Index for hall

Hall Beyer, M. Co Author Listing * Comparison of single-year and multiyear NDVI time series principal components in cold temperate biomes
* Year-to-year variability of NDVI in croplands and grasslands across a regional grasslands-forest ecotone in Central Alberta, Canada
Includes: Hall Beyer, M. Hall-Beyer, M. Hall-Beyer, M.[Mryka]

Hall Holt, O.[Olaf] Co Author Listing * Stripe Boundary Codes for Real-Time Structured-Light Range Scanning of Moving Objects
Includes: Hall Holt, O.[Olaf] Hall-Holt, O.[Olaf]

Hall, A.[Andrew] Co Author Listing * Discrimination of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus sp. agg.) using hyperspectral imagery in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia
* Non-negative Sparse Coding with Regularizer for Image Classification
Includes: Hall, A.[Andrew] Hall, A.[Alex]

Hall, A.K. Co Author Listing * ePillID Dataset: A Low-Shot Fine-Grained Benchmark for Pill Identification

Hall, A.S. Co Author Listing * Observations of the choice of reconstruction matrix in magnetic resonance imaging

Hall, B. Co Author Listing * Measures of information content for computerized ionospheric tomography
* Predicting Water Stress in Wild Blueberry Fields Using Airborne Visible and Near Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy
Includes: Hall, B. Hall, B.[Bruce]

Hall, B.E.[Bob E.] Co Author Listing * Remote quantification of phycocyanin in potable water sources through an adaptive model

Hall, C.[Chris] Co Author Listing * Full Field X-Ray Scatter Tomography

Hall, C.C.[Christopher C.] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Estimating Crop Residue Cover from Sentinel-2 Data Using Empirical Regressions and Machine Learning Methods, A
* Land surface phenology retrievals for arid and semi-arid ecosystems

Hall, C.D. Co Author Listing * Faraday Rotation Effects on L-Band Spaceborne SAR Data

Hall, C.J. Co Author Listing * Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal in Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast Tomography

Hall, D.[Daniela] Co Author Listing * Automatic parameter regulation of perceptual systems
* Brand Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms
* Cataloging Public Objects Using Aerial and Street-Level Images: Urban Trees
* Comparative Study of People Detection in Surveillance Scenes
* Comparison of target detection algorithms using adaptive background models
* Computation of Generic Features for Object Classification
* Continuity of MODIS and VIIRS Snow Cover Extent Data Products for Development of an Earth Science Data Record
* Development of Snow Cover Frequency Maps from MODIS Snow Cover Products
* Evaluation of Features for Leaf Classification in Challenging Conditions
* Fine-grained classification of pedestrians in video: Benchmark and state of the art
* From Categories to Individuals in Real Time: A Unified Boosting Approach
* From Google Maps to a fine-grained catalog of street trees
* Local Scale Selection for Gaussian Based Description Techniques
* Merging Pose Estimates Across Space and Time
* Object Recognition using Coloured Receptive Fields
* Online, Real-Time Tracking Using a Category-to-Individual Detector
* Probabilistic Object Detection: Definition and Evaluation
* Saliency of Interest Points under Scale Changes
* Shape and appearance priors for level set-based left ventricle segmentation
* Statistical Gesture Recognition Through Modelling of Parameter Trajectories
* System for Object Class Detection, A
Includes: Hall, D.[Daniela] Hall, D. Hall, D.[Dorothy] Hall, D.[David]
21 for Hall, D.

Hall, D.E. Co Author Listing * Improved Explicit Radiosity Method for Calculating Non-Lambertian Reflections

Hall, D.J. Co Author Listing * Objective Methods for Registering Landmarks and Determining Cloud Motions from Satellite Data
* Use of a Pattern Recognition Technique for Determining Cloud Motions for Sequence of Satellite Photographs

Hall, D.K.[Dorothy K.] Co Author Listing * Comparison of the NASA Standard MODerate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Snow-Cover Products for Creation of a Climate Data Record: A Case Study in the Great Basin of the Western United States
* Consequences of the 2019 Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Episode on Albedo
* Multilayer Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor Product of Greenland from MODIS, A

Hall, D.L.[David L.] Co Author Listing * Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion
* Introduction To Multisensor Data Fusion, An
* Perspectives on the fusion of image and non-image data
* Survey of Preprocessing and Feature Extraction Techniques for Radiographic Images, A
Includes: Hall, D.L.[David L.] Hall, D.L.

Hall, E.C.[Eric C.] Co Author Listing * Foreground and background reconstruction in poisson video
* Multisensor UAS mapping of Plant Species and Plant Functional Types in Midwestern Grasslands
Includes: Hall, E.C.[Eric C.] Hall, E.C.[Emma C.]

Hall, E.L.[Ernest L.] Co Author Listing * Acquiring Simple Patterns for Surface Inspection
* Computer Image Processing and Recognition
* Curved Surface Measurement for Robot Vision
* Digital Processing of Aerial Images
* Encoded Moire Inspection Based on a Computer Solid Model
* Encoding Grid Generation from a Computer Solid Model
* Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision III
* Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision IV
* Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VI
* Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision VII
* Matching of Featured Objects Using Relational Tables from Stereo Images
* Measurement of Two Phase Flow Velocities Using Image Correlation
* Measuring Curved Surfaces for Robot Vision
* Numerical Computations of Moment Invariants for Scene Analysis
* Object Location in Computed Tomography Images Using Global Local Segmentation
* Object Recognition by Three Dimensional Moment Invariants
* Omnidirectional vision system for controllng mobile machines
* Performance Comparison of Scene Matching Techniques
* Positioning Quadric Surfaces in an Active Stereo Imaging System
* Scene Matching with Invariant Moments
* Scene Representation Using the Adjacency Matrix and Sampled Shapes of Regions
* Segmentation of Solid Objects Using Global and Local Edge Coincidence
* Selection of Critical Subsets for Signal, Image, and Scene Matching, The
* Sequential Hierarchical Scene Matching
* Survey of Preprocessing and Feature Extraction Techniques for Radiographic Images, A
* Texture Measures for Automatic Classification of Pulmonary Disease
* Three-Dimensional Moment Invariants
* Three-Dimensional Moment Invariants for Automated Target Recognition
Includes: Hall, E.L.[Ernest L.] Hall, E.L.
28 for Hall, E.L.

Hall, F. Co Author Listing * On the Blending of the Landsat and MODIS Surface Reflectance: Predicting Daily Landsat Surface Reflectance

Hall, F.G.[Forrest G.] Co Author Listing * In Memorium: Thomas Hilker

Hall, G.[Geoff] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Image Content-Based Exposure Control for Scanning Applications in Radiography
* Calibration of Rotating Line Spherical Camera based on Checkerboard Pattern on Multiple Planes and its Accuracy Assessment
* Desktop Programmable Pixel-Parallel Accelerator for High Speed Image Processing
Includes: Hall, G.[Geoff] Hall, G.

Hall, G.B. Co Author Listing * Early Detection of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Using Advanced Geospacial Technologies, The
* Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach to Assess Emerald Ash Borer Diffusion, A
Includes: Hall, G.B. Hall, G.B.[G. Brent]

Hall, G.D.R. Co Author Listing * Authenticating Pollock paintings using fractal geometry

Hall, G.J.[Gerard J.] Co Author Listing * System and method for inserting content into an image sequence

Hall, J.[John] Co Author Listing * Constructing Efficient Mesh-Based Global Grid Systems with Reduced Distortions
* Dataset for Persistent Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking in RGB-D, A
* Disdyakis Triacontahedron DGGS
* DS-KCF: a real-time tracker for RGB-D data
* General Method for Extending Discrete Global Grid Systems to Three Dimensions
* Intelligent Integration of Multi-sensor Data for Risk Assessment in Transport Corridor Environments
* LANA: Latency Aware Network Acceleration
* March-and-Reach: A realistic ladder climbing technique
* Photogrammetric Assessment and Comparison of DJI Phantom 4 Pro and Phantom 4 RTK Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
* Segmenting Film Sequences Using Active Surfaces
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Assessing the Risk of Slope Instability along Transport Corridors
Includes: Hall, J.[John] Hall, J. Hall, J.[Jake] Hall, J.[Jimmy]
11 for Hall, J.

Hall, J.L. Co Author Listing * MAGI: A New High-Performance Airborne Thermal-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Earth Science Applications
* MMT-Cam: A New Miniature Multispectral Thermal Infrared Camera System for Capturing Dynamic Earth Processes
* On the Utility of Longwave-Infrared Spectral Imaging for Remote Botanical Identification
Includes: Hall, J.L. Hall, J.L.[Jeffrey L.]

Hall, J.V.[Joanne V.] Co Author Listing * systematic evaluation of influence of image selection process on remote sensing-based burn severity indices in North American boreal forest and tundra ecosystems, A

Hall, K.[Karin] Co Author Listing * Airborne Hyperspectral Data Predict Fine-Scale Plant Species Diversity in Grazed Dry Grasslands
* Classification of Grassland Successional Stages Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Validating Salinity from SMAP and HYCOM Data with Saildrone Data during EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC
Includes: Hall, K.[Karin] Hall, K.[Kashawn]

Hall, K.G. Co Author Listing * Image Metrics Approach to Understanding Effects of Terrain and Environment on Performance of Thermal Target Acquisition Systems

Hall, L.[Lisa] Co Author Listing * Operational Analysis Ready Radar Backscatter Dataset for the African Continent, An

Hall, L.O.[Lawrence O.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Hall, L.O.[Lawrence O.]: hall AT csee usf edu
* Active cleaning of label noise
* Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a single click ensemble segmentation approach
* Automatic quantification and classification of cervical cancer via Adaptive Nucleus Shape Modeling
* Automatic Tumor Segmentation Using Knowledge-Based Techniques
* Bagging Is a Small-Data-Set Phenomenon
* Comparison of Decision Tree Ensemble Creation Techniques, A
* Detecting and ordering salient regions for efficient browsing
* Distributed learning with bagging-like performance
* Dominant Sets as a Framework for Cluster Ensembles: An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach
* Exploring Brain Tumor Heterogeneity for Survival Time Prediction
* Finding Green River in SeaWiFS Satellite Images
* generic knowledge-guided image segmentation and labeling system using fuzzy clustering algorithms, A
* Investigation of Mountain Method Clustering for Large Data Sets, An
* Knowledge based (re-)clustering
* Knowledge-Based Classification of CZCS Images and Monitoring of Red Tides off the West Florida Shelf
* Label-noise reduction with support vector machines
* Learning Combination of Evidence Functions in Object Recognition
* Learning Membership Functions in a Function-Based Object Recognition System
* Methods for Combination of Evidence in Function-Based 3-D Object Recognition
* Mining for Implications in Medical Data
* Partially Supervised Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Recognizing Plankton Images From the Shadow Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder
* Report of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning and Computer Vision: What, Why and How?
* Review of MR image segmentation techniques using pattern recognition
* scalable framework for cluster ensembles, A
* Semi-supervised learning on large complex simulations
* Spectral sparsification in spectral clustering
Includes: Hall, L.O.[Lawrence O.] Hall, L.O.
29 for Hall, L.O.

Hall, M.[Margeret] Co Author Listing * Brown Hands Aren't Terrorists: Challenges in Image Classification of Violent Extremist Content
* Detecting and classifying online dark visual propaganda
* FACET: Fairness in Computer Vision Evaluation Benchmark
* Framework for remote collaborative interaction in virtual environments based on proximity
* Improving Geo-diversity of Generated Images with Contextualized Vendi Score Guidance
* Machine vision system for automated spectroscopy
* PivoTAL: Prior-Driven Supervision for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* ProTéGé: Untrimmed Pretraining for Video Temporal Grounding by Video Temporal Grounding
* Rethinking Multimodal Content Moderation from an Asymmetric Angle with Mixed-modality
* Toward Practical Monocular Indoor Depth Estimation
* Video object tracking method for interactive multimedia applications
* Vision Based Spectroscopy Simulation
* Vision-Language Models Performing Zero-Shot Tasks Exhibit Disparities Between Gender Groups
Includes: Hall, M.[Margeret] Hall, M.[Melissa] Hall, M. Hall, M.[Mike] Hall, M.[Matthew] Hall, M.[Michael] Hall, M.[Mark]
13 for Hall, M.

Hall, M.G. Co Author Listing * Convergence and Parameter Choice for Monte-Carlo Simulations of Diffusion MRI
* Exploiting peak anisotropy for tracking through complex structures

Hall, M.O.[Margaret O.] Co Author Listing * Supervised Classification of Benthic Reflectance in Shallow Subtropical Waters Using a Generalized Pixel-Based Classifier across a Time Series

Hall, N.S. Co Author Listing * Corner Detection and Shape Classification of On-Line Handprinted Kanji Strokes
* Discrete distance and similarity measures for pattern candidate selection

Hall, O.[Ola] Co Author Listing * How Data-Poor Countries Remain Data Poor: Underestimation of Human Settlements in Burkina Faso as Observed from Nighttime Light Data

Hall, P. Co Author Listing * Beyond Photo-Domain Object Recognition: Benchmarks for the Cross-Depiction Problem
* Corrections for systematic boundary effects in pixel-based area counts
* Dense Motion Estimation for Smoke
* Detecting People in Artwork with CNNs
* ExMaps: Long-Term Localization in Dynamic Scenes using Exponential Decay
* Geometric and Textural Augmentation for Domain Gap Reduction
* Learning similarity metrics for dynamic scene segmentation
* Learning to Warp for Style Transfer
* Modelling Visual Objects Invariant to Depictive Style
* On the Estimation of a Convex Set with Corners
* Prime Shapes in Natural Images
* Reconstruction of Blood Vessel Networks From X-Ray Projections and a Vascular Catalogue
* Reconstruction of Vascular Networks Using 3-Dimensional Models
* Robust reconstruction of 3D space-curves from images at arbitrary angles
* Why Does Rebalancing Class-Unbalanced Data Improve AUC for Linear Discriminant Analysis?
Includes: Hall, P. Hall, P.[Peter]
15 for Hall, P.

Hall, P.A. Co Author Listing * Approximate String Matching

Hall, P.M.[Peter M.] Co Author Listing * Adding and subtracting eigenspaces
* Adding and subtracting eigenspaces with eigenvalue decomposition and singular value decomposition
* Applying incremental learning to parallel image segmentation
* Colour Constancy Based on Model Selection
* Depiction Inviariant Object Matching
* Example-Guided Style-Consistent Image Synthesis From Semantic Labeling
* Finding Semantic Structures in Image Hierarchies Using Laplacian Graph Energy
* Hierarchical Model of Dynamics for Tracking People with a Single Video Camera, A
* In Search of Perceptually Salient Groupings
* Incremental Eigenanalysis for Classification
* Incremental learning of dynamical models of faces
* Learning A Stable Structure To Describe Dynamic Texture
* Learning Graphs to Model Visual Objects across Different Depictive Styles
* Learning invariant structure for object identification by using graph methods
* Learning object classes from structure
* Learning to detect low-level features
* Merging and Splitting Eigenspace Models
* method to add Hidden Markov Models with application to learning articulated motion, A
* Mid-Level Description of Video, with Application to Non-photorealistic Animation, A
* Reconstructing Mass-Conserved Water Surfaces Using Shape from Shading and Optical Flow
* Shapes Fit For Purpose
* Stable Image Descriptions Using Gestalt Principles
* Structure Is a Visual Class Invariant
* Tracking people in three dimensions using a hierarchical model of dynamics
* trainable low-level feature detector, A
* Video Analysis for Cartoon-like Special Effects
* Visual object classification by robots, using on-line, self-supervised learning
Includes: Hall, P.M.[Peter M.] Hall, P.M.
27 for Hall, P.M.

Hall, P.S. Co Author Listing * Advance Path Measurement for Automotive Radar Applications
* Automotive Radar Image Processing to Predict Vehicle Trajectory
Includes: Hall, P.S. Hall, P.S.[Peter S.]

Hall, R.[Robert] Co Author Listing * Robust outdoor stereo vision SLAM for heavy machine rotation sensing

Hall, R.J.[Ronald J.] Co Author Listing * Calibrating Satellite-Based Indices of Burn Severity from UAV-Derived Metrics of a Burned Boreal Forest in NWT, Canada
* Estimates of Forest Growing Stock Volume for Sweden, Central Siberia, and Québec Using Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter Data
* Forest Attribute Mapping Framework: A Pilot Study in a Northern Boreal Forest, Northwest Territories, Canada, A
* Four National Maps of Broad Forest Type Provide Inconsistent Answers to the Question of What Burns in Canada
* Giving Ecological Meaning to Satellite-Derived Fire Severity Metrics across North American Forests
* Improved k-NN Mapping of Forest Attributes in Northern Canada Using Spaceborne L-Band SAR, Multispectral and LiDAR Data
* Multisource Vegetation Inventory (MVI): A Satellite-Based Forest Inventory for the Northwest Territories Taiga Plains, The
Includes: Hall, R.J.[Ronald J.] Hall, R.J.[Ron J.]
7 for Hall, R.J.

Hall, R.W.[Richard W.] Co Author Listing * Comments on A Parallel-Symmetric Thinning Algorithm by Bourbakis
* Connectivity Preservation Tests for Parallel Reduction-Augmentation Algorithms
* Fast Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Fast Parallel Thinning Algorithms: Parallel Speed and Connectivity Preservation
* Image registration and mosaicing using a self-calibrating camera
* Mosaic Image Generation on a Flattened Gaussian Sphere
* Optimally Small Operator Supports for Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Parallel 3D Shrinking Algorithms Using Subfields Notions
* Parallel Shrinking Algorithms Using 2-Subfields Approaches
* Parallel Thinning with Two-Subiteration Algorithms
* Time-Efficient Computation of 3D Topological Functions
* Time-efficient computations for topological functions in 3D images
* Wavelet Transform Embeddings in Mesh Architectures
Includes: Hall, R.W.[Richard W.] Hall, R.W.
13 for Hall, R.W.

Hall, S. Co Author Listing * ColourFAST: GPU-based feature point detection and tracking on mobile devices
* GPU-accelerated feature point matching using extended ColourFAST descriptors

Hall, S.B.[Sarah B.] Co Author Listing * Characteristics of Internal Tides from ECCO Salinity Estimates and Observations in the Bay of Bengal
* Comparison of Freshwater Content and Variability in the Arctic Ocean Using Observations and Model Simulations
* Identification of Internal Tides in ECCO Estimates of Sea Surface Salinity in the Andaman Sea
* Intercomparison of Salinity Products in the Beaufort Gyre and Arctic Ocean

Hall, S.C. Co Author Listing * low complexity H.261-compatible software video decoder, A

Hall, S.J. Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing Approach for Landslide Hazard Assessment on Engineered Slopes, A

Hall, T. Co Author Listing * Secure Arrays for Digital Watermarking

Hall, T.A. Co Author Listing * Permutation weighted order statistic filter lattices

Hall, T.E. Co Author Listing * Bispectral analysis and model validation of texture images
* Image and Watermark Registration
* Image modeling using inverse filtering criteria with application to texture images
* Image Modeling Using Inverse Filtering Criteria with Application to Textures

Hall, T.J. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Impedance Maps
* Finite-Element Approach for Young's Modulus Reconstruction, A
* Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Modulus Imaging: An Application to Breast Cancer Diagnosis
* Repeatability of Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Modulus Maps From Repeat Scans in the Breast
* Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablation Electrode-Induced Displacement Fields: A Feasibility Study

Hall, V.[Varrian] Co Author Listing * Design of an Active Set Top Box in a Wireless Network for Scalable Streaming Services

Hall, W. Co Author Listing * Content based navigation in an open hypermedia environment
* Content-Based Navigation from Images
* Graph-Based Visual-Semantic Entanglement Network for Zero-Shot Image Recognition
* Inner-Imaging Networks: Put Lenses Into Convolutional Structure
* Multiple attentional pyramid networks for Chinese herbal recognition
Includes: Hall, W. Hall, W.[Wendy]

Hall, W.A. Co Author Listing * Measurement and analysis of brain deformation during neurosurgery

Hallac, P.[Pauliana] Co Author Listing * Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on the Antwerp ring road

Hallac, R.R.[Rami R.] Co Author Listing * Enhanced Facial Landmarks Detection for Patients with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate

Hallack, A. Co Author Listing * Graph Cuts-Based Registration Revisited: A Novel Approach for Lung Image Registration Using Supervoxels and Image-Guided Filtering
* New Similarity Metric for Groupwise Registration of Variable Flip Angle Sequences for Improved T 10 Estimation in DCE-MRI, A
Includes: Hallack, A. Hallack, A.[Andre]

Halladin Dabrowska, A.[Anna] Co Author Listing * t-SNE Algorithm as a Tool to Improve the Quality of Reference Data Used in Accurate Mapping of Heterogeneous Non-Forest Vegetation, The
Includes: Halladin Dabrowska, A.[Anna] Halladin-Dabrowska, A.[Anna]

Hallahan, E.[Eric] Co Author Listing * VQGAN-CLIP: Open Domain Image Generation and Editing with Natural Language Guidance

Hallal, N.[Nassim] Co Author Listing * Landslide Risk Assessments through Multicriteria Analysis

Hallam, J.[John] Co Author Listing * Computing with Uncertainty: Intervals versus Probabilities
* Don't Classify Ratings of Affect; Rank Them!
* Fusion Through Interpretation
* Marr Theory of the Neocortex as a Self-Organizing Neural-Network
* Resolving Observer Motion by Object Tracking
* Statistical Partial Constraints for 3D Model Matching and Pose Estimation Problems
* Visual observation and analysis of animal and insect behavior
Includes: Hallam, J.[John] Hallam, J.
7 for Hallam, J.

Hallapuro, A. Co Author Listing * Comparative Rate-Distortion-Complexity Analysis of HEVC and AVC Video Codecs
* Complexity of optimized H.26L video decoder implementation
* H.264/AVC baseline profile decoder complexity analysis
* High Performance, Low Complexity Video Coding and the Emerging HEVC Standard
* Low-complexity transform and quantization in H.264/AVC
* Low-complexity transform and quantization with 16-bit arithmetic for H.26L
* Mobile 3D Video Using MVC and N800 Internet Tablet
* Multiple Description Video Coding With H.264/AVC Redundant Pictures
* Video Coding Using Spatially Varying Transform
* Video Coding With Low-Complexity Directional Adaptive Interpolation Filters
Includes: Hallapuro, A. Hallapuro, A.[Antti]
10 for Hallapuro, A.

Hallau, L.[Lisa] Co Author Listing * Erosion Band Features for Cell Phone Image Based Plant Disease Classification

Hallbauer Zadorozhnaya, V.[Valeriya] Co Author Listing * Semi-Airborne UAV-TEM System Data Inversion with S-Plane Method: Case Study over Lake Baikal
Includes: Hallbauer Zadorozhnaya, V.[Valeriya] Hallbauer-Zadorozhnaya, V.[Valeriya]

Hallberg, B. Co Author Listing * Measurements on individual trees using multiple VHF SAR images
* Physical-Optics Model for Double-Bounce Scattering From Tree Stems Standing on an Undulating Ground Surface, A

Halle, M. Co Author Listing * Alignment and Tracking Using Graphics Hardware
* AnatomyBrowser: A novel approach to visualization and integration of medical information

Halle, P. Co Author Listing * Towards a completely blind classifier for hyperspectral images
Includes: Halle, P. Hallé, P.

Haller, B. Co Author Listing * Syntactic Analysis of Context Free Plex Languages for Pattern Recognition

Haller, C.[Christoph] Co Author Listing * Longitudinal Assessment of Cerebral Blood Volume Variation in Human Neonates Using Ultrafast Power Doppler and Diverging Waves

Haller, E.[Emanuela] Co Author Listing * Iterative Knowledge Exchange Between Deep Learning and Space-Time Spectral Clustering for Unsupervised Segmentation in Videos
* Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple World Interpretations
* Unsupervised Object Segmentation in Video by Efficient Selection of Highly Probable Positive Features
Includes: Haller, E.[Emanuela] Haller, E.

Haller, I. Co Author Listing * Design of Interpolation Functions for Subpixel-Accuracy Stereo-Vision Systems

Haller, J.W. Co Author Listing * Biomedical image segmentation

Haller, M.[Martin] Co Author Listing * Multiple Background Sprite Generation Using Camera Motion Characterization for Object-Based Video Coding
* Robust global motion estimation using motion vectors of variable size blocks and automatic motion model selection
* Video coding using global motion temporal filtering

Haller, M.C. Co Author Listing * Comparison of radar and video observations of shallow water breaking waves
* Optical and Microwave Detection of Wave Breaking in the Surf Zone

Haller, S.[Stefan] Co Author Listing * Comparative Study of Graph Matching Algorithms in Computer Vision, A
* Fusion Moves for Graph Matching

Hallert, B. Co Author Listing * Photogrammetry: Basic Principles and General Survey

Hallett, P.E.[Peter E.] Co Author Listing * Spatio-Temporal Model for Early Visual Processing, A
* Spatiotemporal Inseparability in Early Visual Processing
Includes: Hallett, P.E.[Peter E.] Hallett, P.E.

Hallett, R.A.[Richard A.] Co Author Listing * Crossing the Great Divide: Bridging the Researcher-Practitioner Gap to Maximize the Utility of Remote Sensing for Invasive Species Monitoring and Management

Hallett, S.[Stephen] Co Author Listing * Monitoring the Response of Roads and Railways to Seasonal Soil Movement with Persistent Scatterers Interferometry over Six UK Sites

Halley, F.[Fraser] Co Author Listing * Intuitive Large Image Database Browsing Using Perceptual Similarity Enriched by Crowds
* Perceptual Similarity: A Texture Challenge

Hallgrimson, C.[Christian] Co Author Listing * DEEMD: Drug Efficacy Estimation Against SARS-CoV-2 Based on Cell Morphology With Deep Multiple Instance Learning

Halli, A.[Akram] Co Author Listing * Comparison of the rendering speed of the most popular image-based rendering techniques
* Dynamic mosaicking: combining A* algorithm with fractional Brownian motion for an optimal seamline detection
* Dynamic relief mapping
* Fer-pixel extrusion mapping: The correction of the intersection point between the extrusion geometry and the viewing ray
* Item-to-item recommender system with simultaneous use of multiple images for image mosaicking creation in dynamic scenes
* Per-pixel revolution mapping with rectification of the texture projection
* Recognition of Off-Line Arabic Handwriting Words Using HMM Toolkit (HTK)
Includes: Halli, A.[Akram] Halli, A.
7 for Halli, A.

Halliburton, S.S. Co Author Listing * Multi-modality model-based registration in the cardiac domain

Hallier, M.[Mareen] Co Author Listing * Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological systems across scales

Halligan, K.Q.[Kerry Q.] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Individual Tree and Forest Plot Height Derived from LiDAR and InSAR, A
* Estimation of Forest Fuel Load From Radar Remote Sensing
Includes: Halligan, K.Q.[Kerry Q.] Halligan, K.Q.

Hallihan, A. Co Author Listing * System for Acquisition and Modelling of Ice-Hockey Stick Shape Deformation from Player Shot Videos, A

Hallik, L.[Lea] Co Author Listing * Leaf Age Matters in Remote Sensing: Taking Ground Truth for Spectroscopic Studies in Hemiboreal Deciduous Trees with Continuous Leaf Formation
* Reflectance Properties of Hemiboreal Mixed Forest Canopies with Focus on Red Edge and Near Infrared Spectral Regions

Hallikainen, M.T.[Martti T.] Co Author Listing * Accuracy Assessment of SAR Data-Based Snow-Covered Area Estimation Method
* Calibration of End-to-End Phase Imbalance of Polarimetric Radiometers
* Effect of Boreal Forest Canopy in Satellite Snow Mapping: A Multisensor Analysis, The
* HUT fully polarimetric calibration standard for microwave radiometry
* Land Cover and Soil Type Mapping From Spaceborne PolSAR Data at L-Band With Probabilistic Neural Network
* LIDAR-Aided SAR Interferometry Studies in Boreal Forest: Scattering Phase Center and Extinction Coefficient at X- and L-Band
* Modeling Radar Attenuation by a Low Melting Layer With Optimized Model Parameters at C-Band
* Observation and Modeling of the Microwave Brightness Temperature of Snow-Covered Frozen Lakes and Wetlands
* Snow-Covered Area Estimation Using Satellite Radar Wide-Swath Images
Includes: Hallikainen, M.T.[Martti T.] Hallikainen, M.T.
9 for Hallikainen, M.T.

Hallin, E. Co Author Listing * Robust and User Friendly 3D Re-Construction of Neutron Tomographic Images

Hallin, P.O.[Per Olof] Co Author Listing * Crime Prevention Based on the Strategic Mapping of Living Conditions
Includes: Hallin, P.O.[Per Olof] Hallin, P.O.[Per-Olof]

Hallinan, J.[James] Co Author Listing * BoostMIS: Boosting Medical Image Semi-supervised Learning with Adaptive Pseudo Labeling and Informative Active Annotation

Hallinan, P.W. Co Author Listing * 5+/-2 Eigenimages Suffice: An Empirical Investigation of Low-Dimensional Lighting Models
* Feature Extraction from Faces Using Deformable Templates
* low-dimensional representation of human faces for arbitrary lighting conditions, A
* Recognizing Human Eyes
Includes: Hallinan, P.W. Hallinan, P.W.[Peter W.]

Halling, H. Co Author Listing * design of an animal PET: flexible geometry for achieving optimal spatial resolution or high sensitivity, The

Hallio, J.[Juhani] Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: Development of the eM/S Salama Unmanned Surface Vessel and Its Remote Operations Center for Sensor Data Collection and Algorithm Development

Hallion, A. Co Author Listing * Non-Parametric Approach to Linear Feature Extraction: Application to Classification of Binary Synthetic Textures, A

Hallisey, B.[Brad] Co Author Listing * Building a Virtual World: The Pipeline and Process

Halliwell, M. Co Author Listing * Fusion of 2-D Images Using Their Multiscale Edges
* Virtual Liver Biopsy: Image Processing and 3d Visualization

Hallman, S.[Sam] Co Author Listing * Detecting Dynamic Objects with Multi-view Background Subtraction
* Layered object detection for multi-class segmentation
* Layered Object Models for Image Segmentation
* Oriented edge forests for boundary detection

Hallmann, M.[Marc] Co Author Listing * Deformable Image Registration with Automatic Non-Correspondence Detection

Hallmen, T.[Tobias] Co Author Listing * Unimodal Multi-Task Fusion for Emotional Mimicry Intensity Prediction

Hallonquist, N.[Neil] Co Author Listing * Graph Discovery for Visual Test Generation

Halloran, B.[Brendan] Co Author Listing * Robust one-dimensional calibration and localisation of a distributed camera sensor network

Hallot, E.[Eric] Co Author Listing * Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Images and Support Vector Machine to Assess the Changes in Agricultural Irrigated Areas in the Mogtedo Region, Burkina Faso

Hallot, P.[Pierre] Co Author Listing * Built Heritage Information System Based on Point Cloud Data: HIS-PC, A
* Digital Investigations of An Archaeological Smart Point Cloud: A Real Time Web-based Platform to Manage the Visualisation of Semantical Queries
* Digital Twin: a HBIM-based Methodology to Support Preventive Conservation of Historic Assets Through Heritage Significance Awareness
* Digital Twin: Research Framework to Support Preventive Conservation Policies
* Enhancing Spatio-Temporal Identity: States of Existence and Presence
* Methodology for 3d Acquisition of Highly Reflective Goldsmithing Artefacts
* Multiple Uses of A 3D Point Cloud: the Castle of Franchimont (province Of LiÈge, Belgium)
* Semantic Retrieval System in Remote Sensing Web Platforms, A
Includes: Hallot, P.[Pierre] Hallot, P.
8 for Hallot, P.

Hallouli, K. Co Author Listing * comparative study between decision fusion and data fusion in Markovian printed character recognition, A

Hallowes, J.[Jason] Co Author Listing * Surface Water Dynamics from Space: A Round Robin Intercomparison of Using Optical and SAR High-Resolution Satellite Observations for Regional Surface Water Detection

Hallquist, A.[Aaron] Co Author Listing * Location-based image retrieval for urban environments
* Single view pose estimation of mobile devices in urban environments
Includes: Hallquist, A.[Aaron] Hallquist, A.

Halls, J.[Joanne] Co Author Listing * Submerged and Emergent Land Cover and Bathymetric Mapping of Estuarine Habitats Using WorldView-2 and LiDAR Imagery

Halls, J.N.[Joanne N.] Co Author Listing * Automated Model to Classify Barrier Island Geomorphology Using Lidar Data and Change Analysis (1998-2014), An
* Distribution Pattern of Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Dens and Spatial Relationships with Sea Turtle Nests, Recreation, and Environmental Characteristics
* Habitat Mapping and Change Assessment of Coastal Environments: An Examination of WorldView-2, QuickBird, and IKONOS Satellite Imagery and Airborne LiDAR for Mapping Barrier Island Habitats
* Methodology to Assess Land Use Development, Flooding, and Wetland Change as Indicators of Coastal Vulnerability, A
* Multi-Decadal Investigation of Tidal Creek Wetland Changes, Water Level Rise, and Ghost Forests, A
* Nesting Patterns of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta): Development of a Multiple Regression Model Tested in North Carolina, USA
Includes: Halls, J.N.[Joanne N.] Halls, J.N.[Joanne Nancie]

Hallset, J.O. Co Author Listing * Vision System For An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, A

Hally, B. Co Author Listing * Assessment Of The Utility Of The Advanced Himawari Imager To Detect Active Fire Over Australia
* Broad-Area Method for the Diurnal Characterisation of Upwelling Medium Wave Infrared Radiation, A
* Estimating Fire Background Temperature at a Geostationary Scale: An Evaluation of Contextual Methods for AHI-8
* Method for Validating the Structural Completeness of Understory Vegetation Models Captured with 3D Remote Sensing, A
* New Spatio-Temporal Selection Method for Estimating Upwelling Medium-Wave Radiation, A
Includes: Hally, B. Hally, B.[Bryan]

Index for "h"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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