Update Dates 1107

1107 * *CRV
* 1080p H.264/AVC Baseline Residual Encoder for a Fine-Grained Many-Core System, A
* 3-D Active Meshes: Fast Discrete Deformable Models for Cell Tracking in 3-D Time-Lapse Microscopy
* 3D Face Recognition Using Geodesic PZM Array from a Single Model per Person
* 3D flow features visualization via fuzzy clustering
* 3D model alignment based on minimum projection area
* Accelerating Image Registration With the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma: Application to Imaging 3-D Neural Ultrastructure With Electron Microscopy
* Active Learning for Solving the Incomplete Data Problem in Facial Age Classification by the Furthest Nearest-Neighbor Criterion
* Active Learning Paradigms for CBIR Systems Based on Optimum-Path Forest Classification
* Adaptive human motion analysis and prediction
* Adaptive records for volume irradiance caching
* Adaptive Spectral Transform for Wavelet-Based Color Image Compression
* Alleviating the computational load of the probabilistic algorithms for circles detection using the connectivity represented by graph
* Analyzing small suprathreshold differences of LCD-generated colors
* Assessment of Averaging Spatially Correlated Noise for 3-D Radial Imaging
* Attention-based high dynamic range imaging
* Autocorrelation-Driven Diffusion Filtering
* Automatic Image Registration Through Image Segmentation and SIFT
* Automatic interpretation of digital maps
* Automatic registration for 3D shapes using hybrid dimensionality-reduction shape descriptions
* Automatic skinning and animation of skeletal models
* Automotive Autonomy
* B-spline deconvolution for differential target cross-section determination in full-waveform laser scanning data
* Biomechanics-based reaching optimization
* Boosted Exemplar Learning for Action Recognition and Annotation
* Boosted Genetic Fuzzy Classifier for land cover classification of remote sensing imagery, A
* Branch and Bound Strategies for Non-maximal Suppression in Object Detection
* Building roof modeling from airborne laser scanning data based on level set approach
* Calibration of Spaceborne CTLR Compact Polarimetric Low-Frequency SAR Using Mixed Radar Calibrators
* CENTRIST: A Visual Descriptor for Scene Categorization
* CGI'2011 Conference
* Change Information Based Fast Algorithm for Video Object Detection and Tracking, A
* Class-based spectral reconstruction based on unmixing of low-resolution spectral information
* comparative study of object-level spatial context techniques for semantic image analysis, A
* comparative study of state-of-the-art evolutionary image registration methods for 3D modeling, A
* Comparing two video-based techniques for driver fatigue detection: classification versus optical flow approach
* Compatible Stereo Video Coding with Adaptive Prediction Structure
* Complex Cell Descriptor Learning for Robust Object Recognition
* Complex Wave Representation of Distance Transforms, The
* Complexity Reduced Face Detection Using Probability-Based Face Mask Prefiltering and Pixel-Based Hierarchical-Feature Adaboosting
* Compressive Sensing SAR Image Reconstruction Based on Bayesian Framework and Evolutionary Computation
* Construction of Iso-Contours, Bisectors, and Voronoi Diagrams on Triangulated Surfaces
* Conversation Scene Analysis
* Correlating fourier descriptors of local patches for road sign recognition
* Correntropy based feature selection using binary projection
* Curvature Interpolation Method for Image Zooming
* Curvature Regularity for Multi-label Problems: Standard and Customized Linear Programming
* Curvature Regularization for Curves and Surfaces in a Global Optimization Framework
* Data-Driven Importance Distributions for Articulated Tracking
* Decoding of depth and motion in ambiguous binocular perception
* Deformation Time-Series Generation in Areas Characterized by Large Displacement Dynamics: The SAR Amplitude Pixel-Offset SBAS Technique
* Detachable Object Detection with Efficient Model Selection
* Detecting Changes in Hyperspectral Imagery Using a Model-Based Approach
* Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications (DICTA) Conference 2009
* Discrete Optimization of the Multiphase Piecewise Constant Mumford-Shah Functional
* distance based clustering method for arbitrary shaped clusters in large datasets, A
* Distance-based tractography in high angular resolution diffusion MRI
* Distributed Mincut/Maxflow Algorithm Combining Path Augmentation and Push-Relabel, A
* Dynamic Refraction Stereo
* Dynamic Voronoi diagram of complex sites
* Efficient Feature Distribution for Object Matching in Visual-Sensor Networks
* Efficient multi-view ray tracing using edge detection and shader reuse
* Efficient Texture Image Retrieval Using Copulas in a Bayesian Framework
* Empirical Models for Radiometric Calibration of Digital Aerial Frame Mosaics
* Endmember Extraction of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Based on the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm
* Environment-Sensitive cloning in images
* Estimation of Normalized Atmospheric Point Spread Function and Restoration of Remotely Sensed Images
* evaluation of 3-D scene exploration using a multiperspective image framework, An
* Evaluation of a First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for MRF Energy Minimization
* Evaluation of Boolean operations between free-form solids using extended simplicial chains and PN triangles
* Experimentation of structured light and stereo vision for underwater 3D reconstruction
* Face Region Based Conversational Video Coding
* Fast and accurate global motion compensation
* fast approach to deformable surface 3D tracking, A
* Fast Solver for Truncated-Convex Priors: Quantized-Convex Split Moves, A
* Feature Selection and Kernel Learning for Local Learning-Based Clustering
* Flat-Panel Color Filter Inspection
* Framelet Algorithms for De-Blurring Images Corrupted by Impulse Plus Gaussian Noise
* Gender discriminating models from facial surface normals
* Genetic B-Spline approximation on combined B-reps
* Global optimization of wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree for image segmentation
* Global Relabeling for Continuous Optimization in Binary Image Segmentation
* Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts
* Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Multilook Polarimetric Radar Data Based on the Mellin Transform
* Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation
* Grid-based SAH BVH construction on a GPU
* Gridding Artifacts on Medium-Resolution Satellite Image Time Series: MERIS Case Study
* Grouping/degrouping point process, a point process driven by geometrical and topological properties of a partition in regions
* Here's Looking at You, and You, and You ...
* High Resolution Segmentation of Neuronal Tissues from Low Depth-Resolution EM Imagery
* Holographic monitoring of transportation effects on canvas paintings
* Homogeneity Localization Using Particle Filters With Application to Noise Estimation
* How Intelligent Cars Will Make Driving Easier and Greener
* Hybrid Diversification Operator-Based Evolutionary Approach Towards Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Hybrid stereoscopic calibration
* hyper elasticity method for interactive virtual design of hearing aids: A parallel method for general non-linear hyper elasticity modeling, A
* Identifying degrees of freedom in pushbroom bundle adjustment
* Illumination Normalization Based on Weber's Law With Application to Face Recognition
* Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution by Adaptive Sparse Domain Selection and Adaptive Regularization
* Image Quality Feedback-based Adaptive Video Definition Improvement For The Space Manipulation Task
* Image Quality Metric Based On Biologically Inspired Feature Model, An
* Image segmentation by iterative optimization of multiphase multiple piecewise constant model and Four-Color relabeling
* Image Segmentation with a Shape Prior Based on Simplified Skeleton
* Image-space hierarchical coherence buffer
* Impairment Metric For Video Temporal Fluctuation Measure, An
* Improved H.264/AVC Lossless Intra Coding With Two-Layered Residual Coding (TRC)
* Improving retinal image resolution with iterative weighted shift-and-add
* Incremental object matching and detection with Bayesian methods and particle filters
* Influence of Target Micromotion on SAR and GMTI, The
* Interactive deformable models with quadratic bases in Bernstein-Bézier-form
* interactive design system for pop-up cards with a physical simulation, An
* Interactive Segmentation with Super-Labels
* Intermediate Flow Field Filtering in Energy Based Optic Flow Computations
* Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets Applied to Stereo Matching of Color Images
* JIGSAW: Joint Inhomogeneity Estimation via Global Segment Assembly for Water-Fat Separation
* Joint reversible watermarking and progressive compression of 3D meshes
* Kullback-Leibler Divergence Approach to Blind Image Restoration, A
* Lane detection and tracking using a new lane model and distance transform
* Least-Squares Luma-Chroma Demultiplexing Algorithm for Bayer Demosaicking
* Lensless optical data embedding system using concealogram and cascaded digital Fresnel hologram
* Level Set Method for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Intensity Inhomogeneities With Application to MRI, A
* Local shape blending using coherent weighted regions
* Low-contrast surface inspection of mura defects in liquid crystal displays using optical flow-based motion analysis
* Maintaining accuracy of cellular Yule-Nielsen spectral Neugebauer models for different ink cartridges using principal component analysis
* Manifold Regularized Discriminative Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Fast Gradient Descent
* Maximal local interclass embedding with application to face recognition
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Robust Face Recognition
* Maximum NEC Criterion for Compton Collimation to Accurately Identify True Coincidences in PET, A
* Meta-Recognition: The Theory and Practice of Recognition Score Analysis
* Metrics, Connections, and Correspondence: The Setting for Groupwise Shape Analysis
* Minimizing Count-Based High Order Terms in Markov Random Fields
* Mobile Visual Location Recognition
* Mobile Visual Search
* Model Selection Method for Nonlinear System Identification Based fMRI Effective Connectivity Analysis, A
* Modeling with blocks
* Motion Field Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images
* Multi-scale anisotropic heat diffusion based on normal-driven shape representation
* Multiclass Maximum-Likelihood Symmetry Determination and Motif Reconstruction of 3-D Helical Objects From Projection Images for Electron Microscopy
* Multiorientation-based Multistructure Morphological Inpainting
* Multiple View Geometry for Curvilinear Motion Cameras
* Multiple-Instance Learning with Structured Bag Models
* Multispectral Camera System Speeds Print Inspection
* NABS: Novel Approaches for Biometric Systems
* Network of Dynamic Probabilistic Models for Human Interaction Analysis, A
* New Coding Mode for Hybrid Video Coders Based on Quantized Motion Vectors, A
* New Design Tool for Feature Extraction in Noisy Images Based on Grayscale Hit-or-Miss Transforms, A
* Noise Folding in Compressed Sensing
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Earth Mover's Distance Metric for Image Analysis
* Normalization of Face Illumination Based on Large-and Small-Scale Features
* novel attribute weighting algorithm for clustering high-dimensional categorical data, A
* Novel Compressed Images Quality Metric, A
* novel edge detection method with application to the fat content prediction in marbled meat, A
* Optical flow estimation from multichannel spherical image decomposition
* Optical Flow Guided TV-L1 Video Interpolation and Restoration
* Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem
* Optimization of Robust Loss Functions for Weakly-Labeled Image Taxonomies: An ImageNet Case Study
* Orientation of Spaceborne SAR Stereo Pairs Employing the RPC Adjustment Model
* Paper Fingerprinting Using alpha-Masked Image Matching
* Parallel and efficient Boolean on polygonal solids
* Particle filter to track multiple people for visual surveillance
* Partition of unity parametrics: a framework for meta-modeling
* People tracking using a network-based PTZ camera
* Perception-Based Visualization of Manifold-Valued Medical Images Using Distance-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction
* Performance-based control interfaces using mixture of factor analyzers
* Physics-Based Analysis of Image Appearance Models, A
* Positioning and Utilizing Sensors on a 3-D Terrain Part II: Solving With a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
* Procedural and interactive icicle modeling
* Progressive Discrimination: An Automatic Method for Mapping Individual Targets in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Quantification of Extensional Uncertainty of Segmented Image Objects by Random Sets
* Quantization-Based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Optimized Multiple Residual Codebooks
* Quasi-Euclidean epipolar rectification of uncalibrated images
* Quaternion Based Color Image Quality Assessment Index
* R-D optimized progressive compression of 3D meshes using prioritized gate selection and curvature prediction
* Rate-Complexity-Distortion Optimization for Hybrid Video Coding
* Real-time adaptive obstacle detection based on an image database
* Real-Time and Accurate Stereo: A Scalable Approach With Bitwise Fast Voting on CUDA
* Real-Time Image-Based B-Mode Ultrasound Image Simulation of Needles Using Tensor-Product Interpolation
* Region-based tampering detection and recovery using homogeneity analysis in quality-sensitive imaging
* Registration of point clouds using sample-sphere and adaptive distance restriction
* Responding to natural disasters with satellite imagery
* Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Scenes under a Projective Motion Path
* Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing of HiRISE Stereo Imagery for Mars Topographic Mapping
* Ringing-Artifact Reduction Method for Block-DCT-Based Image Resizing, A
* Robust image segmentation against complex color distribution
* Robust interactive cutting based on an adaptive octree simulation mesh
* Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning
* Robust Point Set Registration Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Robust Small Robot Localization From Highly Uncertain Sensors
* Robust Trajectory-Space TV-L1 Optical Flow for Non-rigid Sequences
* Saliency and Gist Features for Target Detection in Satellite Images
* SAR Image Despeckling Based on Local Homogeneous-Region Segmentation by Using Pixel-Relativity Measurement
* Scanning geometry: Influencing factor on the quality of terrestrial laser scanning points
* selection of appropriate spectrally bright pseudo-invariant ground targets for use in empirical line calibration of SPOT satellite imagery, The
* Self-Adaptive Induction of Regression Trees
* Separating semantics from rendering: A scene graph based architecture for graphics applications
* Shape-enhanced maximum intensity projection
* Shrinkage, wrinkling and ablation of burning cloth and paper
* Simplified Computation for Nonparametric Windows Method of Probability Density Function Estimation
* Simultaneous Identification of Multiple Unexploded Ordnance Using Electromagnetic Induction Sensors
* SlimCuts: GraphCuts for High Resolution Images Using Graph Reduction
* Smoothlets: Multiscale Functions for Adaptive Representation of Images
* Solvability of the Zero-Pinning Technique to Orthonormal Wavelet Design
* Space-Varying Color Distributions for Interactive Multiregion Segmentation: Discrete versus Continuous Approaches
* Spatial-temporal Video Quality Assessment Based On Two-level Temporal Pooling
* Spatially Adaptive Classification of Land Cover With Remote Sensing Data
* Split and Merge Based Ellipse Detector With Self-Correcting Capability, A
* Stop Condition for Subgradient Minimization in Dual Relaxed (max,+) Problem
* Sub-Category Optimization through Cluster Performance Analysis for Multi-View Multi-Pose Object Detection
* Summarization of Surveillance Video Sequences Using Face Quality Assessment
* Surveillance-Oriented Event Detection in Video Streams
* System for the Estimation of Single-Tree Stem Diameter and Volume Using Multireturn LIDAR Data, A
* System-Level Performance Evaluation of Very High Complexity Media Applications: A H264/AVC Encoder Case Study
* Temporally Consistent Gradient Domain Video Editing
* Texture description in local scale using texton histograms with quadrature filter universal dictionaries
* Texture Segmentation via Non-local Non-parametric Active Contours
* Theory and Algorithms for Constructing Discrete Morse Complexes from Grayscale Digital Images
* Time-Frequency Analysis in High-Resolution SAR Imagery
* Total Variation Regularization for fMRI-Based Prediction of Behavior
* TV-L1 Optical Flow for Vector Valued Images
* Unsupervised image segmentation evaluation and refinement using a multi-scale approach
* Urban scene understanding from aerial and ground LIDAR data
* User interactive multiple aerial view analysis for reconstructing a large number of 3D architectural models
* Using Gaussian-Process Regression for Meta-Analytic Neuroimaging Inference Based on Sparse Observations
* Using the Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition for Video Denoising
* variational approach to vesicle membrane reconstruction from fluorescence imaging, A
* VE-LLI-VO: Vessel Enhancement Using Local Line Integrals and Variational Optimization
* Video Alignment for Change Detection
* Video dehazing with spatial and temporal coherence
* Video Super-Resolution Using Simultaneous Motion and Intensity Calculations
* Vision based smoke detection system using image energy and color information
* Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment: Based on Eye-Tracking Data
* Visualizing combinatorial auctions
* Voxel-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Perfusion Cardiovascular MRI
* Water-removed spectra increase the retrieval accuracy when estimating savanna grass nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations
* Weighted Maximum Posterior Marginals for Random Fields Using an Ensemble of Conditional Densities From Multiple Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations
* Wide baseline correspondence extraction beyond local features
* X-Ray Imaging Delivers a Better Cut
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.