Update Dates 1104

1104 * *Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
* ACCORD: With Approximate Covering of Convex Orthogonal Decomposition
* Action Recognition from One Example
* Action Recognition Using Mined Hierarchical Compound Features
* Adaptive Block-size Transform based Just-Noticeable Difference model for images/videos
* Adaptive Edge Enhancing Technique of Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Digital Images
* Adaptive Script-Independent Text Line Extraction
* Advanced Metaheuristic Approaches and Population Doping for a Novel Modeling-Based Method of Positron Emission Tomography Data Analysis
* Advanced Video-Based Surveillance
* Analytical Description of Digital Circles
* Another Definition for Digital Tangents
* Approximate Shortest Paths in Simple Polyhedra
* Arithmetic and Combinatorial Approach to Three-Dimensional Discrete Lines, An
* Associating Cell Complexes to Four Dimensional Digital Objects
* Automated segmentation of macular layers in OCT images and quantitative evaluation of performances
* Automatic Adjustment of the Distance Ratio Threshold in Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio Matching for Robust Camera Tracking
* Automatic Exact Histogram Specification for Contrast Enhancement and Visual System Based Quantitative Evaluation
* Automatic Selection of Pareto-Optimal Topologies of Hidden Markov Models Using Multicriteria Evolutionary Algorithms
* Automatically Analyzing Facial-Feature Movements to Identify Human Errors
* Background Compensation for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras Using 1-D Feature Matching and Outlier Rejection
* Balanced Multiwavelets with Interpolatory Property
* Ball-Based Shape Processing
* Bayesian network modeling approach for cross media analysis, A
* Biologically inspired framework for spatial and spectral velocity estimations
* BiTA/SWCE: Image Enhancement With Bilateral Tone Adjustment and Saliency Weighted Contrast Enhancement
* Boosting Color Feature Selection for Color Face Recognition
* Bounds on the Difference between Reconstructions in Binary Tomography
* Calibration of Central Catadioptric Cameras Using a DLT-Like Approach
* Characterization of Electrophotographic Print Artifacts: Banding, Jitter, and Ghosting
* Characterization of {-1,0,+1} Valued Functions in Discrete Tomography under Sets of Four Directions
* Circular Arc Reconstruction of Digital Contours with Chosen Hausdorff Error
* Coded Aperture Pairs for Depth from Defocus and Defocus Deblurring
* Color Correction: A Novel Weighted Von Kries Model Based on Memory Colors
* Color Imaging Arithmetic: Physics U Math > Physics + Math
* Color Target Localization under Varying Illumination Conditions
* Colour Spaces for Colour Transfer
* Combinatorial Optimization of the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah functional with application to scalar/vector valued and volumetric image segmentation
* comparison of face and facial feature detectors based on the Viola-Jones general object detection framework, A
* Completions and Simplicial Complexes
* Compressed-Sensing MRI With Random Encoding
* Computing the Characteristics of a SubSegment of a Digital Straight Line in Logarithmic Time
* Configuring Trees of Classifiers in Distributed Multimedia Stream Mining Systems
* Contactless and Pose Invariant Biometric Identification Using Hand Surface
* Context, Computation, and Optimal ROC Performance in Hierarchical Models
* Contextual Bag-of-Words for Visual Categorization
* Continuum Mechanical Approach to Geodesics in Shape Space, A
* Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Contour segmentation in 2D ultrasound medical images with particle filtering
* Controlling the position of jointed arm robot using image processing for pick and place operations
* Cybernetics of Vision Systems: Toward an Understanding of Putative Functions of the Outer Retina
* Delaunay Properties of Digital Straight Segments
* Depth Coding Using a Boundary Reconstruction Filter for 3-D Video Systems
* Describing Reflectances for Color Segmentation Robust to Shadows, Highlights, and Textures
* Detecting Text in Natural Scenes Based on a Reduction of Photometric Effects: Problem of Color Invariance
* Detecting Text in Natural Scenes Based on a Reduction of Photometric Effects: Problem of Text Detection
* Detection of New Vessels on the Optic Disc Using Retinal Photographs
* Display-camera calibration using eye reflections and geometry constraints
* Distance between Separating Circles and Points
* DSP-Based Parallel Implementation of Speeded-Up Robust Features
* dynamic over-sampling procedure based on sensitivity for multi-class problems, A
* Dynamic pattern denoising method using multi-basin system with kernels
* Editorial, Special Issue Intro
* Effective Color Image Retrieval Based on the Gaussian Mixture Model
* efficient accelerator for attribute reduction from incomplete data in rough set framework, An
* Efficient detection and tracking of moving objects in geo-coordinates
* Efficient Human Body Tracking by Quick Shift Belief Propagation
* Efficient Robust Digital Hyperplane Fitting with Bounded Error
* Electromagnetic Land Surface Classification Through Integration of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data
* Encoder adaptable difference detection for low power video compression in surveillance system
* energy-based model for region-labeling, An
* Enhanced geometrical superresolved imaging with moving binary random mask
* Enhancing Underexposed Images Preserving the Original Mood
* Error Bounded Tangent Estimator for Digitized Elliptic Curves, An
* Error Resilient Video Coding Scheme Using Embedded Wyner-Ziv Description With Decoder Side Non-Stationary Distortion Modeling, An
* Estimation of Multiple Illuminants Based on Specular Highlight Detection
* Estimation of the Derivatives of a Digital Function with a Convergent Bounded Error
* Evolutionary Synthesis of a Trajectory Integrator for an Analogue Brain-Computer Interface Mouse
* Exploiting local dependencies with spatial-scale space (S-Cube) for near-duplicate retrieval
* Exploiting sparse representations in very high-dimensional feature spaces obtained from patch-based processing
* Exploiting Speech for Automatic TV Delinearization: From Streams to Cross-Media Semantic Navigation
* Extending color constancy outside the visible region
* Fast and Accurate 3D Face Recognition: Using Registration to an Intrinsic Coordinate System and Fusion of Multiple Region Classifiers
* Fast Color-Weakness Compensation with Discrimination Threshold Matching
* Fast Computations to Electromagnetic Scattering Properties of Complex Bodies of Revolution Buried and Partly Buried in Layered Lossy Media
* Feature-Driven Direct Non-Rigid Image Registration
* Filtering Approach to Edge Preserving MAP Estimation of Images, A
* Fingerprint Indexing Based on Minutia Cylinder-Code
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Remote Sensing and Modeling of Surface Properties
* framework for comparing different image segmentation methods and its use in studying equivalences between level set and fuzzy connectedness frameworks, A
* From Xetal-II to Xetal-Pro: On the Road Toward an Ultralow-Energy and High-Throughput SIMD Processor
* Fuzzy C-means based clustering for linearly and nonlinearly separable data
* fuzzy filter for the removal of random impulse noise in image sequences, A
* Generalized Unsharp Masking Algorithm, A
* Generative modeling and classification of dialogs by a low-level turn-taking feature
* Geodesic Active Fields: A Geometric Framework for Image Registration
* Geometrically Induced Force Interaction for Three-Dimensional Deformable Models
* Geometry Coding for Triangular Mesh Model with Structuring Surrounding Vertices and Connectivity-Oriented Multiresolution Decomposition
* Graph Cuts for Curvature Based Image Denoising
* Graph Regularized Sparse Coding for Image Representation
* Growth of Discrete Projection Ghosts Created by Iteration
* Hand-held 3D scanning based on coarse and fine registration of multiple range images
* Hierarchic Euclidean Skeletons in Cubical Complexes
* Hierarchical Kalman-particle filter with adaptation to motion changes for object tracking
* Hierarchies and Optima
* High Capacity Color Barcodes: Per Channel Data Encoding via Orientation Modulation in Elliptical Dot Arrays
* High Dynamic Range Image Display With Halo and Clipping Prevention
* Human Action Segmentation and Recognition Using Discriminative Semi-Markov Models
* Human Skin Color Simulator Using Active Illumination
* Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimisation with Differential Evolution Approach to Image Segmentation, A
* Hyperlinking reality via camera phones
* Illuminant spectrum estimation at a pixel
* Image Denoising with a Constrained Discrete Total Variation Scale Space
* Image Processing Handbook, The
* Image Resolution Enhancement by Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Decomposition
* Impairment-Factor-Based Audiovisual Quality Model for IPTV: Influence of Video Resolution, Degradation Type, and Content Type
* Improved Gini-Index Algorithm to Correct Feature-Selection Bias in Text Classification
* Improved Riemannian Metric Approximation for Graph Cuts, An
* Improvement of Target-Detection Algorithms Based on Adaptive Three-Dimensional Filtering
* Improving Hessian Matrix Detector for SURF
* Incorporation of a Left Ventricle Finite Element Model Defining Infarction Into the XCAT Imaging Phantom
* Indirect decoding edges for one-shot shape acquisition
* Inference and Learning with Hierarchical Shape Models
* Information Content Weighting for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Integrated region matching approach for tracking target objects in video sequences using HSV colour space
* Integrating Spatio-Temporal Context With Multiview Representation for Object Recognition in Visual Surveillance
* Interactively Co-segmentating Topically Related Images with Intelligent Scribble Guidance
* Interferometric SAR Phase Filtering in the Wavelet Domain Using Simultaneous Detection and Estimation
* Introduction to Digital Level Layers
* Iris recognition by fusing different representations of multi-scale Taylor expansion
* Isthmus-Based 6-Directional Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Total-Variation Image Restoration, An
* Joint Multi-Layer Segmentation and Reconstruction for Free-Viewpoint Video Applications
* Jointly Optimized Mode Decisions in Redundant Video Streaming
* JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV)
* Kernel discriminant transformation for image set-based face recognition
* Kinect Identity: Technology and Experience
* Learning-based super resolution using kernel partial least squares
* Linear Feature Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images
* Linear Local Models for Monocular Reconstruction of Deformable Surfaces
* Linear Programming Approach for Optimal Contrast-Tone Mapping, A
* Local fractal and multifractal features for volumic texture characterization
* Local recurrence based performance prediction and prognostics in the nonlinear and nonstationary systems
* Low-complexity unbalanced multiple description coding based on balanced clusters for adaptive peer-to-peer video streaming
* Machine Learning Approaches for the Neuroimaging Study of Alzheimer's Disease
* Manifold topological multi-resolution analysis method
* Markerless Shape and Motion Capture From Multiview Video Sequences
* Markov random field based phase demodulation of interferometric images
* Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccentricity transform
* Material Classification for Printed Circuit Boards by Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Mathematical Morphology on Hypergraphs: Preliminary Definitions and Results
* Max Margin Learning of Hierarchical Configural Deformable Templates (HCDTs) for Efficient Object Parsing and Pose Estimation
* Max-Min Distance Analysis by Using Sequential SDP Relaxation for Dimension Reduction
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Joint Image Registration and Fusion, A
* Measures for Surface Comparison on Unstructured Grids with Different Density
* Metric Bases for Polyhedral Gauges
* MIJ2K: Enhanced video transmission based on conditional replenishment of JPEG2000 tiles with motion compensation
* MILIS: Multiple Instance Learning with Instance Selection
* Mining Layered Grammar Rules for Action Recognition
* Mixture of Gaussians-Based Background Subtraction for Bayer-Pattern Image Sequences
* Mixture Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* Mixtures of von Mises Distributions for People Trajectory Shape Analysis
* Model-Based Joint Bit Allocation Between Texture Videos and Depth Maps for 3-D Video Coding
* Model-based segmentation and recognition of dynamic gestures in continuous video streams
* Molecular dynamics-like data clustering approach
* multi-manifold discriminant analysis method for image feature extraction, A
* multi-objective optimisation approach for class imbalance learning, A
* Multifeature-Based High-Resolution Palmprint Recognition
* Near-Linear Time Guaranteed Algorithm for Digital Curve Simplification Under the Fréchet Distance, A
* NL-InSAR: Nonlocal Interferogram Estimation
* No-reference analysis of decoded MPEG images for PSNR estimation and post-processing
* Non-iterative Symmetric Two-Dimensional Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Non-rigid Object Tracking as Salient Region Segmentation and Association
* Non-Shift Edge Based Ratio (NSER): An Image Quality Assessment Metric Based on Early Vision Features
* Nonlinear two-stage model for color discrimination
* Novel Design of CAVLC Decoder With Low Power and High Throughput Considerations, A
* novel hierarchical fingerprint matching approach, A
* Novel Imaging Method for Fast Rotating Targets Based on the Segmental Pseudo Keystone Transform, A
* Novel Low-Cost High-Throughput CAVLC Decoder for H.264/AVC, A
* novel mutual nearest neighbor based symmetry for text frame classification in video, A
* Numerical Study of the Bottom-Up and Top-Down Inference Processes in And-Or Graphs, A
* Object detection with feature stability over scale space
* Object-based depth image-based rendering for a three-dimensional video system by color-correction optimization
* Obtaining depth map from segment-based stereo matching using graph cuts
* On the Application of Structured Sparse Model Selection to JPEG Compressed Images
* Ontology-Based Unified Robot Knowledge for Service Robots in Indoor Environments
* Optic Flow in Harmony
* Optimal Consensus Set for Annulus Fitting
* Optimal Threshold Selection for Segmentation of Dense Homogeneous Objects in Tomographic Reconstructions
* Optimizing Case-Based Detection Performance in a Multiview CAD System for Mammography
* overview of ensemble methods for binary classifiers in multi-class problems: Experimental study on one-vs-one and one-vs-all schemes, An
* Particle filter-based visual tracking with a first order dynamic model and uncertainty adaptation
* Passive-Blind Forgery Detection Scheme Based on Content-Adaptive Quantization Table Estimation, A
* Path-Based Distance with Varying Weights and Neighborhood Sequences
* Penalized Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Improved Microcalcification Detection in Breast Tomosynthesis
* Penalizing Closest Point Sharing for Automatic Free Form Shape Registration
* Perception Based Representations for Computational Colour
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Video Considering Both Frame Rate and Quantization Artifacts
* Perceptual visual quality metrics: A survey
* Performance characterization of a high-speed stereo vision sensor for acquisition of time-varying 3D shapes
* Person De-Identification in Videos
* Physiological Fusion of Functional and Structural Images for Cardiac Deformation Recovery
* Positioning and Utilizing Sensors on a 3-D Terrain Part I: Theory and Modeling
* Practical Bounds on Image Denoising: From Estimation to Information
* Practical CFA Interpolation Using Local Map, A
* Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors
* Predicate Logic Based Image Grammars for Complex Pattern Recognition
* Prediction of Structural Similarity Index of Compressed Video at a Macroblock Level
* Prioritized Flow Optimization With Multi-Path and Network Coding Based Routing for Scalable Multirate Multicasting
* Probabilistic Grouping Principle to Go from Pixels to Visual Structures, A
* Properties and Applications of the Simplified Generalized Perpendicular Bisector
* Properties of Minimal Ghosts
* PSO based multi-robot task allocation, A
* Quality of Experience for Large Ultra-High-Resolution Tiled Displays with Synchronization Mismatch
* Quantized based image watermarking in an independent domain
* Quantizer offset selection for improved requantization transcoding
* Quasi-Linear Transformations, Numeration Systems and Fractals
* Rain or Snow Detection in Image Sequences Through Use of a Histogram of Orientation of Streaks
* Random Exploration of the Procedural Space for Single-View 3D Modeling of Buildings
* Real-Time Discriminative Background Subtraction
* Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography
* Real-time stereo on GPGPU using progressive multi-resolution adaptive windows
* Reconstruction of Emission Tomography Data Using Origin Ensembles
* Recursive Calculation of Relative Convex Hulls
* Region growing stereo matching method for 3D building reconstruction
* Region-Based Annotation of Digital Photographs
* Resolution Scalable Image Coding With Reversible Cellular Automata
* Restoration of images corrupted by mixed Gaussian-impulse noise via l1-l0 minimization
* Robust contour reconstruction of red blood cells and parasites in the automated identification of the stages of malarial infection
* Robust ellipse detection based on hierarchical image pyramid and Hough transform
* Robust Low Complexity Corner Detector
* Robust Video Hashing Based on Double-Layer Embedding
* Scalable video encryption of H.264 SVC Codec
* Segmentation of Ultrasound Breast Images: Optimization of Algorithm Parameters
* Selection of Relevant Nodes from Component-Trees in Linear Time
* Sensor-Assisted Video Encoding for Mobile Devices in Real-World Environments
* Shadowed sets in the characterization of rough-fuzzy clustering
* Shape analysis of local facial patches for 3D facial expression recognition
* Shape Recognition with Spectral Distances
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and Its Applications
* Similarity-Based Approach for Audiovisual Document Classification Using Temporal Relation Analysis, A
* Size-Controllable Region-of-Interest in Scalable Image Representation
* Smale-Like Decomposition and Forman Theory for Discrete Scalar Fields
* Smooth 2D Coordinate Systems on Discrete Surfaces
* Some Morphological Operators on Simplicial Complex Spaces
* Space-Time Super-Resolution Using Graph-Cut Optimization
* Sparse Object Representations by Digital Distance Functions
* Sparse regularization for semi-supervised classification
* Spatial Colour Gamut Mapping by Means of Anisotropic Diffusion
* Spatial variant motion deblurring of images
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection and Its Applications in Static and Dynamic Scenes
* Statistical Modeling of Inter-Frame Prediction Error and Its Adaptive Transform
* Stitching algorithms for biological specimen images
* Stochastic approximation for background modelling
* Stochastic Representation and Recognition of High-Level Group Activities
* Subjective Evaluation of Specular Appearance for Multiple Observations Using Projector-Based Appearance Reproduction
* Subspace-Based Striping Noise Reduction in Hyperspectral Images
* Superresolution imaging via ptychography
* Term Weighting Schemes for Question Categorization
* Textual Query of Personal Photos Facilitated by Large-Scale Web Data
* Texture analysis using graphs generated by deterministic partially self-avoiding walks
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Digestive Wall in Capsule Endoscopy Videos Using Elastic Video Interpolation
* Tiling the Plane with Permutations
* Toward automated evaluation of interactive segmentation
* Towards a real-time video compression based on MPEG4 AVC/H.264
* Towards human motion capture from a camera mounted on a mobile robot
* Tracking Multiple Targets with Adaptive Swarm Optimization
* Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene Adaptiveness
* Transparent, Online Image Pattern Classification Using a Learning Classifier System
* Unified Topological Framework for Digital Imaging, A
* Variational Framework for Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting, A
* Video Super-Resolution Algorithm Using Bi-Directional Overlapped Block Motion Compensation and On-the-Fly Dictionary Training
* Video-Based Illumination Estimation
* Vision safety system based on cellular neural networks
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Combination of Local Description and Global Representation
* Visual search reranking via adaptive particle swarm optimization
* Wearable Sensor-Based Hand Gesture and Daily Activity Recognition for Robot-Assisted Living
* Weighted maximum scatter difference based feature extraction and its application to face recognition
* Well-Composed Cell Complexes
* Wide-area augmented reality using camera tracking and mapping in multiple regions
* Work piece recognition based on the permutation neural classifier technique
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.