Update Dates 0601

0601 * 2-D Orientation-Adaptive Prediction Filter in Lifting Structures for Image Coding, A
* 2D clustering based discriminant analysis for 3D head model classification
* 3-D Shape Estimation of DNA Molecules From Stereo Cryo-Electron Micro-Graphs Using a Projection-Steerable Snake
* 3-D/2-D Registration by Integrating 2-D Information in 3-D
* 3D face authentication and recognition based on bilateral symmetry analysis
* 3D face detection using curvature analysis
* 3D Face Recognition Based on Facial Shape Indexes with Dynamic Programming
* 3D Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Motion Templates
* 3D object segmentation using B-Surface
* 3D Shape Recovery of Smooth Surfaces: Dropping the Fixed-Viewpoint Assumption
* 3D Statistical Shape Models to Embed Spatial Relationship Information
* 3D surface analysis using coupled HMMs
* Accounting for the Effects of Widespread Discrete Clutter in Subsurface EMI Remote Sensing of Metallic Objects
* Accumulator size minimization for a fast cumulant-based motion estimator
* Accurate and Efficient Gesture Spotting via Pruning and Subgesture Reasoning
* Acoustic Ear Recognition
* Action Recognition with Global Features
* Active Contours Under Topology Control Genus Preserving Level Sets
* Adaptive autofocusing: a closed-loop perspective
* Adaptive Color Image Segmentation, An
* Adaptive degraded document image binarization
* adaptive error penalization method for training an efficient and generalized SVM, An
* Adaptive Fingerprint Enhancement by Combination of Quality Factor and Quantitative Filters
* Adaptive Object Tracking with Online Statistical Model Update
* Adaptive Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images
* Adaptive robust estimation of affine parameters from block motion vectors
* Adaptive Scale Fixing for Multiscale Texture Segmentation
* Adaptive Simulated Annealing for Energy Minimization Problem in a Marked Point Process Application
* Adaptive Variational Model for Image Decomposition, An
* Adaptive Weight Assignment Scheme in Linear Subspace Approaches for Face Recognition, An
* Advances on Medical Imaging and Computing
* Airborne video registration and traffic-flow parameter estimation
* Algorithm for Removable Visible Watermarking, An
* Alignment of 3D Models to Images Using Region-Based Mutual Information and Neighborhood Extended Gaussian Images
* Alternative learning vector quantization
* Ambient Illumination Variation Removal by Active Near-IR Imaging
* Amplitude-based height-reconstruction techniques for synthetic aperture ladar systems
* Analysis of a Spatio-Temporal Clustering Algorithm for Counting People in a Meeting
* Analysis of Multihypothesis Motion Compensated Prediction (MHMCP) for Robust Visual Communication
* Analysis of Observer Performance in Known-Location Tasks for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Analyzing Anatomical Structures: Leveraging Multiple Sources of Knowledge
* Appearance Manifold of Facial Expression
* Application of Extended Geodesic Distance in Head Poses Estimation, The
* Applications of Wavelet Packets Decomposition in Iris Recognition
* Applying Non-stationary Noise Estimation to Achieve Contrast Invariant Edge Detection
* Applying Prior Knowledge in the Segmentation of 3D Complex Anatomic Structures
* Arctic-Wide Operational Sea Ice Drift From Enhanced-Resolution QuikScat/SeaWinds Scatterometry and Its Validation
* Articulated Body Tracking Using Dynamic Belief Propagation
* Artificial Rhythms and Cues for Keystroke Dynamics Based Authentication
* Artistic Mosaic Series Generation
* Aspects of Optimal Viewpoint Selection and Viewpoint Fusion
* Assessment of Blurring and Facial Expression Effects on Facial Image Recognition
* Atlas-Driven Lung Lobe Segmentation in Volumetric X-Ray CT Images
* Attention Monitoring Based on Temporal Signal-Behavior Structures
* Attention-Based Dynamic Visual Search Using Inner-Scene Similarity: Algorithms and Bounds
* Attractor-Guided Particle Filtering for Lip Contour Tracking
* Augmented Stereo Panoramas
* Augmented-Reality-Based Real-Time Panoramic Vision System for Autonomous Navigation, An
* Australian sign language recognition
* Automated detection of prostatic adenocarcinoma from high-resolution ex vivo MRI
* Automatic 3D Face Recognition Using Discriminant Common Vectors
* Automatic Chromosome Classification Using Medial Axis Approximation and Band Profile Similarity
* Automatic Configuration for a Biometrics-Based Physical Access Control System
* Automatic Extraction of Femur Contours from Hip X-Ray Images
* Automatic Landmarking of 2D Medical Shapes Using the Growing Neural Gas Network
* Automatic Method of Building 3D Morphable Face Model, An
* Automatic model-based 3D object recognition by combining feature matching with tracking
* Automatic Moving Object Segmentation with Accurate Boundaries
* Automatic Vehicle Detection Using Statistical Approach
* Automatically Building 2D Statistical Shapes Using the Topology Preservation Model GNG
* Background Robust Face Tracking Using Active Contour Technique Combined Active Appearance Model
* Background Segmentation Beyond RGB
* Badly Posed Classification of Remotely Sensed Images: An Experimental Comparison of Existing Data Labeling Systems
* Bayesian Image Segmentation Using Gaussian Field Priors
* Bimodal Palmprint Verification System, A
* Biologically Motivated Perceptual Feature: Generalized Robust Invariant Feature
* Biomedical Image Classification with Random Subwindows and Decision Trees
* Biometric Access Control Through Numerical Keyboards Based on Keystroke Dynamics
* Biometric Identification System Based on Dental Features
* Biventricular Myocardial Strains via Nonrigid Registration of Anatomical NURBS Model
* Blind Watermarking Via Pixel Modification with Regular Rule
* Block artifact reduction using a transform-domain Markov random field model
* Boosted Algorithms for Visual Object Detection on Graphics Processing Units
* Boosting Multi-gabor Subspaces for Face Recognition
* Bottom up Algebraic Approach to Motion Segmentation, A
* Brain Image Analysis Using Spherical Splines
* Calibration of Rotating Line Camera for Spherical Imaging
* Cardiology Meets Image Analysis: Just an Application or Can Image Analysis Usefully Impact Cardiology Practice?
* Cascade AdaBoost Classifiers with Stage Optimization for Face Detection
* Channel Smoothing: Efficient Robust Smoothing of Low-Level Signal Features
* Characterization of trichromatic color cameras by using a new multispectral imaging technique
* Classification of Bluffing Behavior and Affective Attitude from Prefrontal Surface Encephalogram During On-Line Game
* Classification of Osteoarthritic and Normal Knee Function Using Three-Dimensional Motion Analysis and the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
* Classification of Photometric Factors Based on Photometric Linearization
* Cloud Analysis by Modeling the Integration of Heterogeneous Satellite Data and Imaging
* Cluster Analysis of Dynamic Cerebral Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion MRI Time-Series
* clustering method for automatic biometric template selection, A
* Clustering noisy data in a reduced dimension space via multivariate regression trees
* Clustering of Interval-Valued Symbolic Patterns Based on Mutual Similarity Value and the Concept of k-Mutual Nearest Neighborhood
* Clustering Spherical Shells by a Mini-Max Information Algorithm
* Coined Quantum Walks Lift the Cospectrality of Graphs and Trees
* Color Correction of Underwater Images for Aquatic Robot Inspection
* column-space approach to projective reconstruction, A
* Combining Binary Classifiers for Automatic Cartilage Segmentation in Knee MRI
* Combining Color and Shape Information for Illumination-Viewpoint Invariant Object Recognition
* Combining Geometric and Gabor Features for Face Recognition
* Combining Iterative Inverse Filter with Shock Filter for Baggage Inspection Image Deblurring
* Combining Microscopic and Macroscopic Information for Rotation and Histogram Equalization Invariant Texture Classification
* Combining Wavelet Velocity Moments and Reflective Symmetry for Gait Recognition
* Comparative Study of Feature and Score Normalization for Speaker Verification, A
* Comparison and validation of tissue modelization and statistical classification methods in T1-weighted MR brain images
* Comparison of reconstruction algorithms for optical diffraction tomography
* Complex Activity Representation and Recognition by Extended Stochastic Grammar
* Component-Based Active Appearance Models for Face Modelling
* Computational Anatomy and Computational Physiology for Medical Image Analysis
* Computational Approach to Fisher Information Geometry with Applications to Image Analysis, A
* Computer Vision Algorithms for Retinal Image Analysis: Current Results and Future Directions
* Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) for Cervical Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: A New System Design in Medical Image Processing
* Concurrent Stereo Matching: An Image Noise-Driven Model
* Conflating two polygonal lines
* Connectivity-based local adaptive thresholding for carotid artery segmentation using MRA images
* Constrained Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Morphable Appearance Models, A
* Constrained Surface Evolutions for Prostate and Bladder Segmentation in CT Images
* Constrained Total Variation Minimization and Application in Computerized Tomography
* Constructing the Discriminative Kernels Using GMM for Text-Independent Speaker Identification
* Construction Method of Three-Dimensional Deformable Template Models for Tree-Shaped Organs
* Content Based Image and Video Retrieval Using Embedded Text
* Context Quantization by Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Continuous Verification Using Multimodal Biometrics
* Contour Matching Based on Belief Propagation
* Corner Detection Using Morphological Skeleton: An Efficient and Nonparametric Approach
* Correspondence Search in the Presence of Specular Highlights Using Specular-Free Two-Band Images
* Cost-distortion optimized unequal error protection for object-based video communications
* Curvilinear Structure Based Mammographic Registration
* Data association and tracking for automotive radar networks
* Data Driven Image Models through Continuous Joint Alignment
* Data-Driven Brain MRI Segmentation Supported on Edge Confidence and A Priori Tissue Information
* Decision strategies that maximize the area under the LROC curve
* Deformable Registration for Generating Dissection Image of an Intestine from Annular Image Sequence
* Deformable-Model Based Textured Object Segmentation
* Delay Correlation Subspace Decomposition Algorithm and Its Application in fMRI
* Dense 3D Reconstruction with an Uncalibrated Active Stereo System
* Dense Motion and Disparity Estimation Via Loopy Belief Propagation
* Depth resolution and displayable depth of a scene in three-dimensional images
* Design of Algorithm Development Interface for Fingerprint Verification Algorithms
* Design Review In A Distributed Collaborative Virtual Environment
* Designing a mirror to realize a given projection
* Detecting and Tracking Distant Objects at Night Based on Human Visual System
* Detecting Critical Configuration of Six Points
* Detecting Faces from Low-Resolution Images
* Detection of Moving Objects by Independent Component Analysis
* Detection of Pedestrian Crossing Using Bipolarity Feature: An Image-Based Technique
* Detection of text on road signs from video
* Device for and method of automatically tracking a moving object
* Dictionary-Based Stochastic Expectation-Maximization for SAR Amplitude Probability Density Function Estimation
* Digital Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings
* Dimension Reduction as a Deflation Method in ICA
* Discontinuity Preserving Phase Unwrapping Using Graph Cuts
* Distance-Intensity for Image Registration
* Double Regularized Bayesian Estimation for Blur Identification in Video Sequences
* Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Audio-Visual Speaker Recognition
* Dynamic Conditional Random Field Model for Foreground and Shadow Segmentation, A
* Dynamic Differential Evolution Strategy and Applications in Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problems
* Dynamic Open Contours Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Application to Fluid Interface Extraction
* Dynamic Shape and Appearance Modeling via Moving and Deforming Layers
* Edge Strength Functions as Shape Priors in Image Segmentation
* Edge-Model Based Representation of Laplacian Subbands
* Effective Fingerprint Classification by Localized Models of Support Vector Machines
* Effects of Image Segmentation for Approximating Object Appearance Under Near Lighting
* Efficient 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single 2D Image by Combining Statistical and Geometrical Information
* Efficient and Accurate Method for 3D-Point Reconstruction from Multiple Views, An
* Efficient Approach for Multi-view Face Animation Based on Quasi 3D Model, An
* Efficient Iris Recognition Using Adaptive Quotient Thresholding
* Efficient Low-Frequency Inversion of 3-D Buried Objects With Large Contrasts
* Efficient Object Segmentation Using Digital Matting for MPEG Video Sequences
* Efficient Population Registration of 3D Data
* Efficient Real Time Low Bit Rate Video Codec, An
* Efficient Reverse-Play Algorithms for MPEG Video With VCR Support
* Efficient Symbolic Signatures for Classifying Craniosynostosis Skull Deformities
* Eigen-Transform and Applications, The
* Elastic Interaction Models for Active Contours and Surfaces
* Electronic watermark detection apparatus and method
* Employing a Fish-Eye for Scene Tunnel Scanning
* Energy Minimization Based Segmentation and Denoising Using a Multilayer Level Set Approach
* Energy Minimization Process for Extracting Eye Feature Based on Deformable Template, An
* Enhance ASMs Based on AdaBoost-Based Salient Landmarks Localization and Confidence-Constraint Shape Modeling
* Enhanced Discrimination Among UXO-Like Targets Using Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields
* Enhancement of Low Quality Fingerprints Based on Anisotropic Filtering
* Enhancing Digital Cephalic Radiography With Mixture Models and Local Gamma Correction
* Enhancing Login Security Through the Use of Keystroke Input Dynamics
* Ensemble LDA for Face Recognition
* Error Analysis of SFM Under Weak-Perspective Projection
* Error Characteristics of SFM with Erroneous Focal Length
* Error Resilient Pre/Post-Filtering for DCT-Based Block Coding Systems
* Estimating Diameters of Pulmonary Nodules with Competition-Diffusion and Robust Ellipsoid Fit
* Estimating Illumination Parameters in Real Space with Application to Image Relighting
* Estimation of a fluorescent lamp spectral distribution for color image in machine vision
* Estimation of Structural Information Content in Images
* Exact Ridge Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification, An
* Exemplar-Based Human Contour Tracking
* Exploiting Inference for Approximate Parameter Learning in Discriminative Fields: An Empirical Study
* Exploring Facial Expression Effects in 3D Face Recognition Using Partial ICP
* Expression Classification using Wavelet Packet Method on Asymmetry Faces
* Extracting and Combining Multimodal Directional Iris Features
* Extracting Surface Representations from Rim Curves
* Extraction of Layers of Similar Motion Through Combinatorial Techniques
* Extraction of Main Urban Roads from High Resolution Satellite Images by Machine Learning
* Extraction of Salient Contours Via Excitatory-Inhibitory Interactions in the Visual Cortex
* Extraction of Stable Points from Fingerprint Images Using Zone Could-be-in Theorem
* Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation Based on Feature Tracking and GPS Data
* Face Authentication Using One-Class Support Vector Machines
* Face Recognition by Inverse Fisher Discriminant Features
* Face Recognition Issues in a Border Control Environment
* face recognition system based on automatically determined facial fiducial points, A
* Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination Based on MAP Estimation Incorporating Correlation Between Surface Points
* Face Recognition Using Ordinal Features
* Face Verification Based on Bagging RBF Networks
* Face-Voice Authentication Based on 3D Face Models
* Facial Expression Recognition Based On Gabor Wavelet Transformation And Elastic Templates Matching
* Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
* Facing Uncertainty: 3D Face Tracking and Learning with Generative Models
* Facing uncertainty: three-dimensional face tracking and learning with generative models
* Fake Fingerprint Detection by Odor Analysis
* Fake Iris Detection by Using Purkinje Image
* False Rejection Oriented Threat Model for the Design of Biometric Authentication Systems, A
* Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-Front Active Contours with Optional User-Interaction
* Fast and Accurate Segmentation of Dental X-Ray Records
* Fast and Efficient Hybrid Fractal-Wavelet Image Coder, A
* Fast and Efficient Method for Computing ART
* Fast and Robust Fingerprint Identification Algorithm and Its Application to Residential Access Controller
* Fast Approximated SIFT
* Fast Binary Dilation/Erosion Algorithm Using Kernel Subdivision
* Fast Block Matching Algorithm in Walsh Hadamard Domain
* Fast Feature Extraction Using Approximations to Derivatives with Summed-Area Images
* Fast Global Motion Estimation Via Iterative Least-Square Method
* Fast Head Tilt Detection for Human-Computer Interaction
* Fast Image Replacement Using Multi-resolution Approach
* Fast Iterative Approach to Difference Scattering From the Target Above a Rough Surface
* Feature Detection with an Improved Anisotropic Filter
* Feature Selection for Image Categorization
* Feature-Level Fusion of Hand Biometrics for Personal Verification Based on Kernel PCA
* Fingerprint Authentication Based on Matching Scores with Other Data
* Fingerprint Classification Based on Statistical Features and Singular Point Information
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement Based on a Half Gabor Filter
* Fingerprint matching by genetic algorithms
* Fingerprint Multicast in Secure Video Streaming
* Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm Combining Phase-Based Image Matching and Feature-Based Matching, A
* Fingerprint Ridge Distance Estimation: Algorithms and the Performance
* Finite Element Implementation of Maxwell's Equations for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Fisheye Lenses Calibration Using Straight-Line Spherical Perspective Projection Constraint
* Fitting conics to paracatadioptric projections of lines
* FormPad: A Camera-Assisted Digital Notepad
* Frame Rate Stabilization by Variable Resolution Shape Reconstruction for On-Line Free-Viewpoint Video Generation
* Framework for 3D Object Recognition Using the Kernel Constrained Mutual Subspace Method, A
* From Decision to Action: Intentionality, A Guide for the Specification of Intelligent Agent's Behavior
* From lines to epipoles through planes in two views
* From Motion Patterns to Visual Concepts for Event Analysis in Dynamic Scenes
* Fusion of 3D and Appearance Models for Fast Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* Fusion of Face and Iris Features for Multimodal Biometrics
* Fusion of Infrared and Range Data: Multi-modal Face Images
* Fusion of Local and Regional Approaches for On-Line Signature Verification
* Fusion of Texture Variation and On-Line Color Sampling for Moving Object Detection Under Varying Chromatic Illumination
* Fusion of Two User-friendly Biometric Modalities: Iris and Face, The
* Fuzzy-rule-based image reconstruction for positron emission tomography
* FuzzyBagging: A novel ensemble of classifiers
* GA SVM Wrapper Ensemble for Keystroke Dynamics Authentication
* Gabor Feature Selection for Face Recognition Using Improved AdaBoost Learning
* Gait Recognition Based on Fusion of Multi-view Gait Sequences
* Gaussian Decomposition for Robust Face Recognition
* Gaze Direction Estimation with a Single Camera Based on Four Reference Points and Three Calibration Images
* General Specular Surface Triangulation
* Generalized algebraic scene-based nonuniformity correction algorithm
* Generalized Level Set Formulation of the Mumford-Shah Functional with Shape Prior for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* Generating Free Viewpoint Images from Mutual Projection of Cameras
* Generation of Replaceable Cryptographic Keys from Dynamic Handwritten Signatures
* Geodesic Image Matching: A Wavelet Based Energy Minimization Scheme
* Geodesic Shooting and Diffeomorphic Matching Via Textured Meshes
* Geometric Contour Framework with Vector Field Support, A
* Gesture Recognition Using Quadratic Curves
* Global Segmentation and Curvature Analysis of Volumetric Data Sets Using Trivariate B-Spline Functions
* Global Texture Analysis of Iris Images for Ethnic Classification
* Graph Matching Iris Image Blocks with Local Binary Pattern
* Hallucinating 3D Faces
* Hand Geometry Based Recognition with a MLP Classifier
* Handheld Projector Supported by Computer Vision, A
* Handling Missing Data in the Computation of 3D Affine Transformations
* Heuristic Pre-clustering Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval
* Hierarchical Framework for Generic Sports Video Classification, A
* Hierarchical Method for 3D Rigid Motion Estimation, A
* High Dynamic Range Global Mosaic
* High Performance Adaptive Deblocking Filter for H.264
* High Quality Compression of Educational Videos Using Content-Adaptive Framework
* High-Order Differential Geometry of Curves for Multiview Reconstruction and Matching
* high-performance and memory-efficient pipeline architecture for the 5/3 and 9/7 discrete wavelet transform of JPEG2000 codec, A
* Highly Accurate and Fast Face Recognition Using Near Infrared Images
* Histogram Features-Based Fisher Linear Discriminant for Face Detection
* HMM Based Falling Person Detection Using Both Audio and Video
* How to Compute the Pose of an Object Without a Direct View?
* Human Distribution Estimation Using Shape Projection Model Based on Multiple-Viewpoint Observations
* Human Ear Recognition from Face Profile Images
* Human Identification System Based on PCA Using Geometric Features of Teeth
* Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach for Thickness, Correspondence, and Gridding of Annular Tissues, A
* Hybrid Framework for Image Segmentation Using Probabilistic Integration of Heterogeneous Constraints, A
* Identification and Recognition Based on Point for Blood Vessel of Ocular Fundus, The
* Identification of Printing Process Using HSV Colour Space
* Identity Verification Through Palm Vein and Crease Texture
* Image Feature Detection as Robust Model Fitting
* Image Matching by Multiscale Oriented Corner Correlation
* Image reconstruction in spherical-wave intensity diffraction tomography
* Image recovery under nonlinear and non-Gaussian degradations
* Image Segmentation That Merges Together Boundary and Region Information
* Image size changeable fisheye lens system
* Image-Based Calibration of Spatial Domain Depth-from-Defocus and Application to Automatic Focus Tracking
* Image-based face recognition under illumination and pose variations
* Imaging of Cardiac Movement Using Ratiometric and Nonratiometric Optical Mapping: Effects of Ischemia and 2, 3-Butaneodione Monoxime
* Imaging with tilted surfaces: an efficient matrix method for the generalized Scheimpflug condition and its application to rotationally symmetric triangulation
* Implicit Meshes for Surface Reconstruction
* Improved Motion Correction of fMRI Time-Series Corrupted with Major Head Movement Using Extended Motion-Corrected Independent Component Analysis
* Improved Parameters Estimating Scheme for E-HMM with Application to Face Recognition
* Improved Super-Resolution with Manifold Learning and Histogram Matching, An
* Improvement on Null Space LDA for Face Recognition: A Symmetry Consideration
* Improving the Binding of Electronic Signatures to the Signer by Biometric Authentication
* Incorporating Image Quality in Multi-algorithm Fingerprint Verification
* Increasing Efficiency of SVM by Adaptively Penalizing Outliers
* Incremental Mesh-based Integration of Registered Range Images: Robust to Registration Error and Scanning Noise
* Individual Dimension Gaussian Mixture Model for Speaker Identification
* Individual Recognition Using Gait Energy Image
* Inducing Semantic Segmentation from an Example
* Infinite Homography Estimation Using Two Arbitrary Planar Rectangles
* Influence of Target Acceleration on Velocity Estimation in Dual-Channel SAR-GMTI, The
* Information Fusion for Local Gabor Features Based Frontal Face Verification
* Information Layout and Interaction Techniques on an Augmented Round Table
* Information Theory-Based Shot Cut/Fade Detection and Video Summarization
* Integrating Shape And Texture For Hand Verification
* Integration of a Virtual Environment and 3D Modeling Tools in a Networked Robot System, The
* Interactive Contour Extraction Using NURBS-HMM
* Interactive Point-and-Click Segmentation for Object Removal in Digital Images
* Interferometric Coherence Optimization Method in Radar Polarimetry for High-Resolution Imagery, An
* Interpreting Sphere Images Using the Double-Contact Theorem
* Intrathoracic airway trees: segmentation and airway morphology analysis from low-dose CT scans
* Inverse Volume Rendering Approach to 3D Reconstruction from Multiple Images
* Invertible Watermarking Algorithm with Detecting Locations of Malicious Manipulation for Biometric Image Authentication
* Investigating the enhancement of three-dimensional diffraction tomography by using multiple illumination planes
* Iris Authentication Using Privatized Advanced Correlation Filter
* Iris Detection Method Based on Structure Information, An
* Iris Image Real-Time Pre-estimation Using Compound BP Neural Network
* Iris Recognition Against Counterfeit Attack Using Gradient Based Fusion of Multi-spectral Images
* Iris Recognition in Mobile Phone Based on Adaptive Gabor Filter
* Iris Recognition with Support Vector Machines
* Iterative Algorithm for Fast Iris Detection, An
* Iterative Image Restoration Combining Total Variation Minimization and a Second-Order Functional
* Iterative Method for Preserving Edges and Reducing Noise in High Resolution Image Reconstruction, An
* Iterative, maximally probable, batch-mode commercial detection for audiovisual content
* Joint blind restoration and surface recovery in photometric stereo
* Joint System for Person Tracking and Face Detection, A
* K-plet and Coupled BFS: A Graph Based Fingerprint Representation and Matching Algorithm
* Kalman Filtering Based Rate-Constrained Motion Estimation for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Kernel Matched Subspace Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Kernel Methods for Nonlinear Discriminative Data Analysis
* Kernel-Based Robust Tracking for Objects Undergoing Occlusion
* Key Frame-Based Activity Representation Using Antieigenvalues
* Keystroke Biometric System Using Wavelets
* Landmark Based Global Self-localization of Mobile Soccer Robots
* Laser projector having silhouette blanking for objects in the output light path
* Layered video transmission over wireless multirate DS-CDMA links
* Learning Framework for the Automatic and Accurate Segmentation of Cardiac Tagged MRI Images, A
* Learning Hierarchical Shape Models from Examples
* Learning Multi-category Classification in Bayesian Framework
* Learning Parameter Tuning for Object Extraction
* Level Set Approach for Shape Recovery of Open Contours, A
* Linear Feature Extraction for Multiclass Classification Problems Based on Class Mean and Covariance Discriminant Information, A
* Linear Programming Matching and Appearance-Adaptive Object Tracking
* Local Adaptive Algorithm for Microaneurysms Detection in Digital Fundus Images, A
* Local Basis Representation for Estimating Human Pose from Cluttered Images, A
* Local Feature Extraction in Fingerprints by Complex Filtering
* Local or Global Minima: Flexible Dual-Front Active Contours
* Localized Iris Image Quality Using 2-D Wavelets
* Locally adaptable mathematical morphology using distance transformations
* Locally Linear Isometric Parameterization
* Locally Switching Between Cost Functions in Iterative Non-rigid Registration
* Low Bit Rate Image Compression Core for Onboard Space Applications
* Markovian Framework for Foreground-Background-Shadow Separation of Real World Video Scenes
* Matching and anatomical labeling of human airway tree
* Matching Gait Image Sequences in the Frequency Domain for Tracking People at a Distance
* Material Classification Using Morphological Pattern Spectrum for Extracting Textural Features from Material Micrographs
* Mathematical definition and analysis of the Retinex algorithm
* mathematical morphology approach to image based 3D particle shape analysis, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Biological Growth Variables
* Maximum-likelihood techniques for joint segmentation-classification of multispectral chromosome images
* Mean and Covariance Properties of Dynamic PET Reconstructions From List-Mode Data
* Measuring the Information Content of Fracture Lines
* Method and apparatus for fast block motion detection
* Method for Calibrating a Motorized Object Rig, A
* Method for exploring viewpoint and focal length of camera
* Method for Footprint Range Image Segmentation and Description, A
* Method for separating image sequences stored on supports such as motion-picture film, video tape or such like
* Method for Tracking Individual Planetary Waves in Remotely Sensed Data, A
* Minimal Weighted Local Variance as Edge Detector for Active Contour Models
* Mobile Camera-Based User Interaction
* Model Based, Anatomy Based Method for Synthesizing Iris Images, A
* Model-Based Approaches for Predicting Gait Changes over Time
* Model-Based Quality Estimation of Fingerprint Images
* Modeling Intra-class Variation for Nonideal Iris Recognition
* Modeling Uncertainties for Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval: Evaluation of a Case Study
* Modelling the Effect of View Angle Variation on Appearance-Based Gait Recognition
* Motion Compensation and Plane Tracking for Kinematic MR-Imaging
* Motion Detection in Driving Environment Using U-V-Disparity
* Motion estimation and compensation in video compression
* Motion Guided Video Sequence Synchronization
* Motion Recovery by Integrating over the Joint Image Manifold
* Movie and Video Scale-Time Equalization Application to Flicker Reduction
* Multi-camera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Motion and Shape Cues
* Multi-Layer MRF Model for Video Object Segmentation, A
* Multi-level Fusion of Audio and Visual Features for Speaker Identification
* Multi-modal Image Registration by Quantitative-Qualitative Measure of Mutual Information (Q-MI)
* Multi-scale Vessel Boundary Detection
* Multi-view Object Tracking Using Sequential Belief Propagation
* Multiframe Demosaicing and Super-Resolution of Color Images
* Multimodal Facial Gender and Ethnicity Identification
* Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction: A Survey
* Multiphase Dynamic Labeling Model for Variational Recognition-driven Image Segmentation, A
* Multiphase Level Set Based Segmentation Framework with Pose Invariant Shape Priors, A
* Multiple Range Image Registration by Matching Local Log-Polar Range Images
* Multiple Similarities Based Kernel Subspace Learning for Image Classification
* Multiple View Geometry in the Space-Time
* Multiple-Person Tracking Using a Plan-View Map with Error Estimation
* Multiregion competition: A level set extension of region competition to multiple region image partitioning
* Multiregion Level Set Tracking with Transformation Invariant Shape Priors
* Multiscale Co-linearity Statistic Based Approach to Robust Background Modeling, A
* Neighborhood size selection in the k-nearest-neighbor rule using statistical confidence
* Network-Adaptive Low-Latency Video Communication Over Best-Effort Networks
* New 3D Fourier Descriptors for Genus-Zero Mesh Objects
* New Active Contour Model: Curvature Gradient Vector Flow, A
* New Approach to Fake Finger Detection Based on Skin Distortion, A
* New Coarse-to-Fine Framework for 3D Brain MR Image Registration, A
* New Computational Way To Monte Carlo Global Illumination, A
* New Distance Criterion for Face Recognition Using Image Sets, A
* New Feature Extraction Method Using the ICA Filters for Iris Recognition System, A
* New Implicit Method for Surface Segmentation by Minimal Paths: Applications in 3D Medical Images, A
* New MR Brain Image Segmentation Using an Optimal Semi-supervised Fuzzy C-means and pdf Estimation, A
* New Representation for Human Gait Recognition: Motion Silhouettes Image (MSI), A
* New Vision Approach for Local Spectrum Features in Cervical Images via 2D Method of Geometric Restriction in Frequency Domain, A
* Non-linear Normalization Model for Iris Recognition, A
* Non-rigid Registration for Colorectal Cancer MR Images
* Nonlinear Image Representation for Efficient Perceptual Coding
* Novel fuzzy test patterns and their application in the measurement of geometric characteristics of displays
* Novel Hybrid Crypto-Biometric Authentication Scheme for ATM Based Banking Applications, A
* Novel Illumination Normalization Method for Face Recognition, A
* Novel Iris Segmentation Method for Hand-Held Capture Device, A
* novel local thresholding algorithm for trabecular bone volume fraction mapping in the limited spatial resolution regime of in vivo MRI, A
* Novel Method for Coarse Iris Classification, A
* novel model-based rate-control method for portrait video coding, A
* Novel Multifaceted Virtual Craniofacial Surgery Scheme Using Computer Vision, A
* Novel PCA-Based Bayes Classifier and Face Analysis, A
* Novel Representation and Feature Matching Algorithm for Automatic Pairwise Registration of Range Images, A
* Novel Robust Statistical Method for Background Initialization and Visual Surveillance, A
* Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking: Approach, Evaluation and Experimentation, A
* Novel Strategy for Designing Efficient Multiple Classifier, A
* Novel Unsupervised Segmentation Method for MR Brain Images Based on Fuzzy Methods, A
* Novel View Synthesis Using Locally Adaptive Depth Regularization
* Object Categorization by Compositional Graphical Models
* Object Detection Using a Cascade of 3D Models
* Object Recognition Through the Principal Component Analysis of Spatial Relationship Amongst Lines
* Object Tracking Using Background Subtraction and Motion Estimation in MPEG Videos
* Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition Using Selective LNMF Basis Images
* OK-Quantization Theory and Its Relationship to Sampling Theorem
* On using hierarchical motion history for motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* On Using Silhouettes for Camera Calibration
* On-Line Novel View Synthesis Capable of Handling Multiple Moving Objects
* One-Shot Integral Invariant Shape Priors for Variational Segmentation
* Online Signature Verification Based on Global Feature of Writing Forces
* Online Signature Verification with New Time Series Kernels for Support Vector Machines
* Online Updating Appearance Generative Mixture Model for Meanshift Tracking
* Optimized stereo reconstruction of free-form space curves based on a nonuniform rational B-spline model
* Optimized Transmission of JPEG2000 Streams Over Wireless Channels
* Optimizing the Cauchy-Schwarz PDF Distance for Information Theoretic, Non-parametric Clustering
* Outlier correction from uncalibrated image sequence using the Triangulation method
* Palmprint identification using feature-level fusion
* Parcellating the Intra-splenium Based on the Traced Fiber from Tractography
* Pattern Classification Approach to Aorta Calcium Scoring in Radiographs, A
* PCA-Based Recognition for Efficient Inpainting
* Perception Based Lighting Balance for Face Detection
* Perceptive User Interface, a Generic Approach
* Performance and Computational Complexity Optimization in Configurable Hybrid Video Coding System
* Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithms and Their Sensitivity to Severe Illumination Changes
* Performance Evaluation of Object Detection and Tracking in Video
* Person Authentication from Video of Faces: A Behavioral and Physiological Approach Using Pseudo Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models
* Phase-Based Iris Recognition Algorithm, A
* Plane-Based Calibration and Auto-calibration of a Fish-Eye Camera
* plenoptic video, The
* Polarimetric calibration of large-aperture telescopes. I. Beam-expansion method
* Polarimetric calibration of large-aperture telescopes. II. Subaperture method
* Pose Estimation Based on Gaussian Error Models
* Postflood Damage Evaluation Using Landsat TM and ETM+ Data Integrated With DEM
* Power-steering control architecture for automatic driving
* Preemptive RANSAC for live structure and motion estimation
* Preprocessing of a Fingerprint Image Captured with a Mobile Camera
* Probabilistic Modeling for Structural Change Inference
* Probabilistic Subgraph Matching Based on Convex Relaxation
* Procrustes Analysis and Moore-Penrose Inverse Based Classifiers for Face Recognition
* Pseudo Measurement Based Multiple Model Approach for Robust Player Tracking
* Pseudo-Log-Polar Fourier Transform for Image Registration
* Public Mesh Watermarking Algorithm Based On Addition Property Of Fourier Transform, A
* Quantizing Calcification in the Lumbar Aorta on 2-D Lateral X-Ray Images
* Radiometric framework for image mosaicking
* Range Adjustment for Ground-Based Radar, Derived With the Spaceborne TRMM Precipitation Radar
* Range/Domain Approximation Error-Based Approach for Fractal Image Compression, A
* Rapid 3D Face Data Acquisition Using a Color-Coded Pattern and a Stereo Camera System
* Rapid Polarizing Field Cycling in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Rate-distortion analysis for H.264/AVC video coding and its application to rate control
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Hybrid Error Control for Real-Time Packetized Video Transmission
* Rate-Distortion Performance of H.264/AVC Compared to State-of-the-Art Video Codecs
* Real-Time Adaptive Hand Motion Recognition Using a Sparse Bayesian Classifier
* Real-Time Large Disparity Range Stereo-System Using FPGAs, A
* Real-time low-complexity adaptive approach for enhanced QoS and error resilience in MPEG-2 video transport over RTP networks
* Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Soft Tissue Based on Mass-Spring and Medial Representation
* Recognize Color Face Images Using Complex Eigenfaces
* Recognize Multi-people Interaction Activity by PCA-HMMs
* Reconstruction of 3D Human Body Pose for Gait Recognition
* Recover Human Pose from Monocular Image Under Weak Perspective Projection
* Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Detection with Shadow Removal Using MRFs
* Registration of 3D Angiographic and X-Ray Images Using Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling
* Registration of partially overlapping surfaces by rejection of false point correspondences
* Registration of PET and MR Hand Volumes Using Bayesian Networks
* Regularization Operators for Natural Images Based on Nonlinear Perception Models
* Relaxation of Hard Classification Targets for LSE Minimization
* reliable advanced-join system for data multicasting in ITS networks, A
* Representing cyclic human motion using functional analysis
* Resolution-effective diameters for asymmetric-knife-edge pinhole collimators
* Resolving hand over face occlusion
* Resonance Analysis of a Circular Dipole Array Antenna in Cylindrically Layered Media for Directional Borehole Radar
* Restoring Warped Document Images through 3D Shape Modeling
* Restrictions on the three-class ideal observer's decision boundary lines
* Retraining a Novelty Detector with Impostor Patterns for Keystroke Dynamics-Based Authentication
* Retrieval of Atmospheric and Surface Parameters From Satellite Microwave Radiometers Over the Mediterranean Sea
* Retrieving Articulated 3-D Models Using Medial Surfaces and Their Graph Spectra
* Revealing the Secret of FaceHashing
* Reverse-Convex Programming for Sparse Image Codes
* Ridge-Based Fingerprint Recognition
* Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing, A
* Robust and Fast Assessment of Iris Image Quality
* Robust DFT With High Breakdown Point for Complex-Valued Impulse Noise Environment
* Robust Linear Auto-calibration of a Moving Camera from Image Sequences
* Robust Occluded Shape Recognition
* Robust Orientation Estimation Algorithm for Low Quality Fingerprints, A
* Robust Photometric Invariant Features From the Color Tensor
* Robust Structure and Motion from Outlines of Smooth Curved Surfaces
* Robustness in Motion Averaging
* Role of Statistical Models in Biometric Authentication, The
* Scalable Representation and Learning for 3D Object Recognition Using Shared Feature-Based View Clustering
* Scattering-Model-Based Speckle Filtering of Polarimetric SAR Data
* Scene Interpretation: Unified Modeling of Visual Context by Particle-Based Belief Propagation in Hierarchical Graphical Model
* Secure Multimodal Biometric Verification Scheme, A
* Segmentation and Volume Representation Based on Spheres for Non-rigid Registration
* Segmentation Informed by Manifold Learning
* Segmentation of 3D CT Volume Images Using a Single 2D Atlas
* Segmenting Brain Tumors with Conditional Random Fields and Support Vector Machines
* Segmenting Cardiopulmonary Images Using Manifold Learning with Level Sets
* Self-calibration Based 3D Information Extraction and Application in Broadcast Soccer Video
* Self-Similar Random Field Models in Discrete Space
* Semi-metric Space: A New Approach to Treat Orthogonality and Parallelism
* Sensitivity of Passive Microwave Snow Depth Retrievals to Weather Effects and Snow Evolution
* Sensor Interoperability and Fusion in Signature Verification: A Case Study Using Tablet PC
* Separation of Reflection and Transparency Using Epipolar Plane Image Analysis
* Sequence-Based Rate Control Framework for Consistent Quality Real-Time Video, A
* Shape and the Stereo Correspondence Problem
* Shape Based Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Shape Orientability
* Shape-based Adult Image Detection
* Shift-Invariant Image Denoising Using Mixture of Laplace Distributions in Wavelet-Domain
* Signal Subspace Change Detection in Averaged Multilook SAR Imagery
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Motion Recovery in 3D Cardiac Image Analysis
* Skin Detection by Near Infrared Multi-band for Driver Support System
* Smooth Foreground-Background Segmentation for Video Processing
* soft relevance framework in content-based image retrieval systems, A
* Some New Results on Non-rigid Correspondence and Classification of Curves
* Space-Time Invariants for 3D Motions from Projective Cameras
* Spatial and Temporal Analysis for Optical Imaging Data Using CWT and tICA
* Spatial processing in color reproduction
* Spatio-temporal model-assisted very low-bit-rate coding with compatibility
* Spatio-temporal Prior Shape Constraint for Level Set Segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Scalability-Based Motion-Compensated 3-D Subband/DCT Video Coding
* Spatio-temporal Segmentation Using Dominant Sets
* Spatiochromatic statistics of natural scenes: first- and second-order information and their correlational structure
* Spatiotemporal Density Feature Analysis to Detect Liver Cancer from Abdominal CT Angiography
* Specific Sensors for Face Recognition
* Speckle reduction by I-divergence regularization in optical coherence tomography
* Spectrum analysis of motion parallax in a 3D cluttered scene and application to egomotion
* Spherical-wave intensity diffraction tomography
* Stability of intersecting aircraft flows using heading-change maneuvers for conflict avoidance
* Stable Bounded Canonical Sets and Image Matching
* Statistical Evaluation Model for Minutiae-Based Automatic Fingerprint Verification Systems, A
* Statistical Shape Models Using Elastic-String Representations
* Stereo and motion correspondences using nonlinear optimization method
* Stereo for Slanted Surfaces: First Order Disparities and Normal Consistency
* Stereo Matching Algorithm Using a Simplified Trellis Diagram Iteratively and Bi-Directionally
* Stereo Matching Algorithm Using a Weighted Average of Costs Aggregated by Various Window Sizes
* Stereo Matching and 3-D Reconstruction for Optic Disk Images
* Stereo Matching by Interpolation
* Stereo Matching Using Iterated Graph Cuts and Mean Shift Filtering
* Stereo Matching with Linear Superposition of Layers
* Stochastic learning-based weak estimation of multinomial random variables and its applications to pattern recognition in non-stationary environments
* Stochastic Methods for Joint Registration, Restoration, and Interpolation of Multiple Undersampled Images
* structured light vision system for out-of-plane vibration frequencies location of a moving web, A
* Study and Improvement of Iris Location Algorithm
* Study of Detecting Social Interaction with Sensors in a Nursing Home Environment, A
* Study of Identical Twins' Palmprints for Personal Authentication, A
* Study of the SAR Signature of Internal Waves by Nonlinear Parametric Autoregressive Models
* Study on Synthetic Face Database for Performance Evaluation
* Subsampling Models and Anti-Alias Filters for 3-D Automultiscopic Displays
* Subspace distance analysis with application to adaptive Bayesian algorithm for face recognition
* Subsurface Characterization With Support Vector Machines
* Super Resolution Using Graph-Cut
* Super-Resolved Video Mosaicing for Documents Based on Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation
* Superresolution imaging from limited-aperture optical diffracted field data
* Superresolution in total internal reflection tomography
* Supervised Range-Constrained Thresholding
* Surface Interpolation by Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Based Local Ordinary Kriging
* Surface Registration Using Extended Polar Maps
* Surface-Independent Direct-Projected Augmented Reality
* Surround ImagerTM: A Multi-camera Touchless Device to Acquire 3D Rolled-Equivalent Fingerprints, The
* Symmetric Color Ratio in Spiral Architecture
* System and method for statistically comparing and matching plural sets of digital data
* System for manipulating noise in digital images
* Technology Evaluations on the TH-FACE Recognition System
* Template-Based Hand Pose Recognition Using Multiple Cues
* Terrain Classification from Aerial Data to Support Ground Vehicle Navigation
* Text-Independent Writer Identification Based on Fusion of Dynamic and Static Features
* Texture and haptic cues in slant discrimination: reliability-based cue weighting without statistically optimal cue combination
* Texture Classification Using a Novel, Soft-Set Theory Based Classification Algorithm
* Texture Features in Facial Image Analysis
* Texture Image Segmentation: An Interactive Framework Based on Adaptive Features and Transductive Learning
* Theory and Calibration for Axial Cameras
* Three-dimensional superresolution by three-zone complex pupil filters
* Topographic Feature Mapping for Head Pose Estimation with Application to Facial Gesture Interfaces
* Topologically Faithful, Tissue-Guided, Spatially Varying Meshing Strategy for Computing Patient-Specific Head Models for Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery Simulation, A
* Total Variation Based Iterative Image Reconstruction
* Total Variation Minimization and a Class of Binary MRF Models
* Towards a Guaranteed Solution to Plane-Based Self-calibration
* Tracking Body Parts of Multiple People for Multi-person Multimodal Interface
* Tracking Moving Objects in Image Sequences Using 1-D Trajectory Filter
* Tracking of Migrating and Proliferating Cells in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Imagery for Tissue Engineering
* Tracking Targets Via Particle Based Belief Propagation
* Tracking with the Kinematics of Extremal Contours
* TSVM-Based Minutiae Matching Approach for Fingerprint Verification, A
* Two Factor Face Authentication Scheme with Cancelable Feature
* Two-Dimensional Fisher Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Two-Load Radiometer Precision and Accuracy
* Uncorrelated Fisherface Approach for Face and Palmprint Recognition, An
* Unified Framework for Segmentation-Assisted Image Registration, A
* Unsupervised Extraction of Visual Attention Objects in Color Images
* Unwrapping of MR Phase Images Using a Markov Random Field Model
* Use of a Dense Surface Point Distribution Model in a Three-Stage Anatomical Shape Reconstruction from Sparse Information for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery: A Preliminary Study
* Use of Fingerprint Contact Area for Biometric Identification, The
* Using Ear Biometrics for Personal Recognition
* Using Genetic Algorithms to Find Person-Specific Gabor Feature Detectors for Face Indexing and Recognition
* Using Score Normalization to Solve the Score Variation Problem in Face Authentication
* Variable-Length Lapped Transforms With a Combination of Multiple Synthesis Filter Banks for Image Coding
* Vector near-field calculation of scanning near-field optical microscopy probes using Borgnis potentials as auxiliary functions
* Vectorial scale-based fuzzy-connected image segmentation
* Vehicle Detection Using Double Slit Camera
* Video de-interlacing by adaptive 4-field global/local motion compensated approach
* Video Filtering With Fermat Number Theoretic Transforms Using Residue Number System
* Video scene background maintenance using statistical pixel modeling
* Video Scene Interpretation Using Perceptual Prominence and Mise-en-scene Features
* Video Synthesis with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Using Motion Compensation and Image Fusion in Wavelet Domain
* View Invariance for Human Action Recognition
* View Synthesis of Scenes with Multiple Independently Translating Objects from Uncalibrated Views
* Viewpoint Determination of Image by Interpolation over Sparse Samples
* Virtual angiography for visualization and validation of computational models of aneurysm hemodynamics
* Virtual Fashion Show Using Real-Time Markerless Motion Capture
* Visibility Preprocessing For Complex 3d Scenes Using Hardware-visibility Queries
* Vision Based Game Control Method, A
* Vision Based Speech Animation Transferring with Underlying Anatomical Structure
* vision-based approach to collision prediction at traffic intersections, A
* Vision-Based Posing of 3D Virtual Actors
* Visual Surveillance Using Less ROIs of Multiple Non-calibrated Cameras
* Voronoi-Based Segmentation of Cells on Image Manifolds
* Waterfall Segmentation of Complex Scenes
* Wavelet Approximation-Based Affine Invariant Shape Representation Functions
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.