* *Advances in Multimedia Modeling
* *Advances in Visual Computing
* *IEEE Computing Edge
* *International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* *Medical Computer Vision
* *Medical Computer Vision
* 3-D Model Alignment for Retrieval from Part of Model Considering the Rotation, Scaling and Translation with Projections around an Axis
* 3D Deformable Spatial Pyramid for Dense 3D Motion Flow of Deformable Object
* 3D Depth Perception from Single Monocular Images
* 3D Estimation of Isometric Surfaces Using a ToF-Based Approach
* 3D Gesture Analysis Using a Large-Scale Gesture Database
* 3D Microscopy Vision Using Multiple View Geometry and Differential Evolutionary Approaches
* 3D Previsualization Using a Computational Photography Camera
* 3D Tracker for Ground-Moving Objects, A
* Adaptive Visualization of Linked-Data
* Adaptive Visualization of Social Media Data for Policy Modeling
* Adding Color Sensitivity to the Shape Adaptive Image Ray Transform
* Aesthetic QR Codes Based on Two-Stage Image Blending
* Affective Music Recommendation System Based on the Mood of Input Video
* Affine Invariant Harris-Bessel Interest Point Detector
* Analysis of Biomedical Images Based on Automated Methods of Image Registration
* Analysis of Time Drift in Hand-Held Recording Devices, An
* AR-Based Hologram Detection on Security Documents Using a Mobile Phone
* Artificial Intelligence Gaming Assistant for Google Glass
* Atlas-Guided Multi-channel Forest Learning for Human Brain Labeling
* AttRel: An Approach to Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Attribute Relationships
* Audio Secret Management Scheme Using Shamir's Secret Sharing
* Auditory Scene Classification with Deep Belief Network
* Automated Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Morphology in Multi-row Detector CT Imaging Using Correspondence with Anatomic Airway Branches
* Automated Bird Plumage Coloration Quantification in Digital Images
* Automatic 3D Multiorgan Segmentation via Clustering and Graph Cut Using Spatial Relations and Hierarchically-Registered Atlases
* Automatic Chinese Personality Recognition Based on Prosodic Features
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Evolution-Constructed Features
* Automatic Identification of CAPTCHA Schemes
* Automatic Liver Segmentation Using Statistical Prior Models and Free-form Deformation
* Automatic Multi-light White Balance Using Illumination Gradients and Color Space Projection
* Automatic Photorealistic 3D Inner Mouth Restoration from Frontal Images
* Automatic Recognition of Microcalcifications in Mammography Images through Fractal Texture Analysis
* Automatic Rib Segmentation Method on X-Ray Radiographs, An
* Azimuthal Perceptual Resolution Model Based Adaptive 3D Spatial Parameter Coding
* Bayesian Framework for Accurate Eye Center Localization, A
* Bayesian Shape Models with Shape Priors for MRI Brain Segmentation
* Binary Code Learning via Iterative Distance Adjustment
* Biological Motivated Multi-scale Keypoint Detector for local 3D Descriptors, A
* Body Joint Tracking in Low Resolution Video Using Region-Based Filtering
* Boosted Fractal Integral Paths for Object Detection
* Cell Classification in 3D Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images via Self-Organizing Maps
* Challenging Issues in Visual Information Understanding Researches
* Classifier-Based Multi-atlas Label Propagation with Test-Specific Atlas Weighting for Correspondence-Free Scenarios
* Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
* Collaborative Browsing and Search in Video Archives with Mobile Clients
* Colour Perception Graph for Characters Segmentation
* Combining Computational Models and Interactive Visualization to Support Rational Decision Making
* Commonality Preserving Image-Set Clustering Based on Diverse Density
* Community Detection Based on Links and Node Features in Social Networks
* Compact Description of the Segments on the Segmented Digital Image
* Compound-eye-based multidimensional imager
* Compression of 3-D Polygon Mesh Geometry Data by Wavelets with Structuring Surrounding Vertices Remeshing
* Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Large Scale Near-Duplicate Video Detection, A
* Concealed Target Detection with Fusion of Visible and Infrared
* Concept-Based Multimodal Learning for Topic Generation
* Confidence-Based Training for Clinical Data Uncertainty in Image-Based Prediction of Cardiac Ablation Targets
* Constrained PatchMatch for Image Completion
* Constructing Point Clouds from Underwater Stereo Movies
* Content-Based Discovery of Multiple Structures from Episodes of Recurrent TV Programs Based on Grammatical Inference
* Content-Based Image Retrieval with Gaussian Mixture Models
* Contextual Combination of Appearance and Motion for Intersection Videos with Vehicles and Pedestrians
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Steel Surface Defect Detection from Photometric Stereo Images
* Cost Aggregation Table: Cost Aggregation Method Using Summed Area Table Scheme for Dense Stereo Correspondence
* Counting the Crowd at a Carnival
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for Automatic Multi-Label Brain Tumor Segmentation in Flair MRI images
* Coupled Discriminant Multi-Manifold Analysis with Application to Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Coupled-View Based Ranking Optimization for Person Re-identification
* Cross-Domain Concept Detection with Dictionary Coherence by Leveraging Web Images
* Cross-Modal Self-Taught Learning for Image Retrieval
* CT Prostate Deformable Segmentation by Boundary Regression
* Data-adaptive Filtering and the State of the Art in Image Processing
* Dementia-Related Features in Longitudinal MRI: Tracking Keypoints over Time
* Depth Data-Driven Real-Time Articulated Hand Pose Recognition
* Depth Estimation within a Multi-Line-Scan Light-Field Framework
* Determine Absolute Soccer Ball Location in Broadcast Video Using SYBA Descriptor
* Direct Estimation of Dense Scene Flow and Depth from a Monocular Sequence
* Discriminative Regions: A Substrate for Analyzing Life-Logging Image Sequences
* Disocclusion Mitigation for Image Based Point Cloud Imposters
* Dynamic Hierarchical Visualization of Keyframes in Endoscopic Video
* Dynamic User Authentication Based on Mouse Movements Curves
* Edge Direction-Based Fast Coding Unit Partition for HEVC Screen Content Coding
* Efficient Compression of Hyperspectral Images Using Optimal Compression Cube and Image Plane
* Efficient Hybrid Steganography Method Based on Edge Adaptive and Tree Based Parity Check, An
* Efficient Object Localization and Segmentation in Weakly Labeled Videos
* Embedded Image Processing System for Automatic Page Segmentation of Open Book Images
* Emotional Tone-Based Audio Continuous Emotion Recognition
* Enhanced Signature-Based Video Browser
* Enhancement of 3D Capture of Room-Sized Dynamic Scenes with Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras
* Enhancement of Hazy Color Images Using a Self-Tunable Transformation Function
* Ensemble Registration: Incorporating Structural Information into Groupwise Registration
* Evaluating Depth-Based Computer Vision Methods for Fall Detection under Occlusions
* Evaluation of Image Feature Descriptors for Marker-Less AR Applications
* Evaluation of Perceptual Biases in Facial Expression Recognition by Humans and Machines
* Experimental Evaluation of Different Features and Nodal Costs for Horizon Line Detection, An
* Extracting Noise-Resistant Skeleton on Digital Shapes for Graph Matching
* Extrinsic Calibration between 2D Laser Range Finder and Fisheye Camera
* Face Detection and Tracking for Intent Recognition
* Facial Aging Simulator by Data-Driven Component-Based Texture Cloning
* Facial Point Localization Using Combination Method under Occlusion
* Factorizing Time-Aware Multi-way Tensors for Enhancing Semantic Wearable Sensing
* Fast Algorithm for Reconstructing hv-Convex Binary Images from Their Horizontal Projection, A
* Fast Human Activity Recognition in Lifelogging
* Fast Human Pose Tracking with a Single Depth Sensor Using Sum of Gaussians Models
* Fast Mesh-Based Medical Image Registration
* Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Transformations for Radiation Therapy Planning
* Fast TGV-l1 RGB-D Flow Estimation, A
* FISIR: A Flexible Framework for Interactive Search in Image Retrieval Systems
* Flat3D: Browsing Stereo Images on a Conventional Screen
* FOCUSING PATCH: Automatic Photorealistic Deblurring for Facial Images by Patch-Based Color Transfer
* Formation Control of Multiple Rectangular Agents with Limited Communication Ranges
* Fuzzy-Based Automatic Landmark Recognition in Aerial Images Using ORB for Aerial Auto-localization
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Emotion Recognition
* Generating Super-Resolved Depth Maps Using Low-Cost Sensors and RGB Images
* Gesture Recognition Supporting the Interaction of Humans with Socially Assistive Robots
* GPU Based Particle Coding Scheme for Virtual Cutting of Meshfree Particle Systems
* Graph-Based Browsing for Large Video Collections
* Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Enhanced Direction and Grid Features
* Haptic-Based Application for Active Exploration of Facial Expressions by the Visually Impaired, A
* Hardware/Software Co-design of Embedded Real-Time KD-Tree Based Feature Matching Systems
* Hessian Regularized Sparse Coding for Human Action Recognition
* Hierarchic Multi-atlas Based Segmentation for Anatomical Structures: Evaluation in the VISCERAL Anatomy Benchmarks
* Hierarchical Spanning Tree-Structured Approximation for Conditional Random Fields: An Empirical Study
* High-Order Diffusion Tensor Connectivity Mapping on the GPU
* HLAC between Cells of HOG Feature for Crowd Counting
* Human Action Recognition Using Histograms of Oriented Optical Flows from Depth
* Human Centered Scene Understanding Based on Depth Information: How to Deal with Noisy Skeleton Data?
* Human Perception Based Performance Evaluation of Image Quality Metrics, A
* Image Classification via Semi-supervised Feature Extraction with Out-of-Sample Extension
* Image Dehazing Using Regularized Optimization
* Image Retrieval Based on Statistical and Geometry Features
* Image Taken Place Estimation via Geometric Constrained Spatial Layer Matching
* ImageMap: Visually Browsing Millions of Images
* IMOTION: A Content-Based Video Retrieval Engine
* Improved Content-Based Music Recommending Method with Weighted Tags, An
* Improved Rate-Distortion Optimization Algorithms for HEVC Lossless Coding
* improved satellite imager for year-round Arctic monitoring, An
* Improving a time-sequential autostereoscopic 3D display
* Improving Human Gait Recognition Using Feature Selection
* Improving Interactive Known-Item Search in Video with the Keyframe Navigation Tree
* Initial Closed-Form Solution to Mapping from Unknown Planar Motion of an Omni-directional Vision Sensor
* IntelliViz: A Tool for Visualizing Social Networks with Hashtags
* Interactive Known-Item Search Using Semantic Textual and Colour Modalities
* Interactive Segmentation of High-Resolution Video Content Using Temporally Coherent Superpixels and Graph Cut
* Intuitive Alignment of Point-Clouds with Painting-Based Feature Correspondence
* Iris and Pupil Measurement on Low Resolution Images for Driver Observation
* Iron Maiden While Jogging, Debussy for Dinner?
* Is the Fundamental Matrix Really Independent of the Scene Structure?
* Is Your First Impression Reliable? Trustworthy Analysis Using Facial Traits in Portraits
* Joint Segmentation and Registration for Infant Brain Images
* large-scale diffractive glasses-free 3D display, A
* Large-Scale Image Mining with Flickr Groups
* Layered Depth Image Based HEVC Multi-view Codec
* Learning and Association of Features for Action Recognition in Streaming Video
* Learning Features for Tissue Classification with the Classification Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* Learning Splines for Sparse Tomographic Reconstruction
* Learning with Adaptive Rate for Online Detection of Unusual Appearance
* LINKS: Learning-Based Multi-source IntegratioN FrameworK for Segmentation of Infant Brain Images
* Live Version Identification with Audio Scene Detection
* Local, Polynomial G1 PN Quads
* Loop Closing for Visual Pose Tracking during Close-Range 3-D Modeling
* low-cost visual sensor network for elderly care, A
* Making Lifelogging Usable: Design Guidelines for Activity Trackers
* MAP: Microblogging Assisted Profiling of TV Shows
* Markerless Planar Tracking in Augmented Reality Using Geometric Structure
* Matching Affine Features with the SYBA Feature Descriptor
* MemLog, an Enhanced Lifelog Annotation and Search Tool
* micro-UAV Based Dynamic Target Tracking for Surveillance and Exploration
* Mobile Image Analysis: Android vs. iOS
* Modified Adaptive Extended Bilateral Motion Estimation with Scene Change Detection for Motion Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* Moving Object Tracking with Structure Complexity Coefficients
* Multi-atlas Segmentation and Landmark Localization in Images with Large Field of View
* Multi-Dimensional Data Model for Personal Photo Browsing, A
* Multi-instance Feature Learning Based on Sparse Representation for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-stripe Video Browser for Tablets, The
* Multi-view Profilometry System Using RGB Channel Separated Fringe Patterns and Unscented Kalman Filter, A
* Multiclass Boosting Framework for Multimodal Data Analysis
* Multidimensional Context Awareness in Mobile Devices
* Multimedia Social Event Detection in Microblog
* Multimodal Approach for Natural Biomedical Multi-scale Exploration
* Multimodal Music Mood Classification by Fusion of Audio and Lyrics
* Multimodal Non-Rigid Registration Methods Based on Demons Models and Local Uncertainty Quantification Used in 3D Brain Images
* Multiple Robotic Wheelchair System Considering Group Communication
* Muscular Movement Model Based Automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition
* NetTimeView: Applying Spatio-temporal Data Visualization Techniques to DDoS Attack Analysis
* New Coin Segmentation and Graph-Based Identification Method for Numismatic Application, A
* New Image Decomposition and Reconstruction Approach: Adaptive Fourier Decomposition, A
* NII-UIT Browser: A Multimodal Video Search System
* Noise Analysis and Removal in 3D Electron Microscopy
* Non-negative Low-Rank and Group-Sparse Matrix Factorization
* Non-rigid Registration of Vascular Structures for Aligning 2D X-ray Angiography with 3D CT Angiography
* Nonstationary Hidden Markov Model with Approximately Infinitely-Long Time-Dependencies, A
* Novel Error Concealment Algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* Novel Fast Full Frame Video Stabilization via Three-Layer Model, A
* Novel Modeling for Video Summarization Using Constraint Satisfaction Programming, A
* Novel Optimized Watermark Embedding Scheme for Digital Images, A
* Object Classification in an Ultrasound Video Using LP-SIFT Features
* Object Classification Using a Semantic Hierarchy
* Object Detection Based on Multiresolution CoHOG
* Object Detection in Low-Resolution Image via Sparse Representation
* Object Detection Using Deformable Part Model in RGB-D Data
* Object Recognition Using Constraints from Primitive Shape Matching
* Observing Earth's water cycle from space
* On Detectability of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling in Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images
* One-Shot Learning of Sketch Categories with Co-regularized Sparse Coding
* Online 3D Shape Segmentation by Blended Learning
* Optical Flow Computation in the Presence of Spatially-Varying Motion Blur
* Orderless and Blurred Visual Tracking via Spatio-temporal Context
* Outdoor Air Quality Inference from Single Image
* Overview of the 2014 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data (MCV 2014)
* Parkinson Data Analysis and Interpretation with Data Visualization Methods
* Passive 3D Scene Reconstruction via Hyperspectral Imagery
* Patch-Based Disparity Remapping for Stereoscopic Images
* Pectoralis Muscle Segmentation on CT Images Based on Bayesian Graph Cuts with a Subject-Tailored Atlas
* Pedestrian-Pedestrian and Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction Motion Model for Pedestrians Tracking, A
* Performance Evaluation of Students Using Multimodal Learning Systems
* Person Re-identification Using Data-Driven Metric Adaptation
* Personality Modeling Based Image Recommendation
* Personalized Modeling of Facial Action Unit Intensity
* Photo Quality Assessment with DCNN that Understands Image Well
* Physical object identification using micro-structure images
* PixSearcher: Searching Similar Images in Large Image Collections through Pixel Descriptors
* Pose-Aware Smoothing Filter for Depth Images
* Precise 3D Measurements for Tracked Objects from Synchronized Stereo-Video Sequences
* Precise Lumen Segmentation in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography
* Principal Axes-Based Asymmetry Assessment Methodology for Skin Lesion Image Analysis
* Proactive 3D Robot Mapping in Environments with Sparse Features
* Proxemic Multimedia Interaction over the Internet of Things, A
* Proximity Clustering for Revealing a Semantically Dominant Class
* Pyramid Mean Representation of Image Sequences for Fast Face Retrieval in Unconstrained Video Data
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Traffic Scenes Under an Images-to-Model Framework
* Real-Time Depth-Image-Based Rendering for 3DTV Using OpenCL
* Real-Time People Counting across Spatially Adjacent Non-overlapping Camera Views
* Real-Time People Counting Approach in Indoor Environment, A
* Recognition of Meaningful Human Actions for Video Annotation Using EEG Based User Responses
* Reconstruction of a Complex Mirror Surface from a Single Image
* Reproducing deep 3D images from captured light fields
* Resistance-Geodesic Distance and Its Use in Image Processing and Segmentation
* Rigid Multimodal/Multispectral Image Registration Based on the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Robust and Efficient Tracker Using Dictionary of Binary Descriptors and Locality Constraints
* Robust Attribute-Based Visual Recognition Using Discriminative Latent Representation
* Robust Multi-Label Image Classification with Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning
* Robust User Community-Aware Landmark Photo Retrieval
* Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive Vehicles in the Loop
* Roles of Various Brain Structures on Non-Invasive Lateralization of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
* Rule-Based Ventral Cavity Multi-organ Automatic Segmentation in CT Scans
* Scale-Adaptive Object Tracking with Diverse Ensembles
* Scaling and Cropping of Wavelet-Based Compressed Images in Hidden Domain
* Scene Understanding for Auto-Calibration of Surveillance Cameras
* Secure Client Side Watermarking with Limited Key Size
* Segmentation of Lungs with Interstitial Lung Disease in CT Scans: A TV-L 1 Based Texture Analysis Approach
* Semantic Correlation Mining between Images and Texts with Global Semantics and Local Mapping
* Semantic Segmentation of Low Frame-Rate Image Sequence Using Statistical Properties of Optical Flow for Remote Exploration
* Sequential 3D Curve-Thinning Algorithm Based on Isthmuses, A
* Shape from Refocus
* Shape from Specular Flow with Near-Field Environment Motion Field
* Shape Modeling with Fractals
* Shortest Enclosing Walks with a Non-zero Winding Number in Directed Weighted Planar Graphs: A Technique for Image Segmentation
* Signal-Aware Parametric Quality Model for Audio and Speech over IP Networks
* Simple Visual Words Selection Strategy for Pedestrian Detection, A
* Sliders Versus Storyboards: Investigating Interaction Design for Mobile Video Browsing
* SLOREV: Using Classical CAD Techniques for 3D Object Extraction from Single Photo
* Software Solution for HEVC Encoding and Decoding
* Sparse Depth Calculation Using Real-Time Key-Point Detection and Structure from Motion for Advanced Driver Assist Systems
* Sparsity-Based Occlusion Handling Method for Person Re-identification
* Spatial Uncertainty Model of a Three-View RGB-D Camera System
* Spatio-temporal Level-Set Based Cell Segmentation in Time-Lapse Image Sequences
* Sphere Packing Aided Surface Reconstruction for Multi-view Data
* Statistical Estimation of Fluid Flow: An Image Restoration Approach
* Storyboard-Based Interface for Mobile Video Browsing, A
* Strokes Detection for Skeletonisation of Characters Shapes
* Study of 2D Vibration Summing for Improved Intensity Control in Vibrotactile Array Rendering
* Study on the Use of a Binary Local Descriptor and Color Extensions of Local Descriptors for Video Concept Detection, A
* Surveillance Video Index and Browsing System Based on Object Flags and Video Synopsis, A
* Synchronization Ground Truth for the Jiku Mobile Video Dataset, A
* Telemetry-Based Search Window Correction for Airborne Tracking
* Text Detection in Natural Images Using Localized Stroke Width Transform
* Texture Retrieval Using Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence and Generalized Gaussian Mixtures
* Thresholding a Random Forest Classifier
* Towards an Embedded Real-Time High Resolution Vision System
* Towards Consent-Based Lifelogging in Sport Analytic
* Towards Visual Based Navigation with Power Line Detection
* Travel Recommendation via Author Topic Model Based Collaborative Filtering
* Two-Dimensional Euler PCA for Face Recognition
* Ultrasound Surface Extraction Using Radial Basis Functions
* Unified Approach for On-Road Visual Night-Time Vehicle Light Detection, A
* Unified Model for Socially Interconnected Multimedia-Enriched Objects, A
* Unsupervised Pre-training Across Image Domains Improves Lung Tissue Classification
* User-Centred Evaluation to Interface Design of E-Books
* Using Accurate Feature Matching for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ground Object Tracking
* VERGE: A Multimodal Interactive Video Search Engine
* Video-Based Self-positioning for Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications
* VideoZoom: An Interactive System for Video Summarization, Browsing and Retrieval
* View-Constrained Latent Variable Model for Multi-view Facial Expression Classification
* Violence Detection in Video by Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Visual Analysis of 3D Data by Isovalue Clustering
* Visual Attention Driven by Auditory Cues
* Visual Tracking Extensions for Accurate Target Recovery in Low Frame Rate Videos
* Volumetric Topological Analysis on In Vivo Trabecular Bone Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Voronoi Diagrams of Line Segments in 3D, with Application to Automatic Rigging
* Wearable Cameras for Real-Time Activity Annotation
* Web Portal for Effective Multi-model Exploration, A
* Weighted Pooling Based on Visual Saliency for Image Classification
* Weighted Regional Voting Based Ensemble of Multiple Classifiers for Face Recognition, A
* What Image Classifiers Really See: Visualizing Bag-of-Visual Words Models
* Which Phoneme-to-Viseme Maps Best Improve Visual-Only Computer Lip-Reading?
* Who Shot the Picture and When?
* Wifbs: A Web-Based Image Feature Benchmark System
* Wireless Video Surveillance System Based on Incremental Learning Face Detection
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