* 20th Anniversary of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, The
* 3-D Contextual Bayesian Classifiers
* 3-D Motion and Structure from 2-D Motion Causally Integrated over Time: Implementation
* 3-D object recognition using a new invariant relationship by single-view
* 3D human face recognition using point signature
* 3D Reconstruction from Tangent-of-Sight Measurements of a Moving Object Seen from a Moving Camera
* 3D Reconstruction of Vessel Lumen from Very Few Angiograms by Dynamic Contours Using a Stochastic Approach
* 3D stereo reconstruction of human faces driven by differential constraints
* Active vision-based face authentication
* Adapting Spectral Scale for Shape from Texture
* Adaptive Intra Block Update for Robust Transmission of H.263
* adaptive logical method for binarization of degraded document images, An
* Adaptive lossless coding scheme of lattice vector quantisation
* Adaptive Model-Driven Bit Allocation for MPEG Video Coding
* Affective Objects
* Affective Perception
* Affective Perception
* Algorithm for Real-time Stereo Vision Implementation of Head Pose and Gaze Direction Measurement, An
* Ambiguous Configurations for 3-View Projective Reconstruction
* Analysis and Synthesis of Pose Variations of Human Faces by a Linear PCMAP Model and its Application for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition System
* Analysis of spatial transform motion estimation with overlapped compensation and fractional-pixel accuracy
* Analysis of Volumetric Images
* Analytically Tractable Model for Video Conference Traffic, An
* Angular Bisector Network, a Simplified Generalized Voronoi Diagram: Application to Processing Complex Intersections in Biomedical Images
* Anti-Faces for Detection
* Apparatus and method for enlarging or reducing an image in an image processing system
* Apparatus for tracking objects in video sequences and methods therefor
* Application of Multiwavelet Transform to Image Coding, The
* Applications of computer vision to intelligent vehicles
* Applying deformable templates for cell image segmentation
* Approximate N-View Stereo
* Approximation and Processing of Intensity Images with Discontinuity-Preserving Adaptive Triangular Meshes
* Audio signal identification via pattern capture and template matching
* Audio-visual speaker detection using dynamic Bayesian networks
* Automatic 3-D Model Synthesis from Measured Range Data
* Automatic 3D face authentication
* Automatic face modeling from monocular image sequences using a modified non parametric regression and an affine camera model
* Automatic Handwriting Gestures Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* automatic method for the calibration of time-series of Meteosat images, An
* Automatic Reconstruction of Stationary 3-D Objects from Multiple Uncalibrated Camera Views
* Autostereoscopic 3-D Video Display Using Multiple Light Beams with Scanning
* Average Brain Models: A Convergence Study
* Background estimation in nonlinear image restoration
* Bayesian Image Retrieval System, PicHunter: Theory, Implementation, and Psychophysical Experiments, The
* Bayesian Joint Mixture Framework for the Integration of Anatomical Information in Functional Image Reconstruction, A
* Bayesian learning, global competition and unsupervised image segmentation
* better fitness measure of a text-document for a given set of keywords, A
* Bimodal Emotion Recognition
* Binocular Self-Alignment and Calibration from Planar Scenes
* Biologically-inspired pattern recognition for odor detection
* Bit Allocation for Joint Source/Channel Coding of Scalable Video
* Bootstrap Initialization of Nonparametric Texture Models for Tracking
* Buffer Analysis and Control in CBR Video Transcoding
* Calibrating Parameters of Cost Functionals
* Calibration of a Moving Camera Using a Planar Pattern: Optimal Computation, Reliability Evaluation, and Stabilization by Model Selection
* Camera Pose Estimation and Reconstruction from Image Profiles under Circular Motion
* Camera Self-Calibration Using the Kruppa Equations and the SVD of the Fundamental Matrix: The Case of Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Can We Calibrate a Camera Using an Image of a Flat, Textureless Lambertian Surface?
* chain code for representing 3D curves, A
* Characterizing Depth Distortion due to Calibration Uncertainty
* CLARK: a heterogeneous sensor fusion method for finding lanes and obstacles
* Classifying Facial Attributes using 2-D Gabor Wavelets and Discriminant Analysis
* Color and Scale: The Spatial Structure of Color Images
* Colour by Correlation in a Three-Dimensional Colour Space
* Colour Image Retrieval and Object Recognition Using the Multimodal Neighbourhood Signature
* Combining Elastic and Statistical Models of Appearance Variation
* Combining Fractal Image Compression and Vector Quantization
* Combining linear filtering and radial basis function networks for accurate profile recovery
* Comparative Evaluation of Face Sequence Matching for Content-based Video Access
* Comparative Performance of Different Skin Chrominance Models and Chrominance Spaces for the Detection of Human Faces in Color Images
* Comparison of Confidence Measures for Face Recognition
* Comparison of Prediction Accuracy, Complexity, and Training Time of Thirty-Three Old and New Classification Algorithms, A
* Complementary video and audio analysis for broadcast news archives
* Comprehensive Database for Facial Expression Analysis
* Computation of the Mid-Sagittal Plane in 3D Images of the Brain
* Computationally efficient and statistically robust image reconstruction in three-dimensional diffraction tomography
* Constrained Dichromatic Colour Constancy
* Constraint-conscious Smoothing Framework for the Recovery of 3D Articulated Motion from Image Sequences
* Construction of 3 Dimensional Models Using an Active Computer Vision System, The
* Continuous Chinese Sign Language Recognition System, A
* Contour-based Correspondence for Stereo
* Corner detection in color images through a multiscale combination of end-stopped cortical cells
* Counterfeiting Attacks on Oblivious Block-wise Independent Invisible Watermarking Schemes
* Coupled Geodesic Active Regions for Image Segmentation: A Level Set Approach
* Crane Gesture Recognition using Pseudo 3-D Hidden Markov Models
* Cue-Based Segmentation of 4D Cardiac Image Sequences
* Cumulant-based LP method for two-dimensional spectral estimation
* Data-Driven Extraction of Curved Intersection Lanemarks from Road Traffic Image Sequences
* DCT-Based Spatially Adaptive Post-Processing Technique to Reduce the Blocking Artifacts in Transform Coded Images, A
* Design and Use of Linear Models for Image Motion Analysis
* Design of SC Filters for Video Applications
* Detecting Changes in Aerial Views of Man-Made Structures
* Detection and estimation of pointing gestures in real-time stereo sequences
* Detection and Tracking of Facial Features in Real Time Using a Synergistic Approach of Spatio-Temporal Models and Generalized Hough-Transform Techniques
* Determining Correspondences for Statistical Models of Appearance
* Determining Correspondences for Statistical Models of Facial Appearance
* Development of an Automated Image Processing System for Kinematic Analysis of Human Gait
* Diffeomorphic Matching Problems in One Dimension: Designing and Minimizing Matching Functionals
* Digital algorithm for maximisation of symmetric ambiguity functions and application to signal time-delay estimation
* Digital Color Restoration of Old Paintings
* Digital Image Compression Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Direction Control for an Active Docking Behaviour based on the Rotational Component of Log-Polar Optic Flow
* Directional 3D Edge Detection in Anisotropic Data: Detector Design and Performance Assessment
* Discrete Markov Image Modeling and Inference on the Quadtree
* Discretization in Hausdorff Space
* Disparity interpolation for image synthesis
* Divergence-Based Medial Surfaces
* Document image thresholding using foreground and background clustering
* Dual-state Parametric Eye Tracking
* Duals, Invariants, and the Recognition of Smooth Objects from their Occluding Contour
* Duplicate document detection by template matching
* Dynamic Facial Caricaturing System Based on the Gaze Direction of Gallery
* Edge sharpening through ramp width reduction
* edge-preserving subband coding model based on non-adaptive and adaptive regularization, An
* Efficiency Analysis of Multihypothesis Motion-Compensated Prediction for Video Coding
* Efficient Algorithm for Optimizing DCT Quantization, An
* Efficient Method for Texture Defect Detection: Sub-Band Domain Co-Occurrence Matrices, An
* Efficient Modeling of VBR MPEG-1 Coded Video Sources
* Efficient, Robust, and Fast Global Motion Estimation for Video Coding
* Egomotion Estimation Using Quadruples of Collinear Image Points
* Elastic Matching of Diffusion Tensor Images
* Error Detection and Recovery Algorithm for Compressed Video Signal Using Source Level Redundancy, An
* Estimating distortion and entropy-coded bit rate of lattice vector quantiser for a Laplacian source
* Estimating the 3D orientation of texture planes using local spectral analysis
* Estimating the Jacobian of the Singular Value Decomposition: Theory and Applications
* Estimation of Generalized Mixture in the Case of Correlated Sensors
* Estimation of the Illuminant Colour from Human Skin Colour
* Euclidean Group Invariant Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields Using Shiftable-Twistable Functions
* Evaluation of Sensor Calibration in a Biometric Person Recognition Framework based on Sensor Fusion
* Evaluation of Two Applications of Spectral Mixing Models to Image Fusion
* Exploiting Speech/Gesture Co-occurrence for Improving Continuous Gesture Recognition in Weather Narration
* Exploring Ground Truth from Given Photos by Applying a Model-Based Approach
* Extraction of parametric human model for posture recognition using genetic algorithm
* Face Analysis for the Synthesis of Photo-Realistic Talking Heads
* Face Detection Using Mixtures of Linear Subspaces
* Face Detection using Multi-modal Information
* Face Matching through Information Theoretical Attention Points and Its Applications to Face Detection and Classification
* Face Recognition Algorithms as Models of Human Face Processing
* Face Recognition Based on Multiple Facial Features
* Face recognition by statistical analysis of feature detectors
* Face Recognition by Support Vector Machines
* Face Recognition in a Meeting Room
* Face shape extraction and recognition using 3D morphing and distance mapping
* Facial Motion Analysis for Content-based Video Coding
* Facial Tracking and Animation Using a 3D Sensor
* Factorization with Uncertainty
* Family of Single-User Autostereoscopic Displays with Head-Tracking Capabilities, A
* Fast and Accurate Face Detector for Indexation of Face Images, A
* fast convergence method with simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for computerized tomography, A
* Fast Fourier Transform for Hexagonal Aggregates
* Fast head modeling for animation
* Fast Implementation of 3-D Binary Morphological Transformations, A
* Fast Search Algorithms for Vector Quantization of Images Using Multiple Triangle Inequalities and Wavelet Transform
* Fast Tracking of Hands and Fingertips in Infrared Images for Augmented Desk Interface
* Fast VQ Encoding by an Efficient Kick-Out Condition
* Focal length estimation method and apparatus for construction of panoramic mosaic images
* Focus of attention for face and hand gesture recognition using multiple cameras
* Framework for Modeling the Appearance of 3D Articulated Figures, A
* Frequency Structure of 1D Occluding Image Signals, The
* From Few to Many: Generative Models for Recognition Under Variable Pose and Illumination
* Fundamental Limits of Bayesian Inference: Order Parameters and Phase Transitions for Road Tracking
* Fuzzy B-Splines: A Surface Model Encapsulating Uncertainty
* Gender Classification with Support Vector Machines
* General Method for Unsupervised Segmentation of Images Using a Multiscale Approach, A
* Generation of Hierarchical Multiresolution Terrain Databases Using Wavelet Filtering
* Generation of Point-Based 3D Statistical Shape Models for Anatomical Objects
* Geometric Active Deformable Models in Shape Modeling
* Geometric Driven Optical Flow Estimation and Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction
* Geometry Compression of 3-D Mesh Model using Predictive Two-Stage Quantization
* Geotensity Constraint for 3D Surface Reconstruction under Multiple Light Sources
* Gesture Modeling and Recognition Using Finite State Machines
* Global Dimensionality of Face Space, The
* Graph-Theoretic Approach for Studying the Convergence of Fractal Encoding Algorithm, A
* Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
* Hallucinating Faces
* Hand Gesture recognition using Input-Output Hidden Markov Models
* Heading direction of a mobile robot from the optical flow
* Hierarchical Browsing and Search of Large Image Databases
* Homography Tensors: On Algebraic Entities That Represent Three Views of Static or Moving Planar Points
* Hough transform technique for the detection of reflectional symmetry and skew-symmetry, A
* How Does CONDENSATION Behave with a Finite Number of Samples?
* Human Action Tracking Guided by Key-Frames
* Human Body Postures from Trinocular Camera Images
* Human Head Tracking using Adaptive Appearance Models with a Fixed-Viewpoint Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
* Hybrid Error Concealment Schemes for Broadcast Video Transmission over ATM Networks
* Hybrid Genetic Optimization and Statistical Model-Based Approach for the Classification of Shadow Shapes in Sonar Imagery
* Hybrid stereo matching with a new relaxation scheme of preserving disparity discontinuity
* Image analysis for airborne reconnaissance and missile applications
* Image classification using the frequencies of simple features
* Image Compression Method of Spatial Search, An
* Image Compression Through Embedded Multiwavelet Transform Coding
* Image Enhancement via Adaptive Unsharp Masking
* Image Field Categorization and Edge/Corner Detection from Gradient Covariance
* Image movement vector detection apparatus
* Image object classification using saccadic search, spatio-temporal pattern encoding and self-organisation
* Image object signatures from centripetal autowaves
* image processing system for driver assistance, An
* Image Segmentation and Edge Enhancement with Stabilized Inverse Diffusion Equations
* Image Segmentation by Nonparametric Clustering based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance
* imaginary component of the reconstructed image in fan beam tomography, The
* IMECO: A Reconfigurable FPGA-based Image Enhancement Co-Processor Framework
* Implementation of a New Orthogonal Shuffled Block Transform for Image Coding Applications
* Implicit Polynomials, Orthogonal Distance Regression, and the Closest Point on a Curve
* Improvements to Gamut Mapping Colour Constancy Algorithms
* Improving Face Tracking with 2D Template Warping
* Improving the Stability of Algebraic Curves for Applications
* IMPSAC: Synthesis of Importance Sampling and Random Sample Consensus
* Incremental Learning Method for Face Recognition under Continuous Video Stream, An
* Incremental Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces
* Integrating Local Affine into Global Projective Images in the Joint Image Space
* Interpolation Artifacts in Mutual Information-Based Image Registration
* Intrinsic Images for Dense Stereo Matching with Occlusions
* Introduction to the Special Issue on 3-D Video Technology
* Investigation of the noise properties of a new class of reconstruction methods in diffraction tomography
* Iteration-Free Fractal Image Coding Based on Efficient Domain Pool Design
* iterative method for maximum entropy regularization reconstruction in MRI, An
* KidsRoom, The
* Knowledge-Based Segmentation of SAR Data with Learned Priors
* Kruppa Equation Revisited: its Renormalization and Degeneracy
* Lagrangian-Based Methods for Finding MAP Solutions for MRF Models
* Lane following combining vision and DGPS
* Lapped Nonlinear Interpolative Vector Quantization and Image Super-Resolution
* Layer Extraction with a Bayesian Model of Shapes
* Learning and synthesizing human body motion and posture
* Learning Over Multiple Temporal Scales in Image Databases
* Learning Similarity for Texture Image Retrieval
* Learning Support Vectors for Face Verification and Recognition
* Learning to Recognize 3D Objects with SNoW
* Learning-Based Approach to Real Time Tracking and Analysis of Faces
* Least Commitment Graph Matching by Evolutionary Optimisation
* Level Lines as Global Minimizers of Energy Functionals in Image Segmentation
* Level Sets and Distance Functions
* Line-Based, Reduced Memory, Wavelet Image Compression
* Local iterative improvement of fractal image codes
* Local Scale Selection for Gaussian Based Description Techniques
* Log-Polar Stereo for Anthropomorphic Robots
* Logical Representation of Bincode and its Applications in Manipulating Binary Images, The
* Looking at People: Sensing for Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing
* Machine learning of event segmentation for news on demand
* MAESTRO: Conductor of Multimedia Analysis Technologies
* Manipulation of Pose Distributions
* Markov Model Aided Decoding for Image Transmission Using Soft-Decision-Feedback
* Mathematical framework to show the existence of attractor of partitioned iterative function systems
* Maximum certainty data partitioning
* Mean and maximum common subgraph of two graphs
* Measuring the Self-Consistency of Stereo Algorithms
* Medical Image Analysis: Progress over Two Decades and the Challenges Ahead
* Memory-based Face Recognition for Visitor Identification
* Method for generating sprites for object-based coding sytems using masks and rounding average
* Method for Recognizing a Sequence of Sign Language Words Represented in a Japanese Sign Language Sentence, A
* Method to compensate for a fade in a digital video input sequence
* Minimal Paths in 3D Images and Application to Virtual Endoscopy
* Minimal Set of Constraints for the Trifocal Tensor, A
* Model based faced coding and decoding using feature detection and eigenface coding
* Model Based Pose Estimator Using Linear-Programming
* Model-Based Edge Reconstruction for Low Bit-Rate Wavelet-Compressed Images
* Model-Based Initialisation for Segmentation
* Monocular Perception of Biological Motion: Clutter and Partial Occlusion
* Motion Segmentation by Tracking Edge Information over Multiple Frames
* Multi-View Constraints between Collineations: Application to Self-Calibration from Unknown Planar Structures
* Multibody Structure and Motion: 3-D Reconstruction of Independently Moving Objects
* Multidimensional Quasi-Eigenfunction Approximations and Multicomponent AM-FM Models
* Multilevel Successive Elimination Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Multilocal Creaseness Based on the Level-Set Extrinsic Curvature
* Multimedia Presentation and Transmission Standards and Their Support for Automatic Analysis, Conversion and Scaling: A Survey
* Multimodal Elastic Matching of Brain Images
* Multiple Cues for Model-Based Human Motion Capture
* Multiscale Methods for the Segmentation and Reconstruction of Signals and Images
* Multisensor obstacle detection and tracking
* N-Candidate methods for location invariant dithering of color images
* Nautical Scene Segmentation using Variable Size Image Windows and Feature Space Reclustering
* Network Approaches to Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: Intractability and Two New Algorithms
* Neural network-based fuzzy observer with application to facial analysis
* New Algorithms for Controlling Active Contours Shape and Topology
* New Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* New Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* new dichotomization technique to multilevel thresholding devoted to inspection applications, A
* New Flexible Acquisition System of Ray-Space Data for Arbitrary Objects, A
* New Image Smoothing Method Based on A Simple Model of Spatial Processing in the Early Stages of Human Vision, A
* New Multidimensional Recursive Architecture for Computing The Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* new shape-vector quantization-based adaptive predictive image coder, A
* Noise-Resistant Affine Skeletons of Planar Curves
* Non-Linear Bayesian Image Modelling
* Nonlinear Rule-based Convolution for Refocusing
* Novel Fuzzy Logic Approach to Contrast Enhancement, A
* Object Recognition using Coloured Receptive Fields
* Objective Colour from Multispectral Imaging
* On Calibration and Reconstruction from Planar Curves
* On hierarchical segmentation for image compression
* On the Estimation of the Fundamental Matrix: A Convex Approach to Constrained Least-Squares
* On the gray-scale inverse Hough transform
* On the linear computational complexity of the parser for quasi-context sensitive languages
* On the Performance Characterisation of Image Segmentation Algorithms: A Case Study
* On the Reprojection of 3D and 2D Scenes Without Explicit Model Selection
* On the Structure and Properties of the Quadrifocal Tensor
* On Utilising Template and Feature-based Correspondence in Multi-view Appearance Models
* On Weighting and Choosing Constraints for Optimally Reconstructing the Geometry of Image Triplets
* On-Line and Off-Line Handwriting Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
* Optimal Linear Combination of Neural Networks for Improving Classification Performance
* Overlapped Block Disparity Compensation with Adaptive Windows for Stereo Image Coding
* Parallel-pipelined image processing system
* Parametric View-Synthesis
* Partitioned Sampling, Articulated Objects, and Interface-Quality Hand Tracking
* Patterns from the sky
* Pedestrian Detection from a Moving Vehicle
* Perceptual Intelligence
* Perceptual Organization for Artificial Vision Systems
* Perceptually tuned robust watermarking scheme for digital images
* Performance assessment of a face verification based access control system
* Performance Characterization of Video-Shot-Change Detection Methods
* Person Tracking in Real-World Scenarios Using Statistical Methods
* PGSD: an accurate 3D vision system using a projected grid for surface descriptions
* Physically-Based Statistical Deformable Model for Brain Image Analysis, A
* Plane + Parallax, Tensors, and Factorization
* Point Light Source Estimation from Two Images and Its Limits
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition
* Post-Processing Technique for Noise Removal of Range Data, A
* posteriori error learning in nonlinear adaptive filters, A
* Practical Methodology for Guaranteeing Quality of Service for Video-on-Demand, A
* Predicting Disparity Windows for Real-Time Stereo
* Primitive spatial relations based on SKIZ
* Probabilistic Background Model for Tracking, A
* probabilistic Framework for Rigid and Non-rigid Appearance Based Tracking and Recognition, A
* Probabilistic Interpretation of the Saliency Network, A
* Probabilistic Sensor for the Perception and the Recognition of Activities, A
* Probabilistic Sensor for the Perception of Activities, A
* Producing Object-Based Special Effects by Fusing Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Proposal for transparent cascading of 3:4 up and subsequent 4:3 down conversion filtering
* Pupil detection and tracking using multiple light sources
* Quadtree-Structured Variable-Size Block-Matching Motion Estimation with Minimal Error
* Qualitative Spatiotemporal Analysis Using an Oriented Energy Representation
* Quantitative comparison between trajectory estimates obtained from a binocular camera setup within a moving road vehicle and from the outside by a stationary monocular camera
* Quasi-Random Sampling for Condensation
* Rapid Estimation of Camera Motion from Compressed Video with Application to Video Annotation
* Real-time Analysis of an IC Wire-bonding Inspection System
* Real-time Defect Inspection of Textured Surfaces
* Real-time Detection of Nodding and Head-shaking by Directly Detecting and Tracking the Between-eyes
* Real-Time Display of Virtual Humans: Levels of Details and Impostors
* Real-Time Multiple Face Detection Using Active Illumination
* Real-Time Stereo Tracking for Head Pose and Gaze Estimation
* Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views
* Real-time Visualization of Brain Electrical Activity
* Recognition of JPEG compressed face images based on statistical methods
* Recognizing Lower Face Action Units in Facial Expression
* Recognizing Multiple Overlapping Objects in Image: A Optimal Formulation
* Recognizing User's Context from Wearable Sensors: Baseline System
* Recognizing Walking People
* Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Sequences with a Hierarchy of Trifocal Tensors
* Reduced Complexity Modeling and Reproduction of Colored Textures
* Region-based Object Recognition using Shape-from-Shading
* Registration with a Moving Zoom Lens Camera for Augmented Reality Applications
* Regularised Range Flow
* Rejection of mismatched correspondences along the affine epipolar line
* Relevant Features for Video-Based Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Reliable Motion Detection/Compensation for Interlaced Sequences and Its Applications to Deinterlacing
* Removal of Grid-Pattern Noise Introduced by M -Channel Subband Image Coding
* review on strategies for recognizing natural objects in colour images of outdoor scenes, A
* Rigid 3-D Motion Estimation Using Neural Networks and Initially Estimated 2-D Motion Data
* Road recognition in urban environment
* Robust 3D Head Tracking Under Partial Occlusion
* Robust Classification of Blurred Imagery
* Robust Face Tracking using Color
* Robust Facial Feature Localization by Coupled Features
* Robust Model-Based Approach for 3D Head Tracking in Video Sequences, A
* Role of Self-Calibration in Euclidean Reconstruction from Two Rotating and Zooming Cameras, The
* Rotation invariant classification of rough surfaces
* Rotational-diversity phase estimation from differential-interference-contrast microscopy images
* Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking
* Scale Dependent Differential Geometry for the Measurement of Center Line and Diameter in 3D Curvilinear Structures
* Scale-Based Fuzzy Connected Image Segmentation: Theory, Algorithms, and Validation
* Segmentation of Color Textures
* Segmenting Hands of Arbitrary Color
* Self-Organized Integration of Adaptive Visual Cues for Face Tracking
* Separating Touching Objects in Remote Sensing Imagery: The Restricted Growing Concept and Implementations
* SFS Based View Synthesis for Robust Face Recognition
* Shape and Radiance Estimation from the Information Divergence of Blurred Images
* Significantly Different Textures: A Computational Model of Pre-Attentive Texture Segmentation
* Six Point Solution for Structure and Motion, A
* Smooth surface interpolation and texture adaptation for MPEG-4 compliant calibration of 3D head models
* Special issue on facial image analysis
* Sprite Generation and Coding in Multiview Image Sequences
* Statistical Foreground Modelling for Object Localisation
* Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review
* Statistical Significance as an Aid to System Performance Evaluation
* Stereo Autocalibration From One Plane
* Stereo Image Quality: Effect of Mixed Spatio-Temporal Resolution
* Stereo-Motion with Stereo and Motion in Complement
* Stochastic Tracking of 3D Human Figures using 2D Image Motion
* Study on Scanning Methods for a Field-Sequential Stereoscopic Display, A
* Subjective Evaluation of Stereoscopic Images: Effects of Camera Parameters and Display Duration
* Support Cone: A Representational Tool for the Analysis of Boundaries and Their Interactions, The
* Support Vector Regression and Classification Based Multi-view Face Detection and Recognition
* Surface Matching with Large Deformations and Arbitrary Topology: A Geodesic Distance Evolution Scheme on a 3-Manifold
* System and method for grey value expansion of pixel data
* tabu-search-based heuristic for clustering, A
* Target Discrimination in FOPEN SAR Images Using Angular Diversity in Alpha-stable Noise
* Texture Analysis through a Markovian Modelling and Fuzzy Classification: Application to Urban Area Extraction from Satellite Images
* Texture segmentation based on MRMRF modeling
* Things That See
* Three-Sided Side Match Finite-State Vector Quantization
* Toward Real-time Human-computer Interaction with Continuous Dynamic Hand Gestures
* Towards Automatic Face Identification Robust to Ageing Variation
* Towards Model-Based Gesture Recognition
* Tracking a Person with 3-D Motion by Integrating Optical Flow and Depth
* Tracking and Characterization of Highly Deformable Cloud Structures
* Tracking Discontinuous Motion using Bayesian Inference
* Tracking Interacting People
* Transcribing broadcast news for audio and video indexing
* Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome by monitoring patients airflow signals
* Twenty Years of Document Image Analysis in PAMI
* Two-Subcycle Thinning Algorithm and Its Parallel Implementation on SIMD Machines, A
* Uncalibrated Euclidean reconstruction: a review
* Understanding Expressive Action
* Understanding Purposeful Human Motion
* Underwater Camera Calibration
* Unifying Theory for Central Panoramic Systems and Practical Implications, A
* Unsupervised Learning of Models for Recognition
* Using geometry towards stereo dense matching
* Velocity-Guided Tracking of Deformable Contours in Three Dimensional Space
* Video Annotation for Content-based Retrieval using Human Behavior Analysis and Domain Knowledge
* Video Linking
* View-based active appearance models
* Viewpoint-Invariant Learning and Detection of Human Heads
* Virtual 3D Blackboard: 3D Finger Tracking using a Single Camera, A
* Virtual View Face Image Synthesis Using 3D Spring-based Face Model from A Single Image
* Visible Surface Reconstruction with Accurate Localization of Object Boundaries
* Vision-based Guidance and Control of Robots in Projective Space
* Visual Encoding of Tilt from Optic Flow: Psychophysics and Computational Modelling
* Vocabulary and Grammar of Color Patterns, The
* Wavelet Families of Increasing Order in Arbitrary Dimensions
* Wavelet packet analysis for face recognition
* Wide Baseline Point Matching using Affine Invariants Computed from Intensity Profiles
* Wide-Range, Person- and Illumination-Insensitive Head Orientation Estimation
* Zernike moment-based image shape analysis and its application
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