* *Automated Analysis of Video Data for Wildlife Surveillance
* *Experimental study of skeleton tracking abilities from microsoft kinect non-frontal views
* *FG
* *full-reference stereoscopic image quality metric based on binocular energy and regression analysis, A
* *International Workshop on Image and Data Fusion (IWIDF)
* *ISPRS Indoor-Outdoor Seamless Modelling, Mapping and Navigation
* *ISPRS Photogrammetric techniques for video surveillance, biometrics and biomedicine
* *ISPRS Symposium CIPA
* *ISPRS Symposium WebMGS
* *ISPRS Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling
* *True Vision: Capture, Transmission And Display of 3D Video, The
* 21st century Museum Climatic Monitoring System, The
* 3D Documentation of Archeological Remains in the Underwater Park of Baiae
* 3D entity-based stereo matching with ground control points and joint second-order smoothness prior
* 3D face recognition utilizing a low-cost depth sensor
* 3D interaction design: Increasing the stimulus-response correspondence by using stereoscopic vision
* 3D interaction design: Increasing the stimulus-response correspondence by using stereoscopic vision
* 3D local derivative pattern for hyperspectral face recognition
* 3D Modeling for Underwater Archaeological Documentation: Metric Verifications
* 3D Modeling from Multi-views Images for Cultural Heritage in Wat-Pho, Thailand
* 3D Modeling of the Archaic Amphoras of Ionia
* 3D modeling of the Strasbourg's Cathedral basements for interdisciplinary research and virtual visits
* 3D Models Comparison of Complex Shell in Underwater and Dry Environments
* 3D Reconstruction of an Underwater Archaelogical Site: Comparison Between Low Cost Cameras
* 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Tourism Attractions from Indoor to Outdoor Based on Portable Four-Camera Stereo Vision System
* 3D Recording methodology applied to the Grotta Scritta Prehistoric Rock-Shelter in Olmeta-Di-Capocorso (Corsica, France)
* 3D Recording of Underwater Antiquities in the South Euboean Gulf
* 3D Scan of Ornamental Column (huabiao) Using Terrestrial LiDAR and Hand-held Imager
* 3D shape creation by style transfer
* 3D social platform for the Paths of Via Regina, A
* 3D Visualization of Cultural Heritage Artefacts with Virtual Reality devices
* 3D-HEVC extension for circular camera arrangements
* 4D Visualization of Painted Sculpture and Murals
* Accuracy Assessment of Landsat-Derived Continuous Fields of Tree Cover Products Using Airborne Lidar Data in the Eastern United States
* Accuracy assessment of modeling architectural structures and details using terrestrial laser scanning
* Accurate Surface Reconstruction in 3D Using Two-dimensional Parallel Cross Sections
* Action unit intensity estimation using hierarchical partial least squares
* Active and Passive 3D Imaging Technologies Applied to Waterlogged Wooden Artifacts from Shipwrecks
* Active nonrigid ICP algorithm
* adaptive ensemble-based system for face recognition in person re-identification, An
* Adaptive intra-refresh for low-delay error-resilient video coding
* Adaptive LPQ: An efficient descriptor for blurred face recognition
* Adaptive Parameter Estimation of Person Recognition Model in a Stochastic Human Tracking Process
* Adaptive-interpolative binarization with stroke preservation for restoration of faint characters in degraded documents
* advanced gradient histogram and its application for contrast and gradient enhancement, An
* Age estimation via unsupervised neural networks
* Airborne Laser Bathymetry for Documentation of Submerged Archaeological Sites in Shallow Water
* Algorithmic Analysis of Variational Models for Perceptual Local Contrast Enhancement, An
* ALS and TLS data fusion in cultural heritage documentation and modeling
* Analysis of radial symmetric interpolation in hologram generation
* Analysis of Stochastic k-Coverage and Connectivity in Sensor Networks With Boundary Deployment
* Analysis of Surface Subsidence in Chiba Using PSInSAR Technique, An
* Analysis of the SURF Method, An
* Analysis of Traffic Performance of a Merging Assistant Strategy Using Cooperative Vehicles
* Analysis on the dynamic changes in a regional ecosystem and evaluation of its service values based on Remote Sensing
* Analyzing trajectories on Grassmann manifold for early emotion detection from depth videos
* Ancient Stone Tidal Weirs in Penghu Archipelago: Distribution, Category, Structure and Function, a Google Earth and GIS Approach
* Application of Geo-Information Techniques in Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis in a Peri-Urban District of Ghana
* Application of geophysical methods for monitoring of surface and subsurface changes of origin archaeological terrains: Case studies of sites in the Czech Republic
* Application of Structure from Motion in Japanese Archaeology
* Application of Surface Deformation Monitoring in Mining Area by the Fusion of InSAR and Laser Scan Data
* Applications of Panoramic Images: FROM 720° Panorama to Interior 3D Models of Augmented Reality
* Approach for Indoor Wayfinding Replicating Main Principles of an Outdoor Navigation System for Cyclists, An
* Architectural Features and Preservation of Ancient Residential Complexes of the Changs in Xiangan, Xiamen
* Aspects of Biodeterioration of Lapideous Submerged Artefacts: 3D Methodologies Application
* Automated Extraction of Urban Road Facilities Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated feature weighting in clustering with separable distances and inner product induced norms: A theoretical generalization
* Automatic 3D facial expression recognition using geometric scattering representation
* automatic 3D Reconstruction Method Based on Multi-View Stereo Vision for the Mogao Grottoes, An
* Automatic Detection of the Carotid Artery Location from Volumetric Ultrasound Images Using Anatomical Position-Dependent LBP Features
* Automatic Extraction of Road Surface and Curbstone Edges from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* automatic high precision registration method between large area aerial images and aerial light detection and ranging data, An
* Automatic Line Extraction in Uncalibrated Omnidirectional Cameras with Revolution Symmetry
* Automatic Topology Derivation from IFC Building Model for In-Door Intelligent Navigation
* Autonomous Driving System for Unknown Environments Using a Unified Map, An
* Background Prior-Based Salient Object Detection via Deep Reconstruction Residual
* Bandwidth Maximization Using Vehicle Arrival Functions
* Bayesian CP Factorization of Incomplete Tensors with Automatic Rank Determination
* beauty of capturing faces: Rating the quality of digital portraits, The
* Better than SIFT?
* Beyond pure quality: Progressive modes, region of interest coding, and real time video decoding for PDE-based image compression
* Bilateral image denoising in the Laplacian subbands
* BIM applied in historical building documentation and refurbishing
* Blind Deconvolution on Underwater Images for Gas Bubble Measurement
* Blind depth quality assessment using histogram shape analysis
* Block-wise constrained sparse graph for face image representation
* Building a 3D Reference Model for Canal Tunnel Surveying Using Sonar and Laser Scanning
* Built-up Areas Extraction in High Resolution SAR Imagery based on the method of Multiple Feature Weighted Fusion
* Camera Calibration for UAV Application Using Sensor of Mobile Camera
* Camera Calibration in 3D Modelling for UAV Application
* Camera Constant in the Case of Two Media Photogrammetry
* Change detection matrix for multitemporal filtering and change analysis of SAR and PolSAR image time series
* Change-Based Image Cropping with Exclusion and Compositional Features
* Characterization of Ancient Tripitaka
* Chromatic shadow detection and tracking for moving foreground segmentation
* City Vehicle Routing Problem (City VRP): A Review
* CitySensing: Fusing City Data for Visual Storytelling
* Classification of Features of Image Sequences
* CMOS Readout With High-Precision and Low-Temperature-Coefficient Background Current Skimming for Infrared Focal Plane Array, A
* Cognitive Control Approach to Communication-Based Train Control Systems, A
* color balancing method for wide range Remote Sensing imagery based on Regionalization, A
* Combined DEM Extration Method from StereoSAR and InSAR
* Combining Digital Archives Content with Serious Game Approach to Create a Gamified Learning Experience
* Combining discriminative and model based approaches for hand pose estimation
* Compact Handheld Fringe Projection Based Underwater 3D-Scanner
* Complex Archaeological Prospection Using Combination of Non-destructive Techniques
* Computer Vision Photogrammetry for Underwater Archaeological Site Recording in a Low-Visibility Environment
* Conical Hut: A Basic Form of House Types in Timor Island
* Connectivity-preserving geometry images
* Content adaptive video denoising based on human visual perception
* Controllable face privacy
* Coordination between Understanding Historic Buildings and BIM Modelling: A 3D-Output Oriented and typological Data Capture Method
* Copy-move image forgery detection based on Gabor magnitude
* Correcting radial and perspective distortion by using face shape information
* Course Outline for a Scuba Diving Speciality Underwater Survey Diver
* Cramér-Rao lower bound calculations for image registration using simulated phenomenology
* Creating Product Models from Point Cloud of Civil Structures Based on Geometric Similarity
* creation of new traditions: Discussion of relationship between architectural rural practice and local features' inheriting from a heritage conservation perspective, The
* Cross-cultural detection of depression from nonverbal behaviour
* Cross-Domain Matching with Squared-Loss Mutual Information
* Cross-Platform Social Event Detection
* CT Anatomy of Buccal Fat Pad and Its Role in Volumetric Alterations of Face
* Cultural Consumption of the Overseas Chinese Garden in the Process of Cross-cultural Communication
* D2D for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Feasibility Study
* Dactyl Alphabet Gesture Recognition in a Video Sequence Using Microsoft Kinect
* Data fusion in Cultural Heritage: A Review
* Data Fusion of Lidar into a Region Growing Stereo Algorithm
* Data processing workflows from low-cost digital survey to various applications: three case studies of Chinese historic architecture
* Data-Driven Scene Understanding with Adaptively Retrieved Exemplars
* Delay-Rate-Distortion Model for Real-Time Video Communication
* Denoising of Biomedical Images, A
* Dense 3D face alignment from 2D videos in real-time
* Dense SIFT for ghost-free multi-exposure fusion
* Depth-Based Texture Coding in AVC-Compatible 3D Video Coding
* Design of Robust and Energy-Efficient ATO Speed Profiles of Metropolitan Lines Considering Train Load Variations and Delays
* Design of Traffic Safety Control Systems for Emergency Vehicle Preemption Using Timed Petri Nets
* Designing Huge Repositories of Moving Vehicles Trajectories for Efficient Extraction of Semantic Data
* Detecting bids for eye contact using a wearable camera
* Detection of foreground in dynamic scene via two-step background subtraction
* Develop Direct Geo-referencing System Based on Open Source Software and Hardware Platform
* Developing a Map Use Model for Web Mapping and GIS
* Development of a fusion approach selection tool
* Development of a Pedestrian Indoor Navigation System Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion and Fuzzy Logic Estimation Algorithms
* Development of Efficient Nonlinear Benchmark Bicycle Dynamics for Control Applications
* Development of Integration and Adjustment Method for Sequential Range Images
* Development of Network-type Archaeological Investigation System
* Development of Tools and Techniques to Survey, Assess, Stabilise, Monitor and Preserve Underwater Archaeological Sites: SASMAP
* DIBR synthesized image quality assessment based on morphological pyramids
* Dictionary based surveillance image compression
* Diffusion Background Model for Moving Objects Detection
* Digital 3D Borobudur: Integration of 3D surveying and modeling techniques
* Digital Inventory and Documentation of Korea's Important Cultural Properties Using 3D Laser Scanning
* Digital Technology in the protection of cultural heritage Bao Fan Temple mural digital mapping survey
* Digital watermark extraction using support vector machine with principal component analysis based feature reduction
* Discovering Attribute Shades of Meaning with the Crowd
* Discriminative 3D morphable model fitting
* Discriminative low-rank metric learning for face recognition
* Discriminative Semantic Parts Learning for Object Detection
* Discussion about the effect of digital plants library on the plants landscape restoration in Yuanmingyuan
* Discussion and Reflection on Several Core Issues in the Grand Canal Heritage Conservation Planning Under the Background of Application for World Heritage
* Distribution Matching with the Bhattacharyya Similarity: A Bound Optimization Framework
* Document image binarization using a discriminative structural classifier
* Documentation and dissemination of the sculptural elements of Canada's Parliamentary Buildings: Methodology development and evolution, a case study
* Documentation of archaeological sites in northern iraq using remote sensing methods
* Documentation of cultural heritage; techniques, potentials, and constraints
* Documentation, using GIS techniques in conservation of a World Heritage Site, a case study of The Old City of Jerusalem
* Domain adaptive sparse representation-based classification
* Drawing and Landscape Simulation for Japanese Garden by Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Driver Gaze Tracking and Eyes Off the Road Detection System
* Driving Safety Field Based on Driver-Vehicle-Road Interactions, The
* Dynamic facial expression recognition by joint static and multi-time gap transition classification
* Edge-based depth gradient refinement for 2D to 3D learned prior conversion
* Edge-Based Multi-modal Registration and Application for Night Vision Devices
* effective cross-layer designed packet scheduling, call admission control, and handover system for video streaming services over LTE network, An
* Effective Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image with Privacy Protection for Image Content
* Effects of sound on visual realism perception and task performance
* Efficient Adaptive Binary Range Coder and Its VLSI Architecture, An
* Efficient and effective human action recognition in video through motion boundary description with a compact set of trajectories
* Efficient Learning of Image Super-Resolution and Compression Artifact Removal with Semi-Local Gaussian Processes
* Efficient Sampling-Based Motion Planning for On-Road Autonomous Driving
* Efficient Software H.264/AVC to HEVC Transcoding on Distributed Multicore Processors
* Electronic holography using tiled multiple spatial light modulators and its luminance compensation
* Enhanced facial expression recognition by age
* Enhancing Disaster Management: Development of a Spatial Database of Day Care Centers in the USA
* Estimating the spatial distribution of PM2.5 concentration by integrating geographic data and field measurements
* Estimation of temporally-consistent depth maps from video with reduced noise
* Evaluation of the Effects of a Personal Mobility Vehicle on Multiple Pedestrians Using Personal Space
* Evaluation on Two-Handed and One-Handed Control Methods for Positioning Object in Immersive Virtual Environments, An
* Event detection: Ultra large-scale clustering of facial expressions
* Everything is Data: Overview of Modular System of Sensors for Museum Environment
* Examination About Influence for Precision of 3D Image Measurement from the Ground Control Point Measurement and Surface Matching
* Exemplar-based logo and trademark recognition
* Experiments with Distributed Theatre
* Exploiting sparsity and co-occurrence structure for action unit recognition
* Exploiting Textured 3D Models for Developing Serious Games
* Exploration of the correlations of attributes and features in faces
* Exponential Contrast Restoration in Fog Conditions for Driving Assistance
* Expose Spliced Photographic Basing on Boundary and Noise Features
* Expression robust 3D face recognition by matching multi-component local shape descriptors on the nasal and adjoining cheek regions
* Extract relevant features from DEM for groundwater potential mapping
* Extracting DEM from airborne X-band data based on PolInSAR
* Extraction of Extended Small-Scale Objects in Digital Images
* Extraction of Peak Feature Based on Synthetic Sinc Model in SAR images
* Face recognition under pose variation with active shape model to adjust Gabor filter kernels and to correct feature extraction location
* Face Recognition Using Local Quantized Patterns and Gabor Filters
* Faces and thoughts: An empathic dairy
* Facial expression recognition under a wide range of head poses
* Facial Features Detection Using Texture Hough Transform
* Facial makeup detection technique based on texture and shape analysis
* Fast Barrel Distortion Correction for Wide-Angle Cameras
* Fast depth estimation on mobile platforms and FPGA devices
* fast inter-component depth modeling technique for 3D high effiency video coding, A
* Fast PU Skip and Split Termination Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction
* Fast sign language recognition benefited from low rank approximation
* Fast Soft Decision Quantization With Adaptive Preselection and Dynamic Trellis Graph
* Feature Line Based Building Detection and Reconstruction from Oblique Airborne Imagery
* FG 2015 Kinship Verification in the Wild Evaluation, The
* FG2015 age progression evaluation
* Filling gaps in cultural heritage documentation by 3D photography
* Filming Underwater in 3D Respecting Stereographic Rules
* Fine-grained evaluation on face detection in the wild
* First aid to Cultural Heritage. Training initiatives on rapid documentation
* flexible framework of adaptive method selection for image saliency detection, A
* Frailty Models for the Estimation of Spatiotemporally Maximum Congested Impact Information on Freeway Accidents
* Framework for Comparing Segmentation Algorithms
* Framework for Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) based on geographic ontology, A
* Framework of Cognitive Indoor Navigation Based on Characteristics of Indoor Spatial Environment, A
* Free-hand gesture control with 'touchable' virtual interface for human-3DTV interaction
* Frontal gait recognition from occluded scenes
* Full-parallax 3D display from the hole-filtered depth information
* Fully automated facial picture evaluation using high level attributes
* Fused LASSO Screening Rules via the Monotonicity of Subdifferentials
* Fusion of range-based data and image-based datasets for efficient documentation of cultural heritage objects and sites
* Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Segmentation of Aerial Photography Data Obtained Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Fuzzy Logic to Evaluate Driving Maneuvers: An Integrated Approach to Improve Training
* Generic multivariate model for color texture classification in RGB color space
* Geometry and Texture Measures for Interactive Virtualized Reality Indoor Modeler
* Ghosts in Discrete Tomography
* GIS of Sardinia's Coastal Defense System (XVI - XVIII CENTURY), A
* GIS-Based Cultural Heritage Study Framework on Continuous Scales: A Case Study on 19th Century Military Industrial Heritage, A
* GIS-based Digital Applications on Maintenance and Preservation for traditional Chinese Gardens
* Globalization and Localization of Heritage Preservation in Taiwan: An Analysis Perspective under the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act
* Globally optimized multiview video color correction using dense spatio-temporal matching
* GPS Signal Authentication From Cooperative Peers
* GPS-Aided Video Tracking
* Grain-size assessment of fine and coarse aggregates through bipolar area morphology
* Graph-based denoising for time-varying point clouds
* Ground subsidence in Tucson, Arizona, monitored by time-series analysis using multi-sensor InSAR datasets from 1993 to 2011
* Ground subsidence monitoring over Jiaxing region, Zhejiang province from 2006 to 2010 using time series InSAR technique
* Hand detection in American Sign Language depth data using domain-driven random forest regression
* HBIM and augmented information: towards a wider user community of image and range-based reconstructions
* Hierarchical 3D kernel descriptors for action recognition using depth sequences
* Hierarchical hybrid statistic based video binary code and its application to face retrieval in TV-series
* Hierarchical Repetition Extraction for Building Facade Reconstruction from Oblique Aerial Images
* hierarchical training and identification method using Gaussian process models for face recognition in videos, A
* High resolution remote sensing image segmentation based on graph theory and fractal net evolution approach
* High-resolution lighting of 3D reliefs using a network of projectors and cameras
* Historic photos and TLS data fusion for the 3D reconstruction of a monastery altar ensemble
* Holistic View of ITS-Enhanced Charging Markets, A
* Housing Abandonment and Demolition: Exploring the Use of Micro-Level and Multi-Year Models
* How much training data for facial action unit detection?
* Human Action Poselets Estimation Via Color G-Surf in Still Images
* Human pose search using deep poselets
* Hydrologic analysis of a flood based on a new Digital Elevation Model
* Hyperspectral Analysis of Soil Total Nitrogen in Subsided Land Using the Local Correlation Mazimization-Complementary Superiority Method
* Image Interpolation via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
* Image Selection for 3D Measurement Based on Network Design
* Image Tag Refinement With View-Dependent Concept Representations
* Image-Based Localization for Indoor Environment Using Mobile Phone
* Impact of the method of registering Terrestrial Laser Scanning data on the quality of documenting cultural heritage structures
* Implementation of Combined Local-Global Optical Flow, An
* Improved weak labels using contextual cues for person identification in videos
* Improvement of 3D Monte Carlo Localization Using a Depth Camera and Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Improvement of Forest Height Retrieval By Integration of Dual-Baseline PolInSAR Data And External DEM Data
* Improving Mass Transit Operations by Using AVL-Based Systems: A Survey
* Improving SVD-based image watermarking via block-by-block optimization on singular values
* Improving the search accuracy of the VLAD through weighted aggregation of local descriptors
* Incremental maximum margin criterion based on eigenvalue decomposition updating algorithm
* Inference of personality traits and affect schedule by analysis of spontaneous reactions to affective videos
* influence of image descriptors' dimensions' value cardinalities on large-scale similarity search, The
* Information support systems for cultural heritage protection against flooding
* Instruments and Methodologies for the Underwater Tridimensional Digitization and Data Musealization
* Integrated Conservation of the Cantonese Opera Art Museum and Intangible Cultural Heritage
* Integrated knowledge-based tools for documenting and monitoring damages to built heritage
* Integration of a Strapdown Gravimeter System in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
* Integration of Jeddah Historical BIM and 3D GIS for Documentation and Restoration of Historical Monument
* Intelligent Hybrid Electric Vehicle ACC With Coordinated Control of Tracking Ability, Fuel Economy, and Ride Comfort
* IntraFace
* Investigating GEOSPARQL Requirements for Participatory Urban Planning
* iPiasco: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for Strongly Convex Optimization
* Joint Alignment of Underwater and Above-The-Water Photogrammetric 3D Models by Independent Models Adjustment
* Joint regularized nearest points for image set based face recognition
* Kernel fusion-refinement for semi-supervised nonlinear dimension reduction
* Large Scale Landform Mapping Using Lidar DEM
* Large-scale geo-facial image analysis
* Large-scale learning for media understanding
* Laser Scanner Reliefs of Selected Archeological Structures in the Submerged Baiae (Naples)
* Learning Deep Dictionary for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Learning Discriminative Features for Ground-Based Cloud Classification via Mutual Information Maximization
* Learning Efficient Sparse and Low Rank Models
* Learning-Based Driving Events Recognition and Its Application to Digital Roads
* Learning-based image interpolation via robust k-NN searching for coherent AR parameters estimation
* Lessons from collecting a million biometric samples
* Let me tell you about your personality! -- Real-time personality prediction from nonverbal behavioural cues
* Let's Share a Story: Socially Enhanced Multimedia Storytelling
* Let's Weave the Visual Web
* Leveraging geometry and appearance cues for recognizing family photos
* Leveraging Spatial Model to Improve Indoor Tracking
* Line Search Multilevel Truncated Newton Algorithm for Computing the Optical Flow, A
* Linear collaborative discriminant regression classification for face recognition
* live video analytic system for affect analysis in public space, A
* Localization and Recognition of Dynamic Hand Gestures Based on Hierarchy of Manifold Classifiers
* Looking Inside Category: Subcategory-Aware Object Recognition
* Lq-Closest-Point to Affine Subspaces Using the Generalized Weiszfeld Algorithm
* LSH-based semantic dictionary learning for large scale image understanding
* Lycurgus Cup: Inverse problem using photographs for characterization of matter
* MAARGHA: A Prototype System for Road Condition and Surface Type Estimation by Fusing Multi-Sensor Data
* Management Documentation: Indicators & Good Practice at Cultural Heritage Places
* Managing Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid Using Artificial Intelligence: A Survey
* Managing Emergency Traffic Evacuation With a Partially Random Destination Allocation Strategy: A Computational-Experiment-Based Optimization Approach
* Manifold Kernel Metric Learning for Larger-Scale Image Annotation
* Manipulating Ultra-High Definition Video Traffic
* Matlab Geodetic Software for Processing Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Data, A
* Matsu Cultural Heritage and Its Conservation in Bohai Rim: Case Study on the Hall of Fujian in Yantai
* Merging Airborne Lidar Data and Satellite SAR Data for Building Classification
* method for monitoring hydrological conditions beneath herbaceous wetlands using multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR coherence data, A
* Method of airborne SAR image match integrating multi-information for block adjustment
* Method of Spread Spectrum Watermarking Using Quantization Index Modulation for Cropped Images
* MICROVEGA (Micro Vessel for Geodetics Application): A Marine Drone for the Acquisition of Bathymetric Data for GIS Applications
* Mobile Video Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities
* Model to Evaluate the Impact of Headway Variation and Vehicle Size on the Reliability of Public Transit, A
* Model-Based Joint Detection and Tracking Approach for Multi-Vehicle Tracking With Lidar Sensor, A
* Model-Based Methodology for Validation of Traffic Flow Detectors by Minimizing Human Bias in Video Data Processing
* Modeling and Solving Real-Time Train Rescheduling Problems in Railway Bottleneck Sections
* Modeling of Biometric Identification System Using the Colored Petri Nets
* Modeling transition patterns between events for temporal human action segmentation and classification
* Modelling character motions on infinite-dimensional manifolds
* Modular Geometric Model for Underwater Photogrammetry, A
* Monitoring forest cover loss using multiple data streams, a case study of a tropical dry forest in Bolivia
* Monitoring Mechanism in Preservation of Monuments in Hot and Wet Climate Area
* Monitoring the Speed, Configurations, and Weight of Vehicles Using an In-Situ Wireless Sensing Network
* more the merrier: Analysing the affect of a group of people in images, The
* Motion-compensated orthonormal expansion -minimization for reference-driven MRI reconstruction using Augmented Lagrangian methods
* Multi Sensor Data Integration for an Accurate 3D Model Generation
* Multi-Bin search: improved large-scale content-based image retrieval
* Multi-camera epipolar plane image feature detection for robust view synthesis
* multi-frame super-resolution method based on the variable-exponent nonlinear diffusion regularizer, A
* Multi-instance Hidden Markov Model for facial expression recognition
* Multi-level classification of emotional body expression
* Multi-Level Indoor Path Planning Method
* Multi-Orientation Scene Text Detection with Adaptive Clustering
* Multi-Quadratic Dynamic Programming Procedure of Edge-Preserving Denoising for Medical Images
* multi-sensor integrated head-mounted display setup for augmented reality applications, A
* Multi-sensor multi-resolution image fusion for improved vegetation and urban area classification
* Multi-sensor system for driver's hand-gesture recognition
* Multi-view discriminant analysis with tensor representation and its application to cross-view gait recognition
* Multidirectional Weighted Interpolation and Refinement Method for Bayer Pattern CFA Demosaicking
* Multidisciplinary Approach to the Coastal Protection of Two Archaeological Sites in Lybia, A
* Multilayer Markov Random Field models for change detection in optical remote sensing images
* Multimedia Big Data
* Multimedia Big Data Computing
* Multimodal ADAS System for Unmarked Urban Scenarios Based on Road Context Understanding, A
* Multiobjective Optimization for Train Speed Trajectory in CTCS High-Speed Railway With Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
* Multiple Concentric Gating Traffic Control in Large-Scale Urban Networks
* Multiple feature representations from multi-layer geometric shape for hand gesture analysis
* Multipolarimetric SAR Image Change Detection Based on Multiscale Feature-Level Fusion
* Music-Elicited Emotion Identification Using Optical Flow Analysis of Human Face
* Naming Countermeasures of Administrative Division in Sight of Chinese Naming View
* Near-Infrared-Based Nighttime Pedestrian Detection Using Grouped Part Models
* Near-Lossless Compression for Large Traffic Networks
* Network-Matched Trajectory-Based Moving-Object Database: Models and Applications
* new approach to create 3D fixation density maps for stereoscopic images, A
* New Color Correction Method for Underwater Imaging, A
* new hand representation based on kernels for hand posture recognition, A
* New Region-based Active Contour Model for Object Segmentation, A
* New SVD based initialization strategy for non-negative matrix factorization
* Noise Estimation of Natural Images via Statistical Analysis and Noise Injection
* Noise-resistant Digital Euclidean Connected Skeleton for graph-based shape matching
* novel 2D shape signature method based on complex network spectrum, A
* novel algorithm for defect inspection of touch panels, A
* Novel Approach for Vehicle Detection Using an AND-OR-Graph-Based Multiscale Model, A
* novel multi-image super-resolution reconstruction method using anisotropic fractional order adaptive norm, A
* Object detection based on scale-invariant partial shape matching
* Object Tracking Benchmark
* object-oriented approach for agrivultural land classification using rapideye imagery, An
* Object-oriented change detection based on weighted polarimetric scattering differences on POLSAR images
* Objective No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Pixel Analysis
* Obtaining High Quality Photographs of Paintings by Image Fusion
* Oceanographic MOWER Cruise
* On Curve Negotiation: From Driver Support to Automation
* On Ground Surface Extraction Using Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanner for CIM
* On the Composition of Digitally Continuous Multivalued Functions
* On the optical flow model selection through metaheuristics
* On the quantitative analysis of craniofacial asymmetry in 3D
* On video based face recognition through adaptive sparse dictionary
* Optical flow based lip reading using non rectangular ROI and head motion reduction
* optical reconstruction of hologram recorded by OSH using amplitude-only SLM and phase-only SLM, An
* Optimal Use of Existing Distribution Feeders to Accommodate Transportation Electrification
* Optimal-Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Distributed Compressed Video Sensing
* Optimized sampling distribution based on nonparametric learning for improved compressive sensing performance
* Optimizing visual dictionaries for effective image retrieval
* Opto-Acoustic Data Fusion for Supporting the Guidance of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROVs)
* Orientation Spectrum Algorithm Development
* Oriented relative fuzzy connectedness: theory, algorithms, and its applications in hybrid image segmentation methods
* OuluVS2: A multi-view audiovisual database for non-rigid mouth motion analysis
* Overview of 3D Documentation Data and Tools available for Archaeological Researches: case study of the Romanesque Church of Dugny-sur-Meuse (France)
* overview of in-orbit radiometric calibration of typical satellite sensors, An
* Padus, Sandalus, Gens Fadiena. Underwater Surveys in Palaeo-Watercourses (Ferrara District Italy)
* Pairwise linear regression: An efficient and fast multi-view facial expression recognition
* Parallel Coordinates for Multidimensional Data Visualization: Basic Concepts
* Parallel Creation of Vario-Scale Data Structures for Large Datasets
* Parametric Workflow (BIM) for the Repair Construction of Traditional Historic Architecture in Taiwan
* Parametrizations of planar models for region-merging based lossy depth-map compression
* Participatory Imaging Mapping of Cultural Heritage Across Internal Borders Stolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
* Parzen Window method: In terms of two vectors and one matrix, The
* perceptual stereoscopic image quality assessment model accounting for binocular combination behavior, A
* Performance Evaluation of DSM Extraction from ZY-3 Three-Line Arrays Imagery
* Perinasal indicators of deceptive behavior
* Perinasal indicators of malevolence
* Phase-based spatio-temporal interpolation for accurate 3D localization in camera networks
* Pilot Application of 3D Underwater Imaging Techniques for Mapping Posidonia Oceanica (L.) Delile Meadows
* Play with me: Measuring a child's engagement in a social interaction
* Point cloud vs drawing on archaeological site
* Pose-invariant face recognition using 3D multi-depth generic elastic models
* Practical Implementation of Semi-Automated As-Built BIM Creation for Complex Indoor Environments
* Precise Head Tracking in Hearing Applications
* Precise Indoor Localization for Mobile Laser Scanner
* Precise Laser-Based Optical 3D Measurement of Welding Seams Under Water
* Precisions Measurement for the Grasp of Welding Deformation Amount of Time Series for Large-Scale Industrial Products
* Predicting Important Objects for Egocentric Video Summarization
* Predicting video-conferencing conversation outcomes based on modeling facial expression synchronization
* Prediction gradients for feature extraction and analysis from convolutionalat neural networks
* Prediction of Railcar Remaining Useful Life by Multiple Data Source Fusion
* Probabilistic Framework for Joint Pedestrian Head and Body Orientation Estimation, A
* Probabilistic nearest neighbor search for robust classification of face image sets
* Progressive Buffering Method for Road Map Update Using OpenStreetMap Data, A
* pros and cons about the digital recording of Intangible Cultural Heritage and some strategies, The
* Prototype of a Web-based Participative Decision Support Platform in Natural Hazards and Risk Management
* Q-SOS: A Sensor Observation Service for Accessing Quality Descriptions of Environmental Data
* Qualification of Point Clouds Measured by SFM Software
* Quality evaluation of depth map error concealment using a perceptually-aware objective metric
* Quantitative assessment of the impact of blood pulsation on images of the pupil in infrared light
* Queue Length Estimation Using Connected Vehicle Technology for Adaptive Signal Control
* random forest approach to segmenting and classifying gestures, A
* Reading the Road: Road Marking Classification and Interpretation
* Real-Time Cascaded Video Denoising Algorithm Using Intensity and Structure Tensor, A
* Real-time dense 3D face alignment from 2D video with automatic facial action unit coding
* Real-Time Detection of Traffic From Twitter Stream Analysis
* Real-time facial character animation
* Real-Time Monocular SLAM With Low Memory Requirements
* Realistic inverse lighting from a single 2D image of a face, taken under unknown and complex lighting
* Recognising Planes in a Single Image
* Recognition of Human Pose from Images Based on Graph Spectra
* Recognition of Single and Overlay of Objects on a Conveyor Belt
* Recommendations Supporting Situation Awareness in Partially Automated Driver Assistance Systems
* Reconstructing Sequential Patterns without Knowing Image Correspondences
* Reconstruction of Indoor Models Using Point Clouds Generated from Single-Lens Reflex Cameras and Depth Images
* Reducing the Cost of High-Speed Railway Communications: From the Propagation Channel View
* refocusing distance of a standard plenoptic photograph, The
* Region contrast and supervised locality-preserving projection-based saliency detection
* Related Solutions to the Perspective Three-Point Pose Problem
* Report on the FG 2015 Video Person Recognition Evaluation
* Research of Construction Mechanism of Vassal State's City Group during Spring and Autumn Period Based on the Analyzation of Geographic Image: Take south region of Shandong as example, A
* Research of Spatial-Temporal Analysis and Decision-Making Assistant System for Disabled Person Affairs Based on Mapworld, The
* Research on dimension reduction method for hyperspectral remote sensing image based on global mixture coordination factor analysis
* Research on Extension of SPARQL Ontology Query Language Considering the Computation of Indoor Spatial Relations
* Research on the Classification of High Resolution Image Based on Object-oriented and Class Rule
* Research on the Hierarchy and Completeness of Roof Topology for Robust Building Reconstruction from Airborne Point Cloud, A
* Research on the Layering A* Algorithm for Real-Time Navigation
* Research on the localization method of protecting traditional village landscape: a case study on Tangyin
* Research on the Protection of Haiyan Hall Earthen Stereobate Relic Site at Yuan-Mingyuan Park
* Research Status and Development Trend of Remote Sensing in China Using Bibliometric Analysis
* resolution enhancement algorithm for an asymmetric resolution stereo video, A
* Restoration and Rehabilitation of world heritage Site of Chupan Church
* Retinal blood vessel localization approach based on bee colony swarm optimization, fuzzy c-means and pattern search
* Reversible data hiding based on local histogram shifting with multilayer embedding
* reversible data hiding method with contrast enhancement for medical images, A
* RFM-Based Block Adjustment for Spaceborne Images with Weak Convergent Geometry
* Robust and Accurate Shape Model Matching Using Random Forest Regression-Voting
* Robust face recognition using sparse representation in LDA space
* Robust gaze estimation based on adaptive fusion of multiple cameras
* Robust multimodal recognition via multitask multivariate low-rank representations
* Robust tracking based on local structural cell graph
* Rotation invariant color texture classification using multiple sub-DLBPs
* Safe Transitions From Automated to Manual Driving Using Driver Controllability Estimation
* SAHRIS: using the South African Heritage Register to report, track and monitor heritage crime
* Scalable 3D video streaming over P2P networks with playback length changeable chunk segmentation
* Scalable Photogrammetric Motion Capture System 'MOSCA': Development and Application
* Scene analysis by mid-level attribute learning using 2D LSTM networks and an application to web-image tagging
* Scheme for 'The Window of Taiwan National Park', A
* Search and Orchestration of Data and Processes in a Federated Environment
* Second-Order Configuration of Local Features for Geometrically Stable Image Matching and Retrieval
* Segmentation and Reconstruction of Buildings with Aerial Oblique Photography Point Clouds
* Segmentation Over Detection via Optimal Sparse Reconstructions
* Segmentation-Based Ground Points Detection from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud
* Self-contained slices in H.264 for partial video decoding targeting 3D light-field displays
* Self-Localization Method by Integrating Sensors
* Semi-automatic Road Extraction from SAR images using EKF and PF
* Semi-Continuity of Skeletons in Two-Manifold and Discrete Voronoi Approximation
* semi-supervised learning algorithm for relevance feedback and collaborative image retrieval, A
* Semi-supervised sparse feature selection based on multi-view Laplacian regularization
* Semi-transparent mirror with hidden camera to assess human emotions
* Semisupervised Pedestrian Counting With Temporal and Spatial Consistencies
* SfM for Orthophoto to Generation: A Winning Approach for Cultural Heritage Knowledge
* Shared representation learning for heterogenous face recognition
* Siamese neural network based similarity metric for inertial gesture classification and rejection
* Signaling of a downloadable hybrid 3DTV service system using broadcast and broadband channels
* Similarity measures of full polarimetric SAR images fusion for improved SAR image matching
* Single-Pedestrian Detection Aided by Two-Pedestrian Detection
* Smooth and Controlled Recovery Planning of Disruptions in Rapid Transit Networks
* Social Multimedia and Storytelling
* Sparse low-rank fusion based deep features for missing modality face recognition
* Sparse Multi-View Consistency for Object Segmentation
* Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian for vegetation and urban area classification using Landsat data
* Spatial co-training for semi-supervised image classification
* Spatial Data Supply Chains
* Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
* spatial-temporal contextual Markovian kernel method for multi-temporal land cover mapping, A
* Spectral alignment of multi-temporal cross-sensor images with automated kernel canonical correlation analysis
* Speed-optimized free-viewpoint rendering based on depth layering
* Speeding up 2D-warping for pose-invariant face recognition
* Split Bregmanized anisotropic total variation model for image deblurring
* Spontaneous facial expression analysis based on temperature changes and head motions
* Sports Videos in the Wild (SVW): A video dataset for sports analysis
* State-of-the-Art in Handling Occlusions for Visual Object Tracking, The
* Statistical Anomaly Detection for Monitoring of Human Dynamics
* Street environment change detection from mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Study for Efficient Methods of System Calibration between Optical and Range Sensors, A
* Study of a Wreck in Foreshore Context
* study of the impact of light fields watermarking on the perceived quality of the refocused data, A
* Study on Consistency between MINAVE and MINMAX in SSIM Based Independent Perceptual Video Coding, A
* Study on establishment of Body of Knowledge of Taiwan's Traditional Wooden Structure Technology
* study on fire spreading model for the safety distance between the neighborhood occupancies and historical buildings in Taiwan, A
* Study on Generic Representation of Skeletal Remains Replication of Prehistoric Burial, A
* Supervised learning approach to remote heart rate estimation from facial videos
* Supporting presentation and discussion of visualization results in smart meeting rooms
* Surface trees: Representation of boundary surfaces using a tree descriptor
* Survey Guidelines and its Reading Criteria for Monitoring and Transmitting Cultural Heritage Values
* Survey of Appliactions and Researches on Schema Matching between GIS Spatial Data, A
* survey on mouth modeling and analysis for Sign Language recognition, A
* Syncing Shared Multimedia through Audiovisual Bimodal Segmentation
* Ta Keo Temple Reconstruction Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology
* Taxi-RS: Taxi-Hunting Recommendation System Based on Taxi GPS Data
* TerraSAR-X dual-pol time-series for mapping of wetland vegetation
* Theme Issue: Multitemporal remote sensing data analysis
* Three dimensional binary edge feature representation for pain expression analysis
* Three Dimensional Deformation of Mining Area Detection by InSAR and Probability Integral Model
* three-component method for timely detection of land cover changes using polarimetric SAR images, A
* three-dimensional cube and scale cube skeleton, The
* Three-dimensional head pose estimation in-the-wild
* To skip or not to skip? A dataset of spontaneous affective response of online advertising (SARA) for audience behavior analysis
* Topological 3D Modeling Using Indoor Mobile Lidar Data
* Toward Crowdsourcing-Based Road Pavement Monitoring by Mobile Sensing Technologies
* Towards a virtual hub approach for landscape assessment and multimedia ecomuseum using multitemporal-maps
* Towards Image Documentation of Grave Coverings and Epitaphs for Exhibition Purposes
* Tracking 3D Moving Objects Based on GPS/IMU Navigation Solution, Laser Scanner Point Cloud and GIS Data
* Traffic Flow Forecasting for Urban Work Zones
* Traffic Signal Optimization for Oversaturated Urban Networks: Queue Growth Equalization
* Traffic Signal Optimization Model for Intersections Experiencing Heavy Scooter-Vehicle Mixed Traffic Flows, A
* Triangular similarity metric learning for face verification
* Triplet Measured by Aerial Camera Using Line Segments Line Matching-Based Relative Orientation Using Triplet Camera, The
* ultra-fast human detection method for color-depth camera, An
* Understanding angular effects in VHR imagery and their significance for urban land-cover model portability: A study of two multi-angle in-track image sequences
* Underwater Photogrammetry and 3D Reconstruction of Marble Cargos Shipwreck
* Underwater Photogrammetry Methods for a Peculiar Case-Study: San Domenico (Prato-Italy)
* Unified Framework for Event Summarization and Rare Event Detection from Multiple Views, A
* Unified multi-lateral filter for real-time depth map enhancement
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Modeling of Driving Behavior and Prediction of Contextual Changing Points
* Unsupervised regions based segmentation using object discovery
* Use of Assisted Photogrammetry for Indoor and Outdoor Navigation Purposes
* Use of Intent Information in Conflict Detection and Resolution Models Based on Dynamic Velocity Obstacles, The
* Using a Multibeam Echosounder to Monitor an Artificial Reef
* Using Remote Sensing Technology on the Delimitation of the Conservation Area for the Jianan Irrigation System Cultural Landsccape
* Using SAHRIS a web-based application for creating heritage cases and permit applications
* Utilizing Underwater Three-Dimensional Modeling to Enhance Ecological and Biological Studies of Coral Reefs
* Variable-state latent conditional random fields for facial expression recognition and action unit detection
* Variational Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Vehicle Logo Recognition System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks With a Pretraining Strategy
* Vehicle Type Classification Using a Semisupervised Convolutional Neural Network
* Vehicle Verification Using Features From Curvelet Transform and Generalized Gaussian Distribution Modeling
* Video Primal Sketch: A Unified Middle-Level Representation for Video
* Video-Based Point Cloud Generation Using Multiple Action Cameras
* Virtual view synthesis for multi-view video plus depth sequences using spatial-temporal information
* Visibility Analysis of the Oriental Pearl Based on Digital Landscape Simulation: View from East Daming Road of Shanghai
* Visual Speech Recognition Using Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
* Volcanic Ash Retrieval Using a New Geostationary Satellite
* Way-Finding Assistance System for Underground Facilities Using Augmented Reality
* When the virtual influences reality. The conservation project of the Toledo Gate in Ciudad Real (Spain)
* Where is my friend? Person identification in social networks
* Who do you want to be? Real-time face swap
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