Hebel, M.
Co Author Listing * Ad Hoc Model Generation Using Multiscale LIDAR Data from a Geospatial Database
* Automatic Co-Registration of Airborne Laser-scanner Data Recorded at an Urban Area with Oblique Sensor Configuration
* Automatic Registration of Laser Point Clouds of Urban Areas
* Change Detection in Urban Areas by Direct Comparison of Multi-view and Multi-temporal ALS Data
* Change detection in urban areas by object-based analysis and on-the-fly comparison of multi-view ALS data
* Data Anonymization for Data Protection on Publicly Recorded Data
* Descriptor and Voting Scheme for Fast 3D Self-Localization in Man-Made Environments, A
* Efficient Tour Planning for a Measurement Vehicle By Combining Next Best View and Traveling Salesman
* Information Acquisition on Pedestrian Movements In Urban Traffic with A Mobile Multi-sensor System
* Pre-classification of Points and Segmentation of Urban Objects by Scan Line Analysis of Airborne LIDAR data
* Simultaneous Calibration of ALS Systems and Alignment of Multiview LiDAR Scans of Urban Areas
* TUM-MLS-2016: An Annotated Mobile LiDAR Dataset of the TUM City Campus for Semantic Point Cloud Interpretation in Urban Areas
* Utilization of 3D City Models and Airborne Laser Scanning for Terrain-based Navigation of Helicopters and UAVs
Includes: Hebel, M. Hebel, M.[Marcus]
13 for Hebel, M.
Heber, M.[Markus]
Co Author Listing * Catadioptric Silhouette-Based Pose Estimation from Learned Models
* Pose Estimation of Known Objects by Efficient Silhouette Matching
* Segmentation-based tracking by support fusion
Heber, S.[Stefan]
Co Author Listing * Approximate Envelope Minimization for Curvature Regularity
* Convolutional Networks for Shape from Light Field
* Learning Reaction-Diffusion Models for Image Inpainting
* Neural EPI-Volume Networks for Shape from Light Field
* Scene Flow Estimation from Light Fields via the Preconditioned Primal-Dual Algorithm
* Shape from Light Field Meets Robust PCA
* U-shaped Networks for Shape from Light Field
7 for Heber, S.
Heberling, D.
Co Author Listing * Digital Preclinical PET/MRI Insert and Initial Results, A
* Landmark-Based Vehicle Self-Localization Using Automotive Polarimetric Radars
Includes: Heberling, D. Heberling, D.[Dirk]
Heberling, W.[William]
Co Author Listing * On the Projection of Polarimetric Variables Observed by a Planar Phased-Array Radar at X-Band
Hebert, C.[Christina]
Co Author Listing * survey on ear biometrics, A
Hebert, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Continuous CRF with Multi-scale Quantization Feature Functions Application to Structure Extraction in Old Newspaper
* Discrete CRF Based Combination Framework for Document Image Binarization
Includes: Hebert, D.[David] Hebert, D.
Hebert, D.J.
Co Author Listing * Fast fractal image compression with triangular multiresolution block matching
Hebert, E.A.[Edmund A.]
Co Author Listing * Launch monitor system with a calibration fixture and a method for use thereof
* Method and apparatus to determine golf ball trajectory and flight
Hebert, F.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Rigid Registration Quality Measures in Ultrasound-Guided Radiotherapy
* Phenology-Based Mapping of an Alien Invasive Species Using Time Series of Multispectral Satellite Data: A Case-Study with Glossy Buckthorn in Québec, Canada
Includes: Hebert, F. Hébert, F. Hébert, F.[Francois]
Hebert, J.F.[Jean Francois]
Co Author Listing * New Fuzzy Geometric Representation for On-Line Isolated Character Recognition, A
* Optimizing the Cost Matrix for Approximate String Matching Using Genetic Algorithms
* Scanning Tunnels With Two Very High-resolution Laser Devices and A Stacker
Includes: Hebert, J.F.[Jean Francois] Hebert, J.F.[Jean-Francois] Hébert, J.F.[Jean-François] Hébert, J.F.
Hebert, J.S.[Jacqueline S.]
Co Author Listing * Machine Learning for the Control of Prosthetic Arms: Using Electromyographic Signals for Improved Performance
Hebert, L.
Co Author Listing * Towards Dense Object Tracking in a 2D Honeybee Hive
Hebert, L.J.
Co Author Listing * Integrating region and edge information for the automatic segmentation of interventional magnetic resonance images of the shoulder complex
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of the bony structures involved in the articular complex of the human shoulder using shape-based interpolation and contour-based extrapolation
Hebert, M.[Martial]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Hebert, M.[Martial]: hebert AT cs cmu edu
* 3-D Landmark Recognition from Range Images
* 3-D Recognition and Positing Algorithm Using Geometrical Matching Between Primitive Surfaces, A
* 3-D Vision for Outdoor Navigation by an Autonomous Vehicle
* 3-D Vision Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles
* 3D map reconstruction from range data
* 3D Measurements from Imaging Laser Radars: How Good Are They?
* 3D Modeling Using a Statistical Sensor Model and Stochastic Search
* 3D Photography from Photographs and Video Clips
* 3D-Profile Method for Object Recognition, The
* 3DNN: 3D Nearest Neighbor
* 3DNN: Viewpoint Invariant 3D Geometry Matching for Scene Understanding
* Active and Passive Range Sensing for Robotics
* Activity Forecasting
* Alternative Formulation for Five Point Relative Pose Problem, An
* AMBLER: An Autonomous Rover for Planetary Exploration
* Analyzing halftone dot blurring by extended spectral prediction models
* Applications of Non-Metric Vision to Some Visually-Guided Robotics Tasks
* Approximate Differentiable Rendering with Algebraic Surfaces
* Automatic Class Selection and Prototyping for 3-D Object Classification
* Automatic Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Processing for Forest Inventory
* Background Estimation under Rapid Gain Change in Thermal Imagery
* Behavior-Based System for Off-Road Navigation, A
* Beyond Local Appearance: Category Recognition from Pairwise Interactions of Simple Features
* Beyond RGB: Scene-Property Synthesis with Neural Radiance Fields
* Beyond the Pixel: a Photometrically Calibrated HDR Dataset for Luminance and Color Prediction
* Blocks World Revisited: Image Understanding Using Qualitative Geometry and Mechanics
* Building 3-D Models from Unregistered Range Images
* Can similar scenes help surface layout estimation?
* Characterization by Hyperspectral Imaging and Hypercolor Gamut Estimation for Structural Color Prints
* Classifier Ensemble Recommendation
* Closing the loop in scene interpretation
* CMSNet: Deep Color and Monochrome Stereo
* Co-inference for Multi-modal Scene Analysis
* Coherent Occlusion Reasoning for Instance Recognition
* Color and Spectral Mixings in Printed Surfaces
* Color Constancy Using KL-Divergence
* Combining Local Appearance and Motion Cues for Occlusion Boundary Detection
* Combining Regions and Patches for Object Class Localization
* Combining Shape and Color Information for 3D Object Recognition
* Combining Simple Discriminators for Object Discrimination
* Comparison of Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Complete Navigation System for Goal Acquisition in Unknown Environments, A
* Conditional Color Gamut for Color Management of Multiview Printed Images
* Connecting Missing Links: Object Discovery from Sparse Observations Using 5 Million Product Images
* Consistency of Silhouettes and Their Duals
* Contextual classification with functional Max-Margin Markov Networks
* Control of Polygonal Mesh Resolution for 3-D Computer Vision
* Coordinate-Free Carlsson-Weinshall Duality and Relative Multi-View Geometry
* Cross-Stitch Networks for Multi-task Learning
* Cut, Paste and Learn: Surprisingly Easy Synthesis for Instance Detection
* Cutting through the clutter: Task-relevant features for image matching
* Data-Driven 3D Primitives for Single Image Understanding
* Data-driven exemplar model selection
* Data-Driven Objectness
* Data-Driven Scene Understanding from 3D Models
* Dataset Issues in Object Recognition
* Dealing with small data and training blind spots in the Manhattan world
* Deep Material-Aware Cross-Spectral Stereo Matching
* Deep spectral reflectance and illuminant estimation from self-interreflections
* Deformable Surfaces: A Free-Form Shape Representation
* Denoising Manifold and Non-Manifold Point Clouds
* Dense Optical Flow Prediction from a Static Image
* Deriving Orientation Cues from Stereo Images
* Detailed 3D Model Driven Single View Scene Understanding
* Detecting Interesting Events Using Unsupervised Density Ratio Estimation
* Direct Fitting of Gaussian Mixture Models
* Discovering object instances from scenes of Daily Living
* Discovering Objects that Can Move
* Discriminative Framework for Anomaly Detection in Large Videos, A
* Discriminative Random Fields
* Discriminative random fields: a discriminative framework for contextual interaction in classification
* Discriminative Sparse Image Models for Class-Specific Edge Detection and Image Interpretation
* Editorial: Special Issue on Vision and Robotics, Parts I and II
* Efficient Model Evaluation with Bilinear Separation Model
* Efficient Multiple Model Recognition in Cluttered 3-d Scenes
* Efficient Recovery of Low-Dimensional Structure from High-Dimensional Data
* Efficient Visual Event Detection Using Volumetric Features
* empirical study of context in object detection, An
* Energy Functions for Regularization Algorithms
* Estimating object region from local contour configuration
* Evaluating the Understandability of Light Patterns and Pictograms for Autonomous Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Communication Functions
* Evaluation of Image-Based Landmark Recognition Techniques
* Event Detection in Crowded Videos
* Evolution of a Prototype Lunar Rover: Addition of Laser-Based Hazard Detection, and Results from Field Trials in Lunar Analogue Terrain
* Experimental analysis of Harmonic Shape Images
* Exploiting Inference for Approximate Parameter Learning in Discriminative Fields: An Empirical Study
* Extracting Scale and Illuminant Invariant Regions through Color
* Fast and Scalable Approximate Spectral Matching for Higher Order Graph Matching
* Fast Extrinsic Calibration of a Laser Rangefinder to a Camera
* Fast Motion Consistency through Matrix Quantization
* Fast-Calibration Reflectance-Transmittance Model to Compute Multiview Recto-Verso Prints
* Feature seeding for action recognition
* Few-Shot Hash Learning for Image Retrieval
* First Results on Outdoor Scene Analysis Using Range Data
* First-Person Vision
* Flow-Based Approach to Vehicle Detection and Background Mosaicking in Airborne Video, A
* framework for learning to recognize and segment object classes using weakly supervised training data, A
* From 3D scene geometry to human workspace
* From Red Wine to Red Tomato: Composition with Context
* Fully Automatic Registration of Multiple 3D Data Sets
* General Models for Rational Cameras and the Case of Two-Slit Projections
* Geometric Context from a Single Image
* Geometric reasoning for single image structure recovery
* Growing a Brain: Fine-Tuning by Increasing Model Capacity
* Harmonic Maps and their Applications in Surface Matching
* Hierarchical Field Framework for Unified Context-Based Classification, A
* How Important Are Deformable Parts in the Deformable Parts Model?
* Hybrid Object-Level/Pixel-Level Framework For Shape-based Recognition, A
* Image composition for object pop-out
* Image Deformation Meta-Networks for One-Shot Learning
* Image matching in large scale indoor environment
* Image matching with distinctive visual vocabulary
* Incorporating Background Invariance into Feature-Based Object Recognition
* Inferring 3D layout of building facades from a single image
* Integral Approach to Free-Form Object Modeling, An
* Intelligent Unmanned Ground Vehicles: Autonomous Navigation Research at Carnegie Mellon
* Interreflections in Computer Vision: A Survey and an Introduction to Spectral Infinite-Bounce Model
* Iterative Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Joint Image Handbook, The
* Large Data Sets and Confusing Scenes in 3-D Surface Matching and Recognition
* Large-Scale Virtual Dataset and Egocentric Localization for Disaster Responses, A
* Learning and Predicting Moving Object Trajectory: A piecewise trajectory segment approach
* Learning by Asking Questions
* Learning Compositional Representations for Few-Shot Recognition
* Learning Continuous Implicit Representation for Near-Periodic Patterns
* Learning message-passing inference machines for structured prediction
* Learning to Extract Motion from Videos in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning to Find Object Boundaries Using Motion Cues
* Learning to Hallucinate Examples from Extrinsic and Intrinsic Supervision
* Learning to Learn: Model Regression Networks for Easy Small Sample Learning
* Linear model hashing and batch RANSAC for rapid and accurate object recognition
* Linear RGB-D SLAM for Structured Environments
* Local detection of occlusion boundaries in video
* Low-Shot Learning from Imaginary Data
* Making specific features less discriminative to improve point-based 3D object recognition
* Man-made structure detection in natural images using a causal multiscale random field
* Measure for Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Measurement of the diffusion of light within paper
* Measures of Similarity
* Meta-Learning to Detect Rare Objects
* Minimum risk distance measure for object recognition
* Mitigating memory requirements for random trees/ferns
* Model recommendation for action recognition
* Model recommendation: Generating object detectors from few samples
* Modeling the Temporal Extent of Actions
* Monitoring the Seasonal Hydrology of Alpine Wetlands in Response to Snow Cover Dynamics and Summer Climate: A Novel Approach with Sentinel-2
* Motion Words for Videos
* Multi-Scale Classification of 3D Objects
* Multi-scale interest regions from unorganized point clouds
* Multi-task View Synthesis with Neural Radiance Fields
* Multispectral Imaging for Fine-Grained Recognition of Powders on Complex Backgrounds
* New Method for Segmenting 3-D Scenes into Primitives, A
* Object Discovery from Motion-Guided Tokens
* Object Instance Sharing by Enhanced Bounding Box Correspondence
* Object Recognition by a Cascade of Edge Probes
* Object Recognition by Integrating Multiple Image Segmentations
* Object Recognition Robust to Imperfect Depth Data
* Object Recognition using Boosted Discriminants
* Object Representation for Object Recognition
* Object Representation in Computer Vision II
* Object Representation, Identification, and Positioning from Range Data
* observation-constrained generative approach for probabilistic classification of image regions, An
* Occlusion Boundaries from Motion: Low-Level Detection and Mid-Level Reasoning
* Occlusion Reasoning for Object Detection Under Arbitrary Viewpoint
* Omni-Directional Structure from Motion
* On 3D Shape Similarity
* On 3D Shape Synthesis
* On Image Contours of Projective Shapes
* On Pencils of Tangent Planes and the Recognition of Smooth 3D Shapes from Silhouettes
* optimal distance measure for object detection, The
* Pairwise Grouping Using Color
* PanoNet3D: Combining Semantic and Geometric Understanding for LiDAR Point Cloud Detection
* Parts-based 3D object classification
* Patch to the Future: Unsupervised Visual Prediction
* PCN: Point Completion Network
* Physical querying with multi-modal sensing
* Pose Knows: Video Forecasting by Generating Pose Futures, The
* Pose Machines: Articulated Pose Estimation via Inference Machines
* Predicting Failures of Vision Systems
* Predicting Multiple Structured Visual Interpretations
* Prediction of the spectral reflectance of laser-generated color prints by combination of an optical model and learning methods
* Prop-free pointing detection in dynamic cluttered environments
* Provably-Convergent Iterative Methods for Projective Structure from Motion
* Putting Objects in Perspective
* Quadtree Generating Networks: Efficient Hierarchical Scene Parsing with Sparse Convolutions
* Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and Joint 3D-Signature Space Estimation
* Real-Time 3D Pose Estimation Using a High-Speed Range Sensor
* Recognizing Objects by Matching Oriented Points
* Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from a Single Image
* Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from an Image
* Recovering Surface Layout from an Image
* Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints
* Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints: spectral predictions with multi-ink halftones
* Reflectance Computation for a Specular Only V-Cavity
* Report of the NSF/ARPA Workshop on 3D Object Representation for Computer Vision
* Report on the 1994 workshop on 3-D object representations in computer vision
* Report on the 1996 International Workshop on Object Representation in Computer Vision
* Representation, Recognition, and Locating of 3-D Objects, The
* Representation, Recognition, and Positioning of 3-D Shapes from Range Data, The
* Representing Pairwise Spatial and Temporal Relations for Action Recognition
* Scale selection for classification of point-sampled 3D surfaces
* Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point Sampled Curves: Extended Report
* Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point-Sampled Curves
* Segmentation of Range Data into Planar and Quadratic Patches
* Segmentation of Salient Regions in Outdoor Scenes Using Imagery and 3-D Data
* Self-explanatory Sparse Representation for Image Classification
* Semi-Supervised Self-Training of Object Detection Models
* Sensor and classifier fusion for outdoor obstacle detection: An application of data fusion to autonomous off-road navigation
* Shape Representation and Image Segmentation Using Deformable Surfaces
* Shape-Based Recognition of Wiry Objects
* Shuffle and Learn: Unsupervised Learning Using Temporal Order Verification
* Single Image 3D without a Single 3D Image
* Smoothing-based Optimization
* Source constrained clustering
* Spatio-temporal Shape and Flow Correlation for Action Recognition
* Special Issue: Advances in Architectures and Theories for Computer Vision
* Spectral reflectance and transmittance of stacks of nonscattering films printed with halftone colors
* Spectral reflectance and transmittance prediction model for stacked transparency and paper both printed with halftone colors
* Spectral Technique for Correspondence Problems Using Pairwise Constraints, A
* Spherical Representation for Recognition of Free-Form Surfaces, A
* Spherical Representations: from EGI to SAI
* Stacked Hierarchical Labeling
* Statistics of 3D object locations in images
* Structured Model for Action Detection, A
* Style-Aware Mid-level Representation for Discovering Visual Connections in Space and Time
* Surface Matching for Object Recognition in Complex 3-Dimensional Scenes
* Surface Registration by Matching Oriented Points
* System for Semi-Automated Modelling of Complex Environments, A
* Task Oriented Vision
* Temporal segmentation and activity classification from first-person sensing
* Toward a General 3-D matching Engine: Multiple Models, Complex scenes, and Efficient Data Filtering
* Toward Category-Level Object Recognition
* Toward Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Towards unsupervised whole-object segmentation: Combining automated matting with boundary detection
* Training Object Detection Models with Weakly Labeled Data
* Trajectons: Action recognition through the motion analysis of tracked features
* Trinocular Geometry Revisited
* Trinocular Geometry Revisited
* Two-flux transfer matrix model for predicting the reflectance and transmittance of duplex halftone prints
* Uncertain Future: Forecasting from Static Images Using Variational Autoencoders, An
* Unfolding an Indoor Origami World
* Unlocking the Full Potential of Small Data with Diverse Supervision
* Unsupervised Learning for Graph Matching
* Unsupervised learning for graph matching
* Unsupervised modeling of object categories using link analysis techniques
* Unsupervised Patch-based Context from Millions of Images
* Using Spatio-Temporal Patches for Simultaneous Estimation of Edge Strength, Orientation, and Motion
* Using Spin Images for Efficient Object Recognition in Cluttered 3D Scenes
* Vision and Navigation for the Carnegie-Mellon NAVLAB
* Visual Learning for Landmark Recognition
* Volumetric Features for Video Event Detection
* Watch and learn: Semi-supervised learning of object detectors from videos
* Weakly-Calibrated Stereo Perception for Rover Navigation
Includes: Hebert, M.[Martial] Hebert, M. Hébert, M.[Mathieu] Hébert, M.[Marc] Hebert, M.[Mathieu] Hébert, M.[Marie]
255 for Hebert, M.
Hebert, P.[Patrick]
Co Author Listing * 3D surface modeling from curves
* 3D surface modeling from range curves
* ASN: Image Keypoint Detection from Adaptive Shape Neighborhood
* Cable-driven Parallel Mechanism for Capturing Object Appearance from Multiple Viewpoints, A
* Developing Assistant Tools for Geometric Camera Calibration: Assessing the Quality of Input Images
* Efficient camera motion and 3D recovery using an inertial sensor
* Efficient surface reconstruction from range curves
* Frequency-Based Approach For Efficient Plenoptic Sampling, A
* From 3-D Scattered Data to Geometric Signal Description: Invariant Stable Recovery of Straight Line Segments
* Handling Occlusions in Real-time Augmented Reality: Dealing with Movable Real and Virtual Objects
* Incremental Discovery of Object Parts in Video Sequences
* Interactive Modeling with Automatic Online Compression
* Median Filtering in Constant Time
* MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras
* Multiresolution interactive modeling with efficient visualization
* Precise ellipse estimation without contour point extraction
* Robust multi-view stereo without matching
* Sampling Criterion for Optimizing a Surface Light Field, A
* Scene Reconstruction and Description: Geometric Primitive Extraction from Multiple View Scattered Data
* self-referenced hand-held range sensor, A
* Shape from Silhouette Under Varying Lighting and Multi-viewpoints
* Simple Operator for Very Precise Estimation of Ellipses, A
* Special issue on new advances in 3D imaging and modeling
* Surface profile description: reliable geometric primitive extraction
* unified representation for interactive 3D modeling, A
* Unsupervised visual hull extraction in space, time and light domains
* volumetric approach for interactive 3D modeling, A
* volumetric approach for the registration and integration of range images: towards interactive modeling systems, A
Includes: Hebert, P.[Patrick] Hébert, P.[Patrick] Hebert, P.
28 for Hebert, P.
Hebert, P.A.
Co Author Listing * Constrained spectral embedding for K-way data clustering
Includes: Hebert, P.A. Hébert, P.A.
Hebert, T.J.
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Pixel Classification Using Spatially Variant Finite Mixtures and the Generalized EM Algorithm
* Expectation-maximization algorithms, null spaces, and MAP image restoration
* Fast Iterative Segmentation of High-Resolution Medical Images
* Object Classification Using Half-Contour Features
* Optimized edge detection using a priori models
* sequential algorithm for motion estimation from point correspondences with intermittent occlusions, A