Index for horn

Horn, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atanackov, J.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrati...
     with: Bavec, M.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating L...
     with: Grutzner, C.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integratin...
     with: Ivancic, K.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating...
     with: Jez, J.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating Lid...
     with: Markelj, A.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating...
     with: Milanic, B.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating...
     with: Music, B.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating L...
     with: Novak, A.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating L...
     with: Novak, M.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating L...
     with: Rupnik, P.J.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integratin...
     with: Tsukamoto, S.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrati...
     with: Ustaszewski, K.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integra...
     with: Vrabec, M.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating ...
     with: Zajc, M.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating Li...
     with: Zebre, M.: Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating L...
16 for Horn, B.

Horn, B.K.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ancona, N.: Optical Flow from 1-D Correlation: Application to a Simple...
     with: Bachman, B.L.: Registering Real Images Using Synthetic Images
     with: Bachman, B.L.: Using Synthetic Images to Register Real Surfaces with S...
     with: Brady, M.: Rotationally Symmetric Operators for Surface Interpolation
     with: Brooks, M.J.: Shape and Source from Shading
     with: Brooks, M.J.: Shape from Shading
     with: Brooks, M.J.: Variational Approach to Shape from Shading, The
     with: Bruss, A.R.: Passive Navigation
     with: Callahan, T.: Picking up an Object from a Pile of Objects
     with: Chandrakasan, A.: Method and apparatus for motion estimation in a vide...
     with: Cho, T.S.: Blur kernel estimation using the radon transform
     with: Desai, U.Y.: Edge and Mean Based Image Compression
     with: Fang, Y.: Depth-Based Target Segmentation for Intelligent Vehicles: Fu...
     with: Feimgold, O.: Picking up an Object from a Pile of Objects
     with: Freeman, W.T.: Blur kernel estimation using the radon transform
     with: Grimson, W.E.L.: Progress in Image Understanding at MIT
     with: Harris, J.G.: Rigid Body Motion from Range Image Sequences
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Application of the Photometric Stereo Method, An
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Determining Grasp Configurations Using Photometric Stereo...
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Mechanical Manipulation of Randomly Oriented Parts, The
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Numerical Shape from Shading and Occluding Boundaries
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Picking Parts out of a Bin
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Picking up an Object from a Pile of Objects
     with: Jagannathan, S.: Force Estimation and Prediction from Time-Varying Den...
     with: Keast, C.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early V...
     with: Knight, T.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early ...
     with: Lee, H.S.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early V...
     with: Lee, H.S.: Estimating the Focus of Expansion in Analog VLSI
     with: Makris, N.C.: Force Estimation and Prediction from Time-Varying Densit...
     with: Masaki, I.: Depth-Based Target Segmentation for Intelligent Vehicles: ...
     with: Masaki, I.: Edge and Mean Based Image Compression
     with: Masaki, I.: Method and apparatus for motion estimation in a video signal
     with: McQuirk, I.S.: Estimating the Focus of Expansion in Analog VLSI
     with: Mizuki, M.M.: Edge and Mean Based Image Compression
     with: Mizuki, M.M.: Method and apparatus for motion estimation in a video si...
     with: Nagao, K.: Direct Object Recognition Using No Higher Than Second or Th...
     with: Nagata, S.: Determining Grasp Configurations Using Photometric Stereo ...
     with: Nagata, S.: Picking up an Object from a Pile of Objects
     with: Negahdaripour, S.: Determining 3-D Motion of Planar Objects from Image...
     with: Negahdaripour, S.: Direct Method for Locating the Focus of Expansion, A
     with: Negahdaripour, S.: Direct Passive Navigation
     with: Negahdaripour, S.: Direct Passive Navigation: Analytical Solution for ...
     with: Negahdaripour, S.: Using Depth-is-Positive Constraint to Recover Trans...
     with: Nishihara, H.K.: Determining Grasp Configurations Using Photometric St...
     with: Paris, S.: Blur kernel estimation using the radon transform
     with: Poggio, T.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early ...
     with: Poggio, T.: Optical Flow from 1-D Correlation: Application to a Simple...
     with: Poggio, T.: Progress in Image Understanding at MIT
     with: Ratilal, P.: Force Estimation and Prediction from Time-Varying Density...
     with: Schunck, B.G.: Constraints on Optical Flow Computation
     with: Schunck, B.G.: Determining Optical Flow
     with: Schunck, B.G.: Determining Optical Flow: A Retrospective
     with: Seidel, M.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early ...
     with: Silver, W.M.: Determining Shape and Reflectance Using Multiple Images
     with: Sjoberg, R.W.: Atmospheric Modelling for the Generation of Albedo Images
     with: Sjoberg, R.W.: Calculating the Reflectance Map
     with: Sobalvarro, P.: Determining Grasp Configurations Using Photometric Ste...
     with: Sodini, C.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early ...
     with: Standley, D.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Earl...
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Impossible Shaded Images
     with: Wang, L.: Machine Vision to Alert Roadside Personnel of Night Traffic ...
     with: Wang, L.: Wave Equation of Suppressed Traffic Flow Instabilities
     with: Weldon, E.J.: Computationally-Efficient Methods for Recovering Transl...
     with: Weldon, E.J.: Direct Methods for Recovering Motion
     with: Weldon, E.J.: Filtering Closed Curves
     with: Winston, P.H.: Laboratory Environment for Applications Oriented Vision...
     with: Woodham, R.J.: Destriping Satellite Images
     with: Woodham, R.J.: Determining Shape and Reflectance Using Multiple Images
     with: Wyatt, J.L.: Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early...
     with: Wyatt, J.L.: Estimating the Focus of Expansion in Analog VLSI
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Impossible Shaded Images
98 for Horn, B.K.P.

Horn, C.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: de la Torre, F.: Non-rigid tracking of musk shrews in video for detect...
     with: Henry, S.: Non-rigid tracking of musk shrews in video for detection of...
     with: Huang, D.: Non-rigid tracking of musk shrews in video for detection of...
     with: Meyers, K.: Non-rigid tracking of musk shrews in video for detection o...

Horn, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Hur, A.: Support Vector Clustering Method, A
     with: Deutsch, L.: Weight-Shape decomposition of density estimates: A framew...
     with: Ginzburg, I.: Averaged and decorrelated neural networks as a time-seri...
     with: Intrator, N.: Averaged and decorrelated neural networks as a time-seri...
     with: Naftaly, U.: Averaged and decorrelated neural networks as a time-serie...
     with: Siegelmann, H.T.: Support Vector Clustering Method, A
     with: Vapnik, V.: Support Vector Clustering Method, A
7 for Horn, D.

Horn, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kiryati, N.: Toward Optimal Structured Light Patterns
     with: Kiryati, N.: Towards Optimal Structured Light Patterns

Horn, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Granmo, O.C.: Stochastic discretized learning-based weak estimation: A...
     with: Kim, S.W.: On the estimation of independent binomial random variables ...
     with: Kim, S.W.: On the Theory and Applications of Sequence Based Estimation...
     with: Oommen, B.J.: On the estimation of independent binomial random variabl...
     with: Oommen, B.J.: On the Theory and Applications of Sequence Based Estimat...
     with: Oommen, B.J.: Stochastic discretized learning-based weak estimation: A...
     with: Yazidi, A.: Stochastic discretized learning-based weak estimation: A n...
7 for Horn, G.

Horn, G.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Knudsgaard, P.: Scalable and Reliable Paradigm for Media on Demand, A
     with: Lassen, S.B.: Scalable and Reliable Paradigm for Media on Demand, A
     with: Luby, M.: Scalable and Reliable Paradigm for Media on Demand, A
     with: Rasmussen, J.E.: Scalable and Reliable Paradigm for Media on Demand, A

Horn, G.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adam, H.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, The
     with: Aodha, O.M.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset,...
     with: Aodha, O.M.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
     with: Belongie, S.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset...
     with: Belongie, S.: Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing
     with: Belongie, S.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
     with: Branson, S.: Lean Crowdsourcing: Combining Humans and Machines in an O...
     with: Branson, S.: Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing
     with: Cole, E.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
     with: Cui, Y.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, The
     with: Fornoni, M.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
     with: Howard, A.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
     with: Loarie, S.: Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing
     with: Perona, P.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, ...
     with: Perona, P.: Lean Crowdsourcing: Combining Humans and Machines in an On...
     with: Perona, P.: Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing
     with: Perona, P.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
     with: Shepard, A.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset,...
     with: Song, Y.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, The
     with: Sun, C.: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, The
     with: Wilber, K.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
     with: Yang, X.: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
22 for Horn, G.V.

Horn, H.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fernando, W.A.C.: User experience in immersive TV: A research agenda
     with: Oehme, A.: User experience in immersive TV: A research agenda
     with: Waizenegger, W.: User experience in immersive TV: A research agenda
     with: Wieser, M.: User experience in immersive TV: A research agenda

Horn, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Behnke, S.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstruc...
     with: Kalocsai, P.: Face recognition by statistical analysis of feature dete...
     with: Landl, M.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstruct...
     with: Schnepf, A.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstru...
     with: von der Malsburg, C.: Face recognition by statistical analysis of feat...
     with: Wandel, N.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstruc...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstructi...
7 for Horn, J.

Horn, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayash, A.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for...
     with: Cohen, R.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for...
     with: Fetaya, E.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection fo...
     with: Garnett, N.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection f...
     with: Goldner, V.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection f...
     with: Levi, D.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for ...
     with: Oron, S.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for ...
     with: Silberstein, S.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detecti...
     with: Verner, U.: Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection fo...
9 for Horn, K.

Horn, L.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Braumann, U.D.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological...
     with: Braumann, U.D.: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of...
     with: Einenkel, J.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological S...
     with: Einenkel, J.: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of C...
     with: Hockel, M.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological Sec...
     with: Hockel, M.: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of Cer...
     with: Kuska, J.P.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological Se...
     with: Kuska, J.P.: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of Ce...
     with: Loffler, M.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological Se...
     with: Loffler, M.: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of Ce...
     with: Scherf, N.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological Sec...
     with: von Knebel Doeberitz, M.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Hi...
     with: Wentzensen, N.: Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological...
13 for Horn, L.C.

Horn, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, Z.C.: Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slot...
     with: Bai, Z.C.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Bai, Z.C.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Berthold, M.R.: Learning Precise Local Boundaries in Images from Human...
     with: Brox, T.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Brox, T.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Buchholz, M.: Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibrat...
     with: Dietmayer, K.: Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibra...
     with: Ding, Y.Z.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Fan, K.: Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slot N...
     with: Fan, K.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slot ...
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: He, T.: Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slot Nu...
     with: He, T.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: He, T.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Locatello, F.: Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic ...
     with: Locatello, F.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Locatello, F.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Vid...
     with: Schiele, B.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Schiele, B.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Shou, M.Z.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Shuai, B.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Simon Gabriel, C.J.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Simon Gabriel, C.J.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization ...
     with: Tu, Z.W.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Wang, J.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Wodtko, T.: Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibratio...
     with: Xiao, T.J.: Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slo...
     with: Xiao, T.J.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Xiao, T.J.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Zhang, Z.: Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slot...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Zhang, Z.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Zhao, Z.X.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Zhao, Z.X.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
     with: Zietlow, D.: Object-Centric Multiple Object Tracking
     with: Zietlow, D.: Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos
39 for Horn, M.

Horn, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourhis, G.: Driving Assistance by Deictic Control for a Smart Wheelch...
     with: Leishman, F.: Driving Assistance by Deictic Control for a Smart Wheelc...
     with: Monfort, V.: Driving Assistance by Deictic Control for a Smart Wheelch...

Horn, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aguilera, E.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar I...
     with: Amao Oliva, J.: Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of...
     with: Andres, C.: Estimation of the Surface Velocity Field of the Aletsch Gl...
     with: Andres, C.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Fr...
     with: Barros Cardoso da Silva, A.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airbo...
     with: Baumgartner, S.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Rada...
     with: Baumgartner, S.V.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR Sy...
     with: Bogena, H.R.: Investigation of SMAP Fusion Algorithms With Airborne Ac...
     with: Bolon, P.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Fre...
     with: Buzuloiu, V.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local ...
     with: Chanussot, J.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local...
     with: Fischer, J.: Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of Ti...
     with: Gay, M.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Frequ...
     with: Geßwein, D.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System D...
     with: Grussenmeyer, P.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Lo...
     with: Hajnsek, I.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local F...
     with: Hajnsek, I.: Investigation of SMAP Fusion Algorithms With Airborne Act...
     with: Hajnsek, I.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Im...
     with: Jaeger, M.: Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of Tid...
     with: Jagdhuber, T.: Investigation of SMAP Fusion Algorithms With Airborne A...
     with: Jagdhuber, T.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar ...
     with: Jager, M.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System DBF...
     with: Jager, M.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imag...
     with: Joshi, S.K.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System D...
     with: Keller, M.: Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of Tid...
     with: Keller, M.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Fr...
     with: Kirchner, D.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System ...
     with: Landes, T.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Fr...
     with: Limbach, M.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System D...
     with: Montzka, C.: Investigation of SMAP Fusion Algorithms With Airborne Act...
     with: Moreira, A.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System D...
     with: Moreira, A.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Im...
     with: Muller, G.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System DB...
     with: Nannini, M.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Im...
     with: Nicolas, J.M.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local...
     with: Nottensteiner, A.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR Sy...
     with: Nottensteiner, A.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Ra...
     with: Papathanassiou, K.P.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture...
     with: Pasch, S.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System DBF...
     with: Petillot, I.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local ...
     with: Pinheiro, M.: Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of T...
     with: Prats Iraola, P.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Rad...
     with: Prats, P.: Estimation of the Surface Velocity Field of the Aletsch Gla...
     with: Reigber, A.: Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of Ti...
     with: Reigber, A.: Estimation of the Surface Velocity Field of the Aletsch G...
     with: Reigber, A.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System D...
     with: Reigber, A.: Investigation of SMAP Fusion Algorithms With Airborne Act...
     with: Reigber, A.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Im...
     with: Rommel, T.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System DB...
     with: Scheiber, R.: Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of T...
     with: Scheiber, R.: Estimation of the Surface Velocity Field of the Aletsch ...
     with: Scheiber, R.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System ...
     with: Scheiber, R.: Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar I...
     with: Schewe, S.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System DB...
     with: Schreiber, A.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System...
     with: Schreiber, E.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System...
     with: Trappschuh, K.: High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR Syste...
     with: Trouve, E.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Fr...
     with: Vasile, G.: High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Fr...
     with: Vereecken, H.: Investigation of SMAP Fusion Algorithms With Airborne A...
60 for Horn, R.

Horn, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gribov, A.: Pattern recognition approach to identify natural clusters ...
     with: Sause, M.G.R.: Pattern recognition approach to identify natural cluste...
     with: Unwin, A.R.: Pattern recognition approach to identify natural clusters...

Horn, S.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Wentworth, E.W.: High probability of detection, low false alarm multis...

Horn, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Elsen, I.: Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication Systems
     with: Girod, B.: Bit Allocation Methods for Closed-Loop Coding of Oversample...
     with: Girod, B.: Performance Analysis of Multiscale Motion Compensation Tech...
     with: Girod, B.: Robust Internet video transmission based on scalable coding...
     with: Hartung, F.: Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication Systems
     with: Kampmann, M.: Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication Systems
     with: Link, M.: Robust Internet video transmission based on scalable coding ...
     with: Peters, L.: Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication Systems
     with: Stuhlmuller, K.W.: Robust Internet video transmission based on scalabl...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Bit Allocation Methods for Closed-Loop Coding of Oversamp...
10 for Horn, U.

Horn, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kusnezow, W.: Fast image processing with constraints by solving linear...
     with: Wurtz, R.P.: Fast image processing with constraints by solving linear ...

Horn, W.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Horn, W.P.: Theorem to Determine the Spatial Containment of a Point in...
     with: Taylor, D.L.: Theorem to Determine the Spatial Containment of a Point ...

Horna, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fisher, R.B.: Dynamic 3D reconstruction improvement via intensity vide...
     with: Fisher, R.B.: Plane labeling trinocular stereo matching with baseline ...
     with: Maniatis, C.: Dynamic 3D reconstruction improvement via intensity vide...
     with: Zhang, J.: Dynamic 3D reconstruction improvement via intensity video g...

Horna, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jensen, K.: Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging Radar for ...
     with: McDonald, K.: Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging Radar fo...
     with: Podest, E.: Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging Radar for ...
     with: Rodriguez Alvarez, N.: Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging...
     with: Steiner, N.: Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging Radar for...

Hornabrook, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bischof, L.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning
     with: Hilsenstein, V.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Lea...
     with: Hornabrook, G.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Lear...
     with: Lagerstrom, R.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Lear...
     with: Wang, D.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning

Hornabrook, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bischof, L.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning
     with: Hilsenstein, V.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Lea...
     with: Hornabrook, A.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Lear...
     with: Lagerstrom, R.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Lear...
     with: Wang, D.: Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning

Hornacek, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bachhofner, S.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for S...
     with: Besse, F.: Highly Overparameterized Optical Flow Using PatchMatch Beli...
     with: Fitzgibbon, A.W.: Highly Overparameterized Optical Flow Using PatchMat...
     with: Fitzgibbon, A.W.: SphereFlow: 6 DoF Scene Flow from RGB-D Pairs
     with: Gelautz, M.: Depth Super Resolution by Rigid Body Self-Similarity in 3D
     with: Hochreiter, R.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for S...
     with: Hornik, K.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Seman...
     with: Kahler, O.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Seman...
     with: Kautz, J.: Highly Overparameterized Optical Flow Using PatchMatch Beli...
     with: Loghin, A.M.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sem...
     with: Maierhofer, S.: Extracting vanishing points across multiple views
     with: Otepka, J.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Seman...
     with: Pfeifer, N.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sema...
     with: Rhemann, C.: Depth Super Resolution by Rigid Body Self-Similarity in 3D
     with: Rother, C.: Depth Super Resolution by Rigid Body Self-Similarity in 3D
     with: Rother, C.: Highly Overparameterized Optical Flow Using PatchMatch Bel...
     with: Rother, C.: SphereFlow: 6 DoF Scene Flow from RGB-D Pairs
     with: Schiller, N.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sem...
     with: Schmidinger, N.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for ...
     with: Siposova, A.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sem...
20 for Hornacek, M.

Hornak, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baum, K.G.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application to...
     with: Feiglin, D.H.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application...
     with: Helguera, M.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application ...
     with: Kerekes, J.P.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application...
     with: Krol, A.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application to B...
     with: Montag, E.D.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application ...
     with: Unlu, M.Z.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application to...
7 for Hornak, J.P.

Hornak, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourlai, T.: Cross-Spectral Face Verification in the Short Wave Infrar...
     with: Boyce, C.: Multispectral Iris Analysis: A Preliminary Study51
     with: Cukic, B.: Cross-Spectral Face Verification in the Short Wave Infrared...
     with: Hua, F.: study on quality-adjusted impact of time lapse on iris recogn...
     with: Kalka, N.D.: Cross-Spectral Face Verification in the Short Wave Infrar...
     with: Li, X.: Multispectral Iris Analysis: A Preliminary Study51
     with: Liu, X.: study on quality-adjusted impact of time lapse on iris recogn...
     with: Monaco, M.: Multispectral Iris Analysis: A Preliminary Study51
     with: Pasula, R.: Exploring multispectral iris recognition beyond 900nm
     with: Remus, J.: study on quality-adjusted impact of time lapse on iris reco...
     with: Ross, A.: Exploring multispectral iris recognition beyond 900nm
     with: Ross, A.: study on quality-adjusted impact of time lapse on iris recog...
     with: Ross, A.A.: Cross-Spectral Face Verification in the Short Wave Infrare...
     with: Ross, A.A.: Multispectral Iris Analysis: A Preliminary Study51
     with: Sazonova, N.: study on quality-adjusted impact of time lapse on iris r...
     with: Schuckers, S.: study on quality-adjusted impact of time lapse on iris ...
16 for Hornak, L.

Hornak, L.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abhyankar, A.: On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Nonideal Iris R...
     with: Bourlai, T.: Face recognition outside the visible spectrum
     with: Boyce, C.K.: On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Nonideal Iris Rec...
     with: Derakhshani, R.: Determination of vitality from a non-invasive biomedi...
     with: Derakshani, R.: Comparison of Classification Methods for Time-Series D...
     with: Derakshani, R.: Time-series detection of perspiration as a liveness te...
     with: Dorairaj, V.: On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Nonideal Iris Re...
     with: O'Gorman, L.: Determination of vitality from a non-invasive biomedical...
     with: Parthasaradhi, S.T.V.: Comparison of Classification Methods for Time-S...
     with: Parthasaradhi, S.T.V.: Time-series detection of perspiration as a live...
     with: Schmid, N.A.: On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Nonideal Iris Re...
     with: Schuckers, S.A.C.: Comparison of Classification Methods for Time-Serie...
     with: Schuckers, S.A.C.: Determination of vitality from a non-invasive biome...
     with: Schuckers, S.A.C.: On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Nonideal Ir...
     with: Schuckers, S.A.C.: Time-series detection of perspiration as a liveness...
15 for Hornak, L.A.

Hornakova, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Henschel, R.: Making Higher Order MOT Scalable: An Efficient Approxima...
     with: Kaiser, T.: Making Higher Order MOT Scalable: An Efficient Approximate...
     with: Rolinek, M.: Making Higher Order MOT Scalable: An Efficient Approximat...
     with: Rosenhahn, B.: Making Higher Order MOT Scalable: An Efficient Approxim...
     with: Swoboda, P.: Making Higher Order MOT Scalable: An Efficient Approximat...

Hornansky, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, L.J.: Optimized rateless UEP codes for scalable video streaming
     with: Diao, P.L.: Optimized rateless UEP codes for scalable video streaming
     with: Wang, B.W.: Optimized rateless UEP codes for scalable video streaming
     with: Wang, C.H.: Optimized rateless UEP codes for scalable video streaming
     with: Zao, J.K.: Optimized rateless UEP codes for scalable video streaming

Hornauer, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belagiannis, V.: Gradient-Based Uncertainty for Monocular Depth Estima...
     with: Belagiannis, V.: Heatmap-based Out-of-Distribution Detection
     with: Belagiannis, V.: Out-of-Distribution Detection for Monocular Depth Est...
     with: Belagiannis, V.: Visual Domain Adaptation for Monocular Depth Estimati...
     with: Holzbock, A.: Out-of-Distribution Detection for Monocular Depth Estima...
     with: Nalpantidis, L.: Visual Domain Adaptation for Monocular Depth Estimati...

Hornauer, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yu, S.: Imitation Learning of Path-Planned Driving Using Disparity-Dep...
     with: Zipser, K.: Imitation Learning of Path-Planned Driving Using Disparity...

Hornbæk, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergstrom Lehtovirta, J.: On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks
     with: Boring, S.: On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks
     with: Nittala, A.S.: On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks
     with: Olwal, A.: On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks
     with: Steimle, J.: On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks
     with: Weigel, M.: On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks

Hornbuckle, B.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caragea, P.: Extracting Agronomic Information from SMOS Vegetation Opt...
     with: Cosh, M.H.: Seasonal Evaluation of SMAP Soil Moisture in the U.S. Corn...
     with: Lewis Beck, C.: Extracting Agronomic Information from SMOS Vegetation ...
     with: Niemi, J.: Extracting Agronomic Information from SMOS Vegetation Optic...
     with: Prueger, J.H.: Seasonal Evaluation of SMAP Soil Moisture in the U.S. C...
     with: Walker, V.A.: Extracting Agronomic Information from SMOS Vegetation Op...
     with: Walker, V.A.: Seasonal Evaluation of SMAP Soil Moisture in the U.S. Co...
7 for Hornbuckle, B.K.

Hornbuckle, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ballester, C.: Assessment of In-Season Cotton Nitrogen Status and Lint...
     with: Ballester, C.: Monitoring the Effects of Water Stress in Cotton Using ...
     with: Brinkhoff, J.: Assessment of In-Season Cotton Nitrogen Status and Lint...
     with: Brinkhoff, J.: Monitoring the Effects of Water Stress in Cotton Using ...
     with: Quayle, W.: Assessment of In-Season Cotton Nitrogen Status and Lint Yi...
     with: Quayle, W.C.: Monitoring the Effects of Water Stress in Cotton Using t...
     with: Smith, J.: Assessment of In-Season Cotton Nitrogen Status and Lint Yie...
7 for Hornbuckle, J.

Hornby, D.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lindsay, J.B.: Drainage Network Analysis and Structuring of Topologica...
     with: Yang, W.H.: Drainage Network Analysis and Structuring of Topologically...

Horndasch, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gallwitz, F.: Telephone-Based Speech Dialog Systems
     with: Haas, J.: Telephone-Based Speech Dialog Systems
     with: Huber, R.: Telephone-Based Speech Dialog Systems
     with: Warnke, V.: Telephone-Based Speech Dialog Systems

Horne, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.H.: Method and apparatus for a region-based approach to coding...
     with: Chen, H.H.: Special Issue on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Video Coding
     with: Chiariglione, L.: Special Issue on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Video Coding
     with: Doenges, P.K.: Special Issue on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Video Coding
     with: du Buf, H.: Detection of Thin Structures in Images, The
     with: Ebrahimi, T.: Method and apparatus for a region-based approach to codi...
     with: Ebrahimi, T.: MPEG-4 natural video coding: An overview
     with: Ebrahimi, T.: Special Issue on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Video Coding
     with: Haskell, B.G.: Method and apparatus for a region-based approach to cod...
     with: Rajan, G.: Special Issue on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Video Coding
     with: Spann, M.: Detection of Thin Structures in Images, The
     with: Spann, M.: Image Segmentation Using a Dynamic Thresholding Pyramid
12 for Horne, C.

Horne, D.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Malambo, L.: Automated detection and measurement of individual sorghum...
     with: Popescu, S.C.: Automated detection and measurement of individual sorgh...
     with: Pugh, N.A.: Automated detection and measurement of individual sorghum ...
     with: Rooney, W.L.: Automated detection and measurement of individual sorghu...

Horne, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvarez, J.: Semantic labeling for prosthetic vision
     with: Alvarez, J.M.: Exploiting Sparsity for Real Time Video Labelling
     with: Barnes, N.: Exploiting Sparsity for Real Time Video Labelling
     with: Barnes, N.M.: Semantic labeling for prosthetic vision
     with: McCarthy, C.: Semantic labeling for prosthetic vision
     with: Salzmann, M.: Semantic labeling for prosthetic vision

Horne, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haurilet, M.: Drive Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver...
     with: Kimpton, G.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning And 3d Imaging: Heritage Case ...
     with: Martin, M.: Drive Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver B...
     with: Reiß, S.: Drive Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver Beh...
     with: Roitberg, A.: Drive Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver...
     with: Stiefelhagen, R.: Drive Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Dr...
     with: Voit, M.: Drive Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver Beh...
7 for Horne, M.

Horne, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bekele, E.: Implementing a Robust Explanatory Bias in a Person Re-iden...
     with: Khemlani, S.: Implementing a Robust Explanatory Bias in a Person Re-id...
     with: Lawson, W.E.: Implementing a Robust Explanatory Bias in a Person Re-id...

Horneff, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anders, J.: EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils ...
     with: Anders, J.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging ...
     with: Eder, M.: EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils In...
     with: Eder, M.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging Op...
     with: Felder, J.: EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils ...
     with: Hell, E.: EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils In...
     with: Hell, E.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging Op...
     with: Paul, J.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging Op...
     with: Rasche, V.: EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils ...
     with: Rasche, V.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging ...
     with: Storm, A.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging O...
     with: Ulrici, J.: EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils ...
     with: Ulrici, J.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging ...
     with: Wunderlich, A.: Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imag...
14 for Horneff, A.

Hornegger, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahlrichs, U.: Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
     with: Aichert, A.: Epipolar Consistency in Fluoroscopy for Image-Based Track...
     with: Aichert, A.: Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
     with: Angelopoulou, E.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filt...
     with: Arzhaeva, Y.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Aurich, V.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentatio...
     with: Balda, M.: Ray Contribution Masks for Structure Adaptive Sinogram Filt...
     with: Barkowsky, M.: Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of...
     with: Bartoli, A.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques ...
     with: Bauer, C.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation...
     with: Bauer, S.: 4D Photogeometric face recognition with time-of-flight sens...
     with: Bauer, S.: Joint ToF Image Denoising and Registration with a CT Surfac...
     with: Bauer, S.: Multi-modal surface registration for markerless initial pat...
     with: Bauer, S.: Real-time preprocessing for dense 3-D range imaging on the ...
     with: Bauer, S.: Real-time RGB-D mapping and 3-D modeling on the GPU using t...
     with: Bauer, S.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Based Re...
     with: Bayouth, J.E.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory M...
     with: Beck, A.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation ...
     with: Becker, C.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentatio...
     with: Beichel, R.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Bekes, G.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation...
     with: Bello, F.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation...
     with: Berger, M.: Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
     with: Berkels, B.: Joint ToF Image Denoising and Registration with a CT Surf...
     with: Berkels, B.: Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
     with: Binnig, G.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentatio...
     with: Bischof, H.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Bock, R.: Classifying Glaucoma with Image-Based Features from Fundus P...
     with: Bock, R.: Effects of Preprocessing Eye Fundus Images on Appearance Bas...
     with: Bodenstedt, S.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniqu...
     with: Boese, J.: Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using Interle...
     with: Boissonnat, G.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniqu...
     with: Bornik, A.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentatio...
     with: Borsdorf, A.: Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Point...
     with: Borsdorf, A.: Gradient-Based Differential Approach for 3-D Motion Comp...
     with: Borsdorf, A.: Wavelet Based Noise Reduction by Identification of Corre...
     with: Borsdorf, A.: Wavelet Based Noise Reduction in CT-Images Using Correla...
     with: Bourier, F.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atria...
     with: Bourier, F.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Bourier, F.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction F...
     with: Brost, A.: Catheter Tracking: Filter-Based vs. Learning-Based
     with: Brost, A.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial ...
     with: Brost, A.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Brost, A.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction Fro...
     with: Brost, A.: Model-Based Registration for Motion Compensation during EP ...
     with: Budai, A.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering: ...
     with: Calleja, A.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics an...
     with: Cashman, P.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Lymph node detection in 3-D chest CT using a spatial pr...
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the E...
     with: Celi, J.C.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Moti...
     with: Cernosek, P.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filterin...
     with: Chang, P.L.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques ...
     with: Chi, Y.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation F...
     with: Chinnadurai, P.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Ba...
     with: Chintalapani, G.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-B...
     with: Clancy, N.T.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Recon...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Lymph node detection in 3-D chest CT using a spatial pr...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture fo...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics ...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the E...
     with: Comaniciu, D.: Segmentation Based Features for Lymph Node Detection fr...
     with: Cordova, A.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Daum, V.: Automatic Parameter Selection for Multimodal Image Registrat...
     with: Daum, V.: Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D Histolo...
     with: Dawant, B.M.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Dennerlein, F.: Factorization Approach for Cone-Beam Reconstruction on...
     with: Dennerlein, F.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Bas...
     with: Denzler, J.: Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
     with: Denzler, J.: Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Plannin...
     with: Deuerling Zheng, Y.: Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Intervention...
     with: Deuerling Zheng, Y.: Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Usi...
     with: Deutsch, B.: Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Plannin...
     with: di Benedetto, C.: Embedded surface classification in digital sports
     with: Doerfler, A.: Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
     with: Dorfler, A.: Epipolar Consistency in Fluoroscopy for Image-Based Track...
     with: Dorfler, A.: Glaucoma Classification Based on Histogram Analysis of Di...
     with: dos Santos, T.R.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techni...
     with: Droske, M.: Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
     with: El Rafei, A.: Glaucoma Classification Based on Histogram Analysis of D...
     with: Elson, D.S.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques ...
     with: Engelhorn, T.: Glaucoma Classification Based on Histogram Analysis of ...
     with: Eskofier, B.: Comparison and classification of 3D objects surface poin...
     with: Eskofier, B.: Embedded surface classification in digital sports
     with: Eskofier, B.: Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of ...
     with: Fahrig, R.: Cardiac C-Arm CT: A Unified Framework for Motion Estimatio...
     with: Fahrig, R.: Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using Interl...
     with: Faranesh, A.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensatio...
     with: Faranesh, A.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Esti...
     with: Fedorowicz, L.: Robust real-time 3D time-of-flight based gesture navig...
     with: Feulner, J.: Lymph node detection in 3-D chest CT using a spatial prio...
     with: Feulner, J.: Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Eso...
     with: Feulner, J.: Robust real-time 3D modeling of static scenes using solel...
     with: Feulner, J.: Segmentation Based Features for Lymph Node Detection from...
     with: Fidrich, M.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Fieselmann, A.: Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Interventional 4-...
     with: Fieselmann, A.: Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using In...
     with: Fischer, P.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation...
     with: Fischer, P.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Estim...
     with: Flohr, T.: Wavelet Based Noise Reduction by Identification of Correlat...
     with: Flohr, T.: Wavelet Based Noise Reduction in CT-Images Using Correlatio...
     with: Forman, C.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFl...
     with: Funka Lea, G.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Recon...
     with: Furst, J.D.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Furukawa, D.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Gaffling, S.: Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D His...
     with: Ganguly, A.: Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using Inter...
     with: Gazarek, J.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering...
     with: Georgescu, B.: Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture fo...
     with: Georgescu, B.: Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3...
     with: Georgescu, B.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics ...
     with: Ghesu, F.C.: Guided Image Super-Resolution: A New Technique for Photog...
     with: Ghesu, F.C.: Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for ...
     with: Ghesu, F.C.: Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3D-...
     with: Ghesu, F.C.: Pectoral Muscle Detection in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis...
     with: Girard Hughes, E.: Cardiac C-Arm CT: A Unified Framework for Motion Es...
     with: Goecke, T.W.: Quantification of Thyroid Volume Using 3-D Ultrasound Im...
     with: Grbic, S.: Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3D-La...
     with: Grbic, S.: Probabilistic Sparse Matching for Robust 3D/3D Fusion in Mi...
     with: Greiser, A.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reconst...
     with: Greiser, A.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuF...
     with: Grenacher, L.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmenta...
     with: Grimm, R.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFlo...
     with: Grimmer, R.: Comparison and classification of 3D objects surface point...
     with: Groch, A.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques fo...
     with: Haase, S.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques fo...
     with: Haase, S.: Guided Image Super-Resolution: A New Technique for Photogeo...
     with: Haase, S.: Laparoscopic instrument localization using a 3-D Time-of-Fl...
     with: Haase, S.: Multi-modal surface registration for markerless initial pat...
     with: Hager, T.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Focal Liver Lesions...
     with: Hahn, D.A.: Automatic Parameter Selection for Multimodal Image Registr...
     with: Hahn, D.A.: Quantification of Thyroid Volume Using 3-D Ultrasound Imag...
     with: Hammon, M.: Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Esop...
     with: Hammon, M.: Segmentation Based Features for Lymph Node Detection from ...
     with: Han, J.: Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
     with: Heigl, B.: Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
     with: Heigl, B.: Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Point-To...
     with: Heigl, B.: Gradient-Based Differential Approach for 3-D Motion Compens...
     with: Heim, E.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques for...
     with: Heimann, T.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Heismann, B.: Ray Contribution Masks for Structure Adaptive Sinogram F...
     with: Hoffmann, M.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction ...
     with: Hofmann, H.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Based ...
     with: Houle, H.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics and ...
     with: Huang, X.: Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Point-To...
     with: Huber, M.: Lymph node detection in 3-D chest CT using a spatial prior ...
     with: Huber, M.: Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Esoph...
     with: Hutter, J.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFl...
     with: Ionasec, R.: Probabilistic Sparse Matching for Robust 3D/3D Fusion in ...
     with: Ionasec, R.I.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Recon...
     with: Ionasec, R.I.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics ...
     with: Jager, F.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Focal Liver Lesions...
     with: Jager, F.: Nonrigid Registration of Joint Histograms for Intensity Sta...
     with: Jan, J.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering: ev...
     with: Jannin, P.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques f...
     with: Jerebko, A.: Pectoral Muscle Detection in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis...
     with: John, M.: Probabilistic Sparse Matching for Robust 3D/3D Fusion in Min...
     with: Jordan, J.: Unified Bayesian Approach to Multi-Frame Super-Resolution ...
     with: Kainmueller, D.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmen...
     with: Kelm, B.M.: Pectoral Muscle Detection in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis ...
     with: Kelm, B.M.: Precise Lumen Segmentation in Coronary Computed Tomography...
     with: Kenngott, H.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques...
     with: Khamene, A.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Mot...
     with: Kilgus, T.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques f...
     with: Kilgus, T.: Laparoscopic instrument localization using a 3-D Time-of-F...
     with: Kitney, R.I.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Kleinoeder, A.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Kobatake, H.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Koch, M.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial F...
     with: Koch, M.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Koch, M.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction From...
     with: Kohler, C.: Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical T...
     with: Kohler, T.: Gradient-Based Differential Approach for 3-D Motion Compen...
     with: Kohler, T.: Guided Image Super-Resolution: A New Technique for Photoge...
     with: Kohler, T.: Unified Bayesian Approach to Multi-Frame Super-Resolution ...
     with: Kolar, R.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering: ...
     with: Kollorz, E.N.K.: Quantification of Thyroid Volume Using 3-D Ultrasound...
     with: Kollorz, E.N.K.: Robust real-time 3D modeling of static scenes using s...
     with: Kornhuber, J.: 3-D gesture-based scene navigation in medical imaging a...
     with: Kostler, H.: Adaptive variational sinogram interpolation of sparsely s...
     with: Kostler, H.: Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D Hist...
     with: Kowarschik, M.: Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Interventional 4-...
     with: Krubasik, E.: Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for...
     with: Kubena, T.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering:...
     with: Kurzidim, K.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atri...
     with: Kurzidim, K.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Kurzidim, K.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction ...
     with: Kuwert, T.: Quantification of Thyroid Volume Using 3-D Ultrasound Imag...
     with: Lamecker, H.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Lange, T.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation...
     with: Lauritsch, G.: Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helica...
     with: Lauritsch, G.: Cardiac C-Arm CT: A Unified Framework for Motion Estima...
     with: Lauritsch, G.: Factorization Approach for Cone-Beam Reconstruction on ...
     with: Lederman, R.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensatio...
     with: Lee, J.J.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation...
     with: Lennon, B.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentatio...
     with: Li, R.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation Fr...
     with: Li, S.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation Fr...
     with: Li, S.Z.: two-stage probabilistic approach for object recognition, A
     with: Li, X.A.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Motion...
     with: Liao, R.: Catheter Tracking: Filter-Based vs. Learning-Based
     with: Liao, R.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial F...
     with: Liao, R.: Model-Based Registration for Motion Compensation during EP A...
     with: Liao, R.: Model-based respiratory motion compensation for image-guided...
     with: Linke, R.: Quantification of Thyroid Volume Using 3-D Ultrasound Imaging
     with: Lu, X.G.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reconstruc...
     with: Lugauer, F.: Precise Lumen Segmentation in Coronary Computed Tomograph...
     with: Lugauer, F.: Real-time RGB-D mapping and 3-D modeling on the GPU using...
     with: Maass, N.: Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
     with: Maier Hein, L.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniqu...
     with: Maier, A.: Automatic Cell Detection in Bright-Field Microscope Images ...
     with: Maier, A.: Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical Tr...
     with: Maier, A.: Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Point-To...
     with: Maier, A.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction Fro...
     with: Maier, A.: Epipolar Consistency in Fluoroscopy for Image-Based Tracking
     with: Maier, A.: Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D Histol...
     with: Maier, A.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation o...
     with: Maier, A.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFlo...
     with: Maier, A.: Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3D-La...
     with: Maier, A.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Based Re...
     with: Maier, A.: Unified Bayesian Approach to Multi-Frame Super-Resolution a...
     with: Maier, A.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Estimat...
     with: Maier, A.K.: Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Interventional 4-D C...
     with: Maier, A.K.: Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
     with: Manhart, M.T.: Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Interventional 4-D...
     with: Mansi, T.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics and ...
     with: Marosi, N.: Multi-modal surface registration for markerless initial pa...
     with: Meier, J.: Classifying Glaucoma with Image-Based Features from Fundus ...
     with: Meier, J.: Effects of Preprocessing Eye Fundus Images on Appearance Ba...
     with: Meinzer, H.P.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmenta...
     with: Mengue, E.A.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics a...
     with: Michelson, G.: Classifying Glaucoma with Image-Based Features from Fun...
     with: Michelson, G.: Effects of Preprocessing Eye Fundus Images on Appearanc...
     with: Michelson, G.: Glaucoma Classification Based on Histogram Analysis of ...
     with: Michelson, G.: Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of...
     with: Mihalef, V.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics an...
     with: Militzer, A.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Focal Liver Lesi...
     with: Mualla, F.: Automatic Cell Detection in Bright-Field Microscope Images...
     with: Mueller, E.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reconst...
     with: Mueller, K.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Based ...
     with: Muller Stich, B.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techni...
     with: Muller, K.: 4D Photogeometric face recognition with time-of-flight sen...
     with: Munzenmayer, C.: Illumination Invariant Color Texture Analysis Based o...
     with: Navab, N.: Probabilistic Sparse Matching for Robust 3D/3D Fusion in Mi...
     with: Nemeth, G.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentatio...
     with: Neumann, D.: Probabilistic Sparse Matching for Robust 3D/3D Fusion in ...
     with: Neumann, D.: Real-time RGB-D mapping and 3-D modeling on the GPU using...
     with: Niemann, H.: Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
     with: Niemann, H.: Appearance-based object recognition using optimal feature...
     with: Niemann, H.: Bayesian Approach to Learn and Classify 3D Objects from I...
     with: Niemann, H.: Framework for Statistical 3-D Object Recognition, A
     with: Niemann, H.: Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Plannin...
     with: Niemann, H.: Localization and classification based on projections
     with: Niemann, H.: Probabilistic Modeling and Recognition of 3-D Objects
     with: Niemann, H.: Probabilistic Modeling in Computer Vision
     with: Niemann, H.: Software Engineering for Image Processing and Analysis
     with: Niemann, H.: Statistical Learning, Localization, and Identification of...
     with: Noo, F.: Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical Traj...
     with: Noo, F.: Factorization Approach for Cone-Beam Reconstruction on a Circ...
     with: Nyul, L.G.: Classifying Glaucoma with Image-Based Features from Fundus...
     with: Nyul, L.G.: Effects of Preprocessing Eye Fundus Images on Appearance B...
     with: Odstrcilik, J.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filter...
     with: Ofstad, B.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Moti...
     with: Oladokun, D.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques...
     with: Oleson, M.: Embedded surface classification in digital sports
     with: Paulus, D.: Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
     with: Paulus, D.: Framework for Statistical 3-D Object Recognition, A
     with: Paulus, D.: Pattern Recognition and Image Processing in C++
     with: Paulus, D.: Probabilistic Modeling in Computer Vision
     with: Paulus, D.: Software Engineering for Image Processing and Analysis
     with: Paulus, J.: Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of Hu...
     with: Penne, J.: 3-D gesture-based scene navigation in medical imaging appli...
     with: Penne, J.: Robust real-time 3D modeling of static scenes using solely ...
     with: Penne, J.: Robust real-time 3D time-of-flight based gesture navigation
     with: Penne, J.: Standardization of intensity-values acquired by Time-of-Fli...
     with: Pohl, T.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation of...
     with: Pohl, T.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Estimati...
     with: Prummer, M.: Adaptive variational sinogram interpolation of sparsely s...
     with: Prummer, M.: Cardiac C-Arm CT: A Unified Framework for Motion Estimati...
     with: Raicu, D.S.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Ratnayaka, K.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensati...
     with: Rau, A.M.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation...
     with: Raupach, R.: Wavelet Based Noise Reduction by Identification of Correl...
     with: Raupach, R.: Wavelet Based Noise Reduction in CT-Images Using Correlat...
     with: Rietzel, E.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Mot...
     with: Risack, R.: Appearance-based object recognition using optimal feature ...
     with: Rogers, T.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation ...
     with: Rohkohl, C.: Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using Inter...
     with: Rohl, S.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques for...
     with: Rousson, M.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Royalty, K.: Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Interventional 4-D C...
     with: Rude, U.: Adaptive variational sinogram interpolation of sparsely samp...
     with: Rumpf, M.: Joint ToF Image Denoising and Registration with a CT Surfac...
     with: Rumpf, M.: Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
     with: Rusko, L.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation...
     with: Saake, M.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFlo...
     with: Saddi, K.A.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Schaffert, R.: Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Poin...
     with: Schaffert, R.: Epipolar Consistency in Fluoroscopy for Image-Based Tra...
     with: Schaller, C.: Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
     with: Schaller, C.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Mo...
     with: Schlarb, H.: Comparison and classification of 3D objects surface point...
     with: Schlemmer, H.P.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniq...
     with: Schmidt, G.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Schmidt, M.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reconst...
     with: Schmidt, M.: Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of H...
     with: Schmitt, P.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuF...
     with: Schneider, M.: Model-based respiratory motion compensation for image-g...
     with: Schnorr, C.: Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs from Noisy...
     with: Scholl, S.: Automatic Cell Detection in Bright-Field Microscope Images...
     with: Schonborn, M.: Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helica...
     with: Schondube, H.: Factorization Approach for Cone-Beam Reconstruction on ...
     with: Schule, T.: Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs from Noisy ...
     with: Schwemmer, C.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Base...
     with: Scorzin, J.: Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
     with: Seghers, D.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Seifert, S.: Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Eso...
     with: Seitel, A.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques f...
     with: Sharma, P.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics and...
     with: Shimizu, A.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Singh, V.: Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for Vo...
     with: Slagmolen, P.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmenta...
     with: Sommerfeldt, B.: Automatic Cell Detection in Bright-Field Microscope I...
     with: Sorantin, E.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Soutschek, S.: 3-D gesture-based scene navigation in medical imaging a...
     with: Soutschek, S.: Robust real-time 3D time-of-flight based gesture naviga...
     with: Soza, G.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation ...
     with: Soza, G.: Implicit active shape model employing boundary classifier
     with: Speidel, S.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques ...
     with: Steidl, S.: Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D Histo...
     with: Stoyanov, D.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques...
     with: Strobel, N.: Catheter Tracking: Filter-Based vs. Learning-Based
     with: Strobel, N.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atria...
     with: Strobel, N.: Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
     with: Strobel, N.: Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction F...
     with: Strobel, N.: Model-Based Registration for Motion Compensation during E...
     with: Stubinger, A.: Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (M...
     with: Sturmer, M.: Standardization of intensity-values acquired by Time-of-F...
     with: Styner, M.A.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentat...
     with: Suhling, M.: Pectoral Muscle Detection in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis...
     with: Sundar, H.: Model-based respiratory motion compensation for image-guid...
     with: Susomboon, R.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmenta...
     with: Svoboda, O.: Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering...
     with: Tai, A.: Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Motion ...
     with: Tietjen, C.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Focal Liver Lesio...
     with: Tomasi, C.: Representation Issues in the ML Estimation of Camera Motion
     with: Tsymbal, A.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reconst...
     with: Urbach, H.: Mumford-Shah Model for One-to-One Edge Matching
     with: van Ginneken, B.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segme...
     with: van Rikxoort, E.M.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Seg...
     with: Vitanovski, D.: Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reco...
     with: Vogt, F.: Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical Tra...
     with: Voigt, I.: Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics and ...
     with: Wagner, M.: Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques f...
     with: Waite, J.M.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentati...
     with: Wang, J.: Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Point-To-...
     with: Wang, J.: Epipolar Consistency in Fluoroscopy for Image-Based Tracking
     with: Wang, J.: Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
     with: Wang, J.: Gradient-Based Differential Approach for 3-D Motion Compensa...
     with: Warntges, S.: Glaucoma Classification Based on Histogram Analysis of D...
     with: Wasza, J.: 4D Photogeometric face recognition with time-of-flight sens...
     with: Wasza, J.: Laparoscopic instrument localization using a 3-D Time-of-Fl...
     with: Wasza, J.: Multi-modal surface registration for markerless initial pat...
     with: Wasza, J.: Real-time preprocessing for dense 3-D range imaging on the ...
     with: Wasza, J.: Real-time RGB-D mapping and 3-D modeling on the GPU using t...
     with: Weber, S.: Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs from Noisy P...
     with: Welker, V.: Localization and classification based on projections
     with: Wels, M.: Pectoral Muscle Detection in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis an...
     with: Wenhardt, S.: Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Planni...
     with: Wigstrom, L.: Cardiac C-Arm CT: A Unified Framework for Motion Estimat...
     with: Wilharm, S.: Illumination Invariant Color Texture Analysis Based on Su...
     with: Wimmer, A.: Catheter Tracking: Filter-Based vs. Learning-Based
     with: Wimmer, A.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentatio...
     with: Wimmer, A.: Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial...
     with: Wimmer, A.: Implicit active shape model employing boundary classifier
     with: Wittenberg, T.: Illumination Invariant Color Texture Analysis Based on...
     with: Wolf, I.: Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation ...
     with: Xia, Y.: Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Based Regi...
     with: Xu, C.Y.: Model-based respiratory motion compensation for image-guided...
     with: Yu, Z.C.: Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical Tra...
     with: Zellerhoff, M.: Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using In...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for Vo...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3D-La...
     with: Zheng, Y.F.: Precise Lumen Segmentation in Coronary Computed Tomograph...
     with: Zhou, S.K.: Lymph node detection in 3-D chest CT using a spatial prior...
     with: Zhou, S.K.: Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Esop...
     with: Zhou, S.K.: Segmentation Based Features for Lymph Node Detection from ...
     with: Zobel, M.: Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
396 for Hornegger, J.

Horner Devine, A.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akan, C.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tides, ...
     with: Branch, R.A.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tid...
     with: Chickadel, C.C.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of ...
     with: Farquharson, G.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of ...
     with: Hudson, A.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tides...
     with: Jessup, A.T.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tid...
     with: Talke, S.A.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tide...
     with: Thomson, J.: Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tide...
8 for Horner Devine, A.R.

Horner, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amburn, C.R.: Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augmente...
     with: Boyce, M.W.: Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augmented...
     with: Brunye, T.T.: Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augmente...
     with: Flynn, J.: Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augmented R...
     with: Gardony, A.L.: Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augment...
     with: Shorter, P.: Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augmented...
     with: Stainrod, C.R.: Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augmen...
7 for Horner, C.

Horner, C.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Claypoole, V.L.: Modernizing Aircraft Inspection: Conceptual Design of...
     with: Killingsworth, C.D.: Modernizing Aircraft Inspection: Conceptual Desig...
     with: Sanchez, S.A.: Modernizing Aircraft Inspection: Conceptual Design of a...

Horner, C.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ball, J.M.: Image Comparison and Scaling via Nonlinear Elasticity

Horner, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Flannery, D.L.: Fourier Optical Signal Processors

Hornero, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beck, P.S.A.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms with ...
     with: Beck, P.S.A.: Understanding the temporal dimension of the red-edge spe...
     with: Boscia, D.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms with ai...
     with: Cabo, C.: Assessing Canopy Responses to Thinnings for Sweet Chestnut C...
     with: Calderon, R.: Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticillium dahl...
     with: Camino, C.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms with ai...
     with: Camino, C.: Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticillium dahlia...
     with: Chen, D.: Estimation of grain protein content in commercial bread and ...
     with: Gonzalez Dugo, V.: Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticillium...
     with: Hernandez Clemente, R.: Assessing Canopy Responses to Thinnings for Sw...
     with: Hernandez Clemente, R.: Novel Methodology to Estimate Single-Tree Biop...
     with: Hernandez Clemente, R.: Understanding the temporal dimension of the re...
     with: Kattenborn, T.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms wit...
     with: Landa, B.B.: Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticillium dahli...
     with: Longmire, A.: Estimation of grain protein content in commercial bread ...
     with: Majada, J.: Assessing Canopy Responses to Thinnings for Sweet Chestnut...
     with: Martinez Alonso, C.: Assessing Canopy Responses to Thinnings for Sweet...
     with: Navarro Cerrillo, R.M.: Novel Methodology to Estimate Single-Tree Biop...
     with: Navas Cortes, J.A.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms...
     with: Navas Cortes, J.A.: Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticilliu...
     with: Poblete, T.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms with a...
     with: Poblete, T.: Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticillium dahli...
     with: Poblete, T.: Estimation of grain protein content in commercial bread a...
     with: Prada, M.: Assessing Canopy Responses to Thinnings for Sweet Chestnut ...
     with: Ramirez, F.J.R.: Novel Methodology to Estimate Single-Tree Biophysical...
     with: Saponari, M.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms with ...
     with: Zarco Tejada, P.: Estimation of grain protein content in commercial br...
     with: Zarco Tejada, P.J.: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms...
     with: Zarco Tejada, P.J.: Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticilliu...
     with: Zarco Tejada, P.J.: Novel Methodology to Estimate Single-Tree Biophysi...
     with: Zarco Tejada, P.J.: Understanding the temporal dimension of the red-ed...
31 for Hornero, A.

Hornero, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abramoff, M.D.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of M...
     with: Cazuguel, G.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Mic...
     with: Cochener, B.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Mic...
     with: Cree, M.J.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Micro...
     with: Fujita, H.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Micro...
     with: Garcia, M.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Micro...
     with: Hatanaka, Y.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Mic...
     with: Karray, F.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Micro...
     with: Lamard, M.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Micro...
     with: Li, Q.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microaneu...
     with: Martinez Cagigal, V.: Controlling a Smartphone with Brain-Computer Int...
     with: Mayo, A.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microan...
     with: Mizutani, A.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Mic...
     with: Muramatsu, C.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Mi...
     with: Niemeijer, M.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Mi...
     with: Quellec, G.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Micr...
     with: Roux, C.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microan...
     with: Sanchez, C.I.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Mi...
     with: Santamaria Vazquez, E.: Controlling a Smartphone with Brain-Computer I...
     with: van Ginneken, B.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of...
     with: Wu, X.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microaneu...
     with: You, J.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microane...
     with: Zhang, B.: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microa...
23 for Hornero, R.

Horng, B.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Samueli, H.: design of low-complexity in linear-phase FIR filter banks...
     with: Willson, A.N.: design of low-complexity in linear-phase FIR filter ban...

Horng, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, T.H.: cheating prevention scheme for binary visual cryptography ...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Cheating in (halftone-secret) visual cryptography: Analysi...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Comment on Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Encrypted signal-based reversible data hiding with public ...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: new authentication based cheating prevention scheme in Nao...
     with: Shiu, C.W.: Encrypted signal-based reversible data hiding with public ...
     with: Tsai, D.S.: cheating prevention scheme for binary visual cryptography ...
     with: Tsai, D.S.: Comment on Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography
     with: Tsai, D.S.: new authentication based cheating prevention scheme in Nao...
9 for Horng, G.

Horng, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, S.T.: Using Cellular Automata to Form Car Society in Vehicular ...
     with: Chou, C.L.: Using Cellular Automata to Form Car Society in Vehicular A...

Horng, J.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, C.C.: anisotropic reference matrix for image steganography, An
     with: Chang, C.C.: High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images ...
     with: Chang, C.C.: Image Covert Communication With Block Regulation
     with: Chang, C.C.: Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3D Mesh Models With ...
     with: Chang, C.C.: Secret image sharing with distinct covers based on improv...
     with: Gao, K.: High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images base...
     with: Gao, K.: Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3D Mesh Models With Secr...
     with: Li, J.T.: automatic and efficient dynamic programming algorithm for po...
     with: Li, J.T.: dynamic programming approach for fitting digital planar curv...
     with: Li, J.T.: Vehicle path planning by using adaptive constrained distance...
     with: Lin, J.: anisotropic reference matrix for image steganography, An
     with: Lin, J.Y.: Secret image sharing with distinct covers based on improved...
     with: Liu, Y.J.: anisotropic reference matrix for image steganography, An
     with: Pei, S.C.: Circular-Arc Detection Based on Hough Transform
     with: Pei, S.C.: Corner Point Detection Using Nest Moving Average
     with: Pei, S.C.: Fitting digital Curve Using Circular Arcs
     with: Pei, S.C.: Low Complexity Algorithm for Detecting Rotational Symmetry ...
     with: Pei, S.C.: Moment-Based Approach for Deskewing Rotationally Symmetric ...
     with: Pei, S.C.: Optimum Approximation of Digital Planar Curves Using Circul...
     with: Xu, S.Y.: Image Covert Communication With Block Regulation
21 for Horng, J.H.

Horng, M.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lin, X.Z.: Texture Feature Coding Method for Classification of Liver S...
     with: Sun, Y.N.: Texture Feature Coding Method for Classification of Liver S...

Horng, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, T.: Contrast in Haze Removal: Configurable Contrast Enhancement Mo...
     with: Lin, J.: Contrast in Haze Removal: Configurable Contrast Enhancement M...
     with: Liu, P.: Contrast in Haze Removal: Configurable Contrast Enhancement M...

Horng, S.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.H.: Memetic Algorithm for Real-Time Combinatorial Stochastic S...
     with: Lee, L.H.: Memetic Algorithm for Real-Time Combinatorial Stochastic Si...
     with: Lin, S.Y.: Memetic Algorithm for Real-Time Combinatorial Stochastic Si...

Horng, S.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourgeois, A.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard dis...
     with: Cai, R.G.: Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and l...
     with: Chen, C.H.: Optimal Speed-Up Parallel Image Template Matching Algorith...
     with: Chen, H.M.: Dual space-based fuzzy graphs and orthogonal basis cluster...
     with: Chen, H.M.: Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors G...
     with: Chen, H.M.: Feature selection for multilabel classification with missi...
     with: Chen, H.M.: Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and ...
     with: Chen, R.J.: Novel SCAN-CA-based image security system using SCAN and 2...
     with: Chen, R.J.: Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal...
     with: Chen, Y.H.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distan...
     with: Chen, Y.J.: Medial Axis Transform on Mesh Connected Computers with Hyp...
     with: Chen, Y.J.: Parallel Computation of the Euclidean Distance transform o...
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Designing scalable and efficient parallel clustering algor...
     with: Chou, H.H.: Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-densit...
     with: Chung, K.L.: Constant Time Algorithm for Computing Hough Transform, A
     with: Fahn, C.S.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distan...
     with: Fan, P.Z.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distanc...
     with: Fan, P.Z.: Efficient Watermarking Method Based on Significant Differen...
     with: Fan, P.Z.: Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal ...
     with: Gong, X.: Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-density ...
     with: Guo, M.: blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, A
     with: He, M.X.: Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal b...
     with: Hsu, L.Y.: Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-density...
     with: Jiang, B.: Recognizing Very Small Face Images Using Convolution Neural...
     with: Kao, T.W.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distanc...
     with: Kao, T.W.: Constant Time Algorithm for Computing Hough Transform, A
     with: Kao, T.W.: Efficient algorithms for computing two nearest-neighbor pro...
     with: Kao, T.W.: Efficient Watermarking Method Based on Significant Differen...
     with: Kao, T.W.: Optimal Computing Hough Transform on a Reconfigurable Array...
     with: Kao, T.W.: Optimal Speed-Up Parallel Image Template Matching Algorithm...
     with: Kao, T.W.: Parallel Computation of the Euclidean Distance transform on...
     with: Kao, T.W.: Parallel Hierarchical-Clustering Algorithms on Processor Ar...
     with: Khan, M.K.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distan...
     with: Khan, M.K.: blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, A
     with: Khan, M.K.: Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal...
     with: Khan, M.K.: Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-densit...
     with: Lai, J.L.: Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal ...
     with: Lee, C.L.: Efficient Watermarking Method Based on Significant Differen...
     with: Lee, P.Z.: new computation of shape moments via quadtree decomposition...
     with: Lee, S.S.: Building a Quadtree and Its Applications on a Reconfigurabl...
     with: Lee, S.S.: Entropy Thresholding and Its Parallel Algorithm on the Reco...
     with: Lee, S.S.: Image-Processing on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors wi...
     with: Lee, S.S.: Optimal Computing Hough Transform on a Reconfigurable Array...
     with: Lee, S.S.: Optimal Speed-Up Parallel Image Template Matching Algorithm...
     with: Lee, S.S.: Parallel Hierarchical-Clustering Algorithms on Processor Ar...
     with: Lee, W.Y.: Designing scalable and efficient parallel clustering algori...
     with: Lee, Y.H.: Image-Processing on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors wi...
     with: Lee, Y.H.: Optimal Computing the Chessboard Distance Transform on Para...
     with: Lee, Y.H.: Parallel Computation of the Euclidean Distance transform on...
     with: Li, D.Z.: Dual space-based fuzzy graphs and orthogonal basis clusterin...
     with: Li, T.R.: blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, A
     with: Li, T.R.: Dual space-based fuzzy graphs and orthogonal basis clusterin...
     with: Li, T.R.: Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors Gui...
     with: Li, T.R.: Feature selection for multilabel classification with missing...
     with: Li, T.R.: Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and la...
     with: Li, T.R.: Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-density ...
     with: Lin, C.T.: Recognizing Very Small Face Images Using Convolution Neural...
     with: Lin, S.Y.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distanc...
     with: Lin, W.H.: Efficient Watermarking Method Based on Significant Differen...
     with: Liu, K.Y.: Feature selection for multilabel classification with missin...
     with: Luo, C.: Dual space-based fuzzy graphs and orthogonal basis clustering...
     with: Luo, C.: Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors Guid...
     with: Luo, C.: Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and lat...
     with: Mi, Y.: Dual space-based fuzzy graphs and orthogonal basis clustering ...
     with: Mi, Y.: Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors Guida...
     with: Mi, Y.: Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and late...
     with: Pan, Y.: Efficient Watermarking Method Based on Significant Difference...
     with: Qiao, S.J.: Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-densit...
     with: Rosiyadi, D.: blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government...
     with: Run, R.S.: Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal ...
     with: Sentosa, K.O.: Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimo...
     with: Supardi, J.: Recognizing Very Small Face Images Using Convolution Neur...
     with: Takao, T.: blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, A
     with: Terano, T.: 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distan...
     with: Tsai, H.R.: Building a Quadtree and Its Applications on a Reconfigurab...
     with: Tsai, H.R.: Entropy Thresholding and Its Parallel Algorithm on the Rec...
     with: Tsai, H.R.: Image-Processing on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors w...
     with: Tsai, H.R.: Optimal Computing Hough Transform on a Reconfigurable Arra...
     with: Tsai, H.R.: Optimal parallel clustering algorithms on a reconfigurable...
     with: Tsai, H.R.: Optimal Speed-Up Parallel Image Template Matching Algorith...
     with: Tsai, H.R.: Parallel Hierarchical-Clustering Algorithms on Processor A...
     with: Tsai, S.S.: Building a Quadtree and Its Applications on a Reconfigurab...
     with: Tsai, S.S.: Optimal Speed-Up Parallel Image Template Matching Algorith...
     with: Tsar, S.S.: Parallel Hierarchical-Clustering Algorithms on Processor A...
     with: Wang, Y.L.: Constant Time Algorithm for Computing Hough Transform, A
     with: Wang, Y.R.: Fast and scalable computations of 2D image moments
     with: Wang, Z.H.: Feature selection for multilabel classification with missi...
     with: Wen, C.F.: Fast and scalable computations of 2D image moments
     with: Wu, C.H.: Designing scalable and efficient parallel clustering algorit...
     with: Wu, C.H.: Fast and scalable computations of 2D image moments
     with: Wu, C.H.: new computation of shape moments via quadtree decomposition, A
     with: Wu, C.H.: Run-Length Chain Coding and Scalable Computation of a Shape'...
     with: Yin, T.: Feature selection for multilabel classification with missing ...
     with: Yuan, Z.: Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors Gui...
     with: Yuan, Z.: Feature selection for multilabel classification with missing...
     with: Zhou, W.: Recognizing Very Small Face Images Using Convolution Neural ...
96 for Horng, S.J.

Horng, W.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.W.: Optimizing Region of Support for Boundary-Based Corner Det...
     with: Chen, C.W.: Revision of Using Eigenvalues of Covariance Matrices in Bo...

Horng, Y.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, S.M.: Document retrieval using fuzzy-valued concept networks
     with: Lee, C.H.: Document retrieval using fuzzy-valued concept networks

Horng, Y.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, T.S.: VLSI Architecture for Real-Time HD1080p View Synthesis En...
     with: Tseng, Y.C.: VLSI Architecture for Real-Time HD1080p View Synthesis En...

Hornik, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Medalia, A.I.: Pattern recognition problems in the study of carbon black

Hornik, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bachhofner, S.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for S...
     with: Bischof, H.: Adaptive Combination of PCA and VQ Networks
     with: Bischof, H.: Hierarchies of Autoassociators
     with: Hochreiter, R.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for S...
     with: Hornacek, M.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sem...
     with: Kahler, O.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Seman...
     with: Leisch, F.: Adaptive Combination of PCA and VQ Networks
     with: Leisch, F.: Hierarchies of Autoassociators
     with: Loghin, A.M.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sem...
     with: Otepka, J.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Seman...
     with: Pfeifer, N.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sema...
     with: Schiller, N.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sem...
     with: Schmidinger, N.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for ...
     with: Siposova, A.: Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Sem...
     with: Weingessel, A.: Adaptive Combination of PCA and VQ Networks
     with: Weingessel, A.: Hierarchies of Autoassociators
16 for Hornik, K.

Hornillo Mellado, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Camargo Olivares, J.L.: Maternal Abdominal ECG as Input to MICA in the...
     with: Elena, M.M.: Maternal Abdominal ECG as Input to MICA in the Fetal ECG ...
     with: Martin Clemente, R.: Maternal Abdominal ECG as Input to MICA in the Fe...
     with: Roman, I.: Maternal Abdominal ECG as Input to MICA in the Fetal ECG Ex...

Horning, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bachman, C.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usi...
     with: Bell, D.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using ...
     with: Carter, J.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usin...
     with: Champlin, C.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Us...
     with: Chiodini, P.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Us...
     with: Delahunt, C.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Us...
     with: Dhorda, M.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usin...
     with: Gamboa, D.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usin...
     with: Hu, L.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using Co...
     with: Isaboke, D.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usi...
     with: Jaiswal, M.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usi...
     with: Long, E.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using ...
     with: McGuire, S.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usi...
     with: Mehanian, C.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Us...
     with: Mehanian, M.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Us...
     with: Ogutu, B.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using...
     with: Ostbye, T.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usin...
     with: Oyibo, W.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using...
     with: Proux, S.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using...
     with: Thompson, C.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Us...
     with: Tun, K.M.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using...
     with: Villasis, E.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Us...
     with: Wilson, B.: Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Usin...
23 for Horning, M.

Horning, M.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akinsete, A.M.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound ...
     with: Banik, D.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Featu...
     with: Delahunt, C.B.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound ...
     with: Ji, Y.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Features...
     with: Kulhare, S.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Fea...
     with: Laverriere, Z.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound ...
     with: Mehanian, C.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Fe...
     with: Mehanian, M.M.S.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasoun...
     with: Millin, R.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Feat...
     with: Ostbye, T.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Feat...
     with: Shea, D.E.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Feat...
     with: Uwajeh, A.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Feat...
     with: Wang, F.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Featur...
     with: Zheng, X.L.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Fea...
     with: Zhu, M.: Deep Learning Video Classification of Lung Ultrasound Feature...
15 for Horning, M.P.

Horning, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aung, K.H.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Based...
     with: Bernd, A.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Based ...
     with: Connette, G.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Bas...
     with: Connette, K.J.L.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar...
     with: Leimgruber, P.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar B...
     with: Phyo, P.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Based o...
     with: Songer, M.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Based...
     with: Thein, Z.M.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Base...
     with: Tun, Y.L.: Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Based ...
9 for Horning, N.

Hornisova, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arendacka, B.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image obj...
     with: Bajla, I.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects...
     with: Farkas, I.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image object...
     with: Rublik, F.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image object...
     with: Stolc, S.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects...
     with: Witkovsky, V.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image obj...

Hornlein, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jahne, B.: Boosting Shift-Invariant Features

Hornler, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arsic, D.: Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person tra...
     with: Braun, A.: GMs in On-Line Handwritten Whiteboard Note Recognition: The...
     with: Eyben, F.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive audi...
     with: Gast, J.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive audio...
     with: Hothker, A.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive au...
     with: Hristov, E.: Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person t...
     with: Konosu, H.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive aud...
     with: Lehment, N.H.: Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person...
     with: Muller, R.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive aud...
     with: Rigoll, G.: Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person tr...
     with: Rigoll, G.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive aud...
     with: Rigoll, G.: GMs in On-Line Handwritten Whiteboard Note Recognition: Th...
     with: Schenk, J.: GMs in On-Line Handwritten Whiteboard Note Recognition: Th...
     with: Schuller, B.: Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person ...
     with: Schuller, B.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive a...
     with: Schuller, B.: GMs in On-Line Handwritten Whiteboard Note Recognition: ...
     with: Wollmer, M.: Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive au...
17 for Hornler, B.

Hornsby, K.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Joshi, K.: Combining ontologies to automatically generate temporal per...
     with: King, K.: Modeling Motion Relations for Moving Objects on Road Networks

Hornsey, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Saffih, F.: Reduced Human Perception of FPN Noise of the Pyramidal Rea...

Hornsey, R.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haines, A.E.: Quality, quantity and precision of depth perception in s...
     with: Hibbard, P.B.: Ordinal judgments of depth in monocularly- and stereosc...
     with: Hibbard, P.B.: Quality, quantity and precision of depth perception in ...
     with: Scarfe, P.: Ordinal judgments of depth in monocularly- and stereoscopi...

Hornung, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avidan, S.: Structure and motion from scene registration
     with: Basha, T.D.: Structure and motion from scene registration
     with: Gross, M.: Extending SVC by Content-adaptive Spatial Scalability
     with: Gross, M.: Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Re...
     with: Gross, M.: Non-linear warping and warp coding for content-adaptive pre...
     with: Jamriska, O.: Cache-efficient graph cuts on structured grids
     with: Kauff, P.: Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing
     with: Knorr, S.: Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing
     with: Kobbelt, L.P.: Hierarchical Volumetric Multi-view Stereo Reconstructio...
     with: Kobbelt, L.P.: Image selection for improved Multi-View Stereo
     with: Kobbelt, L.P.: Robust and Efficient Photo-Consistency Estimation for V...
     with: Krahenbuhl, P.: Saliency filters: Contrast based filtering for salient...
     with: Kunter, M.: Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing
     with: Lang, M.: Extending SVC by Content-adaptive Spatial Scalability
     with: Lang, M.: Non-linear warping and warp coding for content-adaptive pred...
     with: Lang, M.: Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing
     with: Matusik, W.: Structure and motion from scene registration
     with: Muller, M.: Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing
     with: Oskam, T.: Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Re...
     with: Perazzi, F.: Saliency filters: Contrast based filtering for salient re...
     with: Pritch, Y.: Saliency filters: Contrast based filtering for salient reg...
     with: Smolic, A.: Extending SVC by Content-adaptive Spatial Scalability
     with: Smolic, A.: Non-linear warping and warp coding for content-adaptive pr...
     with: Smolic, A.: Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing
     with: Stefanoski, N.: Extending SVC by Content-adaptive Spatial Scalability
     with: Stefanoski, N.: Non-linear warping and warp coding for content-adaptiv...
     with: Sumner, R.W.: Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented...
     with: Sykora, D.: Cache-efficient graph cuts on structured grids
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Extending SVC by Content-adaptive Spatial Scalability
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Non-linear warping and warp coding for content-adaptive pr...
     with: Zeng, B.: Image selection for improved Multi-View Stereo
31 for Hornung, A.

Hornung, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bobby, P.: Surface Soil Moisture Estimation from Time Series of RADARS...
     with: Charbonneau, F.: Surface Soil Moisture Estimation from Time Series of ...
     with: Howell, M.: Surface Soil Moisture Estimation from Time Series of RADAR...
     with: Kohlsmith, S.: Surface Soil Moisture Estimation from Time Series of RA...
     with: Zakharov, I.: Surface Soil Moisture Estimation from Time Series of RAD...

Hornung, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boos, S.: Modelling Vague Knowledge for Decision Support In Planning A...
     with: Muller, H.: Modelling Vague Knowledge for Decision Support In Planning...

Hornus, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Angelidis, A.: Implicit modeling using subdivision curves
     with: Cani, M.P.: Implicit modeling using subdivision curves
     with: Lefebvre, S.: All-Purpose Texture Sprites
     with: Neyret, F.: All-Purpose Texture Sprites

Index for "h"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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