CGIP( Vol No. )
* *Computer Graphics Image Processing
* Abstract families of matrices and picture languages
* Algebraic Approach to Image Restoration Filter Design, An
* Algorithms for reproducing objects from their X-rays
* Analysis of Convex Blobs, The
* approach to the optimum implementation of interactive display data structures, An
* Computer System for Scientific Typography, A
* Computer-Produced Grey Scales
* Edge Detection Using Heuristic Methods
* Ex. FRAF: An extensible language including graphical operations
* Extraction of Invariant Picture Substructures by Computer
* Iterative Procedure for the Polygonal Approximation of Plane Curves, An
* On Coons' and Other Methods for the Representation of Curved Surfaces
* On the recognition of topological invariants by 4-way finite automata
* Parallel Shrinking in Three Dimensions
* Perception and Description of Line Drawings, The
* Picture Processing: 1972
* Preprocessing of Gray-Scale Pictures
* Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters by Automatic Pattern Analysis
* Segmentation of Pictures and Maps Through Functional Approximation
* Some experiments in scene analysis and scene regeneration using COMPAX
* Stochastic Syntactic Analysis for Programmed Grammars and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Texture Descriptions Using Neighborhood Information
* Two Direct Methods for Reconstructing Pictures from Their Projections
* Web Grammars and Picture Description
24 for CGIP(1)
* Algorithms for Generation of Discrete Circles, Rings, and Disks
* Ambiguity Reduction in Handwriting with Ambiguous Segmentation and Uncertain Interpretation
* Approach to Region Splitting, An
* Chain-Link Coding and Segmentation for Raster Scan Devices
* Closing Gaps, and Gaps with a Stepping-Stone, by Means of Parabolas
* Clustering Edge Values for Threshold Selection
* Color Map Techniques
* Destriping Satellite Images
* Filling Algorithms for Raster Graphics
* Generation of Polygons Representing Circles, Ellipses and Hyperbolas, The
* Hexagonal array grammars
* Image processing and computer graphics
* Information display using the methods of digital holography
* Linear Transformation of Pictures Represented by Quad Trees
* Measurement of the Lengths of Digitized Curved Lines
* MENT: A Maximum Entropy Algorithm for Reconstructing a Source from Projection Data
* Method for Analyzing Dynamic Processes Represented by Sequences of Maps, A
* Method for Deriving Compatibility Coefficients for Relaxation Operators, A
* Metrication Errors and Coding Efficiency of Chain-Encoding Schemes for the Representation of Lines and Edges
* On the Properties of Discrete Circles, Rings, and Disks
* Random Pattern Generation Processes
* raster-mode algorithm for interactive modification of line drawing data, A
* Reconstruction of Fan-Beam Data by Filtering the Back-Projection, The
* Recursive Procedure for Finding the Intersection of Two Digital Curves, A
* Region Extraction and Shape Analysis in Aerial Photographs
* Relaxation and Constrained Optimization by Local Processes
* Segmentation by Texture Using a Co-Occurrence Matrix and a Split-and-Merge Algorithm
* tuning fork artifact in computerized tomography, The
28 for CGIP(10)
* Boundary Curve Criterion, A
* Class of Three-Dimensional Recursive Parallelpiped Masks, A
* Computational Models of Space: Isovists and Isovist Fields
* Computer analysis of moving radiopaque markers from X-ray cinefilms
* Computer Study of Knots
* Computing the Spatial Structures of Cellular Texture
* Constructing Trees for Region Description
* Data Structures for Picture Processing: A Survey
* Distance Checking Algorithms
* Evaluation of algorithms to display vector plots on raster devices
* generalized scan line algorithm for the computer display of parametrically defined surfaces, A
* Interactive Digital Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Isotropic Four-Point Interpolation
* Line Skeleton, The
* Logarithmic Spiral Grids for Image Processing and Display
* Mathematical Models for Determining the Intersections of Quadric Surfaces
* Quadratic Optimization for Image Reconstruction, II
* Reconstruction of X-Ray Sources from Penumbral images
* Region Extraction Using Convergent Evidence
* Segmentation Through the Detection of Change Due to Motion
* state-space realization of a certain class of two-dimensional systems with applications to image processing, The
* Statistical Analysis of Some Edge Operators
* Syntactic Approach to Time-Varying Image Analysis, A
* Tape Format for Transferral of Image Data and Source Programs, A
24 for CGIP(11)
* Boolean Model and Random Sets, The
* Comparative Analysis of Line-Drawing Modeling Schemes
* Edge and Region Analysis for Digital Image Data
* Edge Detection in Textures
* Finding Structure in Co-Occurrence Matrices for Texture Analysis
* Image models in pattern theory
* Image Segmentation as an Estimation Problem
* Long crested wave models
* Markov Mesh Models
* Mathematical models of graphics
* Nonstationary Statistical Image Models (and Their Application to Image Data compression)
* On the noise in images produced by computed tomography
* Pictorial Feature Extraction and Recognition via Image Modeling
* Random Field Models of Images
* Scene Modeling: A Structural Basis for Image Description
* Statistical Models for the Image Restoration Problem
* Stochastic Boundary Estimation and Object Recognition
* Stochastic Image Models Generated by Random Tessellations of the Plane
* survey of geometrical probability in the plane, with emphasis on stochastic image modeling, A
* Syntactic Image Modeling Using Stochastic Tree Grammars
* Toward a Structural Textural Analyzer Based on Statistical Methods
* Use of Markov Random Fields as Models of Texture, The
22 for CGIP(12)
* C1 Triangular Interpolation Patch for Computer-Aided Geometric Design, A
* Color Information for Region Segmentation
* Compatibilities and the Fixed Points of Arithmetic Relaxation Processes
* Computing the Euler Number of an Image from its Quadtree
* Data Structures for the Rectangle Containment and Enclosure Problems
* Distorted Shape Recognition Using Attributed Grammars and Error-Correcting Techniques
* Efficient Three-Dimensional Aircraft Recognition Algorithm Using Normalized Fourier Descriptors, An
* Fast Geometrical Manipulations of Digital Images
* Iconic Transform for Sketch Completion and Shape Abstraction, An
* Linear Feature Extraction and Description
* Local transforms for biomedical image analysis
* L_n norm optimal histogram matching and application to similarity retrieval
* Natural Scene Recognition Using Locus Search
* On the Areas and Boundaries of Quantized Objects
* Picture Processing: 1979
* Product Rule Relaxation Method, A
* Region Representation: Quadtree from Binary Arrays
* Region Segmentation: Signal vs. Semantics
* Some Experiments on LANDSAT Pixel Classification Using Relaxation Operators
* Thinning Algorithm for Discrete Binary Images, A
* Using Perspective Transformations in Scene Analysis
21 for CGIP(13)
* Anthropomorphic Retina-Like Structure for Scene Analysis, An
* Automatic Visual Inspection System for Integrated Circuit Chips, An
* Computer Detection and Classification of Three Citrus Infestations
* Computer graphics: A keyword-indexed bibliography for the years 1976, 1977, and 1978
* Definition of Neighborhood of a Region for Picture Processing, A
* Determining a Set of B-Spline Control Vertices to Generate an Interpolating Surface
* Discrete B-splines and subdivision techniques in computer-aided geometric design and computer graphics
* Euclidean Distance Mapping
* Graphics Input Tools for Interactive Motion Analysis
* Low-level vision using an array processor
* Oct-trees and Their Use in Representing Three-Dimensional Objects
* On Efficient Global Information Extraction Methods for Parallel Processors
* On information content in patterns
* Parallel Operations on binary Images
* Parallel Sigma-erasing array acceptors
* pointer for analog refresh memories, A
* Reading Handwritten Words Using Hierarchical Relaxation
* remark on the paper, A method of deriving compatibility coefficients for relaxation operators, A
* Tree and Pyramid Structures for Coding Hexagonally Sampled Binary Images
* Two-Stage Method for Fast Edge Detection, A
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* Algorithm for Generating a Digital Circle on a Triangular Grid
* Algorithm for Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Recognition of Two-Dimensional Objects, An
* Application of Phase Unwrapping in Image Restoration
* Computer Graphics: A Keyword-Indexed Bibliography for the Year 1979
* Decision Rules for the Choice of Neighbors in Random Field Models of Images
* Detection of Roads and Linear Structures in Low Resolution Aerial Images Using Multi-Source Knowledge Integration Techniques
* Distribution of Run Lengths over Scanned Rectangles
* Dynamic Model for Image Registration, A
* Effect of Median Filtering on Edge Location Estimation, The
* exact hidden sphere algorithm that operates in linear time, An
* Facet Model for Image Data, A
* Generalized Cones from Serial Sections
* Gradient Inverse Weighted Smoothing Scheme and the Evaluation of Its Performance
* Intermediate-Level Vision: Building Vertex-String-Surface (V-S-S) Graphs
* New Approach to Contour Coding, A
* On Improving Line Detection in Noisy Images
* On the Boundary of a Finite Set of Points in the Plane
* Organ Detection in Abdominal Computerized Tomography Scans: Application to the Kidney
* Parallel context-free array grammar normal forms
* Range Image Enhancement via One-Dimensional Spatial Filtering
* Refined Noise Filtering Using Local Statistics
* Relaxation: Application to the Matrix Reconstruction Problem
* Restoration of VOYAGER 1 Image of Io
* Segmentation System Based on Thresholding, A
* Semiautomatic Digitization Method and the Use of Spline Functions in Processing Line Drawings, A
* Single-Pass, Chain Generating Algorithm for Region Boundaries, A
* Skeleton Generation from x,y Boundary Sequences
* Theory, Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a 3D Surface Detection Algorithm, The
28 for CGIP(15)
* Algorithms for Testing Convexity of Digital Polygons
* Bounded Straight-Line Approximation of Digitized Planar Curves and Lines
* Calculations of Geometric Properties Using Quadtrees
* Character generation by computer
* Contextual Boundary Formation by One-dimensional Edge Detection and Scan Line Matching
* Decomposition and Decentralization Techniques in Relaxation Labeling
* Edge Detection in Textures: Maxima Selection
* Elimination of Seams from Photomosaics
* Entropic Thresholding: A New Approach
* Fast Filter Transforms for Image Processing
* High-Resolution Imaging in 3-D Reconstructive Tomography
* Interfacing the one-dimensional scanning of an image with the application of two-dimensional operators
* Intermediate Level Picture Interpretation Using Complete Two-Dimensional Models
* Iterative Picture Restoration Using Video Optical Feedback
* Management System for an Integrated Database of Pictures and Alphanumeric Data, A
* New Hybrid Edge Detector, A
* Picture Processing: 1980
* Radiometric Equalization of Nonperiodic Striping in Satellite Data
* Segmentation of Cervical Cells: Detection of Overlapping Cell Nuclei
* Template Matching in Pyramids
* Utilization of Spectral-Spatial Information in the Classification of Imagery Data
21 for CGIP(16)
* Application of Dynamic Programming to Sequential Boundary Estimation, An
* Bidimensional Texture Synthesis by Markov Chains
* Boundary Detection Algorithms in Nuclear Medicine Imagery
* Box-Filtering Techniques
* Camera Models Based on Data from Two Calibration Planes
* Complexity Measure for Colored Pictures in Commercial Design, A
* Control of round-off propagation in articulating the human figure
* Determination of 3-D Shape Parameters from Boundary Information
* Determining the Instantaneous Direction of Motion from Optical Flow Generated by a Curvilinearly Moving Observer
* Efficient Algorithm for Boundary Tracing and Feature Extraction, An
* Fast Algorithm for Finding Lines in Pictures, A
* FIR filtering approach for the generation of smooth curves on a graphics terminal, A
* Freeman Digitization of Integer Circles Minimizes the Radial Error
* Getting the Median Faster
* Improvement of Kruse's Segmentation Algorithm, An
* Intensity mappings to linearize display devices
* Interpreting 3-D Scenes: A Model-Building Approach
* Local invariants and twist vectors in computer-aided geometric design
* Local picture languages
* New and Fast Algorithm for Estimating the Perimeter of Objects for Industrial Vision Tasks, A
* New Implementation for the Binary and Minkowski Operators, A
* Note on Bit Counting hardware for parallel processors
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm for 3D Pictures, A
* Pattern Thinning by Contour Tracing
* Posteriori Scaling of Run Length Encoded Polygons, A
* Pseudocolor Encoder for Analog and Digital Refresh Memories
* Response to A note on bit-counting hardware for parallel processors
* Shape Segmentation Using Arc/Chord Properties
* Speckle Analysis and Smoothing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Two Hierarchical Linear Feature Representations: Edge Pyramids and Edge Quadtrees
* Using Circular Symmetry and Intensity Profiles for Computer Vision Inspection
* Using the Video Lookup Table for Reflectivity Calculations: Specific Techniques and Graphic Results
* Variations in Relaxation Labeling Techniques
* Why the Simplest Hueckel Edge Detector is a Roberts Operator
34 for CGIP(17)
* Cell Division Patterns: Syntactical Descriptions and Implementation
* Computer graphics: A keyword-indexed bibliography for the year 1980
* Electron Image Processing: 1978-1980
* Elliptic Fourier Features of a Closed Contour
* Extraction of Line Shaped Objects from Aerial Images Using a Special Operator to Analyze the Profiles of Functions
* Extraction of Moving Object Descriptions via Differencing
* Fitting Conic Sections to Very Scattered Data: An Iterarive Refinement of the Bookstein Algorithm
* Interactive High-Level Language System for Picture Processing, An
* Interactive Segmentation and Boundary Surface Formation for 3-D Digital Images
* Neighbor Finding Techniques for Images Represented by Quadtrees
* Network Flow Approach to Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle from Two Projections, A
* Obtaining 3-Dimensional Shape of Textured and Specular Surfaces Using Four-Source Photometry
* On Cellular Straight Line Segments
* On Sequential and Parallel Node-Rewriting Graph Grammars
* Polygon Decomposition and Switching Function Minimization
* Ray casting for modeling solids
* Stochastic Table Arrays
* Structural Analyzer for Regularly Arranged Textures, A
* Surface Measurement by Space-Encoded Projected Beam System
* Using the FFT to Determine Digital Straight Line Chain Codes
20 for CGIP(18)
* Adaptive Bit Allocation for Image Compression
* Approach to Edge Detection Based on the Direction of Edge Elements, An
* Boundary Detection in Scintigraphic Images
* Determining the Spatial Containment of a Point in General Polyhedra
* Geometric Modeling Using Octree Encoding
* Image Segmentation in Pyramids
* Image Segmentation in Pyramids
* Jigsaw Puzzle Matching Using a Boundary-Centered Polar Encoding
* Local Median and Other Window Operations on SIMD Computers, The
* MITES: A Model Driven, Iterative Texture Segmentation Algorithm
* Modified Alpha-Root Technique for Image Processing, A
* New Linear Algorithm for Intersecting Convex Polygons, A
* On Cubics: a Survey
* On the topology preservation property of local parallel operations
* Picture Processing: 1981
* Polygonal Approximation by the Minimax Method
* Rank Filters in Digital Image Processing
* Recognition of Occluded Shapes Using Relaxation
* Representation and Display of Scenes with a Wide Range of Detail, The
* Sequential Tracking Extraction of Shape Features and its Constructive Description, A
* Sketching: Estimating Object Positions from Relational Descriptions
* Space Efficiency of Quadtrees, The
* Streak Removal Method for CT Based Digital X-Ray Images
23 for CGIP(19)
* Automatic Model Generation and Recognition of Simple Three-Dimensional Bodies
* Binary data compression by linear transformation
* Chromosome Analysis by Minicomputer
* compiler for simple boolean functions of binary patterns, A
* Computer Analysis of Chest Radiographs
* Computer Analysis of Traffic Flow Observed by Subtractive Television
* Computer Determination of Depth Maps
* Computer Identification of Visual Surfaces
* Corner Finder for Visual Feedback, A
* Edge Representation in Gradient Space
* Finding Vertices in a Picture
* Generating halftone pictures on graphic computer terminals using run length coding
* Image Analysis and Graphs
* Iterative Prediction and Correction Method for Automatic Stereo Comparison, An
* method for computing points of a circle using only integers, A
* model building approach to property measurement in black and white pictures, A
* On blob reconstruction
* On Locating Objects by Their Distinguishing Features in Multisensory Images
* Pattern Recognition of Chest X-Ray Images
* Picture Analysis Applied to Biomedicine
* Picture Processing System Using a Computer Complex
* Process for Detecting Defects in Complicated Patterns, A
* Recovering multidimensional signals from their projections
* Review of Graphic Languages (1972).
* Scene Analysis in Support of a Mars Rover
* Step Toward Context-Sensitive Recognition of Irregular Objects, A
* Stochastic Languages for Picture Analysis
* Structural Analyzer for a Class of Textures, A
* Three methods for reconstructing objects from x rays: A comparative study
* Towards Color Picture Processing
30 for CGIP(2)
* Algorithms for Smoothing Data with Periodic and Parametric Splines
* Asynchronous Thinning Algorithm, An
* Block Segmentation and Text Extraction in Mixed Text/Image Documents
* Chord Distributions for Shape Matching
* Construction for Visual C1 Continuity of Polynomial Surface Patches, A
* Curvature Relations in Three-Dimensional Symmetric Axes
* Curve Encoding and the Detection of Discontinuities
* Detection of osteogenesis imperfecta by automated texture analysis
* Edge Detection Using Charge Analogy
* False-Contour Removal by Random Blurring
* Generalized Distance Transformation of a Line Pattern with Grey Values and Its Application, A
* Image Segmentation Using Simple Markov Field Models
* Isotropic Four-Point Interpolation Based on Cubic Splines, An
* Linear Octtrees for Fast Processing of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Matching of Featured Objects Using Relational Tables from Stereo Images
* Model for Cell Receptive Fields in the Visual Striate Cortex, A
* Normalized Quadtrees with Respect to Translations
* Software Pipelines in Image Processing
* Some Properties of Stochastic Labeling Procedures
* Study of Edge Detection Algorithms, A
* Two-Pass Filling Algorithm for Raster Graphics, A
* Understanding Engineering Drawings
* Vector Code Probability and Metrication Error in the Representation of Straight Lines of Finite Length
* Vectorization of Raster Images Using Hierarchical Methods
* Volumetric Model and 3D Trajectory of a Moving Car from Monocular TV Frames Sequence of a Street Scene
25 for CGIP(20)
* Algorithm For High Speed Curve Generation, An
* Array Grammars and Kolam
* automated apparatus for cancer prescreening: CYBEST, An
* Computer graphics for drafting
* Computing the Perceptual Boundaries of Dot Patterns
* Concavity Point Detection by Iterative Arrays
* Considerations for Efficient Picture Output via Lineprinter
* Decision Function Method for Boundary Detection, A
* Determining Lightness from an Image
* Digital transmission of halftone pictures
* Integer Circles, Etc.: Some further thoughts
* Integer Circles, Etc.: Three move extension of Bresenham's algorithm
* Linguistic Methods for the Description of a Straight Line on a Grid
* New Computer Language for Electron Image Processing, A
* Optimal Matching of Wheat Chromosomes
* Pebble automata on arrays
* Picture Processing: 1973
* Printed Text Discrimination
* Recognizing Objects by Rules of Inference on Sequentially Thresholded Gray-Level Pictures
* Reconstruction of objects from their projections using generalized inverses
* Recovery of Perceptual Shape Organizations from Simple Closed Boundaries
* Representation of Digitized Contours in Terms of Conic Arcs and Straight-Line Segments
* Review of psychological processes in pattern recognition
* Search Algorithm for Skeletonization of Thick Patterns, A
* Some computer experiments in picture processing for data compaction
* Technique for the Reconstruction of a Straight-Edge, Wire-Frame Object from Two of More Central Projections, A
* Techniques for optimal compaction of pictures and maps
* Triangular Scanning Technique for Locating Boundary Curves, A
* Unsharp masking and related image enhancement techniques
29 for CGIP(3)
* Algorithm for In-Line Generation of a Convex Cover, An
* Analysis of Topological Properties of Digitized Binary Pictures Using Local Features, An
* Comment on a Method for Computing Points of a Circle Using Only Integers
* Detection of Surface-Specific Points by Local Parallel Processing of Discrete Terrain Elevation Data
* Edge Detection and Regionalized Terrain Classification from Satellite Photography
* Estimating Velocity of Moving Images in Television Signals
* Extraction of Line Structures from Photographs of Curved Objects
* Hierarchical Data Structure for Picture Processing, A
* Histogram Modification Techniques
* Iterative Edge Detection
* Mixtures of Derivative Operators as Edge Detectors
* Modelling of Spatial Relations, The
* New Algorithm for Edge Detection, A
* On Chaikin's algorithm
* On Filling Cellular Concavities
* On the construction of holograms and halftone pictures with an ink plotter
* Order independence in local clustering algorithms
* Picture Description Using Legendre Polynomials
* Picture Processing: 1974
* Preprocessing of Degraded Images to Augment Existing Restoration Methods
* Problem in Computer Vision: Orienting Silicon Integrated Circuit Chips for Lead Bonding, A
* Radial Grammars and Radial L-Systems
* Regular Arcs in Digital Contours
* Semilinear Line Detectors
* Shape-Dependent Similarity Measures for Oriented Line Patterns
* Some Aspects of the Accuracy of the Approximated Position of a Straight Line on a Square Grid
* Survey of Edge Detection Techniques, A
* Texture Analysis Using Gray Level Run Lengths
* Three Dimensional Computer Display, A
* Transformations for the Computer Detection of Curves in Noisy Pictures
* Two-dimensional transforms by minicomputers without matrix transposing
* Vector Space Formulation of Two-Dimensional Signal Processing Operations
32 for CGIP(4)
* Affinity: A Relative Approach to Region Finding
* Analysis of Images Specified by Graphlike Descriptions
* Chain-Link Compression of Arbitrary Black-White Images
* Circle Generators for Display Devices
* Computer Picture Processing and Enhancement by Localized Operations
* Convolution reconstruction of fan beam projections
* Defect recognition in numerical images by spectrum zero detection
* Depth Measurement by Motion Stereo
* Digital Picture Processing Techniques for the Publishing Industry
* Experiments on Picture Representation Using Regular Decomposition
* Generation and semantics of patterns in a discrete space
* Hexagonal arrays and rectangular blocks
* Improved Nonlinear Mapping Algorithm and Its Application to Picture Prototype Selection, An
* Ink Jet Plotter: A Computer Peripheral for Producing Hard Copy Color Imagery, The
* Iterative Gradient Edge Detection Algorithm, An
* Linear Resolution Enhancement
* New Edge Detection Algorithm and Its Applications in Picture Processing, A
* Parallel and Sequential Specification of a Context Sensitive Language for Straight Lines on Grids
* parallel shrinking algorithm for binary patterns, A
* Pictorial Feature Distortion in a Pyramid
* Picture processing and automatic data base design
* Picture Processing: 1975
* Quadratic optimization for image reconstruction, I
* Reconstruction of object layers from their X-ray projections: A simulation study
* Region Growing: Childhood and Adolescence
* Regular Arcs in Digital Contours
* Survey of Techniques for the Display of Continuous Tone Pictures on Bilevel Displays, A
* Tension In A Bicubic Surface Patch
* Texture Gradient as a Depth Cue
* Toward a Model of Texture
30 for CGIP(5)
* Accuracy of curve approximation by harmonically related vectors with elliptical loci
* Area and Perimeter Measurement of Blobs in Discrete Binary Pictures
* Automatic Recognition of Human Face Profiles
* Computational Techniques in the Visual Segmentation of Static Scenes
* Convexity Verification, Block-Chords, and Digital Straight Lines
* Disk Generators for a Raster Display Device
* Edge Detection by Compass Gradient Masks
* Edge Detection in Noisy Images Using Recursive Digital Filtering
* Enhancing digital images for maximum interpretability using linear programming
* Evaluation of a Simplified Hueckel Edge-Line Detector
* Experiments in Iterative Enhancement of Linear Features
* How Can You Tell if Two Line Drawings Are the Same?
* Image Discrimination Enhancement Combination System (IDECS)
* Image Enhancement by Histogram Hyperbolization
* Image enhancement by histogram transformation
* Interactive Computer Analysis of Aerial Color Infrared Photographs
* Iterative Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction from Tomographic Projections
* Knowledge Acquisition for Image Understanding Research
* Line Drawing Editor: Schematic Diagram Editing Using Pattern Recognition Technique, The
* Line Printer Modification for Better Gray Level Pictures
* Mathematical Picture Grammar Applied to Script Generation
* On Circle Generation Algorithms
* Parsing Intensity Profiles
* Picture Processing: 1976
* Recognition of Printed Telugu Characters
* Reconstruction of random objects from noisy projections
* Scene Segmentation Using Motion Information
* Sequential Approach to the Extraction of Shape Features, A
* Study on Picture Feature Extraction and Picture Recognition, A
* Thresholding: A Challenge for Parallel Processing
* Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Detection
* Univariate Blending Functions and Alternatives
* Vector Development of the Fundamentals of Computational Geometry, A
* Vertex Coding Scheme for Interpreting Ambiguous Trihedral Solids, A
34 for CGIP(6)
* ANTICS: A system for animating LISP programs
* Comments On Circle Generator for Display Devices
* Contour Extraction Problem and Biomedical Applications, The
* Dynamic Boundary Surface Detection
* Dynamic Scene Analysis: A Survey
* Enhancement of News Photos
* Extraction of Structural Information from Grey Pictures
* Formation of an Object Concept by Analysis of Systematic Time Variations in the Optically Perceptible Environment
* Freeman-Code Probabilities of Object Boundary Quantized Contours
* Generalized Counting in digital Pictures
* graph theoretic formulation of bit pattern algorithms for graphics, A
* Graph-Theoretic Approach to Picture Processing, A
* Image Processing Algorithms Applied to Rib Boundary Detection in Chest Radiographs
* New Curve Fitting Method Using a CRT Computer Display, A
* New Low Level Procedure for Image Segmentation, A
* New Shape Factor, A
* On the Parallel Generation of Straight Digital Lines
* Parallel Procedure for the Detection of Dominant Points on a Digital Curve, A
* Picture Generation Using Semantic Nets
* Picture Processing: 1977
* Review of Algorithms for Shape Analysis, A
* Statistical Tests for Image Tracking
* Survey of Threshold Selection Techniques, A
* Syntactic Approach to Texture Analysis, A
* System for Extracting 3-D Measurements from a Stereo Pair of TV Camera, A
* theory of parametric curve plotting, A
26 for CGIP(7)
* Checking Connectivity Preservation Properties of Some Types of Picture Processing Operations
* Comments on A New Shape Factor
* Computing the Organizations and Shapes of Two-Dimensional Dot Patterns: A Perceptual-Level Approach
* Efficient Algorithm for the Piecewise Linear Approximation of Planar Curves, An
* Electron Image Processing: A Survey
* Equal Probability Quantizing and Texture Analysis of Radiographic Images
* Graphical transformations and hierarchic picture structures
* Image Acquisition Device for Minicomputers, An
* In Search of a General Picture Processing Operator
* incompatibility projector based on an interpolant of Gregory, An
* KANDIDATS: An Interactive Image Processing System
* Measures for Conspicuousness
* Neighborhood Coding of Binary Images for Fast Contour Following and General Binary Array Processing
* New Twist in Computer Aided Geometric Design, A
* nonlinear mapping algorithm for large data sets, A
* Nonlinear smoothing of pictures
* On the Compactness of Subsets of Digital Pictures
* Picture Decomposition, Tree Data-Structures, and identifying Directional Symmetries as Node Combinations
* Picture Language for Skeletal Polyhedra
* Picture Segmentation Using a Recursive Region Splitting Method
* Piecewise C^1 Interpolant to Arbitrarily Spaced Data, A
* Properties of Transforms for the Detection of Curves in Noisy Pictures
* Rationalizing Edge Detectors
* Reply to Comments on A New Shape Factor
* Scene Matching with Invariant Moments
* Statistical Properties of Thresholded Images
* Texture Synthesis Using a Growth Model
* View of Texture Topology and Texture Description, A
28 for CGIP(8)
* 3D Display of Human Organs from Computed Tomograms
* array processing system with a Fortran-based realization, An
* Automatic Generation of Interlocking Shapes
* Boundary Trace Transform: An Edge and Region Enhancement Transform, The
* Circle Generators for Display Devices
* Color-Based Computer Analysis of Aerial Photographs
* Connectivity and Consecutivity in Digital Pictures
* Display of Three-Dimensional Information in Computed Tomography
* Edge Preserving Smoothing
* Fast Methods for Finding Object Outlines
* Feature Detection Using Basis Functions
* Fitting Conic Sections to Scattered Data
* Image Transmission with Gross Information First
* Interpolation of Images via Histosplines
* Learning in Syntactic Recognition of Symbols Drawn on a Graphic Tablet
* Line Detection By Local Methods
* Local and Regional Edge Detectors: Some Comparisons
* Mahalanobis Classifier with the Generalized Inverse Approach for Automated Analysis of Imagery Texture Data, The
* New Method for Vector Generation, A
* Note On Circle Generator for Display Devices, A
* On the Use of Fourier Phase Features for Texture Discrimination
* Picture Processing: 1978
* Recursive Region Extraction
* Shape Completion
* Shift Variant Image Degradation and Restoration Using SVD
* Stochastic Tree Grammar Inference for Texture Synthesis and Discrimination
* Structural Approach to Shape Analysis Using Mirroring Axes, A
* Toward a Low-Level Description of Dot Clusters: Labeling Edge, Interior, and Noise Points
* Ultrasonic tomography based on perturbation solutions of the wave equation
* Velocity Determination in Scenes Containing Several Moving Objects
30 for CGIP(9)