Update Dates 9208

9208 * *Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
* 2D objects recognition by graph matching
* 3-D Voronoi diagram: application to segmentation
* About the adjective neural, when applied to smart sensors
* accuracy and precision of curvature estimation methods, The
* Accuracy of feature selection and extraction in statistical and neural net pattern classification
* accurate and robust face identification scheme, An
* Accurate estimation of elliptical shape parameters from a grey-level image
* Adaptive filtering using gradient morphology
* adaptive finite-element method for image representation, An
* adaptive method for image thresholding, An
* Address block location on envelopes using Gabor filters: supervised method
* Advances in massively parallel computing
* algorithm for finding nearest neighbours in constant average time with a linear space complexity, An
* algorithm for the optimum piecewise linear approximation of digitized curves, An
* algorithm for the skew normalization of document image, An
* Algorithms for Recognizing Planar Polygonal Configurations Using Perspective Images
* Algorithms of the multiperspective pattern recognition
* alpha-trimmed mean filter controlled by local parameters, An
* AMP: an autonomous multi-processor for image processing and computer vision
* analog CMOS programmable and configurable neural network, An
* Analysis and recognition of alphanumeric handprints by parts
* Analysis of left ventricle global deformation based on dynamic CT data
* Anatomical-map system for CT interpretation
* application of correspondence analysis for the processing of image sequences, An
* application of feature selection to handwritten character recognition, An
* Application of linear prediction characteristics to planar shape classification
* Application of neural network and fuzzy inference to Chinese-Phoneme recognition
* application of Voronoi skeletons to perceptual grouping in line images, The
* Applying neural networks to automatic active sonar classification
* Applying Perceptual Organization to the Detection of Man-Made Objects in Non-Urban Scenes
* approach for analyzing the traces of moving objects, An
* ART2-based multiple MLPs neural network for speaker-independent recognition of isolated words
* ASIC-architecture for VLSI-implementation of the RBN-algorithm, An
* Association of adaptative smoothing and Markovian models for detection of valley bottoms on strongly noisy images
* Automatic extraction of the intracranial cavity on transverse MR brain images
* Automatic feature extraction from spectrograms for acoustic-phonetic analysis
* Automatic image analysis of plant root structures
* Automatic interpretation of Dutch addresses
* Basis decomposition of morphological operations
* Binary character/graphics image extraction: a new technique and six evaluation aspects
* Boundary description and measurement with sub-pixel/-voxel accuracy
* Capacity control in linear classifiers for pattern recognition
* Catalyst description by using fractal measures
* Chamfer masks: discrete distance functions, geometrical properties and optimization
* Character discrimination system employing height-to-width ratio and vertical extraction position information
* character segmentation method for Japanese printed documents coping with touching character problems, A
* Character Segmenting Techniques for Handwritten Text: A Survey
* Classification of ambiguous patterns
* Cloudy sky velocity estimation based on optical flow estimation leading with an entropy criterion
* Clustering on a hypercube multicomputer
* Color image coding by using the technique of surface fitting
* Color image enhancement through 3-D histogram equalization
* Color segmentation using perceptual attributes
* color video image quantization method with stable and efficient color selection capability, A
* Colour image segmentation using boundary relaxation
* Colour segmentation with polynomial classification
* Combining pyramidal and fractal image coding
* Combining range and intensity data with a hidden Markov model
* Communication control in a pyramid computer: Application to region labeling
* Compact associative representation of visual information
* Comparison of generalization in multi-layer perceptrons with the log-likelihood and least-squares cost functions
* comparison of methods of extracting curvature features, A
* comparison of neural network models for pattern recognition, A
* Comparison of thresholding techniques using synthetic images and ultimate measurement accuracy
* comparison of two approaches for combining the votes of cooperating classifiers, A
* Compensation of motion blur in binary images
* complete and irreducible set of local orthogonally invariant features of 2-dimensional images, A
* complete shape recognition system using the Hough transform and neural network, A
* Compression of 2-D solar spectral images by adaptive piecewise linear approximation
* Computation of Discontinuous Optical Flow by Domain Decomposition and Shape Optimization
* Computer aided cleaning of large databases for character recognition
* Computer recognition of design concepts
* Computer visualization of pressure distribution and substance flow in diamond anvil cells
* Computer-aided color coding for data display
* Connected and Degraded Text Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model
* Connection machine vision-Replicated data structures
* connectionist approach for thresholding, A
* connectionist classifier architecture applied to image segmentation, A
* Connectionist model binarization
* connectionist network for simultaneous perception of multiple categories, A
* Consistent inexact graph matching applied to labelling coronary segments in arteriograms
* Contextual decision making with degrees of belief
* Contour models for curvature estimation and shape decomposition
* cooperative document understanding method among multiple recognition procedures, A
* cooperative network for contour grouping, A
* DCT color image sequence coding
* Decomposition of hand-printed patterns
* deformable model approach for the determination of transition strips on radiographic images, A
* Deformable templates in image sequences
* Deformation correction using Euclidean contour distance maps
* Description and recognition of curved objects
* Design and Implementation of a Low-Level Image Segmentation Architecture -- LISA
* Design considerations for a space-variant visual sensor with complex-logarithmic geometry
* Design of a dynamically reconfigurable, integrated, parallel vision system
* Detail preserving morphological filtering
* Detecting orientation discontinuities in range images by use of directional derivatives
* Detecting skewed symmetries
* Detection and separation of symbols connected to graphics in line drawings
* Detection of direction and wavelength of ocean wave by power spectrum of ocean wave image
* Detection of small moving object by optical flow
* Deterministic pseudo-annealing: a new optimization scheme applied to texture segmentation
* Differential invariants without derivatives
* Digital connectedness via connectivity graph
* Digital electronic system for halftone printing
* Direct Recovery of Motion and Shape in the General Case by Fixation
* DRBP: dynamically reinforced BP-based ANN-training
* Dynamic intelligent scheduling and control of reconfigurable parallel architectures for computer vision/image processing
* Edge detection models based on Gabor filters
* Edge detection using orthogonal moment-based operators
* Edge enhancement with image algebra
* Edge-based texture measures for surface inspection
* Edge-region segmentation process based on generalized Voronoi diagram representation
* efficient algorithm for learning invariance in adaptive classifiers, An
* Efficient embedding of interprocessor communications in parallel implementations of intermediate level vision tasks
* Efficient implementation of neural networks on the DREAM machine
* Efficient intermediary shape representation method for graphical data
* efficient method for the recognition of printed music, An
* efficient method for the skew normalization of a document image, An
* Efficient methods for hypothesis verification paradigms
* Efficient use of parallelism in intermediate level vision tasks
* EFRM-based detection and extraction of ridge and valley features in grey level images
* Elimination of skilled forgeries in off-line systems: a breakthrough
* Enhancing the two-dimensional mesh
* epipolar line constraint for precise biplane angiogram analysis, The
* Estimating a global shape model for objects with badly defined boundaries
* Estimating attributes of smooth signal transitions from scale-space
* Estimating the size of circular pre-images from coarsely digitized representations
* Estimation of the Original Length of a Straight Line Segment from Its Digitization in Three Dimensions
* estimator of edge length and surface area in digitized 2D and 3D images, An
* Execution of neutral network algorithms on an array of bit-serial processors
* experience on automatic selection of the edge detectors, An
* Experimental evaluation of hypercube-based range analysis tools
* Experiments with a spatiotemporal correlator
* Extracting line features from images of business forms and tables
* Extraction and classification of graphical symbol candidates based on perceptual organization
* Face Recognition Method Using Higher Order Local Autocorrelation and Multivariate Analysis, A
* fast and efficient method for extracting text paragraphs and graphics from unconstrained documents, A
* Fast calculation of local moments and application to range image segmentation
* Fast characterization of 3D simple points
* Fast nearest neighbor search for vector quantization of image data
* fast segmentation scheme for white blood cell images, A
* Fast spatiotemporal filters
* Feature Extraction from Faces Using Deformable Templates
* Feature identification and model tracking for model-based coding
* feature-based O(N2) approach to point pattern matching, A
* Features extraction using parametric snakes
* Features invariant to linear transformations in 2D and 3D
* Feedforward neural networks with random weights
* Finding and describing local structure in discrete two-dimensional computed tomograms
* Fine grain parallel processors and real-time applications: MIMD controller/SIMD array
* Flexible real-time programming of a distributed transputer-based vision system
* Font segmentation of non-rotated, printed symbols in the vector representation
* Font-independent mixed-size digit recognition through error-correcting grammatical inference (ECGI)
* Fractal dimension, only a fraction of the truth?
* Fragmentary string matching by selective access to hybrid tries
* framework for designing optimal Hough transform implementations, A
* Fundamentals of three-dimensional mathematical morphology
* Fuzzy image smoothing
* Fuzzy mathematical morphology to analyse astronomical images
* generalization of discrete hidden Markov model and of Viterbi algorithm, A
* Generalized Method for 3D Object Location from Single 2D Images, A
* Generic functions for on-chip vision
* Geometric transformations in a lazy functional language
* Geometric vector quantization
* Global active method for automatic formant tracking guided by local processing
* Gray-scale structuring element decomposition
* growing network classifier of 3D objects using multiple views, A
* Hand-written text recognition based on a new formulation
* Handprinted Kanji character recognition based on flexible template matching
* handwriting model for syntactic recognition of cursive script, A
* Handwritten digits recognition system via OCON neural network by pruning selective update
* Handwritten zip code recognition with multilayer networks
* Harmonic models of shape transformations in digital images and patterns
* Hidden Markov fields and unsupervised segmentation of images
* Hierarchical curve representation
* Hierarchical Deformation Model For Online Cursive Script Recognition, A
* hierarchical model-based framework for segmenting embedded fluorescence biological targets, A
* Hierarchical multi-microcomputer systems
* Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Analysis
* Hierarchical visual pattern image coding
* High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
* high-resolution Hough transform using variable filter, A
* Histogram based fuzzy C-mean algorithm for image segmentation
* Hough transform based approach to polyline approximation of object boundaries, A
* Human Facial Feature Extraction for Face Interpretation and Recognition
* hybrid architecture for a high performance and physical small low-level image processing system, A
* hybrid computer architecture for machine vision, A
* hypothesis testing approach to word recognition using dynamic feature selection, A
* Identifying and understanding tabular material in compound documents
* Image and document processing techniques for the RightPages electronic library system
* Image data compression without distortion by minimizing entropy
* Image expansion by non-orthogonal wavelets for optimal template matching
* Image Interpretation Using Multiple Sensing Modalities
* Image processing hardware for counting massive object streams
* Image Recognition with an Analog Neural-Net Chip
* Image segmentation by region-contour cooperation for image coding
* Image segmentation combining region growing and edge detection
* Implementation of an MHT-based object detection algorithm on a 2-D processor mesh
* Implementing the Abingdon Cross benchmark on the ASP
* Implicit distributed associative memory for ill-posed object recognition
* improved algorithm for thinning binary digital patterns, An
* Improving character recognition rate by a multi-net neural classifier
* Improving k-nearest neighbor Bayes error estimates
* Increasing the performance of MAP (multi-angled parallelism) erosion-dilation for feature extraction through unary/binary operations
* Inference of edit costs using parametric string matching
* influence of object size on the regions of interest for edge detection: Preliminary Results, The
* integrated approach to real-time pattern recognition, An
* Integrated parallel image processings on a pipelined MIMD multi-processor system PSM
* Integration of a structural features-based preclassifier and a man-machine interactive classifier for a fast multi-stroke character recognition
* interblock BTC-VQ image coder, An
* Interpretation and classification of fringe patterns
* interpretative model of overlapped figures, An
* Interval skeletons
* ISBN recognition using a modified probabilistic neural network (PNN)
* IUA feedback concentrator, The
* Karhunen-Loeve Subspace
* Labeling board based on boundary tracking
* Laser-marked alphanumeric character recognition by multi-angled parallel matching method
* Learning class probabilities from labeled data
* Learning Separations By Boolean Combinations Of Half-Spaces
* Learning structural and corruption information from samples for Markov random field binary image reconstruction
* Legendre descriptors for classification of polygonal closed curves
* Line and edge detection by symmetry filters
* Local energy, the pre-envelope, and filter resolution
* logical neural network that adapts to changes in the pattern environment, A
* Low and intermediate level image processing on SYMPATIX, a SIMD parallel computer
* low-cost architecture for real-time processing and analysis of binary images, A
* MAR: an integrated system for focal plane edge tracking with parallel analog processing and built-in primitives for image acquisition and analysis
* Massive memory organizations for implementing neural networks
* Matching Two Perspective Views
* Maximum entropy restoration of multispectral images using a deterministic quantum field model
* MCR expression of document images based on maximum matching of bipartite graph
* MDL-principled evolutionary mechanism to automatic architecturing of pattern recognition neural network, An
* Metareasoning as a tool for pattern recognition
* Method and apparatus for detection of parallel edges in image processing
* method for designing dictionary using simulated annealing, A
* method for gray-scale image thinning: the case without region specification for thinning, A
* method of solving pattern or image recognition problems by learning Boolean formulas, A
* Methods for hierarchical analysis of concavities
* miniaturized active vision system, A
* Minimal region extraction using expanding active contours
* Model based system for analyzing document images
* model of formal neural networks for unsupervised learning of binary temporal sequences, A
* model-based segmentation framework for computer processing of handwriting, A
* Model-Based Visual Feedback Control for a Hand-Eye Coordinated Robotic System
* modified contour following algorithm applied to document segmentation, A
* Moment-Based Texture Segmentation
* Morphological filters without distorting image
* Morphological image processing on a token passing pyramid computer
* Morphological scale-space
* morphological structure of images, The
* Motion analysis using the neural accelerator board
* Motion vector detecting apparatus for video telephone/teleconference systems
* Motion vector detector circuit
* Multi-level 3-D rotational invariant classification
* Multi-processor system for polygonal object recognition by means of fuzzy algorithms
* Multi-resolution skeletons without explicit image smoothing
* Multi-scale modeling of textures
* multiclass extension of discriminant mappings, A
* Multilevel GMRF-based segmentation of image sequences
* Multiple neural networks and weighted voting
* multiprocessor system for multiple image recognition: Application to automatic routing system, A
* Multiresolution method for reconstructing the cross sections of coronary arteries from biplane angiograms
* Multiscale edge detection using first order R-filter
* Near-optimal algorithm for dimension reduction
* neural net algorithm for maximum entropy image reconstruction, A
* Neural network architectures for rotated character recognition
* neural network classifier for LANDSAT image data, A
* Neural networks for active sonar classification
* Neural recurrent estimator to gray scale image restoration based on 2D Kalman filtering
* new approach for recognition multifont Chinese characters used in a special application, A
* new class of Lp correlation functions and its applications to seismic signal application, A
* New Definition and Fast Recognition of Digital Straight Segments and Arcs
* new filter for feature extraction of line pattern texture with application to cancer detection, A
* new method for estimation of hidden Markov model parameters, A
* new method for unsupervised linear feature extraction, using fourth order moments, A
* new method of distortion-invariant character recognition, A
* new paradigm for segmentation, A
* new quadtree complexity theorem, A
* new segmentation technique of Arabic text, A
* new set of texture features based on the Haar transform, A
* non-linear projection method based on Kohonen's topology preserving maps, A
* Non-recursive thinning algorithms using chain codes
* Non-supervised segmentation using multi-level Markov random fields
* Noninformation-preserving shape features at multiple resolution
* Nonlinear Image Filtering with Edge and Corner Enhancement
* Nonlinear shape restoration by transformation models
* Novel Discrete Relaxation Architecture, A
* novel metric for nearest-neighbor classification of hand-written digits, A
* novel multilayer neural networks training algorithm that minimizes the probability of classification error, A
* object oriented approach for an iconic kernel system IKS, An
* object oriented image display system, An
* Object recognition by invariants
* Object recognition using Markov spatial processes
* Object recognition: the utopian method is dead; the time for combining simple methods has come
* Off-line signature verification using directional PDF and neural networks
* Omnifont recognition of text using topological recognition techniques
* On linear programming, neural network design, pattern classification and polynomial time training
* On modeling the distribution of chest X-ray images and their stochastic properties
* On multiple classifier systems for pattern recognition
* On object classification by means of fuzzy sets theory
* On piecewise-planar representation of images
* On the Bayesian deconvolution of planets
* On the detection and measurement of discontinuities
* On the existence of complete invariant feature spaces in pattern recognition
* On the influence of the training set data preprocessing on neural networks training
* On vector piece-wise regression and clustering
* One dimensional multiple scale edge detection
* One method of structural description rule extraction based on graphical and spatial relations
* Online recognition of connected handwriting by segmentation and template matching
* Online recognition of freely handwritten Japanese characters using directional feature densities
* optimal algorithm for detecting straight lines in chain codes, An
* Optimal learning for Hopfield associative memory
* optimal pairing scheme in associative memory classifier and its application in character recognition, An
* Optimal parallel computation of the quadtree medial axis transform on a multi-layered architecture
* Optimal search in random quantizers
* Optimal small kernels for edge detection
* optimization algorithm for determining the compatibility coefficients of relaxation labeling processes, An
* orientation and resolution independent texture classifier in segmentation of images of unknown rotation and scale, An
* Orthogonal discriminant analysis based on a modified Fisher criterion
* P3A: a partitionable parallel/pipeline architecture for real-time image processing
* Page segmentation without rectangle assumption
* PARADIGM: an architecture for distributed vision processing
* Parallel Algorithm for Incremental Stereo Matching on SIMD Machines, A
* parallel algorithm for template matching on an SIMD mesh connected computer, A
* Parallel algorithms for 2D-image recognition
* parallel approach to individually optimised handwritten signature verification, A
* Parallel character recognition based on regional projection transformation (RPT)
* Parallel computation of 2-D wavelet transforms
* Parallel coordination of image operators based on shared-memory architecture
* Parallel feature extraction system with multi agents-PAFE
* Parallel heuristics for the Steiner tree problem in images without sorting or routing
* Parallel Hypothesis Verification
* parallel image processing language based on computational models, A
* Parallel implementation and evaluation of motion estimation system algorithms on a distributed memory multiprocessor using knowledge based mappings
* Parallel quadtree representation and moment invariants computation of binary image for hierarchical matching on pyramid machine
* Parallel stereo on fixed size arrays using zero crossings
* Parameter density analysis in Hough space
* PASIC: a smart sensor for computer vision
* Pattern recognition algorithm based on cyclic codes
* pattern recognition approach to detect oil/gas reservoirs in sand/shale sediments, A
* Pattern recognition by image analysis. application to marine biology
* Pattern recognition system
* Peak classifier for bar code waveforms
* Peano scanning of arbitrary size images
* perceptually-based motion compensated video encoder, A
* Performance Evaluation for Four Classes of Textural Features
* Performance evaluation of an HMM based OCR system
* Performance evaluation of the hierarchical Hough transform on an associative M-SIMD architecture
* Plume segmentation using local entropic thresholding
* probabilistic approach for solving Poisson equations in computer vision problems, A
* Probabilistic relaxation method for line-drawing interpretation
* probabilistic stroke-based Viterbi algorithm for handwritten Chinese characters recognition, A
* Programming intermediate level vision tasks on parallel machines
* proposal for an artificial neural network that optimizes reference vectors: FMNET, A
* Quantitative 3-D texture analysis of interphase cell nuclei
* Rank order filtering on SIMD machines
* real time FFT chip set: architectural issues, A
* Real-time image restoration in diagnostic X-ray imaging, the effects on quantum noise
* real-time VLSI-based architecture for multi-motion estimation, A
* Realtime synthesis of moving human-like agent in response to user's moving image
* Recognition of Arabic Characters
* Recognition of connected numeral strings using partial boundary features
* Recognition of Distorted Patterns by Invariance Kernels
* Recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by searching the multiway heterogeneous tree
* reconfigurable and hierarchical parallel processing architecture: performance results for stereo vision, A
* Reconstructing with moments
* region-based spatio-temporal segmentation algorithm, A
* relaxation computation of optic flow from spatial and temporal cooccurrence matrices, A
* remanent noise problem with the median filter, A
* Restoration of binary and gray-scale images using the contour mid-crack codes description
* Restoration of blurred bilevel signals by multiscaling with finite support filters
* Restoration of noisy regions modeled by noncausal Markov random fields of unknown parameters
* Restoration of the image degraded by linear motion
* Rho-theta Hough transform-elimination of quantization noise and linearization of voting curves in the rho-theta parameter space
* Robot Operation Monitoring for Collision Avoidance by Image Sequence Analysis
* robust algebraic method for human face recognition, A
* robust method for detecting image features with application to face recognition and motion correspondence, A
* Robust Model-Based Motion Tracking Through the Integration of Search and Estimation
* Robust object extraction using normalized principal component features
* Robust primitive extraction in a range image
* Robust shape analysis using multistrategy learning
* role of local scale and orientation in feature location using neural nets, The
* Rotation, Scaling, and Translation Invariant Pattern Classification System, A
* Routing on the CAAPP
* SARAT-a system for the recognition of Arabic printed text
* Scalable, Real-Time, Image-Processing Pipeline, A
* Scale space filtering on spherical pattern
* Seeking pattern recognition principles for intelligent detection of FSK signals
* segmentation method for handwritten Japanese character lines based on transitional information, A
* Segmentation of natural images based on multiresolution pyramids linking of the parameters of an autoregressive rotation invariant model. Application to leather defects detection
* Selective and robust perception using multiresolution estimation techniques
* Shape and image matching by use of morphology
* Shape description by UNL Fourier features-an application to handwritten character recognition
* Shape-based object recognition by inductive learning
* SIBA: a VLSI systolic array chip for image processing
* Signature verification system on neuro-computer
* Silt: the bit-parallel approach
* Skeletons from chain-coded contours
* sliding memory array processor for low level vision, A
* Small sample size effects in the use of editing techniques
* Snigma: an image retrieval system
* Some new techniques for evidence-based object recognition: EB-ORS1
* space saving approach to the Hough transform, A
* Space-variant optical character recognition
* Speaker adaptation using semi-continuous hidden Markov models
* Specification of a wavelet for multiscale analysis of discrete boundary
* Stability of invariant Fourier descriptors and its inference in the shape classification
* Statistical and neural classification of handwritten numerals: a comparative study
* Statistical subpixel pattern recognition by histograms
* Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects
* Straight-line detection on a gated-connection VLSI network
* Structural patterns or discrete events? A link between pattern recognition and discrete-event systems
* structurally adaptive neural tree for the recognition of large character set, A
* Structure analysis of handwriting using opposing relations
* Study of affine image warping on a linear processing array
* study on the forms of smoothing filters for step and ramp edge detection, A
* study on the speed of top-down and bottom-up DF-encoding/decoding algorithms for binary pictures, A
* Super resolution from image sequences
* Supervised classification of early perceptual structure in dot patterns
* Surface Parameterization and Curvature Measurement of Arbitrary 3-D Objects: Five Practical Methods
* survey of graph grammars: theory and applications, A
* survey of image processing LSIs in Japan, A
* synchronous dataflow machine: a computer architecture for real time image processing, The
* System and method for fusing video imagery from multiple sources in real time
* Systolic array implementation of image segmentation by a directed split and merge procedure
* Systolic neural network architecture for second order hidden Markov models
* Task-directed evaluation of image segmentation methods
* Teaching a computer to read
* Template matching used in time contextual segmentation
* Temporal clues in handwriting
* Text data extraction from microfilm images of punched cards
* Textural boundary detection using local spatial frequency analysis
* Texture classification with tree-structured wavelet transform
* Texture feature extraction via visual cortical channel modelling
* Texture image classification and segmentation using RANK-order clustering
* Texture segmentation on two high-performance computers
* Theory of Multiscale, Curvature-Based Shape Representation for Planar Curves, A
* Theory of Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera, A
* Thermal analysis of infra-red mammography
* Thinning binary pictures by a labeling procedure
* Thresholding Of Digital Images Using Two-Dimensional Entropies
* Time-normalization techniques for speaker-independent isolated word recognition
* Tomographic reconstruction of axially symmetric objects: Regularization by a Markovian modelization
* Towards a general signal interpretation system-signal-to-symbol conversion level
* Transducer learning in pattern recognition
* Transformation of a general 3D facial model to an actual scene face
* Transformation systems are more economical and informative class descriptions than formal grammars
* transputer-based shuffle-shift machine for image processing and reconstruction, A
* tree-structured locally optimal vector quantizer, A
* Two aspects of automatic map treatment: road and texture extractions
* unified approach to the segmentation of grey-level and dot-pattern images, A
* Unsupervised and supervised classifications by rival penalized competitive learning
* Unsupervised feature reduction in image segmentation by local Karhunen-Loeve transform
* Unsupervised image segmentation based on a self-organizing feature map and a texture measure
* Unsupervised image segmentation using the minimum description length principle
* Unsupervised texture segmentation based on the modified Markov random field model
* use of complex transform for extraction circular arcs and straight lines in engineering drawings, The
* use of first-order structuring-element libraries to design morphological filters, The
* use of Gibbs random fields for image segmentation, The
* Use of stochastic grammars for hypnogram analysis
* Use of the Hough transform to separate merged text/graphics in forms
* Using Parallel String Matching Algorithm for Contour Based 2-D Shape Recognition
* Variational Approach to Interreflection in Color Images
* Video recording and digital image processing in analyzing air flows
* Viscom: an orthogonal multiprocessor for early vision and neural computing
* Vista for a general purpose computer vision system
* Visual debugging for a pyramidal machine
* Visual reconstruction with adaptive and arbitrarily oriented meshes
* Visual surface reconstruction and boundary detection using stochastic models
* Visualization methods for neural networks
* VLSI architecture for difference picture-based dynamic scene analysis, A
* VLSI architecture for hierarchical scene matching, A
* VLSI architecture for parallel concentration-contour approach
* VLSI hardware accelerator for dynamic time warping, A
* wavelet transform-a CMOS VLSI ASIC implementation, The
* Window-based dedicated parallel architectures for image processing
* Writing retargetable parallel programs for low and high level vision using a global address space
479 for 9208

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.