Update Dates 9810

9810 * 128X128 pixels image sensor for on-sensor-compression
* 2-D content-based mesh design scheme for object-based video coding, A
* 2-D filter-based disparity compensation using sequential orthogonal subspace updating
* 3-D Model-Based Segmentation of Videoconference Image Sequences
* 3-D Model-Based Segmentation of Videoconference Image Sequences
* 3D motion estimation of video objects using a priori data and 2D apparent motion
* 3D motion estimation using expansion matching and KL based canonical images
* Target Tracking Systems, Real-Time Issues (H3)
* Target Tracking, Active, Camera Following, Real Time Issues, Hardware (H3)
* Target Tracking, Collision Detection (H3)
* Tracking Known Objects, Models, Points, Robot Hand-Eye Tracking (H3)
* Accelerated monotonic algorithms for transmission tomography
* Accurate Calculation of the Irradiance of Optical Images
* Accurate feature detection and matching for the tracking of calibration parameters in multi-camera acquisition systems
* Acoustic imaging of objects buried in soil
* Adaptation to nonstationarity of embedded wavelet code stream
* Adaptive Adjustment of the Search Window for Block-Matching Algorithm with Variable Block Size
* Adaptive coding of DCT coefficients by Golomb-Rice codes
* Adaptive document image thresholding using foreground and background clustering
* Adaptive image compression based on segmentation and block classification
* Adaptive image representation with segmented orthogonal matching pursuit
* adaptive irregular sampling method for progressive transmission, An
* Adaptive key frame extraction using unsupervised clustering
* Adaptive motion estimation based on statistical sum of absolute difference
* Adaptive motion vector refinement for high performance transcoding
* Adaptive quantization for low bit rate video coding
* Adaptive restoration of speckled SAR images using a compound random Markov field
* Adaptive search center non-linear three step search
* Adaptive Separation of Random Lines and Background
* Adaptive SFWO filter design
* Adaptive tree-structured subspace classification of hyperspectral images
* Adaptive wavelet packet image coding using an estimation-quantization framework
* Adaptive wavelet transforms with spatially varying filters for scalable image coding
* Advanced blocs classification for fast encoding in fractal-based gray-scale images compression
* algebraic solution to the 3-D discrete tomography problem, An
* algorithm for designing multiple Gabor filters for segmenting multi-textured images, An
* algorithm for wipe detection, An
* All-format decoders and set-top boxes
* alternative to the MPEG-4 object-based error resilient video syntax, An
* AMOS: an active system for MPEG-4 video object segmentation
* analysis based, perceptually lossless, texture compression method, An
* Analysis of the interpolation error between multiresolution images
* analytical model of the perceptual threshold function for multichannel image compression, An
* Analyzing and filtering contour deformation
* Anatomical object volumes from deformable B-spline surface models
* Angle images for measuring heart motion from tagged MRI
* Antisymmetric biorthogonal coiflets for image coding
* Application of 'Vision in the Loop' for Inspection of Lace Fabric
* approximate algorithm for structural matching of images, An
* Arbitrary shape wavelet transform with phase alignment
* Arithmetic coding of a lossless contour based representation of label images
* Artifact reduction for POCS-based super resolution with edge adaptive regularization and higher-order interpolants
* ASIC Implementation of an Optimized Digital Video Encoder, An
* Attack Operators for Digitally Watermarked Images
* Attenuation map segmentation without reconstruction using a level set method in nuclear medicine imaging
* Audio-visual content-based violent scene characterization
* Automatic Adaptation of a Face Model Using Action Units for Semantic Coding of Videophone Sequences
* Automatic collimation in peripheral X-ray imaging
* Automatic design of nonlinear filters by nearest neighbor learning
* Automatic digital redeye reduction
* automatic image quality assessment technique incorporating higher level perceptual factors, An
* Automatic Model Construction and Pose Estimation from Photographs Using Triangular Splines
* Automatic Segmentation of Moving-Objects for Video Object Plane Generation
* Automatic spatio-temporal video sequence segmentation
* Automatic suppression of spatially variant translational motion artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging
* Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance from Autobahnen to Narrow Curves
* axiomatic approach to multiresolution signal decomposition, An
* B-spline snakes and a JAVA interface: an intuitive tool for general contour outlining
* Bayesian modeling of video editing and structure: Semantic features for video summarization and browsing
* Binary partition tree as an efficient representation for filtering, segmentation and information retrieval
* Biomedical image segmentation
* Blind estimation of PSF for out of focus video data
* Block classification method based on human perception for dynamic bitstream scaling of MPEG video
* Block loss recovery using fractal extrapolation for fractal coded images
* Block-Based MAP Segmentation for Image Compressions, A
* Block-Based Preprocessing System for the Coding Performance Improvement, The
* Blocking effect removal using regularization and dithering
* Blur identification from vector quantizer encoder distortion
* buffer control algorithm for CBR video transcoding, A
* Camera self-calibration from video sequences with changing focal length
* Camera self-calibration: a case against Kruppa's equations
* Capacity issues in digital image watermarking
* CC-Modeler: a topology generator for 3-D city models
* Cellular complexes: A tool for 3d homotopic segmentation in brain images
* Chaotic watermarks for embedding in the spatial digital image domain
* Choosing the optimal neighbourhood size in optical flow problems with errors-in-variables modelling
* Classification of radar images in polarimetric remote sensing
* Classification of rotated and scaled textures using HMHV spectrum estimation and the Fourier-Mellin transform
* Cluster-based texture matching for image retrieval
* COCGV: a method for multi-modality 3D volume registration
* Code transformations for reduced data transfer and storage in low power realisations of MPEG-4 full-pel motion estimation
* Color cluster rotation
* Color image embedding using multidimensional lattice structures
* Color image enhancement by highlight-preserving vector transformation and nonlinear mapping
* Color Pixels Classification in an Hybrid Color Space
* Colorimetric restoration of digital images
* combinatorial approach to vector tomography for Doppler spectral data, A
* Combined mesh based image representation and motion estimation, application to video coding
* Combined source-channel coding for transmission of video over a slow-fading Rician channel
* Combined surface interpolation and object segmentation for automatic 3D scene reconstruction
* Combining HMM classifiers in a handwritten text recognition system
* comparison of image quality models and metrics based on human visual sensitivity, A
* Comparison of Two Approaches to Ranking Algorithms Used to Compute Hill Slopes
* Complex representations of algebraic curves
* Complexity-regularized image restoration
* compressed video database structured for active browsing and search, A
* Compressed video seamless switching using variable splicing parameters
* Compression coding of moving contours on spatio-temporal 2-D plane
* Compression of image contours using combinatorial optimization
* Compression tolerant image authentication
* Computationally efficient fixed-length entropy codec for robust video compression
* Computationally efficient multiscale estimation of large-scale dynamic systems
* Concealment of visual effects of image transmission errors by a sketch-based recovery approach
* Constrained Active Region Models for Fast Tracking in Color Image Sequences
* Constrained regularization methods for superresolution
* Content analysis of video using principal components
* Content based active video data acquisition via automated cameramen
* Content-based retrieval and real time detection from video sequences acquired by surveillance systems
* Content-based transcoding of images in the Internet
* Content-based video abstraction
* content-dependent fast DCT for low bit-rate video coding, A
* Context based multiscale classification of images
* Continuous n-tuple classifier and its application to real-time face recognition
* Contourless region-based video coding for very low bit-rates
* Covariant Conics Decomposition of Quartics for 2D Object Recognition and Affine Alignment
* Curvature based analysis of internal structure of pulmonary nodules using thin-section CT images
* Curvature of oriented patterns: 2-D and 3-D estimation from differential geometry
* DC coefficient restoration using nonlinear criterion and AC coefficients restoration
* DCT computation based on variable complexity fast approximations
* DCT domain alpha blending
* Deblocking Technique for Block-transform Compressed Image Using Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima, A
* Decoder complexity and performance comparison of matching pursuit and DCT-based MPEG-4 video codecs
* deformable and expansible tree for structure recovery, A
* deformable model for human organ extraction, A
* Depth from defocus using the hermite transform
* Deriving facial articulation models from image sequences
* Design and Implementation of an MPEG-2 Transport Stream Multiplexer for HDTV Satellite Broadcasting
* Design Considerations in the Real-Time Implementation of Multiple Expert Image Classifiers within a Modular and Flexible Multiple-platform Design Environment
* Design considerations of smart displays
* Design of a memory-scalable wavelet-based image codec
* Design of practical color filter array interpolation algorithms for digital cameras
* Detecting geometric infeasibility
* Detecting human faces in color images
* Detection and localization of obscured objects from near-field sensor array data: physical models and statistical processing
* Detection of elongated structures by using invertible angular representations of scalar images
* Detection of low clouds in METEOSAT IR night-time images based on a contextual spatio-temporal labeling approach
* Determination of Implicit Polynomial Canonical Curves, The
* Device and method for dubbing an audio-visual presentation which generates synthesized speech and corresponding facial movements
* Differences in the behaviors of continuous and discrete anisotropic diffusion equations for image processing
* Digital Image Stabilizing Algorithms Based on Bit-Plane Matching
* Digital image watermarking: issues in resolving rightful ownership
* Digital set top boxes-an overview and a view
* Digital signal processing solutions to 2-D finite support blind deconvolution problems
* Digital signal processing solutions to 2-D phase retrieval problems
* Digital surfaces as a basis for building isosurfaces
* digital watermark based on the wavelet transform and its robustness on image compression, A
* Digital watermarking by geometric warping
* Digital Watermarking for Copyright Protection of MPEG2 Compressed Video
* Direct computation of differential invariants of image contours from shading
* Direct sequence watermarking of digital video using m-frames
* Discrete phase retrieval by solving linear systems of equations: performance under noisy conditions
* discrete sequential bidirectional associative memory for multistep pattern recognition, A
* Disparity estimation for high resolution stereoscopic reconstruction using the GNC approach
* Distance measures for color image retrieval
* Document image compression using straight line extraction and block context model
* Document Image Understanding: 1997
* dual graph approach to 3D triangular mesh compression, A
* DVD technology
* Dynamic adaptation of video for transmission under resource constraints
* Dynamic Neural Field Theory for Motion Perception
* Edge detection error in the discrete Laplacian of Gaussian
* Edge location with electrostatic region attractors
* Edge preserving image restoration using convex optimization
* Edge-preserving tomographic reconstruction with nonlocal regularization
* effect of edge strength on object recognition from edge images, The
* effect of electrode-skin interface model in electrical impedance imaging, The
* effect of matching watermark and compression transforms in compressed color images, The
* effect of stable points on the convergence of Markov random fields, The
* Effective content representation for video
* Efficient algorithms for embedded rendering of terrain models
* efficient and accurate interpolation strategy for multi-dimensional functions, An
* Efficient coding of segmentation maps based on MPEG-4 shape coding
* Efficient computation for sequential forward observation selection in image reconstruction
* Efficient encoding of binary shapes using MPEG-4
* Efficient Error-correcting Viterbi Parsing
* efficient line detection algorithm based on a new combinational optimization formulation, An
* Efficient morphological shape representation without searching
* efficient motion estimation algorithm based on tracing techniques on large search windows, An
* Efficient multispectral texture segmentation using multivariate statistics
* efficient mutual information optimizer for multiresolution image registration, An
* Efficient parallelisation of an MPEG-2 codec on a TMS320C80 video processor
* Efficient receiver-driven layered video multicast using H.263+ SNR scalability
* Efficient Region Tracking with Parametric Models of Geometry and Illumination
* Efficient representation and decoding of static Huffman code tables in a very low bit rate environment
* Efficient wavelet coding of motion compensated prediction residuals
* Electronic image-movement correcting device with a variable correction step feature
* Ellipse detection using grouping of edgels into line-support regions
* Embedding visible video watermarks in the compressed domain
* Empirically-derived estimates of the complexity of labeling line drawings of polyhedral scenes
* Encoding of closed boundaries using transition points
* Enhanced B-Spline interpolation of images
* Enhanced segmentation of SAR images using non-Fourier imaging
* Enhancement of text images using a context based nonlinear interpolative vector quantization method
* Enhancement via fusion of mammographic features
* environment for generating FPGA architectures for image algebra-based algorithms, An
* Erroneous MPEG Packet Synchronization in the MCNS/SCTE ITU-T J.83 Annex B Standard
* Error concealment for arbitrarily shaped video objects
* Error concealment using motion field interpolation
* Error protection for progressive image transmission over memoryless and fading channels
* Error robust video coding based on H.263
* Error-resilient Pyramid Vector Quantization for Image Compression
* Errors and accuracy estimates of laser data acquired by various laser scanning systems for topographic applications
* Estimation of binary images by minimizing convex criteria
* Estimation of image feature reliability for an interactive video segmentation scheme
* estimation-theoretic technique for motion-compensated synthetic-aperture array imaging, An
* Evaluation of reconstruction quality in image vector quantisation using existing and new measures
* Evidential reconstruction of vessel trees from rotational angiograms
* EXM eigen templates for detecting and classifying arbitrary junctions
* Explicit Closed-Form Solution to the Limited-Angle Discrete Tomography Problem for Finite-Support Objects, An
* Exploiting the residual redundancy in motion estimation vectors to improve the quality of compressed video transmitted over noisy channels
* extended Kalman filtering approach to high precision stereo image matching, An
* Extension of Canny's discrete criteria to second derivative filters, towards a unified approach
* Extracting coding parameters from pre-coded MPEG-2 video
* Extraction of high-resolution video stills from MPEG image sequences
* Extraction of Signatures from Check Background Based on a Filiformity Criterion
* Extraction of the relative depth information of objects in video sequences
* Face detection and recognition using hidden Markov models
* Face-based visually-optimized image sequence coding
* Facial feature detection by saccadic exploration of the Gabor decomposition
* fast and robust point tracking algorithm, A
* Fast Binary Image Processing Using Binary Decision Diagrams
* Fast blind inverse halftoning
* fast color quantization algorithm using a set of one dimensional color intervals, A
* Fast computation of perceptually optimal quantization matrices for MPEG-2 intra pictures
* fast effective scene change detection and adaptive rate control algorithm, A
* Fast fade-out operation on MPEG video
* Fast fractal image compression with triangular multiresolution block matching
* Fast implementation of the optimal PNN method
* Fast Overlapped Block Motion Compensation with Checkerboard Block Partitioning
* Fast polynomial regression transform for video database
* fast scene change detection on MPEG coding parameter domain, A
* Fast search for long-term memory motion-compensated prediction
* fast structural matching and its application to pattern analysis of 2-D electrophoresis images, A
* Feasibility of Tomography with Unknown View Angles
* Feature displacement interpolation
* Film blotch removal with a spatiotemporal fuzzy filter based on local image analysis of anisotropic continuity
* Film transfer for HDTV
* Filter techniques for complex spatio-chromatic image processing
* Filtering of multivariate samples containing outliers for clustering
* Finite sensor effects for estimating structure-from-motion
* Finite-Resolution Simplicial Complexes
* Fixed point filter design for image enhancement using fuzzy logic
* Fixed-Length Entropy Coding for Robust Video Compression
* Fixed-slope near-lossless context-based image compression
* Flexible face animation using MPEG-4/SNHC parameter streams
* Flexible interchange of coded multimedia facilitating access and streaming
* Flexible shapes for segmentation and tracking of cardiovascular data
* Fovea: A Foveated Vergent Active Stereo Vision System for Dynamic 3-Dimensional Scene Recovery
* Fractal enhancement of decompressed images
* Fractal image compression by the classification in the wavelet transform domain
* Fragile watermarking of three-dimensional objects
* Free-form textured surfaces registration by a frequency domain technique
* Frequency dependence of ATD performance in foliage-penetrating SAR images
* Frontal face authentication using variants of dynamic link matching based on mathematical morphology
* Fully Automated Content-Based Video Search Engine Supporting Spatiotemporal Queries, A
* Functional brain mapping
* Further results on spectrum blind sampling of 2D signals
* Gaussian mixture model for edge-enhanced images with application to sequential edge detection and linking, A
* general technique for smoothing multi-dimensional datasets utilizing orthogonal expansions and lower dimensional smoothers, A
* Generalized bit-planes for embedded codes
* Generalized distance based matching of nonbinary images
* generalized Gauss Markov model for space objects in blind restoration of adaptive optics telescope images, A
* Generalized Hermite polynomials for image reconstruction from zero crossing contours
* Generalized lapped biorthogonal transforms with integer coefficients
* Generalized Threshold Replenishment: An Adaptive Vector Quantization Algorithm for the Coding of Nonstationary Sources
* Generating multiple new designs from a sketch
* Generation of a Digital Elevation Model-Based on Synthetic-Aperture Radar Airborne Stereoscopic Images: Application to Airsar Images (Hawaii)
* Genetic algorithm approach to image segmentation using morphological operations
* GenLOT-based progressive image coder for low resolution images, A
* Geometric deformable model and segmentation
* Geometric, Algebraic, and Thermophysical Techniques for Object Recognition in IR Imagery
* geometrical-based trinocular vision system for edges reconstruction, A
* GIS and Image Understanding for Near-Real-Time Earthquake Damage Assessment
* Global and Local Active Contours for Head Boundary Extraction
* Gold plated shovels with rope handles: cognitive issues in display design and a case for performance testing
* Gradient independent translation via differential morphology
* Green noise digital halftoning
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Visual Monitoring and Inspection
* Handwritten character recognition based on moment features derived from image partition
* Hardware architecture for optical flow estimation in real time
* Hexadecagonal region growing
* Hiding information in images
* Hierarchical Bayesian nets for building extraction using dense digital surface models
* Hierarchical segmentation methods for region-based video coding
* High precision gradation compensation for stochastic screening
* high quality, fast inverse halftoning algorithm for error diffused halftones, A
* high-performance shot boundary detection algorithm using multiple cues, A
* Hough transform and uncertainty handling. Application to circular object detection in ultrasound medical images
* Human-computer interaction using gesture recognition and 3D hand tracking
* hybrid NN-Bayesian architecture for information fusion, A
* Hybrid wavelet transform filter for image recovery
* Hypercomplex moments application in invariant image recognition
* Identification of story units in audio-visual sequences by joint audio and video processing
* Image and video segmentation: the normalized cut framework
* Image and Video Transmission Over Wireless Channel: A Subband Modulation Approach
* Image blending by feature overwrite
* Image compression for memory constrained printers
* image database for benchmarking of automatic face detection and recognition algorithms, An
* Image deconvolution in mirror wavelet bases
* Image denoising through a level set approach
* Image halftoning and inverse halftoning for optimized dot diffusion
* Image invariance, scaling features and image similarity
* Image matching for translation, rotation and uniform scaling by the Radon transform
* Image motion estimation from blurred and noisy image sequences
* Image processing LSI ISP-IV based on local parallel architecture and its applications
* Image registration and mosaicing using a self-calibrating camera
* Image registration using a 3-D scene representation
* Image representation by spectral amplitude: Conditions for Uniqueness and Optimal Reconstruction
* Image restoration with 1/f-type fractal models and statistical estimation of the model parameters
* Image retrieval and indexing: a hierarchical approach in computing the distance between textured images
* Image segmentation based on a multiresolution Bayesian framework
* Image segmentation of color image based on region coherency
* Image sequence analysis and segmentation using G-blobs
* image transform approach for HMM based automatic lipreading, An
* Image warping using adaptive partial matching
* Image watermarking for tamper detection
* Image-Based Multimodal Face Authentication
* Image/video scaling algorithm based on multirate signal processing
* Image: A Low-Cost, Low-Power Video Processor for High-Quality Motion Estimation in MPEG-2 Encoding
* Impact of helical reconstruction algorithm on 3D image artifacts
* Implementation of a real time image rotation using B-spline interpolation on FPGA's board
* Implementing Real-Time Video Decoding On Multimedia Processors by Complexity Prediction Techniques
* Implicit coding for very low bit rate image compression
* Imprecision in Finite Resolution Spatial Data
* improved approach for cardiac dynamics analysis based on constrained local force model, An
* Improved Diffuse Reflection Models for Computer Vision
* Improved H.263+ rate control via variable frame rate adjustment and hybrid I-frame coding
* Improved Modeling of Elevation Error with Geostatistics
* Improved motion estimation by spatial transformations and overlap
* improved prior for image reconstruction in X-ray fiber diffraction, An
* Improved segmentation through dynamic time warping for signature verification using a neural network classifier
* Improved techniques for lossless image compression with reversible integer wavelet transforms
* Improved watermark detection reliability using filtering before correlation
* Improving network video quality with delay cognizant video coding
* Incorporation of derivative priors in adaptive Bayesian color image segmentation
* Incremental-Learning-by-Navigation Approach to Vision-Based Autonomous Land Vehicle Guidance in Indoor Environments Using Vertical Line Information and Multiweighted Generalized Hough Transform Technique, An
* Indexing of baseball telecast for content-based video retrieval
* Information properties in fine-to-coarse image transformations
* Information-Theoretic Image-Formation
* Integration of audio and visual information for content-based video segmentation
* Integration of region tracking and optical flow for image motion estimation
* Intelligent image retrieval from large databases using shape and topology
* interactive approach to image retrieval using multiple seed images, An
* Internet video using error resilient scalable compression and cooperative transport protocol
* Interpolation of 2-D fractional Brownian motion using first order increments
* Introduction of ordered subsets algorithm to maximum a posteriori expectation maximization method
* Invariant object recognition by shape space analysis
* Invariant-based data model for image databases
* Investigation of parallel and globally convergent iterative schemes for nonlinear variational image smoothing and segmentation
* Isointensity directional smoothing for edge-preserving noise reduction
* Isophote-based interpolation
* iterative algorithm for two-dimensional digital least metric problems with applications to digital image compression, An
* Iterative determination of local bound constraints in iterative image restoration
* Iterative inversion of the Radon transform using image-adaptive wavelet constraints
* Iterative methods for correcting attenuation in positron emission tomography
* iterative motion estimation-segmentation method using watershed segments, An
* Iterative Split-And-Merge Algorithm for Vector Quantization Codebook Generation
* Iterative vector non-linear interpolation for the synthesis of intermediate views
* Joint decoding of turbo codes for subband coded image
* Joint optimization of quantization and on-line channel estimation for low bit-rate video transmission
* Joint segmentation and motion estimation
* Joint source and channel optimized block TCQ with layered transmission and RCPC
* Joint source channel matching for a wireless image transmission
* Joint source-channel image coding for a power constrained noisy channel
* Joint spatiotemporal statistical analysis of functional MRI data
* Joint utilization of fixed and variable-length codes for improving synchronization immunity for image transmission
* Joint wavelet compression and authentication watermarking
* Jointly optimal video coding and rate control for variable-bit-rate transmission
* Kirchhoff migration of 2-D post-stack seismic data after subband decomposition
* Knowledge-based segmentation of SAR images
* Laser-Video Scanner Calibration without the Use of Frame Store
* Learning integrated online indexing for image databases
* Learning Local Languages and Their Application to DNA Sequence Analysis
* Learning-Pattern Classification: A Survey
* Least-asymmetric signal extension for two-band paraunitary FIR filter banks
* Level lines based disocclusion
* Lightweight Encryption Method Suitable For Copyright Protection, A
* Limitation of triangles overlapping in mesh-based motion estimation using augmented Lagrangian
* linear algorithm for optimal context clustering with application to bi-level image coding, A
* linear shift invariant multiscale transform, A
* Lip features automatic extraction
* Live image analysis for computer assisted presentation
* Look-Up-Table Based Halftoning Algorithm
* lossless DCT for combined lossy/lossless image coding, The
* Lossless image compression based on a fuzzy linear prediction with context based entropy coding
* Lossless region of interest with a naturally progressive still image coding algorithm
* Lossless shape coding using the four colors theorem
* Lossy and lossless image compression using reversible integer wavelet transforms
* Lossy/lossless region-of-interest image coding based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees
* Low resolution 3D reconstructions of viruses from X-ray crystal diffraction data
* Low-cost junction characterization using polar averaging filters
* Machine reading of handwritten text information in field technician's maps
* MAP estimation of a class of morphologically constrained Gibbs random fields
* Markov random field regularisation models for adaptive binarisation of nonuniform images
* Mars Pathfinder image compression compared to a wavelet-coder for future space explorations
* Mask building for perceptually hiding frequency embedded watermarks
* mathematics of color calibration, The
* Maximally flat bandwidth allocation for variable bit rate video
* Maximum cross-entropy generalized series reconstruction
* measure of motion salience for surveillance applications, A
* Median-rational hybrid filters
* Medical image databases and informatics
* Method and apparatus for extracting indexing information from digital video data
* Method and apparatus for recognition of objects via position and orientation consensus of local image encoding
* Method and apparatus for video browsing based on content and structure
* Method and article of manufacture for determining whether a scanned image is an original image or fax image
* Method and system for recognizing a boundary between characters in handwritten text
* method for variable quantization in JPEG for improved text quality in compound documents, A
* Method for Watermark Casting on Digital Images, A
* Method of producing a three-dimensional image from two-dimensional images
* Minimax Partial Distortion Competitive Learning for Optimal Codebook Design
* Minimizing ringing effect on images coded at low bit rates with wavelets
* Minimum support interpolators with optimum approximation properties
* Mobile video transmission with efficient fading countermeasures and robust decoding
* Model based direct binary search halftone optimization with a dual interpretation
* Model based segmentation and detection of affine transformed shapes in cluttered images
* model for detecting phasimetric SAR effects coming from rainy events, A
* model for entropy coding in matching pursuit, A
* model of the visual attention to speed up image analysis, A
* Model-based nonrigid motion recovery from sequences of range images without point correspondences
* Model-driven Active Visual Tracking
* modified fractal transformation to improve the quality of fractal coded images, A
* Morphing active contours: a geometric approach to topology-independent image segmentation and tracking
* morphological model for automatic edge detection: Comparison with ad-hoc Hysteresis Thresholding, A
* Morphological techniques in the iterative closest point algorithm
* Mosaic representation and video object manipulations for post-production applications
* Motion and segmentation prediction in image sequences based on moving object tracking
* motion detection system based on a CMOS photo sensor array, A
* Motion Estimation for High-Performance Transcoding
* Motion estimation using adaptive correlation and local directional smoothing
* Motion from projection: a forward model
* Motion-based segmentation by means of active contours
* moving object identification algorithm for image sequence interpolation, A
* Moving object tracking using active models
* MPEG Decoder with Embedded Compression for Memory Reduction, An
* MPEG video modelling based on scene description
* MPEG-1 Audio Real-Time Encoding System
* MPEG-7 standardization activities
* MPEG2-to-ATM Converter to Optimize Performance of VBR Video Broadcast Over ATM Networks, An
* MR tag surface tracking using a spatio-temporal filter/interpolator
* MRF-based algorithms for segmentation of SAR images
* Multi-image matching for a general motion stereo camera model
* Multi-port filtering system for lossless image compression
* Multi-user immersive stereo
* multi-window Gabor-type analysis of images and multidimensional signals, The
* Multilayered image representation: application to image compression
* Multimodal image registration using statistically constrained deformable multimodels
* Multimodal tracking and classification of audio-visual features
* Multiple copy image denoising via wavelet thresholding
* Multiple description image coding based on lapped orthogonal transforms
* Multiple description subband coding
* Multiple description transform coding of images
* Multiple description trellis coded quantization
* Multiple Description Wavelet Based Image Coding
* Multipole-motivated reduced-state estimation
* Multiresolution 3D facial model compression
* Multiresolution and Hybrid Bayesian Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Change Points
* Multiresolution approach to automatic detection of spherical particles from electron cryomicroscopy images
* Multiresolution transmission of video using an EZW coder with GA generated motion vectors
* Multiresolution watermarking for images and video: a unified approach
* Multiscale image reconstruction for low bit-rate wavelet-based image coding
* Multispectral image coding using lattice VQ and the wavelet transform
* Multitemporal SAR image compression
* MULTRAK: a system for automatic multiperson localization and tracking in real-time
* nested recursive approach to MAP estimation based on Gauss-Markov random fields, A
* NeTra-V: Toward An Object-Based Video Representation
* neural network approach for reconstructing surface shape from shading, A
* neural network based scheme for unsupervised video object segmentation, A
* new adaptive nonlinear anisotropic diffusion for noise smoothing, A
* New Adaptive Quantization Method To Reduce Blocking Effect, A
* New Approach to Image Retrieval with Hierarchical Color Clustering, A
* new cascaded spatio-temporal noise reduction scheme for interlaced video, A
* new class of sampling theorems for Fourier imaging of multiple regions, A
* New dictionaries for matching pursuits video coding
* new fast motion estimation algorithm based on search window sub-sampling and object boundary pixel block matching, A
* new iterative algorithm for VQ codebook generation, A
* New magnetic resonance tagging technique for directly measuring the strain tensor of the in vivo human heart
* New Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Adaptively Quantized Low Bit-Resolution Image and Its VLSI Architecture for MPEG2 Video Encoding
* New Postprocessing Method for the Block-Based DCT Coding Based on the Convex-Projection Theory, A
* New results on multichannel regularized recovery of compressed video
* new set partitioning method for wavelet-based image coding, A
* new technique for finding the optical center of cameras, A
* new wavelet-based scheme for watermarking images, A
* Non linear smoothing method based on the just-noticeable contrast
* non-parametric method for fast joint rate-distortion optimization of motion estimation and DFD coding, A
* non-uniformly sampled Markov random field model for MAP reconstruction of magnetoencephalogram images, A
* Nonlinear multiresolution image analysis via convex projections
* nonparametric defocus-based approach to reconstructing thin 3D structures in optical sectioning microscopy, A
* Normal mammogram analysis and recognition
* Normalized Redundancy Presentation for 2D Digital Images, A
* Novel Adaptive Vector Quantization Method for Memory Reduction in MPEG-2 HDTV Decoders, A
* novel approach for edge orientation determination based on pixel pair matching, A
* novel interpolation problem: surface based matching, A
* Novel surface registration using the grid closest point (GCP) transform
* Objective measurement of display formats: multidimensional and multimodel user perception models
* Occlusion adaptive motion snake
* On Accurate and Robust Estimation of Fundamental Matrix
* On Applying Spatial Constraints in Fuzzy Image Clustering Using a Fuzzy Rule-Based System
* On implementing transforms from integers to integers
* On scanning techniques for lossless image coding with limited context supports
* On the coding of active quadtree mesh
* On the compression of still images using the derivative of Gaussian transform
* On the robust transmission technique for H.263 video data stream over wireless networks
* On the Selection of an Optimal Wavelet Basis for Texture Characterization
* On the tradeoff between source and channel coding rates for image transmission
* On video SNR scalability
* On-the-fly snake construction from video
* One-dimensional representation of two-dimensional information for HMM based handwriting recognition
* Open-loop design of predictive vector quantizers for video coding
* Optical Signal and Image Processing: From Analog Systems to Digital Pipeline Smart Pixels
* Optimal adaptive scalar quantization and image compression
* optimal and efficient soft caching algorithm for network image retrieval, An
* Optimal block-size selection for iterative reconstruction of images from projections
* Optimal hierarchical design of 2D dynamic meshes for videos
* Optimal hierarchical partitions for fractal image compression
* Optimal JPEG decoding
* Optimal multiple description subband coding
* Optimal nonuniform orthonormal filter banks for subband coding and signal representation
* Optimal pairwise correlating transforms for multiple description coding
* Optimal parameter updating for optical diffusion imaging
* Optimal shape coding under buffer constraints
* Optimized biorthogonal shape adaptive wavelets
* Optimized source coding and coded modulation for digital transmission of still images on a noisy channel
* Optimizing templates for finding trees in aerial photographs
* Optimum Design of Chamfer Distance Transforms
* Oriented statistical nonlinear smoothing filter
* Overcomplete lifted wavelet representations for multiscale feature analysis
* Overlapping Object Recognition: A Paradigm for Multiple Sensor Fusion
* Parallel implementation of octtree generation algorithm
* parametric approach for estimating the orientation of planar surfaces, A
* Partial Classification Can Be Beneficial Even for Ideal Separation
* Partial volume estimation and the fuzzy C-means algorithm
* PDE technique for generating locally monotonic images, A
* Perception Adaptive Temporal TV-Noise Reduction Using Contour Preserving Prefilter Techniques
* perceptual distortion metric for digital color images, A
* Perceptual error criteria and restoration of images with stack filters
* Perceptual Measure to Predict the Visual Distinction Between Two Color Images, A
* perceptual model for JPEG applications based on block classification, texture masking, and luminance masking, A
* Performance evaluation of different filter banks in the JPEG-2000 baseline system
* Piecewise 2D autoregression for predictive image coding
* Pixel Block Intensity Modulation: Adding Spatial Detail to TM Band-6 Thermal Imagery
* Planar facets segmentation using a multiresolution dense disparity field estimation
* POCS based adaptive image magnification
* post-processing algorithm for compressed digital camera images, A
* Power optimized mode selection for H.263 video coding and wireless communications
* practical evaluation of sequential estimation for vision metrology, A
* Predicting object recognition performance under data uncertainty, occlusion and clutter
* Prediction of Second-Order Statistics in Motion-Compensated Video Coding
* Predictive motion estimation for reduced-resolution video from high-resolution compressed video
* Predictive-transform residual vector quantization
* Probabilistic multimedia objects (multijects): a novel approach to video indexing and retrieval in multimedia systems
* problem of defining the Fourier transform of a colour image, The
* Processing Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting Data to Acquire Range Images
* Progressive lossless image coding via self-referential partitions
* Progressive source-channel coding of images over bursty error channels
* Progressive Video Coding for Noisy Channels
* Proposal for an integrated video analysis framework
* public key watermark for image verification and authentication, A
* QR-RLS algorithm for error diffusion of color images
* Quantile Approximation for Robust Statistical Estimation and k-enclosing Problems
* Quantization Error in Regular Grids: Triangular Pixels
* Quantization noise removal for optimal transform decoding
* Rate and buffer regulation in a video encoder for seamless splicing
* Rate control for foveated MPEG/H.263 video
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Nonlinear Quantizers for MPEG Video Coders: Sigmoidal and Unimodal Quantizer Control Functions
* Rate-distortion based video coding with adaptive mean-removed vector quantization
* Rate-distortion optimization of parametrized quantization matrix for MPEG-2 encoding
* Rate-distortion-based combined motion estimation and segmentation
* Real time implementation of rate-distortion optimized coding mode selection for H.263 video coders
* Real-Time 2-3 Pull-Down Elimination Applying Motion Estimation/Compensation in a Programmable Device
* Real-Time Face Pose Estimation
* Real-Time System for Video Surveillance of Unattended Outdoor Environments
* Recognition and retrieval of textured images using gradient indexing
* Recognition of image patterns generated by a stochastic object-replacement model
* Recognition of planar objects in 3D space using a modified dynamic link architecture
* Recognizing surfaces from 3D curves
* Reconstruction of intermediate views from stereoscopic images using a rational filter
* Reconstruction of motion vector missing macroblocks in H.263 encoded video transmission over lossy networks
* Reconstruction problems in 3D for viral cryo electron microscopy
* Recovering from bit errors in scalar-quantized discrete wavelet transformed images
* Recursive Estimation of Illuminant Motion from Flow Field and Simultaneous Recovery of Shape
* Recursive Estimation of Images Using Non-gaussian Autoregressive Models
* Recursive order-statistic soft morphological filters
* Recursive total least squares algorithm for 3-D camera motion estimation from image sequences
* Reduced Multilinear Constraints: Theory and Experiments
* Reduced-complexity shape-adaptive DCT for region-based image coding
* Reducing the computational complexity of a MAP post-processing algorithm for video sequences
* Reduction of blocking artifacts in block transformed compressed color images
* Reflection coefficient representation for convex planar sets
* Region-based fractal image compression using deterministic search
* Region-based video coder using the MDL formalism
* Regularization for functional MRI models
* Regularized iterative image sequence interpolation with spatially adaptive constraints
* regularized least mean mixed norm multichannel image restoration algorithm, A
* Regularized restoration of partial-response distortions in sporadically degraded images
* Relative depth estimation of video objects for image interpolation
* Relevance Feedback: A Power Tool for Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Reliable Tracking of Facial Features in Semantic-Based Video Coding
* Representation and coding of images with nonseparable two-dimensional wavelets
* Representation of colored images by manifolds embedded in higher dimensional non-Euclidean space
* Restoration of Images Contaminated by Mixed Gaussian and Impulse Noise Using a Recursive Minimum-Maximum Method
* Reversible wavelet and spectral transforms for lossless compression of color images
* Reversing motion vector fields
* robust Hough transform technique for description of multiple line segments in an image, A
* Robust object extraction with illumination-insensitive color descriptions
* robust real-time face tracking algorithm, A
* Robust Sensor Fusion: Analysis and Application to Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* ROC curve evaluation of edge detector performance
* ROI-oriented image query and indexing for content-based retrieval
* Rotation-invariant 3D reconstruction
* Rotational wavelet transforms for motion analysis, estimation and tracking
* Runlength-based wavelet coding with adaptive scanning for low bit rate environment
* scalable algorithm for image retrieval by color, A
* Scalable subband image coding with segmented orthogonal matching pursuit
* Scale-Space Derived from B-splines
* Second-Order Derivative-Based Smoothness Measure for Error Concealment in DCT-Based Codecs
* Secure Identification Documents Via Pattern Recognition and Public-key Cryptography
* Segmentation as a Riemannian drum problem
* Segmentation of a head into face, ears, neck and hair for knowledge-based analysis-synthesis coding of videophone sequences
* Segmentation of dermatoscopic images by stabilized inverse diffusion equations
* Segmentation using spatial-feature clustering from image sequences
* Segmenting neurons in electronic microscopy via geometric tracing
* Selective image diffusion: application to disparity estimation
* Semantic video object tracking using region-based classification
* Semantic Visual Templates: Linking visual Features to Semantics
* Semi-iterative inference with hierarchical models
* Semiautomatic Segmentation and Tracking of Semantic Video Objects
* Sensitivity of model-based coded video to packet losses
* Separability-based Multiscale Basis Selection and Feature Extraction for Signal and Image Classification
* Sequential Karhunen-Loeve Basis Extraction and its Application to Images
* Sharpening Fuzzy Classification Output to Refine the Representation of Sub-Pixel Land-Cover Distribution
* Shivering greedy snakes, gradient-guided in wavelet domain
* Side information averaging method for PML emission tomography
* Sign of Gaussian Curvature from Curve Orientation in Photometric Space
* Significance tree image coding using balanced multiwavelets
* simple algorithm for removing blocking artifacts in block-transform coded images, A
* Simple Algorithm for the Reduction of Blocking Artifacts in Images and Its Implementation, A
* Simplified Modal Analysis and Search for Reliable Shape Retrieval
* simplified rate-distortion optimization procedure relying on statistical subband and noise modelling, A
* Simulated annealing based shift-variant image restoration using the multiresolution wavelet transform
* Simultaneous optimal boundary encoding and variable-length code selection
* Simultaneous Out-of-Focus Blur Estimation and Restoration for Digital Auto-Focusing System
* single input three output model based approach to color texture generation, A
* Single-Chip MPEG2 MP-AT-ML Video Encoder LSI Including Wide Search Range Motion Estimation (H+/-288, V+/-96) and Many Functions for Consumer Use, A
* Skeleton-based Morphological Coding of Binary Images
* Skewed 2D Hilbert transforms and computed AM-FM models
* Smart displays: A means of information domination
* Smart vision sensors
* SoccerMan-reconstructing soccer games from video sequences
* Some remarks on the straight line Hough transform
* source and channel coding approach to data hiding with application to hiding speech in video, A
* Space-frequency motion model for subband/wavelet video coding
* Spatial temporal concealment of lost blocks in coded video
* Spatially Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding with Context Modeling for Image Denoising
* Spatially disjoint source channel coding: taking advantage of the current dial-up architecture for video over the Internet
* Spatially variant flexible sampling control integrated on an image sensor
* Spatially-adaptive regularized pel-recursive motion estimation based on cross-validation
* Spatially-variant roughness penalty design for uniform resolution in penalized-likelihood image reconstruction
* Spatio-spectral dissimilarity algorithm for multiresolution texture segmentation
* Spatio-temporal continuous wavelet transforms for motion-based segmentation in real image sequences
* Spatio-temporal video filtering algorithm based on 3-D anisotropic diffusion equation
* Speaker dependent video indexing based on audio-visual interaction
* Special Issue on Segmentation, Description, and Retrieval of Video Content: Guest Editorial
* Spotting dynamic hand gestures in video image sequences using hidden Markov models
* Stability of Corner Points in Scale Space: The Effects of Small Nonrigid Deformations
* Stabilized inverse diffusion equations and segmentation of vector-valued images
* Stationary wavelet-based intensity models for photon-limited imaging
* statistical approach for recognizing humans by gait using spatial-temporal templates, A
* Statistical inference for a stochastic multiresolution image decomposition scheme
* statistical method for discrimination of natural terrain types from SAR data, A
* Statistical model-based video segmentation and its application to very low bit-rate video coding
* Stereo matching of color images using differential invariants
* Stochastic behavior of inter-drop time in an M frame buffer video decoding scenario
* Stochastic modeling and entropy constrained estimation of motion from image sequences
* Straight-Line Motion Control for Autonomous Land Vehicles Using ID Image-Processing Techniques
* Strongly Normal Sets of Convex Polygons or Polyhedra
* Structural Matching with Active Triangulations
* Successive coefficient refinement for embedded lossless image compression
* Summary of Videotaped Presentations: Automatic-Analysis of Motion and Gesture
* Super-resolution inducing of an image
* Superresolution and Convergence Properties of the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Maximum-Likelihood Deconvolution of Incoherent Images
* Superresolved Image-Reconstruction of Images Taken Through the Turbulent Atmosphere
* Surface Reconstruction by Smoothness MAP Estimation
* surface-shape operator based shading-tolerant method for multiscale image analysis, The
* Symbol mapping and context filtering for lossless image compression
* System for monitoring a continuous manufacturing process
* Template-based detection of anchorperson shots in news programs
* Text and picture segmentation by the distribution analysis of wavelet coefficients
* Text-line Extraction and Character Recognition of Document Headlines with Graphical Designs Using Complementary Similarity Measure
* Texture analysis using multiresolution moments
* Texture Characterization via Joint Statistics of Wavelet Coefficient Magnitudes
* Texture segmentation using Shanon wavelet
* Texture synthesis via matching first and second order statistics of a wavelet frame decomposition
* three Giga-op DSP chip for image processing, A
* Three-dimensional object recognition using vector wavelets
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Circular and Elliptical Objects Using Genetic Algorithm
* Total least square techniques in color printer characterization
* Total least squares 3-D motion estimation
* Total least squares estimation of stereo optical flow
* Total Least-Squares Reconstruction with Wavelets for Optical Tomography
* Towards a telltale watermarking technique for tamper-proofing
* Towards optimal scalability in predictive video coding
* Tracking Multiple Nonrigid Objects In Video Sequences
* Tracking of generic objects for video object generation
* Tracking of nonrigid motion and 3D structure from 2D image sequences without correspondences
* Tracking Textured Deformable Objects Using a Finite-Element Mesh
* Tractability of Segmentation and Scene Analysis, The
* Trade-offs between color saturation and noise sensitivity in image sensors
* Trainable context model for multiscale segmentation
* Transcoding of MPEG video using lattice vector quantization
* Transform domain denoising using nonlinear filtering and cellular neural networks
* Trifocal Motion Modeling for Object-Based Video Compression and Manipulation
* Two Bayesian image restoration algorithms from partially-known blurs
* Two-component Model of Texture for Analysis and Synthesis, A
* unified Bayesian framework for face recognition, A
* Uniformity correction with homomorphic filtering on region of interest
* Unsupervised deconvolution of satellite images
* Unsupervised estimation of left ventricular displacement from MR tagged images using Markov random field edge priors
* Unsupervised image segmentation using the modified pyramidal linking approach
* Unsupervised segmentation of color images
* Unsupervised segmentation of textured image using Markov random field in random spatial interaction
* Unsupervised Video Segmentation Based on Watersheds and Temporal Tracking
* Use IRAM for rasterization
* User driven innovation in smart displays: Lessons from the entertainment industry
* Using background memory for efficient video coding
* Using multiresolution and multistreaming for faster access in image database broadcast
* Using occlusion models to evaluate scale-space processors
* Using orientation tokens for object recognition
* Using the fractal code to watermark images
* Utilizing Moment Invariants and Grobner Bases to Reason About Shapes
* variable-length generalized lapped biorthogonal transform, The
* Velocity selective spatio-temporal filters for motion analysis in image sequence
* Very low bit rate wavelet-based scalable video compression
* Very-low-bit-rate video coding using quadtree decomposition and cache-based vector quantization
* video coder using 3-D model based background for video surveillance applications, A
* Video coding over packet-erasure channels
* Video coding using a fast non-separable matching pursuits algorithm
* Video coding using perceptually weighted vector zerotrees and adaptive vector quantization
* Video content representation using optimal extraction of frames and scenes
* Video indexing in the wavelet compressed domain
* Video object plane segmentation using a morphological motion filter and Hausdorff object tracking
* Video object segmentation introducing depth and motion information
* Video processing for flat panel displays
* Video representation via 3D shaped mosaics
* Video Segmentation Based on Multiple Features for Interactive Multimedia Applications
* Video transcoding for resilience in wireless channels
* Virtual Image Cryptosystem Based upon Vector Quantization, A
* VLSI Implementation of the Motion Estimator with 2-Dimensional Data-Reuse
* VORTEX: video retrieval and tracking from compressed multimedia databases
* VR: past, present, and future
* VSB transmission system
* Watermark estimation through detector analysis
* Watermarking for image authentication
* Watershed-based image segmentation with fast region merging
* Wavelet based nonlinear image enhancement for Gaussian and uniform noise
* Wavelet decomposition and reconstruction using arbitrary kernels: a new approach
* Wavelet decomposition based representation of nonlinear color transformations and comparison with sequential linear interpolation
* Wavelet domain image restoration using edge preserving prior models
* Wavelet-based multiresolution edge detection utilizing gray level edge maps
* wavelet-based video coding scheme using image warping prediction, A
* Web-Based Secure System for the Distributed Printing of Documents and Images, A
* Where Did I Take That Snapshot: Scene-Based Homing By Image Matching
* Why B-pictures work: a theory of multi-hypothesis motion-compensated prediction
* Wide-bandwidth continuous-wave monostatic/bistatic synthetic aperture radar imaging
* X-ray and ultrasound data fusion
* Z-shaped nonlinear transform for image segmentation and classification in intelligent debris analysis, A
* Z-trees: adaptive pyramid-algorithms for image segmentation
777 for 9810

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.