* *3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 3D data acquisition an elaboration for classification an recognition of objects and people
* 3D effect generation from monocular view
* 3D image sequence acquisition for TV and film production
* 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
* 3D mesh wavelet coding using efficient model-based bit allocation
* 3D object modelling in mobile robot environment using B-spline surfaces
* 3D objects visualization for remote interactive medical applications
* 3D reality modelling: photo-realistic 3D models of real world scenes
* 3D shape estimation based on density driven model fitting
* 3D volume extraction and mesh generation using energy minimization techniques
* 3WPS: A 3D web-based process visualization framework
* Accurate and robust marker localization algorithm for camera calibration
* Active polygon for object tracking
* Advanced three-dimensional television system technologies
* Advances in mesh signal processing and geometry compression
* Analysis of secondary structure elements of proteins using indexing techniques
* Applications of 3D medical imaging in orthopaedic surgery: Introducing the hip-op system
* approach to using image-based techniques across unreliable peer-to-peer networks, An
* Architecture of a 3D-simulation environment for active vision systems and mobile robots
* Archiving 3D cultural objects with surface point-wise database information
* Archiving technology for plant inspection images captured by mobile active cameras 4D visible memory
* Audio effects to enhance spatial information displays
* Automated multi-view 3D image acquisition in human genome research
* Browsing 3-D spaces with 3-D vision: Body-driven navigation through the internet city
* Coding with ASCII: compact, yet text-based 3D content
* Colon centreline calculation for CT colonography using optimised 3D opological thinning
* Combining fringe projection method of 3D object monitoring with virtual reality environment: concept and initial results
* Comparison of 3D measurement techniques in cultural heritage application: user point of view
* Compression of isosurfaces for structured volumes with context modelling
* Computational experiments with area-based stereo for image-based rendering
* Concentric strips: algorithms and architecture for the compression/decompression of triangle meshes
* Construction of large-scale virtual environment by fusing range data,texture images, and airborne altimetry data
* Content-based image retrieval from large medical databases
* content-based retrieval system with a customizable 3D output visualizer, A
* Data Processing Algorithms for Generating Textured 3D Building Facade Meshes from Laser Scans and Camera Images
* depth map representation for real-time transmission and view-based rendering of a dynamic 3D scene, A
* Description of simple method in 3D reconstruction in medical imaging
* Design of a service-based framework for generic 3D information visualization
* Direct and robust voxelization and polygonization of free-form CSG solids
* Distributed quantitative evaluation of 3D patient specific arterial models
* Edge-constrained marching triangles
* Effectivity of spherical object reconstruction using star-shaped simplex meshes
* Effects of joystick mapping and field-of-view on human performance in virtual walkthroughs
* Efficient algorithm for the computation of 3D Fourier descriptors
* Ellipsoid decomposition of 3D-models
* Empirical calibration method for adding colour to range images
* Estimating the Principal Curvatures and the Darboux Frame from Real 3-D Range Data
* Extraction and description of 3D (articulated) moving objects
* f3d: A file format and tools for storage and manipulation of volumetric data sets
* Fast 3D model acquisition from stereo images
* Fast landmark-based registration via deterministic and efficient processing, some preliminary results
* Filling holes in complex surfaces using volumetric diffusion
* Focal region-guided feature-based volume rendering
* From 3D shape capture of animated models
* Generation, visualization, and editing of 3D video
* Geometry of contour-based correspondence for stereo
* gesture recognition system using 3D data, A
* Half-edge multi-tessellation: compact representation for multi-resolution tetrahedral meshes
* hierarchy of cameras for 3D photography, A
* High-resolution cytometry network project: Towards remote and distributed acquisition, processing and visualisation of 3D image data in human genome research
* How can we exploit typical architectural structures to improve model recovery?
* Human action recognition by sequence of movelet codewords
* IBR-based compression for remote visualization
* Image-based photo hulls
* Implementation of a shadow carving system for shape capture
* Improvement of metric accuracy of digital 3D models through digital photogrammetry. A case study: Donatello's Maddalena
* Improving environment modelling by edge occlusion surface completion
* Inpainting from multiple views
* Long-range high-performance time-of-flight-based 3D imaging sensors
* Mathematical aspects of shape reconstruction from an image sequence
* model (In)validation approach to gait recognition, A
* Modeling closed surfaces in a multi-resolution fashion
* Modeling shapes and textures from images: new frontiers
* Mosaic construction from a sparse set of views
* Motion-induced error correction in ultrasound imaging
* multi-resolution scheme ICP algorithm for fast shape registration, A
* Multi-stereo 3D object reconstruction
* Multiresolution approach to three-dimensional stereo vision
* Multiresolution distance volumes for progressive surface compression
* neaning and limitations of protein structure alignments, The
* Network protocol for interaction and scalable distributed visualization
* Network-Based Traditional Japanese Crafting Presentation System using Agent and Virtual Reality Technologies
* Network-Based Traditional Japanese Crafting Presentation System using Agent and Virtual Reality Technologies
* Neuroanatomical imaging: constrained 3D reconstruction using variational implicit techniques
* New imaging frontiers: 3D and mixed reality
* Object classification by functional parts
* Object shape modelling from multiple range images by matching signed distance fields
* Octree approximation and compression methods
* Octree-based fusion of shape from silhouette and shape from structured light
* Optimal and near-optimal solutions for 3D structure comparisons
* Optimized compression of triangle mesh geometry using prediction trees
* Optimized spectral estimation methods for improved colorimetry with laser scanning systems
* ORIGAMI project: advanced tools and techniques for high-end mixing and interaction between real and virtual content, The
* PDE-based multi-view depth estimation
* Posture recognition and segmentation from 3D human body scans
* practical approach for 3D model indexing by combining local and global invariants, A
* Probabilistic 3D data usion for adaptive resolution surface generation
* Protein folding using inter-residue contact
* Rapid shape acquisition using color structured light and multi-pass dynamic programming
* real-time realization of geometrical valid view synthesis or tele-conferencing with viewpoint adaptation, A
* Real-time speech-driven 3D face animation
* Reconstruction of spherical representation models from multiple partial models
* Reconstruction of three dimensional models from real images
* Remote machinery maintenance system with the use of virtual reality
* Robust identification and matching of fiducial points for the reconstruction of 3D human faces from raw video sequences
* Second order local analysis for 3D reconstruction of specular surfaces
* Shape distortion analysis of the shape-from-shading algorithm using Jacobi iterative method
* Spherical Diffusion for 3D Surface Smoothing
* Stochastic mesh-based multiview reconstruction
* Super high resolution 3D imaging and efficient visualization
* surface evolution approach of probabilistic space carving, A
* Surface reconstruction from multiple views using rational B-splines and knot insertion
* Tele-3D-developing a handheld scanner using structured light projection
* tensor voting approach for the hierarchical segmentation of 3-D acoustic images, A
* Texture at the terminator
* Towards automatic modeling of monuments and towers
* Tracking densely moving markers
* Triangle mesh-based surface modeling using adaptive smoothing and implicit surface texture integration
* Uncalibrated 3D metric reconstruction and flattened texture acquisition from a single view of a surface of revolution
* Uncalibrated narrow baseline augmented reality
* Using principal curvatures and Darboux frame to recover 3D geometric primitives from range images
* Using the expectation-maximization algorithm for depth estimation and segmentation of multi-view images
* Variational multiframe stereo in the presence of specular reflections
* virtual boutique: a synergic approach to virtualization,content-base management of 3D information, 3D data mining an virtual reality for ecommerce, The
* Visual data navigators Collaboratories
* Visualizing I/O predictability
* Visualizing legacy stratigraphic data from archaeological handbooks
* Volume rendering on the Internet
* volumetric approach for interactive 3D modeling, A
* Wavelet coding of structured geometry data considering rate-distortion properties
* Weaver, an automatic texture builder
132 for 3DPVT02
* *3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 3-dimensional object modeling with mesh simplification based resolution adjustment
* 3D image sensing for bit plane method of progressive transmission
* 3D model retrieval based on 2D slice similarity measurements
* 3D model watermarking for indexing using the generalized radon transform
* 3D modelling and visualization of the human lung
* 3D non-linear invisible boundary detection filters
* 3D performance capture for facial animation
* 3D reconstruction of natural scenes with view-adaptive multi-texturing
* 3D shape registration using regularized medial scaffolds
* 3D stereoscopic image pairs by depth-map generation
* Accurate 3D acquisition of freely moving objects
* Acquiring height maps of faces from a single image
* Acquisition, modelling and rendering of very large urban environments
* Adaptive online transmission of 3D texmesh using scale-space analysis
* Adaptive space carving
* Analysis of three-dimensional motion of an object using a fixed monocular camera
* Applying mesh conformation on shape analysis with missing data
* Automated texture mapping of 3D city models with oblique aerial imagery
* Automatic extraction of planar projections from panoramic range images
* Automatic passive recovery of 3D from images and video
* Bayesian framework for 3D models retrieval based on characteristic views, A
* Bayesian surface reconstruction
* Blind watermarking of 3D shapes using localized constraints
* closed-form solution for a two-view self-calibration problem under fixation, A
* Color, fusion, and stereopsis
* Construction of animal models and motion synthesis in 3D virtual environments using image sequences
* Data-driven approaches to digital human modeling
* Dense multiple view stereo with general camera placement using tensor voting
* Detection and compensation of image sequence jitter due to an unstable ccd camera for video tracking of a moving target
* Disordered patterns projection for 3D motion recovering
* Dynamically optimised 3D (virtual reality) data transmission for mobile devices
* easy viewer for out-of-core visualization of huge point-sampled models, An
* Efficient interactive rendering of detailed models with hierarchical levels of detail
* Efficient model creation of large structures based on range segmentation
* Encoding volumetric grids for streaming isosurface extraction
* Enhanced real-time stereo using bilateral filtering
* Enhanced surface reconstruction from wide baseline images
* Enhanced vector quantization for data reduction and filtering
* Entire model acquisition system using handheld 3D digitizer
* Estimating curvatures and their derivatives on triangle meshes
* Estimating the surface radiance function from single images
* experimental comparison of feature-based 3D retrieval methods, An
* Exploitation of 3D images for face authentication under pose and illumination variations
* Face recognition from 3d data using iterative closest point algorithm and gaussian mixture models
* Facial View Synthesis from a Single Image Using Shape from Shading
* Fan-meshes: a geometric primitive for point-based description of 3D models and scenes
* Fast and robust bore detection in range image data for industrial automation
* Fast Interpolated Cameras by Combining a GPU Based Plane Sweep with a Max-Flow Regularisation Algorithm
* Feature based registration of range images for mapping of natural outdoor environments
* Filling the signed distance field by fitting local quadrics
* formulation of boundary mesh segmentation, A
* Frequency domain registration of computer tomography data
* From the Lab to the Silver Screen: Computer Vision and the Art of Special Effects
* Fusing multiple color images for texturing models
* Geometry processing: A personal perspective
* GPU-assisted Z-field simplification
* graph cut based adaptive structured light approach for real-time range acquisition, A
* Helmholtz stereopsis on rough and strongly textured surfaces
* Heterogeneous deformation model for 3D shape and motion recovery from multi-viewpoint images
* Hierarchical 3D surface reconstruction based on radial basis functions
* High-Resolution Cytometry Network Project: Client/Server System for 3D Optical Microscope Data Storage and Analysis
* Hue flows and scene structure
* Human motion: modeling and recognition of actions and interactions
* Image matching based on co-motion statistics
* influence of shape on image correspondence, The
* Interactive modeling from dense color and sparse depth
* Interactive walkthroughs using morphable 3D-mosaics
* Linear shift-invariant operators for processing surface meshes
* Local approximate 3D matching of proteins in viral cryo-EM density maps
* Markerless human motion transfer
* Metrological Analysis of a Procedure for the Automatic 3D Modeling of Dental Plaster Casts
* Modeling of free-form surfaces and shape from shading
* Multi-camera reconstruction based on surface normal estimation and best viewpoint selection
* Multi-spectral stereo image matching using mutual information
* Multiple view reconstruction of people
* Neural mesh ensembles
* non causal bayesian framework for object tracking and occlusion handling for the synthesis of stereoscopic video, A
* Non-Rigid Range-Scan Alignment Using Thin-Plate Splines
* Novel diffractive optical elements and algorithms for real-time 3D and hyperspectral imaging
* On robustness and localization accuracy of optical flow computation from color imagery
* Online surface reconstruction from unorganized 3D-points for the DLR hand-guided scanner system
* Panoramic Image Transform of Omnidirectional Images Using Discrete Geometry Techniques
* Photo-consistency based registration of an uncalibrated image pair to a 3D surface model using genetic algorithm
* Pictorial techniques and intrinsic images
* Point samples for efficient 3D processing and content creation
* Progressive compression of volumetric subdivision meshes
* Projection model, 3D reconstruction and rigid motion estimation from non-central catadioptric images
* prototype of video see-through mixed reality interactive system, A
* Pyramid coordinates for morphing and deformation
* Real time visualization of 3D variable in time object based on cloud of points data gathered by coloured structure light projection system
* Real-time, accurate depth of field using anisotropic diffusion and programmable graphics cards
* Realistic Models of Children Heads from 3D-MRI Segmentation and Tetrahedral Mesh Construction
* Recognition of Object Contours from Stereo Images: An Edge Combination Approach
* Reconstruction of Euclidean planes from voxels
* Registration of range images that preserves local surface structures and color
* Reliability and judging fatigue reduction in 3D perceptual quality estimation
* RoboScan: an automatic system for accurate and unattended 3D scanning
* Robust 3D segmentation for underwater acoustic images
* Robust concealment for erroneous block bursts in stereoscopic images
* robust correlation measure for correspondence estimation, A
* Robust structure from motion under weak perspective
* Scalable and efficient coding of 3d model extracted from a video
* Seeing into the Past: Creating a 3D Modeling Pipeline for Archaeological Visualization
* Segmenting correlation stereo range images using surface elements
* Shape matching using the 3D radon transform
* Small CPU times and fast interactivity in sonar seabottom surveys
* Some unusual ways of visually sensing 3d shapes
* Spacetime-coherent geometry reconstruction from multiple video streams
* Specularity elimination in range sensing for accurate 3D modeling of specular objects
* Speech-driven face synthesis from 3D video
* statistical method for robust 3D surface reconstruction from sparse data, A
* Stereo image coder based on MRF analysis for disparity estimation and morphological encoding
* Structure-from-Motion Method: Use of Motion in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Moving Objects from Multiple-View Image Sequences, A
* Surface height recovery using heat flow and manifold embedding
* Surface Illuminance Flow
* Surface model generation from range images of industrial environments
* Surface normals and height from non-lambertian image data
* surface partitioning spectrum (SPS) for retrieval and indexing of 3D CAD models, A
* Surface reconstruction from the projection of points, curves and contours
* Surface segmentation using geodesic centroidal tesselation
* Synthetic image of multiresolution sketch leads to new features
* Testing reflectance models against radiance data
* Theoretical accuracy analysis of N-ocular vision systems for scene reconstruction, motion estimation, and positioning
* Thickness histogram and statistical harmonic representation for 3D model retrieval
* Topology and geometry of unorganized point clouds
* unified approach for motion analysis and view synthesis, A
* unified representation for interactive 3D modeling, A
* Unifying measured point sequences of deforming objects
* Unsupervised motion classification by means of efficient feature selection and tracking
* User-controlled simplification of polygonal models
* Using 3D-Bresenham for resampling structured grids
* Using omnidirectional structure from motion for registration of range images of minimal overlap
* variational analysis of shape from specularities using sparse data, A
* VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
* View dependence of 3D recovery from folded pictures and warped 3D faces
* Viewpoint consistent texture synthesis
* Visual-hull reconstruction from uncalibrated and unsynchronized video streams
* Visualization of arbitrary-shaped 3D scenes on depth-limited 3D displays
139 for 3DPVT04
* *3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 3D City Modeling Using Cognitive Loops
* 3D Content-Based Search Based on 3D Krawtchouk Moments
* 3D Face Recognition with Region Committee Voting
* 3D from Line Segments in Two Poorly-Textured, Uncalibrated Images
* 3D Modeling Using Planar Segments and Mesh Elements
* 3D Outdoor Scene Scanner Based on a Night-Vision Range-Gated Active Imaging System, A
* 3D Reconstruction by Gluing Pair-Wise Euclidean Reconstructions, or How to Achieve a Good Reconstruction from Bad Images
* 3D Skeleton-Based Body Pose Recovery
* Aerial LiDAR Data Classification Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
* Analysis of Errors in Feature-Preserving Mesh Simplification Based on Edge Contraction, An
* Anatomically-Aware, Automatic, and Fast Registration of 3D Ear Impression Models
* Angle Independent Bundle Adjustment Refinement
* ASDMCon Project: The Challenge of Detecting Defects on Construction Sites, The
* Automatic 3D Ear Recognition System, An
* Automatic 3D Face Detection, Normalization and Recognition
* Automatic Hole-Filling of Triangular Meshes Using Local Radial Basis Function
* Automatic Locating of Anthropometric Landmarks on 3D Human Models
* Automatic Registration of Multiple Range Images by the Local Log-Polar Range Images
* Bayesian Approach to Building Footprint Extraction from Aerial LIDAR Data, A
* Belief Propagation for Panorama Generation
* Beyond Silhouettes: Surface Reconstruction Using Multi-Flash Photography
* Blind Source Separation Approach to Structure from Motion, A
* Building a 3D Virtual Museum of Native American Baskets
* Carving from Ray-Tracing Constraints: IRT-Carving
* Compression of Human Motion Data Sequences
* Computational Anatomy to Assess Longitudinal Trajectory of Brain Growth
* Computing the Camera Motion Direction from Many Images
* Conics-Based Homography Estimation from Invariant Points and Pole-Polar Relationships
* Constraint Integration for Multiview Pose Estimation of Humans with Self-Occlusions
* Contour-Based Object Detection in Range Images
* CSC Based Classification Method for CT Bone Images, A
* Deformable Mesh Model for Complex Multi-Object 3D Motion Estimation from Multi-Viewpoint Video
* Depth Images: Representations and Real-Time Rendering
* Direct and Indirect 3-D Reconstruction from Opti-Acoustic Stereo Imaging
* Distortion-Sensitive Synthesis of Texture and Geometry in Interactive 3D Visualization
* Dynamic 3D Urban Scene Modeling Using Multiple Pushbroom Mosaics
* Efficient Constraint Evaluation Algorithms for Hierarchical Next-Best-View Planning
* Efficient Error-Bounded General Camera Model, An
* Efficient Sparse 3D Reconstruction by Space Sweeping
* Efficient, Precise, and Accurate Utilization of the Uniqueness Constraint in Multi-View Stereo
* EKF-Based Recursive Dual Estimation of Structure & Motion from Stereo Data
* Estimating a-priori Unknown 3D Axially Symmetric Surfaces from Noisy Measurements of Their Fragments
* Exploiting 3D Spatial Continuity for Robust Automatic Horizon Matching across Faults
* Exploring Boundary Concavities in Active Contours and Surfaces
* Expression Compensation for Face Recognition Using a Polar Geodesic Representation
* Extracting 3D Shape Features in Discrete Scale-Space
* Factorization Based Self-Calibration for Radially Symmetric Cameras, A
* Fast and Efficient Dense Variational Stereo on GPU
* Fast Level Set Multi-View Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* Fast Safe Spline Surrogates for Large Point Clouds
* Flatness and Orientation Signature for Modeling and Matching 3D Objects
* Gaze Tracking by Using Factorized Likelihoods Particle Filtering and Stereo Vision
* Generalized RANSAC Framework for Relaxed Correspondence Problems
* Geometry Refinement of 3D Surfaces Using Kriging
* Global Depth from Epipolar Volumes: A General Framework for Reconstructing Non-Lambertian Surfaces
* Graph Cut Based Multiple View Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction
* Hemispherical Harmonic Surface Description and Applications to Medical Image Analysis
* Hierarchical PCA Decomposition of Point Clouds
* Hierarchical Representation of Virtual Cities for Progressive Transmission over Networks
* High-Performance Multi-View Reconstruction
* High-Quality Real-Time Stereo Using Adaptive Cost Aggregation and Dynamic Programming
* High-Resolution and High Accuracy Real-Time 3D Sensor Based on Structured Light, A
* Histogram Matching for Camera Pose Neighbor Selection
* Homography Estimation from Planar Contours
* How Far Can We Go with Local Optimization in Real-Time Stereo Matching
* Illumination Insensitive Model-Based 3D Object Tracking and Texture Refinement
* Image Based Localization in Urban Environments
* Image Guided Geometry Inference
* Immersive Free-Viewpoint Video System Using Multiple Outer/Inner Cameras, An
* Improved 3D Human Face Reconstruction Approach Based on Cubic Splines Models, An
* Integrating LiDAR, Aerial Image and Ground Images for Complete Urban Building Modeling
* Interactive Modeling with Automatic Online Compression
* Invariant High Level Reeb Graphs of 3D Polygonal Meshes
* Isoradius Contours: New Representations and Techniques for 3D Face Registration and Matching
* Large-Scale Modeling of Parametric Surfaces Using Spherical Harmonics
* Large-Scale Urban Modeling by Combining Ground Level Panoramic and Aerial Imagery
* Learning Illumination Models While Tracking
* Light Source Calibration for IBR and BTF Acquisition Setups
* Line-Based Structure from Motion for Urban Environments
* Linking Feature Lines on 3D Triangle Meshes with Artificial Potential Fields
* Low Altitude Wind Simulation over Mount Saint Helens Using NASA SRTM Digital Terrain Model
* Metrics and Optimization Techniques for Registration of Color to Laser Range Scans
* Minimum Spanning Tree Pose Estimation
* Mobile Augmented Reality System with Distributed Tracking, A
* Modular Scheme for 2D/3D Conversion of TV Broadcast, A
* Motion Editing in 3D Video Database
* Motion Parallax without Motion Compensation in 3D Cluttered Scenes
* Multi-Chart Geometry Video: A Compact Representation for 3D Animations
* Multi-View Multi-Exposure Stereo
* Multimodal 3D Shape Recovery from Texture, Silhouette and Shadow Information
* Multiple Camera Calibration Using Robust Perspective Factorization
* Multiview 3D Tracking with an Incrementally Constructed 3D Model
* Object Centered Stereo: Displacement Map Estimation Using Texture and Shading
* Object Modeling with Guaranteed Fulfillment of Geometric Constraints
* On 3D Retrieval from Photos
* Orientation of Fragments of Rotationally Symmetrical 3D-Shapes for Archaeological Documentation
* Perceptually Driven Model for Transmission of Arbitrary 3D Models over Unreliable Networks, A
* Perturbation Estimation of the Subspaces for Structure from Motion with Noisy and Missing Data
* Philips 3D Solutions: From Content Creation to Visualization
* Point Containment in Discrete Arbitrary Dimension
* Probabilistic Method for Aligning and Merging Range Images with Anisotropic Error Distribution, A
* Probabilistic Notion of Correspondence and the Epipolar Constraint, A
* Progressive Compression of Normal Vectors
* Qualitative Characterization of Deforming Surfaces
* Range Camera Collecting Multi-Spectral Texture for Architecture Applications, A
* Range Image Registration Based on Circular Features
* Rao-Blackwellized Importance Sampling of Camera Parameters from Simple User Input with Visibility Preprocessing in Line Space
* RDTC Optimized Streaming for Remote Browsing in Image-Based Scene Representations
* Recognition of Free-Form Objects in Complex Scenes Using DGI-BS Models
* Reconstructing a 3D Line from a Single Catadioptric Image
* Recovering Illumination and Texture Using Ratio Images
* Recursive Multi-Frame Planar Parallax Algorithm, The
* Reference Stream Selection for Multiple Depth Stream Encoding
* Reflectance Modeling for Layered Dielectrics with Rough Surface Boundaries
* Region-Based Motion Analysis and 3D Reconstruction for a Translational Video Sequence
* Resolution Scalable Coding and Region of Interest Access with Three-Dimensional SBHP Algorithm
* Retrieval of Colored 3D Models
* Revealing Significant Medial Structure in Polyhedral Meshes
* Reverse Projection Correlation Principle for Depth from Defocus, The
* Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point-Sampled Curves
* Scanline Optimization for Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* Self-Calibration of Multiple Laser Planes for 3D Scene Reconstruction
* Shape Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Tracking of Mesoscale Eddies in Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model
* Shape Measure for Identifying Perceptually Informative Parts of 3D Objects
* ShapeLab: A Unified Framework for 2D and 3D Shape Retrieval
* Simplified Belief Propagation for Multiple View Reconstruction
* Spatio-Temporal Modeling Method for Shape Representation, A
* Spherical Catadioptric Arrays: Construction, Multi-View Geometry, and Calibration
* Statistical Inference of Biological Structure and Point Spread Functions in 3D Microscopy
* Structured Light Based Reconstruction under Local Spatial Coherence Assumption
* Structured Light Range Imaging System Using a Moving Correlation Code, A
* Synthesis of 3D Model of a Magnetic Field-Influenced Body from a Single Image
* System for Reconstructing Integrated Texture Maps for Large Structures, A
* Towards On-Line Digital Doubles
* Towards Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video
* Transforming Least Squares to Weighted Least Squares for Accurate Range Image Registration
* Two Stage View Planning for Large-Scale Site Modeling
* Vanishing Hull
* Virtual View Specification and Synthesis in Free Viewpoint Television Application
* VisTRE: A Visualization Tool to Evaluate Errors in Terrain Representation
* Visual Hull Construction in the Presence of Partial Occlusion
* Visual Shapes of Silhouette Sets
143 for 3DPVT06
* *3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 2D-to-3D Photo Rendering for 3D Displays
* 3D Semantic Representation of Actions from efficient stereo-image-sequence segmentation on GPUs
* Accurate Feature Extraction and Control Point Correction for Camera Calibration with a Mono-Plane Target
* Active Triangulation in the Outdoors: A Photometric Analysis
* Automatic Alignment and Multi-View Segmentation of Street View Data using 3D Shape Priors
* Bas-Relief Ambiguity Reduction in Shape from Shadowgrams
* Bi-Objective Bundle Adjustment with Application to Multi-Sensor SLAM
* Comparison of 2D/3D Features and Their Adaptive Score Level Fusion for 3D Face Recognition
* Comparison of Skeleton and Non-Skeleton Shape Descriptors for 3D Video
* Conformal mapping-based 3D face recognition
* Depth and Scene Flow from a Single Moving Camera
* Diffusion symmetries of non-rigid shapes.
* Does Color Really Help in Dense Stereo Matching?
* Dynamic 3D Scene Reconstruction in Outdoor Environments
* Efficient Depth-Compensated Interpolation for Full Parallax Displays
* Evaluating layout discrimination capabilities of continuous and discrete automultiscopic displays
* Fast and Accurate Plane Detection Algorithm for Large Noisy Point Clouds Using Filtered Normals and Voxel Growing, A
* Feature-Based Deformable Surface Detection with Self-Occlusion Reasoning
* Frequency Decomposition Techniques for Increased Discriminative 3D Facial Information Capture
* Generic Rolling Shutter Camera Model and its Application to Dynamic Pose Estimation, A
* Global 3D Curvature Estimator Applied to Non-Rigid Shape Reconstruction, A
* global camera network calibration method with Linear Programming, A
* global projective rectification approach for uncalibrated infrared stereo images, A
* Global registration of multiple point clouds embedding the Generalized Procrustes Analysis into an ICP framework
* GPU Accelerated Realtime Stereo for Augmented Reality
* Harmonised Texture Mapping
* Heightmap Model for Efficient 3D Reconstruction from Street-Level Video, A
* High-detail 3D capture of facial performance
* ICP Fusion Techniques for 3D Face Recognition
* Images, generative models and simulation for visually rich 3D graphics
* Improving the accuracy of fast dense stereo correspondence algorithms by enforcing local consistency of disparity fields
* Incremental Free-Space Carving for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction
* Indoor Localization Algorithms for a Human-Operated Backpack System
* Intrinsic Spin Images: A subspace decomposition approach to understanding 3D deformable shapes
* Iterative Deformable Surface Tracking in Multi-View Setups
* Joint Estimation of Epipolar Geometry and Rectification Parameters using Point Correspondences for Stereoscopic TV Sequences
* Level Set Tree on Meshes, The
* Linear solution for oneshot active 3D reconstruction using two projectors
* MAC-RANSAC: a robust algorithm for the recognition of multiple objects
* Matching shapes by eigendecomposition of the Laplace-Beltrami operator
* Minimal-Redundancy Maximal-Relevance Selection of Facial Regions for 3D Face Recognition
* Modeling of Tree Branches by Bayesian Network Structure Inference
* Narrow Baseline GLSL Multiview Stereo
* Near Real-Time Stereo With Adaptive Support Weight Approaches
* OmniTour: Semi-automatic generation of interactive virtual tours from omnidirectional video
* On Recall Rate of Interest Point Detectors
* Parallelized 3D optical flow method for fluid mechanics applications
* Physical Scale Intensity-Based Range Keypoints
* Planar patch detection for disparity maps
* Probabilistic Approach to ToF and Stereo Data Fusion, A
* Projective Epipolar Rectification for a Linear Multi-imager Array
* Qualitative 3D from a Single Image
* Range Image Registration of Specular Objects under Complex Illumination
* Real-time Free-Viewpoint Navigation from Compressed Multi-Video Recordings
* Real-time Incremental J-Linkage for Robust Multiple Structures Estimation
* Real-time Stereo Matching using Adaptive Binary Window
* Ridge Walking for 3D Surface Segmentation
* Robust Game-Theoretic Inlier Selection for Bundle Adjustment
* Robust Incremental Structure from Motion
* Self-calibrating a real-time monocular 3d facial capture system
* Sequential Classification in Point Clouds of Urban Scenes
* Single-view Perspective Shape-from-Texture with Focal Length Estimation: A Piecewise Affine Approach
* Sparse Parallel Electronic Bowel Cleansing in CT Colonography
* statistical illumination-reflectance separation algorithm for the multispectral acquisition of frescoes, A
* Stripe Propagation for Color Encoded Structured Light
* Temporally coherent segmentation of 3D reconstructions
* TofCut: Towards Robust Real-time Foreground Extraction Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Toward Automated Modeling of Floor Plans
* Towards Real Time Camera Self Calibration: Significance and Active Selection
* Urban Scene Extraction from Mobile Ground Based LiDAR Data
* Virtu4D: a Real-time Virtualization of Reality
* Volumetric Approach for Merging Range Images of Semi-Rigid Objects Captured at Different Time Instances, A
* Weaving the World's Photos into a 3D Web
74 for 3DPVT10