* *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VI
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing '98
* 3-D Kalman Filter for Image Motion Estimation
* 3-Dimensional Model Acquisition for Medical Robotics-Assisted Burn Debridement System
* Accelerating the EMML Algorithm and Related Iterative Algorithms by Rescaled Block-Iterative Methods
* Accuracy Assessment of Stereo-Extracted Data from Airborne SAR Images
* Active Face Recognition with a Hybrid Approach
* Adaptive Coding of Moving-Objects for Very-Low Bit Rates
* Adaptive multichannel filters for colour image processing
* Adaptive Regularization in Image Restoration Using a Model Based Neural Network
* Adaptive Water Marking
* Advanced Image-Processing Technique for Real-Time Interpretation of Ground-Penetrating Radar Images
* Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis and Image Fusion Techniques for Image Sharpening
* Area Efficient VLSI Architecture of a Reed-Solomon Decoder/Encoder for Digital VCRs, An
* Automatic Flesh Tone Reappearance for Color Enhancement in TV
* Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
* Automatic Selection of Image Features for Visual Servoing
* Autonomous Mobile Robot Senario: A Sensor-Aided Intelligent Navigation System for Powered Wheelchairs, The
* Biologically Inspired Calibration Free Adaptive Saccade Control of a Binocular Camera Head
* Boundary Extraction from Gray-Scale Document Images Based on Surface Data Structures
* Boundary Extraction of Sodar Images
* Centers of Pixels
* Classification and Segmentation of Vector Flow-Fields Using a Neural-Network
* Color Image-Coding Combining Linear Prediction and Iterated Function Systems
* Combining Evidence in Personal Identity Verification Systems
* Comparison of 2 Fast Algorithms for Computing the Distance Between Convex Polyhedra, A
* Comparison of Contextual Classification Methods Using Landsat TM, A
* Comparison of Edge Detectors
* Comparison of Four Algorithms for Change Detection in an Urban Environment, A
* Complex Cepstral Filtering of Images and Echo Removal in the Radon Domain
* Cylindrical Surface Localization in Monocular Vision
* Deformation Invariant Visual Object Recognition: Experiments with a Self-Organizing Neural Architecture
* Design and Real-Time Implementation of A 3-D Rational Filter for Edge-Preserving Smoothing
* Design Considerations of the Video Compression System of the New DV Camcorder Standard
* Detection of Changes in Remotely-Sensed Images by the Selective Use of Multispectral Information
* Digital Production of Color Mach Bands Using a Color Human Visual-System Model
* Digital Representation Schemes for 3D Curves
* Direct-Fourier Reconstruction in Tomography and Synthetic-Aperture Radar
* Discrete Representation of Spatial Objects in Computer Vision
* Disk and File System-Design for MPEG-2 Video on Demand Servers
* Disparity field and depth map coding for multiview 3D image generation
* Dynamic Relevance: Vision-Based Focus of Attention Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Edge-based motion compensated classified DCT with quadtree for image sequence coding
* Edge-Detection By Estimation and Minimization of Errors
* Efficient Approach for the Harmonic Retrieval Problem via Haar Wavelet Transform, An
* Efficient Extraction of Primitives from Line-Drawings Composed of Horizontal and Vertical Lines
* Efficient Global Motion Characterization Method for Image-Processing Applications, An
* Efficient Lapped Orthogonal Transform Image-Coding Technique, An
* Efficient Technique for Storage of 2-Tone Images, An
* Empirical-Comparison of Neural Techniques for Edge Linking of Images, An
* Evaluation of Segmentation Results and the Overlapping Area Matrix, The
* Eye-In-Hand Robotic Tasks in Uncalibrated Environments
* Face Detection By Direct Convexity Estimation
* Fast Adaptive Image-Restoration Filter for Reducing Block Artifact in Compressed Images, A
* Fast Algorithm for Designing Better Codebooks in Image Vector Quantization
* Fast Constraint Propagation on Specialized Allen Networks and its Application to Action Recognition and Control
* Fast Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization, A
* Fast Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Image Registration on a Multiprocessing Digital Signal Processor
* Finger Tracking for Breast Palpation Quantification Using Color Image Features
* Finitary 1-Simply Connected Digital Spaces
* Flat Zone Approach: A General Low-Level Region Merging Segmentation Method, The
* Fusion of Audio and Video Information for Multi Modal Person Authentication
* Fuzzy Integration of Classification Results
* Gaze Stabilization in Active Vision - I: Vergence Error Extraction
* Gaze Stabilization In Active Vision - II: Multirate Vergence Control
* Generalized Likelihood Ratio-Based Face Detection and Extraction of Mouth Features
* Generation of a Restored Image from a Video Sequence Recorded under Turbulence Effects
* GOLD: A Parallel Real-Time Stereo Vision System for Generic Obstacle and Lane Detection
* Guest Editorial: Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding: II
* Heuristic Algorithm for Optical Character Recognition of Arabic Script, A
* Hierarchical Motion Estimator (HME) for Block-Based Video Coders
* Highly Scalable Wavelet-Based Video Codec For Very-Low Bit-Rate Environment
* Hybrid Block Truncation Coding
* Hybrid Mapping Parameter-Estimation Using Hierarchical Structure in Object-Oriented Coding
* Hybrid Model-Based Image-Coding System for Very-Low Bit-Rate Coding, A
* Image compression through projection of wavelet coefficients
* Image Databases and Near-Perfect Hash Table
* Image processing apparatus for correcting blurring of an image photographed by a video camera
* Image Restoration of Line Scanned X-Ray Images
* Image Segmentation with the SolNN Unsupervised Logic Neural-Network
* Image tracking apparatus
* Image-Coding at the Crossroads
* Image-Restoration of Multiple Noisy Images by Use of a Priori Knowledge of the Anisoplanatic Point-Spread Function
* Improved Lattice Vector Quantization Scheme for Wavelet Compression, An
* Influence of Scene Topography on the Observed Correlation Between Thermal Infrared and Visible/Near-Infrared Images of Ground Terrain
* Interacting Multiple Model Methods in Target Tracking: A Survey
* Interactive Image Retrieval by Natural Language
* Inverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging of Satellites
* Irregular Motion Recovery in Fluorescein Angiograms
* Low-Complexity Fractal-Based Image Compression Technique
* Low-Power Data Transfer and Storage Exploration for H.263 Video Decoder System
* Maximum Segmented Image Information Thresholding
* Method and apparatus for adjusting video data to limit the effects of automatic focusing control on motion estimation video coders
* Method and apparatus for processing 3-D multiple view images formed of a group of images obtained by viewing a 3-D object from a plurality of positions
* Method and apparatus for relating and combining multiple images of the same scene or object(s)
* Method for detecting motion vectors
* Method of analyzing sequences of road images, device for implementing it and its application to detecting obstacles
* Microwave Tomography for Compact-Support Dielectric Objects
* Minimal Spanning Tree-Based Clustering Technique: Relationship with Bayes Classifier
* Minimum Error Thresholding: A Note
* Mobile Robot Navigation and Scene Modeling Using Stereo Fish-Eye Lens System
* Model-Based 3D Object Recognition Using Bayesian Indexing
* Model-Based Interpretation of Stereo Imagery of Textured Surfaces
* Motion Estimation Algorithm for Image Sequence Coding
* Motion estimation using a hierarchical search
* Motion Parameter-Estimation Based on the Block Recursive Algorithm with Finite Word-Length
* Motion-based command generation technology
* Multidimensional Rotations for Robust Quantization of Image Data
* Multiple-Base-Line Stereo for Precise Human Face Acquisition, A
* Multiresolution Progressive Image Transmission with Storage and Transmission Time Constraints
* Multiscale Representation Including Opponent-Color Features for Texture Recognition, A
* Multisensor Data Fusion
* New Hybrid Approach in Combining Multiple Experts to Recognize Handwritten Numerals, A
* New Phase Extraction Algorithm for Phase Profilometry, A
* New Probabilistic Relaxation Method Based on Probability Space Partition, A
* New Schemes for Progressive Transmission of Digital Images
* Novel VQ Codebook Design Technique, A
* Novel-Approach to the Optimal Biorthogonal Analysis Window Sequence of the Discrete Gabor Expansion, A
* Object-Oriented H.263 Compatible Video Coding Platform for Conferencing Applications
* Objective-Based Framework for Motion Planning Under Sensing and Control Uncertainties, An
* On A Relation Between Graph Edit Distance and Maximum Common Subgraph
* On Levels of Detail in Terrains
* On the Optimal Number of Scales in Estimation of Fractal Signals Using Wavelets and Filter Banks
* Optimal Approximation of Uniformly Rotated Images: Relationship Between Karhunen-Loeve Expansion and Discrete Cosine Transform
* Optimal Nonnegative Color Scanning Filters
* Optimal Polygonal Boundary Encoding Scheme in the Rate-Distortion Sense, An
* Optoelectronic Difference-of-Gaussian Wavelet Transform System
* Planar Motion Detection By Randomized Triangle Matching
* Pose Estimation of Free-Form 3D Objects without Point Matching Using Algebraic Surface Models
* Pyramid Approach to Subpixel Registration Based on Intensity, A
* Rapid Pattern Inspection of Shadow Masks by Machine Vision Integrated with Fourier Optics
* Real Time PC Based Software Implementation of H.261 Video Codec
* Recognizing White Line Markings for Vision-Guided Vehicle Navigation by Fuzzy-Reasoning
* Reducing Blocking Artifacts within Vector Quantization Algorithms
* Reduction of blocking effect in DCT-coded images based on a visual perception criterion
* Region-Based Parametric Motion Segmentation Using Color Information
* Regularity-Based Perceptual Grouping
* Regularized Modified Newton-Raphson Technique Applied to Electrical-Impedance Tomography
* Relative Spatial Pose Estimation for Autonomous Grasping
* Retrieving Similar Pictures from A Pictorial Database by an Improved Hashing Table
* Robust Motion-Compensated Video Up-Conversion
* Role of Integral Features for Perceiving Image Discriminability, The
* Rotation and Scale Change Invariant Point Pattern Relaxation Matching by the Hopfield Neural Network
* Sensory-Based Motion Planning with Global Proofs
* Separating Spatially Distributed Response to Stimulation from Background I: Optical Imaging
* SESAM: A Biometric Person Identification System Using Sensor Fusion
* Signature Verification Revisited: Promoting Practical Exploitation of Biometric Technology
* Single Versus Stereo ERS-1 SAR Imagery for Planimetric Features Extraction
* Skeleton Location and Evaluation Based on Local Digital Width in Ribbon-Like Images
* Special Issue on Audio-Based and Video-Based Person Authentication
* Split-Radix Algorithm for 2-D Discrete Hartley Transform
* Stereo image analysis for multi-viewpoint telepresence applications
* Storage-Constrained and Entropy-Constrained Classified Vector Quantization
* Street Orientation Detection and Recognition in Landsat TM and SPOT HRV Imagery
* Structure-Driven Induction of Decision Tree Classifiers Through Neural Learning
* Study on Vision Sensors for Seam Tracking of Height-Varying Weldment: Part 1: Mathematical-Model, A
* Three-Dimensional Camera Calibration Technique for Stereo Imaging Velocimetry Experiments
* Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications
* Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation of Objects for Video Coding
* Three-Dimensional Topometry with Stereo Microscopes
* Topology-Preserving Deformations of Two-Valued Digital Pictures
* Torus/Sphere Intersection Based on a Configuration Space Approach
* Trademark Shape-Recognition Using Closed Contours
* Training-Sequence Assisted QAM-Concepts for Digital Terrestrial TV Transmission
* Two Fast Euclidean Distance Transformations in Z2 Based on Sufficient Propagation
* Underwater Imaging with a Moving Acoustic Lens
* Unified Mathematical Form of the Walsh-Hadamard Transform for Lossless Image Data-Compression, A
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Algorithm with Feature Space Reduction and Knowledge Feedback, An
* Vector Quantizer for Image Restoration, A
* Very-High-Quality Image Compression Based on Noise Modeling
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Coding Algorithm for Stereo Video with Spatiotemporal HVS Model and Binary Correlation Disparity Estimator
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Wavelet Video Coding
* Video Representation with 3-Dimensional Entities
* Vision Aided Reverse Engineering Approach to Reconstructing Free Form Surfaces, A
* Vision and Force/Torque Sensing for Calibration of Industrial Robots
* VLSI Implementation of 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform for Real-Time Video Signal-Processing
* VQ-Adaptive Block Transform Coding of Images
* Wavelet Shrinkage and Generalized Cross-Validation for Image Denoising
* Weighted Finite Automata for Video Compression
* What do N photographs tell us about 3D shape?
* What-and-Where Filter, The
* X Vision: A Portable Substrate for Real-Time Vision Applications
* Zoom-Invariant Vision of Figural Shape
* Zoom-Invariant Vision of Figural Shape: The Mathematics of Cores
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