Journals starting with ssvm

SSVM07 * *Scale-Space
* 3D Object Recognition by Eigen-Scale-Space of Contours
* Anisotropic alpha-Kernels and Associated Flows
* Bayesian Non-local Means Filter, Image Redundancy and Adaptive Dictionaries for Noise Removal
* Beauty with Variational Methods: An Optic Flow Approach to Hairstyle Simulation
* Best Basis Compressed Sensing
* Blur Invariant Image Priors
* Bounds on the Minimizers of (nonconvex) Regularized Least-Squares
* Combining Curvature Motion and Edge-Preserving Denoising
* Combining Different Types of Scale Space Interest Points Using Canonical Sets
* Consistent Spatio-temporal Motion Estimator for Atmospheric Layers, A
* Convex Inverse Scale Spaces
* Coordinate-Free Diffusion over Compact Lie-Groups
* Counter-Examples for Bayesian MAP Restoration
* Curve Evolution in Subspaces
* Dense Optical Flow Estimation from the Monogenic Curvature Tensor
* Detecting Regions of Dynamic Texture
* Detection and Completion of Filaments: A Vector Field and PDE Approach
* Direct Shape-from-Shading with Adaptive Higher Order Regularisation
* Discrete Regularization on Weighted Graphs for Image and Mesh Filtering
* Efficient Beltrami Filtering of Color Images Via Vector Extrapolation
* Efficient Segmentation of Piecewise Smooth Images
* Faithful Recovery of Vector Valued Functions from Incomplete Data Recolorization and Art Restoration
* Fast and Accurate Gaussian Derivatives Based on B-Splines
* Feature Vector Similarity Based on Local Structure
* Full Affine Wavelets Are Scale-Space with a Twist
* Fuzzy Region Competition: A Convex Two-Phase Segmentation Framework
* Generic Approach to the Filtering of Matrix Fields with Singular PDEs, A
* Generic Maximum Likely Scale Selection
* Geometric Sampling of Manifolds for Image Representation and Processing
* Geometric Variational Framework for Simultaneous Registration and Parcellation of Homologous Surfaces, A
* Geometric-Functional-Based Image Segmentation and Inpainting, A
* High Order Finite Co-volume Scheme for Denoising Using Radial Basis Functions, An
* Histogram Based Segmentation Using Wasserstein Distances
* Identification of Grain Boundary Contours at Atomic Scale
* Iterated Nonlocal Means for Texture Restoration
* Jet Metric, The
* Kullback Leibler Divergence Based Curve Matching Method
* Level Set Methods for Watershed Image Segmentation
* Linear Image Reconstruction by Sobolev Norms on the Bounded Domain
* Maximum Likelihood Metameres for Local 2nd Order Image Structure of Natural Images
* Method for the Transport and Registration of Images on Implicit Surfaces, A
* Modeling Foveal Vision
* Motion Compensated Video Super Resolution
* Mumford-Shah Regularizer with Spatial Coherence
* New Possibilities with Sobolev Active Contours
* Non-negative Sparse Modeling of Textures
* Nonconvex Model to Remove Multiplicative Noise, A
* Nonlinear Diffusion on the 2D Euclidean Motion Group
* Numerical Invariantization for Morphological PDE Schemes
* On the Statistical Interpretation of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
* Paretian Similarity for Partial Comparison of Non-rigid Objects
* Piecewise Constant Level Set Method for 3D Image Segmentation
* Region Based Image Segmentation Using a Modified Mumford-Shah Algorithm
* Restoration of Images with Piecewise Space-Variant Blur
* Riemannian Curvature-Driven Flows for Tensor-Valued Data
* Salient Regions from Scale-Space Trees
* Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images
* Scale Spaces on Lie Groups
* Scale-Space Clustering with Recursive Validation
* Scale-Space Reeb-Graph of Topological Invariants of Images and Its Applications to Content Identification, A
* Segmentation Under Occlusions Using Selective Shape Prior
* Solving the Chan-Vese Model by a Multiphase Level Set Algorithm Based on the Topological Derivative
* Some Remarks on Perspective Shape-from-Shading Models
* Space-Time Segmentation Based on a Joint Entropy with Estimation of Nonparametric Distributions
* Spatio-temporal Scale-Spaces
* Super-Resolution Using Sub-band Constrained Total Variation
* Texture Synthesis and Modification with a Patch-Valued Wavelet Transform
* Total Variation Minimization and Graph Cuts for Moving Objects Segmentation
* Towards Segmentation Based on a Shape Prior Manifold
* TV-Stokes Denoising Algorithm, A
* Uniform and Textured Regions Separation in Natural Images Towards MPM Adaptive Denoising
* Variational Approach for 3D Motion Estimation of Incompressible PIV Flows, A
* Variational Approach for Multi-valued Velocity Field Estimation in Transparent Sequences, A
* Variational Framework for Adaptive Satellite Images Segmentation, A
* Variational Framework for Spatio-temporal Smoothing of Fluid Motions, A
* Variational Framework for the Simultaneous Segmentation and Object Behavior Classification of Image Sequences, A
* Variational Method with a Noise Detector for Impulse Noise Removal, A
* Variational Origin of Motion by Gaussian Curvature, The
* Vector-Valued Image Interpolation by an Anisotropic Diffusion-Projection PDE
80 for SSVM07

SSVM09 * *Scale-Space
* Adaptation of Eikonal Equation over Weighted Graph
* Anisotropic Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equation for Noise Removal, An
* Anisotropic Regularization for Inverse Problems with Application to the Wiener Filter with Gaussian and Impulse Noise
* Anisotropic Smoothing Using Double Orientations
* Augmented Lagrangian Method, Dual Methods and Split Bregman Iteration for ROF Model
* Basic Image Features (BIFs) Arising from Approximate Symmetry Type
* Bregman-EM-TV Methods with Application to Optical Nanoscopy
* Coarse-to-Fine Image Reconstruction Based on Weighted Differential Features and Background Gauge Fields
* Combined Segmentation and Registration Framework with a Nonlinear Elasticity Smoother, A
* Composed Segmentation of Tubular Structures by an Anisotropic PDE Model
* Computational Geometry-Based Scale-Space and Modal Image Decomposition Application to Light Video-Microscopy Imaging
* Convergence of a Central-Difference Discretization of Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model for Image Denoising, The
* Convex Multi-class Image Labeling by Simplex-Constrained Total Variation
* Dual Formulation of the TV-Stokes Algorithm for Image Denoising, A
* Edge-Enhanced Image Reconstruction Using (TV) Total Variation and Bregman Refinement
* Edge-Preserving Multilevel Method for Deblurring, Denoising, and Segmentation, An
* Elasticity Approach to Principal Modes of Shape Variation, An
* Enhancement of Blurred and Noisy Images Based on an Original Variant of the Total Variation
* Extraction of the Intercellular Skeleton from 2D Images of Embryogenesis Using Eikonal Equation and Advective Subjective Surface Method
* Extrapolation of Vector Fields Using the Infinity Laplacian and with Applications to Image Segmentation
* Fast Dejittering for Digital Video Frames
* Fast Shape from Shading for Phong-Type Surfaces
* Finsler Geometry on Higher Order Tensor Fields and Applications to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
* From a Single Point to a Surface Patch by Growing Minimal Paths
* Generic Scene Recovery Using Multiple Images
* Geodesically Linked Active Contours: Evolution Strategy Based on Minimal Paths
* Geometric PDE for Interpolation of M-Channel Data, A
* Graph Cut Optimization for the Piecewise Constant Level Set Method Applied to Multiphase Image Segmentation
* Highlight on a Feature Extracted at Fine Scales: The Pointwise Lipschitz Regularity
* Highly Accurate PDE-Based Morphology for General Structuring Elements
* Hyperbolic Numerics for Variational Approaches to Correspondence Problems
* Image Denoising by Harmonic Mean Curvature Flow
* Image Denoising Using TV-Stokes Equation with an Orientation-Matching Minimization
* Implicit Method for Interpolating Two Digital Closed Curves on Parallel Planes, An
* L0-Norm and Total Variation for Wavelet Inpainting
* Line Enhancement and Completion via Linear Left Invariant Scale Spaces on SE(2)
* Local Scale Measure for Remote Sensing Images
* Locally Adaptive Total Variation Regularization
* Momentum Based Optimization Methods for Level Set Segmentation
* Multi-scale Feature Based Optic Flow Method for 3D Cardiac Motion Estimation, A
* Multi-scale Total Variation with Automated Regularization Parameter Selection for Color Image Restoration
* Multiplicative Noise Cleaning via a Variational Method Involving Curvelet Coefficients
* Non-local Approach to Shape from Ambient Shading, A
* Nonlinear Probabilistic Curvature Motion Filter for Positron Emission Tomography Images, A
* Nonlinear Tensor Diffusion in Segmentation of Meaningful Biological Structures from Image Sequences of Zebrafish Embryogenesis, The
* Nonlocal Variational Image Deblurring Models in the Presence of Gaussian or Impulse Noise
* On Level-Set Type Methods for Recovering Piecewise Constant Solutions of Ill-Posed Problems
* On Semi-implicit Splitting Schemes for the Beltrami Color Flow
* On the Rate of Structural Change in Scale Spaces
* Optimization of Convex Shapes: An Approach to Crystal Shape Identification
* Optimization of Divergences within the Exponential Family for Image Segmentation
* PDE-Driven Adaptive Morphology for Matrix Fields
* Pose Invariant Shape Prior Segmentation Using Continuous Cuts and Gradient Descent on Lie Groups
* Pre-image as Karcher Mean Using Diffusion Maps: Application to Shape and Image Denoising
* Projected Gradient Based Color Image Decomposition
* Scale Spaces on the 3D Euclidean Motion Group for Enhancement of HARDI Data
* Scale-Space Approach to Landmark Constrained Image Registration, A
* Schrödinger Equation for the Fast Computation of Approximate Euclidean Distance Functions, A
* Semi-supervised Segmentation Based on Non-local Continuous Min-Cut
* Sparsity Regularization for Radon Measures
* Spatio-Featural Scale-Space
* Split Bregman Algorithm, Douglas-Rachford Splitting and Frame Shrinkage
* Theoretical Foundations for Discrete Forward-and-Backward Diffusion Filtering
* Total-Variation Based Piecewise Affine Regularization
* Tracking Closed Curves with Non-linear Stochastic Filters
* Transitions of a Multi-scale Image Hierarchy Tree
* Tubular Anisotropy Segmentation
* Unconstrained Multiphase Thresholding Approach for Image Segmentation, An
* Validation of Watershed Regions by Scale-Space Statistics
* Variational Approach for Volume-to-Slice Registration, A
* Variational Model for Interactive Shape Prior Segmentation and Real-Time Tracking, A
72 for SSVM09

SSVM11 * *Scale-Space
* 3D Curve Evolution Algorithm with Tangential Redistribution for a Fully Automatic Finding of an Ideal Camera Path in Virtual Colonoscopy
* Adaptive Norm Algorithm for Image Restoration, An
* Amoeba Active Contours
* Anisotropic Non-Local Means with Spatially Adaptive Patch Shapes
* Beltrami-Mumford-Shah Functional, The
* Bifurcation of Segment Edge Curves in Scale Space
* Continuous Max-Flow Approach to Minimal Partitions with Label Cost Prior, A
* Correspondence-Less Approach to Matching of Deformable Shapes, A
* Curvature Minimization for Surface Reconstruction with Features
* Deblurring Space-Variant Blur by Adding Noisy Image
* Deformable Shape Retrieval by Learning Diffusion Kernels
* Discrete Minimum Distortion Correspondence Problems for Non-rigid Shape Matching
* Distance Images and Intermediate-Level Vision
* Efficient and Effective Tool for Image Segmentation, Total Variations and Regularization, An
* Efficient Beltrami Flow in Patch-Space
* Efficient Minimization of the Non-local Potts Model
* Either Fit to Data Entries or Locally to Prior: The Minimizers of Objectives with Nonsmooth Nonconvex Data Fidelity and Regularization
* Entropy-Scale Profiles for Texture Segmentation
* Fast Algorithms for p-elastica Energy with the Application to Image Inpainting and Curve Reconstruction
* Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method for Euler's Elastica Model, A
* Fast PDE-Based Image Analysis in Your Pocket
* Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* Framelet-Based Algorithm for Segmentation of Tubular Structures
* From a Modified Ambrosio-Tortorelli to a Randomized Part Hierarchy Tree
* From High Definition Image to Low Space Optimization
* Geodesic Voting Shape Prior to Constrain the Level Set Evolution for the Segmentation of Tubular Trees, A
* Group-Valued Regularization Framework for Motion Segmentation of Dynamic Non-rigid Shapes
* Hierarchical Matching of Non-rigid Shapes
* Human Activity Modeling as Brownian Motion on Shape Manifold
* Hybrid Scheme for Contour Detection and Completion Based on Topological Gradient and Fast Marching Algorithms: Application to Inpainting and Segmentation, A
* Joint ToF Image Denoising and Registration with a CT Surface in Radiation Therapy
* Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-scale Diffeomorphic Image Registration
* Measuring Geodesic Distances via the Uniformization Theorem
* Multiscale Weighted Ensemble Kalman Filter for Fluid Flow Estimation
* Non-local Active Contours
* Nonlocal Surface Fairing
* Novel Schemes for Hyperbolic PDEs Using Osmosis Filters from Visual Computing
* Numerical Schemes for Linear and Non-linear Enhancement of DW-MRI
* Optic Flow Scale Space
* Optimising Spatial and Tonal Data for Homogeneous Diffusion Inpainting
* Over-Parameterized Optical Flow Using a Stereoscopic Constraint
* Photometric Heat Kernel Signatures
* Polyakov Action on (rho,G)-Equivariant Functions Application to Color Image Regularization
* Quadrature Nodes Meet Stippling Dots
* Regularization of Positive Definite Matrix Fields Based on Multiplicative Calculus
* Robust Edge Detection Using Mumford-Shah Model and Binary Level Set Method
* Robust Optic-Flow Estimation with Bayesian Inference of Model and Hyper-parameters
* Sampling Theorem for a 2D Surface, A
* Segmentation Quality Measure Based on Rich Descriptors and Classification Methods, A
* Shape Palindromes: Analysis of Intrinsic Symmetries in 2D Articulated Shapes
* Should We Search for a Global Minimizer of Least Squares Regularized with an L_0 Penalty to Get the Exact Solution of an under Determined Linear System?
* Simultaneous Denoising and Illumination Correction via Local Data-Fidelity and Nonlocal Regularization
* Statistical Multiresolution Strategy for Image Reconstruction, A
* Stochastic Models for Local Optical Flow Estimation
* Study on Convex Optimization Approaches to Image Fusion, A
* Sulci Detection in Photos of the Human Cortex Based on Learned Discriminative Dictionaries
* Supervised Scale-Invariant Segmentation (and Detection)
* Theoretical Foundations of Gaussian Convolution by Extended Box Filtering
* Variational Approach for Exact Histogram Specification, A
* Variational Image Denoising with Adaptive Constraint Sets
* Volumetric Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion on GPUs
* Wasserstein Barycenter and Its Application to Texture Mixing
* Wavelet-Based Fluid Motion Estimation
* Weak Statistical Constraints for Variational Stereo Imaging of Oceanic Waves
* Weakly Convex Coupling Continuous Cuts and Shape Priors
66 for SSVM11

SSVM13 * *Scale-Space
* Active Contours for Multi-region Image Segmentation with a Single Level Set Function
* Adaptive Second-Order Total Variation: An Approach Aware of Slope Discontinuities
* Anisotropic Third-Order Regularization for Sparse Digital Elevation Models
* B-SMART: Bregman-Based First-Order Algorithms for Non-negative Compressed Sensing Problems
* Blind Deblurring Using a Simplified Sharpness Index
* Cascadic Alternating Krylov Subspace Image Restoration Method, A
* Compression of Depth Maps with Segment-Based Homogeneous Diffusion
* Constrained Sparse Texture Synthesis
* Convex Generalizations of Total Variation Based on the Structure Tensor with Applications to Inverse Problems
* Defect Classification on Specular Surfaces Using Wavelets
* Discrete Deep Structure
* Epigraphical Projection for Solving Least Squares Anscombe Transformed Constrained Optimization Problems
* Expert Regularizers for Task Specific Processing
* Fast Algorithm for Exact Histogram Specification. Simple Extension to Colour Images, A
* Fully Discrete Theory for Linear Osmosis Filtering, A
* Generalised Perspective Shape from Shading in Spherical Coordinates
* Generalized Gradient on Vector Bundle: Application to Image Denoising
* Hierarchical Approach to Optimal Transport, A
* Image Matching Using Generalized Scale-Space Interest Points
* Layered Mean Shift Methods
* L_2-Stable Nonstandard Finite Differences for Anisotropic Diffusion
* Mathematically Justified Algorithm for Shape from Texture, A
* Minimizing TGV-Based Variational Models with Non-convex Data Terms
* Multi Scale Shape Index for 3D Object Recognition
* Optical Flow on Evolving Surfaces with an Application to the Analysis of 4D Microscopy Data
* Outlier Removal Power of the L1-Norm Super-Resolution
* Partial Optimality via Iterative Pruning for the Potts Model
* Perspective Photometric Stereo with Shadows
* Regularized Discrete Optimal Transport
* Scale and Edge Detection with Topological Derivatives
* Scale Space Operators on Hierarchies of Segmentations
* Solving the Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Problem Using Total Variation
* Spectral Approach to Total Variation, A
* Static and Dynamic Texture Mixing Using Optimal Transport
* Targeted Iterative Filtering
* TGV Regularized Wavelet Based Zooming Model, A
* Variational Method for Computing Average Images of Biological Organs
* Variational Methods for Motion Deblurring with Still Background
* Weighted Patch-Based Reconstruction: Linking (Multi-view) Stereo to Scale Space
* Why Is the Census Transform Good for Robust Optic Flow Computation?
* Wimmelbild Analysis with Approximate Curvature Coding Distance Images
42 for SSVM13

SSVM15 * *Scale-Space
* Activity Identification and Local Linear Convergence of Douglas-Rachford/ADMM under Partial Smoothness
* Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Euler's Elastica-Based Denoising
* Artifact-Free Variational MPEG Decompression
* Asymptotic Behaviour of Total Generalised Variation
* Bilevel Image Denoising Using Gaussianity Tests
* Bilevel Optimization with Nonsmooth Lower Level Problems
* Bézier Curves in the Space of Images
* Cartoon-Texture-Noise Decomposition with Transport Norms
* Compressing Images with Diffusion- and Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Computation and Visualization of Local Deformation for Multiphase Metallic Materials by Infimal Convolution of TV-Type Functionals
* Conditional Gaussian Models for Texture Synthesis
* Convex Color Image Segmentation with Optimal Transport Distances
* Convex Image Denoising via Non-Convex Regularization
* Data-Driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)
* Deformable Image Registration with Automatic Non-Correspondence Detection
* Discrete Varifolds: A Unified Framework for Discrete Approximations of Surfaces and Mean Curvature
* Duality Principle for Image Regularization and Perceptual Color Correction Models
* Edge-Preserving Integration of a Normal Field: Weighted Least-Squares, TV and L1 Approaches
* Fast Minimization of Region-Based Active Contours Using the Shape Hessian of the Energy
* Fundamentals of Non-Local Total Variation Spectral Theory
* image registration framework for sliding motion with piecewise smooth deformations, An
* Infinite Dimensional Optimization Models and PDEs for Dejittering
* Interactive Multi-label Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* Invertible Orientation Scores of 3D Images
* L1-TV Algorithm for Robust Perspective Photometric Stereo with Spatially-Varying Lightings, A
* Linear Scale-Space Theory for Continuous Nonlocal Evolutions, A
* Luminance-Hue Specification in the RGB Space
* Morphological Equivalents of Relativistic and Alpha-Scale-Spaces, The
* Morphological Scale-Space Operators for Images Supported on Point Clouds
* Multiscale Texture Orientation Analysis Using Spectral Total-Variation Decomposition
* Multiview Depth Parameterisation with Second Order Regularisation
* New Approximation of a Scale Space Kernel on SE(3) and Applications in Neuroimaging
* Nonlocal Joint Segmentation Registration Model
* On Debiasing Restoration Algorithms: Applications to Total-Variation and Nonlocal-Means
* Optimizing the Relevance-Redundancy Tradeoff for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* Partial Differential Equations of Bivariate Median Filters
* PDE-Based Color Morphology Using Matrix Fields
* Piecewise Geodesics for Vessel Centerline Extraction and Boundary Delineation with Application to Retina Segmentation
* Probabilistic Correlation Clustering and Image Partitioning Using Perturbed Multicuts
* Reconstruction of Surfaces from Point Clouds Using a Lagrangian Surface Evolution Model
* Regularization with Sparse Vector Fields: From Image Compression to TV-type Reconstruction
* Robust Poisson Surface Reconstruction
* Scale-Space Theory for Auditory Signals
* Second Order Minimum Energy Filtering on SE3 with Nonlinear Measurement Equations
* Separable Time-Causal and Time-Recursive Spatio-Temporal Receptive Fields
* Solution-Driven Adaptive Total Variation Regularization
* Solving Minimal Surface Problems on Surfaces and Point Clouds
* Some Nonlocal Filters Formulation Using Functional Rearrangements
* Sparse Aggregation Framework for Optical Flow Estimation
* sparse algorithm for dense optimal transport, A
* Spectral Representations of One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Total Variation Restoration of Images Corrupted by Poisson Noise with Iterated Conditional Expectations
* Unsupervised Learning Using the Tensor Voting Graph
* Variational Exposure Fusion with Optimal Local Contrast
* Variational Model for Color Assignment, A
* Variational Perspective Shape from Shading
57 for SSVM15

SSVM17 * *Scale-Space
* Adaptive Discretizations for Non-smooth Variational Vision
* Analysis of a Physically Realistic Film Grain Model, and a Gaussian Film Grain Synthesis Algorithm
* Analytic Existence and Uniqueness Results for PDE-Based Image Reconstruction with the Laplacian
* Below the Surface of the Non-local Bayesian Image Denoising Method
* Beyond Multi-view Stereo: Shading-Reflectance Decomposition
* Blind Space-Variant Single-Image Restoration of Defocus Blur
* Bregman-Proximal Augmented Lagrangian Approach to Multiphase Image Segmentation
* Combining Contrast Invariant L1 Data Fidelities with Nonlinear Spectral Image Decomposition
* Comparison of Isotropic and Anisotropic Second Order Regularisers for Optical Flow, A
* Compressed Motion Sensing
* Convex Non-Convex Segmentation over Surfaces
* Corner Detection Using the Affine Morphological Scale Space
* Correlation-Based Dissimilarity Measure for Noisy Patches, A
* Denoising by Inpainting
* Denoising of Image Gradients and Constrained Total Generalized Variation
* Directional Total Generalized Variation Regularization for Impulse Noise Removal
* Dynamic Programming Solution to Bounded Dejittering Problems, A
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Time-Causal Spatio-Temporal Scale-Space Filters
* Efficient and Stable Two-Pixel Scheme for 2D Forward-and-Backward Diffusion, An
* Efficient Lagrangian Algorithm for an Anisotropic Geodesic Active Contour Model, An
* Evaluating Data Terms for Variational Multi-frame Super-Resolution
* Fast MBO Scheme for Multiclass Data Classification, A
* Graphical Model Parameter Learning by Inverse Linear Programming
* Hessian of Axially Symmetric Functions on SE(3) and Application in 3D Image Analysis, The
* Image Reconstruction by Multilabel Propagation
* Infimal Convolution Coupling of First and Second Order Differences on Manifold-Valued Images
* Learning Filter Functions in Regularisers by Minimising Quotients
* Local Mean Multiphase Segmentation with HMMF Models
* MAP Image Labeling Using Wasserstein Messages and Geometric Assignment
* Multinomial Level-Set Framework for Multi-region Image Segmentation
* Nonlinear Flows for Displacement Correction and Applications in Tomography
* Nonlinear Spectral Image Fusion
* Novel Convex Relaxation for Non-binary Discrete Tomography, A
* Numerical Integration of Riemannian Gradient Flows for Image Labeling
* On a Projected Weiszfeld Algorithm
* Optimal Patch Assignment for Statistically Constrained Texture Synthesis
* Optimal Transport for Manifold-Valued Images
* Optimal Transport-Based Restoration Method for Q-Ball Imaging, An
* Order-Adaptive Regularisation for Variational Optical Flow: Global, Local and in Between
* Performance Bounds for Cosparse Multichannel Signal Recovery via Collaborative-TV
* Probabilistic Framework for Curve Evolution, A
* Robust Blind Deconvolution with Convolution-Spectrum-Based Kernel Regulariser and Poisson-Noise Data Terms
* Semi-calibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo
* Shape Matching by Time Integration of Partial Differential Equations
* Simultaneous Reconstruction and Segmentation of CT Scans with Shadowed Data
* Spatio-Temporal Scale Selection in Video Data
* Stochastic Image Reconstruction from Local Histograms of Gradient Orientation
* Subspace Least Squares Multidimensional Scaling
* Time Discrete Extrapolation in a Riemannian Space of Images
* Transport Based Image Morphing with Intensity Modulation
* Tubular Structure Segmentation Based on Heat Diffusion
* Unified Framework for the Restoration of Images Corrupted by Additive White Noise, A
* Unified Hyperelastic Joint Segmentation/Registration Model Based on Weighted Total Variation and Nonlocal Shape Descriptors, A
* User-Friendly Simultaneous Tomographic Reconstruction and Segmentation with Class Priors
* Vehicle X-ray Scans Registration: A One-Dimensional Optimization Problem
56 for SSVM17

SSVM19 * *Scale-Space
* Alternate Structural-Textural Video Inpainting for Spot Defects Correction in Movies
* Aorta Centerline Smoothing and Registration Using Variational Models
* Balanced Phase Field Model for Active Contours, A
* Compressing Audio Signals with Inpainting-Based Sparsification
* Computing Nonlinear Eigenfunctions via Gradient Flow Extinction
* Connection Between Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks Layers Through a Geometric Model of Visual Perception, A
* Convex-Hull-Stripping Median Approximates Affine Curvature Motion, The
* Cortical-Inspired Model for Orientation-Dependent Contrast Perception: A Link with Wilson-Cowan Equations, A
* Deep Eikonal Solvers
* Direct MRI Segmentation from k-Space Data by Iterative Potts Minimization
* Fast Multi-layer Approximation to Semi-discrete Optimal Transport, A
* Finding Structure in Point Cloud Data with the Robust Isoperimetric Loss
* Fractional Harris-Laplace Feature Detector, The
* Functional Liftings of Vectorial Variational Problems with Laplacian Regularization
* Global Similarity with Additive Smoothness for Spectral Segmentation
* Iteration Method for X-Ray CT Reconstruction from Variable-Truncation Projection Data, An
* Iterative Sampled Methods for Massive and Separable Nonlinear Inverse Problems
* Joint CNN and Variational Model for Fully-Automatic Image Colorization
* Lattice Metric Space Application to Grain Defect Detection
* Learning Adaptive Regularization for Image Labeling Using Geometric Assignment
* Macrocanonical Models for Texture Synthesis
* Minimal Lipschitz Extensions for Vector-Valued Functions on Finite Graphs
* Multi-tasking to Correct: Motion-Compensated MRI via Joint Reconstruction and Registration
* New Iterative Method for CT Reconstruction with Uncertain View Angles, A
* Non-convex Nonseparable Approach to Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy, A
* PDE Evolutions for M-Smoothers: From Common Myths to Robust Numerics
* Preservation of Piecewise Constancy under TV Regularization with Rectilinear Anisotropy
* Provably Scale-Covariant Networks from Oriented Quasi Quadrature Measures in Cascade
* Pseudodifferential Inpainting: The Missing Link Between PDE- and RBF-Based Interpolation
* Refitting Solutions Promoted by L12 Sparse Analysis Regularizations with Block Penalties
* Segmentation of 2D and 3D Objects with Intrinsically Similarity Invariant Shape Regularisers
* Sparsification Scale-Spaces
* Splitting-Based Algorithm for Multi-view Stereopsis of Textureless Objects, A
* Stable Explicit p-Laplacian Flows Based on Nonlinear Eigenvalue Analysis
* Time Discrete Geodesics in Deep Feature Spaces for Image Morphing
* Total Directional Variation for Video Denoising
* Total Variation and Mean Curvature PDEs on the Space of Positions and Orientations
* Total Variation Based Regularizer Promoting Piecewise-Lipschitz Reconstructions, A
* Towards PDE-Based Video Compression with Optimal Masks and Optic Flow
* Unsupervised Labeling by Geometric and Spatially Regularized Self-assignment
* Variational Convex Hull Algorithm, A
* Variational Image Registration for Inhomogeneous-Resolution Pairs
* Variational Perspective on the Assignment Flow, A
* Variational Registration of Multiple Images with the SVD Based SqN Distance Measure
45 for SSVM19

SSVM21 * *Scale-Space
* Adversarially Learned Iterative Reconstruction for Imaging Inverse Problems
* Anisotropic Selection Scheme for Variational Optical Flow Methods with Order-adaptive Regularisation, An
* Bregman Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Deep Matrix Factorization
* Challenges for Optical Flow Estimates in Elastography
* Clip: Cheap Lipschitz Training of Neural Networks
* Convergence Properties of a Randomized Primal-dual Algorithm with Applications to Parallel MRI
* Deep Image Prior Learning Algorithm for Joint Selective Segmentation and Registration, A
* Diffusion, Pre-Smoothing and Gradient Descent
* Equivariant Deep Learning via Morphological and Linear Scale Space PDEs on the Space of Positions and Orientations
* Extension of Mathematical Morphology in Riemannian Spaces
* Fast Morphological Dilation and Erosion for Grey Scale Images Using the Fourier Transform
* First Order Locally Orderless Registration
* First-order Geometric Multilevel Optimization for Discrete Tomography
* Geometric Deformation on Objects: Unsupervised Image Manipulation via Conjugation
* GMM Based Simultaneous Reconstruction and Segmentation in X-ray CT Application
* Hessian Initialization Strategies for L-BFGS Solving Non-linear Inverse Problems
* Inpainting-based Video Compression in FullHD
* Inverse Scale Space Iterations for Non-convex Variational Problems Using Functional Lifting
* Invertible Neural Networks Versus MCMC for Posterior Reconstruction in Grazing Incidence X-ray Fluorescence
* Learning Linear Assignment Flows for Image Labeling via Exponential Integration
* Learning Local Regularization for Variational Image Restoration
* Local Culprits of Shape Complexity
* Lossless PDE-Based Compression of 3D Medical Images
* Low-rank Registration of Images Captured Under Unknown, Varying Lighting
* Multi-frame Super-resolution from Noisy Data
* Multiscale Registration
* Nonlinear Spectral Processing of Shapes via Zero-homogeneous Flows
* On the Correspondence Between Replicator Dynamics and Assignment Flows
* On the Geometric Mechanics of Assignment Flows for Metric Data Labeling
* Phase Retrieval via Polarization in Dynamical Sampling
* Quantisation Scale-spaces
* Residual Whiteness Principle for Automatic Parameter Selection in l2-l2 Image Super-Resolution Problems
* Scale-covariant and Scale-invariant Gaussian Derivative Networks
* Scaled and Adaptive Fista Algorithm for Signal-dependent Sparse Image Super-resolution Problems, A
* Sketched Learning for Image Denoising
* Sparsity-aided Variational Mesh Restoration
* Splines for Image Metamorphosis
* Synthetic Images as a Regularity Prior for Image Restoration Neural Networks
* Total Deep Variation for Noisy Exit Wave Reconstruction in Transmission Electron Microscopy
* Total-variation Mode Decomposition
* Towards Efficient Time Stepping for Numerical Shape Correspondence
* Towards Off-the-grid Algorithms for Total Variation Regularized Inverse Problems
* Translating Numerical Concepts for PDEs into Neural Architectures
* Variational Models for Signal Processing with Graph Neural Networks
* Wasserstein Generative Models for Patch-based Texture Synthesis
46 for SSVM21

SSVM23 * *Scale-Space
* alpha-Pixels for Hierarchical Analysis of Digital Objects
* Asymptotic Result for a Decoupled Nonlinear Elasticity-based Multiscale Registration Model
* Compressive Learning of Deep Regularization for Denoising
* Convergence Guarantees of Overparametrized Wide Deep Inverse Prior
* Deep Accurate Solver for the Geodesic Problem
* Deep Image Prior Regularized by Coupled Total Variation for Image Colorization
* Diffusion-shock Inpainting
* Efficient Line Search for Sparse Reconstruction, An
* Efficient Neural Generation of 4k Masks for Homogeneous Diffusion Inpainting
* EMNEF: Neural Fields for Embedded Variational Problems in Imaging
* Explicit Diffusion of Gaussian Mixture Model Based Image Priors
* Fast Marching Energy CNN
* Fluctuation-based Deconvolution in Fluorescence Microscopy Using Plug-and-play Denoisers
* Frame Decomposition of the Funk-Radon Transform, A
* Generalised Scale-space Properties for Probabilistic Diffusion Models
* Genharris-Resnet: A Rotation Invariant Neural Network Based on Elementary Symmetric Polynomials
* Geodesic Tracking of Retinal Vascular Trees with Optical and TV-Flow Enhancement in Se(2)
* Geometric Adaptations of PDE-G-CNNs
* Geometrically Aware Auto-Encoder for Multi-texture Synthesis, A
* Graph Laplacian and Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Imaging: GraphLaNet
* Graph Laplacian for Semi-supervised Learning
* Gromov-Wasserstein Transfer Operators
* Hybrid Training of Denoising Networks to Improve the Texture Acutance of Digital Cameras
* Hypergraph P-Laplacians, Scale Spaces, and Information Flow in Networks
* Image Blending with Osmosis
* Image Comparison and Scaling via Nonlinear Elasticity
* Latent-space Disentanglement with Untrained Generator Networks for the Isolation of Different Motion Types in Video Data
* Learned Discretization Schemes for the Second-order Total Generalized Variation
* Learning Differential Invariants of Planar Curves
* Learning Posterior Distributions in Underdetermined Inverse Problems
* Limited Electrodes Models in Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstruction
* Model is Worth Tens of Thousands of Examples, A
* Modeling Large-scale Joint Distributions and Inference by Randomized Assignment
* Multi-view Normal Estimation: Application to Slanted Plane-sweeping
* Natural Numerical Networks on Directed Graphs in Satellite Image Classification
* Off-the-grid Charge Algorithm for Curve Reconstruction in Inverse Problems
* On Photometric Stereo in the Presence of a Refractive Interface
* On the Inclusion of Topological Requirements in CNNs for Semantic Segmentation Applied to Radiotherapy
* On the Remarkable Efficiency of Smart
* On Trainable Multiplicative Noise Removal Models
* Optimal Transport Between GMM for Multiscale Texture Synthesis
* Partial Shape Similarity by Multi-Metric Hamiltonian Spectra Matching
* Piece-wise Constant Image Segmentation with a Deep Image Prior Approach
* Prony-based Super-Resolution Phase Retrieval of Sparse, Multidimensional Signals
* Proximal Residual Flows for Bayesian Inverse Problems
* Quantum State Assignment Flows
* Quasi-Newton Primal-dual Algorithm with Line Search, A
* Quaternary Image Decomposition with Cross-Correlation-Based Multi-Parameter Selection
* Regularized Material Decomposition for K-edge Separation in Hyperspectral Computed Tomography
* Relaxed Proximal Gradient Descent Algorithm for Convergent Plug-and-play with Proximal Denoiser, A
* Resolution-invariant Image Classification Based on Fourier Neural Operators
* Segmenting MR Images Through Texture Extraction and Multiplicative Components Optimization
* Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Inverse Problems in Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces
* Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point Cloud Using Directional G-norm
* Theoretical Foundations for Pseudo-inversion of Nonlinear Operators
* Variational Approach to the Flow of Sobolev-Diffeomorphisms Model, The
* Wasserstein Gradient Flows of the Discrepancy with Distance Kernel on the Line
58 for SSVM23

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