* 2D/3D freeview video generation for 3DTV system
* 3-D Head Pose Estimation in Monocular Video Sequences Using Deformable Surfaces and Radial Basis Functions
* 3D model for the documentation of Cultural Heritage: The wooden domes of St.Mark's Basilica in Venice
* 3D Modeling a Romanesque church in Tuscany: Geomatics techniques and archaeological aims
* 3D modeling of the St. Anthony abbot church in San Daniele del Friuli: from laser scanning and photogrammetry to vrml/x3d model, The
* 3D Modelling and visualization of Cultural Heritage using mobile phone cameras
* 3D real time visualization for the support of archaeological analysis
* 3D Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated video sequences
* 3D Virtual reconstruction and visualization of complex architectures: The 3D-ARCH project
* 3DTV view generation using uncalibrated pure rotating and zooming cameras
* Accuracy Assessment of Canadian Digital Elevation Data using ICESat
* Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models based on Approximation Theory
* Acquisition and automatic extraction of facade elements on large sites from a low cost laser mobile mapping system
* Active Polarization Descattering
* Adaptable-Multilayer Fractional Fourier Transform Approach for Image Registration, An
* Adaptive Interpolation Filter for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive meshing and detail-reduction of 3D-point clouds from laser scans
* Adaptive Method for Early Detecting Zero Quantized DCT Coefficients in H.264/AVC Video Encoding
* Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimisation for Image Registration
* Adaptive Up-Sampling Method Using DCT for Spatial Scalability of Scalable Video Coding
* Adaptive weighting of local classifiers by particle filters for robust tracking
* Advanced techniques for the studies of stones and paintings on walls: state of the art and open problems
* Algebraic Decomposition of Fat and Water in MRI
* Anatomy-Guided Lung Lobe Segmentation in X-Ray CT Images
* Attention-from-motion: A factorization approach for detecting attention objects in motion
* Audio-Visual Active Speaker Tracking in Cluttered Indoors Environments
* Augmented reality on cloth with realistic illumination
* Automated 3D Forest Surface Model Extraction from Balloon Stereo Photographs
* Automated 3D modeling of urban environments
* Automatic analysis of 3D low dose CT images for early diagnosis of lung cancer
* Automatic Class-Specific 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Automatic joint classification and segmentation of whole cell 3D images
* Automatic modeling of laser point clouds by statistical analysis of surface curvature values
* Automatic orientation of image sequences for 3-D object reconstruction: First results of a method integrating photogrammetric and computer vision algorithms
* Automatic structure recovery and visualization
* Automatic Temporal Segment Detection and Affect Recognition From Face and Body Display
* belief-based sequential fusion approach for fusing manual signs and non-manual signals, A
* Body Posture Estimation in Sign Language Videos
* Calibration and registration framework for 3D reconstruction of the Kirche Seefeld
* Choosing the kernel parameters for support vector machines by the inter-cluster distance in the feature space
* CityFit: High-quality urban reconstructions by fitting shape grammars to images and derived textured point clouds
* Classification-Based Probabilistic Modeling of Texture Transition for Fast Line Search Tracking and Delineation
* Close range photogrammetry for measurement of the paintings surface deformations
* Clustering aggregation by probability accumulation
* collaborative visualization environment for natural interaction with architectural content, A
* Color reduction for complex document images
* Color-texture segmentation using unsupervised graph cuts
* Combined CAVLC Decoder, Inverse Quantizer, and Transform Kernel in Compact H.264/AVC Decoder
* Combining genetic algorithms with imperfect and subdivided features for the automatic registration of point clouds (GAReg-ISF)
* comment on 'Using locally estimated geodesic distance to optimize neighborhood graph for isometric data embedding', A
* Comparison Between First Pulse and Last Pulse Laser Scanner Data in the Automatic Detection of Buildings
* Comparison of Individual Tree and Forest Plot Height Derived from LiDAR and InSAR, A
* Computer-aided evaluation of neuroblastoma on whole-slide histology images: Classifying grade of neuroblastic differentiation
* Computer-aided prognosis of neuroblastoma on whole-slide images: Classification of stromal development
* Computer-assisted pit-pattern classification in different wavelet domains for supporting dignity assessment of colonic polyps
* Conceptual Framework for the Simultaneous Extraction of Sub-pixel Spatial Extent and Spectral Characteristics of Crops, A
* Conoscopic holograms analysis using variations of the Hough transform
* Continuous Realtime Gesture Following and Recognition
* Control of dermatology image integrity using reversible watermarking
* correntropy MACE filter, The
* Crease detection from fingerprint images and its applications in elderly people
* Data integration from different sources to create 3D virtual model
* DE-Based Reversible Data Hiding With Improved Overflow Location Map
* Definition of a transition surface with the purpose of integration between a laser scanner 3D model and a low resolution DTM
* Deictic Gestures with a Time-of-Flight Camera
* DEM Generation Using a Digital Large Format Frame Camera
* Depth-image-based rendering for 3DTV service over T-DMB
* Design and Analysis of System on a Chip Encoder for JPEG2000
* Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography Based on Complex Fibre Orientation Distributions
* Digital image processing and pattern recognition techniques for the detection of cancer
* Discrete cosine harmonic wavelet transform and its application to signal compression and subband spectral estimation using modified group delay
* Discriminative optical flow tensor for video semantic analysis
* disk expansion segmentation method for ultrasonic breast lesions, A
* Distortion-free secret image sharing mechanism using modulus operator
* Documentation of the roman bronze hand found in the site of El Tossal in Lucentum
* Dual Adaptive Dynamic Control of Mobile Robots Using Neural Networks
* DWT-based joint antenna selection for correlated MIMO channels
* Dynamic shape outlier detection for human locomotion
* Dynamic Texture Detection Based on Motion Analysis
* Dynamic View Planning by Effective Particles for Three-Dimensional Tracking
* effect of microarray image compression on expression-based classification, The
* effects of multiview depth video compression on multiview rendering, The
* efficient discriminant-based solution for small sample size problem, An
* Efficient Intermode Decision Algorithm Based on Motion Homogeneity for H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Polyhedral Modeling from Silhouettes
* EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixtures: A Numerical Analysis, An
* Embedded and Programmable System Based FPGA for Real Time MPEG Stream Buffer Analysis, An
* Embodied Morphemes of Gaze, The
* Embodied virtual communities: a new opportunity for the research in the field of Cultural Heritage
* Employing topographical height map in colonic polyp measurement and false positive reduction
* Error Resilient Video Coding Using Redundant Pictures
* Estimation of Blufflines Using Topographic Lidar Data and Orthoimages
* Experiences about fusioning 3D digitalization techniques for Cultural heritage documentation in ceceres wall (Spain)
* Exploring feature-based approaches in PET images for predicting cancer treatment outcomes
* Exploring the boundary region of tolerance rough sets for feature selection
* Expression Deformation Approach to Non-rigid 3D Face Recognition, An
* Facial expression recognition based on shape and texture
* Facial expression recognition system based on rigid and non-rigid motion separation and 3D pose estimation
* Fast analysis of scalable video for adaptive browsing interfaces
* fast computation method for time scale signal denoising, A
* Fast image registration by hierarchical soft correspondence detection
* Fast Inter-Mode Decision in an H.264/AVC Encoder Using Mode and Lagrangian Cost Correlation
* feature selection technique for generation of classification committees and its application to categorization of laryngeal images, A
* Feature-based detection and correction of occlusions and split of video objects
* Fractional Stereo Matching Using Expectation-Maximization
* framework for flexible summarization of racquet sports video using multiple modalities, A
* Function and Form of Gestures in a Collaborative Design Meeting
* funeral area in Ponte della lama-canosa (III-VI century): An hypothesis of 3d historical-monumental reconstruction, The
* generalized adaptive ensemble generation and aggregation approach for multiple classifier systems, A
* Generalized Rough Sets, Entropy, and Image Ambiguity Measures
* Genetic approaches for topological active nets optimization
* Gestural Attributions as Semantics in User Interface Sound Design
* Gestural Interfaces for Elderly Users: Help or Hindrance?
* Gesture Saliency: A Context-Aware Analysis
* Gesture Space and Gesture Choreography in European Portuguese and African Portuguese Interactions: A Pilot Study of Two Cases
* Gestures for Large Display Control
* Gestures in Human-Computer Interaction: Just Another Modality?
* Global Optimization through Rotation Space Search
* Going to Shawbak (Jordan) and getting the data back: Toward a 3D GIS dedicated to medieval archaeology
* Graph matching using the interference of continuous-time quantum walks
* Graph-based tools for microscopic cellular image segmentation
* Handwritten Numeral Databases of Indian Scripts and Multistage Recognition of Mixed Numerals
* Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Video Segmentation Utilizing Memory Reduction Techniques, A
* Hierarchical aggregation for efficient shape extraction
* Higher-Order Active Contour Model of a Gas of Circles and its Application to Tree Crown Extraction, A
* Hypergraph-Based Anomaly Detection of High-Dimensional Co-Occurrences
* Image compression by sparse PCA coding in curvelet domain
* Image thresholding by variational minimax optimization
* immersive time-machine: A virtual exploration of the history of Livorno, The
* Improved bi-dimensional EMD and Hilbert spectrum for the analysis of textures
* Improved nonlinear multiuser precoding using lattice reduction
* Improved textures for 3D virtual reconstruction and visualization by a modified texture synthesis approach
* Improvement of the fast exact pairwise-nearest-neighbor algorithm
* Incremental subspace learning via non-negative matrix factorization
* Influence of Handshape Information on Automatic Sign Language Recognition
* Information and knowledge systems for integrated models in Cultural Heritage
* information system for the integration, management and visualization of 3D reality based archaeological models from different operators, An
* Integration of photogrammetric and 3D laser scanning data as a flexible and effective approach for heritage documentation
* Interactive modeling by projection of oriented spherical panoramas. The case of Ad Deir-Petra
* Interference Aware Multipath Selection for Video Streaming in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Intrinsic Bayesian Active Contours for Extraction of Object Boundaries in Images
* Intrinsic dimension estimation of manifolds by incising balls
* Intrinsic Framework for Analysis of Facial Surfaces, An
* Introduction to computer vision and image understanding the special issue on video analysis
* Iterative algorithm for optimal fiducials under weak perspective projection
* JustClick: Personalized Image Recommendation via Exploratory Search From Large-Scale Flickr Images
* Knowledge-based topological reconstruction for building facade surface patches
* Laplace Distribution Based Lagrangian Rate Distortion Optimization for Hybrid Video Coding
* Laser scanning in Ostia: A comparative study of accuracy of the drawings in 1950s and field survey on tall structures
* Learning Atomic Human Actions Using Variable-Length Markov Models
* Learning Situation Models in a Smart Home
* Lesion Detection in Dynamic FDG-PET Using Matched Subspace Detection
* Likelihood-Based Hypothesis Tests for Brain Activation Detection From MRI Data Disturbed by Colored Noise: A Simulation Study
* Local Image Features Resulting from 3-Dimensional Geometric Features, Illumination, and Movement: I
* Localisation and augmented reality for mobile applications in Cultural Heritage
* Locating Nose-Tips and Estimating Head Poses in Images by Tensorposes
* Long focal length panoramic imaging for photogrammetric reconstruction
* Lossless Compression of Microarray Images Using Image-Dependent Finite-Context Models
* Low cost methodology for 3D modeling and metric description in architectural heritage
* Lynx survey of the urban environment and historical heritage
* Mass detection on mammograms: Influence of signal shape uncertainty on human and model observers
* method for the 3D modelling of historic monuments: The case of a Gothic abbey church, A
* Methodologies capture three-dimensional high-definition of sixteenth wooden frames. The case of works by Correggio
* Methods for Effective Sonification of Clarinetists' Ancillary Gestures
* Microcalcification Classification Assisted by Content-Based Image Retrieval for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
* Model-Based Consecutive Scanline Tracking Method for Extracting Vascular Networks From 2-D Digital Subtraction Angiograms, A
* Modeling Joint Synergies to Synthesize Realistic Movements
* Modeling of Pattern-Based Block Motion Estimation and Its Application
* Modelling of virtual compressed structures through physical simulation
* Modular modeling of temple columns of the Angkor period
* Moving object detection based on shape prediction
* Moving Object Verification in Airborne Video Sequences
* MPEG-4 Part 25: A graphics compression framework for XML-based scene graph formats
* MSLD: A robust descriptor for line matching
* multi-direction GVF snake for the segmentation of skin cancer images, A
* multi-prototype clustering algorithm, A
* Multimodal Interfaces in Support of Human-Human Interaction
* Multimode Embedded Compression Codec Engine for Power-Aware Video Coding System
* Multiple target tracking with lazy background subtraction and connected components analysis
* Multiscale Detection of Gesture Patterns in Continuous Motion Trajectories
* Multisensor-Based Human Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service Robots
* Multivariate Image Texture by Multivariate Variogram for Multispectral Image Classification
* narrow band graph partitioning method for skin lesion segmentation, A
* New Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction from Support Functions, A
* new feature-preserving mesh-smoothing algorithm, A
* new fourth order embedded RKAHeM(4,4) method with error control on multilayer raster cellular neural network, A
* New models for region of interest reader classification analysis in chest radiographs
* New neutrosophic approach to image segmentation
* New shape-based auroral oval segmentation driven by LLS-RHT
* Non-negative matrix factorization: Ill-posedness and a geometric algorithm
* Nonlocal Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method for Rician Noise Reduction in MR Images, A
* Novel Active Heads-Up Display for Driver Assistance, A
* novel hybrid approach based on sub-pattern technique and whitened PCA for face recognition, A
* Object tracking using SIFT features and mean shift
* Object-oriented texture analysis for the unsupervised segmentation of biopsy images for cancer detection
* Objective Quality Assessment in Free-Viewpoint Video Production
* Occlusion Reasoning for Tracking Multiple People
* Olerdola's cave, Catalonia: a virtual reality reconstruction from terrestrial laser scanner and GIS data
* On Factoring Out a Gesture Typology from the Bielefeld Speech-and-Gesture-Alignment Corpus (SAGA)
* On Gestural Variation and Coarticulation Effects in Sound Control
* On the security of a visual cryptography scheme for color images
* Open source application for interactive exploration of Cultural Heritage 3D models on the web, An
* Optimal methods for 3d modeling of devastated architectural objects
* Optimal-Control Model of Vision-Gait Interaction in a Virtual Walkway, An
* Out-Of-Core topologically constrained simplification for city modeling from Digital Surface Models
* Partially coherent illumination in full-field interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy
* Partially Parallel Architecture for AdaBoost-Based Detection with Haar-Like Features
* Patch-Based Video Processing: A Variational Bayesian Approach
* Pattern analysis of dermoscopic images based on Markov random fields
* Peer-to-Peer Visualization of Very Large 3D Landscape and City Models Using MPEG-4
* Perceptually Inspired Variational Framework for Color Enhancement, A
* Perturbation LDA: Learning the difference between the class empirical mean and its expectation
* Phase-shift estimation in sinusoidally illuminated images for lateral superresolution
* Photogrammetric reconstruction of the My Son G1 temple in Vietnam
* Prediction of beef eating qualities from colour, marbling and wavelet surface texture features using homogenous carcass treatment
* Probability Density Estimation Using Isocontours and Isosurfaces: Applications to Information-Theoretic Image Registration
* Proxy-Based Reference Picture Selection for Error Resilient Conversational Video in Mobile Networks
* Radiometric Aerial Triangulation for the Equalization of Digital Aerial Images and Orthoimages, A
* RC-Heli and Structure and Motion techniques for the 3-D reconstruction of a Milan Dome spire
* Real-time exploration and photorealistic reconstruction of large natural environments
* Real-time stereo-based view synthesis algorithms: A unified framework and evaluation on commodity GPUs
* Recognition of Gesture Sequences in Real-Time Flow, Context of Virtual Theater
* Recognizing Visual Focus of Attention From Head Pose in Natural Meetings
* Recursive reduced least squares support vector regression
* Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints: spectral predictions with multi-ink halftones
* Registering point clouds of polyhedral buildings to 2D maps
* Renal tumor quantification and classification in contrast-enhanced abdominal CT
* Requirements for a Gesture Specification Language: A Comparison of Two Representation Formalisms
* Resolution trade-off analysis for aperture size and signaling bandwidth of diffraction tomography based on spatial-frequency spectral coverage
* Robust Adaptive Control of Cooperating Mobile Manipulators With Relative Motion
* Robust Approach for Repairing Color Composite DMC Images, A
* Robust detection of perceptually salient features on 3D meshes
* Robust Factorization Methods Using a Gaussian/Uniform Mixture Model
* Robust Navigation in an Unknown Environment With Minimal Sensing and Representation
* robust object category detection system using deformable shapes, A
* Role of Iconic Gestures in Production and Comprehension of Language: Evidence from Brain and Behavior, The
* SAMATS: Texture extraction explained
* scalable framework for cluster ensembles, A
* Seamless patches for GPU-based terrain rendering
* Segmentation in Ultrasonic B-Mode Images of Healthy Carotid Arteries Using Mixtures of Nakagami Distributions and Stochastic Optimization
* Semantic approach to 3D historical reconstruction
* Semantic Representation and Recognition of Continued and Recursive Human Activities
* Semi-supervised kernel density estimation for video annotation
* Shape of Elastic Strings in Euclidean Space
* Simplified pulse-coupled neural network for adaptive segmentation of fabric defects, A
* Simultaneous MAP-Based Video Denoising and Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Encoding
* Soft Decision Quantization for H.264 With Main Profile Compatibility
* Space throughout time: Application of 3D virtual reconstruction and light projection techniques in the analysis and reconstruction of cultural heritage
* Spatial Characterization of fMRI Activation Maps Using Invariant 3-D Moment Descriptors
* Spatial data integration in real-time cooperative systems
* Speakers' Use of Interactive Gestures as Markers of Common Ground
* Special issue on advances in three-dimensional television and video: Guest editorial
* Special Issue on Human Computing
* Spectral Curvature Clustering (SCC)
* Statistical Gesture Models for 3D Motion Capture from a Library of Gestures with Variants
* Stereo Matching with Color-Weighted Correlation, Hierachical Belief Propagation and Occlusion Handling
* Storage, manipulation and visualization of LiDAR data
* Structural similarity-based object tracking in multimodality surveillance videos
* Suppression of Metal Artifacts in CT Using a Reconstruction Procedure That Combines MAP and Projection Completion
* Survey applications using the Optech ILRIS 3D laser scanner and photogrammetry for a complete detailed CAD reconstruction of the objects
* SVMs Modeling for Highly Imbalanced Classification
* Systematicity and Idiosyncrasy in Iconic Gesture Use: Empirical Analysis and Computational Modeling
* systemic approach for 3D recognition of simple primitives in discrete models, A
* Theory and Practice of Coplanar Shadowgram Imaging for Acquiring Visual Hulls of Intricate Objects, The
* Thermography based breast cancer analysis using statistical features and fuzzy classification
* Three-dimensional object-distortion-tolerant recognition for integral imaging using independent component analysis
* Threshold-optimized decision-level fusion and its application to biometrics
* To Beat or Not to Beat: Beat Gestures in Direction Giving
* Topology-Invariant Similarity of Nonrigid Shapes
* Toward automatic reconstruction of interiors from laser data
* Toward breast cancer diagnosis based on automated segmentation of masses in mammograms
* Toward Modeling Sign Language Coarticulation
* Towards a Gesture-Sound Cross-Modal Analysis
* Towards Analysis of Expressive Gesture in Groups of Users: Computational Models of Expressive Social Interaction
* Towards Extracting Semantically Meaningful Key Frames From Personal Video Clips: From Humans to Computers
* Towards Interactive Web-Based Virtual Signers: First Step, a Platform for Experimentation Design
* Tracking Multiple Occluding People by Localizing on Multiple Scene Planes
* Tracking People on a Torus
* Unified Framework for Object Retrieval and Mining, A
* Unsupervised Activity Perception in Crowded and Complicated Scenes Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models
* Unsupervised view and rate invariant clustering of video sequences
* Urban procedural modeling for real-time rendering
* Use of 3D modeling for archeological archiving in a sensible area
* Using locally estimated geodesic distance to optimize neighborhood graph for isometric data embedding
* Validity of Three-Class Hotelling Trace (3-HT) in Describing Three-Class Task Performance: Comparison of Three-Class Volume Under ROC Surface (VUS) and 3-HT, The
* Video retrieval based on object discovery
* View generation with 3D warping using depth information for FTV
* View synthesis prediction for multiview video coding
* virtual musealization of archaeological sites: between documentation and communication, The
* Virtual reconstruction of roman military Apulum camp
* Visual Lip Activity Detection and Speaker Detection Using Mouth Region Intensities
* Visual measurement and tracking in laser hybrid welding
* Visual word proximity and linguistics for semantic video indexing and near-duplicate retrieval
* Weighted locally linear embedding for dimension reduction
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