Update Dates 0807

0807 * 2D Articulated Body Tracking with Self-occultations Handling
* 3-D Documentation Technologies for Use in Industrial Archaeology Applications
* 3D Cultural Heritage Documentation Using Data from Different Sources
* 3D Determination of Very Dense Particle Velocity Fields by Tomographic Reconstruction from Four Camera Views and Voxel Space Tracking
* 3D Digital Investigation on Diseases of Tibet Murals
* 3D face retrieval using integral geometric shape information
* 3D Human Motion Reconstruction Using Video Processing
* 3D Information Restoration of the Digital Images of Dunhuang Mural Paintings
* 3D Measurement and Modeling Based on Stereo-Camera
* 3D Measurement, Reconstruction and Navigation through Panoramic Photography
* 3D Model for Historic Reconstruction and Archeaological Knowledge Dissemination: the Niedermunster Abbey's Project (Alsace, FRANCE)
* 3D Modeling for Deformable Objects
* 3D Modeling Using Structured Light Pattern and Photogrammetric Epipolar Geometry
* 3D Modelling of the Acropolis of Athens Using Balloon Images and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* 3D Photogrammetric Recording Using DLT and CAD
* 3D Precise Inspection of Terminal Lead for Electronic Devices by Single Camera Stereo Vision
* 3D Reconstruction for a Cultural Heritage Virtual Tour System
* 3D Segmentation of Full Waveform LIDAR Data for Single Tree Detection Using Normalized Cut
* 3D Shape Descriptor for Human Pose Recovery, A
* 3D Surface Modeling of Tomato Plants Using Close-Range Photogrammetry
* 3D Virtual Modelling of a Gothic Stained-Glass Panel
* Accelerating Integral Histograms Using an Adaptive Approach
* Accumulated motion energy fields estimation and representation for semantic event detection
* Accuracy Assessment Experimentof Aster 3D Ortho Product in Beijing Area, The
* Accuracy Assessment of CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Image Data-Derived Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study of the Drum Mountains, Utah, An
* Accuracy Enhancement of Unmanned Helicopter Positioning with Low Cost System
* Accuracy Investigation of Orthoimages Obtained from High Resolution Satellite Stereo Pairs
* Accuracy of Lacunarity Algorithms in Texture Classification of High Spatial Resolution Images from Urban Areas
* Accurate Human Motion Capture Using an Ergonomics-Based Anthropometric Human Model
* Accurate Registration Method Based on Point Clouds and Redundancy Elimination of LIDAR Data, An
* Acquiring Initial Value of Multi-View Metrical Data Integration
* Active-Vision System Reconfiguration for Form Recognition in the Presence of Dynamic Obstacles
* Adaptive Building Edge Detection by Combining LIDAR Data and Aerial Images
* Adaptive multiple feedback strategies for interactive video search
* Adaptively Combining Local with Global Information for Natural Scenes Categorization
* Advantages and Disadvantages of the Hough Transformation in the Frame of Automated Building Extraction
* Airborne Laser Scanning Data Filtering Using Flakes
* Airborne Multidimensional Integrated Remote Sensing System
* Algorithm of Straight Line Features Matching on Aerial Imagery, An
* Algorithm to Determine the Chromaticity Under Non-uniform Illuminant, An
* Alternative Procedures for the Incorporation of LIDAR-Derived Linear and Areal Features for Photogrammetrec Geo-Referencing
* Analysis and Recovery of Systematic Errors in Airborne Laser System
* Analysis of Crowds Flow Characteristics by Using Laser Range Scanners, An
* Analysis of Full-Waveform LIDAR Data for an Accurate Classification of Urban Areas
* Analysis of Human Motion, Based on the Reduction of Multidimensional Captured Data: Application to Hand Gesture Compression, Segmentation and Synthesis
* Analysis of Planimetric Accuracy of Airborne Laser Scanning Surveys
* Analysis of Rational Function Dependency to the Height Distribution of Ground Control Points in Geometric Correction of Aerial and Satellite Images
* Analysis of Reliability and Impact Factors of Mutual Information Similarity Criterion for Remote Sensing Imagery Template Matching
* Analysis of Score Functions for the Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Analysis of the Backscattered Energy in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Analysis of the Kalman Filter with Different INS Error Models for GPS/INS Integration in Aerial Remote Sensing Applications
* Analytical Simulation of B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Analyze of Mathematical Models for Digital Camera Calibration
* Analyzing Flickr groups
* Analyzing on Pixel Positioning Accuracy of SAR Images Based On R-D Location Model
* Annotation suggestion and search for personal multimedia objects on the web
* Apperance-Based Tracking and Face Identification in Video Sequences
* Application and Analyses of Airborne LIDAR Technology in Topographic Survey of Tidal Flat And Coastal Zone
* Application of 3D Laser Scanner for Monitoring of Landslide Hazards
* Application of Augmented Reality GIS in Architecture
* Application of DInSAR and GIS for Underground Mine Subsidence Monitoring
* Application of GPS in Distributed SAR Satellite
* Application of Mathematical Morphology Operations for Simplification and Improvement of Correlation of Images in Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Application of Neural Networks, Image Processing and CAD-Based Environments Facilities in Automatic Road Extraction and Vectorization from High Resolution Satellite Images
* Application of Point Clouds from Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner for Deformation Measurements
* Application of Robust Regression for Exterior Orientation of Video Images
* Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Heritage Conservation in Yungang Grotto
* Applying graphic design terms to image tagging
* Applying Space State Models in Human Action Recognition: A Comparative Study
* Approach for Filtering LIDAR Data in Coastal Vegetated Areas Using Intensity Information and Multiple Echoes, An
* Approach from Point Cloud plus Feature Data to Grid DEM, An
* Approach to Optimize Reference Ground Control Requirements for Estimating LIDAR/IMU Boresight Misalignment, An
* Approximating LIDAR Ground Elevation Data by Higher-Order Tensor-Product B-Splines
* Arabic Handwritten Characters Classification Using Learning Vector Quantization Algorithm
* Architectural Scene Rapid Reconstruction Based on Features
* Aspects of the Standardization of Sensor and Data Fusion of Remote Sensing Data
* Assessment of ALOS Prism Digital Elevation Model Extraction over Japan
* Atmospheric Effects Removal of ASAR-derived InSAR Products Using MERIS Data and GPS
* Audiovisual Talking Head for Augmented Speech Generation: Models and Animations Based on a Real Speaker's Articulatory Data, An
* Automated 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas from Networks of Wide-Baseline Image Sequences
* Automated Update of Existing Ortho-Image Database and DEM Using High resolution Satellite Images
* Automated Updating of Building Data Bases from Digital Surface Models and Multi-Spectral Images: Potential and Limitations
* Automated Visual Traffic Monitoring and Surveillance Through a Network of Distributed Units
* Automatic Adjustment of Rigs to Extracted Skeletons
* Automatic Analysis of Traffic Scenario from Airborne Thermal Infrared Video
* Automatic Building Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images Using Active Contour Mode
* Automatic Cell Segmentation Using a Shape-Classification Model in Immunohistochemically Stained Cytological Images
* Automatic Edge Matching Across an Image Sequence Based on Reliable Points
* Automatic image annotation via local multi-label classification
* Automatic Matching of Sculpture Fragments as Modern Tool for Archaeological Verification of Hypotheses on Their Origin
* Automatic Matching of Terrestrial Scan Data Using Orientation Histograms
* Automatic Method Based on Gridding Segmentation for Trees' Classification in Forested Area, An
* Automatic Model-Based Building Detection from Single Panchromatic High Resolution Images
* Automatic Modelling Method for Steel Structures Using Photogrammetry
* Automatic Peaks Extraction from Normalized Digital Surface Model (NDSM);
* Automatic Polyp Detection from CT Colonography Using Mathematical Morphology
* Automatic Recognition of Rivers from LIDAR Data by Profile Factor
* Automatic Recognition of Traffic Signs in Natural Scene Image Based on Central Projection Transformation
* Automatic Reconstruction for Small Archeology Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Automatic Registration Between LIDAR and Digital Images
* Automatic Registration of Airborne Image Sequences Based on Line Matching Approach
* Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Point Cloud Using Panoramic Reflectance Images
* Automatic Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images Using Neural Networks, Texture Analysis, Fuzzy Clustering and Genetic Algorithms
* Automatic Road Vector Extraction for Mobile Mapping Systems
* Automatic Target-Identification with the Color-Coded-Targets
* Automatic Traffic Monitoring from an Airborne Wide Angle Camera System
* Autonomous Mini Helicopter: A Powerful Platform for Mobile Mapping, The
* Autonomous Photogrammetric Network Design Basing on Changing Environment Genetic Algorithms
* Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* Balancing thread based navigation for targeted video search
* Bare Earth Extraction from Airborne LIDAR Data Using Different Filtering Methods
* Benchmark Dataset for Performance Evaluation of Shape-from-X Algorithms, A
* Benchmarking Automatic Bundle Adjustment Results
* Blind Watermarking Of Non-uniform B-spline Surfaces
* Blunder Elimination Techniques in Adaptive Automatic Terrain Extraction
* Blur Insensitive Texture Classification Using Local Phase Quantization
* Body Language Based Individual Identification in Video Using Gait and Actions
* Body-Part Templates for Recovery of 2D Human Poses under Occlusion
* Bone Glow: An Improved Method for the Assignment of Weights for Mesh Deformation
* Broken-Ray Videometric Method and System for Measuring the Three-Dimensional Position and Pose of the Non-Intervisible Object
* Building Boundary Extraction Based on LIDAR Point Clouds Data
* Building Boundary Extraction from High Resolution Imagery and LIDAR Data
* Building Change Detection Using 3-D Texture Model
* Building Detection and Reconstruction from Aerial Images
* Building Detection and Structure Line Extraction from Airborne LIDAR Data
* Building Exctraction from Laser Scanning Data
* Building Extraction Based on Dense Stereo Match and Edison Algorithm
* Building Extraction from High Resolution Color Imagery Based on Edge Flow Driven Active Contour And JSEG
* Building Reconstruction from InSAR Data by Detail Analysis Of Phase Profiles
* Building Reconstruction from LIDAR Data
* Building Reconstruction Using a Structural Description Based on a Formal Grammar
* Building Roof Detection from a Single High-Resolution Satellite Image in Dense Urban Area
* Building Roof Reconstruction by Fusing Laser Range Data and Aerial Images
* Building Roof Segmentation and Modeling from LIDAR Point Clouds Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Buildings Detection and Extraction by Machine Learning
* CAD System for Long-Bone Segmentation and Fracture Detection, A
* Calibration of a Digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) Camera Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Calibration of a Low Cost MEMS INS Sensor for an Integrated Navigation System
* Calibration of a PMD-Camera Using a Planar Calibration Pattern Together with a Multi-Camera Setup
* Calibration of Constant Angular Error for CBERS-2 Imagery with Few Ground Control Points
* Camera Calibration Based on Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
* Camera Station Based Combiner Adjustment of Multi-Images
* Canopy Extraction Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Forestry Areas
* Capability Assessment of High Resolution Satellite Imagery for 3D Reconstruction Using RPC Parameters
* Case Study of the 5-Point Algorithm for Texturing Existing Building Models from Iinfrared Image Sequences
* Case Study: Workflow Analysis of Power Line Systems for Risk Management, A
* Chirplet Transform Applied to Simulated and Real Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) Calls
* Classification and annotation of digital photos using optical context data
* Classification of LIDAR Point Cloud and Generation of DTM from LIDAR Height and Intensity Data In Forested Area
* Classification of Proteomic Signals by Block Kriging Error Matching
* Clip based video summarization and ranking
* Close Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Using a Mobile Mapping System for the High Detailed Survey of a Height Density Urban Area
* Close Range Photogrammetry: Structured Light Approach for Machine Vision Aided Harvesting
* Close-Range Photogrammetry in Traffic Incident Management
* Closed-Form Solution of Space Resection Using Unit Quaternion
* Coherent Synchronization of a Chaotic Communication System Based on a QAM-4 Transmitter
* Collaborative Epidemical Surveillance and Response System Based on GIS and Information Technique, A
* Color Constancy Based on Effective Regions
* Columbia University's semantic video search engine 2008
* Combination of Image Registration Algorithms for Patient Alignement in Proton Beam Therapy
* Combined Knowledge Propagation for Facade Reconstruction
* Common Adjustment of Land-Based and Airborne Mobile Mapping System Data
* Comparative Study on Using Zernike Velocity Moments and Hidden Markov Models for Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* Comparison and Verification of Optical 3-D Surface Measurement Systems
* Comparison Methods of Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry and Tacheometry Data for Recording of Cultural Heritage Buildings
* comparison of color features for visual concept classification, A
* Comparison of Data Classification Techniques Applied to TLS Point Clouds
* Comparison of Estimating Forest Canopy Height Integrating Multi-sensor data Synergy: A Case Study in Mountain Area of Three Gorges, A
* Comparison of Image Restoration Methods for Bioluminescence Imaging
* Comparison of the Cross Deleted Wigner Representation and the Matching Pursuit Distribution (Via Adaptive Signal Decomposition)
* Comparison of Three Accurate 3D Measurement Methods for Evaluating As-Built Floor Flatness
* Comparison of Tree Extraction from Intensity Drop and From Multiple Returns in ALS Data
* Comparisons of 3D Analysis Between Photogrammetry and Computer Vision, The
* Competition Based Roof Detection Algorithm from Airborne LIDAR Data, A
* Complete Pyramidal Geometrical Scheme for Text Based Image Description and Retrieval, A
* Computer Aided Reconstruction of Complex Sites and Architectures: Application to the Grotta Dei Cervi and the Broken Frescoes of the Assisi Basilica
* Constrained Unsharp Masking for Image Enhancement
* Construction of Anti-Symmetrical Wavelet and Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery, The
* Construction of extended geographical database based on photo shooting history
* Content based multispectral image retrieval using principal component analysis
* Content personalization and adaptation for three-screen services
* Content-based image retrieval via distributed databases
* Continuous Hand Gesture Recognition in the Learned Hierarchical Latent Variable Space
* Continuous visual vocabulary models for pLSA-based scene recognition
* Contour Clustering Analysis for Building Reconstruction from LIDAR Data
* Contribution of Integrated Remote Sensing System (SINAT) to Territorial Management: Towards the Strengthening of the National System of Land Observation
* Coregistration Based on SIFT Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Correcting DEM Extracted from Aster Stereo Images by Combining Cartographic DEM
* Correlation, Independance and Inverse Modeling
* Cost-Effective Rock-Art Recording within a Non-Specialist Environment
* Data Acquisition Possibilities for Face Reconstruction Purpose
* Data Filtering and Feature Extraction of Urban Typical Objects from Airborne LIDAR Point Cloud
* Data Fusion with Integration of Airborne Laser Scanning Data and Ortho-aerial Photos
* Data Management Based on Geocoding Index And Adaptive Visualization for Airborne LIDAR
* Data Simulation of Ladar Sensor: Focusing on Geometric Modeling
* Database Approach to Very Large LIDAR Data Management, A
* Dealing with Self-occlusion in Region Based Motion Capture by Means of Internal Regions
* Decomposition of Airborne Laser Scanning Waveform Data Based on EM Algorithm
* Deformable Surface Model with Volume Preserving Springs, A
* Deformable Volumetric Simplex Meshes
* Deformation Determination of Aircraft Parts by Photogrammetry
* DEM (Digital Elevation Model) Production and Accuracy Modeling of DEMs from 1:35.000 Scale Aerial Photographs
* DEM Construction Method for Inconstant Inter-Tidal Zone Base on Short-Interval, High Frequency MODIS Data Set: A Case Study in the Dongsha Sandbank of the Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand-Ridges, A
* DEM Generation from High Resolution Multi-View Data product
* DEM Registration, Alignment and Evaluation for SAR Interferometry
* Dense Image Matching in Airborne Video Sequences
* Depth Estimation by Finding Best Focused Points Using Line Fitting
* Derivation of Digital Terrain Model in Forested Area with Airborne LIDAR Data
* Design and Implementation of an Image CoProcessor
* Designing a Framework of Virtual Remote Sensing Satellite Simulation System
* Destriping and Inpainting of Remote Sensing Images Using Maximum A-Posteriori Method
* Detection of Bricks in a Masonry Wall
* Detection of Subtle Ridgelines from Laser Scanning Data
* Detection, Segmentation and Characterization of Vegetation in High-Resolution Aerial Images for 3D City Modeling
* Determination of Displacements in Load Tests with Digital Multimedia Photogrammetry
* Determination of Facade Attributes for Facade Reconstruction
* Developing a Navigation System to Provide a Robust Real Time Positioning for Mobile Mapping Application
* Development of Cross Section Management System in Tunnel Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique
* Development of Positioning Information Realized Digital Close-Range Photogrammetric System
* Development of the Microstation-Based LIDAR Data Processing Software
* dHCPS: decentralized hierarchically clustered p2p video streaming
* Digital Photogrammetry in Obtaining of 3D Model Data of Irregular Small Surfaces
* Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Gene Finding in Eukaryotes
* Digital Watermarking In The Singular Vector Domain
* Direct Sensor-Oriented Calibration of the Projector in Coded Structured Light System
* Discovering Archaeological Cropmarks: a Hyperspectral Approach
* discrete direct retrieval model for image and video retrieval, A
* Discrete Pulse Transform of Images
* Discrete Wavelet Diffusion for Image Denoising
* Distributed visual sensing for virtual top-view trajectory generation in football videos
* Documentation of Heritage Sites Using Surface Topography as Control
* Documentation of Istanbul Historic Peninsula by Static and Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* DSM Generation with High Resolution Space Imagery over Mountainous Forest Area
* Dynamic Color Texture Modeling and Color Video Decomposition Using Bounded Variation and Oscillatory Functions
* Dynamic Human Fatigue Detection Using Feature-Level Fusion
* Dynamic Skin Detection in Color Images for Sign Language Recognition
* Edge Detection Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image, An
* Edge Extraction Algorithm Based on Linear Perception Emhancement
* Effective Emotional Classification Combining Facial Classifiers and User Assessment
* Efficient 3D Geometrical Consistency Criterion for Detection of a Set of Facial Feature Points, An
* Efficient Approach to Building Superstructure Reconstruction Using Digital Elevation Maps, An
* Efficient Pipe Installation Support System for Module Build
* Efficient search: the informedia video retrieval system
* Elevation-Controlled Block Adjustment for Weakly Convergent Satellite Images
* Energy Function Behavior in Optimization Based Image Sequence Stabilization in Presence of Moving Objects
* Enhanced Potential for the Analysis of Archaeological Finds Based on 3D Modeling
* Error Budget of LIDAR Systems and Quality Control of the Derived Point Cloud
* Estimating Anomality of the Video Sequences for Surveillance Using 1-Class SVM
* Estimating Human Skeleton Parameters and Configuration in Real-Time from Markered Optical Motion Capture
* Estimation of Dense, Non-rigid Motion Fields from a Multi-camera Array Using a Hierarchical Mixture Model
* Estimation of Opto-Mechanical Parameters for Calibration of Laser Scanners
* Estimation of Unknown Height with Artificial Neural Network on Digital Terrain Model
* Evaluating audio skimming and frame rate acceleration for summarizing BBC rushes
* Evaluation of Camera Calibration Approaches for Video Image Detection Systems
* Evaluation of CARTOSAT 1 Geometric Potential
* Evaluation of Different Methods for Using Colour Information in Global Stereo Matching Approaches
* Evaluation of LBTM for HRSI Rectification
* Evaluation of Relative Pose Estimation Methods for Multi-Camera Setups
* Evaluation on the Data Quality of Srtm DEM at the Alpine and Plateau area, North-Western of China, An
* Evaluation Protocol for Localization Metrics: Application to a Comparative Study
* Event tactic analysis based on player and ball trajectory in broadcast video
* Event-based location matching for consumer image collections
* Experiencies Using Non-Metric Cameras in Photogrammetry
* Experimental Realization of Urban Large-Scale True Orthoimage Generation
* Experiments in interactive video search by addition and subtraction
* Exploiting Structural Hierarchy in Articulated Objects Towards Robust Motion Capture
* Exploring the Measurement Of Forests With Full Waveform LIDAR through Monte-Carlo Ray Tracing
* Extensive Metric Performance Evaluation of a 3D Range Camera
* Extract Profile of Urbanized Area in Beijing Assisted by Skewness
* Extracting of Spatial Information in the Environment of Irish Road Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Extraction of Geometric Information on Highway Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology
* Extraction of Main and Secondary Roads in VHR Images Using A Higher-Order Phase Field Model
* Extraction of Road Junction Islands from High Resolution Aerial Imagery Using Level Sets
* Eye localization for face matching: is it always useful and under what conditions?
* Facade Detail from Incomplete Range Data
* Face Recognition Based on Mutual Projection of Feature Distributions
* Face Tracking for Spatially Aware Mobile User Interfaces
* Fast Continuous 360 Degree Color 3D Laser Scanner
* Fast Detection and Modeling of Human-Body Parts from Monocular Video
* Fast Fine Granularity Scalability Decoding Scheme for Low-Delay Scalable Video Coding Applications
* Fast Object-to-Image Best Scanline Search Algorithm for Airborne Linear Pushbroom Image Processing, A
* Fast Reconstruction of Three Dimensional City Model Based on Airborne LIDAR
* Fast Searching Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Subvector Technique
* Feature-Based Registration of Ground-Based LIDAR Point Clouds
* Filtering LIDAR Points by Fusion of Intensity Measures and Aerial Images
* Filtering Process of LIDAR Data
* FISH: a practical system for fast interactive image search in huge databases
* Floating Model for Building Reconstruction from Topographic Maps and LIDAR Data
* Flow to Generate DEM and Segment Buildings in Urban Areas from LIDAR Data, A
* Forest Height Estimation from INDREX-II L-Band Polarimetric InSAR Data
* Framework of Relative Navigation System for Non-Cooperative Target Using Double-CCD, A
* From Digital Mogao Caves to Digital Chi Lin Nunnery
* Fudan University: hierarchical video retrieval with adaptive multi-modal fusion
* Fully Automatic Camera Calibration Using Regular Planar Patterns
* Fusing Edge Cues to Handle Colour Problems in Image Segmentation
* Fusion and Optimization of LIDAR and Photogrammetric Technologies and Methodologies for Cartographic Production
* Fusion of audio and visual cues for laughter detection
* Fusion of Hyperspectral Images and LIDAR-Based DEMs for Coastal Mapping
* Future directions in multimedia retrieval: impact of new technology
* FXPAL collaborative exploratory video search system
* Gaze Tracking Control Using Active Stereo Camera
* Generating Building Outlines from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Generation of COARSE 3D Models of Urban Areas from High Resolution Stereo Satellite Image
* Generation of Digital Surface Model from High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Generation of Roof Topologies Using Plane Fitting with RANSAC
* Generative Model for Motion Synthesis and Blending Using Probability Density Estimation, A
* Generative Model for True Orthorectificatio, A
* Geometric Modeling and Validation of ALOS/PRISM Imagery and Products
* Georeferencing Multi-Temporal and Multi-Scale Imagery in Photogrammetry
* Geostructural Analysis of the Athenian Acropolis Wall Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Gestural Interaction Using Feature Classification
* GIS Today
* Glacier Velocity Determination from Multi-Temporal Long Range Laser Scanner Point Clouds
* Global Terrain Data Organization and Compression Methods
* GPS-GIS Integrated System for Electromagnetic Pollution
* Graph-based Ordering Scheme For Color Image Filtering
* Grip-Pattern Recognition in Smart Gun Based on Likelihood-Ratio Classifier and Support Vector Machine
* Hierarchical Matching Using Combinatorial Pyramid Framework
* Hierarchical Modelling and Processing of Space Objects in Architectural Photogrammetry
* High Resolution Morphometric Reconstruction of Multimaterial Tiles of an Ancient Mosaic
* Human Hand Gesture Recognition Using Motion Orientation Histogram for Interaction of Handicapped Persons with Computer
* Hybrid Measurement Scenarios in Automated Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Hybrid Method for Deriving DTMs from Urban DEMs, A
* Hybrid Method for Stereo Image Matching, A
* iBingo mobile collaborative search
* IBM multimedia analysis and retrieval system
* Identifying relevant frames in weakly labeled videos for training concept detectors
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition under Various Facial Expressions and Occlusions
* Image Based Architectural True-Orthophotographs
* Image clustering based on a shared nearest neighbors approach for tagged collections
* Image Coregistration in SAR Interferometry
* Image Enhancement by Analysis on Embedded Surfaces of Images and a New Framework for Enhancement Evaluation
* Image Localization in Satellite Imagery with Feature-Based Indexing
* Image Re-Segmentation Applied to Urban Imagery
* Image Restoration of Calibration and Validation for KOMPSAT-2
* Image Retrieval: Color and Texture Combining Based on Query-Image
* Image warping correction in forming 360 degree panoramic images
* Image- and Model-Based Reconstruction of the Small Buddha of Bamiyan, Afghanistan
* Image-Based 3D Modeling of the Erechteion, Acropolis of Athens
* Image-Based Estimation and Validation of NIRS for High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Image-Based Measurement of the Ming Great Wall
* Image-Based Surface Measurement for Close-Range Heritage Documentation
* Impact of an Optimized Position and Orientation System on the Final Accuracy of LIDAR Data
* Implementation of an Architectonic GIS on a Brickwork Farmhouse
* Implicit Geometric Regularization of 3D Building Shape Using Airborne LIDAR Data, An
* Improved Algorithm for Estimating the ICA Model Concerning the Convergence Rate, An
* Improved Phase Correlation Matching
* Improved Pushbroom Scanner Model for Precise Georeferencing of ALOS Prism Imagery, An
* Improvement of the Stability Solving Rational Polynomial Coefficients
* Improving and Extending the Information on Principal Component Analysis for Local Neighborhoods in 3D Point Clouds
* In-flight Geometric Calibration: An experience with CARTOSAT-1 and CARTOSAT-2
* Increasing-Geometric Accuracy of DMC's Virtual Images
* Indirect Generalization of Contour Lines Based on DEM Generalization Using the 3D Douglas-Peucker Algorithm, An
* Indoor Navigation by Using Segmentation of Range Images Obtained by Laser Scanners
* Inferring generic activities and events from image content and bags of geo-tags
* Influence on Height Measure from Earth Curvature Based on Spaceborne InSAR
* Influences of Different Materials on the Measurements of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS)
* Innovative Techniques for Survey and Communication of Cultural Heritage
* InSAR Imaging Geometry Simulation Based on Computer Graphics
* Insitu Single-pointed Wavelet-Based Method for Noise Reduction in SAR Images, An
* instant semantics acquisition system of live soccer video with application to live event alert and on-the-fly language selection, An
* Integrated Airborne IFSAR Mapping System
* Integrated Feature Based Method for Sub-Pixel Image Matching, An
* Integrated Method of Building Extraction from Digital Surface Model and Imagery
* Integrated Processing of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data and Fisheye-Camera Image Data
* Integrated Range Camera Calibration Using Image Sequences from Hand-Held Operation
* Integrated Registration of Range Images from Terrestrial LIDAR
* Integrated Survey for Knowledge and Preservation of a Cultural Heritage: the Albanian Fortified Citadel of Elbasan, An
* Integrating Photogrametric Technologies and Geodetic Methods for 3D Modeling
* Integration of 3D Data, Texture and Archaeological Information in a Database Management System for Petroglyph Documentation and Interpretation
* Integration of dynamic LiDAR and image sensor data for route corridor mapping
* Integration of GPS/INS/Vision Sensors to Navigate Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Integration of Stereophotogrammetry and Triangulation-Based Laser Scanning System for Precise Mapping of Craniofacial Morphology
* Integration of Structured Light and Digital Camera Image Data for the 3D Reconstruction of an Ancient Globe
* Integration of Terrestrial and Airborne LIDAR Data for System Calibration
* Integration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Ground Navigation in GPS-Challenged Environments
* Intelligent Active Video Surveillance System Based on the Integration of Virtual Neural Sensors and BDI Agents, An
* Intensity Calibration and Imaging with SwissRanger SR-3000 Range Camera
* Interactive components for visual exploration of multimedia archives
* Interactive Constrained Deformations of NURBS Surfaces: N-SCODEF
* Interactive video retrieval with rich features and friendly interface
* Interest Operators in Close-Range Object Reconstruction
* Interpretation Terrestrial Images of Urban Scenes Using Discriminative Random Fields
* Introduce a 1:500 map was made by the image of GOOGLE EARTH and its software
* Inverse Kinematics Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Investigating keyframe selection methods in the novel domain of passively captured visual lifelogs
* Investigation into The Registration of LIDAR Intensity Data and Aerial Images Using the SIFT Approach, An
* Investigation of 3D Geopositioning and DEM Accuracy of CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Imagery
* Investigation of Elevation Bias of The SRTM C-And X-Band Digital Elevation Models
* Investigations about the Accuracy of Target Measurement for Deformation Monitoring
* Issues for Image Matching in Structure from Motion
* Joint Multiple Target Tracking and Classification Using Controlled Based Cheap JPDA-Multiple Model Particle Filter in Cluttered Environment
* Joint Test Statistic Considering Complex Wishart Distribution Characterization of Temporal Polarimetric Data, A
* K-Space Interactive Search
* Kinetic Pseudo-energy History for Human Dynamic Gestures Recognition
* KOMPSAT-2 Direct Sensor Modeling and Geometric Calibration/Validation
* Land Cover Classification Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data and Photographs
* Language modeling for bag-of-visual words image categorization
* Large Scale Texture Mapping of Building Facades
* Laser Footprint Size and Pointing Precision Analysis for LIDAR Systems
* Laser Range Data, Photographs and Architecural Components
* Learning structured concept-segments for interactive video retrieval
* Learning to Look at Humans: What Are the Parts of a Moving Body?
* Least Square Matching Model AMMGC-LSM for Multi-line-array Digital Images
* Least Squares Matching with Airborne LIDAR Data for Strip Adjustment
* Level of Detail in 3D Building Reconstruction from LIDAR Data
* Leveraging probabilistic season and location context models for scene understanding
* Leveraging user query log: toward improving image data clustering
* LIDAR Data Classification Using Hierarchical K-Means Clustering
* LIDAR Data Reduction for Efficient and High Quality DEM Generation
* LIDAR Strip Adjustment using Conjugate Linear Features in Overlapping Strips
* LIG multi-criteria system for video retrieval, The
* Light Aberration Effect in HR Geometric Model
* Line-Based Referencing between Images and Laser Scanner Data for Image-Based Point Cloud Interpretation in a CAD-Environment
* Line-Based Registration of Terrestrial and Airborne LIDAR Data
* Linear Constraints in Two-View Multiple Homography Estimation of Uncalibrated Scenes
* Linear Feature Extraction of Buildings from Terrestrial LIDAR Data with Morphological Techniques
* Local Orientation Extraction for Wordspotting in Syriac Manuscripts
* Long Strip Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 with Minimum Control
* Low Cost Automatized System for Control Points Capture in Close Range Photogrammetry
* Managing Full Waveform LIDAR Data: A Challenging Task for the Forthcoming Years
* Managing Uncertainty in the Detection of Changes from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Manipulable Vision-Based 3D Input Device for Space Curves, A
* Mapping Digital Image Texture onto 3D Model from LIDAR Data
* Markerless Augmented Reality Using Image Mosaics
* Markerless Outdoor Localisation Based on SIFT Descriptors for Mobile Applications
* Markov Random Field for Road Extraction Applications in Remote Sensing Images
* Markov Random Fields (MRF) - Based Texture Segmentation for Road Detection
* Matching Conjugate Points between Multi Resolution Satellite Images Using Geometric and Radiometric Properties
* Matching of Artificial Target Points Based on Space Intersection
* Mean Weight Behavior of Coupled LMS Adaptive Systems Applied to Acoustic Feedback Cancellation in Hearing Aids
* Measurement and 3D Modelling of an Ancient Measuring Device: Nippur Cubit Rod
* Measurement of Dam Deformations by Terrestrial Interferometric Techiques
* Measurement of Transparent Plastic Sculptures Using Photogrammetry, Laser Scanning and Touch Probing for Conservation Purposes
* Measurements of Forest Inventory Parameters on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using Digital Geometry and Topology
* Measuring the impact of temporal context on video retrieval
* MediaMill: fast and effective video search using the forkbrowser
* Mesh Vertex Pose and Position Interpolation Using Geometric Algebra
* Method for Urban Buildings Change Detection Based on Vertical Edges Extraction, A
* Method of Boundary Extraction Based on Schrödinger Equation
* Method of Extracting Geometric Information from the Point Cloud of Building, A
* Metric Accuracy Testing with Mobile Phone Cameras
* Minimising Systematic Errors in DEMs Caused by an Inaccurate Lens Model
* MKLab interactive video retrieval system
* Mobile Lidar Mapping for 3D Point Cloud Collection in Urban Areas: A Performance Test
* Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Time-Varying Mesh
* Modeling of Absolute Orientation of Adjacent Satellite Image Strips Using A Few Ground Control Points
* Modeling of the Temple of Apollo Smintheus Using Photogrammetry and Virtual Realty
* Modelling of Urban Environments
* Monitoring Landslide Displacements during a Controlled Rain Experiment Using a Long-Range Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
* Monitoring of Height Changes in Urban Areas from Multi-Temporal, Multi-Scale and Multi-Platform Remotely Sensed Data
* Monitoring of Recent Land Subsidence and Ground Fissures in Xi'an With SAR Interferometry
* Monoplotting: A Semi-Automated Approach for 3D Reconstruction from Single Satellite Image
* Motion-Stereo Double Matching Restriction in 3D Motion Analysis
* Multi Sensor Airborne Systems: The Potential for In Situ Sensor Calibration
* Multi-cue Facial Feature Detection and Tracking
* Multi-Direction Extracting Method of the Building Contour Based on Point Cloud of the Terrestrial Laser Scanner, A
* Multi-Image Matching for DTM Generation from SPOT-5 HRS/HRG and IRS-P5 Imagery - For the Project of West China Topographic Mapping at 1:50,000 Scale
* Multi-Image Matching Using Neural Networks and Photogrammetric Conditions
* Multi-Image Matching: an Old and New Photogrammetric Answer to LIDAR Techniques
* Multi-photo Combined Adjustment with Airborne SAR Images Based on Ortho-rectification Model
* Multi-Photo Least Squares Matching Algorithm for Urban Area DEM Refinement Using Breaklines, A
* Multi-query interactive image and video retrieval: Theory and practice
* Multi-temporal Image Registration Method Based on Edge Matching and Maximum Likelihood Estimation Sample Consensus, A
* Multidisciplinar Approach to Historic Arch Bridges Documentation
* Multifractal Analysis on the Sphere
* Multimedia content analysis for consumer electronics
* Multiple feature fusion by subspace learning
* Multistation Bundle Adjustment with a Machine Vision Parallel Camera System: An Alternative to the Perspective Case for the Measurement of Small Objects
* Multivariate Hit-or-Miss Transform for Conjoint Spatial and Spectral Template Matching, A
* MyPlaces: detecting important settings in a visual diary
* Neuro Fuzzy Model for Image Compression in Wavelet Domain, A
* New Approach for Reducing Embedding Noise in Multiple Bit Plane Steganography, A
* New Approach for Relative Orientation of Non-Calibrated Historical Photos of Baalbek/Libanon, A
* New Approach to Estimate Fractal Dimension of Texture Images, A
* New Approach to Spatio-Temporal Calibration of Multi-sensor Systems, A
* New Computationally Efficient Stochastic Approach for Building Reconstruction from Satellite Data, A
* New Framework of Moving Target Detection and Tracking for UAV Video Application, A
* New Ground-Based Stereo Panoramic Scanning System, A
* New insights on internet streaming and IPTV
* New Low-Cost 3D Scanning Techniques for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* New Method Derived from Time-Vector Analysis for Generation of Elevation Information Based on Formation Flying Interferometric SAR Satellites, A
* New Prompt Algorithm for Removing the Bowtie Effect of MODIS LIB Data, A
* new room decoration assistance system based on 3D reconstruction and integrated service, A
* New Texture Mapping Algorithm for Photorealistic Reconstruction of 3D Objects, A
* Non-negative matrix factorisation for object class discovery and image auto-annotation
* Nonstationary phase boundary estimation in electrical impedance tomography using unscented Kalman filter
* Novel Hardware Architecture of Intra-Predictor Generator for H.264/AVC Codec, A
* Novel Method for Extracting Building from LIDAR Data: Fc-S method, A
* Novel Text-Independent Speaker Verification System Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, A
* Object retrieval using configurations of salient regions
* Object Tracking Based on Time-Varying Saliency
* Object-Oriented Building Extraction by DSM and very High-Resolution Orthoimages
* Off-Line Arabic Handwritten Characters Recognition Based on a Hidden Markov Models
* On Improvement of Accuracy of Airborne Laser Scanner Data Using Digital Images
* On the Calibration of the Distance Measuring Component of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* On the Graph-Based Panorama Construction for 2D Large-Scale Microscope Images
* On the Integrated Use of Laser-Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry Applied to an Archeological Site
* On The Quality Checking of the Airborne Laser Scanning Based Nation Wide Elevation Model in Finland
* On the Quality of Automatic Relative Orientation Procedures
* On Visual Real Time Mapping for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* On-orbit Stellar Camera Calibration based on Space Resection with Multi-images
* Online and Offline Fingerprint Template Update Using Minutiae: An Experimental Comparison
* operational System for Sensor Modeling and DEM Generation of Satellite Pushbroom Sensor Images, An
* Optical/SAR Sensors Stereo Positioning
* Optimizing Design and Analysis of Industrial Photogrammetric Network
* Organizing multimedia data socially
* Organizing rushes video by visually similar setting
* Orientation and DEM Extraction from ALOS-PRISM Images Using the SRTM-DEM as Ground Control
* Overtaking Vehicle Detection Method and Its Implementation Using IMAPCAR Highly Parallel Image Processor
* Pair Correlation Integral for Fractal Characterization of Three-Dimensional Histograms from Color Images
* Parametric Reconstruction for Complex Building from LIDAR and Vector Maps Using a Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
* Path Following Algorithm for Graph Matching, A
* People Counting System Based on Dense and Close Stereovision, A
* Perception-Driven Simplification Methodology of 3D Complex Building Model
* Performance Assessment of a Multi-Sensor Personal Navigator Supported by an Adaptive Knowledge Based System
* Performance Characterization of an Airborne LIDAR System: Bridging System Specifications and Expected Performance
* Performance evaluation of relevance feedback methods
* Performance Evaluation of Several High-Quality Digital Cameras
* Performance Evaluations of Macro Lens for Digital Documentation of Small Objects
* Performing Space Resection Using Total Least Squares
* Personal Recognition Using Single-Sensor Multimodal Hand Biometrics
* Photogrammetric Analysis of Solar Collectors
* Photogrammetric Evaluation of the Tiles on Turkish Traditional Buildings, an Example from Konya, The
* Photogrammetric Model Orientation Using LIDAR Dataset
* Photogrammetric Pavement Detection System
* Photogrammetric Processing of Low Altitude Image Sequences by Unmanned Airship
* Photogrammetric Survey of Ancients Musical Instruments
* Photogrammetry of Archeological Site Felix Romuliana at Gamzigrad Using Aerial Digital Camera and Non-Metric Digital Camera
* Point Based Registration of Terrestrial Laser Data Using Intensity and Geometry Features
* Polygon Feature Extraction from Satellite Imagery Based on Colour Image Segmentation and Medial Axis
* Practial Application of Multiple Pulse in Air (MPiA) LIDAR in Large Area Surveys
* Pre-classification of Points and Segmentation of Urban Objects by Scan Line Analysis of Airborne LIDAR data
* Precise Determination of Fisheye Lens Resolution
* Precise Method of Fisheye Lens Calibration
* Precise Top View Image Generation without Global Metric Information
* Precision Analysis of 3D Reconstruction Based on Generalized Stereopair, The
* Precision and Reliability of GPS-Coordinates of Projection Centers in Real Aerial Triangulations
* Predicting Missing Markers to Drive Real-Time Centre of Rotation Estimation
* Preserve the Past for the Future: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Documentation and Deformation Analysis of Easter Island's Moai
* probabilistic framework for fusing frame-based searches within a video copy detection system, A
* Probabilistic optimized ranking for multimedia semantic concept detection via RVM
* probabilistic ranking framework using unobservable binary events for video search, A
* Problems in Automated Building Reconstruction Based on Dense Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Procedure for Efficient Generation of 1/fBeta Noise Sequences, A
* Process Line for Geometrical Image Correction of Disruptive Microvibrations
* Progressive Quality Control to Improve the Accuracy of LIDAR Data Processing, A
* Project Overview for the Development of a Light and Flexible Rapid Mapping System for Emergency Response, A
* Projective Reconstruction of Building Shape from Silhouette Images Acquired from Uncalibrated Cameras
* Qualification of Close Range Photogrammetry Cameras by Average Image Coordinates RMS Error VS. Object Distance Function
* Quality checking of ALS Projects Using Statistics of Strip Differences
* Quality Control Method for Filtering in Aerial LIDAR Survey
* Radiometric Calibration of Full-Waveform Small-Footprint Airborne Laser Scanners
* Random Texture Defect Detection Using 1-D Hidden Markov Models Based on Local Binary Patterns
* Range Image Segmentation Using the Numerical Description of the Mean Curvature Values
* Range Image Sequence Analysis by 2.5-D Least-Squares-Tracking with Variance Component Estimation and Robust Variance Covariance Matrix Estimation
* Rapid Extracting Pillars by Slicing Point Clouds
* Rasterizing Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds by Block Kriging
* Rational Polynomial Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 data
* Real Time Human Detection System Based on Far Infrared Vision, A
* Real Time Monitoring of Cultural Heritage through Camera Phone Digital Images
* Real Time Monocular Depth from Defocus
* Real-Time 3D Body Pose Tracking from Multiple 2D Images
* Real-time Estimation of the Camera Path from a Sequence of Intrinsically Calibrated PMD Depth Images
* Real-time multiview analysis of soccer matches for understanding interactions between ball and players
* Real-Time Orientation of a PYZ-Camera Based on Pedestrian Detection in Video Data of Wide and Complex Scenes
* Real-Time Recognition of Human Gestures for 3D Interaction
* Real-Time Rendering of Large Terrain on Mobile Device
* Real-Time Tracking Error Estimation for Augmented Reality for Registration with Linecode Markers
* Recent Advances in Airborne InSAR for 3D Applications
* Recent Practical Applications of Close-Range Photogrammetry for Complex Motion Study
* Recognition of Plain Objects Using Local Region Matching
* Reconstruction of 30m DEM from 90m Srtm DEM with Bicubic Polynomial Interpolation Method
* Reconstruction of Commercial Ways and Silk Road in Nuratau Area
* Reconstruction, Registration, and Matching of 3D Facial Models from Stereo-Images
* Recording, Documentation and Application of Stereo Views in Cultural Heritage
* Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications Development for the Acropolis of Athens
* Rectification of Digital Close Range Images: Sensor Models, Geometric Image Transformations and Resampling
* Reducing the Error in Terrestrial Laser Scanning by Optimizing the Measurement Set-Up
* Region-Based Wavelet-Packet Adaptive Algorithm for Sparse Response Identification
* Registration of Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds with Aerial Images through Terrestrial Image Blocks
* Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Unoverlap Point Clouds by One Image
* Reinstating Floyd-Steinberg: Improved Metrics for Quality Assessment of Error Diffusion Algorithms
* Relevance aggregation projections for image retrieval
* Remote Monitoring of a Landslide Using an Integration of GB-InSAR and LIDAR Techniques
* Remote Sensing Analysis of the Status of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
* Research and Application of Spatial Information Technology in Cultural Heritage Conservation-Case Study on Grand Canal of CHINA, The
* Research and Design of the Base-height Ratio for the Three Linear Array Camera of Satellite Photogrammetry, The
* Research on a Correction Method to Existing Grid-based DEM
* Research on Models Mergence Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation
* Research on Positioning and Posing of Mobile Mapping in Metropolis
* Research on Precise Geometry Model of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Research on Road Extraction Semi-Automatically from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Research on SAR Image Matching Technology based on SIFT
* Research on Spaceborne InSAR Images Registration and Removal of the Effect of the Flat Earth
* Research on the Building Shadow Extraction and Elimination Method
* Research on the Current Status and History Transformation of Hutong in Beijing Imperial City Based On GIS Technique
* Review of Recent Range Image Reconstruction Algorithms, A
* Rich metadata and context capturing through CIDOC/CRM and MPEG-7 interoperability
* Road Extraction for the Update of Road Database in Suburban Areas
* Road Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on Mathematics Morphology and Seed Growth
* Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Image by Using Circle Area
* Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on Phase Classification
* Road Extraction from SAR Image Using an Improved Statistical Algorithm
* Road Network Detection by Growing Neuron Gas
* Robust Algorithm for Fitting Sphere to 3D Point Clouds in Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Robust and Automatic Vanishing Points Detection with Their Uncertainties from a Single Uncalibrated Image, by Planes Extraction on the Unit Sphere
* Robust Extraction of Ancient Burial Mounds in Brushland from Laser Scanning Data
* Robust Small-Object Detection for Outdoor Wide-Area Surveillance
* Robust Spatio-Temporal Feature Tracking
* Robust Surface Matching Technique for DEM Integration in the Context of Coastal Geohazard Monitoring, A
* Satellite Image Orientation
* Scalable Markov model-based image annotation
* Scale-Dependent Adaptation of Image Analysis Models Incorporating Local Context Objects
* Scene modeling in global-local view for scene classification
* Section Approach for Representation of 3-Dimentional Point Clouds
* Segmentation of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data by Integrating Range and Image Content
* Selecting Appropriate Features for Detecting Buildings and Building Parts
* Selective X-Ray Reconstruction and Registration for Pose Estimation in 6 Degrees of Freedom
* Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Self-Calibration of a 3D Range Camera
* Semantic spaces revisited: investigating the performance of auto-annotation and semantic retrieval using semantic spaces
* Semantics and CBIR: a medical imaging perspective
* Semi-Automatic Extraction of Different-Shaped Road Centerlines from Ms and Pan-Sharped IKONOS Images
* Semi-Automatic Extraction of Ribbon Road from High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery by Cooperation of Angular Texture Signature and Template Matching
* Semi-Automatic Orientation of Images With Respect to a Point Cloud System
* Semi-Supervised Incremental Learning of Hierarchical Appearance Models
* Semi-supervised learning of object categories from paired local features
* Semiautomatic Extraction of 3D Curves Based on Snakes and Generalized Point Photogrammetry from Aerial Imagery
* Side Ratio Constrain Based Precise Boundary Tracing Algorithm for Discrete Point Clouds
* SIFT Based Ball Recognition in Soccer Images
* Simpler Method for Large Scale Digital Orthophoto Production, A
* Simplified Ortho-Rectification Approach for Satellite Imagery, A
* Simulation Method of SAR Raw Echo for Urban Scene
* Single Camera Motion Capture System for Human-Computer Interaction, A
* Smoke detection in video surveillance: The use of ViSOR (video surveillance on-line repository)
* Sound Localization Based on Excitation Source Information for Intelligent Home Service Robots
* Spatial Road Network Extraction from Multi Spectral Remote Sensing Images with FCD
* Speckle Denoising Based on Bivariate Shrinkage Functions and Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
* Speech Signal Processing Based on Wavelets and SVM for Vocal Tract Pathology Detection
* SS-ClusterTree: a subspace clustering based indexing algorithm over high-dimensional image features
* State of Art on Airborne LIDAR Application in Hydrology and Oceanography: A Comprehensive Overview, A
* Statistically Proven Automatic Curvature Based Classification Procedure of Laser Points, A
* Statistically Valid Graph Representations of Scale-Space Geometry
* Stereo Evaluation of ALOS/PRISM Data on ESA-AO Test Sites: First DLR Results
* Stereo-Video Surveys of Deep Water Habitats
* Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Semi-Automatic Building Detection
* Study of Facial Features Combination Using a Novel Adaptive Fuzzy Integral Fusion Model
* Study of the RPC Model of TerraSAR-X And COSMO-SkyMed SAR Imagery, A
* Study on Airborne SAR Image Matching Using Epipolar
* Study on Application of Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning Imaging System in Tree Measuring
* Study on Chromatic Aberrations of Two Fisheye Lenses
* Study on the Target Feature Extraction from LIDAR Point Clouds
* Study on The Technique of The 3D GIS Modeling Based on The Digital Photogrammetry, The
* Summary of Calibration and Validation for KOMPSAT-2
* Supporting video library exploratory search: When storyboards are not enough
* Surface Deformation Investigated With SBAS-DINSAR Approach Based on Prior Knowledge
* Surface Reconstruction of Large Complex Structures from Mixed Range Data: The Erichtheion Experience
* Surface Reconstruction via Total Least-Squares Adjustment of the Semi-Variogram
* SVM-Based Face Recognition Using Genetic Search for Frequency-Feature Subset Selection
* SWDC-4 Large Format Digital Aerial Camera System
* System Implementation of 3D City Simulation and Planning Aided Design-Taking Yinchuan City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region as an Example
* System Requirements and Mission Analysis for Spaceborne SAR Interferometry Based on Formation Flying Satellites
* Temporal Nearest End-Effectors for Real-Time Full-Body Human Actions Recognition
* Terrain Classification Using Airborne LIDAR Data and Aerial Imagery
* TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Revolution in Spaceborne Radar
* Terrestrial Image Based 3D Extraction of Urban Unfoliaged Trees of Different Branching Types
* Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data Denoising by Range Image Processing for Small-Sized Objects
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning Applied for Reverse Engineering and Monitoring of Historical Buildings
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Assessing the Risk of Slope Instability along Transport Corridors
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Deformation Monitoring: Load Tests on the Felsenau Viaduct
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Deformation Monitoring of the Thermal Pipeline Traversed Subway Tunnel Engineering
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of Structures
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning of Agricultural Crops
* Texture-Based Multiscale Segmentation: Application to Stromal Compartment Characterization on Ovarian Carcinoma Virtual Slides
* Theory and Application of Structured Light Photogrammetry with Known Angle, The
* Three Dimentional Data Extraction From Radiographs
* Tie Voxel Method and Its Quality for 3D Airborne LIDAR Block Adjustment
* Tight Integration of GNSS Post-processed Virtual Reference Station with Inertial Data for Increased Accuracy and Productivity of Airborne Mapping
* TLS Deformation Measurement Using LS3D Surface and Curve Matching
* Topographic Mapping and Terrain Modeling from Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery
* Topology-Preserving Discrete Deformable Model: Application to Multi-segmentation of Brain MRI
* Topology-Preserving Network Snakes
* Towards Automatic Feature Line Modeling from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
* Towards Automatic Road Mapping by Fusing Vehicle-Borne Multi-Sensor Data
* Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 2003 MER Mission and New Developments for Future Missions
* Towards Efficiency in Cloth Simulation
* Towards efficient automated characterization of irregular histology images via transformation to frieze-like patterns
* Towards In-Flight Quality Assessment of Airborne Laser Scanning
* Tracking Human Motion From Monocular Sequences
* Tracking players in highly complex scenes in broadcast soccer video using a constraint satisfaction approach
* Traffic Monitoring from Airborne Full-Waveform LIDAR: Feasibility, Simulation and Analysis
* Trajectory Modeling for Satellite Image Triangulation
* Transformation between Rational Function Model and Rigorous Sensor Model for High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Transients Detection in the Time-Scale Domain
* Tuz Gölü: New Absolute Radiometric Calibration Test Site
* Two-Step Approach for Detecting Individuals within Dense Crowds, A
* Un)Reliability of video concept detection
* Underwater Passive Location Technology Using Dummy Time-Reversal Mirror
* Uniqueness Filtering for Local Feature Descriptors in Urban Building Recognition
* University of Oxford video retrieval system
* Up to Date DSM Generation Using High Resolution Satellite Image Data
* Urban Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer InSAR and Photogrammetry
* Use of Digital Pattern Recognition Techniques for Virtual Reconstruction of Eroded and Visually Complicated Archeological Geometric Patterns, The
* Use of Geographical Information Systems in Analyzing Vehicle Emissions: Istanbul as a Case Study
* Use of Wavelets for Noise Detection in the Images Taken by the Analog and Digital Photogrammetric Cameras, The
* User Interface Design For Acquiring Statistics From Video, A
* Users with Disabilities: Maximum Control with Minimum Effort
* Using Exotic Guidance for PLEIADES-HR Image Quality Calibration
* Using in Volume Computing of Digital Close Range Photogrammetry
* Using Road Pavement Markings as Ground Control for LIDAR Data
* Utilization Potential of High Resolution Stereo Data for Extracting DEM and Terrain Parameters
* Validation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness Product Distributed by NSMC Over Seas Around China and Its Adjacent Area
* Vectorization, Edge Preserving Smoothing and Dimensioning of Profiles in Laser Scanner Point Clouds
* Vehicle Extraction Using Histogram and Genetic Algorithm Based Fuzzy Image Segmentation from High Resolution UAV Aerial Imagery
* Verification of the Accuracy of a Real-time Optical 3D-Measuring System on Production Line
* Version of the FastICA Algorithm Based on the Secant Method Combined with Simple Iterations Method, A
* Video linkage: group based copied video detection
* Video-based Gait Analysis By Silhouette Chamfer Distance And Kalman Filter
* View Invariant Human Action Recognition Based on Factorization and HMMs
* View-Geometric Approach To View And Occlusion Invariant Shape Recognition and Retrieval, A
* View-Invariant Human Action Detection Using Component-Wise HMM of Body Parts
* Virtual Kyoto: Visualization of Historical City with 4D-GIS, Virtual Reality and Web Technologies
* Virtual Reconstruction of the Temple Bin Selinunte Excavation Site, The
* VisionGo: bridging users and multimedia video retrieval
* Visual islands: intuitive browsing of visual search results
* Visual Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Features And Support Vector Machines
* Visual Tracking With Automatic Confident Region Extraction
* Visualization of a Necropolis on the Basis of a Portable Aerial Photogrammetric System and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Voicing Detection in Noisy Speech Signal
* Volume Estimation of Small Particles Using Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* VRLane: a Desktop Virtual Navigation and Safety Monitoring Porgram for Underground Coal Mine
* Watermarking Based on the Density Coefficients of Faber-Schauder Wavelets
* Wavelet Speckle Reduction for SAR Imagery Based on Edge Detection
* Wavelet-Packet Identification of Dynamic Systems with Coloured Measurement Noise
* Web 2.0 dictionary
* Web-based information content and its application to concept-based video retrieval
* World-scale mining of objects and events from community photo collections
738 for 0807

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.