* 2-D Filtering Scheme for Stereo Image Compression Using Sequential Orthogonal Subspace Updating, A
* 3-D localization and feature recovering through CAD-based stable pose calculation
* 3D multimodality medical image registration using morphological tools
* Accuracy Assessment for the U.S. Geological Survey Regional Land-Cover Mapping Program: New York and New Jersey Region
* Adaptation of MPEG Video in ATM Networks Using Forward Loss/Error Recovery (FLER) Scheme
* adaptive algorithm for conversion from quadtree to chain codes, An
* Adaptive MLP post-processing for block-based coded images
* Adaptive Threshold Modulation for Error Diffusion Halftoning
* Affine-Similar Shape Retrieval: Application to Multiview 3-D Object Recognition
* Alignment by Phase of Vertical Coefficients in SA-DCT
* Analytic line fitting in the presence of uniform random noise
* Appearance-Based Visual Learning and Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
* Applications of kriging to image sequence coding
* Approximation of the Karhunen-Loève transformation and its application to colour images
* Arbitrarily Shaped Transform Coding Based on a New Padding Technique
* Architectural symbol recognition using a network of constraints
* Artifact Reduction for Set Theoretic Super Resolution Image Reconstruction with Edge Adaptive Constraints and Higher-Order Interpolants
* Asymptotic Closed-Loop Approach to Predictive Vector Quantizer Design with Application in Video Coding, The
* Automated reconstruction of 3D scenes from sequences of images
* Automatic Palmprint Verification
* Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and Camera Operation Analysis
* Basic Topological Models for Spatial Entities in 3-Dimensional Space
* Bayesian framework for 3D surface estimation, A
* Behavior-Based Intelligent Control Architecture with Application to Coordination of Multiple Underwater Vehicles, A
* Biomedical Image Registration
* BSP realisation of Jarvis' algorithm, A
* CAD-Based Object Reconstruction Using Line Photogrammetry for Direct Interaction between GEMS and a Vision System
* Cellular Automaton Processor for Line and Corner Detection in Gray-Scale Images, A
* Chromatic structure of natural scenes
* Closed Form Solution of Local Shape from Shading at Critical Points
* Coherent use of opposing lenses for axial resolution increase. II. Power and limitation of nonlinear image restoration
* Color Constancy Using the Inter-Reflection from a Reference Nose
* Color-based retrieval
* complete system for the analysis of architectural drawings, A
* Constructing the Generalized Local Voronoi Diagram from Laser Range Scanner Data
* Content-based matching of line-drawing images using the Hough transform
* Content-based Retrieval Of Multimedia Information
* Content-dependent image sampling using mathematical morphology: Application to texture mapping
* Cost function adaptation: A Stochastic Gradient Algorithm for Data Echo Cancellation
* Critical Motions for Auto-Calibration When Some Intrinsic Parameters Can Vary
* Curvature and torsion feature extraction from free-form 3-D meshes at multiple scales
* Design and implementation of a novel linear-array DCT/IDCT processor with complexity of order log2N
* Design of linear-phase IIR digital filters using singular perturbational model reduction
* Design of Two-Channel IIR Filter Banks with Arbitrary Group Delay
* Designing and Simulating Clothes
* Detection of spatial points and lines by random sampling and voting procedure
* Digital Land-Use Classification Using Space-Shuttle-Acquired Orbital Photographs: A Quantitative Comparison with Landsat TM Imagery of a Coastal Environment, Chanthaburi, Thailand
* Disparity maps for dynamic stereo
* dynamic programming approach for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and circular arcs, A
* Earth Mover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval, The
* Edge Location in SAR Images: Performance of the Likelihood Ratio Filter and Accuracy Improvement with an Active Contour Approach
* Edge-Preserving Filter for Imagery Corrupted with Multiplicative Noise, An
* Editorial: A Perspective on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS in the 21st Century
* Effect of inherent location uncertainty on detection of stationary targets in noisy image sequences
* Effects of ATM network impairments on audio-visual broadcast applications
* efficient algorithm for the optimal polygonal approximation of digitized curves, An
* Efficient Color Representation for Image Retrieval, An
* Evaluation of prototype learning algorithms for nearest-neighbor classifier in application to handwritten character recognition
* Event-Based Approach to Spatio-Temporal Data Modeling in Land Subdivision Systems, An
* Expression and Visualization of Cloverleaf Junction in a 3-Dimensional City Model
* Fast and Accurate Face Detector Based on Neural Networks, A
* Fast Fractal Compression of Greyscale Images
* Fast fractal image compression using the Hadamard transform
* Fast Impulsive Noise Removal
* FIR filter design over discrete coefficients and least square error
* Frame-synchronous noise compensation for hands-free speech recognition in car environments
* Fully automatic 3D feature-based registration of multi-modality medical images
* Fundamentals Of Biometric Authentication Technologies
* Fuzzy classification based on pattern projections analysis
* Fuzzy clustering of semantic spaces
* genetic algorithm approach to image sequence interpolation, A
* Geocoding SAR interferograms by least squares adjustment
* Gradient-Based Residual Variance Modeling and Its Applications to Motion-Compensated Video Coding
* Guest Editorial: Statistical and Computational Theories of Vision: Modeling, Learning, Sampling and Computing, Part I
* Harmonic Neural Networks for On-Line Learning Vector Quantisation
* hierarchical approach to elastic registration based on mutual information, A
* Hierarchical Subsampling Giving Fractal Regions
* High performance computing for industrial visual inspection
* How Optimal Depth Cue Integration Depends on the Task
* Hybrid LMS-MMSE Inverse Halftoning Technique
* iface: A 3d Synthetic Talking Face
* Image Classification for Content-Based Indexing
* Image compression based on energy clustering and zero-quadtree representation
* Image Compression Based on Multistage Vector Quantization
* Image hiding by optimal LSB substitution and genetic algorithm
* Image restoration by regularisation in uncorrelated transform domain
* Increasing flexibility for automatic visual inspection: the general analysis graph
* incremental multivariate regression method for function approximation from noisy data, An
* influence of edge direction on the estimation of edge contrast and orientation, The
* Interresolution Look-up Table for Improved Spatial Magnification of Image
* Invariants to Convolution in Arbitrary Dimensions
* Investigation of the effects of finite precision conversion on linear predictive coefficients
* Iterative Computation of 3D Plane Parameters
* Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Texture Classification
* Land-Use Classification of Remotely Sensed Data Using Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Map Neural Networks
* Learning Low-Level Vision
* Linear Algorithm for Computing the Homography from Conics in Correspondence, A
* Locating target at high speed using image decimation decomposition processing
* logical combinatorial approach to pattern recognition, an overview through selected works, The
* Lossless Image Compression Based on Optimal Prediction, Adaptive Lifting, and Conditional Arithmetic Coding
* Lossless transform coding system for digital signals
* Low Bit-Rate Video Codec Based on Two-Dimensional Mesh Motion Compensation with Adaptive Interpolation, A
* Low-Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Dense Motion Field and Uncovered Background Prediction
* Machine vision system for curved surface inspection
* Machine vision system for object feature analysis and validation based on multiple object images
* Mathematical proof of explicit formulas for tap-coefficients of full-band FIR digital differentiators
* Meaningful Alignments
* Measuring biological shape using geometry-based shape transformations
* Method and apparatus for replacing target zones in a video sequence
* method for inspecting industrial parts surfaces based on an optics model, A
* Method for measuring myocardial motion and the like
* Methods for performing 2-dimensional maximum differences coding and decoding during real-time facsimile image compression and apparatus therefor
* Minimal radial basis function neural networks for nonlinear channel equalisation
* model-based human body motion analysis system, The
* Monitoring the thermal deformation of steel beams via vision metrology
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes into Convex Polygons: A Heuristic Algorithm
* Motion field interpolation for temporal error concealment
* Motion-based segmentation and region tracking in image sequences
* Motor Algebra for 3D Kinematics: The Case of the Hand-Eye Calibration
* Multi-dimensional semantic clustering of large databases for association rule mining
* Multi-Sensor System for Airborne Image Capture and Georeferencing
* Multi-view image registration with application to mosaicing and lens distortion correction
* multiple hyper-ellipsoidal subclass model for an evolutionary classifier, A
* Multiscale MAP Filtering of SAR Images
* Mutual information matching in multiresolution contexts
* New Computationally Adaptive Formulation of Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* New Kernels for Fast Mesh-Based Motion Estimation
* New Method for Mining Regression Classes in Large Data Sets, A
* New methodology for adaptive vector quantisation
* new segmentation technique for omnifont Farsi text, A
* new stereomatching algorithm based on linear features and the fuzzy integral, A
* New technique for designing nearly-orthogonal wavelet filter banks with linear phase
* Non-integer scaling of raster images with image quality enhancement using an anamorphically scaled intermediate bitmap
* Non-intrusive speech-quality assessment using vocal-tract models
* Nonlinear diffusion filtering of images obtained by planar laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
* On Measuring Low-Level Self and Relative Saliency in Photographic Images
* On Ratio-Based Color Indexing
* On the Canny edge detector
* On the Compression of Image Based Rendering Scene: A Comparison Among Block, Reference and Wavelet Coders
* On the Numerical Robustness of the Parallel Projection Method in Signal Synthesis
* Optimal Differential Energy Watermarking of DCT Encoded Images and Video
* Optimal multichannel estimation of the location of a target with nonoverlapping noise
* Optimal Structure from Motion: Local Ambiguities and Global Estimates
* Overswamped sigma-delta LMS adaptive FIR filters
* Overview Of Photo-realism For Outdoor Scenes, An
* Overview of the Evolution of the Concept of Testor, An
* Parametric Texture Model Based on Joint Statistics of Complex Wavelet Coefficients, A
* Parsimonious texture representation employing binary Gaussian processes and binomial linear prediction
* Pipelined parallelisation of automatic face inspection
* Pose determination and tracking by matching 3D objects to a 2D sensor
* Probabilistic Modeling and Recognition of 3-D Objects
* Probabilistic Models of Appearance for 3-D Object Recognition
* Process for producing cartographic data by stereo vision
* Quadtree Classification and TCQ Image Coding
* Radial basis functions with compact support for elastic registration of medical images
* Real world modelling through high resolution digital 3D imaging of objects and structures
* Real-Time Camera Calibration for Virtual Studio
* Recent Advances In Video Content Analysis: From Visual Features to Semantic Video Segments
* Recognition of polyhedral objects using triplets of projected spatial edges based on a single perspective image
* Reconstructing a 3D structure from serial histological sections
* Recovery of Circular Motion from Profiles of Surfaces
* Recursive LMS L Filters for Noise Removal in Images
* Remote Cooperative Design System Using Interactive 3d Graphics, A
* Removal of Motion Uncertainty and Quantization Noise in Motion Compensation
* Resolving Motion Correspondence for Densely Moving Points
* Retrieval of gamma corrected images
* Revisiting the JPEG-LS prediction scheme
* robust eigenspace method for obtaining feature values in high-speed massively parallel vision systems, A
* Robust Skeletonization through Exact Euclidean Distance Transform and its Application to Neuromorphometry
* robust solution for object recognition by mean field annealing techniques, A
* role of image registration in brain mapping, The
* ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations
* rotation invariant printed Chinese character recognition system, A
* Scalable video coding and transport over broadband wireless networks
* Scalar quantisation of heavy-tailed signals
* Scale-dependent hierarchical unsupervised segmentation of textured images
* Scene illuminant classification: brighter is better
* Segmentation of FLIR images by Hopfield neural network with edge constraint
* Segmentation of Macular Fluorescein Angiographies. A Statistical Approach
* Semi-Automated Object Measurement Using Multiple-Image Matching from Mobile Mapping Image Sequences
* Separation of touching handwritten multi-numeral strings based on morphological structural features
* Shape recognition using an invariant pulse code and a hierarchical, competitive neural network
* Single View Metrology
* Skeletonization by a Topology-Adaptive Self-Organizing Neural Network
* Soft image segmentation by weighted linked pyramid
* Spatial and Temporal Data Parallelization of the H.261 Video Coding Algorithm
* Spatiotemporal segmentation for compact video representation
* Special Issue Preface
* Spectral recognition using a modified Eckhorn neural network model
* Spectral subtraction based on phonetic dependency and masking effects
* statistical unified framework for rank-based multiple classifier decision combination, A
* strategy for repetitive neighbor finding in octree representations, A
* structural representation for understanding line-drawing images, A
* Supporting Server-Level Fault Tolerance in Concurrent-Push-Based Parallel Video Servers
* Surface Topography Using Shape-from-Shading
* Symbol and character recognition: application to engineering drawings
* Symbol recognition in documents: a collection of techniques?
* Synthesis of a periodically time-varying digital filter
* Synthesis of FIR lattice structures
* Temporal Interpolation of Spatially Dynamic Object
* Terrain Reconstruction from Contours by Skeleton Construction
* Texture discrimination with multidimensional distributions of signed gray-level differences
* Threading Fundamental Matrices
* Tom: Totally Ordered Mesh A Multiresolution Structure For Time Critical Graphics Applications
* Two Complementary Techniques for Digitized Document Analysis
* Two-Dimensional Adaptive Decimation and Interpolation Scheme for Low Bit-Rate Image Coding
* Unconstrained Farsi handwritten word recognition using fuzzy vector quantization and hidden Markov models
* Understanding dynamic scenes
* Unified Model for Probabilistic Principal Surfaces, A
* Uniform Threshold TCQ with Block Classification for Image Transmission over Noisy Channels
* Unsupervised Multiresolution Segmentation for Images with Low Depth of Field
* Using dominant points and variants for profile extraction from chromosomes
* Using local deviations of vectorization to enhance the performance of raster-to-vector conversion systems
* Video image transmission over mobile satellite channels
* Video Summarization Using R-Sequences
* Video Transcoding with H.263 Bit-Streams
* Vision-Based Tracking and Interpretation of Human Leg Movement for Virtual Reality Applications
* visual analysis/synthesis feedback loop for accurate face tracking, A
* Visual Tracking with Automatic Motion Model Switching
* Water Body Detection and Delineation with Landsat TM Data
* Wavelet Methods for Inverting the Radon Transform with Noisy Data
* Wavelet-based nonlinear AGC method for hearing aid loudness compensation
* Weighted least-squares blind deconvolution of non-minimum phase systems
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