Index for cohe

Cohen Adad, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aghdam, E.K.: HiFormer: Hierarchical Multi-scale Representations Using...
     with: Azad, R.: HiFormer: Hierarchical Multi-scale Representations Using Tra...
     with: de Leener, B.: Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Ca...
     with: Heidari, M.: HiFormer: Hierarchical Multi-scale Representations Using ...
     with: Kadoury, S.: Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Cana...
     with: Kazerouni, A.: HiFormer: Hierarchical Multi-scale Representations Usin...
     with: Merhof, D.: HiFormer: Hierarchical Multi-scale Representations Using T...
     with: Soltany, M.: HiFormer: Hierarchical Multi-scale Representations Using ...
8 for Cohen Adad, J.

Cohen Bacrie, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Goussard, Y.: Regularized reconstruction in electrical impedance tomog...
     with: Guardo, R.: Regularized reconstruction in electrical impedance tomogra...

Cohen Bar, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cohen Or, D.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Cont...
     with: Giryes, R.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Contro...
     with: Metzer, G.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Contro...
     with: Richardson, E.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Co...

Cohen Duwek, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tsur, E.E.: Biologically Plausible Illusionary Contrast Perception wit...

Cohen Or, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aberman, K.: Delta Denoising Score
     with: Aberman, K.: MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data
     with: Aberman, K.: Null-text Inversion for Editing Real Images using Guided ...
     with: Alaluf, Y.: CLIPascene: Scene Sketching with Different Types and Level...
     with: Alaluf, Y.: Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image T...
     with: Alaluf, Y.: ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterative R...
     with: Alaluf, Y.: Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with Style...
     with: Amsterdamer, Y.: Toward semantic image similarity from crowdsourced cl...
     with: Arar, M.: Unsupervised Multi-Modal Image Registration via Geometry Pre...
     with: Asafi, S.: Constraints as Features
     with: Averbuch Elor, H.: Border-Peeling Clustering
     with: Averbuch Elor, H.: Co-segmentation for space-time co-located collections
     with: Averbuch Elor, H.: Localizing Object-level Shape Variations with Text-...
     with: Averbuch Elor, H.: Spherical embedding of inlier silhouette dissimilar...
     with: Avidan, S.: Boundary snapping for robust image cutouts
     with: Azar, Y.: Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image Tra...
     with: Azov, G.: FLEX: Extrinsic Parameters-free Multi-View 3D Human Motion R...
     with: Azuri, I.: Localizing Object-level Shape Variations with Text-to-Image...
     with: Bar, N.: Border-Peeling Clustering
     with: Ben Ezra, S.: Space-time image layout
     with: Bermano, A.: MRGAN: Multi-Rooted 3D Shape Representation Learning with...
     with: Bermano, A.H.: MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Sp...
     with: Bermano, A.H.: Unsupervised Multi-Modal Image Registration via Geometr...
     with: Bertholet, P.: Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
     with: Blouvshtein, L.: Outlier Detection for Robust Multi-Dimensional Scaling
     with: Brenner, O.: LARGE: Latent-Based Regression through GAN Semantics
     with: Cao, J.M.: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
     with: Cao, J.M.: ShapeConv: Shape-aware Convolutional Layer for Indoor RGB-D...
     with: Caspi, Y.: Inducing Semantic Segmentation from an Example
     with: Chen, B.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Esti...
     with: Chen, B.Q.: 2D-3D fusion for layer decomposition of urban facades
     with: Chen, B.Q.: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
     with: Chen, B.Q.: Holistic Approach for Data-Driven Object Cutout, A
     with: Chen, G.Y.: Cascaded Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-...
     with: Chen, N.: Combining color and depth for enhanced image segmentation an...
     with: Chen, T.: Extracting 3D Objects from Photographs Using 3-Sweep
     with: Chen, W.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Esti...
     with: Chen, W.Z.: Holistic Approach for Data-Driven Object Cutout, A
     with: Chen, Y.: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
     with: Chrysanthou, Y.: Data Driven Evaluation of Crowds
     with: Cohen Bar, D.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Con...
     with: Dahan, M.J.: Combining color and depth for enhanced image segmentation...
     with: Danon, D.: BalaGAN: Cross-Modal Image Translation Between Imbalanced D...
     with: Danon, D.: Single Pair Cross-Modality Super Resolution
     with: Danon, D.: Unsupervised Multi-Modal Image Registration via Geometry Pr...
     with: Ding, T.T.: EmoSet: A Large-scale Visual Emotion Dataset with Rich Att...
     with: Drori, I.: Bilateral mesh denoising
     with: Drori, I.: Example-based style synthesis
     with: Fleishman, S.: Bilateral mesh denoising
     with: Fogel, S.: Blind Visual Motif Removal From a Single Image
     with: Fogel, S.: Single Pair Cross-Modality Super Resolution
     with: Fu, C.: PU-GAN: A Point Cloud Upsampling Adversarial Network
     with: Fu, C.: PU-Net: Point Cloud Upsampling Network
     with: Fu, C.W.: EC-Net: An Edge-Aware Point Set Consolidation Network
     with: Gal, R.: LARGE: Latent-Based Regression through GAN Semantics
     with: Gal, R.: MRGAN: Multi-Rooted 3D Shape Representation Learning with Uns...
     with: Garibi, D.: Localizing Object-level Shape Variations with Text-to-Imag...
     with: Gharbi, M.: Domain Expansion of Image Generators
     with: Ginger, Y.: Unsupervised Multi-Modal Image Registration via Geometry P...
     with: Giryes, R.: Blind Visual Motif Removal From a Single Image
     with: Giryes, R.: FLEX: Extrinsic Parameters-free Multi-View 3D Human Motion...
     with: Giryes, R.: Latent-NeRF for Shape-Guided Generation of 3D Shapes and T...
     with: Giryes, R.: PointGMM: A Neural GMM Network for Point Clouds
     with: Giryes, R.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Contro...
     with: Goldberg, G.: Toward semantic image similarity from crowdsourced clust...
     with: Gong, M.L.: Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
     with: Gordon, B.: FLEX: Extrinsic Parameters-free Multi-View 3D Human Motion...
     with: Gordon, B.: MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Space
     with: Guttmann, M.: Content aware video manipulation
     with: Guttmann, M.: Non-homogeneous Content-driven Video-retargeting
     with: Guttmann, M.: Semi-automatic stereo extraction from video footage
     with: Hanocka, R.: Blind Visual Motif Removal From a Single Image
     with: Hanocka, R.: PointGMM: A Neural GMM Network for Point Clouds
     with: Hazan, T.: Co-segmentation for space-time co-located collections
     with: Heng, P.: PU-GAN: A Point Cloud Upsampling Adversarial Network
     with: Heng, P.: PU-Net: Point Cloud Upsampling Network
     with: Heng, P.A.: Cascaded Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-...
     with: Heng, P.A.: EC-Net: An Edge-Aware Point Set Consolidation Network
     with: Hertz, A.: Blind Visual Motif Removal From a Single Image
     with: Hertz, A.: Delta Denoising Score
     with: Hertz, A.: MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Space
     with: Hertz, A.: Null-text Inversion for Editing Real Images using Guided Di...
     with: Hertz, A.: PointGMM: A Neural GMM Network for Point Clouds
     with: Hu, S.M.: Extracting 3D Objects from Photographs Using 3-Sweep
     with: Hu, S.M.: Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
     with: Huang, H.: Cascaded Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D...
     with: Huang, H.: EmoSet: A Large-scale Visual Emotion Dataset with Rich Attr...
     with: Huang, H.: Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmentation
     with: Huang, H.: Patch-Based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling
     with: Huang, H.: ShapeFormer: Transformer-based Shape Completion via Sparse ...
     with: Huang, H.: Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction
     with: Huang, H.: Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
     with: Huang, H.: ZigZagNet: Fusing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Context for Object...
     with: Huang, Q.: EmoSet: A Large-scale Visual Emotion Dataset with Rich Attr...
     with: Huang, S.S.: Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
     with: Ji, Y.F.: Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmentation
     with: Ji, Y.F.: ZigZagNet: Fusing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Context for Object ...
     with: Katzir, O.: CompoNet: Learning to Generate the Unseen by Part Synthesi...
     with: Katzir, O.: Cross-domain Cascaded Deep Translation
     with: Katzir, O.: Shape-Pose Disentanglement Using SE(3)-Equivariant Vector ...
     with: Kaufman, A.: Fundamentals of Surface Voxelization
     with: Kimmel, R.: Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruct...
     with: Kleiman, Y.: Toward semantic image similarity from crowdsourced cluste...
     with: Kopf, J.: Co-segmentation for space-time co-located collections
     with: Kopf, J.: Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
     with: Lai, Y.K.: Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
     with: Leibovitch, I.: MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data
     with: Leng, H.C.: ShapeConv: Shape-aware Convolutional Layer for Indoor RGB-...
     with: Lerner, A.: Data Driven Evaluation of Crowds
     with: Li, P.Z.: MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data
     with: Li, R.: PU-GAN: A Point Cloud Upsampling Adversarial Network
     with: Li, X.: PU-GAN: A Point Cloud Upsampling Adversarial Network
     with: Li, X.: PU-Net: Point Cloud Upsampling Network
     with: Li, X.Z.: EC-Net: An Edge-Aware Point Set Consolidation Network
     with: Li, Y.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Estima...
     with: Li, Y.Y.: 2D-3D fusion for layer decomposition of urban facades
     with: Li, Y.Y.: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
     with: Li, Y.Y.: Holistic Approach for Data-Driven Object Cutout, A
     with: Li, Y.Y.: ShapeConv: Shape-aware Convolutional Layer for Indoor RGB-D ...
     with: Lin, D.: Cascaded Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D I...
     with: Lin, D.: Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmentation
     with: Lin, D.: ZigZagNet: Fusing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Context for Object S...
     with: Lin, L.Q.: ShapeFormer: Transformer-based Shape Completion via Sparse ...
     with: Lira, W.: Ganhopper: Multi-hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-image Tra...
     with: Lischinski, D.: Cross-domain Cascaded Deep Translation
     with: Lischinski, D.: CrossNet: Latent Cross-Consistency for Unpaired Image ...
     with: Lischinski, D.: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional La...
     with: Lischinski, D.: EmoSet: A Large-scale Visual Emotion Dataset with Rich...
     with: Lischinski, D.: Holistic Approach for Data-Driven Object Cutout, A
     with: Lischinski, D.: Inducing Semantic Segmentation from an Example
     with: Lischinski, D.: Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Lischinski, D.: Shape-Pose Disentanglement Using SE(3)-Equivariant Vec...
     with: Lischinski, D.: ShapeConv: Shape-aware Convolutional Layer for Indoor ...
     with: Lischinski, D.: ShapeFormer: Transformer-based Shape Completion via Sp...
     with: Lischinski, D.: StyleCLIP: Text-Driven Manipulation of StyleGAN Imagery
     with: Lischinski, D.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pos...
     with: Lischinski, D.: Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with S...
     with: Lischinski, D.: ZigZagNet: Fusing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Context for O...
     with: Littwin, E.: Spherical embedding of inlier silhouette dissimilarities
     with: Mahdavi Amiri, A.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: Merz, J.: Ganhopper: Multi-hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-image Tra...
     with: Metzer, G.: Latent-NeRF for Shape-Guided Generation of 3D Shapes and T...
     with: Metzer, G.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Contro...
     with: Mikaeili, A.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: Mitra, N.J.: 2D-3D fusion for layer decomposition of urban facades
     with: Mitra, N.J.: ShapeFormer: Transformer-based Shape Completion via Spars...
     with: Mokady, R.: Null-text Inversion for Editing Real Images using Guided D...
     with: Nitzan, Y.: Domain Expansion of Image Generators
     with: Nitzan, Y.: Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image T...
     with: Nitzan, Y.: LARGE: Latent-Based Regression through GAN Semantics
     with: Park, T.: Domain Expansion of Image Generators
     with: Patashnik, O.: BalaGAN: Cross-Modal Image Translation Between Imbalanc...
     with: Patashnik, O.: Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Imag...
     with: Patashnik, O.: Latent-NeRF for Shape-Guided Generation of 3D Shapes an...
     with: Patashnik, O.: Localizing Object-level Shape Variations with Text-to-I...
     with: Patashnik, O.: ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterativ...
     with: Patashnik, O.: StyleCLIP: Text-Driven Manipulation of StyleGAN Imagery
     with: Patashnik, O.: Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with St...
     with: Perel, O.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: Portenier, T.: Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstr...
     with: Pritch, Y.: Null-text Inversion for Editing Real Images using Guided D...
     with: Raab, S.: FLEX: Extrinsic Parameters-free Multi-View 3D Human Motion R...
     with: Raab, S.: MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data
     with: Richardson, E.: Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Ima...
     with: Richardson, E.: Latent-NeRF for Shape-Guided Generation of 3D Shapes a...
     with: Richardson, E.: Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Co...
     with: Ritchie, D.: Ganhopper: Multi-hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-image ...
     with: Safaee, M.: SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing
     with: Schnitman, Y.: Inducing Semantic Segmentation from an Example
     with: Schor, N.: CompoNet: Learning to Generate the Unseen by Part Synthesis...
     with: Sela, M.: Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction
     with: Sendik, O.: CrossNet: Latent Cross-Consistency for Unpaired Image Tran...
     with: Shacht, G.: Single Pair Cross-Modality Super Resolution
     with: Shalom, S.: Contextual Part Analogies in 3D Objects
     with: Shalom, S.: Part Analogies in Sets of Objects
     with: Shamir, A.: CLIPascene: Scene Sketching with Different Types and Level...
     with: Shamir, A.: Combining color and depth for enhanced image segmentation ...
     with: Shamir, A.: Consistent mesh partitioning and skeletonisation using the...
     with: Shamir, A.: Contextual Part Analogies in 3D Objects
     with: Shamir, A.: Data Driven Evaluation of Crowds
     with: Shamir, A.: Extracting 3D Objects from Photographs Using 3-Sweep
     with: Shamir, A.: Part Analogies in Sets of Objects
     with: Shapira, L.: Consistent mesh partitioning and skeletonisation using th...
     with: Shapira, L.: Contextual Part Analogies in 3D Objects
     with: Shapira, L.: Part Analogies in Sets of Objects
     with: Shapiro, S.: Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image ...
     with: Sharf, A.: 2D-3D fusion for layer decomposition of urban facades
     with: Shechtman, E.: Domain Expansion of Image Generators
     with: Shechtman, E.: StyleCLIP: Text-Driven Manipulation of StyleGAN Imagery
     with: Shechtman, E.: Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with St...
     with: Shen, D.G.: ZigZagNet: Fusing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Context for Objec...
     with: Shen, S.T.: ZigZagNet: Fusing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Context for Objec...
     with: Shmueli, A.: Boundary snapping for robust image cutouts
     with: Sorkine Hornung, O.: MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse...
     with: Sorkine Hornung, O.: Patch-Based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling
     with: Su, H.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Estima...
     with: Sun, M.C.: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
     with: Tevet, G.: MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Space
     with: Tu, C.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Estima...
     with: Tu, C.H.: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
     with: Tu, C.H.: ShapeConv: Shape-aware Convolutional Layer for Indoor RGB-D ...
     with: Vinker, Y.: CLIPascene: Scene Sketching with Different Types and Level...
     with: Wang, H.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Esti...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Patch-Based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling
     with: Wang, Z.: Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Esti...
     with: Wolf, L.B.: Content aware video manipulation
     with: Wolf, L.B.: Non-homogeneous Content-driven Video-retargeting
     with: Wolf, L.B.: Semi-automatic stereo extraction from video footage
     with: Wu, S.H.: Patch-Based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling
     with: Wu, S.H.: Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction
     with: Wu, S.H.: Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
     with: Wu, Z.Z.: StyleCLIP: Text-Driven Manipulation of StyleGAN Imagery
     with: Wu, Z.Z.: Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with Stylegan3
     with: Xu, H.Y.: Holistic Approach for Data-Driven Object Cutout, A
     with: Yan, X.G.: ShapeFormer: Transformer-based Shape Completion via Sparse ...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: EmoSet: A Large-scale Visual Emotion Dataset with Rich Att...
     with: Yeshurun, H.: Example-based style synthesis
     with: Yu, L.: PU-Net: Point Cloud Upsampling Network
     with: Yu, L.Q.: EC-Net: An Edge-Aware Point Set Consolidation Network
     with: Zadicario, E.: Boundary snapping for robust image cutouts
     with: Zamir, A.: Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with Styleg...
     with: Zhang, G.X.: Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
     with: Zhang, H.: BalaGAN: Cross-Modal Image Translation Between Imbalanced D...
     with: Zhang, H.: CompoNet: Learning to Generate the Unseen by Part Synthesis...
     with: Zhang, H.: Contextual Part Analogies in 3D Objects
     with: Zhang, H.: From inspired modeling to creative modeling
     with: Zhang, H.: Ganhopper: Multi-hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-image Tr...
     with: Zhang, H.: MRGAN: Multi-Rooted 3D Shape Representation Learning with U...
     with: Zhang, H.: Part Analogies in Sets of Objects
     with: Zhang, R.: Domain Expansion of Image Generators
     with: Zheng, Q.: 2D-3D fusion for layer decomposition of urban facades
     with: Zhu, J.Y.: Domain Expansion of Image Generators
     with: Zhu, Z.: Extracting 3D Objects from Photographs Using 3-Sweep
     with: Zwicker, M.: Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruc...
     with: Zwicker, M.: Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
236 for Cohen Or, D.

Cohen Sasson, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Oren, E.D.: Satellite Remote Sensing Analysis of the Qasrawet Archaeol...
     with: Stewart, C.: Satellite Remote Sensing Analysis of the Qasrawet Archaeo...

Cohen Solal, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbo, A.A.: Real Time Skin Region Detection with a Single-chip Digital...
     with: Brodsky, T.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal i...
     with: Cohen, R.A.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal i...
     with: Colmenarez, A.: Computer Vision System for On-Screen Item Selection by...
     with: Gutchess, D.: Background Model Initialization Algorithm for Video Surv...
     with: Jain, A.K.: Background Model Initialization Algorithm for Video Survei...
     with: Kleihorst, R.P.: Real Time Skin Region Detection with a Single-chip Di...
     with: Lee, M.: Real Time Skin Region Detection with a Single-chip Digital Ca...
     with: Lee, M.S.: Computer Vision System for On-Screen Item Selection by Fing...
     with: Lyons, D.M.: Background Model Initialization Algorithm for Video Surve...
     with: Lyons, D.M.: Computer Vision System for On-Screen Item Selection by Fi...
     with: Lyons, D.M.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal i...
     with: Lyons, D.M.: Method and apparatus to reduce false alarms in exit/entra...
     with: Lyons, D.M.: Method for assisting an automated video tracking system i...
     with: Philomin, V.: Identification and evaluation of audience exposure to lo...
     with: Trajkovic, M.: Background Model Initialization Algorithm for Video Sur...
     with: Trajkovic, M.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal...
     with: Trajkovic, M.: Method for assisting an automated video tracking system...
     with: Weinshall, D.: Computer Vision System for On-Screen Item Selection by ...
19 for Cohen Solal, E.

Cohen Steiner, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alliez, P.: Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
     with: Alliez, P.: Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction and Simplificati...
     with: Da, F.: greedy Delaunay-based surface reconstruction algorithm, A
     with: de Goes, F.: Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction and Simplificat...
     with: Desbrun, M.: Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
     with: Desbrun, M.: Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction and Simplificat...
     with: Devillers, O.: Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
     with: Digne, J.: Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction and Simplificatio...
     with: Levy, B.: Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
9 for Cohen Steiner, D.

Cohen Zada, A.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karnieli, A.: Using the VENµS Super-Spectral Camera for detecting movi...
     with: Salvoldi, M.: Using the VENµS Super-Spectral Camera for detecting movi...

Cohen, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amat, S.: Tensor product multiresolution analysis with error control f...
     with: Angst, R.: Joint 3D Scene Reconstruction and Class Segmentation
     with: Arandiga, F.: Edge adapted nonlinear multiscale transforms for compact...
     with: Arandiga, F.: Edge detection insensitive to changes of illumination in...
     with: Arandiga, F.: Tensor product multiresolution analysis with error contr...
     with: Bruckstein, A.M.: Subdivision Scheme for Continuous-Scale B-Splines an...
     with: Camposeco, F.: Hybrid Camera Pose Estimation
     with: Camposeco, F.: Hybrid Scene Compression for Visual Localization
     with: Camposeco, F.: Toroidal Constraints for Two-Point Localization Under H...
     with: Carmi, M.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video denoi...
     with: Chan, R.H.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue in Memory of Mila Nikolova
     with: Cohen, E.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video denoi...
     with: Coquet, M.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser Scann...
     with: de Saint Martin, F.M.: Biorthogonal Filterbanks and Energy Preservatio...
     with: de Schipper, M.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser ...
     with: de Vries, S.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser Sca...
     with: Dickinson, S.J.: 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
     with: Doblas, M.: Edge adapted nonlinear multiscale transforms for compact i...
     with: Donat, R.: Edge detection insensitive to changes of illumination in th...
     with: Donat, R.: Tensor product multiresolution analysis with error control ...
     with: Duijnmayer, K.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser S...
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Clutter Removal in Sub-Nyquist Radar
     with: Fadili, J.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue in Memory of Mila Nikolova
     with: Frahm, J.M.: Indoor-Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Alignment
     with: Funk, C.: 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
     with: Geiger, A.: Toroidal Constraints for Two-Point Localization Under High...
     with: Hadar, O.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video denoi...
     with: Haimi Cohen, R.: Gradient-Type Algorithms for Partial Singular Value D...
     with: Hane, C.: Dense Semantic 3D Reconstruction
     with: Hane, C.: Joint 3D Scene Reconstruction and Class Segmentation
     with: Heiman, R.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video deno...
     with: Hejbudzka, K.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser Sc...
     with: Hero, A.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue in Memory of Mila Nikolova
     with: Kovacevic, J.: Wavelets: The Mathematical Background
     with: Lee, S.: 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
     with: Levi, R.: Clutter Removal in Sub-Nyquist Radar
     with: Lindenbergh, R.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser ...
     with: Liu, Y.: 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
     with: Matei, B.: Compact Representation of Images by Edge Adapted Multiscale...
     with: Matei, B.: Edge adapted nonlinear multiscale transforms for compact im...
     with: Matei, B.: Edge detection insensitive to changes of illumination in th...
     with: Meurie, C.: Efficient Combination of Texture and Color Information for...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Anisotropic Smoothness Classes: From Finite Element Ap...
     with: Oswald, M.R.: 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
     with: Oswald, M.R.: Symmetry Prior for Convex Variational 3D Reconstruction, A
     with: Pavlovic, V.: efficient IP approach to constrained multiple face track...
     with: Pavlovic, V.: Reinforcement Learning for Robust and Efficient Real-Wor...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Dense Semantic 3D Reconstruction
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Discovering and exploiting 3D symmetries in structure f...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Efficient Structured Parsing of Facades Using Dynamic P...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Hybrid Camera Pose Estimation
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Hybrid Scene Compression for Visual Localization
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Indoor-Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Alignment
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Joint 3D Scene Reconstruction and Class Segmentation
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Merging the Unmatchable: Stitching Visually Disconnecte...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Symmetry Prior for Convex Variational 3D Reconstruction...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Toroidal Constraints for Two-Point Localization Under H...
     with: Rivlin, E.: Colon Biopsy Classification Using Crypt Architecture
     with: Ruichek, Y.: Efficient Combination of Texture and Color Information fo...
     with: Sabo, E.: Colon Biopsy Classification Using Crypt Architecture
     with: Sapiro, G.: Subdivision Scheme for Continuous-Scale B-Splines and Affi...
     with: Sattler, T.: Hybrid Camera Pose Estimation
     with: Sattler, T.: Hybrid Scene Compression for Visual Localization
     with: Sattler, T.: Indoor-Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Alignment
     with: Sattler, T.: Merging the Unmatchable: Stitching Visually Disconnected ...
     with: Sattler, T.: Toroidal Constraints for Two-Point Localization Under Hig...
     with: Schonberger, J.L.: Indoor-Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Alignment
     with: Schwing, A.G.: Efficient Structured Parsing of Facades Using Dynamic P...
     with: Shen, W.: 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Colon Biopsy Classification Using Crypt Architecture
     with: Sinha, S.N.: Discovering and exploiting 3D symmetries in structure fro...
     with: Siohan, P.: Biorthogonal Filterbanks and Energy Preservation Property ...
     with: Soudarissanane, S.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Las...
     with: Speciale, P.: Indoor-Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Alignment
     with: Speciale, P.: Symmetry Prior for Convex Variational 3D Reconstruction, A
     with: Steidl, G.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue in Memory of Mila Nikolova
     with: Tsogkas, S.: 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
     with: van Goor, B.: Eolian Sand Transport Monitored By Terrestrial Laser Sca...
     with: Zach, C.: Dense Semantic 3D Reconstruction
     with: Zach, C.: Discovering and exploiting 3D symmetries in structure from m...
     with: Zach, C.: Joint 3D Scene Reconstruction and Class Segmentation
     with: Zach, C.: Likelihood-Ratio Test and Efficient Robust Estimation, The
82 for Cohen, A.

Cohen, A.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afacan, O.: Reducing the Effects of Motion Artifacts in fMRI: A Struct...
     with: Balachandrasekaran, A.: Reducing the Effects of Motion Artifacts in fM...
     with: Gholipour, A.: Reducing the Effects of Motion Artifacts in fMRI: A Str...
     with: Warfield, S.K.: Reducing the Effects of Motion Artifacts in fMRI: A St...

Cohen, A.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Farrar, E.M.: Urban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potential...
     with: Fernando, C.: Initial Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of ...
     with: Reiche, C.: Initial Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of Ur...
     with: Shaheen, S.A.: Urban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potentia...

Cohen, A.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aguinaldo, A.: Separating Touching Cells Using Pixel Replicated Ellipt...
     with: Apostolopoulou, M.: Measuring Process Dynamics and Nuclear Migration f...
     with: Banker, G.: Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Image Seq...
     with: Bjornsson, C.S.: Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Imag...
     with: de la Hoz, E.C.: Measuring Process Dynamics and Nuclear Migration for ...
     with: de la Hoz, E.C.: Separating Touching Cells Using Pixel Replicated Elli...
     with: Mankowski, W.: Separating Touching Cells Using Pixel Replicated Ellipt...
     with: Roysam, B.: Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Image Seq...
     with: Temple, S.: Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Image Seq...
     with: Temple, S.: Measuring Process Dynamics and Nuclear Migration for Clone...
     with: Vitanyi, P.M.B.: Cluster Structure Function, The
     with: Vitanyi, P.M.B.: Normalized Compression Distance of Multisets with App...
     with: Wait, E.: Separating Touching Cells Using Pixel Replicated Elliptical ...
     with: Winter, M.: Separating Touching Cells Using Pixel Replicated Elliptica...
     with: Winter, M.R.: Measuring Process Dynamics and Nuclear Migration for Clo...
15 for Cohen, A.R.

Cohen, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arkushin, D.: GEFF: Improving Any Clothes-Changing Person ReID Model U...
     with: Avrin, V.: Generation of a Restored Image from a Video Sequence Record...
     with: Barnes, C.: Where and Who? Automatic Semantic-Aware Person Composition
     with: Belitsky, M.: Generation of a Restored Image from a Video Sequence Rec...
     with: Bernier, C.: Where and Who? Automatic Semantic-Aware Person Composition
     with: Bishop, R.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultati...
     with: Blackwell, W.J.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occu...
     with: Cahoy, K.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultatio...
     with: Crail, C.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultatio...
     with: Cucurull, L.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occulta...
     with: Dave, P.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultation...
     with: di Liberto, M.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occul...
     with: Dinstein, I.: Computerized Classification of Color Textured Perthite I...
     with: Dinstein, I.: Detection of the Presence of Aliasing in Digital Image S...
     with: Dinstein, I.: Generation of a Restored Image from a Video Sequence Rec...
     with: Dinstein, I.: Motion Estimation in Noisy Ultrasound Images by Maximum ...
     with: Dinstein, I.: New maximum likelihood motion estimation schemes for noi...
     with: Dinstein, I.: Polyphase back-projection filtering for image resolution...
     with: Dinstein, I.: System for Computerized Classification of Color Textured...
     with: Erickson, N.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occulta...
     with: Eyal, M.: Computerized Classification of Color Textured Perthite Images
     with: Eyal, M.: System for Computerized Classification of Color Textured Per...
     with: Fish, C.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultation...
     with: Fried, O.: GEFF: Improving Any Clothes-Changing Person ReID Model Usin...
     with: Ho, S.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultation M...
     with: Leslie, R.V.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occulta...
     with: Milstein, A.B.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occul...
     with: Ordonez, V.: Where and Who? Automatic Semantic-Aware Person Composition
     with: Osaretin, I.A.: Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occul...
     with: Peleg, S.: GEFF: Improving Any Clothes-Changing Person ReID Model Usin...
     with: Sammut, C.: Object recognition and concept learning with CONFUCIUS
     with: Tan, F.: Where and Who? Automatic Semantic-Aware Person Composition
32 for Cohen, B.

Cohen, C.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beach, G.: 3D camera identification for enabling robotic manipulation
     with: Beach, G.: Automatic Target Classifier using Model Based Image Process...
     with: Beach, G.: NaviGaze: enabling access to digital media for the profound...
     with: Beach, G.: Projectile identification system
     with: Beach, G.: Quantum image processing (QuIP)
     with: Beach, G.: Template matching localization for GPS denied environments
     with: Beach, G.J.: Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines a...
     with: Beach, G.J.: Real-time head tracking system for computer games and oth...
     with: Burkowski, L.: Template matching localization for GPS denied environme...
     with: Cavell, B.: Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines an...
     with: Conway, L.: Dynamical system representation, generation, and recogniti...
     with: Conway, L.: Video Mirroring and Iconic Gestures: Enhancing Basic Video...
     with: Foulk, G.: Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines and...
     with: Haanpaa, D.: 3D camera identification for enabling robotic manipulation
     with: Haanpaa, D.: Automatic Target Classifier using Model Based Image Proce...
     with: Haanpaa, D.: Machine vision algorithms for robust animal species ident...
     with: Haanpaa, D.: Vision algorithms for automated census of animals
     with: Henry, M.: Projectile identification system
     with: Huber, M.J.: Behavior recognition architecture for surveillance applic...
     with: Jacobus, C.J.: Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines...
     with: Jacobus, C.J.: Real-time head tracking system for computer games and o...
     with: Koditschek, D.: Dynamical system representation, generation, and recog...
     with: Lomont, C.: Quantum image processing (QuIP)
     with: Mahal, P.: 3D camera identification for enabling robotic manipulation
     with: Mahal, P.: Template matching localization for GPS denied environments
     with: Moody, G.: NaviGaze: enabling access to digital media for the profound...
     with: Moody, G.: Projectile identification system
     with: Morelli, F.: Behavior recognition architecture for surveillance applic...
     with: O'Grady, R.: NaviGaze: enabling access to digital media for the profou...
     with: Obermark, J.: Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines ...
     with: Paul, G.V.: Gesture-controlled interfaces for self-service machines an...
     with: Paul, G.V.: Real-time head tracking system for computer games and othe...
     with: Rowe, S.: 3D camera identification for enabling robotic manipulation
     with: Rowe, S.: Template matching localization for GPS denied environments
     with: Rowe, S.: Vision algorithms for automated census of animals
     with: Rowe, S.C.: Behavior recognition architecture for surveillance applica...
     with: Scott, K.A.: Behavior recognition architecture for surveillance applic...
     with: Zott, J.P.: Machine vision algorithms for robust animal species identi...
     with: Zott, J.P.: Vision algorithms for automated census of animals
45 for Cohen, C.J.

Cohen, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aigrain, J.: Multimodal Stress Detection from Multiple Assessments
     with: Anzalone, S.M.: Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-r...
     with: Bailly, K.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to A...
     with: Billeci, L.: Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-robo...
     with: Boucenna, S.: Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-rob...
     with: Bourgeois, J.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How t...
     with: Bourvis, N.: Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones during ...
     with: Chen, L.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to Ade...
     with: Chetouani, M.: Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones durin...
     with: Chetouani, M.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Methods...
     with: Chetouani, M.: Multimodal Stress Detection from Multiple Assessments
     with: Chetouani, M.: Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-ro...
     with: Dapogny, A.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to ...
     with: Delaherche, E.: Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones duri...
     with: Delaherche, E.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Method...
     with: Detyniecki, M.: Multimodal Stress Detection from Multiple Assessments
     with: Ding, H.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to Ade...
     with: Dubuiss, S.: Multimodal Stress Detection from Multiple Assessments
     with: Dubuisson, S.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How t...
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Sub-Nyquist Radar Systems: Temporal, Spectral, and Spatia...
     with: Elidan, G.: Multi-Class Segmentation with Relative Location Prior
     with: Feldman, R.: Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones during ...
     with: Foulon, P.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to A...
     with: Gould, S.: Multi-Class Segmentation with Relative Location Prior
     with: Grossard, C.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to...
     with: Grynszpan, O.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How t...
     with: Hun, S.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to Adeq...
     with: Jean Marie, H.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How ...
     with: Koller, D.: Multi-Class Segmentation with Relative Location Prior
     with: Mahdhaoui, A.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Methods...
     with: Muratori, F.: Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-rob...
     with: Narzisi, A.: Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-robo...
     with: Rodgers, J.: Multi-Class Segmentation with Relative Location Prior
     with: Saint Georges, C.: Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones d...
     with: Saint Georges, C.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Met...
     with: Serret, S.: JEMImE: A Serious Game to Teach Children with ASD How to A...
     with: Spodenkiewicz, M.: Multimodal Stress Detection from Multiple Assessments
     with: Viaux, S.: Interpersonal Synchrony: A Survey of Evaluation Methods acr...
     with: Weisman, O.: Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones during ...
     with: Xavier, J.: Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-robot...
     with: Zagoory Sharon, O.: Dynamics of Non-Verbal Vocalizations and Hormones ...
41 for Cohen, D.

Cohen, D.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fernandez, E.A.: SVMTOCP: A Binary Tree Base SVM Approach through Opti...

Cohen, D.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Heyman, D.P.: Performance modeling of video teleconferencing in ATM ne...

Cohen, D.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hallinan, P.W.: Feature Extraction from Faces Using Deformable Templates
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Feature Extraction from Faces Using Deformable Templates

Cohen, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arbel, D.: Landsat TM Satellite Image Restoration Using Kalman Filters
     with: Bendidi, I.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High C...
     with: Blumberg, D.G.: Landsat TM Satellite Image Restoration Using Kalman Fi...
     with: Bollot, G.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High Co...
     with: Carmi, M.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video denoi...
     with: Chen, X.M.: Theoretically Based Robust Algorithms for Tracking Interse...
     with: Chen, X.M.: Tracking Point-Curve Critical Distances
     with: Citroen, M.: Landsat TM Satellite Image Restoration Using Kalman Filters
     with: Cohen, A.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video denoi...
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation a...
     with: Cullen, P.: Blackboard-Based Approach to Handwritten Zip Code Recognit...
     with: Damon, J.N.: Theoretically Based Robust Algorithms for Tracking Inters...
     with: Daniels, J.: Surface Creation and Curve Deformations Between Two Compl...
     with: Deffieux, T.: Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation ...
     with: Elber, G.: Simultaneous Precise Solutions to the Visibility Problem of...
     with: Genovesio, A.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High...
     with: Hadar, O.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video denoi...
     with: Heiman, R.: When physics meets signal processing: Image and video deno...
     with: Hull, J.J.: Blackboard-Based Approach to Handwritten Zip Code Recognit...
     with: Hull, J.J.: Control-Structure for Interpreting Handwritten Addresses
     with: Hull, J.J.: Understanding Handwritten Text in a Structured Environment
     with: Jeong, W.K.: Curvature-based anisotropic geodesic distance computation...
     with: Keshet, J.: Speech Time-Scale Modification With GANs
     with: Kopeika, N.S.: Landsat TM Satellite Image Restoration Using Kalman Fil...
     with: Kreuk, F.: Speech Time-Scale Modification With GANs
     with: Kuan, L.: Blackboard-Based Approach to Handwritten Zip Code Recognitio...
     with: Lyche, T.: Discrete B-splines and subdivision techniques in computer-a...
     with: Masud, U.: Comparison of Semi-supervised Learning Methods for High Con...
     with: Musuvathy, S.: Extracting Principal Curvature Ridges from B-Spline Sur...
     with: Palumbo, P.W.: Blackboard-Based Approach to Handwritten Zip Code Recog...
     with: Riesenfeld, R.F.: Discrete B-splines and subdivision techniques in com...
     with: Riesenfeld, R.F.: incompatibility projector based on an interpolant of...
     with: Riesenfeld, R.F.: Theoretically Based Robust Algorithms for Tracking I...
     with: Riesenfeld, R.F.: Tracking Point-Curve Critical Distances
     with: Seni, G.: External Word Segmentation of Off-Line Handwritten Text Lines
     with: Seong, J.K.: Curvature-based anisotropic geodesic distance computation...
     with: Seong, J.K.: Simultaneous Precise Solutions to the Visibility Problem ...
     with: Srihari, S.N.: Blackboard-Based Approach to Handwritten Zip Code Recog...
     with: Srihari, S.N.: Control-Structure for Interpreting Handwritten Addresses
     with: Srihari, S.N.: Understanding Handwritten Text in a Structured Environm...
     with: Tanter, M.: Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation an...
     with: Wolfson, H.J.: Partial Matching of 3-D Objects in CAD/CAM Systems
     with: Yitzhaky, Y.: No-reference assessment of blur and noise impacts on ima...
43 for Cohen, E.

Cohen, E.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acciavatti, R.J.: Non-Isocentric Geometry for Next-Generation Tomosynt...
     with: Barufaldi, B.: Non-Isocentric Geometry for Next-Generation Tomosynthes...
     with: Choi, C.J.: Non-Isocentric Geometry for Next-Generation Tomosynthesis ...
     with: Maidment, A.D.A.: Non-Isocentric Geometry for Next-Generation Tomosynt...
     with: Vent, T.L.: Non-Isocentric Geometry for Next-Generation Tomosynthesis ...
     with: Wileyto, E.P.: Non-Isocentric Geometry for Next-Generation Tomosynthes...

Cohen, E.A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kim, D.: Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Point Based Image Registration Wit...
     with: Ober, R.J.: Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Point Based Image Registration ...

Cohen, E.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buler, J.J.: Artificial Light at Night is Related to Broad-Scale Stopo...
     with: Buler, J.J.: Broad-Scale Weather Patterns Encountered during Flight In...
     with: Cabrera Cruz, S.A.: Artificial Light at Night is Related to Broad-Scal...
     with: Clipp, H.L.: Broad-Scale Weather Patterns Encountered during Flight In...
     with: Farnsworth, A.: Broad-Scale Weather Patterns Encountered during Flight...
     with: Horton, K.G.: Broad-Scale Weather Patterns Encountered during Flight I...
     with: Smolinsky, J.A.: Artificial Light at Night is Related to Broad-Scale S...
     with: Smolinsky, J.A.: Broad-Scale Weather Patterns Encountered during Fligh...
8 for Cohen, E.B.

Cohen, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, C.X.: 3D Articulated Body Model Using Anthropometric Control Point...
     with: Li, C.X.: Iris Identification in 3D
     with: Liu, Z.X.: Reconstructing Archeological Vessels by Fusing Surface Mark...
     with: Sowmithran, S.: Iris Identification in 3D
     with: Zhang, Z.C.: Reconstructing Archeological Vessels by Fusing Surface Ma...

Cohen, F.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali, W.S.I.: 3D Geometric Invariant Alignment of Surfaces with Applica...
     with: Attali, S.: Automated Inspection of Textile Fabrics Using Textural Mod...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Decision Theoretic Approach for 3-D Vision, A
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Implementation, Interpretation, and Analysis of a Subopt...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Real Time Textured Image Segmentation Based on Noncausal...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Simple Parallel Hierarchical and Relaxation Algorithms f...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Simple Parallel Hierarchical and Relaxation Algorithms f...
     with: Elliott, H.: Implementation, Interpretation, and Analysis of a Subopti...
     with: Fan, Z.: Automated Inspection of Textile Fabrics Using Textural Models
     with: Fan, Z.: Classification of Rotated and Scaled Textured Images Using Ga...
     with: Fan, Z.: Maximum Likelihood Unsupervised Textured Image Segmentation
     with: Georgiou, G.: Detecting and estimating structure regularity of soft ti...
     with: Georgiou, G.: Is early detection of liver and breast cancers from ultr...
     with: Hinkle, E.B.: Simple Parallel Hierarchical and Relaxation Algorithms f...
     with: Huang, Z.: 3-D Motion Estimation and Object Tracking Using B-Spline Cu...
     with: Huang, Z.H.: Affine-Invariant B-Spline Moments For Curve Matching
     with: Huang, Z.H.: Affine-Invariant B-Spline Weighted Moments for Object Rec...
     with: Huang, Z.H.: Affine-Invariant Moments and B-Splines for Object Recogni...
     with: Huang, Z.H.: Curve Recognition Using B-Spline Representation
     with: Huang, Z.H.: Invariant Matching and Identification of Curves Using B-S...
     with: Iampa, W.: Fingerprint Verification and Identification Based on Local ...
     with: Ibrahim, W.: Ordering and Parameterizing Scattered 3D Data for B-Splin...
     with: Jeppson, P.: Virtual reconstruction of archaeological vessels using co...
     with: Liu, Z.X.: Virtual reconstruction of archaeological vessels using expe...
     with: Muschio, G.: Virtual reconstruction of archaeological vessels using ex...
     with: Patel, M.A.S.: Classification of Rotated and Scaled Textured Images Us...
     with: Patel, M.A.S.: Local Surface Shape Estimation of 3-D Textured Surfaces...
     with: Patel, M.A.S.: Shape from Texture Using Markov Random Field Models and...
     with: Pintavirooj, C.: Fingerprint Verification and Identification Based on ...
     with: Pintavirooj, C.: Ordering and Parameterizing Scattered 3D Data for B-S...
     with: Rimey, R.D.: Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Segmenting Range Data, A
     with: Silverman, J.F.: Simple Parallel Hierarchical and Relaxation Algorithm...
     with: Symosek, P.F.: Implementation, Interpretation, and Analysis of a Subop...
     with: Taslidere, E.: Virtual reconstruction of archaeological vessels using ...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: 3-D Recognition and Shape Estimation from Image Contours U...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Part I: Modeling Image Curves Using Invariant 3-D Object C...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Part II: 3-D Object Recognition and Shape Estimation from ...
     with: Yang, Z.W.: Cross-Weighted Moments and Affine Invariants for Image Reg...
     with: Yang, Z.W.: Curve Recognition Using B-Spline Representation
     with: Yang, Z.W.: Image Registration and Object Recognition Using Affine Inv...
     with: Yang, Z.W.: Invariant Matching and Identification of Curves Using B-Sp...
     with: Zhang, C.P.: Component-Based Active Appearance Models for Face Modelling
     with: Zhang, C.P.: Constrained Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Morphable A...
     with: Zhang, C.Z.: 3-D face structure extraction and recognition from images...
     with: Zhang, C.Z.: Face shape extraction and recognition using 3D morphing a...
     with: Zhang, Z.C.: Virtual reconstruction of archaeological vessels using co...
50 for Cohen, F.S.

Cohen, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afshar, S.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphic E...
     with: Arja, S.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphic Ear...
     with: Balthazor, R.L.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorp...
     with: Bringer, J.: Optimal Iris Fuzzy Sketches
     with: Chabanne, H.: Optimal Iris Fuzzy Sketches
     with: Francos, J.M.: Decoupled Linear Estimation of Affine Geometric Deforma...
     with: Francos, J.M.: Joint segmentation and registration of elastically defo...
     with: Giryes, R.: Detecting Adversarial Samples Using Influence Functions an...
     with: Giryes, R.: Membership Inference Attack Using Self Influence Functions
     with: Giryes, R.: Simple Post-Training Robustness using Test Time Augmentati...
     with: Hagege, R.R.: Decoupled Linear Estimation of Affine Geometric Deformat...
     with: Hagege, R.R.: Joint segmentation and registration of elastically defor...
     with: Kindarji, B.: Optimal Iris Fuzzy Sketches
     with: Kovalsky, S.Z.: Decoupled Linear Estimation of Affine Geometric Deform...
     with: Marcireau, A.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphi...
     with: McHarg, M.G.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphic...
     with: Oron, S.: Road Scene Understanding by Occupancy Grid Learning from Spa...
     with: Sapiro, G.: Detecting Adversarial Samples Using Influence Functions an...
     with: Shlomo, B.E.: Road Scene Understanding by Occupancy Grid Learning from...
     with: Sless, L.: Road Scene Understanding by Occupancy Grid Learning from Sp...
     with: Weinshall, D.: Hidden Layers in Perceptual Learning
     with: Zemor, G.: Optimal Iris Fuzzy Sketches
22 for Cohen, G.

Cohen, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blumberg, D.G.: Evaluation of Manning's n Roughness Coefficient in Ari...
     with: Maman, S.: Evaluation of Manning's n Roughness Coefficient in Arid Env...
     with: Sadeh, Y.: Evaluation of Manning's n Roughness Coefficient in Arid Env...

Cohen, H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pissaloux, E.E.: new approach to object recognition in textured images...
     with: Shen, H.: Efficient Parallel Texture Classification for Image Retrieva...
     with: You, J.: Classification and Segmentation of Rotated and Scaled Texture...
     with: You, J.: Efficient Parallel Texture Classification for Image Retrieval...
     with: You, J.: Multi-Resolution Texture Classifier Based on Multi-Resolution...
     with: You, J.: new approach to object recognition in textured images, A
     with: You, J.: orientation and resolution independent texture classifier in ...
7 for Cohen, H.A.

Cohen, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayache, N.: Adaptive Meshes and Nonrigid Motion Computation
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Introducing New Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3D Images
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Tracking Points on Deformable Objects Using Curvature In...
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Tracking Points on Deformables Objects
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Using Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3-D Images and Infe...
     with: Azencot, O.: Modes of Homogeneous Gradient Flows
     with: Barros, R.M.L.: Tracking soccer players using the graph representation
     with: Baud, O.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound Dat...
     with: Benayoun, S.: Adaptive Meshes and Nonrigid Motion Computation
     with: Benesty, J.: Beamforming With Small-Spacing Microphone Arrays Using Co...
     with: Benesty, J.: Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Multi...
     with: Benesty, J.: Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Based on a Kronecke...
     with: Bergel, A.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound D...
     with: Berkov, T.: Total-variation Mode Decomposition
     with: Berroir, J.P.: Non-rigid Motion without Relying on Local Features: A S...
     with: Berroir, J.P.: Numerical Model for Large Deformation, A
     with: Biran, V.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound Da...
     with: Bouzidi, S.: Detection and Tracking of Vortices on Oceanographic Images
     with: Bremond, F.: Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
     with: Chen, J.: Beamforming With Small-Spacing Microphone Arrays Using Const...
     with: Chen, J.: Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Multicha...
     with: Chen, J.: Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Based on a Kronecker P...
     with: Chen, L.S.: Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Tempor...
     with: Choe, T.E.: 3-D Shape Reconstruction of Retinal Fundus
     with: Choe, T.E.: Optimal Global Mosaic Generation from Retinal Images
     with: Choe, T.E.: Registration of Multimodal Fluorescein Images Sequence of ...
     with: Chu, C.W.: Posture and Gesture Recognition using 3D Body Shapes Decomp...
     with: Cirelo, M.C.: Learning Bayesian network classifiers for facial express...
     with: Cirelo, M.C.: Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorith...
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Deformable Models for 3D Medical Images Using Finite Elem...
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Finite Element Method Applied to New Active Contour Model...
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Finite-Element Methods for Active Contour Models and Ball...
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Hybrid Hyperquadric Model for 2-D and 3-D Data Fitting, A
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Introducing New Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3D Images
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Using a Finite Element Method for Active Contour Models a...
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Using Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3-D Images and Infer...
     with: Correas, J.M.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasoun...
     with: Cozman, F.G.: Learning Bayesian network classifiers for facial express...
     with: Cozman, F.G.: Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorith...
     with: Deffieux, T.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound...
     with: Demene, C.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound D...
     with: Elad, M.: Facial Image Compression using Patch-Ordering-Based Adaptive...
     with: Elad, M.: Image Processing Using Smooth Ordering of its Patches
     with: Elad, M.: Patch-Ordering-Based Wavelet Frame and Its Use in Inverse Pr...
     with: Elad, M.: Redundant Wavelets on Graphs and High Dimensional Data Clouds
     with: Falik, A.: Stable Explicit p-Laplacian Flows Based on Nonlinear Eigenv...
     with: Figueroa, P.J.: Tracking soccer players using the graph representation
     with: Fink, M.: In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Using S...
     with: Franqui, S.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound ...
     with: Frey, B.J.: Enforcing Integrability for Surface Reconstruction Algorit...
     with: Gabso, O.: Differentiable Mean Opinion Score Regularization for Percep...
     with: Gajera, K.: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from Overlapping ...
     with: Garg, A.: Emotion recognition using a cauchy naive bayes classifier
     with: Garg, A.: Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal...
     with: Garg, A.: Vision-based Overhead View Person Recognition
     with: Gennisson, J.L.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultraso...
     with: Gevers, T.: Authentic facial expression analysis
     with: Gevers, T.: Emotion Recognition Based on Joint Visual and Audio Cues
     with: Gevers, T.: Semi-Supervised Face Detection
     with: Gevers, T.: Skin detection A bayesian network approach
     with: Gilboa, G.: BASiS: Batch Aligned Spectral Embedding Space
     with: Gilboa, G.: Modes of Homogeneous Gradient Flows
     with: Gilboa, G.: Stable Explicit p-Laplacian Flows Based on Nonlinear Eigen...
     with: Gilboa, G.: Total-variation Mode Decomposition
     with: Gordon, D.: Voxel-Sweep: A Boundary-based Algorithm for Object Segment...
     with: Herlin, I.: Curves Matching Using Geodesic Paths
     with: Herlin, I.: Detection and Tracking of Vortices on Oceanographic Images
     with: Herlin, I.: General Surface Matching Model: Application to Ground Evol...
     with: Herlin, I.: Geodesic Distance Evolution of Surfaces: A New Method for ...
     with: Herlin, I.: Matching Structures by Computing Minimal Paths on a Manifold
     with: Herlin, I.: Motion Computation and Interpretation Framework for Oceano...
     with: Herlin, I.: Non Uniform Multiresolution Method for Optical Flow and Ph...
     with: Herlin, I.: Non-rigid Motion without Relying on Local Features: A Surf...
     with: Herlin, I.: Numerical Model for Large Deformation, A
     with: Herlin, I.: Optical Flow and Phase Portrait Methods for Environmental ...
     with: Herlin, I.: Surface Matching with Large Deformations and Arbitrary Top...
     with: Herlin, I.: Tracking Meteorological Structures Through Curve Matching ...
     with: Heroor, S.: Affine layer segmentation and adjacency graphs for vortex ...
     with: Hongeng, S.: Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
     with: Huang, G.: Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Multich...
     with: Huang, G.: Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Based on a Kronecker ...
     with: Huang, T.S.: Authentic facial expression analysis
     with: Huang, T.S.: Emotion Recognition Based on Joint Visual and Audio Cues
     with: Huang, T.S.: Emotion recognition using a cauchy naive bayes classifier
     with: Huang, T.S.: Enforcing Integrability for Surface Reconstruction Algori...
     with: Huang, T.S.: Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Tempo...
     with: Huang, T.S.: Learning Bayesian network classifiers for facial expressi...
     with: Huang, T.S.: Semi-Supervised Face Detection
     with: Huang, T.S.: Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorithm...
     with: Huang, T.S.: Skin detection A bayesian network approach
     with: Huang, T.S.: Vision-based Overhead View Person Recognition
     with: Huot, E.: General Surface Matching Model: Application to Ground Evolut...
     with: Huot, E.: Geodesic Distance Evolution of Surfaces: A New Method for Ma...
     with: Huot, E.: Matching Structures by Computing Minimal Paths on a Manifold
     with: Huot, E.: Surface Matching with Large Deformations and Arbitrary Topol...
     with: Jung, S.K.: Particle filter with analytical inference for human body t...
     with: Kang, E.Y.: Graph-based Global Registration for 2D Mosaics, A
     with: Kang, E.Y.: Non-iterative approach to multiple 2D motion estimation
     with: Kang, E.Y.: Robust affine motion estimation in joint image space using...
     with: Kang, E.Y.: robust and non-iterative estimation method of multiple 2d ...
     with: Kang, J.M.: Automatic Tracking and Labeling of Human Activities in a V...
     with: Kang, J.M.: Continuous multi-views tracking using tensor voting
     with: Kang, J.M.: Continuous tracking within and across camera streams
     with: Kang, J.M.: Detecting Motion Regions in the Presence of a Strong Paral...
     with: Kang, J.M.: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from a Moving Pla...
     with: Kang, J.M.: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from Overlapping ...
     with: Kang, J.M.: Object reacquisition using invariant appearance model
     with: Kang, J.M.: Persistent Objects Tracking Across Multiple Non Overlappin...
     with: Kellermann, W.: Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Mu...
     with: Koetter, R.: Enforcing Integrability for Surface Reconstruction Algori...
     with: Lee, M.W.: 3D Body Reconstruction for Immersive Interaction
     with: Lee, M.W.: Human body tracking with auxiliary measurements
     with: Lee, M.W.: Human Upper Body Pose Estimation in Static Images
     with: Lee, M.W.: Model-Based Approach for Estimating Human 3D Poses in Stati...
     with: Lee, M.W.: Optimal Global Mosaic Generation from Retinal Images
     with: Lee, M.W.: Particle filter with analytical inference for human body tr...
     with: Lee, M.W.: Proposal maps driven MCMC for estimating human body pose in...
     with: Lee, S.U.: 3D hand reconstruction from a monocular view
     with: Leite, N.J.: Tracking soccer players using the graph representation
     with: Lew, M.S.: Authentic facial expression analysis
     with: Lew, M.S.: Emotion recognition using a cauchy naive bayes classifier
     with: Li, H.X.: Inference of human postures by classification of 3D human bo...
     with: Liao, W.K.: Belief Propagation Driven Method for Facial Gestures Recog...
     with: Liao, W.K.: Classifying Facial Gestures in Presence of Head Motion
     with: Lifshits, P.: Modes of Homogeneous Gradient Flows
     with: Lv, F.J.: Automatic Tracking and Labeling of Human Activities in a Vid...
     with: Ma, Y.Q.: Multiple Hypothesis Target Tracking Using Merge and Split of...
     with: Ma, Y.Q.: Target tracking with incomplete detection
     with: Ma, Y.Q.: Video Sequence Querying Using Clustering of Objects' Appeara...
     with: Mace, E.: In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Using S...
     with: Medioni, G.: 3-D Shape Reconstruction of Retinal Fundus
     with: Medioni, G.: Automatic Tracking and Labeling of Human Activities in a ...
     with: Medioni, G.: Boosted Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Mul...
     with: Medioni, G.: Continuous multi-views tracking using tensor voting
     with: Medioni, G.: Continuous tracking within and across camera streams
     with: Medioni, G.: Detecting and Tracking Moving Objects for Video Surveilla...
     with: Medioni, G.: Detecting and Tracking Moving Objects in Video from an Ai...
     with: Medioni, G.: Detecting Motion Regions in the Presence of a Strong Para...
     with: Medioni, G.: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from a Moving Pl...
     with: Medioni, G.: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from Overlapping...
     with: Medioni, G.: Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
     with: Medioni, G.: Multiple Target Tracking Using Spatio-Temporal Markov Cha...
     with: Medioni, G.: Object reacquisition using invariant appearance model
     with: Medioni, G.: Optimal Global Mosaic Generation from Retinal Images
     with: Medioni, G.: Persistent Objects Tracking Across Multiple Non Overlappi...
     with: Medioni, G.: Robust affine motion estimation in joint image space usin...
     with: Medioni, G.: robust and non-iterative estimation method of multiple 2d...
     with: Medioni, G.: Tracking soccer players using the graph representation
     with: Medioni, G.G.: Graph-based Global Registration for 2D Mosaics, A
     with: Medioni, G.G.: Non-iterative approach to multiple 2D motion estimation
     with: Miles, R.: In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Using ...
     with: Miller, B.: Video Sequence Querying Using Clustering of Objects' Appea...
     with: Mishne, G.: Graph-Based Supervised Automatic Target Detection
     with: Montaldo, G.: In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Usi...
     with: Nevatia, R.: Automatic Tracking and Labeling of Human Activities in a ...
     with: Nevatia, R.: Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
     with: Osmanski, B.F.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasou...
     with: Pernot, M.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound D...
     with: Petrovic, N.: Enforcing Integrability for Surface Reconstruction Algor...
     with: Ram, I.: Facial Image Compression using Patch-Ordering-Based Adaptive ...
     with: Ram, I.: Image Processing Using Smooth Ordering of its Patches
     with: Ram, I.: Patch-Ordering-Based Wavelet Frame and Its Use in Inverse Pro...
     with: Ram, I.: Redundant Wavelets on Graphs and High Dimensional Data Clouds
     with: Rosenbaum, T.: Differentiable Mean Opinion Score Regularization for Pe...
     with: Sebe, N.: Authentic facial expression analysis
     with: Sebe, N.: Emotion Recognition Based on Joint Visual and Audio Cues
     with: Sebe, N.: Emotion recognition using a cauchy naive bayes classifier
     with: Sebe, N.: Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal...
     with: Sebe, N.: Learning Bayesian network classifiers for facial expression ...
     with: Sebe, N.: Semi-Supervised Face Detection
     with: Sebe, N.: Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorithms, ...
     with: Sebe, N.: Skin detection A bayesian network approach
     with: Sieu, L.A.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound D...
     with: Streicher, O.: BASiS: Batch Aligned Spectral Embedding Space
     with: Sulger, P.: Tracking Points on Deformable Objects Using Curvature Info...
     with: Sulger, P.: Tracking Points on Deformables Objects
     with: Sun, Y.: Authentic facial expression analysis
     with: Talmon, R.: Graph-Based Supervised Automatic Target Detection
     with: Tanter, M.: In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Using...
     with: Tanter, M.: Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound D...
     with: Wang, X.: Beamforming With Small-Spacing Microphone Arrays Using Const...
     with: Wang, X.: Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Based on a Kronecker P...
     with: Winebrand, E.: Differentiable Mean Opinion Score Regularization for Pe...
     with: Wu, B.: Boosted Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Multiple...
     with: Yahia, H.: General Surface Matching Model: Application to Ground Evolu...
     with: Yahia, H.: Geodesic Distance Evolution of Surfaces: A New Method for M...
     with: Yahia, H.: Matching Structures by Computing Minimal Paths on a Manifold
     with: Yahia, H.: Surface Matching with Large Deformations and Arbitrary Topo...
     with: Yang, W.: Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Multicha...
     with: Yu, Q.: Boosted Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Multiple...
     with: Yu, Q.: Multiple Hypothesis Target Tracking Using Merge and Split of G...
     with: Yu, Q.: Multiple Target Tracking Using Spatio-Temporal Markov Chain Mo...
     with: Yu, Q.: Target tracking with incomplete detection
     with: Yuan, C.: Detecting Motion Regions in the Presence of a Strong Paralla...
     with: Yuan, C.: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from a Moving Platf...
     with: Zontak, M.: Defect detection in patterned wafers using anisotropic ker...
214 for Cohen, I.

Cohen, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, B.: X- and Ku-Band SAR Backscattering Signatures of Snow-Covere...
     with: Chiappa, J.M.: Training An Embedded Object Detector for Industrial Set...
     with: Cooper, J.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D...
     with: Coy, A.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Vegetati...
     with: Crispim Junior, C.: Training An Embedded Object Detector for Industria...
     with: Duncan, D.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D...
     with: Dupoux, E.: new efficient measure for accuracy prediction and its appl...
     with: Feldman, N.H.: new efficient measure for accuracy prediction and its a...
     with: Hallikainen, M.T.: Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Ma...
     with: Heinila, K.: Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Mapping:...
     with: Hermansky, H.: new efficient measure for accuracy prediction and its a...
     with: Ikonen, J.: Modeling-Based Approach for Soil Frost Detection in the No...
     with: Kumar, S.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D-...
     with: Lemmetyinen, J.: Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Mapp...
     with: Lemmetyinen, J.: Modeling-Based Approach for Soil Frost Detection in t...
     with: Lemmetyinen, J.: X- and Ku-Band SAR Backscattering Signatures of Snow-...
     with: Makynen, M.: X- and Ku-Band SAR Backscattering Signatures of Snow-Cove...
     with: Mallidi, S.H.: new efficient measure for accuracy prediction and its a...
     with: Montomoli, F.: Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Mappin...
     with: Nielsen, D.C.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Ve...
     with: Ogawa, T.: new efficient measure for accuracy prediction and its appli...
     with: Praks, J.: X- and Ku-Band SAR Backscattering Signatures of Snow-Covere...
     with: Pulliainen, J.: Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Mappi...
     with: Pulliainen, J.: Modeling-Based Approach for Soil Frost Detection in th...
     with: Rankine, D.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Vege...
     with: Rautiainen, K.: Modeling-Based Approach for Soil Frost Detection in th...
     with: Seppanen, J.: Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Mapping...
     with: Smolander, T.: Modeling-Based Approach for Soil Frost Detection in the...
     with: Snyder, D.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D...
     with: Taylor, M.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Veget...
     with: Tougne, L.: Training An Embedded Object Detector for Industrial Settin...
     with: Trigano, T.: Intensity Estimation of Spectroscopic Signals With an Imp...
     with: Vehvileinen, J.: Modeling-Based Approach for Soil Frost Detection in t...
     with: Veijola, K.: X- and Ku-Band SAR Backscattering Signatures of Snow-Cove...
34 for Cohen, J.

Cohen, J.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: He, Q.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: Opt...
     with: Lolli, S.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: ...
     with: Qin, K.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: Op...
     with: Tiwari, P.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China:...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: ...

Cohen, J.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buzzard, G.T.: Pointwise Besov Space Smoothing of Images
     with: Chambolle, A.: Pointwise Besov Space Smoothing of Images
     with: Cluff, S.: GPU-accelerated hierarchical dense correspondence for real-...
     with: Duchaineau, M.A.: GPU-accelerated hierarchical dense correspondence fo...
     with: Levine, S.E.: Pointwise Besov Space Smoothing of Images
     with: Lucier, B.J.: Pointwise Besov Space Smoothing of Images
     with: Morse, B.S.: GPU-accelerated hierarchical dense correspondence for rea...
7 for Cohen, J.D.

Cohen, J.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cabral Farias, R.: Nonnegative Tensor CP Decomposition of Hyperspectra...
     with: Chanussot, J.: Nonnegative Tensor CP Decomposition of Hyperspectral Data
     with: Comon, P.: Fast Decomposition of Large Nonnegative Tensors
     with: Comon, P.: Nonnegative Tensor CP Decomposition of Hyperspectral Data
     with: Farias, R.C.: Fast Decomposition of Large Nonnegative Tensors
     with: Veganzones, M.A.: Nonnegative Tensor CP Decomposition of Hyperspectral...

Cohen, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Colonna, F.: Image Recovery from Exponential Blurring
     with: Picardello, M.A.: Image Recovery from Exponential Blurring

Cohen, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bengio, Y.: Count-ception: Counting by Fully Convolutional Redundant C...
     with: Bengio, Y.: Diva: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metric L...
     with: Bharadhwaj, H.: Diva: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metr...
     with: Boucher, G.: Count-ception: Counting by Fully Convolutional Redundant ...
     with: Ding, W.: Prediction gradients for feature extraction and analysis fro...
     with: Glastonbury, C.A.: Count-ception: Counting by Fully Convolutional Redu...
     with: Lo, H.Z.: Count-ception: Counting by Fully Convolutional Redundant Cou...
     with: Lo, H.Z.: Prediction gradients for feature extraction and analysis fro...
     with: Milbich, T.: Diva: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metric ...
     with: Ommer, B.: Diva: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metric Le...
     with: Roth, K.: Diva: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metric Lea...
     with: Sinha, S.: Diva: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metric Le...
12 for Cohen, J.P.

Cohen, J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hermansky, H.: Perceptual Properties of Current Speech Recognition Tec...
     with: Stern, R.M.: Perceptual Properties of Current Speech Recognition Techn...

Cohen, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gafni, T.: Searching for Unknown Anomalies in Hierarchical Data Streams
     with: Zhao, Q.: Searching for Unknown Anomalies in Hierarchical Data Streams

Cohen, K.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Park, S.: Few-Shot Calibration of Set Predictors via Meta-Learned Cros...
     with: Park, S.: Guaranteed Dynamic Scheduling of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency ...
     with: Popovski, P.: Guaranteed Dynamic Scheduling of Ultra-Reliable Low-Late...
     with: Shamai, S.: Guaranteed Dynamic Scheduling of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latenc...
     with: Simeone, O.: Few-Shot Calibration of Set Predictors via Meta-Learned C...
     with: Simeone, O.: Guaranteed Dynamic Scheduling of Ultra-Reliable Low-Laten...

Cohen, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almog, O.: Improving Classification of Multispectral Images Based on S...
     with: Ayanian, N.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation an...
     with: Baker, C.: Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Re...
     with: Barreira, N.: Topological active volumes: A topology-adaptive deformab...
     with: Blunt, S.: Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Re...
     with: Brand, Z.: Laser Ranging Bathymetry Using a Photon-Number-Resolving De...
     with: Brunet, M.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive...
     with: Chai, L.: Geodesic via Asymmetric Heat Diffusion Based on Finsler Metric
     with: Chen, D.: Finsler Geodesics Evolution Model for Region based Active Co...
     with: Chen, D.: Geodesic via Asymmetric Heat Diffusion Based on Finsler Metric
     with: Cristobal, G.: Time-frequency methods for biological signal estimation
     with: Daniel, K.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive...
     with: Dessouky, M.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsi...
     with: Eisenberg, H.S.: Laser Ranging Bathymetry Using a Photon-Number-Resolv...
     with: Furuhata, M.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsi...
     with: Galleani, L.: Dynamics using the Wigner distribution
     with: Galleani, L.: Generalized Wiener Process for Colored Noise, The
     with: Goel, P.: Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geometr...
     with: Griffiths, H.: Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical an...
     with: Guesman, J.: Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geom...
     with: Hoch, S.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-resnet...
     with: Honig, W.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and ...
     with: Istrati, D.: Laser Ranging Bathymetry Using a Photon-Number-Resolving ...
     with: Kashani, S.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-res...
     with: Katz, O.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-resnet...
     with: Koenig, S.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive...
     with: Koenig, S.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and...
     with: Kumar, T.K.S.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation ...
     with: Loughlin, P.J.: Time-frequency methods for biological signal estimation
     with: Ma, H.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and Exe...
     with: Makram Ebeid, S.: Prior-Based Piecewise-Smooth Segmentation by Templat...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Finsler Geodesics Evolution Model for Region based Act...
     with: Mokole, E.: Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and R...
     with: Mory, B.: Prior-Based Piecewise-Smooth Segmentation by Template Compet...
     with: Nelson, D.: Time-frequency methods for biological signal estimation
     with: Ordonez, F.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsiv...
     with: Ortega, M.: Topological active volumes: A topology-adaptive deformable...
     with: Penedo, M.G.: Topological active volumes: A topology-adaptive deformab...
     with: Presil, D.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-resn...
     with: Ritchie, D.: Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geom...
     with: Schwartzbard, Y.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d S...
     with: Sher, Y.: Laser Ranging Bathymetry Using a Photon-Number-Resolving Det...
     with: Shoshany, M.: Improving Classification of Multispectral Images Based o...
     with: Somphone, O.: Prior-Based Piecewise-Smooth Segmentation by Template Co...
     with: Thamizharasan, V.: Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Objec...
     with: Tompkin, J.: Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geom...
     with: Uras, T.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and E...
     with: Wang, X.: Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive T...
     with: Watts, S.: Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Re...
     with: Wicks, M.: Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Re...
     with: Xu, H.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and Exe...
     with: Yang, F.: Geodesic via Asymmetric Heat Diffusion Based on Finsler Metric
53 for Cohen, L.

Cohen, L.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahipo, Y.: Hybrid Scheme for Contour Detection and Completion Based on...
     with: Almansa, A.: Fingerprint image matching by minimization of a thin-plat...
     with: Arbelaez, P.A.: Constrained image segmentation from hierarchical bound...
     with: Arbelaez, P.A.: Energy Partitions and Image Segmentation
     with: Arbelaez, P.A.: Extrema Edges, The
     with: Arbelaez, P.A.: Generalized Voronoi Tesselations for Vector-Valued Ima...
     with: Arbelaez, P.A.: Metric Approach to Vector-Valued Image Segmentation, A
     with: Arbelaez, P.A.: Segmentation d'Images Couleur par partitions de Voronoi
     with: Ardon, R.: Fast Constrained Surface Extraction by Minimal Paths
     with: Ardon, R.: Fast Surface Segmentation Guided by User Input Using Implic...
     with: Ardon, R.: Implicit Surface Segmentation by Minimal Paths, Application...
     with: Ardon, R.: New Implicit Method for Surface Segmentation by Minimal Pat...
     with: Artner, N.M.: 3D shape matching by geodesic eccentricity
     with: Artner, N.M.: Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccentri...
     with: Auclair, A.: Hash functions for near duplicate image retrieval
     with: Auclair, A.: Robust Approach for 3D Cars Reconstruction, A
     with: Auclair, A.: Using point correspondences without projective deformatio...
     with: Auroux, D.: Hybrid Scheme for Contour Detection and Completion Based o...
     with: Ayache, N.: Fitting 3-D Data Using Superquadrics and Free-Form Deforma...
     with: Ayache, N.: Parametric Deformable Model to Fit Unstructured 3D Data, A
     with: Ayache, N.: Reconstruction of Digital Terrain Model with a Lake
     with: Ayache, N.: Superquadrics and Free-Form Deformations: A Global Model t...
     with: Ayache, N.: Tracking Medical 3D Data with a Deformable Parametric Model
     with: Ayache, N.: Tracking Medical 3D Data with a Parametric Deformable Model
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Introducing New Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3D Images
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Using Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3-D Images and Infe...
     with: Bardinet, E.: Fitting 3-D Data Using Superquadrics and Free-Form Defor...
     with: Bardinet, E.: Parametric Deformable Model to Fit Unstructured 3D Data, A
     with: Bardinet, E.: Reconstruction of Digital Terrain Model with a Lake
     with: Bardinet, E.: Superquadrics and Free-Form Deformations: A Global Model...
     with: Bardinet, E.: Tracking Medical 3D Data with a Deformable Parametric Mo...
     with: Bardinet, E.: Tracking Medical 3D Data with a Parametric Deformable Mo...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Fast Object Segmentation by Growing Minimal Paths from...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Finding a Closed Boundary by Growing Minimal Paths fro...
     with: Benmansour, F.: From a Single Point to a Surface Patch by Growing Mini...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Tubular anisotropy for 2D vessel segmentation
     with: Benmansour, F.: Tubular Anisotropy Segmentation
     with: Benmansour, F.: Tubular Structure Segmentation Based on Minimal Path M...
     with: Bertrand, T.: Fast Marching Energy CNN
     with: Bone, R.: Region-Based 2D Deformable Generalized Cylinder for Narrow S...
     with: Bonneau, S.: Finding a Closed Boundary by Growing Minimal Paths from a...
     with: Bonneau, S.: Single Quantum Dot Tracking Based on Perceptual Grouping ...
     with: Bonneau, S.: Tracking Single Quantum Dots in Live Cells with Minimal P...
     with: Bougleux, S.: Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain...
     with: Bougleux, S.: Combination of Piecewise-Geodesic Paths for Interactive ...
     with: Bougleux, S.: Image compression with anisotropic triangulations
     with: Bougleux, S.: Non-local Regularization of Inverse Problems
     with: Bruckstein, A.M.: model for automatically tracing object boundaries, A
     with: Bruckstein, A.M.: Model is Worth Tens of Thousands of Examples, A
     with: Bruckstein, A.M.: PointFlow: A Model for Automatically Tracing Object ...
     with: Chen, D.: Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching fr...
     with: Chen, D.: Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-pe...
     with: Chen, D.: Elastica Geodesic Approach with Convexity Shape Prior, An
     with: Chen, D.: Fast Asymmetric Fronts Propagation for Image Segmentation
     with: Chen, D.: Fast Asymmetric Fronts Propagation for Voronoi Region Partit...
     with: Chen, D.: Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Contours ...
     with: Chen, D.: Geodesic Models With Convexity Shape Prior
     with: Chen, D.: Geodesic Paths for Image Segmentation With Implicit Region-B...
     with: Chen, D.: Global Minimum for a Finsler Elastica Minimal Path Approach
     with: Chen, D.: Global Minimum for Curvature Penalized Minimal Path Method
     with: Chen, D.: Grouping Boundary Proposals for Fast Interactive Image Segme...
     with: Chen, D.: Minimal Paths for Tubular Structure Segmentation With Cohere...
     with: Chen, D.: New Dynamic Minimal Path Model for Tubular Structure Centerl...
     with: Chen, D.: New Finsler Minimal Path Model with Curvature Penalization f...
     with: Chen, D.: Piecewise Geodesics for Vessel Centerline Extraction and Bou...
     with: Chen, D.: Region-Based Randers Geodesic Approach for Image Segmentatio...
     with: Chen, D.: Trajectory Grouping With Curvature Regularization for Tubula...
     with: Chen, D.: Vessel extraction using anisotropic minimal paths and path s...
     with: Chen, K.: Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Contours ...
     with: Chung, A.C.S.: Tubular anisotropy for 2D vessel segmentation
     with: Cohen, E.: Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation and...
     with: Cohen, I.: Deformable Models for 3D Medical Images Using Finite Elemen...
     with: Cohen, I.: Finite Element Method Applied to New Active Contour Models ...
     with: Cohen, I.: Finite-Element Methods for Active Contour Models and Balloo...
     with: Cohen, I.: Hybrid Hyperquadric Model for 2-D and 3-D Data Fitting, A
     with: Cohen, I.: Introducing New Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3D Images
     with: Cohen, I.: Using a Finite Element Method for Active Contour Models and...
     with: Cohen, I.: Using Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3-D Images and Infer D...
     with: Coscas, G.: adaptive contrast method for segmentation of drusen, An
     with: Coscas, G.: new approach of geodesic reconstruction for drusen segment...
     with: Dages, T.: Model is Worth Tens of Thousands of Examples, A
     with: Dahan, M.: Single Quantum Dot Tracking Based on Perceptual Grouping Us...
     with: Dahan, M.: Tracking Single Quantum Dots in Live Cells with Minimal Paths
     with: Deffieux, T.: Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation ...
     with: Deschamps, T.: Fast extraction of tubular and tree 3d surfaces with fr...
     with: Deschamps, T.: Grouping Connected Components Using Minimal Path Techni...
     with: Deschamps, T.: Minimal Paths in 3D Images and Application to Virtual E...
     with: Deschamps, T.: Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping as a S...
     with: Deschamps, T.: Real-Time Interactive Path Extraction with on-the-Fly A...
     with: Fu, C.Q.: Geometric Deformation on Objects: Unsupervised Image Manipul...
     with: Gabrielides, N.: Implicit Method for Interpolating Two Digital Closed ...
     with: Gadi, N.: Vehicle X-Ray Images Registration
     with: Gadi, N.: Vehicle X-ray Scans Registration: A One-Dimensional Optimiza...
     with: Gagalowicz, A.: Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching
     with: Gerard, O.: Real-Time Interactive Path Extraction with on-the-Fly Adap...
     with: Ghorpade, V.K.: Automatic image segmentation with Anisotropic Fast Mar...
     with: Greff, M.: Real-Time Interactive Path Extraction with on-the-Fly Adapt...
     with: Herlin, I.: Face Identification by Deformation Measure
     with: Ion, A.: 3D shape matching by geodesic eccentricity
     with: Ion, A.: Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccentricity ...
     with: Jung, M.: Non-local Active Contours
     with: Jung, M.: Texture Segmentation via Non-local Non-parametric Active Con...
     with: Keriven, R.: Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics
     with: Kimmel, R.: Edge Integration Using Minimal Geodesics
     with: Kimmel, R.: Fast Marching the Global Minimum of Active Contours
     with: Kimmel, R.: Global Minimum for Active Contour Models: A Minimal Path A...
     with: Kimmel, R.: Global Minimum for Active Contour Models: A Minimum Path A...
     with: Kropatsch, W.G.: 3D shape matching by geodesic eccentricity
     with: Kropatsch, W.G.: Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccen...
     with: Law, M.W.K.: Tubular anisotropy for 2D vessel segmentation
     with: Lefebure, M.: Image Registration, Optical Flow and Local Rigidity
     with: Lefebure, M.: Multiresolution Algorithm for Signal and Image Registrat...
     with: Lefebure, M.: Optical Flow and Image Registration: A New Local Rigidit...
     with: Leroy, B.: Face Identification by Deformation Measure
     with: Li, B.S.: Trajectory Grouping With Curvature Regularization for Tubula...
     with: Li, H.: Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-Front Active Contours wi...
     with: Liu, L.: Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching fro...
     with: Liu, L.: Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-pen...
     with: Liu, L.: Grouping Boundary Proposals for Fast Interactive Image Segmen...
     with: Liu, L.: Trajectory Grouping With Curvature Regularization for Tubular...
     with: Lopez Marmol, S.B.: 3D shape matching by geodesic eccentricity
     with: Makaroff, N.: Fast Marching Energy CNN
     with: Marciano, A.: Vehicle X-Ray Images Registration
     with: Marciano, A.: Vehicle X-ray Scans Registration: A One-Dimensional Opti...
     with: Masmoudi, M.: Hybrid Scheme for Contour Detection and Completion Based...
     with: Mille, J.: Combination of Piecewise-Geodesic Paths for Interactive Seg...
     with: Mille, J.: Deformable tree models for 2D and 3D branching structures e...
     with: Mille, J.: Geodesically Linked Active Contours: Evolution Strategy Bas...
     with: Mille, J.: Local Normal-Based Region Term for Active Contours, A
     with: Mille, J.: Region-Based 2D Deformable Generalized Cylinder for Narrow ...
     with: Mimoun, G.: adaptive contrast method for segmentation of drusen, An
     with: Mimoun, G.: new approach of geodesic reconstruction for drusen segment...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Elastica Geodesic Approach with Convexity Shape Prior,...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Con...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Geodesic Models With Convexity Shape Prior
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Global Minimum for a Finsler Elastica Minimal Path App...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Global Minimum for Curvature Penalized Minimal Path Me...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: New Finsler Minimal Path Model with Curvature Penaliza...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Region-Based Randers Geodesic Approach for Image Segme...
     with: Mirebeau, J.M.: Vessel extraction using anisotropic minimal paths and ...
     with: Moreau, V.: Estimation and analysis of the deformation of the cardiac ...
     with: Pajany, F.: Cardiac Wall Tracking Using Doppler Tissue Imaging (DTI)
     with: Paques, M.: Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching ...
     with: Paques, M.: Trajectory Grouping With Curvature Regularization for Tubu...
     with: Pechaud, M.: Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics
     with: Pellerin, D.: Cardiac Wall Tracking Using Doppler Tissue Imaging (DTI)
     with: Pellerin, D.: Estimation and analysis of the deformation of the cardia...
     with: Perlant, F.P.: Extraction of Rectangular Buildings using DEM and Ortho...
     with: Peyre, G.: 3D shape matching by geodesic eccentricity
     with: Peyre, G.: Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain Me...
     with: Peyre, G.: Geodesic Computation for Adaptive Remeshing
     with: Peyre, G.: Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics
     with: Peyre, G.: Geodesic re-meshing and parameterization using front propag...
     with: Peyre, G.: Geodesic Remeshing Using Front Propagation
     with: Peyre, G.: Geodesic Shape Retrieval via Optimal Mass Transport
     with: Peyre, G.: Image compression with anisotropic triangulations
     with: Peyre, G.: JMIV Special Issue: Mathematics and Image Analysis
     with: Peyre, G.: Landmark-Based Geodesic Computation for Heuristically Drive...
     with: Peyre, G.: Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccentricit...
     with: Peyre, G.: Non-local Active Contours
     with: Peyre, G.: Non-local Regularization of Inverse Problems
     with: Peyre, G.: Nonlocal Active Contours
     with: Peyre, G.: Surface segmentation using geodesic centroidal tesselation
     with: Peyre, G.: Texture Segmentation via Non-local Non-parametric Active Co...
     with: Rabin, J.: Geodesic Shape Retrieval via Optimal Mass Transport
     with: Richard, F.J.P.: New Image Registration Technique with Free Boundary C...
     with: Rouchdy, Y.: Geodesic voting for the automatic extraction of tree stru...
     with: Rouchdy, Y.: Geodesic Voting Shape Prior to Constrain the Level Set Ev...
     with: Rouchdy, Y.: Image segmentation by geodesic voting. Application to the...
     with: Rouchdy, Y.: shading zone problem in geodesic voting and its solutions...
     with: Sander, P.T.: Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching
     with: Sbeh, Z.B.: adaptive contrast method for segmentation of drusen, An
     with: Sbeh, Z.B.: new approach of geodesic reconstruction for drusen segment...
     with: Shu, H.Z.: Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching f...
     with: Shu, H.Z.: Global Minimum for Curvature Penalized Minimal Path Method
     with: Shu, H.Z.: New Finsler Minimal Path Model with Curvature Penalization ...
     with: Shu, H.Z.: Region-Based Randers Geodesic Approach for Image Segmentati...
     with: Shu, H.Z.: Trajectory Grouping With Curvature Regularization for Tubul...
     with: Shu, M.: Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-pen...
     with: Shu, M.: Elastica Geodesic Approach with Convexity Shape Prior, An
     with: Shu, M.: Geodesic Models With Convexity Shape Prior
     with: Shu, M.: Grouping Boundary Proposals for Fast Interactive Image Segmen...
     with: Shu, M.: Trajectory Grouping With Curvature Regularization for Tubular...
     with: Shu, M.L.: Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Contours...
     with: Shu, M.L.: Geodesic Paths for Image Segmentation With Implicit Region-...
     with: Sochen, N.A.: Guest Editorial, Special Issue Introduction
     with: Soubrane, G.: adaptive contrast method for segmentation of drusen, An
     with: Spencer, J.: Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Contou...
     with: Tai, X.C.: Elastica Geodesic Approach with Convexity Shape Prior, An
     with: Tai, X.C.: Geodesic Models With Convexity Shape Prior
     with: Tanter, M.: Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation an...
     with: Tian, Q.C.: Color Consistency for Photo Collections Without Gamut Prob...
     with: Tian, Q.C.: Color correction in image stitching using histogram specif...
     with: Tian, Q.C.: Global and Local Contrast Adaptive Enhancement for Non-uni...
     with: Vese, L.A.: Guest Editorial, Special Issue Introduction
     with: Veyrat, C.: Cardiac Wall Tracking Using Doppler Tissue Imaging (DTI)
     with: Vincent, N.: Hash functions for near duplicate image retrieval
     with: Vincent, N.: Robust Approach for 3D Cars Reconstruction, A
     with: Vincent, N.: Using point correspondences without projective deformatio...
     with: Vinet, L.: Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching
     with: Vinson, S.: Extraction of Rectangular Buildings using DEM and Orthoimage
     with: Vinson, S.: Multiple rectangle model for buildings segmentation and 3D...
     with: Vinson, S.: Segmentation of complex buildings from aerial images and 3...
     with: Wang, M.Z.: Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-...
     with: Weickert, J.: JMIV Special Issue: Mathematics and Image Analysis
     with: Wu, J.S.: Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching fr...
     with: Yang, F.: Geodesic Distance and Curves Through Isotropic and Anisotrop...
     with: Yang, F.: model for automatically tracing object boundaries, A
     with: Yang, F.: PointFlow: A Model for Automatically Tracing Object Boundari...
     with: Yang, F.: Tubular Structure Segmentation Based on Heat Diffusion
     with: Yezzi, A.J.: Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-Front Active Contou...
     with: Yezzi, A.J.: Fast Surface Segmentation Guided by User Input Using Impl...
     with: Yezzi, A.J.: Implicit Surface Segmentation by Minimal Paths, Applicati...
     with: Yezzi, A.J.: New Implicit Method for Surface Segmentation by Minimal P...
     with: Zhang, J.: Minimal Paths for Tubular Structure Segmentation With Coher...
     with: Zhang, X.X.: Geodesic Paths for Image Segmentation With Implicit Regio...
     with: Zhou, S.W.: Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-...
     with: Zhu, J.: Geodesic Paths for Image Segmentation With Implicit Region-Ba...
236 for Cohen, L.D.

Cohen, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achcar, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Adam, A.: Detecting Mutual Awareness Events
     with: Agarwala, A.: Interactive Digital Photomontage
     with: Agarwala, A.: Panoramic Video Textures
     with: Agrawala, M.: Interactive Digital Photomontage
     with: Agrawala, M.: Panoramic Video Textures
     with: Alonso Fernandez, F.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A...
     with: Anandan, P.: Direct Recovery of Planar-Parallax from Multiple Frames
     with: Bachenheimer, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A pos...
     with: Barzohar, M.: Automatic and Robust Aerial Road Detection Based on Mult...
     with: Barzohar, M.: Fast Robust Tracking of Curvy Partially Occluded Roads i...
     with: Bethell, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Bhat, P.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with videos ...
     with: Bhat, P.: Fourier Analysis of the 2D Screened Poisson Equation for Gra...
     with: Bhatnagar, D.: Head-Size Equalization for Improved Visual Perception i...
     with: Bigun, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Brawley, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Brockmann, G.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Busch, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Cabello, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Campisi, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Cepilovs, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Chen, J.W.: video mesh: A data structure for image-based three-dimensi...
     with: Chen, J.W.: Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editing...
     with: Clee, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pa...
     with: Colburn, A.: Interactive Digital Photomontage
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Automatic and Robust Aerial Road Detection Based on Mult...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Fast Robust Tracking of Curvy Partially Occluded Roads i...
     with: Croll, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Curless, B.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with vide...
     with: Curless, B.: Fourier Analysis of the 2D Screened Poisson Equation for ...
     with: Curless, B.: Interactive Digital Photomontage
     with: Curless, B.: Panoramic Video Textures
     with: Curless, B.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
     with: Cutler, R.: Head-Size Equalization for Improved Visual Perception in V...
     with: Cutler, R.: System and method for head size equalization in 360 degre...
     with: Czyzewski, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Deravi, F.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Deussen, O.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with vide...
     with: Dontcheva, M.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with vi...
     with: Dontcheva, M.: Interactive Digital Photomontage
     with: Dorizzi, B.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Drahansky, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Drozdowski, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Drucker, S.: Interactive Digital Photomontage
     with: Duchamp, T.: Surface modeling and display from range and color data
     with: Durand, F.: video mesh: A data structure for image-based three-dimensi...
     with: Durand, F.: Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editing...
     with: Fankhauser, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Fetics, B.J.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variab...
     with: Fierrez, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Frings, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Gomez Barrero, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A po...
     with: Guest, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Gupta, A.: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with videos...
     with: Gupta, A.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
     with: Hasse, G.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Hoppe, H.: Surface modeling and display from range and color data
     with: Irani, M.: Direct Recovery of Planar-Parallax from Multiple Frames
     with: Joshi, N.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
     with: Jung, J.: Thermal Infrared Inspection of Roof Insulation Using Unmanne...
     with: Kass, D.A.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabil...
     with: Kindt, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Komleva, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Lessmann, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Liu, Z.C.: Head-Size Equalization for Improved Visual Perception in Vi...
     with: Liu, Z.C.: System and method for head size equalization in 360 degree...
     with: Marcel, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Marcialis, G.L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Matusik, W.: video mesh: A data structure for image-based three-dimens...
     with: Matusik, W.: Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editin...
     with: McDonald, J.: Surface modeling and display from range and color data
     with: Mercier, L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Mordini, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Mouille, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Murabayashi, T.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image var...
     with: Navratilova, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Nelson, G.S.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variab...
     with: Nevo, E.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabilit...
     with: Nouak, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A po...
     with: Pal, C.: Panoramic Video Textures
     with: Paris, S.: video mesh: A data structure for image-based three-dimensio...
     with: Paris, S.: Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editing,...
     with: Petrovska, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Poh, N.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pap...
     with: Pulli, K.: Surface modeling and display from range and color data
     with: Racz, I.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pa...
     with: Raghavendra, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Remillet, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Rivlin, E.: Detecting Mutual Awareness Events
     with: Rochitte, C.E.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image vari...
     with: Rui, Y.: Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Trackin...
     with: Salesin, D.: Interactive Digital Photomontage
     with: Salesin, D.: Panoramic Video Textures
     with: Salomon, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Seidel, U.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Shapiro, L.G.: Surface modeling and display from range and color data
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Detecting Mutual Awareness Events
     with: Sohn, G.: Thermal Infrared Inspection of Roof Insulation Using Unmanne...
     with: Spreeuwers, L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Strand, B.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Stuetzle, W.: Surface modeling and display from range and color data
     with: Szeliski, R.: Panoramic Video Textures
     with: Thiesson, B.: Image and Video Segmentation by Anisotropic Kernel Mean ...
     with: Toivonen, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Toussaint, G.T.: On the Detection of Structures in Noisy Pictures
     with: Uhl, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pap...
     with: Wang, J.: Image and Video Segmentation by Anisotropic Kernel Mean Shift
     with: Wang, J.: video mesh: A data structure for image-based three-dimension...
     with: Wang, J.: Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editing, ...
     with: Weiss, J.L.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabi...
     with: Wong, E.Y.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabil...
     with: Wu, Y.: Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Tracking...
     with: Xu, Y.Q.: Image and Video Segmentation by Anisotropic Kernel Mean Shift
     with: Yu, T.: Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Tracking...
     with: Zhang, C.: Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Track...
     with: Zhang, J.: Thermal Infrared Inspection of Roof Insulation Using Unmann...
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: Head-Size Equalization for Improved Visual Perception in ...
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: System and method for head size equalization in 360 degr...
     with: Zheng, C.: Panoramic Video Textures
     with: Ziskind, I.: Automatic and Robust Aerial Road Detection Based on Multi...
     with: Ziskind, I.: Fast Robust Tracking of Curvy Partially Occluded Roads in...
     with: Zitnick, C.L.: Fourier Analysis of the 2D Screened Poisson Equation fo...
     with: Zitnick, C.L.: Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions
126 for Cohen, M.

Cohen, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fischl, B.: Local-Structure of Space-Variant Images, The
     with: Fischl, B.: Rapid Anisotropic Diffusion Using Space-Variant Vision
     with: Schwartz, E.L.: Local-Structure of Space-Variant Images, The
     with: Schwartz, E.L.: Rapid Anisotropic Diffusion Using Space-Variant Vision

Cohen, M.C.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cardenas, S.M.M.: Death and Regeneration of an Amazonian Mangrove Fore...
     with: Culligan, N.: Death and Regeneration of an Amazonian Mangrove Forest b...
     with: de Souza, A.V.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomor...
     with: de Souza, A.V.: Nature versus Humans in Coastal Environmental Change: ...
     with: Dietz, M.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomorpholo...
     with: Gomez Neita, J.S.: Death and Regeneration of an Amazonian Mangrove For...
     with: Liu, K.B.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomorpholo...
     with: Liu, K.B.: Nature versus Humans in Coastal Environmental Change: Asses...
     with: Pessenda, L.C.R.: Death and Regeneration of an Amazonian Mangrove Fore...
     with: Pessenda, L.C.R.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geom...
     with: Rodrigues, E.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomorp...
     with: Rodrigues, E.: Nature versus Humans in Coastal Environmental Change: A...
     with: Rossetti, D.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomorph...
     with: Ruiz, D.P.C.: Death and Regeneration of an Amazonian Mangrove Forest b...
     with: Ryu, J.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomorphology...
     with: Souza, A.V.: Death and Regeneration of an Amazonian Mangrove Forest by...
     with: Yao, Q.: Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomorphology...
     with: Yao, Q.: Nature versus Humans in Coastal Environmental Change: Assessi...
18 for Cohen, M.C.L.

Cohen, M.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adler, D.: Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera
     with: Adler, D.: Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video Im...
     with: Agarwala, A.: Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple...
     with: Agrawala, M.: Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple...
     with: Alsisan, S.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Bapat, A.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Baum, D.R.: Back-Buffer Algorithm: An Extension of the Radiosity Metho...
     with: Bhat, P.: Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple Lar...
     with: Blackburn Matzen, K.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Buehler, C.: Minimal Surfaces for Stereo
     with: Chen, S.E.: Progressive Refinement Approach to Fast Radiosity Image Ge...
     with: Curless, B.: Discovering Point Lights with Intensity Distance Fields
     with: Curless, B.: Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple ...
     with: Frahm, J.M.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Gortler, S.J.: Lumigraph, The
     with: Gortler, S.J.: Minimal Surfaces for Stereo
     with: Greenberg, D.P.: Back-Buffer Algorithm: An Extension of the Radiosity ...
     with: Greenberg, D.P.: Progressive Refinement Approach to Fast Radiosity Ima...
     with: Greenberg, D.P.: Radiosity: A Method for Computing Global Illumination
     with: Grzeszczuk, R.: Lumigraph, The
     with: Hanson, E.: Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera
     with: Hanson, E.: Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video I...
     with: He, Z.J.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Jacobs, C.E.: Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
     with: Joshi, N.: Seeing Mt. Rainier: Lucky imaging for multi-image denoising...
     with: Kang, S.B.: Layered Depth Panoramas
     with: Kang, S.B.: Time-Mapping Using Space-Time Saliency
     with: Lehman, J.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Lim, H.: Real-time image-based 6-DOF localization in large-scale envir...
     with: Liu, Z.C.: Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera
     with: Liu, Z.C.: Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
     with: Liu, Z.C.: Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video Im...
     with: McMillan, L.: Minimal Surfaces for Stereo
     with: Scharstein, D.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Shan, Y.: Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera
     with: Shan, Y.: Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video Ima...
     with: Sinha, S.N.: Real-time image-based 6-DOF localization in large-scale e...
     with: Snavely, N.: Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple ...
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Layered Depth Panoramas
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Lumigraph, The
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Moment Camera, The
     with: Torrance, K.E.: Radiosity: A Method for Computing Global Illumination
     with: Tsai, S.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Uyttendaele, M.T.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Uyttendaele, M.T.: Real-time image-based 6-DOF localization in large-s...
     with: Vajda, P.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Wallace, J.R.: Back-Buffer Algorithm: An Extension of the Radiosity Me...
     with: Wallace, J.R.: Progressive Refinement Approach to Fast Radiosity Image...
     with: Wang, J.: Image and Video Matting: A Survey
     with: Wang, J.: Iterative Optimization Approach for Unified Image Segmentati...
     with: Wang, J.: Optimized Color Sampling for Robust Matting
     with: Wang, J.: Simultaneous Matting and Compositing
     with: Wang, J.L.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Wang, Y.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Yu, M.: Practical Stereo Depth System for Smart Glasses, A
     with: Zhang, E.: Discovering Point Lights with Intensity Distance Fields
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video ...
     with: Zheng, K.C.: Layered Depth Panoramas
     with: Zheng, K.C.: Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple ...
     with: Zhou, F.: Time-Mapping Using Space-Time Saliency
104 for Cohen, M.F.

Cohen, M.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avidan, S.: Transformaly: Two (Feature Spaces) Are Better Than One

Cohen, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beskow, J.: Visual display methods for in computer-animated speech pr...
     with: Massaro, D.W.: Visual display methods for in computer-animated speech...

Cohen, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anderson, A.: Large sample group independent component analysis of fun...
     with: Bramen, J.: Large sample group independent component analysis of funct...
     with: Brody, A.L.: Large sample group independent component analysis of func...
     with: Cho, A.: Large sample group independent component analysis of function...
     with: Culbertson, C.: Large sample group independent component analysis of f...
     with: Douglas, P.K.: Large sample group independent component analysis of fu...
     with: Lenartowicz, A.: Large sample group independent component analysis of ...
     with: Tichem, M.: Sub-Mu-M Registration of Fiducial Marks Using Machine Vision
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Large sample group independent component analysis of fun...
9 for Cohen, M.S.

Cohen, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abutbul, R.: Anomaly Detection Requires Better Representations
     with: Abutbul, R.: Out-of-distribution Detection Without Class Labels
     with: Atzmon, Y.: This Is My Unicorn, Fluffy: Personalizing Frozen Vision-La...
     with: Bergman, L.: PANDA: Adapting Pretrained Features for Anomaly Detection...
     with: Chechik, G.: This Is My Unicorn, Fluffy: Personalizing Frozen Vision-L...
     with: Gal, R.: This Is My Unicorn, Fluffy: Personalizing Frozen Vision-Langu...
     with: Hogg, D.C.: 3D Shape Reconstruction of Semi-Transparent Worms
     with: Horwitz, E.: Anomaly Detection Requires Better Representations
     with: Hoshen, Y.: Anomaly Detection Requires Better Representations
     with: Hoshen, Y.: Out-of-distribution Detection Without Class Labels
     with: Hoshen, Y.: PANDA: Adapting Pretrained Features for Anomaly Detection ...
     with: Ilett, T.P.: 3D Shape Reconstruction of Semi-Transparent Worms
     with: Irani, M.: Zero-Shot Super-Resolution Using Deep Internal Learning
     with: Kotzer, T.: Generalized approach to projections onto convex constraint...
     with: Meirom, E.A.: This Is My Unicorn, Fluffy: Personalizing Frozen Vision-...
     with: Porat, M.: Image characteristics and representation by phase: From Sym...
     with: Porat, M.: Optimal Reconstruction of Images from Localized Phase
     with: Ranner, T.: 3D Shape Reconstruction of Semi-Transparent Worms
     with: Reiss, T.: Anomaly Detection Requires Better Representations
     with: Reiss, T.: PANDA: Adapting Pretrained Features for Anomaly Detection a...
     with: Shamir, J.: Generalized approach to projections onto convex constraint...
     with: Sharir, O.: Deep SimNets
     with: Shashua, A.: Deep SimNets
     with: Shocher, A.: Zero-Shot Super-Resolution Using Deep Internal Learning
     with: Urieli, S.: Image characteristics and representation by phase: From Sy...
     with: Urieli, S.: Optimal Reconstruction of Images from Localized Phase
     with: Yuval, O.: 3D Shape Reconstruction of Semi-Transparent Worms
27 for Cohen, N.

Cohen, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ackerman, J.L.: Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
     with: Aracena, J.: Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationships ...
     with: Barel, S.: Sparse Phase Retrieval from Short-Time Fourier Measurements
     with: Chapman, H.: Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A co...
     with: Demongeot, J.: Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationship...
     with: Edan, Y.: Adaptive fuzzy logic algorithm for grid-map based sensor fus...
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A co...
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Sparse Phase Retrieval from Short-Time Fourier Measurements
     with: Guimaraes, A.R.: Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
     with: Hue, Y.K.: Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
     with: Kimmel, E.: Machine identification of buds in images of plant shoots
     with: Lamine, S.B.: Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationships...
     with: Mermet, M.A.: Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationships...
     with: Miao, J.: Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A conte...
     with: Mixon, D.G.: Sparse Phase Retrieval from Short-Time Fourier Measurements
     with: Nevo, E.: Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
     with: Peleg, K.: Machine identification of buds in images of plant shoots
     with: Roth, A.: Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
     with: Segev, M.: Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A cont...
     with: Shechtman, Y.: Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A ...
     with: Sidorenko, P.: Sparse Phase Retrieval from Short-Time Fourier Measurem...
     with: Ziv, M.: Machine identification of buds in images of plant shoots
22 for Cohen, O.

Cohen, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Audette, M.: Shading-Based Two-View Matching
     with: Augirre, E.: augmented-reality interface for telerobotic applications,...
     with: Bakambu, J.N.: Autonomous system for exploration and navigation in dri...
     with: Blais, F.: Detection of Depth and Orientation Discontinuities in Range...
     with: Boulanger, P.: Detection of Depth and Orientation Discontinuities in R...
     with: Cui, N.: Extended Structure and Motion Analysis from Monocular Image S...
     with: Cui, N.: Motion and Structure from Long Stereo Image Sequences
     with: Cui, N.: Recursive-Batch Estimation of Motion and Structure from Monoc...
     with: Faubert, J.: Spatiotemporal Spectral Coding of Stereo Image Sequences
     with: Gu, J.: augmented-reality interface for telerobotic applications, An
     with: Herniou, M.: Calibration of Stereo Cameras Using a Non-Linear Distorti...
     with: Herniou, M.: Camera Calibration with Distortion Models and Accuracy Ev...
     with: Herve, J.Y.: Mutual Learning of Unsupervised Interactions Between Mobi...
     with: Labonte, F.: Compact Representation for Stereoscopic Sequences with N...
     with: Labonte, F.: NTSC-compatible compact representation for stereoscopic s...
     with: Labonte, F.: Perceptually Plausible Model for Global Symmetry Detectio...
     with: Labonte, F.: Spatiotemporal Spectral Coding of Stereo Image Sequences
     with: Lacasse, V.: Classification of Natural Textures by Means of Two-Dimens...
     with: Le Dinh, C.T.: Classification of Natural Textures by Means of Two-Dime...
     with: Le Dinh, C.T.: Compact Representation for Stereoscopic Sequences with ...
     with: Le Dinh, C.T.: NTSC-compatible compact representation for stereoscopic...
     with: Le Dinh, C.T.: Spatiotemporal Spectral Coding of Stereo Image Sequences
     with: Nguyen, H.H.: Correspondence from Color Shading
     with: Nguyen, H.H.: Gibbs Random Fields, Fuzzy Clustering, and the Unsupervi...
     with: Paquin, V.: Vision-Based Gestural Guidance Interface for Mobile Roboti...
     with: Polotski, V.: Autonomous system for exploration and navigation in drif...
     with: Polotski, V.: Occlusions in obstacle detection for safe navigation
     with: Rebibo, N.: Motion and Structure Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences
     with: Sadou, M.: Occlusions in obstacle detection for safe navigation
     with: Shapira, Y.: Perceptually Plausible Model for Global Symmetry Detectio...
     with: Weng, J.: Calibration of Stereo Cameras Using a Non-Linear Distortion ...
     with: Weng, J.: Camera Calibration with Distortion Models and Accuracy Evalu...
     with: Weng, J.: Motion and Structure Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences
     with: Weng, J.: Shading-Based Two-View Matching
     with: Weng, J.J.: Extended Structure and Motion Analysis from Monocular Imag...
     with: Weng, J.J.: Motion and Structure from Long Stereo Image Sequences
     with: Weng, J.J.: Recursive-Batch Estimation of Motion and Structure from Mo...
     with: Weng, J.Y.: Robust Motion Estimation Using Stereo Vision
     with: Zanardi, C.: Mutual Learning of Unsupervised Interactions Between Mobi...
39 for Cohen, P.

Cohen, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asi, A.: Simplifying the reading of historical manuscripts
     with: Ayash, A.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for...
     with: Balakrishnan, M.: Global Optimization of Multiplexed Video Encoders
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Scalable internet video using MPEG-4
     with: Cormier, M.: Purely vision-based segmentation of web pages for assisti...
     with: Cormier, M.: Robust Vision-Based Framework for Screen Readers, A
     with: Cormier, M.: Towards an Improved Vision-Based Web Page Segmentation Al...
     with: Dashinsky, V.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: de Bruijn, F.J.: Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
     with: Dinstein, I.: Aligning transcript of historical documents using energy...
     with: Dinstein, I.: Occluded Character Restoration Using Active Contour with...
     with: Dinstein, I.: Using Scale-Space Anisotropic Smoothing for Text Line Ex...
     with: El Sana, J.: Aligning transcript of historical documents using energy ...
     with: El Sana, J.: Occluded Character Restoration Using Active Contour with ...
     with: El Sana, J.: Simplifying the reading of historical manuscripts
     with: El Sana, J.: Using Scale-Space Anisotropic Smoothing for Text Line Ext...
     with: Elad, M.: Regularization by Denoising via Fixed-Point Projection (RED-...
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Deep Learning in Ultrasound Imaging
     with: Eldar, Y.C.: Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Supp...
     with: Feng, C.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: Fetaya, E.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection fo...
     with: Freedman, D.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Freedman, D.: Random Walks for Temporal Action Segmentation with Times...
     with: Garnett, N.: 3D-LaneNet: End-to-End 3D Multiple Lane Detection
     with: Garnett, N.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection f...
     with: Golany, T.: Random Walks for Temporal Action Segmentation with Timesta...
     with: Goldenberg, R.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Goldner, V.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection f...
     with: Hadar, O.: PCRTT Enhancement for Off-Line Video Smoothing
     with: He, Q.: Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Suppressi...
     with: Hirsch, R.: Random Walks for Temporal Action Segmentation with Timesta...
     with: Horn, K.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for ...
     with: Katzir, L.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Kedem, K.: Aligning transcript of historical documents using energy mi...
     with: Kedem, K.: Occluded Character Restoration Using Active Contour with Sh...
     with: Kedem, K.: Simplifying the reading of historical manuscripts
     with: Kedem, K.: Using Scale-Space Anisotropic Smoothing for Text Line Extra...
     with: Kelner, O.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Lahav, R.: 3D-LaneNet: End-to-End 3D Multiple Lane Detection
     with: Le Callet, P.: Special issue on advances in high dynamic range video r...
     with: Levi, D.: 3D-LaneNet: End-to-End 3D Multiple Lane Detection
     with: Levi, D.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for ...
     with: Luijten, B.: Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
     with: Luo, J.: Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Suppress...
     with: Mann, R.: Purely vision-based segmentation of web pages for assistive ...
     with: Mann, R.: Robust Vision-Based Framework for Screen Readers, A
     with: Mann, R.: Towards an Improved Vision-Based Web Page Segmentation Algor...
     with: Milanfar, P.: Regularization by Denoising via Fixed-Point Projection (...
     with: Mischi, M.: Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
     with: Moffatt, K.: Purely vision-based segmentation of web pages for assisti...
     with: Moffatt, K.: Towards an Improved Vision-Based Web Page Segmentation Al...
     with: Mrak, M.: Special issue on advances in high dynamic range video research
     with: Ochimizu, H.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: Oron, S.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for ...
     with: Parthasarathy, K.: Scalable internet video using MPEG-4
     with: Pe'er, T.: 3D-LaneNet: End-to-End 3D Multiple Lane Detection
     with: Rabaev, I.: Aligning transcript of historical documents using energy m...
     with: Rabani, N.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Radha, H.: Scalable internet video using MPEG-4
     with: Rahim, K.: Robust Vision-Based Framework for Screen Readers, A
     with: Rivlin, E.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Rivlin, E.: Random Walks for Temporal Action Segmentation with Timesta...
     with: Schmeitz, H.A.W.: Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Silberstein, S.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detecti...
     with: Solomon, O.: Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Supp...
     with: Tian, D.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: van Sloun, R.J.G.: Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
     with: van Sloun, R.J.G.: Deep Learning in Ultrasound Imaging
     with: van Sloun, R.J.G.: Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutte...
     with: Veikherman, D.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Verner, U.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection fo...
     with: Vetro, A.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: Wang, D.L.: Robust Vision-Based Framework for Screen Readers, A
     with: Yang, Y.: Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Suppres...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Suppre...
77 for Cohen, R.

Cohen, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bajic, I.V.: CALTEC: Content-Adaptive Linear Tensor Completion for Col...
     with: Brodsky, T.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal i...
     with: Cohen Solal, E.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and remov...
     with: Dhondea, A.: CALTEC: Content-Adaptive Linear Tensor Completion for Col...
     with: Feng, C.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch fit...
     with: Joshi, R.: Overview of the Emerging HEVC Screen Content Coding Extension
     with: Klomp, S.: Direction-adaptive transforms for coding prediction residuals
     with: Krivokuca, M.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patc...
     with: Lyons, D.M.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal i...
     with: Ochimizu, H.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch...
     with: Sun, H.F.: Direction-adaptive transforms for coding prediction residuals
     with: Taguchi, Y.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch ...
     with: Tian, D.: Attribute compression for sparse point clouds using graph tr...
     with: Tian, D.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch fit...
     with: Trajkovic, M.: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal...
     with: Vetro, A.: Attribute compression for sparse point clouds using graph t...
     with: Vetro, A.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch fi...
     with: Vetro, A.: Direction-adaptive transforms for coding prediction residuals
     with: Vetro, A.: Independent uniform prediction mode for screen content vide...
     with: Xu, J.: Overview of the Emerging HEVC Screen Content Coding Extension
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Independent uniform prediction mode for screen content vi...
21 for Cohen, R.A.

Cohen, R.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: DeCola, P.: Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required to Obs...
     with: Fung, J.C.H.: Improved Satellite Retrieval of Tropospheric NO2 Column ...
     with: Lary, D.J.: Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required to Obs...
     with: Laughner, J.L.: Improved Satellite Retrieval of Tropospheric NO2 Colum...
     with: Loughner, C.P.: Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required to...
     with: Mak, H.W.L.: Improved Satellite Retrieval of Tropospheric NO2 Column D...
     with: Sparling, L.C.: Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required to...
     with: Stockwell, W.R.: Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required t...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Improved Satellite Retrieval of Tropospheric NO2 Column Densi...
9 for Cohen, R.C.

Cohen, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afifi, M.: When Color Constancy Goes Wrong: Correcting Improperly Whit...
     with: Ahmed, E.: Semantic Object Selection
     with: Aliaga, D.: ObjectStitch: Object Compositing with Diffusion Model
     with: Amirghodsi, S.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Obje...
     with: Arbelle, A.: Dual-Task ConvLSTM-UNet for Instance Segmentation of Weak...
     with: Averbuch Elor, H.: ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervised Varying Length Handwri...
     with: Ayvaci, A.: Video upscaling via spatio-temporal self-similarity
     with: Barnes, C.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-A...
     with: Barrett, W.: Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting Rec...
     with: Ben Ari, R.: Image De-noising by Bayesian Regression
     with: Brandt, J.: AESOP: Abstract Encoding of Stories, Objects, and Pictures
     with: Brown, M.S.: Beyond White: Ground Truth Colors for Color Constancy Cor...
     with: Brown, M.S.: Effective learning-based illuminant estimation using simp...
     with: Brown, M.S.: GamutMLP: A Lightweight MLP for Color Loss Recovery
     with: Brown, M.S.: Two Illuminant Estimation and User Correction Preference
     with: Brown, M.S.: When Color Constancy Goes Wrong: Correcting Improperly Wh...
     with: Bui, T.: PhraseCut: Language-Based Image Segmentation in the Wild
     with: Chang, S.F.: Interactive Segmentation on RGBD Images via Cue Selection
     with: Chang, W.: Relationship Proposal Networks
     with: Chao, Y.W.: Forecasting Human Dynamics from Static Images
     with: Chen, C.: Figure Captioning with Relation Maps for Reasoning
     with: Chen, C.: GALA: Toward Geometry-and-Lighting-Aware Object Search for C...
     with: Chen, C.: TopNet: Transformer-Based Object Placement Network for Image...
     with: Chen, Z.Y.: Large Displacement Optical Flow from Nearest Neighbor Fields
     with: Cheng, D.: Beyond White: Ground Truth Colors for Color Constancy Corre...
     with: Cheng, D.: Two Illuminant Estimation and User Correction Preference
     with: Cheng, D.L.: Effective learning-based illuminant estimation using simp...
     with: Cottrell, G.W.: Skeleton Key: Image Captioning by Skeleton-Attribute D...
     with: Davis, B.: Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting Recog...
     with: Davis, L.S.: Deepstrip: High-Resolution Boundary Refinement
     with: Deng, J.: Forecasting Human Dynamics from Static Images
     with: Ding, H.H.: Phraseclick: Toward Achieving Flexible Interactive Segment...
     with: Ding, Z.H.: Improving Closed and Open-Vocabulary Attribute Prediction ...
     with: Ding, Z.H.: Latent Feature-Guided Diffusion Models for Shadow Removal
     with: Ding, Z.H.: Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild
     with: Ding, Z.H.: SCoRD: Subject-Conditional Relation Detection with Text-Au...
     with: Elgammal, A.E.: Relationship Proposal Networks
     with: Elhoseiny, M.: Relationship Proposal Networks
     with: Fan, Y.C.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Feldman, I.: Large-Scale Mobile-Based Analysis for National Travel Dem...
     with: Feng, J.: Interactive Segmentation on RGBD Images via Cue Selection
     with: Feng, J.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentatio...
     with: Feng, J.S.: Deep Interactive Thin Object Selection
     with: Figueroa, L.: Latent Feature-Guided Diffusion Models for Shadow Removal
     with: Fogel, S.: ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervised Varying Length Handwritten Tex...
     with: Gurari, D.: Guided Image Inpainting: Replacing an Image Region by Pull...
     with: Gurari, D.: Unconstrained Foreground Object Search
     with: Haag, A.: Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calculation t...
     with: Howard, J.: Depth-based patch scaling for content-aware stereo image c...
     with: Howard, J.: PatchMatch-Based Content Completion of Stereo Image Pairs
     with: Huang, T.: Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution
     with: Huang, T.: Deep Image Matting
     with: Huang, T.: Deep Interactive Object Selection
     with: Huang, T.S.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Jiang, X.D.: Phraseclick: Toward Achieving Flexible Interactive Segmen...
     with: Jin, H.L.: Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection
     with: Jin, H.L.: Large Displacement Optical Flow from Nearest Neighbor Fields
     with: Jin, H.L.: Video upscaling via spatio-temporal self-similarity
     with: Kafle, K.: AESOP: Abstract Encoding of Stories, Objects, and Pictures
     with: Kafle, K.: Answering Questions about Data Visualizations using Efficie...
     with: Kafle, K.: DVQA: Understanding Data Visualizations via Question Answer...
     with: Kafle, K.: Improving Closed and Open-Vocabulary Attribute Prediction U...
     with: Kafle, K.: Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild
     with: Kafle, K.: SCoRD: Subject-Conditional Relation Detection with Text-Aug...
     with: Kambhamettu, C.: Stereo+Kinect for High Resolution Stereo Corresponden...
     with: Kamel, A.: Two Illuminant Estimation and User Correction Preference
     with: Kanan, C.: Answering Questions about Data Visualizations using Efficie...
     with: Kanan, C.: DVQA: Understanding Data Visualizations via Question Answer...
     with: Kapadia, M.: AESOP: Abstract Encoding of Stories, Objects, and Pictures
     with: Kim, S.: Figure Captioning with Relation Maps for Reasoning
     with: Kim, S.Y.: ObjectStitch: Object Compositing with Diffusion Model
     with: Koh, E.: Figure Captioning with Relation Maps for Reasoning
     with: Kuen, J.: GALA: Toward Geometry-and-Lighting-Aware Object Search for C...
     with: Kuen, J.: TopNet: Transformer-Based Object Placement Network for Image...
     with: Kutulakos, K.N.: Depth from Defocus in the Wild
     with: Le, H.: Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection
     with: Le, H.M.: GamutMLP: A Lightweight MLP for Color Loss Recovery
     with: Lee, H.: Object Contour Detection with a Fully Convolutional Encoder-D...
     with: Liang, Y.C.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Liew, J.H.: Deep Interactive Thin Object Selection
     with: Liew, J.H.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentat...
     with: Lin, Z.: Concept Mask: Large-Scale Segmentation from Semantic Concepts
     with: Lin, Z.: Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution
     with: Lin, Z.: Fast Image Super-Resolution Based on In-Place Example Regress...
     with: Lin, Z.: GALA: Toward Geometry-and-Lighting-Aware Object Search for Co...
     with: Lin, Z.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-Awar...
     with: Lin, Z.: Improving Closed and Open-Vocabulary Attribute Prediction Usi...
     with: Lin, Z.: Joint Object and Part Segmentation Using Deep Learned Potenti...
     with: Lin, Z.: Large Displacement Optical Flow from Nearest Neighbor Fields
     with: Lin, Z.: Latent Feature-Guided Diffusion Models for Shadow Removal
     with: Lin, Z.: Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild
     with: Lin, Z.: ObjectStitch: Object Compositing with Diffusion Model
     with: Lin, Z.: PatchCut: Data-driven object segmentation via local shape tra...
     with: Lin, Z.: PhraseCut: Language-Based Image Segmentation in the Wild
     with: Lin, Z.: SCoRD: Subject-Conditional Relation Detection with Text-Augme...
     with: Lin, Z.: Semantic Layout Manipulation with High-Resolution Sparse Atte...
     with: Lin, Z.: Skeleton Key: Image Captioning by Skeleton-Attribute Decompos...
     with: Lin, Z.: TopNet: Transformer-Based Object Placement Network for Image ...
     with: Lin, Z.: Towards unified depth and semantic prediction from a single i...
     with: Lin, Z.: Video upscaling via spatio-temporal self-similarity
     with: Litman, R.: ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervised Varying Length Handwritten Te...
     with: Liu, F.: Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection
     with: Lu, J.W.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-Awa...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Semantic Layout Manipulation with High-Resolution Sparse Att...
     with: Luo, J.B.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-Aw...
     with: Luo, J.B.: Semantic Layout Manipulation with High-Resolution Sparse At...
     with: Luo, R.: Discriminability Objective for Training Descriptive Captions
     with: Mai, L.: Deep Interactive Thin Object Selection
     with: Mai, L.: Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection
     with: Mai, L.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentation...
     with: Maji, S.: PhraseCut: Language-Based Image Segmentation in the Wild
     with: May, S.: Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calculation to...
     with: Mazor, S.: ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervised Varying Length Handwritten Tex...
     with: Mei, K.F.: Latent Feature-Guided Diffusion Models for Shadow Removal
     with: Milanfar, P.: Estimating Spatially Varying Defocus Blur From A Single ...
     with: Moragoda, N.: Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calculati...
     with: Morse, B.S.: Color Adjacency Modeling for Improved Image and Video Seg...
     with: Morse, B.S.: Depth-based patch scaling for content-aware stereo image ...
     with: Morse, B.S.: Geodesic graph cut for interactive image segmentation
     with: Morse, B.S.: LIVEcut: Learning-based Interactive Video Segmentation by...
     with: Morse, B.S.: PatchMatch-Based Content Completion of Stereo Image Pairs
     with: Morse, B.S.: Simultaneous foreground, background, and alpha estimation...
     with: Munasinghe, D.: Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calcula...
     with: Nahmias Biran, B.: Large-Scale Mobile-Based Analysis for National Trav...
     with: Narayanan, A.: Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calculat...
     with: Ong, S.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentation...
     with: Ordonez, V.: SCoRD: Subject-Conditional Relation Detection with Text-A...
     with: Patel, V.M.: Latent Feature-Guided Diffusion Models for Shadow Removal
     with: Peter, B.G.: Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calculatio...
     with: Pham, K.: Improving Closed and Open-Vocabulary Attribute Prediction Us...
     with: Pham, K.: Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild
     with: Price, B.: Answering Questions about Data Visualizations using Efficie...
     with: Price, B.: Beyond White: Ground Truth Colors for Color Constancy Corre...
     with: Price, B.: Deep Interactive Thin Object Selection
     with: Price, B.: Deepstrip: High-Resolution Boundary Refinement
     with: Price, B.: Depth from Defocus in the Wild
     with: Price, B.: Discriminability Objective for Training Descriptive Captions
     with: Price, B.: DVQA: Understanding Data Visualizations via Question Answer...
     with: Price, B.: Forecasting Human Dynamics from Static Images
     with: Price, B.: GamutMLP: A Lightweight MLP for Color Loss Recovery
     with: Price, B.: Guided Image Inpainting: Replacing an Image Region by Pulli...
     with: Price, B.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentati...
     with: Price, B.: ObjectStitch: Object Compositing with Diffusion Model
     with: Price, B.: Phraseclick: Toward Achieving Flexible Interactive Segmenta...
     with: Price, B.: Unconstrained Foreground Object Search
     with: Price, B.: When Color Constancy Goes Wrong: Correcting Improperly Whit...
     with: Price, B.L.: Color Adjacency Modeling for Improved Image and Video Seg...
     with: Price, B.L.: Context Driven Scene Parsing with Attention to Rare Classes
     with: Price, B.L.: Deep Image Matting
     with: Price, B.L.: Deep Interactive Object Selection
     with: Price, B.L.: Depth-based patch scaling for content-aware stereo image ...
     with: Price, B.L.: Effective learning-based illuminant estimation using simp...
     with: Price, B.L.: Geodesic graph cut for interactive image segmentation
     with: Price, B.L.: High-Quality Stereo Video Matching via User Interaction a...
     with: Price, B.L.: Improving Image Matting Using Comprehensive Sampling Sets
     with: Price, B.L.: Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection
     with: Price, B.L.: Interactive Segmentation on RGBD Images via Cue Selection
     with: Price, B.L.: Joint Object and Part Segmentation Using Deep Learned Pot...
     with: Price, B.L.: LIVEcut: Learning-based Interactive Video Segmentation by...
     with: Price, B.L.: Object Contour Detection with a Fully Convolutional Encod...
     with: Price, B.L.: PatchCut: Data-driven object segmentation via local shape...
     with: Price, B.L.: PatchMatch-Based Content Completion of Stereo Image Pairs
     with: Price, B.L.: Semantic Object Selection
     with: Price, B.L.: Simultaneous foreground, background, and alpha estimation...
     with: Price, B.L.: Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting Rec...
     with: Price, B.L.: Stereo+Kinect for High Resolution Stereo Correspondences
     with: Price, B.L.: StereoCut: Consistent interactive object selection in ste...
     with: Price, B.L.: Towards unified depth and semantic prediction from a sing...
     with: Price, B.L.: Two Illuminant Estimation and User Correction Preference
     with: Price, B.L.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Rajan, D.: Improving Image Matting Using Comprehensive Sampling Sets
     with: Ravi, H.: AESOP: Abstract Encoding of Stories, Objects, and Pictures
     with: Raviv, T.R.: Dual-Task ConvLSTM-UNet for Instance Segmentation of Weak...
     with: Rossi, R.: Figure Captioning with Relation Maps for Reasoning
     with: Schiller, S.: Depth from Defocus in the Wild
     with: Schiller, S.: Estimating Spatially Varying Defocus Blur From A Single ...
     with: Shahrian, E.: Improving Image Matting Using Comprehensive Sampling Sets
     with: Shakhnarovich, G.: Discriminability Objective for Training Descriptive...
     with: Shechtman, E.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Objec...
     with: Shen, X.: Joint Object and Part Segmentation Using Deep Learned Potent...
     with: Shen, X.: Skeleton Key: Image Captioning by Skeleton-Attribute Decompo...
     with: Shen, X.H.: Concept Mask: Large-Scale Segmentation from Semantic Conce...
     with: Shen, X.H.: Towards unified depth and semantic prediction from a singl...
     with: Shrestha, R.: Answering Questions about Data Visualizations using Effi...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Improving Closed and Open-Vocabulary Attribute Predic...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild
     with: Simon, V.: Large-Scale Mobile-Based Analysis for National Travel Deman...
     with: Soatto, S.: Video upscaling via spatio-temporal self-similarity
     with: Somanath, G.: Stereo+Kinect for High Resolution Stereo Correspondences
     with: Song, Y.Z.: ObjectStitch: Object Compositing with Diffusion Model
     with: Tang, H.: Depth from Defocus in the Wild
     with: Tensmeyer, C.: Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting R...
     with: Tran, Q.: Improving Closed and Open-Vocabulary Attribute Prediction Us...
     with: Tran, Q.: Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild
     with: Wang, P.: Joint Object and Part Segmentation Using Deep Learned Potent...
     with: Wang, P.: Towards unified depth and semantic prediction from a single ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Skeleton Key: Image Captioning by Skeleton-Attribute Decompo...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Concept Mask: Large-Scale Segmentation from Semantic Conce...
     with: Wang, Z.: Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution
     with: Wigington, C.: Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting R...
     with: Wilensky, G.: Deepstrip: High-Resolution Boundary Refinement
     with: Wu, C.: PhraseCut: Language-Based Image Segmentation in the Wild
     with: Wu, Y.: Large Displacement Optical Flow from Nearest Neighbor Fields
     with: Xu, N.: Deep Image Matting
     with: Xu, N.: Deep Interactive Object Selection
     with: Xu, N.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-Aware...
     with: Xu, N.: Semantic Layout Manipulation with High-Resolution Sparse Atten...
     with: Xu, N.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Yang, J.: Context Driven Scene Parsing with Attention to Rare Classes
     with: Yang, J.: Deep Interactive Object Selection
     with: Yang, J.: Forecasting Human Dynamics from Static Images
     with: Yang, J.: Object Contour Detection with a Fully Convolutional Encoder-...
     with: Yang, J.: PatchCut: Data-driven object segmentation via local shape tr...
     with: Yang, J.C.: Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution
     with: Yang, J.C.: Fast Image Super-Resolution Based on In-Place Example Regr...
     with: Yang, J.C.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Yang, L.J.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Yang, M.H.: Context Driven Scene Parsing with Attention to Rare Classes
     with: Yang, M.H.: Object Contour Detection with a Fully Convolutional Encode...
     with: Yang, M.H.: PatchCut: Data-driven object segmentation via local shape ...
     with: Yang, R.G.: High-Quality Stereo Video Matching via User Interaction an...
     with: Yang, Z.Y.: SCoRD: Subject-Conditional Relation Detection with Text-Au...
     with: Yue, D.C.: YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Joint Object and Part Segmentation Using Deep Learned Po...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Towards unified depth and semantic prediction from a sin...
     with: Zhang, C.X.: High-Quality Stereo Video Matching via User Interaction a...
     with: Zhang, J.: Relationship Proposal Networks
     with: Zhang, J.M.: Concept Mask: Large-Scale Segmentation from Semantic Conc...
     with: Zhang, J.M.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-...
     with: Zhang, J.M.: ObjectStitch: Object Compositing with Diffusion Model
     with: Zhang, J.M.: Semantic Layout Manipulation with High-Resolution Sparse ...
     with: Zhang, R.: Figure Captioning with Relation Maps for Reasoning
     with: Zhang, Z.F.: GALA: Toward Geometry-and-Lighting-Aware Object Search fo...
     with: Zhang, Z.F.: ObjectStitch: Object Compositing with Diffusion Model
     with: Zhang, Z.F.: TopNet: Transformer-Based Object Placement Network for Im...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Guided Image Inpainting: Replacing an Image Region by Pullin...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Unconstrained Foreground Object Search
     with: Zheng, H.: Semantic Layout Manipulation with High-Resolution Sparse At...
     with: Zheng, H.T.: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-...
     with: Zhou, P.: Deepstrip: High-Resolution Boundary Refinement
     with: Zhu, S.: GALA: Toward Geometry-and-Lighting-Aware Object Search for Co...
     with: Zhu, S.: TopNet: Transformer-Based Object Placement Network for Image ...
     with: Zhu, X.: Estimating Spatially Varying Defocus Blur From A Single Image
243 for Cohen, S.

Cohen, S.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guibas, L.J.: Earth Mover's Distance under Transformation Sets, The
     with: Guibas, L.J.: Shape-Based Illustration Indexing and Retrieval: Some Fi...
     with: Guibas, L.J.: Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Geometric Hashing

Cohen, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bronstein, M.M.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
     with: Bruna, J.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
     with: Gori, M.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
     with: Leskovec, J.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
     with: Lio, P.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
     with: Song, L.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
     with: Vinyals, O.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
     with: Wolf, L.B.: Bidirectional One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Mapping
     with: Zafeiriou, S.P.: Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
9 for Cohen, T.

Cohen, T.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abati, D.: Skip-Convolutions for Efficient Video Processing
     with: Bejnordi, B.E.: Skip-Convolutions for Efficient Video Processing
     with: Golinski, A.: Feedback Recurrent Autoencoder for Video Compression
     with: Habibian, A.: Adversarial Distortion for Learned Video Compression
     with: Habibian, A.: Skip-Convolutions for Efficient Video Processing
     with: Habibian, A.: Video Compression With Rate-Distortion Autoencoders
     with: Lu, Y.D.: Progressive Neural Image Compression With Nested Quantizatio...
     with: Pourreza, R.: Adversarial Distortion for Learned Video Compression
     with: Pourreza, R.: Extending Neural P-frame Codecs for B-frame Coding
     with: Pourreza, R.: Feedback Recurrent Autoencoder for Video Compression
     with: Said, A.: Progressive Neural Image Compression With Nested Quantizatio...
     with: Sautiere, G.: Feedback Recurrent Autoencoder for Video Compression
     with: Sautiere, G.: Lossy Compression with Distortion Constrained Optimization
     with: Tomczak, J.: Video Compression With Rate-Distortion Autoencoders
     with: van Rozendaal, T.: Lossy Compression with Distortion Constrained Optim...
     with: van Rozendaal, T.: Video Compression With Rate-Distortion Autoencoders
     with: Veerabadran, V.: Adversarial Distortion for Learned Video Compression
     with: Yang, Y.: Feedback Recurrent Autoencoder for Video Compression
     with: Yang, Y.: Progressive Neural Image Compression With Nested Quantizatio...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Progressive Neural Image Compression With Nested Quantization...
20 for Cohen, T.S.

Cohen, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anderson, K.: efficient and accurate method for mapping forest clearcu...
     with: Fiorella, M.: efficient and accurate method for mapping forest clearcu...
     with: Gray, J.: efficient and accurate method for mapping forest clearcuts i...
     with: Helmer, E.: efficient and accurate method for mapping forest clearcuts...

Cohen, W.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andersen, H.E.: Evaluating Site-Specific and Generic Spatial Models of...
     with: Braaten, J.: Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google Eart...
     with: Cavalcante, L.: Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google E...
     with: Davis, P.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for validati...
     with: Deo, R.K.: Evaluating Site-Specific and Generic Spatial Models of Abov...
     with: Domke, G.M.: Evaluating Site-Specific and Generic Spatial Models of Ab...
     with: Gorelick, N.: Diversity of Algorithm and Spectral Band Inputs Improves...
     with: Gorelick, N.: Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google Ear...
     with: Hansen, M.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for validat...
     with: Healey, S.: Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google Earth...
     with: Healey, S.P.: Diversity of Algorithm and Spectral Band Inputs Improves...
     with: Kennedy, R.E.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for vali...
     with: Kennedy, R.E.: Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google Ea...
     with: Morisette, J.T.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for va...
     with: Nickeson, J.E.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for val...
     with: Oetter, D.R.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for valid...
     with: Russell, M.B.: Evaluating Site-Specific and Generic Spatial Models of ...
     with: Shabanov, N.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for valid...
     with: Tian, Y.H.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for validat...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for validat...
     with: Woodall, C.W.: Evaluating Site-Specific and Generic Spatial Models of ...
     with: Woodcock, C.E.: High spatial resolution satellite observations for val...
     with: Yang, Z.Q.: Diversity of Algorithm and Spectral Band Inputs Improves L...
     with: Yang, Z.Q.: Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google Earth...
     with: Zhu, Z.: Diversity of Algorithm and Spectral Band Inputs Improves Land...
25 for Cohen, W.B.

Cohen, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agam, N.: Evaluation of TsHARP Utility for Thermal Sharpening of Senti...
     with: Alchanatis, V.: Application of spectral features' ratios for improving...
     with: Alchanatis, V.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Sta...
     with: Alchanatis, V.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Statu...
     with: Alchanatis, V.: Toward Precision Agriculture in Outdoor Vertical Green...
     with: Alchanatis, V.: Using Time Series of High-Resolution Planet Satellite ...
     with: Bahat, I.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Status and...
     with: Bahat, I.: Using Time Series of High-Resolution Planet Satellite Image...
     with: Basri, R.: Inferring region salience from binary and gray-level images
     with: Ben Gal, A.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status...
     with: Ben Gal, A.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Status a...
     with: Ben Gal, A.: Using Time Series of High-Resolution Planet Satellite Ima...
     with: Berman, O.: PETIT-GAN: Physically Enhanced Thermal Image-Translating G...
     with: Goldshtein, E.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Sta...
     with: Goldshtein, E.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Statu...
     with: Grunzweig, J.M.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Stat...
     with: Helman, D.: Using Time Series of High-Resolution Planet Satellite Imag...
     with: Huryna, H.: Evaluation of TsHARP Utility for Thermal Sharpening of Sen...
     with: Huryna, H.: Field Scale Assessment of the TsHARP Technique for Thermal...
     with: Karnieli, A.: Evaluation of TsHARP Utility for Thermal Sharpening of S...
     with: Katz, L.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status Es...
     with: Keisar, O.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status ...
     with: Klapp, I.: PETIT-GAN: Physically Enhanced Thermal Image-Translating Ge...
     with: Kustas, W.P.: Evaluation of TsHARP Utility for Thermal Sharpening of S...
     with: Lacerda, L.N.: Field Scale Assessment of the TsHARP Technique for Ther...
     with: Landy, M.: Intelligible Encoding of ASL Image Sequences at Extremely L...
     with: Landy, M.S.: Hierarchical Coding of Binary Images
     with: Landy, M.S.: HIPS: A Unix-Based Image Processing System
     with: Landy, M.S.: HIPS: Image Processing Under UNIX. Software and Applicati...
     with: Landy, M.S.: Vectorgraph Coding: Efficient Coding of Line Drawings
     with: Lensky, I.M.: Toward Precision Agriculture in Outdoor Vertical Greener...
     with: Liakos, V.: Field Scale Assessment of the TsHARP Technique for Thermal...
     with: Lidor, G.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status E...
     with: Litaor, M.I.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Statu...
     with: Marzuk, S.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status ...
     with: Mendlovic, D.: PETIT-GAN: Physically Enhanced Thermal Image-Translatin...
     with: Naor, A.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status Es...
     with: Netzer, Y.S.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Status ...
     with: Netzer, Y.S.: Using Time Series of High-Resolution Planet Satellite Im...
     with: Ohana Levi, N.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Statu...
     with: Oz, N.: PETIT-GAN: Physically Enhanced Thermal Image-Translating Gener...
     with: Panov, N.: Evaluation of TsHARP Utility for Thermal Sharpening of Sent...
     with: Pavel, M.: Hierarchical Coding of Binary Images
     with: Pavel, M.: Intelligible Encoding of ASL Image Sequences at Extremely L...
     with: Peeters, A.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status...
     with: Peeters, A.: In-Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Status a...
     with: Peeters, A.: Using Time Series of High-Resolution Planet Satellite Ima...
     with: Rud, R.: Application of spectral features' ratios for improving classi...
     with: Shoshany, M.: Application of spectral features' ratios for improving c...
     with: Snider, J.: Field Scale Assessment of the TsHARP Technique for Thermal...
     with: Sochen, N.: PETIT-GAN: Physically Enhanced Thermal Image-Translating G...
     with: Sperling, G.: HIPS: A Unix-Based Image Processing System
     with: Sperling, G.: HIPS: Image Processing Under UNIX. Software and Applicat...
     with: Sperling, G.: Intelligible Encoding of ASL Image Sequences at Extremel...
     with: Vellidis, G.: Field Scale Assessment of the TsHARP Technique for Therm...
     with: Zuckerman, N.: Toward Precision Agriculture in Outdoor Vertical Greene...
59 for Cohen, Y.

Cohendet, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Demarty, C.: VideoMem: Constructing, Analyzing, Predicting Short-Term ...
     with: Duong, N.: VideoMem: Constructing, Analyzing, Predicting Short-Term an...
     with: Engilberge, M.: VideoMem: Constructing, Analyzing, Predicting Short-Te...

Coheur, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blessing, S.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New...
     with: Boersma, K.F.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six Ne...
     with: Compernolle, S.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six ...
     with: de Smedt, I.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New...
     with: George, M.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New E...
     with: Giering, R.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New ...
     with: Gobron, N.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New E...
     with: Lambert, J.C.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six Ne...
     with: Muller, J.P.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New...
     with: Nightingale, J.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six ...
     with: Schulz, J.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New E...
     with: Wood, A.: Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New ECV...
12 for Coheur, P.

Coheur, P.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baron, A.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Begue, N.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Bencherif, H.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oc...
     with: Berthet, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Clerbaux, C.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: Duflot, V.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocean...
     with: Jegou, F.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Keckhut, P.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Khaykin, S.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Kloss, C.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Krysztofiak, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over ...
     with: Payen, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Portafaix, T.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oc...
     with: Querel, R.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocean...
     with: Robinson, J.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: Smale, D.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Smale, P.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Veremes, H.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
18 for Coheur, P.F.

Index for "c"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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