* 2D Euclidean distance transform algorithms: A comparative survey
* 2D Wavelet-Based Compression of 3D Animation Sequences with Fixed Connectivity
* 2D-to-3D Conversion Based on Motion and Color Mergence
* 3D Action Recognition and Long-Term Prediction of Human Motion
* 3D Compression Benchmarking with Mymultimediaworld.com
* 3D Eye Position Based Interaction within Hierarchically Represented Images
* 3D Face Recognition by Spatial Arrangement of Iso-Geodesic Surfaces
* 3D Forest Fire Propagation Simulation
* 3D Gaze Estimation and Interaction
* 3D Human Motion Tracking Using Dynamic Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
* 3D in the Home: Mass Market or Niche?
* 3D Modeling of Real-world Objects, Scenes and Events from Videos
* 3D Robust Reconstruction using A Hand-Held Digital Camera
* 3D Scene Capture by Multi-Wavelength Pattern Projection at Divergent Illumination of A Sinusoidal Phase Grating
* 3D Scene Reconstruction Based on Robust Camera Motion Estimation and Space Sweeping for a Cultural Heritage Virtual Tour System
* 3D Video Fingerprinting
* 3D Video Quality Evaluation with Depth Quality Variations
* 3D Video Visualization on the Holovizio¿ System
* 3DTV View Generation Using Uncalibrated Cameras
* 6D Vision Goes Fisheye for Intersection Assistance
* Accurate Boundary Localization using Dynamic Programming on Snakes
* Active Vision for Door Localization and Door Opening using Playbot: A Computer Controlled Wheelchair for People with Mobility Impairments
* Adaptive discriminative generative model and application to visual tracking
* Adaptive Local Phase Approximations and Global Unwrapping
* Adaptive Motion-Based Gesture Recognition Interface for Mobile Phones
* Advanced Stereo Projection Using Interference Filters
* Algorithmic issues in modeling motion
* Animation of Boiling Phenomena
* Approach for Tracking the 3D Object Pose Using Two Object Points, An
* Arbitrary Object Relighting with Complex Pattern Texture for Reducing Eye Fatigue and Improving Perceived Depth
* Attention Modulation Using Short- and Long-Term Knowledge
* Augmented 3D Endoscopy Video
* Automated statistical self-calibrating detection and removal of blemishes in digital images based on multiple occurrences of dust in images
* Automatic Facial Skin Segmentation Based on EM Algorithm under Varying Illumination
* Automatic Initialization for Facial Analysis in Interactive Robotics
* Automatic Initialization for the Registration of GIS and Video Data
* Automatic Object Detection on Aerial Images Using Local Descriptors and Image Synthesis
* Automatic Object Extraction in Images using Embedded Labels
* Automatic Pyramidal Intensity-based Laser Scan Matcher for 3D Modeling of Large Scale Unstructured Environments
* Automatic Registration of Color and Infrared Videos Using Trajectories Obtained from a Multiple Object Tracking Algorithm
* Automatically Detecting and Tracking People Walking through a Transparent Door with Vision
* Beyond FCM: Graph-theoretic post-processing algorithms for learning and representing the data structure
* Bit-Rate Adaptive Downsampling for the Coding of Multi-View Video with Depth Information
* Boosting the Level of Immersion: Integrating Stereoscopic Output into Interactive Audiovisual Applications
* Bottom-Up and Top-Down Object Matching Using Asynchronous Agents and a Contrario Principles
* Camera Self-Calibration and Three Dimensional Reconstruction under Quasi-Perspective Projection
* Camera self-calibration from bivariate polynomials derived from Kruppa's equations
* CEDD: Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor: A Compact Descriptor for Image Indexing and Retrieval
* Challenges of Vision for Real-Time Sensor Based Control
* Challenges to 3D Realistic Broadcasting System
* Children's Game Experiences in Different Settings
* Chromaticity-based separation of reflection components in a single image
* Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture
* Compression of 3D Meshes: Applications, Approaches, Standards
* Computation of a face attractiveness index based on neoclassical canons, symmetry, and golden ratios
* Computer-Generated Holograms and 3-D Visual Communication
* Covert Attention with a Spiking Neural Network
* Cue to Shading: Elongations near Intensity Maxima, A
* Deforestation: Extracting 3D Bare-Earth Surface from Airborne LiDAR Data
* Depth Assisted Object Segmentation in Multi-View Video
* Depth Estimation Via Stage Classification
* Depth Image Based Rendering for 3D Data Service Over T-DMB
* Depth Image Generation for Autostereoscopic Monitors
* Depth Map Manipulation for 3D Visualization
* Depth Scaling of Multiview Images for Automultiscopic 3D Monitors
* Design and Implementation of a DMD Based Volumetric 3D Display
* Detecting and Recognizing Abandoned Objects in Crowded Environments
* Detecting Hand-Ball Events in Video Sequences
* Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Real-World Scenarios using Attributed Relational Graph
* Development of Continuum Shape Constraint Analysis (CSCA) for Computer Vision Applications Using Range Data
* Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions Using Video Capsule Endoscopy
* Disparity Adaptive Filter for Anti-Aliasing of Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Disparity Compensated View Filtering Wavelet Based Multiview Image Code Using Lagrangian Optimization
* Effect of Depth Compression on Multiview Rendering Quality, The
* Efficient Object Recognition and Image Retrieval for Large-Scale Applications
* Efficient Rectification Algorithm for Multi-View Images in Parallel Camera Array, An
* Efficient Region-Based Background Subtraction Technique, An
* Empirical Rate-Distortion Analysis of JPEG 2000 3D and H. 264/AVC Coded Integral Imaging Based 3D-Images
* Enhancing Exploration in Graph-like Worlds
* Enhancing Robustness of a Saliency-Based Attention System for Driver Assistance
* Enhancing Steganography in Digital Images
* Entropy-Based Approach to the Hierarchical Acquisition of Perception-Action Capabilities, An
* Epipolar Geometry for Humanoid Robotic Heads
* European Research into Head Tracked Autostereoscopic Displays
* Evaluating Multiview Reconstruction
* Evaluation of an Eye Tracking Technology for 3D Display Applications
* Example-Based Depth Generation from Single Image for 3D Content
* Eye-In-Hand Visual Servoing for Accurate Shooting in Pool Robotics
* Eyes and Cameras Calibration for 3D World Gaze Detection
* Face and Hands Detection and Tracking Applied to the Monitoring of Medication Intake
* Face Recognition Across Pose Using View Based Active Appearance Models (VBAAMs) on CMU Multi-PIE Dataset
* Face Recognition Using a Color PCA Framework
* Face Recognition with Biologically Motivated Boosted Features
* Fast Computation Algorithm of Binocular Energy Model, A
* Fast Normal Map Acquisition Using an LCD Screen Emitting Gradient Patterns
* Feasibility of Multi-View Video Streaming Over P2P Networks
* Feature Extraction and Classification by Genetic Programming
* Feature-based similarity search in 3D object databases
* Forty years of research in character and document recognition: An industrial perspective
* Framework of View-Dependent Planar Scene Active Camouflage, A
* Functional Object Class Detection Based on Learned Affordance Cues
* Gait Analysis For Human Identification Through Manifold Learning and HMM
* Generating Semantic Information from 3D Scans of Crime Scenes
* Generative tracking of 3D human motion by hierarchical annealed genetic algorithm
* Geo-located Image Grouping Using Latent Descriptions
* Geometrical Primitives for the Classification of Images Containing Structural Cartographic Objects
* Gesture in Automatic Discourse Processing
* GPU-Based 3D Video Object Synthesis and Its Quality Assessment
* GPU-Based Multigrid: Real-Time Performance in High Resolution Nonlinear Image Processing
* guided tour to approximate string matching, A
* Hand and Wrist Physiological Features Extraction for near Infrared Biometrics
* HDR Imaging From Differently Exposed Multiview Videos
* Hierarchical Approach for Fast and Robust Ellipse Extraction, A
* Hierarchical Stereo with Thin Structures and Transparency
* Hierarchical Two-Stage Neural-Classifier for Mode Decision of H.264/AVC Stereo Video Encoding, A
* High-Resolution Depth Map Generation by Applying Stereo Matching Based on Initial Depth Informaton
* How Does My 3D Video Sound Like? Impact of Loudspeaker Set-Ups on Audiovisual Quality on Mid-Sized Autostereoscopic Display
* Human eye sclera detection and tracking using a modified time-adaptive self-organizing map
* Hybrid Method of 3-D Image Reconstruction from Stereo Pictures
* Image Retrieval from the World Wide Web: Issues, Techniques, and Systems
* Image retrieval: Ideas, influences, and trends of the new age
* Implementation of Stereoscopic and Dualview Images on a Micro-Display High Definition Television
* Improved Euler Spiral Algorithm for Shape Completion, An
* Improvement for 3D Coordinate Reconstruction of Facial Feature Points in Video Sequences
* Increasing Classification Robustness with Adaptive Features
* Integrating Color and Gradient into Real-time Curve Tracking
* Integration of Visual and Shape Attributes for Object Action Complexes
* Inter-View Rate Allocation Using Efficient Layer Extraction for Stereo Video Streaming Over IP
* Interactive Multi-View Video Adaptation for 3DTV
* Interactive Refinement and Editing for Time-Varying Mesh
* Introducing Stereo Effects into Cel Animations
* Invariant Classification of Gait Types
* Inverted pattern approach to improve image quality of information hiding by LSB substitution
* Iterative Approach to Improved Local Phase Coherence Estimation, An
* Keyframe Reduction Techniques for Motion Capture Data
* Large-Scale Stereo Display Wall Using Programmable Graphics Hardware
* Learning Contextual Variations for Video Segmentation
* Learning probabilistic models of tree edit distance
* Learning to Detect Aircraft at Low Resolutions
* Learning Visual Quality Inspection from Multiple Humans Using Ensembles of Classifiers
* Low Power H.264 Deblocking Filter Hardware Implementations
* Machine learning based adaptive watermark decoding in view of anticipated attack
* Measurement of 3D Visual Fatigue Using Event-Related Potential (ERP): 3D Oddball Paradigm
* Measurements and Experiments of the Immaterial Virtual Reality Display
* Measuring linearity of planar point sets
* memetic algorithm for evolutionary prototype selection: A scaling up approach, A
* Mesh Representation Driven by Variance Normalized Neighborhood in Scale Space
* Method and apparatus for summarizing and indexing the contents of an audio-visual presentation
* Mobile 3D Video Using MVC and N800 Internet Tablet
* Monitoring Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) of Elderly Based on 3D Key Human Postures
* Monocular Omnidirectional Visual Odometry for Outdoor Ground Vehicles
* Moving Parallax Barrier Design for Eye-Tracking Autostereoscopic Displays
* MPEG-4 Part 25: A Generic Model for 3D Graphics Compression
* Multi-View 3D TV Sub-Pixel Coding for Stress Free Perception
* Multi-View Image Matting and Compositing Using Trimap Sharing for Natural 3-D Scene Generation
* Multimodal Interaction Abilities for a Robot Companion
* Multiple Background Sprite Generation Using Camera Motion Characterization for Object-Based Video Coding
* Multiple Object Tracking Based on Adaptive Depth Segmentation
* Multiple View Integration and Display Using Virtual Mirrors
* Multiscale Laplacian Operators for Feature Extraction on Irregularly Distributed 3-D Range Data
* New 3D Watermarking Algorithm, A
* New Method for Synthetic Face Generation Using Spline Curves, A
* New Miniaturized Embedded Stereo-Vision System (MESVS-I), A
* New MPEG-4/FAMC Standard for Animated 3D Mesh Compression, The
* No Panacea Theorem for classifier combination, A
* Noise Robust Motion Refinement for Motion Compensated Noise Reduction
* Non-stationary data sequence classification using online class priors estimation
* Nonlinear registration using variational principle for mutual information
* Novel Depth-Fused Display (DFD) System With Wide Viewing 3D Images
* Novel Feature Selection Based Semi-supervised Method for Image Classification, A
* Novel Frame Concealment Method for Depth Maps Using Corresponding Colour Motion Vectors, A
* Novel Method for Semi-automatic 2D to 3D Video Conversion, A
* Novel Non-Hole-Filling Approach of Depth Image Based Rendering, The
* Object Category Detection Using Audio-Visual Cues
* Object Class Recognition using Quadrangles
* Object Detection for a Humanoid Robot Using a Probabilistic Global Workspace
* Object-based and image-based object representations
* Objective Quality Assessment in Free-Viewpoint Video Production
* Occlusion Boundaries: Low-Level Detection to High-Level Reasoning
* On-Line Interactive Self-adaptive Image Classification Framework, An
* Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recognition and Localization in a Biologically Motivated Architecture
* Opengl-Based Control of Semi-Active 3D Display
* Optimal Aspect Ratio under Vergence for 3D TV
* Opto-Mechanical Oriented Edge Filtering
* Outlier Removal for Sparse 3D Reconstruction from Video
* Parallelization of cellular neural networks on GPU
* Path Planning for Planetary Exploration
* PCA Based 3D Shape Reconstruction of Human Foot Using Multiple Viewpoint Cameras
* Peer-to-Peer Visualization of Very Large 3D Landscape and City Models Using MPEG-4
* Performance Assessment of A Diffraction Field Computation Method Based on Source Model
* Polygonal Meshing for 3D Stereo Video Sensor Data
* Precise Control over the Individual DMD Micromirror for Volumetric Three-Dimensional Display Applications
* Probabilistic Pose Recovery Using Learned Hierarchical Object Models
* Prostate Segmentation from 2-D Ultrasound Images Using Graph Cuts and Domain Knowledge
* Quantitative Verification of Projected Views Using a Power Law Model of Feature Detection
* Ranking Corner Points by the Angular Difference between Dominant Edges
* Ray-based Color Image Segmentation
* Real-Time 3D Video Synthesis from Binocular Stereo Camera
* Real-Time All-in-Focus Video-Based Rendering Using A Network Camera Array
* Real-Time Face Tracking for Attention Aware Adaptive Games
* Real-time Multi-view Stereo Algorithm using Adaptive-weight Parzen Window and Local Winner-take-all Optimization
* Real-Time Synthesis of Natural Head Motion on A 3D AVATAR from Reconstructed 3D Frontal Face Data
* Realtime Visualization of Monocular Data for 3D Reconstruction
* Region of Interest Generation in Dynamic Environments Using Local Entropy Fields
* Region-Based 3D Artwork Indexing and Classification
* Region-based image retrieval with high-level semantics using decision tree learning
* Region-of-Interest 3D Video Coding Based on Depth Images
* Rek-Means: A k-Means Based Clustering Algorithm
* Remembering Pictures of Real-World Images Using Eye Fixation Sequences in Imagery and in Recognition
* Robust Real-Time Bi-Layer Video Segmentation Using Infrared Video
* Role of Implicit Context Information in Guiding Visual-Spatial Attention, The
* SAFEE On-Board Threat Detection System, The
* Scalable End-to-End Optimized Real-Time Image-Based Rendering Framework on Graphics Hardware, A
* Scanning Led Array Based Volumetric Display
* Scene Classification Based on Multi-resolution Orientation Histogram of Gabor Features
* Searching in metric spaces
* Segment-Based Multi-View Depth Map Estimation Using Belief Propagation from Dense Multi-View Video
* Segmentation Approach in Novel Real Time 3D Plant Recognition System, A
* Segmentation of Rectangular Objects Lying on an Unknown Background in a Small Preview Scan Image
* Semantic Reasoning for Scene Interpretation
* Simulation of Water Drops on a Surface
* Simulator for the Cafadis Real Time 3DTV Camera, A
* Skeletonization Based on Metrical Neighborhood Sequences
* Skin heat transfer model of facial thermograms and its application in face recognition
* Smoke Detection in Video Surveillance: A MoG Model in the Wavelet Domain
* Speech-Driven Automatic Facial Expression Synthesis
* Statistical Approaches to Multi-Scale Point Cloud Processing
* Structure from Infrared Stereo Images
* Studies in Using Image Segmentation to Improve Object Recognition
* Study to Realize A Box-Shaped 3D Display: A Calibration Method to Align Lens Array and Display, A
* Sub-class Error-Correcting Output Codes
* survey of RST invariant image watermarking algorithms, A
* SVM-Based Active Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Clustering and Unlabeled Data
* System for Geometrically Constrained Single View Reconstruction, A
* System That Learns to Tag Videos by Watching Youtube, A
* Tale of Two Object Recognition Methods for Mobile Robots, A
* Task Recognition and Person Identification in Cyclic Dance Sequences with Multi Factor Tensor Analysis
* Tessellation of Ground-Based LIDAR Data for ICP Registration
* Thermal Faceprint: A New Thermal Face Signature Extraction for Infrared Face Recognition
* Three Dimensional Sensing, Visualization, and Display
* Three-Dimensional particle tracking with subnanometer resolution using off-focus images
* Towards a Model of Information Seeking by Integrating Visual, Semantic and Memory Maps
* Tracking multiple objects through occlusion with online sampling and position estimation
* Tracking of Human Hands and Faces through Probabilistic Fusion of Multiple Visual Cues
* TV Sport Broadcasts: Real Time Virtual Representation in 3D Terrain Models
* Uncalibrated 3D Human Tracking with A PTZ-Camera Viewing A Plane
* Using anatomical knowledge expressed as fuzzy constraints to segment the heart in CT images
* Vein Segmentation in Infrared Images Using Compound Enhancing and Crisp Clustering
* View Generation by Ray-Space Method in Circular Camera Setup for FTV
* View generation with 3D warping using depth information for FTV
* View planning for automated three-dimensional object reconstruction and inspection
* View Synthesis Prediction for Rate-Overhead Reduction in FTV
* Virtual View Rendering System for 3DTV
* Vision Based Spectroscopy Simulation
* Vision-based operating method and system
* Visual Search in Static and Dynamic Scenes Using Fine-Grain Top-Down Visual Attention
* Visual-Model Based Spatial Tracking in the Presence of Occlusions
* Watermark Selection for Light Field Rendering in FTV
* Wavefield Reconstruction and Design as Discrete Inverse Problems
* Weighted Dissociated Dipoles: An Extended Visual Feature Set
* Why HDR is Important for 3DTV Model Acquisition
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