Journals starting with jrs_

JRS( Vol No. ) * *International Journal of Remote Sensing

JRS(14) * Vision-Based Autonomous Land Vehicle Guidance in Outdoor Road Environments Using Combined Line and Road Following Techniques

JRS(15) * Multispectral Edge-Detection: Some Experiments on Data from Landsat-TM
* Some Concepts for Precise Estimation of Deformations Rigid Areas in Polar Pack Ice Based on Time-Series of ERS-1 SAR Images

JRS(16) * Delimiting the Building Heights in a City from the Shadow in a Panchromatic Spot-Image. 1 Test of 42 Buildings

JRS(17) * Edge-Detection and Speckle Adaptive Filtering for SAR Images Based on a 2nd-Order Textural Measure
* Edge-Detection and Speckle Adaptive Filtering for SAR Images Based on a 2nd-Order Textural Measure
* Functional Analytic Method to Derive Displacement Vector-Fields from Satellite Image Sequences, A
* Integration of Spatial Context Information in an Experimental Knowledge-Based System and the Supervised Relaxation Algorithm: 2 Successful Approaches to Improving Spot-Xs Classification, The
* Knowledge-Based System for the Computation of Land-Cover Mixing and the Classification of Multispectral Satellite Imagery, A
* Method of Speckle Noise-Reduction for SAR Data, A
* Method To Improve Classification With Shape Information, A
* Multispectral Image Data Fusion Under a Bayesian-Approach
* On Unsupervised Segmentation of Remotely-Sensed Imagery Using Nonlinear-Regression
* Performance of Several Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) Image Classification Methods for Crop Extent Estimates in an Irrigation District
* Remote-Sensing Reflectance and Its Relationship to Optical-Properties of Natural-Waters
* Removing Ambiguities in a Multispectral Image Classification
* SAR Interferometry: Issues, Techniques, Applications
* Using Image Subtraction and Classification to Evaluate Change in Subtropical Intertidal Wetlands
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JRS(18) * Accuracy Assessment of Stereo-Extracted Data from Airborne SAR Images
* Assessment of the Geometric Accuracy of Remotely-Sensed Images, An
* Automatic Comparison of a Topographic Map with Remotely-Sensed Images in a Map Updating Perspective: The Road Network Case
* CCSM: Cross Correlogram Spectral Matching
* Classification of Croplands Through Integration of Remote-Sensing, GIS, and Historical Database
* Comparison of Contextual Classification Methods Using Landsat TM, A
* Compression of a Sequence of Satellite Images Based on Change Detection, The
* Detection of Changes in Remotely-Sensed Images by the Selective Use of Multispectral Information
* Discrimination of Scenes by Principal Components-Analysis of Multispectral Imagery, The
* Effect of Median Filtering on Synthetic-Aperture Radar Images, The
* Evaluation of Segmentation Results and the Overlapping Area Matrix, The
* Feature-Extraction for Multisource Data Classification with Artificial Neural Networks
* Hopfield Neural-Network as a Tool for Feature Tracking and Recognition from Satellite Sensor Images, The
* Image-Processing in Basic: An Examination of Its Potential
* Influence of Scene Topography on the Observed Correlation Between Thermal Infrared and Visible/Near-Infrared Images of Ground Terrain
* Neural Classification of SPOT Imagery Through Integration of Intensity and Fractal Information
* Neural Networks in Remote Sensing: Introduction
* Radar Backscatter Analysis for Urban Environments
* Remote Sensing Image Analysis Using a Neural Network and Knowledge Based Processing
* Single Versus Stereo ERS-1 SAR Imagery for Planimetric Features Extraction
* Strategies and Best Practice for Neural-Network Image Classification
* Structural Approach to the Generation of Textured Images
* Textural Neural Network and Version Space Classifiers for Remote Sensing
* Wavelet Transform for Local Image-Enhancement, The
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JRS(19) * automated region growing algorithm for segmentation of texture regions in SAR images, An
* Benefit of the Future SPOT-5 and of Data Fusion to Urban Roads Mapping
* Calibration of Digitized Aerial Photographs for Forest Stratification, The
* Change Vector Analysis: A Technique for the Multispectral Monitoring of Land-Cover and Condition
* Comparison of the Potential for Using Optical and SAR Data for Geological Mapping in an Arid Region: The Atar Site, Western Sahara, Mauritania, A
* Detection of shoreline changes for tideland areas using multi-temporal satellite images
* Effect of Digital Elevation Model Resolution on Topographic Correction of Airborne SAR
* Exploring the Utility Potential of SAR Interferometric Coherence Images
* Fast Fourier-Transform Based Calibration in Remote-Sensing
* Filtering of Satellite Images in Geological Lineament Analyses: An Application to a Fault Zone in Central Turkey
* Fusion by the IHS Transform: Should We Use Cylindrical or Spherical Coordinates
* Fuzzy Artmap Supervised Classification of Multispectral Remotely Sensed Images
* Generation of a Digital Elevation Model-Based on Synthetic-Aperture Radar Airborne Stereoscopic Images: Application to Airsar Images (Hawaii)
* Image Transforms as a Tool for the Study of Soil-Salinity and Alkalinity Dynamics
* In-flight calibration of the Modular Optoelectronic Scanner (MOS)
* Inverting Optical Reflectance to Estimate Surface /Properties of Vegetation Canopies
* New Supervised Classification Method for Quantitative-Analysis of Remotely Sensed Multispectral Data, A
* Pixel Block Intensity Modulation: Adding Spatial Detail to TM Band-6 Thermal Imagery
* Segmentation Approach to Classification of Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Sharpening Fuzzy Classification Output to Refine the Representation of Sub-Pixel Land-Cover Distribution
* Speckle Filtering in Satellite SAR Change Detection Imagery
* Study of Remote-Sensing Image Texture Analysis and Classification Using Wavelet
* Suppression of Speckle in Synthetic-Aperture Radar Images Using Wavelet
* Topographic Mapping Using Polarimetric SAR Data
* Unsupervised Change Detection and Recognition System for Forestry, An
* Wavelet Transform Method to Merge Landsat TM and SPOT Panchromatic Data, A
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JRS(20) * Calibration of the Meteosat-5 sensor visible channel
* Comparison of atmospheric correction algorithms for deriving sea surface temperature from AVHRR
* compression of raw SAR and SAR image data, The
* Construction of a Digital Elevation Model of the Holderness Coast using the waterline method and Airborne Thematic Mapper data
* Construction of a high-resolution DEM of an Arctic ice cap using shape-from-shading
* Correction of geometric distortion in spotlight synthetic aperture radar imagery
* Correction of the Meteosat-5 and -6 radiometer solar channel spectral response with the Meteosat-7 sensor spectral characteristics
* Despeckling SAR-type multiplicative noise
* Detection des changements dans une serie d'images ERS-1 multidates a l'aide de l'analyse en composantes principales
* detection of ship trail clouds by artificial neural network, The
* Determination of satellite nadir and azimuth angles for a tilting sensor
* Digital elevation model generation using ascending and descending ERS-1/ERS-2 tandem data
* Discrete wavelet transform based image compression
* Fusion of image classifications using Bayesian techniques with Markov random fields
* Geometrical processing of multi-sensoral multi-temporal satellite images for change detection studies
* influence of principal component analysis on the spatial structure of a multispectral dataset, The
* Inverting a canopy reflectance model using a neural network
* Land-cover change detection enhanced with generalized linear models
* New radiance-based method for AVHRR thermal channel nonlinearity corrections
* performance of regularized discriminant analysis versus non-parametric classifiers applied to high-dimensional image classification, The
* Pruning artificial neural networks: an example using land cover classification of multi-sensor images
* Quality assessment of image classification algorithms for land-cover mapping: a review and a proposal for a cost-based approach
* Reducing the effects of misregistration on pixel-level change detection
* RS-1C-LISS-III and PAN data fusion: an approach to improve remote sensing based mapping techniques
* Segmentation of radar imagery using the Gaussian Markov random field model
* significance of border training patterns in classification by a feedforward neural network using back propagation learning, The
* Unsupervised segmentation of ERS and Radarsat sea ice images using multiresolution peak detection and aggregated population equalization
* Use of synthetic bands derived from mixing models in the multispectral classification of remote sensing images
* Video Strip Mosaicking: A Two-Dimensional Approach by Convergent Image Bridging
* Watershed-based hierarchical SAR image segmentation
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JRS(21) * accuracy of Digital Elevation Models interpolated to higher resolutions, The
* adaptive parcel-based technique for unsupervised change detection, An
* Automatic computation of speckle standard deviation in SAR images
* automatic method for the calibration of time-series of Meteosat images, An
* Automatic mine detection by textural analysis of COTS sidescan sonar imagery
* Band sharpening of IRS-multispectral imagery by cubic spline wavelets
* Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
* Comparison of atmospheric modelling versus empirical line fitting for mosaicking HYDICE imagery
* Compression of NOAA/AVHRR data with a wavelet transform
* Discrete wavelet transform based image compression: a correction
* geometric correction of SAR imagery for the analysis of lineaments, The
* Image segmentation for classification of vegetation using NOAA-AVHRR data
* Locating regions-of-interest for the Mars Rover expedition
* minimum-cost thresholding technique for unsupervised change detection, A
* Monitoring landscape change in the National Parks of England and Wales using aerial photo interpretation and GIS
* Morphological operators to extract channel networks from digital elevation models
* On the use of ordinal measures for cloud tracking
* practical method for constructing the mixture model for a spectral class, A
* Probabilistic image classification using geological map units applied to land-cover change detection
* Reconstructing cloudfree NDVI composites using Fourier analysis of time series
* Relationship between profile length and roughness variables for natural surfaces
* Segmentation of remotely sensed images with fuzzy thresholding, and quantitative evaluation
* Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation: a spectral preserve image fusion technique for improving spatial details
* Study on segmentation and interpretation of multi-look polarimetric SAR images
* technique for feature selection in multiclass problems, A
* Test of a new lacunarity estimation method for image texture analysis
* texture-based classification method for classifying built areas according to their density, A
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JRS(22) * Detection of urban housing development by fusing multisensor satellite data and performing spatial feature post-classification
* effects of speckle reduction on classification of ERS SAR data, The
* Efficient Neural Classification Chain of SAR and Optical Urban Images, An
* Elevation modelling from satellite visible and infrared (VIR) data
* multi-scale technique for detecting forest-cover boundary from L-band SAR images, A
* new histogram quantization algorithm for land cover mapping, A
* Procedure for the Correction of the Effect of Variation in Incidence Angle on AirSAR Data, A
* simplified method for retrieval of ground level reflectance of targets from airborne video imagery, A
* Use of airborne video data for the characterization of tropical savannas in northern Australia: the optimal spatial resolution for remote sensing applications
* Visible-infrared and radar imagery fusion for geological application: A new approach using DEM and sun-illumination model
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JRS(23) * Adaptive speckle reduction using combined multiresolution analysis and prediction technique
* algorithm for the fusion of images based on Jaynes' maximum entropy method, An
* Areal Estimates of Fragmented Land Cover: Effects of Pixel Size and Model-Based Corrections
* assessment of support vector machines for land cover classification, An
* curve-theorem based approach for change detection and its application to Yellow River Delta, A
* DEM from stereo Landsat 7 ETM+ data over high relief areas
* Deriving DSMs from LiDAR data with kriging
* iterative approach to partially supervised classification problems, An
* Joint analysis of SAR, LIDAR and aerial imagery for simultaneous extraction of land cover, DTM and 3D shape of buildings
* Land cover mapping principles: a return to interpretation fundamentals
* method for the segmentation of very high spatial resolution images of forested landscapes, A
* Neural network classification and novelty detection
* Polarimetric surface scattering omnidirectionally from distributed target
* Quantifying change in patterned semi-arid vegetation by Fourier analysis of digitized aerial photographs
* Radiometric Normalization of Multitemporal Thematic Mapper Imagery of the Midlands of Ireland: A Case Study, The
* Restoring SPOT images using PSF-derived deconvolution filters
* role of feature selection in artificial neural network applications, The
* Spatial methods for characterising land cover and detecting land-cover changes for the tropics
* Spectral unmixing of vegetation, soil and dry carbon cover in arid regions: comparing multispectral and hyperspectral observations
* Textural analysis of IRS-1D panchromatic data for land cover classification
* Texture analysis and data fusion in the extraction of topographic objects from satellite imagery
* Three-dimensional space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging with multiple pass processing
* Unsupervised Classification of Satellite Imagery: Choosing a Good Algorithm
* Unsupervised segmentation of dual-polarization SAR images based on amplitude and texture characteristics
* Urban built-up land change detection with road density and spectral information from multi-temporal Landsat TM data
* Urban change detection based on an artificial neural network
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JRS(25) * Photogrammetric exploitation of Ikonos imagery for mapping applications

JRS(30) * Denoising and dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral imagery using wavelet packets, neighbour shrinking and principal component analysis

Index for "j"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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