* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* Adaptive lifting integer wavelet transform for lossless image compression
* Advanced interactive television services require content synchronization
* Automatic face detection based on chrominance components analysis
* Automatic natural and man-made scene differentiation using perspective geometrical properties of the scenes
* Automatic texture segmentation based on k-means clustering and efficient calculation of co-occurrence features
* Bhattacharyya probabilistic distance of the Dirichlet density and its application to Split-and-Merge image segmentation
* Case study: Digital offset printing- resolution and color reproduction
* Coarse adaptive color image segmentation for visual object classification
* Comparation of QoS parameters of received IPTV signals, using different compression algorithms for streaming Live or Stored AV Materials
* comprehensive ICP (CICP) algorithm and its application to the multidmoal registration of 3D surfaces of the heart, The
* Computational system to detect defects in mounted and bare PCB Based on connectivity and image correlation
* Computing the 3D face recognition based on pseudo 2D Hidden Markov Models using geodesic distances
* Content-based image retrieval using feature extraction and statistical pattern recognition techniques for environmental applications
* Correlation optimized scanning of segmented images
* Detecting shot transitions based on video content
* Developments in Distributed Video Coding
* Diffusion-based image denoising combining curvelet and wavelet
* Digital image watermarking by adaptive quantization of wavelet packet coefficients
* effective salience-based algorithm for shape retrieval, An
* Efficient presentation of DICOM mammography images using Matlab
* Efficient sign language video representation
* Efficient video analytics to overcome command latency for Mega-pixel video transmission over ethernet
* Enhanced fingerprint verification through novel matching modality
* Experiments with application of image reconstruction method based on perspective imaging techniques in X-ray CT mini system
* fast indexing and retrieval method for image databases, A
* Fingerprint verification using filter-bank of Gabor and Log Gabor filters
* Hidden influences on image quality when comparing interpolation methods
* Hierarchical method for building extraction in urban area's images using unsharp masking [USM] and Bayesian classifier
* Hybrid ARQ error control for broadcast or multicast in wireless networks
* hybrid block-matching approach to motion estimation with adaptive search area, A
* Image database organization based on membership values and connectivity graph
* Image registration based on physical forces
* Improving Potts MRF model parameter estimation using higher-order neighborhood systems on stochastic image modeling
* information theory based image processing chain for change detection in Earth Observation, An
* interactive video content-based retrieval system, An
* Introducing a new metric for automatic true color images granulometry
* Introduction to implementation of real time video compression method
* Iterative unsupervised object detection system
* Localization of cardiac cavities using hierarchically search in 2D grayscale ultrasound images
* Multimodal biometric authentication using speech and hand geometry fusion
* new adaptive Kalman filtering method for block-based motion estimation, A
* New objective criterion for error evaluation of video object contour
* new simple context lossless image coding algorithm based on adaptive context arithmetic coder, A
* new technique to threshold the courtesy amount of Brazilian bank checks, A
* non-uniform image compression using genetic algorithm, A
* novel corner detector with integrated corner angle computation, A
* On Residual Vector Quantization for texture mapping
* Out of focus blur estimation using genetic algorithm
* Phase unwrapping via diversity and graph cuts
* Real time localization and 3D depth estimation across disparate sensing systems: Toward hazard aware and tele-immersive spaces
* Recognition of selected fingerprints and iris features enhanced by curvelet transform with Artificial Neural Networks
* Retrieving images using content-based followed by pixel-based search
* Robust digital watermarking in color images
* Segmentation of 3D points from range camera data using scanlines
* Simple and efficient deblocking algorithm for H.264/AVC decoder
* Soccer video segmentation: Referee and player detection
* Study and analysis of a new detector of radar targets using CFAR with Gabor transform
* Subjective and objective quality evaluation of the H.264/AVC coded video
* Transform based system for traffic sign recognition
* unifying framework for color image calibration, A
* Various filtering methods of motion vector fields
* Video summarization by a graph-theoretic FCM based algorithm
* Visual analysis of urban road traffic
* VSUMM: A simple and efficient approach for automatic video summarization
65 for WSSIP08
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* 90nm Manchester Code Generator with CMOS Switches Running at 2.4GHz and 5GHz, A
* Accuracy of Propagation Models for Distance Measurement between WSN Nodes, The
* Adaptive Change Detection
* Adding Voicing Features into Speech Recognition Based on HMM in Slovak
* Admission Control as a Non-Cooperative Multi-Stage Game between Wireless Networks
* Advance PVR Applications in IMS Based IPTV Environment
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16 Enhanced with Decentrally Controlled Relays
* Analysis of Scanning Time in IEEE802.16m's Handover Procedure, The
* Applying Graph Theory on Protein-Protein Interaction Data
* Applying Multi-Agents Technologies in Industrial Plants
* Automatic Multi-Agent Web Image and Associated Keywords Retrieval System, An
* Bed Status Detection for Elder-Care Center
* Bilateral Asymmetry Detection in Digital Mammography Using B-Spline Interpolation
* Camera Array Management Based on UPnP Security
* Class-Based Search Algorithm for Inter Mode Prediction of H.264/AVC
* Color Face Hallucination with the Linear Regression Model and MPCA in HSV Space, The
* Comparative Experiments to Evaluate a CHMM-Based Identification Approach to Naval Targets
* Comparative Experiments to Evaluate the Use of Syllables for the Improvement of Automatic Recognition of Dysarthric Speech
* Comparative Study to Evaluate a Text-Independent Speaker Identification Engine for Arabic Speakers Using a CHMM-Based Approach, A
* Comparison of Dirac and H.264/AVC Coding Quality Using Objective Video Quality Measures
* Complete System for Vehicle License Plate Recognition, A
* Computing Orthogonal Moments in Biomedical Imaging
* Core Power Losses Estimation of Wound Core Distribution Transformers with Support Vector Machines
* Cramer-Rao Bound-Based Evaluation of Texture Extraction from SAR Images
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Parameter Estimation of Multiexponential Signals
* Damage Assessment Based on SAR Image Analysis: Flood Scenario for Romanian Eastern Carpathian Region
* Delay Performance of Session Establishment Signaling in IP Multimedia Subsystem
* Detection of Masses in Mammograms Using Cellular Neural Networks, Hidden Markov Models and Ripley's K Function
* Detection System for Traffic Road Signs in Surrounding Environment
* Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks: The AWISSENET Distributed Intrusion Detection System, A
* Distributed Multimedia Metadata Tracking and Management: An Ontology-Based Approach with Use of RSS
* Dynamic Frame Rate Adjustment for Real-Time Video in Vehicular Networks
* Efficient Cross Layer Intra and Inter Domain Mobility Solution for IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX, An
* Efficient Detection of Routing Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Efficient Distributed Event Scheduling Algorithm for Large Scale Wireless Communications Simulation Modelling, An
* Empirical Study of Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Evacuation Planning through Cognitive Crowd Tracking
* FAST Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering, A
* Fast and Robust Object Tracking Using Image Foresting Transform
* Femtocells in 3G Mobile Networks
* Fuzzy Logic Power Control in Cognitive Radio
* Hartley Phase Cepstrum as a Tool for Improved Phase Estimation, The
* Health Monitoring through an Attention-Based Agent
* Hierarchical Discovery of Patterns of Infections in Chest Radiographs Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Image Restoration Via Fast Computing of the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix
* Impact of Model Based Despeckling on Soil Moisture Estimation, The
* Influence of Hangover and Hangbefore Criteria on Automatic Speech Recognition
* Influence of Noise on IPTV over xDSL
* Influence of Speech/Non-Speech Segmentation on On-Line and Off-Line Speaker Segmentation Accuracy, The
* Influence of the Wavelet Family in the Compression-Denoising Technique on Synthetic and Natural Images
* Infrared Face Recognition by Optimum-Path Forest
* Intelligent Detection of SNM in Liquid Containers
* Interference Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks in a Digital Broadcasting Spectrum Environment
* Interpretation of Coherence Phase and Rhythmic Cumulant Results: A Simulation Study
* IPTV-P2P Clients at Home
* Iris-Based Human Verification System: A Research Prototype
* Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Logotype Detection Concept in Video Stream Based on Features Extraction and Features Clustering from Contours and Colors
* Low-Complexity Voice Activity Detector Using Periodicity and Energy Ratio
* Low-Complexity Voice Detector for Mobile Environments
* Low-Power Security Modules Optimized for WSNs
* Macroscopic Rock Texture Image Classification Using an Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy System
* Measurement System for a Magnetostrictive Torque Sensor
* Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Using Genomic Signals
* Mobile TV Targeted Advertisement and Content Personalization
* Model of Degradation of Color Values in a Reproduction Process, The
* Modeling and Implementation of the Complex Telecommunication Systems Using the High Performance Computing Resources
* Modular Logic Approach for P2P Networks: A Deductive Object Oriented Framework for P2P Networks, A
* Multi Channel EOG Signal Recognition for an Embedded Eye Movement Tracking Device
* Multi-Dimensional Similarity Modeling and Relevance Feedback Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval., A
* New Low-Cost HF RFID Loop Antenna Concept for Metallic Environments, A
* Non-Linear Analysis and Time Series Prediction of an Electrical Analogue of the Mechanical Double Pendulum
* On Determining Slope and Derivative of Curve Components in a Binary Image
* On Line Measurements and Visualization of Distances in WSN with RSSI Parameter
* On the Fly Semantic Annotation and Modelling of Multimedia
* On Using Lacunarity for Diagnosis of Breast Diseases Considering Thermal Images
* On-Line Speech/Music Segmentation for Broadcast News Domain
* Optimal Distributed Kalman and Lainiotis Filters: Optimal Uniform Distribution of Measurements into Local Processors
* Optimum-Path Forest-Based Rainfall Estimation
* PCA Approach on Morphological Classification of Galaxies
* Performance Evaluation of a Flooding Detection Mechanism for VoIP Networks
* Performance of the Orthogonal Moments in Reconstructing Biomedical Images
* Personal Identification Using Combined Biometrics Techniques
* Personalization for Digital Television Using Recommendation System strategy
* Personalization Mechanisms for Content Indexing, Search, Retrieval and Presentation in a Multimedia Search Engine
* PIDALION: Implementation Issues of a Java-Based Multimedia Search Engine over the Web
* Pitch Detection Algorithms and Voiced/Unvoiced Classification for Noisy Speech
* Playing Games with Internal Attackers Repeatedly
* PoRaC-Positioning Systems by Radio Communication: A Students' Search for New Applications
* Preliminary Attempt to Create a Unified Model for Obtaining and Processing Geodata: Geodata Information Sharing, A
* Progressive Approaches to Education of Modern Modulation Methods
* Quantitative Evaluation of Privacy in Location Based Services, A
* Real Time Ball Detection Framework For Soccer Video, A
* Real Time Eye-Motion Monitoring System, A
* Real Time Feature-Based Parallel Morphing in GPU Applied to Texture-Based Animation
* Reflectance Measurement System for Skin Color Modeling in Chromaticity Color Space
* Reflectivity Estimation Using Expectation Maximization Algorithm in Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation
* Regularization of Complex SAR Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Representing Geographic Information in Multidimensional XML: Appling Dimensions in Spatial Databases
* Resource Recommendation Using Adaptive Automaton
* Riccati Equation Solution Method for the Computation of the Extreme Solutions of X+A*X-1A=Q and X-A*X-1A=Q
* Scalable Low-Cost Automated Storage and Retrieval System, A
* Securing Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Location Information
* Simulation Tool for RFID Anti-Collision Algorithms Based on ALOHA, A
* Skin Detection Applied to Multi-Racial Images
* Smart ZIGBEE Based Wireless Sensor Meter System, A
* Soil Moisture Estimation with TerraSAR-X: With Dubois Empirical Model
* Spatial Masking and Perceived Video Quality in Multimedia Applications
* Square Roots of Total Boolean Matrices: Enumeration Issues
* Steady-State and Transient Evaluation of FPAA Implemented Analog Filters Using a MLS System Analyzer
* System for Real-Time Lossless and Near-Lossless Video Compression, A
* Towards the Mathematic Formalization of Parametric Generalized Cylinders and Initial Results in Modeling 3D Image Data
* Traffic Characterization in IP Multimedia Subsystem
* Use of Coherence Measurements between EEG and EMG on Identification of the Myoclonus Locus
* Using a Fuzzy Inference System to Reduce False Positives in Intrusion Detection
* W-EHR: A Wireless Distributed Framework for Secure Dissemination of Electronic Healthcare Records
* Watermarking Scheme Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Error-Correction Codes
* Wide-Scale Video Conferencing over Radio Network Infrastructure
119 for WSSIP09
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* 15 watt high efficiency gunn diode transmitter for measurement-while-drilling wireless system
* Application for brain tumour imaging
* Application of web controlled fibre optic refractometer
* Background subtraction-based multiple object tracking using particle filter
* Bluetooth signal strength based indoor localization method, A
* Boosting audio chord estimation using multiple classifiers
* boundless spaces of expanded multimedia, The
* Cluster-based protocol structures in WSNs
* Colour space transforms for improved video compression
* Comparing results of thermographic images based diagnosis for breast diseases
* Comparison of algebraic reconstruction techniques for tomosynthesis
* Computer vision and laser scanner road environment perception
* Crowdsourced subjective Video Quality Assessment
* Data dimension reduction in training strategy for face recognition system
* Depth-based image processing for 3d video rendering applications
* Detecting M2M traffic in mobile cellular networks
* Detection of areas containing microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Detection of duplicated image regions using cellular automata
* Detection of duplicated regions in images using 1D-Fourier transform
* Double (0, 1, 2) representation modulo-(2n^3) adders
* Effectively integrating a course on biometrics in a computer vision master's degree
* efficient troubleshooting testing scenario for IPTV over DSL: Preliminary discussion, An
* Embedded image processing system for cloud-based applications
* Equipment for extract behavioral transmitter models for the new communication telemetry system design
* Evaluation of static Hand Gesture algorithms
* Fast segmentation, conversion and rendering of volumetric data using GPU
* Fast view synthesis using platelet-based depth representation
* Feature contours fusion for determining segment boundaries in audio data
* Future of Mobile TV in Bosnia and Herzegovina
* Fuzzy logic controllers for Mobile robot navigation in unknown environment using Kinect sensor
* Fuzzy UV-disparity based approach for obstacles avoidance, A
* Hand pose estimation using support vector machines with evolutionary training
* Helper data scheme for 2D cancelable face recognition using bloom filters
* HVS based iterative hard thresholding recovery for compressive sensed image
* ICA and IVA: Theory, connections, and applications to medical imaging
* impact of boundary conditions in patient-specific coronary blood flow simulation, The
* Improvement in non-linear guitar loudspeaker sound reproduction
* Leveraging public posts and comments as covert channels
* License plate detection and recognition in complex scenes using mathematical morphology and support vector machines
* MIMO channel measurements on a ionospheric HF (3-30 MHz) radio link
* MobileSense: A robust sound classification system for mobile applications
* Mobility using first and second derivatives for kernel-based regression in wireless sensor networks
* Monitoring of pantograph-catenary interaction by using particle swarm based contact wire tracking
* Narrowband interference estimation for OFDM based on power spectral density functions
* Narrowband interference mitigation for SDR based DAB/DAB+ receivers
* Network on chips link bandwidth minimization of deadlock-free multi-path routing
* new approach towards increased security in cyber-physical systems, A
* new image segmentation method based On 3-dimensional entropic thresholding using a 3-dimensional (GLLALE) histogram, A
* New trends in content delivery networks
* Nonseparable Laplacian pyramids with multiscale local polynomials for scattered data
* On queueing delay in WSN with energy saving mechanism based on queued wake up
* Optical disc system for long term archiving of multi-media content
* Palmprint recognition using local and global features
* Performances of low-level audio classifiers for large-scale music similarity
* portability evaluation of Brazilian Portuguese voices produced with MARY TTS, A
* Possible use of texture parameters to corrosion evolution analysis
* Rate-distortion approach to bit allocation in lossy image set compression
* Routing metric selection and design for multi-purpose WSN
* SAR patch scene categorization
* Self-organizing maps based 3D normal mesh compression
* Signal processing algorithms for temperauture drift in a MEMS-gyro-based head mouse
* Spectral and textural features for automatic classification of fricatives using SVM
* Study of Link Quality Indicator for possible usage in angle of arrival estimation
* Towards fixed facial features face recognition
* Two stage Real-Time stereo correspondence algorithm and FPGA architecture using a modified Generalized Hough transform
* Video and depth bitrate allocation in multiview compression
* Video quality in AVC homogenous transcoding
* Video streaming protocol extension for session control and authorization
69 for WSSIP14
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* adaptive clustering approach for group detection in the crowd, An
* Advance flood detection and notification system based on sensor technology and machine learning algorithm
* Alcohol and the oculomotor neural circuit: System identification, a delay-based approach
* Applied machine learning classifiers for medical applications: Clarifying the behavioural patterns using a variety of datasets
* Approximated RPCA for fast and efficient recovery of corrupted and linearly correlated images and video frames
* Assessing the performance bounds of local feature detectors: Taking inspiration from electronics design practices
* Assessment of stenosis introduced flow resistance in CCTA-reconstructed coronary arteries
* automated image processing system for the detection of photoreceptor cells in adaptive optics retinal images, An
* Automatic detection of injuries in mammograms using image analysis techniques
* Automatic segmentation of masses in digital mammograms using particle swarm optimization and graph clustering
* Bo(V)W models for object recognition from video
* Change detection based on graph cuts
* Clustering algorithms for face recognition based on client-server architecture
* Cognitive biometric cryptosystems a case study on EEG
* Combined spectroscopic analysis for identification of mural paintings materials
* Comparison of segmentation accuracy for different LUTs applied to digital mammograms
* Compressive sensing for power spectrum estimation of multi-dimensional processes under missing data
* Computer aided diagnosis system for early lung cancer detection
* Crowd density estimation based on voxel model in multi-view surveillance systems
* Detecting the optimal active contour in the computed tomography image by using entropy to choose coefficients in energy equation
* Diphone spanish text-to-speech synthesizer
* Discriminative training of HMM using MASPER procedure
* Does H.265 based peri and para-foveal quality flicker disrupt natural viewing patterns?
* dynamic cost-centric risk impact metrics development, A
* efficient clustering technique for cameras identification using sensor pattern noise, An
* efficient information retrieval technique for e-health systems, An
* efficient troubleshooting testing scenario for IPTV over DSL lines: Practical examples, An
* Evaluation of MEMS sensors accuracy for bicycle tracking and positioning
* Evidence theory for image segmentation using information from stochastic Watershed and Hessian filtering
* Experimental evaluation of the impact of receiver front-end on spectrum sensing
* Face filtering: Insights from real-world data
* Face parts importance in face and expression recognition
* Face recognition using a fourier polar based approach
* Fast documentation and accurate real-time investigation for historical Buddhist building
* Fast scale space image decomposition
* Fetal ECG extraction using pi-Tucker decomposition
* Ground penetrating radar survey inside a historical monument
* High resolution volume quantification of the knee joint space based on a semi-automatic segmentation of computed tomography images
* How humans can help computers to solve an artificial problem?
* Image processing from laser scanners for remote diagnostic and virtual fruition of cultural heritage
* impact of complexity in the rate-distortion optimization: A visualization tool, The
* Improved reference picture list sorting in video coding
* Improvement of speech emotion recognition with neural network classifier by using speech spectrogram
* Improving the barrier of communication between healthcare professionals and their patients using a Prescription Tracking System
* Inter-prediction optimisations for fast HEVC encoding of ultra high definition content
* Investigation into the effects of transmission-channel fidelity loss in RGBD sensor data for SLAM
* kernel-based statistical analysis of the residual error in video coding, A
* Learning a joint discriminative-generative model for action recognition
* Local texture synthesis: A static texture coding algorithm fully compatible with HEVC
* Long term availability analysis of experimental free space optics system
* longitudinal model for variations detection in white matter fiber-bundles, A
* Low-poly style image and video processing
* Measurement setup for automatized baselining of WLAN network performance
* Medium grain scalability for SHVC
* Methods and techniques to support the development of fraud detection system
* Minimal Hough Forest training for pattern detection
* Multi-channel sub-Nyquist cross-spectral estimation for modal analysis of vibrating structures
* Multi-layer feature extractions for image classification: Knowledge from deep CNNs
* Multi-layer feature extractions for image classification: Knowledge from deep CNNs
* Multiscale texture features for the retrieval of high resolution satellite images
* Near real-time point cloud processing using the PCL
* On the performance of modern video coding standards with textured sequences
* Parameterless edge preserving colour image diffusion
* Performance characterization of image feature detectors in relation to the scene content utilizing a large image database
* Quality improvement Of 3-D voxel models based on histograms of model reprojection
* Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological operations
* Robust fusion of color and local descriptors for image retrieval and classification
* Segmentation of cell clusters in Pap smear images using intensity variation between superpixels
* Skin-based privacy filter for surveillance systems
* Stereoscopic disparity generation reduction using a dilated Laplacian approach
* System level simulation of LTE MBSFN networks with high mobility users
* Target localization using dual tone frequency radio
* Test of six image quality assessment methods
* Texture analysis and synthesis using steerable pyramid decomposition for video coding
* Two stage inter-frame prediction using pixel- and block-wise motion compensation
* Using visual texture analysis to classify raw coal components
* utilisation of social media for bridging the gap between patients and pharmaceutical companies, The
* UWB ranging accuracy
* VICAP: Using the mechanisms of trans-saccadic memory to distinguish between humans and machines
* Visually lossless image compression extension for JPEG based on just-noticeable distortion evaluation
* X-ray image analysis for cultural heritage investigations
82 for WSSIP15
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* Ambiguity function of two-dimensional orthogonal complete complementary codes
* Analysis of the complexity of the HEVC motion estimation
* Analysis of the correlation properties of QOCCC
* ARMA digital filter design method for audio and musical purposes
* Automatic brain segmentation method based on supervoxels
* Bayesian approach for the multifractal analysis of spatio-temporal data, A
* Binary error models for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Classification of image degradation using Riesz transform
* Coarse-grained reconfigurable hardware accelerator of machine learning classifiers
* Comparison between HEVC and Thor based on objective and subjective assessments
* Comparison of different PDE-based image compression methods with respect to the choice of PDE
* Deep background subtraction with scene-specific convolutional neural networks
* Despeckling of interferometrie SAR data
* Developing a blended learning approach for the effective teaching of electronic circuit analysis
* disagreement based co-active learning method for sleep stage classification, A
* Disturbance elimination in near-infrared spectroscopy through L2-correlated empirical mode decomposition
* DSL loop qualification by using noise margin
* Estimation of aircraft state during landing by means of multiple observers
* Estimation of time-to-contact from Tau-margin and statistical analysis of behavior
* Exposure fusion algorithm for scenes with an extremely high dynamic range
* Facial expression recognition using geometric features
* Fast frame-rate up-conversion method for video enhancement
* FPGA implementation of the RANSAC based image mosaicing algorithm using the Nios II softcore
* Fuzzy clustering in HMM-based triphone classes of 2DLDA in Slovak LVCSR
* GUI for interactive speech synthesis
* HandyDepth: Example-based stereoscopic hand depth estimation using Eigen Leaf Node Features
* Image processing based traffic sign detection and recognition with fuzzy integral
* Image protection method based on binary operations
* Image sharpness assessment based on local phase coherence and LAD criterion
* Implementation and evaluation of IPv6 to IPv4 transition mechanisms in network simulator 3
* Importance of recommendation system in modern forms of learning
* Improved image classification by proper patch size selection: TerraSAR-X vs. Sentinel-1A
* IMU based adaptive blur removal approach using image processing for railway inspection
* influence of a lossy compression on the quality of estimated depth maps, The
* Interest of non-negativity constraint in perfusion DSC-MRI deconvolution for acute stroke
* Learning of a robusted nearest neighbor classifier using multiple training data
* Letter-To-Sound conversion for speech synthesizer
* Low complexity image registration techniques based on integral projections
* Low complexity implementation of slim: HEVC encoder design
* LSB steganography with usage of Mojette Transform for secret image scrambling
* MBSEM image acquisition and image processing in LabView FPGA
* Mobile ear recognition application
* Mulsemedia vs. Multimedia: State of the art and future trends
* Multi-speaker voice activity detection using a camera-assisted microphone array
* New forms of education for engineering professional schools
* nonlinear fourth-order PDE-based image denoising technique, A
* Normalized cross-correlation based global distortion correction in fingerprint image matching
* Novel approach to enhance face recognition using depth maps
* novel steganographic method using 8-neighboring PVD (8nPVD) and LSB substitution, A
* On the capacity of fractional frequency reuse with three power levels for non-uniform user distribution
* Optic disc localization in fundus images
* Optimization of time-frequency curve description via kernel smoothing
* Optimizing the energy efficiency for future 5G networks
* Practical experience with CDN interconnection
* properties of the cornea based on hyperspectral imaging: Optical biomedical engineering perspective, The
* Pulse rate variability and blood oxidation content identification using miniature wearable wrist device
* Quality inspection of printed texts
* Quick and efficient definition of hangbefore and hangover criteria for voice activity detection
* Real-time railway speed limit sign recognition from video sequences
* Robust IR attenuation measurement for non-invasive glucose level analysis
* Role of network and platform functions virtualization in future telco networks
* Second-moment matrix adaptation for local orientation estimation
* Security aspects in education oriented multimedia networks
* Segmented and directional impact detection for parked vehicles using mobile devices
* Semi-tight covariance matrices implementation in MASPER HMM training procedure
* simple approach for biometrics: Finger-knuckle prints recognition based on a Sobel filter and similarity measures, A
* simple image-adaptive watermarking algorithm with blind extraction, A
* Spectrum sensing under transmitter front-end constraints
* Splash detection in surveillance videos of offshore fish production plants
* taxonomy of mutual information in medical image registration, A
* Tennis stroke detection and classification using miniature wearable IMU device
* Texture aware image error concealment with fuzzy segmentation
* Towards a theoretical framework for an active cyber situational awareness model
* Towards human-machine dialog in Slovak
* Unsupervised abnormal crowd activity detection in surveillance systems
* Variational scene flow and occlusion detection from a light field sequence
* Verifying isolation in a mantrap portal via thermal imaging
* Video-based discomfort detection for infants using a Constrained Local Model
* View centered video-based object recognition for lightweight devices
* web platform for analysis of multivariate heterogeneous biomedical time-series: A preliminary report, A
* web platform for analysis of multivariate heterogeneous biomedical time-series: A preliminary report, A
82 for WSSIP16
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* 3D video database with known parametrs
* Adaptive method for multi colored text binarization
* Analysing acoustic model changes for active learning in automatic speech recognition
* analysis of the applicability of the TFD IP option for QoS assurance of multiple video streams in a congested network, An
* Application of B-splines FFD image registration in breast cancer radiotherapy planning
* approach to image segmentation based on shortest paths in graphs, An
* block-based noise level estimation from X-ray images in SVD domain, A
* Camera motion compensation from T-junctions in distance map skeleton
* Choice of optimal measurement conditions for calculating the correlation between EMA sensor and video marker position coordinates in electromagnetic articulography
* CrowdSync: User generated videos synchronization using crowdsourcing
* Detecting composite image manipulation based on deep neural networks
* Doppler measurement of liquid flow in pipe using decimation and parametric spectral estimation method
* effective consistency correction and blending method for camera-array-based microscopy imaging, An
* Effective coverage as a new metric for image quality assessment databases comparison
* Efficient frame-compatible stereoscopic video coding using HEVC screen content coding
* Efficient Schur parametrization of near-stationary stochastic processes
* Encoding mode selection in HEVC with the use of noise reduction
* Enhancing view synthesis with image and depth map upsampling
* Ensemble of CNN and rich model for steganalysis
* Evaluation of background noise for significance level identification
* Face detection speed improvement using bitmap-based Histogram of Oriented gradien
* Fast cloud image segmentation with superpixel analysis based convolutional networks
* Fast HEVC intra coding decision based on statistical cost and corner detection
* FPGA implementation of IPsec protocol suite for multigigabit networks
* Hierarchical co-segmentation of 3D point clouds for indoor scene
* Homogenous HEVC video transcoding by transform coefficient removal
* Image compressive sensing using group sparse representation via truncated nuclear norm minimization
* Image symmetries: The right balance between evenness and perception
* Immersive visual media-MPEG-I: 360 video, virtual navigation and beyond
* Improving matching performance of the keypoints in images of 3D scenes by using depth information
* IVQAD 2017: An immersive video quality assessment database
* Local statistics estimation for rapid frequency selective extrapolation
* Low profile co-radiator transmit-receive antenna for Ku-band
* Method of vibroacoustic signal spectrum optimization in diagnostics of devices
* Motion artifacts free image resolution enhancement exploiting image priors
* Multi-wavelength analysis of substances levels in human blood
* Non-contact signal detection and processing techniques for cardio-respiratory thoracic activity
* On accuracy of personalized 3D-printed MRI-based models of brain arteries
* On buffer overflow duration in WSN with a vacation-type power saving mechanism
* On extracting skeletons from binary 3D images
* On using of physical layer parameters of xDSL transceivers for troubleshooting
* Real-time estimation of travel speed using urban traffic information system and CCTV
* Real-time traffic sign recognition using color segmentation and SVM
* Reinforcement learning for video encoder control in HEVC
* Removing contaminated data for illumination-robust face recognition
* SAR patch categorization using dual tree orientec wavelet transform and stacked autoencoder
* Signal analysis on the ball: Design of optimal basis functions with maximal multiplicative concentration in spatial and spectral domains
* Software and hardware HEVC encoding
* Speech/music discrimination for analysis of radio stations
* Spoken language clustering in the i-vectors space
* Stochastic spectral-spatial permutation ordering combination for nonlocal morphological processing
* Temporal enhancement of graph-based depth estimation method
* Towards multi-scale personalized modeling of brain vasculature based on magnetic resonance image processing
* Towards scalable streaming to SAGE2 video walls
* Window of visibility inspired security lighting system
56 for WSSIP17