Update Dates 1204

1204 * *3D User Interfaces
* *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* *European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing
* *International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition
* 135 MHz 542 k Gates High Throughput H.264/AVC Scalable High Profile Decoder, A
* 3-D Imaging Advances Capabilities of Machine Vision: Part I
* 3D characterization of hot metallic shells during industrial forging
* 3D exploitation of 2D ground-level & aerial imagery
* 3D hand tracking for human computer interaction
* 3D Marking menu selection with freehand gestures
* 3D terrestrial lidar data classification of complex natural scenes using a multi-scale dimensionality criterion: Applications in geomorphology
* 3D vehicle detection using a laser scanner and a video camera
* 64X64 CMOS Image Sensor With On-Chip Moving Object Detection and Localization, A
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection using high-frequency and spatio-temporal features
* Accuracy of Gradient-Based Optical Flow Estimation in High-Frame-Rate Video Analysis
* Accurate Localization of Optic Radiation During Neurosurgery in an Interventional MRI Suite
* Active Contour Method for Bone Cement Reconstruction From C-Arm X-Ray Images, An
* Active Curve Recovery of Region Boundary Patterns
* Adaboost and multi-orientation 2D Gabor-based noisy iris recognition
* Adaptive Compressed Sensing Recovery Utilizing the Property of Signal's Autocorrelations
* Adaptive Distributed Source Coding
* Adaptive encoding of zoomable video streams based on user access pattern
* Adaptive Fractional-order Multi-scale Method for Image Denoising
* Adaptive Image Registration via Hierarchical Voronoi Subdivision
* Adaptive Online Performance Evaluation of Video Trackers
* Adaptive Quantization-Parameter Clip Scheme for Smooth Quality in H.264/AVC
* Addition of geographic ancillary data for updating geo-spatial databases
* ADR shape descriptor: Distance between shape centroids versus shape diameter
* Advanced Hierarchical Motion Estimation Scheme With Lossless Frame Recompression and Early-Level Termination for Beyond High-Definition Video Coding, An
* Advanced traffic monitoring for sustainable traffic management: Experiences and results of five years of collaborative research in the Netherlands
* Affect Detection: An Interdisciplinary Review of Models, Methods, and Their Applications
* Algorithm for Colour-Based Natural Scene Text Segmentation, An
* Alleviating Dirty-Window Effect in Medium Frame-Rate Binary Video Halftones
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Speckle Reduction With a Shifting Technique
* Analysis of the factors affecting LiDAR DTM accuracy in a steep shrub area
* Analytical Modeling for Delay-Sensitive Video Over WLAN
* Animating rising up from various lying postures and environments
* Application of automated video analysis for behavioural studies: concept and experience
* Application of Lattice Boltzmann Method to Image Filtering
* approach to development of adaptive 3D user interfaces, An
* Approximating global illumination on mesostructure surfaces with height gradient maps
* AR-based social presence enhancement in video-chat communication
* Are face recognition methods useful for classifying ships?
* Assessing Contextual Descriptive Features for Plot-Based Classification of Urban Areas
* Assessing error recognition in automated driving
* Assessing post-fire vegetation recovery using red-near infrared vegetation indices: Accounting for background and vegetation variability
* Assessing post-fire vegetation recovery using red-near infrared vegetation indices: Accounting for background and vegetation variability
* Assessment of Stereoscopic Crosstalk Perception
* Assistive Text Reading from Complex Background for Blind Persons
* Augmented textual data viewing in 3D visualizations using tablets
* Automated extraction of agronomic parameters in orchard Plots from high-resolution imagery
* Automated georegistration of motion imagery
* Automated segmentation of epiphysis and metaphysis for computerized bone age analysis
* Automatic calibration of fish-eye cameras from automotive video sequences
* Automatic extraction of shorelines from Landsat TM and ETM multi-temporal images with subpixel precision
* Automatic Role Recognition in Multiparty Conversations: An Approach Based on Turn Organization, Prosody, and Conditional Random Fields
* Automatic Single-Image-Based Rain Streaks Removal via Image Decomposition
* Automotive standards-grade lane departure warning system
* Bayesian Formulation of Image Patch Matching Using Cross-correlation
* Bayesian Inference of Models and Hyperparameters for Robust Optical-Flow Estimation
* Bayesian Visual Reranking
* Best of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2011
* Beyond the Tunnels: Advanced 3D graphical modulation
* Birefringence: calculation of refracted ray paths in biaxial crystals
* Bits From Photons: Oversampled Image Acquisition Using Binary Poisson Statistics
* Blind Adaptive Sampling of Images
* BM3D Frames and Variational Image Deblurring
* Border Noise Removal of Camera-Captured Document Images Using Page Frame Detection
* Boundary Operation of 2-D Nonseparable Linear-Phase Paraunitary Filter Banks
* Brain-Computer Interfaces: Beyond Medical Applications
* Bridging the Semantic Gap via Functional Brain Imaging
* Bringing Content Awareness to Web-Based IDTV Advertising
* Brush, lasso, or magic wand? Picking the right tool for large-scale multiple object selection tasks
* Building extraction from oblique airborne imagery based on robust façade detection
* Building-damage detection using pre- and post-seismic high-resolution satellite stereo imagery: A case study of the May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
* Camera calibration using identical objects
* Camera Constraint-Free View-Based 3-D Object Retrieval
* Camera parameters estimation in soccer scenes on the basis of points at infinity
* Camera-Pose Estimation via Projective Newton Optimization on the Manifold
* Certified meshing of Radial Basis Function based isosurfaces
* CFAR fusion: A replacement for the generalized likelihood ratio test for Neyman-Pearson problems
* Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images based on Image Fusion and Fuzzy Clustering
* Character-Based Automated Human Perception Quality Assessment in Document Images
* Cheap Terahertz Camera, A
* Circle detection on images using learning automata
* Circular-Aperture VHF-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar for Detection of Vehicles in Forest Concealment
* Class consistent k-means: Application to face and action recognition
* Classification of vehicle type and make by combined features and random subspace ensemble
* Closed Form Variable Fractional Time Delay Using FFT
* Co-Transduction for Shape Retrieval
* Codestream-Based Identification of JPEG 2000 Images with Different Coding Parameters
* Collaborative exploration in a multi-scale shared virtual environment
* Collaborative navigation in virtual search and rescue
* Color Constancy by Category Correlation
* Colour correction pre-processing and chrominance reconstruction post-processing for multi-view video coding
* Colour image super-resolution using geometric grouplets
* Colour matching for soft proofing using a camera
* Combination of AVNIR-2, PALSAR, and Polarimetric Parameters for Land Cover Classification
* Combinatorial mesh optimization
* Combined Theory of Defocused Illumination and Global Light Transport, A
* Commutability of Blur and Affine Warping in Super-Resolution With Application to Joint Estimation of Triple-Coupled Variables
* Comparative evaluation of the Vegetation Dryness Index (VDI), the Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) and the improved TVDI (iTVD
* Comparing isometric and elastic surfboard interfaces for leaning-based travel in 3D virtual environments
* Comparing vibro-tactile feedback modes for collision proximity feedback in USAR virtual robot teleoperation
* Comparison of a two-handed interface to a wand interface and a mouse interface for fundamental 3D tasks
* Completely Convex Formulation of the Chan-Vese Image Segmentation Model
* composite approach to evaluate two interaction techniques for a 3D pointing task, A
* Computer vision for fruit harvesting robots: State of the art and challenges ahead
* Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Procedures
* Content-Adaptive Motion Estimation Algorithm for Coarse-Grain SVC
* Context modeling for facial landmark detection based on Non-Adjacent Rectangle (NAR) Haar-like feature
* Contrast Enhancement Method for HDR Image Using a Modified Image Formation Model, A
* Contrast enhancement of dark images using stochastic resonance
* Contrast-Independent Curvilinear Structure Detection in Biomedical Images
* Correlation-Coefficient-Based Fast Template Matching Through Partial Elimination
* Counting People With Low-Level Features and Bayesian Regression
* Creating building ground plans via robust K-way union: A step toward large-scale simulation in urban environment
* Cross-Domain Human Action Recognition
* Cross-View Down/Up-Sampling Method for Multiview Depth Video Coding
* Curved-Region-Based Ridge Frequency Estimation and Curved Gabor Filters for Fingerprint Image Enhancement
* Database of human segmented images and its application in boundary detection
* Decapod: A Flexible, Low Cost Digitization Solution for Small and Medium Archives
* Definition of a comprehensive set of texture semivariogram features and their evaluation for object-oriented image classification
* Democratizing rendering for multiple viewers in surround VR systems
* Demographic effects on estimates of automatic face recognition performance
* Dense Neighborhoods on Affinity Graph
* Density-Based Multifeature Background Subtraction with Support Vector Machine
* Depth From Motion and Optical Blur With an Unscented Kalman Filter
* Depth Map Based Image Enhancement Using Color Stereopsis
* Depth space partitioning for omni-stereo object tracking
* Derivation of Relationships between Spectral Vegetation Indices from Multiple Sensors Based on Vegetation Isolines
* Deriving optical properties of Mahakam Delta coastal waters, Indonesia using in situ measurements and ocean color model inversion
* Design and evaluation of 3D cursors and motion parallax for the exploration of desktop virtual environments
* Design and Optimization of Color Lookup Tables on a Simplex Topology
* Design considerations for fabric-based input for surface design
* Design of Almost Symmetric Orthogonal Wavelet Filter Bank Via Direct Optimization
* Detail-preserving exposure fusion using subband architecture
* Detecting Mountain Peaks and Delineating Their Shapes Using Digital Elevation Models, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Using Autometric Methodological Procedures
* Determining the Capacity Parameters in PEE-Based Reversible Image Watermarking
* Developing human-machine interaction components for a driver assistance system for safe speed and safe distance
* Development of staring hyperspectral imagers
* Development of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission Cloud-Cover Assessment Algorithms
* Diagonal Lattice Reduction Algorithm for MIMO Detection, A
* Digital Pathology: Data-Intensive Frontier in Medical Imaging
* Dimensionality reduction by Mixed Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Direct Approach Toward Global Minimization for Multiphase Labeling and Segmentation Problems, A
* Directed enumeration method in image recognition
* Directional Lapped Orthogonal Transform: Theory and Design
* Discovering Thematic Objects in Image Collections and Videos
* Discrepancy measures for selecting optimal combination of parameter values in object-based image analysis
* Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition
* Discriminative Model of Motion and Cross Ratio for View-Invariant Action Recognition, A
* Display Holography's Digital Second Act
* Divide-and-Conquer Strategies for Hyperspectral Image Processing: A Review of Their Benefits and Advantages
* Do eye movements reflect driving manoeuvres?
* Do We Need Video Systems Beyond HDTV?
* Drag'n Go: Simple and fast navigation in virtual environment
* Driver drowsiness detection system under infrared illumination for an intelligent vehicle
* Dynamic hand gesture recognition: An exemplar-based approach from motion divergence fields
* Earthen levee monitoring with Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Edge-Adapting Laplacian Kernel For Nonlinear Diffusion Filters, An
* Edge-Based Perceptual Image Coding
* Edge-Preserving Image Regularization Based on Morphological Wavelets and Dyadic Trees
* Effect of canopy structure on sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
* Effect of vegetation height and volume scattering on soil moisture classification using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images
* Efficiency of Semi-Implicit Schemes for Anisotropic Diffusion in the Hypercube
* Efficient and Rate-Distortion Optimal Wavelet Packet Basis Selection in JPEG2000
* Efficient computation of correlation coefficient using negative reference in template matching applications
* Efficient Genre-Specific Semantic Video Indexing
* Efficient HTTP-based streaming using Scalable Video Coding
* Efficient Low-Delay Distributed Video Coding
* Efficient multi-camera vehicle detection, tracking, and identification in a tunnel surveillance application
* Efficient Rate-Distortion Optimal Packetization of Embedded Bitstreams Into Independent Source Packets
* Efficient Shortest Triangle Paths Algorithm Applied to Multi-camera Self-calibration, An
* Efficient video denoising based on dynamic nonlocal means
* Egomotion Estimation Using Assorted Features
* Electrocardiographic Signal Classification with Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
* Empirical Study of Wavelet Domain Image Joint Statistics and Proposition of an Efficient Correlation Map
* enhanced classifier fusion model for classifying biomedical data, An
* Enhancing the occlusion technique as an assessment tool for driver visual distraction
* Enhancing the predictive coding efficiency with control technologies for lossless compression of images
* Entropy-Functional-Based Online Adaptive Decision Fusion Framework With Application to Wildfire Detection in Video
* Error propagation for DEM-based georegistration of motion imagery
* Escape from Meadwyn 4: A cross-platform environment for collaborative navigation tasks
* Estimating the Natural Illumination Conditions from a Single Outdoor Image
* Estimation of hyperspectral covariance matrices
* Euclidean Signature Curves
* Evaluating and improving local hyperspectral anomaly detectors
* Evaluation of a 3D UI with different input technologies
* Evaluation of Automatic Building Detection Approaches Combining High Resolution Images and LiDAR Data
* Evolution of Video Processing Technology and Its Main Drivers, The
* Evolutionary Purposive or Behavioral Vision for Camera Trajectory Estimation
* Evolutionary Regression Machines for Precision Agriculture
* Evolving Visual Attention Programs through EVO Features
* experimental evaluation of rate-adaptive video players over HTTP, An
* Explaining Activities as Consistent Groups of Events: A Bayesian Framework Using Attribute Multiset Grammars
* Exploring Context and Content Links in Social Media: A Latent Space Method
* Extended local binary patterns for texture classification
* Extracting More Data from LiDAR in Forested Areas by Analyzing Waveform Shape
* Extracting non-negative basis images using pixel dispersion penalty
* eye-hand data fusion framework for pervasive sensing of surgical activities, An
* Face Identification Using Large Feature Sets
* Facial Expression Analysis for Predicting Unsafe Driving Behavior
* Facial expression recognition based on geometric and optical flow features in colour image sequences
* Fast 2-D Distance Transformations
* Fast Fixed Point Algorithm for Total Variation Deblurring and Segmentation, A
* Fast hierarchical animated object decomposition using approximately invariant signature
* Fast Hypercomplex Polar Fourier Analysis
* Fast O(N) Multiresolution Polygonal Approximation Algorithm for GPS Trajectory Simplification, A
* fast robot homing approach using sparse image waypoints, A
* Fast tracking algorithm using modified potential function
* Fast Wavelet-Based Image Characterization for Highly Adaptive Image Retrieval
* Feasibility of Endocardial Propagation Mapping Using Magnetic Resonance Guidance in a Swine Model, and Comparison With Standard Electroanatomic Mapping, The
* Feature evaluation and selection with cooperative game theory
* feature extraction software tool for agricultural object-based image analysis, A
* Fighting the Curse of Dimensionality: Compressive Sensing in Exploration Seismology
* Flickr Distance: A Relationship Measure for Visual Concepts
* Fluid simulation with adaptively sharpening and embedded boundary conditions
* Focal-plane detection and object reconstruction in the noninterferometric phase imaging
* Force feedback and visual constraint for drawing on a terrain: Path type, view complexity, and pseudohaptic effect
* Forest Delineation Based on Airborne LIDAR Data
* FPGA-based RGBD imager, An
* From virtual to actual mobility: Assessing the benefits of active locomotion through an immersive virtual environment using a motorized wheelchair
* FTV for 3-D Spatial Communication
* fusion approach to unconstrained iris recognition, A
* Fusion of anomaly algorithm decision maps and spectrum features for detecting buried explosive Hazards in forward looking infrared imagery
* Fusion of differential morphological profiles for multi-scale weighted feature pyramid generation in remotely sensed imagery
* Fusion of infrared and visible images using empirical mode decomposition and spatial opponent processing
* Fuzzy Clustering of Seismic Sequences: Segmentation of Time-Frequency Representations
* fuzzy inference approach to template-based visual tracking, A
* Fwobble: Continuous audio-haptic feedback for balance control, The
* Gait Recognition With Shifted Energy Image and Structural Feature Extraction
* Game-Theoretic Pricing for Video Streaming in Mobile Networks
* gaming interface using body gestures for collaborative navigation, A
* General Fast Registration Framework by Learning Deformation-Appearance Correlation, A
* Generalized Detection Fusion for Hyperspectral Images
* generalized God-object method for plausible finger-based interactions in virtual environments, A
* Generic framework for organ localization in CT and MR images
* Genetic Fuzzy Rules Learning Approach for Unseeded Segmentation in Echography, A
* Geometric Algebra Model for the Image Formation Process of Paracatadioptric Cameras, A
* Gestural Interaction in Vehicular Applications
* Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Face Challenge Problem, The
* Gradient Ordinal Signature and Fixed-Point Embedding for Efficient Near-Duplicate Video Detection
* Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Textureless Objects
* Gradient-Directed Multiexposure Composition
* Gradual land cover change detection based on multitemporal fraction images
* Graph-based shape indexing
* Grey theory applied in non-subsampled Contourlet transform
* Group-Sensitive Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Recognition
* Groupwise Registration of Multimodal Images by an Efficient Joint Entropy Minimization Scheme
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Interventional Imaging
* H.264/SVC Mode Decision Based on Optimal Stopping Theory
* Handling pose variation in face recognition using SIFT
* Head gesture 3D interface using a head mounted camera
* Head-Mounted Device for Recognizing Text in Natural Scenes, A
* HeatMeUp: A 3DUI serious game to explore collaborative wayfinding
* Here We Are! Where Are We? Locating Mixed Reality in The Age of the Smartphone
* Hierarchical Filtered Motion for Action Recognition in Crowded Videos
* Hierarchical Oriented Predictions for Resolution Scalable Lossless and Near-Lossless Compression of CT and MRI Biomedical Images
* High Accuracy and Visibility-Consistent Dense Multiview Stereo
* High-throughput-derived biologically-inspired features for unconstrained face recognition
* Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization for Image Recovery
* Histogram ordering model-based fast motion estimation
* Historical land use as a feature for image classification
* Hole-Filler Cellular Neural Network Simulation by RKGHM(5,5)
* Holistic Context Models for Visual Recognition
* Homography-based ground plane detection using a single on-board camera
* Human Age Estimation Via Geometric And Textural Features
* Human Identification Using Finger Images
* human motion database: A cognitive and parametric sampling of human motion, The
* Human skeleton tracking from depth data using geodesic distances and optical flow
* Hybrid inverse motion control for virtual characters interacting with sound synthesis: Application to percussion motion
* Hyperspectral remote sensing subpixel object detection performance
* Icon-Based Synoptic Visualization of Fully Polarimetric Radar Data, An
* Identification of Agricultural and Land Cover Database Changes Using Object-oriented Classification Techniques
* image analysis method for quantification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, An
* Image Based Performance Evaluation Method for Page Dewarping Algorithms Using SIFT Features, An
* Image Demosaicking with Contour Stencils
* Image denoising and zooming under the linear minimum mean square-error estimation framework
* Image denoising with a multi-phase kernel principal component approach and an ensemble version
* Image Fusion Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
* Image Prediction Based on Neighbor-Embedding Methods
* Image processing and analysis algorithms for yarn hairiness determination
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Gradient Similarity
* Image Reconstruction from Sparse Projections Using S-Transform
* Image registration and a metric to assess the transformation function
* Image segmentation based on multiresolution Markov random field with fuzzy constraint in wavelet domain
* Immersive 3DUI on one dollar a day
* Implementation of FPGA for decision making in portable automatic testing systems for IC's library & digital circuits
* Implementing Cepstral Filtering Technique using Gabor Filters
* Implicit Polynomial Representation Through a Fast Fitting Error Estimation
* Improved Estimation of Transmission Distortion for Error-Resilient Video Coding
* Improved Matched-Filter Based Detection Algorithm for Space-Time Shift Keying Systems, An
* Improving Color Constancy by Photometric Edge Weighting
* Improving motor rehabilitation process through a natural interaction based system using Kinect sensor
* Incorporating stochastic turbulence in particle-based fluid simulation
* Increasing Spatial Detail of Burned Scar Maps Using IRS-AWiFS Data for Mediterranean Europe
* Incremental face recognition for large-scale social network services
* Indexing and keyword search to ease navigation in lecture videos
* Influence of DEM Quality on Mapping Accuracy of Coniferous- and Deciduous-Dominated Forest Using TerraSAR-X Images, The
* Instrumental Assessment of Prosodic Quality for Text-to-Speech Signals
* Integrated point and edge matching on poor textural images constrained by self-adaptive triangulations
* Integrated vehicle's lateral safety: the LATERAL SAFE experience
* Integrating lidar into the Community Sensor Model construct
* Integrating spatial sensing to an interactive mobile 3D map
* Integration of geometric and topological uncertainties for geospatial Data Fusion and Mining
* Integration of optical flow and dynamic programming for stereo matching
* interactive augmented reality coloring book, An
* Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Dirichlet Process Multiple-View Learning
* Interlayer Bit Allocation for Scalable Video Coding
* Interval-Valued and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Mathematical Morphologies as Special Cases of L-Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology
* Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using Interleaved Scanning and Partial Reconstruction Interpolation
* Intraoperative Image-based Multiview 2D/3D Registration for Image-Guided Orthopaedic Surgery: Incorporation of Fiducial-Based C-Arm Tracking and GPU-Acceleration
* Intrinsic Illumination Subspace for Lighting Insensitive Face Recognition
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the Recognition of Visible Wavelength Iris Images Captured At-a-distance and On-the-move
* Investigating one-eyed and stereo cursors for 3D pointing tasks
* Investigating the Effects of Multiple Factors Towards More Accurate 3-D Object Retrieval
* Ionospheric Artifacts in Simultaneous L-Band InSAR and GPS Observations
* IR Cameras Take Aim at Machine-Vision Applications
* Iris recognition in non-ideal imaging conditions
* Isometric Embeddings in Imaging and Vision: Facts and Fiction
* Iterative Estimation of Rigid-Body Transformations: Application to Robust Object Tracking and Iterative Closest Point
* Iterative L_1 -Based Image Restoration Algorithm With an Adaptive Parameter Estimation, An
* Iterative Smoother-Based Variance Estimation
* Iterative Truncated Arithmetic Mean Filter and Its Properties
* IUPR Dataset of Camera-Captured Document Images, The
* Joint Source-Channel Coding and Optimization for Layered Video Broadcasting to Heterogeneous Devices
* Jointly Optimized Spatial Prediction and Block Transform for Video and Image Coding
* JUDOCA: JUnction Detection Operator Based on Circumferential Anchors
* Kalman Filtered MR Temperature Imaging for Laser Induced Thermal Therapies
* Kent mixture model for classification of remote sensing data on spherical manifolds
* Keypoint-Based Analysis of Sonar Images: Application to Seabed Recognition
* King-Kong Effects: Improving sensation of walking in VR with visual and tactile vibrations at each step, The
* Land-use Mapping of Valencia City Area from Aerial Images and LiDAR Data
* large margin framework for single camera offline tracking with hybrid cues, A
* Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks and Multimodal Sensing
* Lateral control assistance in car driving: Classification, review and future prospects
* Leveraging social media for scalable object detection
* Light Field Camera: Extended Depth of Field, Aliasing, and Superresolution, The
* Local Color Vector Binary Patterns From Multichannel Face Images for Face Recognition
* local spectral distribution approach to face recognition, A
* Local Tetra Patterns: A New Feature Descriptor for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Locality-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction and Classification for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Locally Oriented Optical Flow Computation
* Loose-limbed People: Estimating 3D Human Pose and Motion Using Non-parametric Belief Propagation
* LOP-cursor: Fast and precise interaction with tiled displays using one hand and levels of precision
* Low-Decoding-Latency Buffer Compression for Graphics Processing Units
* LSD: a Line Segment Detector
* Manipulating virtual objects in hand-held augmented reality using stored snapshots
* Manipulation techniques of 3D objects represented as multi-viewpoint images in a 3D scene
* Map matching for intelligent speed adaptation
* Markov Random Field Approach for Topology-Preserving Registration: Application to Object-Based Tomographic Image Interpolation, A
* Masked Object Registration in the Fourier Domain
* Matching sequences of salient contour points characterized by Voronoi region features
* Mathematical morphology-based generalization of complex 3D building models incorporating semantic relationships
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Band-Limited Power Law Spectrums
* Meaningful Matches in Stereovision
* Measuring visual distraction in driving: The potential of head movement analysis
* Medical Image Segmentation by Combining Graph Cuts and Oriented Active Appearance Models
* Method for Camera-Based Interactive Whiteboard Reading, A
* method for identification and classification of medicinal plant images based on level set segmentation and SVM classification, A
* Methodology for Reconstructing Early Zebrafish Development From In Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy
* Methodology of the Maximum Likelihood Approach: Estimation, Detection, and Exploration of Seismic Events, The
* Micro crack detection with Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
* Mining Visual Collocation Patterns via Self-Supervised Subspace Learning
* Mobile Applications and Museum Visitation
* Mobile mapping for the automated analysis of road signage and delineation
* Mobile mapping system for the automated detection and analysis of road delineation
* Mobile robot navigation under duct environment
* Mode-Dependent Transforms for Coding Directional Intra Prediction Residuals
* model for the qualitative description of images based on visual and spatial features, A
* MODIS-Based Energy Balance to Estimate Evapotranspiration for Clear-Sky Days in Brazilian Tropical-Savannas, A
* Modulating Shape Features by Color Attention for Object Recognition
* Monitoring Recent Trends in the Area of Aeolian Desertified Land Using Landsat Images in China's Xinjiang Region
* Monotonic Regression: A New Way for Correlating Subjective and Objective Ratings in Image Quality Research
* Morphable model space based face super-resolution reconstruction and recognition
* Multi-camera head pose estimation
* Multi-class predictive template for tree crown detection
* Multi-domain data modeling for biometrics
* Multi-feature walking pedestrians detection for driving assistance systems
* Multi-functional intelligent access control system based on hand vein recognition
* Multi-label Moves for MRFs with Truncated Convex Priors
* multi-resolution framework for multi-object tracking in Daubechies complex wavelet domain, A
* Multi-script and Multi-oriented Text Localization from Scene Images
* Multicomponent Signal Processing for Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Estimation : Application to Seismic Hazard Assessment
* Multimedia Analysis + Visual Analytics = Multimedia Analytics
* Multimedia for Cultural Heritage
* Multimodal image matching using self similarity
* Multiple human body tracking using the fusion of CCD and thermal image sensor
* Multiple-Region Segmentation Without Supervision by Adaptive Global Maximum Clustering
* multiresolution framework for local similarity based image denoising, A
* Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Multitoning, A
* Multivariate Bayesian cognitive modeling for unsupervised quality control of baked pizzas
* Multiview Deblurring for 3-D Images from Light-Sheet-Based Fluorescence Microscopy
* Multiview Face Recognition: From TensorFace to V-TensorFace and K-TensorFace
* NEOCR: A Configurable Dataset for Natural Image Text Recognition
* New Algorithm for the Satellite-Based Retrieval of Solar Surface Irradiance in Spectral Bands, A
* new approach to combine texture compression and filtering, A
* new device for virtual or augmented underwater diving, A
* New Human Identification Method: Sclera Recognition, A
* New Iris Recognition Method for Noisy Iris Images
* New Multiplicative Denoising Variational Model Based on m th Root Transformation, A
* New rank methods for reducing the size of the training set using the nearest neighbor rule
* No-Reference Pixel Video Quality Monitoring of Channel-Induced Distortion
* Noisy iris image matching by using multiple cues
* Noisy Iris Recognition Integrated Scheme
* Non-local Methods with Shape-Adaptive Patches (NLM-SAP)
* Non-parametric sub-pixel local point spread function estimation
* Non-uniform Deblurring for Shaken Images
* Nonlinear Approach for Enhancement of Image Focus Volume in Shape From Focus
* Nonlinear Shape Registration without Correspondences
* novel approach for gesture control video games based on perceptual features: modelling, tracking and recognition, A
* Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Verification: Improving Test Ban Monitoring with Empirical and Model-Based Signal Processing
* Object recognition in ocean imagery using feature selection and compressive sensing
* Object Recognition with an Optimized Ventral Stream Model Using Genetic Programming
* Oil spill feature selection and classification using decision tree forest on SAR image data
* On Acoustic Feedback Cancellation Using Probe Noise in Multiple-Microphone and Single-Loudspeaker Systems
* On Evolutionary Approaches to Unsupervised Nearest Neighbor Regression
* On Phase-Magnitude Relationships in the Short-Time Fourier Transform
* On the Construction of Topology-Preserving Deformation Fields
* On the Geometry of Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Models
* On the Mathematical Properties of the Structural Similarity Index
* On the use of covariance and correlation matrices in hyperspectral detection
* On the Use of Low-Pass Filters for Image Processing with Inverse Laplacian Models
* on-board vision sensor system for small unmanned vehicle applications, An
* On-Line Detection of Drowsiness Using Brain and Visual Information
* One class boundary method classifiers for application in a video-based fall detection system
* Optimal Exploitation of the Sentinel-2 Spectral Capabilities for Crop Leaf Area Index Mapping
* Optimized Data Fusion for Kernel k-Means Clustering
* Optimizing Selective ARQ for H.264 Live Streaming: A Novel Method for Predicting Loss-Impact in Real Time
* Ordered Hypothesis Machines
* Organ localization through anatomy-aware non-rigid registration with atlas
* Output-associative RVM regression for dimensional and continuous emotion prediction
* Padua point interpolation and Lp-norm minimisation in colour-based image indexing and retrieval
* Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using the UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expression archive database
* palm print authentication system using quantized phase feature representation, A
* PapARt: Interactive 3D graphics and multi-touch augmented paper for artistic creation
* PaperUI
* Parameter Selection for Total-Variation-Based Image Restoration Using Discrepancy Principle
* Parametric Level-Set Approach to Simultaneous Object Identification and Background Reconstruction for Dual-Energy Computed Tomography, A
* Parcel-based image classification as a decision-making supporting tool for the Land Bank of Galicia (Spain)
* Partially Supervised Speaker Clustering
* Particle Filter With a Mode Tracker for Visual Tracking Across Illumination Changes
* Patch-Based Near-Optimal Image Denoising
* Path Modeling and Retrieval in Distributed Video Surveillance Databases
* Pedestrian detection using a single monochrome camera
* Phase retrieval on annular and annular sector pupils by using the eigenfunction method to solve the transport of intensity equation
* Phase-Offset Estimation Method for InSAR DEM Generation Based on Phase-Offset Functions, A
* Photometric stereo applied to diffuse surfaces that violate Lambert's law
* Physically-based natural hand and tangible AR interaction for face-to-face collaboration on a tabletop
* Point and go: Exploring 3D virtual environments
* Point set morphological filtering and semantic spatial configuration modeling: Application to microscopic image and bio-structure analysis
* Polyview Fusion: A Strategy to Enhance Video-Denoising Algorithms
* Pose Estimation Through Cue Integration: A Neuroscience-Inspired Approach
* Precise multi-level face detector for advanced analysis of facial images
* Predator-prey vision metaphor for multi-tasking virtual environments
* Prediction error preprocessing for perceptual color image compression
* Predictive Quantization of Range-Focused SAR Raw Data
* Principal Curves for Lumen Center Extraction and Flow Channel Width Estimation in 3-D Arterial Networks: Theory, Algorithm, and Validation
* Probabilistic Motion Diffusion of Labeling Priors for Coherent Video Segmentation
* Proxy based 3D selection
* QoE Prediction Model and its Application in Video Quality Adaptation Over UMTS Networks
* Quality of multimedia experience
* Quaternion Structural Similarity: A New Quality Index for Color Images
* RADARSAT-2 Quad-Polarized Time Series for Monitoring Crop and Soil Conditions in Barrax, Spain, A
* Rapid extraction and updating of road network from airborne LiDAR data
* Rate adaptation for dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP in content distribution network
* Real Time 3D Visualization of Intraoperative Organ Deformations Using Structured Dictionary
* Real Time Morphological Snakes Algorithm, A
* Real-Time Artifact-Free Image Upscaling
* Real-time eye tracking using a smart camera
* Real-time face tracking and recognition by sparse eigentracker with associative mapping to 3D shape
* Real-time pedestrian classification exploiting 2D and 3D information
* Real-Time Probabilistic Covariance Tracking With Efficient Model Update
* Real-time web-based hyperspectral data viewing and control
* Recognizing Natural Scene Characters by Convolutional Neural Network and Bimodal Image Enhancement
* Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Multimedia Processor for IC-Stacking on Si-Interposer, A
* Redirected touching: The effect of warping space on task performance
* Reducing DRAM Image Data Access Energy Consumption in Video Processing
* Redundant Wavelets on Graphs and High Dimensional Data Clouds
* Reflektas: lane departure prevention system based on behavioural control
* Region-based pose tracking with occlusions using 3D models
* Relative radiometric correction of multi-temporal ALOS AVNIR-2 data for the estimation of forest attributes
* reliable iris recognition algorithm based on reverse biorthogonal wavelet transform, A
* Remote Sensing Approach for Landslide Hazard Assessment on Engineered Slopes, A
* Remotely sensed image retrieval based on region-level semantic mining
* Removing Boundary Artifacts for Real-Time Iterated Shrinkage Deconvolution
* Removing Label Ambiguity in Learning-Based Visual Saliency Estimation
* results of the NICE.II Iris biometrics competition, The
* RF Field Visualization of RF Ablation at the Larmor Frequency
* Rigid-Motion-Invariant Classification of 3-D Textures
* Road to Immersive Communication, The
* robust adaptive clustering analysis method for automatic identification of clusters, A
* Robust approach to independent component analysis for SAR image analysis
* Robust classification using support vector machine in low-dimensional manifold space for automatic target recognition
* Robust CoHOG Feature Extraction in Human-Centered Image/Video Management System
* Robust Estimation for an Inverse Problem Arising in Multiview Geometry
* Robust Image Coding Based Upon Compressive Sensing
* Robust Image Deblurring With an Inaccurate Blur Kernel
* Robust Image Hashing Based on Random Gabor Filtering and Dithered Lattice Vector Quantization
* Robust Multichannel Blind Deconvolution via Fast Alternating Minimization
* Robust segment-based object tracking using generalized hyperplane approximation
* Robust solution to three-dimensional pose estimation using composite extended Kalman observer and Kalman filter
* Robust traffic sign shape recognition using geometric matching
* Robustly Extracting Captions in Videos Based on Stroke-Like Edges and Spatio-Temporal Analysis
* Rotation Invariant Curvelet Features for Region Based Image Retrieval
* Rotation-Invariant Image and Video Description With Local Binary Pattern Features
* Rotation-Invariant Nonrigid Point Set Matching in Cluttered Scenes
* Rotation-Invariant Object Detection of Remotely Sensed Images Based on Texton Forest and Hough Voting
* Sampling High-Dimensional Gaussian Distributions for General Linear Inverse Problems
* Saving Energy in Video Servers by the Use of Multispeed Disks
* Scale Invariant Feature Transform on the Sphere: Theory and Applications
* Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Local Binary Pattern Using Scale-Adaptive Texton and Subuniform-Based Circular Shift
* Scale-Aware Saliency for Application to Frame Rate Upconversion
* Scale-Invariant Features and Polar Descriptors in Omnidirectional Imaging
* Scale-Invariant Features for 3-D Mesh Models
* Scanning Order Strategies for Bitplane Image Coding
* Segmentation of color images of plants with a Markovian Mean Shift
* Segmentation of Depth-of-Field Images Based on the Response of ICA Filters
* Segmentation of Stochastic Images With a Stochastic Random Walker Method
* Seismic Coherency Measures in Case of Interfering Events: A Focus on the Most Promising Candidates of Higher-Resolution Algorithms
* Seismic Migration: A Digital Filtering Process Reducing Oil Exploration Risks
* Self-calibration of hybrid central catadioptric and perspective cameras
* Semantic-Gap-Oriented Active Learning for Multilabel Image Annotation
* Semisupervised Biased Maximum Margin Analysis for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Semivariogram calculation optimization for object-oriented image classification
* Sensors for Gesture Recognition Systems
* Shadow identification for digital imagery using colour and texture cues
* Shape from pairwise silhouettes for plan-view map generation
* Side-Information-Dependent Correlation Channel Estimation in Hash-Based Distributed Video Coding
* Simplified Precoder Design for MIMO Systems With Receive Correlation in Ricean Channels
* Simultaneous categorical and spatio-temporal 3D gestures using Kinect
* Simultaneous Feature and Model Selection for Continuous Hidden Markov Models
* Single Frequency Inverse Obstacle Scattering: A Sparsity Constrained Linear Sampling Method Approach
* Solving Inverse Problems With Piecewise Linear Estimators: From Gaussian Mixture Models to Structured Sparsity
* Source Separation on Seismic Data: Application in a Geophysical Setting
* Sparse Approximation Using M-Term Pursuit and Application in Image and Video Coding
* Sparse Color Interest Points for Image Retrieval and Object Categorization
* Sparse linearized iterative coherence estimation (SLICE) and risk assessment in image analysis
* Sparse Poisson Noisy Image Deblurring
* Sparse Representations for Range Data Restoration
* Sparsity-Driven Approach for Joint SAR Imaging and Phase Error Correction, A
* Spatial misregistration of virtual human audio: Implications of the precedence effect
* Spatially Adapted Total Variation Model to Remove Multiplicative Noise
* spatially adaptive statistical method for the binarization of historical manuscripts and degraded document images, A
* Spatio-temporal patterns in vegetation start of season across the island of Ireland using the MERIS Global Vegetation Index
* Spatiotemporal Local Monogenic Binary Patterns for Facial Expression Recognition
* Special Issue on Modern Media Transport: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
* Spectral technique to recognise occluded objects
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data Based on a Stochastic Minimum Spanning Forest Approach
* SSIM-Motivated Rate-Distortion Optimization for Video Coding
* Style adaptive contour tracking of human gait using explicit manifold models
* Super-resolution in practice: the complete pipeline from image capture to super-resolved subimage creation using a novel frame selection method
* Super-Resolution Without Dense Flow
* Superresolution Differential Tomography: Experiments on Identification of Multiple Scatterers in Spaceborne SAR Data
* Survey of 3DUI applications and development challenges
* SVD-Based Quality Metric for Image and Video Using Machine Learning
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Autofocus Based on a Bilinear Model
* system for change detection and human recognition in voxel space using the Microsoft Kinect sensor, A
* System for Video-Based Navigation for Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery, A
* Talking to Machines
* Target detection for very high-frequency synthetic aperture radar ground surveillance
* Task-Dependent Visual-Codebook Compression
* Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications
* Text Detection of Two Major Indian Scripts in Natural Scene Images
* Texture analysis of GPR data as a tool for depicting soil mineralogy
* Three-Dimensional Adaptive Integral Method for Scattering From Structures Embedded in Layered Media, A
* Three-Dimensional Face Reconstruction From a Single Image by a Coupled RBF Network
* Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation via Matrix Completion
* Three-dimensional resolvability in an integral imaging system
* Through-the-Wall Sensing of Personnel Using Passive Bistatic WiFi Radar at Standoff Distances
* Time-Resolved Interventional Cardiac C-arm Cone-Beam CT: An Application of the PICCS Algorithm
* Toward a Direct Measure of Video Quality Perception Using EEG
* Tracking Pedestrians Using Local Spatio-Temporal Motion Patterns in Extremely Crowded Scenes
* Traffic control and intelligent vehicle highway systems: a survey
* Transcoding From Hybrid Nonscalable to Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Codecs
* Translational photometric alignment of single-view image sequences
* Two View Line-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Planar Scenes
* Two-Layer Directional Transform for High Performance Video Coding
* Two-View Concept Correlation Based Video Annotation Refinement, A
* Underwater Image Enhancement by Wavelength Compensation and Dehazing
* Unified Feature and Instance Selection Framework Using Optimum Experimental Design, A
* Unified Strategy for Landing and Docking Using Spherical Flow Divergence, A
* Unified Tensor Modeling for Blind Receivers in Multiuser Uplink Cooperative Systems
* Universal Denoising Framework With a New Impulse Detector and Nonlocal Means, A
* Universal Rate Control Scheme for Video Transcoding, A
* Unsupervised Polarimetric SAR Image Segmentation and Classification Using Region Growing With Edge Penalty
* Using a Product Manifold distance for unsupervised action recognition
* Using bandwidth aggregation to improve the performance of quality-adaptive streaming
* Using MODIS-NDVI for the Modeling of Post-Wildfire Vegetation Response as a Function of Environmental Conditions and Pre-Fire Restoration Treatments
* Using surface variability characteristics for segmentation of deformable 3D objects with application to piecewise statistical deformable model
* Validating Subglacial Volcanic Eruption Using Ground-Based C-Band Radar Imagery
* Variational Method for Multiple-Image Blending, A
* Vector quantization based approximate spectral clustering of large datasets
* Vehicle detection and tracking under various lighting conditions using a particle filter
* Vehicle Detection in Aerial Surveillance Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Very High Resolution Multiangle Urban Classification Analysis
* Very-large-scale integration design of a low-power and cost-effective context-based adaptive variable length coding decoder for H.264/AVC portable applications
* Video post processing: Low-latency spatiotemporal approach for detection and removal of rain
* Virtual exertions: A user interface combining visual information, kinesthetics and biofeedback for virtual object manipulation
* Virtual interaction surface: Decoupling of interaction and view dimensions for flexible indirect 3D interaction
* Vision algorithms for automated census of animals
* Vision-Based Analysis of Small Groups in Pedestrian Crowds
* Vision-based detection and tracking of vehicles to the rear with perspective correction in low-light conditions
* Visual interpenetration tradeoffs in whole-hand virtual grasping
* Visual motion ambiguities of a plane in 2-D FS sonar motion sequences
* Visual SLAM: Why filter?
* Visual tracking via bag of features
* Watching user generated videos with prefetching
* Wavelet Modeling Using Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions: Application to Texture Discrimination and Retrieval
* Weakly Supervised Graph Propagation Towards Collective Image Parsing
* Web Video Geolocation by Geotagged Social Resources
* Weighted co-occurrence phase histogram for iris recognition
* Wide-angle camera technology for automotive applications: a review
* Zooming interface using a 3D finger position for mobile devices
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.