Update Dates 0206

0206 * 100 MHz 2-D 8X8 DCT/IDCT processor for HDTV applications, A
* 2-D FIR filter design for sampling structure conversion
* 2D human body tracking with Structural Kalman filter
* 2D Segmentation and Labelling of Clustered Ring Shaped Objects
* 3-D motion estimation and wireframe adaptation including photometric effects for model-based coding of facial image sequences
* 3D data acquisition an elaboration for classification an recognition of objects and people
* 3D effect generation from monocular view
* 3D Face pose estimation and tracking from a monocular camera
* 3D image sequence acquisition for TV and film production
* 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
* 3D mesh wavelet coding using efficient model-based bit allocation
* 3D Modeling of Structured Scenes Through Binocular Stereo Vision
* 3D object modelling in mobile robot environment using B-spline surfaces
* 3D objects visualization for remote interactive medical applications
* 3D reality modelling: photo-realistic 3D models of real world scenes
* 3D reconstruction in a constrained camera system
* 3D shape estimation based on density driven model fitting
* 3D volume extraction and mesh generation using energy minimization techniques
* 3WPS: A 3D web-based process visualization framework
* Accuracy improvement and cost reduction of 3-step search block matching algorithm for video coding
* Accurate and robust marker localization algorithm for camera calibration
* Accurate Registration and Motion Estimation based on Canonical Correlation
* Accurate shape modeling with front propagation using adaptive level sets
* Active Calibration: A Flexible, Numerically Optimal Method to Calibrate A Stereo Light Microscope
* Active polygon for object tracking
* Adaptation of the MPEG video-coding algorithm to network applications
* Adaptive anisotropic filtering (AAF) for real-time visual enhancement of MPEG-coded video sequences
* Adaptive color space switching for face tracking in multi-colored lighting environments
* adaptive fusion architecture for target tracking, An
* Adaptive Image Segmentation by Combining Photometric Invariant Region and Edge Information
* Adaptive low-rate wireless videophone schemes
* adaptive method for combined covariance estimation and classification, An
* Adaptive motion-compensated filtering of noisy image sequences
* Adaptive mouth segmentation using chromatic features
* Adaptive noise reduction of InSAR images based on a complex-valued MRF model and its application to phase unwrapping problem
* Adaptive postprocessor for block encoded images
* Adaptive prediction for lossless image compression
* Adaptive quadtree coding of motion-compensated image sequences for use on the broadband ISDN
* Adaptive speckle reduction using combined multiresolution analysis and prediction technique
* Adaptive texture and color segmentation for tracking moving objects
* adaptive vector quantizer based on the Gold-Washing method for image compression, An
* Adjusting Shape Parameters Using Model-Based Optical Flow Residuals
* Advanced packet-video coding based on layered VQ and SBC techniques
* Advanced three-dimensional television system technologies
* Advances in mesh signal processing and geometry compression
* Algorithmic and architectural enhancements for real-time MPEG-1 decoding on a general purpose RISC workstation
* Algorithms and systolic architectures for multidimensional adaptive filtering via McClellan transformations
* Algorithms for inference in specialized maps for recovering 3d hand pose
* all-ASIC implementation of a low bit-rate video codec, An
* Alternative c-means clustering algorithms
* analog motion field detection chip for image segmentation, An
* Analysis and synthesis of facial image sequences in model-based image coding
* Analysis of secondary structure elements of proteins using indexing techniques
* Analysis of storage requirements for video-on-demand servers
* Apparatus and method for detecting and sub-pixel location of edges in a digital image
* appearance-based framework for 3d hand shape classification and camera viewpoint estimation, An
* Applications of 3-D LCR networks in the design of 3-D recursive filters for processing image sequences
* Applications of 3D medical imaging in orthopaedic surgery: Introducing the hip-op system
* Approach Based on Phonemes to Large Vocabulary Chinese Sign Language Recognition, An
* approach to automatic recognition of spontaneous facial actions, An
* approach to using image-based techniques across unreliable peer-to-peer networks, An
* Architectural design of a bi-level image high speed codec
* Architecture and implementation of a highly parallel single-chip video DSP
* Architecture of a 3D-simulation environment for active vision systems and mobile robots
* Architectures for hierarchical and other block matching algorithms
* Archiving 3D cultural objects with surface point-wise database information
* Archiving technology for plant inspection images captured by mobile active cameras 4D visible memory
* Assessment of Posterior Capsule Opacification after Cataract Surgery
* Associative controlling of monolithic parallel processor architectures
* Asymptotic limits of video signal processing architectures
* ATM networking and video-coding techniques for QOS control in B-ISDN
* Audio effects to enhance spatial information displays
* Augmenting Point Distribution Models with Relational Constraints
* Automated detection of subpixel hyperspectral targets with adaptive multichannel discrete wavelet transform
* Automated multi-view 3D image acquisition in human genome research
* Automated Photogrammetric Network Design Using Genetic Algorithms
* Automated Procedures with Coded Targets in Industrial Vision Metrology
* Automatic alignment of transmission electron microscope images using markers
* Automatic Facial Feature Points Detection with SUSAN Operator
* Automatic image segmentation system through iterative edge-region co-operation
* automatic method for determining quaternion field boundaries for ball-and-socket joint limits, An
* Automatic Multi-view Approach to Planar Chain Matching, An
* automation system: generation of digital map data from pictorial map resources, An
* Autonomous in situ training of classification modules in real-time vision systems and its application to pedestrian recognition
* Axiomatic quantification of multidimensional image resolution
* Background subtraction based on logarithmic intensities
* Bandwidth-allocation schemes for variable-bit-rate MPEG sources in ATM networks
* Base line estimation using sparse nonlinear operators
* Baseband video processing and the transmission of HDTV signals
* Baseline results for the challenge problem of human ID using gait analysis
* Binary Pattern Processing Framework for Perceptual Fault detection
* Binocular matching constraints from motion
* Bit rate control for hybrid DPCM/DCT video codec
* Bit-level pipelined 2-D digital filters for real-time image processing
* bit-rate reduction system for HDTV transmission, A
* Bitplane-by-bitplane shift (BbBShift): A Suggestion for JPEG2000 region of interest image coding
* Blind cross-spectral image registration using prefiltering and fourier-based translation detection
* Block error-correcting codes for systems with a very high BER: Theoretical analysis and application to the protection of watermarks
* Block wavelet transform coding of images using classified vector quantization
* Block wavelet transforms for image coding
* BPCS steganography using EZW lossy compressed images
* Browsing 3-D spaces with 3-D vision: Body-driven navigation through the internet city
* Burst-by-burst adaptive joint-detection CDMA/H.263 based video telephony
* Camera having an image shift detecting function
* Cell-loss concealment in ATM video codecs
* Change detection for thematic mapping by means of airborne multitemporal polarimetric SAR imagery
* Change Detection in the 1996-1997 AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature Data
* Character preclassification based on genetic programming
* Characteristics of minimax FIR filters for video interpolation/decimation
* Cheops: a reconfigurable data-flow system for video processing
* Chrominance/luminance signal separation and syntheses chips developed with a DSP silicon compiler
* Classification of disease subgroup and correlation with disease severity using magnetic resonance imaging whole-brain histograms: application to magnetization transfer ratios and multiple sclerosis
* Clock recovery and reconstruction of PAL pictures for MPEG coded streams transported over ATM networks
* Cluster validation using legacy delineations
* Cluster-space representation for hyperspectral data classification
* clustering algorithm for entropy-constrained vector quantizer design with applications in coding image pyramids, A
* Clustering contextual facial display sequences
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression (PIE) Database of Human Faces, The
* Coding and cell-loss recovery in DCT-based packet video
* Coding of details in very low bit-rate video systems
* Coding with ASCII: compact, yet text-based 3D content
* Colon centreline calculation for CT colonography using optimised 3D opological thinning
* Color and Texture Based Wood Inspection with Non-supervised Clustering
* Color constancy: a biological model and its application for still and video images
* Combined Visualisation of Functional and Anatomical Brain Images
* Combining fringe projection method of 3D object monitoring with virtual reality environment: concept and initial results
* Combining Morphological Filters and Deformable Models to Design a 2-D Shape Based Retrieval System
* Comment on Estimation of shape parameter for generalized Gaussian distribution in subband decompositions of video
* Comments on Interpolative multiresolution coding of advanced television with compatible subchannels
* Comments on Iterative procedures for reduction of blocking effects in transform image coding
* compact real-time vision system using integrated memory array processor architecture, A
* Comparative study of Texture Analysis Algorithms in Textile Inspection Applications, A
* Comparing Lossy Coders for Still Images
* comparison between different polarimetric measurement schemes, A
* Comparison of 3D measurement techniques in cultural heritage application: user point of view
* comparison of gabor filter methods for automatic detection of facial landmarks, A
* Comparison of Methods for Estimation of Intensity Nonuniformities in 2D and 3D Microscope Images of Fluorescence Stained Cells, A
* Comparison of Techniques for Content-based Image Retrieval
* Compensating small head displacements for an accurate fMRI registration
* Complementary retrieval for distorted images
* Compound Distribution for Radar Images
* Compression of isosurfaces for structured volumes with context modelling
* Computation and visualization of three-dimensional soft tissue motion in the orbit
* Computational experiments with area-based stereo for image-based rendering
* Concentric strips: algorithms and architecture for the compression/decompression of triangle meshes
* Consistency and coupling in human model likelihoods
* Consistent landmark and intensity-based image registration
* Constrained and Unconstrained PDEs for Vector Image Restoration
* constrained vector quantization scheme for real-time codebook retransmission, A
* Constraints on variable bit-rate video for ATM networks
* Construction of large-scale virtual environment by fusing range data,texture images, and airborne altimetry data
* Content-based image retrieval from large medical databases
* content-based retrieval system with a customizable 3D output visualizer, A
* Content-based video transcoding in compressed domain
* Continuous mixture modeling via goodness-of-fit ridges
* COP: a new corner detector
* Correction of bias for motion estimation algorithms
* correlation framework for functional MRI data analysis, A
* Correspondence matching using Spectral Clusters
* Curvature-Augmented Tensor Voting for Shape Inference from Noisy 3D Data
* Curvature-Augmented Tensor Voting for Shape Inference from Noisy 3D Data
* Curve skeletonization of surface-like objects in 3D images guided by voxel classification
* curve-theorem based approach for change detection and its application to Yellow River Delta, A
* Data Processing Algorithms for Generating Textured 3D Building Facade Meshes from Laser Scans and Camera Images
* DCT-based aliasig cancellation method in subband coding, A
* DCT-based codebook design for vector quantization of images
* DCT/IDCT processor design for high data rate image coding
* Delay-shared N-path structures for video-rate SC FIR filters
* Density-Based Multiscale Data Condensation
* Dependent scalar quantization of color images
* depth map representation for real-time transmission and view-based rendering of a dynamic 3D scene, A
* Description of simple method in 3D reconstruction in medical imaging
* Design and hardware architecture of high-order conditional entropy coding for images
* Design and implementation of multidimensional Y-C separation filters for NTSC signals
* Design of 2-D FIR filter possessing purely imaginary frequency response by the transformation method
* Design of a service-based framework for generic 3D information visualization
* Design of an optimal nearest neighbor classifier using an intelligent genetic algorithm
* Design of HDTV subband filterbanks considering VLSI implementation constraints
* design of low-complexity in linear-phase FIR filter banks using powers-of-two coefficients with an application to subband image coding, The
* Design of two-channel perfect-reconstruction linear-phase filter banks for subband image coding by the Lagrange multiplier approach
* Design of two-dimensional FIR eigenfilters for sampling-structure conversion
* design technique for two-dimensional multiplierless FIR filters for video applications, A
* Designing a high-throughput VLC decoder. II. Parallel decoding methods
* Designing high-throughput VLC decoder. I. Concurrent VLSI architectures
* Detecting lameness using Re-sampling Condensation and multi-stream cyclic hidden Markov models
* Detection and characterisation of planar fractures using a 3D Hough transform
* Detection and Correction of Transmission Errors in DPCM Images
* Detection and Enhancement of Line Structures in an Image by Anisotropic Diffusion
* Detection of clustered microcalcifications in compressed mammograms
* Detection of people carrying objects: A Motion-Based Recognition Approach
* Detection of Train Platform Curb with Image Sensor
* Determining accurate and reliable motion fields for motion-compensated interpolation
* Differential analysis of bilateral mammograms
* Differentiator-type three-dimensional recursive ladder filters having frequency-planar- or frequency-beam-shaped passbands
* Digitally assisted deinterlacing for EDTV
* Direct and robust voxelization and polygonization of free-form CSG solids
* Direct feature extraction in a foveated environment
* Discrete Approach for Active Contours for Biomedical Applications
* Discretization of the Radon Transform and of its Inverse by Spline Convolutions
* Discriminant Local Regions Using Support Vector Machines
* Distance transforms in 3D using four different weights
* Distributed interacting multipattern data association for multiplatform target tracking
* Distributed quantitative evaluation of 3D patient specific arterial models
* DTW-based probability model for speaker feature analysis and data mining, A
* Dual Fractals: Theory and Applications
* Dynamic object-oriented Bayesian Networks for Flexible Resource-aware content-based Indexing of Media Streams
* Dynamic range analysis for the implementation of fast transform
* Dynamic search-window adjustment and interlaced search for block-matching algorithm
* Edge Detection by Difference of Low Pass Anisotropic Diffusion
* Edge-based subband VQ techniques for images and video
* Edge-constrained marching triangles
* effect of a loop filter on circulating noise in interframe video coders, The
* Effect of bit rate variation of the base layer on the performance of two-layer video codecs
* effect of small topographic variations on reflectance, The
* Effective imaging of buried dielectric objects
* Effectivity of spherical object reconstruction using star-shaped simplex meshes
* Effects of joystick mapping and field-of-view on human performance in virtual walkthroughs
* Effects of negative afterimages in visual illusions
* Efficiency of shape-adaptive 2-D transforms for coding of arbitrarily shaped image segments
* Efficient algorithm for the computation of 3D Fourier descriptors
* efficient algorithm to calculate sample and rank selection probabilities for weighted median filters, An
* efficient Euclidean distance computation for vector quantization using a truncated look-up table, An
* Efficient H.261-based two-layer video codecs for ATM networks
* Efficient implementation of discrete cosine transform using recursive filter structure
* efficient method for recognition of human faces using higher orders pseudo Zernike moment invariant, An
* efficient parallel motion estimation algorithm for digital image processing, An
* efficient two-dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform algorithm for HDTV receivers, An
* Eigen light-fields and face recognition across pose
* Ellipsoid decomposition of 3D-models
* Empirical calibration method for adding colour to range images
* Encoding and decoding in the 6-MHz NTSC-compatible widescreen television system
* Encoding with frames in MRI and analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio
* Enhanced layered segment trees: a pragmatic data structure for real-time processing of geometric objects
* Enhancing the Curvature Scale Space Corner Detector
* entropy coding system for digital HDTV applications, An
* Entropy-based representation of image information
* error-control coding scheme for multispeed play of digital VCR, An
* Estimating distributed anatomical connectivity using fast marching methods and diffusion tensor imaging
* Estimating the geometrical parameters of branches of tree-like and netlike structures
* Estimating the perspective pose of texture planes using spectral analysis on the unit sphere
* Estimating the Principal Curvatures and the Darboux Frame from Real 3-D Range Data
* Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orientation of Free-swimming Fish in a Hydroacoustic Beam Field under Extreme Lighting Conditions
* Estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for model-based video coding
* Estimation of Error in Curvature Computation on Multi-Scale Free-Form Surfaces
* Estimation of shape parameter for generalized Gaussian distributions in subband decompositions of video
* Euclidean reconstruction from contour matches
* Evaluation of gabor-wavelet-based facial action unit recognition in image sequences of increasing complexity
* Evaluation of genetic operators and solution representations for shape recognition by genetic algorithms
* evolutionary architecture for motion-compensated 100 Hz television, An
* Exact corner location using attentional generalized symmetry transform
* Exemplar-Based Face Recognition from Video
* Experimental validation of a linear model for data reduction in chirp-pulse microwave CT
* Extending and Applying Active Appearance Models for Automated, High Precision Segmentation in Different Image Modalities
* Extracting Motion Components from Image Sequences Using Particle Filters
* Extraction and description of 3D (articulated) moving objects
* Extraction of Rectangular Buildings using DEM and Orthoimage
* Extraction of spots in biological images using multiscale products
* f3d: A file format and tools for storage and manipulation of volumetric data sets
* Face and Feature Tracking for Cursor Control
* Face Database Retrieval Using Pseudo 2D Hidden Markov Models
* Face identification across different poses and illuminations with a 3D morphable model
* Face Recognition from Video: A Condensation Approach
* Face recognition using kernel based Fisher discriminant analysis
* Face Recognition Using Line Edge Map
* Face recognition using the mixture-of-eigenfaces method
* Face Tracking and Pose Estimation using Affine Motion Parameters
* Face verification using elastic graph matching based on morphological signal decomposition
* Facial asymmetry quantification for expression invariant human identification
* Facial component extraction and face recognition with support vector machines
* Facial model adaptation from a monocular image sequence using a textured polygonal model
* Fast 3D model acquisition from stereo images
* Fast and low roundoff implementation of quadrature mirror filters for subband coding
* Fast Approximation of Level Set Computations: Application to Image Segmentation
* fast hierarchical motion vector estimation algorithm using mean pyramid, A
* Fast landmark-based registration via deterministic and efficient processing, some preliminary results
* Fast line segment grouping method for finding globally more favorable line segments
* Fast stereo-based head tracking for interactive environments
* fast vector quantization encoding method for image compression, A
* Feature selection with neural networks
* Filling holes in complex surfaces using volumetric diffusion
* Finding connected components in digital images by aggressive reuse of labels
* Finding defects in texture using regularity and local orientation
* flaw detection method based on morphological image processing, A
* Flexible architectures for morphological image processing and analysis
* Flexible Heuristic Matching of Attribute Trees
* Flexible Heuristic Matching of Attribute Trees
* Focal region-guided feature-based volume rendering
* Forward error correction codes for MPEG2 over ATM
* Fourier and wavelet descriptors for shape recognition using neural networksa comparative study
* Fourier Approach to Measurements of Optical Properties of Fibers Based on Automatic Analysis of Circular Fringe Pattern
* Foveal Image Segmentation using Hierarchical Irregular Tessellations
* Fractal block coding of digital video
* frequency scalable coding scheme employing pyramid and subband techniques, A
* From 3D shape capture of animated models
* From image vector to matrix: A straightforward image projection technique: IMPCA vs. PCA
* Frontal Face Detection Using Support Vector Machines and Back-Propagation Neural Networks
* Fundamental Relationship between Bilateral Filtering, Adaptive Smoothing, and the Nonlinear Diffusion Equation, A
* fuzzy algorithm for color quantization of images, A
* Fuzzy J-Means: a new heuristic for fuzzy clustering
* Fuzzy shape matching with boundary signatures
* fuzzy video content representation for video summarization and content-based retrieval, A
* Gait analysis for recognition and classification
* Gait-based recognition of humans using continuous HMMs
* Generalised Mixture Estimation and Unsupervised Classification based on Hidden Markov Chains and Hidden Markov Random Fields
* Generation of Representations for Supervised Learning: A Velocity Estimation Example
* Generation, visualization, and editing of 3D video
* Generative and discriminative face modelling for detection
* generic approach to simultaneous tracking and verification in video, A
* Genetic motion search algorithm for video compression
* Geometry of contour-based correspondence for stereo
* Geotensity: Combining Motion and Lighting for 3D Surface Reconstruction
* gesture recognition system using 3D data, A
* Ghost cancellation of analog TV signals: with applications to IDTV, EDTV, and HDTV
* Gradient-based algorithms for block-oriented MAP estimation of motion and application to motion-compensated temporal interpolation
* Guest editorial medical image reconstruction, processing, visualization, and analysis: the MIPG perspective
* Half-edge multi-tessellation: compact representation for multi-resolution tetrahedral meshes
* Hand gesture recognition following the dynamics of a topology-preserving network
* Hand gesture recognition using multi-scale colour features, hierarchical models and particle filtering
* Hand-Area Extraction by Sensor Fusion using Two Cameras for Input Interface of Wearable Computers
* Handwritten numeral recognition using gradient and curvature of gray scale image
* Hardware realization of a 2D IIR semisystolic filter with application to real-time homomorphic filtering
* HDTV coding using hybrid MRVQ/DCT
* Head tracking by active particle filtering
* Hexagon-based search pattern for fast block motion estimation
* hierarchical classification strategy for digital documents, A
* Hierarchical wavelet networks for facial feature localization
* hierarchy of cameras for 3D photography, A
* high quality MC-OBTC Codec for video signal processing, A
* High throughput CORDIC-based systolic array design for the discrete cosine transform
* High-order entropy coding for images
* high-performance full-motion video compression chip set, A
* High-quality subband codec for HDTV transmission
* High-resolution cytometry network project: Towards remote and distributed acquisition, processing and visualisation of 3D image data in human genome research
* High-resolution still-image transmission based on CCITT H.261 codec
* High-speed computation of the Radon transform and backprojection using an expandable multiprocessor architecture
* High-speed median filter designs using shiftable content-addressable memory
* high-speed pyramid image coding algorithm for a VLSI implementation, A
* high-speed real-time binary BCH decoder, A
* High-throughput VLSI architectures for the 1-D and 2-D discrete cosine transforms
* HMM-based temporal difference learning with model-updating capability for visual tracking of human communicational behaviors, An
* How can we exploit typical architectural structures to improve model recovery?
* Human action recognition by sequence of movelet codewords
* Human action recognition in smart classroom
* Human detection using geometrical pixel value structures
* hybrid approach of NN and HMM for facial emotion classification, A
* IBR-based compression for remote visualization
* Illumination color covariant locale-based visual object retrieval
* Image coding based on classified lapped orthogonal transform-vector quantization
* Image coding by fitting RBF-surfaces to subimages
* Image coding using a classified DCT/VQ based on two-channel conjugate vector quantization
* Image coding using differential vector quantization
* Image compression using finite-state vector quantization with derailment compensation
* Image compression using self-organization networks
* Image filtering with orthogonal projectors for burst error control
* Image information processing apparatus and its method
* Image information restoration based on long-range correlation
* Image processing with neural networks: A Review
* Image segmentation by relaxation using constraint satisfaction neural network
* Image segmentation using association rule features
* Image segmentation via fuzzy Connectedness Computation and Edge Detection in Medical application
* Image sequence coding using adaptive finite-state vector quantization
* Image subband coding using arithmetic coded trellis coded quantization
* Image-based photo hulls
* Image-based surface modeling: a multi-resolution approach
* Imaged Document Text Retrieval Without OCR
* imager with built-in image-velocity computation capability, An
* Implementation of a shadow carving system for shape capture
* Implementation of PALplus decoder with programmable video signal processor
* Implicit Manipulation of Constraint Sets for Geometric Matching under 2D Translation and Rotation
* Improved Huffman code tables for JPEG's encoder
* Improved image decompression for reduced transform coding artifacts
* Improved k-nearest neighbor classification
* Improvement of metric accuracy of digital 3D models through digital photogrammetry. A case study: Donatello's Maddalena
* Improving environment modelling by edge occlusion surface completion
* Improving the Clustering Performance of the Scanning n-Tuple Method by Using Self-Supervised Algorithms to Introduce Subclasses
* Index trees for accelerating deformable template matching
* Indexing chromatic and achromatic patterns for content-based colour image retrieval
* indexing scheme for efficient data-driven verification of 3D pose hypotheses, An
* Inference of Segmented Overlapping Surfaces from Binocular Stereo
* Initial Training Set Generation Scheme, An
* Inpainting from multiple views
* integrated circuit design for pruned tree-search vector quantization encoding with an off-chip controller, An
* Integrating Prior Knowledge and Structure from Motion
* Integration of Local and Global Shape Analysis for Logo Classification
* Intelligent Localized Fusion Operators for Color Edge Detection
* Interacting with steerable projected displays
* Interferometric Alignment of the X-SAR Antenna System on the Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
* Interleaved pipeline structures for two-dimensional recursive filtering
* Interpolative multiresolution coding of advance television with compatible subchannels
* intrafield DCT-based HDTV coding for ATM networks, An
* Invariant Shape Recognition using Global Gabor Features
* Invariant subpixel material detection in hyperspectral imagery
* investigation into the use of partial-faces for face recognition, An
* Iterative procedures for reduction of blocking effects in transform image coding
* joint inter- and intrascale statistical model for bayesian wavelet based image denoising, A
* Junction detection and grouping with probabilistic edge models and Bayesian A*
* K-means Iterative Fisher (KIF) unsupervised clustering algorithm applied to image texture segmentation
* Kernel Eigenfaces vs. Kernel Fisherfaces: Face Recognition Using Kernel Methods
* Layered Self-organizing Maps based Video Content Classification
* Learning structural shape descriptions from examples
* Least-squares spline resampling to a hexagonal lattice
* Local 3D Texture Anisotropy Analysis of Seismic Reflection Data
* Local bandwidth constrained fast inverse motion compensation for DCT-domain video transcoding
* Local frequency representations for robust multimodal image registration
* Local registration and deformation of a road cartographic database on a SPOT satellite image
* Logic-oriented fuzzy clustering
* Long-range high-performance time-of-flight-based 3D imaging sensors
* Mathematical aspects of shape reconstruction from an image sequence
* Matrix representations of the multidimensional overlap and add technique
* Maximum likelihood estimation of OFDM carrier frequency offset
* Maximum likelihood signal processing techniques to detect a step pattern of change in multitemporal SAR images
* Maximum-Likelihood Image Matching
* Measuring and modeling water column effects on hyperspectral reflectance in a coral reef environment
* Media Computing
* Meta-analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms
* method for hierarchical subband HDTV splitting, A
* Method for tracking entering object and apparatus for tracking and monitoring entering object
* method to reduce the Gibbs ringing artifact in MRI scans while keeping tissue boundary integrity, A
* Methods and apparatuses for segmenting an audio-visual recording using image similarity searching and audio speaker recognition
* Minimal Cases of Structure and Motion Problem with Missing Data for One-dimensional retinae
* Minimal error drift in frequency scalability for motion-compensated DCT coding
* minimum description length approach to statistical shape modeling, A
* Mixed domain filtering of multidimensional signals
* Mode-based multi-hypothesish head tracking using parametric contours
* model (In)validation approach to gait recognition, A
* Model-based face tracking for view-independent facial expression recognition
* Model-based head pose tracking with stereovision
* Modeling and animation of human expressions using NURBS curves based on facial anatomy
* Modeling and queueing analysis of variable-bit-rate coded video sources in ATM networks
* Modeling and validation of a psychovisually based image quality evaluator for DCT-based compression
* Modeling closed surfaces in a multi-resolution fashion
* Modeling shapes and textures from images: new frontiers
* Modification of Kernel-Based Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Face Detection, A
* modified moment-based edge operator for rectangular pixel image, A
* modified short-kernel filter pair for perfect reconstruction of HDTV signals, A
* Modular VLSI architectures for real-time full-search-based vector quantization
* Morphological Colour Image Segmentation
* Mosaic construction from a sparse set of views
* Motion compensated multiresolution transmission of high definition video
* Motion compensation based on spatial transformations
* Motion compensation using second-order geometric transformations
* Motion illusions as optimal percepts
* Motion video adaptive quantization in the transform domain
* Motion-based recognition of people in eigengait space
* Motion-classified autoregressive modeling of variable bit rate video
* Motion-compensated video coding with adaptive perceptual quantization
* Motion-compensated wavelet transform coding for color video compression
* Motion-induced error correction in ultrasound imaging
* MRF Model-Based Segmentation Approach to Classification for Multispectral Imagery, A
* multi-resolution scheme ICP algorithm for fast shape registration, A
* Multi-stereo 3D object reconstruction
* Multi-view Camera Calibration Method for Coplanar Targets, A
* Multi-view face alignment using direct appearance models
* Multi-view face pose estimation based on supervised ISA learning
* Multi-wavelets from B-spline super-functions with approximation order
* Multichannel edge enhancement in color image processing
* Multichannel Wiener filters in color image restoration
* Multiple block-size transform video coding using a subband structure
* multiple interaction model for nonshallow scatterers buried beneath 2-D random rough surfaces, The
* Multiple template matching using the expansion filter
* Multiple Tissue Antigen Analysis by Sequential Immunofluorescence Staining and Multi-dimensional Image analysis
* Multiplexing of variable rate encoded streams
* multiplierless letter-box converter for displaying 16:9 images on a 4:3 screen, A
* Multiprocessor Implementation of the Randomized Hough Transform
* Multiprocessor performance for real-time processing of video coding applications
* Multiresolution approach to three-dimensional stereo vision
* Multiresolution distance volumes for progressive surface compression
* Multiresolution Random Field Based Model for Image Segmentation, A
* multiresolutional coding method based on SPIHT, A
* Multiscale Contrast Enhancement for Radiographies: Laplacian Pyramid versus Fast Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale deformable model segmentation and statistical shape analysis using medial descriptions
* Multisource data classification with dependence trees
* Multistage sampling structure conversion of video signals
* Multistage SDTV/HDTV scanning rate converters
* Multitemporal analysis of urban reflectance
* multivalued image wavelet representation based on multiscale fundamental forms, A
* Multivariate ordering in color image filtering
* neaning and limitations of protein structure alignments, The
* Network protocol for interaction and scalable distributed visualization
* Network-Based Traditional Japanese Crafting Presentation System using Agent and Virtual Reality Technologies
* Network-Based Traditional Japanese Crafting Presentation System using Agent and Virtual Reality Technologies
* networked video jukebox, The
* Neural networks with enhanced outlier rejection ability for off-line handwritten word recognition
* Neuroanatomical imaging: constrained 3D reconstruction using variational implicit techniques
* New algorithms for multidimensional discrete Hartley transform
* new approach to morphological color image processing, A
* new block-matching criterion for motion estimation and its implementation, A
* New fast algorithms for the estimation of block motion vectors
* New imaging frontiers: 3D and mixed reality
* new motion compensation method for image sequence coding using hierarchical grid interpolation, A
* new robust face detection in color images, A
* new statistical model for traffic generated by VBR coders for television on the broadband ISDN, A
* new subsampling-based predictive vector quantization for image coding, A
* New systolic array implementation of the 2-D discrete cosine transform and its inverse
* New Three-Step Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, A
* New Ways to Form Features for Pattern Recognition on the Basis of Stochastic Geometry
* no-threshold histogram-based image segmentation method, A
* Non-contact eye gaze tracking system by mapping of corneal reflections
* Nonlinear Contextual Classification: A Comparative Study
* Nonrigid registration of 3-D free-hand ultrasound images of the breast
* Nonstationary AR modeling and constrained recursive estimation of the displacement field
* novel hybrid HVPC/mathematical model rate control for low bit-rate streaming video, A
* novel modular systolic array architecture for full-search block matching motion estimation, A
* Novel Multifractal Estimation Method and Its Application to Remote Image Segmentation, A
* novel technique for image-velocity computation, A
* Object classification by functional parts
* Object detection using transformed signatures in multitemporal hyperspectral imagery
* Object recognition and articulated object learning by accumulative Hopfield matching
* Object shape modelling from multiple range images by matching signed distance fields
* Object Tracking with Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera: Application to car driving assistance
* Object-based analysis-synthesis coding of image sequences at very low bit rates
* Object-based illumination classification
* Objective comparison of quantitative imaging modalities without the use of a gold standard
* Octree approximation and compression methods
* Octree-based fusion of shape from silhouette and shape from structured light
* off-line signature verification system using an extracted displacement function, An
* On a Fluency Image Coding System for Beef Marbling Evaluation
* On a limited-view reconstruction problem in diffraction tomography
* On Determining Human Description of Textures
* On importance of nose for face tracking
* On modeling variations for face authentication
* On probabilistic combination of face and gait cues for identification
* On the determination of all the sublattices of preassigned index and its application to multidimensional subsampling
* On the Equivalence of Images in Pattern Recognition Problems
* On the fixed-point-error analysis of several fast DCT algorithms
* On the Properties of Gray-scale Distance Transforms
* On two-dimensional group delay equalization
* On vector Karhunen-Loeve transforms and optimal vector transforms
* One-dimensional full search motion estimation algorithm for video coding
* Optical Character Recognition for Cursive Handwriting
* Optical system and characteristics of an LCD projector with interleaved pixels using four LCD projectors
* Optimal adaptive multistage image transform coding
* Optimal and near-optimal solutions for 3D structure comparisons
* Optimal biorthogonal transform for colored noise suppression with subband Wiener filtering
* Optimal Linear Interpolation of Images with Known Point Spread Function
* Optimal matching problem in detection and recognition: Performance Evaluation
* Optimal shifted estimates of human-observer templates in two-alternative forced-choice experiments
* Optimal unified architectures for the real-time computation of time-recursive discrete sinusoidal transforms
* Optimization and efficiency of an object-oriented analysis-synthesis coder
* optimization approach for removing blocking effects in transform coding, An
* Optimization of Edge Detectors for Topographic Maps of Cave Inscriptions
* Optimized compression of triangle mesh geometry using prediction trees
* Optimized spectral estimation methods for improved colorimetry with laser scanning systems
* Optimum bit rate pyramid coding with low computational and memory requirements
* Optimum loop filter in hybrid coders
* ORIGAMI project: advanced tools and techniques for high-end mixing and interaction between real and virtual content, The
* Pair-wise discrimination based on a stroke importance measure
* parallel algorithm for real-time object recognition, A
* Parallel architecture for a pel-recursive motion estimation algorithm
* Parallel architectures for 3-step hierarchical search block-matching algorithm
* parallel decoder of programmable Huffman codes, A
* Parallel implementation of prime-factor discrete cosine transform on the orthogonal multiprocessor
* PCA/MDA scheme for hand posture recognition, A
* PDE-based multi-view depth estimation
* Perception based Motion Estimator and its use for Motion Compensated Prediction, A
* Perceptual activity measures computed from blocks in the transform domain
* Perceptual Grouping using Eigendecomposition and the EM Algorithm
* Perceptually based directional classified gain-shape vector quantization
* perceptually tuned subband image coder based on the measure of just-noticeable-distortion profile, A
* Performance modeling of video teleconferencing in ATM networks
* Performances of linear tools and models for error detection and concealment in subband image transmission
* Pixel- and site-based calibration and validation methods for evaluating supervised classification of remotely sensed data
* Plenoptic Image Editing
* Polyphase FIR filters for the demodulation of chrominance signals
* Pose Estimation of a Human Arm using Kinematic Constraints
* Pose-invariant face recognition with parametric linear subspaces
* Posture recognition and segmentation from 3D human body scans
* practical approach for 3D model indexing by combining local and global invariants, A
* Predictive motion-field segmentation for image sequence coding
* Principal Manifolds and Probabilistic Subspaces for Visual Recognition
* Probabilistic 3D data usion for adaptive resolution surface generation
* process model for remote sensing data analysis, A
* programmable digital filter IC employing multiple processors on a single chip, A
* Progressive image transmission
* Protein folding using inter-residue contact
* Protein Spot Correspondence in Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Gels
* Prototype prediction for colour update in object-based analysis-synthesis coding
* pseudo-nearest-neighbor approach for missing data recovery on Gaussian random data sets, A
* Psychophysical model of chromatic perceptual transparency based on substractive color mixture
* Quadtree representations for storage and manipulation of clusters of images
* Radar fusion to detect targets: Part II
* Ranking in Rp and its use in multivariate image estimation
* Rapid scene analysis on compressed video
* Rapid shape acquisition using color structured light and multi-pass dynamic programming
* Rate constrained multiresolution transmission of video
* Real Object Parameters Tracking: a Geometric Model Based Approach
* Real-time Analysis of Human Motion using Multi-view Silhouette Contours
* real-time column array processor architecture for images, A
* Real-time Detection of Arbitrary Objects in Alternating Industrial Environments
* real-time HDTV signal processor: HD-VSP, A
* Real-time multi-view face detection
* Real-time parallel and fully pipelined two-dimensional DCT lattice structures with application to HDTV systems
* real-time realization of geometrical valid view synthesis or tele-conferencing with viewpoint adaptation, A
* Real-time speech-driven 3D face animation
* Real-time tracking of multiple fingertips and gesture recognition for augmented desk interface systems
* Real-time tracking of multiple objects in space-variant vision based on magnocellular visual pathway
* Real-time, fully automatic upper facial feature tracking
* receiver-compatible system for channel noise reduction, A
* Recent developments in multidimensional multirate systems
* Recognition of arm movements
* Recognition of human body posture from a cloud of 3d data points using wavelet transform coefficients
* Recognizing Imprecisely Localized, Partially Occluded, and Expression Variant Faces from a Single Sample per Class
* Recognizing marbling in dry-cured Iberian ham by multiscale analysis
* Reconstruction of spherical representation models from multiple partial models
* Reconstruction of three dimensional models from real images
* Recovering facial pose with the EM algorithm
* Reed-Solomon VLSI codec for advanced television
* Region oriented compression of color images using fuzzy inference and fast merging
* Region support DCT (RS-DCT) for coding of arbitrarily shaped texture
* Region-based face detection
* Regularized reconstruction to reduce blocking artifacts of block discrete cosine transform compressed images
* Rejection based classifier for face detection
* Relational object recognition from large structural libraries
* Remote machinery maintenance system with the use of virtual reality
* Robust color histogram descriptors for video segment retrieval and identification
* Robust face detection at video frame rate based on edge orientation features
* Robust facial expression recognition using a state-based model of spatially-localised facial dynamics
* Robust full-motion recovery of head by dynamic templates and re-registration techniques
* Robust hyperspectral image coding with channel-optimized trellis-coded quantization
* Robust identification and matching of fiducial points for the reconstruction of 3D human faces from raw video sequences
* Robust image registration by increment sign correlation
* Robust image transmission using JPEG2000 and turbo-codes
* Scalable array architecture design for full search block matching
* Scene analysis using an integrated composite neural oscillatory elastic graph matching model
* Scenery image recognition and interpretation using fuzzy inference neural networks
* Scheme for Initial Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivariate Image Data, A
* Second order local analysis for 3D reconstruction of specular surfaces
* Segmentation of cancellous bone from high-resolution computed tomography images: influence on trabecular bone measurements
* Segmentation of multi-spectral images using a combined classifier approach
* Segmenting Multispectral Landsat TM Images into Field Units
* Self-adaptive algorithm of impulsive noise reduction in color images
* Self-Calibration from Image Derivatives
* Semantic Image Retrieval with HSV Correlograms
* Semantic video object segmentation and tracking
* Shape and orientation of revolution surfaces from contours and reflections
* Shape Approximation of Starshaped Discrete Objects
* Shape distortion analysis of the shape-from-shading algorithm using Jacobi iterative method
* Shape Modelling using Minimum/Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
* Shape-adaptive DCT for generic coding of video
* Silhouette-based human identification from body shape and gait
* Similarity Measures for Ordered Histograms
* Simple Method to Measure Homogeneity of Fat Distribution in Meat, A
* single chip video signal processing architecture for image processing, coding, and computer vision, A
* Smiling faces are better for face recognition
* Smoothing low-SNR molecular images via anisotropic median-diffusion
* Sparse Representation of Images using Overlapping Frames
* Spatial arrangement of color in retrieval by visual similarity
* Spatial frequency, phase, and the contrast of natural images
* Spatial layout representation for query-by-sketch content-based image retrieval
* Spatial Noise Shaping Based on Human Visual Sensitivity and Its Application to Image Coding
* Spatial-temporal joint probability images for video segmentation
* Spatiotemporal forward solution of the EEG and MEG using network modeling
* Spatiotemporal reconstruction of list-mode PET data
* Special issue on color imaging: Guest Editor
* Spectral domain texture analysis for speech enhancement
* Spectral imaging system analytical model for subpixel object detection
* Spherical Diffusion for 3D Surface Smoothing
* SRN/HMM system for signer-independent continuous sign language recognition, A
* Statistical analysis and simulation study of video teleconference traffic in ATM networks
* statistical approach to landmine detection using broadband electromagnetic induction data, A
* Statistical characteristics of granular camera noise
* Statistical characterization and block-based modeling of motion-adaptive coded video
* Statistical detection of defects in radiographic images in nondestructive testing
* Statistical method to detect subsurface objects using array ground-penetrating radar data
* Stochastic mesh-based multiview reconstruction
* Stochastic Surface Modelling System, A
* Stride and cadence as a biometric in automatic person identification and verification
* Strip based coding for large images using wavelets
* Strong-from-Weak Model Sensor Estimation in Oblique Views
* Structural pattern recognition using genetic algorithms
* Structure-keeping Colour Segmentation of Tree Crowns in Aerial Images
* study of vector transform coding of subband-decomposed images, A
* study on perfect reconstructive subband coding, A
* Subband coding algorithms for video applications: Videophone to HDTV-Conferencing
* Subband coding with multistage VQ for wireless image communication
* Subband/VQ coding of color images with perceptually optimal bit allocation
* Subpixel eye gaze tracking
* Subspace Information Criterion for Image Restoration: Mean Squared Error Estimatior for Linear Filters
* Subspace Methods and Equilibration in Computer Vision
* Super high resolution 3D imaging and efficient visualization
* surface evolution approach of probabilistic space carving, A
* Surface reconstruction from multiple views using rational B-splines and knot insertion
* Surface roughness and slope measurements using polarimetric SAR data
* Switched capacitor networks for focal plane image processing systems
* switched model-based coder for video signals, A
* Synthesising Appearance Manifolds using Shape-from-Shading
* Systolic array architecture for Gabor decomposition
* Systolic Array Architecture for Image Coding Using Adaptive Vector Quantization, A
* Systolic implementation of multidimensional nonrecursive digital filters
* Target Detection and Background Suppression using Quadrature Pyramid Filters
* Target signature-constrained mixed pixel classification for hyperspectral imagery
* Technique for tracking objects through a series of images
* Tele-3D-developing a handheld scanner using structured light projection
* teleconferencing system capable of multiple person eye contact (MPEC) using half mirrors and cameras placed at common points of extended lines of gaze, A
* Tensor product multiresolution analysis with error control for compact image representation
* tensor voting approach for the hierarchical segmentation of 3-D acoustic images, A
* Testing a measure of image quality for acquisition control
* Tetrahedral 3D finite element meshes of head tissues from MRI for the MEG/EEG forward problem
* Text Extraction from Grey Scale Page Images by Simple Edge Detectors
* Text extraction in complex color documents
* Texture at the terminator
* Theoretic Investigation of the Use of Watermark Signals derived from Bernoilli Chaotic Sequences
* Three-dimensional median-related filters for color image sequence filtering
* Towards automatic modeling of monuments and towers
* Towards Automating the Selection of Ground Control Points in Radarsat Images Using a Topographic Database and Vector-Based Data Matching
* Tracking densely moving markers
* Tracking of 3D Objects from Appearance
* Traffic Surveillance in Real-time using Hidden Markov Models
* traffic-control algorithm for ATM networks, A
* Training-based Optimization Framework for Misclassification Correction, A
* Transform coding of monochrome and color images using trellis coded quantization
* transform domain classified vector quantizer for image coding, A
* Transmission of subband-coded images via mobile channels
* Triangle mesh-based surface modeling using adaptive smoothing and implicit surface texture integration
* True-motion estimation with 3-D recursive search block matching
* Turbo code frame synchronization
* Two greedy tree growing algorithms for designing variable rate vector quantizers
* Two-dimensional Hinf -based blind deconvolution for image enhancement with applications to ultrasonic NDE
* Two-dimensional switched capacitor filter design system for real-time image processing
* Two-dimensional synthetic aperture images over a land surface scene
* Two-handed gesture tracking incorporating template warping with static segmentation
* Two-variable modularized fast polynomial transform algorithm for 2-D discrete Fourier transforms
* Two-view facial movement estimation
* Ultrasound Imaging System for Control of an Automated Carcass Splitting Machine, An
* Uncalibrated 3D metric reconstruction and flattened texture acquisition from a single view of a surface of revolution
* Uncalibrated narrow baseline augmented reality
* unified learning framework for real time face detection and classification, A
* Unsupervised Classification of Satellite Imagery: Choosing a Good Algorithm
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Feature Similarity
* Use of Lexicon Density in Evaluating Word Recognizers
* Use of the RS decoder as an RS encoder for two-way digital communications and storage systems
* Using a statistical shape model to extract sulcal curves on the outer cortex of the human brain
* Using distance transforms to decompose 3D discrete objects
* Using principal curvatures and Darboux frame to recover 3D geometric primitives from range images
* Using replicator dynamics for analyzing fMRI data of the human brain
* Using the expectation-maximization algorithm for depth estimation and segmentation of multi-view images
* Vagueness and Rough Location
* Variable-bit-rate HDTV codec with ATM-cell-loss compensation
* Variant code transformations for linear quadtrees
* Variational multiframe stereo in the presence of specular reflections
* Vector quantization in DCT domain using fuzzy possibilistic c-means based on penalized and compensated constraints
* Vector quantization of images using input-dependent weighted square error distortion
* Vector transform and image coding
* Verification of Batch Numbers on Plastic Vials
* Very low bit rate video coding using 3D subband approach
* Video bridging based on H.261 standard
* Video communications using rapidly reconfigurable hardware
* Video data format converters using minimum number of registers
* Video Image Compression using Zerotree Wavelets Coding
* virtual boutique: a synergic approach to virtualization,content-base management of 3D information, 3D data mining an virtual reality for ecommerce, The
* Vision system for defect imaging, detection, and characterization on a specular surface of a 3D object
* VISIRE: From Video to VRML
* Visual data navigators Collaboratories
* Visual pattern image sequence coding
* Visual prosody: facial movements accompanying speech
* Visualizing I/O predictability
* Visualizing legacy stratigraphic data from archaeological handbooks
* VLSI architecture for a flexible block matching processor
* VLSI architecture for block-matching motion estimation algorithm
* VLSI architectures of the 1-D and 2-D discrete wavelet transforms for JPEG 2000
* VLSI chip set for DPCM coding of HDTV signals, A
* VLSI chip set for high-speed lossless data compression, A
* VLSI implementation of inverse discrete cosine transformer and motion compensator for MPEG2 HDTV video decoding
* VLSI implementation of parallel coefficient-by-coefficient two-dimensional IDCT processor
* Volume rendering on the Internet
* volumetric approach for interactive 3D modeling, A
* wavelet codec with overlapped motion compensation for very low bit-rate environment, A
* Wavelet coding of structured geometry data considering rate-distortion properties
* Wavelet networks for face processing
* Wavelets, Gaussian mixtures and Wiener filtering
* Weaver, an automatic texture builder
* What is the best similarity measure for motion correction in fMRI time series?
* Zero waiting-cycle hierarchical block matching algorithm and its array architectures
* Zooming on Planar Structures
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.