Update Dates 0405

0405 * 2D Motion Description and Contextual Motion Analysis: Issues and New Models
* 3D Model Retrieval
* 3D SSD Tracking from Uncalibrated Video
* A/1-Unified Variational Framework for Image Restoration
* Accuracy Certified Augmented Reality System for Therapy Guidance, An
* Accuracy of Spherical Harmonic Approximations for Images of Lambertian Objects under Far and Near Lighting
* Adaptive Probabilistic Visual Tracking with Incremental Subspace Update
* Adaptive Speaker Identification with Audio-Visual Cues for Movie Content Analysis
* Adaptive Window Approach for Image Smoothing and Structures Preserving, An
* Affine Invariant Salient Region Detector, An
* Algorithms and system for object-oriented content-based video search
* Alternative linear discriminant classifier
* analysis and applications of adaptive-binning color histograms, The
* Analysis and Interpretation of Multiple Motions Through Surface Saliency
* Analysis of a Genuine Scratch Performance
* Analysis of error-reject trade-off in linearly combined multiple classifiers
* Analysis of Expressive Gesture: The EyesWeb Expressive Gesture Processing Library
* Analysis of Gesture: Establishing a Set of Parameters, The
* Animating visible speech and facial expressions
* Apparatuses and methods for mapping image coordinates to ground coordinates
* Appearance Based Qualitative Image Description for Object Class Recognition
* Are Iterations and Curvature Useful for Tensor Voting?
* ASIC implementation of Kohonen's map based colour image compression, An
* Assessing the performance of corner detectors for point feature tracking applications
* Audio Based Real-Time Speech Animation of Embodied Conversational Agents
* Audio Watermarking Based on Music Content Analysis: Robust against Time Scale Modification
* Audio-Video Integration for Background Modelling
* Authentication of 3-D Polygonal Meshes
* Automated Method for Large-Scale, Ground-Based City Model Acquisition, An
* Automated Optic Disc Localization and Contour Detection Using Ellipse Fitting and Wavelet Transform
* Automated person recognition by walking and running via model-based approaches
* Automatic 3D model reconstruction based on novel pose estimation and integration techniques
* Automatic Non-rigid 3D Modeling from Video
* Automatic scalable face model design for 2D model-based video coding
* Bayesian Correction of Image Intensity with Spatial Consideration
* Bayesian Framework for Multi-cue 3D Object Tracking, A
* Bayesian relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* Bias in Shape Estimation
* Bias in the Localization of Curved Edges
* Biologically Motivated and Computationally Tractable Model of Low and Mid-Level Vision Tasks, A
* Biometric Template Selection and Update: A Case Study in Fingerprints
* Bolstered error estimation
* Boosted Particle Filter: Multitarget Detection and Tracking, A
* Camera Calibration from the Quasi-affine Invariance of Two Parallel Circles
* Camera Calibration with Two Arbitrary Coplanar Circles
* Can We Consider Central Catadioptric Cameras and Fisheye Cameras within a Unified Imaging Model
* Causal Camera Motion Estimation by Condensation and Robust Statistics Distance Measures
* Characterization of Human Faces under Illumination Variations Using Rank, Integrability, and Symmetry Constraints
* Classification of Gesture with Layered Meanings
* Classifying Materials from Their Reflectance Properties
* Classifying offensive sites based on image content
* Clustering and blending for texture synthesis
* clustering method based on boosting, A
* Co-operative Multi-target Tracking and Classification
* Coaxial Omnidirectional Stereopsis
* Coefficient Selection Methods for Scalable Spread Spectrum Watermarking
* Color balancing of digital photos using simple image statistics
* Color Constancy Using Local Color Shifts
* Color for Image Indexing and Retrieval
* Color texture classification by integrative Co-occurrence matrices
* Colour Texture Segmentation by Region-Boundary Cooperation
* Combined PDE and Texture Synthesis Approach to Inpainting, A
* Combining Geometric- and View-Based Approaches for Articulated Pose Estimation
* Combining spatial and colour information for content based image retrieval
* Communicative System of Touch. Alphabet, Lexicon, and Norms of Use, The
* Comparison of Edge-Driven Algorithms for Model-Based Motion Estimation
* comparison of skin history and trajectory-based representation schemes for the recognition of user-specified gestures, A
* Computation of optical flow under non-uniform brightness variations
* Computation reduction for standard-based video encoders based on the energy preservation property of DCT
* Conceptual and Lexical Factors in the Production of Speech and Conversational Gestures: Neuropsychological Evidence
* Conducting Audio Files via Computer Vision
* Conics-enhanced vision approach for easy and low-cost 3D tracking
* Consistency Conditions on the Medial Axis
* Constrained Semi-supervised Learning Approach to Data Association, A
* Constraints on Coplanar Moving Points
* Constructive sculpting of heterogeneous volumetric objects using trivariate B-splines
* Content-Dependent Anti-disclosure Image Watermark
* Contour and boundary detection improved by surround suppression of texture edges
* Contracting Curve Density Algorithm: Fitting Parametric Curve Models to Images Using Local Self-Adapting Separation Criteria, The
* Correlation of Gestural Musical Audio Cues and Perceived Expressive Qualities
* Correlation-Based Approach to Robust Point Set Registration, A
* Coupled-Contour Tracking through Non-orthogonal Projections and Fusion for Echocardiography
* Data-Hiding Capacity Improvement for Text Watermarking Using Space Coding Method
* Decision Theoretic Modeling of Human Facial Displays
* Deixis in Multimodal Human Computer Interaction: An Interdisciplinary Approach
* Dense Optic Flow with a Bayesian Occlusion Model
* Depth map compression for real-time view-based rendering
* Design and Use of Some New Digital Musical Instruments
* Detection and Tracking Scheme for Line Scratch Removal in an Image Sequence
* Detection of ridges and ravines using fuzzy logic operations
* Developing Context Sensitive HMM Gesture Recognition
* Developing Task-Specific RBF Hand Gesture Recognition
* Development of a Computational Notation for Synthesis of Sign and Gesture, The
* Diagnostic tools for evaluating and updating hidden Markov models
* Diatom classification in ecological applications
* Dimensionality Reduction by Canonical Contextual Correlation Projections
* Dimensionality reduction of multidimensional temporal data through regression
* discrete particle swarm algorithm for optimal polygonal approximation of digital curves, A
* Discriminant Analysis on Embedded Manifold
* Discriminative training approaches to fabric defect classification based on wavelet transform
* Dissimilarity learning for nominal data
* Distance measures for PCA-based face recognition
* Document image segmentation using loose gray scale template matching
* Dynamic Model for Real-Time Tracking of Hands in Bimanual Movements, A
* Dynamic Visual Search Using Inner-Scene Similarity: Algorithms and Inherent Limitations
* Echo Watermarking in Sub-band Domain
* efficient algorithm to solve the small sample size problem for LDA, An
* Eigen-image based compression for the image-based relighting with cascade recursive least squared networks
* Elastic registration of electrophoresis images using intensity information and point landmarks
* EM Estimation of Scale Factor for Quantization-Based Audio Watermarking
* Employing optimized combinations of one-class classifiers for automated currency validation
* Enhancement Methods of Image Quality in Screen Mark Attack
* Enhancing Particle Filters Using Local Likelihood Sampling
* error resilient coding scheme for H.26L video transmission based on data embedding, An
* Estimating Intrinsic Images from Image Sequences with Biased Illumination
* Evaluating Multimodal Interaction Patterns in Various Application Scenarios
* Evaluation of Image Fusion Performance with Visible Differences
* Evaluation of Robust Fitting Based Detection
* Example-Based Stereo with General BRDFs
* Experience with and Requirements for a Gesture Description Language for Synthetic Animation
* Experimental Comparison of Trajectory-Based and History-Based Representation for Gesture Recognition, An
* explicit and compact coding of geometric and structural image information applied to stereo processing, An
* Expressive Bowing on a Virtual String Instrument
* Expressiveness of Musician's Body Movements in Performances on Marimba
* Extending Interrupted Feature Point Tracking for 3-D Affine Reconstruction
* Extraction of Semantic Dynamic Content from Videos with Probabilistic Motion Models
* Extrinsic Camera Parameter Recovery from Multiple Image Sequences Captured by an Omni-Directional Multi-camera System
* Face Recognition from Facial Surface Metric
* Face recognition using partial least squares components
* Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns
* fast and robust image registration method based on an early consensus paradigm, A
* fast automatic VOP generation using boundary block segmentation, A
* Fast color correction using principal regions mapping in different color spaces
* Fast motion vector re-estimation for transcoding MPEG-1 into MPEG-4 with lower spatial resolution in DCT-domain
* fast multi-scale edge detection algorithm, A
* fast no search fractal image coding method, A
* Fast Object Detection with Occlusions
* Feature correspondence between images using an image pyramid
* Feature extracted from wavelet eigenfunction estimation for text-independent speaker recognition
* Feature-Based Approach for Determining Dense Long Range Correspondences, A
* Feature-Watermarking Scheme for JPEG Image Authentication, A
* Features People Use to Recognize Human Movement Style, The
* FOCUS: A system for searching for multi-colored objects in a diverse image database
* Fourier Theory for Cast Shadows, A
* Framework for Pencil-of-Points Structure-from-Motion, A
* From a 2D Shape to a String Structure Using the Symmetry Set
* Further reduced form of wavelet feature for text independent speaker recognition
* Fusion of Infrared and Visible Images for Face Recognition
* Fuzzy clustering with supervision
* Gaussian fields: a new criterion for 3D rigid registration
* General Linear Cameras
* Generalized Histogram: Empirical Optimization of Low Dimensional Features for Image Matching
* Generating realistic facial animation from speech
* Generative Model of Dense Optical Flow in Layers, A
* Generic Concept for Camera Calibration, A
* genetic clustering method for intrusion detection, A
* GesRec3D: A Real-Time Coded Gesture-to-Speech System with Automatic Segmentation and Recognition Thresholding Using Dissimilarity Measures
* Gestural Imagery in the Service of Musical Imagery
* Gestural Mind Markers in ECAs
* Gesture Analysis: Invariant Laws in Movement
* Gesture Components for Natural Interaction with In-Car Devices
* Gesture Desk an Integrated Multi-modal Gestural Workplace for Sonification
* Gesture Frame: A Screen Navigation System for Interactive Multimedia Kiosks
* Gesture in Style
* Gesture recognition using Bezier curves for visualization navigation from registered 3-D data
* Gesturing with Tangible Interfaces for Mixed Reality
* Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Using Non-verbal Communication
* GPU implementation of neural networks
* Graph matching for object recognition and recovery
* graph-based approach for multiscale shape analysis, A
* Groupwise Diffeomorphic Non-rigid Registration for Automatic Model Building
* Hand Gesture Recognition within a Linguistics-Based Framework
* Hand Motion from 3D Point Trajectories and a Smooth Surface Model
* Hand Postures Recognition in Large-Display VR Environments
* Handshapes and Movements: Multiple-Channel American Sign Language Recognition
* Hierarchical Implicit Surface Joint Limits to Constrain Video-Based Motion Capture
* Hierarchical Organization of Shapes for Efficient Retrieval
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping
* High performance cluster computing with 3-D nonlinear diffusion filters
* High Quality Perceptual Steganographic Techniques
* High training set size reduction by space partitioning and prototype abstraction
* High-Contrast Color-Stripe Pattern for Rapid Structured-Light Range Imaging
* highly efficient, low delay architecture for transporting H.264 video over wireless channel, A
* Highly Reliable Stochastic Perceptual Watermarking Model Based on Multiwavelet Transform
* Holistic Body Tracking for Gestural Interfaces
* Human Detection Based on a Probabilistic Assembly of Robust Part Detectors
* Human factors in color-based image retrieval: An empirical study on size estimate accuracies
* Human Pose Estimation Using Learnt Probabilistic Region Similarities and Partial Configurations
* Human Upper Body Pose Estimation in Static Images
* Hybrid approach to efficient text extraction in complex color images
* hybrid-based texture synthesis approach, A
* Image and Video Segmentation by Anisotropic Kernel Mean Shift
* Image Anisotropic Diffusion Based on Gradient Vector Flow Fields
* Image Clustering with Metric, Local Linear Structure, and Affine Symmetry
* Image Fusion Based Visible Watermarking Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
* Image processing apparatus and method utilizing motion vectors
* Image retrieval using color histograms generated by Gauss mixture vector quantization
* Image Similarity Using Mutual Information of Regions
* Image Steganography and Steganalysis: Concepts and Practice
* Image-based lens geometric distortion correction using minimization of average bicoherence index
* Imitation Games with an Artificial Agent: From Mimicking to Understanding Shape-Related Iconic Gestures
* Importance of Aliasing in Structured Quantization Index Modulation Data Hiding, The
* improved motion-compensated restoration method for damaged color motion picture films, An
* Improved support vector classification using PCA and ICA feature space modification
* Increasing Robustness of an Improved Spread Spectrum Audio Watermarking Method Using Attack Characterization
* Induction operators for a computational colour-texture representation
* Inferring White Matter Geometry from Diffusion Tensor MRI: Application to Connectivity Mapping
* Information-Based Measure for Grouping Quality, An
* integrated surveillance system: human tracking and view synthesis using multiple omni-directional vision sensors, An
* Integrating prior shape models into level-set approaches
* Intelligent Watermark Detection Decoder Based on Independent Component Analysis, An
* Interaction of Iconic Gesture and Speech in Talk, The
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using an Adaptive GMMRF Model
* Interpolating Novel Views from Image Sequences by Probabilistic Depth Carving
* Intrinsic Images by Entropy Minimization
* Intuitive Manipulation of a Haptic Monitor for the Gestural Human-Computer Interaction
* Invertibility attack against watermarking based on forged algorithm and a countermeasure
* Iso-disparity Surfaces for General Stereo Configurations
* Joint Bayes Filter: A Hybrid Tracker for Non-rigid Hand Motion Recognition
* Kernel Feature Selection with Side Data Using a Spectral Approach
* Keyframe Selection for Camera Motion and Structure Estimation from Multiple Views
* Kullback-Leibler Kernel as a Framework for Discriminant and Localized Representations for Visual Recognition, The
* language model using variable length tokens for open-vocabulary Hangul text recognition, A
* Learning Generative Models of Scene Features
* Learning Mixtures of Weighted Tree-Unions by Minimizing Description Length
* Learning Outdoor Color Classification from Just One Training Image
* Learning to Segment
* lifting based system for compression and classification trade off in the JPEG2000 framework, A
* light weight dynamic rate control scheme for video transmission over IP network, A
* Line Geometry for 3D Shape Understanding and Reconstruction
* Linear color segmentation and its implementation
* Linear generalization probe samples for face recognition
* Linguistic Feature Vector for the Visual Interpretation of Sign Language, A
* Local Descriptors for Spatio-temporal Recognition
* Local intensity variation analysis for iris recognition
* Local Orientation Smoothness Prior for Vascular Segmentation of Angiography
* Localized image watermarking based on feature points of scale-space representation
* Locally nearest neighbor classifiers for pattern classification
* Lossless Watermarking Considering the Human Visual System
* Making FLDA applicable to face recognition with one sample per person
* Many-to-Many Feature Matching Using Spherical Coding of Directed Graphs
* Marching Intersections algorithm for merging range images, The
* Mass lesion detection with a fuzzy neural network
* Matching of dental X-ray images for human identification
* Matching Tensors for Automatic Correspondence and Registration
* MCMC-Based Multiview Reconstruction of Piecewise Smooth Subdivision Curves with a Variable Number of Control Points
* MCMC-Based Particle Filter for Tracking Multiple Interacting Targets, An
* Metadata Hiding for Content Adaptation
* Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal in surveillance video
* Method for animating a 3-D model of a face
* Method for detecting scene changes in a digital video stream
* Method of compressing an image
* Method of optical mark recognition
* Method to Improve the Stego-Image Quality for Palette-Based Image Steganography, A
* Methods and architecture for indexing and editing compressed video over the world wide web
* Modal Symbolic Classifier for selecting time series models, A
* Model Selection for Range Segmentation of Curved Objects
* Model-Based Motion Filtering for Improving Arm Gesture Recognition Performance
* Model-Based Steganography
* Modeling and Synthesis of Facial Motion Driven by Speech
* Modification of Polar Echo Kernel for Performance Improvement of Audio Watermarking
* Modified winner-update search algorithm for fast block matching
* Moment invariants for recognition under changing viewpoint and illumination
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion in Long Action Sequences
* Morphological hat-transform scale spaces and their use in pattern classification
* Morphological Operations on Matrix-Valued Images
* Motion Detection Using Wavelet Analysis and Hierarchical Markov Models
* Motion estimation based on the direction of intensity gradient
* Motion estimation using a frame-based adaptive thresholding approach
* Multi-bit Video Watermarking Based on 3D DFT Using Perceptual Models
* Multi-view calibration from planar motion trajectories
* Multimodal Analysis of Expressive Gesture in Music and Dance Performances
* Multimodality and Gestures in the Teacher's Communication
* Multiple classifier combination for face-based identity verification
* Multiple Classifier System Approach to Model Pruning in Object Recognition
* Multiple View Feature Descriptors from Image Sequences via Kernel Principal Component Analysis
* multiscale edge detection algorithm based on wavelet domain vector hidden Markov tree model, A
* Multiscale Inverse Compositional Alignment for Subdivision Surface Maps
* Multispectral image compression using eigenregion-based segmentation
* Natural Language Watermarking Using Semantic Substitution for Chinese Text
* Neo Euclide: A Low-Cost System for Performance Animation and Puppetry
* new adaptive search strategy for fast block based motion estimation algorithms, A
* new approach to mixed pixel classification of hyperspectral imagery based on extended morphological profiles, A
* new cut detection algorithm with constant false-alarm ratio for video segmentation, A
* New Digital Watermarking for Architectural Design Drawing Using LINEs and ARCs Based on Vertex, A
* New memory- and computation-efficient hough transform for detecting lines
* new similarity measure of generalized fuzzy numbers and its application to pattern recognition, A
* Noise Reduction in Surface Reconstruction from a Given Gradient Field
* Non-linear matched filtering for object detection and tracking
* Non-negative matrix factorization based methods for object recognition
* non-parametric filter for digital image restoration, using cluster analysis, A
* Normalization Domain Watermarking Method Based on Pattern Extraction
* Normalized Cross-Correlation for Spherical Images
* novel approach to achieve unequal error protection for video transmission over 3G wireless networks, A
* Novel full-search schemes for speeding up image coding using vector quantization
* Novel Skeletal Representation for Articulated Creatures
* novel two-phase Hilbert-scan-based search algorithm for block motion estimation using CTF data structure, A
* Object Level Grouping for Video Shots
* Object of interest-based visual navigation, retrieval, and semantic content identification system
* Object watermarks for digital images and video
* Omni-directional visual surveillance
* Omnidirectional Vision: Unified Model Using Conformal Geometry
* Omnidirectional visual camera
* On incremental and robust subspace learning
* On Perceptual Quality of Watermarked Images: An Experimental Approach
* On Refractive Optical Flow
* On the Insecurity of Non-invertible Watermarking Schemes for Dispute Resolving
* On the Integration of Watermarks and Cryptography
* On the relation between discriminant analysis and mutual information for supervised linear feature extraction
* On the Relationship Between Image and Motion Segmentation
* On the Significance of Real-World Conditions for Material Classification
* On the structure of hidden Markov models
* Optimal Data-Hiding Strategies for Games with BER Payoffs
* Optimal Importance Sampling for Tracking in Image Sequences: Application to Point Tracking
* optimization algorithm for clustering using weighted dissimilarity measures, An
* Parallel Variational Motion Estimation by Domain Decomposition and Cluster Computing
* Partial Object Matching with Shapeme Histograms
* PDE Solution of Brownian Warping, A
* Pedestrian detection and tracking at crossroads
* People tracking based on motion model and motion constraints with automatic initialization
* Perceptual dithering for octave subband image coding
* Performance Analysis of Order Statistical Patchwork
* Performance Gestures of Musicians: What Structural and Emotional Information Do They Convey?
* Performance Measurement of Watermark Embedding Patterns
* Photometric subspace for multibody motion segmentation
* Polynomial-Time Metric for Attributed Trees, A
* Pose Estimation of Free-Form Objects
* Preface, Video Analysis
* Probabilistic Multi-view Correspondence in a Distributed Setting with No Central Server
* probabilistic spectral framework for grouping and segmentation, A
* probabilistic theory of clustering, A
* Procedure for Developing Intuitive and Ergonomic Gesture Interfaces for HCI, A
* Projection functions for eye detection
* Pseudo-linearizing collinearity constraint for accurate pose estimation from a single image
* Public Watermark Detection Using Multiple Proxies and Secret Sharing
* Quality of Catadioptric Imaging: Application to Omnidirectional Stereo, The
* Rate control using linear rate-rho model for H.264
* Real time contour tracking with a new edge detector
* Real-time face detection and tracking for mobile videoconferencing
* Real-time image filtering scheme based on robust estimators in presence of impulsive noise
* Real-Time System for Monitoring of Cyclists and Pedestrians, A
* Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Skin-Colored Objects with a Possibly Moving Camera
* Recognition by Probabilistic Hypothesis Construction
* Recognition of human actions using motion history information extracted from the compressed video
* Recognition of Musical Gestures in Known Pieces and in Improvisations
* Recognizing Objects in Range Data Using Regional Point Descriptors
* Reconstruction from Projections Using Grassmann Tensors
* Reconstruction of 3-D Symmetric Curves from Perspective Images without Discrete Features
* Reconstruction of a Scene with Multiple Linearly Moving Objects
* Recovering Articulated Motion with a Hierarchical Factorization Method
* Recovering Local Shape of a Mirror Surface from Reflection of a Regular Grid
* reformative kernel Fisher discriminant analysis, A
* Region-based image retrieval using integrated color, shape, and location index
* Region-Based Segmentation on Evolving Surfaces with Application to 3D Reconstruction of Shape and Piecewise Constant Radiance
* Reliable Fiducial Detection in Natural Scenes
* Remote Vision-Based Multi-type Gesture Interaction
* Resilient Information Hiding for Abstract Semi-structures
* Retracted: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance
* Robust Algorithm for Characterizing Anisotropic Local Structures, A
* Robust and automated unimodal histogram thresholding and potential applications
* Robust Audio Watermarking Using Both DWT and Masking Effect
* Robust Fitting by Adaptive-Scale Residual Consensus
* robust image fingerprinting system using the Radon transform, A
* Robust Logo Multiresolution Watermarking Based on Independent Component Analysis Extraction, A
* Robust mixture modelling using multivariate t-distribution with missing information
* Robust Printed Image Watermarking Based on Iterative Halftoning Method, A
* Robust Probabilistic Estimation Framework for Parametric Image Models, A
* Robust tracking of persons in real-world scenarios using a statistical computer vision approach
* Robust Video-Based Recognition of Dynamic Head Gestures in Various Domains: Comparing a Rule-Based and a Stochastic Approach
* Robust Watermarking with Adaptive Receiving
* Robust Wavelet-Based Information Hiding through Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Codes
* Rotation-Tolerant Watermark Detection Using Circular Harmonic Function Correlation Filter
* RST-Resistant Image Watermarking Using Invariant Centroid and Reordered Fourier-Mellin Transform
* Scalable edge enhancement with automatic optimization for digital radiographic images
* Scale and Affine Invariant Interest Point Detectors
* Scene and Motion Reconstruction from Defocused and Motion-Blurred Images via Anisotropic Diffusion
* Seamless Image Stitching in the Gradient Domain
* Secure Steganographic Scheme against Statistical Analyses, A
* Secure Video Watermarking via Embedding Strength Modulation
* Segregation of Moving Objects Using Elastic Matching
* Selecting informative features with fuzzy-rough sets and its application for complex systems monitoring
* Selection weighted vector directional filters
* Semantics Discovery for Image Indexing
* Semi-fragile Watermarking for Tamper Proofing and Authentication of Still Images
* Separating Specular, Diffuse, and Subsurface Scattering Reflectances from Photometric Images
* Separating Transparent Layers through Layer Information Exchange
* Shape Matching and Recognition: Using Generative Models and Informative Features
* Shape Reconstruction from 3D and 2D Data Using PDE-Based Deformable Surfaces
* Sharing and hiding secret images with size constraint
* Simultaneous Object Recognition and Segmentation by Image Exploration
* SoftPOSIT: Simultaneous Pose and Correspondence Determination
* Some Issues in Sign Language Processing
* Sparse Finite Elements for Geodesic Contours with Level-Sets
* Spatially Homogeneous Dynamic Textures
* Speaker identification using hybrid Karhunen-Loeve transform and Gaussian mixture model approach
* Special Issue on Visual Surveillance
* Spectral Clustering for Robust Motion Segmentation
* Spectral gradients for color-based object recognition and indexing
* Spectral Simplification of Graphs
* Spectral Solution of Large-Scale Extrinsic Camera Calibration as a Graph Embedding Problem
* Statistical Model for General Contextual Object Recognition, A
* Steering in Scale Space to Optimally Detect Image Structures
* Stereovision-Based Head Tracking Using Color and Ellipse Fitting in a Particle Filter
* Stitching and Reconstruction of Linear-Pushbroom Panoramic Images for Planar Scenes
* Stochastic channel-adaptive rate control for wireless video transmission
* Stretching Bayesian Learning in the Relevance Feedback of Image Retrieval
* Structure analysis of soccer video with domain knowledge and hidden Markov models
* Structure and Motion from Images of Smooth Textureless Objects
* Structure and Motion Problems for Multiple Rigidly Moving Cameras
* Structure from Motion of Parallel Lines
* Structure from Periodic Motion
* Structure of Applicable Surfaces from Single Views
* Subpattern-based principle component analysis
* Superresolution with second generation wavelets
* Support Blob Machines: The Sparsification of Linear Scale Space
* Surface Reconstruction by Propagating 3D Stereo Data in Multiple 2D Images
* Symbol Classification with shape features applied to neural network
* System and method for estimating the orientation of an object
* System, method and article of manufacture for detecting collisions between video images generated by a camera and an object depicted on a display
* Table structure understanding and its performance evaluation
* TCP-friendly flow control of wireless multimedia using ECN marking
* Temporal Factorization vs. Spatial Factorization
* Tensor Field Segmentation Using Region Based Active Contour Model
* Text information extraction in images and video: a survey
* Texton Correlation for Recognition
* Texture Boundary Detection for Real-Time Tracking
* Three novel low complexity scanning orders for MPEG-2 full search motion estimation
* Three-Dimensional Watermarking Algorithm Using the DCT Transform of Triangle Strips, A
* Threshold selection using fuzzy set theory
* thresholding method based on two-dimensional Renyi's entropy, A
* Time-scale change detection applied to real-time abnormal stationarity monitoring
* Tissue separation in MR images: From supervised to unsupervised classification
* Topology Preserving Non-rigid Registration Method Using a Symmetric Similarity Function-Application to 3-D Brain Images, A
* Toward Accurate Segmentation of the LV Myocardium and Chamber for Volumes Estimation in Gated SPECT Sequences
* Towards Generic Detection Scheme in Zero Knowledge Protocol for Blind Watermark Detection
* Towards Intelligent Mission Profiles of Micro Air Vehicles: Multiscale Viterbi Classification
* Tracking Articulated Motion Using a Mixture of Autoregressive Models
* Tracking Aspects of the Foreground against the Background
* Tracking of Real Time Acrobatic Movements by Image Processing
* TV Flow Based Local Scale Measure for Texture Discrimination, A
* Two quantitative measures of inlier distributions for precise fundamental matrix estimation
* Two realizations of a general feature extraction framework
* Unified Algebraic Approach to 2-D and 3-D Motion Segmentation, A
* Unifying Approaches and Removing Unrealistic Assumptions in Shape from Shading: Mathematics Can Help
* Use of Motion Estimation to Improve Video Watermarking for MPEG Encoders
* User Assisted Separation of Reflections from a Single Image Using a Sparsity Prior
* Using Inter-feature-Line Consistencies for Sequence-Based Object Recognition
* Using MPEG standards for multimedia customization
* Variational Pairing of Image Segmentation and Blind Restoration
* vector quantization method for nearest neighbor classifier design, A
* Vibration correction apparatus
* Video System for Recognizing Gestures by Artificial Neural Networks for Expressive Musical Control, A
* View-Invariant Recognition Using Corresponding Object Fragments
* Visibility Analysis and Sensor Planning in Dynamic Environments
* Visual Category Filter for Google Images, A
* Visual Modeling with a Hand-Held Camera
* Visual recognition of fastening bolts for railroad maintenance
* Watermark Embedding for Black-Box Channels
* Watermarking Scheme Applicable for Fingerprinting Protocol, A
* Weak Hypotheses and Boosting for Generic Object Detection and Recognition
* Weighted Minimal Hypersurfaces and Their Applications in Computer Vision
* What Do Four Points in Two Calibrated Images Tell Us about the Epipoles?
* Whitening for Photometric Comparison of Smooth Surfaces under Varying Illumination
463 for 0405

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.