* 1st and 2nd order recursive operators for adaptive edge detection
* 2D-2D geometric transformation invariant to arbitrary translations, rotations and scales
* 3-D object positioning from monocular image brightnesses
* 6DOF calibration of a camera with respect to the wrist of a 5-axis machine tool
* Abnormality detection and surveillance system
* active vision system for obtaining high resolution depth information, An
* adaptive deformable template for mouth boundary modeling, An
* Adaptive fovea structures for space-variant sensors
* Adaptive Lapped Transform-Based Image-Coding
* Adaptive logic networks for facial feature detection
* adaptive method of color road segmentation, An
* Adaptive motion estimation and video vector quantization based on spatiotemporal non-linearities of human perception
* Adaptive non-cartesian networks for vision
* Adaptive non-linear predictor for lossless image compression
* Adaptive pen user interface with supervised competitive learning
* Adaptive Scaled Mean-Square Error Filtering by Neural Networks
* Adaptive selection of image classifiers
* Adaptive stereo matching in correlation scale-space
* Adding associative meshes to the PACCO I.P. environment
* Aerotriangulation and DEM/Orthophoto Generation from High-Resolution Still-Video Imagery: On the Potential of Digital Cameras Onboard an Aircraft
* Affine Structure from Line Correspondences with Uncalibrated Affine Cameras
* Algorithm for Encoding and Decoding the 3-D Hilbert Order, An
* algorithm for intrinsic dimensionality estimation, An
* algorithm for the global solution of the shape-from-shading model, An
* Algorithmic solution and simulation results for vision-based autonomous mode of a planetary rover
* Algorithms for Color Image Edge Enhancement Using Potential Functions
* Analysis and segmentation of remote-sensing images for land-cover mapping
* Analysis of a Two Step MPEG Video System
* Analysis of grey-level features for line segment stereo matching
* Analysis of learning using segmentation models
* Analysis situs and image processing
* Analyzing and Synthesizing Images by Evolving Curves with the Osher-Sethian Method
* appearance-based approach to gesture-recognition, An
* Approximate String-Matching Algorithm for Online Chinese Character-Recognition, An
* Approximating Bayesian Belief Networks By Arc Removal
* Approximation Algorithm for Least Median of Squares Regression, An
* Architectural image segmentation using digital watersheds
* Audio-visual processing for scene change detection
* Automated camera calibration and 3D egomotion estimation for augmented reality applications
* Automatic High-Resolution Optoelectronic Photogrammetric 3D Surface Geometry Acquisition-System
* Automatic parameter selection for object recognition using a parallel multiobjective genetic algorithm
* Automatic pedestrian recognition using real-time motion analysis
* Automatic recognition of printed arabic text using neural network classifier
* Automatic recognition of spicules in mammograms
* automatic transformation from bimodal to pseudo-binary images, An
* Autonomous plant inspection and anomaly detection
* badly calibrated camera in ego-motion estimation: Propagation of uncertainty, A
* Bayesian decision versus voting for image retrieval
* Bayesian network for 3d object recognition in range data, A
* Beyond standard regularization theory
* Bias in Robust Estimation Caused by Discontinuities and Multiple Structures
* Bimodal histogram transformation based on maximum likelihood parameter estimates in univariate Gaussian mixtures
* Bit Reduction of DCT Basis for Transform Coding
* Bits Truncation Adaptive Pyramid Algorithm for Motion Estimation of MPEG2
* brain-like approach to multistage hierarchical image processing, A
* Bézier modelling of cracks
* C: Improvements to image magnification
* Camera calibration based on 3D-point-grid
* Challenges and opportunities for PR&CV research in year 2000 and beyond
* Character extraction from scene image using fuzzy entropy and rule-based technique
* characterization of digital disks by discrete moments, A
* Classification and Overview of Research in Real-Time Imaging
* Classification reliability and its use in multi-classifier systems
* Closed-Form Connectivity-Preserving Solutions for Motion Compensation Using 2-D Meshes
* Cognitive Approach to Road Recognition with Novel Feature Indicators, A
* Color based object recognition
* Color Constancy in the Nearly Natural Image: I: Asymmetric Matches
* Color Image Quantization by Minimizing the Maximum Intercluster Distance
* Color linear model
* Color texture classification by wavelet energy correlation signatures
* Colour image retrieval fitted to classical querying
* Combination of active sensing and sensor fusion for collision avoidance in mobile robots
* Combining high-level features with sequential local features for on-line handwriting recognition
* Comparative-Study of Skew Detection Algorithms
* COMPARES Project: Connectionist methods for preprocessing and analysis of remote sensing data, The
* Comparing convex shapes using Minkowski addition
* Comparison and application of selected statistical shape models in medical imaging
* Comparison of Combined Shape Descriptors for Irregular Objects
* Computation of Optical-Flow Using Basis Functions
* computational approach to color illusions, A
* Computational complexity reduction in eigenspace approaches
* Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on Helical CT Images
* Computer vision and image processing in postal automation
* Computer Vision System for Natural Communication, A
* Computing 3D projective invariants from points and lines
* Computing projective and permutation invariants of points and lines
* Computing Stochastic Completion Fields in Linear-Time Using a Resolution Pyramid
* conditional mixture of neural networks for face detection, applied to locating and tracking an individual speaker, A
* Conjoint Probabilistic Subband Modeling
* Constructive Fitting and Extraction of Geometric Primitives
* Content-centric computing in visual systems
* Contextual edge detection using a recurrent neural network
* Contour line extraction from color images of scanned maps
* Contour segmentation with recurrent neural networks of pulse-coding neurons
* Contrast enhancement of badly illuminated images based on Gibbs distribution and random walk model
* Contribution to the colour segmentation by means of an algorithm which reduces the CCDs saturation problems
* Convergence of model based shape from shading
* Convergent Block-Iterative Algorithms for Image-Reconstruction from Inconsistent Data
* Cooperative vision in a multi-agent architecture
* Coordinate-free camera calibration
* COP: A new method for extracting edges and corners
* CRASH project: Defect detection and classification in ferrite cores, The
* Cross-media color matching using neural networks
* Customizing MPEG video compression algorithms to specific application domains: The case of highway monitoring
* Decomposition of the Hadamard matrices and fast Hadamard transform
* Dedicated hardware processors for a real-time image data pre-processing implemented in FPGA structure
* Defect detection on leather by oriented singularities
* Defining cost functions and profitability measures for digraphs associated with raster DEMs
* Deformation of discrete object surfaces
* Detecting motion independent of the camera movement through a log-polar differential approach
* Detection of rib shadows in digital chest radiographs
* Detection of the objects with given shape on the grey-valued pictures
* Development of image processing technique for detection of the rescue target in the marine casualty
* Digital Camera Self-Calibration
* Digital Orthophotography: Mapping with Pictures
* Digital zooming system of high resolution and method therefor
* Direct aspect-based 3-D object recognition
* Discontinuity adaptive MRF model for synthetic aperture radar image analysis
* Discrete-time rigidity-constrained optical flow
* Distortions of stereoscopic visual space and quadratic Cremona transformations
* divide-and-conquer strategy in recovering shape of book surface from shading, A
* Document Registration Using Projective Geometry
* Dynamic Scale-Space Theories
* Dynamic Vergence Using Log-Polar Images
* Easy calibration of pan/tilt camera heads and online computation of the epipolar correspondences
* Edge-Detection by Point Classification of Canny Filtered Images
* Effects of Spatial-Frequency, Duration, and Contrast on Discriminating Motion Directions
* Efficient region segmentation through creep-and-merge
* Efficient Sampling for Computer Vision Roundness Inspection
* Efficient Transmission of Half-Tones via Facsimile
* energy minimisation approach to the registration, matching and recognition of images, An
* Error concealment algorithms for robust decoding of MPEG compressed video
* Error-free calculation of the convolution using generalized Mersenne and Fermat transforms over algebraic fields
* ESPRIT LTR research project: Nonlinear model-based analysis and description of images for multimedia applications (NOBLESSE), The
* Estimating translation/deformation motion through phase correlation
* Estimation of the color image gradient with perceptual attributes
* Evolutionary image segmentation
* Experiments on the decomposition of arbitrarily shaped binary morphological structuring elements
* Experiments with a new area-based stereo algorithm
* Experiments with Matching in the Object Space for Aerotriangulation
* Exponential vector field tomography
* Extending adjacency to fuzzy sets for coping with imprecise image objects
* Extraction of filled-in data from colour forms
* Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* Facial image recognition using neural networks and genetic algorithms
* Farthest Point Strategy for Progressive Image Sampling, The
* Fast and reliable object pose estimation from line correspondences
* fast approach for determining of visibility of 3D object's surfaces, A
* Fast error-correcting graph isomorphism based on model precompilation
* Fast face detection via morphology-based pre-processing
* Fast Image Vector Quantization Using a Modified Competitive Learning Neural Network Approach
* Fast line and rectangle detection by clustering and grouping
* Fast segmentation of range images
* Fast stereovision by coherence detection
* Fast tissue segmentation based on a 4D feature map: Preliminary results
* Feature-Based Human Face Detection
* Fingerprint Compression Using Wavelet Packet Transform and Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization
* framework for feature-based motion recovery in ground plane vehicle navigation, A
* From Image-Processing to Feature Processing
* From Multiple Stereo Views to Multiple 3-D Surfaces
* Fully unsupervised clustering using centre-surround receptive fields with applications to colour-segmentation
* Function-described graphs applied to 3D object representation
* general and flexible deskewing method based on generalized projection, A
* generalised geometry and intensity based partial volume correction for magnetic resonance images, A
* Generalization of shifted fovea multiresolution geometries applied to object detection
* geometric modeling tool for stereo-matching and reconstruction of a model of 3D-scene, A
* geometrically deformable contour model, A
* Global Minimum for Active Contour Models: A Minimal Path Approach
* Grasping of Static and Moving-Objects Using a Vision-Based Control Approach
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition using displacement extraction based on directional features
* Hemispherical Photographs Used for Mapping Confined Spaces
* Heuristic Reasoning Strategy for Automated Sensor Placement
* Hierarchical depth mapping from multiple cameras
* Hierarchical Filter Scheme For Efficient Corner Detection, A
* Histogram families for color-based retrieval in image databases
* Histogram-based image registration for digital subtraction angiography
* Holographic image representations: The Fourier transform method
* Hough Transform Modified By Line Connectivity And Line Thickness
* Identifying human face profiles with semi-local integral invariants
* Image analysis and synthesis using physics-based-modeling for pearl quality evaluation system
* Image compression based on Centipede Model
* Image databases are not databases with images
* Image registration with shape mixtures
* Image retrieval by color regions
* Image retrieval by multidimensional elastic matching
* Image scaling using cubic filters
* Image segmentation by means of fuzzy entropy measure
* Image Structure
* Image-Coding Through D-Lattice Quantization of Wavelet Coefficients
* improved active shape model: Handling occlusion and outliers, An
* Improved textured images segmentation using an energy functional
* Improvement of vessel segmentation by elastically compensated patient motion in digital subtraction angiography images
* Improving the shape recognition performance of a model with Gabor filter representation
* Improving the use of contours and skeletons for off-line cursive script segmentation
* Integral based approach for determining motion vector fields
* integrated approach for segmentation and representation of range images, An
* Integration of optical and acoustical imaging sensors for underwater applications
* Integration of spatio-temporal information for motion detection by means of fuzzy reasoning
* Interactive model-based matching retrieval
* Interactive segmentation of 3D ultrasound using deformable solid models and active contours
* Invariant object representation and recognition using Lie algebra of perceptual vector fields
* iterative spectral-spatial Bayesian labeling approach for unsupervised robust change detection on remotely sensed multispectral imagery, An
* Joint Detection, Interpolation, Motion and Parameter Estimation for Image Sequences with Missing Data
* Joint Space-Frequency Segmentation Using Balanced Wavelet Packet Trees for Least-Cost Image Representation
* Lapped Multiple Bases Algorithms for Still Image Compression without Blocking Effect
* Learning for feature selection and shape detection
* Learning Visual Ideals
* Leather inspection through singularities detection using wavelet transforms
* Ligature Modeling for Online Cursive Script Recognition
* linear quadtree compression scheme for image encryption, A
* Lipreading using Fourier transform over time
* Local subspace method for pattern recognition
* Logical structure analysis by typographic characteristics extraction
* long term change detection method for surveillance applications, A
* Lossless compression of pre-press images using a novel colour decorrelation technique
* Markov random field model for bony tissue classification, A
* Mathematical-Analysis of Motion-Opponent Mechanisms Used in the Determination of Heading and Depth
* Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation for the Two-Dimensional Discrete Boolean Random Set and Function Models Using Multidimensional Linear Samples
* method for anisotropy analysis of 3D images, A
* method for segmentation of CT head images, A
* Microwave Antenna Imaging, Diagnostics, and Phaseless Reconstructions
* Microwave Imaging: Reconstructions from Experimental-Data Using Conjugate-Gradient and Enhancement by Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Mobile Mapping: An Emerging Technology for Spatial Data-Acquisition
* Model-Based Recognition and Parameter Estimation of Buildings from Multi-View Aerial Imagery Using Multi-Segmentation
* Modeling Spatial and Temporal Textures
* MORAL: A vision-based object recognition system for autonomous mobile systems
* Morphological grain operators for binary images
* Morphological Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Morphological Shared-Weight Networks with Applications to Automatic Target Recognition
* Mosaicing of flattened images from straight homogeneous generalized cylinders
* Motion and intensity-based segmentation and its application to traffice monitoring
* MPEG Digital Audio-Coding and Video-Coding Standards
* MPEG Digital Video Coding Standards: Delivering Picture-Perfect Compression for Storage, Transmission, and Multimedia Applications
* Multi-lens imaging apparatus having a mechanism for combining a plurality of images without displacement of registration
* Multi-level dynamic programming for axial motion stereo line matching
* Multi-scale gradient magnitude watershed segmentation
* Multi-sensor fusion with Bayesian inference
* Multigrid MRF based picture segmentation with cellular neural networks
* Multiresolution Analysis in Extraction of Reference Lines from Documents with Gray-Level Background
* Multiscale edge detection via normal changes
* Neural network for region detection
* Neural-like thinning processing
* new algorithm for 3D profilometry based on phase measurement, A
* New Antialiasing Approach for Image Compositing, A
* new approach to computation of curvature scale space image for shape similarity retrieval, A
* new deformable model for 3D image segmentation, A
* new hardware structure for implementation of soft morphological filters, A
* new lossless image compression algorithm based on arithmetic coding, A
* new method of texture binarization, A
* new methodology to automatically segment biomedical images, A
* New Metric for Gray-Scale Image Comparison, A
* Nobel Chile Jalapeno sorting using structured laser and neural network classifiers
* Non-Archimedean normalized fields in texture analysis tasks
* Non-rigid object recognition using principal component analysis and geometric hashing
* Non-visible deformations
* Normalization schemes in a neural network image compression algorithm
* Novel block truncation coding of image sequences for limited-color display
* novel pair-wise recognition scheme for handwritten characters in the framework of a multi-expert configuration, A
* Object identification with surface signatures
* Object pose by affine iterations
* Object recognition and performance bounds
* Occlusion-Adaptive, Content-Based Mesh Design and Forward Tracking
* On the performance bounds of motion-compensated deinterlacing
* On The Sequential Determination of Model Misfit
* One-step short-length DCT algorithms with data representation in the direct sum of the associative algebras
* Optic Flow Estimation by a Hopfield Neural-Network Using Geometrical Constraints
* Optical Character Recognition Without Segmentation
* Optical flow detection using a general noise model for gradient constraint
* Optical image acquisition, analysis and processing for biomedical applications
* Optimal keys for image database indexing
* Optimal Local Weighted Averaging Methods in Contour Smoothing
* Optimal Mapping of Graph Homomorphism onto Self-Organizing Hopfield Network
* Optimality analysis of edge detection algorithms for range images
* Optimally Rotation-Equivariant Directional Derivative Kernels
* Optimization methods in multilayer classifier networks for automatic control of lamellibranch larva growth
* Optimization of stereo disparity estimation using the instantaneous frequency
* Panoramic Image Mosaics
* parallel 12-subiteration 3D thinning algorithm to extract medial lines, A
* Parameter optimisation of an image processing system using evolutionary algorithms
* Parameter-Estimation and Restoration for Motion Blurred Images
* Parameter-Estimation in Hidden Fuzzy Markov Random-Fields and Image Segmentation
* passive real-time gaze estimation system for human-machine interfaces, A
* Pattern recognition from compressed labelled trees of fuzzy regions
* Perceived Noise Versus Display Noise in Temporally Filtered Image Sequences
* Person identification system based on a trapezoid pyramid architecture of a gray-level image
* Perspective matching using the EM algorithm
* Phantom Faces for Face Analysis
* Planning multiple views for 3-D object recognition and pose determination
* Point projective and permutation invariants
* practical algorithm for structure and motion recovery from long sequence of images, A
* Probabilistic Approach for Automatic Parameters Selection for the Hybrid Edge Detector, A
* Procedure for Automatic Absolute Orientation Using Aerial Photographs and a Map, A
* Pulse-Echo Microwave Imaging for NDE of Civil Structures: Image-Reconstruction, Enhancement, and Object Recognition
* Pyramid-based multi-sensor image data fusion with enhancement of textural features
* Quadratic Interpolation for Image Resampling
* Quality measures for interactive image retrieval with a performance evaluation of two 3X3 texel-based methods
* Quantitative assessment of two skeletonization algorithms adapted to rectangular grids
* Queue-Based Region Growing Algorithm for Accurate Segmentation of Multidimensional Digital Images, A
* Radon transform-based analysis of bidirectional structural textures, The
* Range Estimation with a Panoramic Visual Sensor
* Real time hardware architecture for visual robot navigation
* Real-Time Inspection by Submarine Images
* Real-Time Model-Based Method for 3-D Object Orientation Estimation in Outdoor Scenes, A
* real-time monocular vision-based 3D mouse system, A
* Real-Time Pedestrian Counting by Active Linear Cameras
* Real-time pedestrian tracking in natural scenes
* Recognition of 2D Object Contours Using the Wavelet Transform Zero-Crossing Representation
* Recognition of Handprinted Numerals in Visa(R) Card Application Forms
* Reconstructing digital sets from X-rays
* Reconstruction of 3-D shape and texture by active rangefinding
* Reconstruction of severely degraded image sequences
* Recursive Orthonormal Wavelet Bases with Vanishing Moments
* Reduction of Gibbs Overshoot in Continuous Wavelet Transform
* Refining surface curvature with relaxation labeling
* Region growing Euclidean distance transforms
* regularization method for unfolding the measured data of different X-ray spectrometers in Compton scattering tomography, A
* Relating image warping to 3D geometrical deformations
* Relations Between the Coefficients in the Projective Transformation Equations and the Orientation Elements of a Photograph
* Representation and Visualization of Terrain Surfaces at Variable Resolution
* Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination: New Solutions with Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
* Robust Classification of Arbitrary Object Classes Based on Hierarchical Spatial Feature-Matching
* Robust fitting of 3D CAD models to video streams
* Robust location based partial correlation
* Robust motion estimation using chrominance information in colour image sequences
* robust structural fingerprint restoration, A
* Role of Second-Order and Third-Order Statistics in the Discriminability of Natural Images
* Segmentation from Motion: Combining Gabor- and Mallat-Wavelets to Overcome Aperture and Correspondence Problem
* Segmentation of multispectral images of works of art through principal component analysis
* Segmentation of sputum color image for lung cancer diagnosis based on neural networks
* Segmentation of ultrasound image data by two dimensional autoregressive modelling
* Self-calibration from the absolute conic on the plane at infinity
* Self-evaluation for active vision by the geometric information criterion
* Sensor Fusion and Planning with Perception-Action Network
* Sensor Fusion for Monitoring Machine-Tool Conditions
* Separation of Texture and Shape in Images of Faces for Image-Coding and Synthesis
* Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion from Image Streams, A
* Sequential Linear Interpolation of Multidimensional Functions
* Set-Theoretic Estimation in Color Scanner Characterization
* Silhouette-Based Occluded Object Recognition Through Curvature Scale-Space
* Similarity measures for binary and gray level Markov Random Field textures
* simple and effective edge detector, A
* Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Smoothing noisy images without destroying predefined feature carriers
* Smoothing of MPEG multi-program video coding for packet networks
* Spatial correlation features for SAR images in a small sample size context
* Spatial Thresholds, Image-Objects, and Upscaling: A Multiscale Evaluation
* Spatiotemporal Wavelet Transforms for Digital Signal Analysis
* Special Section on Real-Time Imaging
* Specialized environment for medical radiological image visualization
* Speed-up fractal image compression with a fuzzy classifier
* Speeding up fractal encoding of images using a block indexing technique
* Static and dynamic attractors of autoassociative neural networks
* Statistical 3-D object localization without segmentation using wavelet analysis
* Statistical Classification Method For Hierarchical Irregular Objects, A
* Stereo matching using M-estimators
* Stereo processing of image data from the Air-Borne CCD-scanner WAAC
* Structural characterisation of image processing operators
* structured neural network invariant to cyclic shifts and rotations, A
* Subjective analysis of edge detectors in color image processing
* Surface modeling and display from range and color data
* System and method for incorporating segmentation boundaries into the calculation of fractal dimension features for texture discrimination
* System and method for skimming digital audio/video data
* System for Recognizing a Large Class of Engineering Drawings, A
* system for the automatic and real time recognition of V.L.P.'s (Vehicle License Plate)., A
* System to Understand Hand-Drawn Floor-Plans Using Subgraph Isomorphism and Hough Transform, A
* Target Identification Comparison of Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer Multisensor Fusion, A
* Temporal prediction of video sequences using an image warping technique based on color segmentation
* terminological image retrieval model, The
* Terrain reconstruction from multiple views
* Testing the effectiveness of Non-Linear Rectification on gabor energy
* Texture analysis using pairwise interaction maps
* Texture features in the classification of melanocytic lesions
* Textures and structural defects
* Three-dimensional quasi-binary image restoration for confocal microscopy and its application to dendritic trees
* Topology and shape preserving parallel thinning for 3D digital images: A new approach
* Two motion-detection algorithms for projection-reconstruction magnetic resonance imaging: Theory and experimental verification
* Two-dimensional fractal segmentation of natural images
* two-stage framework for polygon retrieval using Minimum Circular Error Bound, A
* Two-step parameter-free elastic image registration with prescribed point displacements
* Underwater vegetation detection in high frequency sonar images: A preliminary approach
* Unified Framework for Modern Synthetic-Aperture Imaging Algorithms
* Uniqueness of 3D affine reconstruction of lines with affine cameras
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature distributions
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using Hermite transform filters
* Use of Fourier and Karhunen-Loeve Decomposition for Fast Pattern-Matching with a Large Set of Templates
* Using proximity and spatial homogeneity in neighbourhood-based classifiers
* Using top-down and bottom-up analysis for a multi-scale skeleton hierarchy
* Variational Method for the Recovery of Smooth Boundaries, A
* Video Orbits of the Projective Group: A Simple Approach to Featureless Estimation of Parameters
* VIRSBS project: Visual intelligent recognition for secure banking services, The
* Visualizing parametric surfaces at variable resolution
* Wavelet transform architectures: A system level review
* Wavelet-Based Affine Invariant Representation: A Tool for Recognizing Planar Objects in 3D Space
* Wavelets for multiresolution shape recognition
* Weighted walkthroughs in retrieval by contents of pictorial data
* Well-posedness of linear shape-from-shading problem
* Where are the ball and players? Soccer game analysis with color-based tracking and image mosaick
* Yet Another Algorithm Which Can Generate Topography Map
* Zoning design for handwritten numeral recognition
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