* 2-D Moving Average Models for Texture Synthesis and Analysis
* 2D vector-cycle deformable templates
* 3-D Deformable Registration of Medical Images Using a Statistical Atlas
* 3D reconstruction from a single image using geometric constraints
* 3D Room: Digitizing Time-Varying 3D Events by Synchronized Multiple Video Streams, The
* 3D Shape Matching and Inspection Using Geometric Features and Relational Learning
* Accuracy vs. Efficiency Trade-Offs in Optical Flow Algorithms
* Adaptive Normalization of Handwritten Characters Using Global/Local Affine Transformation
* advanced distributed region of interest tool, The
* approach of clustering data with noisy or imprecise feature measurement, An
* Architectures and Visual-Processing Applications of Multimedia DSPs
* Assessing agreement between human and machine clusterings of image databases
* automated region growing algorithm for segmentation of texture regions in SAR images, An
* Automatic face and facial feature location detection for low bit rate model-assisted H.261 compatible coding of video
* Automatic Text Location in Images and Video Frames
* Autonomous Driving Goes Downtown
* Bayesian Classification With Gaussian Processes
* Bayesian Framework for Deformable Pattern Recognition with Application to Handwritten Character Recognition
* Bayesian Function Learning Using MCMC Methods
* Bible, Truth, and Multilingual OCR Evaluation, The
* Bidirectional Motion Estimation via Vector Propagation
* Building Model Evaluation Suite Using the CMU Site Exchange Format, A
* Classification of incomplete feature vectors by radial basis function networks
* Color Image Fidelity Metrics Evaluated Using Image Distortion Maps
* Combining An Adapted Wavelet Analysis with 4th-Order Statistics for Transient Detection
* Comparing face images using the modified Hausdorff distance
* Complexity-constrained best-basis wavelet packet algorithm for image compression
* Computational Perspectives on Map Generalization
* Connecting Middle School Mathematics to Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Convex Multiresolution Analysis
* Correction of Motion Artifacts in MRI Caused by Rotations at Constant Angular Velocity
* Corrections to JPEG Dequantization Array for Regularized Decompression
* Data Dependence Analysis and Bit-Level Systolic Arrays of the Median Filter
* DCT Convolution and its Application in Compressed Domain
* Deformable template models: A review
* Determination of meat quality by texture analysis
* Determining number of clusters and prototype locations via multi-scale clustering
* Direct Visible Surface Interpolation
* Discontinuity-Preserving Surface Reconstruction Using Stochastic Differential Equations
* Discrete Techniques For 3-D Digital Images and Patterns Under Transformation
* Discrete, Nonlinear Curvature-Dependent Contour Evolution
* Distance-Ordered Homotopic Thinning: A Skeletonization Algorithm for 3D Digital Images
* Dynamic Surface Imaging For The Space-Shuttle Experiments
* Dynamic-Scale Model Construction From Range Imagery
* Edge image quality assessment: A new formulation for degraded edge imaging
* Estimation of search-space in 3D coronary artery reconstruction using angiographic biplane images
* Experiments with Learning Techniques for Spatial Model Enrichment and Line Generalization
* Exploiting Discontinuities in Optical Flow
* Family of generalised multi-polarity complex Hadamard transforms
* Fast Algorithms for DFT of Composite Sequence Lengths
* Fast implementations for mirroring and rotating bincode-based images
* FIRST: Fractal Indexing and Retrieval System for Image Databases
* Fixed-Point Error Analysis and Word Length Optimization of 8 x 8 IDCT Architectures
* Frequency-Domain Video Transcoder for Dynamic Bit-Rate Reduction of MPEG-2 Bit Streams
* From the Hough Transform to a New Approach for the Detection and Approximation of Elliptical Arcs
* Generalized gradient vector flow external forces for active contours
* Generalized Image Warping Using Enhanced Lookup Tables
* Generating Dynamic Projection Images for Scene Representation and Understanding
* Genetic operators for hierarchical graph clustering
* Global Brightness-Variation Compensation for Video Coding
* Globally constrained deformable models for 3D object reconstruction
* Grey-Scale, the Crispening Effect, and Perceptual Linearization
* Guest Editorial: Advanced Imaging Chip Architectures And Applications
* High-Performance Image Computing With Modern Microprocessors
* High-Performance Scalable Parallel Platform for Volume Reconstruction of PET Data
* Hybrid Image Segmentation Using Watersheds And Fast Region Merging
* Image Dissimilarity
* Image Edge Detection and Enhancement by an Inversion Operation
* Image Metamorphosis Transformation of Facial Images Based on Elastic Body Splines
* Image processing device and method for identifying an input image, and copier scanner and printer including same
* Image Segmentation and Contour Detection Using Fractal Coding
* Image Segmentation Via Adaptive K-Mean Clustering And Knowledge-Based Morphological Operations With Biomedical Applications
* Image system for three dimensional, 360 Degree, time sequence surface mapping of moving objects
* Image Warping for Shape Recovery and Recognition
* Immersive video, including video hypermosaicing to generate from multiple video views of a scene
* Implementing a Videoconferencing System Based on a Single-Chip Signal and Image-Processor
* improved synergetic algorithm for image classification, An
* Indexing Based on Algebraic Functions of Views
* Integer-Modulated FIR Filter Banks for Image Compression
* Integrating Faces and Fingerprints for Personal Identification
* Integrating Image Computation in Undergraduate Level Data-Structure Education
* Intensity Mappings within the Context of Near-Sensor Image-Processing
* Interactive 3-Dimensional Ultrasound Using a Programmable Multimedia Processor
* Interactive Textbooks; Embedding Image Processing Operator Demonstrations in Text
* Interpolation method and apparatus for fast image magnification
* Invariant-Based Recognition of Complex Curved 3-D Objects from Image Contours
* Inverse Error-Diffusion Using Classified Vector Quantization
* Learning probabilistic deformation models from image sequences
* Line and Boundary Detection in Speckle Images
* Linking Objects of Different Spatial Data Sets by Integration and Aggregation
* Lossy Compression of Noisy Images
* Low Bit-Rate Coding of Image Sequences Using Adaptive Regions of Interest
* Machine-Vision Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* MAP Image Restoration and Segmentation by Constrained Optimization
* MAP-Based probabilistic reasoning to vehicle segmentation
* Matching photometric-stereo images
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimate For 2-Variable Fractal Surface, A
* Measure of Recognition Difficulty for a Character Image Database, A
* Method and apparatus for detecting object movement within an image sequence
* Method and system using meta-classes and polynomial discriminant functions for handwriting recognition
* Modeling Textured Images Using Generalized Long Correlation Models
* Modelling facial colour and identity with Gaussian mixtures
* Morphological Models for the Collapse of Area Features in Digital Map Generalization
* Multiple-Robot Motion Planning Under Independent Objectives
* Neural network for locating and recognizing a deformable object
* Novel scheme for low-power classified vector quantisation image coding
* Object Location by Parallel Pose Clustering
* Object tracking system using statistical modeling and geometric relationship
* Objective Measurement Tool for MPEG Video Quality, An
* On Image Classification: City Images vs. Landscapes
* On the Accuracy of Zernike Moments for Image Analysis
* On the computation of the digital convex hull and circular hull of a digital region
* On the Reconstruction of Quadtree Data
* On-line hierarchical clustering
* On-line signature verification based on logarithmic spectrum
* Optimal algorithms for target location in nonhomogeneous binary images
* Paired Model Evaluation of OCR Algorithms
* Panoramic imaging and virtual reality: Filling the gaps between the lines
* Parallelizing Image Feature Extraction on Coarse-Grain Machines
* Pattern recognition based on a probablistic RAM net using n-tuple input mapping
* PC-Based Machine Vision System for Real-Time Computer-Aided Potato Inspection
* Perceptual Quality Metrics Applied To Still Image Compression
* Performance Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Recovery of Depth from Defocused Images and Optimal Selection of Camera Parameters
* Personal identification
* Posteriori Real-Time Recurrent Learning Schemes for a Recurrent Neural Network Based Nonlinear Predictor
* Preface to Image Computation and Education
* Processing JPEG Compressed Images and Documents
* Quality enhancement of sinusoidal transform vocoders
* Quality Measurement and Use of Preprocessing in Image Compression
* Real time tracking of camera pose
* Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition Using Desk and Wearable Computer Based Video
* Recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by elastic matching
* Recursive Wiener Filter for Motion Parameter Estimation in Three-Parameter Motion Model
* Relaxing the Triangle Inequality in Pattern Matching
* Reproducing Kernel Hilbert-Space Method for Optimal Interpolation of Potential Field Data
* Robotic estimation: the inefficiency of random-walk sampling
* Robust Course-Boundary Extraction Algorithms For Autonomous Vehicles
* Robust Image Corner Detection Through Curvature Scale Space
* scale selection principle for estimating image deformations, A
* Scaled and rotated texture classification using a class of basis functions
* Scaling additional contributions to principal components analysis
* Segmentation of natural images using anisotropic diffusion and linking of boundary edges
* Segmentation of off-line cursive handwriting using linear programming
* Segmentation-Free Approach to Text Recognition Recognition with Application to Arabic Text, A
* Sensor and Information Fusion for Improved Vision-Based Vehicle Guidance
* Separation of single-touching handwritten numeral strings based on structural features
* Signature identification through the use of deformable structures
* Special Issue on Image and Video Quality Metrics
* Statistical analysis of two 3-D registration and modeling strategies
* Structured representation and automatic indexing of movie information content
* Support Function Representation of Convex Bodies, Its Application in Geometric Computing, and Some Related Representations
* Surface Reconstruction by Smoothness MAP Estimation
* Survey of Hybrid MC/DPCM/DCT Video Coding Distortions, A
* Synthesis Filterbank with Low Hardware Complexity for Subband Image-Coding
* Teaching Computer Vision to Computer Scientists: Issues and a Comparative Textbook Review
* Teaching Image Computation in an Upper Level Elective on Robotics
* Techniques for Autonomous, Off-Road Navigation
* Three-Dimensional Human Body Model Acquisition from Multiple Views
* Time-Varying Reconstruction of the Ionosphere: 1. The Algorithm
* Time-Varying Reconstruction of the Ionosphere: 2. Data Source Analysis
* Towards Robust Metric Reconstruction via a Dynamic Uncalibrated Stereo Head
* Tracking Nonstationary Probabilities in Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding
* Transformation radial basis neural network for relevant feature selection
* Truly 2-D hidden Markov model for off-line handwritten character recognition
* Two-Dimensional Rank-Order Filter by Using Max-Min Sorting Network
* Unified decision combination framework
* Unsupervised cell nucleus segmentation with active contours
* Using active contours and mathematical morphology tools for quantification of immunohistochemical images
* Variable Window Approach to Early Vision, A
* Vision-Based Driving Assistance
* Volumetric Iterative Approach to Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection, A
* Wavelet Transform for Analyzing fog Visibility
* Wavelets for SAR Image Smoothing
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