Update Dates 9703

9703 * 3-D Model Localization Using High-Resolution Reconstruction of Monocular Image Sequences
* 3-D Tracking of Point: Symmetric Particles by Videomicroscopy
* 3-Dimensional Object Reconstruction from 2-Dimensional Images
* 3D Brain Atlas Used for Planning of Stereotactic Neurosurgery, A
* 3D Symmetry Detection Using the Extended Gaussian Image
* Active Foveated Vision System: Attentional Mechanisms and Scan Path Convergence Measures, An
* Adaptive Ordered Dither
* Adaptive Reconstructive Tau-Openings: Convergence and the Steady-State Distribution
* Advanced tools for speech synchronized animation
* Algorithm for Recognising Walkers, An
* Analog Computation of Image Chromaticity
* Analog Sensor Processing Using Exposure Control: A New Concept for High Speed Image Processing
* Analysis of Brain Activation Patterns Using a 3-D Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Apparatus and method for processing two-tone image data so as to smooth and magnify image
* Application of Video Semantics and Theme Representation in Automated Video Editing, The
* Applications of Image Analysis in Quantitative Metallography
* Attributed Scattering Centers for SAR ATR
* Automatic adaptation of a face model in a layered coder with an object-based analysis-synthesis layer and a knowledge-based layer
* Automatic Comparison of a Topographic Map with Remotely-Sensed Images in a Map Updating Perspective: The Road Network Case
* Automatic Generation of Digital Surface Models Through Matching in Object Space
* Automatic Online Signature Verification
* Automatic Script Identification from Document Images Using Cluster-Based Templates
* Automatic Target Detection and Recognition in Multiband Imagery: A Unified ML Detection and Estimation Approach
* Automatic Target Recognition by Matching Oriented Edge Pixels
* Automatic Target Recognition Organized via Jump-Diffusion Algorithms
* Automatic Video Database Indexing and Retrieval
* Automatic-Generation of High-Resolution Urban Zone Digital Elevation Models
* Automation of Road Inventory Using Stereoscopic Image Analysis
* Autonomous Digital Aero Triangulation
* Autonomous Inspection System for Nuclear Power Plants
* Bounds on the Moving Control Points of Hybrid Curves
* Cluster-Based Probability Model and Its Application to Image and Texture Processing
* Coding Algorithm with Region-Based Motion Compensation
* Coding of Subregions for Content-Based Scalable Video
* Color Image Retrieval Based on Hidden Markov-Models
* Color-Perception of Aperture Colors Using a Computational Model of the Human Visual-System
* Combining Ground- and Space-Based Observations for Optimum Photometry in Crowded Stellar Fields
* Compact, Portable Optical Correlator with Binary Ferroelectric SLMS and Optimum Filters for Disjoint Noise Applied to Varying Illumination Conditions, A
* Computation of Orientational Filters for Real-Time Computer Vision Problems III: Steerable System and VLSI Architecture
* Convex Set Symmetry Measurement via Minkowski Addition
* Crack Detection in Tubes Using Filtered Linear Tomosynthesis
* Deinterlacing by Successive Approximation
* Depth-Based Segmentation
* Design and Development Issues for Multimedia Information-Systems
* Detail-Preserving Smoothing with Morphology and Fuzzy-Reasoning
* Detection and Analysis of Change in Remotely-Sensed Imagery with Application to Wide Area Surveillance
* Detection Filters and Algorithm Fusion for ATR
* Deterministic Edge-Preserving Regularization in Computed Imaging
* Digital Adaptive Robust Algorithms for Radar Image Filtering
* Division-Based Analysis Of Symmetry And Its Application
* Document Understanding Bibliography
* Dynamic Approach To Visual Data-Compression
* Efficient Nonlinear Transform Methods for Image-Processing
* Efficient Surface Intersection Algorithm-Based on Lower-Dimensional Formulation, An
* Efficient Topological Characterization of Gray-Levels Textures, Using a Multiresolution Representation, An
* EM Algorithm for Image Segmentation Initialized by a Tree Structure Scheme
* Enhanced Detectability of Small Objects in Correlated Clutter Using an Improved 2-D Adaptive Lattice Algorithm
* Estimation of Forest Characteristics Based on Textural Features in Aerial Photos and Spectral Signatures in Satellite Images Using Neural Networks
* Estimation of Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture and Unsupervised Statistical Image Segmentation
* Estimation of Tree Positions from Aerial Photos
* Euclidean Reconstruction from Almost Uncalibrated Cameras
* Exponential Radon Transforms of Vector Fields
* Fast Algorithm for Computing Discrete Cosine Transform
* Fast Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree for Image Segmentation and Edge-Detection, A
* Feature-Extraction for Multisource Data Classification with Artificial Neural Networks
* Feature-Selection: Evaluation, Application, and Small Sample Performance
* Finding Colour Pigment by Neural Network in Half Tone Colour Prints
* Finding the Minimal Set of Maximum Disks for Binary Objects
* Functional Coding of Video Using a Shape-Adaptive DCT Algorithm and an Object-Based Motion Prediction Toolbox
* Gabor Wavelet Representation for 3-D Object Recognition
* Generalized Image-Contrast Enhancement Technique Based on the Heinemann Contrast Discrimination Model
* Geometric Evaluation of Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Glass patterns in image alignment and analysis
* Grobner Bases and Multidimensional FIR Multirate Systems
* Hair image generating algorithm using fractional hair model
* High-Level CAD Model Acquisition from Range Images
* Hopfield Neural-Network as a Tool for Feature Tracking and Recognition from Satellite Sensor Images, The
* Image 3-D Reconstruction from Electron Micrographs
* Image blur prevention apparatus
* Image Compression and Transmission Through a Low-Rate Ultrasonic Link in Subsea Telerobotic Applications
* Image data encoding method and device, image data reconstructing method and device, scene change detecting method and device, scene change recording device, and image data scene change record/regenerating device
* Image Divergence and Deformation from Closed Curves
* Image Matching Using a Three-Line Scanner
* Image Restoration Using a Conjugate Gradient-Based Adaptive Filtering Algorithm
* Image signal transmitting system using image frames differences
* Image-Adaptive Vector Quantization in an Entropy-Constrained Framework
* Improving Optical Character-Recognition Accuracy Using Adaptive Image Restoration
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Automatic Target Detection and Recognition
* Invariant Image-Analysis Based on Radon-Transform and SVD
* Joint Thresholding and Quantizer Selection for Transform Image-Coding: Entropy-Constrained Analysis and Applications to Base-Line JPEG
* Kruppa's Equations Derived from the Fundamental Matrix
* Layered Video Object Coding System Using Sprite and Affine Motion Model, A
* Line-Based Correction of Radial Lens Distortion
* Linear Discriminant-Analysis for Two Classes via Removal of Classification Structure
* Locality and Adjacency Stability Constraints for Morphological Connected Operators
* Logically Efficient Spatial-Resolution Conversion Using Paired Increasing Operators
* Low Bit-Rate Design Considerations for Wavelet-Based Image-Coding
* Mathematical-Methods for the Analysis of Color Scanning Filters
* Mathematical-Methods for the Design of Color Scanning Filters
* Maximum-Likelihood Multiresolution Laser-Radar Range Imaging
* Method and apparatus for a region-based approach to coding a sequence of video images
* Method and system for automatically tracking a zoomed video image
* Method for creating spatially balanced bounding volume hierarchies for use in a computer generated display of a complex structure
* Methods for Reconstruction of 2-D Sequences from Fourier-Transform Magnitude
* Model-Based Machine Vision System Using Fuzzy-Logic, A
* Model-Based Neural-Network for Target Detection in SAR Images
* Moment-Based Image Normalization with High Noise-Tolerance
* Morphological Partitioning of Multispectral Images
* Morphological Scale-Space Preserving Transforms in Many Dimensions
* Motion Detection from the Measured Signals in Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging
* Motion Estimation in Image Sequences Using the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Motion-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences Using Orientation Tensors
* MPEG and Multimedia Communications
* MPEG-4 Video Standard Verification Model, The
* MPEG-4 Video Subjective Test Procedures and Results
* MPEG-4: Editorial
* Multidimensional Filter Banks and Wavelets: Research Developments and Applications - Preface
* Multiresolution Detection of Coherent Radar Targets
* Multiresolution Gauss-Markov Random-Field Models for Texture Segmentation
* Multiresolution Vector Quantization for Video Coding
* Multiresolutional Approach to 3D Object Recognition, A
* Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Half-Toning, A
* Multiscale Segmentation and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery
* Multiscale, Statistical Anomaly Detection Analysis and Algorithms for Linearized Inverse Scattering Problems
* Multivariate Approach to Registration of Dissimilar Four-Dimensional Nuclear Medical Images, A
* Neural Classification of SPOT Imagery Through Integration of Intensity and Fractal Information
* Neural Network for Moving Light Display Trajectory Prediction, A
* Neural Networks in Remote Sensing: Introduction
* New Approach for Subset 2-D AR Model Identification for Describing Textures, A
* New Rate Control Scheme Using Quadratic Rate Distortion Model, A
* New Rotation-Invariant Features for Radar Target Recognition
* Noise Estimation and Filtering Using Block-Based Singular-Value Decomposition
* Noise reduction apparatus for reducing noise in decoding of moving picture sequence
* Noise Suppression in MR Angiography Projection Images with the 3D Top-Hat Transform
* Nonlinear Model for Fractal Image-Coding, A
* Nonlinear Multiresolution Decomposition with Applications in Image Restoration
* Nonlinear Unsharp Masking Methods for Image-Contrast Enhancement
* Novel Neural-Network Models for Computing Homothetic Invariances: An Image Algebra Notation
* Object Motion And Structure Recovery for Robotic Vision Using Scanning Laser Range Sensors
* Object Recognition and Motion Estimation via Joint Segmentation and B-Spline Contour Matching
* Object Recognition Using Multilayer Hopfield Neural-Network
* Object Wavelet Transform for Coding of Arbitrarily-Shaped Image Segments
* Object-Adaptive Vertex-Based Shape Coding Method
* Object-Based Estimation Of Dense Motion Fields
* Object-oriented coding for efficient transmission of space-acquired image data
* On Coding Binary Fractal Images
* On Performance Gains in MPEG-2 Video Coding via a Rate-Distortion Optimal Route
* On Testing Trained Vector Quantizer Codebooks
* On the Evolution of Parallel Computers Dedicated to Image-Processing Through Examples of Some French Computers
* On the Precision in Estimating the Location of Edges and Corners
* On the Scalability of 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithms
* On Translation Invariant Subspaces and Critically Sampled Wavelet Transforms
* On View Likelihood and Stability
* Optical Computation with Negative Light Intensity with a Plastic Bacteriorhodopsin Film
* Optical inspection of container finish dimensional parameters
* Partial Camera Automation in an Unmanned Air Vehicle
* Precise Matching of 3-D Target Models to Multisensor Data
* Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Probe-Based Automatic Target Recognition In Infrared Imagery
* Prolog to Automatic Online Signature Verification
* Properties and Performance of a Center/Surround Retinex
* Pyramidal Approach to License Plate Segmentation
* Qualitative Aspects of Chromo-Stereoscopy for Depth-Perception
* Quantitative Shape Analysis of Volume Images: Thinning Volume Objects to Surface Skeletons
* Recognizing Human Motion using Parameterized Models of Optical Flow
* Reconstruction and Decomposition Algorithms for Biorthogonal Multiwavelets
* Reconstruction of 3-D Curves from 2-D Images Using Affine Shape Methods for Curves
* Recursive Implementation of LoG Filtering
* Region-Based Coding of Color Images Using Karhunen-Loeve Transform
* Remote Sensing Image Analysis Using a Neural Network and Knowledge Based Processing
* Reverse Engineering Of Geometric-Models: An Introduction
* Rigid-Body Segmentation and Shape-Description from Dense Optical-Flow Under Weak Perspective
* Robust Defection Of Skew In Document Images
* Robust Self-Localization Using Elastic Templates
* Robust Thermophysics-Based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection
* Robust, Scalable, Object-Based Video Compression Technique for Very-Low Bit-Rate Coding, A
* Segmentation of a Wrap-Around Model Using an Active Contour
* Segmentation Of Colour Images Containing Highly Similar Colour Regions
* Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Manipulation of Objects
* Selective Update Approach To Matching Pursuits Video Coding, A
* Set Operations on Closed Intervals and Their Applications to the Automatic Programming of Morphological Machines
* Shape description and representation by ellipsoids
* Shape estimation of articulated 3D objects for object-based analysis-synthesis coding (OBASC)
* Shape Representation Using a Generalized Potential-Field Model
* Shape-Adaptive Region Partitioning Method for Shape-Assisted Block-Based Texture Coding
* Skew Angle Detection of Digitized Indian Script Documents
* Smoothing Speckled Images Using an Adaptive Rational Operator
* Spatiotemporal Adaptive 3-D Kalman Filter for Video
* Special Section on Nonlinear Image-Processing: Guest Editorial
* Spectral Based Illumination Estimation and Color Correction
* Static Polyhedron Simplification Using Error Measurements
* Stereo Vision Using a Microcanonical Mean-Field Annealing Neural-Network
* Strategies and Best Practice for Neural-Network Image Classification
* Subdivision Scheme for Continuous-Scale B-Splines and Affine-Invariant Progressive Smoothing, A
* Surface Reconstruction: From Points to Splines
* Template-Based Video Coding with Opacity Representation
* Temporal-Scalable Coding Based on Image Content
* Textural Neural Network and Version Space Classifiers for Remote Sensing
* Texture Classification Using Windowed Fourier Filters
* Tomographic Reconstruction and Estimation Based on Multiscale Natural-Pixel Bases
* Toward Automatic Robot Instruction from Perception: Mapping Human Grasps to Manipulator Grasps
* Towards Inverse Radiation Therapy Planning and Multidimensional Cancer Treatment Optimization
* Training-Based Optimization of Soft Morphological Filters
* Tube-based video coding
* Two-Dimensional LMS Adaptation Strategies for Nonstationary Signals
* Two-Stage Motion Compensation Using Adaptive Global MC and Local Affine MC
* Understanding of Human Images
* use of stereo and motion in a generic object-based coder, The
* Vector Quantization Using The L(Omega) Distortion Measure
* Vehicle Detection Using a Hardware-Implemented Neural-Net
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Based on Matching Pursuits
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding with Block Partitioning and Adaptive Selection of Two Time-Differential Frame Memories
* Video Coding Algorithm Using Vector-Based Techniques, A
* Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of Partial Quadtrees
* Viewpoint Planning Strategy for Determining True Angles on Polyhedral Objects by Camera Alignment, A
* VIMS: A Video Information Management System
* Visibility Inference Based on Spatial Knowledge Representation from Observers Perspective
* Visual Image Retrieval by Elastic Matching of User Sketches
* Visual Reconstruction and Registration of Curves and Surfaces
* Wavelet Applications on Medical Images and Signals
* Wavelets, Detection, Estimation, and Sparsity
* Weighted Distance Transform Hyperspheres in Four Dimensions
* Zero-Phase Filter Bank and Wavelet Code R-Matrices: Properties, Triangular Decompositions, and a Fast Algorithm
* Zerotree Wavelet Video Coder, A
224 for 9703

Index for "9"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:30:26
Use price@usc.edu for comments.