HMS( Vol No. )
* *IEEE Tranactions on Human-Machine Systems
* Characterizing Driver Intention via Hierarchical Perception-Action Modeling
* Data Mining Meets the Needs of Disaster Information Management
* Design and Evaluation of a Haptic Computer-Assistant for Telemanipulation Tasks
* Detection and Discrimination of Motion-Defined Form: Implications for the Use of Night Vision Devices
* Development and Evaluation of an Eyes-Free Interaction Model for Mobile Reading Devices, The
* Discovering Contexts from Observed Human Performance
* EEG-Based Brain-Controlled Mobile Robots: A Survey
* Effects of Display Mode and Input Method for Handheld Control of Micro Aerial Vehicles for a Reconnaissance Mission
* Emotional State Classification in Patient-Robot Interaction Using Wavelet Analysis and Statistics-Based Feature Selection
* Enabling Effective Programming and Flexible Management of Efficient Body Sensor Network Applications
* Enhancing Driver Car-Following Performance with a Distance and Acceleration Display
* Evaluation of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Activity of a Passenger in Response to a Car's Lateral Acceleration While Slalom Driving
* Human-Automation Collaboration in Occluded Trajectory Smoothing
* Hybrid User-Assisted Incremental Model Adaptation for Activity Recognition in a Dynamic Smart-Home Environment
* Improving Manual Tracking of Systems With Oscillatory Dynamics
* Measurement of Angular Motion in Golf Swing by a Local Sensor at the Grip End of a Golf Club
* Motion Scaling for High-Performance Driving Simulators
* On the Human-Machine Interaction of Unmanned Aerial System Mission Specialists
* Ordinary Preserving Manifold Analysis for Human Age and Head Pose Estimation
* Perception of Springs With Visual and Proprioceptive Motion Cues: Implications for Prosthetics
* Person Tracking in Large Public Spaces Using 3-D Range Sensors
* Reliably Creating Collision Avoidance Advisories in Piloted Simulations
* Requirements for Future Collision Avoidance Systems in Visual Flight: A Human-Centered Approach
* Robust Multimodal Person Identification With Limited Training Data
* Supporting Virtual Collaboration in Spatial Design Tasks: Are Surrogate or Natural Gestures More Effective?
* Toward Nonconventional Human-Machine Interfaces for Supervisory Plant Process Monitoring
* Two-Stage Enhancement Scheme for Low-Quality Fingerprint Images by Learning From the Images
* Using Temporal Logic and Model Checking in Automated Recognition of Human Activities for Ambient-Assisted Living
* Verification of Static Signatures by Optical Flow Analysis
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* Affective Movement Recognition Based on Generative and Discriminative Stochastic Dynamic Models
* Anticipation in Driving: The Role of Experience in the Efficacy of Pre-event Conflict Cues
* Application of Adaptive Controllers in Teleoperation Systems: A Survey
* Assistive Clothing Pattern Recognition for Visually Impaired People
* ATD: A Multiplatform for Semiautomatic 3-D Detection of Kidneys and Their Pathology in Real Time
* Automatically Generating Specification Properties From Task Models for the Formal Verification of Human-Automation Interaction
* Designing and Evaluating a Social Gaze-Control System for a Humanoid Robot
* Driving Assistance by Deictic Control for a Smart Wheelchair: The Assessment Issue
* EEG Analysis for Olfactory Perceptual-Ability Measurement Using a Recurrent Neural Classifier
* Effects of Multivantage Point Systems on the Teleoperation of Spacecraft Docking
* Estimating 3-D Point-of-Regard in a Real Environment Using a Head-Mounted Eye-Tracking System
* Evaluation of Head Gaze Loosely Synchronized With Real-Time Synthetic Speech for Social Robots
* Gesture Learning Interface for Simulated Robot Path Shaping With a Human Teacher, A
* Hand Gesture Recognition Framework and Wearable Gesture-Based Interaction Prototype for Mobile Devices, A
* Human Action Recognition With Video Data: Research and Evaluation Challenges
* Human Movement Modeling and Activity Perception Based on Fiber-Optic Sensing System
* Human-Agent Teaming for Multirobot Control: A Review of Human Factors Issues
* Identifying Successful Motor Task Completion via Motion-Based Performance Metrics
* Image-Based and Sensor-Based Approaches to Arabic Sign Language Recognition
* Impact of Human-Robot Interface Design on the Use of a Learning Robot System, The
* Integrating Radio Imaging With Gene Expressions Toward a Personalized Management of Cancer
* Merging Neuroimaging and Multimedia: Methods, Opportunities, and Challenges
* Novice and Expert Performance of KeyScretch: A Gesture-Based Text Entry Method for Touch-Screens
* Online Segmentation and Classification of Manipulation Actions From the Observation of Kinetostatic Data
* Ontology-Based Hybrid Approach to Activity Modeling for Smart Homes, An
* PhoneLens: A Low-Cost, Spatially Aware, Mobile-Interaction Device
* Recent Advances on Singlemodal and Multimodal Face Recognition: A Survey
* Regression-Based Facial Expression Optimization
* sEditor: A Prototype for a Sign Language Interfacing System
* Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience in Human-Machine Systems: A Roadmap for Improving Training, Human-Robot Interaction, and Team Performance
* To What Extent do the Findings of Laboratory-Based Spatial Attention Research Apply to the Real-World Setting of Driving?
* TotalPLS: Local Dimension Reduction for Multicategory Microarray Data
* Traffic Displays for Visual Flight Indicating Track and Priority Cues
* Using Smart-Phones and Floor Plans for Indoor Location Tracking
* Who is Interacting With me: Identification of an Interacting Person Through Playful Interaction With a Small Robot
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* Activity Sequence-Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization Using Smartphones
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation With Online Calibration From Mouse Operations
* Assistive Navigation Framework for the Visually Impaired, An
* Automated Detection of Activity Transitions for Prompting
* Automatic Generation of Tailored Accessible User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Services
* Automatic Interpretation of Affective Facial Expressions in the Context of Interpersonal Interaction
* Being Aware of the World: Toward Using Social Media to Support the Blind With Navigation
* Bezier Interpolation for 3-D Freehand Ultrasound
* Blended Emotion Detection for Decision Support
* Changes in Usage of an Indoor Public Space: Analysis of One Year of Person Tracking
* Class-Specific Reference Discriminant Analysis With Application in Human Behavior Analysis
* Comparison of Interaction Modalities for Mobile Indoor Robot Guidance: Direct Physical Interaction, Person Following, and Pointing Control
* Evaluation of an On-Thigh Vibrotactile Collision Avoidance Alerting Component in a Simulated Flight Mission
* ExtendedThumb: A Target Acquisition Approach for One-Handed Interaction With Touch-Screen Mobile Phones
* Eye Gaze Tracking With a Web Camera in a Desktop Environment
* Eye Movement Analysis Algorithm for a Multielement Target Tracking Task: Maximum Transition-Based Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, An
* Fuzzy Temporal Segmentation and Probabilistic Recognition of Continuous Human Daily Activities
* Game-Theoretic Modeling of the Steering Interaction Between a Human Driver and a Vehicle Collision Avoidance Controller
* Glove-Based Continuous Arabic Sign Language Recognition in User-Dependent Mode
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Ambient-Assisted Living: Sensors, Methods, and Applications
* GyroPen: Gyroscopes for Pen-Input With Mobile Phones
* Hand and Wrist Movement Control of Myoelectric Prosthesis Based on Synergy
* Haptic Solution to Assist Visually Impaired in Mobility Tasks, A
* Improved Gender Classification Using Nonpathological Gait Kinematics in Full-Motion Video
* Improving Human Action Recognition Using Fusion of Depth Camera and Inertial Sensors
* Introducing the Edges Paradigm: A P300 Brain-Computer Interface for Spelling Written Words
* Managing Wandering Risk in People With Dementia
* Methodology for Extracting Standing Human Bodies From Single Images, A
* Multidomain Verification of Dynamic Signatures Using Local Stability Analysis
* Multiperson Locating and Their Soft Tracking in a Binary Infrared Sensor Network
* Path-Constrained Motion Analysis: An Algorithm to Understand Human Performance on Hydraulic Manipulators
* Petri-Net-Based Modeling of Human Operator's Planning for the Evaluation of Task Performance Using the Example of Air Traffic Control
* Proof of Concept for Robot-Aided Upper Limb Rehabilitation Using Disturbance Observers
* Recognition of Mental Workload Levels Under Complex Human-Machine Collaboration by Using Physiological Features and Adaptive Support Vector Machines
* Robotic Dance in Social Robotics: A Taxonomy
* Robust Biometric Recognition From Palm Depth Images for Gloved Hands
* Robust Framework of Single-Frame Face Superresolution Across Head Pose, Facial Expression, and Illumination Variations
* Score-Level Fusion of Face and Voice Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Belief Functions
* Score-Level Multibiometric Fusion Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory Incorporating Uncertainty Factors
* Selective Review and Analysis of Aging Effects in Biometric System Implementation
* Situation-Based Assess Tree for User Behavior Assessment in Persuasive Telehealth
* SmartMood: Toward Pervasive Mood Tracking and Analysis for Manic Episode Detection
* Supporting Human-Robot Interaction Based on the Level of Visual Focus of Attention
* Supporting Serendipitous Social Interaction Using Human Mobility Prediction
* Tactor-Induced Skin Stretch as a Sensory Substitution Method in Teleoperated Palpation
* Targeted-Tracking With Pointing Devices
* Text and User Generic Model for Writer Verification Using Combined Pen Pressure Information From Ink Intensity and Indented Writing on Paper
* Thresholds of Vision of the Human Visual System: Visual Adaptation for Monocular and Binocular Vision
* Two Large Open-Access Datasets for Fitts' Law of Human Motion and a Succinct Derivation of the Square-Root Variant
* Usability Guidelines for the Design of Robot Teleoperation: A Taxonomy
* Using Smart-Phones and Floor Plans for Indoor Location Tracking
* Validity and Reliability of a Hybrid Reality Simulator for Wire Navigation in Orthopedic Surgery, The
* Vibrotactile Stimulation to Increase and Decrease Texture Roughness
* Wi-Counter: Smartphone-Based People Counter Using Crowdsourced Wi-Fi Signal Data
* Zero-Shot Object Recognition System Based on Topic Model
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* Action Recognition from Depth Maps Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adjusting Haptic Guidance to Idiosyncratic Visuo-Haptic Matching Errors Improves Perceptual Consistency in Reaching
* Air-Writing Recognition Part I: Modeling and Recognition of Characters, Words, and Connecting Motions
* Air-Writing Recognition Part II: Detection and Recognition of Writing Activity in Continuous Stream of Motion Data
* Applying Fuzzy Linear Regression to Understand Metacognitive Judgments in a Human-in-the-Loop Simulation Environment
* Automated Laughter Detection From Full-Body Movements
* Automatic Facial Expression Learning Method Based on Humanoid Robot XIN-REN
* Badminton Stroke Recognition Based on Body Sensor Networks
* Behavior Hierarchy-Based Affordance Map for Recognition of Human Intention and Its Application to Human-Robot Interaction
* Biometric-Enabled Authentication Machines: A Survey of Open-Set Real-World Applications
* Combined Use of Rear Touch Gestures and Facial Feature Detection to Achieve Single-Handed Navigation of Mobile Devices
* Crossmodal Matching: A Critical but Neglected Step in Multimodal Research
* Discrete Event Simulation and Virtual Reality Use in Industry: New Opportunities and Future Trends
* Driver Assistance System With a Dual Control Scheme: Effectiveness of Identifying Driver Drowsiness and Preventing Lane Departure Accidents
* Evaluation of Haptic and Visual Cues for Repulsive or Attractive Guidance in Nonholonomic Steering Tasks
* Expert-Driven Perceptual Features for Modeling Style and Affect in Human Motion
* Exploration of Location-Aware You-Are-Here Maps on a Pin-Matrix Display
* Exploring Latent Preferences for Context-Aware Personalized Recommendation Systems
* Eye-Gaze Tracking Analysis of Driver Behavior While Interacting With Navigation Systems in an Urban Area
* Frenet Frame-Based Generalized Space Curve Representation for Pose-Invariant Classification and Recognition of 3-D Face
* Gaze Estimation From Color Image Based on the Eye Model With Known Head Pose
* Graphical Password-Based User Authentication With Free-Form Doodles
* GRASP Taxonomy of Human Grasp Types, The
* Hierarchical Sample-Based Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter for Following Human Legs Using a Mobile Robot in a Cluttered Environment
* Human Interaction With Robot Swarms: A Survey
* Human Mobility Modeling for Robot-Assisted Evacuation in Complex Indoor Environments
* Human Velocity Control of Admittance-Type Robotic Devices With Scaled Visual Feedback of Device Motion
* iLeg: A Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot: A Proof of Concept
* Integration of Visual Temporal Information and Textual Distribution Information for News Web Video Event Mining
* Interactive Teleoperation of a Mobile Manipulator Using a Shared-Control Approach
* Investigating Redundant Encoding Methods for Tactile Messaging in Multitask Scenarios
* Leveraging Pattern Recognition Consistency Estimation for Crowdsourcing Data Analysis
* MobiGroup: Enabling Lifecycle Support to Social Activity Organization and Suggestion With Mobile Crowd Sensing
* Motion Guidance for a Passive Robot Walking Helper via User's Applied Hand Forces
* Movement Primitive Segmentation for Human Motion Modeling: A Framework for Analysis
* Multiclass Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Frequency Evaluation Using Chirp-Modulated Stimuli
* Multimodal Gaze-Controlled Virtual Keyboard, A
* Multisensor Technique for Gesture Recognition Through Intelligent Skeletal Pose Analysis, A
* Novel Rubber Hand Illusion Paradigm Allowing Active Self-Touch With Variable Force Feedback Controlled by a Haptic Device, A
* Open Voice Command Interface Kit, An
* Optimal Human-Machine Teaming for a Sequential Inspection Operation
* Optimized Bi-Objective EEG Channel Selection and Cross-Subject Generalization With Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Palmprint Recognition Using Neighboring Direction Indicator
* Partial Data Ear Recognition From One Sample per Person
* PassBYOP: Bring Your Own Picture for Securing Graphical Passwords
* Patient-Specific Model for Predicting Tibia Soft Tissue Insertions From Bony Outlines Using a Spatial Structure Supervised Learning Framework, A
* Predictive Communication Quality Control in Haptic Teleoperation With Time Delay and Packet Loss
* Predictive Model for Use of an Assistive Robotic Manipulator: Human Factors Versus Performance in Pick-and-Place/Retrieval Tasks, A
* Real-Time Human Foot Motion Localization Algorithm With Dynamic Speed
* RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
* Roadmap for the Development of at-Home Telemonitoring Systems to Augment Occupational Therapy
* Smoothness of Surgical Tool Tip Motion Correlates to Skill in Endovascular Tasks
* SteganoPIN: Two-Faced Human-Machine Interface for Practical Enforcement of PIN Entry Security
* Supporting Operators in Process Control Tasks: Benefits of Interactive 3-D Visualization
* Teach Me-Show Me End-User Personalization of a Smart Home and Companion Robot
* Toward Personalized Activity Recognition Systems With a Semipopulation Approach
* User-Centered and Analytic-Based Approaches to Generate Usable Gestures for Individuals With Quadriplegia
* Using Wireless EEG Signals to Assess Memory Workload in the n-Back Task
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* Accelerated Visual Context Classification on a Low-Power Smartwatch
* Accurate and Reliable Human Localization Using Composite Particle/FIR Filtering
* ActiveCrowd: A Framework for Optimized Multitask Allocation in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems
* Application of Open-Loop Stackelberg Equilibrium to Modeling a Driver's Interaction with Vehicle Active Steering Control in Obstacle Avoidance
* Assistive Pointing Device Based on a Head-Mounted Camera
* Augmented-Reality-Based Indoor Navigation: A Comparative Analysis of Handheld Devices Versus Google Glass
* Autonomous Fall Detection With Wearable Cameras by Using Relative Entropy Distance Measure
* CAPFF: A Context-Aware Assistant for Paper Form Filling
* Combining Speech and Handwriting Modalities for Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Comprehensive Review of Smart Wheelchairs: Past, Present, and Future, A
* Continuous Authentication With Touch Behavioral Biometrics and Voice on Wearable Glasses
* Cooperative Navigation for Mixed Human-Robot Teams Using Haptic Feedback
* Cooperative Shared Control Driver Assistance Systems Based on Motion Primitives and Differential Games
* CrowdOLR: Toward Object Location Recognition With Crowdsourced Fingerprints Using Smartphones
* Deep Models for Engagement Assessment With Scarce Label Information
* Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust Hand Gesture Recognition
* Driving Style Classification Using a Semisupervised Support Vector Machine
* Dynamic Texture Comparison Using Derivative Sparse Representation: Application to Video-Based Face Recognition
* Effect of a Haptic Guidance Steering System on Fatigue-Related Driver Behavior, The
* Effects of Data Density, Display Organization, and Stress on Search Performance: An Eye Tracking Study of Clutter, The
* Effects of Visual Feedback on Out-of-Body Illusory Tactile Sensation When Interacting With Augmented Virtual Objects
* Efficient Human Motion Retrieval via Temporal Adjacent Bag of Words and Discriminative Neighborhood Preserving Dictionary Learning
* Ego-Vision System for Hand Grasp Analysis, An
* EMOTHAW: A Novel Database for Emotional State Recognition From Handwriting and Drawing
* Encouraging Eco-Driving With Visual, Auditory, and Vibrotactile Stimuli
* End-to-End Online Writer Identification With Recurrent Neural Network
* Feature-Based Knowledge Transfer Framework for Cross-Environment Activity Recognition Toward Smart Home Applications, A
* Fine-Grained Urban Event Detection and Characterization Based on Tensor Cofactorization
* Force-Velocity Assessment of Caress-Like Stimuli Through the Electrodermal Activity Processing: Advantages of a Convex Optimization Approach
* Formal Machine-Learning Approach to Generating Human-Machine Interfaces From Task Models, A
* Framework for Biometric and Interaction Performance Assessment of Automated Border Control Processes, A
* Framework of Multiuser Satisfaction for Assessing Interaction Models Within Collaborative Virtual Environments
* From Activity Recognition to Intention Recognition for Assisted Living Within Smart Homes
* Fusion of Random Walk and Discrete Fourier Spectrum Methods for Gait Recognition
* GenealogyVis: A System for Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Genealogical Data
* GESTO: A Glove for Enhanced Sensing and Touching Based on Inertial and Magnetic Sensors for Hand Tracking and Cutaneous Feedback
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Drawing and Handwriting Processing for User-Centered Systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Situation, Activity, and Goal Awareness in Cyber-Physical Human-Machine Systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Wearable and Ego-Vision Systems for Augmented Experience
* Guest Editorial: Holistic Approaches for Human-Vehicle Systems: Combining Models, Interactions, and Control
* Handwriting Movement Sonification: Why and How?
* Handwriting on Smartwatches: An Empirical Investigation
* Human-Centered Activity Tracking System: Toward a Healthier Workplace, A
* Humans Can Integrate Augmented Reality Feedback in Their Sensorimotor Control of a Robotic Hand
* Identification and Rating of Developmental Dysgraphia by Handwriting Analysis
* Identifying Developmental Dysgraphia Characteristics Utilizing Handwriting Classification Methods
* Implicit Intention Communication in Human-Robot Interaction Through Visual Behavior Studies
* Influence of the Spatio-Temporal Terzi Treatment on the Kinematics of Cursive Writing of Dysgraphic Subjects, The
* Information Model and Architecture Specification for Context Awareness Interaction Decision Support in Cyber-Physical Human-Machine Systems
* Interaction of Automation Visibility and Information Quality in Flight Deck Information Automation
* ISR-AIWALKER: Robotic Walker for Intuitive and Safe Mobility Assistance and Gait Analysis
* Kinect-Based Wearable Face Recognition System to Aid Visually Impaired Users, A
* Metaphoric Hand Gestures for Orientation-Aware VR Object Manipulation With an Egocentric Viewpoint
* Mining Skier Transportation Patterns From Ski Resort Lift Usage Data
* Mobile Three-Dimensional Maps for Wayfinding in Large and Complex Buildings: Empirical Comparison of First-Person Versus Third-Person Perspective
* Modeling, Identification, and Predictive Control of a Driver Steering Assistance System
* Modified Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Using the Hadamard Product to Estimate Real-Time Continuous Finger-Motion Intentions
* Neuromuscular-System-Based Tuning of a Haptic Shared Control Interface for UAV Teleoperation
* New Framework for Cognitive Mobility of Visually Impaired Users in Using Tactile Device, A
* Nonlinear Driver Parameter Estimation and Driver Steering Behavior Analysis for ADAS Using Field Test Data
* On the Usability of Electroencephalographic Signals for Biometric Recognition: A Survey
* Online Cross-Modal Adaptation for Audio-Visual Person Identification With Wearable Cameras
* Personalizable Driver Steering Model Capable of Predicting Driver Behaviors in Vehicle Collision Avoidance Maneuvers, A
* Qualitative Action Recognition by Wireless Radio Signals in Human-Machine Systems
* Recognition of Paper-Based Conceptual Models Captured Under Uncontrolled Conditions
* Recognizing Personal Locations From Egocentric Videos
* Review on Design and Control Aspects of Robotic Shoulder Rehabilitation Orthoses
* Shared-Control for a Rear-Wheel Drive Car: Dynamic Environments and Disturbance Rejection
* Signature Verification Based on the Kinematic Theory of Rapid Human Movements
* Simulation Modeling and Ergonomic Assessment of Complex Multiworker Physical Processes
* Situation Awareness Inferred From Posture Transition and Location: Derived From Smartphone and Smart home Sensors
* SketchSeeker: Finding Similar Sketches
* Stochastic Driver Pedal Behavior Model Incorporating Road Information, A
* Summarization of Egocentric Videos: A Comprehensive Survey
* Synthetic Word Gesture Generation for Stroke-Based Virtual Keyboards
* System to Analyze Group Socializing Behaviors in Social Parties, A
* Takeover Requests in Simulated Partially Autonomous Vehicles Considering Human Factors
* Toward an Enhanced Human-Machine Interface for Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control With Combined EMG and NIRS Signals
* Toward Storytelling From Visual Lifelogging: An Overview
* TunnelSlice: Freehand Subspace Acquisition Using an Egocentric Tunnel for Wearable Augmented Reality
* Unobtrusive Measurement Method for Assessing Physiological Response in Physical Human-Robot Interaction, An
* Unpowered Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit Reduces Muscle Activation and Improves Force Perception
* Usability Comparison of Conventional Direct Control Versus Pattern Recognition Control of Transradial Prostheses
* User Recognition From Social Behavior in Computer-Mediated Social Context
* User-Centered Segmentation Method for Complex Historical Manuscripts Based on Document Graphs, A
* Using Eye Tracking to Detect the Effects of Clutter on Visual Search in Real Time
* Using Semantics to Automatically Generate Speech Interfaces for Wearable Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications
* Vision-Based Mid-Air Unistroke Character Input Using Polar Signatures
* Wearable Mobile-Based Emotional Response-Monitoring System for Drivers
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* Analysis of Upper-Extremity Motion and Muscle and Brain Activation During Machine Operation in Consideration of Mass and Friction
* Calibrating Adaptable Automation to Individuals
* Combined EEG-Gyroscope-tDCS Brain Machine Interface System for Early Management of Driver Drowsiness
* Continuous Subjective Rating of Perceived Motion Incongruence During Driving Simulation
* Creating Appropriate Trust in Automated Vehicle Systems: A Framework for HMI Design
* Design and Construction of Electronic Aid for Visually Impaired People
* Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Noninvasive Autonomous Robot-Mediated Joint Attention Intervention System for Young Children With ASD
* Driver Behavior Characteristics Identification Strategies Based on Bionic Intelligent Algorithms
* Driver Trust in Automated Driving Systems: The Case of Overtaking and Passing
* Ecological Interface Design for Vehicle Locomotion Control
* Effects of Augmented Reality on the Performance of Teleoperated Industrial Assembly Tasks in a Robotic Embodiment
* Effects of Continuous Auditory Feedback on Drawing Trajectory-Based Finger Gestures
* Effects of Image Presentation Highlighting and Accuracy on Target Category Learning
* Effects of Lead Time of Take-Over Request and Nondriving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles, The
* Effects of Linear Perspective on Human Use of Preview in Manual Control
* Effects of Preview Time in Manual Tracking Tasks
* Efficacy of Group-View Displays in Nuclear Control Rooms
* Evaluation of a Visual-Tactile Multimodal Display for Surface Obstacle Avoidance During Walking
* Evaluation of Artificial Mouths in Social Robots
* Eye Tracking the Visual Attention of Nurses Interpreting Simulated Vital Signs Scenarios: Mining Metrics to Discriminate Between Performance Level
* Force Exertion Affects Grasp Classification Using Force Myography
* Force Myography Based Novel Strategy for Locomotion Classification
* Guest Editorial: Multifaceted Driver-Vehicle Systems: Toward More Effective Driving Simulations, Reliable Driver Modeling, and Increased Trust and Safety
* Hand-in-Hand: A Communication-Enhancement Collaborative Virtual Reality System for Promoting Social Interaction in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
* Human-Centered Transparency of Grasping via a Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery System
* Improvement of Evaluation Indices for Rear-End Collision Risk
* Learning Complex Spatio-Temporal Configurations of Body Joints for Online Activity Recognition
* Mobile Pass Project: A User Interaction Evaluation, The
* Modeling Human Difference Threshold in Perceiving Mechanical Properties From Force
* Modeling Intradriver Steering Variability Based on Sensorimotor Control Theories
* Motion Cueing Algorithm With Look-Ahead and Driver Characterization: Application to Vertical Car Dynamics, A
* Negotiating Corners With Teleoperated Mobile Robots With Time Delay
* New Dactylology and Interactive System Development for Blind-Computer Interaction, A
* Novel Three-Dimensional P300 Speller Based on Stereo Visual Stimuli, A
* Pedestrians' Receptivity Toward Fully Automated Vehicles: Research Review and Roadmap for Future Research
* Photosensor Oculography: Survey and Parametric Analysis of Designs Using Model-Based Simulation
* Projection-Based AR: Effective Visual Feedback in Gait Rehabilitation
* Recognition and Detection of Two-Person Interactive Actions Using Automatically Selected Skeleton Features
* Risky Driver Recognition Based on Vehicle Speed Time Series
* Safety Verification Methods for Human-Driven Vehicles at Traffic Intersections: Optimal Driver-Adaptive Supervisory Control
* Sensory-Glove-Based Open Surgery Skill Evaluation
* Smart Cable-Driven Camera Robotic Assistant
* Study on Objective Evaluation of Vehicle Steering Comfort Based on Driver's Electromyogram and Movement Trajectory, A
* Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Control Using Brain-Computer Interface, A
* Testing a Shape-Changing Haptic Navigation Device With Vision-Impaired and Sighted Audiences in an Immersive Theater Setting
* Underpinnings of Workload in Unmanned Vehicle Systems, The
* Understanding Human Response to the Presence and Actions of Unmanned Ground Vehicle Systems in Field Environment
* Using Driver Control Models to Understand and Evaluate Behavioral Validity of Driving Simulators
* Video Analytics for Customer Emotion and Satisfaction at Contact Centers
* Visual Sampling Processes Revisited: Replicating and Extending Senders (1983) Using Modern Eye-Tracking Equipment
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* Age and Gender Differences in Performance for Operating a Robotic Manipulator
* Astute Assistive Device for Mobility and Object Recognition for Visually Impaired People, An
* Automatic Lock of Cursor Movement: Implications for an Efficient Eye-Gaze Input Method for Drag and Menu Selection
* Biometric Systems Interaction Assessment: The State of the Art
* Click Sequence Prediction in Android Mobile Applications
* Co-Design of Musical Haptic Wearables for Electronic Music Performer's Communication
* Computational Modeling of the Dynamics of Human Trust During Human-Machine Interactions
* Context-Supported Deep Learning Framework for Multimodal Brain Imaging Classification, A
* Continuous-Time Model-Based Approach for Activity Recognition in Pervasive Environments, A
* Control Methods for Internet-Based Teleoperation Systems: A Review
* Controlling Object Hand-Over in Human-Robot Collaboration Via Natural Wearable Sensing
* Data-Driven Shared Steering Control of Semi-Autonomous Vehicles
* Decoding Simultaneous Multi-DOF Wrist Movements From Raw EMG Signals Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Designing Wearable Systems for Sports: A Review of Trends and Opportunities in Human-Computer Interaction
* Drivers' Attentional Instability on a Winding Roadway
* Ecological Interface Design, the Proximity Compatibility Principle, and Automation Reliability in Road Traffic Management
* Electroencephalographic Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Simulated Driving With Varying Modality-Specific Attentional Demand
* Evaluating Fluency in Human-Robot Collaboration
* Evaluating Movement Quality Through Intrapersonal Synchronization
* Evaluation of a Wearable Hand Kinesthetic Feedback System for Virtual Reality: Psychophysical and User Experience Evaluation
* Expert Surgeons Can Smoothly Control Robotic Tools With a Discrete Control Interface
* Eye Tracking: A Process-Oriented Method for Inferring Trust in Automation as a Function of Priming and System Reliability
* Formalizing Human-Machine Interactions for Adaptive Automation in Smart Manufacturing
* High Cognitive Load Assessment in Drivers Through Wireless Electroencephalography and the Validation of a Modified N-Back Task
* Human Adaptation to Human-Robot Shared Control
* Human Work and Status Evaluation Based on Wearable Sensors in Human Factors and Ergonomics: A Review
* Influence of Familiarity on the Driving Behavior, Route Risk, and Route Choice of Older Drivers
* Information Constrained Control Analysis of Eye Gaze Distribution Under Workload
* Interactive Context-Aware Anomaly Detection Guided by User Feedback
* Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-to-Stand Handrail Positions
* Modeling Interaction Structure for Robot Imitation Learning of Human Social Behavior
* Multisensor Multiclassifier Hierarchical Fusion Model Based on Entropy Weight for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Inertial Sensors, A
* Multiview-Based 3-D Action Recognition Using Deep Networks
* Operator Strategy Model Development in UAV Hacking Detection
* Politeness Counts: Perceptions of Peacekeeping Robots
* Predicting 3-D Lower Back Joint Load in Lifting: A Deep Pose Estimation Approach
* Predicting Locomotive Crew Performance in Rail Operations with Human and Automation Assistance
* Queueing Network Based Driver Model for Varying Levels of Information Processing
* Robotic Leg Illusion: System Design and Human-in-the-Loop Evaluation
* Rolling Out the Red (and Green) Carpet: Supporting Driver Decision Making in Automation-to-Manual Transitions
* Semantic Place Understanding for Human-Robot Coexistence: Toward Intelligent Workplaces
* Software Architecture for Automating Cognitive Science Eye-Tracking Data Analysis and Object Annotation
* Statistical Saliency Model Can Choose Colors for Items on Maps, The
* Through the Looking Glass(es): Impacts of Wearable Augmented Reality Displays on Operators in a Safety-Critical System
* Time-Efficient Approach for Decision-Making Style Recognition in Lane-Changing Behavior, A
* Use of Automatic Chinese Character Decomposition and Human Gestures for Chinese Calligraphy Robots
* User-Centered Framework for Designing Midair Gesture Interfaces, A
* Using EEG for Mental Fatigue Assessment: A Comprehensive Look Into the Current State of the Art
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* 3-D Interface for the P300 Speller BCI
* Active Compliance Control Reduces Upper Body Effort in Exoskeleton-Supported Walking
* Agent Transparency and Reliability in Human-Robot Interaction: The Influence on User Confidence and Perceived Reliability
* Agent Transparency: A Review of Current Theory and Evidence
* Agreement Study Using Gesture Description Analysis
* AI-Based Visual Aid With Integrated Reading Assistant for the Completely Blind, An
* Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based Training for Proactive Road Safety Monitoring
* Annotation Generation From IMU-Based Human Whole-Body Motions in Daily Life Behavior
* Brain-Computer Interface Software: A Review and Discussion
* Characteristics of Recovery Motion Resulting From Side Contact With a Physical Assistant Robot Worn During Gait
* Comparative Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Table and a HoloLens-Based Augmented Reality System for Anatomy Training, A
* Cross-Modality Matching for Evaluating User Experience of Emerging Mobile EEG Technology
* Demand-Driven Transparency for Monitoring Intelligent Agents
* Determination of the Gain for a Walking Speed Amplifying Belt Using Brain Activity
* Effect of Room Complexity on Physical Object Selection Performance in 3-D Mobile User Interfaces, The
* Effects of Target Trajectory Bandwidth on Manual Control Behavior in Pursuit and Preview Tracking
* Ego-Vision System for Discovering Human Joint Attention, An
* Empirical Approach to Modeling User-System Interaction Conflicts in Smart Homes, An
* Estimating an LPV Model of Driver Neuromuscular Admittance Using Grip Force as Scheduling Variable
* Evaluation of a Predictor-Based Framework in High-Speed Teleoperated Military UGVs
* Facial Expression Imitation Method for Humanoid Robot Based on Smooth-Constraint Reversed Mechanical Model (SRMM)
* Finding a Secure Place: A Map-Based Crowdsourcing System for People With Autism
* Grasp Prediction Toward Naturalistic Exoskeleton Glove Control
* Hierarchical Eye-Tracking Data Analytics for Human Fatigue Detection at a Traffic Control Center
* HoloLens Augmented Reality System Provides Valid Measures of Gait Performance in Healthy Adults, The
* How Communicating Features can Help Pedestrian Safety in the Presence of Self-Driving Vehicles: Virtual Reality Experiment
* IMPACT of Agent Transparency on Human Performance, The
* Individual Differences in Trust in Autonomous Robots: Implications for Transparency
* Influence of Culture, Transparency, Trust, and Degree of Automation on Automation Use
* Models of Trust in Human Control of Swarms With Varied Levels of Autonomy
* Multiviewpoint Outdoor Dataset for Human Action Recognition, A
* Musculoskeletal Model for Path Generation and Modification of an Ankle Rehabilitation Robot
* Natural Human-Robot Interface Using Adaptive Tracking System with the Unscented Kalman Filter
* New Mixed-Reality-Based Teleoperation System for Telepresence and Maneuverability Enhancement, A
* Novel Postprocessing Method for Robust Myoelectric Pattern-Recognition Control Through Movement Pattern Transition Detection, A
* Performance of a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential and Eye Gaze Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface on Participants With and Without a Brain Injury
* Review of Human-Machine Interfaces for Small Unmanned Systems With Robotic Manipulators
* Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications, A
* Smartphone-Based Adaptive Recognition and Real-Time Monitoring System for Human Activities, A
* State of the Art in Bionic Hands
* State-of-the-Art Robotic Devices for Wrist Rehabilitation: Design and Control Aspects
* Statistical Modeling of Visual Attention of Junior and Senior Anesthesiologists During the Induction of General Anesthesia in Real and Simulated Cases
* Supporting Multitracking Performance With Novel Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Displays
* Techniques for Constructing Indoor Navigation Systems for the Visually Impaired: A Review
* Transparency for a Workload-Adaptive Cognitive Agent in a Manned-Unmanned Teaming Application
* Two-Dimensional Fingertip Force Training With Improved Haptic Sensation via Stochastic Resonance
* Unifying Theory of Driver Perception and Steering Control on Straight and Winding Roads, A
* Usability Study of Low-Cost Wireless Brain-Computer Interface for Cursor Control Using Online Linear Model, A
* User Recruitment System for Efficient Photo Collection in Mobile Crowdsensing
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* 3D Model-Based Gaze Tracking Via Iris Features With a Single Camera and a Single Light Source
* Adaptive General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Psychophysiological State Modeling in Real-Time Human-Machine Interfaces, An
* ArmSym: A Virtual Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory for Assistive Robotics
* Assessing Alternative Approaches for Conveying Automated Vehicle Intentions
* Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Classification of Movement Patterns During a Weight-Shifting Exergame
* Attentive Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling of Stroke Gestures Articulation Performance
* Comparison of Expert Ratings and Marker-Less Hand Tracking Along OSATS-Derived Motion Scales, A
* Computer Interface for Real-Time Gait Biofeedback Using a Wearable Integrated Sensor System for Data Acquisition
* Deep Learning Framework of Autonomous Pilot Agent for Air Traffic Controller Training, A
* Delay Time Fractional-Order Model for the Soft Exoskeleton Glove Control
* Delivering Critical Stimuli for Decision Making in VR Training: Evaluation Study of a Firefighter Training Scenario
* Driving Skill Modeling Using Neural Networks for Performance-Based Haptic Assistance
* EEG Correlates of Difficulty Levels in Dynamical Transitions of Simulated Flying and Mapping Tasks
* Effects of Haptic Feedback and Transition Type on Transfer of Control Between Drivers and Vehicle Automation, The
* Electromyography for Teleoperated Tasks in Weightlessness
* Evaluating the Effect of Poor Contrast Ratio in Simulated Sensor-Based Vision Systems on Performance
* Exploration of Teammate Trust and Interaction Dynamics in Human-Autonomy Teaming
* Extending the Evaluation of Social Assistive Robots With Accessibility Indicators: The AUSUS Evaluation Framework
* Gesture Recognition Using Reflected Visible and Infrared Lightwave Signals
* Gesture-Radar: A Dual Doppler Radar Based System for Robust Recognition and Quantitative Profiling of Human Gestures
* Hand Gesture Recognition Using Multiple Acoustic Measurements at Wrist
* Holoscopic 3D Microgesture Recognition by Deep Neural Network Model Based on Viewpoint Images and Decision Fusion
* How Does Explanation-Based Knowledge Influence Driver Take-Over in Conditional Driving Automation?
* Impact of Human-Centered Vestibular System Model for Motion Control in a Driving Simulator
* Impact of Pilot's Expertise on Selection, Use, Trust, and Acceptance of Automation
* Implementation of a Character Recognition System Based on Finger-Joint Tracking Using a Depth Camera
* Improved IOHMM-Based Stochastic Driver Lane-Changing Model, An
* Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
* Influencing Human Escape Maneuvers With Perceptual Cues in the Presence of a Visual Task
* Interaction With Gaze, Gesture, and Speech in a Flexibly Configurable Augmented Reality System
* Levels of Automation and Transparency: Interaction Design Considerations in Assistive Robots for Older Adults
* Lifting Posture Prediction With Generative Models for Improving Occupational Safety
* Load Asymmetry Angle Estimation Using Multiple-View Videos
* Local Domain Adaptation for Cross-Domain Activity Recognition
* Motion Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration Using an Objective-Switching Strategy
* Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems
* Neurophysiological Evaluation of Haptic Feedback for Myoelectric Prostheses
* Phase Variable Based Recognition of Human Locomotor Activities Across Diverse Gait Patterns
* Review of Virtual Reality Studies on Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction, A
* Self-Paced BCI With a Collaborative Controller for Highly Reliable Wheelchair Driving: Experimental Tests With Physically Disabled Individuals, A
* Separability of Motor Imagery Directions Using Subject-Specific Discriminative EEG Features
* Survey of Eye Tracking in Automobile and Aviation Studies: Implications for Eye-Tracking Studies in Marine Operations, A
* Systematic Review on Motor-Imagery Brain-Connectivity-Based Computer Interfaces, A
* Toward Robots' Behavioral Transparency of Temporal Difference Reinforcement Learning With a Human Teacher
* Use of Mobile EEG in Decoding Hand Movement Speed and Position
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* Activity and Stress Estimation Based on OpenPose and Electrocardiogram for User-Focused Level-4-Vehicles
* Adaptive Time Budget Adjustment Strategy Based on a Take-Over Performance Model for Passive Fatigue, An
* AI-CardioCare: Artificial Intelligence Based Device for Cardiac Health Monitoring
* Applying Sonification to Sketching in the Air With Mobile AR Devices
* ASL Trigger Recognition in Mixed Activity/Signing Sequences for RF Sensor-Based User Interfaces
* Assessment of Deep Learning-Based Heart Rate Estimation Using Remote Photoplethysmography Under Different Illuminations
* Binocular Feature Fusion and Spatial Attention Mechanism Based Gaze Tracking
* Bringing a Vehicle to a Controlled Stop: Effectiveness of a Dual-Control Scheme for Identifying Driver Drowsiness and Preventing Lane Departures Under Partial Driving Automation Requiring Hands-on-Wheel
* Can Visually Impaired Use Gestures to Interact With Computers? A Cognitive Load Perspective
* CNN Confidence Estimation for Rejection-Based Hand Gesture Classification in Myoelectric Control
* Cognitive Workload Assessment of Prosthetic Devices: A Review of Literature and Meta-Analysis
* Cognitive Workload Impacts of Simulated Visibility Changes During Search and Surveillance Tasks Quantified by Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
* Computer Vision Approach for Estimating Lifting Load Contributors to Injury Risk, A
* Curb Negotiation With Dynamic Human-Robotic Wheelchair Collaboration
* Deep Object Detector With Attentional Spatiotemporal LSTM for Space Human-Robot Interaction
* Design Eye-Tracking Augmented Reality Headset to Reduce Cognitive Load in Repetitive Parcel Scanning Task
* Detecting Human Trust Calibration in Automation: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach
* Driver-Pedestrian Perceptual Models Demonstrate Coupling: Implications for Vehicle Automation
* Editorial Special Issue Interaction With Artificial Intelligence Systems: New Human-Centered Perspectives and Challenges
* EEG Correlates of Driving Performance
* EEG-Based Auditory Attention Detection via Frequency and Channel Neural Attention
* Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Motion Sickness Inducing Real-World Driving Scenario
* Evaluating Cybersickness of Walking on an Omnidirectional Treadmill in Virtual Reality
* Evaluation of a Decision-Based Invocation Strategy for Adaptive Support for Air Traffic Control
* Eye-Tracking for Performance Evaluation and Workload Estimation in Space Telerobotic Training
* Factors Affecting Pedestrians' Trust in Automated Vehicles: Literature Review and Theoretical Model
* Fuzzy Inference-Based Driving Control System for Pushrim-Activated Power-Assisted Wheelchairs Considering User Characteristics
* Human-Machine Cooperative Steering Control Considering Mitigating Human-Machine Conflict Based on Driver Trust
* Incorporating EEG and EMG Patterns to Evaluate BCI-Based Long-Term Motor Training
* Influence of Mobile Robots on Human Safety Perception and System Productivity in Wholesale and Retail Trade Environments: A Pilot Study
* Information-Based Control of Robots in Search-and-Rescue Missions With Human Prior Knowledge
* Interactive Extended Reality Techniques in Information Visualization
* Interruption Management in the Context of Take-Over-Requests in Conditional Driving Automation
* Investigation of Drivers' Dynamic Situational Trust in Conditionally Automated Driving, An
* L-Sign: Large-Vocabulary Sign Gestures Recognition System
* Latent Representation in Human-Robot Interaction With Explicit Consideration of Periodic Dynamics
* Machine Learning for Detection and Risk Assessment of Lifting Action
* Modeling and Prediction of User Stability and Comfortability on Autonomous Wheelchairs With 3-D Mapping
* Modified Spatio-Temporal Matched Filtering for Brain Responses Classification
* Multi-Stream Sequence Learning Framework for Human Interaction Recognition, A
* Multiobjective Control Design for Human-Machine Systems With Safety Performance Constraints
* Multiplayer VR Live Concert With Information Exchange Through Feedback Modulated by EEG Signals, A
* Multiview Video-Based 3-D Pose Estimation of Patients in Computer-Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN)
* Naturalistic Driving Study of Feedback Timing and Financial Incentives in Promoting Speed Limit Compliance, A
* Neural-Inspired Architecture for EEG-Based Auditory Attention Detection, A
* OAST: Obstacle Avoidance System for Teleoperation of UAVs
* Obstacle Avoidance in Highly Automated Cars: Can Progressive Haptic Shared Control Make it Safer and Smoother?
* On Computer Mouse Pointing Model Online Identification and Endpoint Prediction
* Online Change Point Detection in Application With Transition-Aware Activity Recognition
* Online Learning Human Behavior for a Class of Human-in-the-Loop Systems via Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control
* Online Multi-Index Approach to Human Ergonomics Assessment in the Workplace, An
* Optimal Reconstruction of Human Motion From Scarce Multimodal Data
* Optimization of HD-sEMG-Based Cross-Day Hand Gesture Classification by Optimal Feature Extraction and Data Augmentation
* Projected Augmented Reality to Guide Manual Precision Tasks: An Alternative to Head Mounted Displays
* Quantitative Physical Ergonomics Assessment of Teleoperation Interfaces
* Real-Time Adjustment of Tracking Offsets Through a Brain-Computer Interface for Weight Perception in Virtual Reality
* Review of Evaluation Practices of Gesture Generation in Embodied Conversational Agents, A
* Review of Human-Machine Cooperation in the Robotics Domain, A
* SAIL: A Deep-Learning-Based System for Automatic Gait Assessment From TUG Videos
* Seizing the Opportunity for Automation: How Traffic Density Determines Truck Drivers' Use of Cruise Control
* Self-Explaining Abilities of an Intelligent Agent for Transparency in a Collaborative Driving Context
* Shared Control in Robot Teleoperation With Improved Potential Fields
* Sign Language Recognition Based on R(2+1)D With Spatial-Temporal-Channel Attention
* Simple But Effective: Upper-Body Geometric Features for Traffic Command Gesture Recognition
* SoDar: Multitarget Gesture Recognition Based on SIMO Doppler Radar
* SPEye: A Calibration-Free Gaze-Driven Text Entry Technique Based on Smooth Pursuit
* SSGNN: A Macro and Microfacial Expression Recognition Graph Neural Network Combining Spatial and Spectral Domain Features
* Survey of 17 Indoor Travel Assistance Systems for Blind and Visually Impaired People, A
* Synergistic Digital Twin and Holographic Augmented-Reality-Guided Percutaneous Puncture of Respiratory Liver Tumor
* Synthetic vs Human Emotional Faces: What Changes in Humans' Decoding Accuracy
* Talking Cars, Doubtful Users: A Population Study in Virtual Reality
* Toward Active Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Quantifying the Human State During Interactions
* U-WeAr: User Recognition on Wearable Devices through Arm Gesture
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Gesture Identification Against Electrode Shift
* Video-Based Automatic Wrist Flexion and Extension Classification
* Virtual Keyboards With Real-Time and Robust Deep Learning-Based Gesture Recognition
* Virtual-Reality-Based Training and Assessment System for Bridge Inspectors With an Assistant Drone, A
* Vision Processing for Assistive Vision: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
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* Assessment of Upper-Body Movement Quality in the Cartesian-Space is Feasible in the Harmony Exoskeleton
* Augmenting Conversations With Comic-Style Word Balloons
* Automated Eye Movement Classification Based on EMG of EOM Signals Using FBSE-EWT Technique
* Camera Frame Misalignment in a Teleoperated Eye-in-Hand Robot: Effects and a Simple Correction Method
* Compact and Portable Exoskeleton for Shoulder and Elbow Assistance for Workers and Prospective Use in Space, A
* Comparison of a Touch-Gesture- and a Keystroke-Based Password Method: Toward Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Mobile User Authentication, A
* Context-Aware Faster RCNN for CSI-Based Human Action Perception
* Design and Experimental Verification of a Hip Exoskeleton Based on Human-Machine Dynamics for Walking Assistance
* Design of Smart Clothing With Automatic Cardiovascular Diseases Detection
* Design of Traditional Cultural Experiences Using Augmented Reality Based on Environmental Presence
* Detection of Dyslexic Children Using Machine Learning and Multimodal Hindi Language Eye-Gaze-Assisted Learning System
* Driver Response to Take-Over Requests in Real Traffic
* Drivers' Attention to Preview and Its Momentary Persistence
* Efficient RGB-D Hand Gesture Detection Framework for Dexterous Robot Hand-Arm Teleoperation System, An
* Emotion Recognition Through Combining EEG and EOG Over Relevant Channels With Optimal Windowing
* Evaluating the Impact of Time-to-Collision Constraint and Head Gaze on Usability for Robot Navigation in a Corridor
* Exploring the Suitability of Using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Anatomy Training
* Fusion of Spatial, Temporal, and Spectral EEG Signatures Improves Multilevel Cognitive Load Prediction
* Gamification of Driver Distraction Feedback: A Simulator Study With Younger Drivers
* General Pipeline for Online Gesture Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction, A
* Glints Detection in Noisy Images Using Graph Matching
* Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition by Multiple Contactless Sensors: A Survey
* How Resource Demands of Nondriving-Related Tasks and Engagement Time Affect Drivers' Physiological Response and Takeover Performance in Conditional Automated Driving
* Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones With WiFi Signals
* Human-Robot Interaction Video Sequencing Task (HRIVST) for Robot's Behavior Legibility
* Improving Intention Detection in Single-Trial Classification Through Fusion of EEG and Eye-Tracker Data
* Improving Teleoperation Through Human-Aware Haptic Feedback: A Distinguishable and Interpretable Physical Interaction Based on the Contact State
* Influence of the Physical Interface on the Quality of Human-Exoskeleton Interaction
* Integrated in Situ Image Acquisition and Annotation Scheme for Instance Segmentation Models in Open Scenes With a Human-Robot Interaction Approach, An
* Intent Prediction in Human-Human Interactions
* Layered sEMG-FMG Hybrid Sensor for Hand Motion Recognition From Forearm Muscle Activities, A
* LMFNet: A Lightweight Multiscale Fusion Network With Hierarchical Structure for Low-Quality 3-D Face Recognition
* Lower Extremity Posture Assistive Wearable Devices: A Review
* MobiEye: An Efficient Shopping-Assistance System for the Visually Impaired With Mobile Phone Sensing
* Mouth Cavity Visual Analysis Based on Deep Learning for Oropharyngeal Swab Robot Sampling
* Multi-Attention Feature Fusion Network for Accurate Estimation of Finger Kinematics From Surface Electromyographic Signals
* Multi-Brain Coding Expands the Instruction Set in SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Multimodal Sensing and Computational Intelligence for Situation Awareness Classification in Autonomous Driving
* Multisensor Interface to Improve the Learning Experience in Arc Welding Training Tasks, A
* Multitemporal Scale and Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Temporal Action Localization, A
* Multivariate Analysis of Gaze Behavior and Task Performance Within Interface Design Evaluation
* Novel Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Classifier Based on Explainable Neural Network for Surface Electromyogram Gesture Recognition, A
* Novel Skeleton-Based Human Activity Discovery Using Particle Swarm Optimization With Gaussian Mutation, A
* Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Robots Across Different Domains, An
* Oropharynx Visual Detection by Using a Multi-Attention Single-Shot Multibox Detector for Human-Robot Collaborative Oropharynx Sampling
* Parallel Dual-Hand Detection by Using Hand and Body Features for Robot Teleoperation
* PC-GNN: Pearson Correlation-Based Graph Neural Network for Recognition of Human Lower Limb Activity Using sEMG Signal
* Performance and Usability Evaluation Scheme for Mobile Manipulator Teleoperation
* Predicting Activities of Daily Living for the Coming Time Period in Smart Homes
* Privacy-Preserving, Thermal Vision With Human in the Loop Fall Detection Alert System
* Respiratory Feature Extraction for Contactless Breathing Pattern Recognition Using a Single Digital Camera
* RFPad: Enabling Device-Free Handwriting Recognition With a Tag Square
* Robot-Person Tracking in Uniform Appearance Scenarios: A New Dataset and Challenges
* Sonified Distance in Sensory Substitution Does Not Always Improve Localization: Comparison With a 2-D and 3-D Handheld Device
* State-of-the-Art in Smart Contact Lenses for Human-Machine Interaction
* Stiffness-Observer-Based Adaptive Control of an Intrinsically Compliant Parallel Wrist Rehabilitation Robot
* Stiffness-Switchable Hydrostatic Transmission Toward Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction
* Subject-Specific Human Modeling for Human Pose Estimation
* Threshold-Free Phase Segmentation and Zero Velocity Detection for Gait Analysis Using Foot-Mounted Inertial Sensors
* To Inform or to Instruct? An Evaluation of Meaningful Vibrotactile Patterns to Support Automated Vehicle Takeover Performance
* Underwater Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Enhancement
* Unified Framework for Identity and Imagined Action Recognition From EEG Patterns
* User-Driven Sampling Model for Large-Scale Geographical Point Data Visualization via Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Using Beta Rhythm From EEG to Assess Physicians' Operative Skills in Virtual Surgical Training
* Vision-Based Human Pose Estimation via Deep Learning: A Survey
* Weighting-Based Deep Ensemble Learning for Recognition of Interventionalists' Hand Motions During Robot-Assisted Intravascular Catheterization
* Wheelchair-Centered Omnidirectional Gaze-Point Estimation in the Wild
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* AI-SenseVision: A Low-Cost Artificial-Intelligence-Based Robust and Real-Time Assistance for Visually Impaired People
* Analyzing Surgeon-Robot Cooperative Performance in Robot-Assisted Intravascular Catheterization
* ARMedicalSketch: Exploring 3D Sketching for Medical Image Using True 2D-3D Interlinked Visualization and Interaction
* Automated Classification of Cognitive Visual Objects Using Multivariate Swarm Sparse Decomposition From Multichannel EEG-MEG Signals
* Bilateral Teleoperation Strategy Augmented by EMGP-VH for Live-Line Maintenance Robot, A
* Building Contextualized Trust Profiles in Conditionally Automated Driving
* Cross-Model Cross-Stream Learning for Self-Supervised Human Action Recognition
* CST Framework: A Robust and Portable Finger Motion Tracking Framework
* Deep Learning Based Lightweight Human Activity Recognition System Using Reconstructed WiFi CSI, A
* Design of a Robotic System Featured With High Operation Transparency for Quantifying Arm Impedance During Ultrasound Scanning
* Development of a MR Training System for Living Donor Liver Transplantation Using Simulated Liver Phantom and ICP Tracking Technology
* Distributed Formation Control for a Class of Human-in-the-Loop Multiagent Systems
* EEG-Based Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Classification Using Filter-Bank Differential Entropy Features
* Emotion Recognition of Playing Musicians From EEG, ECG, and Acoustic Signals
* Estimating Perceived Mental Workload From Eye-Tracking Data Based on Benign Anisocoria
* Exploring Factors Related to Drivers' Mental Model of and Trust in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Using an ABN-Based Mixed Approach
* Extracting Human Levels of Trust in Human-Swarm Interaction Using EEG Signals
* Fast and Efficient Approach for Human Action Recovery From Corrupted 3-D Motion Capture Data Using QR Decomposition-Based Approximate SVD, A
* Fusion of Temporal Transformer and Spatial Graph Convolutional Network for 3-D Skeleton-Parts-Based Human Motion Prediction
* Gesture-mmWAVE: Compact and Accurate Millimeter-Wave Radar-Based Dynamic Gesture Recognition for Embedded Devices
* Hand Segmentation With Dense Dilated U-Net and Structurally Incoherent Nonnegative Matrix Factorization-Based Gesture Recognition
* Haptic Shared Control for Dissipating Phantom Traffic Jams
* Head-Pose Estimation Based on Lateral Canthus Localizations in 2-D Images
* hmOS: An Extensible Platform for Task-Oriented Human-Machine Computing
* Human Vital Signs Estimation Using Resonance Sparse Spectrum Decomposition
* Human-Centered Evaluation of EMG-Based Upper-Limb Prosthetic Control Modes
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning Based on Postural Synergistic Kernelized Movement Primitives for Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation
* LANDER: Visual Analysis of Activity and Uncertainty in Surveillance Video
* Layered Modeling of Affective, Perception, and Visual Properties: Optimizing Structure With Genetic Algorithm
* Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar Electrode Placement for Gait Prediction Models
* Lightweight Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation With Two-Stage Refinement Training Strategy
* Modeling Brake Perception Response Time in On-Road and Roadside Hazards Using an Integrated Cognitive Architecture
* Noncontact Respiratory Anomaly Detection Using Infrared Light-Wave Sensing
* Novel Measure of Human Safety Perception in Response to Flight Characteristics of Collocated UAVs in Virtual Reality, A
* Object-Goal Navigation of Home Care Robot Based on Human Activity Inference and Cognitive Memory
* Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display With Mitigated Parallax-Related Registration Errors: A User Study Validation
* Personalized Trajectory-based Risk Prediction on Curved Roads with Consideration of Driver Turning Behavior and Workload
* Physics-Based Virtual Reality Haptic System Design and Evaluation by Simulating Human-Robot Collaboration, A
* Predicting Human Postures for Manual Material Handling Tasks Using a Conditional Diffusion Model
* Real-Time Posture Identification System for Wheelchair Users Preventing the Generation of Pressure Ulcers
* Reconstructing Visual Stimulus Representation From EEG Signals Based on Deep Visual Representation Model
* Reliability and Models of Subjective Motion Incongruence Ratings in Urban Driving Simulations
* Review of Robot-Assisted Hand Spasticity Assessment, A
* Robust Object Selection in Spontaneous Gaze-Controlled Application Using Exponential Moving Average and Hidden Markov Model
* RTSformer: A Robust Toroidal Transformer With Spatiotemporal Features for Visual Tracking
* Speech Enhancement: A Review of Modern Methods
* Speech-Driven Gesture Generation Using Transformer-Based Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Supporting Human-Robot Interaction by Projected Augmented Reality and a Brain Interface
* Synergistic Formal-Statistical Model for Recognizing Complex Human Activities, A
* To Err is Automation: Can Trust be Repaired by the Automated Driving System After its Failure?
* Trust in Range Estimation System in Battery Electric Vehicles-A Mixed Approach
* Using B-Spline Model on Depth Camera Data to Predict Physical Activity Energy Expenditure of Different Levels of Human Exercise
* Utilizing Gramian Angular Fields and Convolution Neural Networks in Flex Sensors Glove for Human-Computer Interaction
* What Challenges Does the Full-Touch HMI Mode Bring to Driver's Lateral Control Ability? A Comparative Study Based on Real Roads
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