Update Dates 0301

0301 * *Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases
* 3-D active appearance models: segmentation of cardiac MR and ultrasound images
* 3-D face structure extraction and recognition from images using 3-D morphing and distance mapping
* 3-D freehand echocardiography for automatic left ventricle reconstruction and analysis based on multiple acoustic windows
* 3D nonrigid motion analysis under small deformations
* 3D object recognition using Bayesian geometric hashing and pose clustering
* Accurate and Efficient Bayesian Method for Automatic Segmentation of Brain MRI, An
* Accurate object localization in gray level images using the center of gravity measure: accuracy versus precision
* ACORD: An adaptive corner detector for planar curves
* Active shape model segmentation with optimal features
* adaptive color-based particle filter, An
* Adaptive elastic segmentation of brain MRI via shape-model-guided evolutionary programming
* Adaptive image denoising and edge enhancement in scale-space using the wavelet transform
* adaptive level set method for nondifferentiable constrained image recovery, An
* Adaptive local thresholding by verification-based multithreshold probing with application to vessel detection in retinal images
* Adaptive Rest Condition Potentials: First and Second Order Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Adaptive rood pattern search for fast block-matching motion estimation
* Adaptive runlength coding
* Adaptive skin color modeling using the skin locus for selecting training pixels
* Adaptive vector quantization with codebook updating based on locality and history
* Adjunctions in Pyramids, Curve Evolution and Scale-Spaces
* Adjustable Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Affine invariant classification and retrieval of texture images
* Algebraic and PDE Approaches for Lattice Scale-Spaces with Global Constraints
* algorithm for data-driven bandwidth selection, An
* Algorithmic and architectural co-design of a motion-estimation engine for low-power video devices
* Algorithms from statistical physics for generative models of images
* Allocation of layer bandwidths and FECs for video multicast over wired and wireless networks
* Ambiguous Configurations for the 1D Structure and Motion Problem
* Analysis of mammogram classification using a wavelet transform decomposition
* Analysis of new techniques to obtain quality training sets
* Analysis of vasculature for liver surgical planning
* Analytic determination of the pinhole collimator's point-spread function and RMS resolution with penetration
* Anti-aliasing weighting functions for single-slice helical CT
* Apodization functions for 2-d hexagonally sampled synthetic aperture imaging radiometers
* Application of bit-plane decomposition steganography to JPEG2000 encoded images
* Application of task-based measures of image quality to optimization and evaluation of three-dimensional reconstruction-based compensation methods in myocardial perfusion SPECT
* architecture of TrueViz: A groundTRUth/metadata editing and VIsualiZing ToolKit, The
* Atmospheric correction of landsat ETM+ land surface imagery Part II: Validation and Applications
* Automated 3-D echocardiography analysis compared with manual delineations and spect MUGA
* Automated analysis of brachial ultrasound image sequences: early detection of cardiovascular disease via surrogates of endothelial function
* Automated identification of buried landmines using normalized electromagnetic induction spectroscopy
* Automated surface inspection for statistical textures
* Automatic centerline extraction for virtual colonoscopy
* Automatic construction of multiple-object three-dimensional statistical shape models: application to cardiac modeling
* Automatic Crude Patch Registration: Toward Automatic 3D Model Building
* Automatic pipeline analysis of 3-D MRI data for clinical trials: application to multiple sclerosis
* Automatic segmentation of echocardiographic sequences by active appearance motion models
* Bayesian grid matching
* calibration method for fully polarimetric microwave radiometers, A
* Camera calibration from surfaces of revolution
* CBSA: content-based soft annotation for multimodal image retrieval using bayes point machines
* cellular coevolutionary algorithm for image segmentation, A
* Cellular neural networks and active contours: A tool for image segmentation
* Characterization of target symmetric scattering using polarimetric SARs
* Characterization of tomographic sampling in hybrid PET using the fourier crosstalk matrix
* Characterization of UXO-like targets using broadband electromagnetic induction sensors
* Circular shortest path in images
* class of discrete multiresolution random fields and its application to image segmentation, A
* Classification of multispectral images based on a fuzzy-possibilistic neural network
* coarse-to-fine deformable contour optimization framework, A
* Color image indexing using BTC
* Comments on non-iterative quality phase-gradient autofocus (QPGA) algorithm for spotlight SAR imagery
* comparative analysis of algorithms for fast computation of Zernike moments, A
* Comparative analysis of different approaches to target differentiation and localization with sonar
* Compression of 3-D triangle mesh sequences based on vertex-wise motion vector prediction
* Compression of Dynamic 3D Geometry Data Using Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Compression of the layered depth image
* Computational cost of nonrigid registration algorithms based on fluid dynamics
* Computerized detection of pulmonary embolism in spiral CT angiography based on volumetric image analysis
* congestion control strategy for multipoint videoconferencing, A
* Constant quality constrained rate allocation for FGS-coded video
* Constrained Structure and Motion from Multiple Uncalibrated Views of a Piecewise Planar Scene
* Content layer progressive coding of digital maps
* Content-based Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Processing Of Tree-structure Image Representation
* Content-based multiple bitstream image transmission over noisy channels
* Context-based entropy coding of block transform coefficients for image compression
* Context-driven fusion of high spatial and spectral resolution images based on oversampled multiresolution analysis
* Continuous medial representations for geometric object modeling in 2D and 3D
* Contour line and geographic feature extraction from USGS color topographical paper maps
* contribution of image processing to the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy-detection of exudates in color fundus images of the human retina, A
* Controlled accurate searches with balloons
* Convex set symmetry measurement using Blaschke addition
* Cortex Segmentation: A Fast Variational Geometric Approach
* Cramer-Rao bounds for parametric shape estimation in inverse problems
* Curvature Based Image Registration
* curve evolution approach to object-based tomographic reconstruction, A
* de-blocking algorithm and a blockiness metric for highly compressed images, A
* Dealing with 2D translation estimation in log-polar imagery
* Deformable triangular surfaces using fast 1-D radial Lagrangian dynamics-segmentation of 3-D MR and CT images of the wrist
* Deliberation with fast full-search block matching
* Design of optimal binary filters under joint multiresolution-envelope constraint
* Design, performance analysis, and implementation of a super-scalar video-on-demand system
* Detecting ellipses of limited eccentricity in images with high noise levels
* Determination of efficient transmission scheme for video-on-demand (VoD) services
* Differential Invariants as the Base of Triangulated Surface Registration
* Digital Curvature Flow and Its Application for Skeletonization
* Digital Distance Transforms in 3D Images Using Information from Neighbourhoods up to 5󬊅
* Digital stereo image analyzer for generating automated 3-D measures of optic disc deformation in glaucoma
* Dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data using discrete wavelet transform feature extraction
* Discrete-time self-similar systems and stable distributions: applications to VBR video modeling
* Distance Measure and a Feature Likelihood Map Concept for Scale-Invariant Model Matching, A
* Do singular values contain adequate information for face recognition?
* Document image segmentation using wavelet scale-space features
* Drift compensation for reduced spatial resolution transcoding
* Dual-T-Snakes model for medical imaging segmentation
* Dynamic Textures
* Echocardiographic strain and strain-rate imaging: a new tool to study regional myocardial function
* Edge displacement field-based classification for improved detection of polyps in CT colonography
* Effects of multiple-pass filtering in lossless predictive compression of waveform data
* efficient 3D mesh compression technique based on triangle fan structure, An
* Efficient and configurable full-search block-matching processors
* Efficient Computation of the Euclidean Distance Transform
* Efficient Content-based Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Organization And Optimal Relevance Feedback
* Efficient DCT-domain blind measurement and reduction of blocking artifacts
* efficient encoding algorithm for vector quantization based on subvector technique, An
* Efficient face candidates selector for face detection
* Efficient fully 3-D iterative SPECT reconstruction with monte carlo-based scatter compensation
* Efficient half-quadratic regularization with granularity control
* Efficient model-based quantification of left ventricular function in 3-D echocardiography
* Efficient video similarity measurement with video signature
* Efficiently synthesizing virtual video
* Embedded color image coding using SPIHT with partially linked spatial orientation trees
* Enhancement of coded video sequences via an adaptive nonlinear post-processing
* Enhancing prototype reduction schemes with LVQ3-type algorithms
* Enhancing the semantic interoperability of multimedia through a core ontology
* Error-resilient image coding (ERIC) with smart-IDCT error concealment technique for wireless multimedia transmission
* Estimation of the fundamental matrix from uncalibrated stereo hand images for 3D hand gesture recognition
* Evaluating MPEG-4 video decoding complexity for an alternative video complexity verifier model
* Evaluation of 3D Operators for the Detection of Anatomical Point Landmarks in MR and CT Images
* Existential uncertainty of spatial objects segmented from satellite sensor imagery
* Extensions of LDA by PCA mixture model and class-wise features
* Extracting Salient Image Features Using Outlier Detection Techniques
* Extraction of perceptually important colors and similarity measurement for image matching, retrieval, and analysis
* Extraction of the Euclidean skeleton based on a connectivity criterion
* Eye-movement-controlled transform image coders
* Face alignment using texture-constrained active shape models
* Face Annotation for Family Photo Album Management
* Fast algorithms for foveated video processing
* fast and reliable system for 3D surface acquisition and reconstruction, A
* Fast gradient methods based on global motion estimation for video compression
* fast incremental approach for accurate measurement of the displacement field, A
* Fast Local and Global Projection-Based Methods for Affine Motion Estimation
* Fast local motion-compensation algorithm for video sequences with brightness variations
* Fast matching pursuit with vector norm comparison
* Fast motion estimation for shape coding in MPEG-4
* Fast motion estimation of arbitrarily shaped video objects in MPEG-4
* Faster Similarity Search For Multimedia Data Via Query Transformations
* Feature transfer and matching in disparate stereo views through the use of plane homographies
* Feature-Based Image Analysis
* Feature-guided shape-based image interpolation
* finite ridgelet transform for image representation, The
* FIRE: Fractal Indexing with Robust Extensions for Image Databases
* Flux-based anisotropic diffusion applied to enhancement of 3-D angiogram
* Four-dimensional wavelet compression of arbitrarily sized echocardiographic data
* Frame-Rate Spatial Referencing Based on Invariant Indexing and Alignment with Application to Online Retinal Image Registration
* Frequency layered color indexing for content-based image retrieval
* Fresnelets: new multiresolution wavelet bases for digital holography
* Function-described graphs for modelling objects represented by sets of attributed graphs
* Functional MRI activity characterization using response time shift estimates from curve evolution
* Fuzzy Distance Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
* fuzzy hybrid learning algorithm for radial basis function neural network with application in human face recognition, A
* Gaussian-based edge-detection methods: A Survey
* General-tree-structured vector quantizer for image progressive coding using the smooth side-match method
* Generalization of median root prior reconstruction
* Generalized ellipsoids and anisotropic filtering for segmentation improvement in 3D medical imaging
* generalized surveillance model with applications to systems safety, A
* Geometric Invariant Shape Representations Using Morphological Multiscale Analysis
* Geometry and Texture Recovery of Scenes of Large Scale
* global solution to sparse correspondence problems, A
* Graphical gaussian shape models and their application to image segmentation
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Imaging Science
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Scale-Space and Morphology
* Halftoning via direct binary search using analytical and stochastic printer models
* HAMMER: Hierarchical Attribute Matching Mechanism for Elastic Registration
* Handwritten chinese radical recognition using nonlinear active shape models
* HDTV-to-SDTV spatial transcoder, An
* head-mounted operating binocular for augmented reality visualization in medicine-design and initial evaluation, A
* High resolution image formation from low resolution frames using Delaunay triangulation
* High-resolution measurements with a spaceborne pencil-beam scatterometer using combined range/doppler discrimination techniques
* high-resolution technique for ultrasound harmonic imaging using sparse representations in gabor frames, A
* HUT fully polarimetric calibration standard for microwave radiometry
* Illumination from shadows
* Image processing and analysis in drug discovery and clinical trials
* Image retrieval by texture similarity
* Image segmentation by histogram thresholding using fuzzy sets
* Imaging of spatiotemporal coincident states by DC optical tomography
* Immunofluorescence imaging as a tool for studying the pharmacokinetics of a human monoclonal single chain fragment antibody
* Impacts of verification on a numeral string recognition system
* Implementation, calibration and accuracy testing of an image-enhanced endoscopy system
* Improving mine recognition through processing and Dempster-Shafer fusion of ground-penetrating radar data
* IMPSAC: Synthesis of Importance Sampling and Random Sample Consensus
* Incorporating illumination constraints in deformable models for shape from shading and light direction estimation
* Inferring shape evolution
* Integrated surface model optimization for freehand three-dimensional echocardiography
* Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Relevance Feedback
* Introduction to the special issue on conceptual and dynamical aspects of multimedia content description
* Iterative key frame selection in the rate-constraint environment
* Joint-MAP Bayesian tomographic reconstruction with a gamma-mixture prior
* Kinematics of the heart: strain-rate imaging from time-resolved three-dimensional phase contrast MRI
* knowledge-based approach to automatic detection of the spinal cord in ct images, A
* laboratory of neuro imaging: What it is, why it is, and how it came to be, The
* Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces
* Learning a semantic space from user's relevance feedback for image retrieval
* Learning and understanding dynamic scene activity: a review
* Left ventricular volume estimation for real-time three-dimensional echocardiography
* Likelihood maximization approach to image registration
* Linear color-separable human visual system models for vector error diffusion halftoning
* linear source model and a unified rate control algorithm for DCT video coding, A
* linear time algorithm for computing exact euclidean distance transforms of binary images in arbitrary dimensions, A
* Linear-time connected-component labeling based on sequential local operations
* Local Multichannel Deconvolution
* Longitudinal aliasing in multislice helical computed tomography: sampling and cone-beam effects
* Lossless image compression with multiscale segmentation
* low complexity approximation of probabilistic appearance models, A
* low memory zerotree coding for arbitrarily shaped objects, A
* Low-delay and error-robust wireless video transmission for video communications
* Low-power motion vector estimation using iterative search block-matching methods and a high-speed non-destructive CMOS image sensor
* M2Tracker: A Multi-View Approach to Segmenting and Tracking People in a Cluttered Scene
* MAP Framework for Tag Line Detection in SPAMM Data Using Markov Random Fields on the B-Spline Solid, A
* Mapping performance of curved-path SAR
* Mathematical generation of normal data for evaluating myocardial perfusion studies
* Maximizing user utility in video streaming applications
* Measures of folding applied to the development of the human fetal brain
* Mesh optimization for surface approximation using an efficient coarse-to-fine evolutionary algorithm
* Method for detecting optical errors in large surface panels
* Method for Fine Registration of Multiple View Range Images Considering the Measurement Error Properties, A
* Method for three-dimensional data registration from disparate imaging modalities in the NOGA myocardial viability trial
* Method of and apparatus for detecting a face-like region and observer tracking display
* Methods and systems for real-time structured light depth extraction and endoscope using real-time structured light depth extraction
* Minimizing Latency and Jitter for Large-Scale Multimedia Repositories Through Prefix Caching
* Minimizing the total variation under a general convex constraint for image restoration
* Mirror symmetry ==> 2-view stereo geometry
* Model evaluation and calibration for prospective respiratory motion correction in coronary MR angiography based on 3-D image registration
* Model-based control of image acquisition
* Model-based imaging of cardiac electrical excitation in humans
* model-based mixture-supervised classification approach in hyperspectral data analysis, A
* Model-Based Registration of Front- and Backviews of Rotationally Symmetric Objects
* Modeling and reduction of SAR Interferometric phase noise in the wavelet domain
* Modeling of 2D+1 texture movies for video coding
* Modeling visual interactive systems through dynamic visual languages
* modular approach to facial feature segmentation on real sequences, A
* Moment forms invariant to rotation and blur in arbitrary number of dimensions
* Morphologically Optimal Strategy for Classifier Combinaton: Multiple Expert Fusion as a Tomographic Process, A
* Motion analysis and segmentation through spatio-temporal slices processing
* Motion detecting apparatus, motion detecting method, and storage medium storing motion detecting program for avoiding incorrect detection
* Motion in human and machine: a virtual fatigue approach
* Multi-band modelling of appearance
* Multicodebook split vector quantization of LSF parameters
* Multifoveal imager for stereo applications
* Multiframe error concealment for MPEG-coded video delivery over error-prone networks
* Multifrequency InSAR height reconstruction through maximum likelihood estimation of local planes parameters
* Multilevel classification of milling tool wear with confidence estimation
* Multimodal Neighborhood Signature for Modeling Object Color Appearance and Applications in Object Recognition and Image Retrieval, The
* Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of noisy combustion processes
* Multiple classifiers applied to multisource remote sensing data
* multiscale approach to connectivity, A
* Multispectral image segmentation using the rough-set-initialized EM algorithm
* Necklaces: Inhomogeneous and Point-Enhanced Deformable Models
* new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms, A
* new deformable model for analysis of X-ray CT images in preclinical studies of mice for polycystic kidney disease, A
* New Easy Camera Calibration Technique Based on Circular Points, A
* new JPEG2000 region-of-interest image coding method: Partial significant bitplanes shift, A
* new scattering mechanism enhancement scheme for polarimetric SAR images, A
* Nonlinearities and Noise Reduction in 3-Source Photometric Stereo
* Nonuniform azimuth image shift observed in the radarsat images of ships in motion
* Note on Two Classical Enhancement Filters and Their Associated PDE's, A
* Novel Cross-Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation, A
* novel face recognition system using hybrid neural and dual eigenspaces methods, A
* novel fingerprint image compression technique using wavelets packets and pyramid lattice vector quantization, A
* novel lacunarity estimation method applied to SAR image segmentation, A
* novel measurement technique to assess the effects of coronary brachytherapy in clinical trials, A
* novel stroke extraction method for Chinese characters using Gabor filters, A
* Numerical Schemes of Shock Filter Models for Image Enhancement and Restoration
* Object models in multiscale intrinsic coordinates via m-reps
* Object representation and recognition in shape spaces
* Object-based video abstraction for video surveillance systems
* Object-based video coding by global-to-local motion segmentation
* observation-constrained generative approach for probabilistic classification of image regions, An
* Observing Shape from Defocused Images
* On a relaxation-labeling algorithm for real-time contour-based image similarity retrieval
* On Advances in Statistical Modeling of Natural Images
* On aligning curves
* On the security of the digest function in the SARI image authentication system
* Online model modification for adaptive texture recognition in image sequences
* Optimal edge-based shape detection
* Optimized support vector machines for nonstationary signal classification
* Optimizing channel allocation in a unified video-on-demand system
* Outlier modeling in image matching
* Overall view regarding fundamental matrix estimation
* Overlap-save convolution applied to wavelet analysis
* Pair-Wise Range Image Registration: A Study in Outlier Classification
* Parallel Evolutionary Registration of Range Data
* Pattern classification using fuzzy relational calculus
* Perceptual Organization Based Computational Model for Robust Segmentation of Moving Objects
* Perceptually stable regions for arbitrary polygons
* PET imaging-based evaluation of aerosol drugs and their delivery devices: nasal and pulmonary studies
* Phase-based multidimensional volume registration
* Physics-based flow estimation of fluids
* Polarimetric scattering indexes and information entropy of the SAR imagery for surface monitoring
* Polarization-Based Vision through Haze
* Polling an image for circles by random lines
* Polyhedral Model Retrieval Using Weighted Point Sets
* Polyhedral Object Localization in an Image by Referencing to a Single Model View
* Postprocessing of decoded color images by adaptive linear filtering
* Predictive (un)distortion model and 3-D reconstruction by biplane snakes
* Predictive line search: an efficient motion estimation algorithm for MPEG-4 encoding systems on multimedia processors
* Preparing an urban test site for SRTM data validation
* Primal sketch feature extraction from a log-polar image
* Principal-components-based display strategy for spectral imagery
* proof of the spherical homeomorphism conjecture for surfaces, A
* Quantification of small cerebral ventricular volume changes in treated growth hormone patients using nonrigid registration
* range scanner with a virtual laser, A
* Rapid elastic image registration for 3-D ultrasound
* Rate-Constrained Multihypothesis Prediction for Motion-Compensated Video Compression
* Rate-distortion modeling for multiscale binary shape coding based on markov random fields
* Recent developments in human motion analysis
* Reconstruction in diffraction ultrasound tomography using nonuniform FFT
* Reconstruction of partially damaged face images based on a morphable face model
* Refreshment need metrics for improved shape and texture object-based resilient video coding
* Registration and Integration of Multiple Range Images by Matching Signed Distance Fields for Object Shape Modeling
* Registration of Multiple Acoustic Range Views for Underwater Scene Reconstruction
* Regularized discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition
* Representation and Self-Similarity of Shapes
* review of cardiac image registration methods, A
* review of speckle filtering in the context of estimation theory, A
* Road detection in dense urban areas using SAR imagery and the usefulness of multiple views
* Robust adaptive spot segmentation of DNA microarray images
* robust classification procedure based on mixture classifiers and nonparametric weighted feature extraction, A
* Robust H.263+ video transmission using partial backward decodable bit stream (PBDBS)
* robust scheme for live detection of human faces in color images, A
* Robust support vector machine with bullet hole image classification
* Robust tracking of human body parts for collaborative human computer interaction
* ROPES: a semiautomated segmentation method for accelerated analysis of three-dimensional echocardiographic data
* Rotation-invariant texture feature for image retrieval
* Rough set methods in feature selection and recognition
* Saliency Sequential Surface Organization for Free-Form Object Recognition
* SAR interferometry and statistical topography
* SAR speckle reduction using wavelet denoising and markov random field modeling
* Satellite Image Deblurring Using Complex Wavelet Packets
* scalable MPEG-4 wavelet-based visual texture compression system with optimized memory organization, A
* Scalable video coding with managed drift
* Scale Space Hierarchy
* Scene extraction in motion pictures
* Segmentation and tracking of migrating cells in videomicroscopy with parametric active contours: a tool for cell-based drug testing
* Segmentation of connected handwritten numeral strings
* Segmentation of touching characters in printed Devnagari and Bangla scripts using fuzzy multifactorial analysis
* Segmentation with Depth but Without Detecting Junctions
* Selection of Optimal Stopping Time for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Selective removal of impulse noise based on homogeneity level information
* Self-localizing dynamic microphone arrays
* Self-organizing codebooks for trellis-coded VQ
* Self-recalibration of a colour-encoded light system for automated 3-D measurements
* Semantic Video Transcoding Using Classes Of Relevance
* Semi-automatic object-based video segmentation with labeling of color segments
* Semiautomatic video object segmentation using vsnakes
* shape-based image retrieval method using salient edges, A
* Similarity-based Subsequence Search In Image Sequence Databases
* Spaceborne lidar calibration from cirrus and molecular backscatter returns
* Spatially adaptive multiplicative noise image denoising technique
* Spatio-temporal shape building from image sequences using lateral interaction in accumulative computation
* Special Issue on Registration and Fusion of Range Images
* Speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion
* Speckle removal from SAR images in the undecimated wavelet domain
* Stable DFT codes and frames
* statistical approach to multi-scale edge detection, A
* Statistical edge detection: learning and evaluating edge cues
* Statistical Shape Knowledge in Variational Motion Segmentation
* Stochastic differential equations and geometric flows
* Strategies for learning in class imbalance problems
* Structural pattern recognition using genetic algorithms with specialized operators
* Structure and texture filling-in of missing image blocks in wireless transmission and compression applications
* study of real-time packet video quality using random neural networks, A
* study of the motion and deformation of the heart due to respiration, A
* Suboptimal minimum cluster volume cover-based method for measuring fractal dimension
* Subsurface object sensing with a multifrequency microwave radiometer
* Successive refinement lattice vector quantization
* Sum versus vote fusion in multiple classifier systems
* Superellipse fitting to partial data
* support vector machine approach for detection of microcalcifications, A
* survey of video processing techniques for traffic applications, A
* survey on industrial vision systems, applications and tools, A
* symmetry-based coarse classification method for chinese characters, A
* Template matching based object recognition with unknown geometric parameters
* Text region extraction in a document image based on the Delaunay tessellation
* texture replacement method at the encoder for bit-rate reduction of compressed video, A
* Three-dimensional cardiovascular image analysis
* Three-dimensional topographic mapping with ASTER stereo data in rugged topography
* Thresholding for Change Detection
* Topographic SAR interferometry formulation for high-precision DEM generation
* Topological Zone Organization of Scalar Volume Data
* Tracking leukocytes in vivo with shape and size constrained active contours
* Traffic sign recognition and analysis for intelligent vehicles
* Transform image coding with global thresholding: Application to baseline JPEG
* Transformation-invariant clustering using the EM algorithm
* Two bayesian methods for junction classification
* Ultra-wideband continuous-wave random noise arc-SAR
* Uncalibrated Motion Capture Exploiting Articulated Structure Constraints
* Uncalibrated three-view image rectification
* Unconstrained handwritten character recognition based on fuzzy logic
* Understanding phase maps in MRI: a new cutline phase unwrapping method
* Understanding the Behavior of SFM Algorithms: A Geometric Approach
* Unsupervised feature selection applied to content-based retrieval of lung images
* Urban object reconstruction using airborne laser elevation image and aerial image
* Using an ICA representation of local color histograms for object recognition
* Using Human Perceptual Categories for Content-Based Retrieval from a Medical Image Database
* Using selective correlation coefficient for robust image registration
* utility of MPEG-7 systems in audio-visual applications with multiple streams, The
* Validation of medical image processing in image-guided therapy
* Variable complexity DCT approximations driven by an HVQ-based analyzer
* Variable dimension range and domain block-based fractal image coding
* Variational Framework for Retinex, A
* Vector Distance Functions, The
* Velocity-Guided Tracking of Deformable Contours in Three Dimensional Space
* Video object tracking with feedback of performance measures
* Video segmentation based on 2D image analysis
* Views or Points of View on Images
* Virtual 3-D interface system via hand motion recognition from two cameras
* Virtual tagging: numerical considerations and phantom validation
* Visual contour tracking based on particle filters
* Visual identification by signature tracking
* Visualization of learning in multilayer perceptron networks using principal component analysis
* Visually improved image compression by combining a conventional wavelet-codec with texture modeling
* VLSI architecture for video-object segmentation, A
* Volume rendering of segmented image objects
* Volumetric segmentation of brain images using parallel genetic algorithms
* Watersnakes: Energy-Driven Watershed Segmentation
* Wavelet modeling of contour deformations in Sobolev spaces for fitting and tracking applications
* wavelet transform coder supporting browsing and transmission of sea ice SAR imagery, A
* wavelet transform with point-symmetric extension at tile boundaries, A
* Wavelet-Based Color Image Compression: Exploiting the Contrast Sensitivity Function
* When is the Shape of a Scene Unique Given its Light-Field: A Fundamental Theorem of 3D Vision?
* X-ray computed tomography methods for in vivo evaluation of local drug release systems
433 for 0301

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.