Update Dates 0809

0809 * *IAPR Pattern Recognition Education Resources
* 2D Image-based reconstruction of shape deformation of biological structures using a level-set representation
* 2D-3D face matching using CCA
* 3-D Multi-modality Image Framework for Left Ventricle Motion Analysis, A
* 3D face recognition from multiple images: A shape-from-motion approach
* 3D Face Recognition System for Expression and Occlusion Invariance, A
* 3D Face Recognition using Point Cloud Kernel Correlation
* 3D facial expression recognition based on properties of line segments connecting facial feature points
* 3D facial geometry recovery via group-wise optical flow
* 3D Facial Gestures in Biometrics: from Feasibility Study to Application
* 3D Facial Landmark Localisation by Matching Simple Descriptors
* 3D Facial Landmarking under Expression, Pose, and Occlusion Variations
* 3D Mesh Exploration for Smart Visual Interfaces
* 3D Morphable Model fitting from multiple views
* 3D Scanning Method for Fast Motion using Single Grid Pattern with Coarse-to-fine Technique
* 3D tracking and dynamic analysis of human head movements and attentional targets
* 80 Million Tiny Images: A Large Data Set for Nonparametric Object and Scene Recognition
* Abnormal behavior detection and behavior matching for networked cameras
* Abnormal behavior-detection using sequential syntactical classification in a network of clustered cameras
* Accelerated Corner-Detector Algorithms
* Accelerating Iris Template Matching using Commodity Video Graphics Adapters
* Acceptability ratings by humans and automatic gesture recognition for variations in sign productions
* Accumulated Visual Representation for Cognitive Vision
* Accurate eye localization in low and standard definition content
* Accurate Inversion of 3-D Transformation Fields
* Accurate single view model-based head pose estimation
* Action Signature: A Novel Holistic Representation for Action Recognition
* active boosting-based learning framework for real-time hand detection, An
* Activity detection in conversational sign language video for mobile telecommunication
* Activity Recognition Using a Combination of Category Components and Local Models for Video Surveillance
* Adapting Starburst for Elliptical Iris Segmentation
* Adaptive Generalized Vector Median Filter
* adaptive learning method for face hallucination using Locality Preserving Projections, An
* Adaptive Machine Director, An
* Adaptive particle filter with body part segmentation for full body tracking
* Adaptive Pseudo Dilation for Gestalt Edge Grouping and Contour Detection
* Adaptive Segmentation for Vessels Dynamic Characterization Using High Resolution MR Sequences
* AIDIA: Adaptive Interface for Display Inter Action
* Aligned Cluster Analysis for temporal segmentation of human motion
* All Iris Filters are Not Created Equal
* Alpha-Beta Weightless Neural Networks
* Ambient intelligence as the bridge to the future of pervasive computing
* Analysis and Prediction of Air Quality Data with the Gamma Classifier
* Analysis of Improvements for Voter Interfaces in Polling Station and Remote Electronic Voting Systems, An
* Analysis of Minutiae Neighborhood Probabilities, An
* Analysis of Sign Language Gestures Using Size Functions and Principal Component Analysis
* Analyzing Classifier Hierarchy Multiclassifier Learning
* Analyzing the impact of non-biometric information on multiclassifier processing for signature recognition applications
* Annotating Images by Mining Image Search Results
* Annotation Collection and Online Performance Evaluation for Video Surveillance: The ViSOR Project
* Appearance Based Indexing for Relocalisation in Real-Time Visual SLAM
* Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person tracking
* Applying SIFT Descriptors to Stellar Image Matching
* Architectural Paradigm for Collaborative Semantic Indexing of Multimedia Data Objects, An
* Architecture for Multimedia Content Publishing with GIS-Based Retrieval Facility, An
* ASM fitting method based on machine learning that provides a robust parameter initialization for AAM fitting, An
* Auto Associative Neural Network based Active Shape Models
* Automated cell analysis in 2D and 3D: A comparative study
* Automated visual analysis in large scale sensor networks
* Automatic 3D face reconstruction from single images or video
* Automatic Algorithm for Evaluating the Precision of Iris Segmentation, An
* Automatic bi-modal emotion recognition system based on fusion of facial expressions and emotion extraction from speech
* Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Automatic Estimation of Camera Position in Robot Soccer
* Automatic estimation of the dynamics of facial expression using a three-level model of intensity
* Automatic G1 Surface Reconstruction from Serial Cross-Sectional Images
* Automatic hand trajectory segmentation and phoneme transcription for sign language
* Automatic Model-Based Segmentation of the Heart in CT Images
* Automatic Polyphonic Music Composition Using the EMILE and ABL Grammar Inductors
* Automatic Recognition of Partial Shoeprints Using a Correlation Filter Classifier
* Automatic Registration of Vertex Correspondences for 3D Facial Expression Analysis
* Automatic Semantic Annotation of Real-World Web Images
* Background Subtraction in Videos using Bayesian Learning with Motion Information
* Bayesian Wavelet-Based Image Denoising Using the Gauss-Hermite Expansion
* BCOE and the Future of Biometrics at the FBI, The
* Behaviour Analysis and Prediction in Image Sequences Using Rough Sets
* Best-Shot Selection for Video Face Recognition Using FPGA
* Better Perception of 3D-Spatial Relations by Viewport Variations
* Bi-channel sensor fusion for automatic sign language recognition
* Biased discriminant analysis using composite vectors for eye detection
* Bilinear elastically deformable models with application to 3D face and facial expression recognition
* Binary Biometrics: An Analytic Framework to Estimate the Bit Error Probability under Gaussian Assumption
* Binary Encoding of Multiplexed Images in Mixed Noise
* Bio-inspired, Invariant Image Reconstruction from Irregularly Placed Samples
* Biomedical Image Analysis at the Cellular Level
* Biometric enhancements: Template aging error score analysis
* Biometric Identification Using Motion History Images of a Speaker's Lip Movements
* Boosting EigenActions: A new algorithm for human action categorization
* bottom-up framework for robust facial feature detection, A
* boundary method for outlier detection based on support vector domain description, A
* Building and Assessing a Constrained Clustering Hierarchical Algorithm
* Building the databases needed to understand rich, spontaneous human behaviour
* Bypassing BigBackground: An efficient hybrid background modeling algorithm for embedded video surveillance
* Calculating the Number of Tunnels
* Camera Handoff with Adaptive Resource Management for Multi-camera Multi-target Surveillance
* Camera Motion Estimation Using a Novel Online Vector Field Model in Particle Filters
* Cancelable Biometrics for HMM-based Signature Recognition
* Chernoff-Based Multi-class Pairwise Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* Children's sensitivity to configural cues in faces undergoing rotational motion
* CITRIC: A low-bandwidth wireless camera network platform
* Class Distance Weighted Locality Preserving Projection for Automatic Age Estimation
* Classification-Based Color Constancy
* Classifier Ensemble Generation for the Majority Vote Rule
* Classifier fusion for robust ICAO compliant face analysis
* Cluster Stability Assessment Based on Theoretic Information Measures
* collaborative face recognition framework on a social network platform, A
* Color Retrieval for Video Surveillance
* Color-based 3D particle filtering for robust tracking in heterogeneous environments
* Colour Invariant Head Pose Classification in Low Resolution Video
* Colour invariants for machine face recognition
* Combining Gradient Operators and Dihedral Angle for 2D and 3D Feature Extraction
* Combining High-Resolution Images With Low-Quality Videos
* Combining Reinforcement Learning and Belief Revision: A Learning System for Active Vision
* Combining Stochastic and Deterministic Search for Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Commentary on Experimental Analysis of Face Recognition on from Still Image to Video Image
* Commentary Paper 1 on A Localized Approach to Abandoned Luggage Detection with Foreground-Mask Sampling
* Commentary Paper 1 on A Probabilistic Bayesian Framework for Model-Based Object Tracking Using Undecimated Wavelet Packet Descriptors
* Commentary Paper 1 on Action Signature: A Novel Holistic Representation for Action Recognition
* Commentary Paper 1 on Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Commentary Paper 1 on Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Interlocks
* Commentary Paper 1 on On Stable Dynamic Background Generation Technique Using Gaussian Mixture Models for Robust Object Detection
* Commentary Paper 1 on Robust Unattended and Stolen Object Detection by Fusing Simple Algorithms
* Commentary Paper 1 on Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* Commentary Paper 2 on A Localized Approach to Abandoned Luggage Detection with Foreground-Mask Sampling
* Commentary Paper 2 on A Probabilistic Bayesian Framework for Model-Based Object Tracking Using Undecimated Wavelet Packet Descriptors
* Commentary Paper 2 on Action Signature: A Novel Holistic Representation for Action Recognition
* Commentary Paper 2 on Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Commentary Paper 2 on Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Interlocks
* Commentary Paper 2 on On Stable Dynamic Background Generation Technique Using Gaussian Mixture Models for Robust Object Detection
* Commentary Paper 2 on Robust Unattended and Stolen Object Detection by Fusing Simple Algorithms
* Commentary Paper 2 on Tracking People in Crowds by a Part Matching Approach
* Commentary Paper 2 on Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* Commentary Paper 3 on Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* Commentary Paper for: Tracking People in Crowds by a Part Matching Approach
* Commentary Paper on A Probabilistic Template Update Method
* Commentary Paper on An Object- and Task-Oriented Architecture for Automated Video Surveillance in Distributed Sensor Networks
* Commentary Paper on Camera Handoff with Adaptive Resource Management for Multi-camera Multi-target Surveillance
* Commentary Paper on Dynamic Models for People Detection and Tracking
* Commentary Paper on Foreground Object Detection Using Two Successive Images
* Commentary Paper on Learning and Classification of Trajectories in Dynamic Scenes: A General Framework for Live Video Analysis
* Commentary Paper on Person Tracking With Audio-Visual Cues Using the Iterative Decoding Framework
* Commentary Paper on Recognizing Shapes in Video Sequences Using Multi-class Boosting
* Commentary Paper on Shadow Removal in Indoor Scenes
* Commentary Paper on Textural Segmentation of Sidescan Sonar Images Based on Gabor Filters Bank and Active Contours without Edges
* Commentary Paper on Uncalibrated Framework for On-line Camera Cooperation to Acquire Human Head Imagery in Wide Areas
* Commentary Paper on Video Surveillance for Biometrics: Long-Range Multi-biometric System
* Communicating with a virtual human or a skin-based robot head
* Comparative Study of Several Phonotactic-Based Approaches to Spanish-Basque Language Identification
* Comparing Cornerness Measures for Interest Point Detection
* Comparison of Pixel and Subpixel Retinal Vessel Tree Segmentation Using a Deformable Contour Model
* Complementary computing for visual tasks: Meshing computer vision with human visual processing
* Complex human motion estimation using visibility
* complex network-based approach for boundary shape analysis, A
* Component-based registration with curvature descriptors for expression insensitive 3d face recognition
* Computational Model for Aircraft's Takeoffs Pattern Recognition
* Computer Aided Diagnosis System to Detect Breast Cancer Pathological Lesions
* Computer Aided Evaluation of Ankylosing Spondylitis Using High-Resolution CT
* Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox
* Computing the Uncertainty of the 8 point Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation
* Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression recognition
* Constrained Interpolation with Implicit Plane Cubic A-Splines
* Content-aware ranking of video segments
* Continuous and Discrete Data Rebinning in Time-of-Flight PET
* Continuous Background Update and Object Detection with Non-static Cameras
* Contour Tracking When Two Gray-Level Discontinuities Are Close to Each Other
* Contour-Based Registration and Retexturing of Cartoon-Like Videos
* Coopertive surveillance in video sensor networks
* Coordinate-free calibration of an acoustically driven camera pointing system
* Correction for Resolution Nonuniformities Caused by Anode Angulation in Computed Tomography
* Correlation Filters for Pattern Recognition Using a Noisy Reference
* Correlation-Based Distance Function for Nearest Neighbor Classification, A
* Cost-Effective HPC Clustering for Computer Vision Applications
* Crowd Detection from Still Images
* CTex: An Adaptive Unsupervised Segmentation Algorithm Based on Color-Texture Coherence
* Current Density Impedance Imaging
* Data-Driven Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Visual Tracking
* Decentralized camera network control using game theory
* Decentralized discovery of camera network topology
* Decision and Communication Management Methodology for embedded Multi-smart Camera systems, applied to real-time inspection in lamps production, A
* Deformable 3D Volume Registration Using Efficient MRFs Model with Decomposed Nodes
* Deformable Face Fitting with Soft Correspondence Constraints
* Delineating Homology Generators in Graph Pyramids
* Demo: Robust face recognition via sparse representation
* Design and implementation of a cluster based smart camera array application framework
* Design of a Wireless Vision Sensor for object tracking in Wireless Vision Sensor Networks
* Design sparse features for age estimation using hierarchical face model
* Detection and Measurement of Fetal Anatomies from Ultrasound Images using a Constrained Probabilistic Boosting Tree
* Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections
* Detection of Iris Texture Distortions By Analyzing Iris Code Matching Results
* Dialog Management Methodology Based on Neural Networks and Its Application to Different Domains, A
* Differential Betweenness in Complex Networks Clustering
* Digital Image Colorization Based on Probabilistic Distance Transform
* DINDOW: Towards an Interaction Based on Spatio-temporal Memory
* Discrete data clustering using finite mixture models
* Discriminant analysis for perceptionally comparable classes
* discriminative approach to frame-by-frame head pose tracking, A
* Discriminative human action recognition using pairwise CSP classifiers
* Discriminatively regularized least-squares classification
* Distance-based Speed Functions for Level Set Methods in Image Segmentation
* Distributed pose averaging in camera networks via consensus on SE(3)
* distributed solution to detect targets in crowds using visual sensor networks, A
* DMCtrac: Distributed multi camera tracking
* Document Image Retrieval through Word Shape Coding
* Dominance modulates the effects of eye gaze on the perception of threatening facial expressions
* DSCAgents: A lightweight middleware for distributed smart cameras
* Dynamic Buffer Areas Obtained by EFCM Method in GIS Environment
* Dynamic Markov Random Fields
* Dynamic Models for People Detection and Tracking
* Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography Data-Driven Analysis Using Sparse Bayesian Learning
* ECG to Individual Identification
* Edge-Oriented Uniform Intra Prediction
* Editorial: CVPR 2006 Papers
* Effect of Lane-Change Maneuvers on a Simplified Car-Following Theory, The
* Effective image retrieval using dominant color descriptor and fuzzy support vector machine
* Effective Visual Scanning of Geographic Information
* Efficiency improvement of human body detection with histograms of oriented gradients
* efficient algorithm for attention-driven image interpretation from segments, An
* efficient algorithm for the extraction of contours and curvature scale space on SIMD-powered Smart Cameras, An
* efficient and accurate hierarchical ICIA fitting method for 3D Morphable Models, An
* Efficient Annotation of Vesicle Dynamics Video Microscopy
* Efficient Approach to Onboard Stereo Vision System Pose Estimation, An
* Efficient approximations to model-based joint tracking and recognition of continuous sign language
* Efficient Feature Parameterisation for Visual SLAM Using Inverse Depth Bundles
* Efficient Feature-Based Nonrigid Registration of Multiphase Liver CT Volumes
* efficient low cost approach for on-line signature recognition based on length normalization and fractional distances, An
* Efficient Multitarget Visual Tracking Using Random Finite Sets
* Efficient Sequential Approach to Tracking Multiple Objects Through Crowds for Real-Time Intelligent CCTV Systems, An
* Efficient Shared Multi-Class Detection Cascade, An
* Efficient Stereo Algorithm using Multiscale Belief Propagation on Segmented Images
* Efficient Three-view Triangulation Based on 3D Optimization
* Efficient Tracking of 3D Objects Using Multiple Orthogonal Cameras
* Efficiently Combining Contour and Texture Cues for Object Recognition
* Embedding Google Maps APIs into WebRatio for the Automatic Generation of Web GIS Applications
* Emotional contagion for unseen bodily expressions: Evidence from facial EMG
* Emotional entrainment in music performance
* Emotionally aware automated portrait painting demonstration
* Empirical evaluation of the exclusion approach to estimating camera overlap
* Empirical Study for the Multi-class Imbalance Problem with Neural Networks, An
* Enhanced Accessory Pathway Localization Method for Efficient Treatment of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, An
* Enhancement of Color Images by Scaling the DCT Coefficients
* Enrolled Template Specific Decisions and Combinations in Verification Systems
* Ensemble Approaches to Facial Action Unit Classification
* Epiflow: A paradigm for tracking stereo correspondences
* Estimating camera overlap in large and growing networks
* Estimating Surface Reflectance Spectra for Underwater Color Vision
* Estimation of Missing Values in Multimodal Biometric Fusion
* Evaluating Shape Correspondence for Statistical Shape Analysis: A Benchmark Study
* Evaluating the performance of face-aging algorithms
* Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms with Post-Processing
* Evaluation of face recognition techniques for application to facebook
* Evaluation of Hierarchical Sampling Strategies in 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Evaluation of Information Visualization Tools Using the NFR Approach
* Evaluation of Lineal Relation between Shifted Delta Cepstral Features and Prosodic Features in Speaker Verification
* Evaluation of Multi-part Models for Mean-Shift Tracking
* Evaluation of Quality Retaining Diagnostic Credibility for Surgery Video Recordings
* evolution from single to pervasive smart cameras, The
* Evolutionary General Purpose WebGIS to Disclose EGFR Mutations in Lung Cancer, An
* Evolving Implicit Polynomial Interfaces
* Example-Based Face Hallucination Method for Single-Frame, Low-Resolution Facial Images, An
* Experimental Analysis of Face Recognition on Still and CCTV Images
* Experiments on Selection of Codebooks for Local Image Feature Histograms
* Exploiting Periodicity in Recurrent Scenes
* Exploiting Uncertainty Propagation in Gradient-based Image Registration
* Exploratory factor analysis of gait recognition
* Exploring Ridge Curvature for Fingerprint Indexing
* Exploring the Science of Biometrics under Relaxed Constraints
* Expression invariant 3D face recognition with a Morphable Model
* Expression-Compensated 3D Face Recognition with Geodesically Aligned Bilinear Models
* Extended Depth of Field Iris Recognition with Correlation Filters
* Extended Recursive Filtering Estimation of Detector Offset Nonuniformity in Infrared Imaging Systems
* Extending KDDML with a Visual Metaphor for the KDD Process
* Extracting the optimal dimensionality for local tensor discriminant analysis
* Face Components Detection Using SURF Descriptors and SVMs
* Face detection by cascade of Gaussian derivates classifiers calculated with a half-octave pyramid
* Face recognition and alignment using support vector machines
* Face recognition for smart interactions
* Face recognition using multiple interest point detectors and SIFT descriptors
* Face recognition with Neighboring Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition with occlusions in the training and testing sets
* Face recognition with temporal invariance: A 3D aging model
* Face reconstruction using fixation positions and foveated imaging
* Facial and bodily expressions for control and adaptation of games (ECAG'08)
* Facial Dynamics in Biometric Identification
* Facial feature detection with optimal pixel reduction SVM
* Facial feature localization using weighted vector concentration approach
* Facial image analysis using local feature adaptation prior to learning
* False Matches and Non-independence of Face Recognition Scores
* fast and robust 3D head pose and gaze estimation system, A
* Fast Artifacts-Free Image Interpolation
* Fast Joint Reconstruction of Dynamic R_2* and Field Maps in Functional MRI
* Fast k Most Similar Neighbor Classifier for Mixed Data Based on a Tree Structure and Approximating-Eliminating
* Fast Linear Registration Framework for Multi-camera GIS Coordination, A
* Fast Motion Consistency through Matrix Quantization
* Fast Non-Rigid Object Boundary Tracking
* Fast Pedestrian Detection Using a Cascade of Boosted Covariance Features
* Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Associative Memories, A
* Fast viewpoint-invariant articulated hand detection combining curve and graph matching
* Fault Detection Framework for Video Surveillance Systems
* Feature extraction for one-class classification problems: Enhancements to biased discriminant analysis
* Feature Selection for Gait Recognition without Subject Cooperation
* Feature Selection through Dynamic Mesh Optimization
* Feature subspace determination in video-based mismatched face recognition
* Feature Tracking and Motion Compensation for Action Recognition
* Feature-based calibration of distributed smart stereo camera networks
* FEUDOR: Feature Extraction Using Distinctive Octagonal Regions
* Fingerprint Anti-Spoofing Using Ridgelet Transform
* Fingerprint Biometrics via Low-cost Sensors and Webcams
* Fingerprint Matching Using Correlation and Thin-Plate Spline Deformation Model
* Fingerprint Verification Using Local Interest Points and Descriptors
* Flexible signature descriptions for adaptive motion trajectory representation, perception and recognition
* Flood Emergency Interaction and Visualization System
* Focus on quality, predicting FRVT 2006 performance
* Foreground Focus: Finding Meaningful Features in Unlabeled Images
* Foreground Object Detection Using Two Successive Images
* Forensic Identification of People from Images and Video
* FPGA-based Smart Camera for 3D wavelet-based image segmentation
* Framework for Evaluating Stereo-Based Pedestrian Detection Techniques, A
* Framework for Unsupervised Segmentation of Lung Tissues from Low Dose Computed Tomography Images, A
* Frequency Domain Approach to Roto-translation Estimation using Gradient Cross-Correlation, A
* From Visual Query to Visual Portrayal
* Front-view Gait Recognition
* Functional Learning of Kernels for Information Fusion Purposes
* Fusing Frequency, Spatial and Color Features for Face Recognition
* Fusion of the complementary Discrete Cosine Features in the YIQ color space for face recognition
* Fusion of visual and thermal images using complex extension of EMD
* Fusion-Based Approach to Enhancing Multi-Modal Biometric Recognition System Failure Prediction and Overall Performance, A
* Fusion-based localization for a Heterogeneous camera network
* Fuzzy Fusion of Eyelid Activity Indicators for Hypovigilance-Related Accident Prediction
* GA Based Neuro Fuzzy Techniques for Breast Cancer Identification
* Gabor volume based local binary pattern for face representation and recognition
* Gait Analysis using Independent Components of image motion
* Gait Recognition Based on Silhouette, Contour and Classifier Ensembles
* GeCiM: A Novel Generalized Approach to C-Means Clustering
* Generalisation of Photometric Stereo technique to Q-illuminants
* Generalisation of the ICP Algorithm for Articulated Bodies, A
* Generalized adaptive view-based appearance model: Integrated framework for monocular head pose estimation
* Generating Registration-free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Generation of emotional feature space based on topological characteristics of facial expression images
* Geometric LDA: A Generative Model for Particular Object Discovery
* Gesture stroke recognition using computer vision and linear accelerometer
* GISTURISMO Massa-Carrara: Advanced Territory's Dynamic Fruition Service for a Conscious Tourism
* Global Behaviour Inference using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
* Global trajectory reconstruction from distributed visual sensors
* Global Uncertainty-based Selection of Relative Poses for Multi Camera Calibration
* Globally Linear Embedding of Biometric Scores: An Empirical Study
* Globally Optimal O(n) Solution to the PnP Problem for General Camera Models
* Gradient based Textural Characterization of Fingerprints
* Graph Laplacian Tomography From Unknown Random Projections
* Graph Rigidity, Cyclic Belief Propagation, and Point Pattern Matching
* Grip-Pattern Verification for Smart Gun Based on Maximum-Pairwise Comparison and Mean-Template Comparison
* Guided Sampling via Weak Motion Models and Outlier Sample Generation for Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Hallucinating Irises - Dealing with Partial and Occluded Iris Regions
* Handling of Task Hierarchies on the Nepomuk Social Semantic Desktop
* Handwritten Digit Classification Based on Alpha-Beta Associative Model
* Handwritten-Word Spotting Using Biologically Inspired Features
* Head pose and trajectory recovery in uncalibrated camera networks: Region of interest tracking in smart home applications
* Hermite Transform: An Alternative Image Representation Model for Iris Recognition, The
* Hetero-Associative Memories for Voice Signal and Image Processing
* Heterogeneous Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Multiple Object Tracking
* Hierarchical Star Clustering Algorithm for Dynamic Document Collections
* high resolution smart camera with GigE Vision extension for surveillance applications, A
* high-resolution 3D dynamic facial expression database, A
* High-Speed Action Recognition and Localization in Compressed Domain Videos
* Hive: A distributed system for vision processing
* HMM parameter reduction for practical gesture recognition
* Homotopic Image Pseudo-Invariants for Openset Object Recognition and Image Retrieval
* How Do Superpixels Affect Image Segmentation?
* Human action recognition using discriminative models in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* Human Activity Recognition Using a Dynamic Texture Based Method
* Human Activity Tracking from Moving Camera Stereo Data
* Human and Computer Evaluations of Face Sketches with Implications for Forensic Investigations
* Human body modelling and tracking using volumetric representation: Selected recent studies and possibilities for extensions
* Humans versus algorithms: Comparisons from the Face Recognition Vendor Test 2006
* Hybrid Color and Frequency Features Method for Face Recognition, A
* Hybrid Framework for 3-D Human Motion Tracking, A
* Identification of Choroidal Neovascularisation on Fluorescein Angiograms Using Gradient Vector Flow Active Contours
* Identification of More Characteristic Dynamic Patterns in a WWTP by CIBRxE
* Identifying dominant people in meetings from audio-visual sensors
* Identifying semi-Invariant Features on Mouse Contours
* Illumination and Expression Invariant Face Recognition: Toward Sample Quality-based Adaptive Fusion
* Illumination transfer using homomorphic wavelet filtering and its application to light-insensitive face recognition
* Illumination-robust face recognition using tensor-based active appearance model
* Image classification and information retrieval over wireless digital networks and the internet
* Image matching robust to changes in imaging conditions with a car-mounted Camera
* Image Quality Metric based on Corner, Edge and Symmetry Maps, An
* Image Segmentation with Elastic Shape Priors via Global Geodesics in Product Spaces
* Image Thresholding Using Graph Cuts
* Image-Based Acquisition of Shape and Spatially Varying Reflectance
* Image-set matching using a geodesic distance and cohort normalization
* Implementation and evaluation of a reaction-diffusion based coding rate control mechanism for camera sensor networks
* Importance of Small Pupils: A Study of How Pupil Dilation Affects Iris Biometrics, The
* Impostures of Talking Face Systems Using Automatic Face Animation
* Improving Color Modeling for Alpha Matting
* Increased Resolution 3D Face Modeling and Recognition From Multiple Low Resolution Structure From Motion Models
* Indexing Sub-Vector Distance for High-Dimensional Feature Matching
* Indexing Uncoded Stripe Patterns in Structured Light Systems by Maximum Spanning Trees
* Information Theoretic Key Frame Selection for Action Recognition
* Initialization of Model-Based Vehicle Tracking in Video Sequences of Inner-City Intersections
* Integral Operators for Computing Homology Generators at Any Dimension
* Integrated System for Moving Object Classification in Surveillance Videos, An
* Inter-frame and Inter-layer Motion Prediction during Fast Block Motion Estimation in MCTF
* Interactive Exploration of Large Dynamic Networks
* Inverse mapping the neuronal correlates of facial expression processing
* Investigating the production of emotional facial expressions: A combined electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) approach
* Investigation into Optical Flow Computation on FPGA Hardware, An
* Iris Challenge Evaluation 2005, The
* Iris Recognition and Ocular Biometrics: The Salient Features
* IV2 Multimodal Biometric Database (Including Iris, 2D, 3D, Stereoscopic, and Talking Face Data), and the IV2-2007 Evaluation Campaign, The
* Joint Coding of Multiple H.264 Video Programs
* Joint Freehand Ultrasound and Endoscopic Reconstruction of Brain Tumors
* Joint Random Fields for Moving Vehicle Detection
* L.U.N.A. Ads: Sustaining Wireless Access for Mobile Users
* Lane-Change Fuzzy Control in Autonomous Vehicles for the Overtaking Maneuver
* Large Scale Image Search
* Large scale learning and recognition of faces in web videos
* Learning A Stable Structure To Describe Dynamic Texture
* Learning an Alphabet of Shape and Appearance for Multi-Class Object Detection
* Learning and Classification of Trajectories in Dynamic Scenes: A General Framework for Live Video Analysis
* Learning and Forgetting with Local Information of New Objects
* Learning decision trees with taxonomy of propositionalized attributes
* Learning Discriminative LBP-Histogram Bins for Facial Expression Recognition
* learning environment for sign language, A
* Learning Face Appearance under Different Lighting Conditions
* Learning image alignment without local minima for face detection and tracking
* Learning Linear Discriminant Projections for Dimensionality Reduction of Image Descriptors
* Learning OpenCV Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library
* Learning Rules for Semantic Video Event Annotation
* Learning to Detect Moving Shadows in Dynamic Environments
* Learning to recognize a sign from a single example
* Learning, Modeling, and Classification of Vehicle Track Patterns from Live Video
* License Plate Recognition From Still Images and Video Sequences: A Survey
* Light-weight salient foreground detection for embedded smart cameras
* Lip-Reading Technique Using Spatio-Temporal Templates and Support Vector Machines
* Local Algorithm for the Computation of Optic Flow via Constructive Interference of Global Fourier Components, A
* Local Features Based Facial Expression Recognition with Face Registration Errors
* Local Initiation Method for Multiple Object Association in Surveillance Environment with Multiple Cameras
* Localized Approach to Abandoned Luggage Detection with Foreground-Mask Sampling, A
* Localized Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Locational Awareness on the Internet
* Logit-RankBoost with pruning for face recognition
* Long Term Arm and Hand Tracking for Continuous Sign Language TV Broadcasts
* looking back screens, The
* MAP Model for Large-scale 3D Reconstruction and Coarse Matching for Unordered Wide-baseline Photos
* Mapping facial expression recognition algorithms on a low-power smart camera
* markerless approach for consistent action recognition in a multi-camera system, A
* Markerless view independent gait analysis with self-camera calibration
* Markov random field models for hair and face segmentation
* Markovian mixture face recognition with discriminative face alignment
* Matching 3D Faces with Partial Data
* Matrix-Based Secret Sharing Scheme for Images, A
* Measurement study on wireless camera networks
* Measuring Shape Circularity
* Measuring the Related Properties of Linearity and Elongation of Point Sets
* Mechanical Imaging of the Breast
* Median Filter Based Iris Encoding Technique
* Meeting behavior detection in smart environments: Nonverbal cues that help to obtain natural interaction
* Method for capturing, measuring and analyzing motion
* method of multi-factorization for recognizing emotions from gestures, A
* Metric Reconstruction with Missing Data under Weak Perspective
* MIDSCA: Towards a Smart Camera architecture of mobile internet devices
* Minimal-Bracketing Sets for High-Dynamic-Range Image Capture
* Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation
* Minimizing the Multi-view Stereo Reprojection Error for Triangular Surface Meshes
* Mining Frequent Similar Patterns on Mixed Data
* Mixture Distributions for Weakly Supervised Classification in Remote Sensing Images
* Model of Brightness Variations Due to Illumination Changes and Non-rigid Motion Using Spherical Harmonics, A
* Model-based reconstruction for illumination variation in face images
* Model-based robust and pecise tracking embedded in smart cameras: The PFAAM-CAM
* Modeling background activity for behavior subtraction
* Modeling shape and textural variations in aging faces
* Modeling the World from Internet Photo Collections
* Modelling human perception of static facial expressions
* Modelling of Behavioural Patterns for Abnormality Detection in the Context of Lifestyle Reassurance
* Modelling the Manifold of Facial Expression Using Texture
* Monocular SLAM with Inverse Scaling Parametrization
* Monocular Template-based Reconstruction of Inextensible Surfaces
* More robust face recognition by considering occlusion information
* Motion and Appearance Nonparametric Joint Entropy for Video Segmentation
* Motion image segmentation using global criteria and DP
* Motion Interpretation Using Adjustable Linear Models.
* Motion recognition approach to solve overwriting in complex actions
* MoViSys: A Visualization System for Geo-Referenced Information on Mobile Devices
* MPEG-7 Motion Descriptor Extraction for Panning Camera Using Sprite Generated
* Multi Subspaces Active Appearance Models
* multi-agent architecture to support active fusion in a visual sensor network, A
* Multi-attribute robust facial feature localization
* Multi-camera collision detection between known and unknown objects
* Multi-camera Control through Constraint Satisfaction for Persistent Surveillance
* Multi-camera Matching using Bi-Directional Cumulative Brightness Transfer Functions
* Multi-Factor Approach to Improving Recognition Performance in Surveillance-Quality Video
* Multi-person tracking from sparse 3D trajectories in a camera sensor network
* Multi-PIE
* Multi-Scale Dynamic Human Fatigue Detection with Feature Level Fusion
* Multi-scale Feature Extraction in a Sub-pixel Virtual Hexagonal Environment
* Multi-target Data Association by Tracklets with Unsupervised Parameter Estimation
* Multi-target tracking through opportunistic camera control in a resource constrained multimodal sensor network
* Multi-view Access Monitoring and Singularization in Interlocks
* Multi-view facial expression recognition
* Multi-View Reconstruction using Narrow-Band Graph-Cuts and Surface Normal Optimization
* Multibiometric Template Security Using Fuzzy Vault
* Multibiometrics for Identity Authentication: Issues, Benefits and Challenges
* Multiclass Adaboost and Coupled Classifiers for Object Detection
* Multicues Face Detection in Complex Background for Frontal Faces
* Multidimensional Incremental Parsing for Universal Source Coding
* Multimodal preserving embedding for face recognition
* Multiple camera-based chamfer matching for pedestrian detection
* Multiple-instance content-based image retrieval employing isometric embedded similarity measure
* Multiscale Morphological Image Simplification
* Multispectral Satellite Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering and Nonlinear Filtering Methods
* Musical Style Identification with n-Grams and Neural Networks
* Musimage: A System for Automatically Presenting Pictures Depending on the Music Being Played
* MVAAM (multi-view active appearance model) optimized by multi-objective genetic algorithm
* Navigation and Search in 3D Visualizations of Large Unstructured Photo Collections: An Empirical Study
* Near Duplicate Image Detection: min-Hash and tf-idf Weighting
* Near Real-time Stereo for Weakly-Textured Scenes
* Nearest-Subspace Patch Matching for face recognition under varying pose and illumination
* New Adaptive Focus Measure for Shape From Focus, A
* New Approach to Analyse Neighbourhood Relations in 2D Polygonal Networks, A
* New Approach Toward a Modular Multimodal Interface for PDAs and Smartphones, A
* New Combination of Local Appearance Based Methods for Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Conditions, A
* New Document Clustering Algorithm for Topic Discovering and Labeling, A
* New Method for Generating an Invariant Iris Private Key Based on the Fuzzy Vault System, A
* Noise Correction on Rician Distributed Data for Fibre Orientation Estimators
* Non-generative Approach for Face Recognition Across Aging, A
* non-intrusive method for user focus of attention estimation in front of a computer monitor, A
* Non-linear fusion of local matching scores for face verification
* Non-rigid registration using free-form deformations for recognition of facial actions and their temporal dynamics
* Nonchronological Video Synopsis and Indexing
* Noniterative Interpolation-Based Super-Resolution Minimizing Aliasing in the Reconstructed Image
* Normalized LDA for semi-supervised learning
* Novel Appearance Model and Adaptive Condensation Algorithm for Human Face Tracking, A
* novel evidence accumulation framework for robust multi-camera person detection, A
* Novel Genetic Algorithm for 3D Facial Landmark Localization, A
* Novel Incremental Algorithm for Frequent Itemsets Mining in Dynamic Datasets, A
* Novel Level Set Based Echocardiographic Contour Extraction Method with Prior Knowledge, A
* Novel Personal Entropy Measure confronted with Online Signature Verification Systems' Performance, A
* Novel Technique for Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nail Based on Two Non-constrained Fluoroscopic Images and Navigation, A
* Object and Scene-Centric Activity Detection Using State Occupancy Duration Modeling
* Object Class Recognition and Localization Using Sparse Features with Limited Receptive Fields
* Object Class Segmentation using Random Forests
* Object- and Task-Oriented Architecture for Automated Video Surveillance in Distributed Sensor Networks, An
* Off-line recognition of realistic Chinese handwriting using segmentation-free strategy
* Offline Signature Verification Using Local Interest Points and Descriptors
* Omni-directional multiperson tracking in meeting scenarios combining simulated annealing and particle filtering
* On geometric variational models for inpainting surface holes
* On Medial Representations
* On Optimizing Subclass Discriminant Analysis Using a Pre-clustering Technique
* On Stable Dynamic Background Generation Technique Using Gaussian Mixture Models for Robust Object Detection
* On the Complementarity of Face Parts for Gender Recognition
* On the Effects of Time Variability in Iris Recognition
* On the Stationary Solution of PDE based Curve Evolution
* On the sustained tracking of human motion
* On Using Dimensionality Reduction Schemes to Optimize Dissimilarity-Based Classifiers
* Onboard Measurement and Warning Module for Irregular Vehicle Behavior
* Online distributed calibration of a large network of wireless cameras using dynamic clustering
* Online Figure-ground Segmentation with Edge Pixel Classification
* Online Learning and Partitioning of Linear Displacement Predictors for Tracking
* Operational Risk Visualization
* Optimal Wavelet Filters Selection for Ultrasound and Mammography Compression
* Optimal Wavelet Transform for the Detection of Microaneurysms in Retina Photographs
* Optimising resource allocation for background modeling using algorithm switching
* Optimization Algorithms on Subspaces: Revisiting Missing Data Problem in Low-Rank Matrix
* Optimization of Packetization Masks for Image Coding Based on an Objective Cost Function for Desired Packet Spreading
* Optimized Fuzzy Based Short Term Object Motion Prediction for Real-Life Robot Navigation Environment, An
* Optimized Illumination Normalization Method for Face Recognition, An
* Overview and Performance Evaluation of Classification-Based Least Squares Trained Filters, An
* Palmprint Identification Using Contourlet Transform
* Parallax-Free Registration of Aerial Video
* Parameter Selection for Graph Cut Based Image Segmentation
* Parametric Hidden Markov Models for Recognition and Synthesis of Movements
* Partial Linear Gaussian Models for Tracking in Image Sequences Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Particle Video: Long-Range Motion Estimation Using Point Trajectories
* Pattern Recognition Methods for Querying and Browsing Technical Documentation
* Paying Attention to Symmetry
* PCA and SVD with nonnegative loadings
* Peer Group Filter for Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Images
* People Detection and Tracking with TOF Sensor
* Perception Model for People with Visual Impairments
* Perceptual Scale-Space and Its Applications
* Perceptually Motivated Shape Evolution with Shape-Preserving Property
* Performance Modeling and Algorithm Characterization for Robust Image Segmentation: Robust Image Segmentation
* Person re-identification in multi-camera system by signature based on interest point descriptors collected on short video sequences
* Person Surveillance Using Visual and Infrared Imagery
* Person Tracking with Audio-Visual Cues Using the Iterative Decoding Framework
* Person-independent face tracking based on dynamic AAM selection
* Person-specific face recognition in unconstrained environments: A combination of offline and online learning
* Personalized facial attractiveness prediction
* Physics-based elastic registration using non-radial basis functions and including landmark localization uncertainties
* Pixel selection in a face image based on discriminant features for face recognition
* Polynomial Eigenvalue Solutions to the 5-pt and 6-pt Relative Pose Problems
* Pools of AAMs: Towards Automatically Fitting any Face Image
* Pose Estimation for Sensors Which Capture Cylindric Panoramas
* Pose Robust Face Tracking by Combining Active Appearance Models and Cylinder Head Models
* Pose-tolerant Non-frontal Face Recognition using EBGM
* POSTECH face database (PF07) and performance evaluation, The
* Practical Poissonian-Gaussian Noise Modeling and Fitting for Single-Image Raw-Data
* Predicting driver operations inside vehicles
* Preliminary Results for Detection of Partially Occluded Humans in Video Sequences
* Principal view determination for camera selection in distributed smart camera networks
* Principles Emerging from the Design of Visual Search Algorithms for Practical Inspection Tasks
* PRISM: An In-Vehicle CPU-Oriented Novel Azimuth Estimation Technique for Electronic-Scan 76-GHz Adaptive-Cruise-Control Radar System
* Privacy Protected Surveillance Using Secure Visual Object Coding
* Probabilistic Bayesian Framework for Model-Based Object Tracking Using Undecimated Wavelet Packet Descriptors, A
* Probabilistic camera hand-off for visual surveillance
* Probabilistic Detection-based Particle Filter for Multi-target Tracking
* Probabilistic Discrete Mixtures Colour Texture Models
* Probabilistic Framework Based on Hidden Markov Model for Fiducial Identification in Image-Guided Radiation Treatments, A
* Probabilistic Object Tracking With Dynamic Attributed Relational Feature Graph
* Probabilistic Optical Flow Estimation for Large Pixel Displacements Utilizing Egomotion Flow Compensation
* Probabilistic Parameter Selection for Learning Scene Structure from Video
* Probabilistic Template Update Method for Tracking Facial Tissue in Thermal Infrared, A
* Profile Face Detection: A Subset Multi-Biometric Approach
* Profile-based face recognition
* Prototype Selection Via Prototype Relevance
* Pseudo-Signatures as a Biometric
* Putting Objects in Perspective
* Qualification of arm gestures using hidden Markov models
* Quality Induced Fingerprint Identification using Extended Feature Set
* Quantitative Assessment of the Accuracy of 3D Face Shape Reconstruction
* Radar Recognition through Statistical Classification of Cellular Emission in the Moment Space
* Rank Priors for Continuous Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* RBF shape histograms and their application to 3D face processing
* real time system for model-based interpretation of the dynamics of facial expressions, A
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition in mobile space
* Real-time clothes comparison based on multi-view vision
* Real-time estimation of geometrical transformation between views in distributed smart-cameras systems
* Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection
* Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection
* Real-time face recognition for human-robot interaction
* real-time facial expression recognition system based on Active Appearance Models using gray images and edge images, A
* Real-time facial expression recognition with illumination-corrected image sequences
* Real-time Facial Features Tracking by Discrete Gabor Jets and Mean Shift
* Real-time implementations of Hough Transform on SIMD architecture
* Real-time multi-view event detection in soccer games
* Real-Time Video Processing for Multi-Object Chromatic Tracking
* Real-Time Visualization of Cardiac Catheterization Procedures Based on a New Algorithm for Reconstructions from Planar Cross Sections Using the Unconstrained 3D Delaunay Triangulation
* Real-World Image Annotation and Retrieval: An Introduction to the Special Section
* Reasoning about Hand-Drawn Sketches: An Approach Based on Intelligent Software Agents
* Recognition of Low-Resolution Faces Using Multiple Still Images and Multiple Cameras
* Recognizing Faces In 3D Images Even In Presence Of Occlusions
* Recognizing hand gestures using dynamic Bayesian network
* Recognizing human actions based on silhouette energy image and global motion description
* Recognizing partial facial action units based on 3D dynamic range data for facial expression recognition
* Recognizing Shapes in Video Sequences Using Multi-class Boosting
* Recognizing talking faces from acoustic Doppler reflections
* Reconstruction of Dysphonic Speech by MELP
* Recovering 3D facial shape via coupled 2D/3D space learning
* Recovering face shape and reflectance properties from single images
* Recursive Filter for Despeckling SAR Images, A
* Recursive Shape and Pose Determination Using Deformable Model
* Recursive Tower of Knowledge for Learning to Interpret Scenes
* Reducing the other-race effect through caricatures
* Regularized active shape model for shape alignment
* Reliable face recognition using adaptive and robust correlation filters
* Reliable Representation of Data on Manifolds
* Representing Functional Data Using Support Vector Machines
* Robust 2D Ear Registration and Recognition Based on SIFT Point Matching
* Robust Brightness Description for Computing Optical Flow
* Robust face tracking with occlusion detection and varying intensity
* Robust facial expression recognition based on 3-d supported feature extraction and SVM classification
* Robust hand tracking using a skin tone and depth joint probability model
* Robust Phase Correlation based Motion Estimation and Its Applications
* Robust real-time 3D time-of-flight based gesture navigation
* Robust Unattended and Stolen Object Detection by Fusing Simple Algorithms
* Robustly classifying facial components using a set of adjusted pixel features
* Rotated Profile Signatures for robust 3D feature detection
* Sample-Based 3D Tracking of Colored Objects: A Flexible Architecture
* Scallop: An open peer-to-peer framework for distributed sensor networks
* Scanning Laser Radar-Based Target Position Designation for Parking Aid System
* Scenario Discovery Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization
* Scrambling for Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems
* Screening for Objectionable Images: A Review of Skin Detection Techniques
* Segmentation of the Supraorbital Vessels in Thermal Imagery, The
* Selecting Features and Objects for Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Selection of the Best Wavelet Packet Nodes Based on Mutual Information for Speaker Identification
* Self-Organizing Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
* Self-rectification and depth estimation of stereo video in a real-time smart camera system
* Semi-Supervised Clustering via Learnt Codeword Distances
* Semi-supervised Learning for Anomalous Trajectory Detection
* Shadow Removal in Indoor Scenes
* Shape from Specular Reflection and Optical Flow
* Shapes Fit For Purpose
* Sign Language Recognition by Combining Statistical DTW and Independent Classification
* significance of facial features for automatic sign language recognition, The
* Simple and Effective Method of Color Image Quantization, A
* Simple High Performance Approach to Semantic Segmentation, A
* Simultaneous Nonrigid Registration of Multiple Point Sets and Atlas Construction
* Simultaneous Recognition and Homography Extraction of Local Patches with a Simple Linear Classifier
* Simultaneous tracking and facial expression recognition using multiperson and multiclass autoregressive models
* Single Sound Source SLAM
* SISI Project: Developing GIS-Based Tools for Vulnerability Assessment
* Slant Plane CSAR Processing Using Householder Transform
* Soft clustering using weighted one-class support vector machines
* Soft memberships for spectral clustering, with application to permeable language distinction
* Solving Linear Inverse Systems with Graph Cuts
* Sparsity-Enforced Slice-Selective MRI RF Excitation Pulse Design
* Spatial Scalable Region of Interest Transcoding of JPEG2000 for Video Surveillance
* Spatio-Spectral Color Filter Array Design for Optimal Image Recovery
* Spatio-Temporal Descriptor Based on 3D-Gradients, A
* Spatiotemporal pyramid representation for recognition of facial expressions and hand gestures
* Special Issue on Video Surveillance
* Spectral Characterization of Volcanic Earthquakes at Nevado del Ruiz Volcano Using Spectral Band Selection/Extraction Techniques
* Spontaneous facial expression classification with facial motion vectors
* Stand-off Iris Recognition System
* Statistical appearance models for automatic pose invariant face recognition
* statistical approach to the problem of restoring damaged and contaminated images, A
* Statistical body height estimation from a single image
* Statistical Optimization for Geometric Fitting: Theoretical Accuracy Bound and High Order Error Analysis
* Structural Construction for On-Line Mathematical Formulae Recognition
* Structure Guided Salient Region Detector
* Subdivision Curves on Surfaces and Applications
* Subframe Temporal Alignment of Non-Stationary Cameras
* Subsurface scattering deconvolution for improved NIR-visible facial image correlation
* Super-Resolution of Facial Images in Video with Expression Changes
* Supervised Isomap with Dissimilarity Measures in Embedding Learning
* Survey of Vision-Based Trajectory Learning and Analysis for Surveillance, A
* Symmetry-based face pose estimation from a single uncalibrated view
* Synchronization Using Shapes
* Synthesizing Realistic Expressions in 3D Face Data Sets
* System and method for distributed meetings
* system for teaching sign language using live gesture feedback, A
* Techniques for Image Classification, Object Detection and Object Segmentation
* Textural Segmentation of Sidescan Sonar Images Based on Gabor Filters Bank and Active Contours without Edges
* Texture Representation by Geometric Objects using a Jump-Diffusion Process
* Thorough Analysis of the Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, A
* Three Dimensional Face Recognition Using Iso-Geodesic and Iso-Depth Curves
* Three Dimensional Palmprint Recognition using Structured Light Imaging
* Thresholded Learning Matrix for Efficient Pattern Recalling
* Time Scales in Video Surveillance
* Towards an Illumination-Based 3D Active Appearance Model for Fast Face Alignment
* Towards more accurate 3D face registration under the guidance of prior anatomical knowledge on human faces
* Towards understanding the uniqueness of gait biometric
* Tracking a walking person using activity-guided annealed particle filtering
* Tracking facial features under occlusions and recognizing facial expressions in sign language
* Tracking Human Body Parts Using Particle Filters Constrained by Human Biomechanics
* Tracking identities and attention in smart environments: Contributions and progress in the CHIL project
* Tracking People in Crowds by a Part Matching Approach
* Tracking with Active Contours Using Dynamically Updated Shape Information
* Tractography Gone Wild: Probabilistic Fibre Tracking Using the Wild Bootstrap With Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Training high dimension ternary features with GA in boosting cascade detector for object detection
* Trajectory-Based Video Retrieval Using Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
* Transferring Colours to Grayscale Images by Locally Linear Embedding
* Triangulation from Two Views Revisited: Hartley-Sturm vs. Optimal Correction
* TVSeg: Interactive Total Variation Based Image Segmentation
* Two Step Relevance Feedback for Semantic Disambiguation in Image Retrieval
* Uncalibrated Framework for On-line Camera Cooperation to Acquire Human Head Imagery in Wide Areas
* Unified Approach Combining Photometric and Geometric Information for Pose Estimation, A
* Unified Curvature Definition for Regular, Polygonal, and Digital Planar Curves, A
* Unified Framework for Consistent 2-D/3-D Foreground Object Detection, A
* Unified Loop Closing and Recovery for Real Time Monocular SLAM
* University of Southampton Multi-Biometric Tunnel and introducing a novel 3D gait dataset, The
* Unsupervised clustering for google searches of celebrity images
* Unsupervised Learning from Local Features for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Unsupervised Learning of Saliency Concepts for Natural Image Classification and Retrieval
* Usability Testing of Face Image Capture for US Ports of Entry
* Use of Semantic Human Description as a Soft Biometric, The
* Using 3D pose alignment tools in forensic applications of Face Recognition
* Using an adaptive VAR Model for motion prediction in 3D hand tracking
* Using dynamic time warping of T0 contours in the evaluation of cycle-to-cycle Pitch Detection Algorithms
* Using Illumination Estimated from Silhouettes to Carve Surface Details on Visual Hull
* Using specularities in comparing 3D models and 2D images
* Using targeted statistics for face regeneration
* Using the alpha-beta-Neighborhood for Adaptive Document Filtering
* Utility-based dynamic camera assignment and hand-off in a video network
* Variable predictive models: A new multivariate classification approach for pattern recognition applications
* Variational Bayesian Image Restoration Based on a Product of t-Distributions Image Prior
* Vector Median M-Type L Filter to Process Multichannel Images
* Vehicle Detection Using Multi-level Probability Fusion Maps Generated by a Multi-camera System
* Video Augmentation for Improving Audio Speech Recognition under Noise
* Video Event Recognition Using Kernel Methods with Multilevel Temporal Alignment
* Video Object Segmentation Using Graphs
* Video Surveillance for Biometrics: Long-Range Multi-biometric System
* View-invariant human-body detection with extension to human action recognition using component-wise HMM of body parts
* Viewpoint Invariant, Sparsely Registered, Patch Based, Face Verifier, A
* ViHASi: Virtual human action silhouette data for the performance evaluation of silhouette-based action recognition methods
* Virtual Spaces: From the Past to the Future
* Vision Based Games for Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation
* VISNET: A distributed vision testbed
* Visual Analytics Approach to Exploration of Large Amounts of Movement Data, A
* Visual Framework for the Definition and Execution of Reverse Engineering Processes, A
* Visual on-line learning in distributed camera networks
* Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* VisualRank: Applying PageRank to Large-Scale Image Search
* Wavefront Reconstruction Method for 3-D Cylindrical Subsurface Radar Imaging, A
* Weighted Cluster Ensemble Using a Kernel Consensus Function
* Weighted Sampling for Large-Scale Boosting
* Where is It? Object Reacquisition in Surveillance Video
* Wide-area external multi-camera calibration using vision graphs and virtual calibration object
* Workshop on psychology of face and gesture recognition
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.