Index for gui_

Gui jun, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong wei, X.: Kernel PCA for road traffic data non-linear feature extr...
     with: Peng, P.: Kernel PCA for road traffic data non-linear feature extraction
     with: Xiao, X.M.: Kernel PCA for road traffic data non-linear feature extrac...
     with: Yi, L.: Kernel PCA for road traffic data non-linear feature extraction
     with: Yong dong, W.: Kernel PCA for road traffic data non-linear feature ext...

Gui Ming, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, L.: novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic progra...
     with: Han Rui, W.: novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic prog...
     with: Jun Feng, Y.: novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic pro...
     with: Kun Hong, L.: novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic pro...
     with: Okina, Y.: novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic progra...
     with: Yi Fan, L.: novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic progr...
     with: Ying Ying, S.: novel error-correcting output codes based on genetic pr...
7 for Gui Ming, D.

Gui, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zhen, T.: Adaptive single image dehazing method based on support vecto...
     with: Zhu, Y.H.: Adaptive single image dehazing method based on support vect...

Gui, B.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhardwaj, A.: Evaluating the Efficacy of Segment Anything Model for De...
     with: Sam, L.: Evaluating the Efficacy of Segment Anything Model for Delinea...

Gui, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, J.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by regularizing Softmax Activat...
     with: Wei, K.: Modeling method of skylight polarization patterns based on di...

Gui, C.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, Z.Y.: SAR Target Detection Based on Improved SSD with Saliency M...
     with: He, F.J.: SAR Target Detection Based on Improved SSD with Saliency Map...
     with: Xing, M.D.: SAR Target Detection Based on Improved SSD with Saliency M...
     with: Zhou, F.: SAR Target Detection Based on Improved SSD with Saliency Map...

Gui, C.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fox, M.D.: Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Applicatio...
     with: Fox, M.D.: Level Set Evolution without Re-Initialization: A New Variat...
     with: Li, C.M.: Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application...
     with: Li, C.M.: Level Set Evolution without Re-Initialization: A New Variati...
     with: Xu, C.Y.: Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application...
     with: Xu, C.Y.: Level Set Evolution without Re-Initialization: A New Variati...
9 for Gui, C.F.

Gui, C.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, Y.Z.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
     with: Liu, H.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
     with: Liu, Y.J.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
     with: Lu, Y.N.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
     with: Xiong, Z.W.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
     with: Xu, Z.R.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
     with: Yao, Z.K.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
     with: Zhang, B.F.: Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
8 for Gui, C.G.

Gui, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lin, H.: Study on Construction of 3D Building Based on UAV Images
     with: Lin, Z.: 3D Building Modeling Based on Low Altitude Mapping System
     with: Lin, Z.: On The National Geographical Condition Monitoring Several Str...
     with: Lin, Z.: Study on Construction of 3D Building Based on UAV Images
     with: Liu, F.: On The National Geographical Condition Monitoring Several Str...
     with: Xie, F.: 3D Building Modeling Based on Low Altitude Mapping System
     with: Xie, F.: Study on Construction of 3D Building Based on UAV Images
     with: Zhang, C.: On The National Geographical Condition Monitoring Several S...
     with: Zhou, Y.: 3D Building Modeling Based on Low Altitude Mapping System
9 for Gui, D.

Gui, D.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ming, Z.: Implicit Affective Video Tagging Using Pupillary Response
     with: Zhong, S.H.: Implicit Affective Video Tagging Using Pupillary Response

Gui, D.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, K.Y.: Tourist Attraction Recommendation Model Fusing Spatial, Te...
     with: Du, Q.Y.: Extracting Representative Images of Tourist Attractions from...
     with: Du, Q.Y.: Tourist Attraction Recommendation Model Fusing Spatial, Temp...
     with: Feng, L.: Integrating Optical and SAR Time Series Images for Unsupervi...
     with: Han, S.S.: Extracting Representative Images of Tourist Attractions fro...
     with: Han, S.S.: Integrating Optical and SAR Time Series Images for Unsuperv...
     with: Han, S.S.: Tourist Attraction Recommendation Model Fusing Spatial, Tem...
     with: Liu, C.M.: Tourist Attraction Recommendation Model Fusing Spatial, Tem...
     with: Qiu, T.Q.: Integrating Optical and SAR Time Series Images for Unsuperv...
     with: Ren, F.: Extracting Representative Images of Tourist Attractions from ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Integrating Optical and SAR Time Series Images for Unsupervi...
11 for Gui, D.W.

Gui, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, D.J.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Opti...
     with: Huang, H.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optic...
     with: Ma, Y.J.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optica...
     with: Qu, X.Y.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optica...
     with: Wu, L.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical ...
     with: Yu, C.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical ...
     with: Zhang, P.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optic...
7 for Gui, F.

Gui, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.H.: Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Ai...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Predicti...
     with: Li, W.M.: Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Aide...
     with: Lin, Y.: Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Prediction ...
     with: Liu, H.Y.: Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Aid...
     with: Liu, Q.: Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Aided...
     with: Qi, L.: Enhancing Sample Utilization through Sample Adaptive Augmentat...
     with: Sari, H.: Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Prediction...
     with: Shi, Y.: Enhancing Sample Utilization through Sample Adaptive Augmenta...
     with: Song, X.X.: Boundary Node Identification in Three Dimensional Wireless...
     with: Sun, J.L.: Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Predictio...
     with: Wang, L.: Enhancing Sample Utilization through Sample Adaptive Augment...
     with: Wang, Y.: Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Aide...
     with: Wei, L.: Boundary Node Identification in Three Dimensional Wireless Se...
     with: Wu, X.G.: Boundary Node Identification in Three Dimensional Wireless S...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Enhancing Sample Utilization through Sample Adaptive Augment...
     with: Zheng, X.: Boundary Node Identification in Three Dimensional Wireless ...
     with: Zhou, L.P.: Enhancing Sample Utilization through Sample Adaptive Augme...
18 for Gui, G.

Gui, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, X.: Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover's ...
     with: Liu, F.: Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover's...
     with: Qiao, M.: Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover'...
     with: Shan, Z.: Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover'...
     with: Sun, W.: Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover's...

Gui, H.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duan, J.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Fang, W.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Han, B.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential ...
     with: Hu, J.Q.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Liao, Z.T.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differenti...
     with: Liu, W.Q.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differentia...
     with: Meng, F.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Qin, M.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential ...
     with: Shao, D.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Shi, Z.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential ...
     with: Xie, P.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential ...
     with: Yang, H.N.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differenti...
12 for Gui, H.Q.

Gui, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, B.W.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment R...
     with: Cao, J.X.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment R...
     with: Cao, J.X.: Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Single Image Dehazing ...
     with: Cao, Y.: Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Single Image Dehazing Ba...
     with: Cao, Y.: Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
     with: Cao, Y.: General Distributed Hash Learning on Image Descriptors for k-...
     with: Cao, Y.: Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retr...
     with: Cao, Y.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for ...
     with: Cao, Y.: Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor...
     with: Chen, S.: Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Ret...
     with: Cheng, J.: How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral R...
     with: Cheng, N.: Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Deleteri...
     with: Cong, X.F.: Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Single Image Dehazing...
     with: Cong, X.F.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Cong, X.F.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupe...
     with: Fang, L.T.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clusteri...
     with: Ge, J.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering L...
     with: He, L.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Rela...
     with: He, L.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupervis...
     with: Hu, R.X.: Angular Pattern and Binary Angular Pattern for Shape Retrieval
     with: Hu, R.X.: Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for fa...
     with: Hu, R.X.: Hand shape recognition based on coherent distance shape cont...
     with: Hu, R.X.: Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition
     with: Hu, R.X.: Perceptually motivated morphological strategies for shape re...
     with: Huang, D.S.: improvement on learning with local and global consistency...
     with: Huang, L.G.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Cluster...
     with: Ji, S.W.: Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for fa...
     with: Ji, S.W.: How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Re...
     with: Jia, W.: Angular Pattern and Binary Angular Pattern for Shape Retrieval
     with: Jia, W.: Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for fac...
     with: Jia, W.: Hand shape recognition based on coherent distance shape conte...
     with: Jia, W.: Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition
     with: Jia, W.: Perceptually motivated morphological strategies for shape ret...
     with: Kwok, J.T.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super...
     with: Kwok, J.T.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-...
     with: Kwok, J.T.Y.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignmen...
     with: Kwok, J.T.Y.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Kwok, J.T.Y.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsu...
     with: Kwok, J.T.Y.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Cluste...
     with: Kwok, J.T.Y.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer...
     with: Lei, Y.K.: Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for f...
     with: Lei, Y.K.: Face recognition via Weighted Sparse Representation
     with: Lei, Y.K.: Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition
     with: Li, K.: General Distributed Hash Learning on Image Descriptors for k-N...
     with: Li, K.Q.: Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
     with: Li, K.Q.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for...
     with: Li, K.Q.: Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbo...
     with: Li, S.: General Distributed Hash Learning on Image Descriptors for k-N...
     with: Li, Z.: Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retri...
     with: Lin, M.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering ...
     with: Ling, H.B.: Angular Pattern and Binary Angular Pattern for Shape Retri...
     with: Liu, B.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Rel...
     with: Liu, C.: Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
     with: Liu, C.: Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retr...
     with: Liu, C.: Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor...
     with: Liu, H.Y.: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Res...
     with: Liu, J.W.: Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighb...
     with: Liu, T.L.: Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing
     with: Liu, Y.: From Simple to Complex Scenes: Learning Robust Feature Repres...
     with: Liu, Y.X.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clusterin...
     with: Lu, C.Y.: Face recognition via Weighted Sparse Representation
     with: Lu, M.Y.: From Simple to Complex Scenes: Learning Robust Feature Repre...
     with: Luo, B.: Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering ...
     with: Luo, Y.: Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View Co...
     with: Luo, Y.: Large Margin Multi-Modal Multi-Task Feature Extraction for Im...
     with: Min, H.: Face recognition via Weighted Sparse Representation
     with: Peng, C.W.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Qi, H.: Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
     with: Qi, H.: General Distributed Hash Learning on Image Descriptors for k-N...
     with: Qi, H.: Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retri...
     with: Qi, H.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for I...
     with: Qi, H.: Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor ...
     with: Ren, W.Q.: Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Single Image Dehazing ...
     with: Shen, J.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Re...
     with: Song, L.T.: Hand shape recognition based on coherent distance shape co...
     with: Sun, Z.: Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View Co...
     with: Sun, Z.A.: Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for f...
     with: Sun, Z.A.: How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral R...
     with: Sun, Z.A.: Regularization parameter estimation for spectral regression...
     with: Sun, Z.N.: Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing
     with: Tan, T.N.: Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing
     with: Tan, T.N.: Regularization parameter estimation for spectral regression...
     with: Tang, X.: Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Deleterio...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment ...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupe...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer f...
     with: Tao, D.: Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View Co...
     with: Tao, D.: Large Margin Multi-Modal Multi-Task Feature Extraction for Im...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Single Image Dehazing ...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing
     with: Wang, C.P.: From Simple to Complex Scenes: Learning Robust Feature Rep...
     with: Wang, H.: Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Deleterio...
     with: Wei, Z.H.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-...
     with: Wei, Z.H.: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Res...
     with: Wei, Z.H.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-r...
     with: Wen, Y.: Large Margin Multi-Modal Multi-Task Feature Extraction for Im...
     with: Wu, H.P.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-R...
     with: Wu, H.P.: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Reso...
     with: Wu, H.P.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-re...
     with: Wu, X.D.: How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Re...
     with: Xia, J.F.: Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Deleteri...
     with: Xu, C.: Large Margin Multi-Modal Multi-Task Feature Extraction for Ima...
     with: Xu, X.W.: Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
     with: Yang, J.: From Simple to Complex Scenes: Learning Robust Feature Repre...
     with: Ye, J.P.: Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
     with: Ye, J.P.: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Reso...
     with: Ye, J.P.: Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbo...
     with: You, X.: Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View Co...
     with: You, Z.H.: improvement on learning with local and global consistency, An
     with: Zeng, W.J.: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Re...
     with: Zhang, D.: Hand shape recognition based on coherent distance shape con...
     with: Zhang, J.: Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Single Image Dehazing ...
     with: Zhang, J.: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-...
     with: Zhang, J.: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Res...
     with: Zhang, J.: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-r...
     with: Zhang, S.S.: From Simple to Complex Scenes: Learning Robust Feature Re...
     with: Zhang, T.: Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Deleteri...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Angular Pattern and Binary Angular Pattern for Shape Retrieval
     with: Zhao, Y.: Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition
     with: Zhao, Y.: Perceptually motivated morphological strategies for shape re...
     with: Zheng, C.H.: Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Delete...
     with: Zhu, L.: Face recognition via Weighted Sparse Representation
     with: Zou, Z.X.: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Res...
126 for Gui, J.

Gui, J.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deng, B.: Robust Cross-Drone Multi-Target Association Using 3D Spatial...
     with: Deng, B.S.: Vision-Based Moving-Target Geolocation Using Dual Unmanned...
     with: Dong, H.B.: Robust Cross-Drone Multi-Target Association Using 3D Spati...
     with: Dong, H.B.: Vision-Based Moving-Target Geolocation Using Dual Unmanned...
     with: Li, G.Y.: InTEn-LOAM: Intensity and Temporal Enhanced LiDAR Odometry a...
     with: Li, S.X.: InTEn-LOAM: Intensity and Temporal Enhanced LiDAR Odometry a...
     with: Pan, T.W.: Robust Cross-Drone Multi-Target Association Using 3D Spatia...
     with: Pan, T.W.: Vision-Based Moving-Target Geolocation Using Dual Unmanned ...
     with: Tian, B.: InTEn-LOAM: Intensity and Temporal Enhanced LiDAR Odometry a...
     with: Yao, W.: InTEn-LOAM: Intensity and Temporal Enhanced LiDAR Odometry an...
     with: Zhao, B.X.: Robust Cross-Drone Multi-Target Association Using 3D Spati...
     with: Zhao, B.X.: Vision-Based Moving-Target Geolocation Using Dual Unmanned...
     with: Zhu, X.Z.: InTEn-LOAM: Intensity and Temporal Enhanced LiDAR Odometry ...
13 for Gui, J.J.

Gui, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, J.: Correlation Matrix-Based Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispec...
     with: Lin, H.: Correlation Matrix-Based Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispe...
     with: Long, J.: Correlation Matrix-Based Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multisp...
     with: Peng, Y.Y.X.: Correlation Matrix-Based Fusion of Hyperspectral and Mul...
     with: Zhou, T.: Correlation Matrix-Based Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multisp...

Gui, J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, X.C.: Microservice-Oriented Service Placement for Mobile Edge Co...
     with: Deng, X.H.: Microservice-Oriented Service Placement for Mobile Edge Co...
     with: Diakite, A.: Hyperspectral image classification using 3D 2D CNN
     with: Fu, X.P.: Hyperspectral image classification using 3D 2D CNN
     with: Wan, S.H.: Microservice-Oriented Service Placement for Mobile Edge Com...
     with: Wang, L.L.: Microservice-Oriented Service Placement for Mobile Edge Co...

Gui, J.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alejano, L.R.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: A Comparis...
     with: Chen, W.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: A Comparison be...
     with: Yao, M.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: A Comparison bet...
     with: Zhao, F.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: A Comparison be...

Gui, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Che, H.Z.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lid...
     with: Che, H.Z.: Can MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data Reproduce the Three-Dimensional...
     with: Che, H.Z.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plot...
     with: Che, H.Z.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Con...
     with: Che, H.Z.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profil...
     with: Lei, Y.D.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Con...
     with: Li, L.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lidar ...
     with: Li, L.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plots C...
     with: Li, L.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Concen...
     with: Li, L.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profile o...
     with: Liang, Y.X.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based L...
     with: Liang, Y.X.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Pl...
     with: Liang, Y.X.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column C...
     with: Liang, Y.X.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Prof...
     with: Lu, Y.T.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profile...
     with: Su, X.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Concen...
     with: Wang, H.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lida...
     with: Wang, H.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plots...
     with: Wang, Y.Q.: Can MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data Reproduce the Three-Dimensiona...
     with: Wang, Y.Q.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plo...
     with: Wang, Z.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Conc...
     with: Xia, X.G.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plot...
     with: Yao, W.R.: Can MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data Reproduce the Three-Dimensional...
     with: Yao, W.R.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profil...
     with: Zhang, L.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plot...
     with: Zhang, L.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Con...
     with: Zhang, P.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lid...
     with: Zhang, W.J.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based L...
     with: Zhang, X.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Con...
     with: Zhang, X.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profil...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Pl...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based L...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Can MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data Reproduce the Three-Dimension...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Pl...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column C...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Prof...
     with: Zhao, H.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Conc...
     with: Zhao, H.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profile...
     with: Zhao, H.H.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plo...
     with: Zhao, H.H.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Co...
     with: Zhao, H.H.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profi...
     with: Zhao, H.J.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plo...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lid...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plot...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Con...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profil...
     with: Zhong, J.T.: Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column C...
48 for Gui, K.

Gui, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baltrusaitis, T.: Curriculum Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
     with: Banerjee, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Bardes, A.: Learning to Hallucinate Examples from Extrinsic and Intrin...
     with: Bi, X.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrored...
     with: Chen, J.: Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software-...
     with: Chen, K.: Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpre...
     with: Chen, K.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirror...
     with: Chen, L.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirror...
     with: Cheng, Y.: Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpr...
     with: Chu, J.: Study on seismic imaging block modeling method
     with: Costeira, J.P.: Pose Guided Attention for Multi-Label Fashion Image Cl...
     with: Dou, H.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrore...
     with: Du, J.: Characterizing the Development Pattern of a Colluvial Landslid...
     with: Du, J.C.: Embedding Refinement Framework for Targeted Aspect-Based Sen...
     with: Godisart, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Godisart, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Gomes, J.P.: Pose Guided Attention for Multi-Label Fashion Image Class...
     with: Gui, L.Y.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning...
     with: Guo, B.R.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Transm...
     with: Guo, W.: Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpret...
     with: Guo, W.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrore...
     with: Hauptmann, A.G.: Learning to Hallucinate Examples from Extrinsic and I...
     with: He, Y.L.: Embedding Refinement Framework for Targeted Aspect-Based Sen...
     with: Hebert, M.: Learning to Hallucinate Examples from Extrinsic and Intrin...
     with: Hou, F.: ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distribution ...
     with: Hou, F.: Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control Ma...
     with: Hu, G.: Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpreta...
     with: Huang, Q.: Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpr...
     with: Huang, R.Y.: Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoot...
     with: Jin, B.J.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Transm...
     with: Joo, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Inte...
     with: Joo, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Moti...
     with: Kanade, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social I...
     with: Kanade, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social M...
     with: Lang, L.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirror...
     with: Lei, Z.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrore...
     with: Li, C.: Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoothness...
     with: Li, M.: Inferring Affective Meanings of Words from Word Embedding
     with: Li, Q.: Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpreta...
     with: Li, Q.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrored...
     with: Li, Q.Y.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Transmi...
     with: Li, X.L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Int...
     with: Li, X.L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Mot...
     with: Li, Y.: ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distribution F...
     with: Li, Y.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrored...
     with: Li, Y.S.: Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoothne...
     with: Liang, B.: Embedding Refinement Framework for Targeted Aspect-Based Se...
     with: Liang, X.: Characterizing the Development Pattern of a Colluvial Lands...
     with: Liang, X.: Susceptibility Assessment for Landslide Initiated along Pow...
     with: Lin, W.: Susceptibility Assessment for Landslide Initiated along Power...
     with: Liu, B.: ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distribution ...
     with: Liu, B.: Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control Ma...
     with: Liu, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Inte...
     with: Liu, H.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Moti...
     with: Liu, J.Q.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Trans...
     with: Liu, Q.Q.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Trans...
     with: Liu, S.H.: Susceptibility Assessment for Landslide Initiated along Pow...
     with: Liu, Y.Y.: Study on seismic imaging block modeling method
     with: Long, Y.: Inferring Affective Meanings of Words from Word Embedding
     with: Lu, Q.: Inferring Affective Meanings of Words from Word Embedding
     with: Luan, T.H.: ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distributi...
     with: Luan, T.H.: Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control...
     with: Ma, D.: real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture...
     with: Ma, F.: Characterizing the Development Pattern of a Colluvial Landslid...
     with: Ma, H.: Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoothness...
     with: Ma, Z.Q.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Transmi...
     with: Matthews, I.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Matthews, I.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Meng, X.B.: Study on seismic imaging block modeling method
     with: Morency, L.P.: Curriculum Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
     with: Morency, L.P.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tu...
     with: Moura, J.M.F.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tu...
     with: Nabbe, B.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social In...
     with: Nabbe, B.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Mo...
     with: Nobuhara, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Nobuhara, S.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social...
     with: Paragios, N.: Cooperative Object Segmentation and Behavior Inference i...
     with: Paragios, N.: Joint Object Segmentation and Behavior Classification in...
     with: Paragios, N.: Variational Framework for the Simultaneous Segmentation ...
     with: Quintino Ferreira, B.: Pose Guided Attention for Multi-Label Fashion I...
     with: Salakhutdinov, R.: Learning to Hallucinate Examples from Extrinsic and...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social I...
     with: Sheikh, Y.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social M...
     with: Shen, X.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Transf...
     with: Shen, X.: Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software-...
     with: Shen, X.M.: ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distributi...
     with: Shen, X.M.: Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control...
     with: Simon, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social In...
     with: Simon, T.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Mo...
     with: Sousa, R.G.: Pose Guided Attention for Multi-Label Fashion Image Class...
     with: Sui, Z.Q.: Study on seismic imaging block modeling method
     with: Tan, L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Inte...
     with: Tan, L.: Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Moti...
     with: Tang, Z.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Transf...
     with: Tao, M.H.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Trans...
     with: Thiran, J.P.: Cooperative Object Segmentation and Behavior Inference i...
     with: Thiran, J.P.: Joint Object Segmentation and Behavior Classification in...
     with: Thiran, J.P.: Variational Framework for the Simultaneous Segmentation ...
     with: Ventura, G.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Tra...
     with: Wang, W.: Characterizing the Development Pattern of a Colluvial Landsl...
     with: Wang, X.N.: real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architec...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tunin...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Learning to Hallucinate Examples from Extrinsic and Intrin...
     with: Wang, Z.T.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Tran...
     with: Wei, Z.Q.: Study on seismic imaging block modeling method
     with: Wu, Y.: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrored...
     with: Xu, R.F.: Embedding Refinement Framework for Targeted Aspect-Based Sen...
     with: Xu, W.: Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software-De...
     with: Yang, M.: Embedding Refinement Framework for Targeted Aspect-Based Sen...
     with: Yang, Q.Z.: Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Tran...
     with: Yang, T.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Transmi...
     with: Yin, K.: Characterizing the Development Pattern of a Colluvial Landsli...
     with: Yin, K.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Transmis...
     with: Yin, K.L.: Susceptibility Assessment for Landslide Initiated along Pow...
     with: Yin, R.: Embedding Refinement Framework for Targeted Aspect-Based Sent...
     with: Yu, Q.: ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distribution F...
     with: Yu, Q.: Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software-De...
     with: Yu, Q.: Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control Man...
     with: Zeng, T.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Transmi...
     with: Zhang, N.: Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software...
     with: Zhang, N.: Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control ...
     with: Zhao, B.B.: Susceptibility Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Trans...
     with: Zhao, B.B.: Susceptibility Assessment for Landslide Initiated along Po...
     with: Zheng, S.Y.: Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoot...
     with: Zheng, S.Y.: real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded archite...
     with: Zhou, C.: Susceptibility Assessment for Landslide Initiated along Powe...
     with: Zhou, H.: Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software-...
     with: Zhou, H.B.: ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distributi...
     with: Zhou, H.B.: Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control...
130 for Gui, L.

Gui, L.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, J.T.: High-order tensor completion via gradient-based optimizatio...
     with: Yuan, L.H.: High-order tensor completion via gradient-based optimizati...
     with: Zhao, Q.B.: High-order tensor completion via gradient-based optimizati...

Gui, L.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, W.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Derive...
     with: Cheng, T.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Deri...
     with: Ehsani, R.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Der...
     with: Hu, Y.Q.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Deriv...
     with: Jiang, J.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Deri...
     with: Niu, Q.S.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Deri...
     with: Tian, Y.C.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Der...
     with: Yao, X.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Derive...
     with: Zheng, H.B.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to De...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Derive...
10 for Gui, L.J.

Gui, L.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, X.J.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended V...
     with: Chen, P.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Vide...
     with: Hauptmann, A.G.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extend...
     with: Hebert, M.: Few-Shot Hash Learning for Image Retrieval
     with: Huang, P.Y.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended V...
     with: Kang, G.L.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Vi...
     with: Liang, J.W.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended V...
     with: Liu, W.H.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Vid...
     with: Qian, Y.J.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Vi...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Few-Shot Hash Learning for Image Retrieval
     with: Wen, J.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Video...
     with: Yu, L.J.: Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Vide...
12 for Gui, L.K.

Gui, L.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dou, H.F.: Image Reconstruction for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiom...
     with: Feng, L.: Image Reconstruction for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiome...
     with: Guo, Z.X.: Context-Aware Faster RCNN for CSI-Based Human Action Percep...
     with: Lei, Z.Y.: Image Reconstruction for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiom...
     with: Li, Q.X.: Image Reconstruction for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiome...
     with: Li, Y.F.: Image Reconstruction for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiome...
     with: Sheng, B.: Context-Aware Faster RCNN for CSI-Based Human Action Percep...
     with: Xiao, F.: Context-Aware Faster RCNN for CSI-Based Human Action Percept...
8 for Gui, L.Q.

Gui, L.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, S.C.: Contrastive Mean Teacher for Domain Adaptive Object Detectors
     with: Cheng, Y.C.: SDFusion: Multimodal 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction,...
     with: Graber, C.: Joint Forecasting of Panoptic Segmentations with Differenc...
     with: Gui, L.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning f...
     with: Jazra, C.: Joint Forecasting of Panoptic Segmentations with Difference...
     with: Joshi, D.: Contrastive Mean Teacher for Domain Adaptive Object Detectors
     with: Kottur, S.: Traffic flow from a low frame rate city camera
     with: Lee, H.Y.: SDFusion: Multimodal 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction, a...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: InterDiff: Generating 3D Human-Object Interactions with Phys...
     with: Liang, X.D.: Adversarial Geometry-Aware Human Motion Prediction
     with: Luo, W.J.: Joint Forecasting of Panoptic Segmentations with Difference...
     with: Man, Y.Z.: BEV-Guided Multi-Modality Fusion for Driving Perception
     with: Morency, L.P.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tu...
     with: Moura, J.M.F.: Adversarial Geometry-Aware Human Motion Prediction
     with: Moura, J.M.F.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tu...
     with: Moura, J.M.F.: Few-Shot Human Motion Prediction via Meta-learning
     with: Moura, J.M.F.: Traffic flow from a low frame rate city camera
     with: Ramanan, D.: Few-Shot Human Motion Prediction via Meta-learning
     with: Schwing, A.: Joint Forecasting of Panoptic Segmentations with Differen...
     with: Schwing, A.: SDFusion: Multimodal 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction,...
     with: Toropov, E.: Traffic flow from a low frame rate city camera
     with: Tulyakov, S.: SDFusion: Multimodal 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Adversarial Geometry-Aware Human Motion Prediction
     with: Wang, Y.X.: BEV-Guided Multi-Modality Fusion for Driving Perception
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Contrastive Mean Teacher for Domain Adaptive Object Detect...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Diverse Human Motion Prediction Guided by Multi-level Spat...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tunin...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Few-Shot Human Motion Prediction via Meta-learning
     with: Wang, Y.X.: InterDiff: Generating 3D Human-Object Interactions with Ph...
     with: Xu, S.: Diverse Human Motion Prediction Guided by Multi-level Spatial-...
     with: Xu, S.: InterDiff: Generating 3D Human-Object Interactions with Physic...
     with: Zhang, S.H.: Traffic flow from a low frame rate city camera
36 for Gui, L.Y.

Gui, M.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lai, C.Q.: Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With M...
     with: Lan, Y.L.: Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With M...
     with: Liu, F.G.: Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With M...
     with: Ng, W.W.Y.: Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With ...

Gui, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, T.: Image-Based Localization for Indoor Environment Using Mobile...
     with: Huang, Y.: Image-Based Localization for Indoor Environment Using Mobil...
     with: Ling, W.K.: Cross-cumulative residual entropy-based medical image regi...
     with: Ma, L.: Cross-cumulative residual entropy-based medical image registra...
     with: Shao, D.G.: Cross-cumulative residual entropy-based medical image regi...
     with: Shao, D.G.: Ultrasound image segmentation with multilevel threshold ba...
     with: Wang, H.: Image-Based Localization for Indoor Environment Using Mobile...
     with: Xiang, Y.: Cross-cumulative residual entropy-based medical image regis...
     with: Xiang, Y.: Ultrasound image segmentation with multilevel threshold bas...
     with: Xu, C.R.: Ultrasound image segmentation with multilevel threshold base...
     with: Yu, Z.T.: Ultrasound image segmentation with multilevel threshold base...
     with: Zhan, K.: Image-Based Localization for Indoor Environment Using Mobile...
     with: Zhang, C.: Ultrasound image segmentation with multilevel threshold bas...
     with: Zhang, D.Y.: Cross-cumulative residual entropy-based medical image reg...
     with: Zhao, J.: Image-Based Localization for Indoor Environment Using Mobile...
     with: Zhu, X.F.: Ultrasound image segmentation with multilevel threshold bas...
16 for Gui, P.

Gui, P.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Wang, R.W.: Improved Data Augmentation of Deep Convolutional Neural Ne...
     with: Zhao, Q.J.: Improved Data Augmentation of Deep Convolutional Neural Ne...
     with: Zhu, F.Y.: Improved Data Augmentation of Deep Convolutional Neural Net...
     with: Zhu, Z.B.: Improved Data Augmentation of Deep Convolutional Neural Net...

Gui, Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, X.H.: community discovery algorithm based on boundary nodes and...
     with: Deng, R.: community discovery algorithm based on boundary nodes and la...
     with: Jin, Z.P.: Survey on Brain Biometrics, A
     with: Laszlo, S.: Survey on Brain Biometrics, A
     with: Ruiz Blondet, M.V.: Survey on Brain Biometrics, A
     with: Xue, P.F.: community discovery algorithm based on boundary nodes and l...

Gui, Q.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Deep gradient prior network for DEM super-resolution: Tran...
     with: Ding, M.Y.: Deep gradient prior network for DEM super-resolution: Tran...
     with: Hou, W.G.: Deep gradient prior network for DEM super-resolution: Trans...
     with: Xu, Z.: Deep gradient prior network for DEM super-resolution: Transfer...
     with: Yi, W.W.: Deep gradient prior network for DEM super-resolution: Transf...

Gui, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, Z.: Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Groun...
     with: Dong, H.: Dynamic Fractal Texture Analysis for PolSAR Land Cover Class...
     with: Dong, H.: Individual Building Extraction from TerraSAR-X Images Based ...
     with: Dong, X.D.: Direction of Arrival Estimation with Nested Arrays in Pres...
     with: Fu, H.Q.: InSAR Digital Elevation Model Void-Filling Method Based on I...
     with: He, C.H.: Location and Activity Changes of Slow-Moving Landslides Due ...
     with: Hu, J.: Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Groundwa...
     with: Hu, J.: Estimation of Land Deformation and Groundwater Storage Dynamic...
     with: Hu, J.: InSAR Digital Elevation Model Void-Filling Method Based on Inc...
     with: Hu, J.: Location and Activity Changes of Slow-Moving Landslides Due to...
     with: Hu, Z.: InSAR Digital Elevation Model Void-Filling Method Based on Inc...
     with: Jiang, K.: InSAR Digital Elevation Model Void-Filling Method Based on ...
     with: Li, X.R.: AMN: Attention Metric Network for One-Shot Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Liu, L.Q.: InSAR Digital Elevation Model Void-Filling Method Based on ...
     with: Pu, F.: Dynamic Fractal Texture Analysis for PolSAR Land Cover Classif...
     with: Pu, F.L.: AMN: Attention Metric Network for One-Shot Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Pu, F.L.: Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for PolSAR Land Cov...
     with: Pu, F.L.: Individual Building Extraction from TerraSAR-X Images Based ...
     with: Pu, F.L.: Learning Rotation Domain Deep Mutual Information Using Convo...
     with: Pu, F.L.: Statistical Scattering Component-Based Subspace Alignment fo...
     with: Song, C.: Individual Building Extraction from TerraSAR-X Images Based ...
     with: Sun, M.: Direction of Arrival Estimation with Nested Arrays in Presenc...
     with: Sun, Q.: Location and Activity Changes of Slow-Moving Landslides Due t...
     with: Wang, L.: Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for PolSAR Land Cov...
     with: Wang, L.: Learning Rotation Domain Deep Mutual Information Using Convo...
     with: Wang, L.: Statistical Scattering Component-Based Subspace Alignment fo...
     with: Wang, W.: Computational Efficient DOA, DOD, and Doppler Estimation Alg...
     with: Wang, Y.: Direction of Arrival Estimation with Nested Arrays in Presen...
     with: Xiong, T.: Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Groun...
     with: Xu, B.: Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Groundwa...
     with: Xu, J.: Computational Efficient DOA, DOD, and Doppler Estimation Algor...
     with: Xu, X.: AMN: Attention Metric Network for One-Shot Remote Sensing Imag...
     with: Xu, X.: Dynamic Fractal Texture Analysis for PolSAR Land Cover Classif...
     with: Xu, X.: Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for PolSAR Land Cover...
     with: Xu, X.: Individual Building Extraction from TerraSAR-X Images Based on...
     with: Xu, X.: Learning Rotation Domain Deep Mutual Information Using Convolu...
     with: Xu, X.: Statistical Scattering Component-Based Subspace Alignment for ...
     with: Xu, Z.: Dynamic Fractal Texture Analysis for PolSAR Land Cover Classif...
     with: Yang, C.J.: Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Grou...
     with: Yang, L.M.: Estimation of Land Deformation and Groundwater Storage Dyn...
     with: Yang, Q.H.: Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Grou...
     with: Yang, Q.H.: Estimation of Land Deformation and Groundwater Storage Dyn...
     with: Yang, R.: AMN: Attention Metric Network for One-Shot Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Yang, R.: Dynamic Fractal Texture Analysis for PolSAR Land Cover Class...
     with: Yang, R.: Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for PolSAR Land Cov...
     with: Yang, R.: Learning Rotation Domain Deep Mutual Information Using Convo...
     with: Yang, R.: Statistical Scattering Component-Based Subspace Alignment fo...
     with: Yuan, Y.: InSAR Digital Elevation Model Void-Filling Method Based on I...
     with: Zhang, X.: Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Groun...
     with: Zhang, X.: Estimation of Land Deformation and Groundwater Storage Dyna...
     with: Zhao, J.: Direction of Arrival Estimation with Nested Arrays in Presen...
51 for Gui, R.

Gui, R.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbas, H.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and...
     with: Chen, L.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and ...
     with: Chen, L.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using t...
     with: Chen, X.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using t...
     with: Feng, T.S.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging an...
     with: He, Q.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and U2...
     with: Jiang, W.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and...
     with: Li, M.Y.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using t...
     with: Lin, S.J.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and...
     with: Liu, H.J.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and...
     with: Liu, H.J.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using ...
     with: Liu, J.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and U...
     with: Lu, Y.Z.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and ...
     with: Lu, Y.Z.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using t...
     with: Lv, J.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using the...
     with: Meng, L.W.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging an...
     with: Shi, Y.J.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using ...
     with: Song, W.L.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging an...
     with: Song, W.L.: Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using...
     with: Sun, T.: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and U...
20 for Gui, R.J.

Gui, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, Y.: MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framework f...
     with: Chen, J.X.: MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framewor...
     with: Chen, Q.: FeatureFlow: Robust Video Interpolation via Structure-to-Tex...
     with: Ji, S.W.: Explainability in Graph Neural Networks: A Taxonomic Survey
     with: Jin, J.: ATZSL: Defensive Zero-Shot Recognition in the Presence of Adv...
     with: Liu, J.: Automatic Neural Network Compression by Sparsity-Quantization...
     with: Tao, D.: FeatureFlow: Robust Video Interpolation via Structure-to-Text...
     with: Wang, C.: FeatureFlow: Robust Video Interpolation via Structure-to-Tex...
     with: Wang, Z.K.: MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framewor...
     with: Yang, H.: Automatic Neural Network Compression by Sparsity-Quantizatio...
     with: Yu, H.Y.: Explainability in Graph Neural Networks: A Taxonomic Survey
     with: Yuan, H.: Explainability in Graph Neural Networks: A Taxonomic Survey
     with: Zhang, C.: MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framework...
     with: Zhang, X.X.: ATZSL: Defensive Zero-Shot Recognition in the Presence of...
     with: Zhao, Y.: ATZSL: Defensive Zero-Shot Recognition in the Presence of Ad...
     with: Zhou, X.: MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framework ...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Automatic Neural Network Compression by Sparsity-Quantization...
     with: Zhu, Z.F.: ATZSL: Defensive Zero-Shot Recognition in the Presence of A...
18 for Gui, S.

Gui, S.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, J.: GAN Slimming: All-in-one GAN Compression by a Unified Optimiz...
     with: Liu, J.: Hierarchical Prototype Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
     with: Liu, J.: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial Pe...
     with: Qiu, S.: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial Pe...
     with: Wang, H.T.: GAN Slimming: All-in-one GAN Compression by a Unified Opti...
     with: Wang, Z.D.: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: GAN Slimming: All-in-one GAN Compression by a Unified Opti...
     with: Wu, M.R.: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial P...
     with: Yang, H.C.: GAN Slimming: All-in-one GAN Compression by a Unified Opti...
     with: Ye, J.P.: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial P...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partia...
     with: Zhang, X.X.: Hierarchical Prototype Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
     with: Zhao, Y.: Hierarchical Prototype Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
     with: Zhong, P.: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial ...
     with: Zhu, Z.F.: Hierarchical Prototype Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
15 for Gui, S.P.

Gui, S.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ji, S.W.: FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message...
     with: Lao, Q.C.: FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Messag...
     with: Li, K.: FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message F...
     with: Wang, J.: FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message...
     with: Yuan, H.: FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message...

Gui, S.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Qin, R.J.: Automated LoD-2 model reconstruction from very-high-resolut...
     with: Qin, R.J.: Remote Sensing Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: A...
     with: Song, S.: Remote Sensing Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: A ...
     with: Tang, Y.: Remote Sensing Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: A ...

Gui, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ge, W.F.: Correspondence Transformers with Asymmetric Feature Learning...
     with: Huang, Y.: Correspondence Transformers with Asymmetric Feature Learnin...
     with: Sun, Y.X.: Correspondence Transformers with Asymmetric Feature Learnin...
     with: Yin, Z.Y.: Correspondence Transformers with Asymmetric Feature Learnin...
     with: Zhang, W.Q.: Correspondence Transformers with Asymmetric Feature Learn...
     with: Zhao, D.Y.: Correspondence Transformers with Asymmetric Feature Learni...

Gui, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caleanu, C.D.: Interest Operator versus Gabor filtering for facial ima...
     with: Campeanu, A.: GNSS Localization in Constraint Environment by Image Fus...
     with: Carrie, G.: GNSS Localization in Constraint Environment by Image Fusin...
     with: David, C.: GNSS Localization in Constraint Environment by Image Fusing...
     with: Gu, I.H.: Colour Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Mean Shift Filters
     with: Gu, I.Y.H.: Object Recognition and Motion Estimation via Joint Segment...
     with: Gu, Y.H.: Joint Segmentation and B-Spline Object Contour Modelling for...
     with: Huang, D.S.: Interest Operator versus Gabor filtering for facial image...
     with: Maranescu, V.: Interest Operator versus Gabor filtering for facial ima...
     with: Monnerat, M.: GNSS Localization in Constraint Environment by Image Fus...
     with: Nafornita, C.: GNSS Localization in Constraint Environment by Image Fu...
     with: Tiponut, V.: Interest Operator versus Gabor filtering for facial image...
     with: Tjahjadi, T.: Joint Segmentation and B-Spline Object Contour Modelling...
13 for Gui, V.

Gui, W.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, T.: Generated Pseudo-Labels Guided by Background Skeletons for Ov...
     with: Chen, Z.W.: Generated Pseudo-Labels Guided by Background Skeletons for...
     with: Fan, Y.: Binocular Camera Calibration Method in Froth Flotation Based ...
     with: He, J.B.: Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via W...
     with: He, J.Z.: Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via W...
     with: Hu, W.F.: Scheduling-measure dependent modelling of delay propagation ...
     with: Huang, J.C.: Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Bur...
     with: Jiang, Z.H.: Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Bur...
     with: Jiang, Z.H.: Generated Pseudo-Labels Guided by Background Skeletons fo...
     with: Liu, J.P.: Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via ...
     with: Liu, J.S.: Generated Pseudo-Labels Guided by Background Skeletons for ...
     with: Luo, J.: Binocular Camera Calibration Method in Froth Flotation Based ...
     with: Ma, J.F.: Scheduling-measure dependent modelling of delay propagation ...
     with: Ma, S.: Scheduling-measure dependent modelling of delay propagation on...
     with: Ma, T.Y.: Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via W...
     with: Niyoyita, J.P.: Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring...
     with: Pan, D.: Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Burden ...
     with: Peng, T.: Scheduling-measure dependent modelling of delay propagation ...
     with: Tang, Z.H.: Binocular Camera Calibration Method in Froth Flotation Bas...
     with: Tang, Z.H.: Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via...
     with: Xie, Y.F.: Binocular Camera Calibration Method in Froth Flotation Base...
     with: Xie, Y.F.: Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via ...
     with: Xu, C.: Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Burden S...
     with: Xu, C.H.: Application of highlight removal and multivariate image anal...
     with: Yang, C.H.: Application of highlight removal and multivariate image an...
     with: Yi, Z.H.: Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Burden...
     with: Zhang, C.: Generated Pseudo-Labels Guided by Background Skeletons for ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Binocular Camera Calibration Method in Froth Flotation Base...
     with: Zhou, K.: Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Burden...
     with: Zhou, K.J.: Application of highlight removal and multivariate image an...
30 for Gui, W.H.

Gui, X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, L.: Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanizati...
     with: Huang, X.: Urbanization Effects on Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat I...
     with: Ji, Y.X.: Impacts of Drought and Climatic Factors on Vegetation Dynami...
     with: Jiang, J.: Toward Encrypted Cloud Media Center With Secure Deduplication
     with: Jiang, W.X.: Impacts of Drought and Climatic Factors on Vegetation Dyn...
     with: Li, X.L.: High-Dimensional Histogram Utilization for Reversible Data H...
     with: Mao, X.: Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanizatio...
     with: Niu, Z.: Impacts of Drought and Climatic Factors on Vegetation Dynamic...
     with: Sun, L.: Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanizatio...
     with: Wang, C.: Toward Encrypted Cloud Media Center With Secure Deduplication
     with: Wang, G.X.: Investigating Surface Urban Heat Islands in South America ...
     with: Wang, L.: Impacts of Drought and Climatic Factors on Vegetation Dynami...
     with: Wang, L.: Investigating Surface Urban Heat Islands in South America Ba...
     with: Wang, L.: Urbanization Effects on Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat Is...
     with: Wang, X.: Toward Encrypted Cloud Media Center With Secure Deduplication
     with: Wu, X.J.: Investigating Surface Urban Heat Islands in South America Ba...
     with: Wu, X.J.: Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanizati...
     with: Xiang, F.F.: Impacts of Drought and Climatic Factors on Vegetation Dyn...
     with: Yang, B.: High-Dimensional Histogram Utilization for Reversible Data H...
     with: Yao, R.: Impacts of Drought and Climatic Factors on Vegetation Dynamic...
     with: Yao, R.: Investigating Surface Urban Heat Islands in South America Bas...
     with: Yao, R.: Urbanization Effects on Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat Isl...
     with: Yu, D.Q.: Investigating Surface Urban Heat Islands in South America Ba...
     with: Yuan, X.: Toward Encrypted Cloud Media Center With Secure Deduplication
     with: Zhang, H.M.: Urbanization Effects on Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat...
     with: Zhang, M.: Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanizat...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Toward Encrypted Cloud Media Center With Secure Deduplication
     with: Zheng, Y.K.: Urbanization Effects on Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat...
28 for Gui, X.

Gui, X.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Han, Z.Y.: Towards Accurate and Robust Domain Adaptation Under Multipl...
     with: Li, S.: Towards Accurate and Robust Domain Adaptation Under Multiple N...
     with: Sun, H.L.: Towards Accurate and Robust Domain Adaptation Under Multipl...
     with: Yin, Y.L.: Towards Accurate and Robust Domain Adaptation Under Multipl...

Gui, X.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, X.L.: Improved payload location for LSB matching steganography
     with: Li, X.L.: novel integer transform for efficient reversible watermarkin...
     with: Yang, B.: Improved payload location for LSB matching steganography
     with: Yang, B.: novel integer transform for efficient reversible watermarkin...

Gui, X.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, K.: Unified Blending Framework For Panorama Completion Via Graph...
     with: Li, L.: Unified Blending Framework For Panorama Completion Via Graph C...
     with: Lu, X.: Unified Blending Framework For Panorama Completion Via Graph C...
     with: Xia, M.H.: Unified Blending Framework For Panorama Completion Via Grap...
     with: Yao, J.: Unified Blending Framework For Panorama Completion Via Graph ...

Gui, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, X.: Color image segmentation using mean shift and improved spectr...
     with: Cai, Y.Y.: Reliable and Dynamic Appearance Modeling and Label Consiste...
     with: Chen, M.G.: gradient-domain-based edge-preserving sharpen filter, A
     with: Lau, R.W.H.: gradient-domain-based edge-preserving sharpen filter, A
     with: Li, Y.: Landslide Hazard Analysis Combining BGA-Net-Based Landslide Su...
     with: Li, Z.: Color image segmentation using mean shift and improved spectra...
     with: Liu, Y.: Discrete texture elements synthesis on surfaces using element...
     with: Liu, Y.F.: CPG-LS: Causal Perception Guided Linguistic Steganography
     with: Ma, L.Z.: gradient-domain-based edge-preserving sharpen filter, A
     with: Ma, L.Z.: Periodic pattern of texture analysis and synthesis based on ...
     with: Ming, D.P.: Landslide Hazard Analysis Combining BGA-Net-Based Landslid...
     with: Ren, X.Y.: Adaptive Attention Fusion Mechanism Convolutional Network f...
     with: Su, L.: Landslide Hazard Analysis Combining BGA-Net-Based Landslide Su...
     with: Sun, C.: Learning interactive multi-object segmentation through appear...
     with: Tan, X.: Adaptive Attention Fusion Mechanism Convolutional Network for...
     with: Tang, T.F.: Adaptive Attention Fusion Mechanism Convolutional Network ...
     with: Tang, T.Q.: ATAC-Based Car-Following Model for Level 3 Autonomous Driv...
     with: Tian, Y.: Reliable and Dynamic Appearance Modeling and Label Consisten...
     with: Wang, K.P.: Robust tracking method with drift correction
     with: Xia, J.L.: CPG-LS: Causal Perception Guided Linguistic Steganography
     with: Xiang, L.Y.: CPG-LS: Causal Perception Guided Linguistic Steganography
     with: Xiang, L.Y.: Learning interactive multi-object segmentation through ap...
     with: Xie, Z.F.: gradient-domain-based edge-preserving sharpen filter, A
     with: Xie, Z.F.: Reliable and Dynamic Appearance Modeling and Label Consiste...
     with: Xu, L.: Landslide Hazard Analysis Combining BGA-Net-Based Landslide Su...
     with: Yao, Q.: Adaptive Attention Fusion Mechanism Convolutional Network for...
     with: Ye, Y.X.: Adaptive Attention Fusion Mechanism Convolutional Network fo...
     with: Yu, Q.F.: Robust tracking method with drift correction
     with: Yuan, Y.: Color image segmentation using mean shift and improved spect...
     with: Zeng, D.J.: Reliable and Dynamic Appearance Modeling and Label Consist...
     with: Zeng, G.: Joint learning of visual and spatial features for edit propa...
     with: Zhang, J.: ATAC-Based Car-Following Model for Level 3 Autonomous Drivi...
     with: Zhang, J.: Learning interactive multi-object segmentation through appe...
     with: Zhang, J.M.: Learning interactive multi-object segmentation through ap...
     with: Zhang, L.: Landslide Hazard Analysis Combining BGA-Net-Based Landslide...
     with: Zhang, X.H.: Robust tracking method with drift correction
     with: Zhang, Z.: Landslide Hazard Analysis Combining BGA-Net-Based Landslide...
     with: Zhou, B.Q.: Learning interactive multi-object segmentation through app...
     with: Zhu, B.: Adaptive Attention Fusion Mechanism Convolutional Network for...
39 for Gui, Y.

Gui, Y.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Laalej, H.: Sensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis for Dete...
     with: Lang, Z.Q.: Sensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis for Dete...
     with: Liu, Z.: Sensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis for Detecti...
     with: Stammers, J.: Sensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis for De...
     with: Zhu, Y.P.: Sensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis for Detec...

Gui, Y.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, S.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
     with: Hughes, D.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
     with: Jia, F.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
     with: Lewis, M.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
     with: Li, H.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
     with: Ni, T.W.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
     with: Raja, S.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
     with: Sycara, K.: Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams
8 for Gui, Y.K.

Gui, Y.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Du, Y.: Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image Seque...
     with: Geng, W.D.: Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image S...
     with: Han, F.: Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image Sequ...
     with: Kankanhalli, M.: Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Im...
     with: Liu, Y.H.: Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image Se...
     with: Wang, Z.: Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image Seq...
     with: Wong, Y.K.: Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image S...
7 for Gui, Y.L.

Gui, Y.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Du, Z.Q.: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normalize...
     with: Li, W.B.: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normalize...
     with: Ling, F.: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normalize...
     with: Sun, B.Y.: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normaliz...
     with: Wang, H.: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normalize...
     with: Zhang, X.M.: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normal...
     with: Zhou, D.B.: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normali...
7 for Gui, Y.M.

Gui, Y.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.W.: Compressed Pseudo-Analog Transmission System for Remote Se...
     with: Chen, C.W.: LensCast: Robust Wireless Video Transmission Over MmWave M...
     with: Jiang, X.D.: Compressed Pseudo-Analog Transmission System for Remote S...
     with: Lu, H.C.: Compressed Pseudo-Analog Transmission System for Remote Sens...
     with: Lu, H.C.: LensCast: Robust Wireless Video Transmission Over MmWave MIM...
     with: Wu, F.: Compressed Pseudo-Analog Transmission System for Remote Sensin...
     with: Wu, F.: LensCast: Robust Wireless Video Transmission Over MmWave MIMO ...
7 for Gui, Y.Q.

Gui, Y.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, Q.: Cross-Modal Segmentation Network for Winter Wheat Mapping in C...
     with: Li, W.: Cross-Modal Segmentation Network for Winter Wheat Mapping in C...
     with: Wang, N.: Cross-Modal Segmentation Network for Winter Wheat Mapping in...
     with: Wu, Q.X.: Cross-Modal Segmentation Network for Winter Wheat Mapping in...

Gui, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
     with: Coatrieux, G.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT I...
     with: Cui, Z.: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Accele...
     with: Feng, Q.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
     with: Guo, W.: Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Real...
     with: Hu, Y.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
     with: Liu, J.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
     with: Luo, L.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
     with: Luo, S.: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Accele...
     with: Ma, Z.: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Acceler...
     with: Peng, D.: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Accel...
     with: Shen, S.: Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Rea...
     with: Shu, H.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
     with: Wang, Y.: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Accel...
     with: Wu, H.: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Acceler...
     with: Wu, H.: Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Real-...
     with: Wu, J.: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Acceler...
     with: Yang, J.: 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
     with: You, L.: Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Real...
19 for Gui, Z.

Gui, Z.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, H.F.: MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network fo...
     with: Li, N.: MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network for ...
     with: Song, D.Z.: MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network ...
     with: Wang, H.C.: MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network ...
     with: Wu, R.B.: MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network fo...

Gui, Z.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, Y.J.: Sparse-view statistical iterative head CT image reconstruct...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Image analysis by generalized Chebyshev-Fourier and genera...
     with: Cui, X.Y.: Sinogram restoration for low-dose X-ray computed tomography...
     with: Cui, X.Y.: Sparse-view statistical iterative head CT image reconstruct...
     with: Hong, S.G.: Sinogram restoration for low-dose X-ray computed tomograph...
     with: Hong, S.G.: Sparse-view statistical iterative head CT image reconstruc...
     with: Liu, Y.: Sinogram restoration for low-dose X-ray computed tomography u...
     with: Liu, Y.: Sparse-view statistical iterative head CT image reconstructio...
     with: Shu, H.Z.: General Form for Obtaining Unit Disc-Based Generalized Orth...
     with: Yang, Y.: General Form for Obtaining Unit Disc-Based Generalized Ortho...
     with: Yang, Y.: Image analysis by generalized Chebyshev-Fourier and generali...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Sinogram restoration for low-dose X-ray computed tomography...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Sparse-view statistical iterative head CT image reconstruct...
     with: Zhang, X.: Sinogram restoration for low-dose X-ray computed tomography...
     with: Zhu, H.Q.: General Form for Obtaining Unit Disc-Based Generalized Orth...
     with: Zhu, H.Q.: Image analysis by generalized Chebyshev-Fourier and general...
     with: Zhu, X.L.: General Form for Obtaining Unit Disc-Based Generalized Orth...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Image analysis by generalized Chebyshev-Fourier and generaliz...
18 for Gui, Z.G.

Gui, Z.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zhang, C.: Robust Active Shape Model Construction and Fitting for Faci...

Gui, Z.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, W.Z.: Dynamic Perception-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using...
     with: Wang, X.: Dynamic Perception-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using...

Gui, Z.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, J.: Developing A Cloud-based Online Geospatial Information Sharin...
     with: Cao, J.: Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of Pu...
     with: Cheng, X.Q.: Concept and Technologies of Quality of Geographic Informa...
     with: Cheng, X.Q.: Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring o...
     with: Hu, K.: Concept and Technologies of Quality of Geographic Information ...
     with: Hu, K.: Developing A Cloud-based Online Geospatial Information Sharing...
     with: Jin, F.Y.: Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints a...
     with: Li, R.: Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and ...
     with: Li, R.: Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Even...
     with: Liang, J.Y.: Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints...
     with: Liu, X.J.: Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of ...
     with: Liu, Y.: Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Eve...
     with: McClure, S.C.: Concept and Technologies of Quality of Geographic Infor...
     with: Song, A.H.: Developing Non-Negative Spatial Autoregressive Models for ...
     with: Wang, S.: Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Ev...
     with: Wu, H.Y.: Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints an...
     with: Wu, H.Y.: Concept and Technologies of Quality of Geographic Informatio...
     with: Wu, H.Y.: Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Ev...
     with: Wu, H.Y.: Developing A Cloud-based Online Geospatial Information Shari...
     with: Wu, H.Y.: Developing Non-Negative Spatial Autoregressive Models for Be...
     with: Wu, H.Y.: Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of P...
     with: Xing, H.Q.: Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints ...
     with: Yang, Z.L.: Developing A Cloud-based Online Geospatial Information Sha...
     with: You, L.: Developing A Cloud-based Online Geospatial Information Sharin...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints...
     with: Zheng, H.H.: Developing Non-Negative Spatial Autoregressive Models for...
26 for Gui, Z.P.

Gui, Z.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, G.: Frequency-Domain Q-Compensated Reverse Time Migration Using a ...
     with: Li, H.: Frequency-Domain Q-Compensated Reverse Time Migration Using a ...
     with: Ma, X.: Frequency-Domain Q-Compensated Reverse Time Migration Using a ...
     with: Peng, X.B.: Frequency-Domain Q-Compensated Reverse Time Migration Usin...

Index for "g"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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