectral Framework for Scale and Texture Analysis, A
* Two-Stage Image Segmentation Method for Blurry Images with Poisson or Multiplicative Gamma Noise, A
* Variable Density Sampling with Continuous Trajectories
* Variational Approach for Image Decolorization by Variance Maximization, A
* Video Inpainting of Complex Scenes
* Weak*-Convergence to Minimum Energy Measure and Dispersed-Dot Halftoning
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* Accelerated Linearized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, An
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm with Automatic Relevance Determination for Transmission Tomography under Poisson Noise
* Analysis and Application of a Nonlocal Hessian
* Analysis of the Magnetoacoustic Tomography with Magnetic Induction
* Banach-Like Distances and Metric Spaces of Compact Sets
* Bayesian Approach to Sparse Model Selection in Statistical Shape Models, A
* Bayesian Mixed Effect Atlas Estimation with a Diffeomorphic Deformation Model
* Boosting of Image Denoising Algorithms
* Coherence Enhancing Penalty for Diffusion MRI: Regularizing Property and Discrete Approximation, A
* Compressive Imaging and Characterization of Sparse Light Deflection Maps
* Continuous Exact L_0 Penalty (CEL0) for Least Squares Regularized Problem, A
* Convergence Rate of Overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods for the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model Based on a Dual Formulation
* Convex Approach for Image Restoration with Exact Poisson-Gaussian Likelihood, A
* Convex Cardinal Shape Composition
* Covariance Matrix Estimation for the Cryo-EM Heterogeneity Problem
* Detection of Long Edges on a Computational Budget: A Sublinear Approach
* Diffeomorphic Density Matching by Optimal Information Transport
* Discrete Conformal Deformation: Algorithm and Experiments
* Displacement Reconstructions in Ultrasound Elastography
* Dual-Domain Filtering
* Efficient Blind Compressed Sensing Using Sparsifying Transforms with Convergence Guarantees and Application to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Enhanced Variational Image Dehazing
* Enhancing Pure-Pixel Identification Performance via Preconditioning
* Entropic Approximation of Wasserstein Gradient Flows
* Estimation of the Noise Level Function Based on a Nonparametric Detection of Homogeneous Image Regions
* FLASH: Fast Landmark Aligned Spherical Harmonic Parameterization for Genus-0 Closed Brain Surfaces
* Fractional Inpainting Model Based on the Vector-Valued Cahn-Hilliard Equation, A
* Generic Half-Quadratic Optimization for Image Reconstruction
* Geometric Expansion for Local Feature Analysis and Matching
* Global Approach for Solving Edge-Matching Puzzles, A
* Illumination Strategies for Intensity-Only Imaging
* Imaging of Buried Objects from Experimental Backscattering Time-Dependent Measurements Using a Globally Convergent Inverse Algorithm
* Improved Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm for Image Deblurring, An
* Indicator Functions for Shape Reconstruction Related to the Linear Sampling Method
* Inertial Proximal ADMM for Linearly Constrained Separable Convex Optimization
* Inexact Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Constrained Diffeomorphic Image Registration, An
* Interior Tomography Using 1D Generalized Total Variation. Part I: Mathematical Foundation
* Interior Tomography Using 1D Generalized Total Variation. Part II: Multiscale Implementation
* Inverse Obstacle Scattering in Two Dimensions with Multiple Frequency Data and Multiple Angles of Incidence
* Invertibility and Estimation of Two-Parameter Polynomial and Division Lens Distortion Models
* Is Repeatability an Unbiased Criterion for Ranking Feature Detectors?
* Joint Segmentation/Registration Model by Shape Alignment via Weighted Total Variation Minimization and Nonlinear Elasticity
* Kalman Filtering Perspective for Multiatlas Segmentation, A
* Lifting for Blind Deconvolution in Random Mask Imaging: Identifiability and Convex Relaxation
* Limiting Aspects of Nonconvex TV-phi Models
* Linear Multiscale Analysis of Similarities between Images on Riemannian Manifolds: Practical Formula and Affine Covariant Metrics
* Linearly Constrained Non-Lipschitz Optimization for Image Restoration
* Luminance-Chrominance Model for Image Colorization
* Mathematical Model for SAR Imaging beyond the First Born Approximation, A
* Measuring the Noise of Digital Imaging Sensors by Stacking Raw Images Affected by Vibrations and Illumination Flickering
* Modelling the Effect of Focusing Detectors in Photoacoustic Sectional Imaging
* Multifrequency Impedance Imaging with Multiple Signal Classification
* Multiscale Reverse-Time-Migration-Type Imaging Using the Dyadic Parabolic Decomposition of Phase Space
* New Augmented Lagrangian Approach for L^1-mean Curvature Image Denoising, A
* Non-Local Retinex: A Unifying Framework and Beyond
* On Convex Finite-Dimensional Variational Methods in Imaging Sciences and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
* On Iteratively Reweighted Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization in Computer Vision
* On the Bertozzi-Esedoglu-Gillette-Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Logarithmic Nonlinear Terms
* On the Optimality of Shape and Data Representation in the Spectral Domain
* On the p-Laplacian and inf-Laplacian on Graphs with Applications in Image and Data Processing
* On the Role of Total Variation in Compressed Sensing
* Optical Flow on Moving Manifolds
* Passive Synthetic Aperture Imaging
* PDE Approach to Data-Driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2), A
* Penalization-Regularization-Operator Splitting Method for Eikonal Based Traveltime Tomography, A
* Preconditioning of a Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting and Application to Optimization on Graphs
* Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Method for Semiconvex Splittings, The
* Process of Data Formation for the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) in Solar Orbiter, The
* Proximal Heterogeneous Block Implicit-Explicit Method and Application to Blind Ptychographic Diffraction Imaging
* Proximal Strictly Contractive Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method for Convex Programming with Applications to Imaging, A
* Recovering a Function from Circular Means or Wave Data on the Boundary of Parabolic Domains
* Reliable Multiscale and Multiwindow Stereo Matching
* Resolution Analysis of Imaging with L_1 Optimization
* Robust Geometry Estimation Using the Generalized Voronoi Covariance Measure
* Scale Invariant Metrics of Volumetric Datasets
* Signal Recovery and System Calibration from Multiple Compressive Poisson Measurements
* Signal to Noise Ratio Analysis in Virtual Source Array Imaging
* Simultaneous Cartoon and Texture Image Restoration with Higher-Order Regularization
* Space-Time Regularization for Video Decompression
* Sparse Wavelet Representations of Spatially Varying Blurring Operators
* Sparsity Based Methods for Overparameterized Variational Problems
* Stability and Resolution Analysis of Topological Derivative Based Localization of Small Electromagnetic Inclusions
* Stable Camera Motion Estimation Using Convex Programming
* Steerable PCA for Rotation-Invariant Image Recognition
* Structure Tensor Total Variation
* Synthetic Aperture Inversion for Statistically Nonstationary Target and Clutter Scenes
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Correlation Imaging
* TGV-Based Framework for Variational Image Decompression, Zooming, and Reconstruction. Part I: Analytics, A
* TGV-Based Framework for Variational Image Decompression, Zooming, and Reconstruction. Part II: Numerics, A
* Time Dependent Variational Approach to Image Restoration, A
* Time Discrete Geodesic Paths in the Space of Images
* Total Fractional-Order Variation Model for Image Restoration with Nonhomogeneous Boundary Conditions and Its Numerical Solution, A
* Variational Approach for Restoring Blurred Images with Cauchy Noise
* Variational Model with Barrier Functionals for Retinex, A
* Video Compressive Sensing for Spatial Multiplexing Cameras Using Motion-Flow Models
* Wavelet Statistics of Sparse and Self-Similar Images
* Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation Model for Image Processing, A
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* Adaptive Correction Approach for Tensor Completion, An
* Adaptive Directional Haar Framelet-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
* Aspherical Lens Design and Imaging
* Asymptotic Performance of Global Denoising
* Bayesian Nonparametric Model Coupled with a Markov Random Field for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images, A
* Coherent Imaging without Phases
* Collaborative Total Variation: A General Framework for Vectorial TV Models
* Concise Parametrization of Affine Transformation, A
* Constrained H^1-Regularization Schemes for Diffeomorphic Image Registration
* Continuous Exact L_0 Penalty (CEL0) for Least Squares Regularized Problem, A
* Convergence Study on the Symmetric Version of ADMM with Larger Step Sizes
* CT Image Reconstruction by Spatial-Radon Domain Data-Driven Tight Frame Regularization
* D-Bar Algorithm with A Priori Information for 2-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Detectable Singularities from Dynamic Radon Data
* Diffeomorphic Surface Registration with Atrophy Constraints
* Differentiable Piecewise-Bézier Surfaces on Riemannian Manifolds
* Digital Affine Shear Transforms: Fast Realization and Applications in Image/Video Processing
* Direct Imaging Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Data without Phase Information, A
* Direct, Nonlinear Inversion Algorithm for Hyperbolic Problems via Projection-Based Model Reduction
* Dissipative Time Reversal Technique for Photoacoustic Tomography in a Cavity, A
* Efficient Algorithm for Video Superresolution Based on a Sequential Model, An
* Efficient Inclusion of Total Variation Type Priors in Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* Exact Inversion of the Cone Transform Arising in an Application of a Compton Camera Consisting of Line Detectors
* Fast Algorithms and Efficient GPU Implementations for the Radon Transform and the Back-Projection Operator Represented as Convolution Operators
* Fast Phase Retrieval from Local Correlation Measurements
* Fast Relaxed Normal Two Split Method and an Effective Weighted TV Approach for Euler's Elastica Image Inpainting, A
* Fiber Orientation Distribution Estimation Using a Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method
* Geodesics on Shape Spaces with Bounded Variation and Sobolev Metrics
* Hybrid Segmentation and D-Bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Image Reconstruction in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
* Imaging with Power Controlled Source Pairs
* Inertial Proximal Alternating Linearized Minimization (iPALM) for Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Problems
* Influence of Unknown Exterior Samples on Interpolated Values for Band-Limited Images
* Kernel Metrics on Normal Cycles and Application to Curve Matching
* Linearized Inverse Problem in Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography, The
* Local Linear Convergence of the ADMM/Douglas-Rachford Algorithms without Strong Convexity and Application to Statistical Imaging
* MAGMA: Multilevel Accelerated Gradient Mirror Descent Algorithm for Large-Scale Convex Composite Minimization
* Mathematical Design of a Novel Gesture-Based Instruction/Input Device Using Wave Detection
* Method of Reduction of Artifacts of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, A
* Modulus Methods for Nonnegatively Constrained Image Restoration
* Multicontrast MRI Reconstruction with Structure-Guided Total Variation
* Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Variation Regularized Tomography
* New Algorithm Framework for Image Inpainting in Transform Domain, A
* New Approach for Robust Segmentation of the Noisy or Textured Images, A
* Noninvasive Imaging of Three-Dimensional Micro and Nanostructures by Topological Methods
* Note on the Size of Denoising Neural Networks, A
* Off-the-Grid Recovery of Piecewise Constant Images from Few Fourier Samples
* On the Continuous Steering of the Scale of Tight Wavelet Frames
* On the Generation of Sampling Schemes for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Optimization-Based Approach for Joint X-Ray Fluorescence and Transmission Tomographic Inversion
* Parallel Douglas-Rachford Algorithm for Minimizing ROF-like Functionals on Images with Values in Symmetric Hadamard Manifolds, A
* Patch Ordering as a Regularization for Inverse Problems in Image Processing
* Poisson Noise Reduction with Higher-Order Natural Image Prior Model
* Registration of Multiple Shapes using Constrained Optimal Control
* Removing Cradle Artifacts in X-Ray Images of Paintings
* Robust Surface Reconstruction
* Single-Lobe Photometric Stereo Approach for Heterogeneous Material, A
* Smoothed Dual Approach for Variational Wasserstein Problems, A
* Sparsity and Nullity: Paradigms for Analysis Dictionary Learning
* Spectral Decompositions Using One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Spectral Synchronization of Multiple Views in SE(3)
* Spherical Conformal Parameterization of Genus-0 Point Clouds for Meshing
* Sub-Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow for Image Processing
* Super-Resolution of Positive Sources: The Discrete Setup
* Superresolution from a Single Noisy Image by the Median Filter Transform
* Synchronization of Independently Moving Cameras via Motion Recovery
* Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Direction- and Frequency-Dependent Reflectivities
* TEMPO: Feature-Endowed Teichmüller Extremal Mappings of Point Clouds
* Theory of Optimal Flutter Shutter for Probabilistic Velocity Models, A
* Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction from Compton Camera Data
* Total Variation on a Tree
* Wasserstein Loss for Image Synthesis and Restoration
* Wavelet Frame Method with Shape Prior for Ultrasound Video Segmentation, A
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