Index for hanc

Hanca, J.[Jan] Co Author Listing * Lightweight real-time error-resilient encoding of visual sensor data
* low-cost visual sensor network for elderly care, A
* Robust stereo matching using census cost, discontinuity-preserving disparity computation and view-consistent refinement
Includes: Hanca, J.[Jan] Hanca, J.

Hancer, E.[Emrah] Co Author Listing * new approach to the reconstruction of contour lines extracted from topographic maps, A

Hanchane, M.[Mohamed] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Relationship between Grain Yield and NDVI from MODIS in the Fez-Meknes Region, Morocco

Hancher, M.D.[Mattew D.] Co Author Listing * bayesian formulation for sub-pixel refinement in stereo orbital imagery, A

Hancke, G.[Gerhard] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Illumination Mapping for Shadow Detection in Raw Images
* Referring Image Segmentation Using Text Supervision

Hancke, G.P.[Gerhard Petrus] Co Author Listing * Color Shift Estimation-and-Correction for Image Enhancement
* Deformable Object Tracking With Gated Fusion
* Development of a robust active infrared-based eye tracker
* Learning Image Harmonization in the Linear Color Space
* Learning Object Context for Novel-view Scene Layout Generation
* Light Source Guided Single-Image Flare Removal from Unpaired Data
Includes: Hancke, G.P.[Gerhard Petrus] Hancke, G.P. Hancke, G.P.[Gerhard P.]

Hanckmann, P.[Patrick] Co Author Listing * Automated Textual Descriptions for a Wide Range of Video Events with 48 Human Actions
* Instantaneous threat detection based on a semantic representation of activities, zones and trajectories
Includes: Hanckmann, P.[Patrick] Hanckmann, P.

Hancock, C.[Craig] Co Author Listing * GNSS Carrier-Phase Multipath Modeling and Correction: A Review and Prospect of Data Processing Methods
* Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Oblique-Photogrammetry with a Ground Camera
* Novel Approach for As-Built BIM Updating Using Inertial Measurement Unit and Mobile Laser Scanner, A

Hancock, C.M.[Craig M.] Co Author Listing * Cycle Slip Detection during High Ionospheric Activities Based on Combined Triple-Frequency GNSS Signals
* Mitigating the Scintillation Effect on GNSS Signals Using MP and ROTI
* Morphological Features of Severe Ionospheric Weather Associated with Typhoon Doksuri in 2023
* Special Issue Editorial: Remote Sensing in Structural Health Monitoring
* Validating Ionospheric Scintillation Indices Extracted from 30s-Sampling-Interval GNSS Geodetic Receivers with Long-Term Ground and In-Situ Observations in High-Latitude Regions

Hancock, E.[Edwin] Co Author Listing * Fast Subspace Clustering Based on the Kronecker Product
* Uncertainty Estimation for Stereo Matching Based on Evidential Deep Learning

Hancock, E.E.[Edwin E.] Co Author Listing * Special edition on semi-supervised learning for visual content analysis and understanding

Hancock, E.R.[Edwin R.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Hancock, E.R.[Edwin R.]: erh AT cs york ac uk
* 3-D Planar Orientation from Texture: Estimating Vanishing Point from Local Spectral Analysis
* 3-D Terrain from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* 3D Object Recognition Using Hyper-Graphs and Ranked Local Invariant Features
* 3D Shape Classification Using Commute Time
* 3D Surface Topography from Intensity Images
* 3D Triangular Mesh Parametrization Using Locally Linear Embedding
* Absorptive scattering model for rough laminar surfaces
* Accumulating Spectral Evidence for Perspective Views of Texture Planes
* Acquiring Height Data from a Single Image of a Face Using Local Shape Indicators
* Acquiring height maps of faces from a single image
* Adapting Scale by Minimising Spectral Defocusing for Shape from Texture
* Adapting Spectral Scale for Shape from Texture
* Adaptive Estimation of Hysteresis Thresholds
* Adaptive Feature Selection Based on the Most Informative Graph-Based Features
* Adaptive Graph Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Adaptive hash retrieval with kernel based similarity
* Adding Subsurface Attenuation to the Beckmann-Kirchhoff Theory
* Advances in pattern recognition methodology and applications
* Alignment and Correspondence Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Alignment using Spectral Clusters
* Analysis of the Exponential Correlation Associative Memory, An
* Analyzing graph time series using a generative model
* Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using Shape-From-Shading
* Approximate Axial Symmetries from Continuous Time Quantum Walks
* Approximating 3D Facial Shape from Photographs Using Coupled Statistical Models
* Arabic Character Recognition Using Structural Shape Decomposition
* Arabic Character Recognition with Shape Mixtures
* Articulated Shape Mixtures for Object Recognition
* Associating Minutiae between Distorted Fingerprints Using Minimal Spanning Tree
* Attribute subspaces for zero-shot learning
* Attributed Graph Kernel from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence, An
* Augmenting Point Distribution Models with Relational Constraints
* Bayesian Approach to 3D Surface Fitting and Refinement, A
* Bayesian Compatibility Model for Graph Matching, A
* Bayesian extraction of differential surface structure
* Bayesian framework for 3D surface estimation, A
* Bayesian framework for hierarchical relaxation, A
* Bayesian Framework for Radar Shape-from-Shading, A
* Bayesian Graph Edit Distance
* Bayesian Interpretation for the Exponential Correlation Associative Memory, A
* Bayesian Interpretation for the Hopfield Network, A
* Bias-Variance Analysis for Controlling Adaptive Surface Meshes
* Bias-Variance Tradeoff for Adaptive Surface Meshes
* Birkhoff polytopes, heat kernels and graph complexity
* Bragg Diffraction Patterns as Graph Characteristics
* Cartographic Indexing into a Database of Remotely Sensed Images
* Cartographic Matching onto Millimetre Radar Images
* Characterising Facial Gender Difference Using Fisher-Rao Metric
* Characterising Graphs using the Heat Kernel
* Characteristic Polynomial Analysis on Matrix Representations of Graphs
* Characterizing Graphs Using Approximate von Neumann Entropy
* Characterizing Graphs Using Spherical Triangles
* Clustering and Embedding Using Commute Times
* Clustering Shapes Using Heat Content Invariants
* Clustering Using Class Specific Hyper Graphs
* Coarse View Synthesis Using Shape-from-Shading
* Coined Quantum Walks Lift the Cospectrality of Graphs and Trees
* Combinatorial Surface Integration
* Combining curvature evidence to shape-from-shading
* Combining data-closeness and fourier domain integrability constraints in shape-from-shading
* Combining Evidence in Probabilistic Relaxation
* Commute Time for a Gaussian Wave Packet on a Graph
* Commute Times for Graph Spectral Clustering
* Commute Times in Dense Graphs
* Commute Times, Discrete Green's Functions and Graph Matching
* Comparing Variants of the Beckmann Model
* Comparison of Cartesian Coordinate-based Representations for Building Three-dimensional Models of Faces, A
* Complexity Fusion for Indexing Reeb Digraphs
* comprehensive polarisation model for surface orientation recovery, A
* Computing approximate tree edit distance using relaxation labeling
* Consistent topographic surface labelling
* Contextual Decision Rule for Image Analysis
* Convergence of a hill-climbing genetic algorithm for graph matching
* Corner detection using a mixture model of edge orientation
* Corner Detection Using Vector Potential
* Corner Detection Via Topographic Analysis of Vector Potential
* Correcting Curvature-Density Effects in the Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton
* Correction of underexposed images using scene radiance estimation
* Correlation Network Evolution Using Mean Reversion Autoregression
* Correspondence matching using kernel principal components analysis and label consistency constraints
* Correspondence matching using Spectral Clusters
* Correspondence matching with modal clusters
* Correspondence Measure for Graph Matching Using the Discrete Quantum Walk, A
* Coupled Prediction Classification for Robust Visual Tracking
* Coupled Statistical Face Reconstruction
* Coupled Statistical Model for Face Shape Recovery From Brightness Images, A
* Coupled Statistical Model for Face Shape Recovery, A
* Coupled-Feature Hypergraph Representation for Feature Selection
* Cross-Supervised Joint-Event-Extraction with Heterogeneous Information Networks
* Curvature Consistency for Shape-from-Shading
* Curvature correction of the Hamilton-Jacobi skeleton
* Curvature Dependent Skeletonization
* Curvature Estimation for Ricci Flow Embedding
* Darboux smoothing for shape-from-shading
* Data-driven Shape-from-Shading using Curvature Consistency
* Deep Face Model Compression Using Entropy-Based Filter Selection
* Deep Hybrid Graph Kernel Through Deep Learning Networks, A
* Deep supervised hashing using symmetric relative entropy
* Deep Supervised Hashing with Information Loss
* Density Propagation for Surface Tracking
* Depth-based complexity traces of graphs
* Depth-based hypergraph complexity traces from directed line graphs
* Depth-based subgraph convolutional auto-encoder for network representation learning
* Depth-based Subgraph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Detecting Alzheimer's Disease Using Directed Graphs
* Detecting Multiple Texture Planes using Local Spectral Distortion
* Detection of skin lesions using diffuse polarisation
* Determining the Cause of Negative Dissimilarity Eigenvalues
* Deterministic search for relational graph matching
* Diffuse Reflectance Models for Rough Surfaces: A Geometrical Study for Shape-from-Shading
* Diffusion of Geometric Affinity for Surface Integration
* Directed and undirected network evolution from Euler-Lagrange dynamics
* Directed Depth-Based Complexity Traces of Hypergraphs from Directed Line Graphs
* Directed Graph Evolution from Euler-Lagrange Dynamics
* Directed Network Analysis Using Transfer Entropy Component Analysis
* Direction of arrival estimation for indoor environments based on acoustic composition model with a single microphone
* Dirichlet densifier bounds: Densifying beyond the spectral gap constraint
* Dirichlet densifiers for improved commute times estimation
* Dirichlet Densifiers: Beyond Constraining the Spectral Gap
* Dirichlet Graph Densifiers
* Discovering Shape Categories by Clustering Shock Trees
* Discovering Shape Classes using Tree Edit-Distance and Pairwise Clustering
* Discrete Relaxation
* Distinguishing facial expression using the Fisher-Rao metric
* Edge Detection and Anisotropic Diffusion for Tensor-Valued Images
* Edge location with electrostatic region attractors
* Edge-Based Matching Kernel for Graphs Through the Directed Line Graphs, An
* Edge-Based Matching Kernel on Commute-Time Spanning Trees, An
* Edge-Based Matching Kernel Through Discrete-Time Quantum Walks, An
* Edge-Labeling Using Dictionary-Based Relaxation
* Editorial, Introduction
* Editorial: Special Issue on Machine Vision
* Efficient Relational Matching with Local Edit Distance
* Efficiently Computing Weighted Tree Edit Distance Using Relaxation Labeling
* Eigendecomposition Method for Shape-from-texture, An
* Eigenspaces For Graphs
* Eigenspaces from Seriated Graphs
* Eigenvector method for shape-from-shading, An
* Eigenvector method for texture recognition
* Eigenvector Sign Correction for Spectral Correspondence Matching
* EM-like Algorithm for Motion Segmentation via Eigendecomposition, An
* Entropic Edge Assortativity Measure, An
* Entropic Graph Embedding via Multivariate Degree Distributions
* Entropy versus Heterogeneity for Graphs
* Estimating 3D Facial Pose Using the EM Algorithm
* Estimating Cast Shadows using SFS and Class-based Surface Completion
* Estimating Complex Refractive Index Using Ellipsometry
* Estimating Facial Pose Using Shape-from-Shading
* Estimating Facial Reflectance Properties Using Shape-from-Shading
* Estimating Reflectance Functions Using a Cyberware 3030 Scanner
* Estimating Surface Characteristics and Extracting Features from Polarisation
* Estimating surface characteristics using physical reflectance models
* Estimating the 3D orientation of texture planes using local spectral analysis
* Estimating the Albedo Map of a Face from a Single Image
* Estimating the perspective pose of texture planes using spectral analysis on the unit sphere
* Estimating the surface radiance function from single images
* Euler-Lagrange Network Dynamics
* evidence combining approach to shape-from-shading, An
* Evolving Spanning Trees Using the Heat Equation
* Example-Based Modeling of Facial Texture from Deficient Data
* Expectation-Maximisation Framework for Perceptual Grouping, An
* Expectation-Maximisation Framework for Segmentation and Grouping, An
* Exploring the Usage of Pre-trained Features for Stereo Matching
* Extracting gender discriminating features from facial needle-maps
* Face Frontalization Using an Appearance-Flow-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Face image super-resolution via weighted patches regression
* Face Recognition using 2.5D Shape Information
* Face Recognition Using a Surface Normal Model
* Face Recognition using Patch-based Spin Images
* Face Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Manifold Learning
* Face recognition using semi-supervised spectral feature selection
* Face recognition using shading-based curvature attributes
* Face Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Face Recognition with Generalized Entropy Measurements
* Face Recognition with Irregular Region Spin Images
* Face Recognition with Region Division and Spin Images
* Face Shape Recovery and Recognition Using a Surface Gradient Based Statistical Model
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Nonrigid Motion Parameters and Shape-from-Shading
* Facial Gender Classification Using Shape from Shading and Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis
* Facial Gender Classification Using Shape-from-Shading
* Facial Shadow Removal
* Facial Shape Estimation in the Presence of Cast Shadows
* Facial Shape Spaces from Surface Normals
* Facial Shape-from-shading and Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Robust Statistics
* Facial Statistical Model from Complex Numbers, A
* Facial View Synthesis from a Single Image Using Shape from Shading
* Fast depth-based subgraph kernels for unattributed graphs
* Fast Isometric Parametrization of 3D Triangular Mesh
* Fast Jensen-Shannon Subgraph Kernel, A
* fast leading eigenvector approximation for segmentation and grouping, A
* Fast on-line learning of point distribution models
* Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* Feature Tracking by Multiframe Relaxation
* Fitting 3D Cartesian Models to Faces Using Irradiance and Integrability Constraints
* Flow Complexity: Fast Polytopal Graph Complexity and 3D Object Clustering
* fMRI Activation Network Analysis Using Bose-Einstein Entropy
* fMRI Brain Networks as Statistical Mechanical Ensembles
* Fresnel Correction of the Beckmann Model
* From Points to Nodes: Inverse Graph Embedding through a Lagrangian Formulation
* Fused lasso for feature selection using structural information
* Fusion of Multiple Candidate Orientations in Fingerprints
* Fuzzy Relational Distance for Large-scale Object Recognition
* Gauging Relational Consistency and Correcting Structural Errors
* Gender classification based on facial surface normals
* Gender Classification Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Gaussian Mixture Models
* Gender Classification using Shape from Shading
* Gender discriminating models from facial surface normals
* Generative Graph Prototypes from Information Theory
* generative model for graph matching and embedding, A
* Genetic Algorithm Parameter Sets for Line Labeling
* Genetic algorithms for ambiguous labelling problems
* Genetic Search for Structural Matching
* Geometric Characterisation of Graphs
* Geometric characterization and clustering of graphs using heat kernel embeddings
* Graph Characteristic from the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
* Graph characteristics from the heat kernel trace
* Graph Characteristics from the Ihara Zeta Function
* Graph Characterization from Entropy Component Analysis
* Graph Characterization Using Wave Kernel Trace
* Graph characterizations from von Neumann entropy
* Graph clustering using graph entropy complexity traces
* Graph Clustering Using Heat Content Invariants
* Graph Clustering using Symmetric Polynomials and Local Linear Embedding
* Graph Clustering Using the Jensen-Shannon Kernel
* Graph Clustering with Tree-Unions
* Graph Complexity from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence
* Graph drawing using quantum commute time
* Graph Edit Distance from Spectral Seriation
* Graph Edit Distance without Correspondence from Continuous-Time Quantum Walks
* Graph Embedding Method Using the Jensen-Shannon Divergence, A
* Graph Embedding Using Commute Time
* Graph Embedding Using Quantum Commute Times
* Graph embedding using tree edit-union
* Graph Entropy from Closed Walk and Cycle Functionals
* Graph Kernel from the Depth-Based Representation, A
* Graph Kernels from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence
* Graph manifolds from spectral polynomials
* Graph matching and clustering using spectral partitions
* Graph Matching by Configurational Relaxation
* Graph matching through entropic manifold alignment
* Graph Matching using Adjacency Matrix Markov Chains
* Graph Matching using Commute Time Spanning Trees
* Graph Matching using Interference of Coined Quantum Walks
* Graph Matching Using Manifold Embedding
* Graph matching using spectral embedding and alignment
* Graph Matching using Spectral Embedding and Semidefinite Programming
* Graph matching using the interference of continuous-time quantum walks
* Graph matching using the interference of discrete-time quantum walks
* Graph Matching with a Dual-Step EM Algorithm
* Graph matching with hierarchical discrete relaxation
* Graph Pattern Spaces from Laplacian Spectral Polynomials
* Graph Regularisation Using Gaussian Curvature
* Graph Similarity through Entropic Manifold Alignment
* Graph Similarity Using Interfering Quantum Walks
* Graph simplification and matching using commute times
* Graph spectral approach for learning view structure
* Graph Spectral Approach to Consistent Labelling, A
* Graph Spectral Image Smoothing
* Graph spectral image smoothing using the heat kernel
* Graph Time Series Analysis Using Transfer Entropy
* Graph-Based Approach to Feature Selection, A
* Graph-Based Object Class Discovery
* graph-spectral approach to correspondence matching, A
* Graph-Spectral Approach to Shape-From-Shading, A
* graph-spectral approach to surface segmentation, A
* Graph-Spectral Method for Surface Height Recovery from Needle-Maps, A
* graph-spectral method for surface height recovery, A
* Grey scale image skeletonisation from noise-damped vector potential
* Grouping Line-segments using Eigenclustering
* Guest editors' Introduction to the special section on energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition
* Heat Flow-Thermodynamic Depth Complexity in Directed Networks
* Heat Flow-Thermodynamic Depth Complexity in Networks
* Heat Kernel Smoothing of Scalar and Vector Image Data
* Heterogeneity Index for Directed Graphs
* Hierarchical Evidence Combining Edge Detection, A
* hierarchical framework for modal correspondence matching, A
* Hierarchical Framework for Shape Recognition Using Articulated Shape Mixtures, A
* Hierarchical Framework for Spectral Correspondence, A
* Hierarchical Iterative Eigen Decomposition for Motion Segmentation
* High Order Structural Matching Using Dominant Cluster Analysis
* High-order covariate interacted Lasso for feature selection
* High-Order Depth-Based Graph Matching Method, A
* Highlight Removal Using Shape-from-Shading
* Histogram-based Object Recognition using Shape-from-Shading
* HMFlow: Hybrid Matching Optical Flow Network for Small and Fast-Moving Objects
* Holistic matching
* Hypergraph based information-theoretic feature selection
* Hypergraph based semi-supervised learning for gender classification
* Hypergraph Kernel from Isomorphism Tests, A
* Hypergraph matching based on Marginalized Constrained Compatibility
* Hypergraph Spectra for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Hypergraph-Based Approach to Feature Selection, A
* Hypergraphs, Characteristic Polynomials and the Ihara Zeta Function
* Image registration with shape mixtures
* Image Segmentation using Commute times
* Improved Content-Based Watermarking Using Scale-Invariant Feature Points
* Improved Face Shape Recovery and Re-illumination Using Convexity Constraints
* Improved Orientation Estimation for Texture Planes Using Multiple Vanishing Points
* Improved Point Proximity Matrix for Modal Matching, An
* Improved Pose Estimation for Texture Planes using Multiple Vanishing Points
* Improved Shape-from-shading Using Darboux Smoothing
* Improving Correspondence Matching Using Label Consistency Constraints
* Improving Height Recovery from a Single Image of a Face Using Local Shape Indicators
* Improving shape recovery by estimating properties of slightly-rough surfaces
* Incorporating Subsurface Attenuation into the Beckmann Model
* Increased Extent of Characteristic Views using Shape-from-shading for Object Recognition
* Incrementally Discovering Object Classes Using Similarity Propagation and Graph Clustering
* independent and principal component of graph spectra, The
* Inexact Graph Matching Using Genetic Search
* Inexact Graph Retrieval
* Inferring Edges from Weights in the Debye Model
* information theoretic approach to gender feature selection, An
* Information theoretic methods for learning generative models for relational structures
* Information Theoretic Prototype Selection for Unattributed Graphs
* integrated approach to grouping and matching, An
* Internet financing credit risk evaluation using multiple structural interacting elastic net feature selection
* Iterative Curve Organization with the EM Algorithm
* Iterative Deep Subspace Clustering
* Iterative Procrustes alignment with the EM algorithm
* Iterative Spline Relaxation with the EM Algorithm
* Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernel for Directed Graphs, A
* Jensen-Shannon graph kernel using information functionals
* Jensen-Shannon Kernel for Hypergraphs, A
* Joint hypergraph learning and sparse regression for feature selection
* Kernel Spectral Correspondence Matching Using Label Consistency Constraints
* Kernelised Relaxation Labelling using Fokker-Planck Diffusion
* Kernelising the Ihara Zeta Function
* Label Error Process for Discrete Relaxation, A
* Lambertian reflectance correction for rough and shiny surfaces
* Learning Backtrackless Aligned-Spatial Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph Classification
* Learning binary code for fast nearest subspace search
* Learning Class Specific Graph Prototypes
* Learning Feature Characteristics
* Learning From Human Attention for Attribute-Assisted Visual Recognition
* Learning Generative Graph Prototypes Using Simplified von Neumann Entropy
* Learning Mixture Models for Gender Classification Based on Facial Surface Normals
* Learning mixtures of point distribution models with the EM algorithm
* Learning Mixtures of Weighted Tree-Unions by Minimizing Description Length
* Learning modes of structural variation in graphs
* Learning Shape Categories by Clustering Shock Trees
* Learning Shape-Classes Using a Mixture of Tree-Unions
* Least Commitment Graph Matching by Evolutionary Optimisation
* Least-commitment graph matching with genetic algorithms
* Levenshtein distance for graph spectral features
* Light Scattering Model for Layered Dielectrics with Rough Surface Boundaries, A
* Light Scattering Model for Layered Rough Surfaces, A
* Line Pattern Retrieval Using Relational Histograms
* Linear Differential Constraints for Photo-Polarimetric Height Estimation
* linear discriminator of width, A
* Local Binary Patterns for Graph Characterization
* Local-global nested graph kernels using nested complexity traces
* Localized Graph-Based Feature Selection for Clustering
* Locally Linear Isometric Parameterization
* Machine Learning with Seriated Graphs
* Manifold Learning and the Quantum Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernel
* Matching and Embedding through Edit-Union of Trees
* Matching Blood Vessel Patterns with the Generalised EM Algorithm
* Matching Deformed Delaunay Triangulations
* Matching Delaunay Graphs
* Matching delaunay triangulations by probabilistic relaxation
* Matching Point-sets using Procrustes Alignment and the EM Algorithm
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Grouping and Segmentation, A
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Iterative Eigendecomposition, A
* Maximum likelihood motion segmentation using eigen-decomposition
* Measuring Graph Similarity Using Spectral Geometry
* Measuring skin reflectance parameters
* Minimising Entropy Changes in Dynamic Network Evolution
* Minimum-Variance Adaptive Surface Mesh, A
* Mining Exemplars for Object Modelling Using Affinity Propagation
* Mixed Entropy Local-Global Reproducing Kernel for Attributed Graphs, A
* mixture model for pose clustering, A
* Model Acquisition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Model-Based Method for Face Shape Recovery, A
* Modelling Needle-Map Consistency with Novel Constraints
* modified Beckmann-Kirchhoff scattering theory for rough surface analysis, The
* Multi-sensor fusion with Bayesian inference
* Multi-View Surface Reconstruction Using Polarization
* Multimodal fusion for indoor sound source localization
* Multiple Graph Matching with Bayesian-Inference
* Multiple Line-Template Matching with the EM Algorithm
* Multiresolution Edge Labelling Using Hierarchical Relaxation
* Mutual Information between Graphs, The
* mutual information between graphs, The
* Natural Material Segmentation and Classification Using Polarisation
* Needle map recovery using robust regularizers
* Nested Alignment Graph Kernel Through the Dynamic Time Warping Framework, A
* net4Lap: Neural Laplacian Regularization for Ranking and Re-Ranking
* Network Edge Entropy from Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics
* Network embedding from the line graph: Random walkers and boosted classification
* Network entropy analysis using the Maxwell-Boltzmann partition function
* New Constraints on Data-Closeness and Needle Map Consistency for Shape-from-Shading
* New Framework for Grayscale and Colour Non-lambertian Shape-from-Shading, A
* New Riemannian techniques for directional and tensorial image data
* Node Centrality for Continuous-Time Quantum Walks
* Noise models for linear feature detection in SAR images
* novel entropy-based graph signature from the average mixing matrix, A
* Object recognition by clustering spectral features
* Object recognition using graph spectral invariants
* Object Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Obstacle detection by means of stereo feature matching
* Optimising Pattern Recovery in Recurrent Correlation Associative Memories
* P2P Lending Analysis Using the Most Relevant Graph-Based Features
* Pairwise Clustering with Matrix Factorisation and the EM Algorithm
* Pairwise Similarity Propagation Based Graph Clustering for Scalable Object Indexing and Retrieval
* Pattern analysis with graphs: Parallel work at Bern and York
* Pattern Spaces from Graph Polynomials
* Pattern Vectors from Algebraic Graph Theory
* Pattern vectors from the Ihara zeta function
* Perceptual Grouping using Eigendecomposition and the EM Algorithm
* Perspective matching using the EM algorithm
* Perspective Pose from Spectral Voting
* Plenoptic Imaging for Seeing Through Turbulence
* Point Pattern Matching Via Spectral Geometry
* Point Pattern Matching with Robust Spectral Correspondence
* Point-set alignment using multidimensional scaling
* Polar Transformation on Image Features for Orientation-Invariant Representations
* Polarization-based Surface Reconstruction via Patch Matching
* polynomial characterization of hypergraphs using the Ihara zeta function, A
* Polytopal Graph Complexity, Matrix Permanents, and Embedding
* Population Codes for Orientation Estimation
* Pose Clustering with Density Estimation and Structural Constraints
* Position-aware and structure embedding networks for deep graph matching
* Preliminary Survey of Analyzing Dynamic Time-Varying Financial Networks Using Graph Kernels, A
* Probabilistic Fiber Tracking Using Particle Filtering and Von Mises-Fisher Sampling
* Probabilistic Framework for Articulated Shape Recognition, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Graph Clustering, A
* probabilistic framework for specular shape-from-shading, A
* Probabilistic population coding of multiple edge orientation
* Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling by Fokker-Planck Diffusion on a Graph
* Probabilistic relaxation labelling using the Fokker-Planck equation
* Probabilistic Relaxation using the Heat Equation
* probabilistic spectral framework for grouping and segmentation, A
* Probablistic phase based sparse stereo
* Procrustes Alignment with the EM Algorithm
* QBER: Quantum-based Entropic Representations for un-attributed graphs
* Quantitative Evaluation on Heat Kernel Permutation Invariants
* Quantum Edge Entropy for Alzheimer's Disease Analysis
* quantum Jensen-Shannon graph kernel for unattributed graphs, A
* Quantum Jensen-Shannon Graph Kernel Using Discrete-Time Quantum Walks, A
* Quantum kernels for unattributed graphs using discrete-time quantum walks
* Quantum thermodynamics of time evolving networks
* Quantum vs. Classical Ranking in Segment Grouping
* Quantum-based subgraph convolutional neural networks
* Quasi-isometric parameterization for texture mapping
* radar reflectance model for terrain analysis using shape from shading, A
* Ranking the local invariant features for the robust visual saliencies
* Recognising Facial Expressions Using Spherical Harmonics
* Recognizing Building Patterns Using Matched-Filters and Genetic Search
* Reconstructing 3D Facial Shape Using Spherical Harmonics
* Recovering 3D Shape Using an Improved Fast Marching Method
* Recovering face shape and reflectance properties from single images
* Recovering facial pose with the EM algorithm
* Recovering Facial Shape and Albedo Using a Statistical Model of Surface Normal Direction
* Recovering Facial Shape Using a Statistical Model of Surface Normal Direction
* Recovering Facial Shape Using A Statistical Surface Normal Model
* Recovering height information from SAR images of terrain
* Recovering variations in facial albedo from low resolution images
* Recovery of Surface Height from Diffuse Polarisation
* Recovery of Surface Height Using Polarization from Two Views
* Recovery of Surface Orientation From Diffuse Polarization
* Rectifying Non-euclidean Similarity Data through Tangent Space Reprojection
* Rectifying Non-Euclidean Similarity Data Using Ricci Flow Embedding
* Refining surface curvature with relaxation labeling
* Reflectance correction for perspiring faces
* Reflectance from Surfaces with Layers of Variable Roughness
* Reflectance Model for Radar Shape From Shading, A
* Reflectance Modeling for Layered Dielectrics with Rough Surface Boundaries
* Reflectance-aware optical flow
* Reflection Component Separation Using Statistical Analysis and Polarisation
* Refractive Index Estimation of Naturally Occurring Surfaces Using Photometric Stereo
* Refractive index estimation using photometric stereo
* Refractive Index Estimation Using Polarisation and Photometric Stereo
* Region-based Object Recognition using Shape-from-Shading
* Regionwise Generative Adversarial Image Inpainting for Large Missing Areas
* Registering Incomplete Radar Images Using the EM Algorithm
* Registering Multiple Cartographic Models with the Hierarchical Mixture of Expert Algorithms
* Regression tracking with data relevance determination
* Relational Constraints for Point Distribution Models
* Relational Histograms for Shape Indexing
* Relational Matching by Discrete Relaxation
* Relational matching with active graphs
* Relational Matching with Dynamic Graph Structures
* Relational Matching With Mean Field Annealing
* Relational Matching with Stochastic Optimisation
* Relational object recognition from large structural libraries
* Relaxational Refinement of Intensity Ridges
* Resolving Edge-Line Ambiguities Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Revisiting Domain Generalized Stereo Matching Networks from a Feature Consistency Perspective
* Ricci flow embedding for rectifying non-Euclidean dissimilarity data
* Riemannian approach to graph embedding, A
* Riemannian Self-Organizing Map, A
* Riemannian Weighted Filter for Edge-sensitive Image Smoothing, A
* Robust Computation of the Polarisation Image
* robust eigen-decomposition framework for inexact graph-matching, A
* Robust Estimation of Reflectance Functions from Polarization
* Robust estimation of shape and polarisation using blind source separation
* Robust Multi-body Motion Tracking Using Commute Time Clustering
* Robust Shape and Polarisation Estimation Using Blind Source Separation
* Robust Shape from Polarisation and Shading
* Rough Surface Analysis using Kirchhoff Theory
* Rough Surface Correction and Re-illumination Using the Modified Beckmann Model
* Rough Surface Estimation Using the Kirchhoff Model
* Sampling graphs from a probabilistic generative model
* Scale Adaptive Method for Focusing Spectral Peaks, A
* Scale space vector fields for symmetry detection
* Scale-Space Vector Fields for Feature Analysis
* Seamless texture stitching on a 3D mesh by poisson blending in patches
* Segmenting Modulated Line Textures with S-Gabor Filters
* Semi-supervised Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* Semi-supervised Graph Rewiring with the Dirichlet Principle
* Sensitivity Analysis for Object Recognition from Large Structural Libraries
* Sensitivity Analysis For Structural Matching
* Separating Lambertian and Specular Reflectance Components using Iterated Conditional Modes
* Shape Analysis Using the Edge-Based Laplacian
* Shape and Refractive Index from Single-View Spectro-Polarimetric Images
* Shape and refractive index recovery from single-view polarisation images
* Shape classification with a vertex clustering graph kernel
* Shape Estimation Using Polarization and Shading from Two Views
* Shape from Diffuse Polarisation
* Shape from Periodic Texture Using the Eigenvectors of Local Affine Distortion
* Shape recognition from large image libraries by inexact graph matching
* Shape Simplification Through Graph Sparsification
* Shape-from-shading using a curvature consistency constraint
* Shape-from-Shading Using Darboux Smoothing
* Shape-From-Shading Using the Heat Equation
* Shape-from-Shading Using Viewpoint-Invariant Principal Curvatures
* Shape-space from tree-union
* Simple Coupled Statistical Model for 3D Face Shape Recovery, A
* Simultaneous reflectance estimation and surface shape recovery using polarisation
* Single Image Facial View Synthesis Using SFS
* Single image super resolution via neighbor reconstruction
* Skeletal Graphs from Schrödinger Magnitude and Phase
* Skeletal Measure of 2D Shape Similarity, A
* Skin reflectance modelling for face recognition
* Smoothing Tensor-Valued Images Using Anisotropic Geodesic Diffusion
* Spanning Trees from the Commute Times of Random Walks on Graphs
* Special issue on Graph-Based Representations in Computer Vision
* Special issue on recent advances in statistical, structural and syntactic pattern recognition
* Special Issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1994
* Spectral Approach to Learning Structural Variations in Graphs, A
* Spectral bounding: Strictly satisfying the 1-Lipschitz property for generative adversarial networks
* Spectral Clustering of Graphs
* Spectral correspondence for point pattern matching
* Spectral Embedding of Feature Hypergraphs
* Spectral embedding of graphs
* Spectral Generative Model for Graph Structure, A
* Spectral Modes of Facial Needle-Maps
* Spectral Simplification of Graphs
* Specular and diffuse reflectance in microfacet models
* Spherical and Hyperbolic Embeddings of Data
* Spherical embeddings for non-Euclidean dissimilarities
* statistical approach to sparse multi-scale phase-based stereo, A
* Statistical mechanical analysis for unweighted and weighted stock market networks
* Statistical Operator for Detecting Weak Edges in Low Contrast Images, A
* Statistical surface tracking
* Storage Capacity of the Exponential Correlation Associative Memory
* String Kernels for Matching Seriated Graphs
* Structural Constraints for Pose Clustering
* Structural Graph Matching Using the EM Algorithm and Singular Value Decomposition
* Structural Matching by Discrete Relaxation
* Structural Matching with Active Triangulations
* Structural network inference from time-series data using a generative model and transfer entropy
* Structural Object Recognition Using Shape-from-shading
* Structurally Gated Pairwise Geometric Histograms for Shape Indexing
* Supergraph-based Generative Model, A
* Supervised Principal Geodesic Analysis on Facial Surface Normals for Gender Classification
* Supervised relevance maps for increasing the distinctiveness of facial images
* Surface acquisition from single gray-scale images
* Surface height recovery from surface normals using manifold embedding
* Surface height recovery using heat flow and manifold embedding
* Surface Integration: Two Statistical Approaches
* Surface normals and height from non-lambertian image data
* Surface radiance correction for shape from shading
* Surface radiance: empirical data against model predictions
* Surface Reconstruction Using Polarization and Photometric Stereo
* Surface Reconstruction with an EM-Like Relaxation Operator
* Surface Topography Using Shape-from-Shading
* Symbolic Graph Matching Using the EM Algorithm and Singular Value Decomposition
* Symbolic graph matching with the EM algorithm
* Synthesising Appearance Manifolds using Shape-from-Shading
* Template Tracking with Observation Relevance Determination
* Tensor MRI Regularization via Graph Diffusion
* Tensor-based total Bregman divergences between graphs
* Terrain Analysis Using Radar Shape-from-Shading
* Terrain Feature Identification by Modeling Radar Image Statistics
* Terrain Modeling in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Shape-from-shading
* Terrain Reconstruction with an Adaptive Surface Mesh
* Testing new variants of the Beckmann-Kirchhoff model against radiance data
* Testing reflectance models against radiance data
* Testing Viewpoint Invariance in the Neural Representation of Faces: An MEG Study
* Texture Plane Orientation from Spectral Accumulation
* Texture Recognition through Modal Analysis of Spectral Peak Patterns
* Thermal Characterisation of Unweighted and Weighted Networks
* Thermodynamic Characterization of Temporal Networks
* Thermodynamic motif analysis for directed stock market networks
* Thermodynamic Network Analysis with Quantum Spin Statistics
* Thermodynamics of Time Evolving Networks
* Trace Formula Analysis of Graphs
* transitive aligned Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel, A
* Transitive State Alignment for the Quantum Jensen-Shannon Kernel
* Two-dimensional BRDF estimation from polarisation
* Uncalibrated, Two Source Photo-Polarimetric Stereo
* Underexposed Image Correction Via Approximation of the Scene Radiance Function
* Unfolding Kernel embeddings of graphs: Enhancing class separation through manifold learning
* unified framework for alignment and correspondence, A
* unified model of spectacular and diffuse reflectance for rough, glossy surfaces, A
* Unified Neighbor Reconstruction Method for Embeddings, A
* Unsupervised Clustering of Human Pose Using Spectral Embedding
* Unsupervised Feature Selection by Graph Optimization
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Via Hypergraph Embedding
* Unsupervised spectral feature selection for face recognition
* Using Cartesian Models of Faces with a Data-Driven and Integrable Fitting Framework
* Using the Fisher-Rao Metric to Compute Facial Similarity
* Vector field smoothing via heat flow
* Vector transport for shape-from-shading
* Vertex-level three-dimensional shape deformability measurement based on line segment advection
* View Synthesis from Needle-maps
* Weighted graph characteristics from oriented line graph polynomials
* Weighted Graph-Matching Using Modal Clusters
* Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis for Facial Gender Classification
* Where to Focus: Investigating Hierarchical Attention Relationship for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
Includes: Hancock, E.R.[Edwin R.] Hancock, E.R. Hancock, E.R.[Edwin Robert] Hancock, E.R.[Edwin. R.]
623 for Hancock, E.R.

Hancock, G.R.[Gregory R.] Co Author Listing * Spatial Data-Driven Approach for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping, A

Hancock, J. Co Author Listing * Laser Intensity-Based Obstacle Detection and Tracking

Hancock, J.A. Co Author Listing * ELVIS: Eigenvectors for Land Vehicle Image System

Hancock, J.R.[Joshua R.] Co Author Listing * Variability in Symbiont Chlorophyll of Hawaiian Corals from Field and Airborne Spectroscopy

Hancock, K.L. Co Author Listing * Enterprise-wide freight simulation in an integrated logistics and transportation system

Hancock, M.H.[Mark H.] Co Author Listing * Potential for Peatland Water Table Depth Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter: Case Study of Forsinard Flows, Scotland, UK
* Using Spectral Indices to Estimate Water Content and GPP in Sphagnum Moss and Other Peatland Vegetation
Includes: Hancock, M.H.[Mark H.] Hancock, M.H.

Hancock, P. Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Dense 3D Reconstruction from 2D Face Images in the Wild

Hancock, P.A. Co Author Listing * Calibrating Adaptable Automation to Individuals
* Effect of Agent Reasoning Transparency on Automation Bias: An Analysis of Response Performance, The
* Effects of Augmented Reality Display Settings on Human Wayfinding Performance

Hancock, P.J.B. Co Author Listing * Adding Holistic Dimensions to a Facial Composite System
* Applications of Face Analysis and Modeling in Media Production
* Comparisons between Human and Computer Recognition of Faces
Includes: Hancock, P.J.B. Hancock, P.J.B.[Peter J.B.]

Hancock, S. Co Author Listing * Angular Reflectance of Leaves With a Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar and Its Implications for Leaf-Bark Separation and Leaf Moisture Estimation
* Assessing Novel Lidar Modalities for Maximizing Coverage of a Spaceborne System through the Use of Diode Lasers
* Detecting Change in Forest Structure with Simulated GEDI Lidar Waveforms: A Case Study of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA; Adelges tsugae) Infestation
* Estimating Time Since the Last Stand-Replacing Disturbance (TSD) from Spaceborne Simulated GEDI Data: A Feasibility Study
* Exploring the Measurement Of Forests With Full Waveform LIDAR through Monte-Carlo Ray Tracing
* Quantifying Surface Reflectivity for Spaceborne Lidar via Two Independent Methods
* Radiometric Assessment of ICESat-2 over Vegetated Surfaces
Includes: Hancock, S. Hancock, S.[Steven]
7 for Hancock, S.

Hancock, T.R.[Thomas R.] Co Author Listing * Omnidirectional visual image detector and processor

Hancox, G. Co Author Listing * Drivers' willingness to engage with their mobile phone: The influence of phone function and road demand
* Quantifying the effectiveness of ITS in improving safety of VRUs
Includes: Hancox, G. Hancox, G.[Graham]

Hancox, J.[Jules] Co Author Listing * Virtual Catheter Ablation of Target Areas Identified from Image-Based Models of Atrial Fibrillation

Hancox, J.C. Co Author Listing * Application of Micro-Computed Tomography With Iodine Staining to Cardiac Imaging, Segmentation, and Computational Model Development

Hancu, I. Co Author Listing * Theoretical Investigation of Random Noise-Limited Signal-to-Noise Ratio in MR-Based Electrical Properties Tomography
* Tissue Electrical Property Mapping From Zero Echo-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Hanczar, B.[Blaise] Co Author Listing * CASCARO: Cascade of classifiers for minimizing the cost of prediction
* Ensemble methods for biclustering tasks
* Performance visualization spaces for classification with rejection option
* reliability of estimated confidence intervals for classification error rates when only a single sample is available, The

Index for "h"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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