Journals starting with mcpr

MCPR12 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Spatial Concealment of Damaged Coded Images
* Associative Model for Solving the Wall-Following Problem
* Automatic Design of Artificial Neural Networks and Associative Memories for Pattern Classification and Pattern Restoration
* Automatic Image Scaling Up Algorithm, An
* Breaking reCAPTCHAs with Unpredictable Collapse: Heuristic Character Segmentation and Recognition
* Compact and Efficient Permutations for Proximity Searching
* Composite Correlation Filters for Detection of Geometrically Distorted Objects Using Noisy Training Images
* Computing #2SAT and #2UNSAT by Binary Patterns
* Environmental Sound Recognition by Measuring Significant Changes in the Spectral Entropy
* Experimental Validation of an Evolutionary Method to Identify a Mobile Robot's Position
* Extended Photometric Sampling for Surface Shape Recovery
* From Linear Representations to Object Parts
* Fuzzy Sets for Human Fall Pattern Recognition
* GA Approaches to HMM Optimization for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Genetic Algorithm for Multidimensional Scaling over Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Heuristically Perturbation of Dataset to Achieve a Diverse Ensemble of Classifiers, A
* Human Sign Recognition for Robot Manipulation
* Improving the Multiple Alignments Strategy for Fingerprint Verification
* List of Clusters Revisited, The
* Machine-Translation Method for Normalization of SMS, A
* Modified Back-Propagation Algorithm to Deal with Severe Two-Class Imbalance Problems on Neural Networks, A
* New Document Author Representation for Authorship Attribution, A
* NURBS Parameterization: A New Method of Parameterization Using the Correlation Relationship between Nodes
* Perceptual Grouping Using Superpixels
* Phonetic Unification of Multiple Accents for Spanish and Arabic Languages
* Reduced Universal Background Model for Speech Recognition and Identification System
* Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Matrix Multiplication with Applications to Image Processing
* Segmentation Method for Tree Crown Detection and Modelling from LiDAR Measurements, A
* Texture Analysis for Skin Probability Maps Refinement
* Tool for Hand-Sign Recognition, A
* Unsupervised Linkage Learner Based on Local Optimums
* Up and Down Trend Associations in Analysis of Time Series Shape Association Patterns
* Using Short-Range Interactions and Simulated Genetic Strategy to Improve the Protein Contact Map Prediction
* Vision System for 3D Reconstruction with Telecentric Lens
35 for MCPR12

MCPR14 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Applying Mathematical Morphology for the Classification of Iberian Ceramics from the Upper Valley of Guadalquivir River
* Approach for Multi-Pose Face Detection Exploring Invariance by Training, An
* Assembling Similar Tracking Approaches in Order to Strengthen Performance
* Content-Based Image Retrieval with LIRe and SURF on a Smartphone-Based Product Image Database
* Contextualized Hand Gesture Recognition with Smartphones
* Deep Learning for Emotional Speech Recognition
* Developing Architectures of Spiking Neural Networks by Using Grammatical Evolution Based on Evolutionary Strategy
* Effective Permutant Selection Heuristic for Proximity Searching in Metric Spaces, An
* Efficiency of DCT-Based Denoising Techniques Applied to Texture Images
* Family of Two-Dimensional Benchmark Data Sets and Its Application to Comparing Different Cluster Validation Indices, A
* Feasibility Study on the Use of Binary Keypoint Descriptors for 3D Face Recognition, A
* HOOSC128: A More Robust Local Shape Descriptor
* Improved Performance of Computer Networks by Embedded Pattern Detection
* Introducing an Experimental Framework in C# for Fingerprint Recognition
* Multilayer Neural Network with Multi-Valued Neurons in Time Series Forecasting of Oil Production
* New Method for Skeleton Pruning, A
* New Retinal Recognition System Using a Logarithmic Spiral Sampling Grid, A
* Noise-Removal Markers to Improve PCA-Based Face Recognition
* Object Recognition with Näive Bayes-NN via Prototype Generation
* Odor Plume Tracking Algorithm Inspired on Evolution
* On Two Definitions of Reduct
* Positive and Negative Local Trend Association Patterns in Analysis of Associations between Time Series
* Problem Solving Environment Based on Knowledge Based System Principles
* Radiological Pain Predictors in Knee Osteoarthritis, a Four Feature Selection Comparison: Data from the OAI
* Real-Time Classification of Lying Bodies by HOG Descriptors
* Reduced Data Based Improved MEB/L2-SVM Equivalence
* Relevance Feedback in Biometric Retrieval of Animal Photographs
* Remote Identification of Housing Buildings with High-Resolution Remote Sensing
* Robust Head Gestures Recognition for Assistive Technology
* Rotor Unbalance Detection in Electrical Induction Motors Using Orbital Analysis
* Semi-supervised Puzzle-Based Method for Separating the Venous and Arterial Vascular Networks in Retinal Images, A
* Speech Based Shopping Assistance for the Blind
* Study of Overlapping Clustering Algorithms Based on Kmeans through FBcubed Metric
* Studying Netconf in Hybrid Rule Ordering Strategies for Associative Classification
* Thermal Image Processing for Breast Symmetry Detection Oriented to Automatic Breast Cancer Analysis
* Use of Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for the Evaluation of Taxonomic Relations
* Using Song to Identify Cassin's Vireo Individuals. A Comparative Study of Pattern Recognition Algorithms
* Wavelet Filter Adjusting for Image Lossless Compression Using Pattern Recognition
* Weighted Maximum Variance Dimensionality Reduction
40 for MCPR14

MCPR15 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Automatic Detection of Clouds from Aerial Photographs of Snowy Volcanoes
* Automatic Segmentation of Regions of Interest in Breast Thermographic Images
* Boosting the Permutation Based Index for Proximity Searching
* Classification of Hand Movements from Non-invasive Brain Signals Using Lattice Neural Networks with Dendritic Processing
* Comparative Study of Robust Segmentation Algorithms for Iris Verification System of High Reliability, A
* Computing Constructs by Using Typical Testor Algorithms
* Correlation of Resampling Methods for Contrast Pattern Based Classifiers
* Different Approach for Pruning Micro-clusters in Data Stream Clustering, A
* Encoding Polysomnographic Signals into Spike Firing Rate for Sleep Staging
* Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Vision-Based Localization of Humanoid Robots
* Graph-Based Textual Entailment Method Aware of Real-World Knowledge, A
* Improved Learning Rule for LVQ Based on Granular Computing
* Improving Bayesian Networks Breast Mass Diagnosis by Using Clinical Data
* Improving Information Retrieval Through a Global Term Weighting Scheme
* Modification of the TPVD Algorithm for Data Embedding, A
* Modified Binary Inertial Particle Swarm Optimization for Gene Selection in DNA Microarray Data
* Multitask Reinforcement Learning in Nondeterministic Environments: Maze Problem Case
* New Method Based on Graph Transformation for FAS Mining in Multi-graph Collections, A
* NURBS Based Multi-objective Path Planning
* Patrolling Routes Optimization Using Ant Colonies
* Patterns Used to Identify Relations in Corpus Using Formal Concept Analysis
* Prototype Selection for Graph Embedding Using Instance Selection
* Recommendation of Process Discovery Algorithms Through Event Log Classification
* Rotation Invariant Tracking Algorithm Based on Circular HOGs
* Sampled Weighted Min-Hashing for Large-Scale Topic Mining
* Semi-Supervised Approach to Named Entity Recognition in Spanish Applied to a Real-World Conversational System
* Sentiment Groups as Features of a Classification Model Using a Spanish Sentiment Lexicon: A Hybrid Approach
* Similarity Analysis of Archaeological Potsherds Using 3D Surfaces
* Vision-Based Humanoid Robot Navigation in a Featureless Environment
30 for MCPR15

MCPR16 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Activity Recognition in Meetings with One and Two Kinect Sensors
* Automated Image Registration for Knee Pain Prediction in Osteoarthritis: Data from the OAI
* Automatic Construction of Radial-Basis Function Networks Through an Adaptive Partition Algorithm
* Automatic Tuning of the Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Using Differential Evolution for Image Segmentation
* Classification of Motor States from Brain Rhythms Using Lattice Neural Networks
* Comparing Threshold-Selection Methods for Image Segmentation: Application to Defect Detection in Automated Visual Inspection Systems
* Contour Detection at Range Images Using Sparse Normal Detector
* Crime Detection via Crowdsourcing
* Detecting Pneumatic Failures on Temporary Immersion Bioreactors
* Dynamic Indoor Location Model for Smartphones Based on Magnetic Field: A Preliminary Approach, A
* Dynamic Object Detection and Representation for Mobile Robot Application
* Edge Detection in Time Variant Scenarios Based on a Novel Perceptual Method and a Gestalt Spiking Cortical Model
* EEG Pattern Recognition: An Efficient Improvement Combination of ERD/ERS/Laterality Features to Create a Self-paced BCI System
* Effective Image De-noising Alternative Approach Based on Third Generation Neural Networks, An
* Efficient Counting of the Number of Independent Sets on Polygonal Trees
* Feature Extraction as Ellipse of Wild-Life Images
* Feature Selection Using Genetic Algorithms for Hand Posture Recognition
* Glance to the Goldman's Testors from the Point of View of Rough Set Theory, A
* High Scrambling Degree in Audio Through Imitation of an Unintelligible Signal
* Highly Transparent Steganography Scheme of Speech Signals into Color Images Using Quantization Index Modulation
* LSTM Deep Neural Networks Postfiltering for Improving the Quality of Synthetic Voices
* Optimization Approach to the TWPVD Method for Digital Image Steganography, An
* Order Tracking by Square-Root Cubature Kalman Filter with Constraints
* Real Time Gesture Recognition with Heuristic-Based Classification
* Rotation Invariant Local Shape Descriptors for Classification of Archaeological 3D Models
* Saliency Detection Based on Heuristic Rules
* Signature Recognition: Human Performance Analysis vs. Automatic System and Feature Extraction via Crowdsourcing
* Simultaneous Encryption and Compression of Digital Images Based on Secure-JPEG Encoding
* SMOTE-D a Deterministic Version of SMOTE
* Text Detection in Digital Images Captured with Low Resolution Under Nonuniform Illumination Conditions
* Toward the Labeled Segmentation of Natural Images Using Rough-Set Rules
* Towards a Supervised Incremental Learning System for Automatic Recognition of the Skeletal Age
* Training a Multilayered Perceptron to Compute the Euler Number of a 2-D Binary Image
* Using N-Grams of Quantized EEG Values for Happiness Detection
35 for MCPR16

MCPR17 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Airborne Agent, An
* Algorithm for Computing Goldman Fuzzy Reducts, An
* Alternating Genetic Algorithm for Selecting SVM Model and Training Set, An
* Approach Based in LSA for Evaluation of Ontological Relations on Domain Corpora, An
* Assessing Deep Learning Architectures for Visualizing Maya Hieroglyphs
* BUSAT: A MATLAB Toolbox for Breast Ultrasound Image Analysis
* Color-Texture Image Analysis for Automatic Failure Detection in Tiles
* Comparing Deep and Dendrite Neural Networks: A Case Study
* Efficient Pattern Recognition Using the Frequency Response of a Spiking Neuron
* Evolutionary Clustering Using Multi-prototype Representation and Connectivity Criterion
* Exploration Strategy for RL with Considerations of Budget and Risk, An
* Extending Extremal Polygonal Arrays for the Merrifield-Simmons Index
* Fast-BR vs. Fast-CT_EXT: An Empirical Performance Study
* Fiber Defect Detection of Inhomogeneous Voluminous Textiles
* Fixed Height Queries Tree Permutation Index for Proximity Searching
* Image Noise Filter Based on DCT and Fast Clustering
* Language Proficiency Classification During Computer-Based Test with EEG Pattern Recognition Methods
* Mining the Urdu Language-Based Web Content for Opinion Extraction
* Modeling Dependencies in Supervised Classification
* Morphological Analysis Combined with a Machine Learning Approach to Detect Utrasound Median Sagittal Sections for the Nuchal Translucency Measurement
* Novel Contrast Pattern Selection Method for Class Imbalance Problems, A
* On the Detectability of Buried Remains with Hyperspectral Measurements
* Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Pattern Recognition in Mixed Databases, A
* Pathline-Based Background Subtraction Algorithm, A
* Perspective Reconstruction by Determining Vanishing Points for Autonomous Mobile Robot Visual Localization on Supermarkets
* Projection Method for Optimization Problems on the Stiefel Manifold, A
* ROIs Segmentation in Facial Images Based on Morphology and Density Concepts
* Semantic Similarity Analysis of Urdu Documents
* Visual Remote Monitoring and Control System for Rod Braking on Hot Rolling Mills
30 for MCPR17

MCPR18 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Automated Detection of Hummingbirds in Images: A Deep Learning Approach
* Class-Specific Reducts vs. Classic Reducts in a Rule-Based Classifier: A Case Study
* Comparison of Deep Neural Network Algorithms for Recognition of EEG Motor Imagery Signals, A
* Dense Captioning of Natural Scenes in Spanish
* Experimental Study on Ant Colony Optimization Hyper-Heuristics for Solving the Knapsack Problem, An
* Extreme Points of Convex Polytopes Derived from Lattice Autoassociative Memories
* Fast Algorithm for Robot Localization Using Multiple Sensing Units, A
* Fast Convex Hull by a Geometric Approach
* Image Clustering Based on Frequent Approximate Subgraph Mining
* Impact of Basic Matrix Dimension on the Performance of Algorithms for Computing Typical Testors, The
* Improved Stroke Width Transform to Detect Race Bib Numbers, An
* Improving Breast Mass Classification Through Kernel Methods and the Fusion of Clinical Data and Image Descriptors
* Improving the List of Clustered Permutation on Metric Spaces for Similarity Searching on Secondary Memory
* Including Foreground and Background Information in Maya Hieroglyph Representation
* Learning Word and Sentence Embeddings Using a Generative Convolutional Network
* Lightweight Library for Augmented Reality Applications, A
* Linear Time Algorithm for Computing #2SAT for Outerplanar 2-CNF Formulas, A
* Modelling 3-Coloring of Polygonal Trees via Incremental Satisfiability
* Novel Criterion to Obtain the Best Feature Subset from Filter Ranking Methods, A
* On the Construction of a Specific Algebra for Composing Tonal Counterpoint
* Pattern Discovery in Mixed Data Bases
* Patterns in Poor Learning Engagement in Students While They Are Solving Mathematics Exercises in an Affective Tutoring System Related to Frustration
* Patterns of Go Gaming by Ising Model
* Performance Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Classification of Gene-Expression Microarrays
* Point Set Matching with Order Type
* Scaled CCR Histogram for Scale-Invariant Texture Classification
* Scene Text Segmentation Based on Local Image Phase Information and MSER Method
* Validation of Semantic Relation of Synonymy in Domain Ontologies Using Lexico-Syntactic Patterns and Acronyms
29 for MCPR18

MCPR20 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Accurate Identification of Tomograms of Lung Nodules Using Cnn: Influence of the Optimizer, Preprocessing and Segmentation
* Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Affected by Earthquakes Using Data Mining. Case Study: Earthquakes of 2017 in Mexico
* Automatic Estrus Cycle Identification System on Female Dogs Based on Deep Learning
* Basic Pattern Graphs for the Efficient Computation of Its Number of Independent Sets
* Classification of Cattleya Trianae and Its Varieties by Using Colorimetry
* Comparison of Recurrent Neural Networks for Wind Power Forecasting
* Coupled: Calibration of a LIDAR and Camera Rig Using Automatic Plane Detection
* Digital Assisted Image Correlation for Metal Sheet Strain Measurement
* Experimental Study on Transfer Learning in Denoising Autoencoders for Speech Enhancement
* Fruit Classification for Retail Stores Using Deep Learning
* Gender Identification in Social Media Using Transfer Learning
* Improvement of the Turajlic Method for the Estimation of Gaussian Noise in Images
* Learning Clasiffier Systems with Hebbian Learning for Autonomus Behaviors
* Machine Learning Techniques for Identity Document Verification in Uncontrolled Environments: A Case Study
* Method for Estimating Driving Factors of Illicit Trade Using Node Embeddings and Clustering, A
* Modulenet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Vision
* New Method for Extreme Color Detection in Images
* Not All Swear Words Are Used Equal: Attention over Word n-grams for Abusive Language Identification
* Novel Set of Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition Applications Based on Jacobi Polynomials, A
* Onboard CNN-based Processing for Target Detection and Autonomous Landing for MAVs
* Orthogonal Local Image Descriptors with Convolutional Autoencoders
* Preliminary Study on Score-based Hyper-heuristics for Solving the Bin Packing Problem, A
* Restoration of Range Images by the Gaussian Pyramid Method, Testing Different Interpolation Techniques to Select the Best Performance
* Simple Methodology for 2d Reconstruction Using a CNN Model, A
* Spatial a: Trimmed Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm to Image Segmentation
* Structured Pointcloud Segmentation for Individual Mangrove Tree Modeling
* Towards Dendrite Spherical Neurons for Pattern Classification
* Towards Inpainting and Denoising Latent Fingerprints: A Study on the Impact in Latent Fingerprint Identification
* Towards Selecting Reducts for Building Decision Rules for Rule-based Classifiers
* Vision-based Blind Spot Warning System by Deep Neural Networks
* What the Appearance Channel from Two-stream Architectures for Activity Recognition Is Learning?
32 for MCPR20

MCPR21 * *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Automatic Classification of Zingiberales from RGB Images
* Automatic Detection of Injection Attacks by Machine Learning in NoSQL Databases
* Automatic Recognition of Learning-Centered Emotions
* Breastfeeding and Caries. A Relationship Analysis to Develop a Computer-Assisted Diagnosis Using Random Forest
* Classification of Rail Welding Defects Based on the Bag of Visual Words Approach
* Comparative Study of 3D Plant Modeling Systems Based on Low-Cost 2D LiDAR and Kinect, A
* Comparative Study of Two Algorithms for Computing the Shortest Reducts: MiLIT and MinReduct, A
* Comparison Study of EEG Signals Classifiers for Inter-subject Generalization, A
* COVID-19 Related Pneumonia Detection in Lung Ultrasound
* Development of a Method for Identifying People by Processing Digital Images from Handprint
* Efficient Training of Deep Learning Models Through Improved Adaptive Sampling
* Evaluation of Denoising Algorithms for Source Camera Linking
* Experimental Comparison of Oversampling Methods for Mixed Datasets
* Extremal Topologies for the Merrifield-Simmons Index on Dynamic Trees
* Fast Background Subtraction and Graph Cut for Thermal Pedestrian Detection
* Finding the Optimal Bit-Quad Patterns for Computing the Euler Number of 2D Binary Images Using Simulated Annealing
* Graph Representation for Learning the Traveling Salesman Problem
* Inferential Rules for Identifying Answers in TOEFL Texts
* Lung-Nodule Segmentation Using a Convolutional Neural Network with the U-Net Architecture
* Metric Localisation for the NAO Robot
* Multi-core Median Redescending M-Estimator for Impulsive Denoising in Color Images
* Multi-source Transfer Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Multi-target Attachment for Surgical Instrument Tracking
* Neovascularization Detection on Optic Disc Region Using Deep Learning
* Neuroevolution for Sentiment Analysis in Tweets Written in Mexican Spanish
* Novel Features for Glaucoma Detection in Fundus Images
* Perceptual and Pixel-Wise Information for Visual Novelty Detection
* Quantifying Visual Similarity for Artistic Styles
* Satellite Imagery Classification Using Shallow and Deep Learning Approaches
* Shortening the Candidate List for Similarity Searching Using Inverted Index
* Skeletal Age Estimation from Hand Radiographs Using Ensemble Deep Learning
* Straightforward Framework for Video Retrieval Using CLIP, A
* Texture Based Supervised Learning for Crater-Like Structures Recognition Using ALOS/PALSAR Images
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Methodology for Analysis of Bacterial Taxonomy Profiles
* W-net: A Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
36 for MCPR21

Index for "m"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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