Update Dates 0702

0702 * *Vision Geometry
* 2DCCA: A Novel Method for Small Sample Size Face Recognition
* 3D Finite Element Modeling of Nonrigid Breast Deformation for Feature Registration in -ray and MR Images
* 3D Hand Model Fitting for Virtual Keyboard System
* Accelerating rotation of high-resolution images
* Accurate Centerline Detection and Line Width Estimation of Thick Lines Using the Radon Transform
* Accurate Computation of Zernike Moments in Polar Coordinates
* Accurate Mutual Information-based Registration of Digitized, An
* Activity Identification Utilizing Data Mining Techniques
* Activity Recognition using Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Automatic State Selection
* Adaptive blind channel equalisation in chaotic communications by using nonlinear prediction technique
* Adaptive Directional Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform for Image Coding
* adaptive focus-of-attention model for video surveillance and monitoring, An
* Adaptive learning for event modeling and characterization
* Adjacency lattices and shape-tree semilattices
* Advantages of multiscale product filters for dynamic range compression in images
* Algorithms for the computation of the Minkowski functionals of deterministic and random polyconvex sets
* Alternative Formulation for Five Point Relative Pose Problem, An
* Analysis of Irregularities in Human Actions with Volumetric Motion History Images
* Analysis of Retinal Vasculature Using a Multiresolution Hermite Model
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach to Tracking of Textiles, An
* Application of the Fisher-Rao Metric to Ellipse Detection
* Area efficient FIR filters for high speed FPGA implementation
* Attribute-space connectivity and connected filters
* Automated detection of objects in a biological sample
* Automated Insect Identification through Concatenated Histograms of Local Appearance Features
* Automatic Deformation Detection for Visual Post Inspection
* Automatic Extraction of Femur Contours from Calibrated Fluoroscopic Images
* Behavioral Analysis of Computational Models of Visual Attention, A
* Binary shape coding using finite automata
* Binet-Cauchy Kernels on Dynamical Systems and its Application to the Analysis of Dynamic Scenes
* Blind estimation of space-time coded systems using the finite alphabet-constant modulus algorithm
* Blind MPEG-2 video watermarking in DCT domain robust against scaling
* Body Part Detection for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Building Adaptive Camera Models for Video Surveillance
* Building Outline Extraction from Digital Elevation Models Using Marked Point Processes
* Camera Calibration from Images of Spheres
* Camera-Driven Interactive Table, The
* Cascaded change detection for foreground segmentation
* Chart Image Classification Using Multiple-Instance Learning
* clustering algorithm based on maximal theta-distant subtrees, A
* Clustering Billions of Images with Large Scale Nearest Neighbor Search
* Color Image Segmentation for Objects of Interest with Modified Geodesic Active Contour Method
* Colour demosaicking method using adaptive cubic convolution interpolation with sequential averaging
* Combined thresholding and neural network approach for vein pattern extraction from leaf images
* comment on: A one-dimensional analysis for the probability of error of linear classifiers for normally distributed classes by Rueda, A
* Compensation of Some Time Dependent Deformations in Tomography
* Complete invariants for robust face recognition
* Constraints Between Distant Lines in the Labelling of Line Drawings of Polyhedral Scenes
* Content-based image retrieval in presence of foreground disturbances
* Correction of Simple Contrast Loss in Color Images
* Cost-sensitive feature acquisition and classification
* Coupled Hidden Semi Markov Models for Activity Recognition
* Data Consistency Based Rigid Motion Artifact Reduction in Fan-Beam CT
* Dense Surface from Infrared Stereo
* Detection and Tracking of Moving Vehicles in Crowded Scenes
* Detection of Gait Characteristics for Scene Registration in Video Surveillance System
* Development and evaluation of fast branch-and-bound algorithm for feature matching based on line segments
* Direct Curvature Scale Space: Theory and Corner Detection
* Discovering Shape Classes using Tree Edit-Distance and Pairwise Clustering
* Drifting-proof Framework for Tracking and Online Appearance Learning, A
* Driver Behavior and Situation Aware Brake Assistance for Intelligent Vehicles
* Effective correlation vector quantisation algorithm and its VLSI architecture
* Effective Image Retrieval Based on Hidden Concept Discovery in Image Database
* Efficient algebraic code-excited linear predictive codebook search
* Efficient complete and incomplete path openings and closings
* Efficient Content-Based Image Enhancement in the Compressed Domain Using Retinex Theory, An
* Egomotion Estimation in Monocular Infra-red Image Sequence for Night Vision Applications
* Encoding system using motion vectors to represent frame-to-frame changes, wherein a decoder uses predictions of motion vectors in decoding
* Enhanced Video Mosaicing using Camera Motion Properties
* Equivalence of the Taut String Algorithm and BV-Regularization, The
* Estimating 3-D Respiratory Motion From Orbiting Views by Tomographic Image Registration
* Exact Algorithm for Optimal MAE Stack Filter Design, An
* Example-Based Color Transformation of Image and Video Using Basic Color Categories
* Explicit Incorporation of Prior Anatomical Information Into a Nonrigid Registration of Thoracic and Abdominal CT and 18-FDG Whole-Body Emission PET Images
* Extension of higher order local autocorrelation features
* Extraction of Person Silhouettes from Surveillance Imagery using MRFs
* Extrapolative Spatial Models for Detecting Perceptual Boundaries in Colour Images
* Face recognition under arbitrary illumination using illuminated exemplars
* Facial Range Image Matching Using the Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity Metric
* Facial Strain Pattern as a Soft Forensic Evidence
* Fast and Accurate Tensor-based Optical Flow Algorithm Implemented in FPGA, A
* Fast and Reliable Estimation of Multiple Parametric Images Using an Integrated Method for Dynamic SPECT
* Fast Multi-scale Template Matching Using Binary Features
* Feature-based Part Retrieval for Interactive 3D Reassembly
* Field programmable gate array based parallel matrix multiplier for 3D affine transformations
* flexible multi-layer self-organizing map for generic processing of tree-structured data, A
* Flexible Skew-Symmetric Shape Model for Shape Representation, Classification, and Sampling
* Formal Study of Shot Boundary Detection, A
* Framework for Automatically Recovering Object Shape, Reflectance and Light Sources from Calibrated Images, A
* Framework for FPGA-based discrete biorthogonal wavelet transforms implementation
* Framework for Model-Based Tracking Experiments in Image Sequences, A
* Frequency tracking techniques of power systems in coloured noises
* Fusion of Multiple Camera Views for Kernel-Based 3D Tracking
* Gait Analysis For Human Identification Through Manifold Learning and HMM
* General Method for Detecting All-Zero Blocks Prior to DCT and Quantization, A
* Geodesic Active Contour Based Fusion of Visible and Infrared Video for Persistent Object Tracking
* Geometric and Timing Calibration for Unsynchronized Cameras Using Trajectories of a Moving Marker
* GPU Acceleration of Real-time Feature Based Algorithms
* Graph embedding using tree edit-union
* Gray-Code Filter Kernels, The
* H-inf mode reduction for two-dimensional discrete state-delayed systems
* Hairline Fracture Detection using MRF and Gibbs Sampling
* Hiding secret data adaptively in vector quantisation index tables
* High Accuracy Fundamental Matrix Computation and Its Performance Evaluation
* Hilbert Transform Based FBP Algorithm for Fan-Beam CT Full and Partial Scans
* hMouse: Head Tracking Driven Virtual Computer Mouse
* Homography-based Analysis of People and Vehicle Activities in Crowded Scenes
* Human Limb Delineation and Joint Position Recovery Using Localized Boundary Models
* Human Pose Inference from Stereo Cameras
* Hybrid object labelling in digital images
* Identity Verification Via the 3Bid Face Alignment System
* Image covariance-based subspace method for face recognition
* Image Denoising by Averaging of Piecewise Constant Simulations of Image Partitions
* Image filtering using morphological amoebas
* Image Registration of Sectioned Brains
* Image restoration using the particle filter: handling non-causality
* Image restoration using truncated SVD filter bank based on an energy criterion
* Image security system using recursive cellular automata substitution
* Image Segmentation of Overlapping Particles in Automatic Size Analysis Using Multi-Flash Imaging
* Image Segmentation Using Some Piecewise Constant Level Set Methods with MBO Type of Projection
* Image segmentation via self-organising fusion
* Image sequence enhancement system and method
* Image-Based Traffic Monitoring With Shadow Suppression
* Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling
* Improved discriminate analysis for high-dimensional data and its application to face recognition
* Improved line spectral frequency estimation through anti-aliasing filtering
* Improving angular error via systematically designed near-circular Gaussian-based feature extraction operators
* Information Theoretic Deformable Registration Using Local Image Information
* Integrating flexible tree searches to orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm
* Interactive Image Repair with Assisted Structure and Texture Completion
* Interpolation capability of the periodic radial basis function network
* Inverse Scale Spaces for Nonlinear Regularization
* ISMM05 special issue
* Iterative Regularization and Nonlinear Inverse Scale Space Applied to Wavelet-Based Denoising
* Kernel Regression for Image Processing and Reconstruction
* Kernel-based deterministic annealing algorithm for data clustering
* LDPC-Based Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding for JPEG2000
* Learning the best subset of local features for face recognition
* Level Lines Selection with Variational Models for Segmentation and Encoding
* Local Features and Kernels for Classification of Texture and Object Categories: A Comprehensive Study
* Local Graph Matching for Face Recognition
* Localization and Mapping for Autonomous Navigation in Outdoor Terrains: A Stereo Vision Approach
* Locating object contours in complex background using improved snakes
* Lossless image coding using adaptive, switching algorithm with automatic fuzzy context modelling
* Low-Complexity Interpolation Method for Deinterlacing, A
* Low-Power Buffer Management for Streaming Data
* Maneuvering Aid for Large Vehicle using Omnidirectional Cameras
* MAP Approach for Joint Motion Estimation, Segmentation, and Super Resolution, A
* Map-Enhanced Detection and Tracking from a Moving Platform with Local and Global Data Association
* Map-Enhanced UAV Image Sequence Registration
* Matching Pursuit-Based Region-of-Interest Image Coding
* Matrix-pattern-oriented Ho-Kashyap classifier with regularization learning
* Method and apparatus for detecting objects using structured light patterns
* Method for adapting quantization in video coding using face detection and visual eccentricity weighting
* Method for assisting an automated video tracking system in reaquiring a target
* Method for identifying measuring points in an optical measuring system
* method of reactive zoom control from uncertainty in tracking, A
* Methods, systems, and computer program products for imperceptibly embedding structured light patterns in projected color images for display on planar and non-planar surfaces
* Minimal Solution to the Generalised 3-Point Pose Problem, A
* Modelling and segmentation of colour images in polar representations
* Modified back-propagation algorithm applied to decision-feedback equalisation
* Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Tracking Spatial-Color Gaussian Mixture Models
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes Into Modestly Overlapped Octagonal and Disk Components
* Morphology for matrix data: Ordering versus PDE-based approach
* Motion Analysis in Compressed Video: An Hybrid Approach
* Motion Estimation Using a General Purpose Neural Network Simulator for Visual Attention
* Multi-cue Pedestrian Detection and Tracking from a Moving Vehicle
* Multi-frame Approaches To Improve Face Recognition
* Multi-view face and eye detection using discriminant features
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matching Score
* Multiresolution 3-D Reconstruction From Side-Scan Sonar Images
* Multiscale Parametric Background Model for Stationary Foreground Object Detection, A
* New Affine Registration Algorithm for Matching 2D Point Sets, A
* New Evaluation Approach for Video Processing Algorithms, A
* New Linear Method for Camera Self-Calibration with Planar Motion, A
* New Soft Variable Length Decoder for Wireless Video Transmission, A
* Non-orthogonal Binary Expansion of Gabor Filters with Applications in Object Tracking
* Nonlinear Diffusion in Laplacian Pyramid Domain for Ultrasonic Speckle Reduction
* Nonlinear Mean Shift for Robust Pose Estimation
* Novel Algorithm for Estimating Vehicle Speed from Two Consecutive Images, A
* Novel Cooperative Neural Fusion Algorithms for Image Restoration and Image Fusion
* Numerical residues
* Object Categorization Robust to Surface Markings using Entropy-guided Codebook
* Object detection
* Object-Based Spatial Segmentation of Video Guided by Depth and Motion Information
* On Channel Reliability Measure Training for Multi-Camera Face Recognition
* On Classification with Incomplete Data
* On the Design of Perceptual MPEG-Video Encryption Algorithms
* On the dynamics
* On the Impact of Dissimilarity Measure in k-Modes Clustering Algorithm
* On the Wiberg Algorithm for Matrix Factorization in the Presence of Missing Components
* Optimal Separable Algorithms to Compute the Reverse Euclidean Distance Transformation and Discrete Medial Axis in Arbitrary Dimension
* Optimal Signature Design for Spread-Spectrum Steganography
* Optimization Design of Biorthogonal Wavelets for Embedded Image Coding
* Outlier Detection and Handling for Robust 3-D Active Shape Models Search
* Parallel Decoding of Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Codes Based on Most Probable Symbol Prediction
* Performance Evaluation of Vision-Based Navigation and Landing on a Rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Performance Generalization in Biometric Authentication Using Joint User-Specific and Sample Bootstraps
* Performance of Low-Level Motion Estimation Methods for Confocal Microscopy of Plant Cells in vivo
* Photometric Stereo with General, Unknown Lighting
* Pose Estimation Based on Two Images from Different Views
* Practical Camera Auto Calibration using Semidefinite Programming
* Prior-based Segmentation and Shape Registration in the Presence of Perspective Distortion
* Probabilistic Hierarchical Face Model for Feature Localization
* Re-scalable V-BLAST MIMO system for FPGA
* Real Time Viterbi Optimization of Hidden Markov Models for Multi Target Tracking
* Real-time Detection of Semi-transparent Watermarks in Decompressed Video
* Real-time multi-stage infrared image-based tracking system
* Recovering the Basic Structure of Human Activities from a Video-Based Symbol String
* Recovery of 3D Pose of Bones in Single 2D X-ray Images
* Rectified nearest feature line segment for pattern classification
* Regularized Iteratively Reweighted MAD Method for Change Detection in Multi- and Hyperspectral Data, The
* Resizing Algorithm With Two-Stage Realization for DCT-Based Transcoding, A
* Review of Statistical Approaches to Level Set Segmentation: Integrating Color, Texture, Motion and Shape, A
* Robust 3-D Modeling of Vasculature Imagery Using Superellipsoids
* Robust Coding Over Noisy Overcomplete Channels
* Robust Dissolve Detection Using Local Feature Tracking
* Robust multiple signal classification algorithm based on the myriad covariation matrix
* Robust Object Recognition with Cortex-Like Mechanisms
* Scalable phase extraction methods for phase plane motion estimation
* Segmenting Biological Particles in Multispectral Microscopy Images
* Segmenting, Modeling, and Matching Video Clips Containing Multiple Moving Objects
* Selection and Fusion of Color Models for Image Feature Detection
* Self-generating prototypes for pattern classification
* Semantic Modeling of Natural Scenes for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* separation of reflected and transparent layers from real-world image sequence, The
* Shape and View Independent Reflectance Map from Multiple Views
* Shape Background Modeling: The Shape of Things That Came
* Shape from silhouette outlines using an adaptive dandelion model
* Simplified adaptive algorithm for constrained notch filters with guaranteed stability
* Single Reference Frame Multiple Current Macroblocks Scheme for Multiple Reference Frame Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Skeleton Pruning by Contour Partitioning with Discrete Curve Evolution
* Space-Time Completion of Video
* Speaker identification based on adaptive discriminative vector quantisation
* Spectral Methods for 3-D Motion Segmentation of Sparse Scene-Flow
* Stereo Matching and 3D Visualization for Gamma-Ray Cargo Inspection
* Structure-From-Motion Without Correspondence From Tomographic Projections by Bayesian Inversion Theory
* Subpixel motion computing architecture
* Successive Approximation Technique for Displaying Gray Shades in Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs), A
* Supervised Learning of Semantic Classes for Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Supporting Interactive Video-on-Demand With Adaptive Multicast Streaming
* Survey and comparative analysis of entropy and relative entropy thresholding techniques
* System and method for head size equalization in 360 degree panoramic images
* System and method for providing high fidelity color images
* system for articulated tracking incorporating a clothing model, A
* Systems for Safety and Autonomous Behavior in Cars: The DARPA Grand Challenge Experience
* Theoretical foundations for spatially discrete 1-D shock filtering
* Three-Dimensional Volume and Position Recovering Using a Virtual Reference Box
* Threshold-based 3D Tumor Segmentation using Level Set (TSL)
* Towards a semi-automatic method for the statistically rigorous ageing of the human face
* Towards direct recovery of shape and motion parameters from image sequences
* Towards Rate-Distortion Tradeoff in Real-Time Color Video Coding
* Tracking 3D Human Motion in Compact Base Space
* Tracking vehicle targets with large aspect change
* Two-stage Algorithm for Shoreline Detection, A
* Two-stage Multi-view Analysis Framework for Human Activity and Interactions, A
* Unbiased homomorphic system and its application in reducing multiplicative noise
* Undecimated Wavelet Decomposition and its Reconstruction, The
* Undersampled Boundary Pre-/Postfilters for Low Bit-Rate DCT-Based Block Coders
* Unsupervised real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to hyperspectral image classification
* Using Image Flow to Detect Eye Blinks in Color Videos
* variational approach to blending based on warping for non-overlapped images, A
* Variational Model for Capturing Illusory Contours Using Curvature, A
* Vector field characterization in ERS-1 imagery of sea ice
* Verification effectiveness in open-set speaker identification
* Video Denoising Based on Inter-frame Statistical Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients
* Video feature tracking with loss-of-track detection
* Video Inpainting Under Constrained Camera Motion
* Video Representation with Dynamic Features from Multi-Frame Frame-Difference Images
* Video-based Metrology of Water Droplet Spreading on Nanostructured Surfaces
* VIM: Vision for Interactive Music
* Visible colour difference-based quantitative evaluation of colour segmentation
* Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains, A
* Warped Document Image Restoration Using Shape-from-Shading and Physically-Based Modeling
* Watershed and multimodal data for brain vessel segmentation: Application to the superior sagittal sinus
* wearable system for mobility improvement of visually impaired people, A
* Weighted and robust learning of subspace representations
* Wiener Filter-Based Error Resilient Time-Domain Lapped Transform
* Zero-quantised discrete cosine transform prediction technique for video encoding
280 for 0702

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.