Update Dates 0303

0303 * 1-Click Learning of Object Models for Recognition
* 3D Body Reconstruction for Immersive Interaction
* 3D model based gesture acquisition using a single camera
* Active facial tracking for fatigue detection
* Activity maps for location-aware computing
* Adaptive aperture control for image acquisition
* Adaptive Hierarchical Model of the Ventral Visual Pathway Implemented on a Mobile Robot, An
* Adaptive Pose Estimation for Different Corresponding Entities
* Analysis of Amperometric Biosensor Curves Using Hidden-Markov-Models
* Analysis of Object Interactions in Dynamic Scenes
* Analysis of the Motion Signal Distributions Emerging from Locomotion through a Natural Environment, An
* Analytic Reduction of the Kruppa Equations
* Analyzing Quantitative Databases: Image is Everything
* Appearance Based Generic Object Modeling and Recognition Using Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis
* Appearance-Based 3-D Face Recognition from Video
* Appearance-based eye gaze estimation
* Application of Genetic Algorithms in Structural Seismic Image Interpretation, The
* Application of the Tensor Voting Technique for Perceptual Grouping to Grey-Level Images
* Approach to Object Recognition by Learning Mobile Robots
* Arm gesture detection in a classroom environment
* aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of Human Actions
* Attending to Motion: Localizing and Classifying Motion Patterns in Image Sequences
* Attentional Selection for Object Recognition: A Gentle Way
* Attentive billboards: towards to video based customer behavior understanding
* Audio-Oculomotor Transformation
* augmented-reality interface for telerobotic applications, An
* Automated Tachograph Chart Analysis System, An
* Automatic Annotation of Tennis Video Sequences
* Automatic Completion of Korean Words for Open Vocabulary Pen Interface
* Automatic detection of rigid point matches
* Automatic detection of signs with affine transformation
* Automatic Indexing of Newspaper Microfilm Images
* Automatic Monocular 3D-Reconstruction of Indoor Environments Using Mobile Vehicles
* Automatic pose estimation of complex 3D building models
* Automatic Reading of Traffic Tickets
* Automatic Synthesis of Sequences of Human Movements by Linear Combination of Learned Example Patterns
* Automatic video summarization using a measure of shot importance and a frame-packing method
* Baseline length variable surface geometry measuring apparatus and range finder
* Bayesian Kernel Tracking
* Bayesian-based performance prediction for gait recognition
* Binocular Stereo Algorithm for Log-Polar Foveated Systems, A
* Biological Motion of Speech
* Biologically Inspired Saliency Map Model for Bottom-up Visual Attention
* Biologically Motivated Scheme for Robust Junction Detection, A
* Biometric Recognition: Security and Privacy Concerns
* Boosting image orientation detection with indoor vs. outdoor classification
* Capturing human hand motion in image sequences
* Classifier Adaptation with Non-representative Training Data
* Closing Gaps of Discontinuous Lines: A New Criterion for Choosing the Best Prolongation
* Combined Forward and Backward Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering of Color Images
* Combining the Advantages of Local and Global Optic Flow Methods
* Comparative study of coarse head pose estimation
* Complete Tamil Optical Character Recognition System, A
* Complex Table Form Analysis Using Graph Grammar
* Computational Algebraic Topology Model for the Deformation of Curves, A
* Computational Cortical Cell Models for Continuity and Texture
* Computer vision control variable transformation
* Computer Visual System Analyzing the Influence of Stimulants on Human Motion
* Configuration REcognition Model for Complex Reverse Engineering Methods: 2(CREM)
* Continuous multi-views tracking using tensor voting
* Contour Detection by Synchronization of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
* Correcting for Variable Skew
* Creating high resolution images
* CV-SDF -a model for real-time computer vision applications
* DAN: An Automatic Segmentation and Classification Engine for Paper Documents
* Data GroundTruth, Complexity, and Evaluation Measures for Color Document Analysis
* Data Resampling for Path Based Clustering
* Dense disparity maps in real-time with an application to augmented reality
* Dense Parameter Fields from Total Least Squares
* Density estimation-based information fusion for multiple motion computation
* Design and Implementation of People Tracking Algorithms for Visual Surveillance Applications
* Designing 3-D Nonlinear Diffusion Filters for High Performance Cluster Computing
* Detecting Tables in HTML Documents
* Detection Approaches for Table Semantics in Text
* Development and analysis of a real-time human motion tracking system
* Direct Method for Motion Estimation: An Alternative to Decomposition of Planar Transformation Matrices
* Directed acyclic graph representation of deformable models
* Discovering Rules for Dynamic Configuration of Multi-classifier Systems
* Disparity from Monogenic Phase
* Distinguishing between Handwritten and Machine Printed Text in Bank Cheque Images
* Document Reverse Engineering: From Paper to XML
* Document-Form Identification Using Constellation Matching of Keywords Abstracted by Character Recognition
* Does colorspace transformation make any difference on skin detection?
* droplet virtual brush for Chinese calligraphic character modeling, The
* Dynamical road modeling and matching for direct visual navigation
* Dynamics of Face Categorization
* Ecological Statistics of Contour Grouping
* Efficient Modification of the Central Weighted Vector Median Filter
* Efficient, Active 3D Acquisition, Based on a Pattern-Specific Snake
* Egocentric Direction and the Visual Guidance of Robot Locomotion Background, Theory and Implementation
* Electronic device for automatic registration of images
* Electronic Document Publishing Using DjVu
* Empirically Convergent Adaptive Estimation of Grayvalue Structure Tensors
* Evaluation of Confidence Measures for On-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Evaluation of tracking methods for human-computer interaction
* Evolving Vision-Based Flying Robots
* experimental evaluation of linear and kernel-based methods for face recognition, An
* Exploiting WWW Resources in Experimental Document Analysis Research
* Extending Active Shape Models to Incorporate a-priori Knowledge about Structural Variability
* Extraction of Object Representations from Stereo Image Sequences Utilizing Statistical and Deterministic Regularities in Visual Data
* Eye typing using Markov and active appearance models
* Eyebrow Movement Analysis over Real-Time Video Sequences for Synthetic Representation
* Face model adaptation using robust matching and active appearance models
* Face Processing and Frontal Face Verification
* Face Recognition Based on Efficient Facial Scale Estimation
* Face Reconstruction from Partial Information Based on a Morphable Face Model
* Facial and Eye Gaze Detection
* Factorization-Based Method for Projective Reconstruction with Minimization of 2-D Reprojection Errors, A
* Fast and robust planar registration by early consensus with applications to document stitching
* Fast ICP Algorithms for Shape Registration
* Fast Implicit Active Contour Models
* Fast Recovery of Piled Deformable Objects Using Superquadrics
* FASU: A full automatic segmenting system for ultrasound images
* Feature-Driven Attention Module for an Active Vision System, A
* Fingerprint verification using genetic algorithms
* Fisher Light-Fields for Face Recognition across Pose and Illumination
* Fitting of Parametric Space Curves and Surfaces by Using the Geometric Error Measure
* Foreground object detection in changing background based on color co-occurrence statistics
* From video sequences to motion panoramas
* FRVT 2002: Overview and Summary
* Fuzzy Segmentation of Characters in Web Images Based on Human Colour Perception
* g-HDAF Multiresolution Deformable Models
* Gender Classification of Human Faces
* Genetic feature subset selection for gender classification: A comparison study
* Gesture and Posture Estimation by Using Locally Linear Regression
* Ghost-3D: detecting body posture and parts using stereo
* Goal Oriented Attention Guidance Model, A
* Ground-Truthing Tool for Layout Analysis Performance Evaluation, A
* Group behavior recognition with multiple cameras
* Hairetes: A Search Engine for OCR Documents
* Hands Tracking from Frontal View for Vision-Based Gesture Recognition
* Head Detection and Localization from Sparse 3D Data
* hierarchical approach for obtaining structure from two-frame optical flow, A
* hierarchical approach to robust background subtraction using color and gradient information, A
* Hierarchical Primitives Based Contour Matching
* Hierarchical Selectivity for Object-Based Visual Attention
* How the Spatial Filters of Area V1 Can Be Used for a Nearly Ideal Edge Detection
* How well can wavelet denoising improve the accuracy of computing fundamental matrices?
* Human Body Model Acquisition and Motion Capture Using Voxel Data
* Human Body Reconstruction from Image Sequences
* Human Interactive Proofs and Document Image Analysis
* Hybrid Monte Carlo filtering: Edge-based people tracking
* Image Reconstruction from Gabor Magnitudes
* Impact of Large Training Sets on the Recognition Rate of Offline Japanese Kanji Character Classifiers, The
* Improved Contour Detection by Non-classical Receptive Field Inhibition
* Improving Document Retrieval by Automatic Query Expansion Using Collaborative Learning of Term-Based Concepts
* Increasing the Number of Classifiers in Multi-classifier Systems: A Complementarity-Based Analysis
* Indexing key positions between multiple videos
* Infinitesimal motion estimation from multiple central panoramic views
* Insect-Inspired Estimation of Self-Motion
* Integrated region- and pixel-based approach to background modelling
* Integrated System for the Analysis and the Recognition of Characters in Ancient Documents, An
* Interactive indoor scene reconstruction from image mosaics using cuboid structure
* Interpreting LOC Cell Responses
* Iterative Tuning of Simple Cells for Contrast Invariant Edge Enhancement
* Joint Space-Time Motion-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences with Level Set PDES
* kernel logic approach for face and non-face classification, A
* Kinematic-based human motion analysis in infrared sequences
* Knowledge-based registration & segmentation of the left ventricle: A level set approach
* Knowledge-Based System for Context Dependent Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data, A
* Learning Pseudo Bayes Discriminant Method Based on Difference Distribution of Feature Vectors, A
* Learning to Act on Objects
* linear model for simultaneous estimation of 3D motion and depth, A
* Logarithmic Tapering Graph Pyramid
* Logical Labeling of Document Images Using Layout Graph Matching with Adaptive Learning
* Machine Learning of Generalized Document Templates for Data Extraction
* Machine Recognition of Printed Kannada Text
* Machine vision method using search models to find features in three-dimensional images
* Maximum Entropy and Gaussian Models for Image Object Recognition
* Mean-shift segmentation with wavelet-based bandwidth selection
* Medical Ultrasound Image Similarity Measurement by Human Visual System (HVS) Modelling
* Method and apparatus for model-based compositing
* Method and device for extracting principal image subjects
* Method of Extracting Objects of Interest with Possible Broad Application in Computer Vision, A
* Methods and devices for producing and using synthetic visual speech based on natural coarticulation
* Mining Documents for Complex Semantic Relations by the Use of Context Classification
* Mixed OLS-TLS for the Estimation of Dynamic Processes with a Linear Source Term
* Model Acquisition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Model of Contour Integration in Early Visual Cortex, A
* Model-based integration of visual cues for hand tracking
* model-driven method of estimating the state of clothes for manipulating it, A
* Modeling Insect Compound Eyes: Space-Variant Spherical Vision
* Modeling of Movement Sequences Based on Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Correspondence of Movement Primitives
* Monocular, vision based, autonomous refueling system
* Mosaic generation for under vehicle inspection
* Motion Competition: Variational Integration of Motion Segmentation and Shape Regularization
* Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects from Perspective Views
* Multi view image surveillance and tracking
* Multi-expert Seal Imprint Verification System for Bankcheck Processing
* Multi-sensor super-resolution
* Multi-view face detection with FloatBoost
* Multimodal human-computer interaction for crisis management systems
* Multimodal Shape Tracking with Point Distribution Models
* Multimodal System for Accessing Driving Directions, A
* Multimodal System for Object Learning, A
* Multiple Classifier Combination for Character Recognition: Revisiting the Majority Voting System and Its Variations
* Multiscale Document Description Using Rectangular Granulometries
* Multiscale Image Processing on the Sphere
* Multishutter camera system
* Multispectral Texture Analysis Using Interplane Sum- and Difference-Histograms
* Muscle-Driven Motion Simulation Based on Deformable Human Model Constructed from Real Anatomical Slice Data
* Neural Mechanisms of Visual Flow Integration and Segregation: Insights from the Pinna-Brelstaff Illusion and Variations of It
* Neural Model of Human Texture Processing: Texture Segmentation vs. Visual Search, A
* New and Efficient Algorithm for Detecting the Corners in Digital Images, A
* New Approach for Defect Detection in X-ray CT Images, A
* New Approach towards Vision Suggested by Biologically Realistic Neural Microcircuit Models, A
* New Robotics Platform for Neuromorphic Vision: Beobots, A
* Nonlinear Matrix Diffusion for Optic Flow Estimation
* Novel Approach to Generate Multiple Shape Models for Tracking Applications, A
* Object Detection and Classification for Outdoor Walking Guidance System
* Object Detection in Natural Scenes by Feedback
* Object detection method based on local kernels and automatic kernel selection by Kullback-Leibler divergence
* Object detection with multiple cameras
* Object localization in metric spaces for video linking
* Object Perception: Generative Image Models and Bayesian Inference
* Object Tracking with an Adaptive Color-Based Particle Filter
* On Computing Visual Flows with Boundaries: The Case of Shading and Edges
* On Optimal Camera Parameter Selection in Kalman Filter Based Object Tracking
* On the binding mechanism of synchronised visual events
* On the Role of Object-Specific Features for Real World Object Recognition in Biological Vision
* Optimal Feature Extraction for Bilingual OCR
* Optimal motion estimation from visual and inertial measurements
* Optimized triangle mesh reconstruction from unstructured points
* P3DMA: A Physical 3D Deformable Modelling and Animation System
* Parallel difference coding method for lossless compression and real time decompression
* Particle filter with analytical inference for human body tracking
* Pattern alignment method based on consistency among local registration candidates for LSI wafer pattern inspection
* PDA-based face recognition system, A
* Polydioptric Cameras: New Eyes for Structure from Motion
* Polygon Partition into Stable Regions
* Portable authentication device and method using iris patterns
* Pose estimation and integration for complete 3D model reconstruction
* Probabilistic Approach to Building Roof Reconstruction Using Semantic Labelling, A
* Properties of a Three-Dimensional Island Hierarchy for Segmentation of 3D Images with the Color Structure Code
* Prototypes of Biological Movements in Brains and Machines
* Qualitative Representations for Recognition
* Quality Enhancement of Reconstructed 3D Models Using Coplanarity and Constraints
* Query-Dependent Performance Optimization for Vocabulary-Supported Image Retrieval
* Range synthesis for 3D environment modeling
* Reading Speed and Superiority of Right Visual Field on Foveated Vision
* Real Time Fusion of Motion and Stereo Using Flow/Depth Constraint for Fast Obstacle Detection
* Real Time Implementation of the Saliency-Based Model of Visual Attention on a SIMD Architecture, A
* Real-Time Human Motion Analysis Based on Analysis of Silhouette Contour and Color Blob
* Real-time posture and activity recognition
* real-time precrash vehicle detection system, A
* Real-Time Tracking of Complex Objects Using Dynamic Interpretation Tree
* Real-time tracking of quad-marked surfaces
* Real-Time Tracking Using Wavelet Representation
* Recognition, Tracking, and Reconstruction of Human Motion
* Recognizing Expressions by Direct Estimation of the Parameters of a Pixel Morphable Model
* Reconstruction of Subjective Surfaces from Occlusion Cues
* Recovering Non-rigid 3D Shape Using a Plane+Parallax Approach
* Reinforcement Learning to Drive a Car by Pattern Matching
* Relating Statistical Image Differences and Degradation Features
* Relations between Soft Wavelet Shrinkage and Total Variation Denoising
* Retrieval by Layout Similarity of Documents Represented with MXY Trees
* Retrieving faces by the PIFS fractal code
* Robust and efficient detection of non-lint material in cotton fiber samples
* Robust Point Correspondence for Image Registration Using Optimization with Extremal Dynamics
* Robust probabilistic estimation of uncertain appearance for model-based tracking
* robust subspace approach to layer extraction, A
* Role of Featural and Configural Information in Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Recognition
* Role of Propagation and Medial Geometry in Human Vision, The
* Rotation-Invariant Optical Flow by Gaze-Depended Retino-Cortical Mapping
* Scene Text Extraction in Complex Images
* Scene-Centered Description from Spatial Envelope Properties
* Script Identification in Printed Bilingual Documents
* Seeing People in the Dark: Face Recognition in Infrared Images
* Segmentation and Identification of Handwriting in Noisy Document Images, The
* Segmentation and tracking of interacting human body parts under occlusion and shadowing
* Segmentation of complex buildings from aerial images and 3D surface reconstruction
* Segmentation of dynamic scenes from image intensities
* Segmentation of myocardium using velocity field constrained front propagation
* Segmentation of the Date in Entries of Historical Church Registers
* Segmenting Microorganisms in Multi-modal Volumetric Datasets Using a Modified Watershed Transform
* Shadow elimination for robust video surveillance
* Shape from Single Stripe Pattern Illumination
* Simple Layout Segmentation of Gray-Scale Document Images
* Single-frame super-resolution by a cortex based mechanism using high level visual features in natural images
* Single-View Metrology: Algorithms and Applications
* Skin Patch Detection in Real-World Images
* Skin-color extraction in images with complex background and varying illumination
* smartFIX: A Requirements-Driven System for Document Analysis and Understanding
* Software Laboratory for Physical Based Human Body Animation
* Spotting Where to Read on Pages: Retrieval of Relevant Parts from Page Images
* Statistical Image Sequence Processing for Temporal Change Detection
* Statistics of Second Order Multi-modal Feature Events and Their Exploitation in Biological and Artificial Visual Systems
* Stochastic Guided Search Model for Search Asymmetries in Visual Search Tasks
* Stochastic human segmentation from a static camera
* Stochastic Model Combining Discrete Symbols and Continuous Attributes and Its Application to Handwriting Recognition, A
* Study on the Document Zone Content Classification Problem, A
* Table Detection via Probability Optimization
* Text Extraction in Digital News Video Using Morphology
* Text Verification in an Automated System for the Extraction of Bibliographic Data
* Text/Graphics Separation Revisited
* Theoretical Foundation and a Method for Document Table Structure Extraction and Decomposition, A
* three-mode expressive feature model of action effort, A
* Top-Down Likelihood Word Image Generation Model for Holistic Word Recognition
* Towards automatic analysis of DNA microarrays
* Tracking the Human Body Using Multiple Predictors
* Tracking through Optical Snow
* Tracking video objects using active contours
* Two Geometric Algorithms for Layout Analysis
* Ultra-Rapid Scene Categorization with a Wave of Spikes
* Ultrasonic Image Formation Using Wide Angle Sensor Arrays and Cross-echo Evaluation
* Understanding Human Behaviors Based on Eye-Head-Hand Coordination
* unified prediction method for heterogeneous weather radar patterns, A
* Unifying Registration and Segmentation for Multi-sensor Images
* Unsupervised Image Clustering Using the Information Bottleneck Method
* Unsupervised Image Partitioning with Semidefinite Programming
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using a Colony of Cooperating Ants
* Unsupervised Learning of Visual Structure
* Using attribute trees to analyse auroral appearance over Canada
* Using Stroke-Number-Characteristics for Improving Efficiency of Combined Online and Offline Japanese Character Classifiers
* variational framework for active and adaptative segmentation of vector valued images, A
* Video de-abstraction or how to save money on your wedding video
* Video frame categorization using sort-merge feature selection
* Video synthesis made simple with the x-slits projection
* Video-Based Handsign Recognition for Intuitive Human-Computer-Interaction
* View-Based Recognition of Faces in Man and Machine: Re-visiting Inter-extra-Ortho
* Viewing enhancement in video-endoscopy
* ViRoom: Low Cost Synchronized Multicamera System and Its Self-calibration
* Virtual Clay: Haptics-Based Deformable Solids of Arbitrary Topology
* Vision-Based Homing with a Panoramic Stereo Sensor
* Visual Attention Using Game Theory
* Visual Categorization: How the Monkey Brain Does It
* Wide-Range Tracking of Hands in Real-Time
* Word and Sentence Extraction Using Irregular Pyramid
* Word Searching in Document Images Using Word Portion Matching
329 for 0303

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.