Update Dates 0604

0604 * *Document Image Analysis for Libraries
* *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation
* 3-D reconstruction of tissue components for atherosclerotic human arteries using ex vivo high-resolution MRI
* 3-D video coding with redundant-wavelet multihypothesis
* 3D Facial Expression Database For Facial Behavior Research, A
* 3D Gait Recognition Using Multiple Cameras
* 3D Object Modeling and Recognition Using Local Affine-Invariant Image Descriptors and Multi-View Spatial Constraints
* 3D Structure Recovery and Unwarping of Surfaces Applicable to Planes
* 3D target recognition using cooperative feature map binding under Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Action Recognition
* Absolute Line Quadric and Camera Autocalibration, The
* Accurate Face Localisation for Faces under Active Near-IR Illumination
* Accurate Head Pose Tracking in Low Resolution Video
* Active Differential CMOS Imaging Device for Human Face Recognition
* Adaptive available bandwidth estimation for internet video streaming
* Adaptive compression of medical ultrasound images
* Adaptive Snakes Using the EM Algorithm
* Adaptive Support-Weight Approach for Correspondence Search
* Adding Holistic Dimensions to a Facial Composite System
* Agile Stereo Pair for active vision, The
* AGORA: the Interactive Document Image Analysis Tool of the BVH Project
* algorithm for semi-supervised learning in image retrieval, An
* Alternate Line Erasure and Readout (ALER) Method for Implementing Slot-Scan Imaging Technique With a Flat-Panel Detector: Initial Experiences, An
* analysis of the efficiency of different SNR-scalable strategies for video coders, An
* Annotating programs for automatic summary generation
* Apparatus for generating motion control signal from image signal
* Appearance-based gender classification with Gaussian processes
* Appearance-Cloning: Photo-Consistent Scene Recovery from Multi-View Images
* Applications of moving windows technique to autonomous vehicle navigation
* Approach to Extracting Trunk from an Image, An
* Approaches for automated detection and classification of masses in mammograms
* Approximating the problem, not the solution: An alternative view of point set matching
* Articulated Hand Tracking by PCA-ICA Approach
* Artifacts of Markov blanket filtering based on discretized features in small sample size applications
* Assessment of femtosecond temporal gating for imaging in biological medium by Monte Carlo simulations
* Associative processors for video coding applications
* Astronomical image restoration using an improved anisotropic diffusion
* Asymptotically optimal blind estimation of multichannel images
* ATMS implementation system for identifying traffic conditions leading to potential crashes
* Authenticating corrupted photo images based on noise parameter estimation
* Automatic Active Contours Propagation In A Sequence Of Medical Images
* Automatic Content-based Indexing of Digital Documents through Intelligent Processing Techniques
* Automatic Feature Extraction for Multiview 3D Face Recognition
* Automatic fog detection and estimation of visibility distance through use of an onboard camera
* Automatic Gait Recognition using Dynamic Variance Features
* Automatic Gesture Recognition for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
* Automatic Impression Transformation of Faces in 3D Shape: A Perceptual Comparison with Processing on 2D Images
* Automatic localization of craniofacial landmarks using multi-layer perceptron as a function approximator
* Automatic measurement of industrial sheetmetal parts with CAD data and non-metric image sequence
* Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus
* Automatic Skin Segmentation for Gesture Recognition Combining Region and Support Vector Machine Active Learning
* Automatic video monitoring system which selectively saves information
* BALAS: Empirical Bayesian learning in the relevance feedback for image retrieval
* Bayesian Classification of Task-Oriented Actions Based on Stochastic Context-Free Grammar
* bayesian network approach to traffic flow forecasting, A
* Bayesian Wavelet-Based Image Deconvolution: A GEM Algorithm Exploiting a Class of Heavy-Tailed Priors
* Beyond Tracking: Modelling Activity and Understanding Behaviour
* Bhattacharyya space for feature selection and its application to texture segmentation, The
* Bio-native Shape Modeling And Virtual Reality For Bio Education
* Block Smoothing-Based Method for Flicker Removal in Image Sequences, A
* Boundary-trimmed 3D triangular mesh segmentation based on iterative merging strategy
* Breast cancer diagnosis using genetic programming generated feature
* Building k-Connected Neighborhood Graphs for Isometric Data Embedding
* Burst-by-burst adaptive decision feedback equalized TCM, TTCM, and BICM for H.263-assisted wireless video telephony
* Capitalize on Dimensionality Increasing Techniques for Improving Face Recognition Grand Challenge Performance
* Cascaded Classification of Gender and Facial Expression using Active Appearance Models
* Case of the Digitized Works at a National Digital Library, The
* Cell algorithms with data inflation for non-parametric classification
* CFAR Detection of Extended and Multiple Point-Like Targets Without Assignment of Secondary Data
* chaincode based scheme for fingerprint feature extraction, A
* Character templates learning for textual images recognition as an example of learning in structural recognition
* Characterization of Sufficient Visibility in the Direct Reference Plane Approach for Multiple Views with Missing Data, The
* Circle detection on images using genetic algorithms
* Class-specific feature polynomial classifier for pattern classification and its application to handwritten numeral recognition
* Classification by evolutionary ensembles
* Classification of acoustic events using SVM-based clustering schemes
* Cluster-Based Pattern Discrimination: A Novel Technique for Feature Selection
* Clustering in Video Data: Dealing with Heterogeneous Semantics of Features
* clustering-based method for unsupervised intrusion detections, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Based Localization by Indexing Scale-Invariant Features
* Coherent Computational Approach to Model Bottom-Up Visual Attention, A
* Collecting highly reproducible images to support dermatological medical diagnosis
* Color Face Recognition by Hypercomplex Gabor Analysis
* Color image segmentation by analysis of subset connectedness and color homogeneity properties
* Combined spatial and temporal domain wavelet shrinkage algorithm for video denoising
* Combining a hybrid Approach for Features Selection and Hidden Markov Models in Multifont Arabic Characters Recognition
* Combining PCA and LFA for Surface Reconstruction from a Sparse Set of Control Points
* Comments on Fundamental Limits of Reconstruction-Based Superresolution Algorithms under Local Translation'
* Comparative Study of Transformation Functions for Nonrigid Image Registration, A
* Comparison among feature extraction methods for HIV-1 protease cleavage site prediction
* Comparison Between Immersion-Based and Toboggan-Based Watershed Image Segmentation
* Comparison of Affine Region Detectors, A
* Comparison of extrasystolic ECG signal classifiers using discrete wavelet transforms
* Comparison of Silhouette Shape Descriptors for Example-based Human Pose Recovery
* Comparison of wavelets for multiresolution motion estimation
* Complex Handwritten Page Segmentation Using Contextual Models
* Component Optimization for Image Understanding: A Bayesian Approach
* Component-based robust face detection using AdaBoost and decision tree
* Compression of colour images by inter-band compensated prediction
* Computer Analysis of Computed Tomography Scans of the Lung: A Survey
* Computer assistance for Digital Libraries: Contributions to Middle-ages and Authors' Manuscripts exploitation and enrichment
* Concurrent 3-D Motion Segmentation and 3-D Interpretation of Temporal Sequences of Monocular Images
* Consistent multi-modal non-rigid registration based on a variational approach
* Constructing dense correspondences for the analysis of 3D facial morphology
* Contains and inside relationships within combinatorial pyramids
* Contour tracking based on marginalized likelihood ratios
* Convergent incremental optimization transfer algorithms: Application to tomography
* Correcting Curvature-Density Effects in the Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton
* Correspondence matching using kernel principal components analysis and label consistency constraints
* cross-Layer diversity technique for multicarrier OFDM multimedia networks, A
* Custom-Built Moments for Edge Location
* Dance Posture Recognition Using Wide-baseline Orthogonal Stereo Cameras
* Data-driven synthesis of composite-feature detectors for 3D image analysis
* Database Size Effects on Performance on a Smart Card Face Verification System
* Decision-level Fusion Of Pca And Lda-based Face Recognition Algorithms
* Decision-Theoretic Video Conference System Based on Gesture Recognition, A
* Dedicated Texture Based Tools for Characterisation of Old Books
* Deformable segmentation of 3-D ultrasound prostate images using statistical texture matching method
* Design and Comparison of Segmentation Driven and Recognition Driven Devanagari OCR
* Detecting and characterising returns in a pulsed ladar system
* Detecting Codimension: Two Objects in an Image with Ginzburg-Landau Models
* Detecting eye blink states by tracking iris and eyelids
* Detecting fingerprint minutiae by run length encoding scheme
* Detection and Segmentation of Table of Contents and Index Pages from Document Images
* Deterioration of visual information in face classification using Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces
* DIAL 2004 Working Group Report on Acquisition Quality Control
* Digital Bleaching and Content Extraction for the Digital Archive of Rare Books
* Digital image compression with spatially varying quality levels determined by identifying areas of interest
* Discriminant common vectors versus neighbourhood components analysis and Laplacianfaces: A comparative study in small sample size problem
* Discriminative Learning Framework with Pairwise Constraints for Video Object Classification, A
* Displacement and velocity of the coronary arteries: cardiac and respiratory motion
* Distance Measures for Layout-Based Document Image Retrieval
* Document Image Retrieval using Signatures as Queries
* Dynamic Linear Level Octree-based Volume Rendering Methods For Interactive Microsurgical Simulation
* Dynamic origin-destination demand estimation using automatic vehicle identification data
* Dynamical Gaussian mixture model for tracking elliptical living objects
* Dynamical running coding in digital steganography
* Dynamics of Facial Expression: Recognition of Facial Actions and Their Temporal Segments From Face Profile Image Sequences
* Edge-preserving joint motion-disparity estimation in stereo image sequences
* effective method to detect and categorize digitized traditional Chinese paintings, An
* Effectiveness of Visual Interactive Modeling in the Context of Multiple-Criteria Group Decisions
* Efficient adaptive density estimation per image pixel for the task of background subtraction
* efficient architecture for motion estimation and compensation in the transform domain, An
* Efficient block-matching motion estimation based on Integral frame attributes
* Efficient high-speed/low-power line-based architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform using lifting scheme
* efficient illumination normalization method for face recognition, An
* efficient line symmetry-based K-means algorithm, An
* Efficient reduction of block artifacts in reduced resolution update video coding
* Efficient visual secret sharing scheme for color images
* Embedding halftones of different resolutions in a full-scale halftone
* empirical evaluation of factors influencing camera calibration accuracy using three publicly available techniques, An
* Enhanced images watermarking based on amplitude modulation
* Enhancing video error resilience by using data-embedding techniques
* Estimating the Probability of the Presence of a Signal of Interest in Multiresolution Single- and Multiband Image Denoising
* Estimation of Anthropomeasures from a Single Calibrated Camera
* Estimation of straight line offsets by high-resolution method
* Evaluating Error Functions for Robust Active Appearance Models
* Expanding Training Set for Chinese Sign Language Recognition
* Experimental Performance Study of a User Intensive and Large-scale Digital Library Framework
* Exploring the Use of Conditional Random Field Models and HMMs for Historical Handwritten Document Recognition
* Extended Hough transform for linear feature detection
* Extending the relevant component analysis algorithm for metric learning using both positive and negative equivalence constraints
* Extracting Contour Lines From Common-Conditioned Topographic Maps
* Face Alignment with Unified Subspace Optimization of Active Statistical Models
* Face Classification based on Shannon Wavelet Kernel and Modified Fisher Criterion
* Face recognition based on 2D Fisherface approach
* Face Recognition based on a 3D Morphable Model
* Face Recognition by Projection-based 3D Normalization and Shading Subspace Orthogonalization
* Face Recognition from a Tabula Rasa Perspective
* Face Recognition from Unconstrained Images: Progress with Prototypes
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections
* Face recognition using optimal linear components of range images
* Face Recognition Using the Classified Appearance-based Quotient Image
* Face Recognition with Image Sets Using Hierarchically Extracted Exemplars from Appearance Manifolds
* Face Verification using External Features
* Facial Expression Classification using Gabor and Log-Gabor Filters
* Facial Feature Detection and Tracking with Automatic Template Selection
* Facial Features Extraction in Color Images Using Enhanced Active Shape Model
* fast adaptive motion estimation algorithm, A
* fast kernel-based nonlinear discriminant analysis for multi-class problems, A
* Fast Learning for Customizable Head Pose Recognition in Robotic Wheelchair Control
* Fast mixing hyperdynamic sampling
* Fast multiple reference frame motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fault diagnosis of machines based on D-S evidence theory. Part 1: D-S evidence theory and its improvement
* Fault diagnosis of machines based on D-S evidence theory. Part 2: Application of the improved D-S evidence theory in gearbox fault diagnosis
* Feature selection in robust clustering based on Laplace mixture
* Feature-Based Wavelet Shrinkage Algorithm for Image Denoising
* Field Model for Human Detection and Tracking, A
* Fingerprint alignment using a two stage optimization
* First-order fusion of volumetric medical imagery
* Flexible motion-adaptive video coding with redundant expansions
* Flexible Structure for Fully Scalable Motion-Compensated 3-D DWT With Emphasis on the Impact of Spatial Scalability, A
* Forest Height Retrieval From Commercial X-Band SAR Products
* FPGA-based real-time optical-flow system
* Framework for a Portable Gesture Interface
* Full-Body Gesture Database for Automatic Gesture Recognition, A
* Fully Automatic Facial Action Recognition in Spontaneous Behavior
* Fundamental limits of reconstruction-based superresolution algorithms under local translation
* Fuzzy system for seismic signal classification
* fuzzy transformation and its applications in image processing, The
* Gait Recognition by Two-Stage Principal Component Analysis
* Gait recognition using linear time normalization
* Gait Recognition Using Multiple Projections
* Gait Tracking and Recognition Using Person-Dependent Dynamic Shape Model
* Gamut Constrained Illuminant Estimation
* General Framework For Tracking People, A
* Generating frontal view face image for pose invariant face recognition
* Generating fuzzy membership function with self-organizing feature map
* Generic and Provably Convergent Shape-from-Shading Method for Orthographic and Pinhole Cameras, A
* Genetic Algorithm Using Hyper-Quadtrees for Low-Dimensional K-means Clustering, A
* Geolocation and Pointing Accuracy Analysis for the WindSat Sensor
* Gestalt-based feature similarity measure in trademark database
* Gesture Spotting in Low-Quality Video with Features Based on Curvature Scale Space
* Graph Embedded Analysis for Head Pose Estimation
* Graph Partitioning Active Contours (GPAC) for Image Segmentation
* graph-based, multi-resolution algorithm for tracking objects in presence of occlusions, A
* Haar Features for FACS AU Recognition
* Hand Posture Classification and Recognition using the Modified Census Transform
* Haptic Needle Manipulation Simulator For Chinese Acupuncture Learning And Training, A
* Head and Facial Action Tracking: Comparison of Two Robust Approaches
* Hierarchical clustering of gene expression profiles with graphics hardware acceleration
* Hierarchical Ensemble of Gabor Fisher Classifier for Face Recognition
* Hierarchical shadow detection for color aerial images
* High-payload image steganography using two-way block matching
* High-performance JPEG steganography using quantization index modulation in DCT domain
* High-Resolution Image Reconstruction From Multiple Differently Exposed Images
* Higher order symmetry for non-linear classification of human walk detection
* Homeostatic image perception: An artificial system
* HOS-Based Image Sequence Noise Removal
* Human Action Recognition Using Multi-View Image Sequences Features
* Human and Machine Recognition of Fourier-Bessel Filtered Face Images
* hybrid neuro-fuzzy filter for edge preserving restoration of images corrupted by impulse noise, A
* Hybrid segmentation of colon filled with air and opacified fluid for CT colonography
* Identification of AR parameters at a very low SNR using estimated spectral distribution in DCT domain
* IGSTK: an open source software toolkit for image-guided surgery
* Illumination Compensation and Normalization for Robust Face Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform in Logarithm Domain
* Image Analysis for Palaeography Inspection
* Image Feature-Based Space-Time Processing for Ground Moving Target Detection
* Image hiding scheme with modulus function and dynamic programming strategy on partitioned pixels
* Image Inpainting Approach Based on the Poisson Equation, An
* Image Interpolation using Mathematical Morphology
* Image Super-Resolution Algorithm for Different Error Levels Per Frame, An
* Image thresholding using two-dimensional Tsallis-Havrda-Charvát entropy
* Image-Processing Technique for Suppressing Ribs in Chest Radiographs by Means of Massive Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN)
* Improved Bayesian image denoising based on wavelets with applications to electron microscopy
* Improved segmentation of semiconductor defects using area sieves
* Improved Slope Estimation for SAR Doppler Ambiguity Resolution
* Improved the-law-of-cosines-based fast search method for vector quantization by updating angular information
* improved, wavelet-based, stereoscopic image sequence codec with SNR and spatial scalability, An
* Improved-LDA based face recognition using both facial global and local information
* Improving nearest neighbor classification with cam weighted distance
* Improving OCR Text Categorization Accuracy with Electronic Abstracts
* Improving the Quality of Degraded Document Images
* Improving visual evoked potential feature classification for person recognition using PCA and normalization
* Incremental Kernel SVD for Face Recognition with Image Sets
* Information-preserving hybrid data reduction based on fuzzy-rough techniques
* Ink recognition based on statistical classification methods
* Integrated longitudinal and lateral tire/road friction modeling and monitoring for vehicle motion control
* Interacting with large displays
* Interactive Document Processing and Digital Libraries
* Inverse perspective mapping and optic flow: A calibration method and a quantitative analysis
* Iris segmentation methodology for non-cooperative recognition
* Isometric Self-Organizing Map for 3D Hand Pose Estimation, The
* Iterative satellite image segmentation by fuzzy hit-or-miss and homogeneity index
* Iterative shrinking method for clustering problems
* Joint Multiregion Segmentation and Parametric Estimation of Image Motion by Basis Function Representation and Level Set Evolution
* Joint Source-Channel Coding With Partially Coded Index Assignment for Robust Scalable Video
* Joint Spatial and Frequency Domain Motion Analysis
* Kernel matching pursuit classifier ensemble
* Kernel Particle Filter for Real-Time 3D Body Tracking in Monocular Color Images
* Kronecker Product Approximation for Preconditioning in Three-Dimensional Imaging Applications
* Landmark Paper in Face Recognition, A
* Layered Deformable Model for Gait Analysis, A
* Learning a Dictionary of Shape-Components in Visual Cortex: Comparison with Neurons, Humans and Machines
* Learning Sparse Features in Granular Space for Multi-View Face Detection
* Learning to Identify Facial Expression During Detection Using Markov Decision Process
* Lexicon and hidden Markov model-based optimisation of the recognised Sinhala script
* Light field compression using disparity-compensated lifting and shape adaptation
* Line Detection in Images Through Regularized Hough Transform
* Line of Sight Robot Navigation Toward a Moving Goal
* Linear Time Algorithm for Binary Fingerprint Image Denoising Using Distance Transform, A
* Linearly independent ternary arithmetic helix transforms, their properties and relations
* Local Binary Patterns as an Image Preprocessing for Face Authentication
* Local Linear Regression (LLR) for Pose Invariant Face Recognition
* Local Noise Weighted Filtering for Emphysema Scoring of Low-Dose CT Images
* Local norm features based on ridgelets transform
* Local versus Global Segmentation for Facial Expression Recognition
* Localization of abnormal EEG sources using blind source separation partially constrained by the locations of known sources
* Longitudinal control of heavy trucks in mixed traffic: Environmental and fuel economy considerations
* Lossless compression of hyperspectral images using lookup tables
* Lossless Watermarking for Image Authentication: A New Framework and an Implementation
* Low-complexity skip prediction for H.264 through Lagrangian cost estimation
* Low-Rate and Flexible Image Coding With Redundant Representations
* Lung Motion Correction on Respiratory Gated 3-D PET/CT Images
* Making 2D Face Recognition More Robust Using AAMs for Pose Compensation
* Making Recognisable Faces
* Maximum-likelihood estimation of circle parameters via convolution
* MDCT-Based 3-D Texture Classification of Emphysema and Early Smoking Related Lung Pathologies
* Mean shift based clustering of Hough domain for fast line segment detection
* Method and apparatus for operator condition monitoring and assessment
* method of estimating coding PSNR using quantized DCT coefficients, A
* Methods for registration of three-dimensional frames to create three-dimensional virtual models of objects
* Meticulously Detailed Eye Region Model and Its Application to Analysis of Facial Images
* Metric Learning for Text Documents
* Minimum Variance Estimation of 3D Face Shape from Multi-view
* Modelling and accuracy estimation of a new omnidirectional depth computation sensor
* Modified Arc tree based hierarchical representation of digital curve
* Modified Segmental Histogram Equalization for robust speaker verification
* Modified SPIHT Algorithm for Image Coding With a Joint MSE and Classification Distortion Measure, A
* MORPH: A Longitudinal Image Database of Normal Adult Age-Progression
* Morphable Face Reconstruction with Multiple Images
* Morphological Image Compositing
* Morphological segmentation and classification of underground pipe images
* Morphological Segmentation and Partial Volume Analysis for Volumetry of Solid Pulmonary Lesions in Thoracic CT Scans
* Morphology-Based Multifractal Estimation for Texture Segmentation
* Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects from Monocular Images
* Motion features to enhance scene segmentation in active visual attention
* Motion measurement errors and autofocus in bistatic SAR
* motion-based scene tree for compressed video content management, A
* Motion-based video retrieval by trajectory matching
* Moving average algorithms for diamond, hexagon, and general polygonal shaped window operations
* MPEG-2 based lossless video compression
* MPEG-2 streaming of full interactive content
* MPEG-4-compatible stereoscopic/multiview video coding scheme, An
* Multi-Agent Activity Recognition Using Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Models
* Multi-Queue Merging Scheme And Its Application in Arabic Script Segmentation
* Multi-scale Iso-surface Extraction For Volume Visualization
* Multi-Scale Primal Feature Based Facial Expression Modeling and Identification
* Multi-sensor Data Fusion Using the Influence Model
* Multi-template ASM Method for Feature Points Detection of Facial Image with Diverse Expressions
* Multi-View Face Recognition By Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction And Generalized Linear Models
* Multilingual document recognition research and its application in China
* Multimedia adaptation in end-user terminals
* Multiple blocks matching pursuit update algorithm for low bit rate video coding
* Multiple contour extraction from graylevel images using an artificial neural network
* Multiresolution fragile watermarking using complex chirp signals for content authentication
* multiresolution motion estimation technique with indexing, A
* Multisensor Image Registration via Implicit Similarity
* Multisets mixture learning-based ellipse detection
* Multiview Face Identification Model With No Geometric Constraints, A
* mura detection method, A
* N-gram inverted index structures on music data for theme mining and content-based information retrieval
* nD generalized map pyramids: Definition, representations and basic operations
* Near-infrared Image Based Face Recognition System, A
* Near-infrared method and system for use in face detection
* Network traffic demand patterns for video over relative differentiated services networks
* New Algorithm for Distorted Fingerprints Matching Based on Normalized Fuzzy Similarity Measure, A
* New Look at Filtering Techniques for Illumination Invariance in Automatic Face Recognition, A
* new shape descriptor defined on the Radon transform, A
* new use of the ridgelets transform for describing linear singularities in images, A
* Noise reduction, smoothing and time interval segmentation of noisy signals using an energy optimisation method
* Non-linear independent component analysis using series reversion and Weierstrass network
* Non-parametric classifier-independent feature selection
* Non-Rigid Stereo Factorization
* Non-Single Viewpoint Catadioptric Cameras: Geometry and Analysis
* Nonlinear Approximation Based Image Recovery Using Adaptive Sparse Reconstructions and Iterated Denoising-Part I: Theory
* Nonlinear Approximation Based Image Recovery Using Adaptive Sparse Reconstructions and Iterated Denoising-Part II: Adaptive Algorithms
* nonlinear image contrast sharpening approach based on Munsell's scale, A
* Nonlinear Motion Correction of Respiratory-Gated Lung SPECT Images
* Nonlinear multiscale wavelet diffusion for speckle suppression and edge enhancement in ultrasound images
* Nonlinear optimisation method for image segmentation and noise reduction using geometrical intrinsic properties
* Nonparametric Supervised Learning by Linear Interpolation with Maximum Entropy
* Notes on shape orientation where the standard method does not work
* Novel Block Motion Estimation Based on Adaptive Search Patterns
* novel boundary growing approach for accurate skew estimation of binary document images, A
* novel image-hiding scheme based on block difference, A
* Novel Quantized DCT for Video Encoder Optimization
* novel technique for the watermarking of symbolically compressed documents, A
* Object recognition system
* Object recognition using point uncertainty regions as pose uncertainty regions
* OCR Voting Methods for Recognizing Low Contrast Printed Documents
* Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition: A Survey
* Offline Grammar-Based Recognition of Handwritten Sentences
* On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical drop caps
* On fast supervised learning for normal mixture models with missing information
* On Measuring the Change in Size of Pulmonary Nodules
* On the connection between the Zernike moments and Radon transform of an image
* On the Evolution of Vector Distance Functions of Closed Curves
* On the extension of functional dependency degree from crisp to fuzzy partitions
* On the optimality of Naïve Bayes with dependent binary features
* On the Ternary Spatial Relation Between
* On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression
* On using game theory to optimize the rate control in video coding
* On-Road Vehicle Detection: A Review
* One-Class Classification for Spontaneous Facial Expression Analysis
* One-Shot Learning of Object Categories
* Optimal finite impulse response approximate inverse of linear periodic filters
* Optimal Hand Gesture Vocabulary Design Using Psycho-Physiological and Technical Factors
* Optimal illumination for three-image photometric stereo using sensitivity analysis
* Optimal temporal interpolation filter for motion-compensated frame rate up conversion
* Optimised Landmark Model Matching for Face Recognition
* Optimum time~frequency distribution for detecting a discrete-time chirp signal in noise
* Orientation Angle Preserving A Posteriori Polarimetric SAR Calibration
* Parameter selection for suppressed fuzzy c-means with an application to MRI segmentation
* partitional clustering algorithm validated by a clustering tendency index based on graph theory, A
* Patient-Specific Bronchoscopy Visualization Through BRDF Estimation and Disocclusion Correction
* Perceptual impact of edge sharpness in images
* Perceptual similarity image retrieval
* Perceptually lossless medical image coding
* Performance comparison of two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform computation schedules on a VLIW digital signal processor
* Performance evaluation and optimization for content-based image retrieval
* Performance Evaluation of a Mathematical Formula Recognition System with a large scale of printed formula images
* Performance evaluation of corner detectors using consistency and accuracy measures
* Persee: Addressing the Needs of the Digitalisation and Online Accessibility of Back Collections through Robust and Integrated Tools
* Photometric Normalisation for Component-based Face Verification
* Pointing systems for addressing objects
* Polarimetric and Interferometric Characterization of Coherent Scatterers in Urban Areas
* Precise segmentation of multimodal images
* Prediction and adaptive scanning in block-set wavelet image coder
* Predictive compression of geometry, color and normal data of 3-D mesh models
* Preliminary Face Recognition Grand Challenge Results
* Principal Axis-Based Correspondence between Multiple Cameras for People Tracking
* Principal Components of Natural Images Revisited, The
* Projective reconstruction from line-correspondences in multiple uncalibrated images
* Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Views with Minimization of 2D Reprojection Error
* Proposing new methods in low-level vision from the Mach band illusion in retrospect
* Protein classification by matching and clustering surface graphs
* prototype classification method and its use in a hybrid solution for multiclass pattern recognition, A
* Quadtree-based representations of grid-oriented data
* Quality Assurance in High Volume Document Digitization: A Survey
* Querying for silhouettes by qualitative feature schemes
* Quickly tracing detection for spread spectrum watermark based on effect estimation of the affine transform
* Random Forests for land cover classification
* RBF-Based Compression Method for Image-Based Relighting, An
* RBF-based neurodynamic nearest neighbor classification in real pattern space
* Real time multiple objects tracking and identification based on discrete wavelet transform
* Real-time dense stereo for intelligent vehicles
* Real-Time Processing and Compression of DNA Microarray Images
* Real-time system for monitoring driver vigilance
* Realtime Shrug Detector, A
* Recent submissions in linear dimensionality reduction and face recognition
* Recovering Multiple View Geometry from Mutual Projections of Multiple Cameras
* Recovery of missing information in graph sequences by means of reference pattern matching and decision tree learning
* Reducing video-quality fluctuations for streaming scalable video using unequal error protection, retransmission, and interleaving
* Refinement of digitized documents through recognition of mathematical formulae
* Region Matching with Missing Parts
* Region tracking for non-rigid video objects in a non-parametric MAP framework
* Registration of Expressions Data using a 3D Morphable Model
* Regression and Classification Approaches to Eye Localization in Face Images
* Rejection of Non-meaningful Activities
* Relevance feedback for CBIR: a new approach based on probabilistic feature weighting with positive and negative examples
* Reliable and Fast Tracking of Faces under Varying Pose
* Relighting of Facial Images
* Reversible data hiding
* robust approach for constructing a graph representation of articulated and tubular-like objects from 3D scattered data, A
* Robust Distance Measures for Face-Recognition Supporting Revocable Biometric Tokens.
* robust eye detection method using combined binary edge and intensity information, A
* Robust Face Recognition by Multiscale Kernel Associative Memory Models Based on Hierarchical Spatial-Domain Gabor Transforms
* Robust face recognition from 2D and 3D images using structural Hausdorff distance
* Robust Head Tracking Based on a Multi-State Particle Filter
* Robust locally linear embedding
* Robust Method for Real-time, Continuous, 3D Detection of Obstructed Faces in Indoors Environments
* robust model for optimal time-of-day speed control at highway work zones, A
* Robust Multi-View Multi-Camera Face Detection inside Smart Rooms Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Programming
* Robust Point Matching for Nonrigid Shapes by Preserving Local Neighborhood Structures
* Robust Speaker's Location Detection in a Vehicle Environment Using GMM Models
* Robust Spotting of Key Gestures from Whole Body Motion Sequence
* Rotation and scaling invariant texture classification based on Radon transform and multiscale analysis
* Rough set based incremental clustering of interval data
* Ruggedness measures of medical time series using fuzzy-rough sets and fractals
* rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
* Rule-based cleanup of on-line English ink notes
* Saliency and semantic processing: Extracting forest cover from historical topographic maps
* scalable wavelet-based video distortion metric and applications, A
* Seamless image stitching by minimizing false edges
* Secret image sharing with smaller shadow images
* Segmentation of Planar Objects and Their Shadows in Motion Sequences
* Segmentation of Psoriasis Vulgaris Images Using Multiresolution-Based Orthogonal Subspace Techniques
* Segmentation of trabeculated structures using an anisotropic Markov random field: application to the study of the optic nerve head in glaucoma
* segmentation-free biometric writer verification method based on continuous dynamic programming, A
* Selection of Generative Models in Classification
* Self Correcting Tracking for Articulated Objects
* Self-calibrating 3D-ultrasound-based bone registration for minimally invasive orthopedic surgery
* Semi-Local Paradigm for Wavelet Denoising, A
* Separating Lines of Text in Free-Form Handwritten Historical Documents
* shadow elimination approach in video-surveillance context, A
* Shape from Texture without Boundaries
* Shape-from-Shading Method of Polyhedral Objects Using Prior Information, A
* Shapeme Histogram Projection and Matching for Partial Object Recognition
* Shells and Spheres: A Framework for Variable Scale Statistical Image Analysis
* Sign Recognition using Depth Image Streams
* Signatures versus histograms: Definitions, distances and algorithms
* Similarity-Based Online Feature Selection in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Simultaneous tracking of multiple body parts of interacting persons
* Single-View-Point Omnidirectional Catadioptric Cone Mirror Imager
* Singular point detection by shape analysis of directional fields in fingerprints
* Skeletonization based on error reduction
* Soft biometrics: Combining body weight and fat measurements with fingerprint biometrics
* Spaghetti PCA analysis: An extension of principal components analysis to time dependent interval data
* Sparse Representation for Coarse and Fine Object Recognition
* Special Paraunitary Matrices, Cayley Transform, and Multidimensional Orthogonal Filter Banks
* Spectral Approach to Learning Structural Variations in Graphs, A
* Stabilizing the Focal Length Computation for 3-D Reconstruction from Two Uncalibrated Views
* Structure-Texture Image Decomposition: Modeling, Algorithms, and Parameter Selection
* study of Gaussian mixture models of color and texture features for image classification and segmentation, A
* Subspace-based Age-group Classification Using Facial Images under Various Lighting Conditions
* Superresolution Mapping Using a Hopfield Neural Network With Fused Images
* Surface Reconstruction Method Using Global Graph Cut Optimization, A
* Symmetric polarity in generalized symmetry transformation
* syntax-preserving error resilience tool for JPEG 2000 based on error correcting arithmetic coding, A
* System and method for servoing on a moving fixation point within a dynamic scene
* System and method of light spot position and color detection
* Techniques for the Segmentation of Striation Patterns
* Template-based Isocontouring
* Temporal color video demosaicking via motion estimation and data fusion
* Text Line Extraction in Handwritten Document with Kalman Filter Applied on Low Resolution Image
* Texture image segmentation using combined features from spatial and spectral distribution
* Texture recognition from sparsely and irregularly sampled data
* Texture Synthesis: Textons Revisited
* Texture-Based Method for Modeling the Background and Detecting Moving Objects, A
* theoretical analysis of FDA and applications, The
* Tone Reproduction: A Perspective from Luminance-Driven Perceptual Grouping
* Toward an Efficient and Accurate AAM Fitting on Appearance Varying Faces
* Towards Automatic Body Language Annotation
* Towards Recognizing Emotion with Affective Dimensions Through Body Gestures
* Towards Restoring Historic Documents Degraded Over Time
* Tracking Using Dynamic Programming for Appearance-Based Sign Language Recognition
* Tree clustering for layout-based document image retrieval
* Truck route planning in nonstationary stochastic networks with time windows at customer locations
* Turbo-slice-and-patch: An Algorithm for Metropolitan Scale VBR Video Streaming
* Two-class fingerprint matcher
* Unsupervised Approach for Video Text Localization, An
* Unsupervised color-texture segmentation based on soft criterion with adaptive mean-shift clustering
* Unsupervised scene analysis: A hidden Markov model approach
* use of entropy minimization for the solution of blind source separation problems in image analysis, The
* Use of Figures in Literature Mining for Biomedical Digital Libraries
* User centered image management system for digital libraries
* Using a Tensor Framework for the Analysis of Facial Dynamics
* Using color reach histogram for object search in colour and/or depth scene
* Using diversity of errors for selecting members of a committee classifier
* Using Feature Combination and Statistical Resampling for Accurate Face Recognition Based on Frequency Domain Representation of Facial Asymmetry
* Validation of bone segmentation and improved 3-D registration using contour coherency in CT data
* Variable-Length Encoding Method to Prevent the Error Propagation Effect in Video Communication, A
* Variational Bayes for Continuous Hidden Markov Models and Its Application to Active Learning
* Vectorized image segmentation via trixel agglomeration
* Versatile Segmentation Procedure, A
* Video dejittering by bake and shake
* Video Halftoning
* Video Repairing under Variable Illumination Using Cyclic Motions
* Video-Based Face Recognition Evaluation in the CHIL Project: Run 1
* Video-based lane estimation and tracking for driver assistance: Survey, system, and evaluation
* Vision Based Interface for Local Collaborative Music Synthesis, A
* Visual learning and recognition of 3D objects using two-dimensional principal component analysis: A robust and an efficient approach
* Volumetric breast density estimation from full-field digital mammograms
* VR Enhanced Collaborative System For 3d Confocal Microscopic Image Processing And Visualization, A
* Watermarking Mesh-Based Representations of 3-D Objects Using Local Moments
* watermarking-based image ownership and tampering authentication scheme, A
* Weighted Gabor Features in Unitary Space for Face Recognition
* What can we learn from the processing of 165,000 forms from the 19th century?
* Why direct LDA is not equivalent to LDA
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.